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Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753 from the British Library, London

Parts 4 and 5: Alchemy, Chemistry and Magic

Detailed Listing - Part 4


Sloane Ms 59
15th cent. 213ff. Octavo.
Miscellaneous medical tracts once owned by John Somerset. Includes:
1. Arnald of Villanova. Tractatus vinorum diversorum. ff.2-20.
3. Aristotle. Liber Anathomie. ff.36-98.
4. Johannis de Tornomera. Introductium practicorum. ff.99-104.
5. Arnald of Villanova and Johannis de Tornomera. Receipts. ff.106-147.
8. Bernardi de Gordonio. Liber de urines. ff.155-181.
14. Aristotle. Epistola suposititia ad regem Alexandrum. ff.202-206.

Sloane Ms 73
15th cent. 217ff. Small quarto.
A collection of astrological, medical and pharmaceutical tracts. Includes:
1. Alexandrus Africus. A treatise of the seven herbs found by Alexandrus Africus in the tomb of the Kirondae. ff.14
3. Hermes Trismegistus. De quintis essentiis. ff.7-22.
4. A brief description of the spheres and planets. f.23.
6. Arnald of Villanova. Receipts. ff.24-46.
13. Hippocrates. On diseases. ff.132-135.

Sloane Ms 75
15th cent. 185ff. Quarto.
Miscellaneous medical and alchemical works. Includes:
1. Roberti de Cisterna. Curae super Viaticum. ff.1-90.
4. Roger Bacon and John de Rupecissa. De quinta essentia tripartus ab aliquibus. ff.99-120.
11. Fragmentum tractatus alchymi de corporibus. f.137.
17. Ramon Lull. Ars operatura. ff.157-161.
18. Ramon Lull. Prologus Monaldi Monachi. ff.162-164.
21. De Lapide philosophorum. f.172.
24. Arnald of Villanova. Epistola ad Jacobum de Toledo. ff.182-184.
25. Ramon Lull. De xvi electuariis. f.183.
26. Ramon Lull. List of works. f.185.


Sloane Ms 121
15th & 16th cent. 128ff. Quarto.
Miscellaneous medical and alchemical works. Includes:
4. To make aqua vita. f.37
11. Salomon, King of Israel. Experimenta naturae. ff.90-93.
14. Alchemical receipts. ff.95-96.
16. Of the diseases of women. ff.100-104.

Sloane Ms 156
15th & 16th cent. 60ff. Octavo.
Miscellaneous medical and alchemical works. Includes:
1. A few prophecies relating to England. ff.2-6.
5. Bede. On superstition. ff.13-18.
6. John de Rupecissa. Libellus qui dicitur Vade mecum in tribulatione. ff.19-34.

Sloane Ms 212
15th & 16th cent. 125ff. Quarto.
Miscellaneous medical and alchemical works. Includes:
1. Geber. Glosa facta super opere majore Mercurii et Solis. ff.4-11.
Begins: 'Hoc humeri pectusque decens velamine fulgent.'
2. Johannis Hispaniensis. On the art of alchemy. ff.13-20.
3. John Dastyn. Cum omnium natura. ff.21-22.
4. Versus leonine centum viginti de lapide philosophorum.
Begins: 'Est lapis occultus secreto fonte sepultus.' f.23v.
5. 'Speculum quatuor verborum alkamie.' f.25v.
Begins: 'Speculum vero quatuor verborum alkamie scriptura tali.'
6. John Sawtrey. On alchemy. ff.31-35.
7. Tractatus de arte alchymiae. ff.36-42
Begins: 'Cognosce mundum ab immundo.'
Ends, 'Explicit operacio quedam practica de arte alkamie'.
8. John Dastyn. On alchemy. ff.43-53.
9. Cujusdem Speculum philosophiae de compositione lapidis pretiosissimi ad eundem

Cardinalem. ff.54-79.
Begins: 'Desiderii vestri sagacitati desideratum offero librum.'
10. Jehan de Meung. Practica alchymica. ff.80-91.
11. Hermes Trismegistus. Flores secretorum sapientum. ff.92-97.
12. [Arnald of Villanova]. 'Rosarius philosophorum.' ff.98-125.
Begins: 'Desiderabile desiderium impreciatbile precium.'
13. Versus quidam de lapide, ut videtur, philosophorum. f125v.

Sloane Ms 265
15th cent. 172ff. Folio.
Works of Rasis translated from the Arabic into Latin by Gerard of Cremona.
1. Rasis. Liber II. ff.2-163.
2. Rasis. Synonyma Arabica in libro Almansor. ff.163-172.


Sloane Ms 276
15th cent. 92ff. Quarto.
Miscellaneous works, including:
1. Albertus Magnus. De Compositii composito. f.3
2. Roger Bacon. De arte chymiae scriptis. f.4.
Breve breviarum. ff.4-10.
3. Anon. ‘Flores alkimie.’ f.10.
4. Johannis de Leoduro. Opus magistri. f.17.
5. [Roger Bacon]. Liber duodecum aaquarum. f.22.
6. Chemical preparations. f.23.
7. John of Ferrara. Candelabrum splenderis et perfectionis appelatur, tamen deficit prohemium; causa est, quia erat de littera totum destructum et legi non poterat, ita quod no scripsi, et est carte.' [Treatise divided into 7 parts.]
a. De salibus. f.24v.
b. De regiminibus quatuor spirituum. f.28.
c. De regiminibus corporum omnium planetarum f.35.
d. De lapidibus crescentibus. f.50.
e. De regiminibus lapidum, et specierum nascentium. f.58.
f. De acetis, aquis acutis, et oleis. f.63v.
g. De modis. f.68v.
8. Rasis. De lapide. f.76.
9. Albertus Magnus. Liber lucis. f.75.
10. Arnald of Villanova. Chymicae quaedem prepartiones. f.77.
11. Chemical preparations. f.83.
12. Alchemy: 'Synonyma, id est, univoca artis alkimie.' f.85.

Sloane Ms 282
15th cent. 239ff. Quarto.
Sixty-one miscellaneous items including:
1. Fragments from a missal. ff.1, 237.
2. Calendar concerninf solar eclipses, c1380AD. f.5.
3. Astronomical table. f.18.
5. Aegidus Carbeiensis. ‘Versus de urines, cum Gentilis de Fulgineo sive cujuscumque sit, commentario. f.19.
6-8. Medical tracts
9. Rasis. Liber II. ff.58-80.
17. Petri Hispani, pastea Johannis Papae XXI. Thesaurus pauperum. f.87.
18. De virtule betonica. f.106.
19. Isaac the Jew. Health and diet. f.107.
20. Aristotle. Letters to Alexander. f.123.
21. Hippocrates. De signis mortis. f.124.
22. Tractatus de morbis curandis. ff.125-154.
32. Johannis Bray. Synonyma de nominibus herbarum. f.167.
34. Johannis de Toleto. Liber de virtutibus herbarum et specierum. f.181.
35-39. Medical works by William of Provence, Roger of Parma, John of Damascus and others. ff.185-188.
46. Excerpts from Pantegri. f.203.
53. John of Toledo. Various writings on medicine. f.218.
57. Rasis. Liber IV. ff.229-233.
58. On bleeding. f.233.

