Section IV: Africa Missions
Part 16: South Africa Mission, 1836-1843, Kenya Mission, 1841-1888 and Nyanza Mission, 1876-1882
Part 17: Kenya Mission, 1880-1934
Part 18: Kenya Mission, 1880-1934
Part 19: Taganyika Mission, 1900-1934, Nyanza Mission, 1880-1886 and Rwanda Mission, 1933-1934
Contents of Reels - Part 19
REEL 389
Catalogue to the Africa (Group 3) Missions
Vol 3 South and East Africa pp 46-49
Catalogue to the Africa (Group 3) Missions
Vol 4 East Africa pp 20-21, 29-33
Tanganyika, 1900-1934
G 3 A 8 L 1 Letter Book 1907-1920
The Letter Books contain copies of outgoing correspondence from the Secretaries at headquarters in London to the missionaries and others concerned with mission affairs. The volumes have indexes.
Contained are letters on a variety of subjects: instructions to new missionaries; discussions on the future of the mission; cooperation between the Berlin Missionary Society and CMS; church discipline; Roman Catholic missions.
G 3 A 8 L 2 Letter Book 1921-1934
Letters on: regulations for Pastorate Committees and Provisional
Church Councils; education work in the mission; government grants.
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1900-1903
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary
1900 Letters from D J Rees, A Northwood, Henry Cole, J H Briggs; minutes of the Executive Committee.
1901 Letters from D J Rees, J H Briggs, Kate Potter and
E H Fincher re their intended marriage, the Bishop of Mombasa; minutes of the Executive Committee.
1902 Letters from D J Rees, Rose Briggs, J E Bewley; a history of the CMS in German East Africa; minutes of the Executive Committee.
1903 Letters from the Bishop of Mombasa, D Deekes, H Cole; statistics of the mission; language examinations; a report on the mission by the Bishop of Mombasa; notes on the mission with reports by the missionaries.
REEL 390
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1904-1908
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1904 Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters re mission matters from D J Rees (Secretary of the mission), A Northwood, J H Briggs and W E Parker; lists of school material needed; notes on the Ussagara-Chigogo mission written by J H Briggs; results of language examinations.
1905 Letters from D J Rees giving details of murders around Kilossa after a rebellion and from W E Parker and the Bishop of Mombasa.
1906 Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from D J Rees, the Bishop of Mombasa and W E Parker.
1907 Minutes of the Executive Committee; a report of work in Ussagara-Ugogo Mission for 1906.
1908 Letters from the Bishop of Mombasa, D J Rees, E W Doulton (the Secretary of the Mission from 1908); minutes of the Executive Committee; report of work in the Ussagara-Ugogo Mission for 1907.
REEL 391
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1909-1911
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1909 Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from D J Rees including discussions on whether the mission should be closed and from E W Doulton, D Deekes, Miss Bertha V Briggs, Miss Maria Ackerman.
1910 Minutes of the Executive Committee; instructions to new missionaries such as Miss E Forsythe, Miss A L Thwaites; Annual Letters from many of the missionaries including those from
D Deekes re outstation work, from Miss K Miller re work in Mamboia, from E W Doulton re the death of his wife, from Rev T B R Westgate re the advent of the railway; letters on mission business from J H Briggs, E M Doulton and the Bishop of Mombasa; report by D Deekes on the Ussagara-Ugogo Mission for 1909; photos of the missionaries and the sanatorium; results of language examinations.
1911 Letters from E W Doulton including a report on the mission and from J H Briggs, T B R Westgate, D Deekes; minutes of the Executive Committee; a report on the mission by T B R Westgate; medical certificates for missionaries; a general report on the mission for 1910 by D J Rees and E J Baxter; proposals to open a mission in Dodoma; missionary probation reports; Annual Letters from many missionaries including E J Baxter, Miss E R Spriggs, Miss K Miller, Miss M Ackerman, T B R Westgate.
REEL 392
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1912-1913
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1912 Minutes of the Executive Committee; Annual Letters from many missionaries including E W Doulton, J C Green, Miss E R Spriggs, D Deekes; annual report for the mission by T B R Westgate and J H Briggs (mission changes name to CMS Mission in German East Africa); missionary probation reports; letters on mission business from the Bishop of Mombasa, D J Rees, J C Green,
Miss M E Fendt and Miss A L Thwaites.
