Series Two: The Papers of Sir Joseph Banks, 1743-1805
Part 3: Correspondence and Papers relating to Voyages of Discovery,
1743-1853, from the British Library, London
Add. MS 8960 Register of Seamen on the Endeavour. Folio.
Add. MSS 8961-62 Log-book of Resolution upon a voyage of discovery to the South Pole 23 Nov 1772, 21 Mar 1775. 2 vols., Folio.
Add. MS 13880 Journal kept on board the Minerva transport from Ireland to New South Wales and Bengal by John Washington Price, Surgeon, May 1798 - June 1800 with coloured drawings. Folio.
Add.MS 13976 Papeles varios de Indias; a miscellaneous volume, including: Islands in the South Pacific discovered by Capt. Wallis 1767, (ff182-193). (In Spanish). Folio.
Add. MS 15508 Drawings in Indian ink, from Captain Cook’s first voyage, 1768-70 chiefly relating to Otaheite and New Zealand by A Buchan, John F Miller and others.
Add MSS 15509-12 Drawings, partly coloured, illustrating Bank’s voyage to the Hebrides, Orkneys and Iceland in 1772 aboard the Sir Lawrence by John F Miller, J Clevelly Junior and James Miller.
Add. MS 15716 A journal of a voyage towards the South Seas on board the brig Tula, of 148 tons under the command of Captain Tom Biscoe, RN, with the cutter Lively in company of 49 tons, equipped by the Messrs CHG Enderby from July 1830 to January 1833; with drawings of headlands, etc. Folio. [Presented by Messrs CH & G Enderby.]
Add. MS 17227 Sketches and coloured drawings made by J Webber, during Captain Cook’s 3rd voyage in 1776-1780. Atlas Folio.
Add. MS 7552 Invoice of articles shipped on board the Chatham, with bill of lading, 24 Feb 1791, fo.2; Instructions to Lts. Broughton and Puget; with the signature of Capt. George Vancouver, 1791-1795, fo.8; Excursion in Chili, 2-5 April 1795 (imperf.), fo.23. Paper.Folio. [Presented by Capt. WD Puget, RN.]
Add. MS 17623 “Viagey descubrimiento de las yslas Salomon en el Mer de el sur; Lecho por Hernando Gallego, natural de la Coruña, año de 1586”. Paper. Small Quart.
Add.MS 17693 Four charts of the coast of Newfoundland as surveyed by James Cook, 1764-1767. Paper rolls. A-D.
Add. MS 18390 Sharíf Ibráhím’s statement touching the death of Mungo Park in the original Arabic; with English translation by Prof. Sam Lee. Paper. Quarto. [Presented by Edward Riddle, Esq.]
Add. MS 21239 Logbook of the King George, Nathaneal Patlock, Commander, on a voyage round the globe, with the Queen Charlotte, George Dea[c]on, Commander, in the years 1785-1788. The log extends from Oct 1786 to Oct 1787 and was kept by Joseph Woodcock. With his portrait in pencil. Paper. Folio.
Add. MS 22613 “Observations on the Dip of the Needle and the Magnetic Force from New York to Fort Franklin, Great Bear Lake: 1825 and 1826”. Written under the directions of Sir John Franklin, with corrections and the title in his own hand. Under the title is added, “John Franklin - Captain RN, and Commander of the Land Arctic Expedition, 17th June 1826”. Paper. Quarto.
Add. MS 30262A-W Miscellaneous autographs, including one letter to Captain Cook (see D), four letters of Mungo Park (see L) and other items, acquired in 1877 and 1878:
A Constantine Simonides to , giving a translation of a hieroglyphical inscription; 6 Feb 1863. fo.1. [Presented by William Carruthers, Esq.]
B 1 S[alvator] R[osa] to Giovanni Bittista Ricciardi of Pisa, asking him to write a preamble for his Timone; c.1650-1660?. Italian. fo.3.
2 Giovanni Maria, Cardinal Mastai [afterwards Pope Pius IX], to Camillo Alessandroni; 19 Jan 1842, 1 June 1846. Italian. ff.5, 7.
C [Marie Jeanne, Comtesse du Bary] to M. Dutrez to pay money on her account; Louvecienne, 2 Nov. [1779]. French. fo.9. [Presented by Mons. C. Vatel.]
D R[udolph] E[ric] Raspe to [Captain James Cook], suggesting mineralogical observations to be made during his third voyage round the world; Chelsea, 28 Apr 1776. fo.11.
E 1 Jo[hn] Sprint, Dean of Bristol to [Robert Dudley], Earl of Leicester, relative to Bradford parsonage, Wiltshire; 19 June [1581]. fo.13.
2 Sir E[dward] Stanhope, Constable of the North,, to his brother, Sir John Stanhope, Treasurer of the Chamber and Master of the Posts, on a conspiracy and execution of popish recusants on York gaol;
York, 2 Dec. 1596. fo.15.
3 (Charles Howard, Earl of ) Nottingham, as acting Earl Marshal, to Sir Henry Brounker and Michael Stanhope, for supply of furniture to (Robert Devereux), Earl of Essex, imprisoned in the Tower; 10 Feb. 1600. fo.17.
4 Receipt of George Partridge, servant to Sir John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower, for the furniture above-mentioned; 10 Feb fo.17.
F W[illiam] H[untingdon], S[inner] S[aved] to Miss
Blaker; “The Cabin,” 18 August 1806. fo.20 (Presented by Ebenezer Hooper, Esq.)
G R[ichard] Farmer, D.D., Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, to Edmond Malone, on Shakespearian and other literary matters; 9 August. 1787. fo.22.
H (Barthold German fo.26. (Presented by John Tod, Esq.)
I 1 S[alvator] R[osa] to Giovanni Battista Ricciardi; 5 Dec. 1670.
2 Franc[esc]o Albani to Girolamo Bonvisi, of Bologna, referring to pictures painted by himself and Paolo Moscardini for a cardinal, and to other private matters; 13 July, 1655. Italian. fo.29.
K 1 Revd J.Scott, to (?Peter, Lord King, Lord Chancellor), asking for a benefice; Midhurst, 22 Feb 1731/2 .fo.30.
2 Verses “ occasioned by the Bishop’ endeavours to obtain an Act of Parliament to divide the livings in Ireland; written by an honest curate”, (1726-1739). fo. 32.
3-4 M[ary] W[ollestonecraft] Shelley to Charles Olloer, on the publication of Lodore, etc.; Dover and London, 6 Aug. ( 13 Dec.) 1835. ff.33, 35.
L 1-4 Mungo Park to his brother ; Peebles, 26 Sept. 1803. fo.38; to; Goree, 5 Apr. 1805. Forwarded by Dr Heddle. fo.40; to--, to pay money to his wife, Allie Anderson Park; (1805).
M 1 Report of Franceastel and (Charles) Hentz, delegates of the Convention Nationale to the Army of the West, to the Comité de Salut Public; Niort, 26 Germinal, an 2 ( 15 Apr. 1794). French. fo.44.
2 Order of (Joseph) Fouché, Minister of Police, for the arrest of Philippe Arena for conspiracy against the life of Napoleon; Paris, 20 Vindémiaire, an 9 (12 Oct. 1800) French. fo.47.
N 1 L(e) G(énéral) C[omte Carl Wilhelm Finck von] Finckenstein to --; Dreknow, 18 Aug. 1780. French. fo.49.
N 2 Francesco Piranesi to Messrs Artaria and Co., of Viena; Rome, 31 Jan. 1783. Italian. fo.51.
O 1-2 (General) B[enedict] Arnold, of the American army, to Col. Beverley Robinson; Head Quarters, Robinson’s House (West Point, New York State), 18 Sept. 1780, fo.52. With answer of Col. Robinson; “Vulture, off Tellers Point,” 19 Sept. 1780. fo.54
3 John Strachan, afterwards Bishop of Toronto, to Revd James Brown, LLD.; York, Upper Canada, 1 Jan 1816. fo.56.
P 1-3 (Jacob) Meyerbeer to Dr Rales; London, (25 July, 1856). German. f.58; - to --; Berlin, 7th June, 1845. German. fo.60; - and to --refusing assistance for writing an account of his life and works; Paris, 14 Jan. 1846. German. fo. 61.
Q 1-2 Augustus Frederick (Duke of Sussex) to (Robert, Lord Hawkwsbury?), on a quarrel with the court of Portugal; (Lisbon) 31 July, 1 Aug. 1803. ff.63, 65.
