The Social, Political and Cultural History of Rich and Powerful Women
Part 2: The Correspondence and Diaries of Charlotte Georgiana, Lady Bedingfeld (formerly Jerningham) c1779-1833, together with the letters of Anna Seward, c1791-1804 and Lady Stafford, c1774-1837 from Birmingham University Library
(Reproduced from the Report on Correspondence and Diaries of Charlotte Georgiana Lady Bedingfeld, formerly Jerningham. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, 1982. Prepared by Christine L Penney, University Archivist, University of Birmingham)
The letters and journals in this collection span the years 1780-1833. They were originally collected by Charlotte, Lady Bedingfeld, the only daughter of Sir William and Lady Jerningham of Costessey Hall, Norfolk, and wife of Sir Richard Bedingfeld of Oxburgh, Norfolk. They consist of journals kept spasmodically by Lady Bedingfeld and letters to her from her mother and other members of the large Jerningham and Bedingfeld families, beginning during her childhood and continuing throughout her schooldays and her marriage. Many public events are recorded in the letters but their chief interest is as a chronicle of the private lives of two important Catholic families during the transition from the late Georgian to pre-Victorian era.
In 1896 a ruthlessly edited selection from the letters was published by Egerton Castle. Although he omitted a great deal of material which he considered ‘too local to awaken the sympathy of strangers’, his selection is sufficient to indicate the interest and scope of the collection. he borrowed the letters from Camilla Cary, the grand-daughter of Lady Bedingfeld, who had bequeathed them to Camilla’s mother, Matilda Cary. By 1949 they were the property of Lord Dillon, whose family became linked with that of the Jerninghams on Sir William’s marriage to Frances Dillon in 1767.Lord Dillon eventually sold the collection to an antiquarian bookseller, from whom they were purchased by the University of Birmingham Library in 1971.
1 10 Feb [1779?] - Charlotte Browne to Charlotte Jerningham, [at Cossey?]. Compliments her on her ‘pretty letter’, which she has shown to Lady Dillon. Annotated by Charlotte: ‘This was the 1st letter I ever received’.
2 26 Nov - George Jerningham to Sir William Jerningham, at Cossey. Hopes to hear from him soon. (Written at school).
3 [Beckenham?] [1780?] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte Jerningham, at Cossey. Promises to return to Cossey on Monday in time for dinner. Lady Petre sends her love.
4 [London?] 4 Feb [1780?] - Edward Jerningham (the poet) to Charlotte Jerningham [at Cossey?]. He has sent her some more books which he wishes may entertain her as much as ‘Queen Mab’. Miss Petre has gone back to the school at Hammersmith and cries whenever she has a visitor. Charlotte’s grandmama sends her blessing and will whip her papa for not writing to her.
5 Paris 8 Feb 1780 - Lady Anastatia Stafford to Charlotte Jerningham, at Cossey. Delighted with her 'pretty letter’. Has been visited by Charlotte’s uncle Charles Jerningham. Would like to hear from Lady Jerningham, though knows she ‘dos not love writing’.
6 [London?] 8 July [1780] - Lady Mary Jerningham to Charlotte Jerningham, her granddaughter, at Cossey. She is glad Charlotte likes her cap and will send her anything else she would like.
7 2 March 1781 - William Charles Jerningham to his mother, Lady Frances Jerningham, at Cossey. His first letter from school.
8 [Cossey] 12 Aug 1782 - Mary Hatton, a family servant, to Charlotte Jerningham, at Braywick. Hopes she enjoys her visit to Braywick. The weather at Cossey has been nothing but rain. Edward is full of spirits and a very good little boy.
9 [Cossey] 19 Aug 1782 - The same to the same. More news of little Edward.
10 [Cossey] 2 Sept 1782 - The same to the same. Very sorry that William is to be sent abroad to school, but glad that Charlotte is not to go yet.
11 [Paris] Shrove Sunday 1784 - Lady Anastatia Stafford to Charlotte Jerningham, at Cossey. Gives news of Charlotte’s brother William, at school in France, and hopes that Charlotte herself may come to Paris before long.
12 [Cossey] 9 [Sept?] 1784 - Lady Jerningham to Edward Jerningham the younger, at school in France. She sends him four masks but cannot get any noses, so she is sending him something to eat instead, together with a cricket bat. His grandmother has sent him some macaroons.
13 [London?] [1784] - Lady Mary Jerningham to Lady Frances Jerningham, at Cossey. Condoles with her on parting with her children.
14 [Paris?] [Nov 1784] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, aux Dames Ursulines, Rue St. Jacques, Paris. She has been awake all night thinking of her and has told Simon to take her a brioche and a pot of sweet meats.
15 Bapeaume [Nov 1784] - The same to the same. Describes their journey from Gournay. Drafts a letter for her to send to Miss Petre.
16 Lille [Nov 1784] - The same to the same. Describes Lille and drafts a letter for Charlotte to write to her aunt at St. Germain.
17 St. Omer 14 Dec 1784 - The same to the same. She writes in the great brown wainscoated room at St. Omer. Has been to the play at Lille with Lady Charlotte Radcliffe. Drafts a letter for Charlotte to write to Lady Anastatia Stafford.
18 Dover 18 Dec 1784 - The same to the same. They have reached Dover safely after a rough passage. Dr Johnson is dead. Beaumarchais’s ‘Mariage de Figaro’ has been translated into English and acted in London.
19 Lothian’s Hotel Albemarle St. 24 Dec 1784 - The same to the same. They have seen Mrs Siddons perform Isabella in ‘The fatal marriage’, but were too near the stage. Mrs Siddons acts with a great deal of feeling. They shared a box with Mr Pitt, who inspired more than Mrs Siddons.
20 Cossey 12 Jan 1785 - The same to the same. Condoles with Charlotte on having a fever during the Innocents’ Recreation and describes a visit to Ditchley, where Mr Le Texier read a play aloud every night.
21 Cossey 6 Feb 1785 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Charlotte. He loves her “monstersly” and begs her to write often. He has been to Ditchley with Mr Dillon, Mama, Papa and Molly, and to Oxford. With an incomplete postscript from Lady Frances Jerningham, describing the above as “Ned’s entire composition”.
22 Aux Dames Ursulines, Paris [Feb] 1785] - Charlotte to Edward Jerningham (the younger). His letter gave her the greatest pleasure. When he returns to Cossey he is authorised to take possession of her estate and garden near the Bull’s Eye and her apartments in the Laylock tree. The school is having a recreation day as the Queen is coming to Paris from Versailles. Charlotte was confirmed last Sunday. With a postscript by J Potier, who forwarded the letter.
23 Grosvenor Sq. 8 Mar [1785] - Edward Jerningham (the poet) to Charlotte. Her little waxen image reminds him of her every day. If she wants any bagatelles which he can send he must let her know.
24 Cossey 15 Mar 1785 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, aux Dames Ursulines. Advises on clothes. She should learn the harp at the end of the summer.
25 London 2 Apr 1785 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Charlotte. The house of industry girl is dead, the laundry maid is leaving and the dining room at Cossey is turned into two bed chambers. With a postscript from Elizabeth Blackwell, Lady Mary Jerningham’s maid.
26 Cossey 6 Apr 1785 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. The French Ambassador has had a fit in the drawing room at St. James’s.
27 Juilly 15 Apr 1785 - George Jerningham to Edward Jerningham (the younger), at school. With postscripts from William Jerningham and Père Arnout, their tutor.
28 [Cossey] 17 [Apr] 1785 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. Hopes she has survived Holy Week without fatigue. She and Sir William are to see “The Duenna”.
29 Cossey 12 May 1785 - The same to the same. Very angry that Lady Petre refused to take her a parcel when she visited Paris.
30 Grosvenor Sq. London 13 June [1785] - Edward Jerningham (the poet) to Charlotte, in Paris. A pretty child two doors away has been bitten by a mad dog; Charlotte is to take care not to be bitten by a mad bug.
31 Cossey 22 Aug 1785 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. Asks her to start lessons on the harp immediately.
32 Cossey 15 Sept 1785 - The same to the same. George and William are back at home. They have had a dance in the newly-decorated parlour.
33 [Cossey] [1785] - The same to the same. Fragment only, referring to Lady Mary Jerningham’s will.
34 [Cossey] [Oct? 1785] - The same to the same. The boys have returned to school in France. Advises Charlotte on her mourning (for her grandmother?)
35 Cossey 14 Nov 1785 - The same to the same. Her brother Arthur and his wife have been staying with them. An autograph album has been begun at Cossey.
36 Ditchley 1 Dec [1785] - The same to the same. They have visited Woburn Abbey, Stowe and Middleton Park, and have seen Mr Poole from Norwich go up in a balloon.
37 Cossey 2 Jan 1786 - The same to the same. General Arthur Dillon, her brother, has been so handsomely treated that she is reconciled to the idea of William serving abroad.
38 Cossey 4 [Feb?] 1786 - Lady Jerningham to Edward Jerningham (the younger) at Old Hall Green School. She sends him a pianoforte with instructions on how to play it; also some raisins and almonds.
39 Cossey 6 Mar 1786 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. Comments on her timetable. She is to learn Geography and Italian and should have only two singing lessons per week. Mrs Fitzherbert has married the Prince of Wales but they are living in separate houses.
40 Cossey 23 Mar 1786 - The same to the same. Charlotte’s expenses of £200 a year, though necessary, are sometimes found a good deal bySir William, but she must not be uncomfortable.
41 [Cossey] Maundy Thursday 1786 - The same to the same. La Mère Générale may buy her a tafeta, and she shall also have a muslin. She ought to continue having a French maid and may engage one herself if she finds a suitable one.
42 Cossey 1 May 1786 - The same to the same. Continues on the advantages of having a French maid at home with her, to encourage her to speak French.
43 Cossey 11 May 1786 - The same to the same. She is sending her a silver gown for 7 guineas from Norwich of the sort which everyone is ordering.
44 Cossey 4 June 1786 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Charlotte, in Paris. He has come home for the Whitsun holiday. General Jerningham, his Uncle Edward and Mr Lemon, a gentleman who has no home and is therefore always upon visits, are also there. With a postscript from Lady Jerningham. Little Edward is handsomer than ever. She is sorry the dancing master is not good. Three verse quotations from the Jerningham boys in Lady Jerningham’s hand, date 3 Sept 1786 are appended.
45 [Cossey] 14 [June 1786] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. She has had a slight fever but is now mending very fast.
46 Cossey 14 June 1786 - Sir William Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. Her mother is a great deal better. General Jerningham, whose stomach is as voracious as ever, is with them, together with Uncle Henry and Uncle Edward (the poet) who plays his harp every night and is grown fat and lazy.
47 Cossey 26 June 1786 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. Her health is now restored; she has taken the bark for a week. Mr Fitzgerald, whom she once knew in London, has been hanged for the murder of a Mr McDonald in his own park.
48 Cossey 13 July 1786 - The same to the same. Master Pitchford has returned from St. Omer and has been staying at Cossey to play with Edward. They are exactly the same size, though Pitchford is 14.
49 Cossey 20 July 1786 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Charlotte, in Paris. He is reading the history of England with Mama and has got to Henry II. An election is due at Norwich owing to Sir Harbord Harbord’s peerage. He has dined with Mrs Custance. With a postscript by Lady Jerningham, quoting a poem written in her album by Arthur Murphy.
50 Paris 15 Aug [1786] - Charlotte to Edward Jerningham (the younger), in London. Today is the Assumption and they have recreation for three days. Her companions are making too much noise for her to write properly.
51 [Cossey] [Nov 1786] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. She will soon set out to fetch her home. Barbara Webb has married the Protestant Earl of Shaftesbury.
52 Conbury House Kingstown 21 Nov 1786 - The same to the same. She has begun her journey to fetch Charlotte home and has arrived at her father’s house.
53 Martinique 12 Oct 1786 - General Arthur Dillon to his sister Lady Jerningham in Paris. In French. He has travelled to Madeira for a holiday. Annotated by Charlotte: ‘written by my poor uncle General Arthur Dillon, beheaded by Robespiere 1794’.
54 Green Street Grosvenor Sq. 1788 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte. He looks forward to seeing her in town, having heard fine things of her. He has been to the new play ‘Julia’.
55 Cossey 19 June 1789 - Mary H Fox (Mary Hatton, Charlotte’s old nurse) to Charlotte, in London. Thanks her for a silver mug sent to her baby daughter.
56 21 June 1791 - Edward Jerningham (the elder), to Charlotte, in Brussels. The tittle-tattle of the town at present is the separation of the Prince of Wales and Mrs Fitzherbert.
57 [Blue Nuns Convent], Paris 13 July 1791 - Lady Anastatia Stafford to Sir William Jerningham. Thanks him for sending her money. It may be necessary for the convent to move to England.
58 Cossey 29 Dec 1791 - George Chamberlayne, chaplain at Cossey, to Lady Jerningham, in Brussels. With news of happenings in and around Cossey.
59 [Blue Nuns Convent, Paris] 2 Jan 1792 - Lady Anastatia Stafford to Charlotte, in Brussels.
60 Calais 9 Jan 1792 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte [in Brussels]. In French. Condoles with her on Lady Jerningham’s illness.
61 London 17 Apr 1792 - The same to the same. [Incomplete].
62 [1792] - Edward Jerningham [the elder] to Charlotte, [in Brussels?]
63 Paris [1792] - The same to the same. Describes a riot in Paris beneath his window.
64 Cossey 10 Sept 1792 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.
65 Brussels 13 Nov 1792 - Lady Jerningham to George Jerningham, in London. Gives news of William Jerningham and the French victory over the Austrians at Jemmapes.
66 Brussels 11 Dec 1792 - Charlotte Jerningham to George Jerningham [at Cossey?]. Describing the military situation in Brussels.
67 Brussels 21 Dec 1792 - Lady Jerningham to George Jerningham, at Bath.
68 1793 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte, at Norwich. He sends her a copy of ‘The seasons’, and news of his play.
69 1793 - An emigrée from France to Charlotte. Thanks her for her kindness. In French.
70 1794 - Lady Maria Stuart to Charlotte, in London.
71 Mitcham 1794 - Henry Dillon to Charlotte. Wishes he could join the army in Holland.
72 London [17 Apr] 1795 - Lady Maria Stuart to Charlotte, in London. Describes the wedding of the Prince of Wales.
73 Oxburgh 1797 - Charlotte (now Lady Bedingfeld) to Lady Jerningham [at Cossey]. Describes the execution of four Irishmen.
74 Bodney 9 Feb 1795 - Catherine Dillon to Charlotte, at Cossey. In French.
75 London 16 June 1795 - Fanny Dillon to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Written
(cont.) on the day of her marriage to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.
76 [London] 17 June 1795 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
77 London 18 June 1795 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte at Oxburgh. In French. Congratulates her on her marriage.
78 Oxburgh 18 June 1795 - Charlotte to Lady Jerningham. Describes the journey to Oxburgh after the wedding.
79 Cossey 19 June 1795 - Eleonor Claxton, the housekeeper at Cossey, to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Thanks her for her wedding gift to the Cossey servants.
80 [Cossey] 1795 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describes some of the French refugees staying at Cossey.
81 Swetzingen 23 Aug 1795 - William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Congratulates her on her marriage.
82 Oxburgh 14 Sept 1795 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey.
83 Ströhmberg 17 Oct 1795 - William Jerningham to Charlotte, [at Oxburgh]
84 Paris 3 Dec 1795 - Lady Anastatia Stafford to Lady Jerningham, at Cossey. Upbraids her for not helping her or writing to her in her difficulties.
85 London March 1796 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
86 Bodney [April] 1796 - Catherine Dillon to Charlotte, [at Oxburgh]. In French. Congratulates her on the birth of her first child, Fanny.
87 York 29 April 1796 - Edward Bedingfeld to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.
88 [Cossey] 21 June 1796 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Edward has an ulcerated sore throat; Miss Petre is to marry a Mr Onslow.
89 Oxburgh 22 June 1796 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Lady Frances Jerningham. In French.
90 Bodney 2 July 1796 - Catherine Dillon to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
91 [Cossey] 1796 - Edward Jerningham the younger to Charlotte at Oxburgh. He is carrying out research into the family genealogy.
92 [1796] - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describing his absence on business in London.
93 Catton 21 Oct 1796 - Thomas Suffield to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Accepting an invitation to Oxburgh and referring to Anna Seward’s recently published poem “Llangollen Vale”.
94 Bodney 28 April 1797 - Fanny Dillon the younger to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French. Describes her first communion at Bodney.
95 [Bodney] [1797] - S A de S Theresa to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
96 [Bodney] 28 May 1797 - The same to the same.
97 Ditchley 1797 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Lady Jerningham, in London. Describing the Dillon family at Ditchley.
98 [Hengrave] 3 Jan 1798 - Eliza Jerningham to Charlotte, [at Oxburgh]. Referring to increased taxes, the possibility of a French invasion and the behaviour of one of the pupils at school in her convent.
99 Catton 20 Mar 1798 - Thomas Suffield to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Thanks her for sending him a print.
100 [London] 31 Mar 1798 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About George Jerningham’s illness.
101 London April 1798 - The same to the same.
102 London April 1798 - The same to the same. Describing her visit to Court with William Jerningham.
103 n.d. - The same to the same. Fragment only, wanting 2 pages.
104 Richmond 27 Apr 1798 - Henrietta Dillon to Charlotte. In French. She is about to go to France.
105 Hengrave 10 July 1798 - Eliza Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
106 Walton July 1798 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Thanking her for a visit.
107 York 24 July 1798 - M Bedingfeld, Helen’s mother, to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Thanking her for having her two daughters to stay.
108 Cossey 31 Aug 1798 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She has been ill.
109 Cossey 1 Sept 1798 - The same to the same. Refers to the birth of her daughter Agnes.
110 [Cossey] 3 Sept 1798 - The same to the same. Referring to the courtship of Sir Thomas Webb and Fanny Dillon.
111 Cossey Sept 1798 - The same to the same.
112 London 14 Sept 1798 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French. Thanking her for his visit to Oxburgh.
113 Cossey Sept 1798 - Lady Jerningham to Edward Jerningham (the younger)
114 London 12 Oct 1798 - George Chamberlayne to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
115 6 Oct 1798 - Fanny Dillon to Charlotte, at Cossey. Complaining at not having heard from her.
116 London 28 Nov 1798 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Refers to Miss S [ie Frances Sulyarde who married George Jerningham].
117 London 29 Dec 1798 - George Chamberlayne to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Oxburgh. Thanking him for a turkey.
118 [London] [ca. 1798] - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Lady Jerningham. Referring to the intrigues of Lady Jersey and the Prince of Wales. [Incomplete]
119 [Hendon?] 9 Jan 1799 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Lady Jerningham, in London. Describes a party.
120 [1799] - Miss S Woodhouse to Charlotte.
121 Hengrave 16 Jan 1799- Agnes Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.
(cont.) Complains about the cold in her convent at Hengrave.
122 London 13 Feb 1799 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey. Describing the progress of Fanny Dillon’s engagement to Sir Thomas Webb.
123 Vienna 23 Feb 1799 - General Charles Jerningham to Sir William Jerningham, at Cossey. Describing William’s illness in Vienna.
124 London 23 Feb 1799 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
125 London 27 Feb 1799 - The same to the same.
126 [London] 7 March 1799 - The same to the same. About Fanny Dillon’s forthcoming wedding.
127 [London] 13 March 1799 - The same to the same.
128 [London] 14 March 1799 - The same to the same. Describing the wedding.
129 [London] 15 March 1799 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte. Describing Sir William’s health. In French.
130 [Cossey?] 19 March 1799 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.
131 [Cossey?] 23 March 1799 - The same to the same. Describing William’s illness in Vienna.
132 [Cossey?] 22 March 1799 - Sir William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Quoting a letter from General Charles Jerningham about William’s illness.
133 London 22 March 1799 - George Jerningham to Charlotte. About William.
134 Kimberley 5 April 1799 - Miss S Wodehouse to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. On family matters.
135 Haughley Park 6 May 1799 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About his engagement to Frances Sulyard.
136 [Haughley Park] 28 Oct 1799 - Frances Sulyard to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describing her father’s death.
137 Haughley Park 8 Nov 1799 - The same to the same. Explains that her marriage to George must be delayed because of her father’s death, and asks her to recommend an upper chamber-maid for her mother.
138 [London] 1799 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte. [Final leaf defective.]
139 Manor House 23 Jan 1800 - Frances Jerningham (née Sulyard) to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describing her house, with a sketch of it.
140 London 21 Feb 1800 - M de Luppé to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Thanking her for a present for his daughter. In French.
141 London 1 March 1800 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte. M de Luppé’s infant daughter has died soon after its birth, having been given laudanum by mistake. In French.
142 [London] March 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Sending her a cap.
143 [London] 17 March 1800 - The same to the same. Refers to the establishment of the Blue Nuns from Paris in England, and to Mrs Fitzherbert and the Prince of Wales.
144 [London] 28 March 1800 - The same to the same. Fanny Dillon (Lady Webb) has had a miscarriage.
145 [London] 8 April 1800 - The same to the same. Refers to the arrangements for the Blue Nuns.
146 London 15 April 1800 - The same to the same. The Nuns are to live temporarily at Cossey, including Lady Anastatia Stafford.
147 Altona 22 April 1800 - Lady A Clifford to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Agreeing to be godmother to her next child.
148 Dans Boulton 25 April 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
149 [London] 12 May 1800 - The same to the same. Written after the birth of Charlotte’s first son, Henry.
150 London 12 May 1800 - E H to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Oxburgh. Congratulating him on the birth of his son Henry.
151 Vienna 12 Aug 1800 - General Charles Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Congratulating her on the birth of Henry. With a transcript of some music.
152 12 May 1800 - B Fountaine to Sir Richard Bedingfeld. About the new baby.
153 [London] 14 May 1800 - Edward Jerningham (the younger) to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
154 Boulton 16 May 1800 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describing his wife’s presentation at Court.
155 [London] 16 May 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describing a visit to the Queen’s drawing room.
156 [London] 18 May 1800 - The same to the same.
157 [London] 19 May 1800 - The same to the same.
158 London 20 May 1800 - S Wodehouse to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
159 London 21 May 1800 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
160 [London] 24 May 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About the latest royal drawing room.
161 London 25 May 1800 - The same to the same.
162 London 26 May 1800 - Sir William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Asking her to send measurements for two new gowns.
163 [London] 27 May 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Describing the latest fashions in ball dresses.
164 London 28 May 1800 - Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
165 London29 May 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About Lady (cont.) Primrose’s elopement.
166 London 31 May 1800 - The same to the same.
167 [Hengrave] 6 June 1800 - Eliza Agnes Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She and the other nuns think of going to America.
168 [Hengrave] [6 June 1800] - F N Jerningham to Charlotte. About convent matters.
169 [London] 6 June 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describing a ball.
170 Dublin 11 June 1800 - Lady Maria Stuart to Lady Jerningham in London. About her troubles.
171 [London] 12 June 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.
172 [London] 16 June 1800 - The same to the same.
173 [London?] June 1800 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. His wife is having her portrait painted by John Hoppner.
174 [London] 20 June 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.
175 Dublin 24 June 1800 - Lady Maria Stuart to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
176 Postmarked Wymondham June 1800 - A D[arell?] to Charlotte. About a visit to Cossey.
177 [London?] 27 June 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Complains that she has not heard from her.
178 [London] 1 July 1800 - The same to the same. About London and George’s wife, who is pregnant.
179 July 1800 - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She hopes the Bedingfelds will stay with her and George at Shifnal.
180 [London] 5 July 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. She is going to the Duchess of Devonshire’s breakfast.
181 [London] 7 July 1800 - The same to the same. About the breakfast.
182 Kimberley, Windham 15 Sept 1800 - S Wodehouse to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
183 Cossey [3 Sept 1800] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.
184 Cossey [Sept 1800] - The same to the same, at Oxburgh. She must bring the children to Cossey soon.
185 Cossey [Sept 1800] - The same to the same.
186 Bottonrow [Sept 1800] - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About his new-born daughter, Charlotte.
187 [Cossey] [Sept 1800] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. About the new baby, Charlotte. She has been sitting for her portrait by Opie.
188 Sept 1800 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey.
189 Helmingham 23 Oct 1800 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
190 Cossey 12 Nov 1800 - The same to the same.
191 29 Clarges St. London 21 Nov 1800 - The same to the same.
192 Cossey 25 Dec 1800 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
193 [Cossey] [Dec 1800] - The same to the same.
194 London 13 Dec 1800 - E H to Sir Richard Bedingfeld. Thanks him for condolences.
195 [Cossey] [Jan 1801] - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She is at Cossey for Christmas.
196 Cossey [6 Jan] 1801 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Mr Norris has had a paralytic stroke.
197 Cossey 8 Jan 1801 - The same to the same. Enquiring after her rheumatics.
198 Norwich Jan 1801 - Sister Mary Austin Lloyd to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Thanking her for a present.
