Section III: Central Records
Part 6: CMS Circular Books and Letters, 1799-1921
Part 7: CMS Minutes, 1799-1837
Part 8: CMS Minutes, 1837-1853
Part 9: CMS Minutes, 1854-1876 and Indexes to Minutes, 1799-1876
Part 10: The Missionary Papers, 1816-1884, CMS Monthly Paper, 1828-1829, A Quarterly Token for Juvenile Subscribers, 1856-1878 and 1888-1917, The Home Gazette, 1905-1906 and
The CMS Gazette, 1907-1934
Part 11: General Review of Missions, 1919, Annual Reports, 1922-1944 and
CMS Historical Record, 1944-1986
Part 12: The CMS Juvenile Instructor, 1842-1890, Children's World, 1891-1900, and
The Round World, 1901-1958
Introduction to Part 6
This part contains all the CMS Circular Books, 1799-1905 and all the CMS Circular Letters, 1892-1921. These are large scrapbook type volumes consisting of a wide variety of printed material: circulars, minutes, pamphlets, memoranda, committee papers and resolutions and letters with a detailed index of names, places and subjects.
There is a wide and fascinating range of topics covering all of the CMS missions and CMS home affairs which provide rich resources for research. Included are: plans of CMS Associations; minutes of proposals to the British Government; letters of bishops to missionaries; minutes of monthly meetings; regulations of the CMS and of the CMS Institution in Islington; questions to missionary candidates; the financial situation of CMS; reports of Sub-Committees; the Fourah Bay Institution Buildings Fund; circular letters to missionaries; appeals for funds; suggestions for the Jubilee Year; rules re the marriage of missionaries; circulars re the Missionaries’ Children’s Home; narratives of expeditions by missionaries; letters from captains re the African Coast blockade of slave ships; memoranda re the slave trade; letters from the Chiefs of Abbeokuta in Africa to the Queen; petitions from CMS to the House of Commons; reports from the bishoprics; lists of books published by CMS; extracts from papers related to The Great Anti-Missionary Meeting at Calcutta; suggestions for the improvement of social and intellectual conditions of the Native Africans of Sierra Leone; circular re special appeal for India; circulars on the Native Church in the missions; re the progress of the missions; religious persecution in Turkey; missionary prayers; lists of subscriptions; on freed slaves at Mombasa; famine in India; caste in Tinnevelly; domestic slavery in Lagos; extracts from missionary letters; Native Agent reports; the disestablishment of the church in Ceylon; regulations on education; the evangelisation of Arabia; the consecration of bishops; instructions delivered to missionaries before entering the mission field; resolutions adopted by the General Committee.