R 1 Receipt of George Chapman, the dramatist, to Phillip Henslowe, for 40 shillings, on part payment for his Pastotoral Tragedy; 17 July, 1599.ff.66. On the reverse: Receipt of Thomas Dekker, the dramatist, to the same, for a loan of 20 shillings; 1 Aug. 1599. fo.66b. With portraits, and a drawing of the tombstone of Chapman. ff.67,68,69. These receipts have been cut from Henslowe’s Diary, preserved at Dulwich College. See GF Warner, Catalogue of MSS and Muniments of Dulwich College, 1881, p.163.
2 J[ohn] Hoadly, LLD., to [Robert Dodsley], on his contributions to Dodsley’s Collection of Poems by several hands, published in 1758; 18 Oct. 1757. fo.70.
3 E[rasmus] Darwin, MD, FRS, to is brother, Dr (Robert Waring) Darwin; 19 Sept. 1793. with portrait. ff.74, 76.
4 Tho[ma]s Edwards, “The Cambrian Shakespeare,” to; Denbigh, 2 June, 1805. Welsh. With an account of him in the writing of John Parry, 17 Mar. 1829, a portrait, and a printed notice. ff.77-81.
5 W[illia]m Combe, author of he Tours of Dr Syntax, to William Bernard Cooke; Lambeth road, n.d. and 8 May, 1817. ff.82, 84.
S Will[iam] Blake, painter and poet, to William Hayley, on materials for Hayley’s intended Life of Romney, etc.; South Molton Street, 23 Feb. 1804. fo.86.
T 2 Thomas Hood to Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer Lytton, Bt., relating to the New Monthly Magazine; St. John’s Wodd, 30 Oct. 1844. fo.91.
U Edmund Kean to --; York Hotel, n d. Imitation. fo. 93.
V J[ohn] F[rederic] Herring to John Cawse, sending a sketch of a picture intended for the Exhibition of the Society of British Artists ; Cambridge, 30 Nov.1842. fo.94.
W W[illia]m Wordsworth to Mrs (Mary) Gordon, giving some particulars concerning his father, the poet; Carlisle, 18 Dec. 1860. fo.96. Paper; ff. 97. Folio.
Add. MS 30369 Journal of “ A Voyage for whaling and discovery round C. Horn into the Pacific oceans, under protection of the Rt. Hon. Lords Commissioners of The Admiralty. Performed in the merchant ship Rattler, by J(ames) Colnett, Lieut in the RN, 1793 & 1794”. With maps and coloured views; and a dedication to Sir Phillip Stephens, Bt. MP, one of the Admiralty Commissioners, dated 20 Aug 1795. The Journal was printed on 1798. Paper: ff 276. Quarto.
Add. MS 33230 Misc. volume. Includes letters and MSS of Gordon (fo.1&fo.26); Sir Walter Scott ( fo.8); John Stuart Mill (ff 10-20); Wellington (ff22-25); Fournier (fo28) Napoleon (fo.32) Blackstone (ff34-36) and: his last letter; Sonsanding, near Sego, 16 Nov 1805 (fo.37). Holograph. Paper: ff38. Small folio.
Add. MS 33494 Catalogues of the Library and collection of the prints belonging to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., PRS, partly arranged under subjects. In the handwriting of his sister, Sarah Sophia Banks. Paper; ff154 XV111th- XIXth c. Folio.
Add. MS 35141 Autograph Journal of Lieut. George Peard, 1st Lieut. On HMS Blossom (Commander Frederick William Beechey) during a cruise to the Pacific and Bering Straits in 1825-1828, including a visit to Pitcairn Island. The narrative of John Adam, alias Alexander Smith, a survivor of the mutinies of the Bounty, was first obtained in full on this occasion and is here given at some length (ff.106-20)Cf. Capt. Beecheys Voyage in the Pacific, London, 1831.Paper; ff.104. Quarto.
Add. MS 35300 (Part of Add MSS 35300-35309-Records bequeathed to the British Museum by Colonel John Barrow, formerly Keeper of Records of the Admiralty.)
35300 BARROW BEQUEST Vol.1. “Original drawings by (William) Alexander and by Samuel Daniel (1), artists of celebrity in their day.” Thirty-seven watercolour drawings , made for the most part in 1792-3 on Lord Macartney embassy to China, the rest on a mission with Sir John Barrow in South Africa in 1801-2. Many of them have been engraved, either for Sir J Barrow’s Voyage to Cocinchina (1806, containing the African mission as appendix) or for his Travels in China (1804). Paper; ff.37. Folio.
Add. MSS 35301-2 (Part of Add MSS 35300-35309) Records bequeathed to the British Museum by Colonel John Barrow, as above.)
35301 BARROW BEQUEST Vol. 11. The original MS. Of Sir John Barrow’s Voyages of discovery and Research within the Arctic regions (1846). Autograph. Written at the age of 82, and (which is worthy of remark) without the aid of spectacles” ( note by his son, Col. John Barrow, at fo.5). Another note by Col. Barrow (fo.2) states that this and the two following volumes were saved by his mother, “ my father invariably tearing every thing up when it passed through the press, and even his MS is incomplete from that very cause.” An original letter from Adm. Sir W E Parry to Sir John Barrow, and a note by him, relating to his attempt to reach the North Pole, are incorporated (ff. 142,147; pr.ed., pp.313,320). With a photograph of a portrait of some Artic explorer at the beginning. Paper; ff.230.
BARROW REQUEST Vol. III. “An Autobiographical Memoir of Sir John Barrow, Bart. (late of the Admiralty).” Published in 1847. Autograph (ff.9, 10 are proofs with autograph corrections). Paper; ff.254. Folio.
Add. MS 35303-6 (Part of Add MS 35300-35309 Records bequeathed to the British Museum by Colonel John Barrow, as above).
BARROW REQUEST Vol. IV. “ A Supplementary Chapter to the Biographical Memoir of Sir John Barrow, Bart.” An account of the Royal Society and Royal Society Club, with biographical notices of the Presidents of the Society, and some of its most distinguished Fellows, during Sir John Fellow’s association with it, from 1806-1848; in his autograph. “Written at the age of 85, without the aid of glasses- and upon which he was engaged on the last evening of his life. Subsequently (“printed not” inserted in pencil) published by his sons” (note by Col. Barrow, fo.16). In Add. 35, 301, fo.2, Col. Barrow speaks of this as “the Supplementary Chapter, which was barely completed when my Father breathed his last, and which was printed (but not published) subsequently to his death.” It appeared, however in 1849 (London, John Murray), entitled Sketches of the Royal Society and Royal Society Club, with all the marks of an ordinary publication. At the beginning is a portrait of Sir J Barrow , engraved after Lucas; and at the end (fo.170) a biographical notice by (Sir George Thomas) S[Taunton, 2nd Bart.] reprinted from the Times of 1 Dec. 1848. Paper; ff.171. Folio.
BARROW BEQUEST Vol V. Five watercolour views in Wolstenholme sound, and several smaller sketches and maps illustrating the voyage of HMS North Star (James Saunders, Master-commanding) to Baffin’s Bay and Barrow Straits’ 1849-50. The North Star was intended as a provision-ship for the Franklin search expedition under Sir James Ross. The volume also includes the following printed matter:
(1) Instructions to J Saunders, 14 May 1849. fo.2;
(2) Article on the “North Star”, from the Illustrated London News, 26 May 1849. fo.4;
(3) Captain Saunders’s report of the voyage, dated Spithead, 28 Sept.1850. fo.12b;
(4) An engraved chart of Baffrin’s Bay, etc., 1851. fo.19. It appears from Capt. Saunder’s report (fo.15b) that the drawings and maps were executed by James J Rutter, clerk in charge, and (John FR) Aylen, master’s assistant. Paper; ff.19.
35305 BARROW BEQUEST Vol. VI. The Queen’s Illuminated Magazine and North Cornwell Gazette.
Published in Winter quarters, Arctic Region”; 28 Oct. 1852-12 Feb 1853. The original, mainly in the handwriting of Lieutenant (afterw. Rear-Admiral) Sherard Osborn, in command of HMS Pioneer in the Franklin search expedition under Sir Edward Belcher. With numerous watercolour and pen and ink illustrations, and with “Advertisement” and two Play- bills (ff 3, 19,31) printed on board HMS Assistance. At the beginning (fo.2) is a note by Osborn, “This paper must not be published or circulated publicly without the full consent of the contributors,” and below this an inscription by Col. Barrow: “Thos book, being the original- and not hitherto printed, or published- was presented to me by my kind and most valued friend , Captain Sherard Osborn, C.B., whose heroic conduct, in all that brave companions, is a matter of history.” Paper; ff. 69. Quarto.
