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CONGO MISSION ARCHIVES: The Papers of Bishop Ridsdale (1916-2000)
Missionary to the Eastern Congo

From the Henry Martyn Centre, Cambridge

Detailed Listing


RID 1 - Church in Zaire

1: General Papers 1980 – 1997

‘A Brief History of the Church in Zaire’, 1896-1996
‘Equisse historique de l’Eglise Anglicane du Zaire’, 1896-1996
‘A Brief History of the Anglican Church in Zaire’, Ian Tarrant, 1988
Various papers giving the historical background to the creation of the church.
Including information on the life of Apolo Kivebulaya
Organisation of the Church:-
Diocesan Calendars
Annual Reports and Evaluations
Report on medical services
Proposal for an Anglican Training College
Protests against the enthronement of Bishop Samuel Sindamuka as Archbishop
Photographs etc. illustrating the varied work of the church

2: Province of Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire. Archbishop Ndahura 1980-1982

Order of service for the inauguration, 11 May 1980 (French and Swahili)
Programme for the inauguration
Newspaper cuttings re the inauguration
Consecration of Koloni, Njojo and Tibafa, 7 September 1980 (Swahili)
Letters of Ndahura, October, December 1980
Fraternite’ - Bulletin D’Information Provinciale, December 1980, 1st and 3rd Trimeters, 1981 French
Progress Report of the Province and Vision for the Future, Philip Ridsdale,
23 January 1981
Ridsdale to Ndahura, 8 February 1981
Ndahura to Ridsdale, 21 June 1981
Ndahura to Davird Birney, Co-ordinator of Overseas Ministries, New York,
2 August 1981
Ndahura to Ridsdale, 9 August 1981
Ndahura to Ridsdale, 27 September 1981
Ridsdale to Ndahura, 26 October 1981
Ndahura to Ridsdale, 17 November 1981
Requiem Mass for Ndahura, 17 January 1982
Report by Philip Ridsdale on the death of Archbishop Ndahura
Correspondence relating to the death of Ndahura and provisions for his widow and children.

3: Creation of Zaire as a Separate Province of the Anglican Church 1991-1992

Background reports and correspondence
Order of service for the inauguration of Patrice Njojo as the First Archbishop of the Province of Zaire
30 May 1992
(French and Swahili)

4: Province of Zaire. Administration 1992-2000

Correspondence between Archbishop Njojo and Ridsdale
Correspondence relating to the finances of the province
Suspension of Bishop Munzenda
Miscellaneous reports etc.

5: Church in Zaire. Accounts 1979-1983, 1992-3

Dioceses of Kisangani, Boga-Zaire, Bukava
Correspondence, receipts, balance sheets
Province of Zaire. Estimates. 1992-3

RID 2 - Diocese of Boga-Zaire 1960-1999

1: Backgound Information

Extract from a report on the medical needs of Mboga Deanery, 30 July 1966
Precis of a report of the Rev. Theodore Lewis, Epiphany 1970
Notes on the future medical work in the Deanery by Roy Billington, February 1971
Order of Service for the Consecration of Bezaleri Ndahura, 24 August 1975
Philip Ridsdale to Reg Palin, John Hayward, Charles Sergel, Jesse Hillman, Theo Lewis and Bob Steilberg,
Eveque de Boga-Zaire, 6 September 1975
Describes the consecration of Ndahura
Letter from Lucy and Philip Ridsdale describing the schools in Boga-Zaire,
March 1978
Report on the Visit of Diana Witts to the Dioceses of Boga and Bukavu, Zaire,
October 1979-May 1980
Abdication letter of Philip Ridsdale, 7 September 1980


2: Correspondence and other papers of Bishop Njojo 1980-1999

Order of Service for the Consecration of Bishop Njojo, Cathedral of Saint Apolo, Boga, 7 September 1980 (Swahili)
Correspondence between Njojo and Philip Ridsdale, 26 March 1980 to 22 February 1999
Letters between Njojo and other correspondents (copies sent to Ridsdale):-
Robert Steilberg, Virginia, U.S.A., 30 December 1980
Harrison C. Chandler Jr, Companions in World Mission, Maryland, U.S.A.,
28 December 1982, 16 September 1991
Rosemary Churcher, 2 July 1990
Rev. Hahigwa Nguba, 25 April 1991
Mrs M.B. Dunn, Chairman Oxford Mothers’ Union, 19 July, 22 August 1991
Canon Bill Norman, 30 January 1993, 12 December 1994, 3 October 1996
(French, English and Swahili)
Tim and Judy Rous, 14 January 1997
Rev Robert de Berry, C.M.S., 18 June 1998

