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Series One: Women, Travel and Empire, 1660-1914

Part 2: Women and the Orient

Part 3: Women and the Orient

Part 4: Women, the Americas and World Travel

Contents of Reels - Part 3



Emmeline Lott - Nights in the Harem; or, the Mohaddetyn in the Palace of Ghezire. 2 vols, London, 1867
203 f.94,95

Sarah Gascoyne Lushington - Narrative of a Journey from Calcutta to Europe, by way of Egypt in the Years 1827 and 1828. London, 1829. 29. 167.

Harriet Martineau - Traditions of Palestine. London, 1830. 30.175


Harriet Martineau - Eastern Life, Present and Past. 3 vols, London, 1848. 48.1247-1249.


Melek-Hanoum and Grace Ellison - Abdul Hamid's Daughter: the Tragedy of an Ottoman Princess. London, 1913. 247162 e.11.

Melek-Hanoum, Wife of H.H. Kibrizli-Mehemet-Pasha - Thirty Years in the Harem; or, The Autobiography of...London, 1872. 210 j.182

Melek-Hanum - Six years in Europe: Sequel to Thirty Years in the Harem. The Autobiographical Notes of.
edited by L.A Chamerovzow. London, 1873. 210 j.182.


Ellen Clare Miller - Eastern Sketches: Notes of Scenery, Schools and Tent Life in Syria and Palestine. Edinburgh, 1871. 203 f.310

Ellen E Miller - Alone Through Syria. London, 1891. 20606 e.22.

Judith Montefiore - Notes from a Private Journal of a Visit to Egypt and Palestine, by way of Italy and the Mediterranean. London, 1844. 2034 e.154.


M Augusta Mott - The Stones of Palestine. Notes of a Ramble through the Holy Land. Illustrated with photographs by Francis Bedford. London, 1865. 203 e.10.

Georgina Muller - Letters from Constantinople. London, 1897. 20550 e.9.

Margaret Oliphant - Jerusalem: its History and Hopes from the Days of David in the Time of Christ. London, 1891. 106 d.4

Irene Andrews Osgood - When Pharaoh Dreams: Being the Impression of a Women-of-Mode in Egypt. London, 1914. 20740 e.72.


Julia Pardoe - The Romance of the Harem. 3 vols, London, 1839. 39.531

Julia Pardoe - Picturesque Europe: The Beauties of the Bosphorus; from Drawings by William J. Bartlett. London, 1839. 246 h.348


Julia Pardoe - The City of the Sultan; and Domestic Manners of the Turks, in 1836. 2nd edition, 3 vols, London, 1838. 38.470-472.

Mrs Pickersgill - Tales of the Harem. London, 1827. 27.287


Miss Platt - Journal of a Tour Through Egypt, the Peninsula of Sinai, and the Holy Land, in 1838, 1839.
2 vols, London, 1841/2. 2034 e.441.

Sophia Lane Poole - The Englishwoman in Egypt: Letters from Cairo. Written during a Residence there in 1842, 3 and 4 with E W Lane Esq, by his Sister. 2 vols, London, 1844. 203 g.242(1,2,3).

Mrs W M Ramsay - Everyday Life in Turkey. London, 1897. 247162 e.4.


Annie Reichardt - Girl-life in the Harem: A True Account of Girl-life in Oriental Climes. London, 1908. 2561 e.6483.

Mary Eliza Rogers - Domestic Life in Palestine. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1863. 203 c.208


Isabella Frances Romer - A Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia and Palestine in 1845-6. 2 vols, London, 1846. 46.417,418.

Isabella Frances Romer - The Bird of Passage; or Flying Glimpses of Many Lands. 3 vols, London, 1849. 49.1514-1516


Susette Harriet Smith, Mrs Bowen Thompson - The Daughters of Syria. 2nd edition, London, 1872. 133 f.51.


Lady Hester Stanhope - Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, as related by herself in conversations with her Physician.[C.L. Meryon]. 3 vols, London, 1845. 45.953-955.


Lady Hester Stanhope - Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope: forming the completion of her memoirs. Narrated by her Physician. 3 vols, London, 1846. 46.1515-1517.

Ella Constance Sykes - Through Persia on a Side Saddle. London, 1898. 2061 d.9.

Ella Constance Sykes - Persia and its People. London, 1910. 247178 e.6.


Frances M Taylor - Eastern Hospitals and English Nurses; The Narrative of Twelve Months' Experience in the Hospitals of Koulali and Scutari By a Lady Volunteer. 2 vols, London, 1856. 151 b.140, 141.

Margaret Thomas - Two Years in Palestine and Syria. London, 1900. 20606 d.20.