1913 Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from T B R Westgate, E W Doulton; Annual Letters including those from Miss
E Forsythe, J H Briggs and E J Baxter; pamphlet on CMS contact with Roman Catholic missionary societies in the area of the mission; a general report by J H Briggs and D Deekes for the mission for 1912 with requests for teachers, native agents and news on the medical mission; language exam results; correspondence with the Berlin Missionary Society.
REEL 393
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1914-1918
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1914 Minutes of the Executive Committee; language exam results; letters from E W Doulton, Miss M E Fendt, D J Rees, Miss E R Spriggs, the Bishop of Mombasa; a report for the mission for 1913; minutes of the Board of Education; missionary probation reports; a list of clothes and items needed to kit out a missionary for work in the mission; correspondence with the German Missionary Society.
1915 War news including news of the arrest of the male missionaries and that the lady missionaries are allowed to go free.
1916 Letters on mission business from R Banks and J H Briggs; news that the missionaries had been interned in Iringa with a description of his internment by E W Doulton; news of the release of the missionaries in September 1916.
1917 News of the internment of German missionaries and of a furlough in England for the CMS missionaries; an interesting account of the CMS missionaries’ internment by D J Rees; report of a meeting held with the missionaries and D J Rees re the recommencement of work; report on a visit to Bukoba; letters from
T B R Westgate and K St Aubyn Rogers; report of the German East Africa sub-committee; missionary medical certificates; report by
R Banks on the outstations.
1918 Letters re mission business from E W Doulton, K St Aubyn Rogers, D K Rees.
REEL 394
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1919-1922
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1919 Letters from E W Doulton re the Spanish flu epidemic and famine and from D Deekes.
1920 Much correspondence from E W Doulton on mission business; minutes of a mission conference including discussion on how to reorganise the mission after the war; minutes of the Executive Committee with discussions on the change of the mission’s name to Tanganyika; description by Archdeacon D J Rees of the Lutheran Mission at Morogoro. Also included is a memo on the Evangelical Missionary Stations in Tanganyika territory, immediately North and East of Lake Nyasa in the Langenburg and Iringa districts.
1921 Letters from E W Doulton with news on the critical financial state of the mission; results of Swahili examinations; minutes of the Executive Committee.
1922 Letters re mission business from the Bishop of Mombasa,
J H Briggs and Rev R Barton; minutes of the Executive Committee expressing worries over the financial situation; medical reports; language examination results; missionary probation reports.
REEL 395
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1923-1928
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1923 Letters from E W Doulton re problems with Rev R Barton and limited itinerary work due to shortage of funds; minutes of the Executive Committee.
1924 Letters from E W Doulton and D Deekes re the death of Archdeacon D J Rees; minutes of the Executive Committee and of the Central Church Council.
1925 Letters from E W Doulton re his retirement and from
J H Briggs (Acting Secretary); minutes of the Executive Committee; missionary probation reports; a letter from J H Briggs re an education conference; report on education in the mission.
1926 Letters from J H Briggs; a report on a conference held in Kibiriani; minutes of the Executive Committee; annual report on the mission; missionary probation reports.
1927 Letters from J H Briggs re urgent need for more nurses and doctors; annual report on the mission; minutes of the annual conference.
1928 Letters from J H Briggs; minutes of the Executive Committee; missionary probation reports.
REEL 396
G 3 A 8 O Original Papers 1929-1934
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1929 Minutes of the Executive Committee with much on the poor financial state of the mission; minutes of the Central Church Council and the General Conference in 1928; letters re mission business from J H Briggs; language examination results; missionary probation reports.
1930 Letters from J H Briggs; minutes of the Executive Committee and of the General Conference for 1930.
1931 Letters from J H Briggs; minutes of the Executive Committee; report by Rev H D Hooper, (Secretary in London) on the mission.
1932 Minutes of the Executive Committee and the Central Church Council; letters from J H Briggs re the reduction in funds available to the mission.
1933 Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from J H Briggs; medical certificates for missionaries; minutes of the first Diocesan Council held at Mvumi, August 1933.
1934 Minutes of the Diocesan Council,1934; letters from J H Briggs.
REEL 397
G 3 A 8 P 1 Précis Book 1907-1934
A précis of incoming papers was prepared for each meeting of the Group Committee. This comprised number, date, writer, date received, summary of contents, proposals for committee action to be taken and/or secretary’s remarks.