3: Bishop Ridsdale. Other correspondence relating to Boga Zaire 1987-1997

(In English, French and Swahili)
Norbert Banamusungwa, 5 March 1987
Archdeacon Festo Byakisaka, 27 March, 30 April 1988, 22 September 1989
Beni Bataaga, 27 December 1988, 13 April, 30 May 1989,3 July 1991, July 1996
Judy Acheson, 27 August, 15 October 1989, 3 April 1990, February, 2 April, 26 May 1991,November 1993, 22 July 1994, 12 October 1996
Kwake Nyabpngo, 20 November, 26 December 1989, 8 January 1990
Canon Diani Baguma, 17 December 1989
Trinity School, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A., 9 January 1990
Tupi Batwana, 22 March 1990
Tito Balinda, 11 March 1991
Angaika-Move, 2 October 1992
Ian Tarrant, 11 January 1992
Andrew Kakule-Tsongo, 21 March 1993
Venerable Munege, Archdeacon of Bunia, 31 May 1993, 7 January 1996
Rev. Francis Bahemuka, 20 June 1993
Susan Broaddus, 21 December 1994
Canon Macleord Baker Ochola, Bishop Elect Diocese of Kitgumi, 8 February 1995
Revd. Basntaki Byabasana, 11 June 1995
Christopher Carey, February 1996
Henry Basimaki, 18 November 1996
Ngona Lumbo, 28 December 1996

4: Aru Archdeaconry 1984 - 1989

Maps and photographs including items on refugees from Uganda

5: Miscellaneous c. 1975-1991

Photographs, Church Calendars, building plans, newspaper cuttings

RID 3 - Diocese of Bukavu 1976-2000

1: General Papers. 1976-1996

Background information on the Diocese
Order of Service for the Enthronement of Ndaharu as Bishop of the Diocese of Bukavu, 18 July 1976 (French and Swahili)
List of friends of Bukavu Diocese in England, Canada and the USA
Consecration of Fidele Diropka as Bishop of Bukavu, 21 February 1982
Report given by Bishop Diropka of Bukavu at the 2nd Provincial Synod, 11 May to 6 June 1982 (French)
Proceedings of the 1st Synod of the Maothers’ Union of the Diocese of Bukavu,
10-16 October 1983 (Swahili)
Report on the Diocese, 1989
Report on the Diocese, 1990
House purchase project, 1990
Bible Schools Appeal, 1990
List of Candidates to begin theological studies, October 1991
’Decade of Evangelism in Bukavu Diocese’
Paper by Bishop Diropka, June 1994
History of the Diocese and a description of its current state by George and Anne Pitt, Directors of Bible Schools in the Diocese, 1988 to 1992, 1996
Miscellaneous correspondence relating to the Diocese, in particular, the state of finances after the sudden death of Ndahura.

3: Correspondence of and concerning Bishop Fidele B. Diropka, Bishop of Bukavu, 1982-2000

(English and French)
Some letters are from Louise Wright, his secretary.
Some concern at the time that Diropka spent studying at Oak Hill College, London, 1993/4 and his need for funding to finish his doctorate in Canada, 1998-99
Correspondents include Philip Ridsdale, Manasses Kuria, the Archbishop of Kenya, David Gitari, Bishop of Mount Kenya East, Christopher Carey, Africa Secretary C.M.S., Bill Westwood, Bishop of Peterborough, Diana Witts, Africa Secretary C.M.S., Bishop John V. Taylor, Canon Bill Norman, Commissaire General, Zaire Church Association, Canon David Claydon, Africa Secretary C.M.S., John B. Taylor, Bishop of St. Albans, Rev. Ted Lewis.
Bundle of correspondence on the Greek Orthodox Church at Kananga

