Series One: Women, Travel and Empire, 1660-1914
Part 2: Women and the Orient
Part 3: Women and the Orient
Part 4: Women, the Americas and World Travel
Contents of Reels - Part 2
E.C.L. Baillie - A Sail to Smyrna: or, an Englishwoman's Journal; Including Impressions of Constantinople, a Visit to a Turkish Harem, and a Railway Journey to Ephesus. London, 1873
Emily Anne Beaufort (Smythe) - Egyptian Sepulchres & Syrian Shrines, including some stay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Western Turkey. London, 1861, 2 vols.
Gertrude Bell - Persian Pictures. London, 1894
Gertrude Bell - The Desert & the Sown. London, 1907
Gertrude Bell - Amurath to Amurath. London, 1911
Gertrude Bell - Sarabande. 1914
Sarah Belzoni - 'Mrs Belzoni's Account of Women in Egypt, Nubia and Syria', in Giovanni Battista Belzoni, Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia. Brussels, 1835, 2nd edition.
Mary Rebecca Stewart Bird - Persian Women and their Creed. London, 1899
Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop - The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither. London, 1883
Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop - Among the Tibetans. London, 1894
Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop - Korea & her Neighbours: A Narrative of Travel with an Account of the Recent Vicissitudes and the Present Position of the Country. London, 1898. 2 vols.
Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop - The Yangtze River and Beyond: An Account of Journey in China. London, 1899
Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop - Chinese Pictures: Notes on Photographs Made in China. London, 1900
Lady Alicia Blackwood - Scutari: The Bosphorous and Crimea. Twenty Four Sketches. Ventnor, 1857, 2 vols.
Lady Alicia Blackwood - A Narrative of a Personal Experience and Impressions during a Residence in the Bosphorous throughout the Crimean War. London, 1881
Lady Anne Noel Blunt - Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. London, 1879, 2 vols.
Lady Anne Noel Blunt - A Pilgrimage to Nejd, the Cradle of the Arab Race: A Visit to the Court of the Arabs Emir and 'Our Persian Campaign'. London, 1881, 2 vols.
Fanny Janet Blunt - The People of Turkey: Twenty Years' Residence Among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks and Armenians, by a Counsul's Daughter and Wife. London, 1878
Margaret Bottome - A Sunshine Trip: Glimpses of the Orient. London, 1897
Anne Bowman - The Adventures of Rolando in Mesopotamia, Persia, Siberia, Kamschatka, China and Tibet. London, 1877
Frederika Bremer - Travels to the Holy Land (translated by Mary Howitt). London, 1862, 2 vols.
Isabel Burton - The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine and the Holy Land from my Private Journal. London, 1875, 2 vols.
Isabel Burton - AEI: Arabia, Egypt, India: A Narrative of Travel. London, 1879
Edith Louisa Butcher - Things Seen in Egypt. London, 1910
Edith Louisa Butcher - Egypt as we knew it. London, 1911
Lady Butler, Elizabeth Southerden Thompson - Letters from the Holy Land. London, 1903
Lady Butler, Elizabeth Southerden Thompson - From Sketch-Book and Diary by.... London, 1909
C G - A Fortnight's Tour Amongst the Arabs of Mount Lebanon, including a Visit to Damascus, Ba'albeck, the Cedars Natural Bridge, etc. 1876
Vahan Cardashian - Actual Life in the Turkish Harem. New York, 2nd edition, 1911
Amelia Cary, Viscountess Falkland - Chow-Chow; Being Selections from a Journal kept in India, Egypt and Syria. London, 1857, 2 vols.
Elizabeth Rundle Charles - Wanderings over Bible Lands and Seas. London, 1862
Ellen Chennels - Recollections of an Egyptian Princess by her English Governess; being a record of five years residence at the Court of Ismael Pasha, Khdive. London, 1893
Frances Power Cobbe - The Cities of the Past. London, 1864
Evelyn Cobbold, Lady Murray - Wayfarers in the Libyan Desert. London, 1912
Augusta Cook - By Way of the East: or, Gathered Light from our Travels in Palestine, Egypt, Smyrna, Ephesus, etc. London, 1908
Elizabeth Cooper - The Women of Egypt. London, 1914
Elizabeth Cooper - The Love Letters of a Chinese Lady. Edinburgh, London, nd
Elizabeth Cooper - The Harim and the Purdah: Studies of Oriental Women. London, 1915
Lucy Mathilda Cubley - The Hills and Plains of Palestine. London, 1860
Constance Frederica Gordon-Cumming - In the Himalayas and on the Indian Plains. London, 1884
Constance Frederica Gordon-Cumming - Notes on Ceylon. London, 1889
Constance Frederica Gordon-Cumming - Notes on China and its Missions. London, 1889
Constance Frederica Gordon-Cumming - Wanderings in China. Edinburgh, London 1886. 2 vols.
