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Series Two: British Foreign Office Files for Post-War Japan, 1952-1980

(Public Record Office Classes FO 371 and FCO 21)

Part 8: Complete Files for 1972-1974

(PRO Class FCO 21/959-960, 1026-1054, 1082-1085, 1144-1172, 1212-1217 and 1275-1306)

Detailed Listing

Complete files for 1972


REEL 163

FCO 21/959

Sales of Nuclear Fuels to China and Taiwan

FCO 21/960

Visits of members of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from the UK to the Far East, especially Japan, Korea and Mongolia

FCO 21/1026

Annual Review for 1971. (File missing unable to film)

FCO 21/1027

Internal situation in Japan

FCO 21/1028

Liberal Democrat Party of Japan: Election successes

FCO 21/1029

General Elections in Japan

FCO 21/1030

Papers on the future of Japan

FCO 21/1031

Foreign policy of Japan

REEL 164

FCO 21/1032

Attitudes of Asian countries towards Japan

FCO 21/1033

Political relations between Japan and China (Folder 1): comprising sub-files for 1972 such as:

  • Visit of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to China, 30 May - 6 June
  • Japanese investment in Taiwan
  • China’s attitude to the Japanese succession
  • Chou en-Lai’s meeting with the Komeito Mission
  • Takeo Miki former Japanese Foreign Minister to visit Peking to meet with Chou en Lai and other Chinese leaders

FCO 21/1034

Political relations between Japan and China (Folder 2): comprising sub-files for 1972 such as:

  • Japan-ROC relations after the Tanaka communiqué. 6 November.
  • Sino-Japanese ties as reported in the Korean press.
  • China and Japan: relations re-established, Diplomatic Report No. 469/72, China, 3 October
    Talk about China and Mr Tanaka’s policies given by Yoshida, Director General of the Asian Affairs Bureau, 19 September
  • The Japanese on the road to Peking, Diplomatic Report No. 447/72, Japan, 14 September

FCO 21/1035

Political relations between Japan and the Soviet Union

FCO 21/1036

Political relations between Japan and the United States of America

FCO 21/1037

Reversion of Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands to Japan from USA

REEL 165

FCO 21/1038

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Advice to the Prime Minister, re: visit to Japan, 29 June
  • Decision of Prime Minister not to visit Hiroshima
  • Parliamentary questions from Mr James Lamond: re: visit by the Prime Minister to the Far East, 30 June
  • Report concerning ministerial visits to the Soviet Union, 1 February

FCO 21/1039

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Provisional list of briefs
  • Subjects for discussion between the Prime Minister and Japanese ministers to include: Anglo-Japanese political and commercial relations, and affairs for Asia, Europe and the United Nations
    Message from Prime Minister to President Nixon, 11 August

FCO 21/1040

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Composition of British delegation, arrival, reception, interpreters, imperial audience, wreath at Yokohama cemetery
  • Draft of speech to be given by the Prime Minister at the dinner hosted by Mr Tanaka
  • First meeting between the Prime Minister and Mr Tanaka suggest Anglo-Japanese political relations, general political relations, general political discussion of the world situation, specific issues such as China and Sino-Japanese relations, Soviet policies in Asia, the EEC
  • Meeting between the Prime Minister and Mr Ohira discussion of Ostopolitik, oil and Middle East
    Anglo-Japanese commercial relations covering Japan as a market and a supplier, investment in Japan, technological co-operation, the environment, aircraft sales

REEL 166

FCO 21/1041

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:

  • List of gifts for the Japanese, approved by the Prime Minister
  • Suggested amendments to speech to economic organisations
  • Message from Prime Minister to President Nixon, re: Protectionism in the United States
  • Steering brief by Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 6 September
  • Japan, Background: Liberal Democratic Party, Domestic Policies, the Economy, Foreign Trade, Defence, Foreign Policies, Anglo-Japanese relations
  • Arrival arrangements, 7 September
  • Outline programme, 6 September

FCO 21/1042

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Latest texts of the speeches that the Prime Minister will deliver to the economic organisations, and at Mr Tanaka’s dinner on 18 September, 13 September
  • Departure arrangements for 15 September, 13 September
  • Administrative arrangements, including composition of the delegation, 13 September
  • Guest lists for the Ambassador’s reception on 19 September and other social functions
  • Message from Prime Minister to President Nixon about Japan, 11 September

FCO 21/1043

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:

