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Manuscript Records of Traders, Travellers, Missionaries & Diplomats, 1792-1942

Part 4: Manuscript Diaries and Papers from the China Records Project at Yale Divinity Library




RG08, Box 5 Martin Albert American Presbyterian Mission, North. The Story of Hope Hospital, 1871-1952.

RG08, Box 5 Irrenius Atwood American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (henceforth ABCFM). Material regarding Shansi Mission and  the  Boxer Rebellion, 1900-1913.

RG08, Box 5 John G H Baker Church Missionary Society. Letters from Canton & Shanghai, 1935-49; On the Study of Church History in China.

RG08, Box 20 Eugene Barnett Young Men’s Christian Association (henceforth YMCA), Shanghai. The Far East in the Summer of 1940; Memoirs, 1937-1968.

RG08, Box 20 Karl Beck Reformed Church in the United States/Reformed Church in America.Memoir of Hsiang-Si Mission, 1914-52.

RG08, Box 20 Wesley Bissonette  Methodist Episcopal Church. The Siege and Battle of Kutien, 1934.


RG08, Box 28 Ruth A Brack American Presbyterian Mission, North. Report on her internment by the Japanese in Shantung Province, 1942.

RG08, Box 35 Elizabeth Bruce Reformed Church in America. Memoirs concerning work in Siokhe,  Amoy, Changchow and Hong Kong.

RG08, Box 35 Harry Brunger Canton, China to Hong Kong, 1949-50.

RG08, Box 35 Mina Van Cleave  Foreign Christian Missionary Society. Buck Memoirs (Luchowfu, 1914-1916).

RG08, Box 39 Ruth Chester Ginling College, Nanking. Correspondence, 1927-1950, and reports on Impressions of Ginling in Nanking and Women in War-Time China.

RG08, Box 48 Douglas S Corpron United Christian Missionary Society. China Notes, 1949.

RG08, Box 48 O C Crawford American Presbyterian Mission, North. Diary kept at Soochow, 1938-1939, during Japanese occupation.

RG08,  Courtenay Fenn American Presbyterian Mission, North.Boxes 68-69 Diary, 1899; Scrapbook on the Siege  of Peking, 1900; photograph album.


RG08,  Ernest and  American Church Mission.Boxes 263-264 Clarissa Forster Scrapbooks and photographs of life in   Nanking, 1937-1939, including details    of Japanese occupation and atrocities.


RG08, Box 265 Ernest and Photographs. Clarissa Forster

RG08, Box 70 Howard Galt ABCFM, Peking. The Internment Camp at Wei Hsien,  1943; and other writings.

RG08, Box 70 Sidney Gamble YMCA, Peking. Mimeographed letters, 1924-1927.

RG08, Box 73 Mary Porter  Women’s Foreign Missionary Society of Gamewell Methodist Episcopal Church. Scrapbook history of Peking Station of  WFMS, 1871-1926.


RG08, Box 91 Dorothy Grayson Methodist Episcopal Church. Memoir (Foochow, Kutien Fu), 1933-49.

RG08, Box 250 Virginia Hebbert American Church Mission, Anking, Anwhei. Correspondence, 1947-1950; Writings; and Diary, 1949.


RG08, Box 96 Kate Hinman ABCFM, Foochow. Diaries, 1907-1932.


RG08, Box 97 Kate Hinman  Diaries, 1933 and 1937.


RG08, Box 103 Anna Jarvis Methodist Episcopal Church. Letters from Nanking, Peking and Foochow, 1920-1949, including material on the Japanese occupation of Nanking.

RG08, Box 107 Tracey Jones YMCA/Methodist Episcopal Church. The Girl Slavery System of Canton; Will China Have a Red Revolution?


RG08, Box 258 E F Knickerbocker China Inland Mission, Ningpo, and American Presbyterian Mission, North. Autobiography describing life in Ningpo, Chekiang Province, and diaries, 1909-10.


RG08, Box 258 E F Knickerbocker Diaries, 1910-1913


RG08, Box 258 E F Knickerbocker Diaries, 1913-1916


RG08, Box 113 Lucy Lee   American Church Mission, Anking. An American Sojourn in China, 1902-27.

RG08, Box 113 Thomas Lee Lutheran United Mission. Mimeographed circular letters from Honan, 1947-1949, and Hong Kong, 1949-53 describing life in China before and after the Revolution.


RG08, Box 137 A W March American Presbyterian Mission, North. Diary of a Prisoner of War under Japan, 1941-1942, China to Darrow.

RG08, Box 236 Margaret Marston American Church Mission. Correspondence and reports from members of the Women’s Missionary Service League of the Chinese Church  (Wuhu), 1934-1940, and from indigenous clergy (Shensi, Kiangsu, Hupeh, Hunan, Anhwei) and other materials.

RG08, Box 137 Emma Martin Methodist Episcopal Church. Diary during Siege of Peking, 1900.

