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Papers of Mary Tighe (1772-1810) and Lady Sydney Morgan (1776-1859)

from the National Library of Ireland

Contents of Reels

Papers of Mary Tighe (1772-1810) from the National Library of Ireland


Ms 3889

Letters to Sir William Fownes and letters of the members of the Tighe family including those of Mary Tighe
to her cousin William Tighe 1730-1795

Ms 4239

Letters between Caroline Hamilton, Mary Tighe and other members of the Tighe family.
Also letters concerning the Ladies of Llangollen 1778-1810

Ms 4799

Album containing mainly transcripts made by Caroline Hamilton of miscellaneous verse including
some by Mary and William Tighe c1798-1810

Ms 4800

lbum containing mainly transcripts made by Caroline Hamilton of miscellaneous verse including
some by Mary and William Tighe c1798-1810

Ms 4801

Album containing mainly transcripts made by Caroline Hamilton of miscellaneous verse including
some by Mary and William Tighe c1798-1810

Ms 4802

Album containing mainly transcripts made by Caroline Hamilton of miscellaneous verse including
some by Mary and William Tighe c1798-1810

Ms 4803

Album containing mainly transcripts made by Caroline Hamilton of miscellaneous verse including
some by Mary and William Tighe c1798-1810


Ms 12,187

Copy of Mary Tighe’s poem Psyche or the Legend of Love 1805

Acc 4854

Copy of Mary Tighe’s poem Psyche or the Legend of Love 1805

LO 373

Printed copy of Mary Tighe’s Mary, A Series of Reflections during Twenty Years 1811


Ms 4804

Critical book reviews by Mary Tighe 1806-1809

Ms 4810

Biographical notes compiled by Caroline Hamilton on Mary Tighe and her parents c1825

Ms 10,206

Sixty lines of verse by Mary Tighe 1799

Ms 4742

Volume I of Selena, the unpublished novel c1809


Ms 4743

Volume II of Selena, the unpublished novel c1809

Ms 4744

Volume III of Selena, the unpublished novel c1809


Ms 4745

Volume IV of Selena, the unpublished novel c1809

Ms 4746

Volume V of Selena, the unpublished novel c1809

Ms 4578

Holograph poem of Mary Tighe and a letter from her to Mrs Churton c1810

Acc 4572

Letter from Mary Tighe to Caroline Hamilton, her cousin 1793


Papers of Lady Sydney Morgan, (1776-1859) from the National Library of Ireland

Ms 878

Diary and Commonplace Book of Lady Sydney Morgan 1825-1859??

Ms 879

Diary and Commonplace Book of Lady Sydney Morgan 1825-1859??


Ms 880

Diary and Commonplace Book of Lady Sydney Morgan 1825-1859

Ms 881

Diary and Commonplace Book of Lady Sydney Morgan 1825-1859


Ms 882

Diary and Commonplace Book of Lady Sydney Morgan 1825-1859

Ms 883

Diary and Commonplace Book of Lady Sydney Morgan 1825-1859

Ms 884

Diary and Commonplace Book of Lady Sydney Morgan 1825-1859

Ms 7886

Letters written by Lady Sydney Morgan to acquaintances 1831-1839

Ms 15,754

Letters from Lady Sydney Morgan to Richard Ford, John Gernon, Ms Hope Vere and others 1816-1854

Ms 15,774

Letters from the Earl of Clarendon to Lady Sydney Morgan and other correspondents 1847-1861

Ms 21,709

Letters from Lady Sydney Morgan c1848-1854?

Ms 36098

Letter from Lady Sydney Morgan to the Bureau Control in Paris 1829

Ms 38713

Letter from Lady Sydney Morgan to Lady Louisa nd


Letter from Lady Morgan to Mrs? 1837/38


Letter from Lady Morgan to Maria Cosway, the painter 1818


Correspondence of Lady Sydney Morgan from Trinity College, Dublin

Ms 6402

Miscellaneous correspondence mostly undated, including letters from herself and from various other correspondents




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