Papers from the Mass-Observation Archive at the University of Sussex
Part 1: Publications, 1937-1966
Part 2: The Worktown Collection, 1937-1940
Part 3: The Worktown Collection, 1937-1940
Worktown Papers Catalogue
The Mass-Observation Worktown Papers, 1937-1940 and Britain Revisited, 1960: Catalogue
To help readers, we are delighted to be able to reproduce the detailed catalogue of the Worktown Papers compiled by staff at the Mass-Observation Archive. We have added reel numbers for convenience. These refer to Part 2 (reels 7-26) and Part 3 (reels 27-48) of our microfilm edition.
Some observers are referred to by initials (eg Zita Baker is ZT). A complete list of such abbreviations is given at the end of this catalogue.
1/A Bolton history (notes from secondary sources)
"Bolton through the ages", ts, 8pp, with note from Andrew F. Robinson who prepared the material
Untitled document, ts, 1p, Disreali (sic) quote
List "Different Trades and number employed in each for Bolton Borough Election 1847", ms, 3pp, BR (no source cited)
List "Index surnames", ms, 8pp, 20.7.38, BR, list of surnames,1573-1938, from Parish church records
Poster: "Bolton Borough Election, 1847", list of people who voted and who did not
Maps (2), unidentified area
Newspaper cuttings (2)
1/B Correspondence between Mass-Observers and contacts
From Jack J. [Steele], E.H. Steele Ltd, General Provision Merchants, to [THH], ts, 1p, 5.7.37, about paying account when next ordering and food research
From Adam Greenhalgh, solicitor to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 28.1.38, reference to non-payment of hire purchase agreement and recovery proceedings
From Herbert to [THH], ms, 1p, reference to work carried out by Beatrice Lawrence and Barbara Philipson, the editing of work and confirmation of information
From P. Ford to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 14.10.38, about lines of enquiry on shops and shopping
From Tom Harrisson to Sir Ernest Simon, ts, 4pp, enclosing synopsis of book
From Stanley [Cramp] to [THH], ts, 2pp, 19.10.38, about economics research
From John to [THH], ts, 1p, payment of expenses
From [??] to [THH], ms, 1p, reference to phone call to Gollancz
From Beatrice Lawrence to [THH], ts, 1p
From Bill Lee to [THH], postcard, ms, payment of [expenses], reference to research on religion
From [??] to [THH], ts, 1p, [incomplete], reference to Mass-Observers
From Derek [Kahn] to [THH], ms, 1p, 29.12.[?], about religion and writing introductory chapter for the book
From Derek [Kahn] to THH, ts, 2pp, research on religion
Note to/from H. Howarth, ms, 3pp, notes for work on religion
1/C Draft articles about the Worktown project
"A Basis for Social Fieldwork", ts, 10pp
"Mass-Observation in Bolton: A Social Experiment", ts, 7pp
"Spending and Saving in Worktown", ts, 6pp
"Memo on Bolton work", ts, 4pp, 13.1.40, AH
"What People Say, What People Think, What People Do", ts, 1p, reference to sociology
1/D Lists of reports and questionnaires
"Reports taken away to Edinburgh", ts, 2pp, 9.1.[?], BB
"Political Organisation - The Electoringate", ts, 3pp, 10.1.[?], BB
"Electoringate List of Reports", ts, 2pp, 10.2.[?], BB
"Meetings", ts, 3pp, list of abbreviations and guidance to observers about what to record
"Preliminary Questionairre (sic)", ts, 24.8.37, a six point questionnaire about leisure activities
"Friday .......... The Housewife", ts, 2pp, a 44 point questionnaire about the housewife's day
"List of reports containing refs. to the Mayor", ts, 1p, 12.6.39, WRL sent to THH
"Bolton Economic Index 1939" 29pp, ts, lists of work carried out/to be carried out by observers about Bolton's economy
"Bolton Economic Index 1939", ts, 12pp, varies from one above
Untitled document, ts, 1p, questionnaire carried out for the Ministry of Food
Untitled document, ts, 1p,14 point list, [incomplete]
1/E Correspondence about M-O research
From W.J. Havelock Davidson , Vicar and Rural Dean of Bolton, to Tom Harrisson, ts, 3.1.37, religion research
From M.E. Dahl to [THH], ms, 1p, 21.10.37, curate of local parish church offering services as an observer
From M.E. Dahl to [THH], ms, 1p, confirming meeting
From J.E. Ward, Magee, Marshall & Co., Ltd., Crown Brewery, to John Sommerfield, ts, 1p, 3.12.37, refusing to help with statistical data
From R.C. Worsley to Joe Wilcock, ts, 1p, 7.1.38, reference to Herbert Pollitt, religion research
From Rev. H. Stanley Spencer, Minister, St. George's Road Congregational Church to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 22.1.38, arrangements for a meeting
From Alf Hodgson to John Sommerfield, ms, 1p, 25.1.38, apologies for not being able to meet JS as he had had an accident
From Lily [??] to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 15.2.38, about arrangement for coffee, best wishes for books and an invitation to call in for a meal anytime
From A. Fawcett to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 18.2.38, sending him some work
From Rev. R.W. Hasler to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 19.2.39, cancelling an appointment in the morning and offering an alternative
From E. Lomax , Secretary, The Bolton Mission to Joe Wilcock, ts, 1p, 18.3.38, enclosing information about the Bolton Mission
From Rev. R.W. Hasler to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 8.4.38, enclosing answers to questions and a book
From J.H. Oldham, Proposed World Council of Churches, to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 17.5.38, apologies for not meeting him the day before, expressing interest in M-O's work on religion
From George Medhurst, Tonge Moor Congregational Church, to Joe Wilcock, ts, 1p, 24.6.38, enclosing information requested
From E. Russell-Bentley to Tom Harrisson ms, 9.8.38, expressing an interest in M-O's work in Bolton and enclosing a letter from a young woman replying to an advert for work as a housemaid
From R. Hayler, Bolton Municipal Secondary School, to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 10.10.38, confirming arrangements for a lecture and thanking him for a previous talk
From J.R. Hilliard, Rotary Club of Bolton, to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 9.11.38, asking him to give another talk to the Club's members
From J.R. Hilliard, Rotary Club of Bolton, to Charles Madge, ts, 1p, 15.11.38, asking him to give a talk to the Club's members
From John Bright to [THH], ts, 1p, 1.6.39, asking for £5 he is owed, he is getting married, expressing his condolences on hearing the death of Reynold Bray and telling THH that he is moving on
From J.S. Leatherbarrow to Tom Harrisson, postcard, ms, 15.3.[?], inviting him to dinner
From [V.] Greenwood to Tom Harrisson, postcard, ms, confirming an appointment
From R.C. Worsley to Joe Wilcock, postcard, ms, sending figures requested
From W.J. Havelock Davidson to "Dear Friends", ts, 1p, offering them the use of the dinner hour services at the Parish Church
From Dorothy Kemp to THH, ms, 6pp, about how events such as Empire Day are celebrated in school
From Doris Taylor to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, about essays and the 'tops' season
From Mrs Willis to [THH], ms, 1p, giving details of Mr Gregory who is willing to be interviewed and is interested in mass observation
1/F Analysis sheets
"Blackpool and Bolton", ms 2pp, charts of figures
1/G Miscellaneous notes and lists
"Mass Observation in Blackpool", ms, 5pp, details of observers in Blackpool
"To do", ms, 1p, list of things to be done
Untitled document, ms 4pp, notes
Untitled document, ms, 1p, [a quote]
Letter from Lilian to Llewellyn, ts, 2pp, recounting an experience in Collinson's cafe
Untitled document, 1p, hand-drawn outline of England and Wales
Index cards, (17), ms, various notes
Bound typescript chapters prepared for publication by Victor Gollancz in 1943.
2/A Prelims-Chapter IV
2/B Chapters V - VII
2/C Chapters VIII to end
2/D Miscellaneous
3/A Pubs and pub activities
Guidelines for pub observers, ts, 1p
"Method of approach on Pub Canvass", index card, ms, EB, list attached, untitled document, ms, 2pp, 8.1.38, BW, pub canvass
"Full licenses", ts, 3pp alphabetical list of premises with full licenses (2 sets)
"Beerhouses", ts, 5pp alphabetical list of premises classified as beerhouses (2 sets)
"Caledonian Inn", ts, 2pp, list of customers' names and addresses
List: "Nicknames Pubs" ms, 1p pub names
Printed booklet: County Borough of Bolton, General Annual Licensing Meeting, 10th February 1937, Report of the Chief Constable
Newspaper cutting "Social Diversions in a Cotton Town", Manchester Guardian, 24.3.38 about Mass-Observation's work in Bolton
Observer accounts
Pub Counts: ts, 5pp, GT and JC number of customers, at the Man and Scythe, the Nags Head and Poplar Inn
"Pubs Count", ts, 1p, 16.1[?] number of customers at the Packhorse, Prince William, Swan, Saddle (vault and lobby) and Yates
"The Good Samaritan", ts, 1p, 3.4.[?], THH, PJ and JF, observation of customers and songs played by pianist
"Public House Count", ts/ms, 1p, 6.4.38, count of customers at Yates
Untitled, ms, 2pp, discourse on the cultural place of pubs
"Midday Drinking", ts, 1p, observations on midday drinking at the Star and Garter pub and other unnamed pubs.
"Tuesday after Easter March 30th. Pub Crawl", ts, 2pp, observation and conversations at the Star, the Fleece and the Nag's Head
"Saddle Inn, Bradshawgate", ts, 1p, 31.3.[?], THH, details of wall notices and overheard conversations
"Royal, Vernon Street" ts, 3pp, 4.4.[?], THH, observation of customers and overheard conversations in the bar parlour
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 21.4.[?], JS, details and diagram of the interior of the saloon at the George
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 22.4.[?], JS, brief description of interior and customers and overheard conversations at the George, Gt. Moor Street
Pubs", ts, 2pp, 23.4.[?], JS, brief description of interiors and customers at the St. George vault, the Balmoral, the One Horse Shoe, the Grapes and Yates Wine Bar
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 23.4.[?], JS, conversations with proprietor and customers at the Dog and Partridge
"Star and Garter", ms, 1p, 24.4.[?], WH, observations of pianist, songs and customers
"The Globe, Higher Bridge St.", ts, 1p, 25.4.[?], THH, conversation with landlord about decline of lunchtime trade
Untitled report:, ms, 1p, 25.4.37, EL, observations at the following pubs: Grapes, Water Street, One Horse Shoe, Bank St; Yates Wine Lodge, Saddle Inn; and the Grapes
"Lord and Lady of the Ale", ms, 2pp, 17.5.37, EL, observations and conversations at the George Hotel; the Brown Cow and the Man and Scythe. Reference to the term "Lord and Lady of the Ale"
"John Brown St. Labour Club", ms, 1p, 25.4.[?], WH, observations at the club
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 26.5, observations of customers and staff at Crompton's Monument
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 27.5, observations of customers and staff in the Star and Garter lounge, the Dog and Partridge lounge and the Three Tuns Vault
Untitled report, ms, 9pp, 8.6; 25.6; 26.6; 1.7; 9.7.[?], observations at the Peel Arms, Waterloo Street, Dog and Snipe, Folds Road; Waterloo
Tavern, Folds Road; Woodman Inn, Carlisle Street; White Horse Inn and the House with No Name. Includes diagrams
"Waterloo Tavern, Folds Road", ts, 1p, 8.6.[?], conversations with customers
"Dog and Snipe" Folds Road, ts, 1p, 8.6.[?], description of interior and customers
"Peel Arms, Waterloo St.", ts, 1p, 8.6.[?], observation of interior and customer
"Brownlow Fold Pubs", ts, 1p, 8.6.[?], JS, observations and overheard conversations in the City vault; the Woodman vault and the Lord Ashley vault
"Pubs", ms, 2pp, 15.6.37, EL, observations and conversations at the Kings Arms and Blue Boar
"Woodman Inn, Carlisle St", ts, 1p, 25.6.[?], observations and overheard conversations
"The White Horse Inn", ts, 1p, 26.6[?], THH, description of customers and their drinking at lunchtime and in the evening
"House without a name", ts, p1, 9.7.[?], THH, (refers to self and SH), description of the House without a name, Bradshaw, observation of customers and drinking
Waterloo Tavern, ts, 2pp, 1.7.[?], THH, observation of customers and explanation of the "curio" idea (a raffle) at the Waterloo Tavern
"Parkfield Arms" ts, 1p, 31.7.[?], (index card) observations and overheard conversations at the Parkfield Arms vault
Untitled report:, ms, 4pp, 5.8.37, EL, observations and overheard conversations at the Victory Hotel
"Pub Environment", ts, 3pp, 4.9, JS, observations on pub environment at the White Swan, Palantine and Clarence [incomplete]
"Pubs", ts, 3pp, 23.10.37, EL, observations of customers at the Victory Hotel, the Star and Garter and the Prince William Hotel, Victoria Square
"Bridgewater Hotel" ts, 1p, brief report
"Labour Club", ts, 1p, observations at the club, the Black Horse , the Lord Nelson and unnamed pub, torn ticket attached
"Saddle Inn", ts, 1p, 25.3.38 observations and overheard conversations
3/B Bolton pubs
Observer Accounts
Hope and Anchor: ms, 1p, 18.1.37, JS observations of customers
"Pub Accommodation", ts, 1p, 15.1.[?], enquiry into bed and breakfast accommodation in pubs
"One Horseshoe Vault", ts, 4pp, 21.1.[?], observation of customers and details of argument about the Farr Braddock fight at the One Horseshoe vault
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 11.4.[?], observations at the Pack Horse, best lounge.
"Queens Hotel, Darley St", ts, 1p, 11.4.[?], TH, overheard comments at the Queens Hotel and the Arthur Birks, Bridge St
"Pubs", ts, 2pp, 19.4.[?], JS, observations at the Grapes lounge and the One Horseshoe, Bank Street
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 19.4.[?], JS, conversation in fish and chip shop about pubs
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 22.4.[?], JS, observations at Yates Wine Lodge
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 23.4[?], JS, observations and brief conversation with proprietress at the Stanley, Egyptian Street
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 24.4.[?], JS, observations in the Bank of England vault, Key St. and the Grapes lounge
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 29.4.[?], JS, observations at the Lever's Arms lounge
"Pubs Moses Gate", ts, 3pp, 7.5.[?], JS, observations at the Walkers Arms; the Moses Gate vault; the Railway Hotel and the Walkers Arms big lounge
"Survey of Pubs, Bradshawgate", ms, 4pp,7.5.37, EL, pubs visited: Clarence Hotel; the Queens, the Brown Cow; the Anchor Inn; Balmoral Hotel; Oddfellows; the Red Cross; Pack Horse Hotel; the Saddle Hotel; Swire Lodge Gates; the Prince William; the Swan Vault; and the Man and Scythe where observer had arranged to meet Tom Harrisson.
"Pubs", ts, 2pp, 9.5, JS, observations at the Nags Head lower lounge and the Three Tuns, Bridge St.
"Pubs", ts, 3pp, 11.5.[?], JS/TH/AL, observations of people's smoking behaviour and overheard conversations
"Drink Technique", ms, 2pp, 15.5.[?], observations of people's drinking behaviour at the Balmoral
"One Hour's Spittoon Observation", ms, 1p, 19.5.37, EL, the use of spittoons at the Crofters Hotel vault
"Pubs", ms, 1p, 25.5.37, [OSB], observation at Levers Arms near Leverhulme Park
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 30.5.[?], JS details of the interior of the Crofters Arms vault. Observations of customers at the Blue Boar lounge and the Wheatsheaf parlour.
Untitled report: ts, 1p, 31.5.[?], JS, observations in the Grapes lounge; the Nags Head vault; the Star and Garter lounge and the Saddle vault
"Pubs", ts, 3pp, 1.6.[?], JS, observations and overheard conversations in the Grapes lounge; the Nag's Head vault; the Star and Garter lounge and the Saddle vault
"Pubs", ts, 1p, Coronation day, JS, observations in the Grapes; Yates; One Horseshoe and the Roebuck
Untitled report: ms, 4pp, 2-4.6.[?], JS, count and alcohol consumption at the Grapes; Nags; Star and Garter, and Saddle carried out over four days.
Untitled report: ts, 1p, 6.6.[?], JS, count and alcohol consumption at the Grapes lounge, the Nags Head vault, and the Saddle vault
Untitled report: ts, 1p, 7.6.[?], JS, observations at the Mitre vault; the Falcon vault and the Waterloo vault
Untitled report: ts, 2pp, 8.6.[?], JS, observation of customers' behaviour, comment on the condition of the lavatory
"Untitled report": ts, 2pp, 10.6.[?], JS, observations at the Hen and Chickens vault
"Pub Conversations", ms, 2pp, 11.6.37, EL, observations and overheard conversations at the Victory Hotel,
Untitled report: ts, 1p, 14.6.[?], observations at the Flag vault and the Three Tuns vault
Untitled report: ts, 1p, 15.6.[?], description of bar, customers and their behaviour at the Roebuck vault
Untitled report: ts, 1p, 15.6.[?], JS, observations of customers and landlord at the Kay St. Arms vault
Untitled report: ts, 1p, 17.6.[?], observation of customers and interior at the Crofters Arms vault and the Mortfield Arms parlour
"Pubs", ms, 3pp, 17.6.37, EL, observations and overheard conversations at the Bark St. Tavern, the Beehive Inn, and the Newmarket Inn
Untitled report: ts/ms, 18.6.[?], JS, observations at One Horseshoe parlour
Untitled report, ts, 1p, 18.6.[?], JS, observations of customers and record of drinks consumed, brief description of layout of Packhorse pub
Untitled report, ms, 1p, 18.6.[?], JS, observations at Star and Garter pub
Untitled report, ts, 4pp, 21.6.[?], JS, observations and conversations at the Union Arms vault, Waterloo vault, and the Grapes vault
"Pub Wedding", ts, 2pp, 17.7.[?], TH, observations of wedding reception, no details of venue
Untitled report: ts, 17.7.[?], observations of customers in the Grapes front parlour and the Star and Garter lobby
"Pubs round Brownlow Fold", ts, 3pp, 23.7.[?], JS, observations in the Lord Ashley vault, the Swiss (Cornbrooks); the pub with no visible name; the Mount Street Tavern and the Poplar
"Pub Prostitution", ms, 6pp, 26.7.37, EL, conversation with pub regular; observations of prostitutes' behaviour and overheard conversations
"Pub Conversations", ms, 4pp, 30.7.37, EL, observations and overheard conversations at the Crofters Hotel, the Victory Hotel, and Dan Malley's Club
Untitled report, ts, 1p, 8.8.[?], JS, observations of a meeting (unspecified) in the taproom at the Hope and Anchor
"Victuallers Association", ms, 1p, 13.8.[?], WH, record of meeting with the secretary of the Association
"Bother", ts, 1p, 7.10.37, TH, account of incident between wife and husband about his staying out drinking
Untitled report: ms, 3pp, 21.11.37, JS, observations and overheard conversations at the Caledonian parlour
"Bowling Green, Escrick Street", ms, 2pp, 3.1.38, BWW, observation of customers and conversation with landlord
Victory Hotel, Chorley Old Road, ms, 4pp, 4.1.38, BWW, observations of customers and conversation with landlord
Joiners Arms Hotel, ms, 1p, 5.1.38, BWW, details of alcohol consumed at the hotel
"Saddle (Walker's)", ms, 3pp, 5.1.38, BWW, conversation with customers, diagram of layout, details of menu at the Saddle
3/C Bolton pubs
Library book request slips (10) for books relating to pubs and drinking, JS
Song Sheet, ms, 1p, hand written music score and verses of song "Bradshaw Chorus", Royal Oak Lodge, Bradshaw
Untitled report, ms, 2pp, social and recreational aspects of the public's use of pubs
Observer accounts
Untitled report, ms 6pp, observations of staff and customers in an unspecified pub
"Paying turns, treating", ms, 2pp, TH, account of arrangements for paying for rounds of drinks
"Rev. Saunders and Beverley", ms/ts, 4pp, details of an encounter with Mr Beverley in an unspecified pub. Ts account of same encounter.
"The Grapes by day and by night", ts, 2pp, WRL, description of exterior of the Grapes during the day and at night
"St. Matthews procession", ms/ts, 3pp, TH, details and overheard comments at the procession. Account of conversation with a man in an unspecified pub after the procession.
"Average sales per week", ms, 1p, details sales and deliveries. No reference to a specific pub. Includes a sketch
"Finishers Arms, Picnic and Bowling Club", ms, 3pp, PJ, the setting up of Moss Bank Bowling Club at the Finishers Arms and details of a dispute that led to the pub not being used by club members.
"Saddle Hotel", ms, 3pp, 22.1.[?], HS observations and conversations at the hotel
"Pubs", ts, 1p, 5.5.[?], JS, observations in the Three Tuns, Moor Lane and the Dog and Partridge small lounge
"Caledonian", ts, 2pp, 16.5.[?], THH, observations and conversations
Untitled report, ms, 3pp, 7.6.37, EL, observations and overheard conversations at the Saddle Hotel; the Grapes vault the Nags vault and the Saddle vault.
Untitled report, ms, 1p. 19.6.[?], JS, description of and observations at a pub in Bradshawgate
Untitled report, ts, 1p, 19.6.[?], conversations with the landlord of the Park View Inn
Untitled report, ts, 4pp, 22.6.[?], description of pub interior, observations and overheard conversations at the Waterloo taproom.
Untitled report, ts, 2pp, 18.7.[?], JS, description of a pub in Bury New Road, observations and overheard conversations
"Bookmakers and Runners Re: Pubs", ms, 4pp, 25.7.37, EL account of Robert Ashworth known as "Humpty Dumpty"
"About a Pub Picnic", ts, 1p, 31.7.[?], account of a local pub arranging a picnic outing
"Pub Fights", ms/ts, 2p, 14.8.37, TH, account of a fight between two men outside an unspecified pub
"Fighting", ts, 1p 28.8.[?], TH, details of a fight outside an unspecified pub
"Conversation ...", ms, 1p, 3.9.37, TH, overheard conversation
"Caledonian Conversation Vault and Parlour", ms, 2pp, 4.9.37, TH, overheard conversations
"Conversation Cards in pubs", ms/ts, 2pp, 11.9.37, TH, conversation about card game in an unspecified pub
Untitled report, ts, 3pp, 25.1.38, JS, observations at the Caledonian Club holding a Burn's Night dinner at the Packhorse
Untitled report, ts, 1p, 4.6.39, observations in an unspecified pub on Friday noon and evening; Saturnday noon and evening
"Pubs", ms, 1p, TH, conversation and activities in an unspecified pub
3/D Bolton pubs
Observer accounts
"Trade Union Meetings in Pubs", ms, 1p, details of where unions meet and at what meetings alcohol is available
"Cards", ms, 2pp, description of card game and selection of players
"Strapping or putting it on the slate", ms, 3pp, details of how 'tick' operates, details of customers operating this system in an unspecified pub; examples of actual requests
"Credit", ms, 1p, brief details of customer credit system
"Crown & Cushion", ms, 2pp, WH, conversations about trade with the landladies at the Crown and Cushion and the Beehive.
"Pubs", ms, 7pp, PJ, details of and discussion about a pub-based picnic club
"Customers Taproom", ms, 1p, 1.8.37, details of customers, how close they live to the pub used
"Customers living a distance", ms, 1p, details of how close customers live to pub used
"Vault", ms, 2pp, observations in the vault, bar and parlour at an unspecified pub
"Pubs", ts, 2pp, 28.4.[?], JS, observations and conversations at the Fleece lounge bar includes diagram
"Pubs", ts, 1p, JS, description of bar, observations and conversation in the Globe vault, Bridge Higher St.
"Pubs", ts, 2pp, 9.5.[?], JS, observations at the Saddle, smoking room
"Pubs", ms, 1p, 12.5.[?], JS, observations of customers and what they are drinking.
Untitled report: ms, 2pp, 12.5.37, EL, observations at the following pubs: Crofters Hotel, Caledonian, Hen and Chickens, Grapes Hotel, Saddle Hotel, Yates Wine Lodge, Spinners Arms and the Star and Garter
Hen and Chickens ts, 1p, 17.5.[?], THH, observations at the pub
"Cuntry (sic) Pubs", ts, 5pp, 21.5.37, THH, descriptions and observations at the following pubs: the Crofters Arms, the Lamb, the Bulls Head, Dungeon and the.... Arms
"Pubs", ts, 2pp, 26.5.[?], observations and overheard conversations at the Nelson vault
"Pubs", ts, 3pp, 6.6.[?], JS, observations at the School Hill Hotel, the George and the Royal
Untitled report, ts, 2pp, 8.6.[?], observations and conversations at the Grapes vault, Waterloo St.
"Pubs", ms, 8pp, 27.7.37, EL, details of customers their alcohol consumption in the Victory Hotel
Untitled report, ts, 1p, 27.7.[?], JS, observations at the Man and Scythe (incomplete)
"Pubs", ms, 6pp, 31.7.37, EL, details of customers and their alcohol consumption in an unspecified pub
"The Packhorse restaurant", ts, 3pp, 31.7.[?], THH, observations and overheard conversations at the restaurant
"Star and Garter", ms, 1p, 1.8.37, EL, observations and conversations at the pub
"Victory Hotel Match Count", ms, 1p, 7.8.37, EL, details of the number of matches struck and number of persons present in the Victory Hotel vault.
Untitled report, ts, 1p, 7.8.[?], conversation and observations at the Founders Arms
"Halliwell Lodge Pub", ts, 2pp, 19.8.[?], THH, description of pub exterior. Observations and conversation at the pub
"Waterloo Hotel", ms, 6pp, 26.8.37, EL, an account of an anglers' meeting at the hotel
"Pubs", ms, 2pp, 28.8.37, EL visits to the following pubs: the Nags vault, Scotch vault, Crown and Cushion, Man and Scythe and the Victory. Enquiries as to where customers had been that afternoon.
"Star and Garter", ts, 2pp, 29.8.[?], THH, observations and conversations
"Beehive Vault", ms, 3pp, 23.10.[?], WH, count and observations at the Beehive vault, Lower Nags Head, Deansgate and Barbers, Deansgate
"Talk", ms, 2pp, 23.10.37, THH, overheard conversations at the Crofters vault and the Royal, Vernon St.
Index card, ms, 27.10.37, WH, note of questions asked in two pubs
"Drunks", ms, 16pp, 24.12.[?], JW, account of an incident outside the Duke of Cambridge pub involving the police
"Pub Conversation, Walkden", ts, 1p, 24.1.38, FHC, observations of conversation in an unspecified pub
"Peel Hotel", ts, 2pp, 28.2.38, JAS, observations and overheard comments and conversations
Untitled report, ts, 1p. 4.3.38, JAS, observations at the Packhorse, Yates Wine Lodge, Wheatsheaf Hotel, Grapes Hotel and Levers Arms
Misc papers, 2pp, ts
3/E Temperance
"20th Annual Report of the Bolton Temperance Society 1845", transcript, ms, 5pp, JS
"Interview with Mr. Alex Brown, organising secretary and Mr Joseph Rushton, Honorary Secretary of the Bolton Temperance Union" ts, 4pp, 6.1.[?], BWW
Typed copy of newspaper article, ts, 1p, 3.5, Bolton Evening News application for license extensions. Granted for Coronation Day, refused for the evening
Observer accounts
"Temperance" ts, 1p, 28.4.[?], JS, account of meeting with A. Browne organising secretary of the Bolton Temperance Union
"Oddfellows Ball", ts, 1p, 5.6.[?], JS, observations at the ball
"Oddfellows", ms, 2pp, 13.8.[?], WH, account of a meeting held at a spiritualist church in Deane Road.
"Town Hall steps", ts, 1p, 26.8.[?], [JW], account of a temperance meeting held on the Town Hall steps
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 21.11.[?], JD, rally of temperance workers
Untitled, ms, 2pp answers to questions on temperance, drinking and pubs presumably by M-O sent back to "the Rural Dean and Temperance Boss"
Index cards (7) short observations, 2 references to secondary sources
Leaflet: Temperance Friendly Societies, Combined List of District Secretaries and Secretaries
Handbills (3) Bolton Temperance Union, Bolton's Drink Bill, 1933
Magazine cuttings, The Spectator, 19.11.37, Letters to the Editor response to an article "The Carlisle Experiment", The Listener, 19.1.38, letter "Drink and the BBC", The Listener, 29.12.37, letter "Drink and the BBC", The Spectator, 12.11.37, letter "The Right Way with Drink", The Spectator, 5.12.37, article "The Right Way with Drink (damaged), The New Statesman and Nation, "Talking about Drinking", The New Statesman and Nation, 20.11.37. Report on the North of England Temperance League conference, The Listener, 2.2.38, letter "Drink and the BBC", Newspaper cutting, "King's Wife-Queen?", no details of newspaper
4/A Various sports
Observer accounts:
"Conversation on train ... Wigan to Bolton", ms, 1pp WH, conversation with a fellow passenger about local feeling towards football
"Bolton Wanderers", ms, 10pp, 20.3.[?], TH, seat prices, observations and overheard remarks at football match
Index card, ts, 3.12.[?], TH, observations of team at Trinity Street station
"Reorganisation of the Astley Br. Tennis Club, ms, 8pp, 27.11.[?], WH, report of the meeting called to reorganise the tennis club
"Harvey St Methodist Tennis Club", ms, pp4, the formation of the club
"Tennis Club Fire", ms, 1p, 5.11.38, JP, a bonfire held at the Tonge Moor tennis club
"Eagley C.C. Centenary Sports", ms, pp17, 5.6.37, TH, sports held to celebrate the club's centenary, printed programme attached.
"Harvey St. Methodists Institute", ms, 4pp, the institute's sports provision
"Deane Road Playing Fields", ms, 1pp, 5.5.38, LT conversation with man about play facilities for children
"Prelude to lacrosse match and aftermath", ms, 14pp, PJ, Bolton Ladies and Stockport Ladies, held at Bolton School, Chorley New Road on November 20th, non-league, friendly match.
4/B Rounders and baseball
Observer accounts
Untitled report , ts, 1 p, 10.8.[?], TH Semi-final replay - Albion v. Pearsons , rounders game, reference to "full write up of game by PJ"
"Rounders", ms, 6 pp, PJ, Isaac Pearson's v. Albion Mills, Bolton Sunday School Social (Rounders) League on 10.8.37, at Hatfield Road, Bolton, match for medal play-off
"Rounders", ms, 12pp, PJ, Tootal Broadhurst & Lee v. Eagley A (branch of Coates), organised by Bolton Sunday School's Social League on
11.8.1937, held at Heaton Cricket Ground, Smithhills. Includes diagram of player positions
"Rounders" ms, 12 pp, PJ, St. Patricks v. Trinity Methodist, organised by Bolton District League on 13.8.[?], annual competition for the 'Sir William Edge' shield.
"Rounders" ms, 10 pp, PJ, St. Barnabas v. Deane Methodists, organised by Bolton Sunday School's Social League "open section" on 19.8.[?], held at Musgraves Sports Ground
"Rounders", ms, 15 pp, PJ, Greenhalgh and Shaw v. Johnson's (Deane Weaving Shed), organised by Bolton and District (Rounders) League on 23.8.[?], at Holy Harbour, St. Thomas' Ground, Hughes Street
"Baseball", ts, 3 pp, 30.7.38, GW, Bolton Scarlets v. Bradford team, observations on the game
4/C Bowling
Observer accounts
"Listening in at Moss Bank Park Bowling Greens", ms, 4 pp,10.6.37, PJ, observations on match and overheard comments; conversations
"Bowling Green Observations", ms, 1p, 10.6.37, PNH, held at Mayor Street (Queens Park) Green, observations and overheard conversations and comments
"Observations at Gibraltar Rock Bowling Green": ms, 6pp, 13.7.37, PJ, observations on match and overheard comments; conversations
"Bowls", ts, 5 pp, 31.7.[37], JS, heats for Infirmary Handicap; exhibition match between Barnes (Horwich) and Molyneux (Wigan), held at Gilbraltar Rock, Deane Road on 31st July, 3d ticket attached
"Bowls Handicap Waterloo Hotel", ts, 2pp, 4.8.37, JS, observations on game; sketch of layout, ticket for the game on September 4th 1937 and index card attached
First round Women's Bowls Handicap, ts, 3pp, 4.8.[37], JS , at Walker Institute, Great Lever, organised as charity for the Lifeboat Society, observations on the match. 2d ticket attached.
"Bowls", ms, 8 pp, 14.8[37], PJ Match between branch Lodges of Ancient Order of Oddfellows, organised by Order of Oddfellows, at Tempest Hotel, Monserrat, Bolton on 14th August, newspaper cutting attached dated 13.8.37
"Bowling", ms, 10pp, 20.8.[37], PJ, competitors: Bolton and surrounding towns, held at Gibraltar Rock Hotel, Deane Road, Bolton on August 20th. Annual competition to raise funds for Bolton Infirmary, now titled Royal Infirmary
"Flat Green Bowling", ms, 6pp, 26.8.[37], PJ, St. Andrews v. St. George's Road Congregational, arranged by above schools, held at Leverhulme Park School on 26th August
"Moss Bank Park Ladies Bowling Club", ms, 1p, list of team members
"Bowling": ms, 11pp, 26.8.[37], PJ, Barlow and Jones Ladies v Moss Bank Ladies, organised by the teams, held at Moss Bank Park on 26th August
Printed programme: Lee Trophy competition 1937 on Saturday, August 28th 1937; cost 2d
"Carpet Bowling",ms, 10pp, 8.10.[37], PJ, Victoria Hall v. Queen Street A, organised by Manchester and District League on 8th October includes diagram
4/D Cricket
Observer accounts
"Harvey Street Cricket Club", ms, 2pp, recollections about the club's history, reference to male voice choir
Untitled, ms, 2pp, recollections about Harvey Street Cricket Club, reference to male voice choir
"Eagley Cricket Club", ms, 11pp, 29.5.[?], TH, observations/conversations at centenary celebrations
"Eagley Cricket Club", ms, (index card) 3.6.[?], TH
"The Willow Way" ms, 10pp, 19.6[?], TH, Farnworth v. Eagley, an account of the match
"Cricket" (Cross Cup final), ms, 7pp, PJ, Walkden Moor Methodists v. Whittlebrook Methodists, arranged by Bolton and District Association (Cricket) on August 21st
"Bolton cricket match", ts, 2p, 17.8.40, BA, Heaton v. Farnworth at Lower Pools ground
4/E All in wrestling
Observer accounts
"All in wrestling", ms, 2pp, 24.5[?], EL (transcribed by TH), Turton Street Stadium observations at the bar during interval
"Description of All-in wrestling bout", ms, 8pp, detailed description of bout between Harry Pye (Doncaster) and Harry Brookes (London)
"Different Incidents", ms/ts, 2pp, [relates to above document]
"All-in-wrestling", ms, 2pp, 29.8.38, BN
"Reception of the announcement", ms, 2pp, 29.8.38, BN, reference to money offered by Mr Isherwood
"All-in-wrestling", ts, 7pp by 'W', match at Worktown Stadium 'W' attended with 'N'. Gives brief details of 'N'; his background and family, description of the stadium and audience
Paper folder containing:
"What do you like about all-in-wrestling?", ts, 1p, competition details
"All-in wrestling competion", ts, 6-point questionnaire 19 replies on questionnaire form and 42 replies by letter
Untitled document, ms, 12pp, analysis of questionnaire
"Interview with manager of the stadium", ms, 11pp
Programme for wrestling bout on 9.8.37
Black and white photograph [George Gregory]
Index card, ts, 13.12[?], THH, reference to wrestling
4/F Gambling
Observer accounts
Untitled, ms, 12pp sermon by Stanley Spencer, St George's Road, Congregational (index card attached)
"Modern Gambling Problems", ms, 1p, 2.4.[?]
"Observations re: "Football Pools", ms, 1p. 27.11.[?], PJ, three women in Woolworths buying "penny points pool"
"Why do you bet on the Pools?", ms, 2pp, 27.11.37, PJ, customers answers to the question, Caledonian Inn
"? to postman", ms, 1p, 2.12, PJ, Information about the pools and postmen
Observations at the G.P.O", ms, 7pp, 2.12.[?], PJ, people's purchases in relation to pools coupons
"Why do you bet on the Pools?", ms, 3pp, 3.12-4.12.[?], PJ, customers, Colliers Arms
"Observations at the G.P.O.", ms, 3pp, 3.12.[?], PJ People's purchases in relation to pools coupons
"Why do you bet on the Pools?", ms, 3pp, 7.12-8.12.[?], PJ, staff and patients at Bolton Royal Infirmary, Patrick Ward
"Why do you bet on the Pools?", ms, 3pp PJ, staff and patients at Blair Hospital
"What makes you bet on the Pools?" ms, 1p PJ, response from an unemployed spinner
"Questions put to Temporary Postmen" ms, 3pp PJ, responses to questions about the Pools
"Comments of people respecting "Pools" betting", ms, 3pp, PJ, customers at the Hope and Anchor and the Colliers Arms
"Behaviour of people in regard to 'Pool' betting", ms, 1pp, PJ
Letters about doing the pools
From Mr J. Morris, ms, 2pp, 19.1.38
From [?] K. Taylor to "Dear Sirs", ms, 2pp, 19.1.38
From Mr A.E. Jones to "Dear Sir", ms, 1p, 21.1.38
From Joseph Burtonwood to "Dear Sirs", ms, 1p
From A. Greenwood, ms, 1p
Pools Coupon, "Another Littlewood Service to Clients!"
