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Manuscript Records of Traders- Travellers- Missionaries and Diplomats- 1853-1941

Part 2: Journals and Student Essays
Part 3: Correspondence and Scrapbooks
Part 4: Collected Papers of Brown, Perry and others
Part 5: Writings by Griffis

Detailed Listing - Part 4


Collected Manuscripts
Griffis was interested in original materials by his contemporaries for a variety of reasons: sometimes he was able to serve as an editor or intermediary between author and publisher; sometimes his expertise was called upon; and always his own research interests were rewarded by his study of works by Japanese associates and by other Westerners who worked in the field. This series reflects manuscripts gathered by Griffis which, falling into the last category, were retained by him and found their way into his papers. (More substantial manuscripts collected by Griffis not primarily for his own researches may be found in Group IV.) The materials appearing here fall largely into two groups: manuscripts dealing directly with Japanese or Far Eastern culture, history or personages, and materials gathered by Griffis in researching the careers of the yatoi or of other Westerners in the Far East.

Authors may be identified for some of these MSS, but the greater part of them cannot be attributed. The series has therefore been arranged alphabetically by title; or, when a title has been lacking, by interpolated title (subject). When the subject has been identifiable as a yatoi, the entry has been glossed.

Box 97
Folder 1: "The Adventures of Ten-Ichibo" <3/3>. Anonymous manuscript relating a Japanese historical folktale.
Folder 2: "Around the Ewha Table" [1926] <39>. Typescript of a skit "given at conference, 1926" representing missionary work in Korea (players include "Miss Appenzeller" and "Miss Van Fleet"].
Folder 3: "The beginning of the Japan of To-Day," by John Mason Ferris, 1905 <102>. Typescript essay in three parts, recording early contacts between Ferris and the first ryugakusei,
Folder 4: [Bibliographical Notes] <138>. Anonymous holograph notes towards Japanese bibliography [1891?]. Possibly by T. Harada.
Folder 5: "Biographical Sketch" by Albert S. Ashmead <29/4> <35/2>. Holograph autobiographical account of the doctor and missionary.
Folder 6: "Biographical Sketch of Kido Koin" <32/3>. Anonymous third-person MS biography of the Meiji statesman.
Folder 7: "Biography of Dr Ryokichi Yatabe" <36/2>. Japanese MS with [anonymous] holograph translation.
Folder 8: "Decorated by the Mikado" <8/8>. Holograph transcription of a newspaper account of the award of Dr Ernest Teigel with the Order of the Rising Sun (1885). Handwriting possibly of Albert S Ashmead. [yatoi]
Folder 9: "Eugene Miller Van Reed: An Opening Wedge of Japan" <8/10>. Calligraphic holograph booklet memorializing the diplomat, 1907. By Margaret Van Reed Biddle [his sister]. [yatoi]
Folder 10: "Fifty-three Post Stations" partial translation <38>. Anonymous holograph translation, in pencil on onion paper, of the opening pages of the Tokaidochu Hizakurige.
Folder 11: "Hitotsutoya" and other songs: anonymous music MSS <1/4>
Folder 12: "Hakkenden - Bakin," "Atago Yama," "Theatres" <38>. Anonymous informants' notes on Japanese literature. Notes on Bakin may have some connection to T Harada [q.v.].
Folder 13: "International Morality and Japanese Nationalism" by Kawakami Isamu [1922] <93>. Typescript essay on Japan in the aftermath of the Washington Disarmament Conference.
Folder 14: "Japan Science Notes" by Kochi Chujiro. Brief notes on the history of natural sciences in Japan.
Folder 15: [Japanese Geography and Language - Notes] <38>. Miscellaneous partial notes to Japanese geography and language, in several hands.
Folder 16: [Japanese History] <12/2>. Brief narrative account of Japanese history from the Minamoto through the Tokugawa.
Folder 17: [Japanese Literary Figures] <38>. Anonymous MS biographical notes, possibly translations from a Japanese source.
Folder 18: "Keijo (Seoul)," "On Historic Remains in Keishu," "Heijo (Pyengyang)" <39/17>. Typescript and carbon copy essays or travellers' notes on these locales.
Folder 19: [Liggins, Revd John] MS biography <8/10>. An anonymous account of the career of the missionary and linguist. On very brittle paper.
Folder 20: "A List of Authors' Books" <38>. A summary list of Japanese classics in MS, with brief introduction, by an unidentified Japanese associate.
Folder 21: "Literature" typescript [Anonymous] <62>. General notes and commentary on Japanese literature typed on Griffis's typewriter, possibly by a Japanese student or guest.
Folder 22: "The Little Journal" by Colin Alexander McVean <8/7>. Manuscript autobiographical account by the engineer and surveyor. [yatoi]
Folder 23: Men of Progress excerpt re: John C Berry <36/1>. Third-person account, possibly by Berry, with his emendations in pen. [yatoi]
Folder 24: "A Monument to Yokoi Shonan Sensei" [1920] <34/2>. Typescript documentation of a memorial for the reformer Yokoi Shonan, assassinated in 1869.
Folder 25: "Osaka, the Industrial Capital of Japan" by Yokoi Tokiwo <7/6> Holograph essay.
Folder 26: "Outline Life of Bishop CM Williams" <8/1>. Brief synopsis of Williams' life and work, in typescript, with emendations in pen by Griffis.
Folder 27: "The Second Volume of the Showing of Crowed Books" [sic] <38>. MS translation by an unidentified Japanese associate of a catalogue of Japanese historical books.
Folder 28: Sentetzusodan translation <38>. Anonymous partial translations of Sentetzusodan [?]
Folder 29: "A Sketch of the Life of Hashimoto Sanai" <14/8>. Japanese MS and [anonymous] holograph translation.
Folder 30: "Teikoku Daigaku," "Government Survey Department," "Government Telegraph Department," "Kobu Dai Gakko" <8>. MS directory of some yatoi employed at these institutions, with notes on subsequent history [Teikoku Daigaku seems to be a later name for Kaisei Gakko]. Possibly by K H Smith: on the reverse is Griffis's listing of his chronology.
Folder 31: ["The Three Gold Fish"] <88>. Chapter 1 of an unidentified Japanese novel: MS translation by an anonymous Japanese associate.
Folder 32: "Verbeck, Guido F" 1895 <62>. A transcription, apparently, of an oral account of Verbeck's career (shorthand is on verso of pages). [yatoi]


