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Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753 from the British Library, London

Parts 4 and 5: Alchemy, Chemistry and Magic

Contents of Reels - Part 5

This is a complete list of all Sloane manuscripts included in Part 5, with summary highlights of particular items of interest. For more comprehensive details of the contents of each manuscript, please refer to the detailed listing.


Sloane Ms 2157

Avicenna Libri canonis ejus a Gerardo Cremonensi

Sloane Ms 2174

Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Clavicula ff40-44
Norton, Thomas The ordinal of alchemy, ff89- 116
Ripley, George Compound of alchemy in prose ff73-85

Sloane Ms 2198

Ripley, George Compound of alchemy in verse


Sloane Ms 2206

Anon Introduction to chemistry

Sloane Ms 2218

Anon A looking glasse for illiterate alchymists

Sloane Ms 2264

Anon Course of chemistry

Sloane Ms 2320

Anon De arte magicali ff65-69
Bacon, Roger Alchemical treatises ff27-29, 73-93
Bacon, Roger De retardatione senectutis ff56-64

Sloane Ms 2322

Anon Chemical receipts ff4-134

Sloane Ms 2325

Arnald of Villanova Rosarius philosophorum ff22- 39
Bacon, Roger Speculum alchimiae ff44-46
Geber Turba philosophorum ff1-6
Rasis Practica ff12-14


Sloane Ms 2327

Arnald of Villanova De secretis naturae ff2-4
Bacon, Roger Tractatus trium verborum ff 25-26, 35
Bacon, Roger opus alchemicum ff30-33
Bacon, Roger Speculum alchimiae ff36-38
Hermes Trismegistus De lapide philosophico f4
Hermes Trismegistus De transmutatione corporum f14
Hermes Trismegistus Tabula Smaragdina ff28-30
Hermes Trismegistus Opus minerale ff15-20
Merlin De expositione lapidis philosophici f11, verses f22
Morienus Secunda confectio ex ejus dictis f6
Morienus De expositione lapidis benedicti ff17-20
Morienus De expositione specierum f38
Zadith filius Hamuel Tabula chymica ff39-57

Sloane Ms 2459

Anon Chemical receipts ff3-9
Miriam the prophetess Practice of alchemy ff1-3

Sloane Ms 2464

Aristotle Secreta secretorum translated by Lydgate

Sloane Ms 2476

Arnald of Villanova Rosarius philosophorum ff11- 39

Sloane Ms 2479

Arnald of Villanova Theorica et practica ff 77-80


Sloane Ms 2503

Anaxagoras Natural conversions ff108- 123
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Table of stones, metals and elixirs f107

Sloane Ms 2517

Synesius Le vray livre de la pierre philosopale ff63-71

Sloane Ms 2523

Ripley, George Rotuli hieroglyphici Pantarvae Philosophorum

Sloane Ms 2524

Ripley, George Rotuli hieroglyphici Pantarvae Philosophorum

Sloane Ms 2532

Geber Testament ff74-76
Norton, Thomas The ordinal of alchemy, ff1-50

Sloane Ms 2560

Arnald of Villanova Alchemical extracts (fine illustrations)

Sloane Ms 2624

Flamel, Nicholas Le Sommaire Philosophique ff2-9
Kelley, Edward Quaedam ex ejus epistolis ff17-20

Sloane Ms 2629

Bacon, Roger On Theology ff2-16
Bacon, Roger De utilitate Astronomiae ff17-56
Tritheim, Johann Orationes ff62-65


Sloane Ms 2764

Erasmus Epigrams f113
Merlin Metrical prophecies f118
Plantin, Christopher Sonnet f27
Tritheim, Johann Clavis steganographiae f198

Sloane Ms 2795

Gerard of Cremona Ptolemaei Pelusiensis liber Almagesti in Latinum versus

Sloane Ms 2947

Rasis Liber II ff2-66
Rasis Liber Divisionum ff67-97

Sloane Ms 3086

Anaxagoras Natural conversions ff48-53
Arnald of Villanova Flos florum ff69-75
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Liber lucis mercuriorum ff77- 79
Paracelsus Alchemical treatises ff1-39


Sloane Ms 3095

Gerard of Cremona Libri Canonis Avicennae in Latinum versi
Avicenna Works translated by Gerard of Cremona


Sloane Ms 3096

Gerard of Cremona Glosae ejus Constantini Africani Viaticum ff70-220


Sloane Ms 3118

Paracelsus Excerpta ff338-375, 416-429, 522-649


Sloane Ms 3120

Albertus Magnus De alchemia ff174-192
Geber Perfectionis secundum Audomarum ff145-173

Sloane Ms 3171

John de Rupecissa De quinta essentia ff16-94

Sloane Ms 3180

Albertus Magnus Semita recta ff1-11
Albertus Magnus Compositum de composotis ff12-13

Sloane Ms 3281

Albertus Magnus Experimenta physica ff15-19

Sloane Ms 3318

Lombard, Robert Elementa Magica


Sloane Ms 3437

Anon Institutiones chiromanticae

Sloane Ms 3528

Anon Rarities in the anatomic chamber at Leyden

Sloane Ms 3531

Rasis Experimenta ff20-29

Sloane Ms 3556

Anon Praecepta mystica ff11-15
Merlin Metrical prophecies f9


Sloane Ms 3580

Potter, Thomas Collection of chemical and alchemical treatises Anon Sphera Pythagorie ff3-6, 234
Hermes Trismegistus Tabula Smaragdina ff23v-31
Ripley, George Compound of alchemy, ff140- 166
Ripley, George Alchemical tables ff237-239

Sloane Ms 3604

Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Ars magica ff2-8, 15-23
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Testamentum ff146-219
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Testamentum cum cantilena ff220-287
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Lucidarium testamenti ff9-14
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Distinctiones quatuor ff64-95
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Practica ff106-141
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Lapidarius ff23-39
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Vade mecum ff97-106
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Ars brevis ff39-63


Sloane Ms 3628

Anon Conferences with angels.

