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Series Two: British Foreign Office Files for Post-War Japan

(Public Record Office Class FO 371 & FCO 21)

Part 7: Complete Files for 1969-1971 (PRO Class FCO 21/555-593, 636-639, 720-769, 798-800, 877-926)


REEL 148 - Complete files for 1969
FCO 21/555: Japan Socialist Party (JSP)
FCO 21/556: Internal political situation
FCO 21/557: Ryukyu Islands and Okinawa
FCO 21/558: Annual review for 1968
FCO 21/559: Japan Communist Party
FCO 21/560: Komeito and Soka Gakka
FCO 21/561: Democratic Socialist Party
FCO 21/562: Relations with China
FCO 21/563: Relations with India
FCO 21/564: Relations with Soviet Union
FCO 21/565: Relations with United States of America
FCO 21/566: Anglo-Japanese consultations (Folder 1)
FCO 21/567: Anglo-Japanese consultations (Folder 2)
FCO 21/568: Ministerial visits

REEL 149
FCO 21/569: Briefs for Anglo-Japanese consultations
FCO 21/570: Record of Anglo-Japanese talks
FCO 21/571: Anglo-Japanese relations
FCO 21/572: Visit to United Kingdom by Mr Ohira, Minister of International Trade and Industry
FCO 21/573: Visit by Secretary of State to USA for talks with Japanese Foreign Minister
FCO 21/574: Japanese economic dominance of Asia
FCO 21/575: Internal economic situation
FCO 21/576: Labour and trade unions
FCO 21/577: Trade with China

REEL 150
FCO 21/578: Economic relations with USA
FCO 21/579: Disposal of Japanese assets in Colombia
FCO 21/580: Trade relations with United Kingdom (Folder 1)
FCO 21/581: Trade relations with United Kingdom (Folder 2)
FCO 21/582: British Week in Tokyo (Folder 1)
FCO 21/583: British Week in Tokyo (Folder 2)

REEL 151
FCO 21/584: Student disturbances
FCO 21/585: Military visits
FCO 21/586: Defence policy
FCO 21/587: Background briefs
FCO 21/588: Exchange of information
FCO 21/589: Records of war crimes trials
FCO 21/590: Science and technology
FCO 21/591: Japanese National Character and quality of life
FCO 21/592: Double taxation agreement (Folder 1)
FCO 21/593: Double taxation agreement (Folder 2)

REEL 152 - Complete files for 1970
FCO 21/636: Meetings of NATO expert working groups on Far East (Folder 1)
FCO 21/637: Meetings of NATO expert working groups on Far East (Folder 2)
FCO 21/638: Meetings of NATO expert working groups on Far East (Folder 3)
FCO 21/639: Studies on Asia of Imperial Defence College
FCO 21/720: General elections in Japan
FCO 21/721: Annual review, 1969
FCO 21/722: Communist party of Japan
FCO 21/723: Komeito and Sokagakkai parties in Japan
FCO 21/724: Socialist party of Japan
FCO 21/725: Liberal Democrat party of Japan
FCO 21/726: Reports on opposition parties of Japan
FCO 21/727: Comments by Soviet Union on international position of Japan
FCO 21/728: Foreign policy of Japan

REEL 153
FCO 21/729: Relations between China and Japan (Folder 1)
FCO 21/730: Relations between China and Japan (Folder 2)
Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)
FCO 21/731: Relations between India and Japan
FCO 21/732: Relations between Japan and Soviet Union
FCO 21/733: Reversion of Okinawa and Ryuku islands to Japan from USA
FCO 21/734: Security treaty between Japan and USA
FCO 21/735: Visits by Director General of Defence Agency of Japan to USA
FCO 21/736: Plans for consultations of ministers between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 1)
FCO 21/737: Plans for consultations of ministers between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 2)
FCO 21/738: Plans for consultations of ministers between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 3)
FCO 21/739: Briefs for ministerial consultations between United Kingdom and Japan

REEL 154
FCO 21/740: Records of consultations of ministers between United Kingdom and Japan
FCO 21/741: Meetings between officials of Embassy of Japan and officials of Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FCO 21/742: Visits by members of Diet of Japan to United Kingdom
FCO 21/743: Proposals for visits by ministers of United Kingdom to Japan
FCO 21/744: Talks between Prime Ministers of UK and Japan at United Nations
FCO 21/745: Claims by Japan to Northern Territories islands administered by Soviet Union
FCO 21/746: Economy of Japan
FCO 21/747: Threat to world trade of export drive from Japan

REEL 155
FCO 21/748: Trade between China and Japan
FCO 21/749: Economic co-operation between Soviet Union and Japan
FCO 21/750: Trade negotiations between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 1)
FCO 21/751: Trade negotiations between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 2)
FCO 21/752: Trade negotiations between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 3)
FCO 21/753: Visits by Treasury officials from United Kingdom to Japan
FCO 21/754: Competition and co-operation between Japan and United Kingdom in commerce and industry
FCO 21/755: Visit by Royal Society from United Kingdom to Japan to attempt to establish a series of scientific exchanges
FCO 21/756: Annual report for 1969 from United Kingdom defence attach in Japan
FCO 21/757: Policy on defence sales from United Kingdom to Japan
FCO 21/758: Defence policy of Japan (Folder 1)
FCO 21/759: Defence policy of Japan (Folder 2)