Sloane Ms 288
17th cent. 213ff. Folio.
A collection of forty-one tracts on alchemy and chemistry, formerly in the possession of Gabriel Gostwyck and John Poore, including:
1. An imperfect tract on alchymy. f.1.
2. John Poore. On the Philosopher’s Stone, c1600. ff.33-40.
3. John Sawtrey. Monachi de Toorneye. ff.41-52.
4. Jo. Chaunte. Valde bona notabilia. ff.52-53.
5. John Dastyn. Dream: A Poem on Alchemy. ff.54-58.
Printed, the last stanza excepted, by Ashmole, in the Theatrum Chymicum., p.257.
6. 'Litera bona et preciosa de operatione hujus artis.' f.58v.
At the end, 'revised per exemplar Reverendi Higini.'
7. Ramon Lull. Alchemical receipts. ff.60-63.
8. Richard Carpenter. On the Philosopher’s Stone (verse). ff.64-65.
9. Another series of about 230 verses of a similar kind. f.66.
They begin: 'In a garden as I ganne walke, My fantasie fill full wounderfullie.'
10. 'Tractatus Philosophorum quem vocaverint Thesaurum absconditum,' de lapide. f.69.
Begins: 'Nota per infrascriptam distillationem.'
11. George Ripley. De lapide Philosophico seu Phenice. ff.70-72.
12. 'A treatise of alchyme, bot short and true, but obscure,' in about ninety-four verses. f.73. Printed by Ashmole, p.393.
13. Thomas Norton. The Ordinall of Alchemy. f.74
14. The same; in English. f.75.
15. 'Marginall notes uppon the marrowe of Philosophie.' f.76.
16. George Ripley. The Marrow of Philosophye. ff.78-90.
17. Richard Ipsley. Acetum Philosophorum. ff.91-99.
18. 'Of the easiest way in practize of the Philosopher's stone.' f.100.
19. George Ripley. Philorcium alchymiae. ff.101-107.
20. Doctor Marston. Alchemical excerpts. ff.108-121.
21. Joh. Chaunte. Processes of alchemy. ff.122-126.
22. Processes 'out of Mr Hughe Platte his Juellhouse of arte and nature.' f.126v.
23. 'Ex libro magistri Barrett, called, The arte of lymninge, made by a Monke of Ensham,' etc. f.127v.
Begins: 'Aurum musicum, cum quo poteris quicquid volueris deaurare.'
24. Roger Bacon. De chemia. ff.136-138.
25. A few alchymical excerpts and receipts. f.138v.
26. Extracts from Ramon Lull and George Ripley. ff.146-163.
27. Fifty-two lines from the poem of Pearce the Black Monk, on the elixir. f.164.
They are entitled, 'Ex rotula Richardi Hypsley.' Printed by Ashmole, p.269.
28. Several receipts concerning alchymy. f.164v.
29. 'The conclusion of Mr Thomas Hende.' f.165v.
At the end, 'Ex rotula fratris sui R. Hipsi.'
30. Roger Bacon. Verbum abbreviatum. ff.167-168.
31. Tractatulus de re alchymica 'excellens et notatu dignus.' f.169.
32. Tractatulus de separatione quatuor elementorum. f.170.
33. Praeparationes alchymicae; partim Latine, partim Anglice. f.171v.
34. 'The pleasant garden of the philosophers, which teacheth to make gold and silver.' f.175.
35. Geber. Testamentum alchymicum, ‘alias’ Thomas Aquinas. ff.179-181.
36. Pliny. Secretum secretorum. ff.182-183.
37. Quaedam de antimonio inscripta, 'Mundus philosophicus de Adrope, et niger nigrius nigro.' f.184.
38. A treatise upon certain alchymical elixirs. f.185.
39. Various alchemical preparations and extracts on alchemy; partly English, partly Latin. f.188.
40. John Dastyn. Dream, 1328, Northampton. f.209-210.
41. A few alchymical receipts. f.211.


Sloane Ms 299
16th cent. 101pp. Folio.
Miscellany formerly belonging to Gabriel Gostwick, including:
1. Chemical receipts. pp.1-2.
2. Philippi a Rovillasco. Practica magni operas, or 'the practise of the greate worke by the mouncke of Berrye.' pp.3-12.
3. Heinrich Khunrath. Confession of the Philosopher’s Stone. pp.13-17.
4. Doctor Almante and Lord Barnarde (Bernardus Trevisianus). On the Philosopher’s Stone. pp.18-36.
5. Humphrey Locke. Poetical epistle to Lord Burghley. pp.37-42.
6. Humphrey Locke. Collections on alchemy, including ‘the 12 gates of alchemy’ by George Ripley. pp.43-82.
7. George Ripley. Preface in verse to the Castle (or Compound of Alchemy). p.83.
8. Humphrey Locke. Alchemical verse. p.83.
9. George Ripley. Compound of Alchemy. pp.84-97.
11. Alchemical maxims. p99.
12. Several alchymical receipts. p.99v.

Sloane Ms 308
17th cent. 135pp. Quarto.
‘Elémens de Chimie ou physique practique.’

Sloane Ms 311
16th cent. 147ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, including:
1. Astrological tract on the significance of birth dates. ff.1-4.
2. Sahl Ibn Bashir. Liber Introductoris ad astrologium. ff.5-61.
5. Guidonis Bonati. On the planets. ff.86-116.
7. Hermetic propositions. ff.121-126.
8. Rasis. Astrological works. ff.89-135.

Sloane Ms 313.
15th cent. 26ff. Quarto.
Alchemical volume formerly owned by Ben Jonson, including:
Honorius filius Euclidis. Opera Salomonis seu Liber Juratus.
Salomon, King of Israel. Opus de arte magica.

Sloane Ms 316
16th cent. 275ff. Quarto.
Alchemical volume containing two works.
1. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta. ff.8-53.
2. Chemical writings. ff.54-275.


Sloane Ms 317
c1600. 122ff. Folio.
Miscellaneous volume containing seventeen items, including:
1. Various receipts in chemistry and alchemy, with extracts from Vicentius and Hermes Trismegistus. ff.1-26.
2. Geber. Summa perfectionis. ff.27-30.
3. Geber. English translation of the above. ff.31-44.
4. Ramon Lull. Elucidation of his Testament. ff.45-56.
5. The Lesser Rosary. ff.56-64.
6. John Lechis. On alchemy. ff.64-75.
7. Tractatus de arte alchymica. ff.76-82.
Begins: 'Hec sunt octo precepta in arte alkymye.'
8. Aristotle. Secret letters to Alexander. f.82.
9. Formulae quaedam alchymicae. f.83v.
10. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta. ff.88-91.
11. 'Opus Origenis.' f.91v.
Begins: 'Sume de capillis humanis recenter cum sanguine.'
12. Ramon Lull. Abbreviato de viridi leone. ff.92-93.
13. Pearce the Black Monk. Verses on the elixir. f.94.
14. Directions for various chymical preparations. f.94v.
15. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta - 'The translation into Englyshe’ f.99.
16. A translation of receipts which occur in some of the preceding articles. f.99v.
17. A translation of the tract on alchemy forming article 7 of the present volume f.109.

Sloane Ms 319
c1600. 87pp. Folio.
Alchemical miscellany, featuring:
1. Thomas Robinson. On the Philosopher’s Stone. p2.
2. Edward Kelley. On the Philosopher’s Stone. p3.
3. George Ripley. Vision in verse. p4.
4. 'Artis Hermeticae mysterium ad filios artis', versibus elegiacis sedecim. p.4.
Begins 'Omnibus ante oculos versatur et unica res est.'
5. 'Philosophiae Hermeticae medulla', versibus heroicis novem. p.5.
6. Merlini Cocaji Mantuani. On the Philosopher’s Stone. p5.
7. Alchemical processes, entitled. 'Opus philosophicum'. p.6.
8. On antinomy. pp8-13.
9. On salt. pp14.
10. On sulphur. pp15-20.
11. On mercury. pp21.
12. George Ripley. The marrow of alchemy. pp21-38
13. Concordance between George Ripley and Guydo. pp39-43.
14. George Ripley’s wheel. pp44-45.
15. A compendium of George Ripley’s alchemy. pp46-62.
16. Quaedam 'de mercurio vulgi'. p.63.
17. Joseph de Acosta. On metals in the Indies. pp64-69.
18. 'Collectanea miscellanea.' p.70.