35306 BARROW BEQUEST Vol. VII(I, ff.342.) The first of four volumes of letters to Col. John Barrow from officers of all ranks and civilians, who took part in the various Arctic expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin, from Lady Franklin and from a few others; 1849-1892. Most of the letters were written during Col. Barrow’s official connection with the Admiralty , but they are all addressed to him in his private capacity, and many of them contain matter of a confidential nature especially the ex-parte accounts given him by Sir Edward belcher on the one hand, and by his subordinate officers on the other, of the conduct of that unsuccessful expedition. With many of the writers an intimate correspondence was maintained long after they ceased to take an active part in Arctic exploration; this is especially the case with Sherard Osborn (see above, Add 35305), who wrote long and frequent letters from his subsequent stations during the Crimean War, Lord Elgin’s embassy to China, etc. Four volume. Paper. Folio. Mostly inlaid, with occasional notes by Col. Barrow in the margins; and with his bookplate in every volume. This first volume contains:
1 “Captain Austin’s expedition” of 1850, in HM Ships Resolute, Assistance, Intrepid, and Pioneer: Letters from Captains Horatio Thomas Austin and Erasmus Ommanney, Lieutenants John Bertie Cator and Sherard Osborn, and others, 1850-61. fo.3;
2 “Captain Penn’s expedition” of 1850, in the Lady Franklin: almost all from Capt. William Penny, 1850 - 3. fo.74;
3 “Captain Forsyth’s expedition” of 1850, in the Prince Albert: from Commander Charles Codrington Forsyth, including (fo.187) a plan drawn by him of Castries Bay in the Gulf of Tartary, “shewing the position of the Russina Squadron on the 20th May, 1855.” fo.160;
4 “Captain (Edward Augustus) Inglefield, ‘Isabel’ and HMS. ‘Phoenix.’ Commander (Robert) Jenkins, HMS. ’Talbot,’” 1851-52. fo.246;
5 “Mr. [William] Kennedy’s expedition, ’Prince Albert,’” 1851-52. fo.246;
6 “ M. (Joseph René) Bellot,” of the French navy, who served as a volunteer with Kennedy in 1851-58, fo.254.
7 “Sir John Ross’s expedition” of 1850: letters from Capt. Sir John Ross, 1850-54 fo.285;
8 “Dr (Elisha Kent) Kane, American navy, and Mr. (Henry) Grinnell,” 1853-57. fo.294.
Add Ms 35307 (Part of Add. MS 35300-35309 Records bequeathed to the British Museum by Colonel John Barrow, as above).
35307 BARROW BEQUEST Vol VIII (II,ff.611) The ow second of four volumes of letters to Col. John Barr (see above). This volume contains:
1 “ Sir Edward Belcher’s expedition” of 1852-54. By far the longest section; it contains very outspoken accounts of the disagreements between Belcher and the officers under him. Besides belcher himself and Lt. (Commander, Oct. 1852) Sherard Osborn, the writers include Capt. Henry Kellett, H.M.S. Resolute; Commander William John Samuel Pullen, HMS North Star; Commander George Henry Richards, 73, most of the later letters being from Osborn, Richards and M’Cormick. At the beginning are the printed instructions from the Admiralty to Capt. Sir E Belcher, 16 April.1852. fo.3;
2 “Captain [Henry] Kellett 2; 12 June, 1851-10 June, 1858. fo.553;
3 “M. de Bray”: letter from Madame Théophile de Bray, with one from her son Lieut. Emil de Bray of the French navy, who assisted in one of the expeditions; 1853-59 and n.d. fo.568.
Add. MSS 35308-9 (Part of Add MS 35300-35309 - Records bequeathed to the British Museum by Colonel John Barrow, as above.)
BARROW BEQUEST Vol. IX (III, ff.409) The third of four volumes of letters to Col. John Barrow (see above). This volume contains:
1 “Captain [Richard] Collinson, c.b., HM Discovery Ship ‘Enterprize, 1850”; 15 Jan-5 June, 1875:including (ff.55-59) the printed and written notices left in the Arctic regions by previous explorers and found by Capt . Collinson. fo.3;
2 “Captain Sir Robert McClure, HM Discovery Ship ‘Investigator’”; 1 Jan 1855-22 Dec.;
3 “Captain [Thomas Edward Laws] Moore, HM Discovery Ship Plover’ Bering Straits, 1849-51. Captain (Rochfort) Macguire, HM Discovery Ship ’Plover’, Bering Straits, 1852; Dr. (John) Simpson, 28 Sept. 1849-1858 and n.d. fo.112;
4 “Captain [Henry] Trollope, HMS ‘Rattlesnake,’ 1853”; 11 Jan. [1853]-24 June, 1857. fo.198;
5 “Captain [or rather Rear-Admiral Frederick William] Beechey,”29 Nov.;
6 “Lieutenant (William) Hooper, 1851-4.”fo.252;
7 “Mr. (William) Kennedy, Discovery Ship, ‘Isabel, Lady Franklin’s expedition 1853.” Letters from Kennedy and from Richard Bardin, engineer of the Isabel, 1853-59. fo.270;
8 “Mr [William Parker] Snow, cutter ‘ Thomas’ intended voyage to Bering Straits, 1853”; 19 May 1853-17 Nov 1892. fo.310;
9 “Dr. (John) Rae on “Some Physical Properties of Ice,” from the Philosophical Magazine for July, 1874. fo.350;
10 “Lady Franklin”: letters from Jane, widow of Sir John Franklin, and her niece Miss Sophia Cracroft n.d., 1855-1866. fo.389;
11 Mr. (August Heinrich) Petermann,” of Gotha; 29 Mar 1855. fo. 402.
At the end are four engraved maps of the Arctic regions, showing the discoveries of successive explorers, 1853-54; and a letter of thanks for the Gift of Arctic objects to the British Museum, 23 Nov, 1855. ff. 405-409.
35309 BARROW BEQUEST Vol.X (IV, ff. 337) The fourth of four volumes of letters to Col. John Barrow (see above). This volume contains:
1 “Caption Sherard Osborn, CB Private Letters.” The first six letters (ff.4-39) form a sort of journal of the expedition under Sir E Belcher (see above, Add. MS 35307, art.1); the remainder are dated 21 Jan. 1859-19 Apr. 1861, and include (ff. 46-48) photographs of Lord Elgin and his staff (including Laurence Oliphant, the author), and of HMS Furious, Osborn’s ship, which carried Lord Elgin’s embassy to China in 1858-9. fo.2;
2 “Captain Sir F[rancis] L[eopold] McClintock, discovery-yacht ‘ Fox”; 1859-60. fo.87;
3 “Captain Rochfort Macguire”, 1859. fo.107.
4 “Captain Sir Edward Belcher, Kt., CB”1859-1860. fo.117:
5 “Captain Sir Robert McClure”; 1859-61. fo.129;
6 “Captain G[eorge Henry] Richards”; 16 Mar 1859. fo.141;
7 “Commodore Henry Kellet, CB”,10 Feb 1860, n.d. fo.148;
8 “Captain Henry Trollope”; 3 Jan 1860-22 Oct 1861. fo.155;
9 “Captain Robert Jenkins,” 13 June, 1859, 4 May 1860; with correspondence between Capt. Jenkins and the Rev. William Harvey on the subject of naval reforms, 27 Sept., 12 Oct 1860. fo.170;
10 “Captain [Robert Dawes] Aldrich”; 25 Jan 1860. fo.179;
11 “Commander G[eorge] A[nnesley] Phayre”; 1860 and n.d. fo.184.
12 “Lady Franklin”; (1860) and n.d. fo.198;
13 “Dr Rae”; 6 Apr. 1860-2 July, 1877. fo.201;
14. “Mr W[illiam] Parker Snow”; 4 Nov 1859-26 Mar 1862. fo.211;
15. “Dr [Robert] McCormick”; 30 Sept 1859, 16 Nov;
16. “Mlle [Justine] Bellot. Mme. [Théophile] de Bray”; (1859)-1860. fo.293;
17 “Captain [William] Penny;” 7 Feb 1862. f.327; 18. “Captain [Richard] Collinson” 22 Oct 1861. f.330. At fo.333 is a letter from Sir Robert Impey Murchison, Bt, 7 Mar. 1870.
