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From the School of Oriental and African Studies, London

Part 4: Additional CIM Papers and Chefoo Mission Papers


Contents of Reels - Part 4

(NB The numbering references should be written as CIM 1, CIM 2 and so on)

(Please note that the Chefoo Schools Association Papers are divided into two sections. These are the main set of papers [CSP 1-71] and additional papers [CSP Add 1-83]. In addition we have included a group of papers from the main China Inland Mission archive [CIM 366-433]).



CSP 1.

Chefoo School Register, boys and girls, with place of birth, address of parents, dates of entry and departure.


CSP 2.

Register of Pupils (2 sets of sheets torn from a bound volume). Includes list of teachers, pupils who ‘entered the foreign mission’. If died or profession carrying out mentioned.


School Papers

CSP 3.

Prospectus of CIM Schools at Chefoo, boys, girls and preparatory.


School Magazines

CSP 4.

Bound copy of The Chefusian, vol. 1
June 1928-February 1931 1928-1931

CSP 5.

Bound copy of The Chefusian, vol. 2
May 1931-February 1934 1931-1934


CSP 6.

The Chefusian
Vol 2 No. 4, Spring 1932 1932

CSP 7.

The Chefusian
Vol 3 No. 1, Summer 1934 1934

CSP 8.

The Chefusian
Vol 3 No. 2, Winter 1934
Vol 3 No. 4, Winter 1935 1934-1935

Chefoo Schools Association Papers and Minutes

The Chefoo Schools Association was set up in 1908. Membership was open to any former Chefoo Schools Staff or pupils.

CSP 9.

Minute Book of the Chefoo Schools Association, London.
29 January 1908 (first meeting) – 4 October 1928 1908-1928

CSP 10.

Minute Book of the Chefoo Schools Association, London.
15 November 1928 – 16 March 1940 1928-1940

CSP 11.

Minute Book of the Chefoo Schools Association, London.
5 June 1945 – 21 June 1960
Includes some accounts. 1945-1960

CSP 12.

Folder containing tss. and mss. copies of “The Constitution of the Chefoo Schools Association”.
Order form for Old Chefusian colours. 1929


CSP 58.

Article taken from The Chefoo Magazine, ‘The Story of our China Inland Mission Schools at Chefoo, 1879-1929’, by Herbert J. Alty 1987

CSP 59.

The Chefoo Grapevine No.1
‘News and Views of Secondary School Chefusians’ Fall 1987

Chefoo Centennial 1881-1981 Magazines

CSP 60.

Tours and Reunions
Includes descriptions of return visits to Chefoo in 1980s 1981

CSP 61.

Songs and Verses
Anthology of Chefoo Schools songs etc. 1981

CSP 62.

Order of Service for Service at All Souls Church, London, 5 September 1981 1981

Historical Notes on Chefoo Schools

CSP 63.

‘Annals of the China Inland Mission Schools Chefoo 1795-1930’ vol. 1
Notebook compiled by Fred H. Judd
Contains photographs, notes on history of schools and events in the CIM’s history. 1931

CSP 64.

Diary ‘being a compilation of references to Chefoo events and personalities’, covering period 1880s – 1948.
Compiled by Fred H. Judd.
Includes list of old boys killed in action, Chefoo schools in Japanese internment camps. n.d. – 1950s

CSP 65.

‘Attainments and Achievements’
Notebook containing achievements of ex-pupils of Chefoo schools.
Including soldiers, medical staff, educationalists etc.
In same hand as 62 and 63. n.d.

CSP 66.

Mss. And tss. lists of ‘Chefusians who became missionaries overseas.
Mss. Speech, possibly to Chefoo Children discussing origins of Chefoo schools. n.d.

Photographs and Photograph Albums

See also separate CIM Photograph Collection list for further Chefoo photographs.

CSP 67.

Photo Album with no cover containing pictures of staff, pupils, views, some pictures of Pekin, missionaries.
Some captions. 1908 and later. n.d.

CSP 68.

Loose photographs ‘Chefoo in China’
Captions n.d.

CSP 69.

Envelope of photographs
Nineteenth century and later. n.d.

CSP 70.

Photograph Album – Take a look at Chefoo School, Tanah rata, Cameron Highlands, West Malaysia’.
Brochure showing activities and facilities at the School for Overseas Missionary Fellowship Missionaries in South East Asia. n.d. – early 1970s

Miscellaneous Materials

CSP 71.