5/A Research for politics book
To Tom [TH] from Brian [BB], 15.3.[?], enclosing a write-up relating to democracy
To Tom Harrisson from Sir Ernest Simon, 24.5.38, requesting information in connection with an appearance before the Royal Commission
To Sir Ernest Simon from [THH], 27.5.[38], copy letter with enclosed notes
To Sir Ernest Simon from Tom Harrisson, raising points about Sir Ernest Simon's evidence to the Royal Commission
Background information and research for the politics book
"Crusade ... the making of party", ts, 5pp
"Work to be done in Politics", ts, 2pp
"Programme of Work", ts, 3pp
"Proposed Questionnaire for Ultra Elect", ts, 1p, 19.4.[?], FHC
"Issues Re. Electingorate", ts, 1p
"Items of Analysis Re. Electingorate", ts, 1p
"Political Club", ts, 1p
"Young People", ts, 1p
"Canvass for persons known to have voted", ts, 1p
"Canvass for people not marked as voting last time", ts, 1p
"Politics - Schedule for recording political and semi-political meetings", ts, 1p, 31.8.[?], BB
Draft letter and questionnaire, ts, 3pp, BB, 11.1.[?], about a survey of political organisations
"Life History", ts, 1p
"Points for individual interviews", ts, 1p
Draft questionnaire
Notes about planned research and timetable, ms, 5pp, [EB]
"Study of Labour Club Politics", ms, 5pp
"Map of Bolton and Politics", ts, 1p reference to wards
"The Political Issue", ts, 4pp
"Points re Conservative Party", ts, 1p
"Points re Labour Party", ts,
"The Organisation", ts, 15pp
Miscellaneous notes
Chart relating to voting patterns
5/B Draft typescripts and plans for politics book
Untitled document, ts, 165pp
5/C Draft typescript
"The Non-Voter", ts, 120pp
5/D Draft typescript
"The Voter's Stomach", ts, 19pp,
"Stomach", ts, 29pp
5/E Draft typescript
"Synopsis", ts, 3pp
"The Elected Worktown Councillors", ts, 95pp
6/A Draft typescripts
"Social", 22pp
"Contest", 11pp
"Crusade", 27pp
"Writing", 27pp
"Writing, having writ", 29pp
"Words, words, what are words worth?", 12pp
"Response", 28pp
6/B Draft typescripts
"Selection" 21pp
"Crusade .....The making of Party" 16pp
"Open Air Meetings" 12pp
"15.2. The candidate, the workers, ...." 8pp
"Section Four Election" 1pp
"Section Five The Day" 77pp
"Appendix B" 9pp
6/C Draft typescripts
"The Parties" 31pp
"The Parties" 37pp
"Policy Meeting ..... The Beginning of Party" 22pp
6/D Correspondence and draft typescript
Letter to Tom Harrisson from Stanley [?] 16.5.41, referring to "the non-voter report"
Draft typescript "The Non-Voter" 38pp
6/E Draft typescript
"The Voter's Skull" 12pp
7/A Liberal Party
Observer accounts
"Great Lever Ward Election", meeting, ms and index card 10pp, 29.4.(?), THH
"Liberal Party Meeting", ms and index card, 5pp, 25.11.37, EB
"Meeting of Young Liberals", ts, 3pp, 6.11.39, JC
"Arthur Greenwood at Victoria Hall", meeting, ts, programme attached, 8pp, 12.11.39
"Young Liberals", meeting ts, 1p, 13.11.39, GT
"Young Liberals", ts, 1p, 20.11.39, GT, brief details of play reading
"Meeting of Young Liberals", ts, 2pp, 18.12.39, JC
7/B Labour Party
"Directive for Labour Crusade meeting", ts, index card
Observer accounts
"Attendance at LP meetings", ms, 1p, list of attendance
"Labour Party", ms, 1p, details of membership
"IMS Executive mtgs", ms, 1p, list, details of those present and topics to be dealt with
"Reorganisation of LP", ms, 2pp, details of those present and issues to be dealt with
"West Ward IMS mtgs" ms, 1p, brief details of meeting
Chart, ms, 1p, structure of Labour Party membership
"Labour Party Gala", ms, 28pp, 7.8.37, WH observer account of the opening of the Labour Party Social Club
"In Labour Party Office, Spinners Hall", ts, 1p, 8.11.37, THH, observer visit to Labour Party office
"Labour Crusade Meeting", ms, 6pp, 24.9.37, [HJP], incomplete
"Labour Crusade Meeting", ms, 4pp, 24.9.[37], AB
"Crusade Meeting", ms, 5pp, 24.9.[37], WH
"Labour Party Crusade Meeting", ms 5pp, 24.9.[37], BB
"Beehive", ms, 3pp, 22.2, WH, overheard comments about the Herbert Morrison meeting
"Morrison meeting", ts, 1p, 27.2.38, JS
"Morrison meeting", ms, 10pp 27.2.[38], WH
"During the meeting", ms, 2pp, [27.2.38] card attached
"After the meeting", ms, 2pp [27.2.38], conversation between observer and Bob Davies
"Labour Meeting - Spinners Hall", ms, 6pp, 27.2.38, AVW
"Morrison's Speech", ts, 6pp, 27.2.38, APW
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 27.2.[37], JS, replies from people questioned in the street about the meeting at Spinners Hall
"Morrison Meeting", ms, 5pp, 28.2.38, NC, incomplete
"Bridge Street Labour Committee Rooms", ms, 7pp, 22.1[?] WH, visit to the Committee Rooms
"First Impressions", ts, 3pp, 28.10.38, GT, visit to Tonge Ward Labour Club, Hulton Ward Committee Room: Morris Green and Bradford Ward Labour Institute: Bridgeman St.
Untitled document, ts, 6pp, Rt. Hon. Major Attlee's speech at an unspecified meeting
"Conversations", ms, 2pp, unspecified location and meeting
From Arthur Tomney to Councillor Clarke, ms, 2pp, complaining, on behalf of a lady friend, about the behaviour of Labour workers using a room in her house.
From Arthur Tomney to Mr. Hadley, ms, 2pp, 3.11.37, referring to the above matter
To [Mr. Tomney], ts, 1p, 8.11.37, unsigned
From Thomas McCall (President) and Ellis Clarke (Secretary), Bolton Labour Party, ts, 1p, 24.11.37, an appeal for recruits
From Doris Taylor to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 18.1.38, referring to the Advisory Council for the Women's section of the Labour Party
From Ellis Clarke (Secretary) Bolton Labour Party, ts, 1p, 21.2.38, about unsold tickets for the Herbert Morrison meeting
From Ellis Clarke, ts, 1p, 14.5.38 about nominations for the Speakers Panel
From William Geere (President) and Ellis Clarke, ts, 1p, 23.7.38, about the Summer Campaign
Programme, ts, 1p, unspecified meeting
Leaflets (3) "Great Lever Ward Municipal By-Election" Thos. McCall, Labour Candidate
Booklets: "Labour and the Popular Front", "Labour's Immediate Programme"
Leaflet "Great Mass Conference", 26.3.1938, Spinners Halls, Hon. Sir R. Stafford Cripps speaker
Index cards (6)
Misc ts, 2pp, ms, 1p
7/C Labour Party
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, 27.1[?], WH observer visit to the Labour Committee Rooms
"Conversations:- In Labour Committee Rooms Great Lever", ms 5pp, 22.4[?], WH
"Politics", ts, 5pp, 27.10.37, ZB, Labour Party Municipal election meeting
"Delegate Meeting of the Bolton Labour Party", ts, 8pp, 3.11.37, THH
"Discussion with Fagan in The Royal Arms over Five Gills of Mild", ts, 2pp, 4.11.37, THH recruitment of observers and political activity of Conservative and Labour members
"Labour Party Re-Organisation Committee, ms, 9pp, 29.11.37, EB
"Tonge Ward Labour Club, ms, 1p, 4.12.37, EB, visit to the club
"Labour Party Re Organisation Sub Committee", ms, 3pp, 30.12.37, EB
"Report of Sub-Committee to Consider Methods of Re-Organisation of the Bolton Labour Party, ts, 3pp, 14.1.38 official document
"Labour Party Delegate Meeting", ms, 3pp, 6.4.38, BR
"Delegate Meeting", ts, 3pp, 6.4.38, BB
"Short Conversation in Committee Room Clarence Str,", ms, 2pp, WH
Paper folder containing a report about Mr. Joseph Hale, election candidate, ms, 7pp, 10.37
Paper folder "The Appeal The Morris Meeting", containing:
Handbill for "Rumworth Ward Municipal Election. Polling Day, November 1st, 1937", letter to Tom Harrisson from Ellis Clarke, ts, 1p, 21.10.37 about a letter to one worker in each Ward, letter from Thomas McCall (President) and Ellis Clarke (Secretary), Bolton Labour Party, ts, 1p, 24.11.37, appealing for recruits, letter from E.W. Bennett, ts, 1p, about a By-Election meeting to be held on 26th April, observer interview with Hadley, ts, 1p, 21.10.[?], JS
Paper folder "May Day - Labour Activities and Conversations containing accounts of activities
"Town Hall Steps", ms, 2pp, 1.5.38, WH, rules about meetings on the steps
"May-Day Meeting", ms, 5pp, 1.5.[38], WH
Doris Taylor to Tom Harrisson, ms, 2pp, 18.11.[?], reference to Ward meeting
From Ellis Clarke, ts, 1p, 6.10.37, invitation to a meeting in the Spinners Hall (Rothwell Hall)
From Ellis Clarke, (2), ts, 1p, 11.37, incorporating the Agenda for a Bolton Labour Party meeting to be held on 1.12.37
From Bolton Labour Party, ts, 1p, 14.1.38, about a Special Delegate Meeting to be held on 21.1.38
From Bolton Labour Party, ts, 1p, 23.2.38, about the Monthly Meeting of Party members and Delegates to be held on 2.3.[38]
Paper folder containing overheards and comments on political events
The Citizen, March 1938
"Labour Party, ts, 5pp, 15.12.39, JA, visit to headquarters
7/D The Conservative Party
Observer accounts
"Conservative Candidates Adoption Meeting St. Simon & Judes School", ms, 17pp, 27.4[?], THH
"Politics", ts, 5pp, 28.10.37, ZB, Conservative Party Municipal Election Meeting (Great Lever Ward)
"Politics", ts, 1p, 30.10.37, ZB, questions put to councillors
"Eve of the poll meeting - Conservatives", ms, 15pp, 15.12.37, WH
"Tory meeting, all saints", ts, 2pp, 18.1.38, FHC, audience response
"Tory meeting, Second speech, all saints", ts, 3pp, 18.1.38, [incomplete]
"Missc (sic) Election Data, excluding canvassing", ts, 3pp, 20.1.38, FHC
"Conservative club rooms, Farnworth", ms, 1p, 24.1.[38] HS, incomplete
"Derby Hall Conservative Meeting", ms, 10pp, 17.2.38, NC
"Conservative Meeting .. held in Derby Hall", includes "The Follow" and "Conversations", 17pp, 17.2.[38] WH
"Conversations coming out of Derby Hall", ms, 1p, 17.2.38, AVW
""Follow", ms, 1p, 17.2.38, AVW
"Derby Hall Conservative Meeting", ms, 14pp, 17.2.38, APW
"Questions.Haslam.Entwistle.Meeting.Derby.Hall", ts/ms, 2pp, 17.2.[38], FHC
"Dress of some of audience in Derby Hall", ms, 3pp, 17.2.38, AVW
"Conservative Meeting Derby Hall", chart, ms, 17.2.38, LT
"Conservative Meeting at Derby Hall", ts, 9pp, 24.3.38, BCP, [incomplete]
"Conservative Councillors' Attitude to Legislation", ts, 3pp
"About what people laugh Conservative meeting", ts/ms, 1p
Letter from Bolton Conservative Association, ts, 1p, 3.2.38, about a public meeting to be held on 17.2.38
Newspaper cuttings (2),
Index cards (2)
Misc 1p, ms
Posters "Grand Garden Fete and Gala" 5.6.37, "Vote Conservative Vote Wilmot"
7/E The Communist Party
Observer accounts
"Communist Meeting", ts, 2pp, 26.1.38, EB
"Communist Meeting", ts, 1p, 7.2.[?] FHC
"Communist Party Crusade Meeting", ms, 11pp, 7.2.[?], WH
"Meeting of Communist Party and Sympathisers", ms, 1p, 3.10.[?], EB
"Interview with Branch Secretary Worktown CP", ts, 1p, 12.10.39
"CP Meeting, Sunday Nov 5th 1939 (Open Meeting)", ts, 2pp, 5.11.39, GT
"CP Branch Meeting (Closed)", ts, 2pp, 10.11.39, GT
"Mrs. Kathleen Taylor on her Experiences in the USSR - 1927-1937", ts, 8pp, JC
"Russia Today", ts, 2pp, 22.11.39, meeting after Mrs Taylor's lecture
"CP meeting: Town Hall steps", ts, 5pp, 21.7.40, BA
Communist Lectures - Observer accounts
"Communist Lecture No 2", ms, 6pp, 21.11.37, EB
"Communist Educational Lecture", ms, 7pp, 5.12.37, EB
"Communist Meeting", ms, 2pp, 12.12.37, EB, Communist educational lecture No 5
Booklets (2), "Theory of Communism", details of the lectures to be held
Handbill "Six Educational Lectures on the Theory of Communism"
Index cards (3)
"Questions", ms, 3pp, EB, questions asked at unspecified meeting
Untitled document, 3pp, EB, [incomplete]
Chart "Speech of Pollitt", ms, 1p, 7.2.38
Paper folder "CP Literature at the Crusade Meeting" contains handbill "International Brigade Dependants' and Wounded Aid Committee:A Public Meeting on 9.11.37", newspaper Communist Crusade, 2 newspaper cuttings, poster "A Great Communist Crusade, Mass Demonstration 7.2.[?]", two application forms
Article reprinted, Reynolds News, 20.3.39 "Clear Out The Cliveden Set!"
Song sheets (2) "Forging Ahead"
Booklets: "Hitler's Friends in Britain", "Speeches in Parliament", "Discussion"
Card: "A Mass Meeting ..... on Monday 7.2.38"
Misc ts/ms
7/F Junior Imperial League
Observer account
"Inaugural Meeting of Imps. Derby Ward", ts, 3pp, 22.3.38, FHC
Index cards (2)
From Vera Farrow, J.I.L. Organiser, (2) ts, 1p, 14.3.38
From W.G. Morris and Jean Brown, ts, 1p
Booklet: "Branch Management A Simple Guide for Officers and Committee Members"
Leaflet: "The Junior Imperial and Constitutional League"
Magazine: Torchbearer, 3.38
"The Junior Imperial League", printed letter & invitation to inaugural meeting
7/G Labour Guild
Observer Accounts
"Central Labour Guild", ts, 3pp, 6.1.[?], BB inaugural meeting of proposed Bolton Central Labour Guild
"Bolton Labour Guild", ms, 3pp, 20.1.38, EB, Councillor Pilling talking about Russia, invitation card for meeting attached
"Labour Guild", ms, 13pp, 17.3.[?], WH Dr. Galloway speaking on Public Health
"Labour Guild Debate on Gentleman's Agreement", ms, 16pp, 10.12.[?], WH
Paper folder "Grierson on Germany", containing "Labour Guild meeting addressed by Col. Grierson ...", ms, 4pp,
"Labour Guild of Youth Major Grierson speaker", ms, 5pp
Handbill "A Public Debate", 9.12.37
Index cards (9) reference to Bolton Labour Guild
Draft letter from Alf Booth and Geo Thompson
"Who appears in this?" list of names of councillors, Labour Party members
7/H Irish Labour Club and Socialist Club
Observer accounts
"General Conversation Irish L.C.", ms, 2pp, 22.2.[?], WH
"Irish Labour Club", ms, 8pp, 17.3.[?], WH, visit to the club
"Socialist Club Bridge Street", ms, 2pp, 17.3.[?], WH, visit
"Socialist Club", ms, 1p, 1.4[?],WH, visit
"Socialist Club", ms, 3pp, 11.4.[?], WH, visit
"Irish Labour Club demonstration", ms 2pp, 6.12.[?], WH
"Socialist Club Talk", ms, 9pp, 15.12.[?], WH
"Labour Clubs", ms, 3pp, 24.12.[?], WH, visits to the Irish Labour Club and the Socialist Club, Wood Street
Letter from Jas Paulden to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 26.12.37, about gift to club members and information about debate programme for following year
List "Bolton Socialist Club", ms, 1p, 23.2.38, summary of bar takings
"Irish Labour Club", ms, 1p, 14.5.38, DJ, visit to the club and the Socialist Club
Index cards (15) reference to Labour and Socialist clubs
8/A Fascist activities
Observer accounts:
"Fascist Meeting on Town Hall steps", ms, 3pp 10.8 [37], JHW
Report on meeting, ts, 4pp, 17.11.37, ZB
"Fascist Meeting", ms, 2pp, 17.11.37, AB
"Fascist Meeting, Assembly Rooms, [Nith] St", ms, 9pp, 23.2.38, APW
Leaflet: "Fascism Alone Can Save Lancashire!!"
8/B Labour and left wing activities
Observer accounts
Untitled report, ms, 1p, 11.12.37, JBO'H, overheard comments
"In the Street", ms, 1p, 11.12.37, LT, questioning people about Littlewoods and local politics
"Opinions on the Labour Club", ms, 2pp
List "Labour Club Fees and Members", ts, 1p, EB
"LNU (Youth Group) Bolton", ts, 1p, 14.11.39, GT, a meeting to discuss the war aims
"Left News Vendor", ts, 3pp, JC, interview
Left Book Club
Observer accounts:
"Garden Party LBC", ms, 1p, 18.4.37
"Garden Party Left Book Club", ms, 7pp, 18.4.37, WH
"Extracts from report on LBC Garden Party", ts, 1p, 18.4.37
"Left Book Club", index card, ms, 1p, 21.5.[37], TH
"Left Book Club Rally Manchester Free Trade Hall", ts, 2pp, 6.3[?], FHC
"Meeting of the Left Book Club", ts, 7pp, 10.11.39, JC
Left Book Club literature
8/C Left-wing literature
Booklet: What is The ECONOMIC LEAGUE?
Handbill, Hitler and Mussolini shall not dictate to Britain
Newspaper: The Citizen, published by Bolton Labour Party, May 1938
8/D Political knowledge
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, chart, 3-point questionnaire about members of parliament and councillors for Bolton and the relative importance of politics and Littlewoods pools
Untitled document, ms, 1p, list of names
8/E Political words
Explanations, lists of words, ms/ts, 4pp
8/F Reading about politics
Statistical data on the use of political books in libraries
8/G Spanish Aid
Observer accounts:
"Manchester Meeting of Spanish Relief in Albert Hall", ms, 3pp, 31.5.[37], TH
"Spanish Aid Meeting", ts, 5pp, 9.11.37, ZB
"International Brigade Dependents Aid", ms, 2pp, 20.11.37, EB
"Sale of Work at the Home of Miss Barlow", ts, 7pp, 12.10.[37], JW
Spanish Medical Aid, ms, 1p, 23.1.38 about a public meeting to be held on 1.2.38
Spanish Medical Aid, ts, 1p about the above-mentioned meeting
"Spanish Medical Aid", ms 16pp, 7.2.38, WH
Letter and report "Spanish Earth", ms, 2pp, 23.2.38, DT
"Film of Defence of Madrid", ms, 2pp, 14.4.[38]
"Interview the Manager of New Royal Cinema about the film Spanish Earth", ts, 2pp, 19.2.[38], TH
"Spanish Earth at the New Royal, First House, Saturday", ts, 2pp, 19.2.[38], FHC
"Spanish Food Collection" list of contributors, 26.4.[38], WH
"Remarks made to door collectors", ts, 3pp
Handbill "Will you help us to save his life?"
Letter "Bolton & District Trades Council"
Tom Harrisson's notes on advertisements and the press, 6pp, ms/ts, Basque children
Index card (1), ms, reference to material on Spain, WL
Newspaper cutting
8/H Basque refugee children
Letter: ts, 1p,"Concert at Victoria Hall", July 21st, (3 drafts)
"Concert", ts, 1p, July 21st details of the concert
"Programme" ts, 1p details of music and composers
"Visita Al Teatro Real Cinema", handbill in Spanish
Observer accounts
"Display of Cards", ms, 2pp, nd, WH
"Watermillock", ms, 2pp, 4.6.[37], JHW visit to the children
"Watermillock", ms, 12pp, 10.6.[37] JHW
"Watermillock: Basques", ms, 3pp, 11.6.[37], TH
"Watermillock House Committee", ms, 14pp, JHW
"Basque Committee, House Comm.", ts, 3pp, 17.6.[37], TH
"Basque Children", ms, 2pp, 10.6.37, JM-J;
ms, 3pp, 11.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 1p, 12.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 2pp, 14.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 1p, 15.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 2pp, 16.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 2pp, 17.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 1p, 18.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 2pp, 20.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 1p, 21.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 1p, 24.6.37, J.M-J
ms, 3pp, 7.7.37, J.M-J
ms, 1p, 5.7.37, J.M-J
ms, 2p, 6.7.37, J.M-J
ms, 1p, 7.7.37, J.M-J
"List of Shops for Basque Cards", ms, 4pp, 16.7.[37], JHW
"Watermillock Committee", ms, 4pp, 25.8.[37] JHW
Cards (2) notification of meetings; newpaper cuttings
Posters (4 copies): Concert in aid of Basque refugee children (unfiled, bottom of box)
8/I Clarion Cycling Club
Observer accounts
"Northern Clarion Rural Campaign, ts, 2pp a meeting held on 6.2.[?]
"Talk with the Sec. of the Clarion Cycling Club", ms, 3pp, 6.6.38, WH
Misc ts, 1p
9/A Municipal politics
Untitled document, ts, 89pp and copy ts, 23pp
9/B Council publications
"List of attendance of members of the Town Council", 9.11.36 to 20.10.37, official document
"Minutes of the Council Meeting", 1.12.37, official document
Booklet: "Abstract of Proceedings of Public Assistance Committee", 5.1.38
Booklet: "Abstract of Proceedings of Education Committee", 5.1.38
Observer account
"Town Council Meeting", ts, 2pp, 5.1.[?], BB
9/C Graft in local politics
"Graft", ts, 1p, 14.5.37, conversation between Councillor Clarke and observer
"Cricket Club", ms, 2pp, 24.4.37, THH, references to graft
"Graft", ms, 1p, reference to an article in The People, 3.4.38 about graft and a copy of the article
Index cards (4) reference to graft
9/D Bolton councillors
"Councillors Questionnaire", ms, 1p
"Opinions on Councillors", ms, 13pp
Chart "Councillors' jobs", ms, 2pp,
Chart "What voter and non-voter think of Councillors", ms, 1p
"Opinions on Councillors Questionnaire", ms, 6pp (draft)
"Opinions on Councillors", ms, 5pp, 10.5.38, LT answers to questions
"Questions on Councillors", ms, 4pp, 12.5.38, LT
"Trinity Street", ms, 3pp, 13.5.38, BR, asking people's views on councillors
"Town Councillors", ms, 2pp, 2.6.38, LT, answers to questions about councillors
"Councillor Questions", ts, 1p, 3.6.38, LT, people's views on councillors
"Queens Park Bowling Green", ms, 3pp, 3.6.38, BR, people's views on councillors
"Enoch Bates ex-Labour Councillor", ms, 2pp, LT, 25.8.[38], discussion with observer about being a councillor
"Queens Park Bowling Green - Cabin", ms, 2pp, 4.6.38, BR, people's views on Councillor Ellis Clarke
Untitled document, ms, 1p list of numbers
Letter from E. Letchford to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, complaining about the Bolton Evening News refusing to publish previous letters, and enclosing a letter to be published in the Bolton Citizen about housing
Paper folder "Councillors names and addresses", contains list, ms, 7pp and 2 index cards
Paper folder "Opinions of Councillors on prospective Parl. candidate", contains "Labour Parliamentary Candidate, ms, 1p, and index card "Lab Candidate", ms
Paper folder "B.E.N. opinions of Councillors", contains "Labour Councillors elected November 1st 1887", ms, 4pp transcript of original [?]
9/E Bolton councillors
Paper folder "Cards on Councillors", 22 index cards,
"Analysis of Cards on Councillors", ms, 3pp, L - leisure-life, hobbies, habits and vices
"Analysis of Cards on Councillors", ms, 4pp, H - Anecdotes
"Councillors Hobbies", ms, 1p, analysis of data
Paper folder "Job of Councillors" contains list of councillors jobs, ms, 1p
Chart, "MONTH in the LIFE of a COUNCILLOR", ms, 1p, February 1938
"A month in the life of a Town Councillor", ts, 4pp, February 1938, by Councillor Clarke
Untitled document, ms, 16pp, February, by Councillor Vickers, a month's work
Paper folder containing details of the rateable values of councillors homes, no source cited
Paper folder containing details of the rateable values of ordinary homes, no source cited
Paper folder containing lists and charts giving details of the appearance of houses of councillors and political party members
10/A Municipal politics and finances
Paper folder containing index cards (16), reference to rates and public finance
"Finance and Rates", ts, 1p, financial details, source cited "Financial News" 22.4.38, 1937-1938 figures
"How the Rate was made up, 1938-39", ts, 1p
"Rates", ts, 2pp, people's attitude towards rate paying
Newspaper cuttings (5) reference to rates and public finance
Magazine cuttings, The New Statesman and Nation 2.7.38 articles about Building Societies and Life Assurance; article "The Modern Challenge to Local Government", February 1938, (no source cited), "Should Councillors be trained?", February 1938 (no source cited), article "Public Administration", New Statesman and Society, 27.8.38
Paper folder containing: untitled document, ms, pp15, giving financial details for the Electricity Department, Gas, Libraries, Markets, Parks, Recreation Grounds, Cemetries, Museums, Weights and Measures, Hospitals for Infectious Diseases, Cleansing, Streets, Tramways, Omnibuses, Police, and Fire Brigade (no source cited)
"General Rate 1937-1938", "Notice requiring Return for the Assessment of Rateable Property" (2), "Receipt for Payment on Account" official forms
"Return of Rates Levied each year since 1908", ms, 1p, chart, (no source cited)
"Return of Rates Levied each year since 1908 (together with the Poor Rate for the Parish of Bolton 1908-1928)", ms, 1p, chart
"Rates" index card, ms, brief rates details
"Population, Area of Municipal Borough", ms, 1p, WH, list, (no source cited)
"Rate Fund Service", ms, 3pp, Public Service expenditure, list, (no source cited)
"Highways and Streets", ts, 1p, reference to attached document from County Borough of Bolton detailing "forecast expenditure on works of repaving etc. on highways"
"Total mileage of public highways in the County Borough of Bolton", ms, 1p, list (no source cited)
Paper folder containing official forms relating to gas and water rates (3), index cards (2) references to gas and water rates
Paper folder containing "Park Superintendants Office", ms, 1p, 6.7.37, JM-J, enquiry about catering at the Golf Club
"Municipal Gold Course Club House Catering", ts, 1p, 6.7.[37] JM-J, details of catering facilities Club House
Paper folder containing official forms (4) "Rates of Charges for the Supply of Electricity for Shops, Hotels, Business Premises, &c.", "...... for Domestic Purposes" ,"Inclusive Two-part Tariff for the Supply of Electricity for Shops, Hotels and Business Premises" and "Bolton Corporation Electricity Supply"
"Electricity Dept,. [taken from 1936-37 Year Bk issued to Counc.]", ms, 2pp, WH
"Electricity", index card, ms, 30.4.[?], WH, about meter reader calling at property
"To the Occupier", about compulsory purchase, official form
10/B Bolton Town Hall
Paper folder containing 8 index cards, ms, 12.4.38, HP, diagram of Town Hall and details of activities outside the Town Hall
Observer account
"Going round Town Hall", ts, 3pp, 21.4.[?], JB
"Salaries of Borough Officials", ts, 2pp, 9.37, (no source cited)
"Salaries etc. of Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers. Summary of Replies received from other towns" September 1937, County Borough of Bolton, official document
10/C Councillors
Observer account
"Report from Banks ex-Councillor for Derby Ward on how the Council is run", ms, 10pp, 11.2.[?], WH
Paper folder containing booklet "Drums of Hate", a play by James Vickers
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 12.4.38, conversation with observer [incomplete]
Paper folder containing index cards (26) referring to councillors
"Index to Cards on Councillors", ms, 5pp
"Analysis of Cards on Councillors", ms, 1p
"Aldermen:- Age Family", ms, 1p, 8.8.[?], WH, chart, ages of aldermen, family structure and level of education
"Councillors - Age Family", ms, 1p, 8.8.[?], WH, chart, age of councillors, family structure and level of education
10/D Mayoral duties
Observer accounts
"Town Council Meeting", index card, ms, vote of thanks to Mayor
"Town Hall Service", ms, 16pp, 4.1.[?]. JW index card attached
"Opening of St. Columbas School", ms, 7pp, 30.1.[?], WH
"The Deaf and Dumb Institute Bazar (sic)", ts, 3pp, 23.4.[?]
"The Mayor's visit to George St", ms, 11pp, WH index card attached
"Gymkahana (sic)", ts, 2pp, 10.7.37, THH programme attached
"St. George's Rd. Congs. Celeby Lectures", ts, 9pp, 11.10.[?], JW index card attached
Paper folder containing "Mayor", ts, 4pp following the Mayor for a month
"Mayoress of W's Diary for the month of March 1938", ts,
Letter from the Mayor's secretary to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 21.2.38 arranging an appointment (damaged)
"Interview with the Mayor", ms, 17pp, 24.2[?], WH
"Mr Lockwood on the Mayor", ms, 1p, 14.5.[?], WH, interview
Newspaper article, "Our Labour Mayor - Ald. T. Halstead, J.P.", The Bolton Citizen, 3.38
Paper folder containing "Annual meeting of Girl Guides' Association at Town Hall", ts, 7pp, 12.3.38, BCP
"The Girl Guides' Association. Bolton Division", ts, 5pp, 12.3.38 official report
"Rover Treasure Hunt", ts, 4pp, 24.7.38, JW programme attached
Paper folder containing newspaper cuttings (2) Daily Dispatch 15.2.[?] ,article "Sixty Tramps Were Ex-Mayor's Birthday Guests", Manchester Evening News 18.8.[?] article "Boys Stole Eggs, Strangled Hen"
Paper folder containing "Incendiary Bomb Show", ts, 1p, 222.6.[?], THH
11/A Municipal elections - general material
Letter from Ellis Clarke, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party to "Dear Friend", ts, 2pp, 4.6.38, enclosing names of of people admitted to the Panel of Municipal Candidates, with details of a meeting to be held at the Spinners Hall on 10th June
"Bolton Wards", ms, 1p, list
Handbill (2), "Why was Charles I. Beheaded?", encouraging people to use their vote
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, THH, about councillors' education
Untitled document, ms, 1p, notes on library figures, propaganda and politics
Untitled document, ms, 1p, notes about newspapers
Untitled document, ms, 1p, references to psychology
"Various notes about Municipal Elections", ts, 1p, 4.11.37, THH, newspaper cutting attached
Untitled document, ms, 1p, reference to Tory and Liberal Election addresses and electors
"Poll-Pools", ms, 2pp, [JS], chart representing polling as a pools coupon with printed chart
11/B Canvassers and election workers
Index cards (20), ms/ts, references to canvassing and elections
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Tonge Moor By-Election", ms, 2pp, EB
"Halliwell Ward Working Period for the election", 1.11.37, ms, 1p
"AB Ward", ms, 3pp, 23.10.[?], JD, preparing room for polling
"AB", ms, 1p, 24.10.[?], JD, polling room
Chart, ms, 1p, candidates and polling
"Delivering Literature & Canvassing, ms, 1p, 25.-26.10.[?], Great Lever Ward municipal elections
Letter from Ellis Clarke, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party to "Dear Friend", ts, 1p, informing members of those qualified and not qualified as local or parliamentary electors
Paper folder containing:
From Ellis Clarke, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party, to Walter Hood, ts, 2pp, 4.11.37, enclosing account for monies due to the Party and for expenses claims from Mrs Wright and Mr W.J. Allen, candidates
From Ellis Clarke to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 25.11.37, asking for expenses claim
From Ellis Clarke to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 27.11.37, reminding him to submit expenses claim
Index card (1), ms, THH, 6.11.[?], reference to elections
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 1.11.37, list of [expenses]
Invoice Blackshaw, Sykes & Morris to Bolton Labour Party, ts, 1p, 10.37, for cost of canvass cards, £1.3.0
"Public Address Equipment", ts, 1p, list of fees with receipt attached 25.11.37, for 12/6 paid by Walter Hood and signed by Helen Wright
Invoice, The Modern Printing Co, ts, 1p, 22.10.37, for £2.6.0, to JS, for materials supplied
Invoice, The Modern Printing Co, ts, 1p, 25.10.37, for £2.15.6, to JS for materials supplied
Receipts (2) from Town Clerk's Office to THH, 27.11.37 and 30.11.37
Invoice, School Hill Mills, ts, 1p, 11.37, for £1.3.0, receipt attached
Letter from H. Rothwell, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party to "Dear Friend", ts, 1p, 16.12.37, about the Annual Meeting of the Astley Bridge Ward Labour Association
Paper folder containing:
"Name and Address of Canvasser", ms, 1p, 8.12.37
"List of Workers", ms/ts, 11pp, 4.12.-10.12.[37]
Untitled document, ms, 1p, addresses, ages and occupations - [voters], chart
Index card (1), ts/ms, references to letters and leaflets
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 21.1.38, reference to helpers and taxis
Paper folder containing:
Index cards (5), ms, references to cars needed, canvassing and committee rooms
Lists of canvass returns; cars wanted, districts and names and addresses of voters, messages, index cards (9) and blank form "Record of car owners"
Paper folder "Reliability of Official Canvassers", containing:
Untitled document, ms, 1p, details of canvassers, chart,
Index cards (9), ms/ts, references to canvassers and number of voters by street
"Streets which are considered uncanvassable by the L.P.", ms 4pp, WH, details of houses called on and response of occupants
"Chorley Old Rd.", ms, 3pp, WH, attempts to canvass in the road
Paper folder "Reliability of Canvass Return" containing:
Lists of statistical data on canvassing in various streets
Brief note about Hadley, ts, 1p
Letter from Helen Wright to Walter Hood, ms, 1p, about a meeting and her election work
Letter from Stanley to Frank, ms, 1p, 29.3.38, with canvass figures
Index cards (5), ms, canvassing
Letter from R. Radcliffe, secretary, Ashton-under-Lyne Labour Party, ts, 1p, 13.1.[?], about canvassing methods, enclosing a questionnaire
Paper folder "Reports of Canvassing on the beat", containing:
"Labour Party Questionnaire", ms, 2pp, 25.5.37, EB
"Politics", ts, 2pp, 30.10.37, ZB, canvassing
"Methods of Canvassing", ms, 2pp, 29.1.[?], WH
"Canvass", ms, 4pp, 21.4.[?], WH
"Canvassing in East Ward", ms, 1p, 21.6.[?], WH
Misc, ms/ts, 3pp, JHW
Index cards (33), ms/ts, canvassing
11/C Canvassing
Lists of houses and streets canvassed, notes on the reception canvassers received
11/D Electioneering
Observer accounts
"Conversations collected when van was going round St. Michael's and St. Bartholomew's wards, Great Lever", ms, 4pp, 30.10.37, PB (photocopy)
"Open Air Meeting held in support of Tom McColl Labour Candidate", ms, 11pp, 29.4.[?], WH
"The Loud Speaker", ms, 2pp, WH
Untitiled document, ms, 2pp, 30.10.37, PB, overheard comments about the Labour van, (photocopy)
"National Government Cinema Van", ts, 5pp, 20.9.[?], BB, Government propaganda van, (photocopy)
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 3 songs about Harding to be sung to the tunes of "The big, bad wolf"; "Burlington Bertie", and any other tune, (photocopy)
"Great Lever", ts, 7pp, about the Great Lever experiment - electioneering
"G. Lever. Elections", ts, 3pp, electioneering, (photocopy)
11/E Election addresses, leaflets and notes
Paper folder "Opinion on Election Address", containing:
"Giving out C.P. Leaflets", ms, 23.2.[?], WH
"Election Addresses", ms, 5pp, 25.5.[?], WH
"Differences in election addresses", ts, 1p
Posters (2) "No Surrender to Hitler and Mussolini"
Index cards (19), ts/ms, references to the election, propaganda, etc
Polling cards (11), Great Lever Ward Municipal Elections
Leaflets, handbills and cards with details of the candidates
11/F Meanings of words used in municipal election
Paper folder "Class Meaning of Words" containing:
"Talk in general", ts, 1p, 19.7.40, BA, memo on conversation
"Difficult words for the Ordinary Person in Daily Dispatch Monday Aug. 15th", ms, 3pp, 16.8.38, WH, alphabetical list
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, list of words, [BR]
"Difficult words for the ordinary person to understand Daily Express Thurday Aug. 18th", 2pp, WH, alphabetical list
Paper folder containing:
Extract from book, ts, 1p, election address etc
"Difficult words for ordinary person in Election Addresses", ms, 14pp, 12.8.38, WH, Labour McColl's By-election 4.5.37; William Hadley, 1.11.37; Allen & Wright, 1.11.37; Eastwood & Hitchen, 1.11.37; Sam Lomax, 1.11.37, Tonge; Sam Lomax, By-election, Astley Bridge, 4.38; T. Bentley, 14.12.37, Tonge By-election; Conservative, Frank Young, 4.5.37, By-election, Great Lever; West Ward Municipal By-election 27.5.37; Holt, 1.11.37; Chadderton, 14.12.37 Tonge By-election; Henry Harding, 1.11.37; Liberal, Holland, 4.5.37; Stanley Porter, 1.11.37
"Difficult words used in Election Addresses", ms, 2pp, 12.8.[?], WH, alphabetical list
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 12.8.[?], THH, list of number of times words used
11/G Poster survey - municipal elections
Paper folder containing:
"Poster Survey", ms, 15pp, people looking, not looking
Index cards (4), ms/ts
11/H Vote counting/scrutineering
Paper folder "Scrutineering, vote counting" containing Observer accounts:
"Vote Counting in Town Hall", ts, 5pp, 2.11.37, THH
"The Count at D Room Town Hall Bolton - By-election Tong", ms, 6pp, 14.12.[?], WH
"Tonge Bye-Election Scrutineering", ms/ts, 8pp, 14.12.[?], THH
Index cards (2), ts/ms
Extract from book, ts, 5pp, about elections
Index cards (6), ms/ts, WH/FHC
Postcard from Helen Wright to Walter Hood, ms, 19.11.37, about financial help
Letter from Ellis Clarke, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party, to THH, ts, 1p, 20.10.37, enclosing Counting Agent's form
Two counting agents forms, Darcy Lever-cum-Breightmet Ward, 1.11.37 and West Ward, 1.11.28
Letter from W. Geere, W.H. Sisson and J. Vickers, committee members, Bolton Labour Party, ts, 1p, 9.5.38, about a debt owing to the late Alderman Samuel Davies' estate
11/I Labour Party post mortem discussions on elections
Letter from Helen Wright to Tom Harrisson, ms, 1p, 2.11.37, reference to election material given to Walter Hood
Observer accounts
"Some Aftermaths of the Election", ts, 2pp, 2.11.37, THH
"Municipal Elections", ts, 2pp, 3.11.37, THH
"West Ward Fun and Games", 3pp, 4.11.37, THH
"McColl's Speech in John Brown Street after the Election result", ms, 4pp, 5.4.[?], WH
"Faulkner's Talk after his defeat in the John Brown Social Club", ms, 5pp, 27.5.[?], WH
"Hadley - re election etc", ms, 4pp, 10.11[?], WH
"Joe - [Pays] Gives a receipt", ms, 3pp, 11.11.[?], WH, receipt for the Town Clerk for monies received and about rumours relating to Joe and an incident involving other observers
"West Ward Labour Club", ms, 2pp, 11.11.37, EB, visit to the club
"Conversation with Carol Cooper", ts. 1p, 6.2.38, FHC, reference to polling
Letter from Ellis Clarke, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party, to "Dear Friend", ts, 1p, thanking voters for their support, incorporating 5 point questionnaire
Paper folder "Attempts to remedy causes of failure", containing:
Untitled document, ms, 1p, numbers of voters and non-voters and note of number of votes for various candidates, ms, 1p, 1.11.37, WH, chart
Letter from Ellis Clarke, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party, "Dear Friend", ts, 1p, about a conference to be held on 4th June to discuss the election failure
"Meeting Labour party - re position in West Ward", ms, 11pp, 4.6.[?], WH
Letter from Ellis Clarke, Secretary, Bolton Labour Party, to "Dear Friend", ts, 3pp, 31.12.37, about a re-organisation sub-committee meeting, incorporating proposals for change
Paper folder containing:
"Cross polling", ts, 3pp, analysis of voting patterns
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, statistical data
Paper folder "The Agent", containing:
"Great Lever", ts, 2pp, October, THH, the election
12/A Voting and non-voting
Index cards (8) 6 point questionnaire, 26.2.38, including a question about newspapers read and political views
Index cards (26), replies to questions about politics and voting
Observer account
Untitled document, ms, 6pp, WH, people questioned in the street about their voting intentions
"Analysis of Voter and Non-voter material", ts, 4pp, municipal by-election, November 1937
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, [WH], about West Ward running the election
Paper folder containing "Astley Bridge By-Election", ts, 1p, 12.4.[?], BB conversations about the election
"Report on Tonge Moor municipal bye-election" 6pp 14.12.37, HH
List "Polling Booths Halliwell Ward", ms, 2pp, 1.11.[?]