Sloane Ms 320
15th cent. 129ff. Folio.
Miscellany including:
1. Merchant’s accounts. ff.1-32.
2. Arnald of Villanova. Notes gathered out of the Testament of Arnaldus. ff.33-34.
3. The Epistle to Edward IV prefixed to George Ripley’s Compound of Alchemy.
4. Geoffrey Chaucer. Conclusion of the ‘Canon Yeoman’s Tale.’ f.34.
5. George Ripley. Extracts: 'A white worke , being but a branche of the greatt worke taken out of Mr. George Ripley's bossome booke, verie excellent, spedie and eazie.' f.35.
6. Rosarium philosophorum. ff.36-49.
7. A few alchymical receipts. f.49v.
8. J Fanianus Chrysippus. De arte metallicae metamorphoses. ff.50-56.
9. 'The questions and demaundes of the Archebysshope of Reanes, with the answeres of Guilliam de Cenes', being the translation of a piece in the Theatrum Chymicum, vol. iv. p.616, entitled 'Questiones M. Arnoldi ad Bonifacium VIII.' f.57.
10. Extracts from some alchymical tract. f.60v.
11. Ramon Lull. The repertorie. In English. ff.63-64.
12. 'The purgation of [Mercury] vive, translated into English out of High Dutch.' f.65.
13. Ramon Lull. Theorica. ff.66-77.
14. Paracelsus. De natura rerum et de natura hominis. ff.77-95.
15. George Ripley. The Philorcium. ff.95-99.
16. 'Isake his worke upon lead'; probably an extract from Johannes Isaacus Hollandus. f.99.
17. 'The Earle Nicolas his Epistell'. f.104.
18. George Ripley. His vision, in verse. f.108.
19. William Bloomfield. The Campe of Philosophie, or Bloomfield's blossoms. ff.108-111.
20. Hermes Trismegistus. Extracts. ff.111-115, including the Tabula Smaragdina, f112v.
21. Geber. Testament. f.115.
22. Extracts from various authors. f.116v.
23. George Ripley. A few verses referring to his Wheel. f.121v.
(See MS. Sloane 319, f.44.)
24. 'Michael Skott's questionarie.' f.122.
Translated from the Theatrum Chymicum, vol. v, p.795.
25. A tract, entitled, the Serpent and the Dragon. f.125.
It begins: 'Armules, one of the fathers of philosophie.'
26. 'Certayn additions after the speches of the master and his disciple', upon chymical processes. f.127v.

Sloane Ms 323
14th cent. 1195ff. Quarto.
Miscellany owned by Francisci Bernard, including:
1a. Albertus Magnus. Secretum secretorum. ff2-61.
1b. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta. ff.61-84.
2. Saphiro. De diversis modis opernadi in arte alkimia. ff.84-95.
3. Aristotle. Dicta. ff.95-108.
13. Bernardus. Excerpts. ff.169-172.

Sloane Ms 338
c1461. 1108pp. Quarto.
Alchemical volume owned by Francisci Bernard, containing:
1. John de Rupecissa. De quinta essentia. pp11-92.
2. 'Tractatus de septem herbis, septem planetis attributis' e libris Kyranidarum. p.93.
3. Tractatulus de alchymia, qui appellatur, Donum coeleste. p.100.
Begins: 'Audite secreta, quae loquor.'
Ends: 'Explicit liber iste A.D. 1461, ultimo die Maii.'

Sloane Ms 342
13th cent. 184ff. Quarto.
Alchemical volume owned by Francisci Bernard, containing:
1. Geraldi Bituricensis. Opus de morbis. ff.1-84.
2. [Rasis]. Liber II. ff.85-87.
4. Geraldi Bituricensis. De modo medendi. ff.92-97.
8. Johannis de Sancto Amando. Areolae medianarum. ff.104-129.
9. Albertus Magnus. Experimenta physica. ff.130-131.
15. Roger of Parma. On median. ff.146-147.

Sloane Ms 353
15th cent. 60ff. Quarto.
A treatise on alchemy entitled: ‘The consideracion of quynte essence of alle thynges’ and ascribed to Roger Bacon and St Dunstan. It contains:
[John de Rupecissa]. De Quinta essentia. ff.2-50.
Alexander Africanus. On the seven herbs. ff..50-60.

Sloane Ms 410
16th cent. 50ff. Quarto,
Edward Kelley. Treatise on the Philosopher’s Stone.


Sloane Ms 420
13th – 14th cent. 280ff. Quarto.
Alchemical and medical miscellany containing fifty-six items, including:
1. Gerard of Cremona. De dandis catharticis libellus. ff.1-17.
2. Gerard of Cremona. De dandis catharticis pars posterior. ff.18-25.
3. Medical receipts. f.25.
4. Gerard of Cremona. De modo medendi. ff.226-40.
7. Nicolai de Hostresham. Antidotarium. ff.44-54.
8. Avicenna. Medical excerpts. ff.54-55.
25. Aegidii. De urines carmina. ff.85-91
41. Aristotle. Letters to Alexander. ff.180-185.
14, 38, 42. John Plater. Medical works. ff.59-67, 126-143 & 184-230.
48. Arnald of Villanova. Meditationes Parabolae. ff.255-258.

Sloane Ms 513
14th – 15th cent. 321ff. Quarto.
A miscellany containing astrology, astronomy, arithmetic, law and language. There are forty-one items including:
3. Practical geometry. ff.11-15.
7. Richard Dove. Planetary calendar. ff.20-21.
9. Richard Dove. De artibus planetarum. ff.23-24.
11-12. Richard Dove. On weights. f.24.
22. Roderick of Majorca. On chiromancy. ff.84-96.
24. Seventy-four verses on fortune telling based on dice throwing. f.98.
25-26. Richard Dove. On chiromacy. ff.100-135.
27-31. On the French language. ff.135-153.
33. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta. ff.155-168.
35. Albertus Magnus. Speculum luminum. ff.168-178.
36. Roger Bacon. Speculum secretorum. ff.178-181.
37. Roger Bacon. Receipts. f.181.
38. Roger Bacon. Liber duodecim aquarum. ff.184-188.
39. Richard Dove. Ars notoria, cum tabulis. Ff.192-200.

Sloane Ms 684
16th cent. 23ff.. Quarto.
Thomas Charnock. Breviary of natural philosophy, in verse.
(Much fuller than the printed edition of 1652).

Sloane Ms 687

c1600. 60ff. Quarto.
Hermes Trismegistus. A treatise of hermetical philosophy.


Sloane Ms 692
15th cent. 125ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, includes:
1. Roger Bacon. Speculum alchimiae. ff.1-9.
Begins: 'Multipharie multisque modis loquebantur antiqui philosophi'.
Ad calcem: 'Explicit liber vocatur Multipharia'.
[Printed in the Theatrum Chemicum, Argent. 1659, tom ii., p.377. Cf. MS. Harley 3528, art.9.]
2. De multiplicatione lapidis philosophorum. f.10.
Begins: 'Unus est processus multiplicationis secundum quosdam.'
3. De igne philosophorum, etc. [In Latin and English. Begins: 'De modo ignis. Accipe fimum equinum'.] f.14.
4. De solutione corporum. f.18v.
5. Alphidius. De opere philosophorum. f.19.
6. Nicolai Comitis. On the Philosopher’s stone. ff.20-45.
7. Ramon Lull. De opera solis et lunae. ff.46-51.
8. Frater Helias, Ord. Min. 'Vade mecum'. f.52.
Begins: 'Cum infrascriptus aquis, distillationibus et dissolutionibus'.
9. Argumenti de alchymia, ex jure canonico. f.58.
10. Quaedam de basilisco. f.59v.
11. Expositio Ortolani super Hermetem philosophum. [Cf. MS. Sloane. 1118, f128.] f.60.
12. Arnald of Villanova. De secretis naturae. ff.67-74.
13. Summa Platonis. ff.74-77.
Begins: 'Cum res ex eodem genere sunt radices.' In calce paginae primae leguntur haec: 'Concordat cum speculo Alkamieut in libro nigrofolio, et sic cognicio qualitatum'. [Cf. Platonis Quartorum lib. ii. cum commento Hebuhabes Hamed in Theatrum Chemicum tom. v. p.119.]
14. Congelacio Mercurii. f.78.
15. [Alchemical treatise.] f.78v.
Begins: 'Audi aure cordis que dico, in corde quasi in libro scribo'.
16. Hermes Trismegistus.. Opus summum. ff.83-93 'Opus summum Hermetis, quod dicitur 'Laudabile sanctum', id est, tractatus 12 aquarum, que 'Perpetua' nuncpatur'; versibus leonis circiter 400 compositum.
Begins: 'Est lapis occultus. secrete valle sepultus'.
[Cf. verse in MS. Sloane 212, f23v, which is printed in Theatrum Chemicum, tom. vi. p.740.]
17. [Excepts from an alchemical treatise entitled 'O venerande pater'.] f.93v.
Begins: 'Aures tuas inclina, et verba quae dicturus sum'.
18. [Alchemical process in Latin and English.] f.96.
19. Receipts to cut, join, or bend glass and others of a similar kind. In English and Latin. f.99v.
20. Quaedam de anno et mense. f.101.
21. 'Conclusio Mag. T. Ward.' f.101v.
Ends: 'et qui probavit, capellanus et confessor Cardinali Archiepiscopo Moreton, et hoc super Venerem dealbacio nominatur'.
22. Roger Bacon. Finalis conclusio. ff.102-103.
Begins: 'Sume argentum vivum, et sublime illud.'
23. [Alchemical processes, excerpted from various works. In Latin and English.] f.103b.
24. Natura planetarum; nomine metallorum, elementorum, etc f.113.
25. Roger Bacon. Speculum alchimiae (a different work). ff.115-117.
26. 'Libellus 12 tabularum sive portarum.'
Begins: 'Virtus, potencia et veritas lapidis benedicti'. f.118.

