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Series One: USA - Politics & Diplomacy, 1960-1974
(Public Record Office Classes FO 371 and FCO 7: American Department - United States)

Part 2: The Lyndon B Johnson Years, 1964-1968
(PRO Class FO 371/174260-174346, 179557-179622 & 184995-185056 and PRO Class FCO 7/738-884)

Detailed Listing



FO 371/174260 Stock letter used in response to complaints about Leyland bus deal with Cuba
FO 371/174261 Annual review for 1963
FO 371/174262 Internal political situation
FO 371/174263 Internal political situation
FO 371/174264 Government appointments
FO 371/174265 Puerto Rico
FO 371/174266 Pakistan's reaction to President Kennedy's assassination
FO 371/174267 Dean Rusk's views on Cuba
FO 371/174268 Activities of Senator Barry Goldwater
FO 371/174269 Presidential press conferences
FO 371/174270 US Presidential elections
FO 371/174271 US Presidential elections


FO 371/174272 US Presidential elections
FO 371/174273 US Presidential elections
FO 371/174274 Proposed interview of Lord Harlech, HM Ambassador, for Kennedy historical records
FO 371/174275 US attitude to Europe
FO 371/174276 Foreign policy
FO 371/174277 Foreign policy
FO 371/174278 Political relations: Latin America and Cuba
FO 371/174279 Political relations: Brazil
FO 371/174280 Political relations: China


FO 371/174281 Political relations: Soviet Union
FO 371/174282 Political relations: United Kingdom
FO 371/174283 Parliamentary conference, Bermuda, 10-15 February 1964
FO 371/174284 Political relations: Commonwealth
FO 371/174285 Economic Intelligence Unit: Survey of Puerto Rico for Soviet Union
FO 371/174286 Federal reserve
FO 371/174287 US foreign aid policy
FO 371/174288 US trade tariff negotiations
FO 371/174289 Paper on Educating American Industry in the idea of free world trade
FO 371/174290 Invitation to Secretary of State to attend New World Trade Centre
FO 371/174291 Memorandum on US aid to Brazil
FO 371/174292 United Kingdom debt to US
FO 371/174293 Trade relations with United Kingdom
FO 371/174294 British National Export Council
FO 371/174295 Establishment of Hong Kong trade office in US
FO 371/174296 Export licences
FO 371/174297 Enforcement of paternity orders


FO 371/174298 Discussions with USAF on facilities at Ascension Island
FO 371/174299 Cost sharing agreement for US bases in United Kingdom
FO 371/174300 US defence budget
FO 371/174301 Negotiations about US bases in British West Indian territories (maps)
FO 371/174302 Indemnities for carriage of US explosives in UK or on British ships
FO 371/174303 Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Centre (AUTEC) site in Bahamas
FO 371/174304 Briefing for Imperial Defence College visit and Memorandum of understanding for purchase of Phantom aircraft
FO 371/174305 Closure of US bases in United Kingdom
FO 371/174306 US bases in Antigua
FO 371/174307 Visit of US National War College
FO 371/174308 Armed forces
FO 371/174309 US bases in Bahamas
FO 371/174310 US base facilities at Anegada, British Virgin Islands
FO 371/174311 Bermuda agreement: United Kingdom expenditure
FO 371/174312 US base facilities at Christmas Island
FO 371/174313 Disestablishment of Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG)
FO 371/174314 US base facilities on Ascension Island
FO 371/174315 US bases in United Kingdom and colonies


FO 371/174316 Hiran survey
FO 371/174317 Collaboration to detect nuclear tests
FO 371/174318 United Kingdom/US Waiver Agreement
FO 371/174319 Visa regulations
FO 371/174320 Visit to US: Colonial Office official to discuss colonial developments in the Caribbean
FO 371/174321 Visit to US: Julian Amery, MP Secretary of State for Aviation
FO 371/174322 Visit to US: Ernest Marples, Minister of State for Shipping
FO 371/174323 Richard Nixon: Tour of Far East
FO 371/174324 Visit to US: Sir Douglas Busk, HM Ambassador to Venezuela to US
FO 371/174325 Visit by Governor Adlai Stevenson to UK
FO 371/174326 Visit by Minister of State to New York
FO 371/174327 New Orleans prison
FO 371/174328 Appeal hearing of US citizen convicted of murder in Ascension Island to be heard in London rather than Nairobi
FO 371/174329 Flow of obscene publications from US
FO 371/174330 Complaint about US system of vetting nationals
FO 371/174331 Alaskan earthquake
FO 371/174332 Peace Corps
FO 371/174333 Unrest at University of California
FO 371/174334 Co-operation with US of teaching English in US schools
FO 371/174335 Serb religion
FO 371/174336 Civil rights legislation
FO 371/174337 Civil rights legislation
FO 371/174338 Death of President Kennedy: Warren Commission; annual public holiday memoriam


