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Series One: The Boulton & Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton Papers

from Birmingham Central Library

Part 4: Matthew Boulton Correspondence (Subject Material: Albion Mill - Steam Engines)

Part 5: Engineering Drawings - Crank, Canal, Dock and Harbour, Mint, Blowing, Pumping and Other

            Engines, c.1775-1800

Detailed Listing - Part 4



Items 1-86, with 14 page listing.

The Albion Mill, Blackfriars Bridge, London. Set to work in 1786. It was burnt down in 1791.

1. [178-] ? Packet – the Wrapper endorsed “Albion Mill, Proceedings to obtain a Charter”. 1 p. 4to.

2. (1784) April 28, Circular with a Note thereon in Mr Boulton’s autograph. Opposition to the granting of a Charter to the Albion Mill Company. 1 p. 4to. Printed.

3. n.d. Document entitled “Benefits that will arise to the public from the Institution and Building of the Albion Mill”. 2 pp. folio.

4. n.d. Document entitled “Objections made by the Millers & C.” With Answers to the Objections. 6 pp. folio.

5. n.d. Document endorsed “Assize of Bread”. Observations humbly submitted to the considerations of the Honourable Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to enquire into the Assize of Bread. 23 pp. folio.

6. [? May 1 (?)] Samuel Wyatt [London] – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to.

7. 1786 April 8, Matthew Boulton, Albion Mill – James Watt, [Birmingham]. 1 p. folio. Press copy.

8. [? 1786 April 19] Endorsed “Rough draft of my Letter to Mr Watt on Albion Mill”. [Written on back of one of the Sheets is another draft letter : Mrs M Vere – [Matthew Boulton]. 2 sheets.

9. 1786 April 20, James Watt, Birmingham – Matthew Boulton, Albion Mill, London. 3 pp. 4to.

10. 1786 April 25, James Watt, Birmingham – Matthew Boulton 4 pp. 4to.

11. 1787 October 23, Mrs Mylne, New River Head. Bill for Flour & c. 16/3 1 Slip.

12. (1787?) November 13, Robert Mylne, New River Head. Bill for Pollard. 17/6 1 Slip.

13. (1787?) December 13, Robert Mylne, New River Head. Bill for Flour. 11/- 1 Slip.

14. (1787?) December 27, Robert Mylne, Waterhouse, New River Head. Bill for Pollard … 16/6. 1 Slip.

15. 1787 October – December. “Mylne’s Acct. with Albion Mill settled and pd”. £10.4.9. 1 p. 4to.

16. 1788 January 21, Robert Mylne, New River Head. Bill for Flour 8/3. 1 Slip.

17. 1788(?) March 11, Robert Mylne. Bill for Flour 8/6. 1 Slip.

18. 1788(?) March 27, Robert Mylne. Bill for Flour 18/-. 1 Slip.

19. 1788(?) May 5, Robert Mylne, Waterhouse. Bill for Flour 8/6. 1 Slip.

20. 1788(?) May 6, Robert Mylne, Waterhouse. Bill for Screenings £1.5.0. 1 Slip.

21. 1788(?) May 7, Robert Mylne. New River Head. Bill for Flour 8/6. 1 Slip.

22. 1788(?) July 1, Robert Mylne. New River Head. Bushel of Whites 8/6. 1 Slip.

23. 1788(?) July 10, Robert Mylne. Bill for Pollard 15/6. 1 Slip.

24. 1788(?) August 23, Robert Mylne. Bill for Flour 8/6. 1 Slip.

25. 1788(?) October 15, Robert Mylne. Bill for Flour 8/6. 1 Slip.

26. 1788 January 6, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill [London] – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3 pp. 4to.

27. 1789 February 8, Matthew Boulton, Soho – Samuel Wyatt. 1p. 4to. Press copy. Wrapper endorsed, “Copy of Mr Boultons Ltd. to Mr Saml. Wyatt upon the subject of Corn Mill.”

28. 1789 February 10, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill [London] – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. With Wrapper, 1 p. folio.

29. 1789 February 17, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill [London] – Matthew Boulton. 2 pp. folio.

30. 1789 October 2, William Matthews, London - Boulton & Watt, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Enclosing Albion Mill Account from Commencement to Mr William Matthews Succession, 1 p. folio and General Statement, endorsed “Wm. Matthews Acct. wth. Albion Mill.” 1 Slip.

31. n.d. Draft of letters, commencing “In respect to the contents of your letter to B & W of ye 21 Inst. we agree with you & c.” : “We observe by yr. favr of ye 21 that the Albn. W1. Company are willing &c.” 2 pp. folio.

32. n.d. Endorsed, “Calculation of Laying out £20,000 in Albion Mill & employing it in grinding for the Meal Men – at 12/6”. 1 p. folio.

33. n.d. Packet with Wrapper endorsed “Albion Mill” containing the following :- “Experiments at Albion Mill.” 1 p. folio & 1 p. 4to. Press copy.

34. n.d. Matthew Bolton- [?Samuel Wyatt] Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4to.

35. 1788. Endorsed, “Remarks – on Albion Mills 1788.” 2 pp. folio [1 p. in Mr Boulton’s autograph].

36. 1789 October 25, George Mynd, London – Matthew Boulton, Soho House, Birmingham. 4 pp. 4to.

37. [179-]? Packet containing the following :- Document endorsed “Reasons – Albion Mills”. Headed, “Reasons why the Albion Mills were of great advantage to the Metropolis” and ended “ought to have done.” 3 pp. folio. Another copy 2 pp. fol (incomplete) and a similar copy, 3 pp. 4to.

38. n.d. Document headed “Advantages of the Albion Mill considered as to its central situation in the Metropolis”. (Mr Boulton’s autograph). 2 pp. folio.

39. 1791 March 10, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill [London] – Boulton & Watt, Birmingham. 3 pp. 4to.

40. 1791 March 18, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill – [Matthew Boulton] 4 pp. 4to.

41. 179[?1] May 28, Albion Mill Company, General Account. 1 p. folio.

42. n.d. Endorsed, “Messrs. Boulton & Wyatt” 1 p. 4 to.

43. n.d. Stock. 1 p. folio.

44. 1791 May 28, Albion Mill Stock taken May 31, 91. 4 pp. folio.

45. 1791 June, Albion Mills Account. 2 pp. folio.

46. [1791] June 18, Cutting from “The Diary, or, Woodfall’s Register” of a letter from W J to the printer “On the Albion Mill”.

47. 1791 June 23, Copy of “The Diary; or, Woodfall’s Register” containing a letter (No. 2) from “W J” to the Albion Mill Company.

48. 1791 June 27, Copy of “The Diary; or, Woodfall’s register” containing a letter (No. 2) from “W J” to the Albion Mill Company.

49. 1791 [June], Endorsed, Corn Mills – Albion Mill. Papers & publicat. relating to the grinding of Corn by Steam Mills.” 5 Copies, 1 p. 4to. Printed. [Published in “The Diary; or, Woodfall’s Register”, 23 June 1791].

50. n.d. Endorsed, “Corn Mill”. 1 p. 4to.

51. 1791 July 12, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill House [London] – Matthew Boulton, Soho. 3 pp. 4to. Enclosing, copy of the questions put to [Mr Cosmo Gordon] and his answers. Also a paper [Samuel Wyatt] wrote to accompany them. 3 pp. folio.

52. 1791 August 3, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill [London] – [Matthew Boulton]. 3 pp. 4to.

53. 1791 August 13, Samuel Wyatt, Albion House, [London] – Matthew Boulton. 3 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Warehousing of Tobacco at J°A:M:1791”. Enclosing, “a plain common sense paper”, 3 pp. folio.

54. 1791 September 3, Samuel Wyatt – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham 3 pp. 4to. Enclosing Statement entitled “Comparative view of the present system of warehousing tobacco, with that proposed by the Albion Mill Company”. 6 pp. folio.

55. 1791 September 4, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill House [London] – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to.

56. 1791 September 28, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill House [London] – Matthew Boulton. 3 pp. 4to.

57. 1791 November 3, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill House, [London] – [Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham]. 3 pp. 4to.

58. 1791 November, 3, George Myne, London – Matthew Boulton, Soho House, Birmingham. 1 p. folio.

59. 1791 November 4, Samuel Wyatt. Albion Mill [London]- Matthew Boulton Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to.

60. 1791 November 5, Samuel Wyatt, Albion Mill House, [London] – James Watt, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to.

61. n.d. Samuel Wyatt – Mr Watt. 3 pp. 4to.

62. 1791 December 14, Report and answers of the Custom House to the Memorial of the Albion Mill Company respecting the premises possessed by them. 22 pp. folio.

63. 1791 December 25, The Albion Mill Company’s (General Account) Christmas 1791. Endorsed, “M. Boulton Esqr Genl. Accounts Xmas 1791”. 1 p. folio.

Various papers relating to the Fire at Albion Mill:

64. [?1791] “For the General Evening Post”. 3 pp. 4to.

65. n.d. “No. 1. We are happy to be able & c…” 1 Slip.

66. n.d. “The late Misfortune at the Albion Mills & c…” 1 p. 4to.

67. n.d. “No. 2 Very fortunately for the Proprietors of the Albion Mill & c… No. 3. We rejoice : No. 4 Whether the Albion Mill & c …” 3 Slips.

68. n.d. “Nothing can be more Cruel, & c…” 2 pp. 4to. and Draft, 3 pp. 4to.

69. Endorsed, “State of Albion Mill Accts.” ) “Copy of McCalls dbts & credits of ye ) 1 p. folio Albion Mill Co.”)

70. n.d. Endorsed, “Albion Mill Qns.” 1 p. folio.

71. n.d. Endorsed, “Albion Mill – Sketch of outgoings.” 1 p. 4to.

72. n.d. Information and Arguments to the Millers and Mealmen. (2 copies) 1 p. folio. Press Copy.

73. 1792 April 28, Packet containing the following :- Wrapper, endorsed, “Albion Acct.” 1 p. folio. Endorsed, “Albion Mill Coys Accts. April 28th 1992” 2 pp. folio.

74. 1792 April 28, Memorandum of Stock belonging to The Albion Mill Co. as taken April 28th 1792. For M Boulton Esq.”

75. 1791-2 Albion Mill Companies Coal Trade Account. 1 p. folio.

76. 1794 December 16, Mr Low, Millwright of Nottingham – Estimate of a Corn Mill. 2 pp. 4to.

77. 1795 January 31, Endorsed, “Albion Mill Accounts” (2 copies). 2 pp. folio.

78. 1795 January 31, Endorsed, “Albion Mill Jany. 31 – 1795 Stock Acct.” (2 copies) 1 p. folio.

79. 1795 January 31, Endorsed, “Albion Mill Acct. Jany 31 – 1795”. 1 p. folio.

80. 1795 September, Albion Mill House. Circular letter on the suitability of the Albion Mill Premises as a Warehouse for Coffee. Not signed. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

81. 1795 October, Endorsed, “Sketch.” Relative to a Steam Mill for Birmingham. 1 p. folio. With notes on the above Sketch, in Mr Boulton’s autograph. 3 pp. 4to.

82. An account of the Albion Mills by Matthew Boulton. Endorsed “Albion Mills notes upon its powers 1797”. 1 p. 4to. [This is written on the back of William Bedford, 1797 February 17. New Street Birmingham to Matthew Boulton].

83. 1799 February 9, Papers enclosed in Wrapper, endorsed “Albion Mill”:- Endorsed, Settlement of Robt. Mayward’s Acct. Feby. 9. 1799.” 1 p. folio.

