Complete classes from the CAB and PREM series in the Public Record Office, London
Series One: PREM 3: Papers concerning Defence and Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers.
Part 10: PREM 3/404-450 (Subject files covering SOE (Special Operations Executive), Spain, Submarines and Anti-Submarine Warfare, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanks, Telecommunications, Torch, Trident, Turkey and United Nations)
In Part 10 there are Churchill’s subject files on:
Spain (Operations in Spain); The Spears Mission in Syria;
SOE (Special Operations Executive) including detail on aircraft requirements, quarterly
reports, and material on SOE Europe, SOE Far East, Operation Braddock and
SOE in the Middle East; Steel (imports from the United States);
Submarines and Anti-Submarine Warfare (monthly statements and reports);
Sweden (use of air bases); Switzerland (Economic policy and assistance in case of
German attack); Syria (Free French forces and British policy in Syria);
Tanks (Production, Repair, Anti-Tank devices and Anti-tank guns);
Telecommunications (Defence of Research establishments); the Terminal Berlin conference; Tiger Operation (safe passage of armoured reinforcements to the Middle East);
Tolstoy (Moscow Conference, Anglo-Soviet discussions in October 1944);
Torch: Operation for landings in North West Africa (Press Releases, Reports, Operation Breastplate, the Exploitation phase after the landings and Relations with the French);
Trident (Washington conference); Turkey (Supplies, aerodromes, letters exchanged with the Turkish President, the Adana Conference, Guarantees to Turkey; Cairo Conference and Turkish entry into the War); United Nations (Declaration) and UP Rocket Weapon (proximity fuse and experiments at the Royal Ordnance Factory).
REEL 151
PREM 3/404 - WEATHER REPORTS, October 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/405/1 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Plan for operation in Spain, November 1940
PREM 3/405/2 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Retained by Department under Section 3 (4), January 1941
PREM 3/405/3 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Closed for 75 years., January 1942
PREM 3/405/4 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Policy towards Spain – Chiefs of Staff memorandum, August 1943
PREM 3/405/5 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Policy towards Spain – Joint Planning Staff report, February 1944
PREM 3/405/6 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Possible operation to support Spanish resistance to German attack, March 1941-April 1941
PREM 3/405/7 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Wolfam embargo etc. (see also 505/2), February 1944-March 1944
PREM 3/405/8 - SPAIN, Operations in (see also 363/1): Various, November 1940-June 1944
REEL 152
PREM 3/406 - SPARTAN: exercise, March 1943-April 1943
PREM 3/407A - SPEARS MISSION: In Syria (see also 422/7 etc.), 1941-1942
PREM 3/407B - SPEARS MISSION: In Syria (see also 422/7 etc.), 1941-1942
PREM 3/408/1 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (I): Quarterly reports of Special Operations Executive (SOE), October 1943-March 1945
PREM 3/408/2 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (I): Closed for 75 years., August 1944-May 1945
PREM 3/408/3 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (I): SOE aircraft requirements, January 1943-November 1944
PREM 3/408/4 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (I): Control of special operations in Europe, December 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/408/5 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (I): Braddock (formerly Moon) operation (dropping of pocket incendiaries) Role of SOE in Far East, May 1942-January 1945
PREM 3/408/6 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (I): November 1944-April 1945
PREM 3/408/7 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (I): Various, January 1944-May 1945
PREM 3/409/1 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (II): Establishment of special operations executive, July 1940
PREM 3/409/2 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (II): Prospects of subversion, April 1941
PREM 3/409/3 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (II): Outline plan of S.C. 2 operations, July 1941-October 1941
PREM 3/409/4 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (II): Enquires into SOE, April 1942
PREM 3/409/5 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (II): Quarterly reports of SOE, March 1942-September 1943
PREM 3/409/6 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (II): SOE activities in Middle East, September 1943-October 1943
PREM 3/409/7 - SPECIAL OPERATIONS (II): Various, June 1940-November 1943
REEL 153
PREM 3/410 - SPITSBERGEN: expeditions, August 1941-June 1942
PREM 3/411 - STANDSTILL ORDER: on demobilisation, May 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/412/1 - STEEL: Import from U.S.A., June 1940
PREM 3/412/2 - STEEL: Loss of production due to air raids, September 1940
PREM 3/412/3 - STEEL: Drop forgings, December 1940-January 1941
PREM 3/412/4 - STEEL: Alloy Steel, February 1941
PREM 3/412/5 - STEEL: Import programme, January 1941-March 1941
PREM 3/412/6 - STEEL: Import programme, September 1940-December 1940
