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Section IV: Africa Missions

Part 20: Uganda Mission, 1898-1934

Part 21: Kenya Mission, 1935-1949

Part 22: Uganda Mission, 1898-1934

Part 23: Uganda, Tanganyika and Rwanda Missions, 1935-1949

Part 24: Mauritius, Madagascar and the Seychelles Missions, 1856-1929

Contents of Reels - Part 20

REEL 403

Catalogue to the Africa (Group 3) Missions, Vol 4 East Africa pp 23-28

G 3 A 7 L 1 Letter Book 1898-1904
The Letter Books contain copies of outgoing correspondence from the Secretaries at headquarters in London to the missionaries and others concerned with mission affairs. The volumes are all indexed.

REEL 404

G 3 A 7 L 2 Letter Book 1904-1910

G 3 A 7 L 3 Letter Book 1910-1919

REEL 405

G 3 A 7 L 4 Letter Book 1919-1925

G 3 A 7 L 5 Letter Book 1925-1932

G 3 A 7 L 6 Letter Book 1932-1934

REEL 406

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1898
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1898 Letters from R H Walker, F Rowling, Bishop Tucker, G L Pilkington, F H Wright, A Lloyd, C W Hattersley, E C Gordon, Dr Albert Cook, A J Pike; a printed copy of the Church Catechism in the Luganda language; news cuttings regarding the political situation in Uganda; minutes of the Finance Committee; report on the progress of the Mombasa-Victoria Railway with a map of the railway; journals of G K Baskerville and Miss E M Furley; a report by E H Hubbard on a visit to the Kraal of Lainana, the chief of the Masai; a report on an itineration around the mission by Bishop Tucker; a description by Miss E M Furley of the revolt in Uganda and the murder of Mr Pilkington in January 1898.

REEL 407

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1899
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1899 Letters from Bishop Tucker, F Baylis, Dr Albert Cook, R H Walker, J B Purvis, Miss Mary S Thomsett, A J Pike, A B Fisher, W A Crabtree, H Maddox, T R Buckley, K Borup; news cuttings re Dr Albert Lloyd’s journey from Toru and re the situation there with extracts of his journal describing the Pygmies he met; comparison of the medical work undertaken in the mission for the first six months of the years 1897-1899; translation of a letter from King Davidi Kasagama, King of Toro; details of the estate left by Rev E H Hubbard; minutes of the conference held at Mengo re Church organisation; journal of G K Baskerville; language examination results; printed material re the events in Uganda; Miss E M Furley’s thoughts on proposals for the new constitution of the Bugandan Church; Annual Letters from F H Wright; printed catechism in the Luganda language; minutes of the Finance Committee; report by A H Walker on the hospital, the Technical School and the Industrial School at Mengo.

REEL 408

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1900
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1900 Journal of G K Baskerville; letters of R H Walker, T R Buckley, F W Wright, Bishop Tucker, A B Lloyd, A Whitehouse, H H Farthing, C E Ecob, Miss E M Furley, W A Crabtree; report on the Industrial School at Mengo by F Baylis; Annual Letter from H Maddox; journals of Miss E M Furley, Miss A B Glass (very long and detailed), Dr Albert Cook, G K Baskerville, A B Fisher; minutes of the Finance Committee and of the Executive Committee; report of a missionary tour through Ankole by Bishop Tucker (in the original manuscript and also printed); issues of Mengo Notes, an information pamphlet for missionaries.

REEL 409

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1901
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1901 Letters from J Roscoe, R H Walker, G K Baskerville, Bishop Tucker, A Whitehouse, A R Cook, E C Gordon, E Millar, Mrs A B Fraser (formerly Miss A B Glass), F H Wright; a prayer book in the Luganda language; minutes of the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee; issues of Mengo Notes; journals of Miss A B Glass, G K Baskerville; report on the Industrial Mission.