199 Cossey 11 Jan 1801 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Her box has been sent to the convent.
200 Cossey 14 Jan 1801 - The same to the same.
201 Tor Abbey 23 Jan 1801 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Lady Jerningham. In French. About his stay in Bath and at Tor Abbey.
202 Hargham 22 April 1801 - E H to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Oxburgh.
203 4 Carrington St. Mayfair 8 June 1801 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Lady Jerningham [?]. In French.
204 [London] [June 1801] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Fragment only. She must take care of her leg.
205 Cossey 25 Dec 1801 - The same to the same.
206 Haughley Park 2 Jan 1802 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Announcing the birth of a son, Henry.
207 [Oxburgh] Jan 1802 - Charlotte to Lady Jerningham. About her approaching confinement, but not sent, owing to Lady Jerningham’s arrival at Oxburgh.
208 Cossey 6 Jan 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She proposes to visit her before her confinement.
209 Haughley Park 16 Jan 1802 - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Congratulates her on the birth of her daughter, Charlotte.
210 Cossey 20 Jan 1802 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Refers to the Mayor’s Ball, which was ‘very splendid’.
211 Vienna 30 Jan 1802 - General Charles Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Enclosing some music for a march.
212 7 Feb 1802 - Eliza Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About Sister Martha’s death.
213 London 22 Feb 1802 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
214 Witham 25 Feb 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
215 London 1 March 1802 - The same to the same. Edward has been ill, with pain in his face.
216 London 4 March 1802 - The same to the same. She sends her a fashionable morning bonnet.
217 London 8 March 1802 - The same to the same.
218 London 9 March 1802 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
219 London 13 March 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She has been to an assembly, at Lady Harewood’s.
220 [London] 17 March 1802 - The same to the same. George Goold is to marry Lady Charlotte Kenmare.
221 London 18 March 1802 - The same to the same. Describes a picnic.
222 [London] 26 March 1802 - The same to the same. Dr Jenner is probably to have a premium from Parliament for his work on the cowpox.
223 London 7 April 1802 - The same to the same. Edward is in town and is making Lady Charlotte Kenmare’s marriage settlement.
224 [London] 9 April 1802 - The same to the same. Quoting from a letter from the Abbê Sauvage. Pencil sketch on blank leaf.
225 [London] 15 April 1802 - The same to the same.
226 [April or May 1802] - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About her father’s death.
227 [London] 3 May 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She and Sir William have both had bilious attacks.
228 [London] 8 May 1802 - The same to the same.
229 11 May 1802 - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
230 Lincolns Inn 11 May 1802 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Sir William is still not well.
231 [London] 11 May 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Sir William has been ordered to Bath, Spa or Cheltenham.
232 [London] 13 May 1802 - The same to the same. About Lady Charlotte Kenmare’s marriage to Mr Goold.
233 [London] 18 May 1802 - The same to the same. Regrets to hear of Mr Bedingfeld’s death.
234 London 20 May 1802 - The same to the same.
235 [London] 21 May 1802 - The same to the same. Mr Goold has returned to town to be presented at the Levé, but arrived half an hour too late.
236 [London] 22 May 1802 - The same to the same.
237 Sevenoaks 28 May 1802 - The same to the same. She has been to visit Knowle.
238 Tunbridge Wells 1 June 1802 - The same to the same. About Tunbridge Wells.
239 Tunbridge Wells 4 June 1802 - The same to the same. About Sir William’s health.
240 Tunbridge Wells 7 June 1802 - The same to the same. Sir William’s health is much improved.
241 [9 June 1802] - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
242 Tunbridge Wells 11 June 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. They have visited Penshurst.
243 Tunbridge Wells 15 June 1802 - The same to the same. Describes the beginning of the season in Tunbridge Wells.
244 Paris 18 June 1802 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte. In French. He has returned to Paris after his exile.
245 [Tunbridge Wells] 18 June 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. They are to send her her diamonds from London.
246 Tunbridge Wells [20 June] 1802 - The same to the same. Hopes Lady Hamilton will be invited to Norwich as well as Lord Nelson.
247 1802 - S A de S Theresa to Charlotte. In a mixture of French and English.
248 London 30 July 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Brussels. Lady Charlotte Goold has been ‘wild with spirits’ since her marriage. London has been in an uproar about the Middlesex election.
249 Cossey 9 Aug 1802 - The same to the same, at Spa.
250 Cossey 19 Aug 1802 - The same to the same. About Charlotte’s daughter, Agnes, who is staying at Cossey.
251 Cossey 23 Aug 1802 - The same to the same.
252 [Bodney] 28 Aug 1802 - S A de St Thérése to Charlotte, at Spa. In French
253 Cossey 2 Sept 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa. About the children.
254 Au Bouil 8 Sept 1802 - [?] to Charlotte. In French.
255 Cossey 9 Sept 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte [at Spa]. Madame de Tott is painting her portrait; her colours are softer than Opie’s.
256 Cossey 30 Sept 1802 - The same to the same, in Brussels. Edward does not approve of Madame de Tott’s portrait.
257 [Paris] 8 Oct 1802 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, in Antwerp. In French. He has visited the Dames Ursulines.
258 Cossey 9 Nov 1802 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.
259 [Cossey] [Nov] 1802 - The same to the same.
260 Cossey 22 Nov 1802 - The same to the same, at Oxburgh. Agnes has a cold, so will not be sent home for a while.
261 Cossey 27 Nov 1802 - The same to the same.
262 Cossey 12 Dec 1802 - The same to the same.
263 Cossey [25 Dec] 1802 - The same to the same.
264 [Cossey] [Dec] 1802 - The same to the same.
265 Cossey 29 Dec 1802 - The same to the same. Announcing the death of her aunt, Lord Clifford’s mother.
266 [London] [Jan 1803] - Edward Jerningham (the poet) to Charlotte. Containing New Year greetings.
267 [Cossey] Jan 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. On Sunday they will go into mourning for Lady Clifford.
268 Haughley Park 16 Feb 1803 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey. Frances has had twin girls; Charlotte is to be godmother to the second.
269 Haughley Park [Feb 1803] - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About the babies.
270 Cossey 26 Feb 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
271 Paris 18 March 1803 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
272 Cossey 21 March 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. She quotes from a letter from the Chevalier about the resumption of hostilities between France and England.
273 [Cossey] [March] 1803 - The same to the same.
274 Haughley Park [March 1803] - George Jerningham to Charlotte. Consent has been obtained for William to marry.
275 [Cossey] [March] 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.
276 London 14 April 1803 - The same to the same. About Edward’s desire to marry and the obstacles.
277 London 19 April 1803 - The same to the same. About Edward’s problems.
278 London 22 April 1803 - The same to the same. About William’s fiancée, Anna Wright.
279 [London] 28 April 1803 - The same to the same. Sending her a hat.
280 London 12 May 1803 - The same to the same. Sir William has gone to the Drawing Room, and they have been to a reception at Lady Kenmare’s.
281 Ayot St. Lawrence 27 May 1803 - Lady Maria Pinfold to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About her poor health and her father’s disapproval of her marriage.
282 Haughley Park [May 1803] - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte [at Oxburgh]. About the children; Charlotte has been exposed to measles.
283 Cossey [May] 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Urging her to take more care of her health and to eat meat.
284 Paris 30 May 1803 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French. Mentions the new law whereby all Englishmen in France are treated as prisoners of war.
285 [London] 2 June 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Criticises Bonaparte’s ‘odd proceeding’ to the English.
286 London 8 June 1803 - The same to the same. Mrs Wright is to have an operation. Edward has got over his passion; she hopes he can replace it with a worthy object. Miss Talton would do if she were not so ugly.
287 [London] [14] June 1803 - The same to the same. Mrs Wright has died as a result of her operation.
288 Ingatestone Hall 19 June 1803 - Anna Wright to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Thanks her for her message of condolence.
289 Tunbridge Wells 16 June 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. They are comfortably installed again at Tunbridge Wells on Mount Sion. Lady Nelson has visited her.
290 Tunbridge Wells 23 June 1803 - The same to the same. Gives particulars of Mrs Wright’s death-bed.
291 Fitzwalters 26 June 1803 - William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. He is staying with Mr Wright and his daughters, who are beginning to get over their mother’s death.
292 Tunbridge Wells 11 July 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Lady Charlotte Goold has had a son. A novel called ‘The infidel father’ has been recommended.
293 Tunbridge Wells 24 July 1803 - The same to the same. Congratulates her on having a tooth out. Comments on the company at Tunbridge.
294 Cossey 11 Aug 1803 - The same to the same.
295 Cossey 15 Aug 1803 - The same to the same. About the death of Mrs Gregory.
296 Cossey 21 Aug 1803 - The same to the same.
297 [Cossey] 28 Aug 1803 - The same to the same. A ridiculous paragraph has appeared on the 22nd in the daily papers.
298 Cossey 11 Sept 1803 - The same to the same.
299 Cossey 14 Sept 1803 - The same to the same. Rejoices at Charlotte’s being so well after the birth of her son, Charles.
300 Cossey 18 Sept 1803 - The same to the same. She is taking ten drops of laudanum at night for her cough. William is at Fitzwalters.
301 [Cossey] [Sept] 1803 - The same to the same. About her health and William’s approaching marriage.
302 [Cossey] [Sept] 1803 - The same to the same. About the children, who are at dinner ‘on stakes and chicken’.
303 Cossey 21 Sept 1803 - The same to the same. She is reading ‘Henry’, a novel by the author of ‘Arundel’ and finds it more interesting then the ‘common flimflam novel’.
304 Cossey 20 Oct 1803 - The same to the same, at Oxburgh. Edward has had a letter from Lady Webb, who has had a miscarriage, after the death of her daughter Henrietta. She is reading ‘The farmer’s boy’.
305 Cossey 30 Oct 1803 - The same to the same. Describes balls at Aylsham and Blickling Park.
306 Cossey 6 Nov 1803 - The same to the same. Gives an account of William’s wedding to Anna Wright.
307 Cossey 12 Nov 1803 - The same to the same. Mentions the alarm prevailing in the event of Bonaparte invading England. The Cossey villagers are becoming Catholics.
308 Lincolns Inn 15 Nov 1803 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte.
309 Cossey 18 Nov 1803 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.
310 22 Nov 1803 - J H to Charlotte.
311 [Nov] 1803 - The same to the same. Thanks her for permission to dedicate ‘The humble priest’ to her. [Part of the last page cut out].
312 [York] [Nov or Dec] - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey. Encloses an account of money spent on fitting out a servant girl.
313 York 25 Dec 1803 - Selina Lynch to Charlotte. Informing her of Edward Bedingfeld’s death from fever at Malaga.
314 Malaga 30 Nov 1803 - Peter Bedingfeld to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Oxburgh. Announces his brother Edward’s death. He has left Sir Richard a gun given him by the Duchess of Alba.
315 [London?] 1804 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte, at Cossey. He describes a dinner party and gives his opinion of her portrait. A 16-line poem called ‘Memory’ is appended.
316 Paris 23 Jan 1804 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte. In French. Congratulates her on the birth of her son at Yarmouth. Describes the theft of some diamonds from Madame de Démidoff.
317 Cossey 16 Feb 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Charlotte is so well employed that she is ‘at least entitled to the sun shine of the breast’. [Wordsworth]
318 Cossey 2 March 1804 - The same to the same. Mentions a visit from Mrs Walter.
319 Cossey 7 March 1804 - The same to the same. Little Frederick Dillon is delighted with the soldiers she sent him.
320 Cossey 3 April 1804 - The same to the same. Asks her to call her ‘Mother’, not ‘Madam’. Betty Scott (a servant) has been sent away from her new place at Mr Day’s for refusing to go to church.
321 Cossey 7 April 1804 - The same to the same. Describes an argument with Frederick’s new nurse about her wages.
322 London 17 April 1804 - The same to the same. Little Frederick is seriously ill with inflammation of the lungs.
323 London 27 April 1804 - The same to the same. Frederick is now convalescent. Describes the lodging in Half Moon Street which Sir William has taken for George and Frances, and the funeral service for the Duc d’Enghien.
324 [London] 8 May 1804 - The same to the same. Refers to the ‘general petition bustle’ and Mr Addington’s retirement from the government.
325 London 17 May 1804 - The same to the same. Describes her attack of gout. She has been to see Charlotte’s picture at Opie’s.
326 [London] 19 May 1804 - The same to the same. Lord Duncannon is paying his addresses to Lady Jersey’s daughter, Lady Elizabeth Villiers.
327 London 26 May 1804 - The same to the same. Recommends a governess who is an excellent Catholic, Miss Cordery.
328 London 30 May 1804 - The same to the same. Edward has taken her to drink the Islington spa water.
329 [London] 4 June 1804 - The same to the same. Edward now admires Miss Emily Middleton far more than Henrietta, his previous love, who has, unfortunately, come to town as well. Miss Middleton plays superbly.
330 Tunbridge Wells 27 June 1804 - The same to the same. About her pleasant lodgings and Miss Middleton, who has not been allowed to join her.
331 Bordeaux 27 June 1804 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte. In French. Describes where he is staying, near the Dordogne.
332 Tunbridge Wells 3 July 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Quotes a letter from Mrs Middleton, allowing Emily to come to Tunbridge Wells.
333 [Tunbridge Wells] July 1804 - Sir William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About the felling of some timber at Weston. He is sending her some rose coloured muslin.
334 Tunbridge Wells 9 July 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Emily Middleton has arrived.
335 [Tunbridge Wells] 17 July 1804 - The same to the same, at Yarmouth. Little Frederick is ill again. Edward is courting Emily assiduously.
336 [London] 22 July 1804 - Edward Jerningham to Lady Jerningham. On the difficulties of his obtaining permission to marry Emily.
337 [Tunbridge Wells] 22 July 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Emily plays superbly, but needs tuition in dancing.
338 London 30 July 1804 - The same to the same. About Edward and Emily.
339 London 1 Aug 1804 - The same to the same. Edward has met Mr Middleton, who has given his consent.
340 Cossey [Aug 1804] - The same to the same. She has been visited by the Middletons.
341 Haughley Park 8 Aug 1804 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Announcing the birth of another son, Edward.
342 Cossey 8 Aug 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About Edward’s affairs.
343 Cossey 11 Aug 1804 - The same to the same. William’s wife has been delivered of a daughter, Lucretia.
344 Cossey [Aug] 1804 - The same to the same.
345 Cossey 22 Aug 1804 - The same to the same. Little Henry has arrived but his clothes have not yet been sent.
346 [Cossey] 16 [Sept?] 1804 - The same to the same. Enclosing a copy of a letter from Emily Middleton to her sister.
347 [Cossey] 25 Aug 1804 - The same to the same. Edward has had a brick
(cont.) flung at him when in Manwaring’s chaise.
348 Lincoln’s Inn 28 Aug 1804 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About his approaching marriage to Emily Middleton.
349 [Cossey] 2 Sept 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Edward has had a conference with the Middletons.
350 Haughley Park 5 Sept 1804 - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Little Charlotte Goold has been innoculated with cowpox.
351 [Cossey] 8 Sept 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About Lord and Lady Bradford’s visit.
352 [Cossey] 18 Sept 1804 - The same to the same. About Emily Middleton. Little Lucretia (William’s daughter) has been innoculated for the cowpox but the doctor thinks it has not taken.
353 [Cossey] 1 Oct 1804 - The same to the same. About Edward’s approaching marriage.
354 Yarmouth 14 Oct 1804 - Mary Poole (the children’s nurse) to Charlotte, in London. About the children.
355 Cossey 18 Oct 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Edward and Emily, who were married on 15 Oct, are on their way to Cossey.
356 [London] [Oct 1804] - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte. Thanks her for a visit.
357 Cossey 19 Oct 1804 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Edward and Emily have arrived.
358 Cossey 3 Dec 1804 - The same to the same. Mrs Lloyd has died.
359 Cossey 11 Dec 1804 - The same to the same. Abbé Dillon, Archbishop of Narbonne, has arrived.
360 Cossey 14 Dec 1804 - The same to the same. She has been asking the Archbishop for anecdotes of former times. He knew an old man who could remember Cromwell.
361 Cossey 19 Dec 1804 - The same to the same. They have had a servants’ ball in honour of Edward’s wedding.
362 Cossey 21 Dec 1804 - The same to the same. Edward has returned to London. William’s wife is pregnant again.
363 [Haughley Park] [Dec] 1804 - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, [at Cossey]. About little Charlotte’s fever.
364 Haughley Park Dec 1804 - The same to the same. About Charlotte’s illness, from which she has now almost recovered.
364a [Cossey] 21 [Jan?] 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Describes an assembly of the previous night.
364b Haughley Park 20 Jan 1805 - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Norwich. Charlotte is now recovered.
365 London 9 March 1805 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte, at Cossey.
366 Cossey 22 March 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Regrets having missed her. Describes the family at Haughley, where she has been on a visit.
367 Paris 27 March 1805 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
368 Cossey 28 March 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Recommends magnesia for little Edward. William has broken his collar-bone in a carriage accident.
369 Cossey 1 April 1805 - William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describes his accident.
370 Cossey 1 April 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Edward has taken a London house for £130 a year. Lady Buckingham is taking a good deal of notice of Emily.
371 [London] 23 April 1805 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte. He has visited the Mead’s house, where he discovered the brother with his throat cut.
372 [London] 24 April 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Describes the suicide of Mr Mead.
373 London 25 April 1805 - The same to the same. Describes the latest fashionable hair-style, and Mr Hardinge’s speech to a woman who murdered her child.
374 London 8 May 1805 - The same to the same. The Catholics are in a ferment about the Irish petition due to be cast. Miss Petre has married her drawing master and refuses to go home.
375 [London] 15 May 1805 - The same to the same. About the Catholic business. Fox’s speech will be history even though relegated to the gossiping leaf of a daily paper.
376 London 21 May 1805 - Sir William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. He has done some shopping on her behalf, which he lists.
377 [London] [May 1805] - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte. He has dined with Sir William, who looks ‘highly rouged and in spirits’.
378 London 22 May 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. She and Sir William have visited Edward’s house in Lincoln’s Inn Square. He sold his Chamber and furniture for £1,000. Emily plays even better than before.
379 London 22 May 1805 - The same to the same. Emily is pregnant.
380 London 10 June 1805 - Miss S Wodehouse to Charlotte.
381 London 27 June 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About discrimination against Catholics. Describes her view of the royal family on the terrace, and what she heard the King say.
382 Cossey July 1805 - The same to the same. She has Maria Plowden to stay with her.
383 [Cossey] 25 July [1805] - The same to the same. Describes the death of (cont.) little Miss Clifford.
384 Crillon 29 July 1805 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte. In French. Describes the Château de M. de Crillon.
385 Cossey 28 July 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Bishop Milner requests Charlotte to sketch the head of Mary Queen of Scots in the portrait at Oxburgh. She has enjoyed ‘The lay of the last minstrel’.
386 Cossey 21 Aug 1805 - The same to the same. Describes a dinner which Edward has attended and gives a list of guests, including the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Clarence.
387 [London] 28 Aug 1805 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte. A poem entitled ‘Lines to my muse’.
388 Cossey 3 Oct 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. [Portion of last leaf cut out].
389 Cossey 8 Oct 1805 - The same to the same.
390 [Cossey] [Oct] 1805 - L E G Bridgeman to Charlotte. Thanks her for her invitation to Oxburgh to see the children.
391 [Cossey] Nov 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. About her visitor, Mr Morse.
392 Cossey 27 Nov 1805 - The same to the same. Announcing the birth of Emily’s son, Charles Edward.
393 London 11 Dec 1805 - R Morse to Edward Jerningham, at Cossey. Congratulates him on the birth of his son. Records a conversation with Edward Jerningham the poet about Sheridan, the Prince of Wales and Pitt.
394 [Cossey] 2 Dec 1805 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. The baby is thriving.
395 [Cossey] Dec 1805 - The same to the same, at Norwich.
396 Paris 10 Jan 1806 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. In French.
397 Cossey 14 Jan 1806 - Anna Maria Plowden to Charlotte.
398 [Cossey] 8 Feb 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
399 Yarmouth 21 Feb 1806 - Charles Crole (a 12 year old midshipman, natural son of Lord Egremont) to Charlotte, at Cossey.
400 [Cossey] 4 April 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About the Duchess of Devonshire’s death.
401 [Cossey] 8 April 1806 - The same to the same.
402 Cossey 21 April 1806 - The same to the same.
403 London 2 May 1806 - The same to the same. About her health.
404 Brandon 11 [May] 1806 - S A de St. Thérèse to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About the death of one of the nuns.
405 London 29 May 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. About her health.
406 London 31 May 1806 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte. Little Charles has been put into short petticoats.
407 London 4 June 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. She has been to visit Mrs Cary at her villa in Hampstead.
408 London 13 June 1806 - The same to the same. She has found a French priest for her. Describes Lady Lansdowne’s masked ball.
409 [London] 18 June 1806 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About the books he is reading; Lord Melville’s trial and Mrs Fitzherbert’s; and visits to the opera.
410 London 24 June 1806 - E H to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
411 London 25 June 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. She has visited her father’s former house at Braywick.
412 Tunbridge Wells 27 June 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Mentions the Princess’s business which is like ‘a cover’d volcano’. Frederick has a schoolmaster twice a day.
413 Tunbridge Wells 1 July 1806 - The same to the same. Describes the society and hours of Tunbridge Wells.
414 Tunbridge Wells 6 July 1806 - The same to the same. Reports the death of the Archbishop of Narbonne, Charlotte’s great uncle.
415 Tunbridge Wells 15 July 1806 - The same to the same. Quotes a letter written in French by the Archbishop’s man, describing his death. [Another copy enclosed].
416 Paris 25 July 1806 - The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
417 Brighton 26 July 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Describes Brighton; and Lord Berkeley’s wife, who was originally a housemaid; the races at Lewes and Brighton.
418 Brighton 3 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. She has been to a party at Mrs Fitzherbert’s, where she met the Prince of Wales.
419 Brighton 10 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. Mrs Fitzherbert has visited her. They have been to the Royal Pavilion and met the Prince again.
420 [Brighton] [11 Aug 1806] - The same to the same. Incomplete.
421 Brighton 14 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. Describes a reception and ball at the Royal Pavilion.
422 London 16 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. They have left Brighton, meeting the Duke of Sussex on the way.
423 London 19 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. Describes the Archbishop of Narbonne’s death.
424 London 21 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. She is going to leave Frederick at the Old Hall Green preparatory school.
425 London 23 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. She will soon set out for Cossey, after leaving Frederick at school. Charlotte should not be in a hurry to send Henry to school.
426 Cossey 27 Aug 1806 - The same to the same. Describes Frederick’s reaction to being left at school.
427 Cossey 19 Oct 1806 - The same to the same. Lady Kenmore has died.
428 Cossey 22 Oct 1806 - The same to the same. M de Jarnac has been making drawings of the house.
429 Cossey 23 Nov 1806 - The same to the same.
430 London [Nov] 1806 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte. About ‘the young Roscius’, who is to act at Covent Garden. [Incomplete]
431 [London] 27 Dec 1806 - The same to the same. Thanks her for a turkey.
432 Cossey 27 Dec 1806 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. Frederick has arrived home from school. Henry Augustus Dillon is to marry Miss Browne of Castle M’Garrett.
433 Norwich [Jan?] 1807 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. He proposes to visit her soon.
434 [London] [Nov 1806?] - The same to the same. Describes his impression of Westminster Abbey on a November afternoon.
435 Dublin 14 Jan 1807 - Henry Augustus Dillon to Charlotte, at Yarmouth. About his fiancée, Miss Browne.
436 Cossey 10 Feb 1807 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. About the illness of one of the nuns’ maidservants, who has been sent home with typhus. The servants at Cossey are also ill, with colds and fevers.
437 [Oxburgh] [Feb 1807] - Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey.
438 [Oxburgh] [Feb] 1807 - Fanny Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey.
439 [London] 7 Feb 1807 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Lady Jerningham. He has heard the vocal prodigy Catalani several times.
440 Lincolns Inn Fields 24 March 1807 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey. Work on the chapel is to be resumed.
441 London 8 April 1807 - The same to the same, at Yarmouth. Emily has had a son.
442 London 20 May 1807 - Sir William Jerningham to Charlotte. He sends her an essay on transparent prints. Lady Anastatia Stafford has died.
443 London 22 May 1807 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About the attempt to revive the Barony of Stafford.
444 [Oxburgh] [May] 1807 - Fanny Bedingfeld to Charlotte. [Incomplete]
445 London 26 June 1807 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Henry, Viscount Dillon, has arrived in town. [Last leaf mutilated].
446 Tunbridge Wells 3 July 1807 - The same to the same. About the Dillons, and the journey to Tunbridge Wells.
447 [London?] [July 1807?] - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte [at Yarmouth]. He hopes to visit them at Yarmouth. Describes a procession in London.
