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Section IV: Africa Missions

Part 20: Uganda Mission, 1898-1934

Part 21: Kenya Mission, 1935-1949

Part 22: Uganda Mission, 1898-1934

Part 23: Uganda, Tanganyika and Rwanda Missions, 1935-1949

Part 24: Mauritius, Madagascar and the Seychelles Missions, 1856-1929

Contents of Reels - Part 21

REEL 420

Catalogue of the papers of the Overseas Division 1935-1959 pp 32-35

G 3 A 5/1 Sub File 2 General 1935-1949
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: missionary furloughs, the election of committee members, schools, development funds, the appointment of African teachers, salaries, the constitution of the Mission, the constitution for the United Missionary College, the establishment of a Board of Governors. Included also are the minutes of: the first meeting of the Hospitals Management Board, the Central Council of the African Church Council, the Bookshop Committee, of a Committee to discuss African Church Development and Finance.

REEL 421

G 3 A 5/1 Sub File 3 General 1935-1949
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: medical work, the development of the mission, the teacher training policy, a joint Conference of the CMS Medical Representatives of East Africa; a visit to the Medical Secretary, a conference on Medical Missions, staffing needs, the teaching of languages in Africa, educational matters, leper work at Kalolemi, teacher training, the evangelisation of Indians in Kenya. Minutes of the first meeting of the Sub Committee of the Christian Council of Kenya on the education of women and girls and minutes of the Kenya Executive Committee are also included as is a General Circular on Women and Girls’ Work.

G 3 A 5/1 Sub File 5 General 1935-1949
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: mission property, the proposed interchange of land at Jilore and land at Taveta.

G 3 A 5/1 Sub File 6 General 1935-1949
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: mission property, housing, the upkeep of church buildings and the building of additional CMS schools. Also included are the minutes of the Executive Committee.

REEL 422

G 3 A 5/1 General 1935-1942 - Sub Files 1 and 4

Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: African lay readers, staffing, pension schemes, a visit of the General Secretary and the Africa Secretary to the Kenya mission stations, the need for more nurses, missionary furloughs, staffing and children’s education. Also included are the minutes of the Executive Committee, a list of European personnel at the mission stations, plus extracts from the minutes of the Kenya Mission Advisory Committee and the Kenya Coast Missionary Committee.

REEL 423

G 3 A 5/1 General 1943-1949 - Sub Files 1 and 4
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: staffing, a meeting of the Christian Council of Kenya, furloughs, on a visit to the coast in 1944 by the Secretary, missionary personal allowances. Also included are annual reports on the mission by the Mission Secretary, F Cecil Smith, a report on schools in the mission, minutes of the Kenya Executive Board and a report by the Principal on St Paul’s Divinity School in Limuru.

REEL 424

G 3 A 5/1 Sub File 7 General 1935-1949
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: grants for African education, the East Africa Famine Fund and schools. Also included are annual reports on the mission, a summary of the mission accounts for 1939 and 1943, the minutes of the African Church Development and Finance Committee and extracts from the minutes of the Kenya Executive Board.

REEL 425

G 3 A 5/1 General 1935-1949 - Sub Files 8 and 9
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: race relations, education, compulsory native labour during World War II, the state financing of African education, native marriages, independent schools, the expenditure of Central Kavirondo Local Native Council, coffee growing and the church’s work amongst Africans in towns together with a memo to the Governor of Kenya from the CMS General Secretary about a visit to the mission, minutes of the meetings of the Standing Committee of the Missionary Council and of the Kenya Executive Committee.

REEL 426

G 3 A 5/1 Sub File 10 General 1935-1949
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: joint theological training for the Ministry, education and teacher training, unity and cooperation between Christians in the Kenya colony and a united church in East Africa plus minutes of a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Kenya Missionary Council, extracts from the Executive Council minutes and minutes of conferences on Christian cooperation.

G 3 A 5/1 Sub File 13 General 1935-1949
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: a convention of African Christians at Kagaari in 1948, the Swahili Bible, the commemoration of the arrival of Dr Krapf in East Africa in 1844, Kikuyu literature, the British ambulance service in Ethiopia plus minutes of CMS conferences.