Sloane Ms 696
17th cent. 43ff. Folio.
A catalogue of printed books relating to alchemy and medicine (ff.1-38), followed by a catalogue of magic books (ff.39-43).

Sloane Ms 732
17th cent. 344pp. Duodecimo.
An early French alchemy volume containing:
1. French medical and other receipts. pp2-309.
2. Medical receipts. pp310-343.
3. ‘Signes d’Alchimie’. p344.

Sloane Ms 748
1486. 145ff. Folio.
Works of Aristotle, written out by Malcolm Ramzay, and owned by R Carri.
1. Aristotle. Commentary on de Coelo et Mundo. ff.1-64.
2. Aristotle. Commentary on de Sensu et Sensato. ff.65-69.
3. Aristotle. Commentary on de Memoria. ff.70-72.
4. Aristotle. Commentary on de Somno et Vigilia. ff.73-80.
5. Aristotle. Commentary on de Longitudine. ff.81-82.
6. Aristotle. Commentary on de Anima. ff.83-145.


Sloane Ms 812
17th cent. 145ff. Folio.
Observationes chymicae, pharmaceuticae, et medicae.

Sloane Ms 857
17th cent. 199ff. Folio.
Miscellany, containing twenty-one items, including:
2. Letters from Michael Masey and John Greene to Allesio Morelli in Venice concerning glass manufacture, 1667-71. ff.2-43.
4,7. Papers concerning the Glass-Sellers Company, c1677. ff.44, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55-57, 60, 62-64, 66-68, 70-76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86-87, 89-91 & 94.
8. Recipe to make potato cheesecakes. f.199.
9. Archbishop Laud. Letter to the King (extract). f.102.
12. Thomas Stanley. Poetical epistle to Sir Edward Sherborne. f.181
13. Sir Edward Sherborne. Observations. f.195.
17. Paracelsus. Explicatio totius Astronomia. ff.101-124.
18. Paracelsus. Practica in scientiam divinationis. ff.124-127.
19. Paracelsus. Interpretatio totius Astronomia. ff.127-144.
20. Paracelsus. Azoth, ssive de lingo et linea vita. ff.145-178.
21. Catalogue of the library of Edward Sherborne, 1670.

Sloane Ms 962
15th cent. 262ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, containing:
1. List of herbs. ff.3-4.
2. A book of medicines. ff.5-9.
2a. Charms against elves, serpents, malignant spirits and the tooth-ache. ff.9-10.
3. The charm of St William against canker. f.72.
4. On blood-letting. f.72.
5. Medical receipts. ff.73-78.
6. The virtues of Rosemary. ff.79-82.
11. John Arderne. Remedies. ff.123-248.


Sloane Ms 963
15th cent. 99ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, containing:
2-3. Blood-letting. ff.3-5, 11-12 & 69-71.
4. Recipes for making gold, curing diseases, etc. ff.5-14.
5. Charms against elves, and diabolical spirits. ff..15-16.
17. Hippocrates. De sanitate corporis. ff.79-83.
18. Of the virtues of herbs. f.84.

Sloane Ms 976
15th cent. 151ff. Quarto.
A collection of chemical receipts, including:
1a. John Dastyn. De elixer aquaram. f.5.
1b. Peter of Armenia. De tartaro. ff,18, 21.
1f. Arnald of Villanova. Perfectum magisterium. f.28.
1g. Thomas Aquinas. Receipts. f.29.
1h. Albertus Magnus. Compendium super artem alkimie. (part of De minerabilus). f.32v.
1i. Ramon Lull. Receipts. f.45.
2. Jehan de Meung. De lapide minerali et de lapide vegetabili.
[Begins: 'Alkymia sic diffinitur in libro qui Lylium appellatur'. Ends: 'Explicit textus alkymie abreviatus, compositus per magistrum Johannem de Mehum'.] (ff.85-108)
3. [Book entitled 'Secretum Secretorum lapidis benedicti'. Begins: 'Omnis philosophia sive sapiencia a superna paternitate'.] f.123.

Sloane Ms 1068
17th cent. 389ff. Folio.
1. John Peter. Alchemical dialogue, c1548. ff.1-111.
2. 'Chrisogoni Polidori in libellos aliquot Alchemie Gebri Prefatio ad lectorem'.
Begins: 'Cum electos aliquot veterum libellos de alchemia'.
3. Geber. Gebri abri philosophi … de investigatione perfectioniis. ff.133-142.
4. Geber. Gebri abri philosophi … summa perfectionis. ff.143-238.
5. Geber. Gebri abri philosophi … de inventione veritatis. ff.239-250.
6. Geber. Gebri abri philosophi … liber fornacum. ff.251-262. Ejusdem 'liber fornacum, ad exercendam chemiam pertinentium; interprete Rodogero Hispalensi'. f.369. [Printed Basiliae, 1561, p.193.]
7. Arnald of Villanova. Novum lumen. ff.263-269.
8. Arnald of Villanova. Epistola super Alkimia, ad regem Neapolitanum. ff.270-271.


Sloane Ms 1080A
15th cent. 36ff. Quarto.
Medical/alchemical tracts, owned by Christopher Tyler. Includes:
1. Johannis de Monte Perssulane. De medicines digesrivis et evacuativis. ff.1-5.
2. [John de Rupecissa]. De Quinta essentia. ff.6-31.
3. John Arderne. Medical remedies. ff.31-36.

Sloane Ms 1091
15th cent. 218ff. Quarto.
Collectanea alchymica. Includes:
1. Geber. Summa perfectionis. ff.3-51, 75-81.
2. Ramon Lull. Experiments. f.53.
3. Avicenna. Experiments. f.54.
6. Ramon Lull. De furnis faciendis. f.60.
8. Ramon Lull. De herba donum coeli. f.68.
17. Rasis. Lumen luminis. ff.85-90, 199-217.
19. Ramon Lull. Accurtacio operas. ff.94-98.
20. Roger Bacon. Alchemical processes. ff.99-104.
21. Pearce the Black Monk. Verses on the elixir. ff.105-109.
23. Ramon Lull. Apertorium abbreviatum. ff.108-117.
24. Ramon Lull. Ars magica. ff. 118-124.
28. Ramon Lull. De Quinta essentia. ff.134-145.
29. Arnald of Villanova. De bonitate memoriae. f.145.
32. Arnald of Villanova. Novum lumen. f.162.
33. Arnald of Villanova. Flos florum. f.164.
34. Arnald of Villanova. Theoria et practica. ff.166-170.
37. Roger Bacon. Speculum. ff.178-198.
38. Rasis. De lumine luminum. ff.199-217.

Sloane Ms 1092
16th cent. 83ff. Quarto.
Alchemical miscellany, including:
1. Alchemical collections, extracted from various authors; namely, from Ramon Lull, Arnald of Villa Nova, Morienus, Geber, the Rosarium Philosophorum, Fernelius, etc. partly in latin, partly in English. f.2, f9-15v, f44v-53, f54v-61, f63v-71v.
2. Alchemical verses, with marginal notes in Latin. f.3.
Begins : 'Take of the egre bludd that is so redd.'
Printed in Ashmole, p. 362.
3. Pearce the Black Monk. On the Elixir, with marginal notes in Latin. f.3v.
Printed Ashmole, p.269.
4. Other verses, with marginal notes in Latin. f.5v.
Begins : 'Of this matter to you most deere.'
Printed Ashmole, p. 428.
5. Other verses. f.6v.
Begins : 'Take winde, water, white and greene.'
Printed Ashmole, p.431.
6. Thomas Norton. Ordinal of Alchemy (extracts). Eighty-four verses. f.7,8.
Printed Ashmole, p41.
7. Verses on the same subject. f.13v.
Begins : 'I am [Mercury] the mighty flos fleur.'
8. George Ripley. The Compound of Alchemy, with marginal notes in Latin; several of the stanzas are here and there omitted. ff.16-44.
Printed in Ashmole p123.
9. George Ripley. Erronious Experiments, two stanzas. f.54.
Printed Ashmole p192.
10. Another copy of the poem of Pearce the Black Monk. [Imperfect.] f.62.
11. George Ripley. Eight stanzas on the Elixir, extracted from George Ripley's Epistle, prefixed to 'The Compound of Alchemy', to Edward IV. f.62v.
Printed in Ashmole p111.
12. 'De media substantia mercurii', 'de sulphure', 'de corpore spiritu et anima', 'de sublimatione', 'de auro ferro plumbo philosophorum', 'de magnesia sive prima materia philosophorum'. From Ramon Lull, Arnald of Villanova, Geber, Fallopius, and others. ff.71v-82.

