Complete classes from the CAB and PREM series in the Public Record Office, London
Series One: PREM 3: Papers concerning Defence and Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers.
Part 7: PREM 3/277-325 (Subject files cover Mexico, Middle-East (including North Africa), Mines, Morocco, Naval Landing Equipment and Navy)
A substantial amount of Part 7 is taken up with the Middle East and North African Campaigns. These operations spanned an enormous geographical area, from Egypt and the Middle East to Libya and Tunisia. They included some famous actions such as Beda Fomm, Operation Battleaxe, Compass, Crusader, Sidi Rezegh Gazala, Bir Hacheim, Tobruk; the First and Second Battles of El Alamein; the Torch landings in North Africa and the Battle of Tunisia including Kasserine Pass and Mareth. Churchill's files contain an extraordinary amount of detail, comment and analysis crucial to any understanding of these operations and their overall influence on strategic planning. Featuring Australian, New Zealand, British, Indian and South Afican Divisions, with US Divisions from Torch onwards, these files allow researchers a daily or week by week view of the decision making process. There are also important files on Abyssinia and Italian East Africa, Kenya, British Somaliland, the Sudan and on Air operations in the Middle East. The importance of logistics and supply on overall strategy can be studied. These papers reveal the heavy reliance of the Allies upon Gibraltar, Cairo and Alexandria as well as on vital bases in the supply chain such as Malta (see also Part 6 of this project); on operations against the Italian fleet, Crete and Sicily.
Morocco is briefly covered. There is documentation on the Oran-Casablanca railway and the future of Tangier. The principal cities of Morocco were home to many of the secret agents of both sides operating in the Mediterranean theatre. Mines (including acoustic, parachute and aerial mines) as well as Minesweeping operations are also well covered.
The files under the headings Naval Programmes, the Navy and Naval Land Equipment offer data on the construction of new ships, the repair of damaged ships, a comparison between the British battleship HMS King George V and the American USS Carolina, reports on the disposition of capital ships, information on Soviet convoys, material on the Royal Marines, the gift of HMS Shropshire to Australia, the use of tugs for Operation Overlord and notes on various senior command appointments.
PREM 3/277 - MEXICO: Declaration of war, May-June 1942
PREM 3/278/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Abyssinia and Italian East Africa: Canvas operation (Kismayu), November 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/278/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Abyssinia and Italian East Africa: Keren, March 1941
PREM 3/278/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Abyssinia and Italian East Africa: Correspondence with Emperor of Ethiopia, etc, June 1940-March 1943
PREM 3/278/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Abyssinia and Italian East Africa: Anglo-Abyssinian agreement, June-December 1944
PREM 3/278/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Abyssinia and Italian East Africa: Conversations at Cairo with Emperor of Ethiopia, February 1945
PREM 3/278/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Abyssinia and Italian East Africa: Exchange of telegrams with General Smuts concerning recognition of Emperor of Ethiopia, January 1941
PREM 3/278/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Abyssinia and Italian East Africa: Various, July 1940-May 1944
PREM 3/279/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Air re-inforcements - progress reports: Weekly returns of receipts and losses, November 1940-July 1941
PREM 3/279/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Air re-inforcements - progress reports: Daily and weekly re-inforcement reports, November 1940-July 1941
PREM 3/279/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Air re-inforcements - progress reports: Weekly returns of serviceability, July 1941-August 1943
PREM 3/279/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Air re-inforcements - progress reports: Weekly state - West and North West Africa, January 1943
PREM 3/280 - MIDDLE EAST: Air re-inforcements - Takoradi, August 1940-August 1943
PREM 3/281/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Re-inforcement flight of Blenheims and Hurricanes, June-September 1940
PREM 3/281/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Squadrons in East Africa, September 1941
PREM 3/281/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: US Persuit Groups for Egypt, February 1942
PREM 3/281/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Despatch of US Bomber Groups, June-July 1942
PREM 3/281/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Air Transport Service to Middle East, September 1941-August 1942