FO 371/ 174339 Celebration of Queen's Birthday in Atlanta: Invitations to members of local black community
FO 371/174340 150th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans: Tracing of captured trophy by British
FO 371/174341 Celebrations of 20th anniversary of D Day
FO 371/174342 Invitation to Secretary of State to attend anniversary of Independence
FO 371/174343 Exchanges of messages
FO 371/174344 Royal British Legion: Sacred Torch ceremony
FO 371/174345 Winston Churchill Day, 30th November
FO 371/174346 Ditchley Park Conference


FO 371/179557 Annual review for 1964
FO 371/179558 Internal political situation
FO 371/179559 Internal political situation
FO 371/179560 Internal political situation
FO 371/179561 Government appointments
FO 371/179562 Puerto Rico


FO 371/179563 News/press conferences by President Johnson and Dean Rusk
FO 371/179564 Ambassador's monthly letter
FO 371/179565 Foreign policy
FO 371/179566 Foreign policy
FO 371/179567 Latin America
FO 371/179568 Caribbean
FO 371/179569 Political relations: China
FO 371/179570 Political relations: Soviet Union
FO 371/179571 Political relations: Canada
FO 371/179572 Political relations: Bahamas
FO 371/179573 Political relations: United Kingdom - origins of "special relationship" attributed to Sir Winston Churchill


FO 371/179574 Political relations: United Kingdom - origins of "special relationship" attributed to Sir Winston Churchill
FO 371/179575 Anglo-US Parliamentary Conference
FO 371/179576 International Convocation on requirements for peace
FO 371/179577 Selection of economic reports
FO 371/179578 Position of State of Mississippi Bonds
FO 371/179579 Financial situation
FO 371/179580 Foreign aid programme
FO 371/179581 External trade relations
FO 371/179582 Trade with China
FO 371/179583 UK/US economic relations
FO 371/179584 Sotheby and Parke-Bernet merger and whether it violates US antitrust laws
FO 371/179585 Trade visits
FO 371/179586 Committee for Exports to United States of America (CEUSA)


FO 371/179587 US support of sterling and its implications
FO 371/179588 US/Canadian motor vehicle tariff agreement: Affect on United Kingdom exports and possible breach of GATT
FO 371/179589 US tax laws: Sir W Churchill's estate; advice of consequences if tax not paid
FO 371/179590 US bases in British colonies
FO 371/179591 US bases: Draft exchange of letters on South Caicos
FO 371/179592 Customs facilities for retired US servicemen living in UK
FO 371/179593 UK/US cost sharing agreement
FO 371/179594 Long range proving ground agreement
FO 371/179595 Carriage of US explosives in UK
FO 371/179596 Hiran trilateration survey: Agreement on exchange of notes
FO 371/179597 Request by US for Unified S-band tracking station facilities in Antigua for Apollo space flights
FO 371/179598 US base facilities in Ascension Island: Exchange of notes
FO 371/179599 Enquiries about possible base facilities at St Helena: Likely consequences on new DWS station
FO 371/179600 Agreement on base facilities at Anegada
FO 371/179601 US base facilities on Christmas Island
FO 371/179602 SECOR geodetic survey
FO 371/179603 Sale of British aircraft to US
FO 371/179604 Presidential statement on merchant marine fleet
FO 371/179605 Agreed minute for US experimental radio station in Fiji
FO 371/179606 Visit of Mr Thomson, Minister of State, to US