PREM 3/412/7 - STEEL: Various, July 1940-December 1940
PREM 3/412A - STRAITS CONVENTION, proposed revision, October 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/413/1 - Anti-SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Agreement with President on restriction of information and release of monthly statements, June 1943-July 1943
PREM 3/413/2 - Anti-SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Suggested special release, July 1943
PREM 3/413/3 - Anti-SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Proposed release of stories in connection with Overlord (Normandy), July 1944-August 1944
PREM 3/413/4 - Anti-SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Monthly statements on anti-submarine warfare, July 1943-December 1943
PREM 3/413/5 - Anti SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Monthly statements on anti-submarine warfare, January 1944-December 1944
PREM 3/413/6 - Anti-SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Monthly statements on anti-submarine warfare, January 1945-March 1945
PREM 3/413/7 - Anti-SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Final statement on anti-submarine warfare, May 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/413/8 - Anti-SUBMARINE STATEMENTS: Statement on part played by British forces, May 1945-July 1945
REEL 154
PREM 3/414/1 - Anti-SUBMARINE WARFARE COMMITTEE: Agenda, minutes etc., October 1942-January 1945
PREM 3/414/2 - Anti-SUBMARINE WARFARE COMMITTEE: Anti-submarine warfare in relation to future strategy, January 1943
PREM 3/414/3 - Anti-SUBMARINE WARFARE COMMITTEE: Analysis of value of escort vessels and aircraft in anti U-boat campaign, February 1943
PREM 3/414/4 - Anti-SUBMARINE WARFARE COMMITTEE: Monthly anti-submarine report (printed), December 1943
PREM 3/414/5 - Anti-SUBMARINE WARFARE COMMITTEE: A V M Ellwood’s statement, November 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/414/6 - Anti-SUBMARINE WARFARE COMMITTEE: Anti-submarine device invented by Capt Kahn, June 1943-Sept 1943 and March 1945
PREM 3/414/7 - Anti-SUBMARINE WARFARE COMMITTEE: Various, November 1942-July 1945
PREM 3/415/1 - SUPPLY: Munitions situation, August 1940-September 1940
PREM 3/415/2 - SUPPLY: Numbers employed on Ministry of Supply contracts, January 1941
PREM 3/415/3 - SUPPLY: Home production charts, July 1940-December 1941
PREM 3/415/4 - SUPPLY: Service requirements, November 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/415/5 - SUPPLY: Rubber, March 1943-March 1944
PREM 3/415/6 - SUPPLY: Various, May 1940-May 1944
PREM 3/416 - Operation SUSAN in French Morocco, July 1940
PREM 3/417/1 - SWEDEN: Visit of Monsieur Boheman to UK and US, October 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/417/2 - SWEDEN: Use of air bases, October 1943-November 1943
PREM 3/417/3 - SWEDEN: US threat of sanctions, July 1944
PREM 3/417/4 - SWEDEN: Swedish entry into war, April 1945-May 1945
PREM 3/417/5 - SWEDEN: Various, February 1941-March 1945
PREM 3/4175B - SWEDEN: Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)., 1944
REEL 155
PREM 3/418/1 - SWINTON COMMITTEE: Establishment of Home Defence Security Executive, May 1940-August 1940
PREM 3/418/2 - SWINTON COMMITTEE: Captured enemy agents, September 1940-October 1940
PREM 3/418/3 - SWINTON COMMITTEE: Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)., May 1942-June 1942
PREM 3/418/4 - SWINTON COMMITTEE: Winding up of Home Defence Security Executive, May 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/418/5 - SWINTON COMMITTEE: Various, October 1943 and undated
PREM 3/419/1 - SWITZERLAND: Economic Policy towards Switzerland, October 1941
PREM 3/419/2 - SWITZERLAND: Assistance for resistance of German attack, June 1943-July 1943
PREM 3/419/3 - SWITZERLAND: Economic policy towards Switzerland, November 1944-February 1945
PREM 3/419/4 - SWITZERLAND: Operations through Switzerland, January 1945
PREM 3/419/5 - SWITZERLAND: Economic agreement with Switzerland, March 1945-April 1945
PREM 3/419/6 - SWITZERLAND: Various, May 1940-October 1940
PREM 3/420/1 - SYMBOL (Casablanca) conference: Proposal for conference, December 1942-May 1943
PREM 3/420/2 - SYMBOL (Casablanca) conference: Agenda (missing from original), January 1943
PREM 3/420/3 - SYMBOL (Casablanca) conference: Arrangements for and reports on conference, January 1943-February 1943
PREM 3/420/4 - SYMBOL (Casablanca) conference: Future strategy (printed) (missing from original), December 1942
PREM 3/420/5 - SYMBOL (Casablanca) conference: Report by Combined Chiefs of Staff, January 1943
PREM 3/420/6 - SYMBOL (Casablanca) conference: Return from conference and subsequent papers, January 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/420/7 - SYMBOL (Casablanca) conference: Clarification of conference conclusions, April 1943
PREM 3/421 - SYRIA: LEBANON crisis, November 1943-December 1943
REEL 156
PREM 3/422/1 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Policy in Syria, April 1941-May 1941
PREM 3/422/2 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Syrian Policy (printed), May 1941
PREM 3/422/3 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Meeting between P.M. and Gen. De Gaulle, September 1941
PREM 3/422/4 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Return of German Legionaries to Vichy France, August 1941-November 1941
