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Series One: USA - Politics & Diplomacy, 1960-1974
(Public Record Office Classes FO 371 and FCO 7: American Department - United States)

Part 2: The Lyndon B Johnson Years, 1964-1968
(PRO Class FO 371/174260-174346, 179557-179622 & 184995-185056 and PRO Class FCO 7/738-884)

Key Political Figures, 1963-1968



Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963-1969

Hubert Humphrey 1965-1969

Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Dean Rusk 1963-1969

Secretary of the Treasury
C Douglas Dillon 1963-1965
Henry H Fowler 1965-1968
Joseph W Barr 1968-1969

Secretary of Defence
Robert S McNamara 1963-1968
Clark M Clifford 1968-1969

Attorney General
Robert F Kennedy 1963-1964
N de B Katzenbach 1964-1967
Ramsey Clark 1967-1969

Secretary of the Interior
Stewart L Udall 1963-1969

Secretary of Agriculture
Orvile L Freeman 1963-1969

Secretary of Labor
W Willard Wirtz 1963-1969

Secretary of Commerce
Luther H Hodges 1963-1965
John T Connor 1965-1967
Alex B Trowbridge 1967-1968
Cyrus R Smith 1968-1969

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Robert C Weaver 1966-1969
Robert C Wood 1969

Secretary of Transportation
Alan S Boyd 1966-1969

Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
Anthony J Celebrezze 1963-1965
John W Gardener 1965-1968
Wilbur J Cohen 1968-1969

Speaker of the House of Representatives
John W McCormack 1962-1971

Floor Leader in the Senate
Mike Mansfield 1961-1977

Special Assistant for National Security
McGeorge Bundy 1961-1966

Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs
William Bundy 1964-1966

Assistant Secretary of State for Asian and Pacific Affairs
William Bundy 1966-1969

Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs
Thomas C Mann 1963-1965
Jack Hood Vaughn 1965-1966
Lincoln Gordon 1966-1967
Covey Oliver 1967-1969

Deputy-Secretary of Defence
Roswell Gilpatric 1961-1964
Cyrus Vance 1964-1967

Under-Secretary of State
George Ball 1961-1966
Avril Harriman 1963-1965
Thomas Mann 1965-1966
Nicholas Katzenbach 1966-1969

Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Clark Clifford 1963-1968
Maxwell Taylor 1968-1970

Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee
William Fulbright 1959-1974

Director of the Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State
Walt Rostow 1961-1966

Chairman, Planning Subcommittee, Executive Committee of the National Security Council
Walt Rostow 1962-1963

US Ambassador to the UN
Adlai E Stevenson 1961-1965
Arthur J Goldberg 1965-1968
George W Ball 1968

Head of Military Advisory Mission to Vietnam
William Westmoreland 1964-1968

Chairman Join Chiefs of Staff
General Maxwell Taylor 1962-1964
Earle Wheeler 1964-1970

Assistant-Secretary for Intelligence and Research, State Department
Roger Hilsman 1961-1963

Director of the Central Intellegence Agency
John A McCone 1961-1965
Adam W F Raborn 1965-1966
Richard Helms 1966-1973

US Ambassador to NATO
Thomas Finletter 1961-1965
Harlan Cleveland 1965-1969

US Ambassador to South Vietnam
Henry Cabot Lodge 1963-1964
General Maxwell Taylor 1964-1965
Henry Cabot Lodge 1965-1967
Ellesworth Bunker 1967-1973

US Ambassador to the UK
David Bruce 1961-1969



Prime Minister
Sir Alec Douglas Home 1963-1964
Harold Wilson 1964-1970

Foreign Secretary
Richard A Butler 1963-1964
Patrikc Gordon Walker 1964-1965
Michael Stewart 1935-1966
George Brown 1966-1968
Michael Stewart 1968-1970

Minister of Defence
Peter Thorneycroft 1962-1964
Denis Healey 1964-1970

Chancellor of the Exchequer
James Callaghan 1964-1967
Roy Jenkins 1967-1970

British Ambassador to the US
David Ormsby-Gore 1961-1965
Sir Patrick Dean 1965-1969



Nikita Krushchev 1958-1964
Aleksei Kosygin 1964-1980

General Secretary
Nikita Krushchev 1958-1964
Leonid Brezhnev 1964-1982

Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko 1957-1985

Ambassador to the US
Anatoly Dobrynin 1962-1986




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