FO 371/179607 Procedural questions on private visits to US by members of HMG and MPs
FO 371/179608 Collating statistics of tourist enquiries on a trial basis
FO 371/179609 Arrangements for Secretary of State's visit
FO 371/179610 Education: Honorary Degree on US Ambassador at Keele University
FO 371/179611 Racialism: Includes papers on death of Malcolm X
FO 371/179612 Death of Adlai Stevenson
FO 371/179613 Arrangements for Sir Patrick Dean's visit to London
FO 371/179614 Use of seconded businessmen as members of Embassy/Consulate to promote exports
FO 371/179615 US Embassy in London
FO 371/179616 Criticisms and other comments from the public on Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon's visit to US
FO 371/179617 Presentation of book on the Magna Carta to President Johnson
FO 371/179618 Messages for President Johnson's inauguration
FO 371/179619 President Johnson's address on 20th anniversary of World War II
FO 371/179620 Trawl on standard of reporting by HM Embassy, Washington
FO 371/179621 Annual labour report
FO 371/179622 Proposal to invite Mrs Johnson, President's wife, to meeting on state of countryside in 1970


FO 371/184995 Annual review for 1965
FO 371/184996 Internal political situation
FO 371/184997 Internal political situation
FO 371/184998 Internal political situation
FO 371/184999 Government appointments


FO 371/185000 Government appointments
FO 371/185001 Press conference comments
FO 371/185002 Sir Patrick Dean's monthly newsletter
FO 371/185003 Foreign policy
FO 371/185004 US policy in Latin America and Caribbean
FO 371/185005 Political relations: China
FO 371/185006 Political relations: Soviet Union
FO 371/185007 Political relations: Hong Kong - appointment of representative to HM, Embassy, Washington DC
FO 371/185008 Political relations: Caribbean. Problems of US officials not observing rules of protocol
FO 371/185009 Political relations: Seychelles - US consul
FO 371/185010 Political relations with UK: Visits of US officials to United Kingdom


FO 371/185011 Political relations with UK: Visits of US officials to United Kingdom
FO 371/185012 Political relations with UK: Visits of US officials to United Kingdom
FO 371/185013 Political relations with UK: Visits of US officials to United Kingdom
FO 371/185014 Political relations with UK: Visits of US officials to United Kingdom
FO 371/185015 Political relations with UK: Anglo-American Parliamentary conference, Bermuda
FO 371/185016 Political relations with UK: Anglo-American Parliamentary conference, Ditchley Park
FO 371/185017 Suggests Anglo-American discussions on Latin America and Caribbean be institutionalised
FO 371/185018 Economy


FO 371/185019 Economic policy
FO 371/185020 Foreign aid programme
FO 371/185021 Aid to countries trading with North Vietnam
FO 371/185022 Investment guarantees to Hong Kong
FO 371/185023 Commercial relations with UK: Sotheby's
FO 371/185024 Postmortem on Mr Roger's visit to US
FO 371/185025 Proposal for HM Ambassador to return to talk to British Chambers of Commerce about need to exploit US markets
FO 371/185026 Committee for Exports to United States (CEUSA)
FO 371/185027 US request for reimbursement of duties on fuel
FO 371/185028 Rejection of request for duty free import of Chinese anti-American propaganda
FO 371/185029 Apollo tracking station and deep water harbour in Antigua
FO 371/185030 Geodetic satellite survey


FO 371/185031 Satellite tracking station, Bahamas
FO 371/185032 Draft Memorandum of understanding for projects on British Indian Ocean islands where US have bases
FO 371/185033 Agreement for satellite tracking state, Mahe
FO 371/185034 Agreement for satellite tracking state, Mahe
FO 371/185035 US base facilities


FO 371/185036 US base facilities on Ascension Island
FO 371/185037 US base facilities in West Indies
FO 371/185038 Exchange of notes on carriage of explosives in UK
FO 371/185039 Financial responsibility for work at the US base at RAF Dunsfold
FO 371/185040 Briefing for United Kingdom seconded airforce officers
FO 371/185041 British Universities North America Club (BUNAC) agreement on exchange of students and temporary employment of students
FO 371/185042 Visits to US: Messrs Heath and Gordon Walker and Speaker of House of Commons
FO 371/185043 Ministerial visits: Rules on private visits and clashes of various visits
FO 371/185044 Secretary of State's visit to US
FO 371/185045 Policy on co-ordinating ministerial visits to US
FO 371/185046 Problems of entertainment for Sainsbury Committee of Enquiry on Pharmaceuticals and the National Health Service
FO 371/185047 Book on President Johnson