PREM 3/422/5 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Memorandum on Wheat Office Printed, June 1943-July 1943
PREM 3/422/6 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Operations for occupation of Syria, May 1941-August 1941
PREM 3/422/7 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Spears Mission of Syria (see also 407), July 1941
PREM 3/422/8 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Telegrams exchanged with Minister of State concerning relations with Free French forces (originals and print), July 1941-August 1941
PREM 3/422/9 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Incidents between British, Australian, and Free French units, September 1941-October 1941
PREM 3/422/10 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Anglo-French relations in Syria and Lebanon, August 1942-September 1942
PREM 3/422/11 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Anti-British acts perpetrated by Free French, February 1943
PREM 3/422/12 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Mokaddam case, June 1943-July 1943
PREM 3/422/13 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Anglo-French relations in Syria and Lebanon, July 1943
PREM 3/422/14 - SYRIA: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Various, July 1940-July 1943
REEL 157
PREM 3/423/1 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Re-armament of Syrian gendarmerie, May 1944-July 1944
PREM 3/423/2 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Conversations with President of Syria, February 1945
PREM 3/423/3 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): House of Commons statement on situation, May 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/423/4 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): De Gaulle - Lyttelton agreement of July 1941, June 1945
PREM 3/423/5 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Reinforcements for Beirut in Jeanne d’Arc, June 1945
PREM 3/423/6 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Economic policy towards France, June 1945
PREM 3/423/7 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Statement on objects of British intervention, June 1945
PREM 3/423/8 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Resolution of French Consultative Assembly, and memorandum on British policy in Levant states, June 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/423/9 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Proposed five-power conference, June 1945
PREM 3/423/10 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Resolution of French Consultative Assembly, and memorandum on British policy in Levant states, June 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/423/11 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Proposed Franco-Syrian treaty, August 1944-November 1944
PREM 3/423/12 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): UK-Syria political relations: recall HM Ambassador, July 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/423/13 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Movement of French and British forces into Lebanon and Syria, and outbreak of fighting between French and Syrians, April 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/423/14 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): British intervention in Syria, June 1945
PREM 3/423/15 - SYRIA: MICELLANEOUS (II): Various, February 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/424 - TANKS: Availability of, and requirements armoured formations, October 1941-November 1941
PREM 3/425 - TANKS: PERIODICAL RETURNS, August 1940-March 1945
REEL 158
PREM 3/426/1 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Nomenclature, June 1940-September 1940
PREM 3/426/2 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Tank Parliament, April 1941-July 1941
PREM 3/426/3 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Anglo-American Tank Board, June 1941-August 1941
PREM 3/426/4 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Repair, July 1941-August 1941
PREM 3/426/5 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Production and allocation, November 1941
PREM 3/426/6 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Comparison of British, American, and German tanks, October 1942
PREM 3/426/7 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Priority, July 1940-August 1940
PREM 3/426/8 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Armour plate and the production programme, September 1940-November 1940
PREM 3/426/9 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Priority, July 1941
PREM 3/426/10 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Nomenclature, July 1941
PREM 3/426/11 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Exchange of telegrams with President, July 1941-October 1941
PREM 3/426/12 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Tank spares, February 1942-March 1942
PREM 3/426/13 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Mission to U.S.A., March 1942-June 1942
PREM 3/426/14 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Tank control and command, and memorandum on factors affecting the efficiency of armoured fighting, July 1942-August 1942