RID 4 - Diocese of Kindu 1972-1997

Background information
Correspondence of Peter Dawson

RID 5 - Diocese of Kisangani 1980-2000

Background Information
Constitution of the Mothers’ Union
Plans for churches in the diocese

Order of Service and description of the enthronement of the first Bishop, Tibafa Mugera, 12 October 1980
Letters of Tibafa Mugera to Ridsdale, 8 July,9, 23 November 1981, 15 April 2000
Tibafa to Harrison Chandler, 22 January 1982
Ridsdale to Tibafa, 23 February 1989
Njojo to Ridsdale, 10 October 1994 re. Tibafa
Rt Rev. Mavatikwa Kany, Assistant Bishop of Kisangani to Ridsdale, 18 September 1998

RID 6 - Diocese of Shaba (Katanga) 1985-2000

Background Information
Including biographical details on Bishop Mbona Kolini who was enthroned as the first Anglican Bishop of Shaba in November 1986
Correspondence of Bishop Kolini, 1985
Includes letters of Ridsdale and arrangements for the visit of Kolini to the 1988 Lambeth Conference
Correspondence of Henri Isinguma
Succeeded Kolini as Bishop in 1997
Missionary work in the diocese


RID 7 - Diocese of Nord Kivu 1990-1997

Background Information
Correspondence, photographs etc. of the consecration of Bishop Methusela Muzenda as the first Bishop of Nord Kivu
Correspondence of Bishop Muzenda
Insights into the political situation in Zaire
Papers relating to the Ndahura School. Goma
Missionary work in the diocese

RID 8 - Anglican Theological Institute, Bunia (IsTha) 1987

The Institute was created in Bunia 1987 as a university level seminary. It was the desire of Archbisop Ndahura that the clergy of the newest Anglican province should maintain the high standard of training, associated with Anglican clergy throughout the World. It greeted its first students in November 1988.
Papers consist of correspondence, particularly with Susan Broaddus, a director and acting principal and Jeremy Pemberton, the first principal, plans of the college, newsletters, appeals for funds, photographs etc.

1: Papers 1987 – 1991

2: Papers 1992 – 1998

RID 9 - Zaire Church Association

1: Correspondence 1982 – 1999

Includes copies of the constitution, exchange of letters with the Charity Commission, daily running of the association, finances, visits of Congolese bishops etc.

2: Newsletters 1976 - 2000

3: Minutes and Accounts 1982 - 1999

4: Appeals and Miscellaneous 1988 - 1995


RID10 - Church Missionary Society Newsletters, Mission Partner link letters and other correspondence, reports of meetings 1973 – 1999

[There are other link letters to be found within the records for each Diocese]
Correspondents include Lucy Ridsdale, Tim and Judy Rous, Pat Nickson, Andrew and Margaret Gandon, Susan Broaddus, Tim and Hilary Naish, Judy Acheson, Prue and David Boyd, Margaret Lawry, Ruth and Brian Fagan, Clare Scott, Emma Wood and Peter Wild, Louise Wright, Ian and Sally Tarrant, Laura Hickey

The papers include:-
Report by Christopher Carey (CMS Regional Secretary, Africa) on a visit to Zaire in 1980
‘Partnership or Initiative? Towards a New Relationship’, Simon Barrington Ward, (CMS General Secretary), ?1981
Report on a Visit to Zaire in 1994 by Christopher Carey