FO 371/185048 US Attaches purchase Soviet weapons
FO 371/185049 US Peace Corps: Despatch and comparisons with VSO
FO 371/185050 US Peace Corps: Despatch and comparisons with VSO
FO 371/185051 Seminar at Liverpool University on US policy
FO 371/185052 Progress of civil rights under President Johnson
FO 371/185053 Liaison visit by Mr Edmonds, Head of American Department, to US and Caribbean
FO 371/185054 US Heads of Missions in South East Asia
FO 371/185055 Future of British Liaison Officer at Patrick Air Force base
FO 371/185056 Celebration of 50th anniversary of US entry into First World War

NB: During 1967-1968, the Foreign Office merged with the Commonwealth Office to create a single department to be known as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Subsequently, FO 371 - USA was discontinued as a class, and replaced by FCO 7.

1967 & 1968

FCO 7/738 Annual reviews for 1966 and 1967
FCO 7/739 Internal political situation (1967-1968)


FCO 7/740 Personalities (1967-1968)
FCO 7/741 British Ambassador monthly newsletter on political scene. Part A (1967-1968)
FCO 7/742 British Ambassador monthly newsletter on political scene. Part B (1968)
FCO 7/743 Political affairs: Congress (1967-1968)


FCO 7/744 State Department and erosion of President Johnson's Cabinet (1967-1968)
FCO 7/745 Constitution and federalism (1967-1968)
FCO 7/746 Presidential elections (1967-1968)
FCO 7/747 Presidential elections (1968)
FCO 7/748 White House appointments (1967-1968)
FCO 7/749 Senator Robert Kennedy (1968)
FCO 7/750 Future of congressman Adam Clayton Powell (1967-1968)
FCO 7/751 Senator Fulbright (1967)
FCO 7/752 Vice President Hubert Humphrey (1967-1968)
FCO 7/753 Internal political situation (1967-1968)
FCO 7/754 Americans for Democratic Action (1967-1968)
FCO 7/755 Government appointments (1967-1968)
FCO 7/756 Reports from Denver consular district (1967-1968)
FCO 7/757 Anti-war demonstrations (1967)
FCO 7/758 Robert McNamara and move to World Bank (1967-1968)


FCO 7/759 Senate resignations (1968)
FCO 7/760 Election campaign (1968)
FCO 7/761 Assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy (1968)
FCO 7/762 Re-organisation of British Embassy and Consulates and effect on political reporting (1968)
FCO 7/763 Tours by Mr McGhie to Alaska (1968)
FCO 7/764 UK-US political relations: British-American Parliamentary group meeting in Bermuda (1967)
FCO 7/765 UK-US political relations: Visit by Governor Romney to UK (1967)
FCO 7/766 UK-US political relations: Ditchley Park - US legislators conference (1967)
FCO 7/767 UK-US political relations: US policy towards Europe (1967-1968)
FCO 7/768 UK-US political relations: Visit by Francis Bator, special assistant to President Johnson, to United Kingdom (1967)
FCO 7/769 UK-US political relations: United Kingdom trade with Cuba (1967)


FCO 7/770 UK-US political relations: British-American Parliamentary group meeting in Bermuda: Ariel Foundation (1967)
FCO 7/771 UK-US political relations: Special relationship (1967-1968)
FCO 7/772 UK-US political relations: Briefs (1967-1968)
FCO 7/773 UK-US political relations: Pilgrims (1967-1968)


FCO 7/774 UK-US political relations: Speaking notes for Secretary of State for speech to Ends of the Earth Club (1967)
FCO 7/775 UK-US political relations: Planning papers on policy towards Asia (1967-1968)
FCO 7/776 UK-US political relations: Visit by Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Part A (1967)
FCO 7/777 UK-US political relations: Visit by Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Part B (1967)
FCO 7/778 UK-US political relations: US foreign policy (1967-1968)
FCO 7/779 UK-US political relations: United Kingdom/US talks (1967)
FCO 7/780 UK-US political relations: US policy on Latin America (1967-1968)
FCO 7/781 UK-US political relations: British-American Parliamentary group meetings: briefs for Bermuda meeting (1967)