Autograph book belonging to Dr. H. Neve at Weihsien
(possibly during Japanese internment) 1943


CSP Add 1.

Folder of miscellaneous materials containing the following:

Girls School Exhibition and Prize Distribution Programme 1925

CIM Schools Prayer List, (inscribed FH Judd) 1939-40

Memorial Hall: Opening Ceremony and Service Programme 4/4/1924

Exercise book listing former Chefoo pupils who have gone on to work as issionaries, by FH Judd. Also includes a short history of Chefoo Schools.
[See 63-65, Original CIM/CSP List]. c.1927-28

Reprints from Chefoo Daily News on Chefoo School activities. 1935-39

Press cuttings.

Notes on Oxford Examination results. 1908-1937

Circular letter to ‘Chefoo Parents and Friends’ from SG Martin, (Principal?). 20/7/1942

Various articles from China’s Millions. 1940s

Article on Chefusians who became missionaries. n.d.

CIM Schools Prayer List. 1941-42

Leaflet: Children’s Special Service Mission, Chefoo. 12-20/1/1928

Report of ‘Protestant Collegiate School, Chefoo, Exhibition Day and Aquatic Sports’. n.d. – 1891/3?

Article on Chefoo Birds, by JN Duncan, reprint from Hong Kong Naturalist.

April 1937

Article on 1981 London Centenary Celebrations of Chefoo Schools. 1981

Booklet of Chefoo Songs. 1980s?

Young China: The Magazine of the Comradeship for China, CIM, Special Chefoo edition. Vol XXII, No.1 Jan-Feb 1948

Empire Day Celebrations Programme. 24/5/1934

Foundation Day Programme. 13-14/6/1935

Cutting from The North China Herald, ‘The Tungchow Piracy’, about pirates taking over the SS Tungchow, which was carrying Chefoo pupils. 13/2/1935

Notes on various people linked to Chefoo schools

CIM Prize Giving Programme. 30/7/1940

Dedication of New Buildings Programme. 17/11/1934

‘Report of the Red Cross Hospital and the Free Hospital and Dispensary at Chefoo in connection with the China Inland Mission for the year ending March 31st 1895’, by AW Douthwaite MD. 1895

Sketch by Neville Duncan. 1938

Photographs / Photograph Albums

Most of these photographs have some captions, but not all of them can be identified. They all concern school activities at Chefoo, from the 1890s to the 1940s.

CSP Add 2.

Dr Fred H Judd Photograph Album. 1893-1942
Mainly photographs of school groups, teams etc.
Photocopy of hand produced booklet on Chefoo Rangers, 1932-42.

CSP Add 3.

Arnold Lea Photograph Album, ‘owned by HAH Lea and family’. 1906-c.1913
Includes photographs of school etc., mostly with captions. It would appear that Arnold J Lea attended the Chefoo Schools, and that his parents (?) earlier worked at the schools.
Includes obituaries of Arnold Lea (1907-1992), died 5/5/1992.

CSP Add 4.

Arnold Lea Photograph Album. c.1900
Photographs date back to the turn of the twentieth century. Includes Lea family photos.

CSP Add 5.

Photograph album: ‘Chefoo’ c.1918-1930s
Mostly with captions.

CSP Add 6.

‘Sundry Photographs of Chefoo Schools’ Album.
Includes photographs and signature of boys. 1920s

CSP Add 7.

Photograph Album, including new Prep and onwards. 1928
Co-ed Buildings, 1933, some loose photographs, mostly with captions.

CSP Add 8.

Photographs, in album made with treasury tags. n.d.
No captions or dates.

CSP Add 9.

Scrap Book of large photographs, some possibly modern reprints.

CSP Add 10.

Loose large panoramic photographs:
Panorama of Chefoo
Coeducation pupils group c.1934/35
Girls School Early 1930s
Girls School
Boys and Girls School c.1935/36
Girls School c.1932/33

Materials relating to the internment of the Chefoo Schools during World War Two

CSP Add 11.

‘Irwin House Camp, Temple Hill: Chefoo’ 1942-43
Autograph book containing poems and pictures, whilst the Chefoo pupils were based at Temple Hill Japanese Internment Camp.

CSP Add 12.

Sketch Book of Dr NB/HB Neve, with sketches done by people in Weihsein Internment Camp. c.1943-45
[See 71, Original CIM/CSP List].