Add MS 37232 A-X. MISCELLANEOUS original letters from Capt Sir William Sidney Smith, Rear Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton, Horatio Nelson and Vice Admiral Sir Robert Calder (see E); and Papers of Sir Joseph Banks concerning Mungo Park (see K). The contents are:
A 1 Draft of inscription for a monument to be erected to Sir Edward Heath,KB (d.1669, misdated here 1649), and Lucy his wife, by Sir John Heath, his brother. fo.1.
2 Abstract of title of Sir Thomas Overbury (nephew of the murdered poet) to lands in Broughton Whitchurch), Warwickshire; 8 May, 1678. fo.2.
3 Copy of fine between Robert Clerke, plaintiff, and Sir Fulke Greville, Elizabeth his wife and William Rede, deforciants,of the Mitton (in Bredon Worcestshire, and lands, etc.; Easter term, 36 Hen. VIII (1545). fo.4. (Presented (with Add. Ch. 53706-53708) by Revd J. Harvey Bloom)
B 1 Isaac D’Israeli to Messrs Cadell and Davies; 23 Feb.1795. fo.7
2 Benjamin Disraeli (created Earl of Beaconsfield 1876) to (a) -Davison, with invitation “to ameliorate a bachelor’s torments by partaking of his goblet” in Bloomsbury; n.d.(ante 1828). fo.9; (b) George Basevi, his uncle, announcing his approaching marriage; (1839). fo.10
3 (Alfred Guillaume Gabriel D’Orsay) Comte D’Orsay, to “Mr. Magarth; “Gore House, 4 Nov-fo.12. (Presented by Walter S. Sichel , Esq.
C 1 “Golice,” a song by Dr John Clarke (Whitfeld); 1816. Autograph. fo.17.
2 “O woman,” a glee by Thomas Forbes Walmisley; c.1842 (watermark). Autograph. fo.17.
D Treble parts of (a) “Come let us agree” (duet in Henry Purcell’s “Timon of Athen”). fo.21; an voice I hear”. fo.22.17th-18th cent. (Presented by William Barclay Squire Esq.)
E Captain Sir William Sydney Smith to (George Keith Elphinstone)Viscount Keith, commanding in the Mediterranean, in the resumption of hostilities in Egypt after Keith’s disallowance of the convention of El Arish, by which Sir Sidney Smith had arranged for the free return of the French Army; Tigre, off Alexandria, 5 April. 1800. Signed. fo.23.
2 Rear Admiral Sir Bickerton (afterwards Hussey-Bickerton), 2nd Bt., to Sir Sidney Smith, with orders for a feigned attack on Alexandria; 16 Aug. 1801.
3 Horatio Nelson, Viscount Nelson, to Sir Richard Bickerton, to expect the return of both fleets from the W. Indies and beware of a surprise: “I send you a brief account of my West India trip and General Bereton’s unfortunate intelligence which led me wrong, or June 6th would have been a fighting day,” etc.; Victory, 17 June, 1805. Halograph.
4 Vice Admiral Sir Robert Calder to (a) Sir R Bickerton Prince of Wales, off Ferrol, 11 July,; (b) Sir George (Collier), with congratulations on the fall of San Sebastion; Plymouth, 4 Sept. 1813. fo.31.
F Letters to John Frank Newton, viz (a) three from George Canning Brighton, 1 Sept. 1788, London, 16 July, 1821, 30 July, 1826. The first, containing an account of his relations at Christchurch with (Robert Banks) Jenkinson (afterwards 2nd Earl of Liverpool) is printed, with several excisions, in J F Newton’s Early Days of Geo. Canning, 1828. ff.33, 40, 41; (b) William Godwin, on the relation of population to means of subsistence, 3 Aug 1811. fo.38; (c) Harriet) Shelley, the poets wife; 5 June 1816. fo.42; (d) Thomas Jefferson Hogg, concerning his articles on Shelley in the New Monthly Magazine; 11 Feb. 1832. fo.44.
G “Svinedrengen,” a fairy-tale by Hans Christian Andersen (see Eventyr og Historier, Copenhagen, 1881, i.p.214).Holograph. fo.46.
H Plan of Athens, with names in French and scale in toises; late 18th or early 19th cent. Belonged to Thomas Burgon, of the Coin Room of the British Museum. A note (fo.48) by his son -in-law Henry John Rose, Archdeacon of Bedford suggests that it may have been made by some person connected with Burgon’s friend - Fauvel, French consul at Athens c.1813-1814, but its date is probably earlier. 18 3/4in x 20 by Revd W F Rose)
I Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s last poem “The North and the South” (on H C Andersen’s visit to Italy), written at the end of May,1861. In the hand of her husband, Robert Browning. A facsimile of the same poem in Mrs Browning’s own hand is in the museum copy of the first edition of Last Poems (1862, in which it was first published. fo.51.
K Papers of Sir Joseph Banks relating to Mungo Parks’s last expedition for the exploration of the Niger, including a letter from Park dated Sansanding, 16 Nov. 1805 (three days before he left that place, after which nothing was heard of him), copies of letters from Lieut. John Martyn, who accompanied Park, Captain Gorge Maxwell, etc.; 1804-1811. fo.52.
L Stanzas by Percy Bysshe Shelley, “When the lamp is shattered,” printed in the Posthumous Poems, 1824, p. 194; see also Oxford edition (1905), p.661. Autograph. The paper is stamped with the name of Robert Cole, a note, dated 1840, by William Upcott. fo.75.
M Revd John Maughan, Revd of Bewcastle, Co. Cumb., to ------, on the inscriptions of the Bewcastle cross, with criticism of the readings of the Rev D H Haigh; Bewcastle, 18 Feb. 1856. fo.76(Presented by Charles Hercules Read, Esq).
N Sir William Jones, the Orientalist, to (Arthur Lee, the American statesman?) on N M Halhead’s Code of Gentoo Laws, American affairs, etc., Crishna Nagar, Bengal, 28 Sept.1788. fo.86.
O Sir Walter Scott, Bt., to John Cundall, on the history of the game of golf; Edinburgh, 9 June, 1824. fo.88.
P William [Duke of Clarence, afterwards William IV] to ------, communicating, for the information of Mrs Clayton [a nurse?], the result of the autopsy upon his infant daughter Elizabeth; St James’ 4 Mar. 1821. Appended are fragments of a letter from E- Harper --- about the Queen’s accouchement, 11 Dec. 1820. fo.90.
Q Two letters of advice from Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, to (Roger Manners, 5th) Earl of Rutland, “goinge to travell,”1597, and “uppon his departure.” Followed by “The ommissions of Cales Voyage (the expedition to Cadiz) in anno 1596,” by the same, printed in Hakluyt’s Voyages (1812), v.p.593. Contemporary copies. ff.94, 97, 97b.
R Accompt for the building of the Danish Church in Well Close Square, London, 1696, with note that “Mr Cibber (Caius Gabriel Cibber, father of Colley Cibber) the architect took nothing for his trouble, and the pulpit was given by Prince George of Denmark.”fo.100.(Presented by Charles Davies Sherborn, Esq.)
S Rubbing of a brass (imperfect) in Yealmpton Church, near Plymouth, Devon, to Jacobus-----, late 14th cent. fo.101b.
T Draft answer by Rauff Holynshed and Laurence Hlynshed to a bill of complaint by Sir John Savage (d.1492?), for a trespass at Wildboarclough, near Macclesfield, Cheshire. The defendants represent that they are servants of [ Thomas Stanley] Earl [of Derby, cr.1485] whom Sir John wrongfully ousted. For the pedigree of the chronicler, in whose family both names are frequent, see Ormero’s
Cheshire iii.p.375. On the back are some pleadings in Latin. fo.105. (Presented by Robert Steele, Esq.)
U 1 Journal-letters of Captain Arthur Connolly and Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Stoddart, from their prison in Bokhara, 2 Jan - 22 May, 1842. Printed almost completely in Sir J W Kaye’s Lives of Indian Officers (2nd edition, 1889), ii.pp.159 sqq. Prefixed are earlier letters, three of Stoddart , 28 Feb 1834-12 Mar 1837 (the last written from Teheran to Major-General Sir Richard Downes Jackson), and one of Connolly, 20 Dec. 1838, and appended (fo.126).is a letter of Joseph Wollff, 17 Nov. 1846, relating to his book, Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara. fo.106.