Misc, 2pp from booklet, 5 index cards
12/B Knowledge of the election
Index card, ts, guidelines on information to be collected about the election
Untitled document, ms, (photocopy), 3pp, WH, programme of work to be carried out in relation to voting and polling stations
"Analysis of Questions", ms, (photocopy) 2pp, chart
Untitled document, replies to questions about one of the election candidates, chart
"Conversations", index card, ms, LT
"West Ward By Election", ms, 1p, 25.5.37, EL, overheards on forthcoming election
"Questions asked at Farnworth on the weather at the municipal elections", ms, 4pp, 25.6.[37], WH, 2 copies
"Political Conversations", ms, 3pp, 30.10.37, PB
Index card (1), ms, 30.10.37, GT, comments about the election
"Report on weather, Tonge Moor By-election", ms, 1p, 14.12[37], [WH]
"Astley Bridge Bye Election", card, ms, LT, total hours of sunshine
Untitled document, ms, 1p, list giving weather details in the wards at various elections
12/C Political knowledge
Untitled document, ms, pp12, analysis sheets of a political knowledge and opinion survey, chart, 320 secondary school children, ages 11-18, responses to a 7 point questionnaire
12/D Polling booths and ticket snatching
"List of cars needed", ms, 1p, WH, cars to take voters to the various polling stations
Observer accounts
"Tonge By", ms, 2pp, observations and overheards
Untitled document, ms, 8pp, excerpts from observers' notes on behaviour and overheards at polling booths
"Astley Bridge By-Election", ms, (photocopy), 3pp, 12.4.[?], LT, street canvassing of people's opinions on candidates
"Polling Day", ms, 5pp, 12.4.[?], WH
"Ticket-snatching", ms, 2pp, 4.5.[?], WH, asking people for their polling cards
"Ticket-Snatching West Ward", ms, 4pp, WH
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 25.10.[?], JD, distribution of polling cards
"St Matthews Polling Station", ms, 3pp, 1.11.[?], EB
"Notes on the Election, at S.S. Simon and Judes", ts, 7pp 1.11.[?], JW
"Politics", index cards (2) ts, 1.12.37, ZB, number snatching
"Tonge Bye Election", ts, 6pp, 14.12.[37], THH observations at three polling stations
"Committee Rooms for Tonge Moore Council School", ms, 10pp, 14.12.37, WH
"Tonge Ward By-Election", ms, 1p, 14.12.37, number snatching at Tonge Moor Council School
"Tonge Bye Election Castle Hill", ms, 11pp 14.12.[37], [incomplete], JW
"Castle Hill Polling Booth. How people wipe their feet", ms, 9pp, 14.12.37
"Children on Election Day", ts, 1p, brief conversation about candidates
Misc 1p, ms
12/E Politics
Miscellaneous notes, drafts and analyses relating to elections and politics generally
12/F Politics - history
Pre-1937 election material
12/G Parliamentary by-election, Farnworth 27 Jan 1938
Election leaflet, (photocopy) 4pp, 27.1.38, "Farnworth Division, Parliamentary Bye-Election ..... George Tomlinson the Labour candidate"
Observer accounts
"Farnworth Bye Election", ms, (photocopy), 4pp, 27.1.38, LT
"Questions asked at Farnworth on the weather at the municipal elections", ms, 1p, 25.6.[?], WH
"Open-air Meeting at Burtons Works, Walkenden", ms, (photocopy) 4pp, WH
12/H Parliamentary by-election Jan 1938: public meetings addressed chiefly by Labour candidates
Observer accounts
"Empire Cinema Farnworth", ms, 13pp, 16.1.[38], WH, behaviour of speaker
"Conservative meeting held at All Saints, Farnworth", ms, 3pp, 16.1.[38], [WH], behaviour of speaker, phraseology, gestures
"WEA Extension Lecture", ms, 11pp, 17.1.38, EB, speaker's behaviour - Richard Crossman
"Gestures of Tomlinson, Lab Candidate: Farnworth By-Election", ms, 9pp, 19.1.[38], WH
"Conservative meeting held in Kearsley. Mount Methodist Church", ms, 7pp, 20.1.[38], WH
Untitled document, ms, 11pp, 21.1.[38], [EB], [lacks p1], speaker's gestures, [Tomlinson]
"Meeting held at Worsley Road Council School", ms, 9pp, 25.1.[38], WH, speaker's gestures, - Tomlinson
"Harper Green Central School", ms, 5pp, 25.1.[38], WH, speaker's gestures [Tomlinson]
"3rd meeting at St. Thomas' School, Farnworth", ms, 6pp, 25.1.[38], WH, speaker's gestures - Tomlinson
"4th meeting:- St. Francis", ms, 5pp, 25.1.[38], WH, speaker's gestures
"Little Fulton Co-op Hall", ms, 9pp, 25.1.[38], WH, speaker's gestures, Ryan, Conservative candidate
"Farnworth Co-op Hall", ms, 9pp, 25.1.[38], WH, speaker's gestures - Ryan
"Conservative Meeting", ms,9pp, 17.2.38, EB, speaker's gestures
"Herbert Morrison", ms, 12pp, 26.2.[38], speaker's gestures
"Henry Pollitt", ms, 22pp, speaker's gestures
"Analysis of Gestures", ms, 13pp, a four part analysis
Paper folder containing
"Sixteen speeches, ms, 7pp
Index card, ts, 16.3.38, THH, reference to candidates' by-election expenses
13/A Origins, history/structure of unions
"Trades Unions", ms, 89pp, draft manuscript
13/B Trade unions questionnaire
"Unions", ts 1p, list, points to be covered
"The Trade Unions", ts, 1p, background information
Questionnaire about trade union membership, 49 replies, completed by respondents, EB
"Analysis of T.U. Questionnaire", ts, 1p
"Trade Union", ms, 4pp 12.37, JD, chart
13/C Union branches
"Alti-Politics", ts, 13pp, list of material gathered
"T.U. Secretaries", ms, 2pp, list for Tonge Moore and Great Lever
"Labour Party Delegates", ms, 2pp, list of names
Fish Fryers Union
Booklets (2) The Bolton and District Fish Fryers Journal, April and May 1938
"Meeting of Fish Fryers", ms, 11pp, 15.8.[?], WH
Misc printed material 4pp
Operative Cotton Spinners and Twiners Provincial Association
"Notes on the work of the Operative Cotton Spinners and Twiners ......", ms, 9pp
"Minutes of Joint Meeting of List Sub-Committee", ts, 4pp, 22.2.18, official document
"Extracts from Operative Spinners' 39th Annual Report of Council .....", ts, 2pp, 31.12.18, official document
"Extract from Minutes of the Joint Meeting ....", ts, 1p, 19.11.24, official document
National Spinsters Pension Association
Handbills (4), "Britain's Spinsters Demand Justice!", "National Spinsters Pensions Association. Non-party Movement", "Mr, Mrs, or Miss!", "Are You Aware"
Mental Hospital Workers' Union
Letter from Fishpool Branch to Eric Bennett, ms, 3pp, 1.38, details of branch membership and activity
"Mental & Institutional Workers Union Bolton Branch", ms, 2pp, 12.1.38, EB background information about the formation of the union
Cinema Branch of the Electrical Workers Union
Observer accounts
"Meeting held in Bush Hotel to start a Cinema Branch of the Elect. W.U.", ms, 15pp, 11.7.37, WH
"Cinema Branch Meeting", ms, 10pp, 15.8.[?], WH
Handbill "Would you treat an agreement as a scrap of paper?"
Cotton Unions
Observer accounts
"Cotton Spinners Association", ts, 1p, 11.9.40, BA
"T & G.W. Union", ts, 1p. 11.9.40, BA
"Beamers, Twisters and Machine Minders", ts, 1p, 11.9.40, BA
"Engineering Union", ts, 1p, 11.9.40, BA
"Weavers Association", ts, 1p, 11.9.40, BA
"Winders at Brandwood Textile Co", ms, 4pp, TB
13/D Bolton Trades Council
Observer Accounts
"Bolton Trades Council Meeting", ms, 3pp, 20.10.[37], EB
"Bolton Trades Council Executive", index card, ms, 10.11.37, EB
"Trades Council Executive Committee", ms, 11pp, 9.12.37, EB
"Bolton Delegates to T.U.C, Plymouth 1936", ms, 2pp, 10.1.38, EB list of delegates
"Trades Council Executive Committee", ms, 5pp, 12.1.38, EB
"Trades Council Elections", ms, 3pp, 18.1.38, EB, list of names and number of votes, diagram of ballot paper
"Resolution of China-Japan", ms, 5pp, EB about boycotting Japanese goods
Paper folder containing "Future Trade in Bolton", ts, 3pp, GW interviews with Warehouse Manager, Mill owner, Manager of Rayon Crepe Ltd.
Charts (4) "Trade Union Branches", "Northtown Trades Unionism", "Trades Council and Labour Party", "Trades Council Meeting Delegate Meeting"
Booklets (3) "Rules and Standing Orders", 69th Annual Report and Balance Sheet", "18th Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 1937"
Agendas (7) "Bolton and District United Trades Council" 1937-38
"Elected Unopposed", printed, 1p, list of elected officials
Booklet: Annual Report Bolton Chamber of Trade Limited, for the annual meeting to be held on 28.2.39, Blackshaw, Sykes & Morris Ltd., Bolton
Newspaper cutting 26.8.38
Misc 8pp, ts/ms
13/E Strikes and disputes
Programme: "Six Men of Dorset", The Opera House, Manchester, 26.4.37, play
Letter to Mr Barnard, ms, 1p, unsigned, referring to working conditions of bus drivers
Letter to Walter Hood from Frank Townson, ts, 1p, 5.9.37, reference to a meeting held to discuss the dismissal of Dr Lyng
Observer accounts: Transport and General Workers Union
"From Ben Caldwell - Transport Dept.", ms, 1p, 17.11.[?], WH dispute at work
"Frank Townsend on Tramway Strike", ts, 1p, 11.2.[38], FHC
"Tramway Sheds", ts, 1p, 11.2.[38], FHC
"Transport Workers Strike", ts, 1p, 11.2.38, WH
"T & G W Strike", ts, 1p, 13.2.38, EB conversations outside Spinners Hall
"Midnight Meeting of the Tramwaymen", ms, 8pp, 28.8.[?], [incomplete]
"Tramwaymen - Interview with Townsend....", ms, 1p, 30.8.[?], WH
Newspaper cutting Bolton Evening News, "Paid Up", 12.2.38
Apprentices Strike
Newspaper cuttings, (9)
Observer accounts: Leather Workers Union
"Leather Workers Dispute", ms, 1p, 16.11.37, EB, interview with David Delaney
"Leather Workers Dispute", ts, 1p, 28.2.38, EB, the G-men employed to institute a time system
"Leather Workers Union", ts, 1p, EB, non-affiliation to the Bolton Labour Party
"Interview with a friend of Ben Caldwell ...", ms, 11pp, 6.3, WH
"Talk with man near Weston St.", ms, 1p, 17.12.[?], WH, comments about G Men
"2 stories of G-Men", ms, 3pp, WH
"Walkers Tannery", ms, 1p, 17.11.[?], WH, observer refused entry to a meeting
"Talk in Nelson Arms", ms, 2pp, 18.11.[?], WH, index card attached
"Walkers Tannery", ms, 4pp, 19.11.[?], WH, giving in notice
"Walter Grundy Lime jobber", ms, 3pp, 22.11.[?] WH, interview
"Walkers Tannery", ms, 3pp, 24.11.[?], WH, interview with an unnamed man
"Walker's Tannery", ms, 2pp, 4.12.[?], WH, talk with Ben Caldwell
"Walkers Tannery", ms, 1p, 4.12.[?], strike threat
Newspaper cuttings (6)
Co-op Clerks
"Secretary of N.U.C.", ts, 1p, interview with Harold Halliwell about the dispute
Untitled document, ms, 1p, brief note about why Co-op clerks are discontented
Untitled document, ms, 1p, Co-op clerks strike ballot
DeHavilland Airworkers
"DeHavilland Strike", ts, 4pp, 14.2.38, EB, observations, overheard comments
"Strike at DeHavilland", ms, 3pp, 28.3.[?], observations and overheard coments
Newspaper cutting, "Strike Threat over 4,000 workers Involved"
Misc 17pp
13/F Tenants associations
Observer accounts
"Tenants League", ms, 2pp, 24.2.38, NC, interview with Mrs Dawson , President of the Tenants League
"Corporation Tenants Associations", ts, 1p, 9.3.[?], meeting held in the Methodist Misson Hall
"Meeting of the Bolton & District Property Owners & Ratepayers Assoc.", ts, 2pp, 15.3.38, JAS
"Kenley & Whyteleaf Residents Association, ms, 3pp, 20.12.38, LT, meeting
"Corporation Tenants Association", ts, 5pp, background information and meeting held on 9.3.[?], at the Methodist Mission Hall
"Corporation Tenants Association", ts, 7pp, meeting held on 9.3.[?], at the Methodist Mission Hall
[Incomplete] document, ts, 2pp references to housing
Letter from Mrs. M.E. Dawson to Miss ??, ms, 1p, 27.2.[?], enclosing 2 Tenants' Association leaflets
Form and postcard "Property Owners' and Ratepayers Association Ltd"
Newspaper cutting
14/A Research methods
"Religion", ts, 1p, list of material
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, notes on sects
"Christianity in Bolton", ts, 20pp, methodological approach
"Religion", ts, 1p, analysis of material received to 27.8.37
"Report on material", ts, 4pp, 13.11.38, WRL
"Religious Function", ms/ts, 6pp, WH, points to be covered
"Bolton", ts, 1p, list of information to be gathered
Untitled document, ms, 26pp, JW, notes on church hierarchy and structure
"Religious Questionnaire", ts, 2pp
"Sunday Schools, Men's Bible Class", ts, 3pp, JW, notes on the formation of a bible class
"Directives for four persons for Sunday", ts, 1p
"Directive", ts, 3pp, church services - guidelines for observers
"Part Two........Religious Activities", ts, 3pp, notes on information to be gathered
"Church Organisation", ts, 6pp, notes on questions to be asked
"Church Organisation.......... Personel" (sic), ts, 12pp, notes on information required
"Methodist Churches", index card, list of questions
"Relig. Survey", ts, 1p, [incomplete], guidelines for noting down contents of shop windows
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 21.2.38, notes on material from Harvey Street
"Directive II", ts, 1p, 2.2.[38], WRL, outdoor religion
"Directive III", ts, 1p, 3.2.38, WRL, outdoor religion
"Directive IV", ts, 1p, 4.2.38, WRL, outdoor religion
"Religion Survey Extra Directive on Wayside Pulpits", ts, 1p
"[Directive] about Church Bells", ts, 1p, 17.2.[38], WRL
"Further directive on Bells", ts, 1p, 18.2.[38], WRL
"Directive on outdoor Sunday behaviour", ts, 1p, 18.2.[38], WRL
"Relig. Survey. Swearing Directive", ts, 1p, 18.2.[38], WRL
"Questions for clergy, etc., on outdoor activities", ts, 1p
"Questions for clergy, etc", ts, 1p, 20.2.[38], WRL
"Questions for clergy, etc. now doing activities", ts, 1p
"Relig. Survey Directive, ts, 3pp, 24.2.[38], WRL advertising of church services
"Relig. Survey Directive on Personal Ornament", ts, 2pp, 24.2.[38], WRL
"Relig. Survey - Birthday cards etc", ts, 1p, 24.2.[38], WRL
"Directive on Popular Superstitions", ts, 2pp, 24.2.[38], WRL
"Directive about Religious Books in Libraries", ts, 2pp, 24.2.[38], WRL
"Relig. Survey Outdoor Superstitions", ts, 1p, 11.3.[38], WRL, flowers on graves
"Relig. Survey Directive on Superstition", ts, 3pp, 15.3.[38], WRL, children and cracks in the pavement, record card attached
"Relig. Survey Directive. Behaviour of borrowers of relig. books from libraries", ts, 1p, 24.3.[38], WRL
"Directive Religious Processions", ts, 4pp, 28.4.38, WRL
"Religious Survey Directives":
"Church Bells", ts, 1p, 20.8.38., WRL
"Time and the Churches", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Garden Parties", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Concerts run by relig organisations", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Sports held by religious organisations", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Outings", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Funerals (street element)", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Religious speakers outdoors sandwichmen etc", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Religious shops", ts, 1p, 20.8.38, WRL
"Religion on the menu", ts, 1p. 20.8.38, WRL
"Outdoor Services", ts, 1p, 8.38, WRL
"Dates", ts, 1p, 18.11.38, WRL
"Shops before Christmas", ts, 1p, 18.11.38, WRL
"Waits", ts, 1p, 18.11.38, WRL
"Church services before Christmas", ts, 1p, 18.11.38, WRL
"Christmas", ts, 1p. 18.11.38, WRL
"Xmas Presents", ts, 1p, 18.11.38., WRL
"Christmas and Children", ts, 1p. 18.11.38, WRL
"Recipe for Parkin", ts, 1p
"Topical Events", ts, 1p, particular days - Ember day etc
"Advertisement of Church Services and Functions", index card, ts
List of events, ts, 1p, processions, bazaars, etc
Index cards (31) references to religion
Misc 9pp, ms/ts, research notes
14/B Religion book by Tom Harrisson
"Working synopsis for Religion book", ts, 2pp
Draft ts, 273pp
14/C Plans for book
List, ts, 2pp, details of chapters
"Religion and Superstition", ts, 12pp, synopsis
"Religion in Northtown", ts, 6pp
Untitled document, ts, 13pp, (pp25-37)
Untitled document, ts, 11pp, (pp12-22)
Misc, ms/ts 8pp
14/D Personal testimonies and questionnaire
Untitled document, ts, 2pp,(damaged) church members contacted to write a life story, list
"Testimony of a Convert", ms, 7pp
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, religious beliefs, James Dearden
"Why do you go to church?", ts, 1p
"What does Christ mean to you?", ts, 1p
Untitled document, ts, 1p, religion and socialism
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, the growth of faith
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, draft of religion questionnaire
"Life History", ts, 4pp, draft of religion questionnaire
"Working-class Church questionnaire": ts, 6pp, JC, replies from children and adults
"Life History" a 6-point questionnaire, 34 replies
"Religion and the Churches in Bolton" ts, 3pp, details of survey being carried out and two point questionnaire, (one completed)
"Social Survey", ms, 1p, 22.2.38, response to two point questionnaire by Joseph O. Widdop
14/E Bill Lee's drafts: religion
"Chapter III Sunday", ts, 302pp, WRL
15/A Research and background information
"Directory of Bolton 1824", ms, notebook, handwritten copy with ms list of names and addresses, 1881
"Preface", ms, 8pp
Untitled document, ms, 1p, list of names and addresses, reference to the delivery of letters
Untitled document, ms, 1p, list, reference Mrs Simpson, seamen, Father Xmas
"Roman Catholic Churches", ts, 10pp, list (2) of names and addresses of churches in Bolton, various denominations
"List of the Sects to be found in Bolton", ts, 2pp
"Primitive Methodist Churches", ms, 1p [JW], list
"St. Barts. Elector Roll, Great Lever", ms, 6pp, alphabetical list of names and addresses
"St. Bartholomew's Church Bolton Electoral Roll", ms, 4pp, alphabetical list of names and addresses
"Easter 1937", ms, 1p, list of attendances at various churches
"Baptist Churches in Bolton", ms, 1p, statistical data
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, background information about Christ Church, Heaton
"C. of E. Parish Statistics 1937", ts, 15pp
Booklet, "S. Augustine of Canterbury Tong Moor Electoral Roll", ts, names and addresses
Booklet, "List of the Churches, Chapels and Missions in Bolton", ts/ms, 17pp, JW
Index card "Victoria Hall", ts/ms statistical data on baptism and marriage
Misc 2pp ts/ms
15/B Descriptive details of places of worship
Index card, ts, guidelines to observers for recording descriptive detail
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 27.5.[?], JW, guidelines about church description
"Church Building and", ms, 1p, methodology for recording information
"Church Interiors", ts, 2pp, list
"Victoria Hall", printed floor plan
Untitled document, ms, buildings used for religious purposes
Observer accounts
"Bolton Parish Church", ts, 14pp, description of church interior
"Bolton Parish Church", ts, 18pp, description of church interior
"The Sanctuary (within the altar rail)", ts, 5pp, Bolton Parish Church
"Claremont Baptists. Missc (sic) Church Observation", ts, 5pp, 13.2.[?], FHC
"Church of England. Inside Churches", ts, 1p, 31.3[?], description of St. Paul's Deansgate
"St. George's Church", ms, 1p, [JW], floor plan of the church and description
"Jewish Synagogue", ms, 1p, 16.5[?], JW, description and floor plan of the meeting room
"Castle Hill", ms, 7pp, illustrated description of [methodist chapel], damaged
"Harwood (Tottington Rd.) Prim. Meth", ts, 4pp, description of exterior surroundings and interior of the building
"Smithills Chapel. Inside", ts, 1p, 20.6.[?], brief description
"Drawings of a pew in Bolton Church, ms 2pp, 22.7 [?] WH, sketch
"St. Augustine's Lectern", ms, 6pp, illustrated description of lectern and church interior
"Bridge St. Meth", ms, 4pp, illustrated description
"St. Saviours. C. of E. Inside", ts, 1p, 17.10.[?], Harvest Festival decorations
"St. Bede's Church. inside", ts, 1p, 6.6.[?], brief details
"Inside Church", ts, 1p, 30.5.[?], brief note of where observer went
"St. Augustine's Parish Sermons", ts, 1p, 30.5.[?], JW, floor plan and description
"Christ Church Heaton. Inside", ts, 1p, 7.7. & 29.8.[?], brief details
"St. Simon and Judes", ts, 1p, 18.4[?], vicar's movements
"Holy Trinity Church C. of E. Church inside", ts, 2pp, description
"St. Margarets Church of England. Inside the Church", ts, 2pp, 1.5.[?]
"St. George's C. of E. Inside Church", ts, 2pp, 12.12.[?] and 23.4.[?]
"St. Paul's Deansgate", ts, 1p, description of side chapel, [lacks p1]
"Deane Parish Church", ts, 1p, description of interior and bells
"Hanover Methodists", ms, 6pp, 8.6.[?], [JW], illustrated description
"Lower Bridge Street Methodist Church", ms, 4pp, 15.8.37, illustrated description
"Description Harvey St Methodist", ts, 5pp, 15.8.[?], THH
"Chorley Old Rd Methodist", ms, 11pp, 15.8.[?], JW, illustrated description of church
"Moor Lane Prim. Methodist", ms, 13pp, 15.8.[?], JW, illustrated description
"St. George's Road United Methodist Church, ms, 3pp, 15.8.[?], description of church
"Methodist Church, High Bridge Street", ms, 4pp, 15.8.37, JHM, illustrated description of church
"St. Edmunds R.C.", ms, 5pp, 28.12.[?], JW, description of church decorations
"Holy Trinity Church", ms, 1p, 28.12.[?], JW, description of church decorations
"St. Barts", ms, 1p, 28.12.[?], JW, description of church interior
"Christ Church, Heaton", ms, 1p, 29.12.[?], JW, description of church interior
"St. Edmonds R.C.", ms, 8pp, illustrated description of church
Untitled document, ms, 10pp, description of church
Untitled document, ms, 16pp, description of church
"Children's Corner, Parish Church, Bolton", ts, 1p, 31.5.39, WRL, brief description
15/C Correspondence and catalogues
From G. Maile & Son Ltd, Church Furnishers, to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 5.3.38, and illustrated catalogue Church Furniture
From G.J. Campbell Ecclesiastical Insurance Office Ltd, to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 18.3.38 about Parish insurance
From T. Tomlinson, Electrical, Engineer, Contract and Armature Winder to Tom Harrisson, about church illumination, ts, 1p. 18.3.38
From E.D. Mills, J.& H. Patteson Ltd, Granite, Marble, Mosaics, Architectural Stone & Wood Carving, ts, 1p, 21.3.38
From G. Maile & Son Ltd., Church Furnishers, to Tom Harrisson, ts, 1p, 22.3.38 and illustrated catalogue, Church Furniture
Envelope: G. Maile & Son Ltd, containing three illustrated catalogues and misc. pages on stained glass windows
D.A. Neville & Co, Clerical Tailors, details of garments and prices
Vanheems, black and white photo of a crest and advert for wrist watch
Thos. Crown & Son (Church Furnishers) Ltd., price list
Letter from [AG] Ginger, Lee & Co Ltd., Contractors to H.M. Government, to Tom Harrisson, ts, 3pp, and illustrated booklet "Churches and Church Halls" with price list
Notebooks, (3) ms, details of church decorations
16/A Book: Bolton Church Institute School Magazine 1926-1936
Bound copies of the magazine, printed
16/B Church notices
Observer accounts
"Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity", ms, 1p, 22.8.37, details of services, collection envelope attached
"St. Edmonds R.C.", index card, ms, 3.1.[?], JW, details of notice on blackboard
"Victoria Hall", ms, 1p, 20.1.[?], JW, notices on the walls
"Notice", index card, ms, 3.3.38, LT, drawing of notice at St. Lukes, Chorley Old Road
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, 3.3.38-4.3.38, JAS, chart giving details of church, organisation or sect notices
"Bethel Evangelistic Church, Lower Bridgeman Place", ms, 2pp, 10.3.38, JAS, details of notices
"St. George's C. of E. Bolton, Wayside Pulpit", ts, 1p, 28.5.38, WRL
"Unity Church, Deane Road" ts, 1p, 28.5.39, WRL, details of poster
"Saviour's Church, Bolton", ts, 1p 30.5.39, WRL, details of hymn numbers
"Wayside Pulpits", ts, 1p, 30.5.39, WRL, details of notice at Bank St. Unitarian
"Derby St. Congregational", ts, 1p, 31.5.39, WRL, details of notices
"Holy Trinity", ts, 1p, 31.5.39, WRL, extracts from notice
"Parish Church", ts, 1p, 31.5.39, WRL, details of notice for a magazine and list of books available at nearby lending library
"Notes on St. George's C.of E.", ms, 4pp, 6.6.[38], WRL
"St. Bartholomew", ms, 3pp, 25.8.[38], JW, details of festival and gift service notices
Untitled document, ts, 5pp, 2.12.39-19.12.39, JC, details of notices at St. Georges Congregational Church and the Unitarian Church, Falls Road
"Wayside Pulpits, ts, 6pp, 17.12.39-18.12.39, details of notices at Presbyterian Church, Bowkers Row; St. Pauls, Moor Lane; Bridge St. Methodists; St. Patricks R.C. Church: Halliwell Road Methodist; Blackburn Road Congregational; Astley Bridge Methodist, Seymour Road; All Souls, Astley Road; St. James, Waterloo Street; Westlyan (sic) Church, Higher Bridge Street; St. Mary R.C Palace Street; Highr (sic); Bridge Street Methodist; Bolton New (Swedenborgian) Church, Higher Bridge Street
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, 19.12.39, BA, details notices at St. Georges C. of E.and St. Barnabas, St. George Road
"Notices in Liverpool Cathedral", ts, 2pp, 28.12.39, AH/JC
"Religion and notices, Bolton", ts, 1p, 24.1.40, AH, details of notice at Chorley Old Road Methodist Church
"St. Barnabas' Church, Bolton", printed notice of services, 1.8.37
"Church Notices", printed notice of services, 19.12.37
Misc, ts, 1p, JC
16/C Church rituals
Untitled document, ts, 1p, details of special days i.e. Mothering Sunday, Simnel Sunday etc
"St. George (from The Golden Bough)", ts, 6pp, the origins of church rituals
Booklet: Saint George Protector of England
"Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index Edition 8 (1913)", ms, 3pp, list of church sermons and other rituals
"Book of Days", ms, 1p, JW, list of various days both R.C. and C. of E.
"Book of Dats" (sic), ts, 2pp, JW, details of Lent, Ash Wednesday and Saints Days
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, details of customs and dates in the history of religion
"Bolton Chronicle", ms, 1p, transcript of an article, 29.9.1827
16/D Church bells
Observer accounts
"Church Bells", ts, 1p. 19.4.37, JS, conversation with the proprietory of the Savoy Supper Bar about church bells
"Church Bell ringing", ms, 1p, 13.2.[?], WH, people questioned in the street about why the bells were ringing
"Parish Church Bells", ts, 2pp, 20.2.[?], JS, people's behaviour in response to the church bells
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 27.2.38, JAS, people questioned about why the bells were ringing
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 6.3.38, JAS, people questioned about why the bells were ringing
"Parish Church", ms, 2pp, 6.3.[38], WH, details of how long the bells are rung for
"Questions re Church Bells", ms, 8pp, 13.3.38, WH
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 13.3.38, JAS, people questoned about why the bells were ringing
"Talks with people re Church Bells", ms, 3pp, 20.3.[38], WH
"Queries re. Bells asked in Bradshawgzte (sic), ts, 1p, 3.4.[38], FHC
"Church Bells", ms, 3pp, 1.5.[38], WH, people questioned about why the bells were ringing
"Bells", ms, 4pp, 28.5.[39], WRL, frequency of changes of rhythm and order of notes
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, [incompleted], observations on bells ringing
16/E Church yards
"Henry's Bolton Ltd", ms, 5pp, JW, details of gravestones and prices
"Henry's Catalogue", ms, 1p, 13.4.[?], THH
"McNaughton, Stonemason", ms, 1p, 25.4., THH
Observer accounts of the following graveyards:
"Deane Church Graveyard", ms, 9pp, 12.4.[?], THH
"Heaton Cemetry" (sic), ms, 18pp, 12.4[?], THH/EL
"Tombstone Bolton Corporation Cemetry" (sic), ts, 2pp, 13.4.[?] THH
"Tonge Cemetery", ms, 6pp, 13.4.[?], THH
"Heaton Cemetry" (sic), ms, 1p, 18.4.[?], THH
"Tonge Cemetry" (sic), ms, 17pp, 20.4.[?], THH
"Astley Cemetry" (sic), ms, 9pp, 21.4.[?], THH
"Heaton Cemetry" (sic), ms, 8pp, 22.4.[?], THH
"Walmsely Churchyard", ms, 5pp, 25.4.[?], THH
"Emmanuel Church", ms, 1p. 6.5.[?]. THH
"Kearsley Church Yard", ms, 1p, 6.5.[?], THH
"Breightmet Churchyard", ms, 3pp, 17.5.[?], THH
"Breightmet Churchyard", ms, 3pp, 17.5.[?], THH
"Heaton Cemetary", ms, 3pp, 18.5.[?], THH
Untitled document, index card, ms, 21.5.[?] THH
"Bradshaw C. of E. Churchyard", ms, 2pp 21.5.[?], THH
"Harwood Parish Church", ms, 5pp, 27.5.[?] THH
"Harwood Independent Methodist Churchyard", ms, 2pp, 28.5.[?], THH
"St. Peters Churchyard", ms, 3pp, 30.5.[?], THH
"St Peters Church", ms, 1p, 30.5.[?], WH
"Parish C. of E. Churchyard", ms, 7pp, 13.6.[?], THH
"Gravestone Flowers", ts, 4pp, 22.6.37, PNH
"Heaton Cemetery", ms, 20pp, 26.12.37, BWW
Chart "Grave Decorations", ms, 1p, 26.12.37
Untitled document, ms, 12pp, quotations from headstones
Letter to My Dear Captain from Mary, ms, 1p, 12.11.38, reference to grave
Misc 2pp, ms
17/A Non-conformist association
"Bolton Non-Conformist Ass.", ts, 14pp, JW, meeting to discuss the formation of an association
17/B Methodism
"Methodism", ts, 4pp, an account of Methodism and its structure
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, Mary Walsh for M-O, Harvey St. Methodist Church
"Harvey St Meth Christian Endeavour", ms, 2pp, J. Whitaker for M-O
"Harvey St Football Clubs", ms, 1p, J. Whitaker for M-O
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, Christian Endeavour, Harvey Street
Letter, ms, 2pp, 8.3.38, about Harvey St.
Letter, from Mrs Taylor, ms 1p, about Harvey St.