CSP Add 13.

4 loose sketches by Dr Neve of Weihsein Camp. c.1943-45


CSP Add 14.

Papers relating to Alex Riemer: sports certificates; scout enrolment cards; 4 ribbons and 2 badges 1940-1943

CSP Add 15.

Chefoo School Oxford exam results 1944, 1945

CSP Add 16.

Fiftieth Anniversary CelebrationProgramme:
VJ Day & The Liberation 17/08/1995

CSP Add 17.

Album of photographs and article about Miss Ina T. Lucia n.d.

CSP Add 18.

Bound photo album - Chefoo Schools n.d.
(photos of pupils and buildings)

CSP Add 19.

Scrap Book – Chefoo School Photos and Souvenirs n.d.

CSP Add 20.

Early Photos – Chefoo Schools from Rev. J. H. Liversidge n.d.
Photos of sports, scenery & people

CSP Add 21.

Bound Album – Andrew Hazeland at Chefoo School 1920-1925
Photos of buildings, people and sports

CSP Add 22.

Photo Album from Sheila Kelsey n.d.

CSP Add 23.

Chefoo Harbour n.d.

CSP Add 24.

Chefoo Photos (copies) 1938-1940

CSP Add 25.

Chefoo School and Port c1918-1920
Photos of sports groups, scenery & people

CSP Add 26.

Chefoo Girls School – group photos 1911-1921

CSP Add 27.

Silver cup – this has not been filmed

CSP Add 28.

Chefoo Stamps n.d.

CSP Add 29.

Early Map of Chefoo n.d.

CSP Add 30.

Henry R. Luce – Another of Chefoo’s Famous Sons n.d.
By Norman Cliff (Article copy)

CSP Add 31.

Henry R. Luce – First Day of Issue Stamp Ceremony 03/04/1998

CSP Add 32.

A Tribute to Thornton Wilder... (Article copy) n.d.

CSP Add 33.

A Short History of the Chefoo Schools n.d.

CSP Add 34.

Articles on the Early History of Chefoo n.d.

CSP Add 35.

Chefoo by Stanley Houghton, B.A., Edith B. Harman and Margaret Pyle n.d.

CSP Add 36.

Chefoo School, 1881-1951 by Gordon Martin n.d.

CSP Add 37.

Mountain Mixture (Book) n.d.


CIM 366.

Davies, Evan, China and her Spiritual Claims, London 1845

CIM 367.

Davies, Evan, Memoir of Rev. Samuel Dyer, London 1846

CIM 368.

Frost, Henry W., The Meaning of the Hebrew Word Olam and the Greek Word Aion, or, Will Men Exist Forever? 1938

CIM 369.

S.G. The Golden Years are the Years Ahead, Oldham 1946

CIM 370.

Guinness, Geraldine, In the Far East, London 1889?

CIM 371.

Gutzlaff, Charles, Journal of Three Voyages Along the Coast of China, London 1834


CIM 372.

F.H., Hudson Taylor – Some of the Bare Facts, London 1932

CIM 373.

Mennie, D., Glimpses of China, Shanghai n.d.

CIM 374.

Moule, A.E., Ningpo Ancient and Modern, Under the T'ai-p'ings / Confucius, Shanghai 1909

CIM 375.

Moule, A.E., The Story of the Cheh-Kiang mission of the Church Missionary Society, London 1879

CIM 376.

Polhill-Turner, Two Etonians in China

CIM 377.

Taiwan Missionary Fellowship, Taiwan Tribes 1958

CIM 378.

Taylor, J.H., After Thirty Years, London 1895

CIM 379.

Duplicate of the above – this has not been filmed


CIM 380.

Taylor, J.H., Brief Account of the Progress of the China Inland Mission, London 1868

CIM 381.

The same

CIM 382.

Taylor, J.H., China, its Spiritual Need and Claims, London 1866

CIM 383.

Taylor, J.H., China, its Spiritual Need and Claims, London 1868

CIM 384.

Taylor, J.H., China, its Spiritual Need and Claims, London 1872

CIM 385.

The same

CIM 386.

The same

CIM 387.

Taylor, J.H., China's Spiritual Need and Claims, London 1884

CIM 388.

The same


CIM 389.

Taylor, J.H., China's Spiritual Need and Claims, London 1887

CIM 390.