Papers collected by Griffis.
Papers by James Balagh, Silas Bent and Samuel Robbins Brown

Box 124
Memoir 1: James Ballagh, "Grandpa's Romance of Missions," Yokohama, 1889 <10>. Retrospective narrative of early life and work; concerns New Jersey and Rutgers career [class of 1857]; latter pages recount early career in Japan, ending ca. 1866. Pencilled note by Griffis on p 1 reads "Read by WE Griffis / NY RR & Poughkeepsie / Nov 28 1920.
Scrapbooks 2: Volume is entitled "Scrap Book" (green volume w / title on spine): includes introductory by Silas Bent on endpapers; address on "Thermometric Gateways to the Pole," with numerous reviews, essays, correspondence about Bent's theory of a warmer Arctic Ocean.
Scrapbooks 3: Second volume, also entitled "Scrap Book" (on front cover) includes newspaper clippings, maps and correspondence about polar exploration.
Scrapbooks 4: An additional folder contains materials found inserted into Vol. 2: including meteorological charts; clippings; an off-print of an 1855 lecture by Bent on the Kuro Shiwo (the Black Current); numerous items of correspondence. [The Silas Bent log book to the 1853-1854 Perry Expedition, acquired by Griffis, is presently accessioned in the Manuscript Collection with the log books of the US naval Expedition to Japan - see Reel 57.]
Travel Journal 5: Samuel Robbins Brown Travel Journal [Ac. 2080] <50>. Brown was accompanied by Mrs Brown and Miss Mary Kidder [later Mrs E Rothesay Miller]. Includes accounts of supplies and provisions and notes to topography as well as a narrative of the journey. 3" x 5"
Translation 6: Translation, "Visions and Opinions of Matzdaira Shinngaku" <7/5>. Typescript MS, annotated by Griffis.
Memoir 7: Typed (partial) transcript of S R Brown autobiographical account <8/5> . Covers Brown's years in Japan and includes a bibliography of his translations and writings. [Transcribed by Edward E Salisbury.]


Papers collected by Griffis.
Papers by Richard Henry Brunton

Box 125
Memoir 1: Holograph MS of Brunton MS [partial], by Charlotte C Stopes [Stopes preceded Griffis as editor of the MS.]
Memoir 2: Book I Original Typescript. Typescript with emendations by Charlotte Stopes. Chapters are individually fastened. [Book I treats historical events preceding Brunton's work and was never edited for publication.]
Memoir 3: Book II Original Typescript. Continuation of previous typescript (pages loose), with emendations by Charlotte Stopes and overlaying emendations by Griffis.
Memoir 4: Notes and articles re Brunton and Japanese public works MS notes by Griffis; source materials and clipped articles.