448 [Tunbridge Wells] [July] 1807 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Emily’s father, Mr Middleton, is seriously ill.
449 Cossey 9 Nov 1807 - The same to the same.
450 Cossey 13 Nov 1807 - The same to the same. About Mr Middleton’s illness.
451 Cossey 18 Nov 1807 - The same to the same. Mr Middleton is dead.
452 Swaffham 24 Dec 1807 - R Wilbraham to Charlotte, [at Yarmouth].
453 [Oxburgh] [Dec] 1807 - Fanny Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey. Gives details of how she and the other children are behaving.
454 [London] 1808 - Edward Jerningham (the poet) to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. He has left his shoes behind.
455 Cossey 12 Feb 1808 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. Quotes a letter from her cousin in Paris. She is suffering from gout.
456 London 24 March 1808 - The same to the same. Mentions the rents which have to be paid for houses now.
457 [Oxburgh] [March?] 1808 - Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte.
458 London 4 April 1808 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. About finding a place for a servant. Mr Lawless has published his life, with inaccurate references to the Jerninghams and Bedingfelds.
459 [London] 15 April 1808 - The same to the same. About Frederick’s improvement at school.
460 London 22 April 1808 - The same to the same. The Duc d’Angoulême is going to fetch Louis XVIII and his wife to England. Lady Mary Primrose has left home to marry a young lawyer.
461 [Haughley Park] May 1808 - Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh. About a fire, from which the children had a narrow escape.
462 London 14 May 1808 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. About a subscription concert.
463 London 21 May 1808 - The same to the same. Describes Mr Lancaster’s school in Southwark.
464 London 24 May 1808 - The same to the same. Refers to the fire at Haughley and Lady Bovingdon’s elopement with Sir Arthur Paget.
465 London 30 May 1808 - The same to the same. The Bishop of Norwich has spoken up for Catholics.
466 Ramsgate 2 June 1808 - The same to the same. Describes a visit from the Papal Nuncio before she left London.
467 Ramsgate 8 June 1808 - The same to the same.
468 Ramsgate 12-13 June 1808 - The same to the same. The housekeeper, Mrs Claxton, is dead.
469 Ramsgate 15 June 1808 - The same to the same. About the company at Ramsgate.
470 Tunbridge Wells 3 July 1808 - The same to the same. Describes Hales Place, where she has spent a night.
471 Tunbridge Wells 5 July 1978 - The same to the same.
472 [London] [July] 1808 - Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte [at (cont.) Yarmouth.Describes Coleridge’s lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, which he has attended.
473 London20 July 1808-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.London is unbearably hot.
474 Weston23 July 1808-Edward Jerningham to Lady Jerningham, in London.
475 Cossey31 July 1808-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Refers to William’s new child.
476 [Cossey]28 Aug 1808- The same to the same.Describes a visit to the Bishop [of Norwich?]
477 Cossey11 Oct 1808-The same to the same, at Yarmouth.About Lady Newburgh and her pupil, Susan.
478 Cossey18 Oct 1808-The same to the same.Mrs Dillon has left London, after meeting Frederick, who did not know she was his mother.
479 Cossey18 Oct 1808-George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Sir William is much better.
480 Cossey19 Oct 1808-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.About Sir William’s recovery.
481 Weston9 Nov 1808-L E Bradford to Charlotte.
482 Cossey14 Nov 1808-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Edward’s son Charles is ill with fever.Mrs Dillon has arrived in Holland.
483 London26 Nov 1808-The same to the same.Quotes from a magazine an anecdote about Sheridan who appeared very dull when young.
484 London30 Nov 1808-The same to the same.About the French court at Gosfield.
485 London7 Dec 1808-The same to the same.Describes a wedding.
486 Bath20 Dec 1808-The same to the same.Describes her journey to Bath and her lodgings at 13, Great Pulteney Street.
487 Bath 24 Dec 1808-The same to the same.About Bath - the freezing weather, price of coals and other residents.
488 Cossey[Nov?] 1808-The same to the same.[Probably out of order]
489 Bath17 Jan 1809-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Describes Bath, the finest town he has ever seen.
490 Bath19 Jan 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Criticises Fox’s History.
491 Bath5 Feb 1809-The same to the same.About the residents of Bath.Madame Catalani dines with them on Sundays and often sings.
492 Bath13 Feb 1809-The same to the same.About the Browne family.
493 London14 March 1809-Edward Jerningham to Lady Jerningham, in Bath.Describes his visit to Tylney House, where the exiled French court is in residence.
494 [Cossey]27 May 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About Sir William’s slight improvement in health.
495 Barton Mills13 June 1809-The same to the same, at Yarmouth.Describes seeing the French Royal Family in the chapel at Hartwell.
496 Paris18 July 1809-The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.In French.
497 Eastbourne30 July 1809-L E Bradford to Charlotte, at Cossey.About Sir William’s illness.
498 [Yarmouth][7 Aug 1809]-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey.
499 Yarmouth7 August 1809-Mary Burgess (a servant) to Charlotte, at Cossey.
500 [Bath]20 Aug 1809-B Mostyn to Charlotte at Cossey.A letter of condolence on Sir William’s death.
501 Haughley Park1 Sept 1809-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.A letter of condolence.
502 [Cossey]24 Sept 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.About the ill health of Edward Jerningham the elder.
503 [Haughley Park]26 Sept 1809-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Enquires about the French nun to educate the children.
504 Cossey27 Sept 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
505 York1 Oct 1809-Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.A letter of condolence.
506 Cossey4 Oct 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About Edward (the elder’s) health.
507 Haughley Park13 Oct 1809-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.
508 Cossey24 Oct 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About Lady Kenmare’s death.
509 [Cossey]22 Nov 1809-The same to the same.
510 [London][Nov 1809]-Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Describes Lady Jerningham’s last day at Cossey.
511 Haughley Park29 Nov 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.She has left Cossey and come to Haughley on her way to London.
512 Haughley Park3 Dec 1809-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Describes his mother’s visit.
513 [Cossey][Dec] 1809-Lady Frances Jerningham to George Jerningham.Describes the funeral of William’s son.
514 Haughley Park2 Dec 1809-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.[Incomplete]
515 London6 Dec 1809-The same to the same, at Yarmouth.Describes her arrival in London.
516 London13 Dec 1809-The same to the same.
517 Cossey Cottage14 Dec 1809-Anna Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.About her new baby, William.
518 Haughley Park19 Dec 1809-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
519 [London]Jan 1810-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
520 [London]9 Jan 1810-The same to the same.About her health.
521 [London]17 Jan 1810-The same to the same.
522 [London]22 Jan 1810- The same to the same.An account of how she spends her days.
523 London2 Feb 1810-The same to the same.The Catholics in London have joined together to promote the faith.
524 London15 Feb 1810-The same to the same.
525 London24 Feb 1810-The same to the same.Describes a visit from Henry Augustus Dillon on his return from Spain.
526 London28 Feb 1810-The same to the same.
527 London6 March 1810-The same to the same.About her health.
528 [London]13 April 1910-The same to the same, at Bath.About the riots in Mayfair after Sir Francis Burdett’s arrest.
529 [London]20 April1810-The same to the same.The Abbé Fleury has had a fit.Edward is having a dispute with Bishop Milner.
530 London30 April 1810-The same to the same.She has been out for the first time since coming to London.
531 [London][May 1810]-The same to the same.(Lacks first leaf)
532 London21 May 1810-The same to the same.Describes the death of Lord Bayning.
533 London2 June 1810-The same to the same.About the Chevalier d’Eon, who was thought to be a woman.
534 London6 June 1810-The same to the same.Mr Windham has died after an operation.Mrs Dillon has arrived with her children.
535 [London]11 June 1810-The same to the same.Describes the Dillon family.
536 London6 Aug 1810-The same to the same, at Yarmouth.
537 Worthing12 Aug 1810-The same to the same.Describes Worthing and the house they have taken.
538 Worthing22 Aug 1810-The same to the same.
539 Worthing27 Aug 1810-The same to the same.About her loneliness in Worthing.
540 Yarmouth28 Aug 1810-Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard and Charlotte, at Bath.Apologises for not writing before.
541 Worthing31 Aug 1810-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
542 Worthing6 Sept 1810-The same to the same.
543 London8 Sept 1810-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Announcing the birth of his daughter, Mary Clementina.
544 Worthing16 Sept 1810-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Edward has joined her and persuaded her to do a little travelling.
545 Portsmouth20 Sept 1810-The same to the same.Describes her journey to Portsmouth.
546 Southampton23 Sept 1810-The same to the same.On her travels.Describes Southampton and Winchester.
547 Reading30 Sept 1810-The same to the same.Describes Winchester, Salisbury, Stonehenge and Amesbury.
548 London2 Oct 1810-The same to the same.About Lord Buckingham’s marriage settlement for his daughter.
549 London6 Oct 1810-The same to the same.She condoles with her on the death of Miss White.Lord Buckingham is still proving awkward.
550 Cheltenham7 Oct 1810-Sir George Goold to Charlotte.Announcing the birth of a son to whom Sir Richard is to be godfather.
551 London12 Oct 1810-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Edward is helping to settle the Buckingham dispute.
552 London17 Oct 1810-The same to the same.Mrs Dillon has been quarrelling with her brother.The Buckingham affair is now settled.
553 London25 Oct 1810-The same to the same.About Mrs Dillon’s problems.
554 [London]8 Nov 1810-The same to the same.Mrs Dillon has some lodgings in Duke Street.
555 Gosfield9 Nov 1810-Edward Jerningham to George Jerningham.Describes his journey from Yarmouth to Gosfield and his conversation with the Rector of Bungay.
556 London13 Nov 1810-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.About the possibility of a Regency.
557 London22 Nov 1810-The same to the same, at Cossey.About the death of Maria Josepha of Savoy.
558 London26 Nov 1810-The same to the same.About Maria Josepha’s funeral, and the King of Sweden.
559 London6 Dec 1810-The same to the same.About the little boys, Frederick and Henry.
560 [London]17 Dec 1810-The same to the same.
561 London26 Dec 1810-The same to the same.Criticises her handwriting.
562 [London]25 [July?] 1810-The same to the same.[out of order]
563 London7 Jan 1811-The same to the same.Asks whether she has sent her a teapot.Mrs Dillon wants to take her daughters from the Hammersmith convent for the new year, but Lord Dillon disagrees.
564 Norwich15 Jan 1811-[Harriet Howell] to Charlotte.
565 Cossey15 Jan 1811-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Frances has had another daughter.
566 London17 Jan 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.About (cont.) Henry Dillon’s illness.
567 [London]28 Jan 1811-The same to the same.
568 London4 Feb 1811-The same to the same.About Henry Augustus.She is reading a novel called ‘Cecily Fitzowen’.
569 [London]22 Feb 1811-The same to the same.Antonia Swinburne has married Colonel Jones.
570 London1 March 1811-The same to the same.Relates the death of a debtor in the Marshalsea Prison.The Duchess of Brunswick wishes to make her acquaintance.
571 Norwich8 March 1811-Harriet Howell to Charlotte.
572 Thorpe 19 March 1811-The same to the same.
573 [London]9 March 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Describes her visit to the Duchess of Brunswick.
574 [London]16 March 1811-The same to the same.She has visited the Duchess of Brunswich again.Coleridge has been to dinner with her.Mary Lamb is mentally ill again.
575 [London] 30 March 1811-The same to the same. About her recent illness.
576 [Oxburgh?][April] 1811-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
577 London3 April 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.She has been to dinner with the Duchess of Brunswick.
578 Thorpe4 April 1811-Harriet Howell to Charlotte.She has been to Cossey and seen the Chapel.
579 [April 1811]-The same to the same.
580 London6 April 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.Mrs Dillon has had a son.
581 [London]Easter Monday 1811-The same to the same.About sending a piano case to Cossey.
582 [London]20 April 1811-The same to the same.The piano case is being sent by waggon as it was too heavy to go by boat.
583 [London]30 April 1811-Tha same to the same.Describes Lord Clifford’s son and a charity concert.
584 London4 July 1811-The same to the same.Edward and Emily have dined at Wimbledon with Louis XVIII.
585 Plymouth17 July 1811-Harriet Howell to Charlotte, at Yarmouth.
586 Eastbourne25 Aug 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the journey to Eastbourne and visit to Battle Abbey.
587 Eastbourne3 Sept 1811-The same to the same.Describing Eastbourne.
588 Cossey12 Aug 1811-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
589 Yarmouth15 Aug 1811-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.
590 Leskeard4 Sept 1811-Harriet Howell to Charlotte, at Bath.
591 [London]14 Sept 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Mrs Dillon has removed her daughters, against advice, from the Hammersmith convent.
592 Sept 1811-Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.
593 [London]18 Sept 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Comments on the good behaviour of little Henry Bedingfeld.
594 18 Sept 1811-Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte.Describing the village where she lives.
595 Llangollen Vale27 Sept 1811-Lady Eleanor Butler to Charlotte.
596 [London]3 Oct 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Hopes she will soon be settled at the house in Bath.
597 Weston5 Oct 1811-L E Bradford to Charlotte.
598 [London]19 Oct 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Madame Catalani has been to Mass at Cossey and has sung the Litanies at Vespers.
599 London23 Oct 1811-The same to the same.About Mrs Dillon and her daughters.She has been reading Anna Seward’s letters.
600 [London][Oct 1811]-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte.About little Henry Bedingfeld’s eye-trouble.
601 [London]31 Oct 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Mrs Dillon’s affairs.
602 Windham6 Nov 1812 [1811?]-Fragment of a letter, referring to Lady Bedingfeld and Lady Jerningham.
603 London16 Nov 1811-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Describes an operation on Charles Dillon’s hand.
604 London23 Nov 1811-The same to the same.Lady Charlotte Goold has had a daughter.
605 London28 Nov 1811-The same to the same.Lady Charlotte’s baby has died.
606 [London]17 Dec 1811-The same to the same.
607 Fitzwalters15 Jan 1812-William Jerningham to Charlotte.Sympathises with her on her recent illness.
608 [Fitzwalters][15 Jan 1812]-Anna Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.An addition to William’s letter.
609 [London]6 Feb 1812-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.The revival of the Stafford peerage is being debated upon and she has given evidence in the House of Lords.
610 [London]13 Feb 1812-The same to the same.Mrs Purling has become a Catholic.
611 [London]18 Feb 1812-The same to the same.About Catholic emancipation.
612 York1 March 1812-A Waterton to Charlotte, at Bath.Answering a letter of condolence on the death of her son from fever, while managing a family estate abroad.
613 London23 March 1812-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About the death
(cont.) of Lady Buckingham.
614 [London]31 March 1812-The same to the same.About the family of Sir Thomas Webb at Lyons.
615 London7 April 1812-Geo. Chamberlayne to Charlotte.About the Catholic faith.
616 [London]21 April 1812-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About the treatment prescribed for Sir George’s daughter, Charlotte.
617 Weston24 April 1812-L E Bradford to Charlotte.[Incomplete]
618 [London]29 April 1812-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Recommends a new book by Mrs Opie, ‘Temper; or, Domestic Scenes’.
619 London1 May 1812-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Emancipation of the Catholics is now a possibility.
620 [London]2 May 1812-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
621 [London]12 May 1812-The same to the same.Mr Percival has been murdered in the lobby of the House of Commons.
622 Bath10 May 1812-Unsigned letter to Charlotte.Answering some questions on the Catholic doctrine.
623 London21 May 1812-L E Bradford to Charlotte.
624 [London]26 June 1812-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.The Catholics have been at Lord Clifford’s to pay their respects to the Duke of Sussex.
625 [London]14 July 1812-The same to the same.About the illness of Sir George’s wife, Frances.
626 Windham27 June 1812-Unsigned letter to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.
627 [London]15 July 1812-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Sir George’s wife has recovered and has given birth to a son.
628 Cossey15 July 1812-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the birth of his son, William.
629 Cossey19 July 1812-The same to the same.
630 Fitzwalters16 July 1912-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the illness of Lady Frances Jerningham.
631 Cossey19 [July] 1812-Mrs D Sulyard to Charlotte, at Bath.About Lady Frances’s illness.
632 [Painswick][Aug?] 1812-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte.Written on his journey to school.
633 Painswick[Aug?] 1812-Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.About his journey with Henry to school.
634 Trentham[Aug] 1812-The same to the same.Describes the new castle at Stafford.
635 Stonyhurst[Aug] 1812-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.Tells her of the daily routine at school.
636 Stonyhurst[Sept] 1812-The same to the same.He is very happy at school but one of the boys is rather rough with him.He wishes mama to send him two towels as the ones in common use get very wet.
637 StonyhurstSept 1812-The same to the same.Describes his curriculum and some of his fellow-pupils.
638 Stafford21 Sept 1812-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte at Bath.Describes Stafford Castle and gives a sketch of it.
639 StonyhurstSept 1812-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.
640 Stafford4 Oct 1812-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte.He is canvassing for Sheridan and has come upon some unexpected opposition to him in Stafford.
641 Stafford6 Oct 1812-The same to the same.He expects Sheridan to lose the election.
642 London13 Oct 1812-Charles Henry Dillon to Charlotte.Announces the death of his brother James.
643 [London]16 Oct 1812-Edward Jerningham to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Bath.Edward Jerningham (the elder) is not in immediate danger but is bed-ridden.
644 Wolverhampton17 Oct 1812-Rev. D Milner to Charlotte, at Bath.A testimonial for Miss Burton.
645 Sidmouth18 Oct 1812-Lady Charlotte Goold to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanks her for a letter of condolence on her father’s death.
646 [London]19 Oct 1812-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes the illness of Edward Jerningham (the elder).
647 StonyhurstOct 1812-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.He thanks her for the map of Spain and asks for some story books and his game of the Kings of England.
648 [London]20 Oct 1812-Edward Jerningham to Lady Jerningham, at Bath.About Edward Jerningham (the elder).
649 Cossey21 Oct 1812-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Sir George is hoping to persuade Edward Jerningham (the elder) to take some interest in religion.
650 [London][Oct] 1812 -Edward Jerningham (the elder) to Charlotte, at Bath.He gives the reasons for changing his faith.
651 [London]22 Oct 1812-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
652 [London]24 Oct [1812]-The same to the same.
653 Stonyhurst25 Oct 1812-Thomas Brownbill (a master at Stonyhurst) to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.A satisfactory report on Henry’s work and health.
654 Stonyhurst[Oct] 1812-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.He is to take his first Communion on Christmas Day.
655 Norwich14 Nov 1812-John Pitchford to Charlotte.About her protegé Mr Coglan.
656 [London]16 Nov 1812-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Edward Jerningham (the elder) continues to resist the Catholic faith.
657 [London]17 Nov 1812-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Edward Jerningham (the elder).
658 Stonyhurst17 Dec 1812-Henry Bedingfeld to his brothers and sisters at Bath.
659 28 Jan 1813-Unsigned letter, in French, to the Chevalier Jerningham.
660 Cossey19 Jan 1813-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes their Twelfth Night party.
661 Paris1 Feb 1813-The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, in French.
662 Dudson16 Feb 1813-Lo Galton to Charlotte.Lamenting the behaviour of her daughter.
663 23 Feb 1813-M Maurice to Lady Bedingfeld, at Bath.On Catholic matters.
664 Fitzwalters5 March 1813-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.He is moving his family to Eastbourne.
665 Newbury17 March 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describing her journey from Bath to London.
666 Weston18 March 1813-L E Bradford to Charlotte.
667 London23 March 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.
668 Eastbourne23 March 1813-Anna Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describing their house at Eastbourne.
669 London14 April 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Describes the improvement at school of Edmund, Henry and Frederick.
670 Oxburgh23 April 1813-Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte.
671 OxburghApril 1813-The same to the same.
672 London5 May 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Frederick’s future education.
673 London15 May 1813-The same to the same.
674 [London]20 May 1813-The same to the same.Sir George’s daughter Mary is very ill.Describes a Catholic and Irish ball given by Miss Brian.
675 Cossey24 May 1813-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte.Announcing the death of his daughter, Mary.
676 [London]25 May 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About the deaths of Mary Jerningham and Mrs Findlater.
677 Llangollen Vale27 May 1813-Lady Eleanor Butler to Charlotte, at Bath.
678 Cossey30 May 1813-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes the funeral of his daughter, Mary.
679 [London]4 June 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
680 [London]9 June 1813-The same to the same.Comments on a preacher called Mr Spooner.
681 [London]14 June 1813-The same to the same.Edward and Emily have another son.Mrs Purling is staying with her, having left her husband.
682 Llangollen Vale15 June 1813-Lady Eleanor Butler to Charlotte, at Bath.She praises Charlotte’s youngest son, Felix.
683 [London]16 June 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She has been to the christening of Edward’s son.
684 Cossey16 June 1813-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanks her for condolences on the death of Mary.
685 20 June 1813-Mary Reynolds to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanks her for a draft of £18 with which she is to buy a cow.
686 London21 June 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Lord Dillon’s daughter is to marry Lord Frederick Beauclerk.Frederick is about to start his career at sea.
687 [London]24 June 1813-The same to the same.Frederick has departed for Portsmouth.
688 [London]28 June 1813-The same to the same.About Frederick’s journey to Portsmouth.
689 [London]2 July 1813-The same to the same.Gives an account of Frederick’s first few days at Portsmouth.
690 Cossey9 July 1813-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
691 [London]10 July 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Recommends a young French girl as a possible governess.
692 London13 July 1813-The same to the same.Lady Caroline Lambe is creating a scandal by her conduct with Lord Byron.
693 Richmond15 July 1813-Commander de Thaisy to Charlotte.In French.
694 London21 July 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Frederick has set sail and she has a good report of him.
695 [London]17 July 1813-The same to the same.She has heard from Frederick, who is happy on board ship but has been teased about his religion.
696 London24 July 1813-The same to the same.
697 [London]26 July1813-The same to the same.About her health.
698 Cossey1 Aug 1813-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.A letter of condolence on the death of Mr Taylor.
699 [London]2 Aug 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.William and Anna have had another son.
700 [London]5 Aug 1813-The same to the same.About her doctor’s advice and the health of several acquaintances.
701 [London]7 Aug 1813-The same to the same.
702 London10 Aug 1813-The same to the same.She has visited a house in Richmond, which is unsuitable, being surrounded by trees.
703 London13 Aug 1813-The same to the same.
704 London19 Aug 1813-The same to the same.Nurse Shelton’s son Thomas has returned unexpectedly from the army.
705 London 23Aug1813 - The same tothe same. Aboutthe hanging of a
(cont.) Catholic murderer Nicholson.
706 London27 Aug 1813-Lady Jerningham to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.Thanks him for sending a chair.
707 Fitzwalters4 Oct 1813-Anna Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes their new house, at Brentwood.
708 London30 Aug 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.[Partly mutilated].
709 London4 Sept 1813-The same to the same.About the Baron de Rolle’s death.
710 [London]6 Sept 1813-The same to the same.The Duchess of Manchester has parted from her husband.
711 Margate9 Sept 1813-Horace Mann to Charlotte.
712 Southend17 Sept 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes her journey to Southend.
713 Southend30 Sept 1813-The same to the same.Edward and Emily have visited a Russian ship.
714 Southend23 Sept 1813-The same to the same.
715 Paris8 Oct 1813-The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte.In French.
716 Southend8 Oct 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes a letter from Frederick, who has visited Iceland.
717 London14 Oct 1813-The same to the same.She has visited Mr Wright’s house at Fitzwalters.
718 Portsmouth21 Oct 1813-The same to the same.She has gone to Portsmouth to see Frederick, but missed him.
719 London26 Oct 1812-The same to the same.Frederick is on his way to France.
720 London5 Nov 1813-The same to the same.The Duchesse d’Angoulémes is going to Bath and hopes to see her.
721 London1 Nov 1813-The same to the same.
722 Stonyhurst6 Nov 1813-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.
723 London16 Nov 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
724 London19 Nov 1813-The same to the same.About Lord Dillon’s death.
725 London24 Nov 1813-The same to the same.
726 Stonyhurst1 Dec 1813-Thomas Brownbill to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Bath.A report on George Bedingfeld’s health and Henry’s excellent work and behaviour.
727 London1 Dec 1813-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Anna Jerningham has been too ill to feed her new son; they have got a wet nurse for him.
728 Brentwood31 Dec 1813-William Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.Anna is a good deal better.
729 Hartwell6 Jan 1814-Unsigned, to Charlotte, in London.In French.Thanking her and Lady Jerningham for their Christmas offering to the Royalists at Hartwell.
730 Stafford1 Jan 1814-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.Asks her to go to Lincolns Inn and correct a handbill for him.
731 Bath3 Jan 1814-J Holroyd to Charlotte.
732 Brentwood14 Jan 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte.About Anna’s illness.His daughter Louisa is also unwell.
733 Brentwood19 Jan 1814-The same to the same.About Anna.
734 Brentwood12 Feb 1814-The same to the same.A second opinion is to be called on Anna’s illness.
735 London14 Feb 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
736 Brentwood15 Feb 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte.Anna is to be moved to London.
737 London17 Feb 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Madame de Stael has held a soirée, which went off very well.
