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Series One: The Boulton & Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton Papers from

Birmingham Central Library

Part 2: Muirhead I - Notebooks and Papers of James Watt and Family

Part 3: Engineering Drawings - Sun and Planet Type, c.1775-1802

Technical Note - Part 3

Our microform publications have been prepared and produced in accordance with recommended and established guide-lines for the production of microform of superior quality. These conform to the recommendations of the standard guides to good microforming and micropublishing practice.

Attention should be drawn to the nature of the original material. Part 3 contains portfolios of engineering drawings. The size and dimensions of individual drawings varies considerably. Where necessary some very large drawings have been filmed in sections. These manuscript drawings have been compiled with a variety of inks, pens or pencils. Many drawings comprose areas shaded or drawn in a variety of different colours. These have been reproduced as clearly and effectively as possible using archivally permanent black and white film. The choice of black and white film was governed by the need to provide a permanent film record of such a large number of drawings.

These  original characteristics present difficulties of image and contrast which stringent tests and camera alterations cannot entirely overcome. Every effort has been made to minimise these difficulties. The outside covers of the portfolios have not been filmed. Portfolio numbers are identified by specific targets.

The most responsible care has been exercised in the filming of this unique collection and every effort has been made to ensure that this microform publication meets the standards established by the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and prevailing European standards



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