  • News coverage of the visit by the Australian press
  • ‘The First Visit to Japan by a British Prime Minister’, Diplomatic Report No. 452/72, 28 September
    Fred Warner, British Embassy, Tokyo to Sir Alec Douglas-Home re: The First Visit to Japan by a British Prime Minister, 28 September
  • Records of the Prime Minister’s visit, letters of thanks from the Prime Minister, letters from R T Armstrong
  • Text of a personal message from the Prime Minister to President Nixon, 22 September

REEL 167

FCO 21/1044

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Record of conversation with representatives of the European Community about the recent visit to Japan by Mr Heath, 21 September
  • Mr Heath’s press conference at the Japan Press Club, 19 September
  • Record of a meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, 18 September
  • Record of a conversation between Prime Minister, Edward Heath, and Japanese businessmen, 18 September
  • Note of a conversation between Edward Heath and Kakuei Tanaka, Prime Minister of Japan at a private dinner party, 19 September

FCO 21/1045

Visit by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward Heath, to Japan, September 1972 (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Japanese press comments, translation of an article in the Sekai magazine
  • Record of conversation between T G P Kitson MP and Tadao Kuraishi of the House of Representatives, 19 September
  • Parliamentary question: Concerning the Prime Minister’s visit to Japan asked by Mr Peter Blaker (Blackpool South), 23 October
  • Parliamentary question: When does the Prime Minister next plan to visit Mr Tanaka? asked by Mr Norman Lamont (C Kingston-upon-Thames)

FCO 21/1046

Visit of Lord Privy Seal, Lord Jellicoe, of UK to Japan, June 1972

FCO 21/1047

Disputes over sovereignty of Kurile Islands between Japan and the Soviet Union

FCO 21/1048

Economy of Japan (Folder 1) comprising sub-files for 1972 such as:

  • Japanese economic policies and security report: with comments from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 28 July
  • Japanese economic prospects: document from the Commercial Department, British Embassy, Tokyo, 18 July
  • Japan’s Ecological Niche
  • The Japanese economy and its trade relations with Europe: working paper, consultative assembly, Council of Europe, 2 March

REEL 168

FCO 21/1049

Economy of Japan (Folder 2) comprising sub-files for 1972 such as:

  • Monthly economic report, December: from Tokyo to Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 29 December
  • International monetary reform: meeting with Mr Inamura, Vice Minister in the Ministry of Finance, held at the British Embassy, Tokyo, 8 December
  • Recent developments in the Japanese banking and financial sector: British Embassy, Tokyo, 28 November
  • Export trade control ordnance: Commercial Department, British Embassy, Tokyo, 16 November

FCO 21/1050

Japanese assets in Portugal

FCO 21/1051

Relations between Department of Trade and Industry and Japan

FCO 21/1052

Defence policy of Japan

FCO 21/1053

Defence attaché’s annual report on Armed Forces in Japan, 1971

FCO 21/1054

Final distribution of assets under Article 16 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan

Complete files for 1973

FCO 21/1082

Meetings of the EEC Working Group in Asia

REEL 169

FCO 21/1083

Request for Briefs on the Far East

FCO 21/1084

Exchange of information between UK and US on the Far East: comprising sub-files for 1973 such as:

  • Talks on East Asia with the State Department
  • Draft records of the discussions on China, Korea and Japan
  • Dr Kissinger’s outline programme for his visit to London, 14-16 October 1973
  • Agenda and Record of Anglo-American talks, 4-5 June 1973: Japan, Korea, China after Mao Tse-Tung and Chou en-lai, Indo China, the future of SEATO and Five Power defence arrangements
  • Anglo-American talks on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, March 1973
  • Prime Minister’s visit to Washington, February 1973

FCO 21/1085

Exchange of information between UK and France on the Far East: comprising sub-files for 1973 such as:

  • Anglo-French talks on Asia at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 19 October
  • Anglo-French seminar on Japan, June

FCO 21/1144

Opposition parties in Japan

FCO 21/1145

Annual Review for 1972

FCO 21/1146

Internal situation in Japan

REEL 170

FCO 21/1147

Foreign policy of Japan

FCO 21/1148

Establishment of Trilateral Commission between Japan, Western Europe and North America

FCO 21/1149

Political relations between Japan and China

FCO 21/1150

Political relations between Japan and the Soviet Union (Folder 1): comprising sub-files for 1973 such as:

  • When will Mr Tanaka go to Moscow? Question discussed British Embassy, Tokyo, June 1
    Japan / USSR development of Siberia, June
  • New forms of USSR’s foreign and economic relations, V Spandaryan, State Planning Committee of USSR, May
  • Article from the ‘Japan Times’ reporting ‘Tanaka will Seek Soviet Flexibility on Kuril Isles’, 21 May
    Peking tries to hinder Soviet-Japanese Cooperation, article by Genrikh Kochin, 22 March 1973 from Literaturnaya Gazeta no. 12

