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Section IV: Africa Missions

Part 20: Uganda Mission, 1898-1934

Part 21: Kenya Mission, 1935-1949

Part 22: Uganda Mission, 1898-1934

Part 23: Uganda, Tanganyika and Rwanda Missions, 1935-1949

Part 24: Mauritius, Madagascar and the Seychelles Missions, 1856-1929

Contents of Reels - Part 23

REEL 461

Catalogue of the papers of the Overseas Division, 1935-1949 pp 36-38, 41

Uganda Mission, 1935-1949

G 3 A 7/1 Uganda Mission
Sub File 3 1935-1949
Sub File 4 1935-1941
Sub File 3 Report on the mission with a map of the diocese.

Sub File 4 Letters re the need for women recruits, from the secretary of the mission on various topics, an appeal to raise special funds for the mission, a memo re educational needs, letters of applications from would be missionaries and minutes of the Standing Committee.

REEL 462

G 3 A 7/1 Uganda Mission
Sub File 4 1942-1949
Sub Files 5 and 6 1935-1949

Sub File 4 Letters from the mission secretary on various subjects, letters from Stephen H H Wright, the Educational Secretary General re women staff needed, minutes of a meeting of the Commission on Central Accountancy Office, extracts from the Standing Committee minutes, letters from the Archdeacon of Uganda, Canon A M Williams and details of proposed candidates for teachers, doctors and nurses in the mission.

Sub Files 5 and 6 Letters re CMS property, re the disposal of the Lweza Rest House, minutes of the Building Sub-Committee and the Medical Sub-Conference, memos re the diocesanization of schools and the relinquishment of mineral rights.

REEL 463

G 3 A 7/1 Uganda Mission
Sub Files 7 and 8 1935-1949
Sub Files 7and 8 Extracts from the accounts of the Teacher Training Centres, a note on Reserve Balances, mission estimates for 1948-1949, a note re the audit of the CMS Uganda accounts, letters from the mission secretary, from Bishop Usher-Wilson and Rev A M Williams, memos re grants for European Educationalists, re the training of African clergy overseas and higher education and a printed booklet “Laws of the Uganda Protectorate-Education”.

REEL 464

G 3 A 7/1 Uganda Mission
Sub Files 9-11 and 13 1935-1949
Sub File 9 Letters from the mission secretary, a list of mission stations with statistics, an account of a convention at Namirembe, minutes of the 12th Annual General Meeting of the Uganda Society, 1945 with balance sheet, statistics for the Church of Uganda for 1946, Annual Letter for 1944 from W H A Butler, a report on the mission for 1943, a report by the Bishop and by the Archdeacon in 1941, issues of “The Diocesan Gazette - Uganda”.

Sub Files 10 and 11 An Annual Report on the mission for 1947, minutes of a meeting of the Interdiocesan Education Committee, a pamphlet regarding self-governing schools, letters from the mission secretary and memos re theological colleges.

Sub File 13 An Annual Report and Accounts,1946-1947 of the Uganda Society, extracts of letters from Canon A E Clarke to Rev H D Hooper re the Kabaka’s wedding, letters re the assassination of the Katakiro, Nsibirwa, details re the disturbances in Kampala in January 1945, and a pamphlet “Presidential Address to the Uganda Education Association” by G C Turner, Principal of Makerere College.

REEL 465

G 3 A 7/1/1 Uganda Mission 1935-1949
Letters from Canon A M Williams, the General Secretary of Uganda Mission, from Bishop Stuart and from the mission secretary, notes on labour riots in Kampala, memos re the adoption of children by missionaries, re pension schemes for missionaries and re furloughs, news of the death of Miss E M Furley who was the leader of the first party of lady missionaries to Uganda, notes re war measures and military service, minutes of the Standing Committee.

REEL 466

G 3 A 7/1/2-3 Uganda Mission 1935-1949
1/2 Letters from the mission secretary, Bishop Stuart and Canon A M Williams, notes on a Conference of CMS Medical Representatives for East Africa, extracts from the minutes of a missionary conference, agenda for the Uganda Mission Discussion Society, notes on a proposed amendment to the mission constitution and re a new financial supervisor of missions, Mr O Turton.

1/3 Letters from Canon A M Williams and the mission secretary, letters and reports re the development of secondary education, minutes of a Consultative Committee on African Education and of an Educational Sub-Committee, a memo re girls’ education, a report on Native Authority Schools and extracts from the minutes of a Missionary Conference.