84. 1796-1799 Account endorsed, “S. Wyatt to A.-Mill Co.” 1 p. folio. With a footnote “Balance £734.3.1 ½ paid into Bankers, May 8, 1799”.

85. 1799 June 24, Endorsed, “June 24th 1799 – A.-Mill Co. Genl. Acct.” 2 pp. folio.

86. 1799 August 3, Minutes – August 3, 1799. Present John Frere, John Pybus, Samuel Wyatt. 2 pp. 4to.


Items 1-24, with 20 page listing.

Papers and Correspondence concerning Birmingham and the American Colonies.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

1. [1775] Wrapper endorsed “America disputes, 1775”. Paper in M Boulton’s autograph, commencing “We hear that in a few days will be published a narrative of all the proceedings at Birmingham relative to the two petitions …” Concerning the North American colonies and the trading interests of the merchants and people of Birmingham. 2 pp folio.

2. [1775] Document headed “Names to Petition of Inhabitants of Town and Neighbourhood of Birmingham to North America”. 1 pp. folio. The list includes 87 names.

3. 1775 February 2 – Swinney’s Birmingham & Stafford Chronicle. Thursday, February 2, 1775. Parliamentary proceedings. House of Commons. Articles and letters relating to the petition from Birmingham presented by Mr Skipwith, a Member of the House for the County of Warwick, stating that the petitioners “Desired the laws against America might be put in force, so as to bring the Americans to a speedy sense of their duties; and that Great Britain would exert her authority.” Lord North argued that this petition should be referred to the same Committee as the North American merchant’s petition, but Edmund Burke objected, saying that “This was not a petition concerning commerce, it was a war like, blood-thirsty petition …” He desired to hear the names of the persons who had signed it read. This was done but the petition was still referred to the same Committee as the other petitions.

4. 1775 February 6, copy of Aris’s Birmingham Gazette. Monday, February 6, 1775. Vol. XXXIV No. 1733.

6. 1775 February 9, William Taylor No. 20, Foster Lane, Cheapside, London – Mr Matthew Boulton, at Soho near Birmingham.
“Dear Sir, you will undoubtedly wish to know how matters stand here respecting the American disputes. There is a great many friends to government measures but for the sake of either private peace or the want of rousing their spirits, are as yet overborne by the Puritan Party …”

7. 1775 February 13-15, Lloyd’s Evening Post, Monday February 13 to Wednesday February 15, 1775. Vol. XXXVI No. 2751. Copy of the thanks of the Merchants, Traders and Manufacturers of Birmingham concerned in the Trade of America to Edmund Burke Esq.: “Sir, the Merchants and Manufacturers, who have had a principal share of the American trade from this town and neighbourhood, beg your acceptance, through our hands of their warmest acknowledgements for your liberal support about petitions to the Honourable House of Commons, wherein are stated the evils we already feel and the greater way have yet to apprehend from a continued stagnation of so important a branch of our commerce as that with North America …”

8. 1775 March 29, Thomas Free, Birmingham – Matthew Boulton at W Matthew’s No. 2 Bush Lane, Cannon Street, London. 5 pp. 4to.
Annexing “An estimate of the iron supposed to be manufactured into nails annually, by the under person at the under place (including Birmingham, West Bromwich, Tipton, Dudley, Halesowen, Bromsgrove and Cradley).

9. n.d. Mr Wilkinson – John Fothergill 2 pp. 4to.

20. 1775 October 10, “A Dissertation on Disputes between Great Britain and her Colonies. Analysis by A.P.” 1 p. folio. Printed.


Items 1-54, with 7 page listing.

Documents covering the period 1775-1863; all except four items are after 1835; as many as 43 items are post 1850.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

1. 15 April 1775, Agreement between Richard Wilson, Birmingham, painter and Matthew Boulton and John Fothergill, Soho, Staffordshire, merchants. Endorsed: Mr Wilson to Messrs Boulton and Fothergill – article of service for five years. 4 pp. folio. Also a type written copy of the above 6 pp. folio.

2. 19 November 1798, Tax Office. Certificate of the amount of Land Tax (3.11.10) and the Lands (107 acres, 7 perches) belonging to Matthew Boulton in the Parish Capital of Handsworth, upon which it is assessed. Signed by two of the Commissioners of Land Tax for the Hundreds of Offlow, South Staffordshire – Thomas Green and Thomas Lane. 1 p. folio.

3. 2 January 1818, Lease: Matthew Robinson Boulton to Thomas Allen. With a Plan. Endorsed: “Lease of Messages Farm and Lands in the Parish of Birmingham and Handsworth for nine years, determined at all at the end of the third or sixth year. Rent £230 a year and payable quarterly”. For Skins.

5. 1835-1848. Soho Christmas Dole, 31 December 1838 and a list of names. 2 pp. folio. (Items 7 and 8 provide the same list for the years ending 1844 and 1848 respectively).



Box 2. Items 1-48, with 8 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

1. 1765. Prices for Assaying and Making Plate. New prices to be taken after 31 December 1765. Assay Office at Goldsmith’s Hall, London. 1 p. folio. Printed.

2. 1758. Details of an Act discussed in Parliament 1754-1757, for repealing the Duty granted by an Act made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His Late Majesty, on Silver Plate, made, wrought, touched, assayed or marked in Great Britain; and for granting a Duty on Licences; … and discontinuing all Drawbacks upon Silver Plate exported; and for more effectively preventing Frauds and Abuses in the Marking or Stamping of Gold or Silver Plate. 34 pp. London 1758. Printed.

10. 1773 February 17, Copy of Petition of Goldsmiths’ of London against Sheffield and Birmingham Assay Office petitions. 8 pp. folio.

11. 1773 February 18, Copy of Minutes on Petitions relating to Assaying Plate. 23 pp. folio.

12-19. 1773 February 19 to 1773 March 10, Further documents and minutes relating to petitions to the House of Commons on the Sheffield and Birmingham Assay Offices.

20. 1773 March 11, Jos. Wilkinson, Birmingham – Matthew Boulton at Mr Matthew’s, Cannon Street, London. 2 pp. folio.

21-34. 1773 March 12 – 1773 March 31, further documents and minutes of the Birmingham and Sheffield Assay Offices.

40. 1773 May 8, Samuel Garbett, Birmingham – M Boulton, at Mr Matthew’s, No. 14 Cannon Street, London.

41. 1773 May 9, Samuel Garbett, Birmingham – M Boulton endorsed, “Upon ye Assay Bill”.” 3 pp. 4to.

48. [1773] Document giving “An account of the offices appointed and employed by the Company of Goldsmiths of the City of London in the great and important Trust of Assaying and Marking Gold and Silverware each of whom are annually sworn to discharge their Duty faithfully and impartially with some Account how that Business is conducted in the Country. (In Samuel Garbett’s handwriting). 3 pp. folio.


Box 2. Items 1-35, with 6 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

1. [1773] Extracts from Acts of Parliament to preventing frauds in gold and silverwares and preserving the standards of appointed for wrought plate and also from the Charters granted to the Company of Goldsmith’s of the City of London. Some notes and observations thereon. 7 pp. folio. Printed.

2. [1773] Notes from the Acts of Parliament that relate to assaying and marking wrought plate. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

26. 1784, Document endorsed “Sheffield Assay Bill”. XXIV George III. A bill for Altering and Amending an Act of the thirteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled, “An Act for Appointing Wardens and Assay Masters, for Assaying Wrought Plate in the towns of Sheffield and Birmingham”, so far as relates to the said town of Sheffield. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

27. 1784, Birmingham Assay Office. Table for calculating duty on gold plate. Printed and mounted on cardboard.

28. 1784, Document endorsed “Act for Establishing an Assay Office at Birmingham (1784)”. XXIV George III CAPXX. An Act for altering and amending an Act of the thirteenth year of the reign of His present Majesty, entitled an Act for Appointing Wardens and Assay Masters for Assaying Wrought Plate in the towns of Sheffield and Birmingham; so far as it relates to the said town of Sheffield. 4 pp. folio. Printed.

30. 1816 June 12, Benjamin Parker, Birmingham, Secretary to the Guardians of the Standard of Wrought Plate in Birmingham – M R Boulton, Soho, Handsworth. 1 pp. 4to.
Endorsed “Request to attend the Annual Meeting of the Guardians for Wrought Plate.”



Box 1. Items 1-97, with 12 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

9. 1778 October 10, John Houghton, Navigation Office, Birmingham – M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 1 p. 4to. Birmingham Canal Navigations. Letter respecting the dimensions of the Pump for the Engine intended to be erected near the first Lock at Smethwick.

12. 1800 January 29, B S Heaton, High Bailiff – M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Birmingham Copper Trade. Letter summoning a meeting of members of the Copper Trade.

18. 1794 November 7, T Hawkes, No. 7 Bartholomew Street – M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3 pp. 4to. Copy of the Minutes of the General Meeting of the Governors of the Birmingham Dispensary with M Boulton as Chairman.

20. 1796 November 19, Account of Boulton and Watt, Soho near Birmingham for Pneumatic Apparatus supplied to the Managers of the Dispensary, addressed: “Mr Thomas Sutton, Surgeon, at the Dispensary, Temple Road.” 2 pp. 4to. Accompanying letter 1795 September 12, signed by William Forman for Boulton and Watt, written on the inside page of the account.

28. 1798 July 2, William Roe, Union Mill – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham on the subject of the Birmingham Flour and Bread Company. (All Union Mills). 1 p. 4to.

37. 1784 September 6, The Committee of the General Hospital, near Birmingham – M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Printed. Notice of “Benefit Oratorios”.

96. 1807 January 16, Notice of a Meeting of the Birmingham Philosophical Society on January 26, (Signed T Halliday, Secretary) to M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham, “When Mr Welch will lecture on Sulphur.” 1 p. 4to. Printed.



Box 2. Items 98-151, with 8 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

98. 1789 October 21, endorsed on wrapper “Police Committee, Birmingham”. Notice of a General Meeting of subscribers for the establishment of a Nightly Patrol. 1 pp. 4to. Printed.

99. 1789 October 22, Birmingham. Copy of the Resolutions passed at the Meeting held in pursuance of a Notice of October 21. 2 pp. 4to. Printed.

100. 1789 November 16, James Watt Junior, Manchester – Matthew Boulton, Birmingham. 1 p. folio. Written on a blank sheet of a printed account of the Proceedings of the Manchester Society for the Prosecution of Felons. 2 pp. folio. James Watt Junior had been looking into the nature of any Regulation agreed by the Gentlemen of Manchester for the Regulation of the Police.

104. 1789 November 19, M Boulton’s autograph draft of the Minutes of a Meeting held at the Hotel in Birmingham on 19 November 1789. Records resolutions of the Police Committee. Discusses measures against prostitutes and other disorderly persons; suppression of disorderly ale houses and gin hops; and misgivings “That it appears also that criminals being sent to a common prison become more corrupt and abandoned when committed and more dangerous to the country whereas if they were confined separately they would probably become more sensible of their crimes and amend in consequence.” The document finally notes that a great proportion of the criminals are under 20 years of age. Recommends regular patrols by Night Constables. 3 pp. 4to.

107. 1816 November 8, John Turner, High Bailiff – M R Boulton, Esq., Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Annexing copy of Proceedings at a Meeting held on 5 November 1816 concerning Birmingham Public Soup Shops, together with a List of Subscribers. 2 pp. 4to. Printed.

108. 1791 July 25, An inhabitant, Birmingham – the inhabitants of the Town of Birmingham (from the Birmingham Chronicle) 1 p. 4to. Printed sheet [No. 4]. Concerning the Birmingham riots of 1791.

110. 1791 July 20, James Keir, West Bromwich – the Printer of Aris’s Birmingham Gazette, again concerning the Birmingham riots of 1791.