"Flowers", ms, 1p, the flower mission
"Methodist", ms, 4pp, background details of Bridge St. Church and Methodism
Observer accounts of services and other activities at the following churches and halls:
"Kings Hall", ms, 4pp, 23.2.38, AVW
"Commemoration Meeting at the Wesleyan Hall .......", ts, 6pp, 6.3.38, BCP, hymn attached
"Fletcher St. Methodist Church", ms, 12pp, 23.5.[?], THH
"Fletcher St. Sermons", ms, 1p, 25.5.[?], WH, (incomplete)
"Sermon at Castle Hill Methodists", ts, 1p, list of words used
"Castle St Methodist", ms, 2pp, 18.4.37, EL
"Castle Hill Methodists", ms, 5pp, 18.7.[?], JW
"Sermon of the Rev. Dinsdale at Castle St. Methodists", ts, 1p, JW
"Sermon in Castle St Methodist Chruch(sic)", ts, 2pp, 1.8.[?] TH
"Report on the behaviour of old lady ... Castle St. Methodist Church", ts, 1p, 1.8.[?], DSJ
"Noble Str. Ind Meth", ms, 21.8.[?], illustrated
"Harvey Street Methodist", ms, 3pp, 20.3.[?], WH
"Victoria Hall", ms, 15pp, 16.1.38, JW
"Victoria Hall", ms, 11pp, 21.1.[38], JW
"Wesley B-Centenary. Victoria Hall", ts, 24.5.[38] 14pp, JW
"Victoria Hall Methodist", ms, 16pp, 8.8.[38}, JW
"Analysis of Weslyan Methodist Sermon", 1.8.[?], ts, 2pp
"Adelaide St. Methodist Church", ts, 6pp, 6.9.[?], JW
Index cards (11) references to religion
Poster "Truth is Fair Play" [damaged]
Misc ms/ts 3pp
17/C Mazdaznan
Observer accounts of meetings
"Mazdaznan", ms, 11pp, 12.4.37, [JW]
"Account of Evening Meeting Mazdaznan Society", ts, 7pp, 2.3.38, BP
"Meeting of Mazdaznan", ts, 9pp, 9.3.38, BCP, with ms of song 3pp, BCP
"Mazdaznan", ts, 6pp, 9.3.38 [BCP]
"Mazdaznan Devotional Service", ts, 13.3.38, [BCP]
"Mazdaznan Meeting", ts, 9pp, 16.3.38, BCP
"Mazdaznan", ms, 15pp, 8.7.[38]
Song sheets (4) "Mazdaznan"
Handbill "Mazdaznan"
17/D Missions
"St Simon and Judes", ts, 2pp, 10.3.38, THH, data from Harry Loftus
"St. Barnabas, C.E.M.S...", index card, ts, 14.3.38, THH
Observer accounts of classes, meetings and services
"St. Pauls Schools", ms, 11pp, 28.4.[38], THH, bible class meeting
"Centenary of Manchester City Mission", ms, 1p, 12.6.[?], [THH], meeting at Bradshaw Hall
"Vallets Mission", ms, 11pp, 8.8.[?], JW
"Gladys St Mission", ms, 1p, 30.8.[?], [JW]
"Queen Str. Mission", ts, 4pp, 10.10.[?], DSJ
"St. Simon and Judes C.E.M.S.", ts, 8pp, 14.12.[?], JW
Song sheets (2) "Bolton Mission", 10.4.38
17/E Religious sects
Index cards (2), "Bank Streey (sic) Unitarian", ts, instructions for observations
Paper folders containing observer accounts of services and meetings at churches, chapels and halls
Unitarian Chapel
"Sunday Evening Service. Unitarian Chapel", ms, 4pp, 20.2.38, NC
"Unitarian Chapel", ms, 2pp, 20.2.38, AVW
"Bank Street Unitarian", ts, 1p, 27.2.[38], (incomplete)
"Bank Street Unitarian", ts, 2pp, 27.2.[38], (incomplete)
"Service at Bank Street Unitarian Church", ts, 3pp, 20.3.38, BCP
"Bank Street Unitarian", ts, 4pp, 24.4.38, JB
"Brethren", ts, 1p, 4.5.[38], JW
Out and Out Chapel
"Out and Out Mission Hall", ms, 11pp, 1.4.37, [JW]
"Out and Out Mission", ts, 3pp, 17.4.38, WH
Christian Science
"Church of Christ Science", ms, 3pp, 4.4.37, JW
"Report on Christian Science Service at Bromwich St. Ch., ts, 2pp, 6.4.[37], DSJ
"Christian Science Testimony Meeting, ms, 19pp, 11.8.37, JW
"Christian Science Quarterly", ms, 1p, 5.9.37
Untitled document, ms, 11pp, 5.9.37
"Christian Science Church Evening Service", ms, 1p, 19.12.37, EB
"Conversation between C. Sci and James and Joe", ms, 1p, 5.4.[?], JT
Letter from Dorothy Kemp to Tom Harrisson, ms, 2pp, enclosing verses from the Christian Science Church service, ms, 14pp
Index cards (2) reference to Christian Science
Free or New Church
"Bolton Free Church Emanuel Swedenborg Service", ms, 6pp, 31.1.38, WH
Untitled document, ts, 7pp, an address on the question "Why don't young people come to church"
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, prayers, benediction and hymns
Misc, ms, 1p
Printed letter "The General Conference of the New Church", 12.37
Printed service sheet "A Service of Thanksgiving in Remembrance of the Birth and Mission of Emanuel Swedenborg 1688-1772"
Index card, ms, reference to Halliwell Rd Free Church
Misc, ms, 1p
Booklet: St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church of England, Bolton, 2.5.37
"Service at Presbyterian Church, Bowker's Row", ts, 4pp, 20.3.38, BCP
"Presbyterian Church, Bowkers Row", ms, 6pp, 2.5.[38], THH
"Pastor Jefferies, Audience Response", ts, 3pp, 22.1.38, FHC
"Pastor Jeffreys", ms, 8pp, 22.1.38, EB
"The Bethel: Pastor Jeffries", ms, 4pp, 22.1.38, WH
"Emotional effect of the Bethel", ms, 15pp, 13.6.[38], WH
"Bethel Evangelistic Church", ms, 22pp, 13.6.[38], JW
"Service at Bethel Chapel", ms, 10pp, 10.7.38, DMH
Index card, ts, 23.12.[38], THH reference to Bethel
Pentecostal League of Prayer
"Pentecostal League of Prayer Tea-Party", ts, 3pp, 8.1.[38], BB printed prayer card attached
"Meeting of the Pentecostal League of Prayer", ts, 3pp, 13.3.38, BCP
"The Pentecostal League of Prayer", ms, 8pp, 8.5.[38], WH
"Hymn Sheet No. 7"
"Quaker Meeting at Friends' Meeting House", ts, 3pp, 13.3.38, [BCP]
"Quaker Meeting. Tipping St.", ts, 8pp, 1.5.[38], JW
17/F Religious sects
Paper folders containing observer accounts of services and meetings at churches, chapels, missions and halls
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, 29.4.37, JW, a lecture at Spinners Hall
"Report about Christ adelphians (sic) meeting", ts, 2pp, 31.8.38, GW
"Beulah Hall, Bank St.", ts, 14pp, 27.2.[?], JW
"Beulah Hall", ts, 11pp, 13.4.[?], JW, women's service
"Beulah Full Gospel Hall", ms, 4pp, 14.5.38, TD
Letter from Mrs. N. Houghton to Miss Phillipson, ms, 3pp, 9.6.38
"Service at Hebron Hall", ts, 8pp, 17.4.38, BCP
"Holiness Mission", ms, 7pp, 3.1.37, JW, social occasion
"Holiness Tabernacle", ms, 13pp, 18.7.37, JW, Sunday school
"Bolton Holiness Tabernacle", ts, 1p, 31.12.37, financial account
Calling card "Request"
Harwood Methodist Church, ms 5pp, 15.8.[?]
Harwood Primitive Methodist, ts, 5pp, 15.8.[?], THH
Folds Road Independent Methodist Church, ms, 17pp, 22.8.[?], JHW
"High Street Independent Methodist Church", ms, 8pp 22.8.[?], RP
Salvation Army
"Salvation Army Egg Service", ms, 13pp, 1.4.[38], THH
“Open Air Meeting Clarence Street", ts, 2pp, 3.4.[38], FHC
"Salvation Army", ts, 1p, 3.4.38, BB, open air meeting
"Salvation Army", ts, 3pp, 6.3.[38], JW
Index cards (3) "Claremont Baptists", ts, 3.4.38
Misc, ms, 1p
18/A Book:
History of Bolton and Parish Church Memorials, 1892, W. Pimblett (ed), The Daily Chronicle Office, Knowsley Street, Bolton
18/B Notebook:
Congregational Group Churches, Bolton, Minutes of Meetings, Vol. II, ts/ms, [1927], typed and handwritten, contains two black and white photographs - a small group of men and a large group of men and women
18/C Book:
Memorials of the Independent Methodist Chapel, Folds Road, Bolton, G. Winterburn, Deansgate, Bolton, 1897
19/A Finances
"Harvey Street Church and School General Account", printed, 1p, 31.12.34
Booklet "Bank Street Chapel and Sunday School, Bolton", report and financial statement for 1936
"S. Simon and St Jude's Church, Bolton", printed, 1p, statement of accounts, 1936
Booklet "Deane Parochial Church Council 1936 Bolton" printed, financial statement
"Halliwell Road Free Church, General Statement, 1937", ts, 1p
"St. Peter's Parish Church, Bolton", printed, statement of accounts 31.12.37, three copies
"The Bolton Wesleyan Mission", invoice, 21.7.37
"St. Mark's Church", ts, 1p, summary of expenditure for 1937
Statistics for the following churches (no source cited), ms/ts, 7pp: S. James, Bolton-le-Moors; St. Pauls, Deansgate; St. Peters, Belmont; St. Margaret, Halliwell; All Saints; All Souls; Holy Trinity, St. Bartholomews; St. James, Waterloo Street; St. John; St. Marks; St. Paul's, Deansgate; St. Philips
Observer accounts
"Annual Meeting of Free Church Council", ms, 5pp, 12.4.37, AS
"Conference of the Diocese of Manchester", ts, 21pp, 5.5.[?], JW
Minutes "S.S. Simon & Jude's, Bolton", ts, 3pp, 3.3.38
Letter from Robert Lee to Joe Wilcock, ms, 2pp, about a meeting of the Bolton section of the Northern Province Guild of Vergers on 27.2.38
19/B Church publications
Assorted booklets, leaflets, order of service sheets and hymn sheets
19/C Church publications
Assorted booklets, leaflets, order of service sheets and hymn sheets
19/D Social events
Observer accounts of plays, concerts and revues
"Impact on Social Life of the Area", ms, 2pp, the social life of Harvey Street
"Bolton YMCA", ms, 2pp, 19.3.37, concert
"Noble Street Independent Methodist Sunday School", ms/ts, 29pp ,15.11.37, a play in dialect called "The Factory Master's Bridge"
"Messiah at Victoria Hall", ts, 1p, 1.12.37, JW, [incomplete lacks p1]
"St. Georges Rd Congregational Church", ts, 3pp, 19.12.[37], THH, nativity play
"Parish Schools", ms, 12pp, 2.1.[38], JW, nativity play
"Victoria Hall", ms, 8pp, 22.1.38, JW, concert, programme attached
"St. Saviour's Church", ms, 14pp, 8.2.38, WH, play "View from the Pulpit", programme attached
"St. Saviour's Church", ms, 8pp, 8.2.38, WH, play "View from the Pulpit"
"Revue at Little Theatre", ms, 5pp, 19.2.38, NC, programme attached
"Revue at Little Theatre", ms, 2pp, 19.2.38, NC
"St. Paul's, Astley Bridge", ms, 9pp, 19.2.38, WH, musical comedy "Going Up', programme attached
"Kings Hall", ms, 9pp, 19.2.38, AVW, a play "The Wrong Miss Wright"
"The 'Blackbirds' Juvenile Concert Party - 1938", ms, 1p, 5.3.38
"St. Georges Road Methodist", ms, 7pp, 12.3.[38], WH, pantomime
"St. Georges Road Congregational Church", ms, 3pp, 17.3.[38], WH, play "A Man's House"
"Noah" at the Little Theatre", ts, 8pp, 18.3.38, BCP, programme attached
"Victoria Hall", ms, 2pp, 26.3.[38], THH, a concert
"The Kings Hall, Bradshawgate....", ts, 3pp, 24.4.[38], a biblical play "His Mother"
"Organ Recital St. Bede's Daubhill", ts, 6pp, 6.6.[38], JS
"Bolton Mission Concert", ts, 3pp, 18.9.[38], BB, programme attached
"Victoria Hall", ts, 1p, 12.10.[38], JW, choral union
20/A Lists and church services
"Bolton Chronological List of services, etc"., observed", ms, 5pp, WRL
List, ms, 2pp, points to be covered and observers' initials
"Services attended", ts, 8pp, list of service details
"Methodist Churches", ts, 4pp, list, church addresses and details of services
Untitled document, ts, 4pp, a standard Christian ceremony
"Church of England Service, ms, 26pp, [JW], order of proceedings
"Methodism Alive", ts, 6pp, [?].8.38, JW, a discourse on Methodism
"Index to Church of England Srvices" (sic), ms, 10pp
Index cards (12), ms, behaviour at services
20/B Church services
Observer accounts of services at the following churches:
"Report on visit to the evening service of the Parish church, Church Street", ts, 5pp, 5.9.37, IR
"Bolton Parish Church", ms, 7pp, 24.12.37, JW
"Bolton Parish Church", ms, 5pp, 25.12.37, JW
"Bolton Parish Church", ms, 4pp, 5.5.[?], [JW]
"Ascension Day, B. Parish Church", ms, 3pp, 6.5.[?], JW
"Bolton Parish Church", ms, 8pp, 6.5.[?], [JW], Ascension Day
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 18.7.[?], Parish church, Church Institute sermons
"Evensong: Bolton Parish Church", ts, 3pp, 18.12.39, BA
"Devotional Service at St. Peter's Parish Church Bolton", ts, 4pp, 2.3.38
"St. Georges Rd Congregational Church", ms, 7pp, 21.3.[?], THH
"Congregational Communion", ts, 2pp, 3.4.[?], BB
"St. Georges Rd Congregational Church", ms, 6pp, 11.4.[?], THH
"Sunday Congregational Service", ts, 1p, 27.6.[?], TH
"Religion", ms, 5pp, 22.8.[?], DK, St. George's Road Congregational
"St. George's Road Congregational", ts, 3pp, 19.9.[?], BB
"St. George's Congregational Church", ts, 4pp, 17.10.37, ZB
"St. George's Rd Congregational Service", ms, 7pp, 2.1.38, THH
"St. George's Road Congregational Church", ts, 1p, 6.3.38, BCP
"Congregational Maudsley St.", ms/ts, 14pp, 27.2.[?], JW
"Maudsley St. Sermons", ms, 8pp, 11.4.[?], THH
"Maudsley St Congs", ms, 19pp, 22.8.[?], JW
"Chorley Old Road, Congrationalist", ms, 11pp, 21.8.[?]
"Derby St Cong. Church", ts, 5pp, 22.8.[?], TH
20/C Services and sermons
Observer accounts of services and sermons at the following churches and chapels:
"Methodist Easter Communion", ms, 4pp, 17.4.[?], BB
"Park St Methodist Church", ms, 4pp, 19.12.37, WRL
"Park St Meth.", ms, 6pp, 28.5.39, WRL
"St. George's St. Methodists", ts, 3pp, 17.12.39, AH
"St. Georges Road Meth.", ms, 6pp, 25.12.[?], WH
"Bridge St. Methodist Chapel", ms, 5pp, 20.3.37, JW, card attached
"Bridge Street Methodist Sermons", ts, 6pp, 5.6.38, WH
"Victoria Methodist Church", ms, 9pp, 4.4.37, WH
"Victoria Hall", ms, 21pp, 16.1[38], JW, morning service
"Victoria Hall", ms, 4pp, 16.1.[38], JW
"Victoria Hall", ms, 20pp, 16.1.[38], JW, evening service
"Victoria Hall", ms, 5pp, 16.1.[38], JW, evening services, prayer meeting
"Victoria Hall", ms, 8pp, 16.1.[38], JW, [songs] service
"Victoria Hall", ms, 6pp, 23.1.[38], JW, morning service
"Victoria Hall", ms, 7pp, 23.1.[38], JW, evening service
"Victoria Hall", ts, 6pp, 10.4.38, JW, morning service
"Victoria Hall Morning Service", 10.4.[38], JW
"Victoria Hall", ts, 7pp, 10.4.[38], [JW], evening service
"Victoria Hall", ts, 3pp, [10.4.38] hymns, prayers and readings
"Victoria Hall", ms, 9pp, 11.7.[?], WH
"Methodist", ts, 2pp, 8.8.[?], hymns, prayers, sermons and lessons at Victoria Hall
"Victoria Hall", ms, 5pp, 25.12.[?], WH
"Prayer Meeting", ms 5pp, 23.1.[?], JW
"Church of England Evensong", ts, 6pp
20/D Services and sermons
Observer accounts of services and sermons at the following churches:
"Moody Reception at St. Pauls Church", ms, 10pp, 31.3.37, JW
"Holy Trinity Church", ms, 7pp, 6.5.37, JW
"Well Street Mission", ms, 3pp, 20.6.[?], WH
"Church of England", ts, 1p, 25.7.[?] St. James, Waterloo St, Family Service
"St. Andrews Presbyterian", ms, 3pp, 24.12.[?], JW
"St. George's CE Church", ts, 6pp, 12.12[?], JW
"Holiness Tabernacle, Daubhill", ms, 3pp, 20.2.38, AVW
"Lenten Service at St. Georges Road C of E. Church", ts, 2pp, 10.3.38, JAS
"St. George's Rd. Congregational", ts, 4pp, 17.12.39, AH
"Service at Halliwell Road, Free Church (Unitarian)", ts, 6pp,6.3.38, BCP
"Service at St. Paul's Church, Halliwell Road", ts, 7pp, 10.3.38, [BCP]
"Halliwell Road Free Church",ms, 6pp, 19.9.[?], WH
"St. Marks Church", ts, 10pp, 27.2.[?], JW
"St. Marks", ts, 1p, 29.8.[?], BB
"St. Marks C.o E.", ms, 2pp, 29.12.[?], JW
"Order of Service St Johns, Folds Road", ms, 4pp, 13.3.38, WH, order of service leaflet attached
"St. John's Church, Folds Road, Bolton", ms, 3pp, 18.4.[38], WH
"St. Stephens", ms, 9pp, 29.8.37
"Saint Stephens Church", ts, 3pp, 29.8.37, CB, evening service
"St. Stephens", ts, 3pp, 29.8.37, evening service
"United Prayer Service", ms, 13pp, 7.1.[?], JW, St. Pauls Church, Astley Bridge
"St. Pauls Astley Bridge", ms, 4pp, 6.3.[37], WH, leaflet attached
"Claremont Street Baptist", ms, 2pp, 8.1.[?], WH
"Claremont, St. George's Rd", ts, 3pp, 17.12.39, AH
"Bethel Evangelistic Church Lower Bridgeman Street", ts, 3pp, 19.4.[?]
"Bethel Evangelical Church", ts, 5pp, 9.10.[?], [DT]
Index card, ms, 3.3.38, LT
Misc, ts, 1p, 8.8.[?]
20/E Roman Catholic church services
"Roman Catholic Church Services", ts, 2pp, TB, testimony by T.Binks, WEA student, former Catholic
"About the Catholic", ms, 10pp, TB
"Religious Function", ts, 2pp
Index card, ts, instructions on recording observations
Observer accounts of services at the following churches:
"St. Mary's R.C.", ms 2pp, 2.2.[?], WH
"Roman Catholic, St. Mary's Church", ts, 13pp, 27.2.[?], JW
"St. Mary's Mass", ts, 9pp, 13.3.[?], JW
"St. Mary's Stations of the Cross and Benediction", ts, 11pp, 13.3.[?], JW
"St. Mary's Mass", 9pp, 13.3.[?], JW
"St. Mary's R.C. Church", ms, 2pp, 27.5.[?], JW
"St. Mary's R.C. Church", ms, 7pp, 15.8.[?], WH
"St. Mary's R.C.", ms, 17pp, 29.8.[?], JW
"St. Mary's R.C. Church", 19.12.37, ms, 16pp, JW, service of Benediction
"St. Marys R.C. Christmas Mass", ms, 20pp, JW
"St. Marys 10 o' clock Mass", ms, 1p, 25.12.[?], WH
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Service", ms, 6pp, 20.2.38., AVW
"10.0 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's", ts, 6pp
"Church Services", ts, 1p, 17.12.39, BA, St. Marys, Palace Street, (incomplete)
"R. Catholic Mission", ts, 6pp, 13.3.[?], JW
20/F Roman Catholic processions and church services
Observer accounts of processions
"May Sunday Procession S.S. Peter & Pauls", ms 5pp, 2.5.37, TB
"St. Mary's R.C. Procession", ms, 4pp, 2.5.[37], JW
"St. Marys Procession", ms, 11pp, 2.5.[37], JW
"St. Patricks R.C. Procession", ms, 1p, 2.5.[37], WH
"St. Edmunds R.C.", ts, 2pp, 2.5.[37], [JW]
"St. Edmunds R.C.", ms, 10pp, 2.5.[37], JHW, Walking the Parish,
"St. Edmunds R.C. Church Procession", ms, 5pp, 2.5.[37], WH
"R.C.'s St. Patricks", ms, 5pp, 2.5.[37], THH, May Queen Procession
"Trinity Sunday Roman Catholic Procession", ts, 2pp, 23.5.37, THH
"Procession on Trinity Sunday", ts, 1p, [23.5.37]
Untitled document, ms, 3pp (lacks p1)
"R.C. Trinity", ms, 3pp, 23.5.[37], TB
"R.C. Trinity Sunday", ms, 13pp, 23.5.37, THH
"Trin Sun R.C. Proc", ts/ms, 25pp, [1939], WRL
Observer accounts of church services
"St. Edmunds R.C.", ms, 2pp, 2.2.[?], WH
"St. Augustine's Parish Mass", ts, 16pp, 6.3.[?], JW
"Ascension Day", ts, 1p, 6.5.[?], JS
"Horwich R.C. Walk", ms, 6pp 16.5.[?], THH
"Corpus Christi", ms, 1p, 27.5.[?], JW, St. Augustines, Tonge Moor
"St Peter and Pauls", ms, 2pp, 29.6.[?], JW
"Catholic", ts, 2pp, 29.8.37, Mass
"S.S. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic", ts, 2pp, 29.8.37, FHC
"St. Patricks Roman Catholic", ts, 4pp, 17.12.39, BA
"St. Patricks Church R.C.", ms, 6pp, 24.12.[?], JW
Misc, ms, 1p
Index cards (2)
Handbill, "An Extra Special Concert ...", 12.9.37
Booklet, "Annual Catholic Procession Trinity Sunday 1939"
21/A Church sermons and processions
"Procession", ms, 1p, instructions to observers (photocopy)
Observer accounts
"Sermons", ms, 1p, 24.4.[?], THH
"Bolton Parish Church Sermons and Procession", ms, 25pp, 25.4.37, [JW]
"Bolton Parish Church Sermon", ts, 1p, 26.4.[37]
"Procession into Horwich Church", ms, 3pp, 4.2.37, FHC
"Horwich Sermons", ts, 3pp, 4.7.[?], TH [lacks pp 1-2)
"Horwich Parish Sermons", ts, 2pp, 4.7.[?], TH
"Sermons Procession Horwich Parish Church", ms, 11pp, 4.7.37, print hymn sheet attached
"Horwich Parish Ch. Annual Sermons", ms, 1p, 4.7.37, printed hymn
sheet attached
"Derby Street Congregational Church", ms, 8pp, 2.5.37, WH, two hymn sheets attached
"Breightmet Free Church Procession", ms, 6pp, 9.5.[?], WH
"Sermons", ms, 21pp, 9.5.[?], [JW], Chorley Old Rd Congregational
"St. Bartholomews Sermon", ms, 1p, 16.5.[?], WH
"Rose Hill Congregationals Sermons", ms, 4pp, 30.5.[?], JW
"Lostock Church Sermons", ms, 5pp, 30.5.[?], JW
"Holiness Tabernacle", ms, 20pp, 12.7.[?], JW
21/B Church clergymen
Observer interviews
"Rev Hasler of Bridge St. Meth, Westwood Road", ms, 8pp, 6.1.[?], JW
"Rev Davis, The Chaplains House, Halliwell Dean", ms, 9pp, 16.2.[?], THH
"Rev Faulkners homw (sic)", ts, 1p, 22.2.[?], TH
"Rev. Morriss, at his Home 49 Chorley Old Rd.", ts, 10pp, 2.5.[?], JW
"Canon Davidson", ts, 1p, 16.5.[?], JW
"Rev. Cannon W.H. Worsley", ms, 9pp, 23.7.[?], JW
"Rev Platt of Turton", ms, 2pp, 22.8.[?], [JW]
"Vicar of St Barts", ms, 8pp, 29.12.37, JW
"Interview with Rev Hasler at his home", ts, 4pp, 19.12.39, BA
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 20.12.39, BA, interview with Rev Spencer Stanley
"Interview with Rev Feakin, Baptist", ts, 3pp, 21.12.39, BA
"Interview with Rev Saunders, Methodist", ts, 3pp, 21.12.39, BA
"Interview with Canon Worsley", ts, 2pp, 22.12.39, JC
"Canon Davidson", ms, 9pp, 23.12.[?], JW
"Rev. Leo Sanders", ms, 14pp, 31.12.[?], JW
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 28.6.40, BA, interview with Whittle, Methodist parson
21/C Church clergymen
Observer interviews
"Rev. J. Bright", ts, 5pp, 7.11,37, THH
"Rev. Leatherbarrow, St Marks", ms, 7pp, 4.1.[37], JW
"Rev Letch, Breightmet Methodist", ms, 6pp, 4.1.[37], JW
"Rev Brooke B.Sc., Astley Bridge M", ms, 5pp, 6.1.[37], JW
"Rev. Hannah", ms,8pp, 10.1.[37], JW
"Maudsley St. Congregationalists", ms, 11pp, 12.4.37, [JW], interview with Rev. Charles Edward Surman
"Rev. Macdonald, St Augustines, Tonge Moor", ms, 3pp, 30.5.[37], [JW}
"Rev. Macdonald at the Vicarage", ms, 16pp, 24.6.[37], JW
"Rev. Bright, Unitarian", ms, 8pp, 22.12.[37], JW
"Rev Bright", ms, 6pp, 22.12.[37], JW
"Rev. Hannah, Victoria Hall", ms, 10pp, 23.12.[37], JW
"Rev. Morton, Vicar of Holy Trinity", ms, 4pp, 29.12.[37], JW
"Rev. Fawcett", ms, 15pp, 28.12.[37], THH
"Vicar of St. Marks", ms, 4pp, 30.12.[37], JW
"Interview by appointment with Fr. Macdonald at St. Augustines", ts, 3pp, 19.12.39, BA
Index cards (14), ms/ts
21/D Church personnel
Observer interviews
"Spiritual Centre", ms, 2pp, 6.1.[?], Mrs [?], JW
"Oxford Group" devotee in Bolton", ts, 2pp, 11.6.37, PNH, Mrs. May Lennard
"Truth Centre", ms, 17pp, 8.1.38, JW, Mr. Farrington
"Invited to Dinner", ms, 5pp, 23.1.[38], JW, the Standing family
Interview with the President of the Advent Testiminy Movement, Mr. Baxendale, ts, 4pp, 30.4.38, BP/JW
"Maudsley St. Congregational", ms, 9pp, 18.5.[?], [JW], Mr. H. Stephenson
"Caretaker of St. Pauls", ms, 2pp, 5.8.[?],[JW], Bob Lee
"Tramp Preacher Alfred Opie", ms, 3pp, 26.8.[?]
"Interview with Dahl, curate of St. Paul's, Astley Bridge", ms, 3pp, 13.11,[?]
"A Week in the life of a Baptist Minister", ts, 8pp
"Week in Life of a Curate (St. Pauls, Astley Bridge)", ts, 12pp
"Talk with verger of St. George's, C. of E. Bolton", ts, 3pp, 1.6.39, WRL
Index card, ts, 5.1.38, TH, reference to state of religion
Misc, ms/ts, 5pp
21/E Religious and social events
Observer accounts
"Civic Procession to Parish Church from Town Hall", ms, 5pp, 12.5.[?], THH
"Victoria Hall", ms, 4pp, 5.6.[?], THH, Brotherhood meeting
"Bradshaw Hall", ms, 18pp, 12.6.[?], JW, local Mission tea and walk
"Top of the Brow Independent Methodist", ms, 6pp, 22.6.[?], JW, new church being built
"St. Barts Church", ms, 3pp, 24.6.[?], JW, choir practice
"Induction of new vicar (Rev. Stanley Leatherbarrow)", ts, 8pp, 20.10.37, ZB, Form of Service booklet attached
"Mayor's Sunday Parade", ms, 3pp, 14.11.37, EB
"Mayor's Sunday", ms, 4pp, 14.11.37, PB
"Mayors Sunday Parade", ms, 2pp, 14.11.37, AB
"Mayor's Sunday", ts, 4pp, 14.11.37, WH/ZB
"Mayor's Sunday", ts, 2pp, 14.11.37, ZB/WH
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, 14.11.37, PB, Mayor's parade
"Bolton Parish Church, Memorial Service," ts, 8pp, 12.12.[?], JW, to Henry Humphrey, M.B.E., ex-president of the N.U.T. and late secretary of the Bolton Branch of the N.U.T.
"St. John's Church, Folds Rd.", ts, 12pp, 15.12.[37], JW, induction of the new vicar, Rev. Brown
"St. John's Church, Induction service", ts, 3pp, 15.12.[37], JW, [lacks p1]
"Victoria Hall", ms, 3pp, 18.1.[?], JW, behaviour of the chief hall steward and hall stewards
"Victoria Hall Holiday Club", ms, 1p, 18.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall Orchestral Practice", ms, 1p, 18.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall", ms, 2pp, 20.1.[?], JW, society classes
"Victoria Hall", ms, 2pp, 20.1.[?], JW, hymn choosing for Sunday services
"Song Service", ms, 4pp, 23.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall", ms, 5pp, 26.1.[?], JW, details of staff at the hall
"St. Augustines Parish Breakfast", ts, 3pp, 6.3.[38]
"Report on Service in the Parish Church", ts/ms, 1p, 28.3.38, FHC
"Victoria Hall", ts, 3pp, 10.4.[38], CM, minister's behaviour
"Victoria Hall Behaviour of Minister", ts, 2pp, 10.4.38, CM
Misc, ms, 2pp, JW
22/A Sermons and collections
Untitled document, ts, 14pp, numbered report, extracts from sermons
"Collections - Synopsis", ts/ms, 9pp
"Saviour's Church, Bolton", ts, 1p, 30.5.39, WRL, list of monies received at the morning and evening collections on Sunday 28th May
"Holy Trinity", ts, 1p, 31.5.39, WRL, list of monies collected at Matins and Evensong on Sunday 28th May
Untitled document, ts, 1p, copy of Psalm 147 [incomplete]
22/B Sermons and processions
Observer accounts of sermons and processions at the following churches:
"Higher Bridge St. Primitive Methodist Church", ts, 4pp, 25.4.[?], JS
"Blackburn Rd. Congreg.", ms 12pp, 25.4.[?], THH
"Salvation Army Procession", ms, 5pp, 1.5.[?], THH
"St. Pauls Church Procession and Sermons", ms, 6pp, 2.5.[?], JW
"Holy Trinity", ms, 9pp, 2.5.[?], THH
"St. Philips Sermon", ms, 2pp 16.5.[37], WH, hymn sheet attached
"St. Lukes", ms, 4pp, 30.5.[?], THH
"High St. Ind. Methodist Sermons", ms, 4pp, 30.5.[?], WH
"St. Bede, Morris Green, Sermons", ms, 3pp, 30.5.[?], JS
"St. Marks Sermons", ms, 12pp, 6.6.[?], JW, hymn sheet attached
"St. Matthews Sermons", ms, 8pp, 6.6.[?], WH
"St. Georges Sermons", ms, 2pp, 13.6.[?], WH, hymn sheet attached
"St. Pauls Astley Bridge", ms, 5pp, 13.6.[?], JHW
"St. Peter's Sermons, afternoon procession", ms, 7pp, 13.6.37, PJ, order of service sheet attached
"St. Johns Church, Folds Road, Sermon of the Bishop of Manchester", ts, 6pp, 13.3.38, FHC, hymn sheet attached
22/C Sermons
Observer accounts of sermons at the following churches:
"Rose Hill Sermons", ms, 12pp, 30.5.[?], JW
"Church Institute Sermons", ms, 15pp, 18.7.[?], JW
"Chorley Old Rd Methodist", ms, 2pp, 15.8.37
"Religion", ms, 3pp, 22.8.[?], DK, Chalfont St. Independent Methodists, Blackburn Rd
"St. George's Rd Congs.", ms, 2pp, 9.1.[?], JW
"St. George's Road Methodist Church", ms, 2pp, 13.2.38, EB
"Parish Church Morning service", ts, 2pp, 24.4.[38], hymn sheet attached
"Religion", ts, 3pp, 5.11.39, JC, extracts from sermons
"Arthur Greenwood at Victoria Hall", ts, 8pp, 12.11.39, JC
"Sermon at St. George's C of E Church ....", ts, 2pp, 12.11.39, JC
"Sermon at St. George's C of E Church ....", ts, 1p, 19.11.39, JC
"Sermon at St. George's C of E ....", ts, 2pp, 3.12.39, JC
"Sermon at St. Georges C of E by Rev. Oliver", ts, 1p, 10.12.39, JC
"Sermon at St. George's C of E by Rev. Oliver", ts, 2pp, 17.12.39, JC
"St. George's St. Methodists", ts, 3pp, 17.12.39, AH
"St. George's Rd. Congregational", ts, 4pp, 17.12.39, AH
"Claremont, St. George's Rd", ts, 3pp, 17.12.39, AH
"Religion", ts, 3pp, 17.12.39, BA, Evensong at Bolton Parish Church
"Service at St. George's Congregational Church", ts, 5pp, 31.12.39, JC
"St. George's Church. (C of E)", ts, 1p, 23.6.40, AH
22/D Galas, fairs, fetes, bazaars and jumbles sales
Observer accounts
"Report on Deane Gala and Rose Queen Crowning", ms 6pp [last page damaged]
"One Day Sale in aid of [Curate] Fund", ms, 5pp, 10.4.[37], THH
"St. George's Road Spring Fair", ms, 5pp, 27.4[37], WH, programme attached
"Catholic Garden Fete", ms, 10pp, 12.6.37, WH, programme attached
"Deane Rose Queen Festival", ms, 3pp, 24.6.37, programme attached
"St James Rose Queen", ms, 6pp, 24.7.[37], JW
"Harwood Rose Queen Festival", ms, 31pp, 24.7.[37], WH
"St. Osmunds Garden Party, RC", ts, 3pp, 7.8.[37], THH, handbill and ticket attached
"Breightmet Vicarage Garden party", ts, 2pp, 7.8.[37], THH
"St. Phillip Procession Rose Queen", ms, 4pp, 7.8.[37], JW
"Bazaar", ms, 2pp, 8.8.38, WH, [incomplete]
"St. Columbia Tonge Moor Garden Party", ms, 7pp, 14.8.37, JW, handbill and ticket attached
"Religion", ms, 10pp, 21.8.[37], DK, St. Michael's Rose Queen Festival
"Church fete", ts, 3pp, 21.8.[37], St. Michael's Fete
"St. Thomas's Rose Queen", ms, 34pp, 21.8.[37], JW, [lacks p1-9]
"St. Thomas - (Holy Harbour)", ms, 5pp, 21.8.[37], WH
"Holy Harbour", ms, 1p, 21.8.37, EL, programme attached
"St. Bede's Jumble Sale", ms, 10pp, 27.8.[37], JW
"Lymefield Fete", ms, 3pp, 28.8.37, EL
"Bazaar in aid of Girls Moral Welfare Association", ts, 2pp, 17.11.37, ZB
"The Enterprise Bazaar. St. Bartholomew's School", ts, 7pp, 17.11.37, ZB
"St. George's Road Methodist Bazaar", ms, 5pp, 31.12.[37], WRL
"New Year's Eve", ts, 7pp, 31.12.[37], BB
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Victoria Methodists Bazaar", ms, 3pp, 31.12.37, LT
"Albert Place Methodist Church", ms, 5pp, 31.12.37, BW, a garden city bazaar
"Albert Place Methodist Bazaar", ts, 3pp, 4.1.38, BB, programme attached
"Claremont Baptist Bazaar", ms, 2pp, 4.1.38, LT
"St. George's Christmas Tree", ts, 2pp, 7.1.38, BB, programme attached
Untitled document, ts, 5pp, 2.3.38, JAS
"Peace St. Methodist Chapel Rummage Sale", ms, 1p, 15.4.[?]
22/E Sunday Schools, YMCA and Boys' Brigade
Observer accounts
"St. Marys R.C. Trip", ms, 2pp, 25.5.[?], JW
"St. Marys R.C. kids picnic", ms, 1p, 27.5.[?], THH
"Children's Party", ts, 6pp, 3.1.38, BB
Sunday Schools - observer accounts
"Victoria Method. Schools", ms, 4pp, 9.5.[?], THH
"Melbourne Rd Methodist Church Sunday School Anniversary", ms, 19pp, 16.5.[?], JW
"Bolton Sunday School Social League", ms, 14pp, 17.6.37, JW, programme attached
"Sunday School Trips", ms, 16pp, [31.7.?]