Papers Collected by Griffis.
Papers by Richard Henry Brunton

Memoirs 5: The Biographer and Review 27, no. 3 (May 1898). Issue of British biographical review with article on Brunton (pp. 60-65)
Memoirs 6: Notes on Brunton manuscript <9/1>. MS notes by Griffis.
Memoirs 7: Book II, Griffis Typescript. Revised typescript with Griffis emendations.
Memoirs 8: Final Typescript: Pioneer Engineering in Japan, by R[ichard] Henry Brunton <8>. "Condensed and Annotated, with an Introductory Chapter and Postscript, by William Elliot Griffis." With corrections and emendations in pencil and pen by Griffis and a subsequent editor (presumably Frederick Welden). [Cf. Also Griffis notebook to Brunton MS <86>, in NOTEBOOKS.]


Papers Collected by Griffis.
Papers by T Harada and A Miyamori

Box 126
1: William Elliot Griffis's letters to Harada, 1890-1927 [Ac. 2489] <52> [Folder 1 of 2]. Includes a photograph of Dr and Mrs Griffis with Harada, 1927, and correspondence between Ken Harada [son] and Stanton Griffis [pull to control file?].
2: idem [folder 2 of 2]
3: Representative Tales of Japan <5/5> Carbon copy typescript of the Preface.
4: Representative Tales of Japan <5/5> Carbon copy typescript of Chapters 1-8.
5: Representative Tales of Japan <5/5> Carbon copy typescript of Chapters 9-16.
6: Representative Tales of Japan <5/5> Carbon copy typescript of Chapters 17-24.


Papers Collected by Griffis.
Papers by A Miyamori, N Amenomori and S Nishimura

7: Representative Tales of Japan Revised. Typescript <137>. Typescript of revised version, with some changes and footnotes added. Preface - Chapter 12.
8: Representative Tales of Japan Revised. Typescript <137> Chapters 17-24. Amenomori, Nobushige, "War and the Japanese Women" <39/3>. Original holograph MS. Enclosed is a pamphlet with Japanese commentary by Yamashita Eiichi (1897). Amenomori, then called "Matsubara" was a student of Griffis's in Fukui, of Dr SR Brown's in Yokohama, and later an associate of Lafcadio Hearn. Cf. CORRESPONDENCE; also "Amenomori: A Conservative in Hearn's 'Kokoro'" by Yamashita Eiichi [offprint in Griffis-Related Box 23.]
10: Nishimura Shinji, "Five Comedies of Ancient Japan" <51/5>. Translated from a [Japanese] original. Nishimura was editor of Gakusei [The Student]


Perry & Bent Journals
The Journals of Matthew Calbraith Perry and officers (these journals are not part of the Griffis Collection but are also held at the Alexander Library at Rutgers University and have been included because they relate so closely to the papers collected by Griffis).

Journals of M C Perry and Silas Bent
In addition to the Griffis Collection, Rutgers University Libraries contain further significant materials for the study of US-Japanese relations in the nineteenth & twentieth centuries.

Among the most significant are six manuscript journals relating to the momentous voyages of 1853-1854 which opened the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate for trade with US ships and ended Japan's policy of isolation. These include the official flag journal (kept by Flag Lieutenants John Contee and Silas Bent), Commodore Perry's Journal, two volumes of O H Perry's journal, Records of Official Conversations with Japanese Officers, and a Narrative of a Journey of Exploration into the Interior of the Great Loo-Choo Island.