Taylor, J.H., China's Spiritual Need and Claims, London 1890

CIM 391.

Taylor, J.H., Summary of the Operations of the China Inland Mission, London 1872

CIM 392.

The same

CIM 393.

The same

CIM 394.

Taylor, M. Geraldine, 'Found Faithful' : In Memoriam Mrs. Hudson Taylor, London 1904?

Additional Deposit of Publications

CIM Internal Publications

CIM 395.

Instructions for probationers and members of the China Inland Mission 1908

CIM 396.

Instructions for probationers and members if the China Inland Mission 1925

CIM 397.

Christ and China's Challenge
Report presented at CIM Annual Meetings 11/5/1926

CIM 398.

Hints for Furlough
Vol. 1, from Home Director, W H Aldis, on how to spend time whilst in 'homeland'. 1938

CIM 399.

Hints for Furlough
Vol. 2, Deputation Work, on how to conduct meetings etc. n.d.

CIM 400.

Home Preparation Union: the Syllabus
[Guide for preparation for young people hoping to become CIM missionaries later]. n.d.

CIM 400a.

Souvenir programme of the Valedictory Meeting for Missionaries returning to the field and to the third party of 'the Two Hundred'.
Rev W H Aldis, Home Director. 15/9/1931

Materials for Children

CIM 401.

Printed letters to members of the 'Pagoda Branch', (CIM branch for young children in homelands wishing to support CIM work).
Written by Florence Freeman. 6 letters 1906-1908

CIM 402.

Pagoda Branch Occasional Papers.
(Continuation of 401.) 1909-1919

CIM 403.

Comradeship for China: terminal paper of the Young People's Branch of the China Inland Mission.
(Continuation of 402.)
6 booklets.
[See also no. 423 for other children's materials]. 1919-1920


Publications by individuals

CIM 404.

China Inland Mission: Monthly Notes
Shanghai, vol. 40-43 January 1935 -
November 1938

CIM 405.

Links with China and other lands.
Circular letter from Mr and Mrs E J Mann, with CIM at Lanchow, Kansu, China. April 1932

CIM 406.
A Mission Station in China by Marshall Bromhall.
Description of Hong Tong Mission, Shansi Province, North China n.d.

CIM 407.

Blessed Thoughts
4 sheets advertising CIM publications. n.d.

Non-CIM Publications

CIM 408.

Boxers, Blunders and Bullets, or the Crisis in China, by Rev F Brown.
Lecture on the Boxer Rising. n.d. - c.1901

CIM 409.

The true source of missionary zeal, by Rev Alex Maclaren, and The main instrumental force of missionary work, by Rev E K Alden.
London. n.d. - c.1889

CIM 410.

Fruit after many days: the life story of Yü-Yuh-Shan, a Chinese missionary, by A W Douthwaite MD, FRGS, Bristol. April 1898

CIM 411.

'Revised prayer list of Chinese Church leaders'.
(List of Chinese people by town, presumably connected with CIM and still in China). [Item missing from collection]. n.d. - post 1954

CIM leaflets and tracts by category

CIM 412.

General leaflets: including histories of CIM, publication catalogues, handbooks, advice to potential missionaries etc.
(Some dated, end nineteenth century-1950s)
59 leaflets.

CIM 413.

Leaflets about J Hudson Taylor, including By Love Compelled by Marshall Broomhall.
(Early twentieth century).
5 leaflets.

CIM 414.

Church of England work with the CIM.
Including address to CIM Annual Meeting in May 1920, by Rt. Rev. W W Cassels, Bishop in West China.
2 leaflets.

CIM 415.

Homilies and religious stories: illustrating conversion of Chinese etc.
22 leaflets.
[See also Stories about Chinese, no. 416] n.d.


CIM 416.

Stories about China/Chinese People.
Include CIM activities and series Facts about China.
(Nineteenth and twentieth century).
47 leaflets.
[See also Homilies, 415]

CIM 417.

Leaflets on prayer and praying.
Produced by CIM and OMF.
19 leaflets. n.d.

CIM 418.

Medical Work / Medical Evangelism.
Includes descriptions of hospitals, i.e. Paoning Hospital, Szechuan, 1941-1946, and advice to potential medical missionaries.
(Twentieth century).
20 leaflets.


CIM 419.

Biblical Tracts.
(Nineteenth and twentieth century).
20 leaflets.

CIM 420.

