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Complete classes from the CAB and PREM series in the Public Record Office, London
Series One: PREM 3: Papers concerning Defence and Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers.

Part 3:  PREM 3/112-169 (Subject files cover Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Defence - Ministry of, de Gaulle, Denmark, Dodecanese, Eire, Enemy Installations, Eureka, European Advisory Commission, Explosives and the Far East)



Part 3 of this microfilm series continues with Winston Churchill’s alphabetically arranged subject files (C to F). These papers include material on Deception, Decoy Fires, the Secret Information Centre of the Ministry of Defence, a great raft of detail on General Charles de Gaulle and the Free French forces, documents on Eire including the use of bases by British and US forces, the role of De Valera, as well as material on the “Eureka” (Teheran) and “Sextant” (Cairo) Conferences. A large number of files cover the subject of Explosives. Here are to be found some of the first files on “Tube Alloys” (the code words used by the British to label all files on atomic and nuclear weapons) and the consideration of the development and use of atomic weapons.

The bulk of the material in Part 3 is devoted to the War in the Far East with analysis and documentation of all the Pacific Campaigns from Pearl Harbour to the Fall of Singapore right through to the campaigns of 1944 and 1945. There is a lot of information on the defence of Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore, operations in Burma and Malaya, co-operation with the Americans and Naval Operations against the Japanese. Once again, the scale and diversity of material passing through Churchill’s office for his consideration and comment is amazing.

PREM 3/112 - GENERAL CUNNINGHAM: re-employment, November 1941-July 1943
PREM 3/113 - CYPRUS, May 1941-October 1943
PREM 3/114/1 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Secret military organisation, December 1940
PREM 3/114/2 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Soviet-Czech treaty, October-December 1943
PREM 3/114/3A - CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Various, February-October 1941 and June 1943-July 1945
PREM 3/114/3B - CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Various, 1945

PREM 3/115 - DANEGELD: imports from Switzerland, December 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/116 - DANUBE: Control of the River Danube, April 1945
PREM 3/117 - DECEPTION, May 1942-July 1944
PREM 3/118 - DECOY FIRES, December 1940-April 1941
PREM 3/119/1 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Captain Sandys, June-September 1940
PREM 3/119/2 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Secret Information Centre, June 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/119/3 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Chiefs of Staff warrants, February 1942
PREM 3/119/4 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Executive orders to commanders in the field, March 1942
PREM 3/119/5 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Appointment of supreme commanders, March-April 1942
PREM 3/119/6 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Composition of Chiefs of Staff Committee, March-April 1942
PREM 3/119/7 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Central direction of the war, July-September 1942
PREM 3/119/8 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Future Operational Planning Section, December 1940-May 1942
PREM 3/119/9 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Combined General Staff and Chief of Chiefs of Staff, February-May 1942
PREM 3/119/10 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Joint Planning Committee, August 1940-March 1944
PREM 3/119/11 - MINISTER OF DEFENCE: Various, June 1940-May 1945