126. 1800 December 12, Notice addressed to M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham of a Meeting of the Committee of the Proprietors of the Birmingham Theatre, signed by John Gimblett. 1p. 4to. [Items 120-125 also concern the Birmingham Theatre, 1773-1794; items 127-129 are letters to Matthew Boulton on the subject of the Birmingham Theatre; items 130 and 131 are letters on this subject between John Gimblett and Matthew Robinson Boulton].

139. 1790 February 24, Birmingham Town Meeting. Copy of Minutes signed by Robert Bertles, Secretary to the Meeting made at a Public Town Meeting on 16 February 1790. 1p. folio. Printed.

140. 1790 March 1, Birmingham Town Meeting. Copy of Minutes. 2 pp. folio.

141. 1790 March 3, Birmingham Town Meeting. Copy of Minutes. 2 pp. folio.

142. 1790 April 13, Birmingham Town Meeting. Copy of Minutes. 3 pp. folio.

143. 1790 April 14, Birmingham Town Meeting. Copy of Minutes. 4 pp. folio.

144. 1797 February 28, Birmingham Town Meeting. On Public Credit. 1 p. folio.

145. 1790 September 27, T Harrison, Vestry Room – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Letter on the subject of the Birmingham Workhouse.


Items 1-17, with 3 page listing.

1. [? 1783] A list of the Commercial Committee. 1 p. folio.

2. [? 1783] A list of the Commercial Committee, 2 pp. folio. [? By Z Walker].

3. 1783 September, a list of the names of a Commercial Committee, appointed for the purpose of watching over and conducting the public interest of this town and neighbourhood. 1 p. 4to. Printed. Also a newspaper cutting [Aris’s Gazette or Swinney’s Chronicle]. Advertisement of a resolution of the Commercial Committee to recommend Merchants and Manufacturers to consider the measures necessary to prevent the second census which combined to obstruct the sale of manufacturers in various countries, particularly those of bath-metal, white-metal, copper, brass, tin, iron, steel and silver. [Attached to “A List of the Commercial Committee 1783, September.”].

4. 1783 September 19, Minutes of a Meeting of the General Commercial Committee, Samuel Garbett in the Chair. 2 pp. folio. Printed. Trade to Portugal; Exportation of Tin; rolled Pinchbeck Metal; Rolled Plated Metal; Rolled Steel; Blank Steel for Buttons and Button Moulds; Silverwares; Post Office; Trade with Ireland and America.

5. 1784 June 24, The Chairman [S Garbett], Commercial Committee, Birmingham – Sir John Wrottesley and Sir Edward Lyttelton. 4 pp. 4to. [A copy of the original communication is annexed to a letter from Z Walker, Birmingham to M Boulton, Truro, Cornwall, dated 24 June 1784; together with a copy of the Chairman’s letter to Sir Robert Lawley and Sir George Shuckburgh embodying resolutions passed in the Commercial Committee, dated 22 June 1784].

6. 1785 January 25 and February 1, Proceedings of the Commercial Committee in Birmingham. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

7. 1785 February 8, Minutes of a Meeting of the Commercial Committee to deliberate upon the intercourse between this Kingdom and Ireland. In the autograph of and signed by Samuel Garbett, Chairman. 2 pp. 4to. Press copy.

8. 1785 June 7, A petition to the House of Lords against the Irish Propositions, adopted at the meeting of the Commercial Committee, June 7. 1 p. folio. Printed.

9. 1786 May, Matthew Boulton and Samuel Garbett – Rt. Hon. William Eden Esq., Paris. With a covering letter from the same to Charles Startin at Brussels. 1 p. folio. Draft. “By desire of the Commercial Committee of Birmingham, introducing the bearer Mr Charles Startin of Birmingham, a merchant well informed as to the state of the manufacturers of this town and neighbourhood …”. Includes material relating to a Treaty of Commerce with France.

10. 1786 May 26, Extracts from the Minutes of the Commercial Committee at their Meeting, 26 May 1786. 1 p. folio. On the Exportation of Tools and Utensils.

11. 1790 April 15, Notice of the Meeting of the Commercial Committee and others concerned in the consumption of Copper and Brass. 1 p. folio. Printed. This item is slightly torn.

12. 1790 May 18, Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the Commercial Committee held May 18, Matthew Boulton in the Chair. 1 p. folio. Printed. On the charges exhibited by Mr James Woolley against Mr Samuel Garbett.

13. 1790 May 28, Statement of those members of the Commercial Committee who objected to the Resolutions passed at the Meeting held on May 18. 1 p. folio. Printed.

14. 1790 May 31, Cutting from Aris’s Birmingham Gazette, May 31. Advertisement of the above statement.

15. 1798 March 31, Circular letter, signed Henry Hadley, Chairman requesting information relative to the intended Tax Bill upon Exportation.

16. 1799 January 27, John Bird, Secretary – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to. Enclosing a copy of the Minutes of the Meeting held February 22, “convened for taking into consideration the present alarming state of the Copper Trade”.

17. 1801 October 19, John Bird, Secretary – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. This letter notes that John Grundy will be chairing the next meeting of the Society of Merchants trading to the Southern Parts of Europe. The meeting will be discussing measures for recovering debts due from abroad and steps to provide His Majesty’s Minister with full information upon the subject. The letter enquires whether Mr Boulton’s house “may be considered as belonging to the Society” for the purposes of the proposed meeting.




Items 1-206, with 37 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

7. n.d. [1802?]. Endorsed “Calculation of Plated Metal Costs.” 1 p. folio. Headed “Cost of Plated Metal of Sundry Qualities from 3cwt to 25 cwt of silver to 1lb. Avoirdupois of Copper – for 10lbs of Copper Plated.”

9. 1803, Matthew Boulton. Private Account with M Boulton and Plate Company. 1 p. 4to. Amount of £36.3.54 endorsed “Boulton and Plate Co. 1803”.

14. [1809?]. Endorsed “no date”, “List of Workmen for the Plate Company with the Amount of their Wages and other details. Supposed about 1809 at the time of the combination.” 3 pp. folio.

15. 1793-1809 June 30, M R Boulton – James Pearson. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Statement of the Capitals and Profits of Matthew Boulton in the trade of M Boulton and Plate Company from 1793 to June 30, 1809.”

41. 1815 March 10, Robert Stevenson, Edinburgh – Messrs. Boulton and Plate Company, Soho, Birmingham. 1 pp. 4to. Endorsed

50. 1815 June 25, Robert Stevenson, Edinburgh – Messrs. Boulton and Plate Company, Soho, Birmingham. 1 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Robert Stevenson for Greenside Company, 10 March 1815. Commissions for Northern Light Houses.”

131. 1833 November 7, Proposition signed by Samuel Sabine Edkins, J Robinson, Thomas Aston and Matthew Robinson Boulton. Endorsed “7 November 1833. Messrs. Edkins, Robinson and Aston’s proposition for purchasing the Plate Trade at Soho. With Mr Boulton’s acceptance thereon.” Another copy, endorsed as above and “Transmitted to Mr Boulton by me by desire of Edkins, Aston and Robinson, 7 November 1833, initialled by Clement Ingleby.”

146. 1833 December. Endorsed “Lap Engine, December 1833, Observations and Calculations respecting the Rent asked for it in the treaty with the parties taking to the Plate Company’s Concern.” 3 pp. 4to.

155. 1834 January 1, M R Boulton, Soho Manufactory – J Robinson, S Edkins, Thomas Aston. 2 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Copies of the circular of M Boulton and Plate Co. and of the Soho Plate Company on the disposal of the former firm”.

170. 1834 January 14, Ingleby and Wragge, Birmingham – M R Boulton, Soho, 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Sends draft of leases to Sheward and Plate Company. Also form of receipt to be taken from G Dickson for payment of his balance”.

179. 1834 March 18, Ingleby, Birmingham – M R Boulton 1 p. 8vo. Endorsed “Payment of Underhill’s salary. Mr Aston’s reply to proposal respecting the Soho Plate Company’s anticipated payment”.



Items 1-156, with 13 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Pease see the full descriptive listing on film.

1-12. 1759 etc. Packet labelled: “Early dates, Memoranda:- Electrical, Chemical and Medical, including Experiments with Thermometers. Also includes a sketch of early proposals for Soho House (front elevation).

16. 1789 April 15, Appointment of Matthew Boulton and John Wiggin as Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Handsworth. Signed J Carles; B. Spencer. 1 p. folio. Printed. Endorsed “Justice’s Order for Taking Care of the Poor etc. as Overseer, 15 April 1789.”

19. [1797] Fête at Soho Foundry. Matthew Boulton’s address to the workmen at dinner, suppose 1797. 1 p. folio.

27. 1805. A plan by Matthew Boulton for a journey from Birmingham to London, by Canal Boat, 1805.

28. 1806 June 3. Matthew Boulton’s will. 4 pp. folio. List of Legacies. 2 pp. 4to.

37. 1809 December 3, James Keir, West Bromwich – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 8 pp. 4to. Enclosing “Memoranda for the Memoir of Matthew Boulton.” 9 pp. folio. Endorsed “Explanation of his connection with Matthew Boulton.”

48-93. 1809. Packet – wrapper endorsed: “Funeral arrangements, list of attendants. Replies to the invitations transmitted by Mr Lander, the undertaker.” [Named in alphabetical order]. 21 August – 6 September 1809.

94. 1809 August 22, James Watt, Senior, Glenarbach near Glasgow – James Watt Junior, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to.

95. August 23 James Watt Senior, Glenbarach, near Glasgow – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to.

111. 1809 September 17, Document endorsed :- “Biographical sketch from James Watt, September 17, 1809 relative to Matthew Boulton.” 11pp. 4to.

112. 1809 December 3, James Keir, West Bromwich – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 6 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Explanation of his connection with Matthew Boulton.” Enclosing “Memoranda for the Memoir of Matthew Boulton.” 9 pp. folio.



Items 1-234, with 19 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.

1. 1794-1795. Packet, Wrapper endorsed “Soho Foundry, 1794-1795. Document endorsed “A Statement of Boulton and Watt Sons Account from September 30, 1794 to September 30, 1795. Goods and materials. Miscellaneous. Wages paid in the yard. Wages paid to the engine erectors. General expenses. Premiums.” 4 pp. folio.

2. 1794-1795. Document headed “Observations on the annexed Statement”. Endorsed “Observations on Boulton and Watt & Sons Accounts. September 1795”. 7 pp. folio.

3. 1795-1796. Packet – Wrapper endorsed “Boulton and Watt & Sons to 1799 inclusive.” A Statement endorsed “Account of Wages paid to Workmen in the Yard from September 30, 1795 to September 30, 1796”. 2 pp. folio.

4. 1795-1796. A Statement, endorsed “Two Accounts to the Debit of Engine Trade from September 30, 1795 to September 30, 1796. Goods Purchased. Miscellaneous Goods Purchased. General Expenses. Wages.” 3 pp. folio.

5. 1795-1796. A Statement, endorsed “Three Accounts to the Credit of Engine Trade from September 30, 1795 to September 30, 1796. Goods sold – Pneumatic Apparatus, Materials of Engines per Agreements, Miscellaneous Accounts, General Expenses, Engine Erectors, Inventory, Premiums, Annuities.” 5 pp. folio.

6. 1795-1796. A Statement, endorsed “Sketch of General Statement of Boulton and Watt & Sons Accounts. Settlement at September 1796. Abstract of Manufactory Account from September 30, 1795 to September 30, 1796.” 1 p. 4to.

7-16. 1796-1797. Packet giving details as above for the period 1796-1797 with some more detailed statements.

