Series Three: Embassy & Consular Archives - Japan (post 1945)
(Public Record Office Class FO 262)
Detailed Correspondence for 1945-1957 (PRO Class FO 262/2040-2132)
FO 262/2040: British Properties in Japan, 1945
FO 262/2041: Japanese War Criminals, 1945
FO 262/2042: List of Recipients of Relief from Swiss Authorities in Japan, July 1945-March 1946. 1945-46.
FO 262/2043: Japanese War Criminals, 1946
FO 262/2044: Japanese War Criminals, 1946
FO 262/2045: Japanese War Criminals, 1946
FO 262/2046: Major War Criminals: Trial Procedure and Indictment, 1946
FO 262/2047: Major War Criminals: Establishment and Constitution of Court, 1946
FO 262/2048: Prize Court Records, 1946
FO 262/2049: Germans in Japan, 1946
FO 262/2050: Minister of Switzerland in Tokyo, Vol I. 1943-45
FO 262/2051: Minister of Switzerland in Tokyo, Vol II. 1943-45
FO 262/2052: Custodian Report, 1945
FO 262/2053: Mr W MacMahon Ball, Commonwealth Representative in the Allied Council for Japan, 1946
FO 262/2054: Interviews with General MacArthur, 1946
FO 262/2055: Russia, 1946
FO 262/2056: Interviews with General MacArthur, 1947
FO 262/2057: Empire Day, King's Birthday and Loyal Celebrations, 1947
FO 262/2058: Australian Government Attitude to the Occupation and visit to Japan of Dr H Evatt, Australian Minister for
External Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister, 1947
FO 262/2059: UK Parliamentary Delegation, 1947
FO 262/2060: UK Liaison Mission in Japan: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1948
FO 262/2061: Interviews with General MacArthur, Vol I. 1948
FO 262/2062: Interviews with General MacArthur, Vol II. 1948
FO 262/2063: UK Liaison Mission in Japan: Periodical Reports on the Political Situation [Closed for 50 Years], 1948
FO 262/2064: Miscellaneous Correspondence of General Sir Charles Gairdner, Prime Minister's Personal Representative in Japan, 1948
FO 262/2065: Japanese Constitution, 1948
FO 262/2066: Anglo-American Policy on the Japanese Peace Treaty, 1950
FO 262/2067: Deportation of Japanese War Criminals, 1950
FO 262/2068: German Assets in Japan, 1950
FO 262/2069: Rentals on British-Owned Properties under Procurement Demand: Estate of Ernest William James in Kobe, 1950
FO 262/2070: German Assets in Japan, 1951
FO 262/2071: Japanese Relations with Asia, 1951
FO 262/2072: Japanese Peace Treaty: Anglo-American Policy, 1951
FO 262/2073: Retained by Dept. under Sec. 3 (4).
FO 262/2074: Liberal Party of Japan, 1952
FO 262/2075: Proceedings of Japanese Diet, Vol I. 1952.
FO 262/2076: UK-Japan Payments Agreement, 1952
FO 262/2077: British Commonwealth Forces in Korea: Labour problems with Japanese Workers, 1952
FO 262/2078: Shipping Clearances Policy, Vol I. 1952
FO 262/2079: Shipping Clearances Policy, Vol II. 1952
FO 262/2080: Aviation Clearances Procedure, 1952
FO 262/2081: Japanese Consular Representation in UK Colonial Territories; Policy of Malaya and Singapore towards Japanese Visitors, 1952
FO 262/2082: Consular Representation in Japan, Vol I. 1952
FO 262/2083: Consular Representation in Japan, Vol II. 195.
FO 262/2084: Sale of Temangen Iron Ore Mine in Malaya to Kokan Mining Company of Japan, 1953
FO 262/2085: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol I. 1953
FO 262/2086: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol II. 1953
FO 262/2087: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol III. 1953
FO 262/2088: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol IV. 1953
FO 262/2089: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol V. 1953
FO 262/2090: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol VI. 1953
FO 262/2091: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol VII. 1953
FO 262/2092: Japanese War Criminals: General Policy, Vol VIII. 1953
FO 262/2093: Korean War Criminals, 1953
FO 262/2094: Closed For 50 Years, 1953
FO 262/2095: Closed For 50 Years, 1953
FO 262/2096: Retained by Dept. under Sec. 3 (4). 1953
FO 262/2097: Fuel and Power: Iranian Oil, Part I. 1953
FO 262/2098: Fuel and Power: Iranian Oil, Part II. 1953
FO 262/2099: Retained by Dept. under Sec. 3 (4). 1953
FO 262/2100: Fuel and Power: Iranian Oil, Part IV. 1953
FO 262/2101: Fuel and Power: Iranian Oil, Part V. 1953
FO 262/2102: Japanese Political Affairs, 1954
FO 262/2103: Nationalist and Right Wing Affairs, 1954
FO 262/2104: Sovereignty of Japanese Islands, 1954
FO 262/2105: Japanese Assets Abroad, 1954
FO 262/2106: Comments on Article in Japan Weekly by Keijiro Otani Concerning the Defenestration of James Cox in 1940, 1954
FO 262/2107: Social Welfare of Women, 1954
FO 262/2108: British Educational Institute, 1954-55
FO 262/2109: Institute of Pacific Relations Conference, Japan, 1954
FO 262/2110: Correspondence Between JR Greenwood HM Consulate-General, Osaka and H Vere Redman, Counsellor, Information, Tokyo, 1954
FO 262/2111: Political Relations Between Japan and Soviet Union, 1955
FO 262/2112: Draft Peace Treaty in Japanese Characters, 1955
FO 262/2113: Status of Forces in Korea, 1955
FO 262/2114: Negotiations for Settlement of Accounts Arising Out of Utility Services Provided by Korea to US and UN Forces in Korea, 1955
FO 262/2115: Shell Oil Company Interests in Japan, 1955
FO 262/2116: Recognition of Medical Degrees of Foreign Doctors Practising in Japan. 1955
FO 262/2117: War Graves Agreement between Japan and British Commonwealth, Vol I. 1955
FO 262/2118: War Graves Agreement between Japan and British Commonwealth, Vol II. 1955
FO 262/2119: War Graves Agreement between Japan and British Commonwealth, Vol III. 1955
FO 262/2120: Proposed UN Cemetery at Pusan, Korea, Vol I. 1955
FO 262/2121: Proposed UN Cemetery at Pusan, Korea, Vol II. 1955
FO 262/2122: British Commonwealth Film Corporation, 1955
FO 262/2123: Labour Strike: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Part I. 1955
FO 262/2124: Labour Strike: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Part II. 1955
FO 262/2125: Labour Strike: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Part III. 1955
FO 262/2126: Labour Strike: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Part IV. 1955
FO 262/2127: Labour Strike: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Part V. 1955
FO 262/2128: Commonwealth Meetings in Tokyo, 1955
FO 262/2129: Leading Personalities in Japan, 1956
FO 262/2130: Internal Political Situation, 1956
FO 262/2131: War Graves Agreement: Hodogaya Cemetery, 1956
FO 262/2132: Maintenance of Hodogaya Commonwealth Cemetery at Yokohama, 1957