G 3 A 5/1 War Measures 1939-1940

REEL 427

G 3 A 5/2 Executive Board Minutes 1935-1949 and Correspondence
The correspondence contains reports on conferences, the reorganisation of African education, medical work, the divinity school, missionary furloughs at the end of World War II and teacher training.

REEL 428

G 3 A 5/3 Minutes of the Coast Missionary 1935-1945
Committee, the Highlands Missionary Committee, the Kavirondo District Missionary Committee, the African Church Council, the Central Council, the Coast District Council and the Highlands District.

REEL 429

G 3 A 5/4 Minutes and Papers 1935-1946 of the Christian Council of Kenya
Included are the minutes of the African Education committee, of the Executive Council, of the committee on Citizenship, the Kenya Missionary Council, of the Literature Committee and the conference of the East and Central African Bishops plus a copy of “The Occasional Bulletin of the Christian Council of Kenya” and a printed booklet on the constitution of the Kenya Missionary Council.

REEL 430

G 3 A 5/4 Minutes and Papers 1946-1949 of the Christian Council of Kenya
Papers include: copies of “The Occasional Bulletin of the Christian Council of Kenya”, annual financial reports, medical reports and statistics, reports on the Christian Educational Trust, minutes of the Executive committee, the Board of Education committee and the Women and Girls committee of the African Education committee.

G 3 A 5/5 Minutes and Correspondence 1946-1949 of the CMS Hospitals’ Management Board
The correspondence includes much on policy for the medical mission together with the minutes of the CMS Hospitals’ Management Board.

G 3 A 5/7 Kenya Church Aid Association 1939-1940, 1949
Included are minutes of meetings of the Kenya Church Aid Association and general correspondence.

G 3 A 5/8 Correspondence concerning 1935-1941 the Kikuyu Alliance including minutes of the Committee of the Representative Council of the Alliance

REEL 431

G 3 A 5/9 Indian work in Kenya 1931-1932, 1935-1949
Topics include: a report on the Kenya Mission to the Indians, a note on the constitution of the Kenya Mission to the Indians, reports and statistics on the Indian hospital and medical work, minutes of meetings of the Bookshop Committee and of the Committee for the Evangelisation of Kenyan Indians, a printed copy of “The National Christian Council Review”, a report on the work among the Indians by Dr Alma Downes-Shaw and a report on the work of the Mission Hospital for Women and Children in Mombasa.

REEL 432

G 3 A 5 d 1/1 Diocese of Mombasa 1936-1949 General Correspondence
Included are: minutes of meetings of the African Council of the Diocese, notes on the constitution of the Christian Council of Kenya, a memo on polygamy, a report on a missionary journey, minutes of meetings of the European Council of the Mombasa Diocesan Synod, of the Standing Committee of Synod, of the Diocesan Board of Finance, of the African Education Board and the Church Aid Association plus memos on teacher training and evangelism.

G 3 A 5 d 1/2 Diocese of Mombasa 1935-1939

Constitution of the diocese

REEL 433

G 3 A 5 d 1/2 Diocese of Mombasa 1940-1949

Constitution of the diocese

G 3 A 5 d 1/4 Diocese of Mombasa

Mombasa chaplaincy 1935-1946
Included are minutes of meetings of the Consultative Body of the European Council of Synod.

G 3 A 5 e 1 Education 1949
“Beecher” Report on Education
Butere Normal School

G 3 A 5 e 3 Education 1937-1938
Kabete Jeanes School
Included is correspondence and an annual report for 1938 on the Jeanes School.

REEL 434

G 3 A 5 e 4 Education 1936-1949
Kahuhia Normal School
Included are minutes of meetings of the Board of Governors with estimates and notes on a teacher training course.

G 3 A 5 e 6/1 Education 1935-1949
Kikuyu Alliance High School
General Correspondence
Included are: the Principal’s reports given at Speech Days, annual reports of the school, minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors and a circular letter by E Carey Francis.

G 3 A 5 e 6/2 Education 1935-1939
Kikuyu Alliance High School
Most of the correspondence is concerned with recruitment for the school.

REEL 435

G 3 A 5 e 6/2 Education 1940-1949 Kikuyu Alliance High School
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: entry permits for missionaries, medicals, innoculations, applications, references and interviews for new staff.