FCO 21/1151

Political relations between Japan and the Soviet Union (Folder 2): comprising sub-files for 1973 such as:

  • Tyumen oil supplies, report, November
  • Personal message from Prime Minister Tanaka to Mr Heath, November
  • Long-term perspective of Japan-Soviet relations, October
  • Japan-Soviet fishery talks, November

REEL 171

FCO 21/1152

Political relations between Japan and the United States (Folder 1): comprising sub-files for 1973 such as:

  • Joint Soviet-Japanese statement, October
  • Japanese recognition of North Vietnam, September
  • New state of Japan-Europe relations by Masayoshi Ohira, Foreign Minister, August
  • Japanese policy over the Middle-East, report by the British Embassy, Tokyo, August
  • Japan and Latin America, reports, press cuttings

FCO 21/1153

Political relations between Japan and the United States (Folder 2): comprising sub-files for 1973 such as:

  • Japan and the ‘Year of Europe’
  • Dr Kissinger’s visit to Japan. The Japanese and Kissinger exercise
  • Transatlantic relations: United States, Canada and Europe
  • ‘A New Atlantic Charter’ by Henry A Kissinger

FCO 21/1154

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Discussions re: flight demonstration for Mr Tanaka of RAF Nimrod showing the aircraft’s capabilities
  • Gifts for Mr Tanaka and Mr Ohira
  • Provisional outline of programme for visit, 1 August
  • Suggested topics for discussion between Mr Tanaka and Mr Heath, Mr Ohira and Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Mr Tanaka and Sir Geoffrey Howe, and Mr Tanaka and Mr Davies, 31 July
  • Visit of Mr Tanaka: press arrangements / lunches

FCO 21/1155

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Draft guest list for Mr Heath’s dinner given in honour of Mr Tanaka on 1 October, August
    Problems re: bilateral trade matters, 23 August
  • Arrangements for wreath laying at Westminster Abbey
  • Correspondence between the British Embassy Commercial Department and the Far Eastern Department, 23 August
  • Provisional outline of programme, 3rd revision, 23 August

REEL 172

FCO 21/1156

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Draft contribution to steering brief on the topic of Energy, 13 September
  • Programme for visit, 4th draft, 6 September
  • Record of a meeting between the Permanent Under-Secretary and the Japanese Ambassador in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 11 September
  • Mr Tanaka’s visit: audience with the Queen, 12 September
  • List of briefs for the Prime Minister, Sir Geoffrey Howe, and Mr Davies, with indicators for UK or Japan to lead discussions

FCO 21/1157

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Reception by the Japanese society, 23 September
  • Brief by the Dept of Trade and Industry re: Energy: Oil Matters, the Japanese oil situation and developments in OPEC, 20 September
  • The Queen’s state visit to Japan
  • Programme of events for Sunday, 30 September
  • Steering brief, 18 September

FCO 21/1158

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Press cuttings in Japanese Times including, ‘Gale whips Tanaka on UK golf links’
  • Telegraph report on the visit by Douglas-Home circulated to selected cities worldwide, 8 October
    Action arising from Mr Tanaka’s visit, Far Eastern Department, 8 October
  • Telegraph re: ‘The Japanese press have given prominence to the following points’, 8 October
  • Embargo: not for publication, broadcast or use on club tapes before 2300 hours BST on Tuesday, 2 October. Joint communiqué, ‘Visit of Mr Kakuei Tanaka, Prime Minister of Japan, issued by the News Department of the FCO, 2 October

FCO 21/1159

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Correspondence of Mr Heath, Mr Tanaka, UK and Japanese political figures and officials following the visit
  • Report of the visit in ‘Japan Information Bulletin’ issued by the Information Centre, Embassy of Japan, London, November
  • Gifts from the Japanese, item, 1 November
  • Letter from the Welsh Office to the Prime Minister re: Industrial Co-operation with the Japanese, 7 November

REEL 173

FCO 21/1160

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Follow-up action to Mr Tanaka’s visit: commercial and economic subjects
  • Briefing for Secretary ID’s proposed visit to Japan, joint oil and natural gas ventures in third countries
  • Joint Anglo-Japanese Co-ordinating group
  • Japan and the Soviet Union: Mr Tanaka’s message
  • Draft letter for the Prime Minister to send to Mr Tanaka in response to the Japanese Prime Minister’s letter of 19 October