17-26. 1797-1798. Statements as above for the period 1797-1798.

27. 1797-1798. General Abstract of Soho Foundry Accounts from September 30, 1797 to September 30, 1798. 2 pp. 4to.

28. 1797-1798. No. 1 Abstract of Trade Account. Inventory, Materials, Wages, Manufactured Goods, Petty Expenses, Carriage, General Expenses to the Debit of Smithy; Foundry; Fitting Department at Soho foundry; and also Details of Transfers, Sales, Inventory to their Credit from September 30, 1797 to September 30, 1798. 2 pp. folio. [Note: Items 29-33 also cover this period with a comparative abstract of inventories and further particulars on the Smithy Department, the Foundry Department and the Fitting Department at the Soho Foundry.]

34-46. 1798-1799. Abstracts, Statements and Particulars for this period.

51-60. 1800-1801. Abstracts, Statements and Particulars for this period.

1801-1803. Accounts, Observations, Abstracts and Particulars for this period.

66-86. 1800-1819. Further Statements, Accounts and Balance Sheets for the period post-1800.

87. 1819-1820. Boulton Watt & Co., Trade Account. September 1819 to 1820. 1 p. 4to.

88-234. 1820-1842. Further Accounts for 1820 and the period after 1820.



Box 1. Items 1-197, with 32 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for a few items, but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for this material is reproduced on film.

1. 1818 March 14, John Mosley, London – M R Boulton, Great Tew. 2 pp. 4to. Mr Lawson continues nearly in the same state as he was in. His understanding seems quite clear. Mr James Watt writes from Rotterdam, but there is no prospect at present of concluding his negotiation at the Hague. He is to embark Bath for London in about a week, leaving Captain Wager and Mr J Brown there for some weeks longer with the Boats.

2. 1819 January 9, John Mosley, London – M R Boulton or James Watt, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to. “Yesterday, Messrs. Campbell, Bowden & Co., merchants, London, suspended payments”.

3. 1819 January 10, Z Walker, Soho – John Mosley, London. 1 p. 4to. Press Copy. “Mr Boulton thinks that it will be necessary to ascertain from Messrs. Campbell, Bowden & Co., whether or not they have received the Bonds for the amount invested in the Imperial Loan Bank at St. Petersburg …”.

172. 1825 September 30, John Mosley, London – M R Boulton, Tew Park, Enstone. 2 pp. 4to. Enclosing copy of Anglo-Mexican Mint Association Prospectus. 3 pp. folio. Printed. Endorsed “Particulars of the Anglo-Mexican Mint Association. Samples of Wines will be sent down for tasting”.



Box 2. Items 1-189, with 26 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below just for a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1826 January 2, M R Boulton, Soho – J Mosley, London. 4 pp. 4to. Press copy. Endorsed “Agreeing to the transfer settlement proposed in the affair of Pole & Co. with observations on them. Defalcation of the profit of the London firm and presumed causes of it. Arrival of the intended gardener, the singular interview and explanation with him”.

188. 1832 November 24, A F Stonebridge, London – M R Boulton, Soho. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Statement of the sellers etc., placed to the credit of John Mosley’s account.”

189. 1832 December 18, A F Stonebridge, London – M R Boulton, Soho. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “The Balance … (regarding) the late firm of Matthew Robinson Boulton, James Watt & Co., all discharged with the exception of 15/6. Balance of Trust Fund … with Mr Burdon. Enquiries about Tew Stock will be made at ye Bank.”



Technical : Boilers, Slide Valves

Items 1-99, with 8 page listing.

1. 1795. “Table of Prices of Engines, 1795.” 1 p. 8vo.

2. 1795. “Table of Prices of Foreign Engines, 1795.” 1 p. 8vo.

3. n.d. “Table of Cornish Premiums.” 1 p. 8vo.

4. n.d. Memoranda endorsed “Experiments on the Forging of Iron at Soho Foundry.” 1 p. folio.

5. n.d. Paper endorsed “Comparative Costs of 80 Horse old land and new construction.” 1 p. folio.

6. 1796 May. Paper headed “Forging at Smethwick.” 1 p. 8vo.

7. n.d. Paper headed “Wm. Wilkinson cast a plate of say 196 feet long.” 1 p. 8vo.

8. n.d. Paper headed “Note on Coalbrook Dale Furnaces.” Also note on “Cast Iron”. “Mr Wilkinson says it requires 25 cwt. of coals to smelt a ton of pigs, including heating of stoves.” 1 p. 8vo.

9. 1823 January 17, paper endorsed “Mr Creighton’s Estimate of Boiler for old pumping engine at Soho. Jany. 1823”. 1 p. 4to.

10. 1823 February 19, [Soho] Foundry. February 18th 1823. Estimate of a Derrick & Windlass. £54.0.10. 1 p. 4to.

11. 1824 September. Document headed and endorsed “Boilers. Thoughts & Suggestions relative to the Principles of their Construction & Proportions of their Parts 1824”. 7 pp. folio.

12. 1825 January. Statement endorsed “Experiments to ascertain the effects of External Condensation on boilers, 1825”. 1 p. 4to.

13. 1825 January. Paper on Boiler Experiments, endorsed “Allowance for Condensation by External Surface in expts”. 1 p. folio.

14. 1825 March. Document entitled “Boilerology”. Endorsed “Theorems & Remarks for the Calculation of the Proportions of Boilers and of the Width of Space required for them.” 6 pp. 4to.

15. 1825 March. Document entitled “Standard Boilers” Soho, March 1825. 4 pp. folio. Rules and Theorems – continued.

16. n.d. Paper headed and endorsed “Boat Boiler Chimneys”. 1 p. 8vo. Packet – Wrapper endorsed “Steam Vessels. Indicator and Evaporation Experiments, April 1825. Boilers. (Attached to the Wrapper is an Indicator Chart, 1 Slip).

17. 1824 February 7, Paper, endorsed “Experiments with the Cinderella Steam packet 7th Feby. 1824”. 1 p. 4to.

18. 1825 January 14, Paper entitled “Abstract of Mr Brown’s Experiments on board the City of Edinburgh Steam Vessel”. 3 pp. 4to.

19. 1825 April. Paper headed “Steam Vessels. Indicator Experiments. April 1825”. 4 pp. 4to.

20. 1825 April 15, James Watt, London – [M R Boulton]. Endorsed “Draft of Crocodile, etc. etc.” 4 pp. 4to.

21. 1825 April 15, James Watt, London – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. Endorsed “Further particulars relating to the cisterns and mode of feeding in the Crocodile Experiments”. 3 pp. 4to.

22. 1825 April 19, James Brown, London – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. Endorsed “Particulars of the drafts and weights of water displaced by the Crocodile fitted and empty. Indicator particulars in reference to the scale.” 2 pp. 4to.

23. 1825 April. James Brown [London] – M R Boulton, Soho. Endorsed “His corrected statement of the Expts. of the City of Edinburgh made on14th January 1825.” 3 pp. 4to.

24. 1825 April 20, James Watt, London – M R Boulton, Soho. 3 pp. 4to. Annexing a Statement. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “On the comparative performance of the City of Edinburgh Cinderella and Crocodile and the calculation thereof. Webster and a Dutch Officer coming to Soho. Price of cold copper wanted.”

25. 1825 April 22, M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham – James Watt [London] 1p. 4to. Press copy. Enclosing “Indicator and experiments therewith April 1825”. 6 pp. 4to. Press copy. Another copy of the above enclosure, endorsed by M R Boulton “Remarks Calculations and Deductions from Indicator Experiments with Crocodile.” 6 pp. 4to.

26. 1825 May. Notes of experiments with the Sovereign Steam Vessel Boiler in the river and at sea by J Brown, May 1825”.

27. 1825 August 3, Paper entitled “Boilers for the two 70 Horse Engines. Soho, Aug’t 3, 1825.” 3 pp. 4to. Press copy. Endorsed “Observations on the proposed Boiler for two of the Post Office Packets.” [by M R Boulton].

28. 1825 August 16, W. Murdock Junior, Soho Foundry – M R Boulton, Soho. 1 p. 4to. Attached is a note initialled J B Aug. 16th 1825. Soho Foundry. 1 Slip.

30. 1825 August 27, W. Murdock Junior, Soho Foundry – M R Boulton. 1 p. 8vo. Endorsed “Experiments of the Comparative effects of Wood and Coal in the Evaporation of Water at Soho Foundry.”

31. 1826 July 23, Paper headed “Engine Cement Composition.” 1 p. 8vo.

32. 1826 October, Copy of Memorandum found in Mr. Davies’ Office, October 1826. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Proportion of ingredients in making cement.”

33. 1827 February 16, Soho. Estimate of Blowing Engines for St. Katherine Docks. 4 pp. folio. 1827 February 24, Soho. St. Katherine Docks. Calculations and Estimates. 5 pp. folio.

34. [1827]. Covering Wrapper endorsed: “Particulars of Queries relative to St. Katherine’s Dock with Mr. Hall’s answer to them.” 4 pp. 4to. Press copy.

35. 1827 July. Paper endorsed “Sketches and Dimensions of Slide Valves and openings July 1827.” 1 long slip.

36. [1827]. Paper endorsed “Diagram explanatory of the comparative motion of the Slide Valves and of the Piston.” 2 pp. folio.

37. 1827 July 10, W Murdock Junior, Soho Foundry – [M R Boulton] 2 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Description of mode of fitting and adjusting the slide valves practised at the Foundry. July 1827.”

38. 1827 July 26, Paper endorsed “Directions for setting Eccentric Circle & Slide Valve, July 1827.”

39. 1827 July. Paper endorsed “Comparative indicator figures of magnet made before and after the alteration of the eccentric – July 1827.” (Date at head of Paper “May 28, 1827”). 1 p. folio.

40. 1827 July. Paper endorsed “Comparative Performance of the Hero and Magnet Steam Vessels – July 1827.” 1 p. 4 to.

41. 1828 April 7, M R Boulton, Soho – James Brown. 2 pp. 4to. Press copy (edges torn).

42. 1828 May 6, W Murdock Junior, Soho Foundry – M R Boulton, Soho. 2 pp. 4to. (1 page cut down). Endorsed “Measurements of the Spaces above and between Pistons by Water. Calculations deduced there from and from previous measurements of the contents filled by steam in a complete stroke of the engine.” (Notes by M R Boulton, written on back page).

43. 1828 June. Paper headed “Magnet in former trials – see J B’s Lr. April 13 1827.” Endorsed “Comparative performance of the magnet on different trials. June 1828.” 1 p. 4to.

44. 1828 September 2, William Bennett, Soho – M R Boulton, Great Tew. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Adjustment of hygrometer and indicator figure on trial of new slide valves at found[ry] blowing engine.”

45. 1828 September 16, William Bennett, Soho – M R Boulton, Tew Park. 3 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Transmitting Indicator Figures with altered Slide Valve of 8 H. Found[ry] Engine and comparative figures and results from the valves in their original and improved state.”

46. 1828 November 1, William Bennett, Soho – M R Boulton, Tew Park. 3 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Sends Drawing of intended alteration of Magnet Slide Valves with observations thereon. Interruption of the intended Experiment at Soho Foundry Engine. News of Engine Occurrences.” PACKET – Wrapper endorsed “Slide Valve Openings and Motion Indicator Figures and Abstract of Experiments at Soho Foundry Engine. October and November 1828.”

47. 1828 October 14 to 1828 November 8, 46 Charts dated 14 October to 8 November 1828. 46 pp. 8vo.

48. 1828 November 10, William Bennett, Soho – M R Boulton, London. 1 p. 8vo.