PREM 3/120/1 - DE GAULLE (I): HMG policy, July-August 1941
PREM 3/120/2 - DE GAULLE (I): Meeting with Prime Minister, 12 September 1941, September 1941
PREM 3/120/3 - DE GAULLE (I): Meeting with Prime Minister and Minister of State, 1 October 1941, September-October 1941
PREM 3/120/4 - DE GAULLE (I): Free French Council, September 1941
PREM 3/120/5 - DE GAULLE (I): Interview at Brazzaville with George Weller, August-September 1941
PREM 3/120/6 - DE GAULLE (I): Brief for Prime Minister for meeting with General de Gaulle on 30 September 1942, September-October 1942
PREM 3/120/7 - DE GAULLE (I): Meetings with Foreign Secretary 4 June, 28 July, and Prime Minister 10 June and 29 July, July-August 1942
PREM 3/120/8 - DE GAULLE (I): Broadcasts, November-December 1942
PREM 3/120/9 - DE GAULLE (I): Movements of General de Gaulle in UK, February-March 1942
PREM 3/120/10A - DE GAULLE (I): Various, February 1941-November 1943
PREM 3/120/10B - DE GAULLE (I): Monitoring of movements of General de Gaulle in UK, August 1941-May 1942
PREM 3/120/10C - DE GAULLE (I): Various, September 1941
PREM 3/120/10D - DE GAULLE (I): Alastair Forbes: "invitation" for Churchill to see de Gaulle; "invitation" declined., February-April 1943
PREM 3/121/1 - DE GAULLE (II): Prime Minister’s guidance to press, June-August 1943
PREM 3/121/2 - DE GAULLE (II): Visit to US, April-July 1944
PREM 3/121/3 - DE GAULLE (II): Refusal to meet Prime Minister, August 1944
PREM 3/121/4 - DE GAULLE (II): Retained by Department, May 1943
PREM 3/121/5 - DE GAULLE (II): Various, July 1943-June 1945

PREM 3/122 - DEMONSTRATIONS, February 1941-May 1943
PREM 3/123/1 - DENMARK: Recognition of and assistance to Danish Government, September 1943 and May-July 1945
PREM 3/123/2 - DENMARK: Bornholm, May-July 1945
PREM 3/124/1 - DODECANESE: Pitch operation (Castelorizzo), February-March 1941
PREM 3/124/2 - DODECANESE: Mandibles operation, November 1940-March 1941
PREM 3/124/3 - DODECANESE: Events in the Aegean, August-November 1943, January 1944
PREM 3/124/4 - DODECANESE: Future of Dodecanese, March 1944-June 1945
PREM 3/125/1 - DOVER: Anti-aircraft defences, July-September 1940
PREM 3/125/2 - DOVER: 14" gun, June-August 1940
PREM 3/125/3 - DOVER: German long-range guns, July-December 1940
PREM 3/125/4 - DOVER: Reports on defences, January-March 1941
PREM 3/125/5 - DOVER: Various, January 1941-January 1944
PREM 3/126/1 - M Pierre DUPUY: Leakage of information, December 1940-January 1941
PREM 3/126/2 - M Pierre DUPUY: Various, October-December 1941
PREM 3/127/1 - EIRE: Bases: Use of November 1940
PREM 3/127/2 - EIRE: Bases: Facilities for British and US forces, March-April 1941
PREM 3/127/3A - EIRE: Bases: Various, November 1940-July 1943
PREM 3/127/3B - EIRE: Bases: Retained by Department, 1942
PREM 3/128 - EIRE: Economic Pressure, August 1940-February 1942
PREM 3/129/1 - EIRE: Miscellaneous: Effect of civil war, May 1940
PREM 3/129/2 - EIRE: Miscellaneous: General report on position in Eire, July 1940
PREM 3/129/3 - EIRE: Miscellaneous: Suggested interview between Mr De Valera and Mr R B Bennett, December 1940
PREM 3/129/4 - EIRE: Miscellaneous: Mr De Valera’s broadcast, January 1941
PREM 3/129/5 - EIRE: Miscellaneous: Formation of Irish Brigade, September 1941-January 1942
PREM 3/129/6 - EIRE: Various, September 1941-October 1942
PREM 3/130 - EIRE: Possible invasion, May 1940-March 1942