REEL 410

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1902-1903
Papers such as letters, (1-130) journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1902 Letters from R H Walker, H E Maddox, E C Davies, E C Gordon, E Millar, A R Cook, W A Crabtree, Mrs A B Fraser, G K Baskerville, F H Wright, Bishop Tucker, T B Johnson; minutes of the Executive Committee; issues of Mengo Notes for December 1901 (change of name to Uganda Notes from 1902); notes on an itineration by W A Crabtree; many interesting journals of Mrs A B Fraser; journal of itineration of T B Johnson; letter from Kahaya, King of Ankole (translated); summary of statistics of the churches in the mission; report on the Uganda Industrial Mission by K Borup; list of CMS churches in the Kingdom of Toro compiled by A B Fisher.

1903 (1-130) Letters from Bishop Tucker, W A Crabtree, R H Walker, H E Maddox, A Wilson, E C Davies; minutes of the Executive Committee; issues of Uganda Notes; news cutting re the African labour problem together with official papers; letter re an itineration by Bishop Tucker; notes on a proposed Intermediate School; minutes of the conference of lady missionaries in Mengo.

REEL 411

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1903

Papers such as letters, (131-end)- journals, reports and 1904 minutes sent to London (1-132) by the mission secretary.

1903 (131-end) Letters from Bishop Tucker, D A O’Connor, A B Lloyd, H O Savile, R H Walker, A B Fisher, F Rowling, E Millar, T B Johnson; journal of A B Fraser; issues of Uganda Notes; report of an itineration by W G Innes; photos of local people; minutes of the Executive Committee; report of a tour of inspection to the Albert Edward Lake, Toro by T B Johnson. 1904 (1-132) Letters from T B Johnson, E Millar, Bishop Tucker, A G Fraser, H O Savile, R H Walker, A Wilson, H E Maddox, D A O’Connor, H Boulton Ladbury, W A Crabtree; minutes of the Executive Committee; translation of a letter from the King of Toro; issues of Uganda Notes; statistics of the Uganda Mission; report on a journey to Mt Elgon and the Bukedi country by Bishop Tucker.

REEL 412

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1904

Papers such as letters, (133-end)- journals, reports and 1905 minutes sent to London (1-140) by the mission secretary.

1904 (133-end) Order of the Proceedings of the Conference of Missionaries, 1904; minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from R H Walker, W G Innes, H E Maddox, Miss F K Reed, A L Kitching, Bishop Tucker, W A Crabtree, A B Lloyd, E C Gordon, A Wilson, R H Leakey, M A Taylor; report on the Men’s Conference; issues of Uganda Notes, a missionary newsletter; estimates for the Acholi Station.

1905 (1-140) Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from E C Davies, Bishop Tucker, R H Walker, W E Owen, E C Gordon, F Rowling, Miss F K Reed, W A Crabtree; statistics for the Uganda Mission; issues of Uganda Notes.

REEL 413

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1905

Papers such as letters, (141-end)- journals, reports and 1906 minutes sent to London (1-133) by the mission secretary.

1905 (141-end) Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from J Roscoe (Secretary of the mission), Bishop Tucker, E C Davies, R H Walker, C H Ecob, F Rowling, A R Cook, A B Fisher, H C Weatherhead; report of the inspectors of the Uganda Educational Board; news cuttings; issues of Uganda Notes.

1906 (1-133) Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from J Roscoe, E Millar, G Baskerville, A B Fisher, Bishop Tucker, C W Hattersley, W E Owen, R H Leaky, F H Wright, E C Davies; report on work in the mission by A L Kitching; issues of Uganda Notes; report by Bishop Tucker on a visit to Nassa; minutes of the conference of lady missionaries.

REEL 414

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1906
Papers such as letters, (134-end)- journals, reports and 1907 minutes sent to London (1-150) by the mission secretary.

1906 (134-end) Plans for missionary houses; letters from J Roscoe, C H T Ecob, Bishop Tucker, R H Walker, H T C Weatherhead, E Millar, C W Hattersley, A R Cook, F H Wright, Miss E M Furley, A L Kitching; minutes of the Executive Committee; issues of Uganda Notes with a list of missionaries who worked in the mission since its inception; estimates for the mission; photos of missionary houses.