738 Brentwood18 Feb 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Anna.
739 London26 Feb 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.
740 London4 March 1814-The same to the same.William is taking his son, Edmund, to school at Penn in Buckinghamshire.
741 London12 March 1814-The same to the same.Mrs Dillon has prevented a very suitable match for one of her daughters.
742 London26 March 1814-The same to the same.About attempts to restore the Bourbon monarchy in France.William’s wife has arrived in London.
743 Stonyhurst30 March 1814-Henry Bedingfeld to his sister Fanny, at Bath.He wants to learn drawing and, when he comes home, to sleep in a different room from the nursery.
744 Stonyhurst[April 1814?]-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.
745 [London]1 April 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.William’s wife appears to be better since her arrival in London.
746 London5 April 1814-The same to the same.She is anxious to help a poor Catholic family from Ireland.
747 Cossey5 April 1814-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanks her for congratulations on the birth of his son Francis.
748 London15 April1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the affairs of the Bourbons.
749 Amiens22 April 1814-Charlotte de Liedekirke to Charlotte.In French.
750 [London]23 April 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the departure of the French Royal family for France.
751 London28 April 1814-The same to the same.Edward and Emily have accompanied the French Royal family to Calais.
752 London30 April 1814-The same to the same.She has been to a musical
(cont.) evening at Lady Wodehouse’s.
753 Oxburgh29 April 1814-P de la Bissachere to Charlotte.In French.
754 [London]9 May 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes a visit from her brother Henry.
755 London14 May 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Anna’s health is no better.
756 [London]14 May 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes Edward and Emily’s journey to Paris.
757 [London]23 May 1814-The same to the same.About the French King.
758 London26 May 1814-The same to the same.
759 London30 May 1814-The same to the same.About affairs in France.
760 LondonMay 1814-Anna Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanks her for looking after her daughter Lucretia; describes her health.
761 London2 June 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.
762 London3 June 1814-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.They have rented a house from Mrs Hibbert, a Blue Stocking.The Regent is getting unpopular again and the treatment of the Princess has excited almost universal disgust.
763 London11 June 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes the return of soldiers from France.One of them, Mick Browne, has dined with her three times.
764 London18 June 1814-The same to the same.Refers to visitors to London from the Russian court.
765 Fitzwalters20 June 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Anna is a little better.The boys are to be placed in the care of the Abbé Levisse at Montreuil.With a note from Anna Jerningham saying Lucretia is to accompany them if they go abroad.
766 [London]27 June 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.People are going off every day to France.The Emperor of Russia has left, thinking English ladies not very reserved.
767 London2 July 1814-The same to the same.Anna Jerningham is causing the doctor great concern and William wishes Lucretia to return home.Suggest she should be sent to her in London.
768 London5 July 1814-The same to the same.Anna’s father, Mr Wright, is to be married again, to the Comtesse de Front.
769 [London]6 July 1814-The same to the same.Anna has returned to Brentwood.There is little hope of her recovery.
770 London11 July 1814-The same to the same.Lucretia arrived safely on Saturday and William has now taken her to Brentwood.Edward has been given a gold box set with diamonds by Louis XVIII.
771 Fitzwalters[11 July?] 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.He has taken Lucretia home.
772 London20 July 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Her friend, Mrs Holroyd, has called.Anna has been to London to make a general confession.
773 Brentwood23 July 1814-Lucretia Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanks her for having her to stay.With a letter appended from William (24 July) about Anna’s illness.
774 [London]25 July 1814-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About her children.
775 London28 July 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.William is taking his boys to Montreuil.Edward’s son Charles has the measles.
776 London29 July 1814-The same to the same.The Chevalier Jerningham has arrived.
777 Newbury[August?] 1814-Mrs J Holroyd to Charlotte, at Bath.The little girl staying with her (one of Charlotte’s daughters) is behaving well.
778 [London]3 August 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Mr Wright has married on Monday.
779 London8 August 1814-The same to the same.Lady Barbara Ashley is to marry Mr Ponsonby, third son of Lord Besborough.The measles are nearly over.
780 London12 August 1814-The same to the same.Hoping Agnes is better; Isabella Smith has also had a (tooth?) out.
781 Fitzwalters20 August 1814-Mr Thomas Wright to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanking her for her congratulations on his marriage.Anna is declining rapidly.He proposes to have the three younger children to live with him.
782 Brentwood25 August 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Anna is now expecting her death.
783 Bury25 August 1814-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.He has visited Anna at Brentwood and found her very weak.
784 Fitzwalters26 August 1814-The Comtesse de Front to Charlotte.Announcing Anna’s death, which took place that morning.
785 [London]26 August 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.She has just heard of Anna’s death.
786 London29 August 1814-The same to the same.She is alarmed at the Chevalier’s illness.Anna is to be buried in Shenfield Churchyard.Her two daughters are to come to stay with her.Edward has met, in a stagecoach, the grandson of Lady Harriet Wentworth’s footman, John Sturgeon, whom she married 50 years ago.
787 Fitzwalters31 August 1814-Eliza Wright (Anna’s sister) to Charlotte, at Bath.About Anna’s death.
788 London2 Sept 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Anna is now to be buried at Cossey, where William has already gone.
789 Cossey6 Sept 1814-George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes
(cont.) Anna’s funeral at Cossey.
790 London7 Sept 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the education of Lucretia Jerningham and her little sisters.
791 Windham10 Sept 1814-John Darell to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Bath.Describes Anna’s funeral.
792 [Shifnal]12 Sept 1814-Edward Jerningham to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.On a business matter.
793 London12 Sept 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Eliza Wright and William’s two little girls have been staying with her.
794 Newbury19 Sept 1814-The Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.In French.About his health.
795 London22 Sept 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Birmingham.About the Chevalier Jerningham’s ill health.Recommends ‘Mansfield Park’ if she wants to read an entertaining novel.
796 Stafford24 Sept [1814]-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.He has heard of her proposed trip to Stafford and asks her not to arrive in his absence.
797 Cossey[Oct] 1814-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte.The Chevalier, who is staying with them, is very ill.
798 Stonyhurst2 Oct 1814-Thomas Brownbill to Charlotte, at Bath.Reassuring her about Henry’s illness.
799 London4 Oct 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.About the Chevalier’s health.Emily Jerningham has had a miscarriage.
800 Cossey5 Oct 1814-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Urging her to bring her family to Cossey for Christmas.
801 Cossey7 Oct 1814-The Chevalier Charles Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.In French.About his journey to Cossey.
802 London11 Oct 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She has Edward’s little son, Johnny, staying with her.The Chevalier, at Cossey, has had a bad attack of asthma.
803 Brentwood11 Oct 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte.He and Eliza have selected a shawl and locket, belonging to Anna, for her and a fur cap for Fanny.Eliza is giving Lucretia her lessons.
804 Stafford17 Oct 1814-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.The building at Stafford Castle is getting on.
805 Cossey17 Oct 1814-The Chevalier Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.In French.About his health.
806 London18 Oct 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the war in America, with news of Frederick, who is doing very well.Recommends a nursery maid.
807 London22 Oct 1814-The same to the same.She has excellent news of Frederick.
808 London28 Oct 1814-The same to the same.Urging her to visit her.Describing little Johnny, who has twelve teeth.
809 Lincolns Inn28 Oct 1814-Charles Butler to Charlotte, at Bath.A critique on Mrs Schimmel Penninck’s ‘Tour to Alet’.
810 London29 Oct 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Mrs Cary is very ill after childbirth.
811 Stonyhurst30 Oct [1814]-Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.He is still in the infirmary, but is getting better.
812 Clifton31 Oct 1814-H Maria Sewell to Charlotte, at Bath.A letter of condolence on Anna’s death.
813 London31 Oct 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Mrs Cary has died.Eliza Wright is staying with William as governess to the children.
814 Fitzwalters6 Nov 1814-Eliza Wright to Charlotte, at Bath.About the engagement of an Irish nurse for the children and Mrs Cary’s death.
815 Preston8 Nov 1814-W Alexander to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Bath.Gives an account of Henry Bedingfeld’s attach of scarlet fever.
816 London10 Nov 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.AboutMr Cary who is continually in tears after the death of his wife.The baby has been taken to Cossey to be looked after by a woman in the village.
817 Cossey[10 Nov] 1814-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About their journey from London to Cossey.The Chevalier is much worse.
818 Cossey[11 Nov] 1814-The same to the same.The Chevalier is a little better.
819 Cossey13 Nov 1814-The same to the same.About the Chevalier.
820 Cossey14 Nov 1814-The same to the same.
821 [London]14 Nov 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.She is alarmed about the Chevalier.
822 Cossey[18 Nov] 1814-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About the Chevalier.
823 Brentwood29 Nov 1814-William Jerningham to Charlotte.Congratulating her on an unspecified matter.[Fanny’s engagement?].
824 Stonyhurst30 Nov 1814-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London.Condoles with her on the Chevalier’s death and discusses his mourning.
825 [ca. 30 Nov] 1814-S Holroyd to Charlotte.Congratulates her on Fanny’s engagement to Lord Petre.
826 Stonyhurst[Dec] 1814-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.They have had fireworks in honour of the Bourbons.
827 Stonyhurst8 Dec 1814-Thomas Brownbill to Charlotte.Little Henry is now quite recovered.
828 Stonyhurst11 Dec 1814-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Brentwood.About the Chevalier’s death.
829 Bath15 Dec 1814-S Holroyd to Charlotte.
830 Stonyhurst20 Dec 1814-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte.He is very well and George is doing well in French.
831 London29 Dec 1814-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.Rejoices at Fanny’s approaching marriage to Lord Petre.
832 [Dec 1814?]-S Metcalfe to Charlotte, at Bath.About the marriages of daughters.
833 Thornden2 Jan 1815-Lady Mary Petre (mother of Lord Petre) to Charlotte, at Cossey.Expresses delight at Fanny’s engagement to her son.
834 [London]4 Jan 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.Approves Lord Petre, who has visited her.
835 Bath5 Jan 1815-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Cossey.Congratulates her on Fanny’s engagement.
836 Paris8 Jan 1815-Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.A short notice of congratulation.
837 Clifton9 Jan 1815-Lucy Weld to Charlotte, at Cossey.Congratulations on the engagement.
838 Clifton10 Jan 1815-E Courtenay Blount to Charlotte, at Cossey.
839 [London]9 Jan 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.Edward has been to the French court with the Duke of Wellington.
840 [London]12 Jan 1815-The same to the same.Refers to Fanny’s approaching marriage and Edward’s affairs in France.
841 Thorndon14 Jan 1815-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Cossey.Urges her to take a house in town in order to see more of her family.
842 Bath17 Jan 1815-Thomas Clifford to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Cossey.About Lord Petre.
843 Stonyhurst22 Jan 1815-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Brentwood.Asks for some books and a cake.
844 Cossey25 Jan 1815-T Darell to Charlotte, at Brandon, Suffolk.
845 [York]19 Jan 1815-Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey.Recommends a lady’s maid for the Bedingfeld girls.
846 5 Feb 1815-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte.Thanks her for a manuscript by Fanny.
847 London16 Feb 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.The Cliffords at Ugbrook should be told of the forthcoming marriage.
848 Cossey23 Feb 1815-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Her little charge, Georgina (Cary?) has died.
849 Cossey[April 1815?]-The same to the same.About their lodgings and whether they should bring any linen.
850 3 March 1815-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About her health.
851 London4 March 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Lady Charlotte Gould has written most flatteringly of Fanny.
852 London16 March 1815-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Bath.About Fanny’s health.
853 [London]11 March 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Fanny’s illness.Frederick is not happy with his present Captain.
854 [London]13 March 1815-The same to the same.She has met Frederick’s previous Captain, who will do what he can to make Frederick more comfortable.
855 [London]20 March 1815-The same to the same.About a date for Fanny’s marriage.
856 [Cossey][23 March] 1815-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Her daughter Georgina is very much better.
857 London21 March 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Lord Petre has called on her.
858 London27 March 1815-The same to the same.About the havoc being caused in France by Napoleon.
859 [London]1 April 1815-The same to the same.Lord Petre is quite recovered.
860 [London]4 April 1815-The same to the same.The Duke of Fitzjames has sent his two sons to an English school, and has recommended them to Edward’s notice.
861 London7 April 1815-The same to the same.The Fitzjames boys have been to dinner.
862 Attleborough10 April 1815-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She would prefer a house in Sidney Place in Bath.
863 [London]11 April 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Lord Petre is ill again.
864 Brussels12 April 1815-Madame de la Tour du Pin to Charlotte.In French.
865 London13 April 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath. Miss Petre has visited her.Sir George and family have arrived in London.
866 [Thorndon]16 May 1815-Lord Petre to Charlotte, at Bath.He has been ill again and is afraid his marriage to Fanny must be postponed.
867 Stonyhurst8 May 1815-Thomas Brownbill to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Bath.Henry has arrived back at college safely.
868 London20 May 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Lord Petre has called on her and appears to have recovered.
869 Cossey1 June 1815-Samuel Jones to Charlotte, in London.A letter of congratulation on Fanny’s marriage to Lord Petre.
870 London2 June 1815-John Cary to Charlotte, in London.About Fanny’s marriage.
871 Norwich3 June 1815-John Pitchford to Charlotte, in London.Thanks her for the news of Fanny’s marriage.
872 Brentwood 9June 1815 - WilliamJerningham to Charlotte, in London.
(cont.) He wants advice about his house, which reminds him too much of his wife.
873 Clifton17 June 1815-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte.Asks her to call on her and Mrs Blount in Queen Square to discuss some servants.
874 London29 June 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Frederick has returned to Portsmouth.Fanny has had a lively time in London.There is a report that Bonaparte has given himself up to the Duke of Wellington.
875 [London]5 July 1815-The same to the same.The Duke of Wellington is to put Louis XVIII on the throne again.Frederick has been staying with her.
876 [London]8 July 1815-The same to the same.The political news is very good.
877 [London]18 July 1815-The same to the same.Frederick tells her that a Catholic has a sad life in the navy.
878 [London]22 July 1815-The same to the same.France is in a sad state.It will be difficult to know what to do with Bonaparte if he comes to England.
879 London23 June 1815-The same to the same.The Petres are leading a very quiet life on account of his health.
880 [July 1815?]-Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.About Lord Petre’s illness.
881 [London][July?] 1815-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Bath.An encomium of Fanny.
882 Stafford9 July 1815-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Georgina has been ill again.Describes their journey to Stafford.
883 Brussels22 July1815-Madame de la Tour du Pin to Charlotte.In French.
884 Bath24 July 1815-S Holroyd to Charlotte, at Cheltenham.
885 [London]29 July 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Fanny has spent her honeymoon nursing Lord Petre.Frederick is on leave again.
886 London3 Aug 1815-The same to the same.Bonaparte is going toSt Helena.Frederick is anxious to meet his father, who is a Lille.
887 Ramsgate4 Aug 1815-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Bath.About her son and daughter’s health.
888 [London]7 Aug 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Lady Charlotte Gould is having trouble with her husband.The Dillons are going to Florence.
889 Cossey9 Aug 1815-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About her health.
890 Bath9 Aug 1815-J Calderbank to Charlotte.About places in his chapel for the children at her school.
891 Bath10 Aug 1815-The same to the same.
892 London18 Aug 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Quotes a letter from the Com te Bertrand to Lord Dillon.
893 Brentwood10 Aug 1815-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.He thinks of marrying again and gives his impression of a lady recommended by Charlotte.
894 Cossey21 Aug 1815-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Frances has had a daughter.
895 London24 Aug 1815-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.He and his family will be visiting her soon.
896 Corby Castle26 Aug 1815-Henry Howard to Charlotte.He is sending his son Philip to Stonyhurst and hopes he will make friends with Henry Bedingfeld.
897 [London]26 Aug 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She has seen Fanny, who is well, though Lord Petre has been ill again.She wishes William could meet with a companion.Lord Dillon has left her a box of letters, including some from James II.
898 Cossey27 Aug 1815-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Lady Frances is improving after her confinement.
899 [London]7 Sept 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.William is glad that Lucretia will be under her care again.
900 [London]11 Sept 1815-The same to the same.Gives information about a convent school for little Charlotte in Kensington.Frances is not too well.
901 London18 Sept 1815-The same to the same.Charlotte Bedingfeld may have to go to the Hammersmith convent, the other being full.Edward is very disturbed about the King of France.
902 Hammersmith-M P Messenger to Charlotte, at Bath.They will be happy to take little Charlotte at Hammersmith.
903 [London]21 Sept 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Edward is writing Fouché’s life.Lady Frances still has to lie on a couch all day with a swollen leg.
904 Florence24 Sept 1815-L E Bradford to Charlotte.She has sent her a print.
905 [London][25] Sept 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She will take little Charlotte to Hammersmith.She quotes from a journal kept by Mr Eustace, who has recently died.
906 Stonyhurst30 Sept 1815-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.He is settling down at school again but finds it difficult to get up in the morning.
907 London2 Oct 1815-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.She has arrived safely at her grandmother’s and has been to see the German dwarfs and to the chapel at South Street.
908 [London][2 Oct 1815]-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.She approves of William’s choice of a new wife.Lucretia ought to be at school as she is getting too forward.
909 Cossey2 Oct 1815-Lady Frances Jerningham toCharlotte,atBath.She
(cont.) is now able to walk again.The baby has blue eyes and thick brown hair.
910 [London]4 Oct 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She has taken little Charlotte to Hammersmith.
911 Hammersmith5 Oct 1815-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes her first few days at school.
912 Cossey6 Oct 1815-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Lady Frances’s health.
913 Brentwood6 Oct 1815-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About his proposed marriage to Anne Moore.
914 Hammersmith10 Oct 1815-M P Messenger to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes how little Charlotte is settling down.
915 London12 Oct 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She has sent little Charlotte a plum cake, which made her very popular.Edward has sent her a copy of his life of Fouché.
916 [London]17 Oct 1815-The same to the same.About visits from various acquaintances.
917 Hammersmith19 Oct 1815-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.About her school.With a note at the end from Dame Magdalen McMillan, reporting on her progress.
918 [London]25 Oct 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She has visited Charlotte at Hammersmith.
919 Stratford, Essex27 Oct 1815-John Pitchford to Charlotte, at Bath.About his marriage, and their tour to the Isle of Wight.
920 Stonyhurst[Oct] 1815-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.He will be very glad to leave school.Philip Howard is very shy of him.
921 [London]4 Nov 1815-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Bath.About Fanny’s pregnancy.
922 [London]4 Nov 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes Miss Spencer, a very devout young Catholic who wishes to be a nun.
923 Hammersmith6 Nov 1815-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.She is making a flounce.Fanny has been to see her.
924 [London]9 Nov 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She is uneasy about Miss Betham, who seems deranged.Miss Spencer is too restless for a convent.
925 [London]11 Nov 1815-The same to the same.About Miss Betham and Miss Spencer.
926 StonyhurstNov 1815-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.The annual retreat is irksome because of all the kneeling.
927 [London]13 Nov 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath. Miss Betham is still in a bewildered state.
927a [Yarmouth]15 Nov 1815-H Marion Sewell to Charlotte, at Bath.Her sister is married and she has left London.
928 Cossey19 Nov 1815-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte.She is getting better and the baby, Isabella, is well.
929 [Hammersmith]29 Nov 1815-Dame Magdalen McMillan to Charlotte.Apologises for little Charlotte’s having asked for a new frock instead of her pelisse.
930 Oscott College6 Dec 1815-Henry Valentine Jerningham (eldest son of Sir George) to Charlotte, at Bath.Apologises for not writing to her earlier, or to Fanny.He likes Greek very much.
931 [London]20 Dec 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Fanny has had a fainting fit, which is likely to happen often in her pregnancy.
932 [London]21 Dec 1815-The same to the same.She has visited Fanny, who is recovered.Marshal Ney has died most religiously.
933 HammersmithDec 1815-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.She is to make her first communion on Christmas Day.
934 London23 Dec 1815-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Bath.Reassures her about Fanny’s health.
935 [London]25 Dec 1815-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Fanny.Frederick has come home for a fortnight.
936 London1 Jan 1816-William Jerningham to Charlotte.Lady Jerningham has had an attack of gout.Little Charlotte has had a cold.He will bring her to Bath with him.
937 London2 Jan 1816-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About Lady Jerningham’s health.Her sister has died.
938 London4 Jan 1816-The same to the same.A further report on Lady Jerningham.
939 London5 Jan 1816-The same to the same.
940 London6 Jan 1816-The same to the same.
941 London7 Jan 1816-The same to the same.Lady Jerningham is better.
942 London[10 Jan 1816]-The same to the same.
943 Cossey8 Jan 1816-Maria Jane Johnson to Charlotte, at Bath.Young Lady Jerningham is well and the baby a lovely child.She has changed her faith to the Catholic one and is very happy.
944 [London]10 Jan 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.She is a good deal better and looks forward to seeing her.
945 [London]11 Jan 1816-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte.About her children’s health.
946 Bath31 Jan 1816-Charlotte and Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Thorndon.About the refurbishing of the house, and their lessons.
947 Ugbrooke28 Feb 1816-Lord Clifford to Charlotte.About his son’s recovery.
948 [London]2 March 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Lady Frances Brownehasbecomea nun. There isno chance ofMiss Spencer
(cont.) becoming one.She regrets their preparations to leave Bath for Ghent.
949 Cattan3 March 1816-H Darell to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.Mrs Norris has died of a dropsy.Sir George Jerningham is to cut down on his number of servants in order to save money.
950 [London]9 March 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She hopes to have an account of Madame d’Arblay, who ought to write some more.
951 [London] 22 March 1816 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath. Fanny is quite well; the doctor has told her not to go out in the evening after April 1st.
953 [London]31 March 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Princess Charlotte is to be married next week.[One leaf missing]
954 Bath19 April 1816-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte.Asks her whether musical instruments may be exported to France as they propose to send their small pianoforte.
955 [Bath][April 1816]-Charlotte, Edward and Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte.They describe what they are drawing.
956 [London]25 May 1816-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.
957 London28 May 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.About balls, and Fanny’s health.
958 Lincolns Inn16 May 1816-Anne Letitia Trelawney to Charlotte.
959 Ugbrooke13 March 1816-Robert Clifford to Charlotte.Thanks her for her concern about his health.
960 Bath4 April 1816-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte.About servants.
961 [London]18 June 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.Thanks her for the ‘Key to Glenarvon’.
962 Paris29 June 1816-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Bath.He is grateful to her for recommending Oscott for his son.They are staying in the Rue de Rivoli and he describes the view from their windows.General D’Arblay can give them information about the expense of living in Paris.Describes the wedding of the Duchess of Berri.
963 [London]8 July 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.She has been to Brentwood.William’s new wife is a very good little woman, but Lucretia has a difficult temper.
964 [London]13 July 1816-The same to the same.The Duchess of Berri is the delight of the moment.
965 London17 July 1816-The same to the same.The Cliffords are settled at Passy.
966 [London]26 July 1816-The same to the same.She goes to Cossey shortly and is anxious for Sir George to be there too.
967 London1 Aug 1816-The same to the same.
968 Dublin[Aug 1816]-Charles Jerningham (Edward’s son) to Emily in London.Describes his journey to Dublin.With a note from Edward.
969 Cossey-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.Describes an accident to a gig.
970 Madras29 Sept 1816-William Betham to Charlotte, in London.Describes his post in Madras.
971 Cossey23 Aug 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.Refers to the decorations she wants in her London house.
972 Cossey12 Sept 1816-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte.Describes the death of Mrs Beck.
973 Cossey13 Sept 1816-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.About Mrs Beck.
974 Corby Castle27 Sept 1816-Henry Howard to Charlotte.Thanks her for a drawing and a poem.
975 [London]12 Oct 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bruges.Describes Henry’s journey back to Stonyhurst.Mrs Middleton (Emily’s mother) appears to be mentally deranged.
976 The Hague14 Oct 1816-L E Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent.About their settling in Belgium.
977 [London]29 Oct 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Mrs Middleton is in a state of melancholy insanity.Edward has brought her to London.
978 Passy30 Oct 1816-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.About their life at Passy and a ball attended by the French Royal Family.
979 Paris31 Oct 1816-Sir George Jerningham to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent.Describes his family’s journey to Paris.
980 [London]4 Nov 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Sir George and family are well settled in Paris.Mrs Middleton is still insane.
981 London15 Nov 1816-The same to the same.She has seen Fanny and Lord Petre, who are well.William is sending Lucretia to a convent at Bruges.
982 Paris16 Nov 1816-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes his and his wife’s presentation at the Tuileries.
983 [Stonyhurst]17 Nov 1816-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.He looks forward to seeing her in the new house at Ghent.Warns her against the bad company his brothers may meet at school.
984 Brussels18 Nov 1816-L E Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent.They have only recently moved into their house and have had many dinner parties since.