1. Flag Journal
The official flag journal (July 1852-September 1854), recording the naval operations of Commodore Perry, is the work of two hands: earlier entries made by Flag Lieutenant John Contee; and from April 4, 1854, entries in the writing of Silas Bent (1821-1887), who became Commodore's Flag Lieutenant on that date. The journal describes Perry's negotiations with the Japanese towards the "treaty of amity and intercourse" between Japan and the US, signed March 31, 1854. One volume.
2. Commodore Matthew C Perry's Journal
This is volume number two of Perry's three personal journals which covered the entire mission. This volume covers Perry's first stay in Tokyo Bay (July 1853) and the succeeding months at Okinawa, Hong Kong, and China before returning to Japan in 1854. It is in a clerical hand (not Perry's), with revisions in a different script. Scholars think that all three volumes (and the Rutgers' clerk's copy) were an 1855 reconstruction done under Perry's direction. A later version of all three volumes was published in 1968 under the title, The Personal Journal of Commodore Matthew C Perry, edited by Roger Pineau. Volume two incorporates the above noted revisions, and several paragraphs have been added or cut; otherwise the wording is almost identical. One volume.
3 and 4. Lieutenant Oliver Hazard Perry's Journal
O H Perry (1825-1870) was the secretary and son of Commodore Perry. He joined the squadron at Hong Kong, where it was preparing for the mission. He kept this personal account, as all officers were required to do. He was constantly at his father's side, and his narrative is detailed and informative, particularly with regard to the discussions between Japanese Americans (February 13 - June 1, 1854). Two volumes.
5. Narrative of a journey of exploration into the interior of the Great Loo-Choo Island, etc.
The journal consists of nine reports to Commodore Perry by Bayard Taylor. In a clerical hand, signed June 13, 1853.
6. Record of Official Conversations with Japanese Officers.
Begins on February 13, 1854 in Jedo Bay, and finishes on May 22, 1854, at Hakoda. It appears that Oliver Hazard Perry took these notes. One Volume.


Margaret Clark Griffis Papers. Journals and Diaries, 1858-1874

Box 119
Folder 1: Margaret Clark Griffis Diaries - Explanations [Ac. 2066] <51>
Folder 2: Margaret Clark Griffis, Diary, 1858-Sept 1860 [Ac. 2066] <51>
Folder 3: Margaret Clark Griffis Journal 1859-60 [Ac. 2066] <51>
Folder 4: Margaret Clark Griffis Diaries, Oct 1 1860 - Dec 31 1862; Jan 9 1863 - Jan 9 1868 [Ac. 2066] <51>
Folder 5: Margaret Clark Griffis Diaries, Jan 21 1868 - March 16, 1871 [Ac. 2066] <51>
Folder 6: Margaret Clark Griffis, March 1 1871 - May 8 1874 [Ac. 2066] <51>


Margaret Clark Griffis Papers.
Journals and Diaries, 1874-1913, and Associated Materials

Box 119
Folder 7: Margaret Clark Griffs Journal, May 10 1874 - Dec 31 1905. [Ac. 2066] <243>. Notes by William Elliot Griffis, 1913. Initial entries are in Tokyo.

Box 120
Folder 1: Margaret Clark Griffis, European Travel Journal, June 7 1887 - Sept 23 1887. [2074] <55>
Folder 2: Margaret Clark Griffis Diary, loose pages covering July 31 - Aug 14 1892 and Aug 1 - 28, 1895. [2074] <55>
Folder 3: Margaret Clark Griffis Diary, Jan 1 1906 - Nov 5 1913. [2074] <55>
Folder 4: Tokyo Contract (English copy). March 1 1873.
Folder 5: Reference Materials, Correspondence and Notes re: Margaret Clark Griffis <137> Collected and annotated by Katherine G M Johnson.


Educational Materials. Jo Gakko Autobiographies and Educational Materials (please see the description of Student Essays at the start of Part 2 of this collection).

1: The Story of My Life by Terada Kin
2: The History of my Life [unsigned; Jo Gakko]
3: The Story of My Life by Miyashita Saku
4: The Story of My Life by Midzno Tsune [?]
5: The Story of My Life by Okura Yasu
6: The Story of My Life by Ban Yoshi
7: The Story of My Life by Terruyama Hana
8: The Story of My Life by Toyama Kan
9: The Story of My Life byYasui Chiyo
10: The Story of My Life by Kayo Niwa
11: The Story of My Life by Nagai Masu
12: The Story of My Life by Yoshida Fusaye
13: The Story of My Life by Tominaga Kei
14: [Autobiography] by Oi Kei
15: [Autobiography] by Sugi Yo
16: History of My Self by Sugi Yo
17: The History of My Life [unsigned]
18: The History of My Life [unsigned]
19: History of My Life by Miura Kei [?]
20: The Story of My Life by Ishibashi Sa-da
21: The Story of My Life by Aoki Koto [transcription]
22: Typed transcript by KGMJ
23: History of My Life by Iwaya Uka
24: The Story of My Life by Mitsuhashi Shio
25: [Autobiography] by Nakamura Fumi
26: History of My Life by Nakamura Sen
27: The History of My Life by Shida Kiku
28: The History of My Life by Sida Tetsu
29: The Story of My Life by Tanida Iku
30: [Autobiography] by Masawa Yatsu
31: The Story of My Life by Tominaga Kumi
32: The Story of My Life by Tomita Yu
33: The History of My Life by Tsuda Kuni
34: The Story of My Life by Watanabe Fude
35: The History of My Life by Kobayashi Yei
36: The Story of My Life by Nakano Suga
37: The Story of My Life [unsigned]

Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 81
Folder 1: Ainu Mission - Public Letter by John Batchelor, 6/1. Mimeograph copy of public letter on missionary efforts in Hokkaido, June 1894
Folder 2: All the World [clipped articles] <36/1>. Pages 101 - 128 clipped from missionary periodical
Folder 3: An Alphabet for China <26/3>. Typescript outline of questions to be posed in a symposium at Harvard University, January 30 ca. 1915
Folder 4: America - Japan 1921: The Crown Prince and the Emperor Meiji <37>. (America-Japan Society of Tokyo: July 1921) Two copies
Folder 5: "America-Japan Problem" - Pamphlets and Publications [1920-27] <11/6>. Pamphlets and publications on immigration and education reform and US - Japan Relations.
Folder 6: American Influence upon the Agriculture of Hokkaido, Japan <8/1> (Sapporo: Tohoku Imperial University College of Agriculture, 1915.)
Folder 7: American Peace Society of Japan Bulletin <32/3>. Nos. 2-4 (1911-1912)
Folder 8: "The Basis, Philosophy and Motives of Foreign Missions" <163>. Published sermon by William Wilberforce Newton (Pittsfield, MA: 1882)
Folders 9: The Bay View Magazine. Vol. 12 no. 7 (April 1905)
Folder 10: Bible Societies' Committees for Japan - Annual Reports <10/3> <36/1> 1895, 1898, 1900
Folder 11: Bible Society Record <10/3>. Vol. 35 no. 1 (January 16 1890); vol. 33 no. 4 (April 19 1888) [clipping]
Folder 12: "The Binkley Collection" <49>. ["Description of a Collection of Japanese, Chinese and Korean Porcelain, Pottery, and Faience made by Captain F Brinkley." (New York: Edward Greey, n.d.)]
Folder 13: Blue Triangle News (New York: YWCA War Work Council). No. 78, Oct 24 1919. <27/2> No. 79, Oct 31 1919. <3/4>
Folder 14: "Buddhism and Christianity: A Crusade which Must be Met" <138> <163> by F F Ellinwood, D D, two copies
Folder 15: "Catalogue of a Collection of Choice Japanese Colour Prints" <39/10> Wm. B Paterson [London 1906]
Folder 16: "Catalogue of the Private Collection of Paintings by European and American Artists, and of Chinese, Cochin-Chinese, Korean and Japanese Keramics, & c." [Thomas E Waggaman, 1888] <1>
Folder 17: China - Miscellaneous Pamphlets <28/2> <28/3>
Folder 18: China's Voice. Published by the Publicity Bureau of the Chinese Students in the University of Illinois. No. 4 (April 9 1920) <213>
Folder 19: The Chinese Students' Monthly. Vol 8 no. 7 (May 10 1913) <28/1>
Folder 20: Christian Literature Society for China Thirty-fifth Annual Report (1921-1922) <81>
Folder 21: "Christian Missions in Japan" <34/2> by Adachi Kinnosuke (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1911). A partial copy is also included, as printed in The Century Magazine; it also includes a comment by Griffis
Folder 22: The Chrysanthemum: A Monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East, Vol. 1 nos. 8-10 (Aug-Oct 1881)
Folder 23: "Commodore Perry's Landing in Japan" <36/1>. Excerpt from Narrative of the Expedition (1856), printed as Old South Leaflets no. 151
Folder 24: "Description of Collection of Japanese Swords" <29/1>. Boston: Press of Coburn Bros. & Snow, 1885
Folder 25: "A Descriptive Catalogue of General Horace Capron's Collection of Japanese Works of Art Now on Deposit in the Smithsonian Institution" [1883] <1/3>. (Washington DC: National Republican Printing House, 1882.) Two copies "Revised Descriptive Catalogue of the Capron Collection." [1883]. (Washington: R A Waters, Printer, 1883.) Two copies
Folder 26: "The Development of the International Mind: an address delivered before the Academy of International Law at the Hague, July 20, 1923" <163> by Nicholas Murray Butler. International Conciliation no. 192 (Greenwich, CT American Association for International Conciliation, 1923)
Folder 27: Diet Speeches, 1924-1927 <7/2>. Typed and printed transcripts of Japanese Diet speeches

Box 82
Folder 1: "Early American Policy in Korea, 1883-7" <23/6> by Tyler Dennett. Reprinted from Political Science Quarterly 38 no. 1 (March 1923), pp. 82-103
Folder 2: "An Economic Alliance Between Japan and the United States" <102> by Baron Kentaro Kaneko. Reprinted from Japan and America, January 1903. Inscribed by the author to W.E. Griffis.