49. 1828 November 11 to 1829 January 14, 71 Charts dated 11 November 1828 to 14 January 1829. 71 pp. 8vo. PACKET – Wrapper endorsed “Comparative view of various indicator figures 1828 and 1829.”

50. 1828 April 24. 2 Charts 8 h. Engine Soho Foundry. 2 pp. 8vo.

51. 1828 April 25. 1 Chart 8 h. Engine Soho Foundry. 1 p. 8vo.

52. 1828 May 10. 1 Chart 8 h. Engine Soho Foundry. 1 p. 8vo.

53. 1828 June ? Document endorsed “Thoughts and Calculations on Magnet and Dolphin Slide Valves and Openings. By M R Boulton. 4 pp. 4to.

54. September 5. 2 Charts 8 h. Engine, Soho Foundry. 2 pp. 8vo.

55. November 10. J. Fairweather – M R Boulton, Tew Park. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Copy of the Indicator Figure of Mr Woods Engine at Bradford.”

56. 1827. Document endorsed “Synopsis (No. 1) of Boilers with their Proportions and Effects. 1827.” 2 pp. folio. Folded within are:- 1. “Boilers and Particulars.” 2 pp. folio; and 2. “Particulars.” 2 pp. folio.

57. 1824-1828. PACKET – Wrapper endorsed “Register of Boiler Experiments from 1824 – [1828].” Contains a document of 17 pages. Folio.

58. 1828 February [29], document endorsed “Remarks and deductions from Synopsis (No. 1) of Boilers and Experiments – Feby. 1828.” 6 pp. folio. Together with a paper headed “Soho Feb 29, 1828. Sizes of boilers – Adjustment of them to the nominal powers of engines etc.” 2 pp. folio.

59. [1828]. Document endorsed “Abstract of Boiler Experiments with Explanations and Conclusions and Standard Proportions.” 15 pp. folio.

60. 1828 March 16, Document headed “Boiler Memoranda. Soho 16 March 1828.” 3 pp. folio. Endorsed “Minutes of Proportions and Instructions given to Mr Brown for the Regulation of Boilers.” Written thereon is a Memorandum April 12th 1828 by M R Boulton.

61. n.d. Document endorsed “Schedule of Boilers and their Dimensions.” 6 pp. folio. (1 page, ruled but unused).

62. 1828 April 30, Paper endorsed “Experiments at Soho Foundry Blowing Engine, April and May 1828.” 1 p. 4to. PACKET. Wrapper endorsed “Indicator figures of 8 H. blowing engine before the complete reparation of its defects. April 1828.” – and – “Rough notes of subsequent experiments on use of steam of different elasticities.”

63. 1828 April 28, 1 Chart (not numbered) 1 p. 8vo. 1828 April 29, 1 Chart (Numbered 1-2) 1 p. 8vo. 1828 April 29, 4 Charts (Numbered 3, 4, 5, 6) 4 pp. 8vo. 1828 April 30, 1 Chart (Numbered 7) 1 p. 8vo. 1828 April 30, 1 Chart (Not numbered) 1 p. 8vo. Together with a sheet marked “Scale of Mr W Bennett’s Indicator.” 1 p. 8vo.

64. 1828 May 1, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

65. 1828 May 7, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

66. 1828 May 8, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

67. 1828 May 9, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

68. 1828 May 10, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

69. 1828 May 12, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

70. 1828 May 15, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

71. 1828 May 17, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

72. 1828 May 22, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. (signed) 2 Bennett. 1 p. 4to.

73. 1828 May 23, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

74. 1828 May 24, Soho Foundry Experiment with 8 h. Blowing Engine. 1 p. 4to.

75. PACKET. Wrapper endorsed “Calculations and Indicator Figure of Experiments at 8h. Blowing Engine Soho Foundry May 1828 on Steam used under different Modifications.”

1828 May 1. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 2 Charts. 2 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 7. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 2 Charts. 2 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 8. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 2 Charts. 2 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 9. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 1 Chart. 1 p. 8vo.
1828 May 11. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 2 Charts. 2 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 12. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 2 Charts. 3 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 15. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 4 Charts “Top” No. 1-4. 4 pp. 8vo. 6 Charts “Bottom” No. 1-5 and No. 7. 10 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 17. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 10 Charts “Top” No. 1-5. “Bottom” No. 1-5. 10 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 22. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 12 Charts “Top” No. 1-6. “Bottom” No. 1-6. 12 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 23. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 8 Charts “Top” No. 1-8. 7 Charts “Bottom” No. 1-7. 15 pp. 8vo.
1828 May 24. Soho Foundry 8 h. Engine. 10 Charts “Top” No. 1-5. “Bottom” No. 1-5. 10 pp. 8vo.
1 Slip marked “for Mr Boulton.”

76. [1828]. (1) Paper headed “Indicator” 3 pp. 4to.

77. [1828?]. (2) Paper headed “Experiments made at Soho Foundry April and May 1828”. [Dated from 30 April to 24 May 1828] 23 pp. 4to.

78. [1828?]. (3) Paper headed “Conclusions” 3 pp. folio.

79. 1828 September 5, 1 Chart. Soho Foundry 8 h. marked “Bottom” 1 p. 8vo.

80. 1828 September? Paper endorsed “Fairweather’s Report of Speeds of Circular Saws – September 1828.” 1 p. 4to.

81. 1828. 1 Chart. Soho Foundry 8 Horse, coloured to show state of engine 24 April 1828 and 5th September 1828. 1 p. 4to.

82. 1828 December 18, Paper headed “Boat Engines used for Land (1824-1828). Dated Soho Foundry December 18th 1828. Signed Hollins Hunt. 1 p. 4to.

83. 1828 December 19, Paper headed Boat Engines used for Land (1823-1828). Dated Soho 19 December 1828. Signed William Buckle. 1 p. 4to.

84. 1828-1829. Paper headed “Breakage of Engines of the Boat Construction from accumulation of Water under the Piston – Result of Experiments to develop the peculiar circumstances under which such accidents and accumulations occur.” 1 p. folio. Dated Soho December 1828 and January 1829. Endorsed “Breakages. Engines of … Boat Construction. Accumulation of Water under the Piston. Decr. 1828.”

85. 1829 January 15, 1 Chart 8 h. Engine, coloured to show “Mr Woods – as improved in November 1828 and Dolphin’s best figure.” 1 p. folio.

86. 1828 October 15 to 1829 January 16. Document headed “List of Experiments made on the 8 horse Engine at Soho Foundry with the enlarged valve and varied motion 15 Oct – 5 Nov 1828.” Also “Additions under other circumstances 8 Nov 1828 – 14 Jan 1829.”

87. 1829 January 21, 1 Chart, coloured to show variations. 1 p. 4to.

88. 1829 January 22, 1 Chart, coloured to show variations. 1 p. 4to.

89. 1829 January 23, Paper endorsed “Slide Valves Principles of the Calculations for the Regulation of their Size and Motion 1829.” 1 p. folio.

90. 1829 January 28, Paper headed “New proposed 30 Horse 5 ft Stroke.” 1 p. 4to.

91. 1828 April 10, Paper headed “Houldsworth 40 Horse 6 ft. Stroke.” 1 p. folio.

92. 1828-1829. Wrapper endorsed “Comparative View of Various Indicator Figures 1828-1829.” Diagram (coloured) of the new slide valve for the 8 Horse Engine at Soho Foundry as an experiment 26 July 1828. Note thereon “This figure represents the value as now at work – April 11th 1829.” 1 p. folio.

93. 1829 April 27, Jas. Fairweather – M R Boulton. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Comparative Indicator Figures of Kenyon Frith & Co.’s Engine lap belonging to Koops Tate & Co., before and after alterations and adjustments of Slide Valves – April 27 1829.”

94. 1829 April 17, Paper endorsed “Chatham’s Valves. Exponent of Old & New 1829.” 1 Slip.

95. 1829 April 24, W Bennett, [Soho] – M R Boulton 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Calculations and Results of the Effects of the Hawke’s Valves.”

96. 1829 April, Paper endorsed “Slide Valves. Axioms for observance in the adjustment and construction of them. April 1829.” 4 pp. folio.

97. 1829 May 28, Paper headed “Dolphin” and endorsed “The Quantities of Steam and Water required for the supply of the Dolphin’s Engine.” 1 p. 4to.

98. n.d. Paper headed “Probable expense of a Steam Vessel between Rotterdam and Antwerp” (signed W.W.). Endorsed “Estimate No. 2 Rotterdam Steam Vessel.” 2 pp. 4to.

99. n.d. Paper headed “Probable Expense of a Steam Vessel between Rotterdam and Antwerp.” (signed W.W.). Endorsed “Estimate No. 3 Rotterdam Steam Vessel.” 2 pp. 4to.


Items 1-30, with 4 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for just a few items, but not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

9. 1783 February 18, Minutes of Meeting of the Merchants and Manufacturers held at the Hotel, Birmingham, 17 July 1783. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Brass Committee. 18 February 1783. Matthew Boulton Esq.”

11. 1783 May 22, Samuel Garbett, Birmingham – Matthew Boulton at Mr Matthew’s, Green Lettuce Lane, London. 1 p. folio. With sketch of a petition. 2 pp. folio.

20. 1782-5. Account book: Birmingham Metal Company, 1783-4; Paris Mine Copper Company, 1783-4; Hayle Copper Company, 1784-5; John Freeman & Copper Company, 1785; John Hurd, 1783-4. Enclosed with various statements on Copper and Brass, items 21-24.

28. 1789 January 1, Statements of Account: Matthew Boulton with the Birmingham Metal Company for the year 1788. Signed Charles Gell. 2 pp. 4to.


Items 1-59, with 10 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below just for a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1795 December 18, Notice of a General Meeting of the Merchants, Factors and Manufacturers of Buttons at the Shakespeare Tavern, Birmingham on December 20. “To take into consideration the most effective means of preventing in future the deceptions which have been practised in the manufactory of buttons.” 1 p. folio. Signed by fifteen firms with letter from James Alston.

2. 1795 December 22, Matthew Boulton’s address from the Chair, at a meeting of the principal merchants and manufacturers at the Shakespeare Tavern, Birmingham. Autograph 2 pp. 4to. 2 Press copies.

3. 1795 December 22, Notice of a General Meeting of the Merchants, Factors and Manufacturers of Buttons at the Shakespeare Tavern, Birmingham, Matthew Boulton in the Chair. With the Resolutions entered into and the names of those present. 1 p. 4to. Printed.

6. 1796 January 29, Matthew Boulton’s report of the Button Committee’s Proceedings. 1 p. 4to.

9. 1796 March 11, Edward Simpson, London – James Alston, Church Street, Birmingham. 3 pp. 4to. “Upon my return from the House of Commons yesterday evening, I received your letter and one from Mr Boulton. The Bill was read the first time last night. It must be revised and corrected by Counsel before it goes to the Committee, where Mr Boulton’s presence will be absolutely necessary. The clauses relating to Strong Gilt etc., being omitted in Petitions may render it more necessary to show the Bill to the Gentlemen, who signed the Petitions, before it is committed. I recommend that Committee at Birmingham to wait upon them individually. I am sure Mr Aspinall, when he considers the subject will coincide with the rest of the Committee.”

47. 1801 July 25, Button Committee. Notice of a Meeting to be held at the Swan Inn, Bull Street, Birmingham on 28 July 1801. “To take into consideration some important measures which have been proposed for the protection of the Button Trade.” Signed “Messrs. Whateley and Simpson, Secretaries.” 1 p. 4to. Printed.

48. n.d. Endorsed “A table showing the quantity of gold required by Act of Parliament to be found on the tops of Gilt Buttons of every diameter as well as double gilt and treble guilt.” 1 p. large folio.