RID 11 - Miscellaneous Correspondence

1. Letters to Lucy Ridsdale at Hoima, 1956-1957: -
Amoti, Royston, Hertfordshire, March-October 1956 (5 letters)
Ethel Wright, Glastonbury, Somerset, January, March 1957 (2 letters)
Freda, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, 15 March 1957
Y.M. Majara, Salisbury, Wiltshire, 15 March 1957
2. Philip Ridsdale to ‘Charlie’, On Safari in the USA, 24 October 1974
3. Philip Ridsdale to Reg ,Charles, John and Jesse, Cambridge, 16 November 1974
4 Copies of letters written by Philip Ridsdale from Boga and Bunia to his grandson, Peter Casson, son of Elisabeth Casson (now Ryan) 7 November 1978 to 25 March 1980 (24 letters)
5. ‘Mike ‘ to Ndela [Musafiri at Bukavu], London, 14 February 1980
6. Philip Ridsdale to Revd. David Applin, Cambridge, 23 January 1981
7. Correspondence between the Ridsdales and Flo. Cobey, Charlotte, North Carolina,
November 1981 to 23 February 1983 (8 letters)
8. Philip Ridsdale to the Rev. Donald Davies, Bishop of Dallas, 15 February 1982 and reply of Davies, 8 March 1982
9. Rev. Ndela Musafiri, Bukavu, to Philip Ridsdale, 8 March 1984
10. Fragment of a letter to Philip Ridsdale dated Yakusu, Kenya, 7 February 1987
11. Philip Ridsdale to Agnes Aikin, vicar of St. Marks, Newnham, Cambridge,
Cambridge, 3 April 1987
12. Elaine Sugden to Philip Ridsdale, Oxford, 8 August 1988
13. Three letters from the Perse School, Cambridge, November 1988-23 January 1989
14. Father Christian Pearson, Chaplain, Downing College, Cambridge to Philip Ridsdale, 19 January 1989
15. Paul R. Walter, Executive Director, Episcopal World Mission to Philip Ridsdale,
Forest City, North Carolina, 3 March 1989
16. Revd. D.R. Thomas, Chaplain Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Ridsdale,
c. March 1989
17. Correspondence between Philip Ridsdale and The Rev. John Gaunt Hunter, Vicar of St. John’s Buckhurst Hill, Essex, April 1989 (3 letters)
18. Bishop of Ely to Ridsdale, 16 May 1989
19. Ted Lewis to Philip Ridsdale, 8 November 1989
20. Philip Ridsdale to Susan [Broaddus], 17 September 1991
21. John Hayward to Philip Ridsdale, Nairobi, 20 July 1992
22. Note of donations from Pembroke College, Cambridge, December 1993 and August 1994
23. Philip Ridsdale to his children, 25 January 1994
24. Roger Greeves, Robinson College, Cambridge to Philip Ridsdale, 16 May [1994]
25. Viv Knowles to Philip Ridsdale, Stapleford, Herts., 2 March 1995
26. Philip Ridsdale to D.T. Dathan, Cambridge 6 April 1995
27. Martyn Johnson, Chapel treasurer, Churchill College, Cambridge, 13 April 1995
28. Rev. Mark Pryce, Chaplain, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Ridsdale, 19 June 1995
29. Luwaka-Don-Gyele to Philip Ridsdale, Nairobi, 17 January 1996 (French)
30 .’Brian’ to Philip Ridsdale, 23 April 1996
31 .Bridget Lane to Philip Ridsdale, Skipton, North Yorkshire, 11 October 1996
32. John Hayward to Philip Ridsdale, Bolney, 16 October 1996
33. Philip Risdale to Canon Graham Kings, Henry Martyn Centre,
28 October 1996
34. Copy of a letter from Judy Acheson to John Hayward, Nairobi, 1 November 1996
35. Rev. Canon Edmund W. Olifiers to Philip Ridsdale,
Companions in World Mission, Silver Spring, Maryland, 30 July 1997
36. Barbara Dunn to Lucy and Philip Ridsdale, Wokingham, Berkshire, 19 October 1997
37. Christmas Letters from Philip and Lucy Ridsdale, 1989 (missing p.1), 1990, 1991,1993, 1994, 1995

RID 12 - The Ridsdales at C.M.S. Mboga 1948 – 1983

1. Friends’ letters:-
No. 1 January 20 1950
No. 2 10 February 1950
No. 3 18 March 1950
No. 4 22 April 1950
No. 5 9 July 1950
No. 6 25 August 1950
No. 8 30 October 1950

Newsletters from Boga:

January 1971
November 1971
June 1972
September 1972
February 1973
May 1973
September 1973
February 1974
May 1974
October 1974
February 1975
June 1975