Sloane Ms 1098
16th cent. 50ff. Quarto.
Collections on alchemy, including:
2. George Ripley. Mystery of the Alchymists. f.5.
6. The verses of Merlin. f.8.
9. Richard Carpenter. Alchemical verses. f.10.
20 & 52. Thomas Norton. The Ordinall of Alchemy (extracts). ff.16, 42.
21. Geoffrey Chaucer. Verses from the ‘Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale’. f.18.
26. Pearce the Black Monk. On the Elixir. f.19.
28. George Ripley. Epistle to Edward IV. f.22.
30. George Ripley. Verses. f.24.
33. George Ripley. From Erroneous Experiments. f.26.
36. George Ripley. His vision. f.27
40. George Ripley. Poem. f.33.
53. Aegidus de Vadis. Carmen perpulchrum. ff.43-46.
54. Aegidus de Vadis. On alchemy. ff.47-50.

Sloane Ms 1118
15th cent. 154ff. Quarto.
Miscellany containing:
4. The King’s Bath. f.26.
10. Roger Bacon. Speculum Alchmiae. ff.50-56.
12. Geber. Summa perfectionis, translated by Roger Bacon. ff.60-71.
14. Geber. De perfectionis investigatione. ff.73-86.
18. Vincentii. Specula naturale. ff.87-93.
20. [Roger Bacon]. Opus minor. ff.94-99.
24. John Dastyn. On the elixir. ff.107-111.
28. Ramon Lull. Epistola. ff.129-130.


Sloane Ms 1123
17th cent. 47ff. Quarto.
Robert Boyle. Extracts, medical and chemical, from his works.

Sloane Ms 1198
16th – 17th cent. 130ff. Folio.
A miscellany containing:
1. Thomas Norton. The Ordinall of Alchemy. ff.1-39.
Printed in Ashmole's Theatrum Chemicum. p.1.
2-3. George Ripley, Johannes Reuclin, Philippi a Rovillasco, Bartholomici Fitts, and others. Works on alchemy. ff.41-63.
4. Gualteri Mapa Golia Apocalypsis. ff.64-66.
Incip. 'A tauro torrida lampade Cuithu Fundente facula ferventis radii.'
Desin. 'Nisi papaveris cena sophistica Mentis vestigia fecisset lubrica.'
5. An alchemical treatise, in English, (Imperf.) ff.68-82.
6. An alchemical treatise, in English, intitled, 'Liber Natura, sive Chaos veterum; generalem metallorum generationem, etc. demonstrans.' ff.83-89.
Title of the first chapter, 'Of the generation of metalls and minneralls in generall.' It begins, 'Because that it is impossible for any man livinge to be an exact separator of metalls.'
7. 'Formulae [remediorum] a magnifico domino Johanne Michaeli communicatae.' ff.90-128.
8. Sick seamen in Rochester. ff.129-130.

Sloane Ms 1232
17th cent. 76ff. Octavo.
Notebook containing:
1. Notes on anatomy. Lectures by Mr Lescot. ff.1-40.
2. Nicholas Lemery. Book of chemistry, notes. ff.41-76.

Sloane Ms 1255
17th cent. 279ff. Folio.
A collection of treatises and poems on alchemy and the Philosopher’s Stone, including:
1. Anonymi cujusdam libellus de lapide philosophico cum figuris. ff.6-11.
2. George Eckhart. On the Philosopher’s Stone. 'Cujusdam Georgii Eckhart Germani, scriptum de lapide Philosphico ex superiore lingua germanica in inferiorem conversum per Justum a Balbian Flandrum Alostanum philochymum, 1600'. f11v-13.
3. 'Liber sancti Asrob, senis merisiaeni e vetustissimo codice descriptus a Justo a Balbian Flandro Alostano philochymo'. ff.14-23.
4. A poem on the philosophers stone in Dutch, entitled 'Von dem steyn der weysen'. ff.23v-28.
5. A dialogue between Master and Scholar concerning the philosophers stone, in Dutch. ff.29-33.
6. A short treatise on Alchemy in Dutch. f.34.
7. Experimentum cujusdam ignoti; sic inquit operatus sum in luna'. ff.36-38.
8. Quaedam de fermentatione. f.38v.
9. 'Livre alphabetal d'un incognu'. ff.39-46.
10. 'Aultre incognu de la maniere demixer et comment s'engendrent les principes de l'art'. ff.47-52.
11. 'D'un aultre la premiere requise a la secrete science de transmutation'. ff.53-55.
12. A short treatise on the truth of Alchemy in French. ff.56-61.
13. 'Plusieurs sentences necessaries de nostre divine oeuvre'. ff.62-64.
14. 'Demonstratio progressus naturae seu generis generalissimi seu transeuntis in suam speciem generationis metallorum'. ff.65-69.
15. Juste a Balbian 'Rosarium abbreviatum e manuscripto vetustissimo ignoti'. ff.70-71. [Printed at Lugd. Bat. 1599. p.9.]
16. A book on Alchemy entitled Lumen luminum by Jan Van der Donck in Dutch. ff.72-101.
Title: 'Het boeck lumen luminum dat is het licht der lichten van Jan van der Donck.'.
17. Tractatulus de alchymia, cui titlulus, 'Modus mensinquit quidam ignotus operandi'. ff.102-104.
18. Justi a Balbian parvus tractatus de mercurio philosophico f.105.
[Printed Lugd. Bat. 1599, p94.]
19. Quaedam de aqua mercurii. f105v.
20. Justi a Balbian 'Brevis sed non levis tractatus de lapide philosophico'. ff.106-108. [Printed ibid. p96.]
21. Ejusdem 'tractatus utilis et verissimus de lapide philosophico'. f109.
[Printed ibid. p15.]
22. Ejusdem tractatus de minera philosophica. f.111. [Printed ibid p.19.]
23. Ejusdem tractatus, cui titulus, Compendium utile ad credendum meditationem experimentum. ff.114-117.
Printed ibid. p26.
24. Recepta quaedam alchymica. f.116v.
25. Ejusdem Justi a Balbian tractatus, cui titulus, 'Rosarium philosophorum ex compilatione omnium philosophicorum librorum per Toletanum philosophum maximum'. ff.118-143. [Printed Lugd.Bat. 1599, p33.]
26. Quaedam de magica imagine prope Florentiam in coenobio Sancti Benedicti. f.144v.
27. 'Sibillinum enigma' In Greek and Latin. f.145v.
28. 'Compendium de perfectissime lapido philosophico metrificatum'. f.146.
Incip: 'Est ; apud occultis secreto fonte sepultus'.
29. 'Massa aurea e libro vetustissimo desumpta et correcta a Justo a Balbian', versibus Leoninis. ff.148-150.
Incipit 'Spiritus inspirans Deus in que rota girans'.
30. Carmina varia de lapide philosophico. f.152.
31. Quaedam de lapide philosophico ex Marcelli Palingenii, Stellati Poetae, Zodiaco Vitae'. f.153v. [Printed in Rotterdam, 1722., Lib X. l. 213. p.316.]
32. Aenigma della pietra phisica de Lorenzo Ventura, Venetiano, f159.
Exstat in fine Laurentii Venturae libri de ratione conficiendi lapidis philosophici, ed Basel, 1571, p.200.
33. Versus de Alchimia. Italian. ff.159v-162.
34. 'Aenigmata de tinctura phisica'. Belgice. f.163.
35. Versus quidam intitulati', Summa explicatio Solis et Lunae'. Belgice. f.164.
36. Several short poems on Alchemy, the philosopher's stone, etc. in Dutch and German. f166v.
37. 'El modo della peitra'. f.183.
38. Tractatus in Alchymiam fragmentum. f.185.
39. 'Vetus carmen pro transmutatione lunae'. f.189v.
40. Characteres alchymici. f.188.
41. Richardi Anglici Correctorium Alchimiae. ling. inf.Germ. f.190.
42. Anonymi tractatus de lapide philosophorum; ling inf. Germ. f 206.
43. Ramon Lull. Testamentum; ling. inf. Germ. f.213.
44. Several short treatises on Alchemy, the Philosphers stone etc in Dutch. f.217v.
45. Ramon Lull. Conclusio summaria ad intelligentiam testamenti seu codicilli Raymundi Lullii et aliorum librorum ejus, nec non argenti vivi, in quo pendet intentio tota intentiva, quae aliter Repertorium Raymundi appellatur. ff.231-234.
See Theatrum Chemicum, tom. III., p730.
46. Dicta Alani Philosophi de lapide philosophico e Germanico idiomate latine reddita per Justum a balbian Alostanum. ff.234v-239.
See Theatrum Chemicum tom. III, p722.
47. Experimentummirabilo e libello quodam Flandrico impresso: sophisticum meae quidem sententiae'. f.240.
48. Arnald of Villanova. Testamentum. f.241.
49. 'Experimenta aliquot sophistica'. f.241v.
50. 'Caesaris Maximiliani opus' chemicum. f.247v.
51. Hermes Trismegistus. Tabula Smaragdina. f.250.
52. 'Hortulani Philosophi ab hortis maritimis commentariolus in Hermetis Trismegisti tabulam Smaragdinam'. ff.250-253.
53. 'Canones seu regulae aliquot philosophicae super lapide philosophico'. ff.254-260.
54. George Ripley. Coelum philosophorum. f.260v.
At end 'Author fuit Georgius Riupleus Anglus 1471'.
55. Secretum nobilissimum et verissimum venerabilis Jodoci Greveri Presbyteri'. ff.261-274. [See Theatrum Chemicum Tom. III. p. 699.]
56. Johannis Pontani summi philosophi epistola in qua de lapide, quem philosophorum vocant, agitur. ff.274v-275. [See Theatrum Chemicum tom. III. p.699.]
57. Varii processus Alchymiae. ff.276-279.