985 Paris21 Nov 1816-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes the convent school which Charlotte attends, and her presentation at the Tuileries.
986 London27 Nov 1816-E Pichegrue to Charlotte.In French.
987 [London]27 Nov 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Fanny may be pregnant again.Lucretia has been accepted for the school at Bruges and needs the discipline.
988 London28 Dec 1816-Charles Butler to Charlotte, at Ghent.He asks for information about the remuneration of Roman Catholic clergy in the Netherlands.
989 London3 Dec 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.About the necessity of Lucretia’s going to school.
990 Paris5 Dec 1816-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes a visit from Fanny and her baby and her journey to France.
991 [London]17 Dec 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has had the Jerningham boys from Oscott staying with her.The Jerningham twins in Paris have left their convent school but Charlotte is still at the Abbaye des Bois.Mrs Middleton has to wear a strait waistcoat at night.
992 Paris20 Dec 1816-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes a bad cold Sir George has had.
993 London24 Dec 1816-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.About her grandsons, who have been staying with her.
994 AlostDecember 1816-Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes his life at school.
995 [Alost][Dec 1816]-Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Apologises for having a bad report.
996 Alost27 Dec 1816-Rev Père von Crombruggh to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.In French.About the Bedingfeld boys.
997 Bruges26 Dec 1816-F H Jerningham, the sub-prioress, to Charlotte.Lucretia has settled down well at the school.With a note added by Ann Moore, thanking her for some books.
998 Alost29 Dec 1816-Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte.About school.
999 London31 Dec 1816-Henry Jerningham to Charlotte.Written on Lady Jerningham’s behalf as she has gout.
1000 Paris1 Jan 1817-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Sir George is now nearly well.She is very dissatisfied with the school which the twins have left; they are now at a different one.
1001 Passy6 Jan 1817-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.AboutSir George’s illness.
1002 Brussells10 Jan 1817-L E Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Thanking her for her kindness.
1003 Paris14 Jan 1817-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes a service at the Church of St Roche.
1004 London14 Jan 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has recovered from her attack of gout.Little Henry Jerningham has gone to Thorndon.
1005 Paris 15 Jan 1817-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Constance Clifford looks very ill.
1006 Paris19 Jan 1817-The same to the same.Describes the death of Constance Clifford.
1007 Pisa29 Jan 1817-N David to Lady Bradford.In French.
1008 Paris31 Jan 1817-The Comte d’Escars to Charlotte.In French.
1009 [London]1 Feb 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Emily has had a son called James Edward.
1010 [London]14 Feb 1817-The same to the same.Emily’s son is very well.Mrs Middleton is still in a strait jacket.
1011 London21 Feb 1817-The same to the same.Robert Clifford has died.
1012 Paris1 March 1817-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes her daughter Charlotte’s first balls, where she has overcome her shyness at dancing.
1013 Sidmouth6 Feb 1817-Charlotte Langdale to Charlotte, at Ghent.About her marriage.
1014 London7 March 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes an attack of gout.
1015 Liverpool11 March 1817-A Waterton to Charlotte, at Ghent.About the marriage of her daughter, Isabella.
1016 [London]12 March 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Her neighbour, Lady Uxbridge, has died.Fanny is weaning her baby.
1017 Brussels15 March [1817]-L E Bradford to Charlotte.She is not happy in Brussels.
1018 [London]28 March 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Eliza Petre is to be married.About the mysterious Miss Pichegrue, who has obtained £60 from Lord Liverpool and written a mad letter to Edward.
1019 Passy28 March 1817-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.It is proving difficult to find a Catholic who is prepared to teach schismatical religion.
1020 Ghent31 March 1817-The Baron de Beulwitz to Charlotte, at Ghent.In French.Announcing the Duchess of Saxe Weimar’s delivery of a daughter (Princess Louisa).
1021 Liège2 April 1817-John Searle to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent.Announces the death of Thomas Clifford (not Charlotte’s correspondent).
1022 London4 April 1817-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent.About her daughter Eliza’s approaching marriage to Mr Blount and Fanny’s and the baby’s health.
1023 [London]15 April 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.About Thomas Clifford’s death.
1024 [Brussels]21 April [1817]-L E Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent.
1025 Passy23 April [1817]-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.
1026 [London]25 April 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The Queen has cancelled a drawing room owing to ill health.
1027 London29 April 1817-Eliza Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent.Thanks her for a cup.
1028 [London]2 May 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.About a dinner for the Bishops of Cashel and Dublin.Lady Frances Browne is going to Brighton for her health; she cannot go through with her convent duties.
1029 London13 May 1817-Roger Wilbraham to Charlotte, at Ghent.
1030 London15 May 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Eliza Petre and Mr Blount are married.William’s new wife is gaining ground with her husband.
1031 [Paris]22 May 1817-Madame de Lupée to Charlotte, at Ghent.In French.
1032 London23 May 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Lady Frances Browne has died at Brighton.
1033 [London]26 May 1817-The same to the same.Introduces Mr and Mrs Nugent, who are going to Belgium.
1034 [London]6 June 1817-The same to the same.She has been to a rout at Mrs Fitzherbert’s.Frederick has been ill and has had six weeks leave of absence.
1035 Dover12 June 1817-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes her journey to Dover.
1036 [London]15 June 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Sir George and family have arrived safely in London.Frederick is better.He likes being at sea, but not the naval service.
1037 Stonyhurst26 May 1817-Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent.The Catholic petition has been thrown out and he would be happy to join a rebellion.
1037a Alost15 June 1817-Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.He has been out for a walk and seen two houses burnt down.
1037b Brentwood19 June 1817-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.He proposes to move to Ghent as Brentwood is so expensive.
1038 Paris20 June 1817-J B Fountain to Charlotte, at Ghent.About the Jesuit school at Amiens, which would be suitable for her son.
1039 London1 July 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Sir George and family have returned to Cossey.Discusses an English maid for Madame de Berenger.
1040 [London]2 July 1817-The same to the same.About Madame de Berenger’s maid.A family from Calcutta has moved into no. 5, and the little girl, aged 8, is at the Hammersmith convent.Fanny is possibly pregnant again.
1041 [London]4 July 1817-The same to the same.Lord Clancarty’s son has been paying attentions to Mrs Dillon’s daughter Maria, but his father refuses to allow him to marry a Catholic.
1042 Ghent5 July 1817-The Duc de Saxe-Weimar to Charlotte, at Ghent.Thanking her for the address of a young painter.In French.
1043 Ghent12 July 1817-The Baron Auguste de Beulwitz to Charlotte, at Ghent.A letter of compliment.
1044 London15 July 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Approves her taking her son to Amiens.
1045 London25 July 1817-The same to the same.Frederick has gone back to sea and in two years ought to be made a lieutenant.
1046 [Ghent]28 July [1817]-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Spa.Describes a day’s holiday from her convent.
1047 [London]8 Aug 1817-Madame de Luppé to Charlotte, at Brussels.In French.
1048 Ghent11 Aug 1817-Baron Auguste de Beulwitz to Charlotte, at Spa.
1049 London15 Aug 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.Henry has been staying with her and will probably go to Ostend with William.
1050 London22 Aug 1817-The same to the same.Henry and William’s family have left for Belgium.Edward has saved the lives of two men who were to be hanged at Stafford.
1051 Ghent2 Sept 1817-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.About their safe arrival at Ghent.Mr Wright is ill and has been tapped.He has found some apartments in Ghent.Lucretia is much improved.
1052 London2 Sept 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.Complimenting her on the excellent way her children have turned out.She has been hearing a great deal about St Helena from her friends the Bertrands, who are at Longwood with Napoleon.
1053 Spa8 Sept 1817-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte.Transcribing some of his verses.
1054 Cossey22 Sept 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.Describes her journey to Cossey, via Painswick and Stafford.
1055 [Paris][Sept 1817]-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte.
1056 Ghent1 Oct 1817-Baron Auguste de Beulwitz to Charlotte.He and the Duchess are anxious for her return to Ghent.
1057 Paris4 Oct 1817-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Spa.
1058 London14 Oct 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Charlotte Jerningham has been to her first dance, at Bury.Mrs Dillon is in financial difficulties.Dr Polidori, a friend of Byron, is ill at Cossey after an accident in his gig.
1059 Paris20 Oct 1817-The Comte Alexandre de la Touche (and others) to Charlotte, at Ghent.In French. Informing her ofthe death of Count Arthur
(cont.) Dillon’s widow.
1060 Passy27 Oct 1817-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.In June he proposes to meet his little boy at Calais and take him to Spa.Later he may visit Switzerland.
1061 London28 Oct 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Henry is returning to Stonyhurst.Charlotte Jerningham sprained her ankle at the dance at Bury and, though the belle of the ball, was considered to be overdressed.
1062 Cossey30 Oct 1817-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes Charlotte’s social engagements.
1063 [London]31 Oct 1817-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The Queen and Princesses are going to Bath for 6 weeks.
1064 London-The same to the same.Henry has gone back to Stonyhurst.Everyone is horrified at the death of Princess Charlotte.
1065 [London]21 Nov 1817-The same to the same.The Princess has been buried.Lady Albemarle was so shocked to hear of her death that she had a miscarriage and died.Fanny is to be confined at Thornden and will be attended by Dr Croft.Miss Plowden wants to go to St Helena.
1066 London9 Dec 1817-The same to the same.She has just hung a painting of the Duchess of Cleveland by Sir Peter Lyly, which Edward found.
1067 London16 Dec 1817-The same to the same.Mr Wright is recovering.The Queen and Princess Elizabeth are at Bath, in Sidney Place.
1068 London26 Dec 1817-The same to the same.Fanny has been safely delivered of a boy.
1069 London30 Dec 1817-The same to the same.Fanny is going on well.
1070 Paris31 Dec 1817-Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Congratulates her on Fanny’s son and heir.Describes a romantic match between Lord Robert Fitzgerald’s daughter and an officer who plays the guitar.The King of France is to promote him.
1071 [Paris]9 Jan 1818-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has heard that William’s wife is pregnant.Describes the visiting system in Paris.Catalane is very popular.
1072 London16 Jan 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes her visit to Thornden to see Fanny’s new baby, William Bernard.Mr Wright has died.Edward has gone to Ireland on legal business.
1073 London23 Jan 1818-The same to the same.Gives the details of Mr Wright’s will.Frederick is observing his religious duties at sea, which is probably a safer place for him than a garrison town.
1074 London10 Feb 1818-The same to the same.Gives details of Edward’s legal case in Ireland.Mrs Middleton has been declared legally insane.Princess Elizabeth is to marry the Prince of Hesse Hombourg.
1075 Corby Castle14 Feb 1818-Henry Howard to Charlotte, at Ghent.Congratulates her on Fanny’s son and her general improvement.
1076 London16 Feb 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes Sir Richard Croft’s suicide (the doctor who had attended Princess Charlotte and Fanny).
1077 Paris16 Feb 1818-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent.Asks her if she has read ‘Rob Roy’, which he thinks inferior to other novels of that sort.
1078 London27 Feb 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The lady whom Croft left half-delivered when he shot himself has died.The Duke of Clarence has proposed marriage to an heiress from Oxfordshire.The Prince Regent groaned at the news.
1079 Fitzwalters5 March 1818-Eliza Wright to Charlotte, at Ghent.Thanks her for condoling on her father’s death and outlines her future plans.
1080 [London]20 March 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has been to the South Street Chapel, where she has seen Fanny.The King seems likely to live to 200.
1081 [London]3 April 1818-The same to the same.Charlotte Jerningham is to be presented at Court.Princess Elizabeth is to be married next week.
1082 London9 April 1818-The same to the same.Describes Princess Elizabeth’s wedding.Lord Palmerston has been fired at by a Lieutenant Davis.
1083 Corby Castle9 April 1818-C M Howard to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes the wedding of Princess Elizabeth who, though 48, is said to be really in love.
1084 Stonyhurst11 April 1818-H Beaumont to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.Describes Henry’s conduct at school.He is now once more punctilious in observing his religious duties.
1085 Alost22 April 1818-Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte.Describes his return to school.
1086 Bath30 April 1818-Miss P H Gurney to Charlotte, at Ghent.Introducing the brother and sister of a friend of hers who are moving to Ghent.
1087 London24 April 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes Charlotte Jerningham’s presentation at the Queen’s Drawing Room.She hopes a match may be made, as a result, with Edward Petre.
1088 Paris 30 April 1818-Sir Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.About Hugh Clifford’s marriage to Miss Weld.
1089 London5 May 1818-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte.Describes her daughter’s presentation and the importance of her being known as, with so few Catholics about, it may be difficult for her to find a husband.
1090 [London]5 May 1818-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She sends her some music she had asked for.Her little daughter Clementina is growingvery prettyandhas herhair curledat night.A medalof Princess
(cont.) Charlotte has been struck.
1091 [London][May 1818]-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.Fragment only, first page missing.
1092 London22 May 1818-The same to the same, at Ghent.Refers to her forthcoming journey to Ghent and to the Queen’s illness, which is ascribed to her never wearing stays.She has been visited by General Gourgo, one of the aides-de-camp at Waterloo.Charlotte Jerningham is reckoned to be handsome, though she thinks Fanny Petre more so.
1093 Bad Ems12 May 1818-Baron Auguste de Beulwitz to Charlotte.News of himself and the Duchess.
1094 Bad Ems-The same to the same.He and the Duchess are shortly going to Meiningen and Weimar.
1095 London25 May 1818-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent.
1096 Stonyhurst5 June 1818-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.Apologises for causing concern by his conduct, which he will explain when he sees her.
1097 London5 June 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Frederick is to attend her on her journey to Calais.
1098 London8 June 1818-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent.He has been suffering from depressed spirits, which have prevented him from calling on Lady Jerningham.
1099 [London]9 June [1818]-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She regrets that William’s wife has had a dangerous delivery.She sets out for Calais next week.
1100 Meiningen10 June 1818-Baron Auguste de Beulwitz to Charlotte.The Duchess is anxious to see her again.
1101 [London]15 June [1818]-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte.Thanks her for some presents.
1102 Danesfield26 June 1818-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent.Discusses ‘Rob Roy’ and looks forward to Scott’s next 4 novels.
1103 Sandgate10 July 1818-H Darell to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes his journey home from Belgium.With a note from his wife.
1104 Alost13 [July] 1818-Charles Bedingfeld to Sir Richard Bedingfeld.He has a better report this time and promises to behave well when he comes home.He has a new pair of pantaloons.
1105 Narburgh15 July 1818-William Allen to Charlotte, at Ghent.He hopes to join them at Spa.Congratulates her on the way she has educated her children.He does not like ‘Rob Roy’ as much as ‘Guy Mannering’.He has also read ‘Lalla Rook’.
1106 Paris8 July 1818-Sir Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.He has performed several commissions for her in London and has arranged for Henry to go as a boarder to a house in Paris where he will study law.
1107 Amiens14 Aug [1818]-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Spa.Describes the routine of her new convent school.Two girls have died of a putrid fever.The nuns are very kind but she does not like the girls so well.
1108 [Amiens]23 Aug [1818]-The same to the same.She has a small crack in her guitar and is upset about it.Lady Charlotte Gould has been very kind to her.
1109 Ostend28 Aug 1818-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.He regrets to hear his mother has gout.His wife is recovering.
1110 London21 Aug 1818-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Spa.
1111 Ghent25 Aug 1818-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Spa.Describes school and some fireworks.
1112 [Ghent]8 Sept 1818-The same to the same.Mrs Parke has been ill and has been bled several times.
1113 Cossey16 Sept 1818-John Bedingfeld to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent.
1114 CosseySept 1818-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte.Henry Bedingfeld is staying with them and is a very fine young man.Charlotte has fallen off a horse which bolted and Charles fell from a swing at Oscott.
1115 [Amiens]24 Sept 1818-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has been in the infirmary with a sore throat.She finds arithmetic very hard and the nuns are not good at explaining.
1116 [Amiens]4 Oct 1818-The same to the same.She has been made the organist.Charlotte Gould is to be sub-organist.The nuns have bought her new shifts, towels and handkerchiefs.
1117 Ghent12 Oct 1818-Baron Auguste de Beulwitz to Charlotte.Gives her notice of a military display.
1118 Amiens10 Oct 1818-Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.He is sorry for being so naughty that he has had to be sent away from Alost to Amiens.With a note in French from M Loriquer, remarking on Edward’s petulance and vivacity and the difficulty of controlling him.
1119 Paris18 Oct 1818-Sir Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.He will do all he can to help Henry in Paris and his brother Arthur, who lodges in the same street, will help him decide which lectures to attend.
1120 Amiens18 Oct 1818-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has to learn a great deal by heart in a short time.She is not allowed to sing Italian, to her disappointment.
1121 Melle20 Oct 1818-Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte.He likes his new school and is working very hard at syntax, but he gets badly bitten by fleas at night.
1122 Calais30 Oct 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte.She writes while waiting for the boat to Dover.She has been to see the nuns at Gravelines.
1123 Canterbury 31 Oct1818-Thesame tothesame.Shehashada good
(cont.) crossing though there was a child crying all day.
1124 Amiens1 Nov 1818-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.She is sorry to hear she has been ill.A little French girl has come to the school and her mother is to live there with her.Winter is coming on and a stove has been put in the classroom.
1125 Paris3 Nov 1818-Sir Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Discusses a possible tutor for Henry who is at present teaching Italian, a Signor Cattoli who was adopted by the Duke of Campolenzi.
1126 London6 Nov 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She dislikes the change from Ghent to London.
1127 London13 Nov 1818-The same to the same.She has seen Fanny, who is in bounding health and may be pregnant again.
1128 [Amiens]15 Nov 1818-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.She hopes to come home in December.The boys’ school is to move to Lille, Abbeville or St Omer.
1129 London20 Nov 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes the Queen’s death.
1130 Cossey29 Nov 1818-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The Petres have been to see them.
1131 London4 Dec 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The Queen has been buried at Windsor.She is glad to hear Matilda has taken to singing.
1132 London11 Dec 1818-The same to the same.Mr and Mrs Arthur Clifford have made one of the young men at the pension where Henry was to board discontented with the rules of the house.
1133 Cambridge29 Dec 1818-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent.About his visit to Paris.
1134 [Cossey][22 Dec 1818]-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Fanny and Lord Petre have been staying at Cossey.Fanny misses her mother badly.Lord Petre is very amiable and fits well into the family circle.She also greatly approves of Henry Bedingfeld.
1135 London29 Dec 1818-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has got an Abbé to say prayers.Although invited to Thornden for Christmas she is not going for fear of having gout.
1136 London12 Jan 1819-The same to the same.Lady Jane Paget has married the Marquis of Blandford.Charlotte Jerningham ought to follow but there is a dearth of Catholic husbands.Describes a family which has been converted.
1137 Paris17 Jan 1819-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Asks whether Henry has yet gone to Rouen with his tutor.Describes a family party at Ugbrooke.Comments on her nieces Mary and Isabella.
1138 London26 Jan 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Lady Newburgh’s little gypsey girl wants to be a nun, against Lady Newburgh’s wishes.One of the Spencer girls has had a son; the father says he will marry her if convinced the child is his.The Catholics are plotting for another petition.Lord Nugent is to be their champion in the Commons.Edmund and Arthur (William’s sons) are doing well at Stonyhurst.The Prince Regent’s popularity has increased since he behaved so well to his mother.
1139 Rouen23 Jan 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte at Oxburgh (before her arrival).Describes the intense cold at Rouen.He is doing a lot of drawing.
1140 London4 Feb 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Edward has put a suit of armour upstairs, which he purchased for Stafford.
1141 London16 Feb 1819-The same to the same.About the Stafford peerage.The Archbishop of Jerusalem has been to see her.He is searching for type to print the Syrian Bible as they have nothing but manuscripts.It is feared that Eliza Wright is going to marry a son of Dr Blount, thirteen years her junior and with no money.
1142 Liverpool20 Feb 1819-Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.Written on behalf of her niece Isabella, who is very ill and probably dying.Describes the death of her sisiter.
1143 [Amiens]24 Jan 1819-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.Charlotte Goold’s father has been to see her and she has bought some wooden shoes, but Charlotte doubts whether she will be allowed to wear them.She gives a list of her expenses for December and January.She has a chilblain and a ring has had to be cut off.
1144 London23 Feb 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Edward is in Dublin.Frederick has been to Calcutta.Little Edward Bedingfeld would probably make a very good seaman.
1145 CosseyAsh Wednesday 1819-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.He has been staying with his mother.
1146 [Amiens]2 Feb 1819-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.Her father and Henry have been to see her and Edward on their way to Rouen and she now misses them badly.
1147 London11 Feb 1819-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent.He has been very unwell.
1148 London21 Feb 1819-The same to the same.
1149 [London]5 March 1819-The same to the same.
1150 Rouen7-9 March 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.He has been out to dinner several times and has begun to learn dancing with a very affected dancing master.
1151 [Amiens]11 March 1819-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.Edward has had jaundice.She wants her to send the little Roman history with prints which she has at home and also a Holy Week book.
1152 London9 March 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She has been to a breakfast in Argyle Street with the Archbishop of Jerusalem.
1153 London12 March 1819-The same to the same.The Petres have arrived in Portman Square.
1154 [Ostend][March 1819]-Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.He expects a very rough passage to Dover.
1155 Dover[March 1819]-The same to the same.It has taken him 24 hours to reach Dover.Everyone was sick except him.
1156 London1 April 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The Countess of Lucan has died, formerly the wife of the Duke of Norfolk.
1157 London9 April 1819-The same to the same.She advises cupping for headaches.
1158 Cossey19 April 1819-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.She looks forward to seeing her and is trimming the flower-beds for her.It seems a pity to go to London for the season when the country is so attractive.Matilda and Agnes are no doubt getting ready to meet the four or five Catholic beaux available.It is a wretched business to part with children but one cannot wish them to remain spinsters.
1159 Melle6 March 1819-Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte.He is first in his class and wears a green ribbon in his button-hole.He needs more money because they have to buy spades and rakes for their gardens.
1160 Paris12 April 1819-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Lord Dormer has died.
1161 Rouen9 April 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.He is having trouble with his eyes and has spent most of the week in church.
1162 Melle6 April 1819-M Deschamps to Charlotte.A report on Charles’s work and the grades achieved.
1163 Paris14 April 1819-Sir Thomas Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.About Lord Dormer’s death.
1164 London23 April 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Little Edward has gone to Sedgley Park, determined to work hard before entering the navy.
1165 Rouen26 April 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.The countryside is beautiful and he enjoys going to the top of a favourite rock to look at the Seine.He finds spoken French difficult.He has met some people carrying the body of a young man killed by his brother.
1166 Amiens29 April 1819-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.She was very homesick when she returned to the convent but now feels more cheerful.She has very little time to do the satin work embroidery her mother gave her.There is no-one to teach her how to make artificial flowers.The Persian ambassador recently passed through Rouen and her Italian mistress says he and his suite cut very curious figures.
1167 [London]27 April 1819-Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte.Her daughter Eliza Blount’s baby is gaining strength.They all look forward to seeing her.
1168 Ghent11 May 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London.The bonbons she sent him were excellent and did not taste of sea-water.Tells her what he has been reading.A lilac tree has come out in his garden, and there is a strange cat which often tries to get into the house.He is drawing a set of pictures for Henry.
1169 Ghent15 May 1819-The same to the same.He has been out with Uncle William and his aunt has been to Bruges and brought him back a book called ‘Le nouvel écolier vertueux’ by H Lemaire.
1170 Rouen30 May 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London.A new student, Mr Riddell, has arrived, with a dreadful cough.He improves in drawing.
1171 St Amand8 July 1819-William Jerningham to Charlotte, in London.Discusses Louisa’s education, which is to be paid for by Thomas Wright.Hopes Agnes will soon be happily married.
1172 Bath11 June 1819-S M Holroyd to Charlotte, in London.
1173 Ghent22 June 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London.A little boy has been drowned.Describes the behaviour of their two dogs, Bounce and Cadet.
1174 Ghent25 June 1819-Baron Auguste de Beulwitz to Charlotte.The Duchess has had a son.
1175 Rouen26 June [1819]-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London.Apologises for upsetting his Uncle Edward unwittingly.He has bought a book printed in 1662.
1176 [London]9 July 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Regrets that Agnes is not to be married to the man to whom she was attached.She is reading Evelyn’s journals.
1177 Shifnal9 July 1819-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.They have visited Edward at Sedgley Park, where he has good reports.Agnes is probably well out of her match.
1178 Kensington Palace10 July 1819-The Duke of Kent to [John] Bedingfeld, expressing appreciation of a service done the King but declaring himself unable to recompense him further. [Copy]
1179 Ghent5 July 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.A tailor has been murdered.Cadet has been attacked by another dog.He would like to have a holiday on his birthday.
1180 [London]12 July 1819-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte.Condoles with her on Agnes’s disappointment.Recommends Crabbe’s ‘Tales of the hall’.