"Westhoughton Congregational Sunday School", ms, 5pp, 12.1.38, LT
"Bolton Mission Victoria Hall", ms, 5pp, 16.1.38, RB, Sunday School
"Victoria Hall", ms, 10pp, 23.1.[38], JW, Sunday School classes
"Cable Street Methodist Sunday School", ms, 1p, 18.4.[38], WH
"Sunday Schools Football League", ts, 1p, 19.2.[?], THH
"Westhoughton Cong. Football Club", ms, 4pp, 27.2.38
"Teacher's Preparation Class", ms, 13pp, 24.8.37
"Teacher's Preparation Class", ms, 6pp, 14.9.37
"Sunday Schools of the Saviour's Church", ms, 13pp
"Tonge Moor Methodist Sunday School", ms, 39pp, list of classes, names and addresses
Printed programmes:
Breightmet Free Church, Sunday School Anniversary, 9.5.37, (2)
Delph Hill Methodist Church, 104th Sunday School Anniversary, 9.5.1937
"Rose Hill", Sunday School Anniversary, 30.5.37
High St. I.M. Sunday School Sermons, 30.5.37
Envelope "Happy Christmas for the 4000 Boys and Girls in the National Children's Home & Orphanage"
22/F Youth organisations
Observer Accounts
"Victoria Hall", ms, 6pp, 17.1.[?], JW, Band of Hope meeting
"Victoria Hall", ms, 1p, 18.1.[?], JW, Junior boys' class
"Victoria Hall", ms, 5pp, 18.1.[?], JW, Sister Florence's class
"Victoria Hall", ms, 3pp, 20.1.[?], JW, Girl Guides meeting
"Victoria Hall", ms, 1p, 20.1.[?], Miss [Pillings] class
"Victoria Hall", ms, 3pp, 20.1.[?], Brownies meeting
"YMCA Social Hour", ts, 4pp, 6.2.[?], FHC
"YMCA", ms 7pp, 19.2.[?], WH, meeting
"Moody Campaign Dr Houghton at the YMCA", ms, 3pp, 7.4.37, JW, a talk
"YMCA", ,ms, 1p, 16.4.[?], JW, meeting
"YMCA Hall", ms, 7pp, 30.4.[?], [JW], annual meeting of the YMCA members and associated
"YMCA Brotherhood, YMCA Hall", ts, 10pp, 17.10.[?], JW, men's meeting
"YMCA", ts, 9pp, 19.10.[?], JW, lecture by Alex J. Pearse
"Castle St Methodist Boys Brigade Service", ms, 12pp, 1.8.[?], JW
"Boys Brigade", ms, 2pp, 30.1.[?], JW, a march through the town
"Bridge Street Methodist League of Youth", ts, 1p, 10.3.[?], FHC, church service
"Rover Scouts", ts, 3pp, 24.7.[?], JW, Scout camp
"Reiligious (sic) Function", ts, 4pp, 29.8.[?], Church Lads Brigade service
23/A Bible classes
Observer accounts
"Sunday Schools. Men's Bible Classes", ts, 2pp, JW, description of the formation of the Bible class
"St. Georges Rd. Congregational Men's Bible Class", ms, 9pp, WH
"Westhoughton Cong. Young Mens Class", ms, 21pp, 2.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall Bible Study", ms, 4pp, 17.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall", ms, 4pp, 18.1.[?], JW, unspecified classes
"Victoria Hall Classes", ms, 2pp, 18.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall Classes", ms, 1p, 18.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall Miss [Cuttle's] Class", ms, 5pp, 18.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall Mr Yearsleys Class", ms, 3pp, 18.1.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall", ms, 2pp, 18.1.[?], JW, Mr Frank Woods' class
"Victoria Hall", ms, 1p, 18.1.[?], JW, Mr Frank Woods' society class
"Victoria Hall", ms, 1p, 20.1.[?], JW, location of the rooms used for the classes
"Victoria Hall", ms, 6pp, 20.1.[?], JW, Rev. T. Hannah's class
"Catholic Men's Club", ts, 2pp, 27.2.[?], JW
"St. Paul's Deansgate, Men's Class", ts, 8pp, 6.3.[?], JW
"St. Augustines Disscussion (sic) Groups", ts, 6pp, 6.3.[?], JW
"St. George Road Congregational Church", ms, 7pp, 21.3.[?], WH, Men's Class
"Studies on the Bible", 8pp, 16.5.[?], JW, meeting and service
"Bridge St Methodists Sunday School Mens Bible Class", ms, 14pp, 15.8.[?], JHW
"Bridge St. Meth. Mens Bible Class", ms, 18pp, 19.12.[?], JHW
"Daubhill Methodist Mens Class", ms, 7pp, 1.38
"BBaptest (sic) (Astley Bridge)", ts, 2pp, 27.2.[38], RB, bible class
"Parish Church Mens Class", ts, 3pp, 13.3.[38], FHC
Untitled document, ts, 4pp, 13.3.38, JAS, men's bible class meeting
"Mens Class", ms, 2pp, [JW]
"AB mens class Baptist", ms, 2pp, JD
"Pocket Misson", ms, 2pp, description of the building and the activities held there
"St. Paul's Church, Deansgate, Bolton. Men's Service", ts, 2pp, list of members
Untitled document, 5pp, lists of names and addresses and statistical data
Booklet Mens Service, St. Paul's Church, Deansgate, Bolton
23/B Annual sermons and processions
Observer accounts
"Darcy Lever Methodist Sermons", ms, 7pp, 25.4.[?], WH
"Fletcher Street Methodist Church Annual Sermons", ms, 5pp, 25.4.[?], WH
"Sermons Victoria Hall", ms, 4pp, 2.5.[?], THH
"Whitsun Processions", ms, 17pp, 15.5.[?], [JW]
"Tonge Moor Methodist Sermons", ms, 3pp, 16.5.37
"Breightmet Church Sermons", ms, 5pp, 16.5.37
"King's Hall Procession", ms, 9pp, 13.6.[?], JW
"Observation during Annual Sermon Service, at Horwich Parish Church, of individual in congn.", ms, 3pp, 4.7.37
"Heaton Sermons", ts, 5pp, 11.7.[?], THH
"St. Augustines Field Day", ms, 7pp, 7.8.[?], JW
"St. Thomas's Halliwell", ms, 2pp, 21.8.[?], JW, Rose Queen crowning and Field Day
"Noble Street Ind. Meth.", ms, 3pp, 15.5.39, WH
"Fletcher St Methodists", ts, 6pp, 7.11.[?], JW, choir anniversary
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, 19.9.37, Saviours Boys School, Deane Rd
Leaflets: King's Hall, 14.2.37; St. John's Church, Annual Sermons, 18.4.37; Higher Bridge Street Methodist Annual Sermons, 25.4.37; Annual United Procession of Sunday Schools, Walkden, 15.5.37; Chorley Old Road Methodist Sunday School, Annual Sermons 6.6.37; St. Paul's Church, Annual Sermons, 13.6.37; Noble Street Independent Methodist Sunday School, Annual Sermons, 15.5.38
Misc, ms, 1p, TH
Index cards (5)
23/C Church counts and follows
"Count of Headwear", ms, 2pp, 15.1.[38], WH
"Count Groups", ms, 2pp, 15.1.38, WH
"Count Groupings", ms, 2pp, 15.1.[38], WH
"Count 3 Grouping 1", ms, 3pp, 15.1.[38], WH
"Count 1", ms, 2pp, 15.1.[38], WH
"Count 5", ms, 2pp, 15.1.[38], WH
"Count 6", ms, 1pp, 15.1.[38], WH
"Sermons passing Town Hall steps", ms, 1p, 15.1.38, THH
"Count Grouping", ms, 5pp, 16.1.38, WH
"Count of Headwear", ms, 2pp, WH, 16.1.[38]
"Bradshawgate Group Count", ms, 2pp, 16.1.38, [FHC]
"St. Georges Parish Church", ms, 2pp, 16.1.38, [FHC], count
"St. George's Rd. Congregational Ch.", ms, 1p, 16.1.38, [FHC], count
"St. George's Rd", ms, 1p, 16.1.[38], THH
"Church Count St George's Rd. Congreg.", ms, 2pp, 16.1.38, [FHC], count
"Count Grouping 3", ms, 1p, 16.1.38, WH
"Counts on Town Hall steps", ms, 16.1.38, RB
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 17.1.[38], THH, follow
"St. George's Church C of E", ms, 2pp, 30.1.[38], JW, follows from church
"St. George's Rd. Cong.", ms, 3pp, 30.1.[38], JW, follows from church
"Methodists:- St. George's Road", ms, 1p, 31.1.[38],WH, count
"St. George's Road Methodists", ms, 2pp, 6.2.[38], WH, count
"Claremont Street Baptists", ms, 2pp, 6.2.[38], WH, count
"Claremont Baptist", ms, 2pp, 13.2.[38], [FHC], count
"St. Georges Rd Methodists", ms, 5pp, 13.2.38, EB, count
"Outside St. George's Rd. Congregational", ms, 3pp, 13.2.[38], [NC], follow
"Woman of Congregation Albert Place Meth", ms, 2pp, 13.2.[38], WH, follow
"People passing Albert Place", ms, 9pp, 13.2.[38], WH, count
"Coming [?] from Church", ms, 1p, 20.2.38, NC
"Outside Parish Church", ms, 5pp, 27.2.38, WH, count
"St George's Rd", ms, 4pp, 27.2.[38], JW, count
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 27.2.38, JAS, count
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, 27.2.38, JAS, count
"Evening Service at St. George's Road Parish Church", ts, 2pp, 6.3.38, BCP, count
"Groups coming out of St. Georges St. Cong. Ch.", ts/ms, 2pp, 6.3.[38], [FHC]
"Catholic Crusade", ms, 2pp, 9.3.[38], LT, count at Spinners Hall
"St. George Road Meth", ms, 2pp, 20.3.[38], WH, count
"Claremont St Baptist", ms, 2pp, 20.3.[38], WH, count
"St. Georges C of E", ms, 2pp, 20.3.[38], WH, count
"Methodists St. George Rd", ms, 1p, 21.3.[38], WH, count
"Attention Notes Morning Service Parish Church", ms, 3pp, 24.4.38, people paying attention in church
"Nos. per minute entering Parish Church gate", ms, 1p, 24.4.38, [NC]
"[Report] on Sunday afternoon", ts/ms, 3pp, 29.8.[38], THH, people's activities
"St. Mary's Catholic Church", ms, 12pp, 13.2.38, detailed description and count of people going into church
23/D Counts and observations
Chart, ms, 1p, 15.1.[38], counts
Index cards (37), ms/ts, counts and follows
"Church Counts", ts, 7pp, 10.9.-9.6.40, GT/JC/BA, counts at various churches
"Church Attendance", ms, 3pp, 2.1.[?], BB, counts at St. George's Methodist and Claremont Baptist
"Comparative Table", ms, 1p, 2.1.[?], JW, chart comparing church attendance at services
"St. George's Church", ms, 2pp, 9.1.[?], JW, count
"Where did you spend the afternoon", ms, 1p, 28.8.[?], JW
"Sunday Evening after Claremont Congs. Service", ms/ts, 7pp, 5.9.37, JT, people coming out of church
"Sunday night (After "All the Glory of Man" meeting andits sequel)", ts, 2pp, 5.9.37, JT
"Christian Science Lecture, Victoria Hall", ms, 1p, 17.12.37, EB, count
"Claremont Baptists", ms, 2pp, 19.12.37, JW, count
"Bolton", ts, 1p, 20.12.[?], BA, visit to All Saints Church
"Age Groupings. Bradshawgate", ms, 2pp, 15.1.38, EB
"Bradshawgate ... Conversations", ts, 2pp, 15.1.38, FHC
"Behaviour. General. Bradshawgate", ts, 2pp, 15.1.38, FHC, count and notes on behaviour
"Follows Bradshawgate", ts, 1p, 15.1.38, FHC
"Bradshawgate. General Impressions", ts, 1p, 16.1.38, FHC
"Bradshawgate. Talk Sunday", ts, 2pp, 16.1.38, FHC
"Follows. Bradshawgate, Sunday", ts, 2pp, 16.1.38, FHC
"Behaviour in Blackburn Rd", ms, 1p, 20.1.[38], WH
"Groups observed outside Methodist Church opposite Palace Street", ms, 6pp, 13.2.38, RWG, index card attached
"Missc (sic) Observations outside Claremont Baptist", ts, 1p, 13.2.[38], FHC
"Observations outside St. G's Church", ms, 5pp, 13.2.38, DJ
"Observations outside St. George's Church", ts, 3pp, 13.2.38, DJ
"Supplement to church observations, morning" by DJ, ms, 3pp, 13.2.38, [NC]
"Claremont Street Baptist Missc (sic) Behaviour", ts/ms, 4pp, 20.2.38, FHC
"Saturday", ms, 3pp, 17.4.[38], WH, general observations
"Follow", ms, 3pp, 24.4.38, [NC], Vernon Street, Bath Street and Higher Bridge Street
"Do you read newspaper on Sunday more (sic)", ts, 1p, 5.38
"In Bolton Parish Church", ms, 5pp, 29.7.[38], JW, conversation
"St. Bartholomew Tide", ms, 2pp, 25.8.[38], JW, conversation and follow
"St. Georges C of E", ts, 2pp, 12.12.[38], THH, people coming out of church
"Conversation", ms, 8pp, 20.12.[38], JW
"Sunday Clothes Count and description", ts, 1p, 17.12.39, JC
"Sunday Talk", ts, 2pp, 17.12.39, BA
"Wireless Religion Talk", ts, 2pp, 31.12.39, AH
Untitled document, ms, 11pp, 16.9-7.10.[?], counts at different venues
"Bolton religion", ts, 3pp, 21.7.40, BA, [lacks p1]
Misc ms, 2pp
Newspaper cutting (1)
24/A Religious meetings and lectures
Observer accounts
"Catholic Crusade", ms, 2pp, 9.3.[?], WH
"Questions answered at Catholic Crusade Meeting", ts, 5pp, 10.3.[?], FHC
"Questions ansered at Catholic Crusade", ts, 4pp, 11.3.[?], FHC, index card attached
"St. George's Road Congregational Church Missionary Society", ms, 7pp, 16.4.[?], WH
"The Truth Centre", ms, 8pp, 5.5.[?], [JW], 4 leaflets attached
"Bolton "Truth Centre", Bromwich St.", ms, 12pp, JHW
"British Isreal (sic) World Federation", ms, 11pp, 24.3.37, lecture
"British Isreal" (sic), ms, 12pp, 21.4.[?], JW, meeting
"Victoria Hall", ms, 9pp, 15.1.-23.1.[?], list of meetings held in the hall
"Victoria Hall", ms, 5pp, 23.1.[?], JW, Brotherhood meeting
"Victoria Hall", ms, 3pp, 23.1.[?], JW, Tea on Sunday
"Victoria Hall The Call of the Word", ms, 4pp, 15.3.37, JW, meeting with various speakers
"Victoria Hall Brotherhood", ts, 3pp, 18.4.[?], JS, book distribution
"Arnold Standing at the Victoria Hall", ts, 2pp, 16.5.[?], JW
"The Bible: What it has done for England", ts, 15pp, JW, meeting in the lecture hall, Victoria Hall
"Moody Conference", ms, 5pp, 8.4.[?], JW, Dr. Houghton at the YMCA hall
"Lecture Recital at the Trinity Methodist Church", ms, 6pp, 12.4.[?], WH
"Maudsley St. Congs. Messenger Sunday", ts, 10pp, 7.11.37, JW, programmes (2) attached
"Dean Parish Church, Communicants Guild", ts, 6pp, 30.11[?], JW
"Special meeting at St. Edmund's Church ...", ms, 7pp, 20.1.38, JBO'H
"Commemoration Meeting at the Wesleyan Hall, Bridge Street ....", ts, 4pp, 6.3.38, BCP
"Queen Street Mission", ts, 7pp, 19.3.38, BCP, missionary talks
Untitled document, ms 7pp, [incomplete], about concerts at Victoria Hall and Kings Hall as a way of distracting people from pubs
24/B Religious ceremonies
Observer accounts
"Baptists St. Georges Rd Baptist Church", ms, 12pp, 21.3.37, THH, baptisms
"Baptism", ms, 9pp, 15.10.[?], JW, Mrs Duckworth's son
"Congregational Baptism", ts, 1p, 3.4.38, BB
"Church of England Confirmation", ts, 6pp, 23.4.[37], TH, hymn sheet attached
"Bolton Parish Church", ms, 15pp, 28.4.[?], [JW], confirmation service
"Easter Marriages", ms, 2pp, 29.3.[?], THH, reference to an article in B.E.N.
"Wedding Rings", ms, 3pp, 9.4.[?], JW, description in rings in jewellery shops
"Young man tells father he is getting married", ms, 3pp, 16.5.[?], WH
Certificate of Baptism (printed card)
"An alternative Order of the Ministration of Publick (sic) Baptism of Infants", printed card
Misc, ms/ts, 5pp
Index cards (11), ms/ts, references to weddings
Misc 2pp hymns from a [book]
24/C Funerals
Observer accounts
"Military Funeral Member of the Veterans Club", ms, 6pp, 7.4.[?], WH, [p1 damage]
"Funeral", ms, 1p, 20.3.[?], THH, going down Newport St.
"Funeral", ms, 9pp, 20.4.[?], THH, Tonge Cemetery
"Secular Funeral", ts, 1p, 21.9.[?], BB, J.J. Shaw of Davenport Street
"Funeral of Mrs. Ashworth, Darcy Lever Church", ts, 2pp, JS, [damaged]
"Funeral of the Town Clerk", ts, 4pp, 5.4.38, FHC, (lacks p4), Harold Brooke Ashford
"Religious Function", ts, 2pp, 24.8.[?], funeral at Heaton Cemetery
"Funerals", ms, 2pp, the death of a woman in Daubhill and a Salvation Army funeral
"Information from the driver of Hardman's cars", ms, 3pp, hearse driver
"Funeral", ms, 15pp, 26.8.[?], JW, St. Thomas' Church, Halliwell
Letter and envelope to Elsie Bridge from E. Hetherington expressing condolences on the death of Elsie's mother
Index cards (2) ms/ts reference to undertaker and funeral
Misc 1p torn from a book
24/D Dedication and consecration ceremonies
Observer accounts
"St Margaret's Church", ms, 12pp, 1.5.[37], [JW], dedication of the East window
"St Chads Consecration of the New Church", ts, 9pp, 23.7.[37], JW, index card attached
"St Chads, Laying of the Foundation Stone", ts, 4pp, 24.7.37, THH, order of service booklet attached
"St Chads Church, Foundation Stone Laying", ts, 4pp, 24.7.37, JS, order of service booklet attached
"St. Columbus School Stone Laying", ms, 17pp, 24.7.[37], JW
"Walmsley Parish Church Church Yard Extension", ms, 16pp, 1.8.37, JW, order of service booklet attached
"Notes on the Consecration of extension to burial groud at Walmesley (sic) Parish Church", ts, 3pp, [ASJ] order of service booklet attached
25/A Church services
Observer accounts
"Rogation Service at the Bolton Parish Church", ms, 5pp, 5.5.[?], [JW]
"Trinity Sunday", ms, 6pp, 23.5.37, Salford Trinity Church, hymn sheet attached
"Trinity Sunday", ms, 4pp, 11o'clock service at an unspecified church
"St. Pauls School Deansgate", ms, 15pp, 25.5.[?], JW, Advent Testimony and Preparation Movement
"Corpus Christi", ms, 5pp, 27.5.[?], TB
"Harwood Primitive Meth", ms, 11pp, 12.7.[?], JW, flower service
"Harvey Street Methodists", ms, 11pp, 19.9.[?], WH, Harvest Festival
"St. John's C of E", ts, 2pp, 19.9.[?], BB, Harvest Festival and vicar's farewell service
"C.E.M.S. Autmn (sic) Festival of Bolton Federation", ts, 12pp, 16.10.[?], JW
"Harvey Street Gospel Mission", ts, 11pp, 17.10.[?], JW, Harvest Festival, hymn sheet attached
"St Saviours Church Harvest Festival", ts, 10pp, 17.10.[?], JW
"Women's weekend in Wesley Church, Bolton", ts, 4pp, 31.10.37, service
25/B Church services for particular groups of people
Observer accounts
"Football Sunday, Chorley Old Rd Methodists Chapel", ms, 9pp, 4.4.37, JW, Mens class
"C of E Week Day Service for Old Women", ts, 5pp, 22.4.[?]
"Ascension Day, no special services", ms, 2pp, 6.5.[?], [JW]
"Delph Hill Sportsmans Service", ms, 9pp, 29.8.[?], JW
"Christ Church Heaton", ms, 7pp, 29.8.[?], JW, gardeners' service
"Bank St. Unitarian Harvest Festival", ms, 4pp, 3.10.[?], JW, scholars service
"Transport Service", ms, 1p, 20.2.38, EB, hymn sheet attached
"Bolton Parish Church Busmen's Service", ts, 2pp, 20.2.[38], FHC
"Castle St. Method. Sports Service", ts, 3pp
Letter to Mr Barnard from J. Havelock Davidson, ts, 2pp, 5.2.38, about a service for the transport industry
25/C Annual sermons
Observer accounts
"Maudsley St. Sermons", ms, 15pp, 11.4.37, JW
"Bolton New Church", ts, 10pp, 8.5.[?], JW, Annual School Sermons
"Westhoughton Congregational Church Sermons", ms, 9pp,16.5.37, Whit Sunday, hymn sheet attached
"Beverley Rd. Independent Methodists", ms, 14pp, 16.5.[?], JW, School Sermons
"Breightmet Parish Church", ms, 7pp, 20.5.[?], JW
"St. Augustines Church", ms, 9pp, 30.5.[?], JW
"Kings Hall Sermons", ms, 13pp, 13.6.37, JW, hymn sheet attached
"Smithills CE Chapel", ts, 5pp, 20.6.37, order of service booklet attached
"Halliwell Rd. Free Church", ts, 9pp, JW, order of service booklet attached
"St. Bede Parish Church", ts, 2pp, [incomplete lacks pp1-3]
Booklets (12) order of service and hymn sheets
Poster: St. Chad's, Tonge Fold, Bolton, Sermons 1937 Sunday, May 9
25/D Open air services
Observer accounts
"Deane Sermons", ts, 2pp, 19.6.[?], THH
"Deane Church Open Air Service", ts, 1p, 20.6.[?], [JS]
"Council of Christian Cong. Open Air Meeting", ts, 7pp, 24.6.[?], JW
"Town Hall Steps", ms, 2pp, 26.8.[?], JW, Bolton Council of Christian Congregations
26/A Explanations and observations of Saints' Days
Paper folder containing:
"St Peters [?]", ms, 6pp, explanation of a feast day
"April Fool Day", ms, 22pp, also references to books in the margin
"St. George (from the Golden Bough)", ms, 8pp
Observer accounts
"St. Patricks Day", ms, 3pp, 17.3.[?], LT, Lido Cinema, Bradshawgate
"St George's Day", ms, 15pp, 23.4.[?], THH
"St. George's Parish Church", ms, 4pp, 23.4.[?], WH, children's service
"St. Marks Church", ms, 15pp, 23.4.[?], [PJ] St. George's Day
"St. George's Day", ms, 9pp, 23.4[?], [PJ], St. George's Church
Letter from Dorothy Kemp to THH, ms, 5pp, 26.4.37, background information on St. George's Day
"Some Georges and their Dragons", newspaper cutting
26/B Religious festivals and holidays
Observer accounts
"Kids and Pancakes", ts, 1p, 1.3.[?], FHC, 3 point questionnaire
"Shrove Tuesday, Westhoughton", ts, 5pp, 1.3.38, LT, questions to adults about pancakes and a pancake recipe
"Shrove Tuesday", ts, 6pp, 1.3.38, LT, questions to children about pancakes
"Confessions Shrove Tuesday", ts, 1p, 2.3.[38], LT, St. Marys, St Edmunds and St. Augustines
"Shrove Tuesday", ms, 3pp, 2.3.38, LT, children playing games
"Shrove Tuesday", ms, 5pp, 3.3.38, LT, dance at Westhoughton Catholic School
Untitled document, ms, 30.3.[38], THH, Pancake Tuesday
"Pancakes", ms, 20.12.38, LT, count and pancake recipe
"Pancakes", ms, 1p, recipe
"Shrove Tuesday", ms, 1p, references to holidays and to April Fools Day
"Simnel Cakes", ms, 1p, 28.3.38, LT, chart about sales and popularity of the cake
"Borodene Wood", ms, 1p, 20.12.38, LT, tradition of Westhoughton people to visit the wood on Simnel Sunday
"Hot X Buns", ms, 1p, 30.12.38, LT, brief note about the buns
Index cards (31), ts/ms, references to Easter and Hot Cross Buns
Misc, ts/ms 5pp
26/C Easter
Observer accounts
"Tonge Moor Methodist Chapel", ms, 2pp, 19.3.37, [PJ], Eastertide bazaar
"Bethel Evangelistic Church", ms, 16pp, 26.3.37, JW, Easter services
"Questions to Piecers about Good Friday", ms, 3pp, TB
"The New Savoy Cafe Good Friday", ts, 1p, JW, description of the cafe
"Easter Saturday, March 27th", ts, 4pp, concert at Victoria Hall
"Preston Park Easter Monday", ms, 2pp, people in the park
"Preston Easter Monday", ms, 6pp, 1937, JW, egg rolling
"Easter Mondays Pace-egg rolling, Preston", 11pp, 29.3.[37],WH
Untitled document, ts, 6pp, Easter Saturday and sales of eggs, church service at Bolton Parish Church
"Church of England Service on Easter Monday", ts, 6pp
"Sunday School Teacher's Report", ms, 1p, attendance during the Easter holidays
Untitled document, ms, 1p, reference to Easter eggs
"Easter", ms 1p, 28.3.[37], THH, the price of Easter eggs
"Easter", ms, 1p, 28.3.[37], EL, children and Easter eggs
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 30.3.[37], THH, Pace-egging custom
"Balling", ms, 3pp, 30.3.[37], THH, cake making
"Easter", ms, 1p, 1.4.[37], THH, two boys' holiday activities
"Easter Eggs", ms, 2pp, 1.4.[37], THH/JW, people's knowledge of Easter
"Easter Eggs", ms, 1p, 2.4.[37], THH, shop window displays
"Easter", ms, 1p, 2.4.[37], THH, brief note about looking under the bed at Easter
"Easter Sunday", ms, 1p, 17.4.38, pub count
"Easter Monday", ms, 1p, 18.4.[38], pub count
"Egg Rolling Ceremony, Preston Park, Easter Monday", ts, 4pp, 18.4.38, JB
"Pace Egg", ms, 1p, description of the game
"Easter Egg", ms, 1p, the origins of the custom and bonfires on Good Friday
"All Fools Day", ms, 1p, [child's notes on the day, pace eggs and Easter eggs]
Untitled document, ms, 1p, [child's notes about Good Friday and pace-egging]
Untitled document, ms, 1p, [child's notes about Easter eggs and Good Friday]
Song sheet for Good Friday and Easter
26/D April Fool's Day
Observer accounts
"Stories about April Fool from Queens Park", ms, 2pp, 31.3.[?], WH
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, 1.4.37, jokes and tricks played on people
"April Fools", ms, 5pp, 1937, list of tricks played on people
"April Fool", ms, 11pp, 1.4.[?], DK/WH, overheards about tricks boys and girls were playing
"April Fool", ms, 1p, WH, brief conversation with Sheila [Duckworth] about any tricks she had played
"Kids Fools", ms, 6pp, 1.4.[?], THH/JW, what children get up to
"April Fool's Day", ms, 2pp, 1.4.38, LT, people questioned in the street about April Fool's Day
"April Fools Day", ms, 3pp, 1.4.[38], LT, jokes
"April Fool's Day", ms, 3pp, 1.4.38, LT, people questioned in the street
"April Fool", ms, 3pp, 1.4.38, [THH], tricks people play on each other
Index card, ms, April Fools Day, 1.4.[38], LT
Misc, ts, 1p
26/E Secular events
"Secular Procs.", ms, 1p, brief details of a procession, LBC Garden Party and Labour Garden Party
Programme: "Grand Civic Garden Party", July 16th and 20th
26/F May Day
Observer accounts
"May-day", ms, 12pp, 1.5.[?], [JW] observations in various streets
"May-Queen", ms, 5pp, 1.5.[?], WH, procession
"May-Day Negatives", ms,3pp, 1.5.[?], WH
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 3.5.[?], May pole dancing
"Maypole Dance", ms, 2pp, 6.5.[?], THH, St. Stephen's Infant School, Kearsley
"Maypole etc.", ms, 10pp, 9.5.[?], THH, St. Barnabas School, programme attached
Chart, ms, 2pp, people's activities
26/G Lent, Whitsun and Empire Day
Observer accounts - Lent
"Ash Wednesday, St. Augustines", ts, 1p, 2.3.[?], FHC, Commination service
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 3.3.[?], JAS, Lenten service, St. George's Road church
Booklet: "Acts of Devotion"
Leaflet: "Parish Church of St. Mark, Bolton, Lent 1938"
Booklet: "A Lenten Pastoral Letter by Thomas, Bishop of Salford"
Index card (1), ts, 1.3[?], TH, about Methodists not recognising Lent
Observer accounts - Whitsun
"Whitsun", ms, 2pp, [JW], brief notes on services at various churches
"Parish Church Matins", ms, 12pp, 28.5.39, WRL
Observer accounts - Empire Day
"Empire Day", ms, 1p
"Empire Day", ms, 2pp
"Empire Day", ms, 1p, 24.5.37, THH
"Empire Day", ms, 1p, 24.5.[?], also reference to "Ember Days"
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 24.5.32
26/H Spring
"Industrial Spring", draft ts/ms, 208pp, TH
Untitled document, ts, 26pp, quotes from people about the meaning of Spring
"Spring Notices", ms, 1p, 17.3.[?], LT, details of notices in churchs and shop windows
"Spring (insects, wild flowers, birds) when does it start?", ms, 5pp, people's ideas of Spring and when it starts
"Spring", ms, 1p, PB, thoughts on Spring
Observer accounts
"The signs of Spring in Bolton", ms, 1p, 6.4.[?], AS
"Spring Cleaning", ms, 2pp, 8.4.[?], WH
"Labour Exchange re Spring", ms, 1p, 9.4.[?]
"Conversation with girl 22 in the Progress Stores: Upper Bridge Street", ms, 3pp 9.4., WH, about Spring
Index card (1), ms, 9.4.[?], Rag man and how Spring affects his business
"Spring cleaning", ms, 9pp, 10.4.[?], THH, index card attached
Misc, ts, 2pp
Newspaper cuttings (2)
27/A Armistice Day
Observer accounts
Index cards (66), ms, references to Armistice Day, some illustrated
"Procession to Cenotaph", ts, 1p, 6.9[?], JWW
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 4.11.37, THH, Sheila Duckworth selling poppies
"Ceremony at Cenotaph", ts, 1p, 7.11.37, ZB
"Remembrance Day", ts, 2pp, 7.11.37, THH
"Bolton Parish Church", ts, 6pp, 7.11.[?], JW, Remembrance service
Untitled document", ts, 1p, 11.11.37, PB, overheard comments about Armistice Day
"Armistice Day at the Employment Exchange", ms, 2pp, 11.11.[37], EL
"Armistice Morning", ts, 3pp, 11.11.37, ZB
"Armistice Day 1937", ms, 4pp, 11.11.37, LT
"Armistice Day. Remarks in the Labour Exchange", ms, 3pp
"Armistice Day", ts, 8pp, 11.11.[37], JW
"Practical Atheism", ts, 4pp, 14.11.37, Rev. Dahl, Armistice Sunday
"Armistice Day", ts, 1p, 11.11.39, JC, brief conversations with two people
Letter from Annie Hewson to THH, ms, 1p, details of school activities on Armistice Day
"Service of Commemoration", service sheet for Armistice Day 1937, Victoria Square, Bolton
Misc, ms/ts, 3pp
Newspaper cuttings (2) Armistice Day
27/B Coronation procession and services
Observer accounts
"The Civic Procession to Parish Church from Town Hall", 2pp, THH
"Deane Parish Church", ts, 5pp, 9.5.[37], JW, service given by the Archbishop of Canterbury and York for Coronation day
"Deane Parish Church", ms, 15pp, 9.5.[37], [JW]
"Coronation Service Bolton Parish Church", ms, 10pp, 12.5.[37], [JW]
"Coronation Service, Bolton Parish Church", ts, 3pp, 12.5.[37], JW
27/C Westhoughton Wakes
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 24.8.34, the Hawfen Keaw-yed legend
Untitled document, ts, 8pp, transcript of articles in the Manchester Guardian, business card attached, Herbert Watkinson, Bolton Evening News
Newspaper cutting, "Keaw Yed", 1p, Bolton Evening News, 26.8.38 (photocopy)
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 28.8.[?],the Sick Nursing Association using the Wakes celebrations to make some money, newspaper cutting attached about an exhibition of the Crown Jewels at Parochial School, Westhoughton
"Westhoughton Wakes, Keay Yead etc", ts, 3pp, 28.8.[?], THH, observations of the festivities
"A slight case of Totemism", ts, 14pp
Letter from H. Watkinson, Horwich & Westhoughton Journal, to CM, ms, 1p, 31.8.38, enclosing a newspaper cutting from the 1890s about the Wakes
Letter from Rupert to CM, ms, 12pp, 31.8.[?], enclosing notes about Wakes Clubs and other clubs
Letter from Arnold W. Boyd to "My Dear Anguish", ms, 2pp, 8.9.38, about the Keawyed ceremony
Postcard showing a farmer cutting a cow's head off - Keawyed Wakes legend
Photograph (b/w) of a poster advertising Westhoughton Annual Wakes
27/D Valentines and Marbles
Observer account
"Valentines & Marbles", ts, 7pp, 14.2.[?], WH
Index card (1), ms
27/E Christmas
"Chrismas is coming to Worktown", ts, 6pp
Observer accounts
"The Christmas Club", ms, 5pp
"The Spiders Web. Northern and Southern Store", ms, 2pp, reference to Father Xmas
"Visit to Father Christmas", ms, 5pp, Olive and Eric's visit
"Xmas 1937", ms, 7pp, 27.11.37, LT, shop window displays
"Church Road School", ms, 4pp, 1.12.37, LT, an exhibition at the school
"Father Christmas at Kersley Infants Elementary School", ms, 7pp, 21.12.37, WH
"Christmas Shops 1937", ms, 3pp, 22.12.37, LT
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, 24.12.37, BWW, concert at Aspin Hall
"Mistletoe", ms, 2pp, 24.12.[37], WH, people's reactions to mistletoe
"Xmas Eve", ms, 3pp, 24.12.[37], WH, U.D.C. cafe in Church Street
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 24.12.37, BWW, overheards and observations at various venues, index card attached
"Bus Service to Blackpool", ms, 3pp, 24.12.[37], WH
"Workhouse", ms, 2pp, 24.12.[37], WH, visit to the workhouse
"Market", ms, 1p, 24.12.[37],WH, visit to the market
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 24.12.37, pub observations on Christmas Eve
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 24.12.[37], THH, copy of shop notice "Christmas comes but one a year", reflection that this is only said of Christmas
"Conversation", ms, 2pp, 24.12.[37], LT, overheard comments
"Xmas Eve", ms, 2pp, 24.12.[37], WH, visit to Jackson House
"Xmas Morning", ms, 1p, 25.12.[37], WH, Clarence Street, Knowsley Street and Marsden Road
"Heath Cemetry (sic) (Xmas)", ms, 2pp, 25.12.[37], THH
"Victoria Hall", ms, 2pp, 26.12.[37], JW, counts
"Bethel Evangelical Xmas Sunday", ms, 14pp, 26.12.[37], THH, Carol Service programme attached
"Bolton Parish Church", ms, 1p, 25.12.[37], JW
"St. Marys R.C.", ms, 3pp, 26.12.[37], JW
"Holy Trinity", ms, 26.12.[37], church attendances
"St. Patrick R.C. Xmas Decoration", ms, 1p, 27.12.[37], JW
"Great Lever St. Michaels", ms, 1p, 28.12.[37], JW, church attendances
"St. Philips C of E", ms, 1p, 28.12.[37], JW, attendances
"St. Simon and Judes", ms, 1p, 28.12.[37], JW
"St. Marks", ms, 5pp, 29.12.[37], JW, services at various churches
"Xmas on Saturday", ms, 2pp, 5.1.38, LT
"Christmas 1937", ms, 4pp, 6.1.38, LT, what people think about Christmas on a Saturday
"Xmas 1937", ms, 1p, 7.1.38, LT
"Xmas Greenery", ms, 1p, 1938, JS
"Christmas Carols", ts, 1p, 28.5.38,WRL, observer at 85 Davenport Street humming a carol
"Exhibition of Dolls for Sick Children", ms, 2pp, 9.12.38
"Personal Impressions", ts, 4pp, 30.12.39, JC
"Impressions of Lido Christmas Panto", ts, 2pp, JC
Letter from Alec to THH, ts, 1p, 4.1.40, enclosing "Bolton - Xmas and New Year", ts, 4pp, 4.1.40, AH/JC, synopsis of material
Letter, from Bill to THH, ts, 1p, about Easter and the date of Christ's birth
Index cards (66), ms/ts, references to Christmas
Envelope "My Gift to the Christmas Tree"
"St. Georges Church", Christmas Carol song sheet
"In season, out of season", B.C.M.S. news-sheet, Winter 1937-38
Misc 1p, ts, quotations
Magazine cutting, "What is the Star of Bethlehem?", The Listener, 12.1.39
27/F New Year's Eve and New Year
Observer accounts
"The Lido Cinema's New Year's Eve Stage Show", ms 8pp, 31.12.37, WLW
"Astoria Palais de Dance New Year's Eve Carnival Ball", ms, 22pp, 31.12.37, WLW
Untitled document, ms, 22pp, 31.12.[37], BWW, visit to various pubs
"Observer in street, centre of Bolton Dec 31", ms, 3pp [WAL]
"Bolton Parish Church Watch Night Service Dec 31", ms, 4pp, WAL
"Social and Watchnight Service held at Astley Bridge Baptist Church", ms, 3pp, 31.12.37, JD
"Smithills Chapel", ms, 8pp, 1.1.[39], a convention
"Bolton Parish Church", ms, 8pp, 2.1.[39], JW, service
"The Fair at Bolton", ms, 27pp, 5.1.38, HH
"Conversations on Fair Ground", ms, 5pp, 6.1.[39], LT
"Bolton New Year Fair 1939", ms, 3pp
"Bolton 31 Dec 39 - 1st Jan 40", ts, 3pp, JC
"Bolton 1st Jan 40", ts, 6pp, JC, New Year Fair
Misc, ms, 1p
28/A Reports
Letter from Michael [?], to Charles [Madge], ms, 1p, 20.7.39, enclosing chart "Regional Distribution of Working Class Savings", ts, 5pp, (no source cited)
"Money in Worktown", ts, 5pp
"Budgets: Expenditure", ts, 12pp
"Social Factors in Economics", ts, 3pp
"Saving and Spending in Worktown", ts, 18pp
"Report on Bolton Savings", ts, 6pp, 19.1.40, HN
"Bread Analysis", ms, 4pp
Misc, ms, 1p
28/B Household budgets
Letter from W. Hadley to Walter [Hood], ms, 21.5.38, about wife declining to be interviewed about household budget
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, details of family budget - husband, wife and five children
Untitled document, ms, 32pp, [WH], household budget details
"Budget", ts, 2pp, 5.37-5.38, details of family budget - husband, wife and two adult sons
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, budget details for two households
"Budget", ms, 1p, 9.5.38, BR, list of income and expenditure
"Savings. Men under £200", ts, 2pp, questionnaire replies
Misc, ms, 1p, list of names and addresses
28/C Analysis sheets
"Savings Analysis", ms, 19pp
"Professional Totals", ms, 3pp, 10.2.40, JC, chart
"Savings Coding Sheet", ts, 10pp
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, chart
28/D Typescripts
"Motives for Saving: Preliminary Report", 51pp, (two copies)
Untitled document, ts/ms, draft copy of "Motives for Saving"
28/E Reactions to budget April 1940
"Budget. Bolton", ts, 52pp, 24.4.40, GT/AH
29/A Shopping
"Method", ms, 1p, guidance to observers for 'follows'
"[?] for Sept. 28-Oct 1", ts, 1p, guidelines for observers for counts (photocopy)
Letter to Jack, ts, 1p, list of questions to do with food, unsigned
"Shopping Habits", ms, 1p, methodology, follows
"Shop Observation Needs", ts, 1p, 14 points to be covered
"Shop Observation", ts, 8pp, details of how to describe shops; shop observation terminology and general guidance to observers
"Filing Synopsis", ts, 2pp
"Peacetime Econ. Counts", ts, 2pp
"Central thesis", ts, 19pp, index to shopping
"Interview Questions", ts, 3pp
"Shopping Report", ts, 2pp
"Shopping Report", ts, 12pp, 22.10.42, CD
"Second Report from Mass-Observation on Shopping Habits in Bolton", 3pp
"Worktown Shopping Habits", ts, 2pp, 10.6.40, GT, check counts, Woolworths
"The People's Food", ts, 4pp, 1938, WC, statistical data on purchases
"Marketing Survey of U.K. 1937", ts, 3pp, April 1936-March 1937, WC
"Analysis of small shops in West Ward", ts/ms, 13pp
"Closed Market: observation on Blower's Grocery", ts, 3pp, 8.2.39
"Observations on purchases", ms, 1p
"Shopping expedition for 85 Davenport Street", ts, 6pp, 13.3.39, GW, housekeeper followed by observer
"Econ Counts 1939", ms, 1p, chart
"Shopping. Bolton", ms, 3pp, chart
Index cards (2), ts, 1939, references to shopping and customers
Misc, ts, 4pp
29/B Shops and shop owners
"Bolton 1922 Directory (Tillstones)", ms, 141pp, list of types of shops, addresses and owners, handwritten copy, new names added from 1932
"Bolton Newsagents", ts, 4pp, list of names and addresses
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Hilton's Ironmongers in the Market", ms, 2pp, 9.4.[?], WH,
"Interview with shopkeepers", ms, 5pp, 8.11.37, LT
"Shop Early-closing Ballot", ts, 3pp, 8.11.37, EB
"Shop Early-closing Ballot", ts, 1p, 10.11.37, EB
"Early Closing, Folds Road", ms, 1p, EB
"Interviews with Pub Keepers", ts, 3pp, 21.12.38
"Interview with confectioner", ts, 2pp, 24.6.39
"Corner shop: Mrs. Hutchinson ....", ts, 2pp, 10.8.39, GT
"Corner shop interview", ts, 3pp, 15.8.39, GT
"Shop Interview", ts, 2pp, SS, two interviews with drapers
"Corner Shop.....", ts, 1p, 10.8.39, grocery and off-licence
"Interview with E. Seddon", ts, 1p, SS
"Rawlinson. Butcher. Market Hall", ts, 1p, 8.1.40, GT, talk about rationing
"Talk with Grocer", ts, 1p, 20.1.40, GT, the effects of war
"Unsworth, Hairdresser ....", ts, 5.2.40, AH, conversation whilst having hair cut
Misc, ms, 2pp
List, ms, 20pp, shops and owners' names, goods sold in each shop
29/C Shopping
Booklet, Official Re-Opening of the Market Hall Knowsley Street, 5.4.38
Leaflet: Prescription Book & Price List, Medicinal Supplies Co.