PREM 3/281/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Proposed transfer of US Fighter Groups to Far East, December 1943-March 1944
PREM 3/281/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Proposed transfer of British and US fighters to UK, March-April 1944
PREM 3/281/8 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Resources, serviceability, and personnel establishments in Middle East, November-December 1940
PREM 3/281/9 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Air support for Fleet, April-May 1941
PREM 3/281/10 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Exchange of telegrams with Government of Australia concerning air support for ground forces etc, May-June 1941
PREM 3/281/11 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Despatch of fighter squadrons and ground personnel to Middle East, August-September 1941
PREM 3/281/12 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Heavy bombers for Middle East, May-July 1942
PREM 3/281/13 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Various, August 1940-December 1941
PREM 3/281/14 - MIDDLE EAST: Air situation: Various, January 1942-August 1943
PREM 3/282 - MIDDLE EAST: 22nd Armoured Brigade, faulty tank axles and Mr Justice Singleton’s enquiry into resulting delay, October 1941-April 1942
PREM 3/283 - MIDDLE EAST: 2nd Armoured Division, report on action during withdrawal from Cyrenaica, June-September 1941
REEL 100
PREM 3/284/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Passage of armoured re-inforcements through Mediterranean, September-October 1940
REEL 101
PREM 3/284/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: PM’s minutes concerning tanks for Middle East, April-September 1941, October-November 1941
PREM 3/284/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Order of Battle in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Persia, October-November 1941
PREM 3/284/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Analysis of troops in ME and PAI Commands, February-April 1943
PREM 3/284/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Use of Middle East as base for South East Asia Command, October-December 1943
PREM 3/284/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Servicing of tanks, January-March 1942
PREM 3/284/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Sherman tanks, June-October 1942
PREM 3/284/8 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Churchill tanks, August 1941-July 1942
PREM 3/284/9 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Tank returns, April 1941-May 1943
PREM 3/284/10 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: despatch of armoured re-inforcements, August-October 1940
PREM 3/284/11 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Preparations for and delay in offensive (see also PREM 3/291/3), October 1941
PREM 3/284/12 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Enquiry into German tank armament and British tank defects, May 1941-July 1942
PREM 3/284/13 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Condition of Valentine tanks of 8th Armoured Division, June-September 1942
PREM 3/284/14 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: 1st Armoured Division, July 1943-June 1944
PREM 3/284/15 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Various, July 1940-December 1941
PREM 3/284/16 - MIDDLE EAST: Armoured and other re-inforcements: Various, December 1941- June 1945
REEL 102
PREM 3/285 - MIDDLE EAST: General Auchinleck’s Despatch July-October 1941, April 1942-June 1943
PREM 3/286 - MIDDLE EAST: General Auchinleck, Discussions with, July-August 1941
PREM 3/287/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Battleaxe operation (offensive in Sollum area): Reports, maps etc, May-June 1941
PREM 3/287/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Battleaxe operation (offensive in Sollum area): PM’s telegrams to General Smuts and Mr Menzies, June 1941
PREM 3/287/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Battleaxe operation (offensive in Sollum area):Various, May-June 1941
PREM 3/288/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: Compass - Maps, plans, reports etc, November-December 1940
PREM 3/288/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: Compass - congratulations received, December 1940-January 1941
PREM 3/288/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: Approximate strengths of remaining Italian forces in Libya, December 1940
PREM 3/288/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: Press leakage concerning short route to Benghazi, January-February 1941
PREM 3/288/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: Middle East telegrams, February-March including appreciation of situation in Cyrenaica and Tripolitania, March 1941