PREM 3/426/15 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Shortfall’s in production, August 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/426/16 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (I): Various, May 1940-October 1942
REEL 159
PREM 3/427/1 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Supply and armament policy, March 1944-July 1944
PREM 3/427/2 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): 1945 programme, December 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/427/3 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Supply policy, May 1943-September 1943
PREM 3/427/3 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Supply policy, December 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/427/4 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Tank Programme (printed), April 1945
PREM 3/427/5 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Churchill tank, April 1941-April 1943
PREM 3/427/6 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Armour escape hatches in Cromwell and Sherman tanks, April 1944-May 1944
PREM 3/427/7 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Supply policy, January 1944-May 1944
PREM 3/427/8 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): C.D.L. (searchlight) tanks, July 1944-October 1944
PREM 3/427/9 - TANKS: PRODUCTION (II): Various, August 1943-January 1945
PREM 3/428/1 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Sticky bomb, June 1940-March 1941
PREM 3/428/2 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Tanks and anti-tank guns, January 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/428/3 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Bombard and Jefferies Bomb, April 1941-April 1942
PREM 3/428/4 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Anti-Tank Weapons (printed), March 1942-April 1942
PREM 3/428/5 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Smith Lightweight Gun, January 1941-February 1943
PREM 3/428/6 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Jefferis Shoulder Gun (Projector, Infantry, Anti-tank), November 1942-June 1943
PREM 3/428/7 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Flame throwers, April 1943-August 1944
PREM 3/428/8 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Anti-tank rifles, December 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/428/1 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Note by the Minister of Defence on use of artillery against tanks etc., August 1941-October 1941
PREM 3/428/10 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Chester Beatty petrol bomb and mortar, and Northover projector, June 1940-April 1942
PREM 3/428/11 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: 2-pounder anti-tank gun, July 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/428/12 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Tank and anti-tank guns and armour, October 1942-April 1943
PREM 3/428/13 - TANKS: Anti-TANK devices: Various, May 1940-May 1944
REEL 160
PREM 3/430/1 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Proposal for conference, April 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/430/2 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Attendance, April 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/430/3 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Agenda, May 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/430/4 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Combined Chiefs of Staff report, July 1945
PREM 3/430/5 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Report on conference for publication, August 1945
PREM 3/430/6 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Talk between P.M. and Generalissimo Stalin, 18 July 1945
PREM 3/430/7 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Talk between P.M. and Generalissimo Stalin, 17 July 1945
PREM 3/430/8 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Talk between P.M. and President Truman, 18 July 1945
PREM 3/430/9 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Talk between P.M. , Foreign Secretary, and Generalissimo Stalin, 28 July 1945
PREM 3/430/10 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Proposed postponement, June 1945
PREM 3/430/11 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Meeting of Combined Chiefs of Staff, June 1945
PREM 3/430/12 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Reports of proceedings, July 1945-August 1945
PREM 3/430/13 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Telegrams exchanged with F.M. Smuts, August 1945
PREM 3/430/14 - TERMINAL BERLIN conference: Various, June 1945-August 1945
PREM 3/431 - THREAT operation (French Morocco):, September 1940
PREM 3/432 - TIGER operation (passage of armoured reinforcements to Middle East, April 1941-May 1941
PREM 3/433 - TIMBER supplies:, June 1940-January 1942
REEL 161
PREM 3/434/1 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: Russian participation in war against Japan, October 1944
PREM 3/434/2 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: Records of Meetings at the Kremlin, October 9-17 (printed), October 1944-December 1944
PREM 3/434/3 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: First and second military meetings, October 1944