PREM 3/131/1 - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Talks between De Valera and Malcolm Macdonald, June-July 1940
PREM 3/131/2 - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Mr Chamberlain’s negotiations with De Valera and Lord Craigavon, June-July 1940
PREM 3/131/3 - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Talks between De Valera and Sir John Maffey, January 1941
PREM 3/131/4 - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Proposed visit to Lord Cranborne, February 1941
PREM 3/131/5 - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Statement of Minister of Information on attitude of HMG, May 1941
PREM 3/131/6 - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Messages exchanged with De Valera, December 1941
PREM 3/131/7A - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Various, November 1940-May 1943
PREM 3/131/7B - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Axis diplomatic representation in Dublin, 1943
PREM 3/132 - EIRE: FOREIGN RELATIONS: Supply of arms and equipment, May 1941-August 1942
PREM 3/133/1 - EIRE AND US: Proposed visit of Mr Kennedy, January 1941
PREM 3/133/2 - EIRE AND US: Report of US minister on conversation with De Valera, January 1941
PREM 3/133/3 - EIRE AND US: Isolation of Eire, March-April 1944
PREM 3/133/4 - EIRE AND US: Closed for 60 years, August 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/133/5 - EIRE AND US: Removal of Axis mission, January-March 1944
PREM 3/133/6A - EIRE AND US: Various, November 1940-April 1945
PREM 3/133/6B - EIRE AND US: US seizure of German Legation archives in Dublin, 1945
PREM 3/134/1 - ENEMY INSTALLATIONS IN ALLIED TERRITORY: Demolition of U-boat bases, May-November 1944
PREM 3/134/2 - ENEMY INSTALLATIONS IN ALLIED TERRITORY: Investigation of Crossbow installations in Northern France, February 1944
PREM 3/134/3 - ENEMY INSTALLATIONS IN ALLIED TERRITORY: Demolition of installations in France, January-May 1945
PREM 3/135/1 - ENEMY INTENTIONS: Operations against Malta, March-April 1942
PREM 3/135/2 - ENEMY INTENTIONS: Reports on enemy intentions, March-April 1942

PREM 3/136/1 - EUREKA (Teheran) AND SEXTANT (Cairo) Conferences: Arrangements, July-November 1943
PREM 3/136/2 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Defence and security precautions, November 1943
PREM 3/136/3 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Agenda, November 1943
PREM 3/136/4 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Messages to Dominions Prime Ministers, November-December 1943
PREM 3/136/5 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: (I): Record of Chiefs of Staff Proceedings; (II): Minutes of Proceedings; (III): Combined Chiefs of Staff Memoranda, December 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/136/6 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Note by Prime Minister, November 1943
PREM 3/136/7 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Subject Index to Proceedings, March 1944
PREM 3/136/8 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Records of Anglo-American-Russian Conversations in Teheran, Anglo-American-Turkish Conversations in Cairo, and Conversation between Prime Minister and Marshal Stalin in Teheran, January 1944
PREM 3/136/9 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Report by Combined Chiefs of Staff of summary of conclusions, November 1943
PREM 3/136/10 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Military conclusions, December 1943
PREM 3/136/11 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Minutes and records of meetings, November 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/136/12 - EUREKA AND SEXTANT: Various, October-December 1943 and July 1945
PREM 3/137/1 - EUROPEAN ADVISORY COMMISSION: Summaries of meetings, March 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/137/2 - EUROPEAN ADVISORY COMMISSION: Membership and operation of Commission, October-November 1944
PREM 3/138 - EUROPEAN ADVISORY COMMISSION: Excess convoys to Middle East, December 1940-February 1941

PREM 3/139/1 - EXPLOSIVES: Aluminised explosives, September 1943-June 1944
PREM 3/139/2 - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: declaration of trust, March-June 1944
PREM 3/139/3 - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: control and utilization of uranium and thorium ores produced in Belgian Congo, September-November 1944
PREM 3/139/4 - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: operation against heavy water plant in Norway, May 1945
PREM 3/139/5 - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: membership of Combined Policy Committee, November 1943-May 1945
PREM 3/139/6 - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: possibility of French participation, January-April 1945
PREM 3/139/7 - EXPLOSIVES: Visit to Soviet Union by professors J D Bernal, N F Mott and R G W Norrish, June 1945
PREM 3/139/8A - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys, 1941-1945
PREM 3/139/8B - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: British liaison officer in US, 1943
PREM 3/139/9 - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: proposed statements, July-August 1945
PREM 3/139/10 - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: texts of agreements, August 1943-November 1945
PREM 3/139/11A - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys: various, October 1943-June 1945
PREM 3/139/11B - EXPLOSIVES: Tube alloys, 1944
PREM 3/139/12 - EXPLOSIVES: Various, March 1941-November 1944