Sloane Ms 1451
17th cent. 44ff. Quarto.
Miscellany including:
1. 'Basilius Valentinus his 12 keys, abbreviated into Englishe by P.F. 1622', with some collections out of his other treatises. ff.2-19.
2. 'Aphorismi Basiliani vel canones Hermetici de spiritu anima et corpore medio majoris et minores mundi.' f.19.
3. Nicholas Flamel. Notes taken from his hieroglyphics. f.21.
4. George Ripley. Notes from Ripley's Medulla alchymia. f.23.
5. 'Canones decem de lapide.' f.24.
6. Mary the Prophetess. On Alchemy. f.25.
7. In Aphorismis Basiliani; Nicho. Niger. f.26v.
8. 'Collections out of these two works of Arnen.' ff.27-131.
Begins:- 'In the name of the Holy Trinity I will write of this holy worke briefly.'
9. 'Arnen his hunting of the greene lyon.' ff.32-35.
Begins:- 'All haile to the noble company Of trewe students in the holy Alchemy.'
10. A hermit's fable in verse upon a chrystal fountain in Lemnos, close to Vulcan's cave. f.36.
11. An Alchemycal prescription. f.37v.
12. Obscure verses, seemingly on Alchemy. f.38.
13. 'Flamellus in his annotacions.' f.38v.
14. A prescription for making the philosopher's red lead. f39v.
15 A poem entitled, Pater Sapientiae. ff.40-44.
Begin:- 'Therefore of all bodies or spirittes more or lesse is called flos florum and without princes.'

Sloane Ms 1524
15th – 16th cent. 80ff. Folio.
Miscellany including:
1. Chinese words. ff.1-7.
2. Arabic words. ff.8-10.
4. Malayan alphabet. f.11.
5. George Ripley. A discourse of the philosophers stone made and compylyed by George Ryplaye translated and correctyd and set fourthe by hym out of Latyne into Englyshe, of the book of the Accourtacions and practices of Raymonde Lulii. ff.13-39
6. Alphabeticum quod unum bene didicisse sufficeret ad cognitionem Dei, hominis, craturarum, et officiorum absque lectione alia, lecturientibus cere sequitur ars legendi Scripturas, ut cognoscatur macrocosmus ex nostro microcosmo tempora et statua aeternitatis demonstrata per Jo. Artopoeium. ff.40-58
7. George Ripley. Medulla Alkymia. [Ends:'Finitur tractatus, medulla alkimia, dictur, per G. Ripley compilatus, a.d. 1476.' Written beneath, 'Truly examyned and the fault amended by me Rob Smythe.'] ff.59-70.
8. A letter to the committee for suppressing of beggars and the relief of the poor. ff.71-80.
Sloane Ms 1676
17th cent. 86ff. Folio.
Hermes Trismegistus. A volume of Hermetic philosophy.

Sloane Ms 1698
14th cent. 16ff. Folio.
A miscellany containing:
1. Medical and other receipts. ff.1-44.
2. Notes for preparing colours, gilding, etc. ff.45-52.
3. Hermes Trismegistus. De salibus et corporibus. ff.53-55.
5. [Arnald of Villanova]. Theorica et practica. ff.58-62.


Sloane Ms 1712
13th cent. 37ff. Folio. Two items:
1. Ars notoria Salomonis, Machinei et Euclidis. ff.1-22.
2. Anon. Ars notoria. ff.22-37.

Sloane Ms 1723
17th cent. 122ff. Quarto.
Miscellaneous alchemical works, once owned by Stephen Williams. Includes:
1. 'Isaac his worke upon Lead.' ff.3-17.
2. Paracelsus. A treatise entitled ‘of simple fire', with a poem in 16 stanzas called 'The practice of the campe of Philosophers.' ff.18-34.
3. Geoffrey Chaucer. The conclusion of the Canon's Yeoman’s Tale. ff.35-43.
See MS. Sloane 320, f.34v.
4. George Ripley. 'The vegitable.' ff.44-47.
5. George Ripley. The Mystery of Alchymists. ff.48-54.
Printed in the Theatrum Chymicum by Ashmole, p.380.
6. Roger Bacon. On the Philosopher's Stone. ff.55-60.
7. Of the oil of Antimony. ff.61-63.
8. George Ripley. A short work on the mineral stone. ff.64-68.
Printed in the Theatrum Chymicum by Ashmole. p.393.
9. George Ripley. On the red earth. ff.68v-70.
10. 'Salts to be drawn out of mettalls and to be turned into oyle and thereof to make the stone.' ff.70v-93.
Begins: 'My child shall know that men may draw salts out of all all mettalls.'
11. 'A worke of one Arnold a Jew borne in Poland, as he did worke in England in the yeare 1570.' ff.93v-115.
Reversing the volume are:-
12. Memoranda of some Medical Practitioner in 1683. ff.120v-117.

Sloane Ms 1751
17th cent. 75ff. Quarto.
A miscellany including:
1. Enumeration of subjects of study, introductory to the science of Alchemy. f.1.
2. William Bloomfield. Various works Published by Ashmole, in his Theatrum Chemicum under the title of 'Bloomfield's Blossoms, or the Camp of Philosophy'.
They contain:
a. The dream, ff.3-10.
Begins: 'When Phoebus was entred the sign of the Ram.'
b. 'Theorica'. ff.10v-13.
Begins: 'We intend now through grace divine, In fewe words of chaos to write.'
c. 'Practica.' ff.13-15.
Begins: 'Wee have sufficiently declared the Theorick.'
d. An Epilogue, f.15v.
Begins: 'Our maisterie is three, two, and one.'
3. Thomas Norton. The Ordinall of Alchemy, in seven Chapters, ff.18-72.
Published in Ashmole, under the title of 'The Ordinal of Alchimy.' p.1.
The poem begins: 'Maisterie full marveilous an arche maisterie.'
Ends: 'In the year of our Lord 1477, this worke began, honor to God in heaven.'
4. 'Ex Chysogoni Polidori praefacione in libres aliquot [Greek] ad lectorem.' ff.73-75.
Begins: 'Nam Suidas author minime contemnendus.'