2 Lieut.-General Sir John Stuart, K B, to Francis Jackson, relating an interview with (Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd) Earl of Liverpool with regard to the suppression of Stuart’s despatch on his defeat of Murat’s invasion of Sicily in 1810; Queen Ann St., Mar. 1812. fo.127.
3 Major-General Sir Charles James Napier, K C B, to [Edward Law, 2nd] baron Ellenborough, Governor-General of India, on affairs on
Sind; Sukkur, 20 Dec 1842. fo.131.
4 Lieut. General Kames [afterwards Sir James] Simpson, commanding the British troops in the Crimea, to --- Cochrane; 25 Aug. 1855. fo.135.
W 1 AB[i.e.Eustace Budgell] to [the editor of the Promptor); 8 Feb. 1735/6. At the end is a note of S[amuel] R[ichardson], the printer and novelist, forwarding it to the editor. fo.135.
2 Henry Fox (cr. Baron Holland 1763) to [Welbore] Ellis (afterwards 1st Baron Mendip) about political appointments, the arrest of Admiral John Byng, etc; Dec. 1755-15 Oct.1761. Five letters. fo.140.
3 William Pitt (created Earl of Chatham 1766) to (Robert Darcy, 4th Earl of Holdernesse), NB: (a) on the news from Prince Ferdinand [of Brunswick], who “seems to my judgement the man of all Europe made by nature and formd by experience and reflexion for a situation at which other heads might turn,” and on cabinet disputes with the Duke of Newcastle, who “has according to his Grace’s wonted nobleness of proceeding begun to make his court at my expence,” etc., Hayes, 3 Aug.1758. fo.148; (b) “on the great and glorious event of the 25th” (the battle of Zorndorff, 25 Aug 1758 and on the command of a proposed expedition against Martinique or Goree: “Has Elliot learnt, in a bad school, to dislike Buccaneering?” etc.; St James's Square, Monday night [?4 Sept.1758]. fo. 151.
4 William Windham, M P, Secretary at War from 1795, to (a) (John Beresford, First Commissioner of Revenue in Ireland), in favour of a claim by Mr. Lukin, etc.,: “We are continuing our armaments with great magnanimity, but against what enemy nobody knows”, 12 Aug. 1791. fo. 153; (b) To John Harvey, on the prospect of Spain becoming involved in the war, etc.,; (1795-1796?). fo. 155.
5 William Wickham, upon his resignation of the chief-secretaryship for Ireland, to John Beresford; 14 Jan. 1804. With draft of reply, 18 Jan 161.
6 Thomas Hood, the poet, to his sister-in-law Marianne (Reynolds); (c.1824). fo.159.
7 Charles Dickens to Miss Constance Cross, criticising and declining a story; 4 May, 1870. fo.161.
8 Armand [Jean du Plessis de Richelieu], Bishop of Luçon [afterwards Cardinal,] to the Queen Mother (Marie se’ medici) on an occasion by which she “se peult rendre fonatrice d’un couvent [at Poitiers] sans quil luy couste aucune chose”; Coussay, 2 Sept. 1617. Signed. f o.164.
9 Two poems of Jean Racine, NB: (a) Cantique Spirituel no. 1 (Oeuvres, ed. Mesnard, 1865, iv. p.148), a fragment containing 11. 56-66, with the cancelled lines for stanza 11 and begining of stanza 12 on the back (cf. the facsimile from the Paris MS in the album of Mesnard’s edition. The writing closely resembles the autograph, but is of doubtful authenticity. fo.167; “Hymne tireé du breviaire romain, a Laudes” Mesnard, iv. p.123), a copy resembling that of the hymns for vespers and matins in Add. MS 21514, fo.47, the authenticity of which is doubted (see Mesnard, iv.p.101). Signed “Racine.” fo. 168.
10 (Honorè Gabriel Riquetti, Comte se) Mirabeau, to ----- oliterary matters; 4 dec 1783. Fr. fo.169.
X Two letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge to - Pyce, junior (an undergraduate), in the evidences of Christianity; 14 Apr. 1816 and n.d. fo.171 Paper; ff. 174. Folio.
Add. MS 38421 (Part of Add MS 38421-25, Papers of Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, Prime Minister, 1812-1827, and is father, the 1st Earl, both of whom were members of the Privy Council Committee on Coinage (and the 2nd Earl was Master of the Mint, 1799-1801), relating to the Mint and coinage. Mid 18th cent 1823. Includes some correspondence with figures such as Samuel Garbett of Birmingham, Matthew Boulton of Soho near Birmingham, Sir Joseph Banks, PRS, and Abraham Robertson, Savilian Professor of Geometry). Folio. 393ff.
Add. MS 38422 (Part of Add MS 38421-25, as above, Papers relating to the Mint and coinage, including letters from sir Joseph Banks). Folio. 378ff.
Add. MS 38423 (Part of Add. MS 38421-25, as above, Papers relating to the Mint and coinage, including letters from Sir Joseph Banks). Folio. 442 ff.
Add. MS 38424-25 (Part of Add 38421-25, as above, Paper relating to the Mint and coinage, including letters from Sir Joseph Banks). Folio. 288,161 ff.
Add. MS 38681-82 Letter-Book & Order Book of Vice Admiral George Darby, Aug 1780 - Apr1782, during which time he was Commander-in-chief of the Channel Fleet and relieved Gibraltar (Apr 1781). At the beginning of the respective volumes are the letters and orders received, and at the end (reversing the volumes) those issued. (See Sotheby’s sale cat., 23 Apr. 1913 lot 376). Letters from Capt. Samuel Wallis at 38681, ff.20, 206&286. Paper; ff.181&i+80. Folio.
Add. MS 39672 Autograph letters from the Alfred Morrison collection, descibed at length, with many extracts and facsimiles, in the privately printed folio catologue of that collection (6 vols. 1883-1891). See also Sothebys’s sale cat. 10-14 Dec. 1917. Further volumes from the collection are Add. 39757; 39779- 39793, 39839-394842. This volume includes a letter from Bligh to Banks (see 3) amongst other items. The contents are:
1 Anne [de Bretagne], wife of Louis XII of France, to her daughter [Claude], reassuring her with regard to reports made to the king about her husband, afterwards Francis I; n.d. (1514). Holograph. Fr. No 17 in E. Charavay’s sale, Paris, 7 Mar. 1881. Morrison sale, lot 49. fo.2.
2 Two letters (Morrison sale, lot 72) from T[opham] Beauclerk; (a) to (David Garrick), describing life at Bath; Bath, 18 Nov. (1776). From Sir W. Tite’s sale (Sotheby, 18 May 1874), lot 3535. fo.4; (b) to (Revd Thomas Percy, afterwards Bishop of Dromore?), explaining his delay in returning Froissart and Mr. Walker’s MSS.’ Hertford Street, 22 Dec. 1778. From the Coleman collection (Sotheby’s sale cat. 21 June 1881, part of lot 11). fo. 8.
3 Captain William Bligh, formerly of HMS Bounty, to Sir Joseph Banks, Bt., PRS, with intelligence of the victory of Trafalgar; Admiralty Office, 6 Nov. 1805. From the John Dillon collection (Sotheby’s sale-cat. 10 June 1869, lot 114). Morrison sale, lot 91. fo.10.
4 R[osa] Bonheur to Monsieur et Madame --, expressing thanks for the pension obtained for the widow of the sculptor Justin Mathieu, (1864). Fr. With a humorous pen-and-ink drawing of an artist going sketching on a hot day. Morrison sale, lot 110. fo.13.
5 François de Bonivard, Swiss patriot, to the syndics and Council of Geneva, acknowledging the receipt of 35 écus; Berne, 16 Mar. 1541. Holograph. French. Signed Boniuardus, with paper seal. Facs. In folio cat. Morrison sale, lot 111. fo.16.
6 Four letters from John C[am] Hobhouse (Baron Broughton 1851) to Lord Byron’s half sister, Hon. Augusta Leigh, relating to Lord Byron:- Whitton Park (30 Apr. 1816). fo. 18; Geneva, 9 Sept 1816. fo.21; Kirkby Park, Melton Mowbray, 29 Oct (1824). fo.24; London , 10 Nov. 1834. fo.28. Morrison sale, lot 128.