PREM 3/288/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: Compass various, November 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/288/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: General Wavell's attitude to assistance to Greece in light of situation in Libya, June-November 1942
PREM 3/288/8 - MIDDLE EAST: Compass (Libya offensive) and subsequent operations in North Africa: Various, February-November 1941
REEL 103
PREM 3/289 - MIDDLE EAST: Convoys:, September 1940-October 1942
PREM 3/290/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal telegrams relating to Crusader, October-December 1941, February 1942
PREM 3/290/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal telegrams relating to Crusader, December 1941-February 1942, February 1942
PREM 3/290/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal telegrams relating to Crusader, March-June 1942, June 1942
PREM 3/290/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal telegrams relating to Crusader, June-August 1942, August 1942
PREM 3/290/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal policy telegrams relating to operations in Middle East, February-May 1942, May 1942
PREM 3/290/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Telegrams exchanged between PM and General Auchinleck, May-July 1942 (see also PREM 3/292/1), 1942
PREM 3/290/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal telegrams Middle East, July 1942, July 1942
PREM 3/290/8 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal telegrams Middle East, August 1942, August 1942
PREM 3/290/9 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (offensives in Libya) (I): Principal telegrams Libya, August 1942-January 1943, January 1943
REEL 104
PREM 3/291/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (II): Telegrams exchanged between PM, COS, and General Auchinleck etc, on possibility of offensive, July 1941
PREM 3/291/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (II): Relative air strengths for Crusader, October 1941
PREM 3/291/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (II): Messages exchanged with General Auchinleck etc, on preparations for Crusader (see also PREM 3/284/11), August-November 1941
PREM 3/291/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (II): Press disclosures, September-November 1941
PREM 3/291/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (II): Letters from Minister of State on battle, December 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/291/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (II): Possibility of further operations and visit of Sir Stafford Cripps and General Nye to Middle East, February-March 1942
PREM 3/291/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (II): Various, June 1941-April 1942
REEL 105
PREM 3/292/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Telegrams exchanged between PM and General Auchinleck, May-July (see also PREM 3/290/6), 1942
PREM 3/292/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Enquiry into loss of Tobruk and 8th Army retreat, with principal telegrams relating to Operations in Middle East, May-June 1942, October 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/292/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Telegrams exchanged between PM and General Auchinleck etc, on Further Operations, with telegrams from Sir Stafford Cripps and General Nye, March 1942, May 1942
PREM 3/292/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Criticism in Press and Parliament, June-September 1942
PREM 3/292/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Signals and telegrams relating to defence of Tobruk, June 1942
PREM 3/292/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Reports etc on course of battle, June 1942
PREM 3/292/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Possibility of German attack in Persia, July 1942
PREM 3/292/8 - MIDDLE EAST: Crusader operation (III): Various, May-October 1942
REEL 106
PREM 3/293/1 - MIDDLE EAST: East Africa, Kenya and British Somaliland: Operations in Somaliland Protectorate, 1939-1940, and possible re-occupation, November 1940-March 1941
PREM 3/293/2 - MIDDLE EAST: East Africa, Kenya and British Somaliland: Operations in East Africa Command, July 1941-January 1943, May 1943
PREM 3/293/3 - MIDDLE EAST: East Africa, Kenya and British Somaliland: Various, June 1940-April 1943
PREM 3/294/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Visit of Mr Eden, General Dill and General Smuts: Report on Mission of Foreign Secretary, February-April 1941
PREM 3/294/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Visit of Mr Eden, General Dill and General Smuts: Various, February-July 1941
PREM 3/295/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Egypt and Sudan: Appreciation of situation of Italian Army, by General Finlayson, August 1940
PREM 3/295/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Egypt and Sudan: The position in Egypt, by General Freyberg, July-August 1940