REEL 156
FCO 21/760: Prospects of defence sales from United Kingdom to Japan
FCO 21/761: Visit of Director General of Defence Agency of Japan to
United Kingdom and Europe
FCO 21/762: Exchange of information between United Kingdom and Japan
FCO 21/763: Proposed visit of Lord Chief Justice of United Kingdom to Japan
FCO 21/764: Effects of economic prosperity and success on Japan
FCO 21/765: Suicide of author Yukio Mishima in Japan
FCO 21/766: Double taxation agreement between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 1)
FCO 21/767: Double taxation agreement between United Kingdom and Japan (Folder 2)
FCO 21/768: Visit of Mr Nobusuke Kishi from Japan to United Kingdom
FCO 21/769: Report of tour by Head of Chancery

REEL 157 - Complete files for 1971
FCO 21/798: NATO Expert Working Groups on the Far East: contributions and meetings (Folder 1)
FCO 21/799: NATO Expert Working Groups on the Far East: contributions and meetings (Folder 2)
FCO 21/800: Royal College on Defence Studies: background notes on Asia
FCO 21/877: Japan: annual review for 1970
FCO 21/878: Liberal Democratic Party: governing party of Japan
FCO 21/879: Plans and proposals for revision of constitution in Japan
FCO 21/880: Democratic Socialist Party: opposition party co-operation
FCO 21/881: Reports on Parliamentary proceedings in Japan
FCO 21/882: Elections of House of Councillors in Japan
FCO 21/883: Komeito (Clean Government Party) and Buddhist parent body Sokagakkai (Value Creation Society): membership
FCO 21/884: Japanese government: Cabinet composition

REEL 158
FCO 21/885: Government of Japan: Liberal Democratic Party
FCO 21/886: Communist Party of Japan
FCO 21/887: Opposition to Japanese government: radical students and public security
FCO 21/888: Comments by Soviet Union on international position of Japan
FCO 21/889: Foreign policy of Japan
FCO 21/890: Relations between Japan and China
FCO 21/891: Relations between Japan and Soviet Union
FCO 21/892: Reversion of Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands to Japan from USA in 1972
FCO 21/893: Relations between Japan and USA
FCO 21/894: Anglo-Japanese ministerial consultations (Folder 1)

REEL 159
FCO 21/895: Anglo-Japanese ministerial consultations (Folder 2)
FCO 21/896: Proposals for visits of Ministers from UK to Japan
FCO 21/897: Meeting between Secretary of State, Sir Alec Douglas-Home,
and Ambassador of Japan, Mr Yukawa
FCO 21/898: Briefs for Ministerial consultations in UK between UK and Japan
FCO 21/899: Plans for consultations of Ministers between UK and Japan in 1972
FCO 21/900: Meetings between Ministers of UK and Japan in UK
FCO 21/901: Visit of Foreign Minister of Japan, Mr Fukuda, to UK

REEL 160
FCO 21/902: Disputes over sovereignty of Kurile Islands between Japan and Soviet Union
FCO 21/903: Revaluation of currency in Japan
FCO 21/904: Economy of Japan
FCO 21/905: Trade policy of Japan
FCO 21/906: Export promotion methods in Japan
FCO 21/907: Relations between Japan and European Economic Community
FCO 21/908: Relations between Japan and China
FCO 21/909: Relations between Japan and Soviet Union

REEL 161
FCO 21/910: Trade negotiations between Japan and UK
FCO 21/911: Visit of Minister of Finance, Mr Fukuda, of Japan to UK
FCO 21/912: Defence policy of Japan
FCO 21/913: Mass media in Japan
FCO 21/914: Press correspondents of Japan in UK
FCO 21/915: Resale of lands requisitioned by Government of Japan under Land Reform Law 1946
FCO 21/916: Visit of Minister of State for Science and Technology, Mr Hiraizumi, from Japan to UK
FCO 21/917: Suicide of author Yukio Mishima in Japan
FCO 21/918: Visits of members of Foreign and Commonwealth Office from UK to Japan
FCO 21/919: Visits of Director General of United Nations Bureau of Foreign Affairs Ministry from Japan to United Kingdom
FCO 21/920: Embassy of UK in Japan: Diplomatic Service Inspectorate inspection (Folder 1)
FCO 21/921: Embassy of UK in Japan: Diplomatic Service Inspectorate inspection (Folder 2)

REEL 162
FCO 21/922: Imperial household of Japan
FCO 21/923: Visit of Emperor Hirohito of Japan to UK (Folder 1)
FCO 21/924: Visit of Emperor Hirohito of Japan to UK (Folder 2)
FCO 21/925: Visit of Emperor Hirohito of Japan to UK (Folder 3)
FCO 21/926: Visit of Emperor Hirohito of Japan to UK (Folder 4)



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