REEL 467

G 3 A 7/2 War Measures and Retrenchment 1939-1940
Minutes of a Conference of CMS East African Representatives, memos and letters from the mission secretary, notes re local leave.

G 3 A 7/3 Uganda Standing Committee Minutes 1935-1940
Minutes of Medical Sub-Conferences, Standing Committees, Finance Sub-Committees and Annual Missionary Conferences.

REEL 468

G 3 A 7/3 Uganda Standing Committee Minutes 1941-1949
Minutes of Medical Sub-Conferences, Standing Committees, Finance Sub-Committees and Annual Missionary Conferences.

REEL 469

G 3 A 7/4 Educational Developments 1939-1947
Comments on education in Uganda, notes re the development of secondary schools, a report of a Committee to consider educational realignment in Uganda, minutes of a meeting of the Inter-Diocesan Education Committee, letters from the mission secretary and the Education Secretary General, Stephen H W Wright, notes re staffing requirements for educational development, a ten year plan for education, a pamphlet “The Education Ordinance”, a report on education in Uganda and minutes of a meeting of the Consultative Minutes Committee on Education.

G 3 A 7/5 Revival problems in Uganda and Rwanda 1941-1944
Report of the Mukono Commission, 1943, a report on the mission by the Bishop of Uganda and a report on a meeting of CMS missionaries at Kabale in 1941.

G 3 A 7/6 Correspondence re the publication of Canon Frank Rowling’s writings and re the Margaret Wrong Memorial Fund 1948-1949

REEL 470

G 3 A 7/7 Buganda disturbances 1949
Notes re the evils of deportation in Uganda, news cuttings re violence in Kampala, letters and petitions re the Buganda disturbances.

G 3 A 7 d1 Uganda Diocese 1935-1949
A description of the consecration of the first Anglican bishop in Uganda, letters re the marriage of the Namasole and re the training of clergy and issues of “the Diocesan Gazette -Uganda”.

G 3 A 7 e1 Education
Budo: King’s College
Sub Files 1-4, 6-7 1935-1949
Request for increased allowances, a list of missionary staff at the college, letters from the mission secretary, notes re the aims of the college and a report by Oliver Turton, the financial supervisor.

REEL 471

G 3 A 7 e1 Education
Budo: King’s College
Sub File 13 1935-1949

Report on disturbances at the college, an annual report for the college by L J Gaster, the Headmaster, minutes of a meeting of the Board of Governors, a description of the Golden Jubilee celebrations, a report of the Board of Enquiry into disturbances at Budo.

G 3 A 7 e2 Education
Buloba: Normal College 1935-1949
Letters from the mission secretary re staff needed.

G 3 A 7 e3 Education
Gayaza: Girls’ School 1935-1949
Letters re the health of staff and need for new staff.

G 3 A 7 e5 Education
Uganda Bookshop 1944-1949
Report on the Conference of Theological Staff in East Africa and on the mission and a memo re scholarships.

G 3 A 7 e7 Education
Mukono: Bishop Tucker College 1935-1949
Report on the college and issues of the college “Bulletin”.

G 3 A 7 e10 Education
Mukono: Women’s Welfare
Training Centre 1937, 1944-1949
Extracts from the minutes of the Medical Sub-Conference.

G 3 A 7 e11 Education
Mwiri: Boys’ School (Busoga College) 1931, 1935-1947
Suggestions concerning the development of the college, a circular letter from Robert H Freak of the college and a report of the first meeting of the Board of Governors.

REEL 472

G 3 A 7 e12 Education
Namutamba Farm School 1935-1941
A report on a visit to the school in 1937 and notes on the constitution of the school.

G 3 A 7 e13 Education
Ndeje: Girls’ Primary School 1939-1941, 1946-1948
Miscellaneous letters.

G 3 A 7 e14 Education
Nyakasura School 1946-1949
A report on a visit to the school in 1947.

G 3 A 7 g1 General
Iganga 1935-1946
Extracts from the minutes of the Uganda Medical Sub-Conference, discussion on land around Iganga.

G 3 A 7 g2 General
Jinja 1935-1949
Report on a visit in 1937 by Oliver Turton, the Financial Supervisor.

G 3 A 7 g3 General
Kabarole 1936-1948
Reports on the hospital at Kabarole, on Toro hospital, on Kabarole Girls’ Normal School, on Toro Girls’ Normal School and on Nyakasura School in Toro, all by Oliver Turton, the Financial Supervisor.

G 3 A 7 g4 General
Kampala 1935-1947
A pamphlet “Uganda at the Crossroads” and miscellaneous letters.