PREM 3/295/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Egypt and Sudan: Employment of West African troops in Sudan, August 1940
PREM 3/295/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Egypt and Sudan: Various, May 1940-August 1942
REEL 107
PREM 3/296/1 - MIDDLE EAST: General: General directive for C-in-C, Middle East, August 1940
PREM 3/296/2 - MIDDLE EAST: General: PM’s Directive on Middle East, April-May 1941
PREM 3/296/3 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Eastward Extension of the War in the Middle East, July 1941
PREM 3/296/4 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Colonial allowances and establishments in Middle East, August-September 1941
PREM 3/296/5 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Future planning in Middle East, October 1941
PREM 3/296/6 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Issue of communiqués, April 1941-September 1942
PREM 3/296/7 - MIDDLE EAST: General: North Africa and Levant: requirements for security, December 1942
PREM 3/296/8 - MIDDLE EAST: General: British policy in Middle East, July 1943
PREM 3/296/9 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Internal security in Middle East, August 1944-February 1945
PREM 3/296/10 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Imperial security in Middle East, June-July 1945
PREM 3/296/11 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Requirements of Middle East in relation to other theatres, September 1940
PREM 3/296/12 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Telegrams exchanged with Dominions prime ministers, June-July 1941
PREM 3/296/13 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Telegrams exchanged with Australian prime minister, August-September 1941
PREM 3/296/14 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Messages exchanged with General Auchinleck and US, August-October 1941
PREM 3/296/15 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Association of government of India in Middle East questions, September-October 1941
PREM 3/296/16 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Equipment for Egyptian and Iraqi armies, March-May 1945
PREM 3/296/17 - MIDDLE EAST: General: Various, May 1940-December 1941
PREM 3/296/18A - MIDDLE EAST: General: Various, December 1941-December 1942
PREM 3/296/18B - MIDDLE EAST: General: Brigadier Shearer: removal as intelligence officer for Middle East, 1942
PREM 3/296/18C - MIDDLE EAST: General: Closed, 1942
REEL 108
PREM 3/297/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Despatch of two infantry divisions: Provision of US shipping, August-November 1941
PREM 3/297/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Despatch of two infantry divisions: Strength of units in Middle East, September-October 1941
PREM 3/298/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Appointment of Intendant-General: Notes on mechanical facilities in Middle East, undated
PREM 3/298/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Appointment of Intendant-General: Appointment of General Haining, functions, and termination of appointment, May 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/298/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Appointment of Intendant-General: Reports on inspection of army fighting and Ministry of Transport equipment by TCL Westbrook, July-August 1941
PREM 3/298/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Appointment of Intendant-General: Letters of TCL Westbrook, July 1941-July 1942
PREM 3/299/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Lightfoot: Date, plans, reports, etc, September 1942-May 1943
PREM 3/299/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Lightfoot: Casualties, October 1942-February 1943
PREM 3/300/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Maps: Photographs of Libya, November 1941
PREM 3/300/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Maps: Maps etc., November 1941-February 1943
PREM 3/301 - MIDDLE EAST: Mechanisation of cavalry divisions, September 1940-July 1941
REEL 109
PREM 3/302 - MIDDLE EAST: Propaganda, May 1941-March 1943
PREM 3/303 - MIDDLE EAST: Railway communications, August 1941-October 1942
PREM 3/304/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Rearward services: Manpower Requirements and Organisation of the Army December 1940 - February 1941, February 1941
PREM 3/304/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Rearward services: Mr Duncan Sandys’ recommendations, February 1943
PREM 3/304/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Rearward services: Personnel requirements, January 1941-June 1942
PREM 3/304/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Rearward services: Appointment of General Lindsell to succeed General Riddell-Webster as Lieutenant General i/c Administration, April-June 1942
PREM 3/304/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Rearward services: Mr Duncan Sandys’ tour of inspection, September-November 1942