Leaflets on 'Heathenism' (Buddhism).
Includes The pathos of Heathenism, by Marie Guex, n.d.
5 leaflets. n.d.

CIM 421.

Leaflets on Muslims / Islam.
Includes Friends of Moslems: the Quarterly Newsletter, July 1946, and China and Mohammed, ed. Olive M Botham, Friends of Moslems in China, 1948.
(Mid twentieth century).
13 leaflets.

CIM 422.

Communism and Christianity in China.
by D. B-T 2 eds. Feb-June 1951

CIM 423.

Leaflets on Tibet and Central Asia.
Includes the story of the translation of the Tibetan Bible.
(Twentieth century).
5 leaflets.

CIM 424.

Leaflets for Children and Young People.
Includes materials produced by the Comradeship for China branch. Also some materials concerning missions to children. Includes materials on South East Asia.
(Twentieth century).
38 leaflets.
[See also nos. 401-403].


Posters and Visual Materials

CIM 425.

51 posters written in Chinese with illustrations, produced by the Religious Tracts Society in Shanghai and Hankow. English mss. notes give some idea of Biblical topics covered.
Quite fragile. n.d. - pre 1951

CIM 426.

6 posters written in Chinese with illustrations, produced by the Christian Witness Press, Hong Kong. n.d.

CIM 427.

Poster produced by the Christian Witness Press, Hong Kong in non-Chinese script, possibly Tibetan (or South East Asian). n.d.

CIM 428.

10 Children's posters on a Biblical theme with games, including 'Pin the tail on the Elephant', biblical text (in English) for discussion. n.d.

CIM 429.

3 maps in Chinese of differing scales: 2 maps of China, one possible street / town plan. n.d.

CIM 430.

Folder of crayon and paper rubbings, 5 photographs of Chinese / Arabic documents, labelled 'Rubbing of Nestonian Tablet'. n.d.

CIM 431.

5 volumes of copies of traditional Chinese drawings and paintings, with accompanying text in Chinese. n.d.

CIM 432.

2 hand tinted photographs: one labelled 'Fujihama tea picking' [Japan?], and one of a pagoda, bridge and canal. n.d.

CIM 433.

Sheet of handwritten Chinese symbols. n.d.


(We have put together two runs of The Chefoo Magazine which were located in the Chefoo School Papers [CSP 13-57] and from the CSP additional papers [CSP Add 38-83] to form a single chronological sequence).

CSP Add 38.

The Chefoo Magazine, Vol. 8 No. 2 1916

CSP Add 39.

The Chefoo Magazine, Vol XI No. 3 June 1920

CSP Add 40.

The Chefoo Magazine March 1926
The Chefoo Magazine July 1926
The Chefoo Magazine November 1926

CSP Add 41.

The Chefoo Magazine March 1927
The Chefoo Magazine August 1927

CSP Add 42.

The Chefoo Magazine August 1928

CSP Add 43.

Chefoo No. 1 April 1929
Chefoo No. 2 December 1929

CSP Add 44.

Chefoo No. 3 December 1930

CSP Add 45.

Chefoo Schools Association Newsletter No. 1 July 1931
Chefoo Schools Association Newsletter No. 2 December 1931

CSP Add 46.

Chefoo April 1932
Chefoo August 1932
Chefoo December 1932


CSP Add 47.

Chefoo @25 April 1933
Chefoo August 1933
Chefoo December 1933

CSP Add 48.

Chefoo April 1934
Chefoo August 1934
Chefoo December 1934

CSP Add 49.

ChefooApril 1935
Chefoo August 1935
Chefoo December 1935

CSP Add 50.

Chefoo March 1936
Chefoo July 1936
Chefoo November 1936

CSP Add 51.

Chefoo March 1937
Chefoo July 1937
Chefoo November 1937

CSP Add 52.

Chefoo June 1938
Chefoo December 1938

CSP Add 53.

Chefoo June 1939
Chefoo December 1939

CSP Add 54.

Chefoo July 1940
Chefoo December 1940


CSP Add 55.

Chefoo July 1941
Chefoo December 1941

CSP Add 56.

Chefoo July 1942
Chefoo December 1942

CSP 13.

Chefoo December 1943

CSP 14.

Chefoo July 1944

CSP Add 57.

Chefoo Schools Association Newsletter December 1944

CSP Add 58.

Chefoo July 1945

CSP 15.