7 Michelagniolo [Buonarroti] to Bartolomeo [Ammanati], condemning the alterations by San Gallo in Bramante’s plan of St Peter’s; n.d. (1555). Ital. Facs. in folio cat. Printed from the Florence copy by G. Milanesi in Le Lettere di Michelangelo Buonarroti (1875), p. 535. From the Benjamin Fillon collection (catalogue by E Charavay, no.2096). Morrison sale , lot 144. fo.31
8 Charles I of England to (James Butler), Marquis (aft. 1st Duke) of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of I by Ireland, urging him after the defeat of Naseby to bring reinforcements at all costs, but forbidding him to purchase peace in Ireland by further religious concessions; Cardiff (f), 31 July 1645. With seals and wrapper. Facs. In folio cat. Printed by T. Carte in The Life of James, Duke of Ormond (18510, vol. vi, p. 305. J Baker sale, 26 May 1855,, lot 7. J Young sale (Southeby, Apr. 1876), lot 62. Morrison sale, lot 197. f.34.
9 Two letters from Charles II of England to Sir William Temple, Bt., Ambassador to The Hague: (a) promising the same support to Holland if his nephew (i.e. William of Orange) should die and be succeeded by another single person with as great authority; Whit[e] hall, 25 June 1675. fo.38; (b) discussing the position of the Prince of Orange; Windsore, 3 Sept. 1675. fo.41. From the collection of G. Manners, FSA (Sotheby’s sale-cat. 8 July 1878, lot 46). Morrison sale, lot 204.
10 Three letters (Morrison sale, lot 211) of J[ean] B[aptiste] Bernadotte (afterwards Charles XIV of Sweden): (a) to Gen. Kléber, commander of the left wing of the army of the Sambre and Meuse, relating to reconnoitring parties; Bilsen, le 3E jour des sansculotides (19 Sept.) [1794]. From the Joseph Ridgeway collection (Sotheby's sale cat. 30 June 1879, in lot 38). fo. 44; (b) to Joseph Bonaparte, finding the bad condition of the army more critical than dangers of renewed rebellion in the country; Rennes, 19 Messidor, an 8 [8 July 1800]. Facs. Of signature in the folio cat. From the Sensier collection, no. 379. fo. 46; (c) to the same, asking his intervention with the Napoleon against being sent back to the West; Paris, 16 Frimaire, an 9 [7 Dec. 1800]. fo.49.
11 Anacharisis Cloots, political enthusiast and philosopher (Jean Baptiste, Baron de Cloots), to the “Amis du Genre Humain”, recounting his meritorious acts and his present sufferings in prison; Maison d’arrêt dite St. Lazare, 11 Ventose, an 2 (1 Mar. 1794). Facs. Of signature in fol. Cat. Sensier collection, no. 191. Morrison sale, lot 230. fo.52.
12 [Philippe de] Comynes, the famous historian, to--, hoping to see him before his departure and desiring recommendations to the Ambassadors of France and Milan; Angers, 14 July, (1480). Fr. Printed (when in the collection of M. Chasles) by Kervyn de Lettehove in Lettres et Négociations de Philippe de Commines, 1867 (vol.i, p. 317). No. 35 in E. Charavay sale, 28 Nov. 1818. Morrison sale, lot
13 The same to the Queen of France (Anne de Bretagne), mentioning his reception by the King, the embassy of the comtede Nevers to Flanders, and the efforts of the admiral of France to kindle war; Tours, 23 [July 1505]. Only the last paragraph is in the hand of Comines. Fr. Printed (when in possession of M. de Chambry) by Lettenhove, op. cit. vol. ii, p.264. No.154 in E. Charavay sale, 7 Mar. 1881. Morrison sale, lot 262. fo.59.
14 Lucas Cranach the elder, German painter, to --, expressing his willingness to serve him in accordance with the Elector’s commands; Signed “Lucas Cranach, aler zu Wittenbergk”. Germ. Facs. In folio cat Seal of winged serpent. No. 2185 of the B. Fillon collection. Morrison sale, lot 262. fo.59.
15 Extracts from the registers of the district assembly of the Cordeliers, appointing deputies to enquire into the denunciation lodged against the district by certain members of the National Assembly; 1 May 1790. Written and signed by (Georges Jacques) Danton, President, and countersigned Laforgue. Fr. With seal of the “District des Cordeliers.” J, Ridgeway sale, lot 131. Morrison sale, lot 262. fo.59.
16 (Louis Charles Antoine) Desaix (de Veygoux), French revolutionary general, to -Le Preux, thanking him for his news and advising him to marry; au Quartier Général à Haguenau, 21 Germinal, an 4 (10 Apr. 1796). Morrison sale, lot 283. fo.63.
17 “Stances irregulieres” to Madame------ “pres de qui jeme trouvois a la plaidoierie de Maêtre Gerbier dans une cause de separation”: verses (by Camille Desmoulins, the French revolutionary); n.d. From the Villars collection. No. 92 in E. Charavay sale, 21 apr. 1880. Morrison sale, lot 288. fo.66.
18 Alex[andre Davey] Dumas, the elder, to --, with political gossip; (19 Apr. 1864). Fr. No. 83in E Charavay sale, 18 Dec. 1880. Morrison sale, lot 309. fo.68.
19 Frideric Guillaume, elector [of Brandenburg], to Louis XIV of France, announcing the despatch of the Sier de Vicquefort to convey his thanks for Louis’ favourable disposition, June 1654. Facs. Of subscription in folio cat. From the John Young collection (Sotheby sale cat., 26 April 1869, lot 371). Morrison sale, lot 407. fo.74.
20 Frederic (Frederick II, the Great, of Prussia) to (the French Ambassador, the Duc de Nivernois), stating among other political news his fear that unless France and England can be brought to an agreement war may become general in Europe; 7 March (1756). Fr. Facs. Of subscription in folio in folio cat. Morrison sale, lot 410. fo.77.
21 Anth[oine] D’hamilton (d. 1720), author of the Mémoires du Chevalier de Grammont, to [the Chancellor Voisin], in favour of a certain Olivier, resident for business purposes in England; n d. Fr. Facs. of subscription in folio cat. Sensier collection, no. 57. Morrison sale, lot 474. fo.79.
22 Two letters (Morrison sale, lot 513) from L[azare] “citoyens representans du peuple,” giving an account of his services in reply to a denunciation by citizen Hudri; Dunkerque, 15 Sept. an 2 [sic for 1793]. Followed (fo.83) by the denunciation, signed Hudri, and dated from Dunkirk prison, 14 Sept. 1793, “an 2eme” (sic). Sensier collection, no. 390. fo.81; (b) to Admiral Morard de Galles, asking him to order the debarkation from the warships of certain women in disguise; Brest, 17 Frimaire, an 5 [7 Dec. 1796]. Facs. Of signature in folio cat. J. Ridgeway sale, in lot 217. fo. 85.
23 (a) Receipt by W[illia]m Hogarth, from George Scotts for one guinea, for a set of prints called the Harlot’s progress; 10 May 1745. Hologr. fo.87; (b) “The no Dedication,” supposed to be intended for Hogart’s Analysis of Beauty, published in 1753; cf. Egerton MSS. 3011-3016. Hologr. fo.88. Sensier collection, no. 651. Morrison sale, lot 514.
24 (a) Verses by V[ict] or Hugo to Madame Marie M(alibran), begins: “Oh! Votre oeil est timide et votre front est doux!” Dated “Minuit 9 décembre 1830”. Published as No. xxxi in Les Feuilles D’ Automne. f.90; (b) the same to Balzac at Les Jardies, explaining that he is too busy to pay a visit; 21 July, s.a. Facs. Of signature in folio cat. No. 76 in E. Charavay sale, 9 Dec. 1878. fo.92. Morrison sale, lot 521.
25 Th[omas] Jefferson, American statesman, to (Tadeuz Andrej Bonawentura) Kosciuszko, the Polish patriot, referring to the remittance of Kosciuszko’s annual interest and to the American success in the late war with England; Monticello, 3 July 1815. F. Naylor’s cat. (no. 36, 1878), no. 7834. Morrison sale, lot 549. fo.95.
26 Edw[ar]d Jenner, the discoverer of vaccination, to -- of Leipzig, with observations upon the vaccine virus; Berkeley, 5 July 1804. F. Naylor’s cat. (no. 30, 1877), no. 6620. Morrison sale lot 552. fo.98.