2. Correspondence:
Philip Ridsdale to his mother, Mrs F.E. Ridsdale, Mboga, 18 October 1959
Philip Ridsdale to Archbishop Leslie Brown of Uganda, Mboga, 18 October 1959
Philip Ridsdale to The Rt. Rev. Eriz Sabiti, Bishop of Ruwenzori, Hoima, 5 March 1960
Lucy Ridsdale to ‘Granny’, Mrs Ridsdale, On board ship, [1960]
Philip Ridsdale to his mother, Mboga, 2 July 1961
Notes from Humara, 4 March 1962
3. Miscellaneous reports, cuttings etc.
Two extracts from ‘New Day’, 13 July and 10 August 1962
Description by Philip Ridsdale of a visit to Mboga, 5-7 May 1966
Part of a description of a visit to various missionary stations and hospitals,
4. ‘Some of the things that Canon Apolo Kivebulaya has meant to me living and working at Boga’, Philip Ridsdale, 50 years on, Cambridge 9 May 1983
One version in French and another in English.
5. ‘The Land of Bunyoro’
Description by [?] Philip Ridsdale
6. ‘Safari to Yalokombe’ by Enid Main
7. Slide Commentary – Bishop Philip Ridsdale – Boga-Zaire
8. ‘Kings of Boga’ list and description in Swahili by [?] Philip Ridsdale
9. Account of the work of Charles A. Rendle and his wife Beryl at C.M.S. Boga,
Written by Beryl Rendle

RID 13 - Visit of Philip Ridsdale to Bukavu, December 1981 to March 1982

Journal of his visit to attend the funeral of Archbishop Bezaleri Ndahura and the election of a new archbishop.
Associated correspondence
Order of service for the requiem mass
Two copies (with rough notes) of the sermon preached by Bishop Ridsdale at the service
Report of David Birney’s field trip to Bukavu
Photographs of Bishops and Archdeacons

RID 14 - Centenary Celebrations, The Anglican Church in Zaire, 1896 – 1996

[Philip and Lucy Ridsdale were unable to attend in person because of ill health]
1. Centenary Booklet (two copies)
2. Order of the Service of Thanksgiving, 30 May 1996 (one copy in English and another in Swahili)
3. Leaflets on the life of Apolo Kivebula, 1864-1933 in English, French and Swahili
4. Bishop Njojo to Philip Ridsdale,
Bunia, 10 February 1995
5. Meeting at Boga to discuss the Centenary celebrations,
5 July 1995 (French and Swahili)
6. Bill Norman to Philip Ridsdale, 15 October 1995
Copy of a letter from Christopher Carey, Regional Secretary, CMS, East and Central Africa to Archbishop Njojo, CMS, 10 October 1995
7. Revelation to Akiki (Ridsdale) whilst praying about the Centenary. God asks him to go to Boga, February 1996
8. Bishop Diropka to Lucy and Philip Ridsdale, Nairobi, 5 February 1996
9. Judy Acheson to Philip and Lucy Ridsdale, Bunia, 17 March 1996
10. Archbishop Njojo to Akiki and Lucy Ridsdale, Boga 25 March 1996
11. Barbara Dunn to Philip and Lucy Ridsdale, Mothers’ Union, Oxford, April 1996
Enclosing details of celebrations as they are linked with the M.U. in Boga-Zaire and Kisangani
12. Bridget Lane to Philip Ridsdale, Skipton, North Yorkshire, 11 April 1996
13. Ven. Canon Kabarole Munege Yusufu to Philip Ridsdale, Bunia, 13 May 1996 (Swahili)
14. Sermon of Archbishop Njojo at the centenary service, Boga, 30 May 1996 (French)
15. Report on the celebrations by Christopher Carey, Boga, 30 May 1996
16. Newsletter of Beni B. Bataaga, Provincial Communication Co-ordinator,
Report on the celebrations, 30 May 1996
17. Liz Hallett’s personal diary recording the celebrations, 22 May to 4 June 1996
18. Ven. Bataaga to Philip and Lucy Ridsdale, Bunia, 12 June 1996
His report on the celebrations
19. Rev. Chanoine Musubaho Ndaghalirwa to Philip Ridsdale, Boga, 18 June 1996 (French)
20. Ross Hall to Philip Ridsdale, Church Missionary Society of Australia, 10 July 1996
Highlights of the celebrations
21. Copy of a fax from the Rev. Nancy Vogele to Canon Bill Norman, 16 July 1996
Encloses a sermon on Apolo Kivebulaya and her memories of the celebrations
22. Rev. Francis Bahemuka to Philip Ridsdale, Boga, 25 September 1996 (Swahili)
23. Rev. Bulete Katara to Philip Ridsdale, Boga, 27 September 1996 (Swahili)
24. Bill Norman ‘some random thoughts on the celebration’, no date
25. Ted Lewis to Philip and Lucy Ridsdale, 23 February 1997
Encloses a copy of ‘Pilgrimage to Boga’ – his account of the celebrations