Chefoo December 1945

CSP 16.

Chefoo July 1946
Chefoo December 1946

CSP 17.

Chefoo July 1947
Chefoo December 1947

CSP 18.

Chefoo July 1948

CSP Add 59.

Chefoo December 1948

CSP Add 60.

Chefoo July 1949
December 1949

CSP Add 61.

Chefoo July 1950
December 1950


CSP 19.

Chefoo July 1951

CSP Add 62.

Chefoo December 1951

CSP Add 63.

Chefoo Schools Association Magazine No. 50 July 1952
December 1952

CSP Add 64.

Chefoo (Coronation Issue)
Chefoo July 1953
December 1953

CSP Add 65.

Chefoo July 1954

CSP 20.

Chefoo December 1954

CSP Add 66.

Chefoo July 1955

CSP 21.

Chefoo December 1955

CSP 22.

Chefoo July 1956
Chefoo December 1956

CSP 23.

Chefoo July 1957
Chefoo December 1957

CSP 24.

Chefoo (Jubilee Issue) July 1958
Chefoo December 1958

CSP 25.

Chefoo July 1959
Chefoo December 1959


CSP 26.

Chefoo July 1960
Chefoo December 1960

CSP 27.

Chefoo July 1961
Chefoo December 1961

CSP 28.

Chefoo July 1962
Chefoo December 1962

CSP 29.

Chefoo July 1963
Chefoo December 1963

CSP 30.

Chefoo July 1964
Chefoo December 1964

CSP 31.

Chefoo July 1965
Chefoo December 1965

CSP 32.

Chefoo July 1966
Chefoo December 1966

CSP 33.

Chefoo July 1967
Chefoo December 1967

CSP 34.

Chefoo June 1968
Chefoo December 1968

CSP 35.

Chefoo June 1969
Chefoo December 1969


CSP 36.

Chefoo June 1970
Chefoo December 1970

CSP 37.

Chefoo June 1971
Chefoo December 1971

CSP 38.

Chefoo July 1972
Chefoo December 1972

CSP 39.

Chefoo July 1973
Chefoo December 1973

CSP 40.

Chefoo July 1974
Chefoo December 1974

CSP 41.

Chefoo July 1975

CSP 42.

Chefoo January 1976
Chefoo July 1976
Chefoo December 1976

CSP 43.

Chefoo July 1977
Chefoo December 1977

CSP 44.

Chefoo July 1978
Chefoo December 1978

CSP 45.

Chefoo July 1979
Chefoo December 1979


CSP 46.

Chefoo July 1980
Chefoo December 1980

CSP 47.

Chefoo July 1982
Chefoo December 1982

CSP 48.

Chefoo July 1983
Chefoo December 1983

CSP 49.

Chefoo July 1984
Chefoo December 1984

CSP 50.

Chefoo June 1985
Chefoo December 1985

CSP 51.

Chefoo July 1986
Chefoo December 1986

CSP 52.

Chefoo July 1987
Chefoo December 1987

CSP 53.

Chefoo June 1988

CSP Add 70.

The Chefoo Magazine, Vol. 81 No. 2 (80th Anniversary Issue) Christmas 1988

CSP 54.

Chefoo June 1989
Chefoo Winter 1989

CSP 55.

Chefoo 1990


CSP 56.

Chefoo Summer 1991
Chefoo Winter 1991/92

CSP 57.

Chefoo Summer 1992/93
Chefoo Winter 1992

CSP Add 71.

The Chefoo Magazine Summer 1993

CSP Add 72.

The Chefoo Magazine Winter 1993/94

CSP Add 73.

The Chefoo Magazine Summer 1994

CSP Add 74.

The Chefoo Magazine Winter 1994/95

CSP Add 75.

The Chefoo Magazine Summer 1995

CSP Add 76.

The Chefoo Magazine Winter 1995/96

CSP Add 77.

The Chefoo Magazine Summer 1996

CSP Add 78.

The Chefoo Magazine Winter 1996/97

CSP Add 79.

The Chefoo Magazine Summer 1997

CSP Add 80.

The Chefoo Magazine Winter 1997/98

CSP Add 81.

The Chefoo Magazine (90th Anniversary Issue) 1908-1998

CSP Add 82.

The Chefoo Magazine Winter 1998/99

CSP Add 83.

The Chefoo Magazine Summer 1999




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