Constance Frederica Gordon-Cumming - Work for the Blind in China: How Blind Beggars may be transformed into useful Scripture Readers. London, 1887
Constance Frederica Gordon Cumming - Two Happy Years in Ceylon. London, 1892, 4th edition. 2 vols.
Mary Georgina Emma Dawson Damer - Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt and the Holy Land. London, 1842, 2nd edition. 2 vols.
Victoria De Bunsen - The Soul of a Turk. London, 1910. 2nd edition.
Anna Bowman Dodd - In the Palaces of the Sultan. London, 1904
L Dunne - A Trip to Constantinople; the Women of Turkey; Harem Bondage; and Miss Nightingale at Scutari Hospital. London, 1882.
Ella R Durand - An Autumn Tour in Western Persia. London, 1902
Harriet Catherine Granville Egerton - Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land, in May and June 1840. London, 1841.
Frances Minto Elliot - Diary of an Idle Woman in Constantinople. London, 1893
Julia Constance Fletcher - A Nile Novel. George Fleming. London, 1877, 2nd edition. 2 vols.
Mary Lucy Jane Garnett - The Women of Turkey and their Folk-Lore. London, 1890-91, 2 vols.
Vol 1: The Christian Women
Vol 2: The Jewish and Moslem Women, with Concluding Chapters on the Origins of Matriarchy
Mary Lucy Jane Garnett - The Turkish People: Their Social Life, Religious Beliefs and Institutions and Domestic Life. London, 1909.
Mary Lucy Jane Garnett - Turkish Life in Town and Country. London, 1909
Mary Lucy Jane Garnett - Mysticism and Magic in Turkey: An Account of the Religious Doctrines, Monastic Organisation and Ecstatic Powers of the Dervish Orders. London, 1912.
Margaret Dunlop (Smith) Gibson - How the Codex was Found: A Narrative of Two Visits to Sinai from Mrs Lewis's Journals 1892-3. Cambridge, 1893.
Annie Jane Harvey - Our Cruise in the Claymore, with a Visit to Damascus and the Lebanon. London, 1861
Annie Jane Harvey - Turkish Harems and Circassian Homes. London, 1871
Mary Elisabeth, Baroness Herbert - Cradle Lands [Egypt, Holy Land, Syria, Lebanon]. London, 1867
Mary Elisabeth, Baroness Herbert - Chinese Wayside Tales. London, 1904
Emillia Bithynia-Hornby, Lady Marconi - In and Around Istamboul. London, 1858. 2 vols.
Emily Hornby - Sinai and Petra: The Journals of Emily Hornby, in 1899 and 1901. London, 1907
Emily Hornby - E H : A Nile Journal. Liverpool, 1908
M E Hume-Griffith - Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia: An Account of an Englishwoman's Eight Years' Residence Amongst the Women of the East. London, 1909
M E Hume-Griffith - Stories of the East for Children of the West. London, 1911
M E Hume-Griffith - Tales of the Arabs. London, 1913
Annie King - Dr Liddon's Tour in Egypt and Palestine in 1886 being letters descriptive of the tour written by his sister. London, 1891
Jane Loftus - Mafeesh, or Nothing New: The Journal of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, the Sinai Desert, Petra, Palestine, Syria and Russia. London, 1870. 2 vols.
Pierre Loti - Japan, aka Madame Chrysanthme. London, 1889
Pierre Loti - Les trois dames de la Kasbah. Paris, 1896
Emmeline Lott - The English Governess in Egypt. Harem Life in Egypt and Constantinople. London, 1865, 2 vols.
Emmeline Lott - The Grand Pascha's Cruise on the Nile in the Viceroy of Egypt's Yacht. London, 1869, 2 vols.