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*   A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z  

Manuscript Poetry in the Folger Shakespeare Library and Huntington Library

Contents of Reels - Folger Shakespeare Library

REEL 1 (Incomplete & A - H)

Incomplete:  “... A cuntry swaine” to “Yet want I will

A: “A ballate late was made” to “Aye me poore maid”

B: “Babler thou’rt uncommission’d to make known” to “By which Impostum’d tongues theire humours purge”

C: “Caecus awake was tould the sunn appear’d” to “Cys, by that candle in my sleepe me thought”

D: “Dame Ceres now the empty barnes” to “Dust is lighter than a feather and the winde more light then either”

E: “Each blest drop one each blest limme” to “Ezechias: owe: this book”

F: “Faine I would if that I could” to “Fuscinus, those ill Dees yt sully Fame”

G: “G. Peele and singer travelling together” to “Gustavus true Augustus for to be”

H: “Ha! Lovely nymph I’m quite undone” to “Hylas a child and dead how should that come?”

REEL 2 (I - S)

I: “I acknowledge I know none” to “Its hard from soules to take away old spotes”

J: “Jack and Dick both with one woman dealt” to “Justice of late...”

K: “Cate being pleasd wisht that her pleasure could” to “Know’st thou but whose these ashes were”

L: “Ladies can you show anything as big” to “Lynus to give me a spightfull fromp”

M: “Madam accept, at least excuse” to “My wrytings oft displese you, whats the matter”

N: “Nabal’s a foole read backwards and you have” to “Number the starrs that do restrain”

O: “Oathes should be changed all to yea and no” to “Oyez if any man can tell”

P: “Packe yee who follow after vanity” to “Pyramides on sands scarce stands an houre”

Q: “Quick dust thou are still dying dead dust I” to “Quivering fears heart fearing cares”

R: “Races ar runne horses by wayes do bend” to “Rustick Superbus fine new cloathes hath gott”

S: “Sacred be the Sabboth fy on filthy pelfe” to “Sylvia wilt thou waste thy prime?”

REEL 3 (T - XYZ)

T: “Take a knuckle of veal” to “Tirone is dead oh how it greives my heart”

U: “Uncivill death that would’st not once conferr” to “Use lovers like your garments, put one on”

V: “Vaine hope with waxen wings doth flye” to “Vowes are vaine no suppliant breath”

W: “Wake yet mine eyes though yet scarce slept at all” to “Wronges I endure my foes ile not offend”

XYZ: “Yes if thy haires fall as thy sinns increas” to “Youth soone may dy long do not live men old”




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