Sloane Ms 1754
14th cent. 241ff. Quarto.
A miscellany of 80 items (many experiments), including:
1. Hippocrates. Medicina. f.1.
4-5. Willielmi de Gondavo. Medical works. ff.3-4.
16. Peter of Spain. Flors florum. ff.8-13.
28. Nicholas of Poland. Experiments. ff.28-29.
38. [Roger Bacon]. Speculum secretorum. ff.48-50
39. Avicenna. Epistola. ff.50-56.
42. Hermes Trismegistus. Liber artis alchimiae. f.60.
43. Roger Bacon. Tractatus trium verbum. ff.62-75.
52. Aristotle. Liber perfecti magisterii. ff.95-110.
53. Rasis. De duodecim acquis. f.112.
54. Rasis. Rerum secretarum alias sunt minerals… ff.114-136.
67-68. Avicenna. De anima. ff.186-193.

Sloane Ms 1783
17th cent. 93ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, including:
1. Aesop. Fables (in English). ff.1-6.
2. Inquisition upon the Jesuits, 1610. ff.7-16.
3. Catalogue of manuscripts. ff.17-53.
4. Latin epigrams. ff.54-56.
5. On grammar. ff.57-68.
6. Remedies for witchcraft. ff.69-75.
18. Book list. f.93.

Sloane Ms 1799
17th cent. 105ff. Duodecimo.
Miscellany containing:
1. Aegidus de Vadis. Dialogus inter naturam et filium Philosophiae. ff.2-30.
Exstat impressus apud Bibliothecam Chemicam Curiosam Mangeti, Genevae, 1702. Tom. II p.326.
2. Roger Bacon. Radix Mundi. Translated into Englishe by Robert Frelove, 1550.' ff.31-73.
Begins: 'The bodies of all things being as well perfect as imperfect.'
Ends: 'For nothing wanteth to them that feare God,
To whom be all honor and glorye unto the world of worlds.'
3. John Bristol. Treatise on chemistry; written in the form of a letter addressed to 'The Right Honble the Lady Knowles'; and dated 1614. ff.74-104.


Sloane Ms 1802
17th cent. 53ff. Quarto.
A book of prophecies in verse, including:
1 & 3. The prophecy of Merlin. ff.2-9, 14-17.
5. The prophecy of Thomas Rymour. ff.22-27.
12. The prophecy of Gildas. f.47.
Sloane Ms 1842
17th cent. 117ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, including:
1. Excerpts from alchemical books. f1.
2. George Ripley. Terra terrae philosophicae. ff.2-4.
3. Index to the following treatise. f5.
4. George Ripley. Medulla Philosophiae Chemicae. ff.7v-10.
5. Pearce the Black Monk. Poem upon the Elixir: with an explanation. ff.11-13.
6. 'The conclusion of Mr Thomas Hend for the same thing'. f.13v-15.
7. Alchemical verse. f16. [Printed in Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum, p431.]
8. Verses containing a receipt for making the Philosophers Stone. f17. [See Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum. p362.]
9. Alchemical verses. ff.18-20.
Begins 'I have a daughter that highte saturne.
Of my daughter withpout any dread'.
10. George Ripley. Alchemical Verses. f.20v. [See Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p.393.]
11. 'Mundus philosophus et Niger nigrius nigro'. f.22v.
12 George Ripley. The Philosopher’s Stone and the Phoenix. ff.24-27. Printed in his Works Cassel 1649, p76.
13. Alchemical receipts. ff.28-31.
14. Roger Bacon. Verbum Abbreviatum.per fratrem Raymundum Galfredum breviter expositum. ff.32-36.
15. A few alchemical receipts collected from various authors. f.36v.
16. George Ripley. The great worke, or the great Elixir ad solem et ad Lunam. ff.37-42.
17. George Ripley. Accurtations or shortenings of the Great Work. ff.43-46.
18. George Ripley. 'A letter sent by G. Ryp. [George Ripley], Channon of Brydlington to a freind of his'. Dated 1460 vel 1476. ff.46v-49.
19. 'The eeasyest waye in practisinge of the Philosppers stone.' ff.50-53.
20. Alchemical receipts. ff.53v-56.
21. George Ripley. The prologue of his treatise which is entitled ‘Philorsium of the Alchimists' ff.57-61.
22. 'The practice called Philorcium'. ff.61-77.
23. George Ripley. 'Medulla Varchadumia' in English. ff.78-98.
ends: 'Here endeth the treatise named the marrow of Alkimie, compyled by George Rypley: anno Domini 1476, the 16th year of Edward the 4th. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Mr John Higgins Vicar of Winchester'.
24. George Ripley. 'The concordances of the sayings of Guido and Raymonde.
ff.99-101. In this translation a portion of the original is omitted.
25. Alchemical receipts. ff.102v-112.
26. 'The work of Dickinson' ff.112v-114.
Begins: 'When Phoebus with his rayes brighte'.
27. Exerpta e libris scriptorum alchemicorum. f115.

Sloane Ms 1873
16th cent. 85ff. Quarto.
Thomas Norton. The Ordinall of Alchymy. ff.2-84.

Sloane Ms 1876
17th cent. 92ff. Octavo.
1. Arthur Dee. Arca arcanorum abstrusae hermeticae scientiae ingressum, progressum, coronidem, verbis apertissimus explicans, ex selectissimis et celeberrimis authoribus collecta et antehac a nemine hac methodo distributa; opera et studio Arthuri Dee, Magni Imperatoris Russiae per annos bis septem Archiatri, cum epistola ad Oxoniae praesides etc., et praefatione dat Moscuae 10 Aug. 1634, praemissis. ff.1-83.
2. Saint Dunstan. Tractatus Maximi Domini Dunstani Episcopi Cantuariensis, veri philosophi de Lapide philosophorum. ff.84-92.
Begins: 'Maxime intelligendum est antiquiores philosohos scientiae.' Ad Finem: 'Ulterius, Author longam depingit praxis formam, spoinosam satis, et erroneam, de industria ut seducat a via veritatis, non ulterius dirigat, cujus rei gratia religui; et tantum theoricam hujus tractatus vere auream studiosis lectoribus exhibeo.'

Sloane Ms 1902
17th cent. 31ff. Quarto.
Miscellany compiled by Arthur Dee.
1-2. [Astrological nativities, including John Dee.] ff.3-11.
5. Aphorisms. ff.17-20.
8. On disease. ff.23-26.
9. Pregnancy testing. ff.27-31.
Reversing the Volume:
10. 'Schema of the nativities of Arthur Dee and Isabel Dee.' f.28.
11. Hermes Trismegistus. 'Hermetiae Philosophiae medulla' Tractatus litteris mysticis scriptus: cum clave. f.14.
12. Arnald of Villanova. Testamentum. f.12v.
13. 'Dionysii Zachariae de projectione super metalla.' ff.12-11.


Sloane Ms 1922
17th cent. 56ff. Folio.
Notebook compiled by Dr Edward Browne. Contains:
1. Travels in Hungary. ff. 1-29.
2. Chemical receipts. ff.30-31.
3. Travels: Venice to Vienna. f.31.
8. Ramon Lull. Catalogus operum mss ejus in bibliotheca Cesarea. ff.42-46.
10. Curiosities in the Emperor’s treasures. ff.48-50.
11. Books borrowed from the Emperor’s library.

Sloane Ms 1933
13th cent. 278ff. Folio.
Miscellany once owned by Walsingham Priory. Includes:
2. Rasis. Works translated from Arabic into Latin by Gerard of Cremona. ff.3-64.
3. Rasis. Liber divisionum. ff.65-92.
4. Rasis. Synonima. ff.92-96.
7. Avicenna. Excerpts (remedies). f.98.
8. Rasis. On antidotes. ff.99-105.
9. Rasis. De regitudinibus juncturarum. ff.105-111.
10. Rasis. De regitudinibus puerorum. ff.111-114.
11. Liber antidotarius. ff.115-137.
14. Galen. Commentary. ff.161-182.
15. Avicenna. Liber canonis. ff.184-211, 212-275.