G 3 A 7 g5 General
Mbarara 1935-1944
Minutes of a meeting of the Building Committee.

G 3 A 7 g6 General
Mboga 1935-1949
Report of the bishop’s visit in 1947 and reports on the station for 1941, 42, 44 and 47.

G3 A 7 g7 General
Ndeje 1941
Miscellaneous letters.

G 3 A 7 m1 Medical
Kako Maternity Centre 1938-1941
Miscellaneous letters.

G 3 A 7 m2 Medical
Mengo Hospital
Sub Files 1-4, 7, 9-13 1935-1949
Sub Files 1 and 2 Reports on the finances of the hospital, a general report on the hospital by Dr H D Hooper and W Wilson Cash, 1937, letters from Dr R T S Goodchild at the hospital, minutes of a meeting of the Medical Sub-Conference, a memo on medical work in Uganda by H D Hooper, 1936 and a memo on staffing at the hospital.

Sub File 3 Minutes of the Hospital Medical Sub-Conference.

Sub File 4 Miscellaneous letters

Sub File 7 Minutes of the Uganda Building Sub-Committee, of the Medical Sub-Conference and minutes of the Executive Committee.

Sub Files 9-13 Reports on income and expenditure, an issue of “Mengo Newsletter”, minutes of the Medical Sub-Conference and a report on the hospital.

REEL 473

G 3 A 7 m2 Medical
Mengo Hospital 1935-1949
Financial status of the hospital and minutes of Medical Sub-Conferences.

G 3 A 7 m3 Medical
Toro Hospital (Kabarole) 1935-1949
Reports on visits by E N Hunter, the Acting General Secretary, a news sheet on the hospital written by Ruth Camplin, Sister in Charge, minutes of Medical Sub-Conferences, memos re staffing and re a proposal to close the hospital.

Tanganyika Mission, 1935-1949

G3 A 8/1 Tanganyika Mission
Sub Files 1-4, 6-8 1935-1949
Sub File 1 Extracts from the minutes of the Diocesan Council, letters from Archdeacon H S Kidner, memos re German missions in Tanganyika and re missionary allowances.

Sub File 2 Extracts from the minutes of the Diocesan Council.

Sub File 3 Memo re more staff needed and re candidates.

Sub File 6 Memos re mission property.

Sub File 7 Memos re new staff needed and re the financial position of the mission with a short summary of the budget.

Sub File 8 Annual Reports of the Educational Department for 1942, 1945 and 1948.

REEL 474

G 3 A 8/1 Tanganyika Mission
Sub Files 9-10 1935-1949

Sub Files 9 and 19 Memos re reconstruction after WWII, a report of the Commission on Education and on post war education and minutes of the Tanganyika Missionary Council.

REEL 475

G 3 A 8/3 Ground Nut Scheme 1947-1949
News paper cuttings, letters and official reports on the scheme.

G 3 A 8 d1/1 Diocese of Central Tanganyika
Council Minutes 1935-1949

REEL 476

G 3 A 8 d1/2 Diocese of Central Tanganyika
Correspondence and Papers 1935-1949
Minutes of meetings of the Diocesan Council of Kikuyu, letters from the secretary of the mission (H S Kidner), minutes of a meeting of the Federal Council of the CMS of Australia and Tasmania, a printed pamphlet - “The Constitution of the Dicocese of Central Tanganyika” and letters re proposals for its amendment.

G 3 A 8 e1 Education
Arusha: European School 1935-1949
Letters re vacancies at the school and letters from Bishop Wynn Jones and the Headmaster N Langford Smith.

G 3 A 8 g1 General
Dodoma 1935-1940
A Headmaster’s report for 1940 and miscellaneous letters and memo.

G 3 A 8 g2 General
Kilimatinde 1941
Miscellaneous letters and memos.

Rwanda Mission, 1935-1949

REEL 477

G 3 A 11/1 Rwanda Mission
Sub Files 1 and 2 1935-1949
Sub File 1 Memos re missionaries sent to Ruanda, minutes of the Ruanda Executive Committee re the standard of living of the missionaries, mission rules for African workers in Ruanda, minutes of the Annual Conference and memos regarding a proposed school for missionary children.

Sub File 2 Letters from the Secretary of the mission, Reginald
R Webster and from A Stanley Smith, minutes of the Ruanda Council meetings, a survey of the administration of the Ruanda mission and a note on the constitution of the Ruanda mission.