Plan, "County Borough of Bolton. Civic Centre and New Markets"
Observer accounts
"Sub Committees", ms, 4pp, WH
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 26.4.[?], JS, general impression of the market
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 26.4.[?], JS, barkers and mystery
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 26.4.[?], JS, stocking salesman, man auctioning china
"Market Hall Follows", index cards (3), ms, , 18.11.38, [CM]
"Numbers entering Market Hall (Bridge St. Ent.)", ts, 1p. 5.11.38
"Follows in Market Hall", ts, 2pp, 19.11.38, GT
"Closed Market", ts/ms, 4pp, AF, follows
"Closed Market", ms, 4pp, 19.11.38, follows
Untitled document, ms, 1p, [21.11.38], follows
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 22.11.38, follow
"Closed Market", ms, 5pp, 2.12.38, follows
"Follows in Market Hall", ts, 2pp, 3.12.38, GT
"Closed Market", ms, 1p, 3.12.38, follow
"Closed Market", ms, 1p, 5.12.38, follow
"Closed Market", ms, 3pp, 9.12.38, follow
"Children follows in Market Hall", ts, 1p, 10.12.38
"Closed Market", 3pp, 12.12.38, follows
Index cards (2) ms, follows
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Closed Market ...", ms, 1p, 19.11.36
"Open Air Market", ts, 1p, 26.4.38, LT
"Market in Moor Lane", ts/ms, 8pp, BCP, 26.4.38, includes handdrawn layout of the inner market
"Bolton Market", ms, 5pp, 19.4.[?], HH
"Open Air Market Moor Lane", ms, 6pp, 26.4.38, LT
"Moor Lane Market Follows", ms, 3pp, 26.4.[38], LT
"Market ...", ms, 1p, 23.9.[?], HS
"Shops in Sales", ms, 3pp, details of sales at various shops
"Open Market: Observations ...", ms, 1p, 19.11.38, GBE
"Market Hall: Observations ... ", ms, 1p, 19.11.38, [GBE]
"Open Market: Stall Observation", ms/ts, index cards (3), 12.1.39, GW
Paper folder containing observer accounts:
"Open Market", ms, 2pp, 19.11.38, timing of purchases
"Market Hall", ms, 2pp, 19.11.38, GT, timing of purchases
"Open Market: Purchasing Times", ms, 3pp, 1911.[38], GBE
Paper folder containing observer accounts:
"Market Hall", ts, 1p, 8.11.38, fruit and vegetable stall
"Market Hall", ts, 4pp, 19.11.38, GT, observations at various stalls
"Purchases", ts, 4pp, 10.12.38, GBE, the Open and Closed markets
"Observation on Fruit Stall: Close Market", ts, 4pp, 11.12.38, GT
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Open Market Shopping", ts, 1p, 17.9.38
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 18.11.38, follow
"Market Observations", ms, 2pp, 17.11.38
"Follows Open Market ...", ms, 1p, 19.11.38, GBE
"Open Market", ms, 5pp, 18.11.38, follows
"Open Market", ms, 3pp, 19.11.38, follows, AF
"Open Market", ms, 8pp, 19.11.38, follows
"Market Observation", ts, 1p, 19.11.38, GW, follows
"Open Market", ms, 7pp, 22.11.38, follows
"Follows in Open Market", ts, 1p, 3.12.38
"Open Market", ts, 1p, 3.12.38, follow
"Open Market", ms, 7pp, 3.12.38, follows
"Open Market", ms, 1p, 6.12.38, follows
"Open Market", ms, 2pp, 8.12.38, follows
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Bolton Day Survey ...", ts, 9pp, 22.4.38, BCP
"Moor Lane Wholesale Market", ts, 7pp
Misc, ms, 2pp, index cards (2)
30/A Shopping and household budgets
Paper folder containing
Letter from HH to THH, ts, 1p, WLW, about Bessie Hilton, mill worker
"Miss Bessie Hilton 180 Leigh Avenue", ms, 1p, 22.12.[?], interview
"Bessie Hilton", ms, 4pp, 24.12.[?], JW, conversation with neighbours about Bessie Hilton
"Facts about Miss Hilton, Bessie", ms, 1p, 3.1.[?], WLW
Untitled document, ms, 9pp, 27.3.[?], overheard conversation
"Conversation with man in Bar at the Grand", ms, 1p, 23.3.[?], WH
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, 6.4.[?], THH, reference to clothing clubs and Co-op, lacks p1
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 17.4.[?], THH, reference to applicants for lavatory attendant jobs
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 4.5.[?], HS, about the "Scotchman" and its origins in the factory system
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 13.5.[?], WH, telling a young woman she's won a competition, [incomplete]
"Mrs Banks on wages etc", ms, 2pp, 6.6.38, WH
"Visit to Joe Darbyshire's Home talk re the difficulties of managing", ts/ms, 3pp, 6.6.38, WH
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Investigation of Shoe-Shops in the centre of Bolton", ts, 3pp, 8.37, JHM
"Vacuum Cleaners and Electricity Bolton Corporation Electric Showrooms", ms, 5pp, 8.4.37, JLW
"Barber", ms, 3pp, 9.4.[37], JW
"Co-op Window in Oxford St", ms, 3pp, 10.4.[37], THH
"Pioneer Carpet Co", ms, 3pp, 12.4.37, JW
"The Raincoat Shop", ms, 1p, 17.4.[37], [JW]
"Corsets", ts, 1p, 19.5.[37], [?B], window display, conversation with shop assistant
"Shop Tour Aspall area with Jack Steele", ms, 8.6.[37], THH
Untitled document, ts, 7pp, 8.6.[37], THH, visit to various shops in [Ince], lacks pp1-3
"Suits, shops in Bolton", ms, 6pp, 31.12.38, LT
Letter from F.D. Morrell, Unilever House, to THH, ts, 24.6.37, enclosing details of sales of soap powers and soap
Misc, ts, 4pp
30/B Chamber of Trade and traders
"Bolton Chamber of Trade, ms, 9pp, BR, list of names and addresses of traders, (no official source cited)
"Retail Market Ashburner Street", ms, 3pp, BR, list of names and addresses of traders (no official source cited)
"Market Hall Knowsley Street", ms, 1p, BR, list of names and addresses of traders (no official source cited)
"Bolton Chamber of Trade Members", ms, 1p, [BR], list of names, addresses and trades of members
"1931 Census", ms, 3pp, list of number of retailers - men and women, (no source cited)
"Table II Increase in numbers of shops", ts, 1p, list, (no source cited)
30/C Bolton Co-operative Society
Booklet: "The C.W.S. of Today"
Booklet: "The Co-operative Guildman, Official Organ of the N.C.M.G"
Booklets (10), "The Great and Little Bolton Co-operative Society", Report and Balance Sheet for March and September 1929-1937
Paper folder "Co-operative Material" containing
"Special Meeting of Co-op", ms, 11pp, 6.12.[?], WH, account of the meeting
"Bolton Co-operative Society Clothing Club (20 weeks) commencing 7.11.36", ms, 3pp, list of members, shares owned and purchases made
"Loftus", ts, 7pp, 25.1.39, interview with Loftus, a journalist for the Co-op press
Misc, ms, 7pp
"The Co-operative Movement", ts, 7pp, about the effect of the depression on the Bolton Co-operative Society
Leaflet "Facts about Prices", No 3, issued by the Economic League
Leaflet "To All Armament Workers", No 8, issued by the Economic League
Misc, ts, 3pp
30/D Follows, mainly in Woolworths
Index cards (31), ms, March-June 1939, follows
"Follows", ts/ms, 57pp, 18.11.38-1.7.39, GT/Ri/GW/SS/CM/GBE
Paper folder "Shop Follow Analysis" containing
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, chart
30/E Follows
Paper folder containing
Cards (2), ms, 27.1.39, follows in Whittakers shop
"Whittakers Shirt Competition", ms, 1p, 26.5.[37], visits to the shop, competion entry form attached
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 22.6.[?], follow in Whittakers
"Follow in Horrocks Warehouse", ts, 1p, 22.6.39
"Influence of children on shopping", ts, 1p, 24.6.[?], follow in Marks and Spencer
"Co-op Follows", ts, 1p, 29.6.39
"Co-op Follows", ts, 1p, 30.6.39
Index cards (7), ms, follows in Marks and Spencer
"Follows", ms/ts, 44pp, 19.11.38-24.6.39, GBE/GT/GW/Ri/SS/CM, Marks and Spencer
"Long Follows", ts, 96pp, 1.6.39-24.6.39, SS/CM/Ri/GT
"Shopping Follow", ms, 22pp, 7.9.42-10.9.42, CG
"Shopping Follow", ms, 5pp, 10.9.42, DH
"Shopping Follow", ts, 1p, 10.9.42, CG
"Shopping Follow", ts, 1p, 11.9.42, CG
Untitled document, ms, 1p, chart
31/A Christmas and shopping
Observer accounts
"Shops", ts, 4pp, Christmas trade
"After Christmas Shop Interviews", ts, 3pp, 12.1.38, GT
"Woolworths Christmas Display, ts, 1p, 19.11.38, GT
"Christmas Trade Interviews", ts, 1p, 29.11.38, GT
"Interviews Fruiterers", ms, 4pp, 30.11.38-7.12.38, GBE, also Tobacco, Sweets, and Butchers
"Christmas Shopping and Clubs", ts, 2pp, 1.12[?], LT
"Sweet Shop, 192 Old Chorley Road", ts, 2pp, about chocolate club
"Sweet Shop, 63 Vernon Street", ts, 2pp, about chocolate club
"Chocolate Clubs", index card, ms, 5.12.38, CM
"Interview with Club Agent", ts, 3pp, 5.12.38, GT
"Interview with Sweetshop", ts, 3pp, 5.12.38, GT
"Interview with a Butcher", ts, 2pp, 6.12.38, GT, Syd's, Higher Bridge Street
"Interview with a Butcher", ts, 2pp, 6.12.38, GT Barlow's, Deane Road
"Interview with a Tabacconist(sic)", ts, 3pp, 7.12.38, GBE, (3)
"Interview: Radio Shop", ts, 3pp, 9.12.38, GBE, (3), leaflet attached
"Whitakers Shop", ts, 1p, 9.12.38, BS, interview with one of the Mr Whitakers
"West of Woolworths", ts, 1p, 12.12.38
"Shops", ts, 4pp, 12.12.38, BS, Christmas trade
"Shop Interviews on Christmas", ts, 6pp, 12.12.38, GT
"Shops", ts, 3pp, 13.12.38, BS, Christmas trade
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, 13.12.38, GT, lacks p1, Christmas trade
"Photographer in the Royal Hotel, Vernon Street", ts, 1p, 21.12.38
"Note on Diddleum Club", ms, 1p, 5.12.39, GBE
"After Christmas. 1938", ts, 2pp, 30.1.39, trading
"Christmas Business War 1939", ts, 14pp, 30.12.39, JC/AH
"Shops", ts, 32pp, 4.1.40, JC/AH, about Christmas shopping
Chart, ms, 1p, about extra shopping at Christmas
Club Card for Frys chocolate
Price list for Rowntree's, Christmas 1938
31/B Christmas competition
Paper folder "Christmas Competition", containing
Untitled document, ms, 1p, list of words and phrases
17 responses to the competition: "What I enjoy most about my Christmas shopping"
31/C/D Christmas questionnaire
"Christmas Questionnaire 1938", ts, 14 point questionnaire, 30 replies
31/E The sales
"January Sales", ts, 15pp, (incomplete lacks pp3-5) report on the sales
"Sales on in Bolton", ts, 5pp, 1939-1940 Jan, list of streets covered and shop details
"Sales", ts, 3pp, 18.1.40, JC, details of shops having and not having a sale
"Sales on in Bolton", ts, 3pp, GT, details of shops having sales or not
"Sales on in Bolton", ts, 5pp, AH, 19.1.40, details of shops having sales or not
"Sales 1940", ms, 4pp, 1-point questionnaire
"Sales Slogans. Bolton. 1940", ts, 6pp
"Sales on in Bolton", ts, 1p, 18.1-19.1.40, statistical data
"Shop Sales Bolton", ts, 10pp, 18.1.40, AH, sales notices and prices in Bradshawgate and Folds Road
"Sales on in Bolton", ts, 24pp, 18.1.40, GT, details of shops
"Sales Details", ts, 14pp, 19.1.40, JC
"Sales Questionnaire", ts, 1p, 8.2.40, HN, 3-point questionnaire
"Sales Interviews", ts, 16pp, 8.2.40, JC, 4-point questionnaire with replies
"Sales Interviews: Bolton", ts, 22pp, 9.2.40, HN/GT
"Worktown Winter Sales - 1939-1940", ts, 8pp, a report with list of contributors
"Sales Interviews", ts, 9pp, 15.2.40, AH
31/F The sales
"Jan. Sales", ms, 5pp, list and comments on the sales
"January Sales", ms, 6pp, 2-point questionnaire and replies
"Sales Coding Sheet", ts, 4pp
"Sales January 1939", ts, 2pp, 12.1.39, GT, trade enquiries
"Sales on in Bolton", ts, 1p, 201.39, GT, list of shops
"Talk about Sales with Naisby", ts, 3pp, 24.12.39, GW
31/G January sales questionnaire
"South Lancashire Survey - January Sales", ts, 4-point questionnaire, 92 replies
"January Sales 1939", ms, 1p, analysis of 3-point questionnaire put to women only
Analysis sheets, ms, 8pp, analysis of 3 questions put to men wearing red and women wearing black
31/H Shopping and shop windows
Observer accounts
Index cards (5), ms/ts, overheards
"In the Town", ms, 3pp, 15.2.38, AVW
"In Street", ms, 3pp, 16.2.38, APW
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 11.3.38, JAS, shop window displays
"Window Dressing", ms, 4pp, 19.4[38], THH
"Discription(sic) of shops in Deansgate before Christmas, ms, 2pp, BS
"Business in Shops", ms, 3pp, 22.12.[38], WH
Untitled document, ts, 22.12.38, GW, Christmas window decorations
31/I Overheards
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Munro's, Deansgate", ts, 1p, 8.5.[?]
"Talk in or outside shops", ts, 1p, Marks and Spencer and Woolworths
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 16.6.38, Marks and Spencer, Woolworths and Deansgate
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 16.6.[38], SS
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 17.6.38, Deansgate, Marks and Spencer and Woolworths
"Talk", ts, 2pp, 17.6.38, SS
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 21.6.39/23.6.39, Ri, overheard comments
"Remarks hear on Woolworths and Marks and Spencers", ts, 1p, 24.6.[?], SS
"Shopping", ts, 1p, 24.6.39, Rita, overheard comments
31/J Indirect propaganda in shops
"Indirect Propaganda", ts, 18pp, 6.1.40-12.1.40, JC
"Rawlinson: Butcher: Market Hall", ts, 1p, 8.1.40, GT
"Propoganda Bolton", ts, 1p, 12.1.40, GT, comment at LBC meeting
"Talk with Grocer", ts, 1p, 20.1.40, GT
"Unsworth, Hairdresser, Bath St.", ts, 1p, 5.2.40, AH
32/A Food and shopping
Untitled document, ts, 166p, June 1939-August 1939, GT/Ri/GW, questionnaires and interviews about food shopping and household budget for food
32/B Ministry of Food questionnaire
"Ministry of Food Questionnaire", ts, 15pp, 17.5.40, AH/BA/GT, 15 replies
32/C Shopping for food
"Cakes are stocked by", ts, list of stockists
"Confectioners", ts, 1, 17.11.38, Crooks' price list
"Confectioner Interviews", ts/ms, 22pp, 16.11.38-22.11.38, GT/GBE, 15 interviews with owners and staff
32/D Eating places
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Milk Bar", ts, 1p, 20.4.[37], [JS]
"Lido Cafe, Bolton", ms, 2pp, 13.2.38, RGW
"Restaurant", ms, 3pp, 15.2.38, APW
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 2.2.38, overheard conversation at an unspecified fish and chip shop
"Fish & Chip Shops", ts, 2pp, 17.4.[?], JS
"Fish and Chips", ts, 1p, 19.4.[?], JS, The Savoy Supper Bar
"Fish & Chips", ts, 1p, 20.4.[?], JS, The Savoy
"Fish & Chips", ts, 1p, 22.4[?], JS
"Fish & Chips", ms, 2pp, 5.8.38, WH
"Bolton Mealtimes", ms, 1p, eating times
"Bolton Cafes (lunches)", ms, 2pp, chart with details of food and prices
"Cafes", ms, 12pp, 9.5.38, LT, details of menus at various cafes, pubs and hotels
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 4.3.38, reference to Lent and fish sales
"Fish and Lent", ms, 1p, comments about the sale of fish
Misc, ms, 5pp
32/E Family menus and teas
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ts, 5pp, details of family members, weekly menu and food shopping
"Menus", ts, 4pp, menu details for two families and a single person
"Teas", ts/ms, 1p, details of what three families have for tea
"Answer to Tea Questions", ms, 4pp, specimen teas for a week
"Tea at E. Letchford's", ms, 4pp, 13.6.[?], WH
"Teas and Food in General", ts, 3pp, Mrs Standring and family
"Teas", ts, 2pp, details of an unspecified husband and wife
"Teas, ts, 3pp, 7.12.38, BS, Mr and Mrs Hurst's family
"Working Class Tea", ts, 1p, GW
"Food of a working class man", ts, 1p, 4.8.38, BW
Letter from Mrs Mingham to Charles Madge, ms, 2pp, enclosing answers to questions about meals
Index card (1), ms, brief details of weekly menu
32/F Economies of the family
"Economies of the Family", ms, 2pp, 8.8.38, PF, details of retail prices of food in Bolton for February 1936 , (no source cited)
32/G Trade in Bolton
Paper folder containing:
Index cards (2), ms, details how information on shops is to be collected
Untitled document, ts, 1p, details of observers doing counts (photocopy)
"Specialisation & Selling Policy", ts, 1p, classification of shops in Bolton
"Material in Folder C", ts, 2pp, details list for shops and shopping observations
"Future of trade in Bolton", ts, 1p, 24.1.40, GT, interview with James Taylor, Rope Manufacturer
"Lists of Selected Shops", ts, 1p, Ealing, Bolton and Chester
Untitled document, ts, 1p, list
"Percival Street", ms, 1p, [WH], list of people
"Norfolk Street", ms, 1p, [WH], list of people
"Women", ms, 1p, chart
"Food", ms, 1p, list
"Nos in Cake Shop", ms, 1p, 3.4.[?], WH
"[Boycs] Wireless Shop", ms, 1p, 3.4.[?], WH, overheard comment
"Shoe Count", ms, 1p, 3.4.[?], WH, in the street
"Hair", ms, 1p, statistical data on people's hair and make-up
"Shop Counts", ts, 7pp, 4.11.39-20.1.40, GT/JC/AH, numbers of people in shops
"Shops open", ms, 3pp, 29.6.[?], list
Index cards (5), ms, various counts
"Income Groups £ per year", card (1), ts, income details, (no official source cited)
"Sales", ms, 1p, 16.2.40, conversation with Mrs Duckworth
Misc, ms, 2pp and card
Form "Shops Acts, 1912 to 1936", about closing shops at 7 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays
Paper folder containing:
"Bazaar", ms, 11pp, 22.11.38-8.12.38, follows
"Prices", ts, 4pp, 5.11.39-7.11.39, GT, people's comments about prices
"Household budget difficulties", ts, 5pp, 11.11.39-2.12.39, BN/GT, comments from women
"Fish and Chip Shops", ts, 8pp, 3.11.39-6.12.39, GT/BN, enquries into the state of business
"Profiteering", 3pp, 26.11.39-7.1.39, GT, comments from people
"Hoarding", ts, 1p, 6.11.39, GT, story from wife about her husband hoarding cigarettes
"Business Activity", ts, 1p, 25.11[39], GT, comment from an assistant manager at Marks and Spencer
"Post-Xmas", ts, 1p, 15.1.40, GT, brief conversation with young woman about how quiet Deansgate is
"Trade", ts, 4pp, 31.7.40, AH, conversation in a newsagents and a shoe shop
"Women. Bolton", ts, 11pp, 31.7.40, AH/BA, conversations with women about managing in war time and overheard remarks
"Trade. fashion etc. Bolton", ts, 2pp, 1.8.40, AH, conversation with the manager of Shannon's, Newport St
"Fashion. colour counts. Bolton", ts, 1p, 1.8.40, AH, count in Newport Street
"Fashions. Bolton", ts, 3pp, 1.8.40, observations and count in Queen's Park
Misc, ms, 2pp
33/A Bolton Savings Bank
"Social Factors in Economics", ms, 1p, list of banks, clubs and interviews
Observer accounts
"Joining Bolton Saving Bank", ms, 5pp, 16.5.38, WH
"Savings", index cards (8), ms, 2.2.39, CM, interviews with Maguire of Bolton Savings Bank and H. Loftus of the Co-op
"Savings. Bolton Savings Bank", ts, 2pp, 16.2.40, AH, customer making a deposit and copies of notices in the Bank
"Savings interviews. Bolton", ts, 5pp, 16.2.40, AH, interview with McGuire, manager of Bolton Savings Bank
Booklet: "Bolton Savings Bank", diary 1939
Savings Book, Bolton Savings Bank, in Walter Hood's name
Booklet: "Savings Club 1938-39"
Booklets (4): "Bolton Savings Bank", Annual Reports for 20.11.37 (2) and 20.11.38 (2)
Booklet, "National Savings Movement", Annual Report 31.3.38 for Bolton Savings Committee
Booklet, "National Savings Movement", year ended 31.3.38, review of work in North-Western Region
33/B Savings clubs
Observer accounts
"Banks and Savings Clubs", ts, 5pp, details of four savings clubs and a bank
"Banks and Savings Clubs", ts, 4pp, WH/JW, people who use banks and clubs
"Banks and Savings (Holiday Savings)", ts, 9pp, what savings are used for
"Banks and Savings (holiday and otherwise)", ts, 9pp, types of banks and clubs
"Banks and Savings (Moneylenders)", ts, 1p, users of local moneylenders, brief comment from Harry Winson
"Banks and Savings Clubs", ts, 1p, end of year financial details from Bolton Savings Bank (no official source cited) 20.11.37
"Diddle-Em Clubs", ts, 1p, 26.5.[?], JW, about savings clubs being abused
"Victoria Hall", ms, 11pp, 26.5.[?], general and financial details about clubs run from the Hall
"Holiday Savings Club, ms, 2pp, 17.9.[?], EB, dispute over non-payment of interest and resolution of dispute
Paper folder "Savings Clubs Interviews"
"Draft Questions on Savings and Trade", ts, 1p, 17.1.39, CM, a 3-point questionnaire
"Interview with Hoole of Robert Wats, Cons. Engineers, High Street", Bolton, ts, 1p, 6.2.39, GT
"Savings at Tillotson's editorial and office stuff", ts, 1p, 7.2.39, GT
"Saving Club Gas Office Corporation", ts, 1p, 7.2.39, GW
"Holiday Saving Club Hollas Mill", ts, 1p, 7.2.39, GW
"Saving Holiday Club Rayon and Crepe Mill", ts, 1p, 4.2.39, GW
"Interview on Savings Club with Kirkman of Dean Craw Spinning Mill", ts, 2pp, 9.2.39, GT
"Savings: Interview with E.J. Higson of Education Office, Nelson Sq.", ts, 3pp, 10.2.39, GT
"Interview with H. Kay of Holdsworth Mills China Lane", ts, 4pp, 13.2.39, [GT]
"Interview with Miss A. Agnew of Wolfenden Street Central Girls School", ts, 2pp, 21.2.39, GT
"Interview with Thom Leavis St Johns School, Latimer Street", ts, 2pp, 22.2.39, GT
"St. Marks. Poor district", ts, 1p, 1.3.39, talk with headmaster
"Interview with Byrne, St. Mary Senior Boys", ts, 2pp, 3.39, GT
"Interview with [?], St. Edmunds Senior", ts, 2pp, 3.39, GT
"Savings Club School Top of the Brow, Estate School", ts, 2pp, 6.3.39, GW
"Interview with Cooper of St. George's School", ts, 3pp, 7.3.39, GT
"Interview with Miss Rostron of Whitecroft Road Senior Girls", ts, 2pp, 8.3.39, GT
"Interview with Cooke of Tonge Moor School", ts, 2pp, 9.3.39, GT
"Methodist School Astley Bridge Pocket Money", ts, 2pp, 10.3.39
"Interview school saving Folds Rd.Girls Senior school", ts, 13.3.39, WG
"Interview Folds Rd. Boy Senior School", ts, 3pp, 13.3.39, GW
"Castle Hill school interview about savings clubs and spending money",
ts, 2pp, 23.3.39, GW
"St. Marks, saving club", ms, 1p, brief details of how many children save with the club
"Savings Interviews...Repeats from 1939", ts, 2pp, 18.2.40, JC
Misc, ms/ts, 6pp
33/C Holiday savings
Observer accounts
"Holiday Savings W. Wood J.P. of Operative Spinners", ts, 6pp, 16.5.[?], JW
"Holiday Savings", ts, 6pp, 17.5.[?], JW, interview with Harry Winson, Financial Aget
"Holiday Savings", ts, 2pp, 17.5.[?], JW, Victoria Hall Men's Saving Club
"Savings Club. Victoria Hall. Womens Meeting", ts, 3pp, 19.5.[?], JW
"Victoria Hall Mens Saving Club", ts, 1p, 22.5.[?], JW
"Holiday Budget", ms, 4pp, EB, budget for Eric and Alice Bennett
"Holiday Diary", ms, 1p, details of holiday budget from 4.9-11.9, holiday with pay
33/D Spending in shops and on entertainment
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 1.3.38, JAS, spending in shops and pubs
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 4.3.38, JAS, interviews with the Managers of the Odeon and Hippodrome Cinemas about attendances
"Fishmongers resales during Lent", ms, 1p, 11.3.38, JAS
"Retailers sales during Lent", ms, 3pp, 12.3.38, JAS
"Effect of Lent on retail sales", ts, 2pp, 12.3.38, JAS
Envelope "This is worth 3d to you", contains money off coupon
Envelope "Free Sample of a doctor's presciption", contains a booklet: "The interesting story of what makes you feel good", and a small envelope containing "Carters Little Liver Pills", (intact)
Booklet: "Magnet Trading Co.", customer's collecting book
Envelope " St. Dunstan's needs money"
Booklet: The Provident Clothing & Supply Co., Ltd
Envelope addressed to J. Hallon, 85 Davenport St, containing booklet: "Appropriate Attire"
Handbill with money off voucher for "Brown and Polson Custard"
Advertising literature from the "Elite Chocolate Club"
Astley Bridge & Blackburn Road Advertiser, 11.3.38, free newspaper
33/E Savings interviews
"Savings Interviews", ts, 1p, 12.2.40, JC, a 6-point questionnaire
Letter from A. Barlow, ms, 10pp, 14.2.40, enclosing replies to savings questionnaire
"Savings Interviews", ts 31pp, 15.2.40-16.2.40, JC, replies to savings questionnaire
"Savings 1940", ms, 5pp, analysis of replies to questionnaire
34/A South Lancashire Survey - Savings [1939]
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings, ts, 7-point questionnaire, 43 replies
34/B South Lancashire Survey - Savings
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings, ts, 7-point questionnaire, 43 replies
34/C South Lancashire Survey - Savings
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings, ts, 7-point questionnaire, 49 replies
34/D South Lancashire Survey - Savings
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings", ts, 7-point questionnaire, 43 replies
34/E South Lancashire Survey - Savings
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings", ts, 7-point questionnaire, 40 replies
34/F South Lancashire Survey - Savings
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings", ts, 7-point questionnaire, 44 replies
34/G South Lancashire Survey - Savings
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings", ts, 7-point questionnaire, 46 replies
34/H South Lancashire Survey - Savings
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings", ts, 7-point questionnaire, 47 replies
34/I Savings interviews
Letter to THH, ts, 1p, 19.2.40, enclosing interviews
"Savings questionnaire", ts, 1p, 12.2.40, HJN, a 4-point questionnaire
Untitled document, ts, 1p, list of names and addresses"
"Savings Interviews", ts, 14pp, 12.2.40-15.2.40, 14 replies to questionnaire
"Savings Interviews Repeats from 1939", ts, 10pp, 18.2.40, JC, 10 replies
35/A Film survey
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, 19 point questionnaire given to cinema managers for their customers, about their choice of film
"Bolton questionnaire", ts, 6pp, analysis of questionnaire replies
35/B/C Questionnaire/competition
Odeon Cinema customers, 349 replies from cinema goers
35/D Questionnaire
Palladium Cinema customers, 114 replies from cinema goers
35/E Questionnaire
Crompton Cinema customers, 97 replies from cinema goers
36/A Cinema
"The Cinema", ts, 10pp, 18.11.37, PMJ, a synopsis
"Cinema Research", ms/ts, 8pp, research notes and background material
Untitled document, ts/ms, 2pp, details of how research is to be carried out, with specimen letter to cinema managers
"Paladium Cinema Goers", ms, 2pp, 1938, list of name, address, age and days of visits by cinema goers
"Odeon", ms, 17pp, chart with details of cinema goers
"Crompton", ms, 6pp, chart with details of cinema goers
"Paladium", ms, 7pp, chart with details of cinema goers
Letter from Stuart Legg, the Film Council, to THH, ts, 2pp, 27.10.37, advising him how to get hold of film scripts and ideas to help with the research
Letter from Oscar Deutsch, Chairman, Odeon Theatres Ltd., to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 22.11.37, agreeing to co-operate with the research work in Bolton
Letter from Richard R. Ford, Publicity, Odeon Theatres Ltd., to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 23.11.37, arranging an appointment to meet
Letter from Richard R. Ford, to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 25.11.37, confirming appointment
Letter from Richard R. Ford, to John Martin-Jones, ts, 1p, 27.11.37, confirming arrangements discussed at their meeting
Letter from Blackshaw, Sykes and Morris, Printers and Bookbinders, to THH, ts, 1p, 2.12.37 quoted figures from printing, questionnaire proof copy attached
Letter from Richard R. Ford, Publicity, Odeon Theatres Ltd., THH, ts, 2pp, 15.2.38, commenting on draft questionnaire
Letter from J.E. Hobbs, Manager, Queen's Picture House to the Editor of the Bolton Citizen, ts, 1p, 16.2.38, criticising an article in an issue of the newspaper, [attached ts, 2pp, copy article for next edition of the newspaper]
Card, ms, reference to Mrs Carr's regular visits to the cinema, and occasional visits to wrestling
"Cinema Talks Enquiry", article from The Listener, 15.12.37
Misc, ms, 5pp
36/B Cinema going
Observer accounts
"Crompton Cinema, Crompton Way, Bolton", ts, 1p, FT
"Theatre Royal Cinema", ms, 1p, 24.4.[?], THH
"Binkie Stewart (England's Shirley Temple)", ts, 3pp, 22.5.37, JB
"Hippodrome", ms, 1p, 28.7.[?], LT
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 13.8.[?], PJ, overheard comment about the Odeon
"Odeon Cinema opening", ts, 6pp, 21.8.[?], THH
"Odeon Cinema", ms, 27pp, 21.8.[?], JW
"Capitol Cinema", ts, 6pp, 14.10.37, JM-J
"Palladium", ts, 1p, 18.11.37, JM-J
"New Royal", ts, 2pp, 18.11.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
"Results of talk with Ford at Odeon", ts, 1p, 27.11.37, JM-J
"Capitol", ts, 2pp, 30.11.37, JM-J
"Palladium - Hours of Performance", ts, 1p, 1.12.37, JM-J
"Palladium", ts, 1p, 1.12.37, JM-J
"Manager of Odeon", ts, 1p, 1.12.37, JM-J
"Staffing Odeon", ts, 1p, 2.12.37, JM-J
"Mr Stringfellow says No", ts, 2pp, 3.12.37, JM-J
"New Royal", ts, 1p, 3.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
"Palladium", ts, 2pp, 4.12.37, interview with the manager
"Palladium Staffing", ts, 4.12.37, JM-J
"Palladium", ts, 2pp, 6.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
"New Royal", ts, 2pp, 7.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
"Odeon", ts, 2pp, 7.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
"Palladium", ts, 1p, 9.12.37, JM-J, interview with the manager
"Palladium", ts, 2pp, JM-J, brief details of owner, seating capacity of cinema
"Cinema Managers", ms, 2pp, 16.12.37, WLW, conversations with 10 managers
Untitled document, ms, 8pp, 14.3.38-23.3.38, counts
"Theatres and Cinemas. Xmas", ts, 1p, 14.12.38
"Interview with Hull of the Embassy Cinema", ts, 4pp, GT
"Interview with Elward of the Lido", ts, 2pp, 16.12.38
"Odeon Cinema: Reaction to Newsreel", ts,1p, 8.11.39, JC
"Odeon Cinema Newsreel", ts, 2pp, 9.11.39, GT
"Odeon Bolton", ts, 1p, 16.11.39, GT
"Odeon: Bolton", ts, 1p, 27.11.39, GT
"The Odeon Cinema", ts, 1p, 5.12.39, GT
"Xmas Entertainment", ts, 8pp, 4.1.40, AH, conversations with staff at 7 cinemas
"Palladium Cinema", ts, 3pp, 17.2.40, AH
"Paladium Cinema", ts, 1p, 26.2.40, HN
"Films Bolton", ts, 5pp, 30.7.40, AH, the Odeon cinema
"Theatre Royal", ts, 6pp, 6.8.40, BA
"Bolton Cinema", ts, 5pp, 22.8.40, BA
"Odeon", ts, 18pp, brief details of 18 cinemas
Untitled document, ms, 1p, list of actors' names
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, list of dates and films showing
"Films Showing at the Hippodrome during March 1938", ms, 1p, list
Index cards, (42) ms/ts, references to cinemas and films
36/C Outing with a girl stranger
Observer account: "Outing [to the cinema] with a girl stranger", ms, 6pp, 19.4.[38], WH
36/D Entertainment publications
Cinema brochures and general entertainment publications
36/E Newspaper cuttings
36/F Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Children's drawings of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (27)
Observer accounts
"Snow White. Bolton Central Library: Junior Department", ts, 1p, 4.11.38, GT
"Snow White. Odeon Cinema", ts, 1p, 4.11.[38], GT
"Snow White. The Market Hall", ts, 1p, 5.11.[38], GT
"Snow White", ts, 2pp, occurances of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves at various venues and overheard comments
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarves", ms, 1p, impression of the film
"Snow White ", ts, 3pp, 10.11.38, NR, comments from children and adults about the film
"Snow White laughs in order", ms, 6pp, what people laughed in the film, how many times and for how long
Untitled document, ms, 1p, sketch of "Snow White", wallpaper
Index card, (1), ms, overheard comment, 1.12.38, LT
37/A Byelaws and the courts
Paper folder containing
"List of Byelaws in force", ts/ms, 4pp, 13.7.38 (no source cited)
Observer accounts
"Police Court", ts, 7pp, the role of the police court in the judiciary system
"Petty Offences in Bolton", ms, 1p, HP
"Bolton County Court", ms, 13pp, 16.2.38, NC, details of court cases
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Motor Car Offences", ms, 14pp, details of court cases
Index cards (18), ms/ts, references to police, legislation and list of indictable offences
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"West Ward Labour Club Police Raid", ms, 2pp, 6.11.37, AB
"West Ward Labour Club prosecution", ms, 8pp, 17.12.37, EB
"West Ward Labour Club trial", ms, 12pp, 17.12.[37], WH
Paper folder containing
Charts (9) details of drunk and disorderly cases April 1937-December 1937
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Borough Police Court", ms, 12pp, 24.3.38, BR
"Borough Police Court", ts/ms, 7pp, 5.4.38, LT
"Borough Police Court", ts, 9pp, 7.4.38, BB
"Borough Police Court", ms, 6pp, 7.4.38, LT
"Borough Police Court", ts, 8.4.38, LT
"Court of Summary Jurisdiction", ms, 15pp, 5.4.38, HP, copy of official court list attached
"Borough Court Bolton Juveniles", ms, 8pp, [6.4.38], HP, copy of official court list
"Bolton Police Court", ms, 21pp, 7.4.38, HP, copy of official court list attached
"Bolton Police Court", ms, 8.4.38, 20pp, HP, copy of official court list attached
Misc, ms, 3pp
37/B The Police
Booklets (5), Chief Constable's Annual Report to the Watch Committee, 31.12.35-31.12.38, (two copies for 1937)
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Police Sports", ts, 3pp, 12.6.[37], THH
"Law Breakers at the Police sports", ts, 3pp, 12.6.37, PNH
Programme "Eighteenth Annual Amateur Athletic Sports", 12.6.
