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Section III: Central Records

Part 22: Pamphlets

Contents of Reels


Library Reference appears within brackets '()'

India Pamphlets

Volume 1


Titles include: Memoir of Rev Frederick Wybrow, 1851; Brief notice of the late Rev J J Weitbrecht; Sermon given by the Dean of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; An Account of General Havelock’s March from Allahabad to Lucknow by a Volunteer, 1857; Extracts of Speeches by John Poynder at East India House on Idolatry, 1830, 1836, 1839; Romanism and Hindooism by William Keane, Headmaster of Bishop Corrie School, Madras, 1851; CMS Occasional Paper on the Mission to the Afghans; A Letter to Oudh and its Talookdars by Henry Carre Tucker, Governor-General’s Agent, Benares; Islam and Religious Liberty; The Rise and Progress of British Opium Smuggling by Major-General R Alexander, 1856; Letter from the Bishop of Victoria to Rev T W Mellor on the Chinese version of the Holy Scriptures; The Notion of the Chinese concerning God and Spirits by William J Boone, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of USA to China, 1852.


India Pamphlets

Volume 2


Titles include: Brief Sketch of the Position of Christian Missions in Northern India by Joseph Mullens, 1848; Indian Marriage Act, 1852; Railways in India, 1845; Extracts from Papers of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1839; 13th Report of the Benares Provincial Church Missionary Association Orphan Institution, 1850-1851; Appeal for additional clergy for the Australian and Cape Missions; An Account of the Jubilee of CMS in India, 1849; Notes on the Duties of a Special Deputy Collector in Bengal by a Civilian, 1837; The British India Guide & Gazetteer, 1848; Third Annual Report of the Ragged School Union, 1847.


India Pamphlets

Volume 5


Titles include: Occasional Papers of the India Christian Association, 1858, 1859; CMS Occasional Papers on various subjects, 1859-1861; Bible Education in India, 1860; What is Caste?; Minutes of evidence taken before the Indigo Commission, Calcutta, 1860; Indigo Cultivation in Bengal; Causes of the Indian Revolt by a Hindu of Bengal.


India Pamphlets

Volume 6


Titles include: Summary of Facts regarding the Opposition to Missionary Work in Indore, 1883; Report for 1883 on Education in India; Indian Missions and how to view them by Rev William Miller, Principal of Madras Christian College; Introduction to our Educational Policy in India by Rev James Johnston of St James Free Church, Glasgow, 1879; What is the Salvation Army really doing in India?; Letters from Indian Bishops of the India Church Aid Association; Caste in Tinnevelly; Review of Missionary Work and Progress in Bengal by Rev W R Blackett, Calcutta, 1883; A Review of the Hindu Systems, 1862; The Koi, a Southern Tribe of the Gond by Rev John Cain; Statistics for CMS Ceylon Mission, 1874.

India Pamphlets

Volume 7


Titles include: A letter from a Layman on the Policy of the East India Company in matters of Religion, 1858; The Mutiny in India by “A Gentleman” addressed to the CMS Clerical Society; Letter to Lord Stanley, Secretary of State for India by Henry Carre Tucker, ex Governor-General’s Agent in Benares, 1858; the Letters of Indophilus (Alexander Duff) on the Mutiny of Vellore; various speeches on education in India; Bible education in India.


India Pamphlets

Volume 16


Titles include: The increase of the Episcopate in India by Sir Charles P Hobhouse, Vice-President of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; Vernacular Education in Bengal; Indian Educational Grants; Notes on the preparation of Native Christian Literature; Letter to the Free Church of Scotland on the need for a Christian College in Southern India, 1874; Christian work among the Educated Natives of India; the Bengal Famine Fund, 1874; Report of CMS Sub-Committee on Salaries and Allowances of European Missionaries in India, 1864; Testimony of the Government of India to the value of CMS missionaries and their work; Papers on the Native Pastorate and the Organization of Native Churches, 1851; Report of CMS Conference of the Western India Missions, 1868.


CMS Printed Publications


Titles include: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of CMS in London, 1826; Papers relative to the Education of the Natives of India, 1845; Disturbances in the Yoruba Mission, 1853; Rev G Smith’s 2nd Report on China, 1845; China – her Future and Her Past by the Bishop of Victoria, George Smith, 1854; Letters from Rev Samuel Crowther and Rev Henry Townsend on the slave trade in Africa, 1880; Regulated Slave Trade from the evidence of Robert Stokes. 1849; Reports of Surgeons on the condition of slaves on slave ships; The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa by an American missionary, Rev J Leighton Wilson, 1851; The Case of our West African Cruisers and West African Settlements by Rev George Smith, 1848.