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis.

Box 82
Folder 3: Episcopal Missions in Japan - Reports <40>
Folder 4: "The Faith of Japan" <34/1> by Harada Tasuku. Address printed by the Central Union Church, Honolulu, 1925
Folder 5: "Famine in North Japan": Appeal for Aid in Famine Relief [ca. 1906] <11/10>
Folder 6: Foundations of Japanese-American Friendship: And A Tribute to Ambassador Edfar Addison Bancroft <41/1> <63>. Pamphlet by Jiuji G. Kasai; introductions by Prince Iyesato Tokugawa, Viscount Kentaro Kaneko, Dr H B Benninghof (Tokyo 1925)
Folder 7: The Friend <163>. Vol. 93, No. 3 [partial, with Griffis annotations], and Vol. 93, No. 4 [intact]
Folder 8: "Hyaku-Nin Isshu, or Stanzas by a Century of Poets" <85>. Translated by F.V. Dickins (Yokyo: The Museum Office, 1892)


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 82
Folder 9: Japan-British Exhibition, London 1910 <39/1>. Print and mimeograph documentation
Folder 10: Japan Customs Reports: Trade Statistics, 1874 <1>
Folder 11: "Japan Daily Herald" Directory and Hong List, 1872 <65>. Directory of legations and businesses in "Yokohama, Yedo Kobe, Osaka, Hakodate, Niigata, and Nagasaki, January 1872." With map of Yokohama tipped in; advertisements; list of Bluff residents, etc.
Folder 12: Japan Gazette Yokohama Semi-Centennial <9> (Yokohama, July 1909)
Folder 13: Japan Health Care Sector Publications <36/2>


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 82
Folder 14: The Japan Magazine March 1911 <20/1> April 1911 <20/2>
Folder 15: "Japan: Questions Answered" (New York: Japan Society, 1926) <34/1>
Folder 16: The Japan Review <38> Vol. 5 no. 11 (September 1921)
Folder 17: Japan Society - Publications <28/3> <32/3> "Brief on China-Japan." "In Re Japan / Aide Memoir" by Lindsay Russell
Folder 18: Japan Society - "United States and Japan Questionnaire" <35/2> May 1918 Questionnaire with Griffis's answers in holograph. Updated Questionnaire [later], likewise answered. Also included: typescript questionnaire with answer [provenance unclear]
Folder 19: Japan Society Bulletin [folder 1 of 2]. Bulletin Nos. 9-20, 21 [three copies], 22, 23, 26, 36, 37, 41, 43, 45, <12/1> <40> Bulletin Nos. 51, 58 <33> Bulletin, unnumbered [1913] <40>
Folder 20: Japan Society Bulletin [folder 2 of 2]
Sep. 1921 News Bulletin [two copies] <11/4>
Dec. 1922 News Bulletin <32/3>
May 1923 News Bulletin <163>
Mar. 1924 News Bulletin <12/6>
Sep. 1925 News Bulletin <34/1>
Trade Bulletin No. 1 (January 26 1916) <27/7>


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 83
Folder 1: Japan Society Report 1912-1913 <104>. Sixth Year; Eugene C Worden, Secretary
Folder 2: Japan Society Report 1916 <104>. Nineth Year; Eugene C Worden, Secretary
Folder 3: Japan Society Report 1918 <104>. Eleventh Year; Eugene C Worden, Secretary
Folder 4: Japan Society Report 1923 <104>. Sixteenth Year; Eugene C Worden, Secretary
Folder 5: Japan Society Year Book and Travelogue 1914 <104>. Seventh Year; Eugene C Worden, Secretary
Folder 6: The Japan Weekly Mail (Yokohama) February 16 1889 <38>
Folder 7: The Japanese-American Commercial Weekly. New Year Supplement 1907 <39/10>
Folder 8: "Japanese Art Treasures". Catalogue of sale items for auction by Thos. E Kirby [New York], 1881 <1/4>
Folder 9: "Japanese Students in North America" <12/9>. Prepared and Compiled by Kato Katsuji (New York: Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students, 1915).
Folder 10: Japanese Sword Guards <19/4>. Photographic plates representing collection of tsuba (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, n.d.).
Folder 11: The Japanese Translation of the Bible: Meeting to Celebrate Its Completion. Pamphlet reprinted from the Japan Daily Mail (Yokohama: February 3 1888)