Misc, ts, 3pp
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Police in Bolton streets", ms, 3pp, 9.4.38, HP
"Police Activities", ms, 2pp, 13.4.38, HP
37/C Health
Booklets: (2) Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health, 1936 and 1937
Booklet: The Bolton Royal Infirmary Annual Report, year ending 31.12.36
Leaflet: "A First Class Investment", about contributory hospital scheme
Observer account
"Health Department", ms, 1p, HP, venereal disease returns for 1937 (no official source cited)
"Royal Infirmary", ts, 3pp, 15.9[?], BB, visit
37/D Birth, death and disease statistics
Charts (5) "Occurrence of disease and death for 1901-1905", (printed - no official source cited)
Charts (4) "Comparative View of Principal Causes of Death, 1901-1904", printed - no official source cited
Graph, "Phthisis - Deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in previous years", printed - no official source cited
"Consumption per head", index card, ms, consumption of alcohol for 1897;
1900 and 1922, no official source cited
"Cirrhosis of the liver", index card, ms, interview with Dr Galloway, Medical Officer of Health,
"Suicides", index card, ms, graph of suicide rate, no official source cited Chart, ms, 3pp, "Demographic, health and employment statistics, 1937-1914", no official source cited
37/E Baths, wash houses and swimming baths
Booklet: Moss Street Baths and Wash Houses, opened 22.10.24
Booklet: Rothwell Street Wash-house and Baths, opened 11.2.31
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Swimming in Bolton", ts, 5pp, a report
"Swimming Baths Bridgeman St", ms, 7pp, 5.4.38, HP
"Swimming Baths, Moss St", ms, 4pp, 5.5.[?], THH
Letter from [BFD], Bolton Field Naturalists Society to [Ian], ms, 1p, 3.4.36, about the decline of interest in swimming
Index cards (4), ms/ts, reference to swimming baths
Envelope with brief notes
37/F Public health
Observer accounts
"Dr Galloway Public Health Officer", ms, 10pp, 20.12.[?], WLW, interview
"Further questions asked to M.O.H", ms, 5pp, 21.12.[?], WLW
"The Health of Bolton", ms, 14pp, WLW
Letter from R.M. Galloway, Medical Health Officer, to THH, ts, 1p, 29.12.37, agreeing to arrange a meeting with the Sanitary Inspector, the Food Inspector and the Vaccination Officer
37/G Public health
Paper folder containing
"Public Health", ts/ms, 15pp, draft report
"John Boyd Orr Food Health & Income (Macmillan 1936)", ms, 2pp, a quote and statistics
Paper folder containing
"Tour of Public Health Dept.", ts, 7pp, 20.12.[?], THH
"Extracts from Handbook of Public Health Department 1932", ms, index cards (8), HP
Index cards (19), ms, references to health related matters
37/H St John's Ambulance Brigade
Observer account
"St. John's Ambulance", ms, 3pp, 10.7.[?], WH
38/A Planning and housing
Paper folder containing
Booklet: Housing Conditions in East Ward, Bolton Housing Committed Survey Report, 1931
Leaflet: "Memorandum on the Preservation of Amenities" Booklet: Short memorandum upon the Objects of the Draft Joint Planning Scheme, Bolton and
District Joint Planning Scheme
Handbill: "Government attacks rent control"
Letter (2), "The Council for the Preservation of Rural England", ts, 1p, incorporates membership form
Observer accounts
Index cards (7), ts/ms, references to housing
"Interviews in East Ward", ms, 9pp, 5.8.38, WH
Newspaper cuttings (5)
38/B Councillors and Borough Officials football match
Paper folder containing observer account "Councillors v. Borough Officials Football Match", ts, 4pp, 24.8.39, BB
38/C Town Council history, speeches and meetings
Paper folder containing
Untitled document, ts, 5pp, about the symbolic role of the town hall
Untitled document, ms/ts, 22pp, about the town hall and its status within the town
"Analysis of Town Council Speeches", ms, 1p, chart
Paper folder containing observer accounts
"Town Council Reports", ts, 4pp, summaries of reports carried out by observers
"Town Council", ms, 228pp, 2.6.37, WH, meeting
"Bolton Town Council Meeting", ms, 6pp, 23.6.37, JLW
"Bolton Town Council Meeting", ms, 5pp, 1.9.37, EB
"Town Council Meeting", ms, 14pp, 1.12.37, WH
"Town Council Meeting", ms, 6pp, 31.12.37, EB
"Town Council Meeting", ts, 4pp, 5.1.38, BB
"Town Council", ms, 5pp, 5.1.38, EB, chart, details of topics and speakers
"Town Council", ms, 10pp, 2.2.38, [WH], meeting
"Town Council", ms, 2pp, 2.3.38, EB, Education Committee appointment
"Arrival of Town Clerk", ts, 2pp, 2.3.38, EB
"Council Meeting Town Hall", ms, 13pp, 2.3.38, AWV
"Council Meeting", ts, 3pp, 2.3.[38], FHC
"Town Council", ts, 2pp, 6.4.38, BB, timing of proceedings
"Report on Town Council Meeting", ts, 5pp, [6].4.38, FHC
"Council Meeting", ms, [?].6.38, LT
"Bolton Town Council Meeting", ms, 1p, 20.10.[38], EB
Untitled document, ms, 1p, EB, chart with details of Labour, Liberal and Conservative aldermen and councillors' speeches
"List of attendances of Member of the Town Council", printed chart, ts, 2pp, 9.11.35-21.10.36
Index cards (10), ms/ts, references to town council and councillors
38/D Mental health
Untitled document, ts, 5pp, report in letter form by Councillor James Vickers on the care and treatment of mental patients
"Scandal of our Mental Institutions", ts, 5pp, a report
Observer accounts
"Dance at Fishpool Institution", ts, 2pp, 7.1.[?], BB
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 4.8.37, EB, about an article in the Evening News
"Hell's Museum", ts, 9pp, 13.4.[?], WH, visit to Fishpool Mental Block
"Townley's. Mental Block", ts, 2pp, 13.4.38, CM
"Description of room - parlour of J [Forter] ... a warden at the Mental Hospital", ms, 4pp, 16.5.[?], WH
Index cards (4), ms, references to Fishpool
Newspaper cutting, about the shortage of nurses at Fishpool
39/A Research into the cotton industry
Paper folder containing
Letter from A. Jenkin, Tootal's Continuation School, to THH, ms, 1p, 14.9.37, arranging an appointment
Letter from A. Jenkin to Mr Smith, ts, 13pp, 23.4.[?], containing research material relating to the history of Bolton
Letter from A. Jenkin to THH, ts, 2pp, 26.5.[?], reference to Herbert J. Pollitt helping Mass-Observation with its research
Letter from A. Jenkin to [Walter] Hood, ts, 6pp, research material
Letter from A. Jenkin, ts, 2pp, recommending books for research
Letter from [P.F.] Lever to THH, ts, 1p, 4.5.38, arranging to meet for lunch and tea
Letter from Judith Mann to THH, ts, 1p, 4.5.38, arranging to meet
[Letter] from A. Jenkin, ts, 4pp, reference to book chapters and details of expenses [incomplete]
"Bolton's place in the World's Cotton Industry", ms/ts, 6pp
"America", ts, 30pp, research material
"Battle of Preston", ts, 1p, quote from J.R. Green's Short History of the English People
"Film at Saddle Hotel", ms, 3pp, 19.3.[?], a film showing "[?] Cotton"
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, about the cotton industry
Untitled document, ts, 27pp, about America and the anti-slavery movement
Magazine cutting, "How America Treats the Negro", The Listener
Index cards (4), references to the cotton industry
39/B Research for book on the cotton industry
Untitled document, ms/ts, 118pp, research material
Newspaper cutting, "Near bottom of list", about Bolton weavers' wages
39/C Research for book on the cotton industry
Booklet: Lancashire and the Future, about the cotton industry, advance proof copy, June 1937
Booklet: The Musgrave Spinning Co. Ltd, Atlas Mills, Bolton", illustrated booklet about the mill
Booklet: Swan Lane Spinning Co. (1920) Ltd. Bolton, souvenir, 1931
Booklet: Rules of the Power-Loom Weavers, Winders, Warpers, Reelers and Loom Sweepers' Association, Bolton and districts
Letter from Rober [?], to THH, ts, 1p, 27.4.38, arranging to meet THH at Newcastle
Observer accounts
"Parliamentary Debates", ms, 2pp, 4.11.37, [NC], about "The Condition of the People" debate in parliament
"Re. News Chronicle 13.12.37", ms, 3pp, 16.12.37, [WH]
"Collectors, Weavers Assn.", ts, 1p, list of collectors' names and addresses
Untitled document, ts, 4pp, 1.9.41, THH, "part of a report on industrial conditions in Bolton"
"Do you like your job", ms, 1p, chart with detailed comments from four people
"Table showing attitude of factory and non-factory workers to their jobs", ts, 1p
Newspaper cuttings (17)
39/D The Co-operative Movement and the National Co-operative Men's Guild
"The Co-operative Movement in Worktown", ts/ms, 34pp, a synopsis
Letter from Lambert E. Minion, President and Clifford C. Heath, Secretary, National Co-operative Men's Guild, Bolton Branch, to "Dear Comrade", ts, 1p, 12.37
Letter from The Unknown Mother to the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, MP, ts, 1p, printed 'open' letter
"Extracts from Whewell's Commercial and Household Almanac", ms, 1p, [WH]
39/E Historical material - Arkwright
"Arkwright", ms, 8pp, historical data from secondary sources
Misc, ts, 10pp, about the cotton industry
Misc, ts, 7pp, pages torn from books
39/F Samuel Crompton and Hall-I'Th-Wood
Booklets: Samuel Crompton and the Spinning Mule, (2)
Booklets: A Guide to Hall-I'Th-Wood Bolton, illustrated, (2)
Paper folders (7) containing detailed historical material from primary and secondary sources about the Crompton household
40/A Book drafts
"Work", ts, 23pp
"Work", ts, 19pp
"Work", ts, 24pp
"Work", ts, 34pp
40/B Mill work
Untitled document, ms, 117pp, 11.37, PB, detailed observations at Musgrave's Spinning Company
Letter from [PB] to THH, ms, 1p, enclosing "Lancashire", ms, 4pp, [PB], notes on the cotton industry
Observer accounts
"Cobden Mill, Draycott Street, Bolton", ms, 5pp, 5.4.-17.4.[?], PB
Untitled document, ms, 8pp, [PB]
"Carder's Notes", ms, 1p, [PB], list
"B & Co Mill, Davenport St.", ms, 3pp, 22.4.[?], WH
"Mosscroft, Chorley Old Road", ms, 11pp, 25.4.[?], [WH]
"Analysis of Jobs", ms, 3pp
Untitled document, ms, 14pp, various aspects of mill work
40/C Psychometry and anthropometry
Paper folder containing
Untitled document, ts/ms, 45pp, evolution of the human race i.e. physical appearances different 'races', includes some charts
Untitled document, ts, 17pp, as above
Untitled document, ts/ms, 9pp, the differences between groups i.e. English or French
Untitled document, ts/ms, 7pp, as above
"Bolton figures from census returns 1931", ts, 1p, (no source cited)
"Middle Class", ts, 1p, statistical data on employment
"List of industries", ts, 2pp, statistical data on areas of male and female employment
"Details of Industries", ts, 2pp, statistical data on different employment in industry
Misc, ts, 6pp
Magazine cuttings (2)
Misc, ts, 2pp torn from book
40/D Textile workers
Booklet: The Struggle of the Lancashire Textile Workers
"Lancashire at the Crossroads", ts, 2pp, a synopsis
"Notes from a conversation with Bert Fulham", ts, 1p, 26.7[?], THH
"The Industrial Depression in the Urban Districts of Aspull, Blackrod, Hindley, Horwich and Westhoughton", ts, 8pp, 10.36, a memorandum by Mr Rhys J. Davies, MP and submitted to the House of Commons
"Flyleaf", ts, 1p, quote from Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove, II, pp229, London 1929
Index cards (2), ms , reference to mills
Misc, ms/ts, 3pp
Newspaper cuttings (6)
Magazine cuttings "Child into Industry", The Listener, 27.4.38; "Cotton - What Next?", The Listener, 27.4.38; "Lancashire Cotton Results", The Investors' Chronicle, 8.1.38
40/E Textile workers
Observer accounts
"Report on questions to Piecers & Spinners", ms, 5pp
"A mother-in-law story", ms, 2pp, about a spinner and his mother-in-law who was living with him and his wife
"Friday Hardcastle", ms, 3pp, 25.6.[?], WH, visit to a mill
"Swan Lane Spinning Mills", ms, 8pp, AR
"Conversation in the park", ms, 3pp, 5.7.[?], DMH
"Surprise visit to Swan Lane Spinning Mills", ms, 13pp, 7.7.[?], DMH
40/F Collieries
Observer account
"Outlook at Ince Moss Colliery", ms, 10pp, 18.5.[?], WH
Index card (1), ms, reference to pit work
Daily Worker, newspaper, 11.5.38
Newspaper cuttings (2)
40/G Radio programme
"Cotton", ts/ms, 31pp, THH, 1937, script for BBC radio programme on the cotton industry
41/A Lists and maps
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, list of names and addresses
"Distribution of Shops, Houses, etc inspecial (sic) Area", list, ts, 1p, 17.2.40, JC
Untitled document, ts, 8pp, 4.2.40, GT, list, details of house and shops in particular streets
"Selected Area", ts, 7pp, 5.2.40, JC, list, details of shops in particular streets
"Extension to special area", ts, 5pp, 17.2.40, JC
"List of shops etc. special area", ts, 3pp
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, list of shops
Maps (3) hand-drawn (1 damaged), of special area
Maps (14), hand-drawn, 4.2.40-5.2.40, JC, of special area
41/B Report on opinion forming
"A study of Opinion-Forming in a Limited Area", ts, 3pp, 27.2.40, AH, a memo on work to be carried out
"Preliminary report on a study of Opinion Forming in a selected area", ts, 14pp, 2.40, [AH]
41/C Demography
"Special Area: Adult Population", ts, 1p, 25.2.40. GT, list of population total and occupations
"Area people", ts, 1p, 26.2.40, HN, observations and overheards
"Contacts. Special Area", ts, 1p, 26.2.40, AH
Untitled document, ms, 1p, GT, 14.2.40, comment made by Jack Fagan
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, demographic information about the various wards
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, details of the insured population (no official source cited)
41/D Interviews about savings
"Samples of families interviewed", ts, 1p, list with details of families
"Savings interviews. Bolton", ts, 20pp, 14.2.40, AH/JC
41/E Newspapers and the press
"Newspapers read. Special Area", ts, 1p
"Nat. News Figures 1939", ms, 1p, statistical data for daily, evening and Sunday newspapers, (no official source cited)
"Wireless", ms, 2pp, chart, statistical data on listening to news on the radio
Untitled document, ms, 1p, about radios
"Co-op Hall", ts, 5pp, 26.2.40, AH, questions asked at the end of a talk about the press
Handbill "Free Speech and Free Press", the Economic League
41/F Family and leisure
Observer accounts
"Attitude to child", ts, 1p, talk with Mr Whyttle
"Family Relations", ts, 2pp, interview with an unspecified family
"Details of an accident", ts, 1p, 18.4.39, GW, about a boy and a bicycle accident
"Leisure time", ts, 1p, brief details of a family's leisure activities
41/G Shop window advertisements and displays
Observer accounts
"Special Area. Bolton. Window Advertisements", ts, 2pp, 8.4.40, GT
"Shop windows: special area, ts, 21pp, 7.5.40, BA, details of shop window contents, some illustrated
41/H Posters in special area
"Posters. Special Area", ts, 132pp, 20.2.40, AH/JC/GT, illustrated details
41/I Religion
Observer account
"St. James Church. Waterloo St. Bolton", ts, 2pp, 18.2.40, AH, church service, with service sheet attached
"Special Area - Religion", ts, 2pp, 18.2.40, JC, church service
42/A The Wigan slasher
Observer accounts
"Wigan Slashing. Interview with tobacconist. Bibby's, Walthew Lane", ts, 2pp, 30.11.38, GJ/GE, attack on a young woman
"Wigan Slashing. Interview with sweetshop: Harrison, Walthew Lane", ts, 1p, 30.11.38, GJ/GE
"Wigan Slashers. Interview at newsagent and sweetshop", ts, 2pp, 30.11.38, GJ/GE
"Wigan Slasheer (sic). Interviews in Wigan", ts, 1p, 30.11.38, GJ/GE
"Slasher Gossip in Bolton", ts, 1p, 30.11.38, CM
"Wigan Slashers. Interview with brother of slashed girl", ts, 30.11.38, GJ/GE
Newspaper cutting, Daily Herald, 17.11.38
42/B Miscellaneous conversations and overheards
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, 30.3.36, conversation at The Naked Man cafe, Shipton
"Conversation in St. George's Rd", ms, 3pp, 14.2.[?], NC
"Dinner hour conversation at school", ms, 4pp, 14.3.37
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 16.3.[?], overheard comment
Untitled document, ms, 8pp, 22.3.37, conversation at girls' school staff meeting
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 23.3.[37], conversation at unspecified school
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 25.3.[37], conversation on a train to Shipton
"Saturday even. Mch 27th conversation among the wash-bowls", ms, 3pp, 27.3.[37]
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, 29.3.[37], conversations at a Yorkshire Dales Guest House
"Conversation on a road", ms, 10pp, 30.3.[37]
"Conversation in a bedroom for 6", ms, 2pp, 31.3.[37]
"Report of conversation held Sat. April 3rd in our house, early morning, and with people met in town", ms, 12pp, 3.4.[37]
"Conversation in train", ms,6pp, 1.4.[37]
"Talk around Bradshawgate, Deansgate and Town Hall", ts, 3pp, 23.4.[37]
"Conversation overheard at the Annual Exhibition of "The Attic Club", the Manchester Society of Women Artists", ms 3pp, 28.4.[37]
"A dinner time conversation", ms, 14pp
"Conversation around fire of common room", ms, 7pp
Untitled document, ms, 14pp, conversation between Mrs. Duncan, from South Africa and five other people
"Bedroom conversation just before lunch time", ms, 2pp
"Around Town", ms, 3pp, 25.6.[37], WH, overheards
"Victory Hotel", ms, 1p, 7.8.37, EL, overheards
"Grouse-Shooting", ms, 1pp, 12.8.[37], WH, talk given in John Brown Street Labour Club
"Street Row", ms, 1p, 21.8.37, EL
"Conversations", ms, 2pp, 22.10.37, SPB
"Conversation in town", ms, 3pp, 22.10.37
Untitled document, 2pp, ms, 23.10.37, LT, overheard comments
"Topics of conversation", ms, 3pp, 27.10.37, PB/AB/EB
"Conversations", ms, 1p, 29.10.[37], EB, list of topics
"On top of no. 1 bus from Eskrick Street to Victoria Square", ts, 1p, 29.4.38, overheard comments and conversation
"Conversation in train Euston-Bolton", ms, 3pp, 2.7.38, DMH
"Adults and children in the streets from 11.30 to 12.45 pm", ms, 23.7.38, JLW
"Conversations", ts, 1p, 8.11.38
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, WH, conversation in a train
"Conversation", ms, 1p
Misc, ms, 1p
42/C Labour Exchange
Letter from Harry Roscoe to Mr. Jackson, ms, 1p, unemployed young man suffering from "neurosis" asking for advice
Letter from A. Barlow to THH, ms, 1p, 18.2.[?], enclosing a report "Unemployment Exchange", ms, 3pp, about a day's work there
"Official Unemployment Figures 1938", ms, 1p, LT, (no source cited)
Observer accounts
"A Brush with the Bureaucrats", ms, 11pp (lacks p11)
"Labour Exchange", ms, 1p [JW]
"Labour Exchange", ms, 1p, 19.3.37, [JW]
"Labour Exchange", ms, 5pp, 31.3.37, [JW]
"Labour Exchange", ms, 2pp, 2.2.37, JW
"Exchange", ms, 11pp, 2.4.37, JW
"Labour Exchange", ms, 3pp, 7.4.37, JW
"Unemployed Concert", ms, 1p, 13.4.37, [incomplete]
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 25.4.[37], [JW], at the Labour Exchange
"Labour Exchange", ms, 9pp, 28.4.[37], THH
"Labour Exchange", ms, 3pp, 30.4.[37], [JW]
"Labour Exchange", ms, 6pp, 30.4.[37], JW
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 5.5.[37], [JW], Joe Willcock asking for an appeal form
"Labour Exchange", ms, 1p, 26.5.[37], [JW]
"Comparative Behaviour", ts, 2pp, 10.6.37, PNH, at the Labour Exchange, Flash St. Special School and Ormrod and Hardcastle's Mill
"Labour Exchange", ms, 2pp, 9.6.[37], JLW
"Employment Exchange", ms, 1p, 26.8.37, EL
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, 21.9.37, details of benefits cases to be heard at court
Ministry of Labour forms (5)
Booklet: End this colossal waste, about unemployment
Index cards (9), ms, Labour Exchange
Card "Bolton Unemployed Welfare Association", invitation to an Xmas Party
Misc, ms, 1p
42/D General follows and day surveys
Observer accounts
"Trailing", ms, index cards (4), 2.5.38
"Bolton Day Survey. Friday 22.3.38, Moss Field Hill, Vernon Street", ts, 2pp, BCP, activities and count at the mill
"Bolton Day Survey. 22.4.38, Case Histories. People going from West Ward", ts, 3pp, BCP, follows
"Bolton Day Survey. 22.4.38, Children, Step-Washing", ts, 3pp, BCP, illustrated
"People Followed", ts, 7pp, 22.4.38, JS
"Follows", ms, 3pp, 22.4.38, LT
"Follow", ts, 1p, 22.4.[38], JS
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 2.5.38, BR, follows
"Follow", ms, 3pp, 5.5.[38], WH
"Follow", ms, 2pp, 15.5.[38], WH
42/E Pets and RSPCA
Paper folder containing
Booklet: A survey of the case against Vivisection, 1936
Booklet: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Forty-fourth Annual Report, year ending 31.12.36
Observer accounts
Index card, ms, what people do with their pets when they go away
"Poultry", ms, 20.3.[?], THH, about poultry keeping
"RSPCA at the Civic Centre", ms, 7pp, 16.4.37
"Dog Shelter, Vernon St", ms, 3pp, 5.1.38, LT
"Vernon St. Dogs Home", ms, 3pp, 5.5.38, LT
"Interview with the RSPCA officer", ms, 1p, 6.5.38, LT
Index cards (2), ms, THH, reference to anti-vivisection
42/F Transport
Observer accounts
Index cards (9), ts/ms, about transport
"Transport", ts, 1p, 28.11.39, GT
"Transport", ts, 1p, 29.11.39, GT
"Trams", ts, 1p, count and overheard comment
"County Borough of Bolton. Transport Department, Tenders for scrap metal, February 1938", ts, 1p, index card attached
42/G Territorial Army and drill hall
Observer accounts
"Fifty Third Bolton Field Brigade R.A. (T.A.)", ts, 8pp, 15.2.[?], FHC
"Drill Hall Territorial Display", ms, 8pp, 16.2.38, APW
"Drill Hall", ms, 9pp, 16.2.38, AVW
"Conversation at Drill Hall", ms, 10pp, 16.2.38, NC
42/H Rude stories, swearing, jokes and graffiti
Observer accounts
"Tinton Heights", ms, 1p. 23.1[?], graffiti
"The Farting Contest", 26.2.[?], JS, a rhyme
"Dirty Stories", ts, 2pp, 19.4.[?], JS, cigarette card attached
Untitled document, ms, 1p, 21.5.37, THH, comment about not hearing a dirty story in a pub
"Bog Graphiti" (sic), ts, 4pp, 4.3.38, JAS
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, 7.3.38, JAS, swearing in various hotels and pubs
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 9.3.38, JAS, swearing around town
"Bog Graphiti" (sic), ts, 1p, 9.3.38, JAS, Heaton Cemetery, Queens Park lavatory, lavatory near Rialto Cinema
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 10.3.38, JAS, swearing in the streets
"Swearing in Pubs on Sundays", ts/ms, 4pp, 13.3.38, JAS
"Is the Bible right?", ms, 4pp, an attempt to give a scientific basis to 'piss' and 'shit', ms, 4pp
Untitled document, ts, 1p, typed notice about a play "The Emporor (sic) Jones", possibly giving offence and being unsuitable for children
Untitled document, ts, 1p, six 'rude' ditties
Letter from Peter Jackson to THH, ms, 2pp, 29.12.37, enclosing "Miss Pine's Speech in the House of Commons on the Suffrage Question", ms, 2pp, 12.37, unintentionally amusing use of language
42/I The weather
Observer accounts
"Weather", ms, 3pp, 7.11.37, LT
"Weather", ms, 12pp, 22.11.37-24.11.37, LT
"Weather", ms, 3pp, 29.11.37, LT
"Weather", ms, 3pp, 6.12.37, LT
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 19.4.[37], WH, brief discussion in two pubs about the weather and its affect on business
"Weather", ms, 1p, 6.12.37, chart
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 19.4.38, HH, conversation in two pubs about business and the weather
"Landlord School Hill", index card, ms, conversation about the weather and business
Index card, ts, 19.4.38, JS, questions about the weather put to landlady and landlord in two pubs
Index card, ms, 23.10.37, PB
Index cards (2), ms, 14.8.37, EL, references to the weather
42/J Ideal Homes and Happy Homes Exhibitions
Observer accounts
"Ideal Home Exhibition", ts, 1p, 2.6.[?], JS
"Happy Homes Exhibition", ms , 2pp. 25.9.[?], EB
"Happy Homes Exhibition", index card, ms, 22.9.[37], about lottery for Ford 8 car
"Trades Exhibition", ms, 5pp, 22.9.37, EL
"Visit to the Happy Homes Exhibition", ts, 1p, 29.9.37, JM-J
"Stand 43 Paul Clive, Jokes and Novelties", ts, 23.9.37, JL
"Entertainment provide at the happy homes exhibition", ts/ms, 5pp, 2.10.37, JM-J
Magazine Happy Homes, Bolton Chamber of Trade Journal
Leaflet: "Furniture at Boardman's for Modern Homes"
42/K Rag and Bones and Irish Haymaking
Observer accounts
"Rag & Bones", ms, 2pp, 9.4.[?], THH
"Queen's Rd [?? ??] St.", ms, 5pp, 11.4.[?], THH, about rag and bones trade
"Irish Haymaking", ms, 3pp, 18.7.[?], WH
42/L Happiness
"Questions to be asked of the material", ts, 8pp, questions, responses and notes on research into happiness
"Continuation of Conversation on Happiness", ms, 4pp, 13.7.[?], DMH
Untitled document, ms, 19pp, statistical charts - data analysis
42/M Life stories
Untitled document, ms/ts, 31pp, Tom Honeyford's autobiography and typed transcript, 21pp, (incomplete)
"Edgeworth Village", ms, 11pp, 13.7.[?], JLW, an account of a family called Greenwood
"Upperclass Drunk", ts, 20.6.[?], [JS], an account of an evening with the Tillotsons
43/A Public Library
Observer account
"Public Library", ms, 2pp, AVW, 15.2.38
43/B The Bolton Citizen
The Bolton Citizen, 2.38, published by the Bolton Labour Party
43/C The Pleids Society and newspaper survey
"The Pleids Society and Intellectuals in Bolton", ts, 12pp, about the intellectual life in Bolton
Untitled document, ms, 99pp, 17.1.48-2.2.48, 99 replies to a newspaper questionnaire survey
43/D Political publications
Booklet: International Policy and Defence, National Council of Labour, Leicester Co-operative Printing Society Ltd
Booklet: Tomorrow, 8.38, Vol 1, No 3, The London and Norwich Press, Ltd., and the Liberal Publication Department
Booklet: The Liberal News, 8.38. No 3, Metchim & Son, Ltd., and the Liberal Publication Department
43/E BBC radio programme
Letter from Guy Burgess to THH, ts, 1p, 4.8.38, about arrangements for the broadcast and commenting on the submitted script
"What the painter thinks about the public - what the public thinks about his painting", ms, 31pp, THH, synopsis for radio programme
Newspaper cuttings (3)
43/F Art exhibitions
Observer accounts
"Mere Hall Park and Museum", ms, 1p, 9.4.[?], [PJ], visit to the art gallery
"Moss Bank Pastel Exhibition", ms, 10pp, 7.6.[?], WH
"Conversation with official at Mere Hall Art Gallery", ms, 4pp, 9.7.38, DMH, programme attached
"Art Exhibition at Bolton Art School", ms, 6pp, 14.7.[?], WH
"Inventory of Pictures in Mere Hall Museum", ms, 5pp, 1.8.[?], WH, illustrated
"Mere Hall Art Gallery", ms, 1p, 28.8.38, WH
Index cards (4), ms, references to art gallery, museum and picture shop
43/G Paintings and painters
Index cards (15), ms/ts, references to painters and paintings
Black and white photographs (8), of paintings by Hastings, "Nuns on Hampstead Heath"; fresco, "Hop pickers"; Cezanne, portrait of a man; Roland Penrose, "The balance of weaknesses", "Sunday Friendship" and "The Pilot"; Stephen Bone, "Port of London"; and a portrait of a woman
Untitled document, ms, 1p, list of paintings in photographs
"Choice Reproductions selected by the Committee of The Print Academy, catalogue and order form, T. Bromley & Son Ltd., Fine Art Dealers, Booksellers, Stationers, etc.
"How I look at Modern Painting", article by Anthony Blunt, The Listener, 14.7.38
Four pages torn from art magazines
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, 30.7.[?], WH chart with comments on paintings
Paper folder containing
"Quid Adeamus? Continuity of Ideas", ts, 1p, comments from Dr. Longstaff, Michael Spender, Tom Harrisson, H.P. Smolka and G.W. Young
Untitled document, ms/ts, 12pp, [WH], people's comments about paintings
Untitled document, ms, 1p, chart with comments about paintings
44/A Social conditions and housing
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, list of houses and rent per week
"The change in psychology of workers caused by change in environment", ts, 1p, 2.2.37, GT summary of a talk with Jack Fagan
"The Social Condtion of the County Borough of Bolton", ms, 4pp, an essay
Observer accounts
"The Housing Estate", ms, 6pp
"Transition from Street Dwelling to Housing Estate", ms, 7pp
"Co-operative House or Slum?", ts, 2pp
"Peter Jackson's sisters", ms, 2pp, 2.4.[?], THH, corporation housing
"Full Day of Ordinary Day Life", ms, 4pp, 26.4.38, BR
"Mrs Caldwell. Questions", ms, 5pp, 28.4.[?], WH, about daily routine
"Grices Home", ms, 23pp, 29.4[?], WH, illustrated description of home and answers to questions
"Answers to Questions. Mrs. Duckworth", ms, 6pp, 30.4.[?], WH
"Life on a Corporation Housing Estate", ms, 3pp, 5.5.38, BR, with hand drawn street map
Untitled document, ms, 8pp, 7.5.38, BR, illustrated description of unspecified house
"Description of Crossley's front room 45A Tonge Moor Road", ms, 8pp, 19.7.[?], WH
"Front room of house in Bradford St", ts, 2pp
Letter from Ernest Letchford, ms 4pp, (lacks pp1 and 2), about housing problem
44/B A description of the memorable Sieges and Battles in the North of England ....., J. Drake, Bolton, 1785
44/C Lancashire in Prose and Verse, Elkin Matthews & Marrot, Ltd., London, R.H. Case, 1930
44/D Bolton as it is and as it might be, Tillotson & Son Ltd., and B.F. Batsford Ltd, London, illustrated
44/E The Book of Bolton, Tillotson (Bolton) Ltd., Bolton and London, illustrated
44/F Street life
Letter from BB to THH, ts, 2pp, 18.2[?], results of street survey and enclosing 7 graphs with statistical data from the street survey
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ms, 12pp, 14.10[?], [interviews] with 15 residents in [Powell Street], includes voting behaviour and newspaper read
"A day in the life of a street", ts, 13pp, Davenport Street M-O's Bolton headquarters
"Class distinctions in our street", ms, 9pp, 21.9.37, EL
Index cards (2), street observations
45/A Typescripts
"Dream", ts, 17pp
"Machines", ts, 20pp
"And on the Seventh Day", ts, 6pp
45/B Holiday questionnaire
Untitled document, ms, 55pp, 30.6.47, [AVL], replies to an 11-point questionnaire
45/C Holidays and excursions
Observer accounts
"Bolton Station", ms, 1p, GN
"Bolton Holidays", ms, 2pp, 25.6.37, JM-J
"Holidays start", ts, 3pp, 25.6.[?], THH
"Bolton Holidays", ms, 1p, 25.6.37, JM-J
"Bolton Holidays", ms, 2pp, 26.6.37, JM-J, the bus station
"Trip to Llandudno", ms, 40pp, 26.6.[?], JW
"Trip to Durham", ms, 12pp, 27.6.[?], WH
"Bolton Holidays", ms, 5pp, 27.6.37, JM-J, trip to New Brighton
"Observations concerning Bolton's 'Exodus'", ms, 8pp, 27.6.37, [PJ]
"Blackpool excursion", ms, 26pp, 30.6.[?], JW
"Douglas Isle of Man", ms, 24pp, WH, (lacks p6)
"Southport Trip", ms, 1.7.[?], 18pp JW
"Bus excursion to Morecambe", ms, 2.7.37, 5pp, JM-J,
"Morecambe Trip", ms, 19pp, 2.7.[?], JW
Untitled document, ms,4pp, 3.7.37, [FFH], returning from holiday
"Bolton Stn. platforms 1 and 2", ms, 2pp, 3.7.37, FHC
"Trinity Street Station", ms, 2pp, 3.7.37, DSJ
"Taxis after train coming into Trinity St.", ms, 1p, 3.7.[?]