PREM 3/305/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Appointment of Mr Lyttelton, June-July 1941
PREM 3/305/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Appointment of Mr Casey, March-April 1942
PREM 3/305/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Functions of Minister of State in respect of finance and Intendant General, July-August 1941
PREM 3/305/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Functions of Minister of State in respect of Middle East countries, June-September 1941
PREM 3/305/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Staff of Minister of State, July-October 1941
PREM 3/305/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Discussions with Minister of State, September 1941
PREM 3/305/7 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Report by Mr Lyttelton (printed), February 1942
PREM 3/305/8 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Various, August 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/305/9 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Functions of Minister of State, February-April 1942
PREM 3/305/10 - MIDDLE EAST: Minister of State: Letters and telegrams from Minister of State, May 1942-October 1943
REEL 110
PREM 3/306 - MIDDLE EAST: Suez Canal and Red Sea, August 1940-October 1941
PREM 3/307/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Supplies: Supply organisation, July-September 1941
PREM 3/307/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Supplies: Military equipment, July-August 1942
PREM 3/307/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Supplies: Stocks held, January-March 1943
PREM 3/307/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Supplies: Various, September 1941-February 1943
PREM 3/308 - MIDDLE EAST: Telegrams exchanged with Secretary of State for War, October-November 1940
PREM 3/309/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (I) August 1940-February 1941, February 1941
PREM 3/309/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (I) February-March 1941, April 1941
PREM 3/309/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (I) March-April 1941, April 1941
PREM 3/309/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (I) April-May 1941, May 1941
PREM 3/309/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (I) May-July 1941, July 1941
PREM 3/309/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (I): Telegrams April 1941and minutes concerning printing, January-April 1941
REEL 111
PREM 3/310/1 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (II) July-August 1941, August 1941
PREM 3/310/2 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (II) August-October 1941, October 1941
PREM 3/310/3 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (II) November-January 1941, March 1942
PREM 3/310/4 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (II) May-June 1942, June 1942
PREM 3/310/5 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (II) February-June 1942, August 1942
PREM 3/310/6 - MIDDLE EAST: Principal Telegrams relating to Operations (II) July-December 1942, December 1942
PREM 3/311 - MIDDLE EAST: Tobruk, April 1941-November 1942
PREM 3/312/1 - MIDDLE EAST: USA forces in: Proposed United States Mission, September 1942
PREM 3/312/2 - MIDDLE EAST: USA forces in: US Military Mission, December 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/312/3 - MIDDLE EAST: USA forces in: Appointment of General Maxwell as C-in-C American Land and Air Forces, June-July 1942
PREM 3/313/1 - MIDDLE EAST: General Wevell’s despatches: Middle East August 1939-November 1940, January 1941
PREM 3/313/2 - MIDDLE EAST: General Wevell’s despatches: Middle East February-July 1941, January 1942
PREM 3/313/3 - MIDDLE EAST: General Wevell’s despatches: Western Desert December 1940-February 1941, August 1941
REEL 112
PREM 3/314/1 - MINES: Acoustic mines, October 1940-March 1941
PREM 3/314/2 - MINES: Parachute mines, September-December 1940
PREM 3/314/3 - MINES: Countermining torpedoes, and Actaeon nets, March-June 1941
PREM 3/314/4 - MINES: Long aerial mines, including daily and weekly returns March-November 1941, July 1940-November 1941
PREM 3/314/5 - MINES: Message to minesweepers, May-June 1945
PREM 3/314/6 - MINES: Various, May 1940-March 1945
PREM 3/315 - MINORU operation (Anglo-French conversations in Paris), November 1944
PREM 3/316 - FM MONTGOMERY’S pamphlets, October 1945
PREM 3/317/1 - MOROCCO: Oran-Casablanca railway, January 1941
PREM 3/317/2 - MOROCCO: Future of Tangier, April-July 1945
PREM 3/317/3 - MOROCCO: Various, October 1940-February 1945
PREM 3/318 - MOTOR TRANSPORT VEHICLES ordered from USA, October-November 1940
PREM 3/319/1 - ADM MUSELIER: Retained, January-March 1941
PREM 3/319/2 - ADM MUSELIER: Various, June 1941-July 1943
PREM 3/320/1 - NAVAL LAND EQUIPMENT: Mr C V Clarke’s invention, April-May 1940
PREM 3/320/2 - NAVAL LAND EQUIPMENT: Correspondence with Mr E L Burgin concerning Cultivator (mechanical trench digger), April 1940