1181 ThorndonJuly 1819-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Describes the company at Thorndon.She has read ‘The bride of Lammermoor’ which she thinks a ‘most shocking extraordinary tale’.
1182 Thorndon13 July 1819-The same to the same.She has been watching the destruction of some wasps’ nests and has been to a ball at Chelmsford.With a note at the end from Fanny, Lady Petre, saying Matilda may stay until they leave Thorndon.
1183 London19 July 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Lord Glenbervie’s son is to be married.Lord Belfast’s mother has been discovered to be illegitimate and her marriage to his father is null because it was performed by special licence.As a result the children lose their birthright.
1184 Rouen24 July 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.He has sacked his dancing master and engaged a taller one.There has been a charabanc accident nearby, killing four passengers.He supposes Agnes’s suitor was Mr Nelville.
1185 Ghent24 July 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.He has been to St Godilive’s Church in the Beguinage.
1186 Thorndon5 Aug 1819-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.They have been to a fair and seen a performance of ‘Don Juan’.Fanny has been doing a miniature but the ivory has cracked.Little Mary Petre is learning to read.
1187 [Ghent]3 Aug 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.He has been to a serenade.The Prince of Orange is coming to lay the foundation stone of the University.
1188 London9 Aug 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.William has accepted Thomas Wright’s offer to pay for Louisa’s education, but she will stay at the Ghent convent for a while to perfect her French.
1189 Whitemead, Forest of Dean11 Aug 1819-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte.He has retired to his estate and is proud of his forests.
1190 London13 Aug 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.She proposes to call for Matilda, and bring her to Oxburgh on her way to Cossey.
1191 Ghent16 Aug 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.He has learnt some new steps with his dancing master.Describes how he spent his birthday.
1192 Cossey17 Aug [1819]-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Describes how Charlotte and Agnes are spending their time.
1193 Cossey20 Aug 1819 [Should probably be 30 Aug]-The same to the same.She regrets that Charlotte has to go to Cheltenham for her health but will be glad to have Matilda and Agnes to stay.They have visited at Holkham, where Charlotte and Agnes bore the ordeal well.Gives a description of the Duke of Sussex.
1194 [London]20 Aug 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.The Jerninghams have an invitation to meet the Duke of Sussex on Monday at Holkham.
1195 Holkham25 Aug [1819]-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Describes their visit, and a visit to Cossey by the Duke.
1196 [Cossey]31 Aug [1819]-Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Describes her visit to Holkham.
1197 Cossey1 Sept 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.She has arrived at Cossey with Matilda, who has joined Agnes in the chintz room.
1198 Cossey3 Sept 1819-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.She and Charlotte are learning to paint miniatures from the French governess.They have a great deal of music in the evenings.Charles has arrived and is very popular.
1199 Cossey8 Sept 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cheltenham.The French governess is teaching Charlotte and Matilda to make paper look like ivory.
1200 Cossey12 Sept 1819-The same to the same.Frederick has arrived in the ‘Phaeton’ and is on his way to Cossey.She has mentioned to him their wish that little Edward should be a midshipman.
1201 Cossey14 Sept 1819-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cheltenham.Describes her miniature painting; they have to rub the paper on copper with a brass castor and this makes it smooth like ivory.She has been country visiting with Lady Jerningham.
1202 Cossey14 Sept 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cheltenham.Frederick is home; he has visited St Helena.It is hoped that little Edward may go to Captain Dillon’s ship.
1203 Rouen20 Sept 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.He is to buy a horse, but will not be too extravagant.He has taken up dancing again.Describes some of the old buildings of Rouen.
1204 Ghent14 Sept 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cheltenham.He has been to see a crucifix outside Ghent.The coals have been delivered.Jeanette’s sister has a shop, which has been burgled.
1205 Cossey22 Sept 1819-Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.She and Lady Jerningham have called on Mrs Custance at Weston.They have seen Young in ‘The Revenge’ and the farce ‘The day after the wedding’.
1206 [Ghent]24 Sept 1819-Elizabeth Parke to Charlotte, at Bath.She is working hard at upholstering, refurbishing the beds etc and would like her half-year’s wages.
1207 Cossey26 Sept 1819-Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Bath.He congratulates her on getting Edward on Captain Dillon’s ship.
1208 [Ghent][Sept 1819]-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Bath.Describes a murder of a father by his two sons.
1209 Ghent28 Sept 1819-The same to the same.He has been to see a fencing match.There has been a fire in a glue factory.
1210 Cossey1Oct1819-LadyJerninghamtoCharlotte,atBath.Fannyis
(cont.) coming for Bury Fair and it is hoped to take Matilda and Agnes as well.
1211 [London][Oct 1819]-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Thanking her for a French dialogue she sent him.
1212 7 Oct 1819-S M Holroyd to Charlotte.She has seen Charles and very much approves of him.
1213 Rouen7 Oct 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Oxburgh.He is busy choosing a horse.He is having trouble with the other student,Mr Riddell, who is very stupid.
1214 London27 Oct 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Lord Glenbervie’s only son has died.
1215 Amiens31 Oct 1819-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Cossey.She has been building a little hermitage in the garden.She is now in the first class.
1216 London1 Nov 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Little Edward is received in the ‘Phaeton’ by Captain Montague and sets off for Portsmouth on Thursday.
1217 Ghent2 Nov 1819-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte.The dog, Cadet, has had a piece cut off his tail.
1218 [London]3 Nov 1819-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.She has persuaded little Edward Bedingfeld to go to confession and to take more interest in his religious duties.
1219 London5 Nov 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Little Edward has fallen down some steps but will be well enough to go to Portsmough.
1220 London8 Nov 1819-The same to the same.Little Edward has gone to Portsmouth.Frederick is unsettled and studying for the Lieutenancy examination, though he may have to go on being a Midshipman till a vacancy occurs.
1221 London18 Nov 1819-The same to the same.Little Edward is settled on board the ‘Phaeton’.Edward Jerningham has picked up a painting of Charles I’s eldest daughter.The Abbé de la Rue will keep an eye on little Edward at Portsmouth.
1222 [London]23 Nov 1819-The same to the same.Sir Richard has arrived in town.She hopes little Edward will not go too much on shore.
1223 Oxburgh23 Nov 1819-H M Sewell to Charlotte.
1224 London30 Nov 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.She will be grateful for the loan of Lady Litchfield’s portrait.Miss Betham’s father has tried to have her confined in a private mad house.Mrs Middleton is still very ill also.
1225 London2 Dec 1819-The same to the same.Frederick has passed his examination.Miss Betham is playing at hide-and-seek with her father.It would be better for her to be in a lodging with an attendant, where she could defray her expenses by painting or writing novels.
1226 RouenDec 1819-Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Fanny has asked him to be godfather to her next child.
1227 London18 Dec 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Cossey.There has been a fête at which the Prince was hissed and Lady Hertford nearly knocked out of her chair.
1228 [London]14 Dec 1819-The same to the same.Mr Weld is to become a missionary priest.
1229 Tixall26 Dec 1819-Sir Thomas Clifford to Charlotte.A young man named Smythe has been made a Lieutenant and £250 is needed for his equipment.
1230 London29 Dec 1819-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.John Cary is ill with the cold weather.George Smythe is on his way to Turin to join the Sardinian service.
1231 London31 Dec 1819-The same to the same.Advises her not to eat fish, as it disagrees with her.John Cary is better.Wants her to come to London and send her daughters to Thorndon.
1232 Cossey1 Jan 1820-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Gives a copy of a letter from Edward about John Cary’s serious illness, but he is now much better.
1233 Cossey1 Jan 1820-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.About John Cary.
1234 Ghent1 Jan 1820-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.It is so cold that sixteen people have frozen to death.Describes the treats he had on St Felix’s Day.
1235 Paris17 Jan 1820-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Thanks her for all her kindness in his affliction.
1236 Thorndon21 Jan 1820-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.She is copying a miniature which Fanny found.Little Mary knows all the capital towns in Europe and several pages of her catechism.A note at the end from Fanny says she thinks her pregnancy will be over any day.
1237 London24 Jan 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Fanny has had another son.Little Edward at Portsmouth has sprained a finger.The Duke of Kent is dead.
1238 Cossey26 Jan 1820-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.About the Duke of Kent’s death and Lady Petre’s new baby.
1239 Paris26 Jan 1820-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte.Quotes some of his verses.Mrs Holroyd is dead.
1240 Thorndon[26 Jan 1820]-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.About the new baby.Describes the day of his birth.
1241 [Thorndon]28 Jan [1820]-Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Fanny is going onwell.Her elder son is frightenedto goand see her in her (cont.) bedroom as the bed is so high.
1242 ThorndonJan 1820-Matilda Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.About Fanny and the baby.
1243 Ghent1 Feb 1820-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte. Mrs Parke has been ill with ear-ache.Some of the quays have flooded.
1244 London5 Feb 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Oxburgh.Remarks on the King’s peaceful death.The Duchess of Kent is in deep affliction.John Cary is recovering.
1245 [Ghent][Feb 1820]-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte.His mourning for the King is ordered.He has played a duet and been praised by his Uncle William.
1246 London20 Feb 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Thorndon.The Bedingfelds’ house in London will soon be ready.The Duchess of Clarence visits the Duchess of Kent every day.
1247 [Ghent][Feb 1820]-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte.His mourning is finished and very neatly made.He looks forward to her return home.
1248 [Amiens]4 March 1820-Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent.Mrs Moore (William Jerningham’s mother-in-law) has been to visit her.
1249 [London]24 March 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.John Cary has died.
1250 Weston27 March 1820-Lady Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent.
1251 Cossey3 April 1820-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.About the death of her brother-in-law, John Cary.
1252 [London]4 April 1820-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The children have all been ill.
1253 London7 April 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.They have had a thief who took sixteen silver spoons, but he has been caught.
1253a Tixall9 April1820-Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent.Describes the death, in a carriage accident, of Mrs Courtenay Blount.
1254 Melle17 April 1820-Charles Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent.He is getting over his homesickness.He has a little garden and wants some seeds for it.
1254a [London]20 April 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.Their thief has been convicted but they hope the death sentence will be commuted to transportation.
1255 London28 April 1820-The same to the same.Sir George is having trouble with his ankle.
1256 London23 May 1820-The same to the same.The children at Thornden have recovered from scarlet fever.Charlotte has no suitor yet; there has been some talk of Thomas Molineux Seele but there are objections to him.Frederick has failed his examination, having done only three out of five questions.
1257 London13 June 1820-The same to the same.(Incomplete)
1258 London9 June 1820-The same to the same.She thinks the country is nearer disaster than since the days of Charles I.With a postscript from Edward about foreign Catholics marrying abroad.
1259 London20 June 1820-Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent.He is very depressed but values her friendship.
1260 On board the ‘Phaeton’ off Halifax19 June 1820-Edward Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent.Describes his voyage to Halifax, and the Indians.
1261 [London]23 June 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.The Duchess of Saxe-Weimar has arrived.The Queen is in London, where she has a continual mob around the door.
1262 London30 June 1820-The same to the same.Describes a Catholic wedding, followed by a Lutheran ceremony.A young painter ordered to do a portrait of Queen Caroline found her sitting on the floor, without shoes or stockings, eating a potato.
1263 [London]4 July 1820-Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.About the Stafford peerage and dances.
1264 London7 July 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.A niece of Emily’s has died ten days after childbirth, aged 20.Queen Caroline, who is in their old house, 22 Portman Square, is causing trouble by her continuing residence there.
1265 London10 July 1820-Emily Jerningham to Charlotte.About her niece’s death which was, regrettably, not supported by Catholic rites.
1266 London[July 1820]-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.(Incomplete)
1267 [Ghent?]2 Aug 1820-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte.He likes his school.His bedclothes fall off every night.He has been for a country walk and bought milk and bread and butter from a farm.
1268 Ghent5 Aug 1820-William Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.He has been to an exhibition.Mrs Parke has gone to England.Felix is well.
1269 London9 Aug 1820-Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa.Advises her on her diet.Emily and her children have gone by steam-boat to Margate.The Duchess of York is dead and greatly regretted.Mrs Parke has gone to Cossey and says that Matilda sings as well as Catalani.
1270 London18 Aug 1820-The same to the same.The Queen’s trial has begun.Frederick has finally passed his examination.
1271 [Ghent]18 Aug 1820-Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Spa.He has been to an exhibition of pictures, which included one of Charlotte.He hopes to win a prize in Latin.
1272 Chelsea21 Aug 1820-Lady A M Dundonald to Charlotte, at Spa.Describes her baby daughter, Dorothea.The father (aged 73) is devoted to her and has taken on a new lease of life.
1273 Ghent29 Aug 1820-M Maguaire to Charlotte, at Spa.He is putting Felix (cont.) on the coach for Brussels tomorrow; his progress at school has been excellent.
1274 [London] [Sept 1820] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa. William is coming over to see about his house at Brentwood. The Petres are at Malvern. (Incomplete)
1275 Cossey 19 Sept 1820 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Spa. Congratulates her on the probable marriage of Matilda to Stanley Cary. William has arrived but looks very thin and aged.
1276 Calais Sept 1820 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is travelling to Dover with Stanley Cary, who is anxious to marry Matilda in November so that he can return to his father, who is very old.
1277 [Follaton?] [23 Sept 1820] - Stanley Cary to Matilda Bedingfeld, at Ghent. A love letter, with illustrations.
1278 Dunkirk 26 Sept 1820 - Mrs Anne Jerningham (William’s wife) to Charlotte, at Ghent. About William’s illness.
1279 On board the ‘Phaeton’, at Halifax 2 Oct 1820 - Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes Halifax, the Indians and a duel between Captain Spencer and the First Lieutenant.
1280 Oxburgh 5 Oct 1820 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Dunkirk. He is shocked to hear of William’s illness, though hopes he may recover.
1281 Cossey 6 Oct 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Written after William’s death.
1282 Cossey 9 Oct 1820 - The same to the same. Mourning for William.
1283 Weimar 9 Oct 1820 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is pleased to hear of Matilda’s approaching marriage. Charles, who is with him in Weimar, is working hard.
1284 Follaton 11 Oct 1820 - Stanley Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence on William’s death.
1285 Cossey 12 Oct 1820 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About William’s funeral arrangements.
1286 [Weimar?] 13 Oct 1820 - Baron de Beulwitz to Charlotte, at Ghent.
1287 Cossey 15 Oct 1820 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Lady Jerningham is bearing up pretty well. Arrangements are in hand to bury William at Cossey.
1288 Oxburgh 16 Oct 1820 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is concerned that she has received no letters from him. Fanny and Lord Petre have been to Thetford.
1289 Oxburgh 17 Oct 1820 - The same to the same. About the funeral. He is undecided about what to let at Oxburgh.
1290 Dunkirk 18 Oct 1820 - Captain Ussher to Edward Jerningham, at Ghent. The ship carrying William’s body has just left for England.
1291 Cossey 19 Oct 1820 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte. He thinks William’s fall downstairs, shortly before his death, was a warning, as a result of which he corrected his faults before his death.
1292 [Hull] 20 Oct 1820 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of congratulation on Matilda’s engagement and condolence on William’s death. She and her family spent the summer in a very pleasant country house by the sea.
1293 London 20 Oct 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is sure that William’s fall was the occasion of his fatal illness. She asks for Charlotte’s advice about the children. Frederick is to be a midshipman on board the ‘Ramillies’. There is a new priest at Cossey called Husenbeth, aged 25. Bishop Milner had proposed him and he is very popular.
1294 Cossey 23 Oct 1820 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. William’s burial in the family vault is to be at 8 in the evening. He still thinks of letting Oxburgh.
1295 Cossey 23 Oct 1820 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. William’s remains have arrived at Cossey. Gives details of the funeral.
1296 Catton 24 Oct 1820 - John Darell to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes William’s funeral in the chapel at Cossey.
1297 Lille 26 Oct 1820 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes his visit to Lucretia at Bruges.
1298 Cossey 26 Oct 1820 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte at Ghent. About the funeral.
1299 Hockerite [?] 27 Oct 1820 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the funeral.
1300 [Follaton] 28 Oct 1820 - Mrs B Mary Cary to Charlotte. Condoling on the death of William and expressing her pleasure at the forthcoming marriage of her stepson, Stanley, to Matilda.
1301 Weimar 28 Oct 1820 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is shocked to hear of William’s death.
1302 Dudmaston 24 Oct 1820 - L E Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent. Condoling on William’s death.
1303 Cossey 24 Oct 1820 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describing the funeral.
1304 London 24 Oct 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the funeral. Frederick is on the list for a Lieutenancy but there are many men before him.
1305 London 31 Oct 1820 - The same to the same. Stanley Cary has been to dinner and she thinks he will be a pleasant acquisition to the family.
1306 [London] 3 Nov 1820 - The same to the same. Wonders about a wedding present for Matilda. Edward has found another painting, of James II and his family. She would like Charlotte to do a picture of William for her.
1307 Cossey 9 Nov 1820 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. (cont.) Recalls the last time William was at Cossey.
1308 Weimar 11 Nov 1820 - Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. Describes life at the court in Weimar.
1309 London 10 Nov 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She wants to give Matilda a pelisse. The Queen’s divorce is agreed upon.
1310 London 11 Nov 1820 - Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the Queen’s business.
1311 Cossey 13 Nov 1820 - Sir George Jerningham to Sir Richard, at Ghent. About William.
1312 Wereham 16 Nov 1820 - H M Sewell to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes a visit to Oxburgh.
1313 London 19 Nov 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She proposes giving Matilda a silk gown instead of a pelisse. The wedding can take place before Advent. Miss Wright is looking for a lodging in London.
1314 Tunbridge Wells 17 Nov 1820 - Sophia Wodehouse to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the society of Tunbridge Wells.
1315 London 28 Nov 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. With an addition by Edward Jerningham. About the future of William’s youngest son, who is unlikely to stay with the widow.
1316 Ghent 1 Dec 1820 - John Thomas Newbolt to Charlotte. Congratulating her on Matilda’s marriage.
1317 Antwerp Dec 1820 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes their wedding journey to Antwerp and Mechlin.
1318 Bailleul [Dec 1820] - The same to the same. Continuing an account of the wedding journey.
1319 London 5 Dec 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Matilda’s wedding and the future of William’s son Frederick, whom his stepmother wishes to send to Stonyhurst but would be better at a Catholic nursery school.
1320 Brittwell 7 Dec 1820 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. Congratulates her on Matilda’s marriage.
1321 Cossey 11 Dec 1820 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Matilda’s marriage and social events at home.
1322 London 12 Dec 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Gives a sketch of the Cary family history. The Duchess of Clarence has had a daughter.
1323 Hull 12 Dec 1820 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Matilda’s marriage.
1324 Calais 12 Dec 1820 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes Bailleul and St Omer.
1325 Dover 13 Dec 1820 - The same to the same. Describes a rough passage to Dover.
1326 Cossey 14 Dec 1820 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Sir Thomas Brown is dead. Frederick Jerningham will probably go to Hammersmith in the spring.
1327 Weimar 16 [Dec] 1820 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the society at Weimar. Charles would do better to go to Vienna.
1328 Weimar 19 Dec 1820 - Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard. Asks him to send some eye-powder for a friend of his.
1329 [London] 22 Dec 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. The Carys have arrived in London and have been to see her.
1330 [London] [Dec 1820] - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Asks her to send over some more candlesticks to be silvered.
1331 London 19 Dec 1820 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has ordered a piano from Broadwood’s. Describes their stay in London.
1332 Follaton 26 Dec 1820 - The same to the same. Describes their journey to Follaton and her warm welcome from her parents-in-law.
1333 London 27 Dec 1820 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Emily has been very ill but is improving. Charlotte Jerningham returned to Cossey exhausted after the London season but needs constant stimulation. Edward has put their names down at Clarence House.
1334 Follaton 2 Jan 1821 - Matilda Cary to Sir Richard, at Ghent. Describes Follaton, where they will stay a few more weeks before moving to Torquay. Also describes her father-in-law, who is 87.
1335 Follaton 3 Jan 1821 - Stanley Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the wedding journey and his delight in Matilda.
1336 London 9 Jan 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Eliza Wright is married to her young fiancé, who is 22 while she is 35.
1337 Weimar 10 Jan 1821 - Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is enjoying Weimar but will be glad to enter the Austrian service in a few months.
1338 Follaton 10 Jan 1821 - Matilda Cary to Agnes Bedingfeld, at Ghent. Describes the house at Follaton.
1339 London 14 Jan 1821 - Eliza Blount (née Wright) to Charlotte, at Ghent. She justifies her marriage on the grounds of the little happiness she has had during the last three years.
1340 Torquay 20 Jan 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the removal to their new house in Torquay and the people who have visited her.
1341 [Ugbrook] 15 Jan 1821 - L M Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. She hopes soon to see the Carys, having been prevented before by snow.
1342 London 23 Jan 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is having trouble with her hand.
1343 Weimar 29 Jan 1821 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is
(cont.) sending them some tea. He asks her to send him his small edition of Shakespeare, which he wants to give to a friend who speaks English. He thinks of going to Dresden when the art gallery is open.
1344 [London] 30 Jan 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has gout in her left hand. William’s widow is leaving Ghent on 5 February and going to Bath.
1345 London 6 Feb 1821 - The same to the same. The Blounts have been to see her and appear happily married.
1346 Follaton 7 Feb 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have visited the Cliffords at Tor Abbey and have made many acquaintances in Torquay.
1347 Weimar 16 Feb 1821 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the recent balls in Weimar. He has a part in a play.
1348 Bruges 25 Feb 1821 - F H Jerningham (a nun) to Charlotte, at Ghent. Louisa and Lucretia Jerningham are both well and happy in the convent.
1349 London 27 Feb 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. William’s widow has arrived with two of the children, Gertrude and Frederick.
1350 Bath 2 March 1821 - James Ambrose to Charlotte, at Ghent. About a commission for Charles.
1351 [Bruges] [March 1821] - Louisa Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has had a bad cold and is anxious for a letter.
1352 [Follaton] 12 March 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have returned to Follaton because old Mr Cary is ill.
1353 London 17 March 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is suffering again from gout.
1354 [London] 24 March 1821 - Emily Jerningham to Charlotte. About Lady Jernignham’s gout. Her old friend the Abbé Carron is dead.
1355 [London] 24 March 1821 - Charles Edward Jerningham to Charlotte. About his grandmother’s gout.
1356 [London] 24 March 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is still unwell.
1357 [London] 30 March 1821 - The same to the same. The Austrian service might be preferable for Charles.
1358 [London] 6 April 1821 - The same to the same. Henry Jerningham has been ill at Oscott.
1359 Birmingham 12 April 1821 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Congratulates her on having placed Charles in the Austrian service. He and Lady Frances have come to see Henry.
1360 Oscott College 18 April 1821 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Gives an account of Henry’s illness.
1361 London 20 April 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Henry is better. Lord Lansdowne has made an admirable speech on behalf of the Catholics.
1362 Weston 26 April 1821 - Lady Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent. Lord Bradford is having terrible headaches.
1363 Torquay 29 April 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have been visiting an attractive garden at Babacombe. She is well, apart from sickness after breakfast and dinner (owing to pregnancy).
1364 London 1 May 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Henry has been taken to Cossey. Lord Ashburton has been defending the Catholics. There is a rumour that Mr Neville, who, it was hoped, might have married Agnes, is to marry Lord Lucan’s daughter.
1365 Cossey 3 May 1821 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Henry’s health. Describes the studies at Oscott as Charlotte thinks of placing Felix there.
1366 London 11 May 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Henry, and William’s two children, Gertrude and Frederick.
1367 [London] 11 May 1821 - Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Her son Charles already has a watch so Charlotte’s kind offer of one is declined.
1368 Torquay 13 May 1821 - Matilda Cary to Felix Bedingfeld, at Ghent. Describes how she and Stanley spend their days at Torquay.
1369 Aix 16 May 1821 - Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He has arrived safely but feels rather dismal.
1370 Cossey 17 May 1821 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Henry is going on well. Laura has had scarlatina.
1371 London 18 May 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. William’s widow has gone to Bath. Edward has brought from Ditchley some letters from the first Mrs Dillon to her husband.
1372 Tixall 29 May 1821 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. It will be better for Agnes not to marry anyone as thoughtless as Mr Nevill. With a note from Thomas Constable, endorsing this view. Mr Nevill is now to marry a Protestant.
1373 London 29 May 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She regrets that little Charlotte wants to be a nun and hopes she may change her mind. Miss Betham is to give a series of public Shakespeare readings. Miss Howell has been dismissed from the Female Orphanage at Dublin because she is a Catholic.
1374 Scharding 30 May 1821 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is
accompanying Charles to his regiment but is held up by his passport not being in order. Describes his visit to Wurzburg and Ratisbonne.
1375 [Follaton] 3 June 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They are about to start on their summer tour, leaving 3 servants on board wages to look after their house. Continued on 8 June, describing their arrival in London.