Sloane Ms 2008
17th cent. 356ff. Quarto.
Miscellany owned by R Saunders.
1. Ramon Lull. Testamentum seu theorica in lapide Philosophorum. ff.3-149.
2. Ramon Lull. Practica Testamentum cum cantilena. ff.150-188.
3. Arnald of Villanova. Liber Phoenix. ff.189-202.
4 & 11. Ramon Lull. Practica lapidum preciosorum. ff.203-222, 339-344.
5. Ramon Lull. Ars magica: de transmutatione secreta metallorum quod et lapidarium dicitur. ff.223-232.
6 & 7. Ramon Lull. Compendium Animae Artis. ff.232v-272.
8. Ramon Lull. Liber lucis Mercuriorum. ff.272v-287.
9. Ramon Lull. Liber magnae medicinae. ff.228-318.
10. Ramon Lull. De conservatione vitae humanae usque ad terminum a Deo praefixum. ff.318v-338.
11. (see 4 above). ff.339-344.
12. Ramon Lull. Lucidarium testamenti. ff.345-356.


Sloane Ms 2027
15th cent. 108ff. Folio.
Miscellany, including:
1. Flavius Vegetius Renatus. De re militari. ff.1-36.
2. Old English poem. ff.37-52.
3. Aristotle. Secretum secretorum, translated by John Lydgate. ff.53-92.
4 & 5. Robert of Gloucester. Chronicle (from the fall of Troy to the reign of King John). ff.96-169.
6. Chronicle (from the reign of King John to Richard II). ff.170-188.

Sloane Ms 2030
12th – 13th cent. 136ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, including:
1. Bede. De natura rerum. ff.1-9.
5. Sahl ibn Bashir. Liber introductorium ad astrologicum. ff.41-76.
10. Aristotle. On physiognomy. ff.95-103.
11. Avicenna. De physiognomia. ff.103-108.
13. Aristotle. Liber de conductibus aquaram cum figures. ff.110-113.
16. Aristotle. On chiromancy. ff.125-126.
19. Galen. Antidotes. f.129.
20. Avicenna. Epistola ad Carolum de mensibus. ff.129-132.
21. Hippocrates. Epistola. f.132.

Sloane Ms 2036
17th cent. 92ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, including:
1. Avicenna. Excerpts concerning the practice of philosophers - 'first let the spirit's soule be shut from the body, then after that purge it by fire from the sum of the body afterward cast away their sinnes'. ff.2-4.
2. William Bloomfield. The compendiary of the noble science of alchemy. ff.5-13. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p.305.]
3. Ramon Lull. Experiments. f.13.
4. 'To know the principall coloures of the stone'. f.13v.
5. Metrical treatise on the science of Alchemy, entitled 'Pater Sapientiae'. ff.14-19. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p194.]
6. 'Here after followeth the opening of the Secret of Secrets done by art of Philosophy.' f.20.
7. [George Ripley]. Alchemical treatise in verse, entitled, 'The Secrets of Nature'. ff.22-25. (Ashmole p380, printed under the title 'The Mystery of Alchemy).
8. How to make the philosopher's stone. f.25.
Begins: 'I say to you plainly our medicine is a stone, and it is one thing in kind and not of divers things'.
9. Alchemical verses. f.26
Begins: 'With hic et haec thus may ye do'. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p432.]
10. Alchemical verse. f.26.
Begins: 'I am Mercury the mightiest flos florum'.
11. Alchemical verses. f.27.
Begins : 'I shew you here a short conclusion'. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p352.]
12. Alchemical verses. f.28.
Begins: 'Why art thou so poore man and I am so rich'. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p355.]
13. Thomas Norton. Chapters 3, 6 and 7 of the Ordinall of Alchemy. ff.30-36. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p39.]
14. 'The names of the philosopher's stone collected and gathered by William Garataroke'. f.37. [Printed in 'Five Treatise of the Philosopher's Stone' edited by H.P. London, 1651, p65.]
15. 'The secret of secrets and stone of Philosophers'. f.37v [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum p68.]
16. 'How the quinte essence is drawne out of minerall things'. f.39.
17. 'Here beginneth the secret of Demetrius upon the body, spirit and soule'. f.41.
18. 'Here beginneth the documents of Mireris of the secrets of nature'. f.43.
19. 'Aqua vitae minerall for all diseases of imperfect bodies'. ff.45-48.
Begins: 'Brethren ye that seeke the science of Alchemy, seeke no more but onely that perfect philosophers have sought'.
20. Avicenna. A declaration of the Philosopher's Stone. f.49.
[See Theatrum Chemicum IV p986.]
21. Rasis. The Practise of the Philosopher. f.51.
22. John Sawtrey. On the Philosophers Stone. ff.53-63.
23. Bernard of Trevisan. ‘Here followeth the 3rd parte of this my booke wherein I shall speake of the principals and rooles of Mettals, and to prove the same I will shew divers and sundry philosophicall evident reasons - by me Doctor Alemont’. ff.64-67.
24. 'Here followeth the 4th parte of this my booke, wherein I will speake of the practice of this noble science, and set the same art in a parable or figure'. ff.68-70.
25. George Ripley. The marrow of alchemy, 1476. ff.71-75. [Printed in his collected works, Cassel, 1649. p123.]
26. Alchemical receipts. ff.76-83
27/28. Alchemical verses [Imperfect] f86.
29. Letter communicating alchemical secrets. ff.87-89.
Begins: 'Right well-beloved and trusty child and friend I shall informe [you] of this gratious and blessed secret the which is hid of old men'.
30. 'The making of artificial stones'. ff.90-91

Sloane Ms 2053
17th cent. 72ff. Folio.
Miscellany, including:
1. Hermes Trismegistus. Collectanea chymica hermetica ex optimis authoribus Alchymicis. ff.2-65.
2. Johann Tritheim. Practica alchemica. ff.66-72.

Sloane Ms 2055
17th cent. 163ff. Folio.
Miscellany, including:
1. Opus Trognianum alchemicum. ff.2-6.
2. Emanuel Cretansis. Opus magnum. ff.7-9.
3. Various alchemical processes. [French] ff.10-16.
4. 'Lapis triplex Mineralis vegetabilis animalis, Trogny.' ff.17-20.
5. 'Extraict d'une lettre Neptis au druide sur l'operation de la procedeure de Philipon.' ff.21-31, 37-51.
6. George Ripley. Treatise on alchemy. ff.32-36.
7. Various alchemical processes [partly Latin, partly French]. ff.52-79.
8. 'Dryeda de Mercuriis metallorum 1610.' [French]. ff.81-129.
9. Ramon Lull. Experiments. [French]. ff.130-154.
10. Emplastrum Domini Ducis Saxoniae, etc. ff.155-163.

Sloane Ms 2135
14th cent. 89ff. Quarto.
Miscellany, including:
1, 4, 5, 6 & 11. Chemical receipts. ff.1-11, 22-30, 30-49, 77-89.
2. Hermes Trismegistus. Secreta alchemica. [Imperfect.] ff.12-17.
Begins: 'Primo sciendum est quod septem sunt planetae secundum cursum quorum omnia inferiora reguntur.'
3. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta. ff.20-21.
7. 'Capitulum notabile viri bonae memoriae Emerici de Monte Forti'. [Imperfect.]
Begins: 'Extrahitur lapis noster benedictus a vera minera tempore vernali.'
8. Receipt for making the philosopher's stone; written in a more modern hand. f.50v.
9. Experimenta de corde serpentis, e libro Salis Vitae Acanini Ferici per Johannem Paulinum extracta. f.52.
10. 'Tractatus alchimicus de separationibus spirituum a corporibus et corporum a spiritibus.' [Imperfect.] ff.53-72.
Begins: 'Cum studii solertis indagine universarium rerum artificia philosophia aperit.'

Sloane Ms 2156
15th cent. 224ff. Folio.
Miscellany, including:
1. Roger Bacon. De Perspectiva. ff.1-41
2. Roger Bacon. De multiplicatione specierum. ff.42-71.
3. Arnald of Villanova. On medicine. ff.96-102.
4. Arnald of Villanova. Visionum. ff.102-108.
5. Arnald of Villanova. Contra diccentes se posse cogere demones. ff.108-110.
6. Roger Bacon. De mirabili potestate artis et naturae. ff.111-116.
7. Henry of Hessia. Cause and effect. ff.116-130.
8. Thomas Aquinas. De essentiis essentiarum. ff.130-148.
10. Thomas Aquinas. De fato. ff.154-159.
11. Nicholas Oresme. On the dead. ff.159-194.
12. Henry of Hessia. Natural causes. ff.194-209.




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