RID 15 - Link with the Diocese of Montreal, Canada 1981-1987

The church in Montreal provided financial help for the infant church in the Congo.

Correspondence between Bishop Ridsdale and Canon Jeno Kohner, Director of Diocesan Services of the Diocese of Montreal and between Kohner and the church in the Congo, notably with Bishop Diropka of Bukavu.
There are a few letters to Ridsdale and Diropka from J. Murray MacInnes, Area Secretary for Africa, Diocese of Montreal.
Schedule of a visit by Ridsdale and Bishop Njojo to Montreal, 1-7 October 1987
Papers in English and in French


RID 16 – Miscellaneous

1: Pamphlets, Booklets etc.

Postcard C.M.S. Uganda Mission, Jubilee, 1877-1927
Newspapers cutting – Bishop of Worchester (formerly Bishop of Uganda) greets the Kabaka of Buganda. 1955
Church, Dr. J.E., Awake Uganda: The Story of Blasio Kizogi and his vision of Revival Inscribed ‘to Philip from Joe, September 14 1957
Note [? by Philip Ridsdale] on a visit to Humara, 4 March 1962
Philip Ridsdale, ‘Independence for What?’ from New Day, 10 August 1962
Republique de Congo: Laisser Passer International, 8 July 1967
Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines, No. 1 (July, 1970)
‘The Talking Drums of Africa’, Scientific American (Vol. 225 no. 6 (December, 1971) pp. 90-94
‘The Task of Being a Bishop in Africa Today’, a sermon preached by the Rev. professor John Mbiti on the occasion of the consecration of three ishops…Namirembe, 6 August 1972
Note of Ridsdale that he should have been consecrated at the same time but said that he should be consecrated in Zaire as he was the first Anglican Bishop of Zaire
The Church of the Province of Uganda, Rwana, Burundi and Boga-Zaire.
Provincial Constitution, 1972
Kitaba Cha Sala Kwa Watu Wote (1984)
Preparatory Statement for the Francophone Council at the Partners in Mission Consultation, Bujumbura, June 1978
Card with photograph asking for prayers for Ndela Salumu Masafiri who is to be ordained Deacon by the Bishop of St. Albans, 25 June 1978
Constitution of the Church of the Province of Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire
Final text of 6-7 February 1979, translated from French to English
‘The African Church in the Eighties’, an address given by the Rev. Adrian Hastings to the Conference for World Mission, Africa Consultation, April 1980
Rev. C.L.J. Carey, ‘ Church Growth in Africa, especially in Rapidly Growing Cities’, Council for World Mission, Africa Committee, 19 September 1980
Philip Ridsdale, ‘Brief Account of a Visit to Canada and U.S.A., Sept/Nov 1981
Attached is a summary of Boga-Zaire (Kisangani) Account in U.S.A.
‘Our Stories’, Nungalinya English Students, 1982
Music for CMS Project Songs, 1983
Notebook of Ridsdale, principally a rough diary of a visit to China, 1986
Details of the service of commissioning of Bishop John Neale to be Secretary of the Partnership for World Mission, 6 January 1989
Life Link, Journal of the Mission Aviation Fellowship, Spring 1989
Rapport D’Evaluation Pour La Consultation Avec Les Partenaires En Mission, Church of the Province of Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire, Kigali, September 1989
Invitation for Philip and Lucy Ridsdale to the Institution of Rev. James Ryan as Vicar of St Mary’s Pipe Hayes, 11 December 1989
Appeal ‘Build a School for Refugees’ Diocese of Boga Zaire, early 1990’s
‘Obusinge’ Magazine, January-February 1992. French
Map of the Dioceses of the new Province of Rwanda inaugurated on 7 June 1992
Letter of Martin Fugill to Canon W. Norman, Nyankunde, Zaire, 23 November 1992
Dental and other medical services
‘Independent’, 24 December 1992
Article on a ‘botched’ restoration of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge
Advertisement for books on mapping Zaire, August 1993
Newsletter for Recontres: an international association serving two million French speaking Anglicans/Episcopalians in the world, Winter 1994/Spring 1995
Same for Summer-Fall 1995
Same for Spring 1999
‘Partners Together’ The Magazine of the Mid Africa Ministry, Winter 1995
‘Protecting Rwanda’s mountain gorillas: The human cost’ Article in support of the Diane Fossey Gorilla Fund [1995]
‘New Vision’, 27 December 1996 ‘Zaire Rebels Capture Bunia’
Newsletter of the Friends of Africa International Christian Ministry, 19 May 1997
Fiona Fox, ‘The two faces of Congo’, The Tablet, 9 August 1997
Elizabeth Rubin, Letter from Uganda, ‘ Our Children are Killing Us’, New Yorker, 23 March 1998
Remy Ourdan, ‘Living under the shadow of genocide’, Guardian Weekly, 12 April 1998
‘Called to full humanity’, article on the Lambeth Conference, 1998, Church Times, 8 May 1998
Christopher Carey, ‘The heart of darkness beats again’, reflections on conditions in Uganda, 1998
List of members of the Conseil Executif de la Francophonie au sein de la Communion Anglicaine, and Circulaire No. 13, 15 and 24 April 1999
Church Missionary Society, Annual Sermon by the Most Rev. Dr David Gitari, 29 May 1999 on the occasion of C.M.S.’ Bicentenary Celebrations
Bible Society leaflet appealing for funds to help in the Congo, Spring 2000
Challenged to Life, Study notes relating to the Church in Uganda
‘Qu’est-ce que la communion anglicane?’ Article from an unnamed journal
Leaflet Institute Panafricain de Sante Communautaire in conjunction with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
‘Double Trouble’, letter from Bamaka by Robert Lacville
‘Death of Development Worker in Zaire’ Report of the death of Nyakato Kabarole
Order of Service, St Paul’s Knightsbridge, the Easter Vigil
C.V. of the Very Revd. David Richardson, Dean of Adelaide Cathedral
List of tribal names in Uganda and Zaire
? Prayers in Swahili
Two maps of Zaire – political and administrative – 1973