FCO 7/782 UK-US political relations: British-American Parliamentary group meetings (1967-1968)
FCO 7/783 UK-US political relations: Trend towards isolationism (1967)
FCO 7/784 UK-US political relations: Senator David Stanley's tour of Europe: Talks with Sir Paul Gore Booth (1967)
FCO 7/785 UK-US political relations: ESU invitation to Vice President Humprey cancelled (1967)
FCO 7/786 UK-US political relations: Visit by Gene Rostow, under secretary at State Department, to United Kingdom (1967)
FCO 7/787 UK-US political relations: Sir Paul Gore Booth's visit to US: Talks with Walt Rostow (1967)
FCO 7/788 UK-US political relations: Association of European Studies on problems of Europe: Meeting in Chicago and reason why no Minister is available to attend (1967)
FCO 7/789 UK-US political relations: UK/US discussions on Caribbean (1967-1968)
FCO 7/790 UK-US political relations: William Rodgers' visit to US (1967)
FCO 7/791 UK-US political relations: British-American Parliamentary group meeting in Bermuda (1968)


FCO 7/792 UK-US political relations: Ditchley Park conference and reaction by US congressmen to UK withdrawal from bases east of Suez (1968)
FCO 7/793 UK-US political relations: Threat against Robin Wilson son of Prime Minister (1968)
FCO 7/794 UK-US political relations: Talks with Senator Robert Kennedy during visit to Ditchley Park conference (1967)
FCO 7/795 UK-US political relations: Suggestion for visit to UK by President Johnson after attending funeral of FRG Chancellor Adenauer (1967)
FCO 7/796 UK-US political relations: Richard Nixon's world tour: UK (1967)
FCO 7/797 UK-US political relations: Special relationship and Eldon Griffiths controversy (1967)
FCO 7/798 UK-US political relations: Home Secretary's visit to US (1967)
FCO 7/799 UK-US political relations: Visit by Postmaster-General to US (1967)
FCO 7/800 UK-US political relations: Talks between Secretary of State and President Johnson (1967)
FCO 7/801 UK-US political relations: Visit to UK by Mr Sayre of State Department (1967)
FCO 7/802 UK-US political relations: Visit by Secretary of State to US. Part A


FCO 7/803 UK-US political relations: Visit by Secretary of State to US. Part B
FCO 7/804 UK-US political relations: Secretary of State's speech to ESU on 30 November (1967)
FCO 7/805 UK-US political relations: Visit by Lord Snowdon to open Design Art Directors’ Association exhibition in New York and delicate problem of Gerald Scarfe's political cartoons and unfavourable reaction from US (1967)
FCO 7/806 UK-US political relations: Visit by Prime Minister to US
FCO 7/807 UK-US political relations: Message between Prime Minister and President Johnson about meeting in Canberra (1967)
FCO 7/808 UK-US political relations: Dates for Secretary of State's visit to US
FCO 7/809 UK-US political relations: Briefs for Dean Rusk's visit to UK (1968)
FCO 7/810 UK-US political relations: General (1968)
FCO 7/811 UK-US political relations: US/Australian relations - visit by Mr Gorton to US (1968)
FCO 7/812 UK-US political relations: US/Soviet relations (1968)
FCO 7/813 UK-US political relations: US/UK talks on Rhodesia (1968)
FCO 7/814 Economy (1967-1968)
FCO 7/815 Shipbuilding contract bond provisions (1967)


FCO 7/816 Export licences: Export of Obturator assemblies for 165mm gun (1967-1968)
FCO 7/817 BNEC/CEUSA meetings (1967-1968)
FCO 7/818 BNEC meetings: Minutes and question of FCO representation at council meetings. Part A (1967-1968)
FCO 7/819 BNEC meetings: Minutes and question of FCO representation at council meetings. Part B (1967-1968)
FCO 7/820 Foreign assistance programme (1967-1968)
FCO 7/821 Trade with UK (1967-1968)
FCO 7/822 Financial relations with UK (1967)


FCO 7/823 Chambers of commerce (1967-1968)
FCO 7/824 Foreign trade policy: Hale Boggs sub-committee hearing (1967)
FCO 7/825 Board of Trade Minister of State's visit to San Francisco (1967)
FCO 7/826 British-American Chambers of Commerce (1967-1968)
FCO 7/827 US export/import bank legislation (1968)
FCO 7/828 London silver market claim against US (1968)
FCO 7/829 Briefing on US for Imperial Defence College (1967)
FCO 7/830 Exchange of Notes on US tracking station in Bermuda (1967-1968)
FCO 7/831 Kindley air base in Bermuda (1967-1968)
FCO 7/832 Arrangements for security liaison between US and UK in Caribbean (1967-1968)