PREM 3/140 - EXPLOSIVES: Control of factory and storage accommodation, December 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/141 - FALKLAND ISLANDS AND DEPENDENCIES: Defence, December 1941-April 1944
PREM 3/142/1 - FAR EAST: AIR SITUATION: Movement of Hurricanes in HMS Indomitable, January-February 1942
PREM 3/142/2 - FAR EAST: AIR SITUATION: Reinforcements for India and Ceylon, March-April 1942
PREM 3/142/3 - FAR EAST: AIR SITUATION: Twilight operation (bases in India for long-range bombing of Japan), November-December 1943
PREM 3/142/4 - FAR EAST: AIR SITUATION: Directive for integration of British and American Air Forces, December 1943
PREM 3/142/5 - FAR EAST: AIR SITUATION: Canadian contribution to very long-range bombing of Japan, March-July 1945
PREM 3/142/6 - FAR EAST: AIR SITUATION: Various, December 1941-August 1942
PREM 3/142/7 - FAR EAST: AIR SITUATION: Various, January 1943-July 1945

PREM 3/143/1 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM (Reconquest of Burma and connected operations): Report on situation in China, June 1942
PREM 3/143/2 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Report on proposed operations in Burma, January 1943
PREM 3/143/3 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Fortnightly progress reports on Anakim, and Record of Conference on Reconquest of Burma, February-March 1943
PREM 3/143/4 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Fortnightly progress reports on Anakim, and Record of Conference on Reconquest of Burma, February-March 1943
PREM 3/143/5 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Report on Operation Anakim, April 1943
PREM 3/143/6 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Messages exchanged with Chiang Kai-Shek, January 1943
PREM 3/143/7 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Alternatives to Anakim operation and strategy against Japan, April 1943
PREM 3/143/8 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Plans for 1944 campaign, July 1943
PREM 3/143/9 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Various, April-December 1942
PREM 3/143/10 - FAR EAST: ANAKIM: Various, January-August 1943
PREM 3/144 - FAR EAST: ANDAMAN and Nicobar islands, February 1942
PREM 3/145/1 - FAR EAST: ANZAC AREA: Papers circulated to Defence Committee, January 1942
PREM 3/145/2 - FAR EAST: ANZAC AREA: Establishment of Anzac area, January-February 1942
PREM 3/145/3 - FAR EAST: ANZAC AREA: Printed telegrams to and from Prime Minister of Australia, December 1941-January 1942
PREM 3/145/4 - FAR EAST: ANZAC AREA: Amalgamation of Anzac and ABDA areas, December 1941-January 1942
PREM 3/145/5 - FAR EAST: ANZAC AREA: Control of Anzac area, February-March 1942
PREM 3/146 - FAR EAST: ARAKAN and Upper Burma - F M Wavell’s Despatch on Operations, January-June 1943, July 1944

PREM 3/147/1 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Combined Staff Planners’ Plan for Defeat of Japan, August 1943
PREM 3/147/2 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Quadrant telegrams, reports and minutes concerning India, August 1943
PREM 3/147/3 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Culverin operation (Sumatra and Malaya), August 1943
PREM 3/147/4 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Directive to Admiral Mountbatten, September-October 1943
PREM 3/147/5 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Reports on First Culverin operation (Sumatra), September-October 1943
PREM 3/147/6 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Pigstick operation (Burma), December 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/147/7 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Buccaneer operation (Andaman islands), November 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/147/8 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Cudgel operation (Burma), December 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/147/9 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Economic situation in India, August 1943
PREM 3/147/10 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (I): Various, August 1943-May 1944