57. 1796. A memorandum in Matthew Boulton’s autograph. 1 p. 4to. Recommends that 1/10 on the list prices should be deducted for the use of the Mill in Grinding. Although some manufacturers give these Prices they deduct 10% from the Workmens Weekly Account (some 1/3) and also make them pay shop rent. Masters and men should use a common Gauge Plate, divided into 100ths or into 10ths of an inch sub-divided into quarters.



Items 1-125, with 27 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below just for a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

11. 1771 January 9, endorsed “Case of the Birmingham Canal.” 6 pp. folio. Headed “Birmingham, January 9 1771. The case of the proprietors of the Birmingham Canal Navigation relative to Charles Colmore Esq.”

18. 1771 February 23, Thomas Lee, Clapham – [? Dr Small] directed to Mr Wilkinson, merchant in Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Enclosure endorsed [in Thomas Lee’s hand] “Dr Small on Double Towing paths; received 23 February.” 3 pp. 4to.

30. [..?] March 6, John Houghton, Birmingham Canal Navigations, Navigation Office. Notice of a Meeting to be held Friday 6 March …” To meet Mr Rennie who is expected in Birmingham on Thursday the 5th.” 1 p. Printed.

32-38. 1769-1774. Packet: Wrapper endorsed “Transfer of shares in the Birmingham Canal Navigation.” Lists transfer of shares between various individuals including Samuel Garbett, Dr William Small, Matthew Boulton, John Galton and William Hunt.

39. 1833 May 20, Packet: Wrapper endorsed “Birmingham Canal Company. Claim upon the company for the diversion of Soho Mill Stream, 1832-1834.” Contains a letter from William Buckle, Soho – M R Boulton. 1 p. 4to.

42. 1833 May 21, Particulars of the Soho pumping engine. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Soho Pumping Engine. Particulars thereof stated by Mr Hamilton, May 22, 1833.”

43. 1833 May 22, Smethwick Engine No. 2. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Smethwick Engine Particulars furnished by Mr Hamilton, May 22, 1833.”

109. 1793. Reasons for the deviation of the Leeds and Liverpool canal. Abdication to Parliament. Includes a plan of the Leeds and Liverpool canal with the proposed deviation. Initialled “W F, 1793.” 2 pp. folio. Printed.

112. 1794 March 10, endorsed “Facts for the consideration of the inhabitants of Birmingham by Matthew Boulton Esq., upon the proposed plans of junction of the Grand Junction and Hampton Gay Canals.” Signed “Philo. Birmingham.” [Matthew Boulton]. 3 pp. 4to.



Items 1-22, with 5 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below just for a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1770 November 27, endorsed “In Matthew Boulton’s hand.” Regulations on Trade by Committee Meeting.” Tuesday, November 27, 1770. 2 pp. 4to.

2. 1785 March 10, London Tavern, March 10 1785. At an adjourned Meeting of Manufacturers from various parts of this Kingdom; Sir Herbert Mackworth, in the Chair: Resolutions agreed to and details thereon. Notice of a Special Meeting of Manufacturers on the 14th instant, signed by Josiah Wedgwood. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

3. 1785. The Irish Resolutions with Amendments as proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

4. 1785 May 18, The Irish Resolutions with Amendments as proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and remarks by the Select Committee of Manufacturers. Approved by a General Chamber, held the 18th of May, 1785. Signed by Josiah Wedgwood, Chairman. 4 pp. folio. Printed.

9. 1786 January 5, The Committee of the General Chamber (of Manufacturers of Great Britain) directed to Matthew Boulton, Birmingham. 3 pp. folio. Printed. Endorsed “William Nicholson, Plan and Regulations, 5 January 1786.”

17. 1787 February 10, General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain, Fenchurch Street. Copy of the Report of the Committee on February 10, 1787 signed by Thomas Walk of Manchester. 4 pp. folio. Printed.

18. 1787 June 13, General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain, 38 Fenchurch Street, London (signed by James Penny, Secretary) – Samuel Garbett. 1 p. 4to. Copy.

22. A view of the effects of the Fourth Resolution of the Parliament of Ireland on certain manufacturers of Great Britain in the Commercial Regulations now about to be established.” 4 pp. folio. Printed.

COPPER, 1828

Items 1-197.

This material is unlisted. It covers the period from September 1828 to the end of 1839.

1-12. September 1828 – December 1829. Ten letters addressed to Mr Robinson, one item headed “Birmingham Mining and Copper Company”, 1 letter addressed to M R Boulton.

13-41. 1830-1831. Mostly letters to Mr Robinson; at least three addressed to M R Boulton.

42-111. 1832-133. Again mostly letters to Mr Robinson.

112-197. 1834-1839. Includes letters to M R Boulton from various people including J Westley (Soho Mint) and various Copper Companies; Bills; Statement of Balances; Letters from Hafid Copper Works; Edward Barker to J Westley; receipts for purchase of copper, especially coke copper from John Freeman and Copper Company and others such as the Crown Copper Company and Samuel Bordell.



Items 1-70, with 14 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for just a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

3. 1771-1785. “Prices of Copper”. 1 p. folio. Endorsed “Prices of the Cornish Copper Standard. Selling of such Copper to the East India Company and to the Public from 1771 to 1785.”

4. n.d. Commences “Materials of the Birmingham Manufacturers should be rendered as low as the Minutes can reasonably afford …” 3 pp. 4to. Endorsed “Copper Trade.”

5. n.d. Endorsed “Queries and Answers in the State of the Copper Trade.” And “My [Matthew Boulton’s] Answers.” 3 pp. 4to.

29. 1799 April 12, endorsed “Evidence on Copper, 12 April 1799.” 10 pp. folio.

30. 1799 April 12, endorsed “Minutes of Evidence, 12 April 1799.” 11pp folio.

42. 1799 July 24, Resolutions at a Meeting of the Lieutenancy and Magistracy of the County of Cornwall. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe in the Chair. Endorsed “Resolutions of the Meeting at Bodmin, July 24, 1799 and statement of Ye Accounts of the Copper Mines for the last four months.” The Statement of Accounts is signed “John Vivian” and dated Truro, August 3, 1799. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

47. 1799 November, endorsed “Prices of Copper from the books of the Birmingham Mining and Copper Company, March 1793 to December 1798. Signed Simon Kempson and Nathaniel Lea, clerks to the Company. April 22, 1799.” 10 pp. folio. December 1796-November 1799. 1 p. folio.

48. 1793-1799. Endorsed “The quarterly price of Copper from 1793 to 1799.” 1 p. folio.

53. 1800 March 21, endorsed “Account of Cornish Copper Mines”. 6 pp. folio. Printed.

57. 1800 March 28, endorsed “Copper Trade. A short state of the Contest.” 3 pp. folio. Printed.

61. 1799 July 12 to 1801 April 30, An Account – The Birmingham Copper Committee to Mr Boulton. £199.1.1½ 1 p. folio. Endorsed “Account of money paid to Weston, Simcox etc. in London on business.”

66. n.d. Endorsed “Arguments for and against Copper Act” [in Mr Boulton’s hand]. 1 p. 4to.



Items 1-118, with 24 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for just a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1781. Packet containing various items. Wrapper endorsed “Foreign Copper Markets and Mines – information relative thereto.” Endorsed “Prices of Copper as sold at the Imperial Warehouse at Trieste in 1781.” 1 p. 4to.

2. 1787-1796, endorsed “East India Company’s price of Copper for several years compared with the price of Bussora Copper.” 3 pp. folio.

3. 1798. Endorsed “Calculations and particulars of Spanish Copper 1798.” 2 pp. folio. 1 p. 4to.

82. 1820 April 14, An Account of all Copper imported into Great Britain, in the year ending 5 January 1820; distinguishing each sort of Copper from what Country and into what Port imported. Signed William Irving, Inspector General of Imports and Exports, Custom House, London, 14 April, 1820. 3 pp. folio. Printed.

102. 1778 October 30, Certificate of Poldice Old Engine, dated 30 October 1778. Signed by James Watt, Matthew Boulton, H Hawkins Tremayne, Richard Williams, Jonathon Williams and Thomas Browne. 2 pp. 4to. Copy. Endorsed “Certificate of the Performance and Consumption of the Poldice Old Engine. A copy.”

106. 1784 June 29, Resolutions at a Meeting of the Adventurers held June 29, 1784 at Redruth. 1 p. folio. Endorsed “June 29, 1784. Resolutions of the Adventurers in North Downs at this day’s meeting.”



Items 1-319, with 15 page listing.

Documents laid out as follows:-
“M Boulton in account with …” arranged alphabetically by name of individuals. Includes Millers, Timber Merchants, Metal Rollers, Ironmongers, Locksmiths, Drapers, Chandlers, Wheelwrights, Mercers, Grocers etc.


EARLY ACCOUNTS, 1751-1779 (continued)


Items 1-67, with 13 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below just for a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1785 February 15, John Stephenson, Hull – Messrs. Boulton and Watt, Birmingham. 3 pp. 4to. Letter received by Matthew Boulton in London setting out matters relating to Irish arrangements.

2. 1785 February 24, Lord Sheffield – Matthew Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street, London. 1 p. 4to.

3. 1785 March 28, John Wilkinson, Broseley – Matthew Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street, London. 2 pp. 4to.

7. 1785 April 22, Josiah Wedgwood, General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain, London – Matthew Boulton, 2 pp. 4to. Endorsed, “Chairman of the Select Committee of the General Chamber.”

9. 17785 April 26, Lord Sheffield, Downing Street – Matthew Boulton, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to.

11. Birmingham Assertions.

12. The Birmingham Petition.

19. John Wilkinson. Copy of Wilkinson’s Paper in favour of a Duty on importing Bar Iron into Ireland.

27. 1785 March 26, Samuel Garbett, Birmingham – Thomas Gibbons, Wolverhampton. 3 pp. 4to. Press copy. The West Bromwich Petition. Mr Hammett’s Memorial. Sets out details about the expense of making Rods, Hoops and Nails in Ireland and the extent to which this is less than the expense in England. States that it is extremely injudicious to diminish the Duty upon importation of Bar Iron. The only method to protect our Exports to North America in the Nail and other branches of the Iron Trade is to give a Bounty upon them equal to the Equalizing Duty, proposed by Mr Gibbon’s brother, to be paid by Ireland.

34. 1783 March 18, Minutes of a Meeting of Ironmasters and Ironmongers held at the Swan Inn, West Bromwich with Copy of Petition to the Hon. The Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled. 3 pp. 4to. Press copy.

35. 1784. Address and Proposals from Sir John Dalrymple, Bart, on the subject of the Coal Tar and Iron Branches of Trade. 11 pp. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1784.

39. 1785 January 25 and 1785 February 1. Endorsed “Proceedings of the Commercial Committee in Birmingham on Tuesday, January 25; and Tuesday February 1, 1785.” 3 pp. folio. Printed.

44. 1785 April. General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain. Endorsed “The circulars from the Chairman of the Select Committee accompanying ye report.” 1 p. 4to.

45. 1785 March 1 – March 3. Endorsed “Proceedings of two Public Meetings held at Manchester on Tuesday March 1; and Tuesday March 3, 1785.” 2 pp. folio. Printed.