FCO 7/833 Arrangements for security liaison between US and UK in Caribbean - Annex (1967-1968)
FCO 7/834 Defence: Bases in UK - Dunsfold air field (1967-1968)
FCO 7/835 US base facilities on Ascension Island (1967)
FCO 7/836 US tracking facilities in Seychelles (1967-1968) RETAINED
FCO 7/837 US tracking facilities in Seychelles - Annex (1968) RETAINED
FCO 7/838 Defence agreement: Turks and Caicos Islands (1967-1968)
FCO 7/839 US military draft (1967-1968)
FCO 7/840 US/UK cost sharing arrangements (1967-1968)
FCO 7/841 Arms production: US regulations and British licensees (1967)
FCO 7/842 Grand Turk airfield (1967)
FCO 7/843 US/UK reciprocal arrangements for advance of funds (1967-1968)
FCO 7/844 US/UK discussions on arms sales (1967-1968)
FCO 7/845 Arms supplies (1968)
FCO 7/846 Apollo tracking station on grand Bahama (1967-1968)
FCO 7/847 Queen Mother should not visit USS Simon Lake when visiting Faslane naval base in Scotland


FCO 7/848 Request for erection of radar reflectors on Christmas and Oeno Islands (1968)
FCO 7/849 Changes to US wartime support following withdrawal from France (1968)
FCO 7/850 US anti-submarine activities on Ascension Island (1968)
FCO 7/851 Request by US to operate P3 aircraft on Ascension Island (1968)
FCO 7/852 Clearance of surveillance flights from Ascension Island (1968)
FCO 7/853 US forces in UK: Peace News report on US exemption of UK law quoting from doctored US documents (1968)
FCO 7/854 Amendment to Memorandum of understanding of 1961 on protection of Ferry Bridge Tank Farm (1968)
FCO 7/855 Construction work at Kindley Air Force base (1968)
FCO 7/856 Use of Bermuda tracking station for support of Minuteman and Poseidon test programmes (1968)
FCO 7/857 President Johnson's reaction to UK defence cuts (1967-1968)
FCO 7/858 Unease about President Kennedy assassination kit produced by Jonathon Cape (1967)
FCO 7/859 Civil rights and race riots. Part A (1967-1968)
FCO 7/860 Civil rights and race riots. Part B (1968)


FCO 7/861 Peace Corps (1967-1968)
FCO 7/862 Race riots spread to Caribbean (1967)
FCO 7/863 Black Power movement (1967-1968)
FCO 7/864 Notes in event of Eisenhower's death (1967-1968)
FCO 7/865 UK representation at funeral of Dr Martin Luther King (1968)
FCO 7/866 MPs to US (1967-1968)


FCO 7/867 Minister of State for Technology, John Stonehouse MP, visit to US (1967-1968)
FCO 7/868 George Ball to US (1968)
FCO 7/869 Nicholas Katzenbach US Under Secretary of State to UK (1967-1968)
FCO 7/870 Cledwyn Hughes MP Secretary of State for Wales to US
FCO 7/871 McGeorge Bundy to UK (1967)
FCO 7/872 Wayne Hay's comments on Byrnes' amendment (1967)
FCO 7/873 Non-governmental visits to US: Visits by Harold Macmillan and Lord Avon (1967-1968)
FCO 7/874 John Leddy of State Department to UK (1967)
FCO 7/875 Lee Kwan Yew: visit to US (1967)
FCO 7/876 Briefing for British Ambassador's call on PUS on 12 December (1967)
FCO 7/877 US travel restrictions (1967-1968)
FCO 7/878 Mrs Judith Hart and warning to all private secretaries about being drawn into making political comments during presidential election (1967-1968)
FCO 7/879 Involvement of ministers in presidential elections (1968)
FCO 7/880 Visit by Roland Brown of WEU Defence and Space Committee to US (1968)
FCO 7/881 Mayor Lindsay of New York to UK (1968)
FCO 7/882 Briefings for Chief Secretary to Treasury, John Diamond, for visit to US (1968)
FCO 7/883 Protest on behalf of Mrs Anne Kerr over arrest and detention in Chicago (1968)
FCO 7/884 Governor Scranton's talk with Prime Minister and others (1968)



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