PREM 3/434/4 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: Anglo-Soviet Political Conversations October 9-17(printed) (original file is missing material which is in the FCO copy), October 1944
PREM 3/434/5 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: Minutes of Military Meetings (printed), October 1944-November 1944
PREM 3/434/6 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: Proposal for conference, September 1944-October 1944
PREM 3/434/7 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: Records of meetings and conversations, October 1944-December 1944
PREM 3/434/8 - TOLSTOY: MOSCOW conference: Various, October 1944
PREM 3/435 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: Operation BREASTPLATE, October 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/436 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: Exploitation, September 1941-December 1941
REEL 162
PREM 3/437/1 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: PRESS RELEASES, BROADCASTS: Set of releases and broadcasts, October 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/437/2 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: PRESS RELEASES, BROADCASTS: Broadcasts by Prime Minister and US President, October 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/437/3 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: PRESS RELEASES, BROADCASTS: Leaflets and communiques, September 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/437/4 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: PRESS RELEASES, BROADCASTS: US president’s press interview, November 1942
PREM 3/438C - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: PRESS RELEASE, BROADCASTS: Accumulation of stores in Gibraltar, 1942
REEL 163
PREM 3/439/1 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Operation GYMNAST: Landing in North Africa, October 1941-November 1941
PREM 3/439/2 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Telegrams exchanged with the US President, September 1942
PREM 3/439/3 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Policy towards Vichy forces, October 1942
PREM 3/439/4 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Ship-borne air forces, October 1942
PREM 3/439/5 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Capital ships, September 1942-October 1942
PREM 3/439/6 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Draft armistice terms, October 1942
PREM 3/439/7 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): US president’s message to Petain, France, Carmona etc, October 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/439/8 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Outline plan, August 1942
PREM 3/439/9 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Prime Minister’s Personal Telegrams to and from President Roosevelt regarding Operation Torch, 26 August - 6 September 1942. (Printed item missing from the original), 1942
PREM 3/439/10 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Operation SUPERGYMNAST: North and North West Africa and Correspondence with United States, December 1941-January 1942
PREM 3/439/11 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (I): Appointment of commander (see also PREM 3/333/10), July 1942-August 1942
PREM 3/439/12 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Chiefs of Staff Committee meetings, August 1942
PREM 3/439/13 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Date of operation, July 1942-August 1942
PREM 3/439/14 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Operations inside the Mediterranean theatre, August 1942-September 1942
PREM 3/439/15 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Acceleration of operation and cover plans, September 1942
PREM 3/439/16 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Telegrams exchanged with Dominions prime ministers, August 1942-September 1942
PREM 3/439/17 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Possibility of compromise through accident to Catalina, September 1942-October 1942
PREM 3/439/18 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Convoy protection, October 1942-November 1942
PREM 3/439/19 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Intelligence affecting operations, October 1942
PREM 3/439/20A - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Various, October 1941-November 1942
PREM 3/439/20B - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Report on morale of Allied forces in North West Africa, 1942
REEL 164
PREM 3/440/1 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Convoys and reinforcements, December 1942-May 1943
PREM 3/440/2 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Lt General Anderson’s despatch on operations by First Army in North Africa 1942 Nov-1943 PRINTED, June 1943
PREM 3/440/3 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Analysis of First Army order of battle, Undated
PREM 3/440/4 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Casualty returns, November 1942-August 1943
PREM 3/440/5 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Axis reinforcements and strategy in North Africa, November 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/440/6 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Proposed operations in Southern Tunisia, December 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/440/7 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: GENERAL (II): Various, December 1942-February 1943