1376 Amstellen 5 June 1821 - Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte. They are being considerably delayed on their way to Vienna.
1377 [London] 19 June 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the social round in London. She visits Lady Jerningham every day.
1378 [London] 19 June 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Matilda is making a very good impression. Mr Nevill is married.
1379 Amiens 19 June 1821 - The Mother Superior of the convent to Charlotte, at Ghent. Discusses Charlotte Bedingfeld’s desire to become a nun. In French.
1380 [Bruges] 21 June 1821 - Louisa Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has had earache and is working hard for examinations.
1381 London 26 June 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. The Jerningham twins are reckoned very fine girls and more communicative than their sister Charlotte. Matilda and Mr Cary are very happy. She fears Miss Betham may have been stealing from her.
1382 Klattaur 3 July 1821 - Charles Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. Describes his arrival at the barracks, how he spends the day, and what his uniform is like.
1383 [London] 3 July 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Miss Betham has been caught stealing.
1384 On board the ‘Phaeton’ 6 July 1821 - Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He has wintered in Bermuda.
1385 Thorndon 9 July 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes how they spent their time in London.
1386 London 10 July 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Napoleon’s death and the approaching Coronation.
1387 Klattau [July 1821] - Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. He has bought a second hand caleche at Vienna. Gives news of Charles.
1388 [London] 20 July 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the coronation of George IV.
1389 Thorndon 23 July 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. She expects to be confined in October. Stanley has been to the Coronation.
1390 Halifax 26 July 1821 - Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He misses home though he likes the navy very much.
1391 London 27 July 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. The King has been crowned and the Jerningham twins have been presented at the Drawing Room. Emily is taking Clementina to a convent in Paris.
1392 [London] 3 Aug 1821 - The same to the same. The dowager Lady Jersey has died.
1393 [London] 7 Aug 1821 - The same to the same. The Bertrand family have arrived from St Helena, after Napoleon’s death.
1394 Oxburgh 9 Aug 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes her visit to Oxburgh.
1395 London 14 Aug 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the Queen’s death. The Bertrands are still in London. The nursemaid who went out to them in St Helena has married Napoleon’s secretary.
1396 London 17 Aug 1821 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. On a financial matter. With a letter from Lady Jerningham on the same sheet, about Napoleon’s death as related by the Bertrands.
1397 Bruges 7 Sept 1821 - Louisa Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her and Lucretia’s school prizes. With a note from Lucretia on the same subject.
1398 Cossey 23 Aug 1821 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte. About the Carys’ visit. She has visited Thornden, where Lord Petre allowed her only one candle in her room.
1399 London 28 Aug 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Her grandsons, Edmund and Arthur (William’s children), have gone to Cossey. Frederick has no ship yet.
1400 Cossey 30 Aug 1821 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About William’s sons, who have just arrived.
1401 [Follaton] 1 Sept 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Asks her to be Godmother to the baby she is expecting. Describes their journey back to Devonshire, including a visit to Cambridge, where Downing College was being built.
1402 Paris 1 Sept 1821 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. On financial matters relating to the Chevalier Jerningham’s legacy.
1402a London 4 Sept 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Edward’s lodgings in Paris.
1403 [Bath] [13 Sept 1821] - E H Gregson to Charlotte, at Ghent. He and his wife have visited Oxburgh, which they found in good order.
1403a [Oxburgh] [5 Oct 1821] - M Reynolds to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the possibility of renting one of Sir Richard’s properties.
1404 Somerset House 8 Sept 1821 - John Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He hopes to be in town when Felix arrives on his way to Oscott, with a letter from Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. The Bertrand children have not enough to do.
1405 Cossey 23 Sept 1821 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. His nephews have returned to Stonyhurst. They have been there three years and have not learnt very good manners.
1406 Torquay 23 Sept 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her approaching confinement. Their Catholic priest has died.
1407 [Paris] 25 Sept 1821 - Emily Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Clementina is going daily to a convent for instruction but is too young to be left there.
1408 Torquay 26 Sept 1821 - Stanley Cary to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent. Regrets the scarcity of game this season.
1409 Lille 3 Oct 1821 - J Ambrose to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent. He hopes to get Charles a commission in the Hereditary Prince’s Regiment.
1410 Torquay 3 Oct 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her confinement and the choice of a second Godmother, Lady Briscoe.
1411 Montpellier 3 Oct 1821 - Lady Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the continental travels of herself and Lord Bradford.
1412 Cossey 5 Oct 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About affairs at Cossey.
1413 London 12 Oct 1821 - The same to the same. About her little grandson James, who is very engaging.
1414 Torquay 14 Oct 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. The baby is a week overdue. Edward hopes to visit her when on leave from his ship.
1415 London 16 Oct 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Edward Bedingfeld has visited her.
1416 London 16 Oct 1821 - General Bertrand to Charlotte, at Ghent. In French. Regrets being unable to see her.
1417 Brussels 26 Oct 1821 - Lady Charlotte Goold to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the French court.
1418 H M S Phaeton, Plymouth 26 Nov 1821 - Captain Montague to Charlotte. Gives a good report of Edward.
1419 London 30 Oct 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has seen Edward and Henry. It is now nine days since Matilda’s confinement (she had had a daughter, Camilla).
1420 Bruges 28 Oct 1821 - Albina Paterson to Charlotte, at Ghent. Outlines a plan for Charlotte Bedingfeld’s residence in the convent to test her vocation.
1421 Cossey 2 Nov 1821 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About his visit to Cossey. A hatter from Bond Street has rented Oxburgh.
1422 Paris 3 Nov 1821 - Charles Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the dangerous illness of his Uncle Middleton.
1423 [Paris] 3 Nov 1821 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About his brother-in-law’s illness.
1424 London 6 Nov 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Henry is meeting the Duke of Gloucester at Cossey. Mr Middleton’s life is despaired of.
1425 Cossey 10 Nov 1821 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the Duke of Gloucester’s visit to Cossey.
1426 [Paris] 11 Nov [1821] - Charles Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. His uncle has died.
1427 Torquay 16 Nov 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Thanks her for the robes and caps she sent to her baby daughter Camilla.
1428 Narburgh 20 Nov 1821 - Rev William Allen to Charlotte, at Ghent. Henry has stayed with him and made a very good impression.
1429 Cossey 22 Nov 1821 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Henry Bedingfeld’s visit. He has told him not to think of marrying anyone with less than £20,000.
1430 H M S Phaeton, Plymouth 6 Nov [1821] - Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He regrets he will not be able to come home. He has had to help provide an escort for the King’s attendants.
1431 London 3 Dec 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Henry has been to Thornden in the hopes of meeting Miss Howard. Lord Dillon has visited her.
1432 Cossey 6 Dec 1821 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Henry’s visit to Thornden where he made as much progress with Miss Howard as was possible in two days.
1433 Londn 8 Dec 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. She is anxious at not having heard from Edward. Henry is still at Cossey.
1434 Bath 14 Dec 1821 - J Ambrose to Sir Richard Bedingfeld. Describes Charles’s regiment. Asks Charlotte to recommend a place where his nephew can learn French.
1435 Torquay 16 Dec 1821 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the baby.
1436 London 18 Dec 1821 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the first marriage of the Duke of Cumberland.
1437 London 28 Dec 1821 - The same to the same. Fanny Petre has been unwell but is now not likely to be confined for another fortnight.
1438 Follaton 30 Dec [1821] - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Edward is visiting them at Follaton. The baby is thriving and they have a good nurse.
1439 Calais 1 Jan 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes his journey to Calais with his Uncle Edward and Agnes. With notes from Edward Jerningham and Agnes.
1440 Calais 1 Jan [1822] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. They are still unable to leave, owing to the wind.
1441 Dover 3 Jan 1822 - The same to the same. They have arrived safely and are about to set off for London.
1442 [Paris] 7 Jan [1822] - Emily Jerningham to Charlotte. Thanks her for her kindness to her son Charles.
1443 [Paris] 7 Jan [1822] - Charles Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. He looks forward to visiting her.
1444 [London] 8 Jan 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Agnes, Edward and Felix have all arrived. Fanny has been unwell again but the doctor is optimistic.
1445 [Paris] 9 Jan 1822 - Emily Jerningham to Charlotte. About Charles’s forthcoming visit to Ghent and her brother’s death.
1446 London 12 Jan [1822] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her life with Lady Jerningham in Bolton Row.
1447 Torquay 13 Jan 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have had a bad storm with very high seas.
1448 London 13 Jan [1822] - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Agnes has settled down well. Felix has been to Thorndon and impressed everyone.
1449 London 18 Jan 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes his visit to Thorndon, where he found Fanny very much altered and thin in the face.
1450 Follaton 20 Jan 1822 - Stanley Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the death of his father.
1451 Bath 23 Jan 1822 - Anne Jerningham (William’s widow) to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is recovering from a fever. Lucretia will soon join her in Bath.
1452 London 26 Jan [1822] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Felix has gone to Oscott, where the measles epidemic is nearly over. Gives an account of a dinner party.
1453 Follaton 27 Jan [1822] - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Mr Cary’s death.
1454 London 29 Jan 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Fanny has had a little girl, after a very severe labour. Henry Jerningham is going to Magdalen College, Cambridge.
1455 [Thorndon] 31 Jan 1822 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte. About the death of Fanny after her baby was born.
1456 [Bruges] [Feb 1822] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has arrived at the convent where she is being treated very kindly.
1457 London 1 Feb 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Fanny’s death.
1458 London 5 Feb 1822 - Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Condoling on Fanny’s death.
1459 Hull 5 Feb 1822 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte and Sir Richard at Ghent. About Fanny.
1460 [London] 8 Feb [1822] - Emily Jerningham to Charlotte. About Fanny.
1461 Follaton 6 Feb 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Fanny.
1462 Bath 11 Feb 1822 - Lord Glenbervie to Charlotte. Condoling on Fanny’s death.
1463 London 11 Feb 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has gout again. Lord Petre is in great affliction.
1464 St Mary’s, Oscott 12 Feb 1822 - Thomas Walsh to Charlotte, at Ghent. Reports favourably on Felix and describes how he took the news of Fanny’s death.
1465 London 15 Feb 1822 - Agnes Bedingfeld and Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Lady Mary Petre has visited them and feels Fanny’s loss acutely. With a note from Lady Jerningham.
1466 London 19 Feb 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Edward has given her a new carpet and some pictures. Lord Petre has been to London with his eldest daughter.
1467 Cossey 21 Feb 1822 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte. Comforting her on Fanny’s death.
1468 Thorndon 21 Feb 1822 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Fanny.
1469 Paris 22 Feb 1822 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Fanny.
1470 Follaton 24 [Feb] 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Fanny.
1471 Cossey 25 Feb 1822 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charles Edward Jerningham, at Ghent. Thanks him for news of the Bedingfelds. Describes the memorial service at Cossey for Fanny.
1472 London 26 Feb 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the children at Thorndon, and Edward’s children.
1473 [Oscott] 28 Feb [1822] - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes his grief at Fanny’s death. Asks for some money as he has to pay for waistcoat washing and starch in his shirts.
1474 Ghent 1 March 1822 - Charlotte to Edward Bedingfeld, on board the ‘Phaeton’ at Spithead. Assures him that she and Sir Richard are doing all they can for his advancement, but he must be patient.
1475 Klattau 3 March 1822 - Charles Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He has only just heard of Fanny’s death. He is happy in his regiment and longs for a war.
1476 Cossey 4 March 1822 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. He suspects that she cannot have felt more grief for Fanny than for William. Georgina has been very ill with spasms of breathlessness.
1477 London 5 March 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Mr Coutts the Banker has left £900,000 to his wife.
1478 [London] 6 March [1822] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Regrets that the Petres have not sent little Mary to see Lady Jerningham. Her mourning is rather expensive.
1479 [Oscott] [20 March 1822] - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes his school day. Oscott is in a very pretty spot.
1480 [Oscott] [23 April 1822] - The same to the same. Describes his classmates. He has been for a fifteen-mile walk.
1481 Hull 20 March 1882 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence on Fanny’s death.
1482 [Bruges] [March 1822] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is a pensioner at the convent and describes her day.
1483 [Bruges] [March 1822] - The same to the same. She is very anxious to become a nun.
1484 Follaton 10 March 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Mrs Cary has moved to their Torquay house, leaving them at Follaton.
1485 [London] 12 March 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Eliza Blount has lost her child. The French government is likely to prevent Napoleon’s will from being observed.
1486 London 15 March 1822 - The same to the same. The Duke of York has visited her to see one of Edward’s pictures.
1487 London 19 March 1822 - The same to the same. Edward is going on the ‘Phaeton’ to Lisbon.
1488 Follaton 20 March 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the baby and life at Follaton.
1489 [London] March 1822 - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Georgina Jerningham is still suffering from spasms.
1490 Genoa 23 March 1822 - Lady Bradford to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence on Fanny’s death.
1491 Ghent 25 March 1822 - Charlotte to Edward Bedingfeld, on board the ‘Phaeton’ at Portsmouth. A letter of good advice on his behaviour.
1492 Thorndon 25 March 1822 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Fanny.
1493 London 26 March 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Georgina is still having odd attacks.
1494 Norwich 27 March 1822 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Georgina’s spasms.
1495 Paris 31 March 1822 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence about Fanny.
1496 Norwich 1 April 1822 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Georgina.
1497 [Oscott] 5 April 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is about to make his first communion.
1498 [London] 5 April 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Henry Jerningham is doing well at Cambridge. Agnes is fasting for Lent.
1499 [London] 9 April [1822] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes what she is drawing.
1500 London 12 April 1822 - Frances D’Arblay to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence. Her son Alexander has been to Switzerland and returned most enthusiastic.
1501 London 12 April 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Lucretia is tired of being at Bruges and will soon join her stepmother in Bath.
1502 London 16 April 1822 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is doing her best to bring the children up as Fanny would have wished.
1503 Hull 16 April 1822 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the Waterton family, for whom Charlotte has promised patronage.
1504 Follaton 17 April 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. The baby has got over her illness and is very well-behaved. She will soon go into short clothes.
1505 Bruges 17 April 1822 - Albana Paterson to Charlotte, at Ghent. Charlotte Bedingfeld has a genuine vocation to be a nun.
1506 Hackney 17 April 1822 - H Maria Sewell (?) to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence. Describes her visit to her parents.
1507 London 18 April 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes Agnes’s social engagements.
1508 [London] 23 April [1822] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has been to four Catholic parties. She regrets Charlotte’s vocation.
1509 [London] 24 April [1822] - Emily Jerningham to Charlotte. The little Petre children have been to see Lady Jerningham. Emily’s daughter Clementina seems to have a religious vocation.
1510 H M S Phaeton, Spithead 26 April [1822] - Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is trying to get into a different ship.
1511 London 30 April 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has seen the Petre children. Georgina still has her curious spasms.
1512 London 4 May 1822 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes her journey from Belgium to England.
1513 Hull 15 May 1822 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the financial difficulties of the Misses Waterton.
1514 Follaton 5 May 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes an excursion to Brixham. The baby is teething.
1515 London 7 May 1822 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes a miraculous cure performed by Prince Hohenloe on a paralysed arm. Lord Petre is seeking consolation for his loss by going out a great deal. Emily has an attack of erysipelas.
1516 Bath 9 May [1822] - Anne Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Mr Smythe’s illness. Lucretia will not be allowed to visit her until she leaves the convent.
1517 London 8 May 1822 - Lord Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. About his bereavement. With a note from Mary Petre, saying she learns her lessons every day, as poor Mama taught her.
1518 London 10 May 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Emily still has erysipelas. Mrs Stewart has poisoned her husband, the Archbishop of Armagh, by accident.
1519 London 10 May 1822 - Thomas Constable to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the education of his son, whom he is taking away from school and putting under a tutor, if he can find a reasonable one.
1520 [London] 10 May 1822 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has sent the little bead shirt to Eliza but is keeping the cap for the baby. With a note from Harriet Petre, thanking her for a gift.
1521 Bruges 15 May [1822] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the recreation day when she and some nuns climbed up to the belfry.
1522 [London] 17 May [1822] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Henry has arrived. Edward and Emily both have erysipelas. With a note from Henry announcing his safe arrival.
1523 Bruges 18 May 1822 - Albana Paterson to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Lucretia’s departure and whether Charlotte is to join the retreat.
1524 London 13 May 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the illness of Edward and Emily.
1525 Mapledurham 13 May 1822 - Eliza Blount (Lord Petre’s sister) to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes their house at Mapledurham, and her baby.
1526 Bath 27 May 1822 - Frances English to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence on Fanny’s death. She has lost a four month old baby. Mr Smythe has died.
1527 [London] 21 May 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Edward and Emily are still very ill.
1528 Oscott 27 May 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He is learning to do chalk heads, full length figures and water colours. He is reading Chateaubriant and Aesop.
1529 London 28 May 1822 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have come to London and are very much alarmed about Edward.
1530 London 28 May 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. In great alarm about Edward. Emily is weak but is expected to recover.
1531 London 31 May 1822 - Sir George Jerningham to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent. Announcing Edward’s death.
1532 [June 1822?] - An account by Charlotte of her visit to London after Edward’s death and of Emily’s death.
1533 London 4 June 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Edward’s death.
1534 June 1822 - An account by Charlotte of the time she spent in England after Emily’s death.
1535 London 2 June 1822 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence on Edward’s death.
1536 Ghent 7 June 1822 - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. About the stable-boy and the new groom.
1537 Cossey 7 June [1822] - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. Describes Edward’s funeral.
1538 [Ghent] 17 June 1822 - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. Miss Langton is going to London and will take Lucretia with her.
1539 Ghent 21 June [1822] - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. He and Agnes have arrived home to find Mrs Parke ill with a sore throat.
1540 Stafford [July 1822] - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. He is sorry to hear that Lady Jerningham has suffered so much.
1541 Maidstone 17 June 1822 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. She should go to Cossey to give herself a break.
1542 Calais 18 June [1822] - The same to the same. Describes their passage.
1543 London 24 June 1822 - Charlotte and Edward Bedingfeld, on board H M S Phaeton at Portsmouth. Announces Emily’s death.
1544 [Bruges] [July 1822] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes her recent retreat. She is trying hard to overcome her faults of judgement.
1545 On board H M S Phaeton, Spithead 18 July [1822] - Edward Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. He has been to Dieppe and is suffering badly from boils on his back.
1546 [Ghent] 19 July [1822] - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. Describes Charlotte’s clothing at the convent.
1547 [Ghent] 23 July [1822] - The same to the same. Regrets that Felix has whooping cough. Charles hopes to be promoted to a Lieutenant. Agnes wants to learn the harp.
1548 Follaton 29 July [1822] - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. The baby has a cold. Thanks her for a steel buckle.
1549 London 13 Aug 1822 - Joseph White to Charlotte, at Ghent. A report on Lady Jerningham’s health. Lord Londonderry has cut his throat with a pen-knife.
1550 Bruges 15 Aug 1822 - Louisa Jerningham to Charlotte. She is praying for resignation to the loss of her father and uncle.
1551 Bruges 16 Aug 1822 - Albana Paterson to Charlotte, at Ghent. Offers to take Clementina at the convent without fees.
1552 London 16 Aug 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is still in great depression. Frederick is to be a Midshipman on the Alligator frigate. Clementina is to be sent to Bruges.
1553 Follaton 20 Aug 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes a visit to Exeter and a morning spent hearing cases at the criminal court.
1554 London 25 Aug 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has seen a good deal of various relations.
1555 London 30 Aug 1822 - The same to the same. She has got Frederick a recommendation for India.
1556 London 3 Sept 1822 - The same to the same. Describes how Sophy Cary absconded from her Paris convent and came to London.
1557 Preston 8 Sept 1822 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. His
(cont.) wife has had a severe bilious attack.
1558 [London] 10 Sept 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes his rough journey from Ostend.
1559 London 13 Sept 1822 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. She hopes Lady Jerningham will make up her mind to visit Ghent as Bolton Row is so melancholy.
1560 London 13 Sept 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Clementina’s education.
1561 Ghent 14 Sept 1822 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. She cannot visit her because her mother is ill.
1562 London 14 Sept 1822 - John Jones to Charlotte, at Ghent. Gives an account of Felix’s expenses on his journey to Oscott.
1563 Follaton 15 Sept 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have been to Exeter again and to several dinner-parties, where they have met the Duke and Duchess of Somerset.
1564 Oscott 20 Sept 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. More details of his journey. His little cousins Frank and William have joined him at Oscott; Frank is dreadfully dirty.
1565 London 20 Sept 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Edward has a place on board the Redwing. Clementina needs the discipline of Bruges.
1566 Bath 23 Sept 1822 - Frances English to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has seen Lucretia and hears such good reports of Bruges that she proposes to send her own daughters there.
1567 London 27 Sept 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Henry Bedingfeld’s love troubles. Lord Dillon’s little son Robert has drowned at Florence. She hopes to go to Ghent next month.
1568 Oscott 5 Oct 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He has been put into another class as he has lost ground during his absence.
1569 London 8 Oct 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is not ready to leave yet but has sent Clementina to Bruges.
1570 Ugbrooke 15 Oct 1822 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They are staying at Ugbrooke with Lord and Lady Clifford. They will set out for Ghent at the beginning of November.
1571 London 22 Oct 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Sir George and family are still making a progress in search of at least one husband for his three eldest daughters.
1572 Hammersmith 28 Oct 1822 - Miss Plowden to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her sister’s death.
1573 London 29 Oct 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Clementina writes cheerfully from Bruges. David Garrick’s widow has died, aged 98.
1574 [Oscott] 7 Nov 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes the current favourite game, called bandy, which they play in a wood near the school. Two boys have been flogged and one expelled.
1575 [London] 10 Nov 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. She will soon set off.
1576 Bruges 13 Nov [1822] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has put on the postulant’s habit and is very happy. Her little cousins Clementina and Louisa are very amused at her dress.
1577 London 19 Nov 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Consoles her for the loss of Charlotte, who is certain to be happy as a nun. Lady Fitgerald’s son has proposed to all three of Sir George’s daughters, but without success.
1578 London 26 Nov 1822 - The same to the same. She cannot make up her mind to leave London yet, in case she never returns.
1579 Oscott 29 Nov 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes their recent playday and gives a sketch of Oscott.
1580 Cossey 4 Dec 1822 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She thinks Lady Jerningham is wise not to leave Bolton Row as it is so full of associations. Henry has gone to visit Henry Jerningham at Cambridge.
1581 Kimberley 10 Dec 1822 - S Wodehouse to Charlotte, at Ghent. Urges her to come back and live at Oxburgh.
1582 London 10 Dec 1822 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Hopes that they understand why she is not coming to Ghent. She has good reports of Clementina.
1583 Oscott 14 Dec 1822 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Gives a sketch of the ground-floor at Oscott. He has begun drawing lessons.
1584 [Bruges] 26 Dec 1822 - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has been suffering from the cold. She has been playing for Mass.
1585 H M S Redwing, Spithead 1 Feb 1823 - Edward Bedingfeld to Sir Richard Bedingfeld, at Ghent. Describes his recent voyages and adventures in Spain.
1586 London 4 March 1823 - Lady Mary Petre to Sir Richard, at Ghent. Her son, Lord Petre, is to be married again to Emma Howard, the second daughter of Mr Howard of Corby.
1587 London 4 March 1823 - Henry Howard to Charlotte, at Ghent. Breaking the news of his daughter Emma’s engagement to Lord Petre. He is sure that she will be a good mother to the children.
1588 Thorndon 16 March 1823 - Lord Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. About his forthcoming marriage. Thanks her for her kind letter.
1589 Oscott 26 March 1823 - Rev H Weedall to Charlotte, at Ghent. Thanking her for the draft of £40.7.9.
1590 London 1 April 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent.
(cont.) Sir George and Henry have gone to Stafford, over a dispute with James Stafford Cooke. Lord Petre has married Miss Howard.
1591 Oscott 3 May 1823 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes a day out in Lichfield and gives a sketch of the Cathedral.
1592 London 3 May 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. The Duke of Saxe-Weimar and the Clifford family have arrived. The three Clifford children are being separated in different schools, which she thinks a cruelty.
1593 Bruges 1 June [1823] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte. Her piano has arrived safely. She is shortly going into retreat.
1594 London 2 June [1823] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has been very glad to see Matilda again. She likes Lady Mary Petre’s daughter Harriet, who seems to regret Fanny more than the others. She has been to only one ball so far.
1595 Weimar 1 June 1823 - Baron Auguste Beulewitz to Charlotte, at Ghent. His wife has a baby girl. Hopes Charlotte will be her godmother.
1596 [Oscott] 7 June 1823 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes a visit to Stourbridge ironworks.
1597 [London] [10 June 1823] - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Her daughter Charlotte is to marry Mr Fraser of Lovatt. With a note from Charlotte, thanking her aunt for a present.
1598 London 10 June 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Agnes and Matilda are both going to balls. Mr Seele appears to be interested in Agnes. The Fraser marriage should turn out happily. He was interested first in Georgina but she ignored him. She has a bad report of Clementina.