2: Theses

Ndahura Bezaleri, ‘L’Implantation de L’Anglicanisme au Zaire, 1896-1972
Presented towards a license in Theology, National University of Zaire, July 1974


2: Theses (cont)

Isingoma K. Kahwa, ‘La Monographie du Diocese de Boga-Zaire’
Presented for a graduate diploma in Theology, ISTHA, 1983-1984
Musubano M. Muzenda, ‘The Pastoral Task of the Church in Zaire in the 1980’s with reference to the Anglican Church’
Westhill Certificate in Pastoral Studies, Westhill College, Birmingham, 1985-1986
Kabonabe Tibafa, ‘Good Management in the Anglican Church in Zaire’
Westhill Certificate in Church Management Course, Westhill College, Birmingham, 1987-1988
Fidele Balufuga Diropka, ‘Gospel and Culture in Zaire’.
Pastoral Theology Dissertation, B.A. Degree, Oak Hill College, 31 May 1995
Fidele Balufuga Diropka ‘Liturgie Anglicane et Inculturation Hier, Aujourd’hui et Demain: Regard sur la Celebration Eucharistique en Republique Democratique du Congo’.
PhD Thesis, University of Laval, April 2001

3: Photographs

Of note:-
Assorted photographs and reprints of Mboga dating from September 1926
Various scenes, dated 1977
Anglican Bishops of Zaire, including consecrations (1980)
Inauguration of the Province of Zaire, 1992
Mission partners, including Lucy and Philip Ridsdale
Exterior and Interior scenes of schools and churches
Box of slides ‘Boga’
Album of the Consecration of Philip Ridsdale as Bishop of Zaire, 1972



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