PREM 3/148/1 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Proposed operations in South East Asia, October 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/148/2 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): South East Asia Command - Future Operations, February 1944
PREM 3/148/3 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Arakan operations, February-March 1944
PREM 3/148/4 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Strategy in South East Asia Command - Culverin operation (Sumatra) (Axiom papers), February-March 1944
PREM 3/148/5 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Strategy in South East Asia Command - memorandum by Supreme Commander, March-April 1944
PREM 3/148/6 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Use of Yunnan force, December 1943-April 1944
PREM 3/148/7 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Appreciation of Burma front situation, April 1944
PREM 3/148/8 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Supply and use of aircraft, November 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/148/9 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): New directive for Admiral Mountbatten, March-July 1944
PREM 3/148/10 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Future operations in S E Asia Command, December 1943-March 1944
PREM 3/148/11 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Operations against Myitkyina, March-May 1944
PREM 3/148/12 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (II): Various, March-June 1944

PREM 3/149/1 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Development of Cocos Islands, August-November 1944
PREM 3/149/2 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Withdrawal of Chinese divisions from Burma, December 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/149/3 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Future operations in South East Asia Command - withdrawal of Mare force, February-March 1945
PREM 3/149/4 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Dracula operation (capture of Rangoon), April-May 1945
PREM 3/149/5 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Burma National Army, May-July 1945
PREM 3/149/6 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Burma battle casualties, October 1943-February 1944, March 1944
PREM 3/149/7 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Strategy against Japan and operations in South East Asia Command, July-September 1944
PREM 3/149/8 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Dracula operation (capture of Rangoon), September-October 1944
PREM 3/149/9 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Future operations in S E Asia Command, September-November 1944
PREM 3/149/10 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Zipper operation (Malaya), March-July 1945
PREM 3/149/11 - FAR EAST: Operations in South East Asia (III): Various, September 1944-February 1945

PREM 3/150/1 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: New Zealand requirements, December 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/150/2 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: New Zealand request for fighters, January-February 1942
PREM 3/150/3 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: Australian requirements, January-February 1942
PREM 3/150/4 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: Tanks and aircraft, January-February 1942
PREM 3/150/5 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: Australian request for aircraft, January-February 1942
PREM 3/150/6 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: US Pursuit Squadrons for New Zealand, February 1942
PREM 3/150/7 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: Spitfires for Australia, May 1942-March 1943
PREM 3/150/8 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: Expansion of RAAF, May-September 1943
PREM 3/150/9 - FAR EAST: Aircraft and supplies for Australia and New Zealand: Various, February 1942-May 1945
PREM 3/151/1 - FAR EAST: Defence of Australia and New Zealand: General MacArthur’s request for reinforcements, April-May 1942
PREM 3/151/2 - FAR EAST: Defence of Australia and New Zealand: Possible invasion of Australia, March-April 1942
PREM 3/151/3 - FAR EAST: Defence of Australia and New Zealand: Possible invasion of New Zealand, February-March 1942
PREM 3/151/4 - FAR EAST: Defence of Australia and New Zealand: Various, January 1942-September 1943
PREM 3/152/1 - FAR EAST: BURMA: Report by American journalist, April-May 1942
PREM 3/152/2 - FAR EAST: BURMA: Rates of pay in Burma, February 1942
PREM 3/152/3 - FAR EAST: BURMA: Various, December 1941-July 1942