27 [François [Christophe] Kellerman, victor of Valmy and ultimately created Duc de Valmy, to Gen. Dillon, upon the enemy’s probable plans and the state of his own army; au quartier general de Barr le duc, 13 Sept. 1792. Fr. Morrison sale, part of lot 576. fo.101.
28 (a) [François Étienne] Kellerman, son of the above, French general and 2nd duc de Valmy, to----- Thonnelier, Paymaster General of the army in Spain, upon a financial point; Valladolid, 25 Dec. 1810. J. Ridgeway dale, in lot 310. fo.103,; (b) An account of the battle of Marengo and the decisive part played by himself, n.d. No. 284 from Holloway’s stock, 1 April. 1875. fo. 105. Fr. Morrison sale, rest of lot 576.
29 [Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roche Gilbert Motier, Marquis de La Fayette to the Princess [Maria Cristina Beatrice Trivulzio-]Belgiojoso, Italian patriot, with political news; La Grange, 3 May 1833. Fr. F. Naylor’s cat. (no. 40, 1878), no. 8839. Morrison sale, lot 586. fo.108.
30 Charles Lamb to Samuel Taylor Coleridge: “Islinton, 2d day 3d month of my Heira or Flight from Leadenhall.” (2 July 1825.) Signed “C. L. Olim Clericus.” Printed by E V Lucas in The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, vol. viii, p.684. Morrison dale, lot 593. fo.111.
31 Four duodecimo leaves (pp. 53-60) from a volume entitled Preservatifs et Remedes Universels, in which Henri Masers de Latude, prisoner of the Bastille, kept a closely written copy of his correspondence. Only three letters are perfect and are signed “Danry,” his prison name. Of the five letters to - Sartine, Lieutenant: General of the police of the Bastille, the first two (nos.- 46 and 47, dat. 21 July, 1 Aug. 1761) are written on the margins of ff. 115-118, the other three (12, 20, 25 July 1764) between the printed lines of ff.115-118 recto. On ff. 115-118 verso (reversed) is written between the printed lines part of the Memoir of 30 June 1762, addressed to Madame de Pompadour (printed in 1789 from a copy found at the taking of the Bastille), and at the foot of ff. 115-118 reversed is a fragment of a project to reform the royal finances. Accompanied by a note (fo.114) of ------ d’Estourmel, who states that he received the MS. from M. de Montmerqué. D’Estourmel collection, no. 91; E. Charaval sale, 20 May 1878. Morrison sale lot 609. fo. 114.
32 (a) Sale by Catherine Laisné, widow of Jean Battas, Garde des Plaisirs de Roy in the captaincy of the Bois de Boulagne, to the King of France, of a demi-arpent of arable land on Torval (?); Paris, 5 Oct. 1670. Fr. Signed by A[ndré] Lenôtre, Controller General of the Royal Buildings, the designer of the park of Versailles. J Ridgeway sale, in lot 265. fo. 120; (b) [André] Lenôtre to M. des Gaudes, inviting him to come and examine a wall which has fallen near the Luxembourg; “ce Jeudy au soir”, a note overleaf states that a report on the wall was made 24. Mar. 1696. No. 366 in E. Charavay’s sale, 7 Mar. 1881, from the Chabry collection. fo.123. Morrison sale, lot 621.
33 (a) Loys [Louis XI, as Dauphin?] to his uncle, [Charles] Duke of Orleans, with the present of a mule. Hologr. Fr. Printed by Vaesen and Charavey in Lettres de Louis XI (1883), i, p.31, where it is dated anterior to 1446. No. 111 in the Fillon collection. Morison sale, lot 639. fo. 126.
34 [François Séverin] Marceau (Desgraviers), French general, to Brig. Gen. [P G] Duhe[s]m[e], with instructions for his advance; au Quartier général de Marchiene au pont, le 9 Prairéal, an 2 [28 may 1794]. Followed (129) by Duhesm’s autograph orders to his brigade, signed [Philippe] G[uillaume] Duhesme. Facs. Of Marceau’s subscription, etc., in fol. Cat. Sensier collection, no. 399. Morrison sale, lot 706. fo. 128. Paper; 129ff.
Add. MS 40666 15 letters of Sir John Franklin, Arctic explorer, to his sister Ann, her husband, Stephen Peacock, leather- seller, of London, and (one fo. 29) to his brother, Willingham Franklin, 1804-25. The first thirteen letters range from 26 Aug. 1804 to 9 Aug. 1808, when Franklin was a midshipman, etc, on board H M S Bellerophon & HMS Bedford; were written in England. The volume opens with a baptismal certificate of Franklin (fo.1) and includes also 3 midshipman’s certificates ( ff 15, 18, 19) and a letter (fo. 20) from Capt WP Cumby to TA Franklin, 1806. The correspondence is chiefly of family interest, but contains a certain amount of naval information. Lot 570 at Sotheby’s 23 May 1922. Paper; ff.35. Quarto.
Add. MS 42714 ‘ Memoirs of the Early Life of John Elliott, of Elliott House, near Ripon - Yorkshire, Esq & Lieut. Of the Royal Navy written by himself at the request of his wife, for the use and amusement of his children only’, extending from his birth (11 Jan 1759) to the Battle of the Saintes (12 Apr 1782). The most important part of the work is an account (ff.77-45b) of the second voyage of Capt. James Cook, in 1772-1775. Elliott’s log of the voyage is now in the Public Record Office (cf. public library of New South Wales, Bibliograhy of Capt James Cook, p.48) on fo.16 is a list of officers and civilians on the quarter deck of the Resolution, with notes of their ages and characters. From 1775 to 1779 Elliott was in service of the East India company; he than returned to the Navy and after passing for Lieut. was appointed to HMS Ajax; he was superannuated with the rank of Commander in 1814 and died in 1834. At the end of the volume c.ff 100-102) are three rough sketch-maps of the battle of Waterloo, in which his son, William Henry Elliott (GCB 1870; General 1871) took part; at fo.101b is a drawing of ‘Buonapartes (sic) observatory erected on the field of Battle at Waterloo’. Sir WH Elliot married in 1831, Mary Anne Ashmore, into whose family the present manuscript presumably passed. Paper, ffii & 102. Early XIXth [Watermark 1811). [Presented by Mrs RG Ashmore].
Add. MS 45712 Catalogue of the Collection of Icelandic Books presented by Sir Joseph Banks (to the British Library). Also of the Books printed in Iceland which are preserved in the “King’s Library”. Paper; ff119. Octavo. c.1870.
Add. MS 46868 Letters in personal & naval matters from Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Briggs, GCMG (Admiral 1859), Superintendent of Malta Dockyard 1832-38, together with one letter (fo.1) from Richard William Brant, Consul at Smyrna, addressed to Sir John Franklin, Arctic explorer, while in command of the frigate
Rainbow in the Mediterranean and later as Lieut. - Governor of Van Diemen’s Land & (ff.20,22) to his second wife Jane née Griffin; 1831-1840. Supplementary to Add MS 40666, 47772 and 56233. Paper; ff.51.Folio. 1831-1840.
Add. Ms 47106 (Part of Add MS 47106-9, the Egmont Naval papers (Egmont Papers, Vols. CLXXXVII-CXC, Egmont MS6. 157,156, 159, 158).Log-book of HMS Dolphin, under the command of Captain Samuel Wallis, on a voyage of discovery in the South Pacific, kept by Robert Molineux (aka Molyneux), mate; 8 July1766- 19 May 1768. Fuller accounts of the voyage are contained in An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the order of His present majesty for making discoveries in the Southern hemisphere, 1773, i. pp.169-350, and in the journal of George Robertson, Master (to 17 Aug. 1767 only) published by H. Carrington as The Discovery of Tahiti (Hakluyt society 2nd ser., no. xcvii), 1948. a similar logbook kept by Wallis, covering the period 21 Aug . 1766-14 Jan. 1767 only, is in Add.. MS.15499, ff.1-11 (See part 1, Reel 12). At ff. 33b., 34, under the date 17 Jan 1766, when the ship reached the Straits of Magellan, are entered some general remarks in the voyage up to that point and on the Patagonians. At the beginning of the expedition written between 20 May 1768 and 20 Mar 1769 by John, 2nd Lord Egmont, who as First Lord of the Admiralty was responsible for its despatch. This note was printed by Carrington, op. cit., pp .xxviii, and by HM Wallis, Carteret’s Voyage round the World, 1766-1769, ii (Hakluyt society, 2nd ser., no. cxxv), 1965, pp.311-312. Dr Wallis has also printed two other extracts from the present logbook (ff.34, 45b), vol. cit., pp. 315 note, 331. Included at fo 13, 91, 97, 102 are charts chiefly relating to navigational hazards encountered in the voyage. Inserted as ff. iii-v are some late 19th cent. Notes on the volume. ff.v+140.