PREM 3/441 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: REARMING FRENCH: in North Africa, November 1942-March 1943
REEL 165
PREM 3/442/1 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Reform in French North Africa (Printed), December 1942
PREM 3/442/2 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH in N. Africa: Appointment of Mr. Macmillan as Resident Minister Algiers, November 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/442/3 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: French administration in N. Africa, November 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/442/4 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Evacuation of civilians from Tunisia, January 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/442/5 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Documents respecting agreement made at Anfa with General Giraud, January 1943-June 1943
PREM 3/442/6 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Reports from Mr. Macmillan (see also 181/4, 182/6), February 1943-September 1943
PREM 3/442/7 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: propaganda plan, October 1942
PREM 3/442/8 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: American contacts with French representatives, October 1942
PREM 3/442/9 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Negotiations with Admiral Darlan, November 1942
PREM 3/442/10 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Agreement with Admiral Darlan, November 1942
PREM 3/442/11 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Proposed Free French mission to North Africa, November 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/442/12 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Secret Session statement on N. Africa, December 1942
PREM 3/442/13 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Draft statement for publication on N. Africa, December 1942
PREM 3/442/14 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Position of General Giraud and General De Gaulle, December 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/442/15 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Letters received by General De Gaulle from Algiers, January 1943
PREM 3/442/16 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Meeting between General Giraud and General De Gaulle, January 1943
PREM 3/442/17 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Value of franc, February 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/442/18 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: General De Gaulle’s proposed visit to Algiers, March 1943-April 1943
PREM 3/442/19 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: negotiations between General Giraud and General De Gaulle, May 1943-June 1943
PREM 3/442/20A - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Various, September 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/442/20B - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Captain Luizet: liaison with French, 1942
PREM 3/442/21 - OPERATION TORCH IN NORTH WEST AFRICA: RELATIONS WITH FRENCH: in North Africa: Various, January 1943-October 1943
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PREM 3/443/1 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) conference: Agenda and aide-memoirs for opening conversations with U.S. Chiefs of Staff, May 1943
PREM 3/443/2 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) conference: Meeting of Dominions representatives, May 1943
PREM 3/443/3 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) conference: Records of meetings: Chiefs of Staff Meetings - Queen Mary, May 6-10; Plenary meetings – Washington DC, May 12-25; Combined Chiefs of Staff Proceedings, May 12-25; Chiefs of Staffs Proceedings, May 12-25. (Printed items missing from original), May 1943
PREM 3/443/4 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) Conference: Combined Chiefs of Staff: Final Report to President and Prime Minister, May 1943
PREM 3/443/5 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) Conference: Arrangements, April 1943-May 1943
PREM 3/443/6 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) Conference: Telegrams from Trident, May 1943
PREM 3/443/7 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) Conference: Operations from India, May 1943
PREM 3/443/8 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) Conference: Visit to Tunisia, May 1943-June 1943
PREM 3/443/9 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) Conference: Record of Meetings held in North Africa, 29 May - 3 June 1943 (Printed), June 1943
PREM 3/443/10 - TRIDENT (WASHINGTON) Conference: Various, May 1943-August 1943
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PREM 3/444/1 - TRUNCHEON operation (Leghorn): Directives, November 1941
PREM 3/444/2 - TRUNCHEON operation (Leghorn): Reports, December 1941
PREM 3/444/3 - TRUNCHEON operation (Leghorn): Reports, December 1941
PREM 3/445/1 - TURKEY (I): Aerodromes in Turkey, December 1940
PREM 3/445/2 - TURKEY (I): Staff conversations, August 1941-October 1941
PREM 3/445/3 - TURKEY (I): Supplies to Turkey (printed), November 1941