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 83
Folder 12: "Japan's Part" <90> by Theodore Roosevelt. [New York: Japan Society, 1918]
Folder 13: "Japan's 'Peaceful Penetration' <32/3> by V.S. McClatchy. Reprinted from The Sacramento Bee (June 1919)
Folder 14: "Jerome Dean Davis" <35/2> by Frank Lombard. Pamphlet, Envelope Series 14 no. 2 (July 1911)
Folder 15: Journal of the American Asiatic Association <8/4>. Vol. 14, no. 7 (August 1914)
Folder 16: Journal of the Indo-Japanese Association, No. 3 (July 1910) <1/1>, No. 5 (February 1911) <1/1> [Both copies contain articles on the history of Japanese race and language by Hirai Kinza.]
Folder 17: Korea under Japanese Occupation - Tourist Literature [1925-1927]. Pamphlets and publications collected by Griffis on his 1926-1927 Tour
Folder 18: Korean Independence Movement - Typescript and Mimeograph Documentation <23/5>


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 84
Folder 1: Korean Independence Movement - Pamphlets <23/5>
Folder 2: "Korean Treaty with the United States: Treaty of Amity and Commerce, May 22, 1882" <24/1>. Typescript copy of an earlier original, ca. 1920
Folder 3: L'Ambassade de Belgique à Tokyo <63> by A. de Bassompierre (Brussels: Librairie Nationale d'Art et d'Histoire, 1923)
Folder 4: "Leader's Supplement to 'Japan for Juniors'" <79>. Teacher's or discussion leader's flyer to supplement mission band/Sunday school text.
Folder 5: Leprosy and Missionary Work - Pamphlets and Clippings <73>
Folder 6: Life: A Periodical Magazine for Japanese Students of English [Renamed Life and Light: A Survey of Modern Life, Thought and Art.] edited by Naruse Jinzo
Vol. 1 no. 1 (July, 1910) <12/1>
Vol. 1 no. 2 (Nov - Dec 1910) <12/9>
Vol. 1 no. 4 (Mar - Apr 1911) <12/1>
Vol. 1 no. 6 (July - Aug 1911)


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 84
Folder 7: "The Lord's Prayer in Japanese" <10/3>. Photo reprint reproduced from manuscript by the American Bible Society, shows a Japanese version of the Lord's Prayer (translated by American Missionaries)
Folder 8: Manchuria under Japanese Occupation - Tourist Literature [1923-1926]. Pamphlets and publications collected by Griffis on his 1926-1927 tour
Folder 9: Missionary Tracts by H Loomis <102>. "Among Japanese Soldiers", "Seventeen Years in Prison: or, The Story of Yoshitaro Kochi", "War Time in Japan", No. 2.
Folder 10: Missions (General) - publications [various dates] <23/2>


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 84
Folder 11: Missions in China - miscellaneous pamphlets <27/4>


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 84
Folder 12: Missions in Japan - miscellaneous pamphlets

Box 85
Folder 1: Missions in Japan - periodical publications [various dates]:
The Church in Japan New Series no. 26 (March 1923) <81>
Gleanings vol. 2 no. 4 (Yokohama, Jan. 1896) <10/3>
The Messenger vol. 3 no. 1 (Oct. 1912) <32/3>; vol. 7 nos. 2, 3 (Jan.-Feb. 1917) <10/3>
Mission News vol. 11 no. 4 (Jan. 15 1908) <36/2>; vol. 17 no. 2 (Nov. 15 1913) <35/2>
The Missionary Link vol. 54 no. 8 (September 1923) <81>
Folder 2: Missions in Japan - Statistical Tables and Reports (complied by H. Loomis and others) <9/4> <30/5> <35/2> <37> for the years 1887, 1888, 1894-1899
Folder 3: Missions in Korea - Public Correspondence <22/8> <23/3> <24/3> <25/1> <25/3> <25/4>. Pieces in carbon, gelatine and other copy formats, and an article in galley proof: Accounts of missionaries in Korea
Folder 4: Missions in Korea - Publications [various dates] <22/6> <23/1> <23/2> <23/3> <24/3> <24/7> <25/5>