PREM 3/153/1 - FAR EAST: CEYLON: Appointment of Military Governor, February-March 1942
PREM 3/153/2 - FAR EAST: CEYLON: Various, April 1942-July 1943
PREM 3/154/1 - FAR EAST: CONVOYS: Chinese troops for Burma and India, January 1942 and May-July 1943
PREM 3/154/2 - FAR EAST: CONVOYS: Movement of two Australian Brigades to and from Ceylon, March-June 1942
PREM 3/154/3 - FAR EAST: CONVOYS: Various, December 1941-June 1942
PREM 3/155 - FAR EAST: COORDINATING authority (Mr Duff Cooper), June 1941-March 1942
PREM 3/156/1 - FAR EAST: GENERAL (Pre-hostilities): Conversations with President Roosevelt, July-September 1941
PREM 3/156/2 - FAR EAST: GENERAL (Pre-hostilities): Appreciation of Far East situation, July-August 1940
PREM 3/156/3 - FAR EAST: GENERAL (Pre-hostilities): Air reinforcements for Far East, January 1941
PREM 3/156/4 - FAR EAST: GENERAL (Pre-hostilities): Visit of Australian Prime Minister, April 1941
PREM 3/156/5 - FAR EAST: GENERAL (Pre-hostilities): US policy vis--vis Japan, November-December 1941
PREM 3/156/6 - FAR EAST: GENERAL (Pre-hostilities): Various, August 1940-January 1942

PREM 3/157/1 - FAR EAST: HONG KONG: Defence of, January-December 1941
PREM 3/157/2 - FAR EAST: HONG KONG: Resistance in, December 1941
PREM 3/157/3 - FAR EAST: HONG KONG: Japanese atrocities - publicity, February 1942
PREM 3/157/4 - FAR EAST: HONG KONG: Various, February-October 1942
PREM 3/158/1 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (I): Declaration of war against Japan, December 1941
PREM 3/158/2 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (I): Effect of tropical heat on Japanese, June 1942
PREM 3/158/3 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (I): Appreciation of War against Japan, June-July 1942
PREM 3/158/4 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (I): Documents relating to Outbreak of War with Japan, November 1942-October 1943
PREM 3/158/5 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (I): Special Military Representatives with General MacArthur and Chiang Kai-Shek, February-November 1943
PREM 3/158/6 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (I): Various, December 1941-October 1942
PREM 3/158/7 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (I): Various, February 1943-January 1944

PREM 3/159/1 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Japanese intentions, January 1944
PREM 3/159/2 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Sir Walter Layton’s report on visit to Australia and New Zealand, February 1944
PREM 3/159/3 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Marshall Islands campaign, February-April 1944
PREM 3/159/4 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): General MacArthur’s command, July-September 1944
PREM 3/159/5 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Projected operations in the South West Pacific, October 1944
PREM 3/159/6 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Policy towards Siam, February-September 1945
PREM 3/159/7 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Reorganisation of command in Pacific, April-July 1945
PREM 3/159/8 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Telegrams exchanged with General Lumsden, November 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/159/9 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Report on Japanese operations against Malaya and Netherlands East Indies December 1941-March 1942, April 1944
PREM 3/159/10 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Captain Hillgarth’s report on visit to Australia, May-September 1944
PREM 3/159/11 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Appointment of Special Representative with General MacArthur, January-April 1945
PREM 3/159/12 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Visit of General Hurley to London, March-April 1945
PREM 3/159/13 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Nauru and Ocean Island, August 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/159/14 - FAR EAST: HOSTILITIES - GENERAL (II): Various, February 1944-July 1945

PREM 3/160/1 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: Potentialities of Australia as a base, March-May 1944
PREM 3/160/2 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: Commonwealth forces for the Far East, May 1944
PREM 3/160/3 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: Shipping implications of Far Eastern strategy, March-May 1944
PREM 3/160/4 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: The ‘Middle’ strategy, May-June 1944
PREM 3/160/5 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: Plans for operations and choice of strategy, June-July 1944
PREM 3/160/6 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: British contribution to war against Japan, July-September 1944
PREM 3/160/7 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: Overall strategy against Japan and choice of British strategy, December 1943-March 1944
PREM 3/160/8 - FAR EAST: JAPAN: Various, December 1943-April 1945