PREM 3/445/4 - TURKEY (I): Turkish military dispositions, January 1942
PREM 3/445/5 - TURKEY (I): German Armament Supplies to Turkey, July 1942
PREM 3/445/6 - TURKEY (I): Telegrams to Turkish President, January 1941
PREM 3/445/7 - TURKEY (I): Letters exchanged with Turkish President, February 1942-May 1942
PREM 3/445/8 - TURKEY (I): Various, October 1940-December 1942
PREM 3/446/1 - TURKEY (II): Relations with Soviet Union: possible entry into war on Allied side, January 1943-June 1943
PREM 3/446/2 - TURKEY (II): Turco-Soviet relations and supplies for Turkey, February 1943-June 1943
PREM 3/446/3 - TURKEY (II): Adana Conference Jan. 30-31(Printed) (incomplete), February 1943
PREM 3/446/4 - TURKEY (II): Ships for Turkey, March 1943-April 1943
PREM 3/446/5 - TURKEY (II): Turley’s future intentions, April 1943-May 1943
PREM 3/446/6 - TURKEY (II): Turkish entry into war and use of Turkish air bases, October 1943-November 1943
PREM 3/446/7 - TURKEY (II): Memorandum of Turkish foreign and domestic affairs in 1943 (Printed), January 1944
PREM 3/446/8 - TURKEY (II): Supplies for Turkey and Turkish chrome, May 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/446/9 - TURKEY (II): Guarantees to Turkey, November 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/446/10 - TURKEY (II): Arrangements for Adana conference, January 1943
PREM 3/446/11 - TURKEY (II): Note for Turkish President, January 1943
PREM 3/446/12 - TURKEY (II): Telegrams from Adana conference, January 1943-February 1943
PREM 3/446/13 - TURKEY (II): Record of Adana conference, January 1943-February 1943
PREM 3/446/14 - TURKEY (II): Telegrams to President Roosevelt, Marshal Stalin, and Turkish President, January 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/446/15 - TURKEY (II): Soviet attitude to Turkish entry into war, October 1943
PREM 3/446/16 - TURKEY (II): Turkish attitude to entry into war, November 1943
PREM 3/446/17 - TURKEY (II): Turkish entry into war and arrangements for Cairo conference, November 1943-December 1943
PREM 3/446/18 - TURKEY (II): Various, January 1943-November 1943
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PREM 3/447/1 - TURKEY (III): Anglo-Turkish conversations in Cairo (printed), and establishments of Allied force in Turkish territory, November 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/447/2 - TURKEY (III): Turkish chrome supplies to Bulgaria, March 1944-April 1944
PREM 3/447/3 - TURKEY (III): Turkey and Japan, November 1944-December 1944
PREM 3/447/4A - TURKEY (III): Turkey-Soviet relations, June 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/447/4B - TURKEY: Closed for 75 years.
PREM 3/447/5A - TURKEY (III): Cairo conference and negotiations for Turkish entry into war, December 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/447/5B - TURKEY: Closed for 75 years
PREM 3/447/6 - TURKEY (III): Negotiations for Turkish entry into war, January 1944-February 1944
PREM 3/447/7 - TURKEY (III): Withdrawl of HM Ambassador and personnel from Turkey, February 1944-March 1944
PREM 3/447/8 - TURKEY (III): Operation ROYAL FLUSH and Turkish chrome supplies, May 1944
PREM 3/447/9 - TURKEY (III): Turkish severance of relations with Germany, July 1944
PREM 3/447/10 - TURKEY (III): Naval assistance to Turkey, July 1944-August 1944
PREM 3/447/11 - TURKEY (III): Participation of Turkish forces in Italian campaign, March 1945-April 1945
PREM 3/447/12A - TURKEY (III): Various, January 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/447/12B - TURKEY (III): Leakage of Allied Information by Turkish ministers, 1944
PREM 3/448 - TURKEY (III): Fortnightly progress reports and supplies to Turkey, April 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/449/1 - UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION: Draft, December 1941-January 1942
PREM 3/449/2 - UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION: Accessions, January 1942-March 1942
REEL 169
PREM 3/450/1 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Experience with U.P. Weapon at Dover (printed), August 1940
PREM 3/450/2 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Weekly reports on proximity fuse, July 1940-April 1941
PREM 3/450/3 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Production of solventless cordite and reports on Bishopton, Royal Ordnance Factory, August 1940-June 1941
PREM 3/450/4 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Sir Ralph Glyn and Army Services Sub-committee of Select Committee on National Expenditure, November 1940-November 1941
PREM 3/450/5 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Radio proximity or variable time fuses, July 1942-July 1944
PREM 3/450/6 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Proximity fuse position, July 1940
PREM 3/450/7 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Position of Dr. Crow, August 1940
PREM 3/450/8 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Use at high altitudes, January 1941-March 1941
PREM 3/450/9 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Production of U.P., June 1941
PREM 3/450/10 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Use on H.M.S. Conqueror, September 1941-December 1942
PREM 3/450/11 - U.P. ROCKET weapon, and proximity fuse: Various, May 1940-January 1942
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