1907 (1-150) Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from R H Walker, F Rowling, J Roscoe, A R Cook, J S Herbert, F H Wright; issues of Uganda Notes; statistics for the CMS Mengo hospital.

REEL 415

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1907

Papers such as letters, (151-end)- journals, reports and 1908 minutes sent to London (1-124) by the mission secretary.

1907 (151-end) Letters from Bishop Tucker, A B Fisher, R H Walker, Miss E T Hill, E Millar, H W Weatherhead, F Rowling, W G Innes, H B Lewin, T R Buckley, Miss A E Allen, F Baylis, J Roscoe, A R Cook, F H Wright, J Elizabeth Chadwick; minutes of the Executive Committee; journal of H Boulton Ladbury; issues of Uganda Notes; letters re slavery to and from the Governor of British East Africa, J Hayes Sadler; Lunyoro reading sheets.

1908 (1-124) Minutes of the Executive Committee; letters from J Roscoe, A R Cook, Bishop Tucker, Miss E M Furley, A B Fisher, F Rowling, W G Innes, F H Wright, H E Maddox, Miss O Walton; issues of Uganda Notes with a description of a visit by Winston Churchill; letters from Bishop Tucker to the Governor re educational work in the mission and re the constitution of the Church in Uganda.

REEL 416

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1908

Papers such as letters, (125-end) journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1908 (125-end) Letters from J Roscoe, J S Herbert, A B Fisher, Bishop Tucker, E Millar, R H Walker, G K Baskerville, F Rowling, H W Weatherhead, A B Lloyd, A Wilson, S R Skeens, J M Hannington, Miss E M Furley, F H Wright, Miss A L Allen, J S Herbert; minutes of the Executive Committee; copy of the draft constitution of the Church of Buganda; a description of the Industrial Training Scheme in the mission; issues of Uganda Notes; a news cutting on the attendance of Bishop Tucker at the Pan Anglican Conference; minutes of the Ladies Conference with photographs; statistics for the invaliding out and death of missionaries in the mission for 1897-1907; report on the famine in the area by J Roscoe; a description of the celebrations in Hoima for the accession of Kabaka Andareya in 1903; report on the CMS King’s School in Budo; report of a tour through Busoga and Bukedi by J Roscoe; notes on the Nandi Tribe by H O Savile; estimates for the year.

REEL 417

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1909

Papers such as letters, (1-151) journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1909 (1-151) Letters from W Chadwick, Bishop Tucker, J Roscoe, C F Harford, W G Innes, R H Walker, A L Kitching, C J A Burden, H B Boulton Ladbury, F Rowling, E Millar, Miss G E Bird; missionary probation reports and medical reports; minutes of the Executive Committee and of the Translation Committee; report of the language examinations; issues of Uganda Notes; news cuttings.

REEL 418

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1909

Papers such as letters, (152-249) journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1909 (152-249) Letters from W G Innes, H W Weatherhead, F Rowling, Bishop Tucker, J H Cook, R H Walker, Miss A L Allen; pamphlet on education in Africa and a draft of the educational scheme for Uganda; pamphlet on the Bantu languages; pamphlet on the Constitution of the Church of Uganda; issues of Uganda Notes; resolutions of the Diocesan Synod; committee minutes.

REEL 419

G 3 A 7 O Original Papers 1909
Papers such as letters, (250-end) journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.

1909 (250) Letters from F H Wright, A L Kitching, R H Walker, C J A Burden, F H Wright, A B Fisher, W A Crabtree, E Millar; issues of Uganda Notes; minutes of the Translation and Missionary Committees; map of Uganda; Annual Letters of W E Owen, F Rowling, G K Baskerville, H R Banks, H B Lewin, S R Skeens,
R H Leakey; pamphlet on the educational code for 1910; statistics for the year.




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