G 3 A 5 e 7 Education 1935-1949
Limuru St Paul’s
United Theological College
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: the Property Committee, staff, purchase of new land, the water supply, the development programme, together with minutes of the Executive Board and of the Board of Management and reports on the Divinity School written by the Secretary of the Mission.

G 3 A 5 e 8 Education 1935-1949
Maseno Vocational School
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: staff, grants, new buildings, furloughs including also Annual Letters from R L Hull and E Carey Francis.

REEL 436

G 3 A 5 e 9 Education 1935-1949
Mombasa Buxton High School
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: the condition of the school since the requisition by the Army during World War II, maps, staff, the history of the school including also minutes of meetings of the Mombasa Sitting Committee.

G 3 A 5 e 11/1 Education 1935-1949
Nairobi CMS Bookshops
General Correspondence
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: literature including publications and sales, staff and the work and aims of the bookshop. Also included are printed lists of the books held at the bookshop, annual reports, receipts and accounts.

REEL 437

G 3 A 5 e 11/2 Education 1935-1949
Nairobi CMS Bookshops
Minutes of the Management Board
and the Bookshop Committee,
report on translation and literature work

G 3 A 5 e 12 Education 1939
Nairobi Pumwani Women and
Girls’ Hostel plus Nairobi Girls’ School
Reports by E Maude Plummer and by F Cecil Smith, the Secretary of the mission on the future of the school.

G 3 A 5 e 15/1 Education 1948-1949
Thogoto Rural Training Centre
(Kikuyu) General Correspondence
Report on the progress of the rural area schools in the Central Province by N Langford-Smith, Supervisor and extracts from the minutes of the Executive Board.

G 3 A 5 g 1 General - Butere 1934-1949
Report on the work in the mission by D G Green and an account of a forced marriage by Fortie Ross.

G 3 A 5 g 2 General - Dabida (Taita) 1938
Reports on the school and accounts of the problems with the principal at the school.

G 3 A 5 g 3 General - Embu 1935-193 1946
Letters about the housing situation and the orphanage at Embu.

G 3 A 5 g 4 General - Freretown 1935-1942
Reports on the Freretown village, the Freretown Trust and on finances by the Financial Secretary.

G 3 A 5 g 5 General - Kabare: Trans Tana 1937, 1940
Letters and memos re staff.

G 3 A 5 g 6 General - Kabete 1937-1949
Minutes of the Executive Board re the school.

G 3 A 5 g 7 General - Kahuhia 1935-1940
Minutes of the Executive Board with estimates and minutes of a Sub-Committee plus letters and memos re staff.

G 3 A 5 g 8 General - Kaloleni 1935-1940

Letters and memos re staff.

G 3 A 5 g 10 General - Kisumu 1934-1936
Letters and memos re property.

REEL 438

G 3 A 5 g 11/1 General - Mombasa 1935-1949
General Correspondence
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: land holdings, the Mombasa Guest House, the Mission Hall and co-education plus extracts from the minutes of the Executive Board, the African Committee and a report by the Finance Committee.

G 3 A 5 g 12/1 General - Nairobi 1937-1948
General Correspondence
Letters, memos and reports from the missionaries, mission secretary and the Secretary at headquarters in London on: the work being carried out in the Nairobi Pastorate, Muslim work and the future of Bishopsbourne plus Annual Letters from T F C Bewes, the Secretary of the Nairobi African Church Council and the minutes of the second meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Mombasa Diocesan Synod.

G 3 A 5 g 12/2 General - Nairobi 1947-1949
Church House and
Bookshop Property

G 3 A 5 g 13 General - Ng’iya 1936-1938,
Letters and memos on educational policy.

G 3 A 5 g 14 General - Weithaga 1937-1938 Including plan and elevation of the house
Letters and memos on housing.

G 3 A 5 g 15 General - Wusi 1940,
Including plan of 1946-1947
he mission station
Letters and memos on housing and schools.

G 3 A 5 m 1 Medical 1935-1949
Kaloleni Medical Mission
Letters and memos on leper work, the budget for the hospital and staff plus reports and news on the school.

G 3 A 5 m 2 Medical 1935-1949
Maseno Medical Mission
Letters and memos on Health Visitors, the hospital and staff.



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