Mrs Walter (Kate Ellen) Tibbits - The Voice of the Orient. London, 1909. 2064 d.28.

Lady Catherine Tobin - Shadows of the East; or Slight Sketches of Scenery, Persons, and Customs, from Observations during a Tour in 1853 and 1854 in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey and Greece. London, 1855. 2 Delta 997.

Lady Catherine Tobin - The Land of Inheritance; or Bible Scenes Revisited. London, 1863. 203 h.205.


Demetra Vaka - A Child of the Orient: The recollections of a Greek girl brought up in a Turkish household (trans. by Demetra Brown). London, 1914. 2128 e.2.

Griffin W Vyse - An Englishman in a Harem. London, 1887. 247183 f.2.

Mary Adelaide Walker - Eastern Life and Scenery, with Excursions in Asia Minor, Mytilene, Crete, and Roumania. 2 vols, London, 1886. 2034 e.19, 20.


Maria Abigail West - The Romance of Missions. Or, Inside Views of Life and Labor in the Land or Ararat. London, 1876. 133 f.91.

Mary Louisa Whately - More about Ragged Life in Egypt. 2nd edition, London, 1864. 203 d.366.

Mary Louisa Whately - Among the Huts in Egypt: Scenes from Real Life. 2nd edition, London, 1872. 203 f.370


Mary Louisa Whately - A Memoir of Mansoor Shakoor, of Lebanon, Missionary in Syria and Egypt. London, 1873. 210 m.382

Mary Louisa Whately - Letter from Egypt to Plain Folk at Home. London, 1879. 246 g.124.

Mary Louisa Whatley - Lost in Egypt. London. 251 g.362

Mary Louisa Whately - Scenes from Life in Cairo: a Glimpse behind the Curtain. London, 1883. 251 k.624.


Mary Louisa Whately - Stories of Peasant Life on the Nile. London, 1888. 1489 f.736.

Marianne Young - Western India in 1838. 2 vols, London, 1839. 39.549.550.

Marianne Young - Our Camp in Turkey, and the way to it. London, 1854. 203 c.63.


Marianne Young - Facts & Fictions, Illustrative of Oriental Character. 3 vols, London, 1844. 44. 824-826

Marianne Young (Mrs Postans) - Cutch; or, Random Sketches taken during a Residence in one on the Northern Provinces of Western India; Interspersed with Legends and Traditions. London, 1839.


Annie van Sommer and Samuel M Zwemer - Our Moslem Sisters: A Cry of Need from Lands of Darkness Interpreted by Those Who Heard It. New York, 1907. 133 e.350.

Annie van Sommer and Samuel M Zwemer - Daylight in the Harem: A New Era for Moslem Women. Papers on present-day reform movements conditions and methods of work among Moslem women read at the Lucknow Conference, 1911. Edinburgh, London, 1911. 133 e.465.

Amy E Zwemer, Samuel M Zwemer - Topsy-turvy land: Arabia pictured for children. New York, 1902. 247175 e.4.

Amy E Zwemer and Samuel M Zwemer - Zigzag Journeys in the Camel Country: Arabia in Picture and Story. New York, 1911. 20608 e.21.


Miss Tully - Letters written during a ten years' residence at the Court of Tripoli. 1816, this edition published 1957. 247211 e.33.

Rosita Forbes - Unconducted Wanderers. London, 1920. 206 e.110.

Ella M Hart Bennett - An English Girl in Japan. London, 1904. JM.G00101.

Mrs Bryson - Child Life in China. London, 1900. 24742 e.15.

C Winifred Lechmere Clift - Annals of an Isle in the Pacific. S China, 1915. 247191 e.62.


Hannah Davies - Among Hills and Valleys in Western China. London, 1901. 1335 e.65.

Mary Crawford Fraser - A Diplomat's Wife in Japan: letters from home to home. London, 1899. JM.E 629, 630


Mary Gaunt - A Woman in China. n d. 20659 e.67

Mary Gaunt - A Broken Journey. n d. 20659 e.67

Mary Hooker - Behind the Scenes in Peking. London, 1910. 24633 e.49


John Lewis Burckhardt - Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. London, 1822. 4 BS. 787.

James Silk Buckingham - Travels in Mesopotamia. London, 1827. 20609 d.62.

Reel 76

Isabelle Eberhardt - Mes Journaliers. Introduction: La vie tragique de la bonne nomade by Ren-Louis Doyon. Paris 1923

Isabelle Eberhardt - Notes de route: Maroc, Algeri, Tunisie. Preface by Victor Barrucand. Paris, n.d.

Isabelle Eberhardt - Pages d'Islam. Preface by Victor Barrucand. Paris, 1922.



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