REEL 478

G 3 A 11/1 Rwanda Mission
Sub Files 3-4 and 6 1935-1949
Sub File 3 Report on the Kigezi educational work, minutes of the Ruanda Executive Committee and the Ruanda Council, a letter from the Ruanda Council to all missionaries, a letter from the Archdeacon Pitt Pitts re Revival difficulties, a survey of the administration of the mission, a report on the opening of new stations in Urundi and the history of the administration of the CMS in Ruanda.

Sub File 4 Memos re the recruitment of nurses, a list of staff needed for the mission, extracts from the minutes of the Ruanda Council and letters from R R Webster, the Secretary.

Sub File 6 Extracts from the minutes of the Executive Committee.

REEL 479

G 3 A 11/1 Rwanda Mission
Sub Files 7 and 8 1935-1949
Sub File 7 Letters from the Secretary, R R Webster, minutes of Ruanda Council meetings, many reports, memos and letters re finances of the mission including estimates and reports of the accounts of the Ruanda General and Medical Mission and minutes of the Executive Committee.

Sub File 8 Circular re the Congo Missions Committee, estimate of receipts and expenditures for the Ruanda General and Medical Mission, minutes of a meeting of the Congo Missions Committee, memos re the political situation in Ruanda-Urundi, memos re the establishment of church schools and re the conflict with the Catholic missions.

REEL 480

G 3 A 11/1 Rwanda Mission
Sub Files 9-10 and 13 1935-1949
Sub File 9 Report on a tour of Ruanda-Urundi by Rev B R Isaac, report on the Mataho Convention,1945 by M Guillebaud, memo on the Ruanda Revival Fellowship, a survey of and letters regarding the Ruanda misson by Algie Stanley Smith, minutes of the Ruanda Council and a report by the Secretary to the Home Council, 1936.

Sub File 10 Letters and reports on the mission by A Stanley-Smith, extracts from minutes of the Ruanda Council meetings, proposal for a new diocese of Ruanda-Urundi and the constitution of the Alliance of Protestant Mission in Ruanda-Urundi, 1935.

Sub File 13 Letters from the secretary of the mission, R R Webster, a report on the mission and on the Mataho Convention, 1943, extracts of a letter from P Guillebard re the Revival, a letter from Dr Goodchild in Gahini and minutes of the Executive Committee.

REEL 481

G 3 A 11/2 Rwanda Council: Minutes,
Correspondence and Papers 1935-1940

REEL 482

G 3 A 11/2 Rwanda Council: Minutes,
Correspondence and Papers 1941-1945

REEL 483

G 3 A 11/2 Rwanda Council: Minutes,
Correspondence and Papers 1946-1949
Included also are the General Secretary’s report for 1948 and a report on a tour of Ruanda-Urundi by Rev B R Isaac, 1948.

REEL 484

G 3 A 11/3 Rwanda Executive Council: Minutes,
Correspondence and Papers 1935-1949

REEL 485

G 3 A 11/4 Rwanda Mission: General
Correspondence re Policy 1926,1928, 1931-1938, 1948
Letters from the secretary of the mission re the appointment of a bishop, a memo on education in Belgian Ruanda and Urundi, a copy of the Ruanda Constitution and minutes of the Ruanda Sub-Conference.

G 3 A 11/5 Rwanda Mission: Relations with CMS
Correspondence 1926, 1933-1936
Letters re Archdeacon Pitt-Pitts.

G 3 A 11/6 Rwanda Mission: Constitution 1948-1949
Memos and letters.

G 3 A 11/7 Rwanda Council: Correspondence re Women’s Training 1949

G 3 A 11/8 Revival controversy: Correspondence 1946-1948

G 3 A 11 g1 General
Buhiga 1937-1938
Memos re the Boys’ School.

G 3 A 11 g2 General
Bunyonyi 1936-1949
Annual report of the Bunyonyi Leper Colony and memos and letters.

G 3 A 11 g3 General
Gahini 1936-1941
Memos re staffing.

G 3 A 11 g4 General
Ibuye 1939

G 3 A 11 g5 General
Kabale 1936-1938, 1945-1949
Memos re Kabale school, the church and the hospital.

G 3 A11 g6 General
Kigezi 1937-1938
Memos re the High School.

G 3 A 11 g7 General
Shyira 1935-1943
Memos re the Girls’ School and a report on Shyira.

G 3 A 11 m1 Medical
Gahini Hospital 1937
Memos and letters.

G 3 A 11 m2 Medical
Matana Hospital 1938
Memos and letters.




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