Printed Materials: Pamphlets and Periodicals Collected by Griffis

Box 85
Folder 5: "More Race Questions" <32/3> by A F Griffiths (address to Social Science Association, Mar 1 1915)
Folder 6: "Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Department of Japanese Art / An exhibition of Japanese Paintings and Metal Work. Lent by Mr. F. Shirasu, of Tokio, Japan. / Catalogue" <1/3> (Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1894). Two copies.
Folder 7: "My Burnt Book" <39/3>. Pamphlet by Arthur Lloyd reprinted from the Japan Mail (Tokyo: February 29 1908). [Contains a synopsis of Lloyd's pioneering work on the early history of Mahayana Buddhism and its possible relation to Christianity; the book's manuscript was burned in a Yokohama fire before being printed]
Folder 8: Nippon Denchi Kabushiki Kaisha Publications <36/2>. Pamphlet and carbon copy publications [1926-1927] on Shimadzu Lead Powder and its applications. One document has photographs of tests pasted in.
Folder 9: "On the Identity of the Japanese Language with the Aryam Languages" <1/1> by Hirai Kinza [ca. 1910] cf. Also Michi [Japanese journal included in Japanese language materials]; also Journal of the Indo-Japanese Association (July 1910 and February 1911) [in this series]
Folder 10: "On the Identity of the Japanese language with the Aryan Languages". Appendices <1/1> by Hirai Kinza [ca. 1910]: Vocabularies supporting Hirai's hypothesis.
Folder 11: Oomoto: The New Spiritual Movement" <56> (Ayabe, Japan: ca. 1924)
Folder 12: The Open Court <9/3> ["A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Science of Religion, the Religion of Science, and the Extension of the Religious Parliament Idea"] (July 1911)
Folder 13: "The Other Side of the Korean Question: Fresh Light on Some Important Factors" <24/3> by Frank Herron Smith. Reprinted by the Seoul Press from the Japan Advertiser (May, 1920)
Folder 14: "The Outlook for Christianity in Japan: An address Delivered before the Tokyo Conference, December 6th, 1894" <102> by D C Greene (Yokohama: Japan Mail, 1894)
Folder 15: "Recent Developments in our Relations with the Orient" <40> by Sidney Gulick (New York: National Committee on American-Japanese Relations, 1922)
Folder 16: "Reports of the Widely Loving Society at Osaka, Japan" <9/3> [English language publicity pamphlet on Osaka orphanage.] (Osaka: Hakuaisha, 1922)
Folder 17: "Review of the Chapter on Painting in Gonse's 'L'Art Japonaise'" <2/3> by Ernest F Fenollosa (Boston: James R. Osgood, 1885).
Folder 18: "The Romance of Christian Investments in the Mission Fields" <163> by Brewer Eddy. Pamphlet, Envelope Series 26, no.4 (January 1924). Three copies.
Folder 19: Sendai Esperanto Federation Documents <63>. Materials collected on 1926-1927 tour
Folder 20: "Some Points of Contact With, and Opposition To Christianity in Japanese Character" <7/5>. Address by T Harada, reprinted from The Japan Mail [n.d.]
Folder 21: H. Suito Catalogue <63> ["H Suito's 733 photograph in different subjects with various interesting repeals pictureing [sic] oriental life as seen in Japan" (Tokyo, n.d.)]
Folder 22: "The Teachings of Jesus as Factors in International Politics, with Especial Reference to Far-Eastern Problems" <163> by Jeremiah Jenks. Reprinted from Christianity and Problems of Today (Charles Scribner's Sons: 1922)
Folder 23: "Theodore Wores' Collection of Paintings of Japanese Subjects" <29/1> "Exhibition at Reichard & Co.'s, 226 Fifth Ave."
Folder 24: "To D.B. McCartee, M.D. from the American Presbyterian Mission of East Japan: A Memento of the Fiftieth Anniversary of his Arrival on the Mission Field" <27/2>. Pamphlet (Tokyo: February 19 1894)
Folder 25: "Townsend Harris: A Chapter in American Diplomacy" <4/1> by Roland S Morris (US Ambassador to Japan, 1913-1921). (New York: Japan Society, n.d.)
Folder 26: "Why War Between Japan and the United States of America is Impossible " <11/5> by Baron Sakatani (International Service Bureau / Japan Gazette Press: Tokyo, 1921)
Folder 27: "William S Ament: An Ideal Missionary" <213> by Jeremiah C Cromer. Pamphlet, Envelope Series 12, no. 2 (July 1909)

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