1599 London 12 June 1823 - The same to the same. About the prospect of Mr Seele’s proposing to Agnes.
1600 [London] 13 June 1823 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. She thinks Mr Seele’s attentions to Agnes will end in a proposal. Charlotte Jerningham expects to be happy with Mr Fraser, despite his slight deafness and stuttering. Lucretia is enjoying herself but is rather forward.
1601 Hull 17 June 1823 - Helen Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Thanks her for a gift in memory of Fanny and urges them not to consider her as an invalid.
1602 Töplitz 18 June [1823] - Charles Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. He has been ill for several weeks. Töplitz is very pretty, like Spa.
1603 London 20 June 1823 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Gives Mr Seele a good character. His income is £6-7,000 a year. He has nothing against him but the lowness of some of his relatives.
1604 London 24 June 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Mr Seele has asked John Wright to prepare the way for a proposal to Agnes.
1605 London 27 June 1823 - The same to the same. Mr Seele has proposed to Agnes and been accepted. She hopes they will soon come to England to settle their business.
1606 H M S Redwing, Jersey 30 June [1823] - Edward Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. Describes a fall he has had.
1607 London 1 July 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the forthcoming Seele and Fraser marriages. Miss Howard has been capricious ever since Lord Petre proposed to her sister.
1608 London 8 July 1823 - The same to the same. Mr Seele has given Agnes a shawl. He is fond of farming and country sports and thinks of buying a property near Lancaster.
1609 [London] 11 July [1823] - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her approaching marriage. Mr Seele wishes her to have her picture taken, which Lady Jerningham has told her is now quite proper. Charlotte Jerningham is having her portrait painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence, 300 guineas for a half-length.
1610 London 11 July 1823 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. Congratulates her on Agnes’s engagement.
1611 London 15 July 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Agnes is looking forward to her marriage, but without any violent indication of romance. William’s widow wants to take Louisa away from the convent in Bruges, but Louisa wishes to stay there.
1612 London 17 July 1823 - Agnes Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. She wonders whether Marshall, who is about to leave her place, would suit her as a maid. There are white cambric morning gowns in the shops at all prices.
1613 London 22 July 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Agnes’s marriage settlement.
1614 [London] 22 July 1823 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte. He has been to Oxburgh and proposes to return to Ghent. Mr Seele’s property is rather less than was supposed but Agnes does not mind. (letter incomplete)
1615 [Follaton] 29 July 1823 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Agnes’s marriage. Lady Clifford is having difficulty with a governess, who is so attractive she is afraid of her making conquests in the house.
1616 [Cossey] [Aug 1823] - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. She has heard from her daughter, who has got as far as Edinburgh. Describes a picnic.
1617 16 Aug 1823 - Offprint from the ‘Preston Chronicle’ describing the Fraser wedding.
1618 22 Aug 1823 - E Dunn to Charlotte, in London. Congratulating her on Agnes’s forthcoming marriage.
1619 Cossey 24 Aug 1823 - John Pitchford to Charlotte, in London. The clergyman at Oxburgh is to transfer to the parish register the births of the Bedingfeld children from the Catholic register.
1620 Cossey 1 Sept [1823] - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte. About (cont.) some plants, Mr Seele’s income and Charlotte Fraser’s letters from Scotland.
1621 Cossey [Sept 1823] - The same to the same, in London. About Edward’s son Charles, who is proving difficult.
1622 [Follaton] 12 Sept 1823 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They are going to build some extra rooms and have a picture gallery. Her baby is overdue.
1623 Follaton 17 Sept 1823 - Stanley Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Matilda has had another little girl.
1624 Bruges 23 Sept [1823] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. She has been out for a walk in Bruges. She has had a momentary fit of misgiving about her vocation.
1625 Oscott 13 Sept 1823 - George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. Thanks her for complimenting him on his verses.
1626 London 17 Sept 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte. Mr Seele is setting off for Ghent. Edward’s son Arthur is at sea. Frederick is on his way to Ceylon.
1627 London 26 Sept 1823 - The same to the same, at Ghent. Lord Dungannon’s second son has fallen from his horse and died. Lord Dillon has persuaded a prostitute to go back to her parents.
1628 Follaton 28 Sept 1823 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her new daughter, Charlotte Matilda.
1629 Follaton 21 Sept 1823 - Stanley Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About the new baby. Camilla is making herself very useful. She cannot talk yet so he has written a sonnet on her behalf.
1630 London 30 Sept 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is unwilling for Emily Jerningham’s Middleton relations to have anything to do with the upbringing of the children, as they are not Catholics.
1631 Oscott 1 Oct 1823 - Henry Weedall to Charlotte, at Ghent. Encloses a prospectus of the College. Thanks her for the fees for Felix and comments favourably on his progress.
1632 Ghent 1 Oct 1823 - The Mayor of Ghent to Sir Richard Bedingfeld. In French. Congratulating him on Agnes’s marriage.
1633 London 3 Oct 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Hopes the Seele wedding has gone off well. Little Jemmy (Edward’s son) is busy putting dissected maps together.
1634 London 7 Oct 1823 - The same to the same. About the Seele wedding. Little Jemmy is distressed that he cannot marry Agnes himself.
1635 Bruges [Oct 1823] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. Describes a recent recreation.
1636 London 28 Oct 1823 - Eliza Blount to Charlotte, at Ghent. About her children. She hopes Lucretia will not find Bath too sombre after her dissipations at Cossey and Bury Fair.
1637 Cossey 8 Oct 1823 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Congratulates her on the Seele wedding.
1638 Frankfurt 9 Oct 1823 - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes her wedding journey up the Rhine.
1639 Beaufort Castle 9 Oct [1823] - Charlotte Fraser to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes Scotland and the country around the castle.
1640 Weimar 9 Oct 1823 - Auguste de Beulewitz to Charlotte. About his travels and a picture of her and her family.
1641 Hurst House 9 Oct 1823 - Frances Unsworth (Mr Seele’s mother) to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. She is glad to hear of her son’s marriage.
1642 Stonyhurst Oct 1823 - Edmund Jerningham (Edward’s son) to Charlotte, at Ghent. Apologises for offending her by refusing a present.
1643 London 21 Oct 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has met a Catholic gentleman, Mr Bodenham.
1644 Follaton 28 Oct 1823 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. The coachman has set the stable on fire. They have had an oratorio and concert at Totnes.
1645 London 28 Oct 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. The taxes on houses are much lower this year.
1646 Oscott 29 Oct 1823 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. He asks for
£1 to buy some books for his class.
1647 [Venice?] [29 Oct 1823] - Thomas Molyneux Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. About their visit to Florence.
1648 London 4 Nov 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Mrs Middleton has died and is reputed to have left Clementina £1,000.
1649 [Cossey] [4 Dec 1823] - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. They would be glad to have Felix spend his holidays at Cossey. Charlotte writes happily from Scotland.
1650 [Bruges] 1 Nov [1823] - Charlotte Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. She is to be clothed as a novice soon and thinks she should deny herself frequent visits from her family.
1651 London 7 Nov 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Two pictures have just been delivered.
1652 Follaton 10 Nov 1823 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have planted some Cedars of Lebanon and are reading Bayley’s ‘Antiquities of the Tower’.
1653 [Florence] 13 Nov [1823] - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. About their visit to Venice.
1654 London 14 Nov 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Mrs Middleton has left £1,000 to Clementina and £5,000 to be divided among the other children. Mrs William Jerningham has Lucretia well under control.
1655 Follaton 19 Nov 1823 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have had a bridge built over a stream and now think of having a sunk fence made.
1656 Paris 21 Nov [1823] - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes how he spends his time in Paris.
1657 London 5 Dec 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She wants Charles to come and stay with her. Frederick is going to the China Sea and New South Wales.
1658 Milan 6 Dec 1823 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. About his journey in Switzerland and, via the Simplon, to Milan.
1659 Bruges 27 Nov 1823 - Ann Moore (Reverend Mother) to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. Announcing that Charlotte will be clothed as a novice on 1st January.
1660 Rome 10 Dec [1823] - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes Rome, where they have a large acquaintance and go out a great deal.
1661 Thorndon 11 Dec 1823 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. Gives an account of the Petre children. Lord Petre’s new wife is very kind to them.
1662 London 13 Dec 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Her grandson Henry Jerningham has sent her a favourable account of his visit to his sister in Scotland.
1663 London 19 Dec 1823 - The same to the same. Lord Dillon has been writing poetry. Lady Style and her eldest daughter have gone to Shepton Mallet to be nuns. Her second daughter has gone to Salford Priors to join the nuns from Cambray.
1664 London 23 Dec 1823 - The same to the same. About Louisa’s projected journey from Bruges to Bath. She is ill and it may be too cold.
1665 Cossey 24 Dec 1823 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Louisa, who is reported very unwell.
1666 London 26 Dec 1823 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Mrs William Jerningham is determined to bring Louisa home. Lord Dillon has been advised to give up poetry and stick to prose.
1667 Bruges 2 Jan 1824 - Ann Moore (Reverend Mother) to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. Describes the clothing ceremony of Charlotte, now Sister Mary Agnes. It has cost her a struggle to give up her parents.
1668 Rome 3 Jan 1824 - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. Indicates she is pregnant. Describes the society in Rome.
1669 London 2 Jan 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Charles Bedingfeld has arrived to visit her. Lady Sutton has had a stroke in the middle of a dinner party.
1670 Rome 3 Jan 1824 - Henry Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. There is a large number of English people in Rome. He prefers Florence, which was cleaner. Describes an attack on Sir E Bacon’s eldest son.
1671 Follaton 3 Jan 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Camilla has been vaccinated for the second time. They have had dreadful storms and lost several trees.
1672 London 9 Jan 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Louisa has arrived safely and seems a little better. Charles has gone to Follaton. Lady Sutton has died.
1673 [Oscott] 11 Jan 1824 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Regrets the death of his friend Ben Cobb. Describes a game they play of catching birds in a net.
1674 [Paris] 11 Jan 1824 - B Cobb to Charlotte. About the death of his son, Ben.
1675 Rome 12 Jan 1824 - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. Rome is rather cold but the surrounding country is warm enough for drives in the open air. They have given a small dance and called on the Princess Borghese. There has been an earthquake but they did not feel it.
1676 Rome 16 Jan 1824 - Henry Bedingfeld to Charlotte, at Ghent. Describes his stay in Rome. Letter continued at Naples, which he thinks the most beautiful place in the world. They have been to Herculaneum and Pompeii and meditate an ascent up Vesuvius.
1677 Lovendighem 16 Jan 1824 - B Cobb to Charlotte. Thanks her for her
letter on Ben’s death.
1678 London 20 Jan 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Louisa is now at Bath, she has the green sickness. Lucretia is doing well and may marry this year.
1679 [Bruges] 30 Jan 1824 - Charlotte Bedingfeld (Sister Mary Agnes) to Charlotte. The news has arrived of Edward Bedingfeld’s death by drowning on All Soul’s Day. A letter of consolation. Edward was so afraid of sudden death that he used to make his act of contrition every night.
1680 London 30 Jan 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Edward’s death. He bore an excellent character in his ship.
1681 Paris 3 Feb 1824 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence on Edward’s death.
1682 [Lovendighem] Feb 1824 - Mlle de Baillet to Charlotte. In French. A letter of condolence.
1683 Follaton 3 Feb 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Edward’s death.
1684 [Bruges] [3] Feb 1824 - Charlotte Bedingfeld (Sister Mary Agnes) to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. About charitable help to a Miss Howell.
1685 Weimar 7 Feb 1824 - Baron Auguste de Beulewitz to Charlotte, at Ghent. His little daughter has been ill but is now recovered.
1686 Follaton Feb 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Edward and her children.
1687 London 10 Feb 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent Sir George
(cont.) is bringing his daughter, Frances, to stay with her as she needs a change of air. Lord Dillon’s ‘Rosalind’ is ready for the press.
1688 London 13 Feb 1824 - Lady Mary Petre to Charlotte, at Ghent. A letter of condolence on Edward’s death. The new Lady Petre has a little boy.
1689 London 13 Feb 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. Charles Bedingfeld is at Cossey, impressing everyone. There seems to have been great neglect with regard to Edward, who was allowed to sleep in a peculiar situation.
1690 Cossey 18 Feb 1824 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. About Edward. Charles is a very fine young man. Charlotte Fraser is pregnant.
1691 London 19 Feb 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Lord Petre is now very fond of his youngest daughter. Lady Mary Petre is glad the new baby is a boy as another girl might compete for his affection.
1692 London 27 Feb 1824 - The same to the same. Frances is better. Charlotte Fraser expects a baby in August. Mrs Poynter’s daughter is to marry the Marquis of Exeter.
1693 London 5 March 1824 - The same to the same. Lord Petre’s new son has died.
1694 [London] 9 April 1824 - The same to the same. Stafford Cook is to be sentenced for conspiracy over the Stafford business but still appears at court.
1695 London 13 April 1824 - The same to the same. News of various acquaintances. General Slades’s daughter, who wanted to marry Henry Bedingfeld, has become a Catholic and married a foreigner in Paris.
1696 Genoa 16 April [1824] - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is suffering from exhaustion and pains in her back so cannot see much of Genoa, where it is raining. On the way a wheel had to be replaced on the carriage. Letter concluded at Turin, 23 April 1824.
1697 Cossey 22 April 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. Is sorry to hear she has had inflammation of the liver. There has been some neglect about paying people at Oxburgh.
1698 London 23 April 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Sir Richard, at Ghent. About Charlotte’s health. Charles Edward is now with her and says she was in love with Miss Cobb when he was at Ghent but has now got over it.
1699 London 27 April 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. She is unwell with suppressed gout.
1700 London 30 April 1824 - The same to the same. Mr Walmesley is to marry Miss Trusler, whose twin brother is a postillion.
1701 London 4 May 1824 - The same to the same. About a forthcoming royal drawing room. The King has a complaint similar to her own.
1702 Oscott 6 May 1824 - Felix Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. They are soon to have a Greek play-day. He is to be confirmed this year. He has begun reading Ovio.
1703 London 11 May 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Lord Dillon’s book is out which she thinks very good. She hears Agnes expects her baby in August. Little Jemmy (Edward’s son) writes letters all day and has written to the cook to request potatoes for dinner.
1704 London 14 May 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. Describes Lady Jerningham’s health. He hopes to see her in Ghent soon. They all go to Scotland in August for Charlotte’s confinement.
1705 Follaton 16 May 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. Gives a detailed description of their visit to her stepmother-in-law at Torquay.
1706 [Paris] 19 May 1824 - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has been advised to stay in Paris for the birth of her baby. Asks advice about a nurse.
1707 London 21 May 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Miss Trusler’s marriage seems to be a good thing as she is well spoken of.
1708 London 22 May 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte. He is in daily expectation of the bill about the Stafford peerage.
1709 Paris 1 June 1824 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, at Ghent. She has seen Agnes several times; she looked ill at first but is now much better. Prince Polignac has married a widowed English lady.
1710 [London] [4 June 1824] - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, at Ghent. Lady Jerningham is much better.
1711 Bath 5 June 1824 - Frances English to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. About her forthcoming continental tour and her children. Mrs William Jerningham has brought Louisa to drink tea with her; she thinks she will be the belle of the family.
1712 London 4 June 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. About Lady Jerningham’s health. He will set out for Lovendighem soon.
1713 Follaton 9 June 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, at Ghent. They have been for a week to Tor Abbey. The dining room has paintings by Thompson and the drawing room is fitted up by Gillow.
1714 London 11 June 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, at Lovendighem. He will postpone his visit in view of the fact that Charlotte is coming to see her mother.
1715 [Cossey] 10 July 1824 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte. Describes the day of celebration at Cossey when the Stafford peerage was confirmed. (Incomplete)
1716 London 3 Aug 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. General family news. Charles Edward (aged 18) admires a young lady of 16.
1717 Ostend 6 Sept 1824 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. Mrs Moore (Mrs William Jerningham’s mother) has died. Describes her death.
1718 London 10 Aug 1824 - Joseph White to Charlotte, in Paris. He has bought a breakfast canteen on her behalf for Henry Jerningham. Lady Jerningham is still unwell.
1719 London 19 Aug 1824 - The same to the same. About Lady Jerningham’s health. She is glad to hear Agnes is doing well (she had had a son).
1720 Beaufort Castle 22 Aug 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in Paris. Charlotte Fraser has had a little girl, Amelia Charlotte. With a note from Thomas Seele, who forwarded the letter to London, saying Agnes and the baby are doing well.
1721 [Oscott] 27 Aug 1824 - Felix Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. Gives an account of his expenses from Oxburgh to Birmingham.
1722 London 30 Aug 1824 - Lady Jerningham to Charlotte, at Calais. She is still unwell.
1723 Ostend 1 Sept 1824 - B Cobb to Charlotte, in London. About Mrs Moore’s death.
1724 Bruges Sept 1824 - Charlotte Bedingfeld (Sister Mary Agnes) to Charlotte, in London. Mrs William Jerningham has visited her. Clementina is much improved.
1725 Follaton 8 Sept 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, in London. Little Charlotte now walks alone with a back-string. They have recently dined with a pupil of Mrs Hannah Moore.
1726 Beaufort Castle 6 Sept 1824 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. About Charlotte’s confinement, which was followed by milk-fever. She is now well.
1727 [Ghent] 14 Sept 1824 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. Mrs William Jerningham has been to see him, very distressed. He thinks of taking the waters at Aix-la-Chapelle for his rheumatism.
1728 [Ghent] 10 Sept 1824 - The same to the same. About Mrs Moore’s death. Henry Jerningham has arrived with a very forward servant, who sits at the table d’hôte with him.
1729 Uxbridge 15 Sept 1824 - S Wodehouse to Charlotte, in London. Her parents are now 83 and 77 respectively and she fears their death in the fairly near future.
1730 Paris 15 Sept 1824 - Thomas Seele to Charlotte, in London. Agnes is doing fairly well and the baby is giving less cause for alarm. They hope to be in London by the 27th.
1731 [Lovendighem] 20 Sept 1824 - Sir Richard Bedingfeld to Charlotte, in London. About financial matters. A Colonel has shot himself, having heard that his wife was having an affair with an officer.
1732 Beaufort Castle 20 Sept 1824 - Lady Frances Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. About Charlotte Fraser’s slow recovery from childbirth.
1733 Northallerton 22 Sept 1824 - Charles Edward Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. He is in Northallerton studying law. Describes a visit to Fountains Abbey.
1734 Beaufort Castle 22 Sept 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. He is alarmed at the reports of Lady Jerningham’s health, especially as digitalis works less well in cold weather. They are soon leaving for Inverness. Their son Henry is at Aix-la-Chapelle with Sir Richard.
1735 Liège 24 Sept 1824 - Sir Richard to Charlotte, in London. About their difficult journey to Aix, being unable to get horses.
1736 Dover 27 Sept 1824 - Thomas Seele to Charlotte, in London. They have all been seasick except Agnes. Asks her to book them a suite at the Saxe Coburg Hotel in Charles Street, or somewhere similar, but not too high up as Agnes is still not very expert at mounting stairs.
1737 Follaton 27 Sept 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, in London. Describes another visit to Torquay. Letter concluded on 29 Sept, thanking her for a box of presents.
1738 Aix 28 Sept 1824 - Sir Richard to Charlotte, in London. He is sorry to hear that she has been ill as well as her mother. He and Henry are lodging at the Bath House in Aix. Henry goes to Strasbourg in two days time, which will leave him quite alone.
1739 Aix 30 Sept 1824 - The same to the same. Urges her to take some drives in Regent’s Park during the unfashionable hours from 11 to 3. He has been to hear a young man sing his first mass and seen some relics of the crucifixion.
1740 Inverness 1 Oct 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. He is sorry to hear of her illness. They have arrived in Inverness for the races and are going to balls every evening.
1741 [Ghent] 4 Oct 1824 - Josephine de Vaernewycke to Charlotte, in London. In French. Regretting her illness.
1742 Aix 3 Oct 1824 - Sir Richard to Charlotte, in London. He is now on his own at Aix. He is risking a little money at the gaming tables but did not do so when Henry was with him for fear of setting a bad example.
1743 Klattau 3 Oct 1824 - Charles Bedingfeld to Sir Richard, at Ghent. (Forwarded to Charlotte, in London). Thanks him for sending English newspapers and his mother for sending a piano. Hopes his brother Henry is getting on well with Miss Howard.
1744 Paris 5 Oct 1824 - Lady Constantia Clifford to Charlotte, in London. Describes the death of the King of France.
1745 Oscott 7 Oct 1824 - Henry Weedall to Charlotte, in London. Commends Felix’s behaviour.
1746 Aix 8 Oct 1824 - Sir Richard to Charlotte, in London. He hopes Mrs Warner will suit Agnes as her maid. Lord and Lady Wodehouse are in a very melancholy situation; it would be better if they were Catholics and had a (cont.) good priest to console their last days.
1747 [Oscott] 11 Oct 1824 - Felix Bedingfeld to Charlotte. Describes a swelling on his foot, which has been dealt with by leeches which made him feel faint.
1748 Follaton 12 Oct 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, in London. They have had visitors from Tor Abbey and have visited Berry House, belonging to the Duke of Somerset. With a note at the end from Henry Bedingfeld who has just arrived.
1749 Ghent 13 Oct 1824 - Sir Richard to Charlotte, in London. Recommends a medicine for her attacks of inflammation of the liver.
1750 Lovendighem 15 Oct 1824 - The same to the same. He proposes to make an extra door into the cook’s room. He has been to the Duke’s country house. He is coming to England soon. He hopes Henry will not get tired of pursuing Miss Howard.
1751 Stricken House 15 Oct 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. Describes their journey to Stricken which is a fine house but in ugly country.
1752 Oscott 15 Oct 1824 - Henry Weedall to Charlotte, in London. Assures her that Felix has been well looked after and has somewhat exaggerated his forlorn state.
1753 Stafford 17 Oct 1824 - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, in London. They have seen Felix who is much better. The baby, Edmund, is again unwell but they are nearly home.
1754 Lovendighem 19 Oct 1824 - Sir Richard to Charlotte, in London. The house he has found should suit them admirably. He is busy packing things up at Ghent.
1755 Hurst House, Prescot 20 Oct 1824 - Agnes Seele, to Charlotte, in London. Describes her new home which is smaller then she expected but warm and comfortable. Lord and Lady Sefton, Lord and Lady Derby and Lord Stanley have visited her so far.
1756 Bruges 20 Oct 1824 - Sir Richard to Charlotte, in London. He has been to see Charlotte at the convent and is still busy winding up his affairs.
1757 [Weston Hall] 25 Oct 1824 - Lady Bradford to Charlotte, in London. Her husband has unexpectedly thrown off his nervous depression.
1758 Hurst House, Prescot 26 Oct 1824 - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, in London. Little Edmund is doing well, apart from teething. They have returned a few visits but have not dined out yet as she does not feel well enough. She is doing some carpet-work. She is glad they have found a house so near to Bolton Row (at 5, Curzon Street).
1759 Stricken House 30 Oct 1824 - Sir George Jerningham to Charlotte, in London. The last Nun with the name of Jerningham (Sister F Sales) has died at Bruges. They lived a very uniform life at Beaufort, dining out only 3 times.
1760 Follaton 30 Oct 1824 - Matilda Cary to Charlotte, in London. Henry has been staying with them. She is afraid she is pregnant again, but hopes Agnes will keep free for a while as she is so delicate.
1761 Oxburgh 14 Nov 1824 - J de Pierreville to Charlotte, in London. Regrets he cannot come to see her as he is so ill. (He died in December of leprosy).
1762 Bruges 30 Nov [1824] - Charlotte Bedingfeld (Sister Mary Agnes) to Charlotte, in London. She is overjoyed that she has now been received into the community. Expresses her gratitude to ‘the best of parents’.
1763 Hurst House, Prescot 30 Dec 1824 - Agnes Seele to Charlotte, in London. She is much stronger and has been to a ball at Liverpool Town Hall.
1764 14 Dec 1776 - An inventory of trunks and cases carried from Ditchley to Kirtlington Park.
1765-7 1809 - Diary kept by Charlotte during Sir William Jeringham’s final illness and death, June-August 1809. 3 vols.
1768 1816-1818 - Charlotte’s diary for Oct 1816 (in the form of dialogue) and March-June 1818, describing a tour.
1769 1819-1820 - Charlotte’s diary 1819-20 written during a visit to England.
1770 1830 - Charlotte’s diary Feb-March 1830, written in the convent at Hammersmith.
1771 1831 - Charlotte’s diary April-May 1831, during her attendance at court.
1772 1831 - Charlotte’s diary Sept-Nov 1831, during her supervision of Princess Louisa of Saxe Weimar at Brighton.
1773-4 1833 - Charlotte’s diary August-Sept 1833, during her attendances on Queen Adelaide at Windsor. 2 vols.
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