FCO 21/1161

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Report of visit to Japan 2-7 December, P W Carey, Secretary, Industrial Development, DTI, 12 December
  • Records of meetings with P W Carey and A J Lippitt, Under-Secretary, DTI, including talks with Marubeni Corporation (5 December), Mitsui Company (6 December), and Mitsubishi Corporation (6 December)
  • Note of a meeting with Sir George Middleton and Mr David Erskine of International Energy Consultants, 17 December
  • Call by the Japanese Ambassador on the Permanent Under-Secretary on 20 December re: services by Cathay Pacific Airways to Osaka and beyond
  • Letter from T W Ashton, Senior British Trade Commissioner to H Hochfelder, British Overseas Trade Board re: Anglo-Japanese co-operation in projects, 21 November

FCO 21/1162

Visit of Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to the UK, 29 September - 3 October 1973 (Folder 9) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Report re: Air services: Cathay Pacific Airways Hong Kong to Osaka and beyond, 28 September
    Visit of the Japanese Prime Minister 28 September to 3 October Steering Brief, 21 September
    Summary re: first visit to Japan by a British Prime Minister, 28 September
  • Japanese measures to assist trade imbalance, Annex A, Bilateral Commercial Questions, brief by DTI re: visit of Japanese Prime Minister

REEL 174

FCO 21/1163

Relations between Japan and the UK: General

FCO 21/1164

Disputes over sovereignty of Kurile Islands between Japan and the Soviet Union

FCO 21/1165

Japanese assets in Portugal

FCO 21/1166

Opening of the British Export Marketing Centre in Japan by Duke and Duchess of Kent, 21 September 1973

FCO 21/1167

Visit of Sir Geoffrey Howe, Minister for Trade and Consumer Affairs, to Japan, 22-30 April 1973 (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Draft brief for Sir Geoffrey Howe on the Economic Outlook for Japan
  • Steering brief for the visit to Japan, no. 2 draft, 6 April
  • Japan: Political background, brief no. 7
  • Programme for the visit, 5 March

FCO 21/1168

Visit of Sir Geoffrey Howe, Minister for Trade and Consumer Affairs, to Japan, 22-30 April 1973 (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Action following Sir Geoffrey Howe’s visit, 8 August
  • Extract from a speech by Sir Geoffrey Howe calling for a radical re-appraisal by British industry of its attitudes towards Japan, News Service, 21 May
  • Report on the visit, including summaries of the programme and of the meetings, 15 May
  • Personality notes including: Kiichi Aichi, Minister for Finance, Masayoshi Ohira, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Yasuhiro Nakasone, Minister of International Trade and Industry

REEL 175

FCO 21/1169

Visit of Lord Carrington, Secretary of State and Defence, to Japan, 12-15 February 1973

FCO 21/1170

Defence policy of Japan

FCO 21/1171

Nuclear intentions of Japan

FCO 21/1172

Possible visit of Emperor Hirohito of Japan to the USA

Complete files for 1974

FCO 21/1212

Meetings of the EEC Working Group on Asia, 1974 (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Working Group on Asia: meeting in Bonn, 14 March
  • European political co-operation: political committee meeting, 12/13 March
  • European political co-operation: working group on Asia, items include: Bird consortium for Indo-China, and relations with North Korea, Bonn, 29 January

REEL 176

FCO 21/1213

Meetings of the EEC Working Group on Asia, 1974 (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

  • European political co-operation, Political Directors’ meeting, report on Asia Working Group, items discussed included: Korea, China, North Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government in South Vietnam, and the situation in Laos, 11 July
  • Working Group on Asia, brief covering Korea, the issues likely to be raised and the line to take including; open door policy, Korea at the United Nations, relations and trade with North Korea, internal situation in Korea, North/South dialogue, 14 June

FCO 21/1214

Meetings of the EEC Working Group on Asia, 1974 (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Meeting of the Working Group on Asia, Paris, 15 November, issues discussed included: recent trends in Chinese foreign policy, Sino-soviet and Sino-American relations, China and the Western economic crisis, Chinese relations with the EEC, Mr Hartling’s visit to China
  • Meeting of the EEC Heads of Mission, Seoul, 5 August
  • Meeting of the Working Group on Asia, Paris, 6 September, topics debated included: the situation in the Indian Sub-Continent, and the proposed tour of Europe by the Chinese National Opera of Taiwan