RG08,  Harold Matthews ABCFM, Tehsien, Tientsin, Boxes 138-139 Foochow. Seventy-five years of the American Board in North China, 1860-1935, writings about Foochow Mission and Biographical details.


RG08, Box 266 Emily Case Mills American Presbyterian Mission, North. Ginling College, Nanking. Correspondence and collected   documents, 1925-1927, and writings. Much on Nanking Incident, 1927.

RG08, Box 141 Samuel Mills American Presbyterian Mission, North. Autobiography describing life in Weihsien, Tengchow Sung, 1911-1933.

RG08, Box 281 Edward H Munson YMCA, Foochow, Shanghai. Correspondence and reports from YMCA representatives in China, 1937- 1938. There is much on Nanking and  Shanghai during the Sino-Japanese war  including reports from Eugene Barnett, George Fitch, C W Petitt, John H D Rabe and S K Tien.

RG08, Box 144 Augustus Nasmith American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society, Chekiang. The Interesting Life of the Ordinary Missionary, 1912-1949.



RG08, Box 153 Martha Parker Church of the Brethren Mission. (Pingtingchow, Shansi and Tzechung, Szechuan). The Story of the Church of the Brethren in China, 1932 to 1950 .

RG08, Box 159 Margaret Prentice Women’s Foreign Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Church, Isabella Fisher Hospital, Tientsin, Hopei. Unwelcome at the North East Gate - includes an account of her imprisonment and later internment at Weihsien, 1941-43.


RG08, Alvin Methodist Episcopal Church South,Boxes 299-301 Pierson Parker Soochow, Shanghai. Diaries, 1879, 1887-1894, 1896-1899.


RG08, Alvin  Diaries, 1900-1907.Boxes 299-301 Pierson Parker


RG08, Alvin  Diaries, 1908-1909, 1912-1915, Boxes 299-301 Pierson Parker 1917 & 1920.


RG08, Alvin  Diaries, 1921-1924;Boxes 299-301 Pierson Parker History of China; and biographical information.


RG08, Box 163 Alice Reed ABCFM, Tehchow Sung. Excerpts from correspondence, 1920-40.

RG08, Box 236 August Reinhard Houlding South Chihli Mission (1904-18), Milton Stewart Evangelistic Funds (1920-1921, 1925-1934), independent missionary in Shanghai (1936-1940), Shanghai Hebrew Mission (1940-43). Autobiography.

RG08, Box 172 Olga Robinson ABCFM, Lintsing, Tunghsien, 1926-41. Autobiography.

RG08, Box 188 Ella Shaw EFMS, Nanking. History of her work in Nanking, 1887-34.

RG08, Box 188 Ernest Shaw  ABCFM, Tunghsien, Peking, 1912-51.  Letters from Peking and travel journal.

RG08, Box 188 Elizabeth Shrader ABCFM, Foochow. Writings and papers, 1929-1942, including: Canopy of Heaven; Baby & a Bamboo Chair; The Chinese Renaissance & the Christian Missionary and other items.

RG08, Box 188 Horace and China Inland Mission. Gertrude Sibley All the Days of Our Life. Describes work in Shae-ki-tien Ho. (1890), Laohokow Hup (1892-99, 1902) and Ku Cheng (1903-11).

RG08, Box 188 John A Silsby American Presbyterian Mission, North. Letters and diary excerpts (1887-1890s,  1913, 1926) describing life in Shanghai.


RG08, Box 195 Mabelle Smith American Presbyterian Mission, North. Notes on missionary work in Ningpo, 1894-1936; Diaries, 1928-1942.


RG08, Box 195 Mabelle Smith Diaries, 1944-1952

RG08, Box 200 Adelia Starrett YMCA/Methodist Episcopal Church. Writings and papers, 1933-34, including: Pioneering in West China; and an account of the Japanese attack on Hong Kong.

RG08, Box 203 David Tappan American Presbyterian Mission, North. Reminiscences of experiences at Canton Civil Assembly Centre, 1943.

RG08, Box 203 Mary Treudley Ginling College, Nanking. The Personal Experiences of C Stanley Smith During the Looting of the Foreign Sections of Nanking, 1927; and Realities in an unreal world.


RG08, Box 236 Jesse and  Methodist Episcopal Church/ABCFM. Clara Wolfe Our China. Describes work in Takuhsien, Shansi (1912-1922), Tientsin, Chihli (1923-1925), and at Cheloo University, Tsinan, Shantung (1928-1935) and Peking University (1936-1940).

RG08, Box 221 Harry and  Methodist Episcopal Church, Foochow. Zela Worley Correspondence, 1931-1932; Correspondence, 1940-1945; Correspondence, 1946-1949; Correspondence, 1950-1953, 1955; Notes from my diary, 1941; Notes on reports of conferences with Premier Chou En-Lai regarding the church; Material on Methodist Centennial; One Hundred Years Planting; Anglo-Chinese College High School, 1934.

RG08, Box 222 Elizabeth Wright YMCA, Peking. Memoirs of life in Peking, 1919-1948.



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