Items 1-84, with 10 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for just a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1806 April 14, Extracts from Aris’s Birmingham Gazette concerning the Tax on Iron. “On Friday, a numerous and most respectable Meeting of Merchants and Manufacturers, convened by the High Bailiff was held at Dunn’s Hotel and Swan Inn in this Town to take into consideration the intended duty of 21 per ton upon Pig Iron. The subject was ably discussed and its ruinous consequences to the iron trade were most clearly pointed out. A deputation was chosen to represent to Lord Henry Petty the ill effects of such a measure; and several pointed resolutions, stating the opinion of the Meeting upon the subject, were unanimously adopted. Similar meetings have been held in many other places; and a Town’s Meeting is to take place on the same business this day at Walsall.” [Unfortunately this item and four other extracts from Aris’s Birmingham Gazette are missing from the original material.]

6. 1785 July 16, Copy of a Letter endorsed “Copy of Samuel Garbett to Mr I H Browne, July 16, 1785.” 4 pp. folio. With a second copy endorsed “General reasonings upon the state of ye Iron Trade.” 5 pp. folio. It is stated that “Britain consumes only 90,000 tons of Bar Iron, of which she makes 30,000 tons and buys 60,000 tons at a cost of £600,000. She is dependent on foreigners for this essential article. Should Russia advance the price of iron 40/- per ton, we should still have to buy, for Sweden could not furnish a quarter of what we want, and the price is now 30/- above the Russian. Bar Iron made in Britain is a clear national gain of £30,000 per annum and the Iron Wares exported are probably a clear national gain of between £400,000 and £800,000 a year; both of these the produce of land by the labour of 100,000 hardy people. The two great objects in the Iron Trade are:- to increase the quantity of Bar Iron and to continue and extend the export of Iron Wares …”

22. 1787 April 4, document endorsed “William Wilkinson’s account of the French Iron Forges.” 3 pp. 4to.

39. 1800. Document endorsed “Principal landowners in South Wales Coal and Iron District, May and June 1800.” 2 pp. folio.

83. 1806. “Tax on Pig Iron. Comparative statements with remarks.” 2 pp. folio. Printed.

84. 1806. “An account of the quantity and value (Real and Official) of all British Iron and Iron Wares exported from Great Britain for ten years ending 5 January 1806.” 4 pp. folio. Printed.


Items 1-113, with 68 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for just a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film. Items 1-1000 cover Boulton, Walker & Collins, in particular shipments of wine from Tenerife and other consignments of wine; papers about the firm of Boulton, Walker & Collins (no longer trading by August 1814) – explanation in item 50; Danish debts; also W W Mason & Sons. Items 101-113 cover Danish Claims. This section is continued on the next reel.

1. 1782-1799. Document endorsed “Doubtful and Bad Debtors.” 1 p. folio. Relates to the company Boulton, Walker and Collins.

56. 1815 January 30, Z Walker, Soho – John Mosley, London. 1 p. 4to. Press copy. Enclosing copy of Konow and Co., Bergen – Messrs. Boulton, Walker and Collins, 10 January 1815 and extracts from Mr Mosley’s letters to Mr Boulton of Soho of 4th and 9th June 1814 relative to the results of his interviews with Mr Konow in London. 3 pp. 4to. Press copy. Endorsed “Mosley, John (London) 30 January 1815 with copies of Konow’s letters.” Another copy of “Extracts from Mr Mosley’s letter to Mr Boulton.” Press copy. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Mosley, John 31 January 1815. Extracts from his letters relative to Mr Konow.”
110. 1814 November 12, Headed “Statement in 1814. Book debts owing from Denmark and Norway to the late firm of Boulton, Walker and Collins of Birmingham.” Note. “This list has been collated with the ledger.” Endorsed “List of book debts due from Denmark and Norway to the late firm of Boulton, Walker and Collins, a copy of which has been sent by Mr Boulton to Mr Forster, the English Minister at the Court of Denmark.” 4 pp. 4to. Press copy.



Items 114-257, with 68 page listing, continued from previous reel.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for just a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film. Items 114-173 cover descriptive listing is reproduced on film. Items 114-173 cover Danish Claims, especially the recovering of outstanding debts of the firm Boulton, Walker & Collins; visits to Denmark; and correspondence between James Shillito (London) and M R Boulton. Items 174-225 consist of Correspondence between George A Bruxner (of St Petersburgh) and M R Boulton (at Soho, Birmingham). Items 226-257 concern the Birmingham Warehouse of Boulton, Walker & Collins; also Lima and Buenos Ayres Adventure:- Konow’s Claims; A List of B I Withers Balances; A Collins letter regarding the claims upon Konow or Bergen; more material 1810-1815, especially correspondence from G A Bruxner.

114. 1813 December 31, Document headed “List of debts due to the house of Boulton, Walker and Collins as they appear in the balance book of 31 December 1808 and in Mr W D B’s book of 31 December 1813, arranged according to the countries and place where the debtors are respectively domiciled.” 4 pp. folio.
Another copy endorsed “This list is being collated with the ledgers.” 4 pp. folio.

225. 1818 October 29, John Mosley, London – Z Walker, Soho. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Campbell and Co., will write to Steiglitz and Co., relative to the Bonds at St. Petersburg. The difference in the amounts arising from interest being added and not advised of by Steiglitz and Co. Powers supposed necessary to accompany the Bonds whenever they are sent out to withdraw the money from the Bank.”

226. 1810 March 10, Note of sundry sums received since 1st July 1809, being the amount of outstanding debts belonging to the late firm of Boulton, Walker & Collins. Signed A W Collins, Livery Street, Birmingham, 10 March 1810. 1 p. 4to. Enclosing “Statement of Andrew Collins Account Current for ye year ended December 31 1809.” 1 p. folio.

227. 1810 August 31, Document headed “Inventory of fixtures belonging to Matthew Boulton Esq., in premises, Livery Street, Birmingham, appraised to William Walker Esq., September 1, 1810 by I L J Farror. 3 pp. folio. Copy. Endorsed “Valuation and list of the fixture of the warehouse in Livery Street, Birmingham, made by Farror, August 31, 1810.”

236. 1806-1811. Wrapper endorsed “Lima. First copy of documents relative to the adventure to Lima in papers Nos. 1 to 7 inclusive. These are contained in items 237 to 243. (see example below).
243. 1806 –1811. No. 7. General Statement of the Account of the Adventurers to Lima and to Buenos Aires of Boulton, Walker and Collins under the directions of Messrs. Firmin De Tastet and Co. 1 p. folio. Endorsed “No. 7. General Account of the Adventures to Lima and Buenos Aires.”

255. 1815 January 21, James Weston, Fenchurch Street – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Annexing Thomas Williams (for Fermin De Tastet & Co.) London – Messrs. Boulton, Walker & Collins, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “James Weston Jan. 21 1815. Settlement with De Tastet for Adventures to South America. Copy of the form of receipt given on the occasion.”

256. 1815 June 13, M R Boulton, Soho – James Weston, London. 3 pp. 4to. Press copy. Endorsed “Remarks upon the transactions with De Tastet for his information and government in an interview with him.”

257. 1806. Document endorsed “Sketch of accounts of money owing to my Birmingham Warehouse.” (Found in pocket diary for 1806). (M Boulton?).



Items 1-29, with 4 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for just a few items, not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1793. Document endorsed “Copper Trade. History of the course of it for some years past – a vindication of Mr Boulton against the calumnious reports of his being the cause of the advance of price to the Birmingham manufacturers 1793.” 5 pp. folio.

2. 1797 August 22. Indenture: Henry Dyott and Boulton, (Matthew Boulton, William Villers and William Anderton, Trustees of the Rose Copper Company) of a transfer of one share. Signed Benjamin Morris, Clerk. 3 pp. folio. Printed copy.

5. 1798 October 15, Rose Copper Company. Articles of Agreement, with alterations made at a General Meeting of the said company, 15 October 1798. 23 pp. 8vo. Printed.

21. 1800-1818. List of the proprietors of the Rose Copper Company, 1800. 1 p. folio. Printed. Also similar lists for 1801, 1810, 1811, 1814, 1815 and 1816. (2 copies with Notice of Annual Meeting annexed, 1 p. folio), 1817 (with Notice of Annual Meeting annexed 1 p. folio) and 1820.

25. 1820 December 4, Notice of a Special Meeting “To take into consideration a requisition of the Committee to call a General Meeting to consider the propriety of dissolving this concern.” Signed James Woolley, Chairman, with an autograph paper written thereon. Note from Z Walker to M R Boulton, Chief Clerk.

28. 1821 January 15, Resolutions passed at the Special General Meeting dissolving the co-partnership and appointment Trustees. Signed James Woolley, Chairman. 1 p. 4to. Printed.

29. 1821 January 24, Notice of the dates fixed for the meetings of the Trustees. Signed by Robert Packer. 1 p. 4to.


Items 1-21, with 4 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1793 July 19, Matthew Boulton, Soho – Lord Hawkesbury, London. 4 pp. 4to. Press copy. States that in consequence of a late Edict of the Empress of Russia, he will probably suffer great loss unless means can be devised to mitigate such loss. He is likely to lose the money owing to him as well as the sale of the goods executed previous to the Edict, now lying in London. He proposed to ship the goods with a sworn declaration that they were manufactured prior to the Edict. He is also sending one of his clerks, Andrew Collins, on board the vessel to St. Petersburg. He hopes to be allowed to pay the regular duties or to have the goods returned. He requests a recommendation to Mr Whitworth in favour of Mr Collins.

2. 1793 July 24, Lord Hawkesbury, Whitehall – Matthew Boulton, Birmingham, 2 pp. 4to. Enclosing a letter to be presented by Mr Boulton’s agent, Andrew Collins to Mr Whitworth, his Majesty’s Envoy and Minister at St. Petersburgh. He is also applying to Lord Grenville to write a similar letter. He hopes Mr Boulton may obtain the favour he desires.

5. 1794 February 17, an unsigned invitation to Matthew Boulton, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Invitation to a meeting of the Merchants concerned in the Russian Trade at the Hotel, Birmingham; to receive the answer of the London merchants relative to the Empresses’s late Edict and to deliberate thereon.
10. 1793 July 27, Andrew Collins, London – Matthew Boulton, Birmingham. 3 pp. 4to.


Items 1-114, with 13 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items, but not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1794 February 3, Letters patent for Matthew Boulton Esq., Sheriff of the County of Stafford. Signed Arden Winter. 1 parchment with seal attached.

2. 1794 February 7, Francis Brookes, Stafford – Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p folio. Soliciting the favour of his continuance as Steward of the Hundred, Court of Offlow, which he has helped for the last 20 years.

3. 1794 February 8, Indenture between Matthew Boulton and John Collins. 3 pp. folio. Endorsed “Matthew Boulton to John Collins. Appointment of Under Sheriff. Dated 3rd February 1794.”

71. 1803. Summer Assizes, Staffordshire. Names of the jurors. George Birch Esq., Sheriff. 1 long slip, printed.

81. 1794 May. Cutting from Birmingham newspaper. Notice of General Meeting “For the purpose of adding to the internal defence of the Kingdom.” Matthew Boulton, Sheriff. List of subscribers to Shropshire militia.
100-106. 1798 Packet with wrapper endorsed “Soho Volunteers and Association in 1798.” Includes proposals for enrolling men at Soho and various letters and circulars on the subject of the Soho volunteers.

109. Harborne Poor Rates. Two documents:- (1) Document headed “Facts without Comments” endorsed “Poor Rates – Soho Foundry etc., in Harborne – contest with Overseers.” (2) Dispute with Overseers relative to the assessment on Soho Foundry.” 2 copies. 4 pp. folio and 1 press copy 2 pp. folio.

114. n.d. Soho Foundry. Lists of names, endorsed twice. (1) Men employed in the plated manufactory. (2) Men employed in the steel manufactory.


Items 1-17, with 2 page listing.