Sloane Ms 3630

Albertus Magnus Compositum de compositis ff70-74
Bernardus, Trevisanus De lapide philosophorum ff75-86

Sloane Ms 3632

Geber Three medicines ff41-108
Hermes Trismegistus Hermetick raptures, a poem ff148-187
Kellum, Robert Chemical and alchemical collections ff133-138
Ripley, George Epistle on alchemy ff139-142

Sloane Ms 3638

Aquinas, Thomas De turba minori philosophorum ff92-128
Ficino, Marsiglio De arte chymica ff129-188
Montanor, Guido de De arte chymica (ch4-6) ff31- 40


Sloane Ms 3640

Aristotle Practice of the philosopher's stone ff127-138
Flamel, Nicholas Treasure of Philosophy ff139- 152
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca The codicil ff1-80

Sloane Ms 3644

Benignus de Bruni Conclusiones de lqapidis philosophorum…ff68- 77

Sloane Ms 3645

Kelley, Edward Discourse on the philosopher's stone ff22-38

Lull, Ramon, of Majorca De quinta essentia f43-49
Maier, Michael Atalanta fugiens, an alchemical treatise ff51-101
Salomon, King of Israel Clavicle of Salomon ff1-21

Sloane Ms 3648

Paracelsus Works on magic ff64-75
Salomon, King of Israel Clavicle of Salomon ff1-47


Sloane Ms 3661

Baltasar, Judeus and Joveninus, Frater, of Rome Alchemical processes ff214- 256
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Various works ff32-35, 45-58, 124-128, 191-196
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Artis anima f200
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Ars magica ff187-191
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Apertorium f103-105
Vadis, Aegidus de Alchemical tract, 1572, ff209- 214

Sloane Ms 3667

Aristotle Concordance: Aristotle & Hermes by Ripley ff149-157
Hermes Trismegistus Concordance vs Aristotle and
Hermes by Ripley ff149-157
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca The cortacions and practice of ff105-114
Ripley, George Concordance vs Aristotle and Hermes by Ripley ff149-157
Ripley, George The marrow of philosophy, ff92-104

Sloane Ms 3684

Albertus Magnus Semita recta ff1-36
Albertus Magnus Compositum de composotis ff37-41


Sloane Ms 3688

Bacon, Roger Speculum secretorum alchimiae ff87-91
Ripley, George Treatise on alchemy f66

Sloane Ms 3697

Kellum, Robert Chemical and alchemical collections ff53-60
Morienus De metallorum transmutatione ff1-43

Sloane Ms 3722

Nostradamus, Michael Prophecies for 1713-1720 ff157-159

Sloane Ms 3747

Ripley, George Mystery of alchemy in verse ff110-115
Ripley, George Alchemical treatise ff3-14
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Accurtations ff25-55


Sloane Ms 3778

Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Accurtations ff37-40
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Experiments ff41-51
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Theorica capp 62-91 ff78-87
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Transmutation of metals ff68- 76
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Potestas divitarum ff20-37
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Practice of alchemy ff58-67
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca Clavicula ff88-99
Miriam the prophetess Alchemical Praxis ff100-108
Sandivogius, Michael Sendivogius explained ff2-18

Sloane Ms 3822

Forman, Simon Accounts of magical rings etc 1598 ff3-34
Myddleton, Thomas Magical prayer f35

Sloane Ms 3846

Adelardus, Bathoniensis Magica quaedem ff179-186
Bacon, William Experimenta magica ff93-98
Evans, J Magical experiments and incantations ff24-30
Salomon, King of Israel Sepher Raziel: a magical treatise ff127-155

Thebit Ben Kora De tribus imaginibus magicis ff86-93
Windor, John a Magical invocation f111

Sloane Ms 3847

Gower, John Of stones and herbs … pertaining to Confessio Amantis f83
Hermes Trismegistus Liber Magicus ff84-100
Sahl Ibn Bashir Liber imaginum ff101-112
Salomon, King of Israel Sepher Raziel: a magical treatise ff161-188
Salomon, King of Israel Clavicle of Salomon ff1-66


Sloane Ms 3850

Agrippa (Henricus Cornelius) De occulta philosophia ff2-13
Bacon, Roger Thesaurus Spirituum ff117- 129
Hermes Trismegistus De imaginibus magicis ff182- 187

Sloane Ms 3853

Bacon, Roger Thesaurus Spirituum ff3-48
Turco, Robertus Thesaurus spirituum ff3-48

Sloane Ms 3854

Anon Tracts and experiments in magic
Honorius filius Euclidis Opera Salomonis seu Liber Juratus ff112-139


Sloane Ms 3884

Bacon, Roger Necromantia ff44-46

Sloane Ms 3943

Anon Tracts on witchcraft, 1712 ff17-148

Add Ms 10302

Thomas Norton The ordinal of alchemy ff1-67 (contemporary)

Lansdowne 703 Thomas Charnock A booke of philosophie (holograph)




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