PREM 3/161/1 - FAR EAST: MALAYA: Civil Administration, January-February 1942
PREM 3/161/2 - FAR EAST: MALAYA: Defence, December 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/162 - FAR EAST: MAPS and summaries of operations, February 1942-July 1945
PREM 3/163/1 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (I): Aircraft carriers for South West Pacific, November 1942-April 1943
PREM 3/163/2 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (I): Loss of HMS Prince of Wales and Repulse, December 1941-March 1942
PREM 3/163/3 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (I): Reinforcements, August-December 1941
PREM 3/163/4 - FAR EAST:NAVAL SITUATION (I): Use of Eastern Fleet, June-July 1942
PREM 3/163/5 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (I): HMS Valiant, April-August 1942
PREM 3/163/6 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (I): Australian requests concerning disposition of Eastern Fleet, March 1942-May 1943
PREM 3/163/7 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (I): British Pacific Ocean Force, September-October 1943
PREM 3/163/8 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (I): Various, December 1941-January 1943

PREM 3/164/1 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (II): Move of Japanese fleet to Singapore, February-April 1944
PREM 3/164/2 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (II): Naval encounters in the Philippines, October 1944
PREM 3/164/3 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (II): Command, deployment and administration of British Pacific Fleet, October 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/164/4 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (II): Position in Indian Ocean, December 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/164/5 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (II): British Fleet Train, December 1943-July 1945
PREM 3/164/6 - FAR EAST: NAVAL SITUATION (II): Various, November 1943-July 1945
PREM 3/165 - FAR EAST: Strategic Control in the Pacific, March-May 1942
PREM 3/166/1 - FAR EAST: Supreme Command in the Pacific: Setting up of Command (ABDA area) and appointment of General Wavell as Supreme Commander, December 1941-January 1942
PREM 3/166/2 - FAR EAST: Supreme Command in the Pacific: Appointment of naval and air commanders, January-February 1942
PREM 3/166/3 - FAR EAST: Supreme Command in the Pacific: General Wavell’s despatch on operations in the South West Pacific, January-February 1942, August-November 1942
PREM 3/166/4 - FAR EAST: Supreme Command in the Pacific: Break up of ABDA Command, February-March 1942
PREM 3/166/5 - FAR EAST: Supreme Command in the Pacific: Various, December 1941-February 1942

PREM 3/167/1 - FAR EAST: PACIFIC WAR COUNCIL: Correspondence with Australia and New Zealand, January-February 1942
PREM 3/167/2 - FAR EAST: PACIFIC WAR COUNCIL: Telegrams exchanged between PM and the Prime Minister of Australia, December 1941-January 1942
PREM 3/167/3 - FAR EAST: PACIFIC WAR COUNCIL: Various, January 1942-August 1943
PREM 3/168/1 - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: Telegrams, December 1941-April 1942, May 1942
PREM 3/168/2 - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: ACM Sir Robert Brooke-Popham’s despatch on the Far East, June-September 1942
PREM 3/168/3 - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: Circulation of despatches and report from escaped military personnel in Malaya, 1942
PREM 3/168/4 - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: Provision of defences for land attack, September-October 1942
PREM 3/168/5 - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: Destruction of ammunition in Singapore, February 1942
PREM 3/168/6 - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: Telegrams, December 1941-March 1942
PREM 3/168/7A - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: Various, December 1941-February 1943
PREM 3/168/7B - FAR EAST: SINGAPORE: Defence of Singapore: account written by the son of Admiral Beamish, 1942
PREM 3/169/1 - FAR EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations in the Far East: December 1941, December 1941
PREM 3/169/2 - FAR EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations in the Far East: December 1941-January 1942, January 1942
PREM 3/169/3 - FAR EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations in the Far East: February 1942, February 1942
PREM 3/169/4 - FAR EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations in the Far East: February-August 1942, August 1942

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