1. 1779 July 21, Memorandum of an agreement made the 21st day of July, 1779 between Matthew Boulton at Birmingham in the County of Warwick of the one part and Samuel Reak of Shoe Lane in the City of London and County of Middlesex of the other Part. “Whereas the directors of the Hon. East India Company having signified their intention of ordering off Matthew Boulton and Samuel Reak a number of machines for the purpose of making a Double Cross in the Silk Reel from the Cocoons in the Company’s Filatures at Bengal. Now etc. etc. …” Autograph – Matthew Boulton. 2 pp. folio.

2. n.d. Endorsed “Silk Reel memorandums.” 6 pp. 4to. Autograph – Matthew Boulton.

3. n.d. Endorsed “A calculation of a gross of reels.” 1 p. folio. Autograph – Matthew Boulton.

4. n.d. Endorsed “Weight of the different parts of the reels.” 1 p. folio.

5. n.d. Endorsed “Wray’s calculations of revolutions in ye reels.” 1 p. folio.

6. n.d. Endorsed “Reels”. Autograph – Matthew Boulton. 2 pp. folio. Draft of a letter to the Hon. The Court of Directors on the revolutions of the reels.

7. n.d. Endorsed “Scale debits, reels.” 1 slip. Silk Reel Account drawn to Button Account.

8. n.d. Endorsed “Silk machines. Account of expenses.” 1 p. folio.

9. n.d. Endorsed “Weight of cases of reels.” 1 p. 4to.

10. n.d. Endorsed “Carriage of reels to London.” 4 pp. 4to.
a) Reels No. 1 sent off in May 1779.
b) Crossing machines No. 1 sent off in December 1779.
c) Reels No. 2 sent off in March 1780.
d) Crossing machines No. 2 sent off in March 1780.

11. 1779 May 24, Endorsed “Invoice of Reels”. 1 p. folio.

12. 1780 October 19, Endorsed “Copy of invoice of reels for East India Company 19 October 1780.” 1 p. folio.

13. n.d. Endorsed “Reasons for charging the reels 30s.” 1 p. folio. Arguments for abiding by the price charged for the machines already sent.

14. 1779 May 27. Endorsed “Boulton and Fothergill’s intended letter to East India Company, May 27 1779.” 3 pp. folio. Enclosing invoice of reels. Reasons for charging the reels at the price not exceeding that Mr Boulton mentioned. Mr Vancusson’s reels. Mr. Noel’s (silk and gauze weaver, Spitalfields, London) suggested improvement.

15. n.d. Sundries not charged in the accounts of reels and crossing machines. 1 p. folio.

16. 1785 March 8, Robert Wisset, East India House – Matthew Boulton, Soho. 1 p. folio. With enclosure of extracts from the East India Company’s letters from Bengal on the subject of the Company’s reels and crossing machines made by Matthew Boulton, giving opinions of the different persons who have used them. The Committee desires Mr Boulton’s remarks and observations thereon. 13 pp. folio.

17. 1785. Antwerp. Draft of a letter from Matthew Boulton to … 1 p. 4to. With observations on the defects of all the silk reels that have hitherto been used in India. 3 pp. folio.



Items 1-169.

Brief abstracts and notes of subject content are provided below for a few items, but not for every item. There is no full listing to this material. Items 1-169 all relate to Soho House, including lists of prices, estimates, cultivations, reports, returns, inventories, lists of cottages, etc. and other papers. There is a summary 5 page listing on the film.

1. 1797-1799. Accounts of Matthew Boulton with the late E Standley for screws, locks, pulleys, bells, hinges etc. for specified rooms in Soho House.

2-4. 1821. Letter from James Wyatt to M R Boulton with bill for joins for alterations to Soho made in 1796.
5. 1827. Plan of dining room at Soho.

25-67. 1809-1841. Details of servants, wages and allowances.

68-76. 1835-1841. Inventories of table utensils, plates in the strong room and silver plate, garden tools, furniture and other items.

77-95. 1860. Inventories, repairs and specifications for the year of 1860.

96-125. 1860. Sale catalogues, auctioneer’s receipts etc. for sale at Soho House in 1860.

126-132. 1778-1787 and n.d. Rent rolls of houses at Soho and Soho Manufactory.

133-169. 1791-1796 and n.d. letters, memoranda, notes and measurements concerning Boulton’s decision to purchase land at Soho from George Birch and others, including Boulton’s reasons for purchasing the land at Nineveh, Steven’s land and details of measurements.



Items 170-238, continued from previous reel.

170-202. 1811-1821. Papers concerning horticulture, the garden and Hockley pool.

203-221. 1805-1842 and n.d. Papers concerning land at Soho and the drainage and repair of Hockley pool and dam.

222-232. 1927 and n.d. Photographs of Soho House, including copy of 1863 photograph, exterior and interiors.

233-238. c1900 and 1915. Photocopies of an old print of Soho Lake (c1900), Soho House, Soho Gamekeeper’s house (c1900), Article from Country Life (1915) describing Boulton’s life and his house.


Contains about 50 drawings and related papers.


This box of loose material contains Prohibitory Cards; 2 illustrations of Soho Manufactory; Inventories; Various Papers concerning the buildings comprising the Soho Manufactory; an envelope containing “Particulars of the Houses and Workshops and Mills of Soho” along with “Dimensions of Soho Shops and Buildings” dated 1789-1790. Also covered are “Soho Manufactory, Illuminations at the Peace in 1802” and documentation relating to the discovery of brick foundations on the site of the Soho Manufactory, c1900.


103 Drawings [Plans, Buildings of Soho Manufactory; Soho Foundry] 287 Drawings [Engines, Boilers, Machinery and Cranes of the Soho Manufactory and Soho Foundry]. For more details please see p. 338 of the Old Engine Catalogue in Section 0 – Miscellaneous Drawings.



Portfolio 1340: 27 drawings of the Double Reciprocating Engine at the Soho Manufactory. Portfolio 1346: 55 drawings of Sliding Valve Engines (mostly at Soho) and 8 drawings of Wheel Carriages.



Items 1-169, with 4 page listing.

1. [1769]. Demonstration of the principles on which the tables for comparing Boulton & Watt engines with the common ones are founded.

2. 1777-1780. Table of engines and their performance, costs, parties, etc.

3. 1778-1780. List of “deeds in this drawer”: articles of agreement for various mine engines.

4. 29 October 1784, Draft agreement with Boulton & Watt concerning North Downs Consolidated mines engines.

5. 7 December 1793, Paper showing results of experiments made on the steam engine at Salford Manufactory by Peter Ewart and George Lee.

6. 1794. Paper with notes on evaporation from the Salford engine.

7. [1797] Comparison of premiums of engines calculated by the tables at the rate of 55 per month for a 63n cylinder.

8. 12 January 1798, Notes of proposed scheme of experiments upon evaporation.

9. 19 November1803, Delivery note for iron boiler, beam etc.


10-85. April 1824 to May 1829, Notes, calculations, drawings, letters from W Murdock Junior to M R Boulton concerning evaporation experiments on boat engine boilers and other experiments. [Boats mentioned include Thetis, Dolphin, Calcutta, City of Edinburgh, Sons of Commera, Favourite, Milford No. 2, Eclipse etc.]


86. 1812. Drawings of nozzles and gear for 80hp engine.

87. 1842. Drawing of the Little Western Boiler.

88. 1848. Drawings and explanation of crank motion.

89. n.d. Plan and section of upper frame.

90-106. Miscellaneous drawings of engine parts.

107. n.d. Large drawing of the governors for 20h boat.


108. [1769]. Mr Watt’s specification for his method of lessening the consumption of steam and fuel in fire engines. Printed.

109-110. [c1770]. Case of James Watt, Engineer, inventor of improvements on the steam engine. Printed.

111-113. 1775. Act for vesting in James Watt … the sole use and property of certain steam engines … Printed.

114. 1821. Bill for giving greater facility in the prosecution and abatement of nuisances arising from furnaces used in the working of steam engines. Printed.

115. n.d. Patent, economical apparatus for improving air admitted into furnaces and forges. Printed.
116-119. n.d. Form of indenture. Printed.

120. n.d. Corrected copy of Proposals to the Adventurers in - by Boulton & Watt. Printed form.

121. n.d. Improved engineering and gas taps, stocks, dyes etc. manufactured by William Muir of Salford. Printed advertisement.

122-127. n.d. Cards containing a brief account of James Watt’s invention and improvements to the steam engine. Printed.

128. n.d. Drawing of Johnstone’s Locomotive Engine. Printed.


129. n.d. A plan for a new fire engine by Mr Moore.

130/1-6. n.d. Draft paper concerning the discovery and checking of faults in engines etc.

131/1-9. n.d. Draft papers concerning calculations for fixing the monthly payments of the different engines of Wheal Virgin and North Downs.

132. n.d. Draft paper concerning the differences between the engines of Watt and Hornblowers.

133. n.d. Directions for working the engine: incomplete MS.

134-5. n.d. Table of cylinders, strokes, powers and coals.

136-142. n.d. Papers on the Borough Waterworks and John Champion’s Mill, Bristol.

143-169. n.d. Miscellaneous notes, sketches, tables, calculations etc.




Items 1-130, with 18 page listing.

Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for a few items, but not for every item. The full descriptive listing is reproduced on film.

1. 1828 June, Memorandum from Mr Browne’s experiments dated 26 May 1828. Endorsed “William Creighton. June 1828. Extracts from Mr Browne’s minutes of experiments with the magnet, May 26 and May 30, 1828.”

5. 1828 October 31, William Creighton, Soho, Birmingham – M R Boulton, Great Tew, Enstone. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed “Extract of Mr Browne’s report of experiments of St. Katherine’s Dock Engine.”

7. 1819 August 2, John Bennett, Soho Foundry – M R Boulton, Soho House. 1 p 4to. Endorsed “Application from Mr Shakespeare for amount of sand had by the Foundry.”

12. 1820 September 20, William Bennett, Drawing Office, Soho – M R Boulton, Soho House. 1 p 4to. Endorsed, enclosing a letter of his brother’s stating sundry objections to the passes retained by him. Thinks examination futile.”

13. 1826 March 15, William Bennett, Manchester – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp. 4to. Endorsed “On the engagement of hands at Manchester.”

15. 1826 March 23, William Bennett, Manchester – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp 4to. Endorsed “Further particulars respecting Hastie and another hand to go out to Guatemala.”

24. 1826 April 18, James Brown, London – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. 4to. Endorsed, interview with Marrison and his desire for him to see Mr Browne.”

28. 1828 February 25, James Browne, London – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2 pp 4to. Endorsed “On the measurements of some parts of the James Watt and Magnet boilers. On the mode of procuring coals from Newcastle.”

29. 1828 March 29, James Browne, London – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3 pp. folio. Sketches of Boilers annexed. Endorsed “Sketches of boiler for two 20 horse with his observations.”

86. 1832 August 17, William Buckle, Soho, Birmingham - M R Boulton. 1 p. 8vo. Endorsed “Cost of washing a ten horse engine and repairs of lap engine suggested.”

109. 1824 May 24, William Murdock, Soho Foundry – M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1 p. octovo. Endorsed “Opinion of the lap engine boiler being incapable of repair.”

Please note: Correspondence with agents used by the business is arranged as follows:-

Items 1-6 Correspondence with William Creighton
Items 7-11 Correspondence with John Bennett
Items 12-23 Correspondence with William Bennett
Items 24-84 Correspondence with James Browne
Items 85-98 Correspondence with William Buckle
Items 99-105 Correspondence with Gilbert Hamilton
Items 106-114 Correspondence with William Murdock, Junior
Items 115-130 Correspondence with William Burdon, Thomas F Crane, Jonathan Dawn, John Dawn, James Fairweather and John Thomas Junior.




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