Africa Miscellaneous Pamphlets

Volume 1


Titles include: Annual Reports of the CMS Sierra Leone Native Pastorate Auxiliary Association, 1870, 1873; The Slave Trade of East Africa, 1869; Annual Report of the Sierra Leone Auxiliary CMS, 1868; Narrative of an expedition into the Vy Country of West Africa and the discovery of syllabic writing by Rev S We Koele, 1849; A Charge delivered at Lokoja by Rev Samuel A Crowther, 1869; Bishop Crowther’s Report of the Overland Journey from Lokoja to Bida and thence to Lagos, 1871-1871; Appeal on behalf of the West African Native Bishopric Fund; The River Niger – a paper read by Bishop Crowther before the Royal Geographical Society, 1877; Missionary Operations in the Niger Territory by Bishop Crowther; Missionary Work in West Africa: a lecture to explain a series of dissolving views by Rev Edward Roper, 1876; Report on a Conference on the Yoruba language, Lagos, 1875.

Africa Miscellaneous Pamphlets

Volume 2


Titles include: CMS report on the East African Slave Trade, 1869; letter from the Bishop of Mauritius, Vincent W Ryan, on the East African Slave Trade, 1867; Report on a visit to the CMS Mombasa Mission – including letters from Bishop Royston and other missionaries, 1879; The Victoria Nyanza – a field for missionary enterprise by Edward Hutchinson, 1876; The Lost Continent – its Re-discovery and Recovery by Edward Hutchinson; Fugitive Slave Circulars: or England the Protector of the Negro Slave by Edward Hutchinson, 1876; England and Africa – A Lecture to the Literary and Scientific Society of Great Yarmouth by Sir T Fowell Buxton, 1878.


Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 5


Titles include: The Murder of Rev C S Volkner, New Zealand, 1865; An address on Foreign Missions to the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland by Alexander Duff, 1867; letter from Mr W Duncan, British Columbia, 1864; A Charge to the clergy of Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and Colombo by Daniel, Bishop of Calcutta, 1849; Missionary notes published by the Secundra Orphan Institution, 1865; Suggestions on the financial position of CMS by Rev John Venn, 1865; Christianity in India – its progress considered with reference to the Scotch system of missionary operations and to Female Education by George Smith, 1864; Biographical sketch of Rev J Hough; the Educated Classes of Calcutta and their accessibility to missionary effort by Rev John Barton; Caste –a series of documents by Bishops Heber, Wilson, Corrie and Spencer, 1847.


Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 6


Titles include: The Western Coast of Africa – Suggestions on the best means of exterminating the Slave Trade by William Fox, 1851; Speech by the Duke of Marlborough on the exclusion of the Bible from government schools in India, 1860; Special General Meeting of CMS, Exeter Hall, regarding the Indian crisis, 1858; A Memorial to the Queen from CMS on the religious policy of the government of India, 1857; The English Captives in Oudh – An Episode in the History of Mutinies of 1857-1858 , 1858; Sermon on the death of the Bishop of Calcutta, Right Rev George Edward Lynch Cotton; Sermon on sending Archdeacon MacKenzie to Africa, 1860.


Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 7


Topics include: Report by Bishop Crowther on the Niger Mission, 1880; the Missionary career of Dr Krapf, CMS missionary in Abyssinia and East Africa, 1882; King Mtesa of Uganda – Extracts from letters and journals of the missionaries of CMS, 1877-1884; The Evangelisation of Arabia by Major-General F T Haig; The Keith-Falconer Mission (Free Church of Scotland) to the Mohammedans of South Arabia, 1887; Annual Letters from Cambridge men – CMS missionaries who went out on service between 1885 and 1888; The Western India Mission by Rev H C Squires, 1887; CMS report on the development of a missionary spirit at home, 1885; CMS missionaries as evangelical churchmen, 1890; The CMS Special Winter Mission to India & Ceylon – Letters from missionaries and others, 1887-1888; Brief Report of the Missioners’ Visit to CMS work at Jaffna, Ceylon, 1888; Schedule for Rev F E Wigram’s Tour, 1886-1887; Visit of the Prince of Wales to Tinnevelly, 1875; Annual Letters from the Fuh-Kien Mission, 1878, 1884-1886.


Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 8


Topics include: A Century of Protestant Missions and the increase of the Heathen by Rev James Johnston, 1886; Report of the CMS Joint Committee of Estimates and Finance, 1880; CMS article on Retrenchment and Extension, 1881; A History of the Work of the Female Evangelist by R N Cust; Account of CMS Missionary Work in North Tinnevelly, 1880; Account of the arrival in Cottayam of the First Bishop of Travancore & Cochin, 1880; Annual Report of evanglestic work among educated Hindus, 1883; Annual Report of the Madras Christian Students’ Prayer Union, 1891; Attitude of educated natives towards their own religion and Christianity by Rev P Rajahgoapaul, 1879; The Drink Traffic in India; The Story of the First Year’s Work of St Paul’s Divinity School, Allahabad, 1881; Report of the Lahore Divinity School, 1876-1877; Christian missions on the North-West Frontier of India from Simla to Kurrachee by Rev Robert Clark, 1887; CMS Missions to the Afghans at Peshawar; An Appeal on behalf of Missionary Education in India, 1885; Persia in relation to the Kingdom of God by Rev Robert Bruce; The Languages of India in relation to Missionary Work, 1875; Six Months in England – A Course of Lectures delivered to his Countrymen by a Native Clergyman, CMS Madras, 1880; A Narrative of the Conversion of a Chinese Physician, 1868.


Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 12


Titles include: Memorial to Henry Venn, Secretary of CMS; The Missionary Societies of Great Britain – A Concise view of what is contributed to them, where it is spent and what are the results by Rev W A Scott Robertson, 1871; Annual Reports of the Sierra Leone Native Pastorate Auxiliary, 1869, 1871; Annual Reports of the Sierra Leone Auxiliary CMS, 1867, 1868; Paper on the organisation of CMS read at a conference in Yorkshire; CMS Financial Statement for the year ending March 1864; Change in the Native Mind at Bombay, extract of a letter from Rev J Wilson, 1864; Letters concerning a mission to the Derajat, 1861; Statistics of Protestant Missionary Societies, 1861; CMS Missionary Pictures including details on missionary work in China and Africa; Mission Life –The Church of England in Her Foreign Missions and the Universities by Sir H Bartle E Frere including accounts of work in South Africa, Japan and Canada; Issues for June and July 1874 of The Chronicle of the London Missionary Society; Letter from Mr W Duncan to CMS on the mission in British Columbia, 1863, 1864; A Lecture on China by Rev A E Moule to students at the Church Missionary College, Islington; Speeches by the Bishop of Victoria, George Smith on relations with China and the Opium trade, 1857; Annual report of the Boys’ Boarding School, Foochow, China, 1868-1869.


Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 16


Titles include: Letter from Rev J Josenhaus, Principal of the Basel Mission Society regarding missions on the Gold Coast; Appeal on behalf of the West African Native Bishopric Fund, 1864; Observations on the Delta of the Niger with a view to missionary and commercial operations on that river by Rev Samuel Crowther, 1861; Petition of CMS deprecating the diminishing or removal of the African Squadron, 1850; Relation of Government to Education in India; mission libraries in India; Proposed rules for a CMS Native Church Council for the Punjab; Appeal on behalf of a Native Christian Girls’ School and Normal School in the Punjab, 1876; CMS Bengal Famine Fund, 1875; Government Grants-in Aid to schools in India, 1863; Circular to CMS missionaries in India; Mission to the emigrant Tamil coolies cultivating the coffee plantations in Ceylon; Regulations for Native Church Councils in North and South India and Ceylon; Appeal on behalf of the mission in Persia; Famine in China, 1877; Proposal for erecting a Protestant Church in Nazareth; Basel Missionary Society’s Jubilee, 1865; Minute on CMS Mission to Madagascar, 1870; CMS Statement regarding finances and an appeal for more subscriptions, 1867; details on the new CMS Childrens’ Home, 1853; North West American Mission financial system; details on allowances and salaries of missionaries; obituary of Henry Carre Tucker.

Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 17


Titles include: Hints on Ladies’ Working Parties and supplies for missionary stations, 1877; various titles concerned with the CMS Jubilee, 1849; British contributions to foreign missions – sixty nine societies covered, 1875; Educational Operations of CMS abroad with statistics, 1861; Rules regarding the marriage of students and missionaries; Report on the Islington Institution; Report on CMS finances, 1878; Letter from Rev Henry Venn to the Bishop of Kingston, Jamaica on the state of negroes in Jamaica, 1867; Report of the Walter Jones Native Mission Fund for the year ending March 1876 and 1877; Report on the Roxburgh Colportage Fund, 1877; list of CMS missionary posts vacant, 1875; Report on the CMS Missionaries Childrens’ Home, 1863.


Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 18


Titles include: The Results of European Intercourse with the African by Joseph Thomson, 1890; England and Germany in Africa by V Lovett Cameron, 1890; British Administration in West Africa by F Buxton, 1891; England’s Outlook in East Africa, 1890; A Parliamentary View of the Victoria Nyanza Railway by Richard Temple, 1892; the Troubles in Uganda by George S Mackenzie, 1892; The Uganda Problem by Charles W Dilke, 1893; A National Church for India by Alfred Nundy, 1899; the Indian Missionary by E Armitage, 1903; The Forward Movement in China by W Wright, 1890; Missionaries in China by R S Gundry, 1893; Modern Japan by David Wedderburn, 1878; A Visit to Japan by V Brinkley, 1887; Islam & Christianity in India, 1888; Missionary Finance by Isaac Taylor, 1888.

Missionary Pamphlets

Volume 19


Titles include: Present Day Administration in Uganda by Lt Col James Hayes Sadler, 1904; A Visit to the Karun River and Kum in Persia by Col Mark Sever Bell, 1889; Missions to the Hindus, 1902; the Syrian Church of Travancore, 1884; Christianity in Japan; On the Treatment of Polygamy in Christian Missions, 1887; The Elland Clerical Society, 1896; Ladies’ Work in Christian Missions, 1890.




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