Add. MS 47107-9 (Part of Add. MS 47106-9, the Egmont naval Papers (Egmont Papers, vols. CLXXXVII-CXC, Egmont MS. 157, 156 159, 158).
47107 Logbook of HMS Desirée, from off the Azores and returning to England, kept by the Hon George Perceval (Captain 1818; 6th Earl of Egmont 1841) as Midshipman (signature, fo.2); 27 Feb - 30 May 1813. Reversing the volume are copies of an intercepted letter from OH Brown, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 23 June 1814 (fo.40) and (fo.36b) of a letter from Commander John Wesley Wright, RN, a prisoner in Paris, to Lieutenant J Wallis, R N, a prisoner in the Naval Chronicle, xxxiv, 1815, pp.448-450), followed 9ff.27b-33b) by game records kept by Captain Perceval, 1825-1826. Inserted as fo.1 is a list of signals. Three leaves are torn out at ff. 20, 24, 37. (ff. ii=41)
47108-9 Order and letter-books of Captain the Hon. G J Perceval (6th Earl of Egmont 1841), as commander of H M Sloop Britomart on revenue duties off the South and West coasts of England; 816-1818. Inserted in the first of these volumes at ff. ii-xiii are late 19th century notes on the two volumes and on Add. MS. 47107.
Add MS 47108 includes:
(1) Orders and letters issued; 10 Jan-31 Aug 1818. ff. 3-21.
(2) Orders and letters received; 9 Jan - 13 May 1818. Inserted as f.2 is a signed letter from Admiral Edward Pellew, 1st Viscount Exmouth, Commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean, with a draft reply from Capt. Perceval, 5 Feb. 1817. (ff.xiii+25).
Reel 51 (cont.)
Add. MS 47109 includes:
(1) Orders received; 8 Oct 1816 - 17 Oct 1817. ff.2-21, (reversing the volume) 48-51b.
(2) Letters received; 23 Nov 1816 - 22 Oct 1818. ff. 22b - 29.
(3) Orders issued; 24 May 1816 - 26 Dec 1817. ff.52b-56b (rev.). On a flyleaf (f.1) are two pencils sketches of yawl-rigged cutters. (ff.i+57).
Add. MS 47768 Franklin Papers Vol I (ff.115). Letters to Sir J Franklin from George William Crowe and (ff.17, 28, 46) J C Robinson, respectively Consul &Vice-consul at Patras; 1832-1837.
Add. MS 47769A Franklin Papers Vol IIA (ff85).
(1) Letters to Jane, Lady Franklin, her husband (fo.17) and (fo.46), his niece, Miss Sophia Cracroft, from various correspondents, chiefly the Revd Henry Daniel Leeves, Chaplain at Athens, and his wife, Sophia Mary, 1833- 1874. ff1-52b.
(NB Add MS 47769B-47772 have not been included as these relate to the family only.)
Egerton 3009 Miscellaneous letters and papers, including notes of Banks and Dr Charles Burney concerning the authorship of “God Save the King” (see D), and a letter-journal of Mungo Park relating to his 1805 African expedition (see G). The full contents are as follows:
A Letter from R[obert] R[othe] to his son Davis. Written from Ireland
and addressed “To hys welbeluwt son Dawy rothe att Londyn this be yewyn”; 10 Oct., s.a., no doubt 1530-1535 (see New Pal. Soc. Ii, 153, where a facsimile and transcript of fo.1 and part of fo.2 are given; the name is there misread “Roche”) For the Rothe family of Kilkenny see Jour. Of Roy Hist. and Arch, Ass. Of Ireland, Culy” [Walter Cowley], mentioned in the letter ibid., 1st Ser., ii,1,pp. 104 ff. Sotheby’s sale cat., 2 Mar 1917, lot 348. fo.1.
B 1 Papers connected with the arrest of Montrose and others by the Committee of Estates on 11 June 1641, NB.: (a) Account, in the hand of Archibald Napier, 1st Baron Napier of Merchiston, of his own examination before the Committee, dated at the top “23 June 1641”, but unsigned. Published, with a few slight inaccuracies, by Mark Napier, Memorials of Montrose, [Archibald], Lord Napier, Sir George Stirling of Keir and Sir Archibald Stuart of Blackhall to the charge of treasonable correspondence with the King; in the hand of Lord Napier (June 1641). The earlier part published from this copy, by Napier, op. cit., pp. 285-287; in his later Memoirs of the Montrose (1856), i, pp.295-297, he uses the draft in Montrose’s hand, collated with this copy. f.5. From the Napier papers; Sotheby’s sale-cat., 2 Mar. 1917, lot 282. fo.3
2 Defence of Montrose’s policy in abandoning the Covenant, concluding with a list of losses in the Covenanting army at the battle of Kilsyth (15 Aug 1645); probably written between that date and the battle of Philiphaugh, 13 Sept 1645. Printed, in a modernized spelling and with a few small inaccuracies, in Napier’s Memorials of Montrose, i pp.2150229 (Memoirs, i, pp. xiv-liii, ii, p.551), and there stated to be in Lord Napier’s hand, though the appearance of the script is not very similar to that of the papers described above (B.1). From the Napier papers; Sotheby’s sale cat Mar 1917, lot 253; previously belonged to Sir William Macleod Bannatyne (1743-1833) (see his letter, 25 Mar 1847, in Napier, Memorials, i, pp.211-213), from whom it was acquired by Mark Napier. fo.7.
C Letter from C[harles] R[obert] Darwin to -----, concerning an election to the Linnean society, 18 Dec. (1875). Sotheby’s sale cat., 2 Mar 1917, lot 30. fo.11.
D Letter from Dr Charles Burney to -----, with reference to the authorship of “God Save the King,” 29 July 1806; followed by notes (fo.14) on the same subject by him and further notes (fo.15) in the hand of Sir Joseph Banks. Published, with Banks’s notes, W H Cummings, God Save the King (1902, pp. 35-38, who states that he purchased it with other papers from Quaritch and that it had belonged to Sir Thomas Phillips; Cummings sale-cat. 17 May 1917, lot 103. fo.13.
E Inventory of the household goods of George Frederick Handel, valued at £48 and sold by order of the executor to Handel’s servant John Du Bourk, 27 Aug 1759; signed by the valuers, James Gordon and William Askew. Published, with several inaccuracies, by V Schoelcher, Life of Handel (1857), pp.344-345. Followed (ff.19-20) by Handel’s pedigree by F[riedrich] Chrysander (printed broadsheet, London, Augener and Co., n.d.). Belonged (fo.21) to W[illiam] Snoxell (sale-cat., 21 July 1879, lot 81) and W[illiam] H[ayman] Cummings (sale cat. 17 May 1917, lot 131; bookplate, fo.21). fo.17.
F Papers of [John] Elphinston, Rear - admiral in Russian service, connected with the campaign against the Turks, NB.:-(a) Warrant, signed by Catherine II, for payment to Elpinston of 3000 roubles for personal expenses and 400 roubles per month table money; St Petersberg, 11 Sept 1769. Russian, with an English translation. fo.22; (b) Two letters, dated Lemnos, 8 Aug [1770] and 10 Aug 1770, and signed, from Admiral Count Alexey Orloff to Elphinston. Russian, with English translations. fo.25
G Letter from Mungo Park to [John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd] Earl Camden, giving, in journal form, an account of his transactions from his embarkation on the Crescent, 28 Jan, to his arrival at Kayee on the Gambia on his last expedition, with remarks on trade, customs, etc. Dated Kayee, 26 April 1805. Holograph. Referred to in his letter to Sir Joseph Banks published in the Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa in the year 1805 (1815), pix, and in the Life by H B (1835), ff.204, but not printed in either work. Other papers connected with the expedition, including a letter from Park to Banks, are in Add. MS. 37232, ff.52-74 (See Reel 45); an account of Park’s death is in Add. Ms. 18390 (Oriental Department). fo.29 (See Reel 39) Paper; ff.46.Folio. (From the Farnborough Fund.)