FCO 21/1215

Request for Briefs on the Far East

FCO 21/1216

Exchange of information between UK and France on the Far East

FCO 21/1217

Exchange of information between UK and US on the Far East

FCO 21/1275

Opposition parties in Japan

FCO 21/1276

Annual Review for 1973

REEL 177

FCO 21/1277

Internal political situation in Japan, 1974, comprising sub-files such as:

  • A report from the British Embassy, Tokyo describes the firm consensus of opinion that the Prime Minister should resign in the near future, 21 November
  • Japanese political situation: report from the British Embassy, Tokyo, 27 December, following the downfall of Mr Tanaka and the long-term implications of Mr Miki’s assumption of power
  • Japanese economy: policy statement by the new administration, telegram addressed to FCO, 13 December
  • ‘The LDP under Mr Miki’ and ‘Mr Miki as Japan’s new Prime Minister’, telegraphs 5 December from Tokyo with information repeated to Washington, Moscow, Peking, Seoul, Canberra, Wellington and Brussels

FCO 21/1278

Study by Boston Consulting Group on future of Japan

FCO 21/1279

Foreign policy of Japan

FCO 21/1280

Visit by Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister, to countries other than the UK

FCO 21/1281

Political relations between Japan and China

REEL 178

FCO 21/1282

Political relations between Japan and the Soviet Union

FCO 21/1283

Political relations between Japan and the United States of America

FCO 21/1284

Attitude of Japan towards Kissinger’s Declarations of Principles concerning relations between USA, EEC and Japan

FCO 21/1285

Exchange of messages between Kakuei Tanaka, Prime Minister of Japan, and Edward Heath, UK Prime Minister

FCO 21/1286

Anglo-Japanese parliamentary exchanges

REEL 179

FCO 21/1287

Political relations between Japan and the UK

FCO 21/1288

Ministerial talks between Japan and the UK, 1974 (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Anglo-Japanese foreign policy consultations, lists of briefs include: internal political situation, international economic situation, non-proliferation, defence matters, Japanese investment in the UK and the Joint High Level group, 22 November.
  • Visit of the Permanent Under-Secretary to Japan and Korea, brief on food and primary products
    Anglo-Japanese consultations: disarmament, Japan and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 5-6 December
  • Brief for the Permanent Under-Secretary, the Trilateral Commission, 25 November

FCO 21/1289

Ministerial talks between Japan and the UK, 1974 (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Anglo-Japanese Planning Talks, 18-19 December, including briefs (1) Oil, (2) the Middle East, Japanese attitude (3) Oil producers’ surpluses, current Japanese economic situation, (4) Raw materials and food, Japanese position, (5) Implications of problems in briefs (1) to (4) for relations between Europe, the Middle East, the Soviet Union and Japan
  • Record of a conversation between Sir Thomas Brimlow and the Japanese Foreign Minister at the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo on 5 December

FCO 21/1290

Ministerial talks between Japan and the UK, 1974 (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

  • Consumer-producer relations: Japanese concern to bridge the gap between the American and French approaches, 27 November
  • UK-Japan air services dispute: the Osaka problem, 13 November

FCO 21/1291

Dispute over sovereignty of the Kurile Islands, North Pacific, between Japan and the Soviet Union

REEL 180

FCO 21/1292

Attitude of Japan towards sanctions against Rhodesia

FCO 21/1293

Economy of Japan

FCO 21/1294

Trade relations between Japan and the United Kingdom

FCO 21/1295

Visit of Takeo Miki, Deputy Prime Minister of Japan to the UK, 5-10 May 1974 (Folder 1)

REEL 181

FCO 21/1296

Visit of Takeo Miki, Deputy Prime Minister of Japan to the UK, 5-10 May 1974 (Folder 2)

FCO 21/1297

Visits by UK Trade Union officials to Japan

FCO 21/1298

Defence policy of Japan

FCO 21/1299

Attitude of Japan towards nuclear weapons

FCO 21.1300

Japan and North Sea oil

FCO 21/1301

Japan and the Middle East after the Oil Crisis of October 1973

REEL 182

FCO 21/1302

Japan’s interest in development of oil in the East China Sea

FCO 21/1303

Policy on pollution in Japan

FCO 21/1304

Political and economic arguments for expansion of the Japanese railway network for shinkansen (bullet) trains

FCO 21/1305

Visit of Her Imperial Highness Princess Chichibu of Japan to the UK, 8-18 June 1974 (Folder 1)

FCO 21/1306

Visit of Her Imperial Highness Princess Chichibu of Japan to the UK, 8-18 June 1974 (Folder 2)



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