REEL 398
Nyanza, 1880-1886
G 3 A 6 L 2 Letter Book 1882-1886
The Letter Books contain copies of outgoing correspondence from the Secretaries at headquarters in London to the missionaries and others concerned with mission affairs. The volume has an index.
L 2 Included are: instructions to new missionaries; proposed rules for the financial affairs of the mission; memos about supplies.
G 3 A 6 O Original Papers 1880
Papers such as letters, (145-end) journals, reports and 1881
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1880 (145-end) Letters from A M Mackay, C Stokes, E J Baxter;
a description of the camp at Endami by P O’Flaherty.
1881 Letters from A J Biddlecombe, G Litchfield,
A W Copplestone, C Pearson, C Stokes, P O‘Flaherty, A M MacKay with a letter from G Litchfield containing interesting news on the mission; journal of A W Copplestone; rules for missionaries; advice on clothing to be worn and how to behave in the mission.
REEL 399
G 3 A 6 O Original Papers 1882-1883
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1882 Letters from C Stokes, E J Baxter, H Cole, Philip O’Flaherty,
A Copplestone, J Hannington, A M MacKay, F R Hodgson (Archdeacon of Zanzibar), J B Blackburn, C Gordon; account of a journey into the Nguru Country from Mamboya, East Central Africa by J T Last; account of a visit to Namasoli by
P O’Flaherty; recollections of the Mamboya station.
1883 Letters from J Hannington, A W Copplestone, C Stokes,
P O’Flaherty, R P Ashe, H Cole, A M MacKay, J T Last,
J Blackburn, J C Price; journal of a visit to Uhehe by J C Price; account of a journey to the Marai people to the north-west of Nguru Country by G J Hart; journal of P O’Flaherty.
REEL 400
G 3 A 6 O Original Papers 1884, 1885 (1-89)
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1884 Précis of the papers for 1884; letters from C Stokes,
J Blackburn, E C Gordon, R P Ashe, P O’Flaherty, A M MacKay,
J C Price, J Roscoe, C Wise and J Last; Annual Letter of E C Gordon; a memo on Christian names of native converts; log of the maiden trip of CMS “Eleanor” and notes on three weeks in Buganda by A M MacKay; account of a visit to the Marai by J Last.
1885 (1-89) Letters from C Stokes, J Blackburn, C Wise,
A W Copplestone, P O’Flaherty, J C Price, R P Ashe, E C Gordon.
REEL 401
G 3 A 6 O Original Papers 1885 (90-end)
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1885 (90-end) Journal of A M MacKay; letters of A M MacKay,
C Wise, C Stokes, D Hooper, R P Ashe, J C Price, J Blackburn,
A Copplestone, H Cole, E C Gordon, P O’Flaherty; an account giving details of the king written at Natete, Buganda by P O’Flaherty.
NB There are no Précis books for the Nyanza Mission. Extracts from the General Précis Books have been included. Please see below.
G 1-3 P 1 Précis Book pp 107-131
A précis was prepared for each meeting. This comprised number, date, writer, date received, summary of contents, proposals for committee action to be taken and/or secretary’s remarks.
G 1-3 P 2 Précis Book pp 75-93
REEL 402
Rwanda, 1933-1934
G 3 A 11 L 1 Letter Book 1933-1934
The Letter Book contains copies of outgoing correspondence from the Secretaries at headquarters in London to the missionaries and others concerned with mission affairs. The volume has an index.
L 1 Letters on the probation of missionaries; the proposed Rwanda Diocese; Rwanda Council; government grants for medical work.
G 3 A 11 O Original Papers 1933-1934
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
1933-1934 Minutes of Rwanda Council Meetings held in London in 1933 and 1934; minutes of the Executive Committee of the Rwanda Mission for both years; letters from Algie C Stanley Smith (Secretary of the Mission); report on a visit to Belgium re the Congo situation; report on a visit to Urundi; report on a visit to Usumbura by Algie
C Stanley Smith and Dr J E Church; minutes of the first annual conference of the Ruanda Mission held at Kabale, January 21-22 1934; summary of Dr Mott’s report on his journey through the Congo.
G 3 A 11 P 1 Précis Book 1933-1934
A précis was prepared for each meeting of the Group Committee. This comprised number of each item, date, writer, date received, summary of contents, proposals for committee action to be taken and/or secretary’s remarks.