PREM 3/320/3 - NAVAL LAND EQUIPMENT: Release of Merlin engines by Air Ministry, March-April 1940
PREM 3/320/4 - NAVAL LAND EQUIPMENT: Cultivator no.6 progress meetings, March-May 1940
PREM 3/320/5 - NAVAL LAND EQUIPMENT: NLE progress reports, March 1940-March 1941
PREM 3/320/6 - NAVAL LAND EQUIPMENT: Establishment of NLE organisation, February-March 1940
PREM 3/320/7 - NAVAL LAND EQUIPMENT: Various, March 1940-May 1945
REEL 113
PREM 3/321 - NAVAL OFFICERS serving in Admiralty, January-June 1941
PREM 3/322/1 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: New Construction Programme 1941, March-April 1941
PREM 3/322/2 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: New Construction Programme 1942, March-September 1942
PREM 3/322/3 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: Intermediate aircraft carriers and Vanguard, September 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/322/4 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: Intermediate aircraft carriers and Vanguard, September 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/322/5 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: New Construction Programmes 1943 and 1944, and Battleships versus Aircraft, October 1943-December 1944
PREM 3/322/6 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: New Construction Programmes 1943 and 1944, and Battleships versus Aircraft, October 1943-December 1944
PREM 3/322/7 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: New Construction Programme 1945, March-June 1945
PREM 3/322/8 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: New Construction Programme 1940, August-October 1940
PREM 3/322/9 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: Supplementary New Construction Programme 1941, November 1941
PREM 3/322/10 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: Amendments to New Construction Programme 1942, August 1942
PREM 3/322/11 - NAVAL PROGRAMMES: Various, December 1940-December 1944
PREM 3/323 - NAVY: Escort vessels, May 1942-June 1945
REEL 114
PREM 3/324/1 - NAVY, General: Chart of moons and tides on E Anglican coast July-August, June-July 1940
PREM 3/324/2 - NAVY, General: Miscellaneous, May-September 1940
PREM 3/324/3 - NAVY, General: Minutes on particular ships, September 1940-July 1942
PREM 3/324/4 - NAVY, General: Report on operation XD, party D (Antwerp), May 1940
PREM 3/324/5 - NAVY, General: Auxiliary Patrol Vessels, July-October 1940
PREM 3/324/6 - NAVY, General: Sinking of neutral ships, July-August 1940
PREM 3/324/7 - NAVY, General: Naval wire barrage, July-August 1940
PREM 3/324/8 - NAVY, General: Repair of HM Ships in USA, March 1941
PREM 3/324/9 - NAVY, General: Salvage, August 1940-May 1941
PREM 3/324/10 - NAVY, General: Coastguard cutters from USA, March-April 1941
PREM 3/324/11 - NAVY, General: Naval manpower requirements after defeat of Germany, July 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/324/12 - NAVY, General: Lion and Temeraire, August 1941
PREM 3/324/13 - NAVY, General: Comparison of HMS King George V and USS Carolina, September-October 1941
PREM 3/324/14 - NAVY, General: Allied and Axis capital ship positions and prospects, March-April 1942
PREM 3/324/15 - NAVY, General: Disposition of capital ships, December 1941-April 1942
PREM 3/324/16 - NAVY, General: Correspondence with Lord Chatfield on capital ships, February-April 1942
PREM 3/324/17 - NAVY, General: Soviet convoys, April-June 1942
PREM 3/324/18 - NAVY, General: Mobile Naval Base Defence Organization, January 1941-October 1942
PREM 3/324/19 - NAVY, General: Needs of RN, July-November 1942
PREM 3/324/20 - NAVY, General: Naming of submarines, November 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/324/21 - NAVY, General: Statement of RN estimates, March 1943
PREM 3/324/22 - NAVY, General: Royal Marines Division, June 1942-June 1945
PREM 3/324/23 - NAVY, General: Light coastal forces, October 1942-June 1943
PREM 3/324/24 - NAVY, General: Loss of Submarine HMS Untamed, June-July 1943
PREM 3/324/25 - NAVY, General: Human torpedoes, January 1942-September 1943
PREM 3/324/26 - NAVY, General: Gift of HMS Shropshire to Australia, August 1942-October 1943
PREM 3/324/27 - NAVY, General: Visit of C-in-C, Home Fleet, to Kola, December 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/324/28 - NAVY, General: Tugs for Operation OVERLORD in Normandy, January-February 1944
PREM 3/324/29 - NAVY, General: Naval manpower, May-July 1944
PREM 3/324/30 - NAVY, General: German acoustic torpedoes, April-December 1944
PREM 3/324/31 - NAVY, General: Various, January 1940-November 1942
PREM 3/324/32A - NAVY, General: Various, May 1942-June 1945
PREM 3/324/32B - NAVY, General: Appointment of Acting Major-General Robert Grice Sturges as AGRM, 1943
PREM 3/325 - NAVY, General: Sink at sight zones, February-July 1941
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