"Bolton Station", 11pp, 3.7.[?], [BEI]
"Trinity Street Station exits", ms, 2pp, 4.7.37
Untitled document, ms, 6pp, details of various tours in Britain and abroad from Bolton
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, lists with details of train journeys and price of ticket
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, reference to attached sheets, "Bolton Town Holidays", ts/ms, 5pp, 25.6.37-27.6.37, giving details of train journeys
Letter from C. Ormerod, General Manager, Transport Department, County Borough of Bolton, to CM, ts, 1p, 21.1.39, enclosing list "Inward journeys only", ts, 1p, showing number of passengers from Monday to Friday
Letter (copy), from [CM] to [C. Ormerod], ts, 1p, 25.1.39, thanking Mr Ormerod for the information supplied and asking for further figures (damaged)
Timetables (3), "Whitsuntide Holidays, 1939"; "Cheap half-day and evening trips, May 1939"; "Programme of Additional trains for monthly & day excursion bookings 25.6.37-3.7.37, LMS
"LMS Restaurant Car", 1p, ts, menu
Leaflet: "Have you decided on your holidays this year?" advertising Great Yarmouth and Gorleston-on-Sea
45/D Holidays and excursions
Observer accounts
"Conversation in carriage. Wigan to Liverpool", ms, 2pp, 18.3.37, WH
"Conversations in Bolton-Blackpool Train", 3pp, 15.4.[?], BB
"Travelling to Blackpool", ms, 7pp, 13.4.[?], WH
"Conversations in the train going", ms, 9pp, 16.4.[?], LT
"Train (Excursion) leaving Trinity Street Station", ms, 8pp, 14.5.[?], WH
"Excursion 6 p.m. to Blackpool", ms, 1p, [WH]
"Bolton Holidays", ms, 3pp, 25.6.37, JM-J, Trinity Street Station
"Trinity Street", ms, 4pp, 25.6.[?], WH, (incomplete lacks pp1-2)
"Trinity Street Station", ms, 27pp, 25.6.[?], JW
"Saturday Afternoon", ms, 3pp, WH, Trinity Street Station
"Trinity Street S.", ms, 3pp, 26.6.[?], WH
"Evening train to Southport", ms, 6pp, 22.8.[?], RP
"Station Behaviour", ts, 2pp, 5.9.37, SM
"Central Station", ms/ts, 3pp, 5.9.[?], BB, with ts copy 4pp
"Sunday Evening Central Station", ts, 5.9.[?], HH
"Return journey from Blackpool to Bolton", ms, 4pp, 6.9.37, EL (lacks pp2 & 4)
"North Station", ms, 1p, 8.9.[?], BB, count
"North Station", ms, 5pp, WEM, children's behaviour and conversation
"Remarks on the Central Station", ts, 2pp, 8.9.[?], JW
"Holidays", ms, 1p, brief details of how long people go away for
"Westhoughton Council School Holidays - September 1937", ms, 1p, 19.1.37, chart
"Conversation in train", ts, 24.10.37
"Train journey from Liverpool to Bolton", 3pp, 7.1.38
"Railway Trips", ms, 1p, 30.4.38, LT
"Blackpool by Ribble Bus and Group follows", ms, 15.4.38
"Groups leaving for Blackpool", ms, 5pp, 14.5.38, WH
"Excursion to Blackpool", ms, 1p, 14.5.38, DJ
"Holiday traffic. Bolton", ts, 1p, 29.7.40, AH
"Bolton holiday", ts, 1p, 29.7.40, BA, about holiday traffic
"Average Day Excursions", ms, 1p, details of trips and statistical data on the types of tickets sold
Paper folder containing
"Holiday interviews", ts, 4pp, Ri
"Interviews where to for holidays, holiday clubs etc", ts, 6pp, 23.6.39
"Street interviews", ts, 4pp, 23.6.39, SS, about holidays
"Street interviews", ts, 1p, 23.6.[39], CM, about holidays
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 6.39, JM, about holidays and holiday clubs
Index card, ms, 23.6.[39], GW, follows and questions for street interviews
Paper folder containing
"Marks and Spencers: Commodities", ts, 2pp, 10.8.39, GT, details of items for sale
"Woolworths Counters", ts, 2pp, 19.8.39, GT, details of items for sale
Paper folder containing
"Woolworths: Counter observation. Gents holiday wear!", ts, 2pp, 22.6.39. GT
"Marks and Spencers: counter observation. Sports shirts & ties", ts, 3pp,22.6.39 GT
"Observation of case stall", ts, 1p, 22.6.39
"Frock Stall observation in M & S", ts, 1p, 22.6.39
"Stall observation scarfs M & S and W", ts, 1p, 23.6.1939
"Counts on the scarf stall in M & S and W", ts, 1p, 23.6.39
"Woolworths: toilets for holidays: counter observation", ts, 2pp, 23.6.39, GT
"Marks and Spencers. Shoes (suedette)", ts, 1p, 23.6.39, GT
"Marks and Spencers swim suits. Counter observersation", ts, 1p, 23.6.39, GT
"Counter observations Woolworths", ts, 3pp, 23.6.39, SS
"Counter observations Woolworths", ts, 3pp, 24.6.39, SS
"Stall observation in Coop Knowsley Street", ts, 3pp, [25].6.[39]
"Counter observation Coop Oxford Street", ts, 1p, 24.6.39
Paper folder containing
"Deansgate", ts, 2pp, 21.6.39, holiday preparations
"Signs of holiday preparation in Bradhsawgate(sic)", ts, 22.6.39
"Woolworths Counters", ts, 1p, 22.6.39
"Marks and Spencers holiday goods", ts, 1p, 22.6.39
"Diary of observation", ts, 7pp, 22,6,39-8.7.39, GT
"Woolworth impression", ts, 1p, 24.6.39
"Impressionistic survey of a few big shops at 3.30 p.m.", ts, 24.6.[39]
"Co-op Oxford St.", ts, 1p, 29.6.39, SS
"Co-op Oxford Street", ts, 1p, 29.6.39, RR
Handbills (9), "Now for the holidays!", promoting Bolton shops for holiday purchases issued by Bolton Chamber of Trade Ltd
Untitled document, ms, list of holiday related words, i.e. nature, countryside, escape, money
"Liverpool Survey of Merseyside", ts, 1p, about leisure
Misc, ts, 6pp, about holidays and happiness
Newspaper cuttings (2)
Index cards (2), ms, references to holidays and [train times]
46/A Holidays questionnaires
"Analysis of Holidays with Pay Questionnaire. Question 6", ts, 1p, 5.2.[?], FHC
"Spirit of Holiday", ms, 1p, chart
Untitled document, ms, 1p, chart, comparative analysis of type of holiday and holiday resorts
Letter, from James S. Whittaker, ts, 1p, incorporating a questionnaire about holidays
Handbill, "Win £5 cash for your holidays now!", James Whittaker inviting people to write in about how they spent day of their September holidays
46/B Holiday competition
Letters (134) in response to James Whittaker's competition
46/C Holiday competition
Letters (147) in response to James Whittaker's competition
46/D Holiday competition
Letters (141) in response to James Whittaker's competition
46/E Holiday competition
Letters (142) in response to James Whittaker's competition
47/A Leisure
Observer account
"Report on Saturday afternoon", ts, 3pp, 28.8. [?], THH
"Ballet Dancing", ms, 11pp, PJ, 23.10.[?], the Madge Watson School of Dancing, ticket attached
47/B Bolton Women Citizens' Association
Leaflet: Bolton Women Citizens' Association, syllabus of meetings from 9.37-12.37
Leaflet: Bolton Women Citizens' Association, about the Association
Programmes (3), Bolton Women Citizens' Association, social evening on 25.11.[?]
Booklets (3), The Bolton Women Citizens' Association, 18th, 19th and 28th Report and Balance Sheet for the years 1936, 1937 and 1946
Programme (1), Bolton Women Citizens' Association, details of meetings from 1.47-4.47
Observer accounts
"Women Citizens' Annual Report", ms, 1p, AC, chart of [subscriptions]
"Meeting of the Bolton Women Citizens' Association", ts, 2pp, 18.11.37, ZB
"Bolton Women's Citizen's Ass.", ts, 10pp, 25.11.[37], JW, meeting
"Meeting of Womens Citizen's Association", ms, 3pp, 15.2.38, APW
"Women Citizens Annual Meeting", ms, 4pp, 22.2.38, AVW
"Debate at the Women Citizens Hall", ts, 8pp, 15.3.38, BCP
Untitled document, 1p, ms, list of social events, meetings, speakers and attendances
Index cards (2), ts, references to Womens Citizens' Association
47/C Boys and lads clubs
Booklet: Principles and Aims of the Boys' Club Movement, The National Association of Boys' Clubs, London
Booklets: (2), Bolton Lads' Club Report for the year ending 30.6.45 and 56th Annual Report for the year ending 30.9.46
Bolton Lads' Club membership card, 1946-47, with details of annual subscriptions
Annual Report 1944-5, National Association of Boys' Clubs, London
Leaflet: "Today the raw material. Tomorrow - ?", about Bolton Lads' Club
Record card, "Bolton Lads' Club"
Observer account
"Bolton Lads Club", ms, visit to club
47/D Girls' recreation club
Booklet: Girls' Recreation Club, 55th Annual Report 1942
Observer account
"Girls Recreations Club, Bolton, ms, 1p, visit
47/E Societies and clubs
Booklet: Grand United Order of Oddfellows Friendly Society, 1938 directory and reference book
Booklets (3), Grand United Order of Oddfellows Friendly Society, agenda and annual reports for October 1939, February 1946 and March 1947
Booklet: Grand United Order of Oddfellows, annual balance sheet 31.12.46, for "British Queen" Lodge
Grand United Order of Oddfellows, quarterly magazine, 6.47
Leaflets (3), You Can Reap a Harvest; Happy at 65!; What of their future - is it secure?, produced by the Independent Order of Rechabites
Leaflets (8), Juvenile Endowment Tables; Independent Order of Rechabites The Juvenile Section of the Order; Security Health and Happiness; Independent Order of Rechabites for Boys and Girls; Far-Seeing, produced by the Independent Order of Rechabites
"Independent Order of Rechabites", ts, 1p, 5.1.38 about the history of the Order
"[R.]A.O.B, ms, 2pp, about the Buffaloes Society
"Rotary Club of Bolton", ts, 8pp, alphabetical list of names and addresses
Observer accounts
"Rechabites. Ind. Order of. Bolton and District", ms, 5.1.38, interview with Mr E.E. Lord, secretary
"Buffs", ms, 1p, 1.2.38, JS, meeting with 'R' a member
"Buffs", ts, 11pp, 8.2.[38], JS, about becoming a member
"Buffs", ts, 4pp, 15.2.[38], [JS], membership rituals and admittance procedure
"Buffs. Railway Hotel", ts, 1p, 19.2.[38], JS, meeting
"Buffs", ts, 3pp, 22.2.38, JS meeting at Hen and Chickens pub
47/F The Christian Alliance of Women and Girls
Booklet: For Such a Time as This, the Christian Alliance of Women and Girls annual report 1946-47
The C.A.W.G. Magazine, 7.47, Vol XVI, No 7
Members' Hand-Book, Christian Alliance of Women and Girls
47/G The Historical Association
Observer account
"Historical Association", ms, 4pp, 25.5.[?], THH, annual general meeting
47/H Bolton Guild of Help
Observer account
"Bolton Guild of Help", ms, 2pp, work being done, helping a man with a gambling problem
Booklet: The Bolton Guild of Help, 41st Annual Report, 1946
47/I Associations, friendly societies and clubs
Observer account
"Mother and Child Welfare Assoc. Bolton", ms, 1p, visit
Booklet: Bolton Mother & Child Welfare Association, 38th Annual Report, 1.4.46-31.3.47
Bolton & District Old Age Pensioners Association, membership card with details of subscriptions
"The New Birmingham Friendly Society", ts, 1p, balance sheet for the year ending 14.12.46
The New Birmingham Friendly Society, membership card
Booklet: Rules of the New Birmingham Friendly Society, August 1935
Booklet: National Deposit Friendly Society Rules
Leaflet and membership application form for the Reform Club, Bolton
Programme, Bolton Choral Union, details of programme for 1946-47
47/J Peace Week, Peace Pledge and China Relief Fund
Leaflet: Bolton Peace Week, 21.9.-27.9.36, programme of events and meetings
Letter from H. Shaw, Secretary, Bolton Peace Week Committee to "Dear Friend", ts, 1p, 5.4.37, about a committee meeting and the return of collecting cards
Observer accounts
"Peace Week Committee Meeting", ms, 6pp, 2.4.[?], THH
"Peace-Pledge Union Meeting held in [Hames] Hotel", ms/ts, 9pp, 30.7.[?], WH
"Peace Pledge Union Meeting", ms, 8pp, 27.1.38, [PJ]
"Meeting organised by the Council Co Christian Congregations......for relief of distress in China", ts, 1p, 28.3.[?], FHC
Leaflet: The Lord Mayor's Fund for relief of distress in China
Letter from W.J. Havelock Davison; G. Roger Woodhams and W.A. Jones, Bolton & District China Relief Fund, to "Dear Sir or Madam", ts. 1p, about the Fund's work and inviting people to special meetings
48/A Pantomimes and shows
Programme: "Little Bo Peep", The Grand, 27.12.37
Observer accounts
"Pantomime", ts, 4pp, 1.1.[38], BB, the Grand Theatre
"Pantomime at Bolton", ts, 5pp, 6.1.[38], HH, the Grand
"Music Hall: Lido, Baradhawgate (sic), Bolton", ts, 14pp, 14.1.39, various acts, programme attached
"Little Theater (sic) Manager's speech in interval", ts, 2pp, 17.11.39, JC, programme attached
"Impressions of Lido Christmas Panto", ts, 2pp, 30.12.39, JC
48/B Carnivals, fairs and annual shows
Observer accounts
"Kearsley Carnival", ts, 6pp, 18.6.[?], THH
"Bolton Fair", ms, 12pp, 29.6.[?], JW
"The Fair", ms, 4pp, 29.6.[?], WH
"The Fair - Cycle race", ms, 2pp, 29.6.[?], WH
"Coconut Shy", ms, 4pp, 30.6.-1.7.37, JM-J
"Report on Carnival Crowd Reactions", ms, 5pp, TB
"Infirmary Carnival", ms, 5pp, 14.8.37, EL, 2 handbills attached
"Prize Giving Infirmary Carnival", ms, 10p, 14.8.37, JLW, programme attached
"Bolton Carnival", ms, 39pp, 14.8.[37], WH
"Christmas Fair: Bolton", ts, 5pp, 2.1.38, GT
"Bolton Fair", ms, 3pp, 7.1.38, follows
"Billy the Pig, the Largest Pig in the World", ts, 3pp, 8.1.38, DJ
"The Mask Freak Uka", ts, 3pp, 8.1.38, DJ
"Hot Strip Tease at the Fair at Bolton", ts, 1p, 8.1.[38], DJ
"Christmas Fair: Bolton", ts, 1p, 3.1.39, GT
"New Year Fair: Bolton", ts, 5pp, 7.1.39
"Observation Fair", ts, 4pp, [7].1.39, GW
"Fair", ts, 2pp, 7.1.39, GW
"Holiday Week Fair", ts, 1p, 3.7.39
"Bolton Buderigar (sic) and F.E. Society", ts, 6pp, 11.12[37], JW, annual show, ticket attached
"Annual Chrysanthenum (sic) Show", ts, 2pp, 19.11.37, ZB
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, about chrysanthemums
Letter from [DK] to THH, enclosing "Strip tease in the Orient", ts, 1p and a page torn from a book
"Carmen's Parisian Mysteries", ts, 17pp, [incomplete lacks p1], about strip tease
Index cards (2) ms/ts, references to the carnival
"A modern melodrama", ts, 1p, story about a father and his teenage daughter
48/C Dance halls and dances
"Mass-Observation Report on a Worktown Dance Hall", ts, 16pp, 13.2.40, AH
Observer accounts
"The Palais de Danse", ms, 1p, 20.3.37, WH
"Palais de Danse", ms, 7pp, 25.3.[37], WH
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, 25.3.[37], [WH], [lacks pp1-5]
"Palais de Danse", ms, 5pp, 29.3.[37], WH
"The Co-operative (Comrades Circle) Dance", ms, 7pp, 31.3.[37], WH
"Imps Dance in [Daly] Hall", ms, 6pp 31.3.[37], THH
"Observations of Saturday night", ms, 6pp, 3.4.37, TB
"St. Peter's and St. Paul's Dance", ms, 5pp, 3.4.[37], WH/TB
"Notes and Impressions of Bright St. Labour Club Dance", ms, 2pp, [WH]
"Palais de Danse", ms, 3pp, 13.4.[?], THH
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 28.4.[37], JS, questions put to girls the observer danced with
"Savoy Dance Hall", ts, 1p, 29.4.[37], JS
"Aspin Hall", ms, 1p, 22.5.[?], THH
"General Impressions", ms, 2pp, 13.7[37], WH, girls in the Palais
"St. Thomas's School, Halliwell", ms, 5pp, 28.8.[37], JW, dance
"Aspin Hall", ms, 4pp, 21.8.37, RP, dance
"Transport and General Workers Dance", ms, 3pp, 5.11.[37], WH
"Winter Gardens", ts, 7pp, RE, afternoon dance, index card attached
"Astoria Palais de danse", ms, 15.12.37, BW
"Nat. League of Blind Dance", ms, 2pp, 4.2.38
"Description and impressions of the Savoy Dance Hall, Deansgate", ts, 2pp, 2.3.38, JAS
"St. Patrick's Eve Dance", ms, 2pp, 16.3.38, WH
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, 2.4.38, WH, an evening with a friend, drinking and dancing
"Bolton Palais de Danse", ms, 3pp, 27.4.38
"Learners Night Palais-de-Danse", ms, 6pp, 21.6.38, WH
"Harken Night at the Aspin Hall", ms, 6pp, 13.7.38, BB
"Palais-de-Danse", ms, 2pp, 14.7.38, WH
"Palais-de Danse", ms, 12pp, 13.7.38, WH
"Empress Hall", ts, 1p, 15.7.38, JW
"Nos. for various dances", 8pp, [THH], unspecified dance hall
Index card, ms, reference to dance hall
Newspaper cutting
48/D Dance and dances halls
Observer accounts
"Astoria Palais de Danse Bolton", ts, 9pp, 18.12.39, AH, programme attached
"Palais, Bolton", ts, 2pp, 19.12.39, AH
"Spinners Hall Dance. Bolton", ts, 12pp, 30.12.39, AH
"New Year's Dance. Palais. Bolton", ts, 11pp, 1.1.40., AH
"Notice outside Spinners Hall", ts, 1p, 3.1.40,
"Manager of Palais Bolton, by Mrs Duckworth", ts, 1p, 3.1.40, AH
"Dance addresses", ts, 1p, 4.1.40, AH
"Manager, Aspin Hall, Bolton", ts, 18pp, 8.1.40, AH
"Aspin Hall. Learner's Night. Bolton", ts, 7pp, 8.1.40, AH
"Floral Hall. Bolton", ts, 5pp, 9.1.40, AH, illustrated
"Aspin Hall", ts, 1p, 10.1.40, AH, count
"Aspin Hall, Bolton", ts, 4pp, 221.40, AH
"Aspin Hall", ts, 5pp, 24.1.40, AH
"Aspin Hall", ts, 1p, 27.1.40, AH
"Aspin Hall Saturday night", ts, 3pp, 27.1.40, AH, dances and couples, conversations and overheards
"Aspin Hall Thursday night", ts, 4pp, 1.2.40, AH, dances and couples, conversations and overheards
"Aspin Hall Friday evening", ts, 4pp, 2.2.40, AH, overheards and conversations
"Aspin Hall Saturday night", ts, 3pp, 3.2.40, HN, overheards
"Dance school", ts, 1p, 4.2.40, AH, poster on door window
"Aspin Hall Tues night", ts, 3pp, 6.2.40, AH, overheards
"Aspin Hall Wed night", 3pp, 7.2.40, AH, overheards
"Aspin Hall", ts 2pp, 7.2.40, JC, overheards
"Aspin Hall. Thurs. night", ts, 2pp, 8.2.40, AH
"Aspin Hall. Sat. night", ts, 2pp, 10.2.40, AH, attendance and overheards
"Aspin Hall. Analysis of Conversation", ts, 3pp, 12.2.40, AH
"Manager. Aspin Hall", ts, 5pp, 31.5.40, AH, interview
"Palais. Bolton", ts, 1p, 1.6.40, AH
"Gala night. Aspin Hall", ts, 4pp, 27.7.40, AH
"The Aspin Hall", headed paper and envelope
48/E Band leaders and jazz
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 18.12.39, AH/JC, details of a song in a snack shop
"Johnny Healey", ts, 3pp, 20.12.39, AH, interview with band leader
"Palais, Bolton", ts, 3pp, 20.12.39, AH, conversation with manager, after interview with Johnny Healey
"Musicians' Union, Bolton", ts, 11pp, 21.12.39, AH, interview with Harold Haddock, secretary of the union
"Billy Cotton", ts, 1p, 10.1.40, AH, conversation with Samuels, pianist, about Billy Cotton
"Musicians, Bolton", ts, 1p, [?].1.40, AH, conversation with Samuels, pianist at Aspin
"Jazz, Bolton", ts, 1p, 30.12.39, AH, details of notice on stall in market hall
"Bolton, jazz". ts, 1p, 3.1.40, AH, comments about people knowing the words to jazz songs
"Jazz. Empress Hall. Bolton", ts, 8pp, 6.1.40, AH, visit to hall
"Jazz", ts, 9pp, 8.1.40, JC, visit to Palais dance hall
"Jazz", ts, 4pp, 10.1.40, JC, visit to matinee dance at the Palais
"Bolton jazz. Manager Aspin", ts,2pp, 17.7.40, AH, conversation with manager
49/A Essays
Untitled document, ms, 1p, analysis of children's essays on money
Untitled essays (36) about money, by children aged 8-9
"Money its use and importance", 27 essays by children aged 11-14
49/B Essays
Index card, ms, analysis of children's essays
Letter to THH from Dorothy Cavill, ts, 1p, about the essays
"What is good, what is bad", 36 essays by children aged 12-13
49/C Essays
"Heaven", 34 essays; "Hell", 35 essays; "A devout man", 40 essays
49/D Essays, poems, stories and rhymes
"What I think of Jesus", 40 essays; "Spring", 36 poems
"Skipping Rhymes", ms, 1p
Untitled document, ms, 1p, THH, note about rhymes
"Kids Rhymes", ms, 4pp, 1.4.[?], THH/JW
"Skipping Ropes", ms, 3pp, 17.4.[?], WH, enquiries of shopkeepers about the popularity of skipping ropes
"Shiela(sic) Duckworth's Autograph Book", ms, 2pp, 10.4.[?], WH, entries from her autograph book dated 29.3.37 and 1.4.37
Chart, ms, 1p, list of words and number of occurances, no details of what they refer to
Misc, ms, 1p, rhyme about Edward and Mrs Simpson
49/E Essays
"What I did on my Thursday Holiday", 27 essays
"How I spent my Easter Holiday", 38 essays
"Easter Holidays, Pikes Lane", ms, 1p, analysis of essays
49/F Scrapbook
Children's drawings of Guy Fawkes Night (1938), aged 6-7
49/G Schools
Observer accounts
"Participant Obs.", ms, 3pp, 8.11.37, THH, lecture to municipal secondary school
"Hadow Report. Primary School", ts, 2pp, extracts from the report
"Bolton School", ms, 7pp, 10.6.[?], JW, [acks p2], visit to the school
"Municipal Secondary School", ms, 10pp, 16.4.37, JW, the school's Dramatic Society production, play not specified, ticket attached
"Bolton Girls' School Sports", ms, 5pp, 29.5.[?], THH, programme attached
"Bolton School Exhibition of Hobbies", ms, 17pp, 23.7.[37], WH, programme attached
"Bolton School Hobbies Exhibition", ts, 3pp, 24.7.[37], THH
"Hobbies Exhibition, Bolton School", ms, 4pp
"Report on Entrance Examination held at Bolton School (Boys' Division) on Saturday July 10 ...", ms, 1p
Letter from R.O. Lawson, Headmaster, ms, 1p, 26.1.38, refering to the Schoolarships and Special Places examination, form for candidates attached
Letter from John A. Cox, Director of Education, County Borough of Bolton, ts, 1p, 25.4.38, to five teachers authorising Charles Madge to visit their schools, envelope attached
Letter from John A. Cox, Director of Education, ts, 2pp, 4.38, to parents about future employment for their child
Letter from John A. Cox, Director of Education, ts, 1p, about Evening Schools
Letter from John A. Cox, Director of Education, ts, 1p, about attendance at Evening Schools
Letter from "Head Teacher", ts, 1p, to parents about the Advisory Committee of the Local Juvenile Employment Exchange
Letter from Richard Paskett, Headmaster, to THH, ms, 1p, 30.7.37
Leaflet "Information for School Leavers", issued by County Borough of Bolton Education Committee
Forms (2) "Confidential School Leaving Report", (official)
Card, "School Medical Leaving Report", (official)
Booklet Particulars of Voluntary Education Recreational and Social Organisations in Bolton, 1937, issued by the County Borough of Bolton Juvenile Organisations Committee
Booklet Municipal Technical College, prospectus for 1938-1939
Booklet Union of School Societies, programme of events for 1837-8
Leaflet Bolton School (Girls' Division), sports programme for 22.5.37
Exercise book "Whitecroft Rd. Syllabus, Nature Study" ms
Handbill "School Concert", Whitecroft Road Senior Boys' School, 24-25.11[?]
"Bolton School Examination - July 1937", ms, 3pp, copies of the arithmetic examinations
"Bolton Municipal Secondary School Old Students' Association", ts, 1p, 4.3.38, notification of a meeting to be held on 15th March, index card attached
"Beech House Entrance Examination 1937", ts, 3pp, examples of questions for the exam
Four examples of printing done by boys from Whitecroft Road Senior Boys' School, 2 Christmas greeting - 1936 and 1937; 1 leaflet for the 4th annual Swimming Gala on 21.10, 36 and 1 leaflet for the 5th Annual Sports on 2.6.37
Envelope, R.W. Proffitt Ltd., containing 7 black and white photos of children (2 are duplicates), unidentified
Misc, ts, "Children", 5pp
49/H Schools
"Points on Schools", ts, 2pp, notes for observers
Letter to THH from Betty Platt, ms, 1p, 27.6.37, enclosing report "Observance of Bolton School (Girls' Div.)", ms, 5pp
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, 13.7.37, visit to Bolton by [M. Parlan] to show contemporary lithographs to the school authorities
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, about the change from school life to employment
"Summary of Syllabus, Whitecroft Road Senior School Boys", ts, 9pp
"Bolton School Science Syllabus", ts, 26pp, September 1936
"School Syllabi, Dormers' Wells Senior Girls School", ms/ts
"Bolton School (Boys Div)", ms, 3pp, time analysis of main school (excluding sixth form)
List "Bolton School (Boys Addresses)", ms, 7pp
49/I Children
Observer accounts
"Bolton children: games etc", ts, 2pp, 23.7.40, BA
"Children. Bolton Photo exhibition. Poland", ts, 1p, 30.7.40, AH
"Children. Bolton child behaviour", ts, 1p, 30.7.40, AH
"Children. Bolton child rearing", ts, 1p, 30.7.40, AH
"Children. Bolton Queen's Park", ts, 2pp, 30.7.40, AH
"Bolton children", ts, 3pp, 30.7.40, AH, incidents and overheards at various locations
"Bolton children", ts, 3pp, 6.8.40, BA, observations and overheards at various locations
CRISIS 1939-40
50/A Churchill and Chamberlain
"Crisis", ts, 2pp, 18.3.39, CM, three point questionnaire about Chamberlain's speech, 20 replies
"Chamberlain's Speech", ts, 2pp, 18.3.39, GT, reactions to the speech, (15)
Untitled document, ts, 4pp, reactions to [Chamberlain's speech] (12)
"Crisis March", ts, 2pp, reactions to the crisis (17)
"Crisis", ts, 1p, 4.4.39, reactions to the crisis (2)
Untitled document, ts, 2pp 1.1.40, TH, a questionnaire to test methodological problems
"Crisis. Churchill. Bolton", ts, 3pp, 20.5.40, GT, 6 direct responses
"Crisis. Churchill. Bolton", ts, 9pp, 20.5.40, AH, 19 direct responses
"Bolton, Chamberlain, Direct", ts, 3pp, 3.7.40, BA, 3 responses
"Chamberlain: Bolton", ts, 4pp, 3.7.40, GT, 4 indirect responses
"Bolton Chamberlain", ts, 2pp, 3.7.40, BA, 2 direct responses
"Chamberlain: Manchester", ts, 2pp, 5.7.40, 2 indirect responses
50/B War barometer
"Worktown War Barometer", ts, 15pp, 1.11.39-3.12.39, GT, the effects of war: rationing; fish and chip shops; business activity; public houses; radio; black-out; religion; politics; morale; entertainment; household; Armistice Day
50/C Sir Philip Joubert
"Questionnaire: Joubert", ts, 1p, 5.7.40, GT, a 4- point questionnaire
"Joubert: Bolton", ts, 16pp, 5.7.40, GT/BA, 16 replies to the questionnaire
50/D Working-class war questionnaire
"Working-class War questionnaire", ts, 11pp, 20.11.39, JC, 21 replies, no questionnaire
50/E War talk
"War Talk", ts, 129pp, 3.11.39-1.8.40, GT/AH/BA, conversations, overheards and indirects relating to the war
Index cards (51) ts/ms, war talk (some are damaged), [1938 - includes reactions to Munich crisis]
50/F Crisis Bolton
"Crisis Bolton", ts, 135pp, 9.5.40 - 20.6.40, AH/BA, direct comments
"Crisis: Bolton", ts, 103pp, 31.5.40-5.7.40, GT/BA, indirect comments
50/G Crisis Bolton
"Bolton Crisis", ts, 103pp, 31.5.40-5.7.40, GT/BA, indirect comments
50/H Crisis Bolton
"Bolton Crisis", ts, 186pp, 1.6.40-7.7.40, BA, overheard comments
51/A Belgium and France
"Crisis: Belgium, Bolton", ts, 43pp, 18.5.40-28.5.40, GT/BA/AH direct responses to the situation in Belgium
"Bolton Belgium collapse", ts, 10pp, 28.5.40, BA, direct reactions to the collapse
"Crisis: Belgian Surrender, Bolton", ts, 6pp, 28.5.40, GT, direct reactions to the surrender
"France and Belgium. Bolton", ts, 1p, 23.5.40, AH, a 2 point questionnaire
"Crisis. Belgium and France. Bolton", ts, 62pp, 21.5.40-2.6.40, AH/GT, direct and overheard responses
51/B Holland and Belgium
"Holland and Belgium, Bolton", ts, 176pp, 10.5.40-20.5.40, AH/GT, direct, indirect and overheard reactions
51/C French crisis
"Notes on Atmosphere of Bolton", ts, 1p, 18.6.40, BA
"War Talk: French Crisis: Bolton", ts, 3pp, 18.6.40, BA, overheard comments in the Crown and Cushion
"Impressions", ts, 1p, 23.6.40, BA, the French crisis
"French Fleet: Bolton", ts, 7pp, 4.7.40-5.7.40, GT, reactions to the seizure of the French fleet
"French Surrender: Bolton", ts, 67pp, 17.6.40-24.6.40, GT/AH/BA, indirect reactions to the French surrender and armistice
"French Crisis", ts, 131pp, 17.6.40-24.6.40, AH/GT/BA, overheard comments about the crisis
51/D Norway crisis
"Invasion of Norway: Bolton", ts, 85pp, 9.4.40-7.5.40, AH/GT, interviews and overheard comments about the invasion of Norway
51/E West Front
"Questions", ts, 1p, 22.5.40, a five point questionnaire
"Questions", ts, 1p, 24.5.40, a three point questionnaire
"Bolton West Front Crisis", ts, 175pp, 21.5.40-17.6.40, AH/BA, direct and indirect comments about the West Front and Italy
52/A Impact on outbreak of second world war
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 6-point question guidelines for observers about news and the war
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 6-point question guidelines for observers about aspect of the war
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 10.9.39, AH (lacks pp1-3), a follow
"War General", ts, 7pp, BN/JC, brief comments about the war
"War and Conscription", ts, 1p, JC, brief comment
Untitled document, ts, 1p, JC, remarks about an unspecified speaker on the radio
"Beer-Drinking in Wartime", ts, 1p, rising prices, less for money
"Newspapers", ts, 1p, complaint about not being able to get the Telegraph regularly
"Nags Head: Lounge", ts, 1p, overheard comments about the war
"Schools", ts, 1p, 3.11.39, GT overheard remark about schooling
"War Talk", ts, 1p, 3.11.39, GT, the Crown and Cushion pub
"Talk on the Inner Circle", 1p, 3.11.39, topics schools, transport, the Army, Russia
"The City of Flint", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, JC
"News in general", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, JC
"Pub Counts", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, GT/JC
"News", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, BN
"Morale", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, BN
"Morale", ts, 1p, 5.11.39, BN
"Morale", ts, 2pp, 6.11.39, BN
"Morale", 27.11.39, overheard comment in the Crown and Cushion pub
"Photography in War-Time", ts, 1p, 6.11.39, JC, more people are having their photos taken
"All in Westling & Football. Bolton", ts, 1p, 9.11.39, BN, comment about lack of interest because of no football pools
"Hitler's escape", ts, 2pp, 9.11.39, JC, brief comments
"Militiamen", ts, 1p, 10.11.39, GT
"Inner Circle", ts, 1p, 10.11.39, GT/JC, soldiers' wives allowance, fish difficulties
"Armistice Day", ts, 1p, 10.11.39, GT, poppy selling
"Pay for Soldiers' wives", ts, 1p, JC, comments from women
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 14.11.39, JC, Choral Union rehearsal of "Messiah"
"Churchill and Greenwood", ts, 1p, 17.11.39, BN, overheard on a bus
"Prices" and "War Talk", ts, 1p. 17.11.39, GT
"Christmas Buying", ts, 1p, 23.11.39, GT, Marks and Spencers club
"Budget", ts, 1p, 23.11.39, GT, overheard comments
"Length of War", 23.11.39, JC, choir rehearsal and comments about the effect of war on a music student
"Rationing etc", ts, 1p, 25.11.39, GT, overheard comments
"Russia and Finland", ts, 1p, 26.11.39, JC, Russia's behaviour in the war
"Butter", ts, 1p, 26.11.39, GT, the difficulties of getting butter
"Soviet and Finland" and "Rationing", ts, 1p, 27.11.39, Morrison's radio broadcast mentioning Russia and Finland. Overheard comment from a woman trying to get more sugar
"Cost of War", ts, 1p, 28.11.39, JC, comments from a stockbroker
"Blackout Counts" and "Inner Circle", ts, 1p, 30.11.39
"Increase in Dole" and "Russia and Finland", ts, 1p, 30.11.39, JC, overheard comments
"Soviet and Finland", ts, 1p, 30.11.39, JC, comments from two women
"Torch Batteries", ts, 1p, 30.11.[39], GT, overheard coments in the Man and Scythe pub and Halfords
"Rumours", ts, 1p, 12.[39], GT, German planes over Euxton
"Inner Circle", ts, 1p, 1.12.39, washed out because of bad weather
"War Talk" and "Foreign Broadcasts", ts, 1p, 2.12.39, BN, the blackouts and overheard comments about listen to the 'Berlin Liar' on the radio
"Shop Counts" and " Pub Counts", ts, 1p, 2.12.39, GT/JC
"Church Counts", ts, 1p, 3.12.[39], GT/JC
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 3.12.39, JC, remarks made by an elderly lady about the war
"Conscription" and "Evacuation", ts, 1p, 4.12.39, GT, remarks about joining up and a story about evacuees in Northumberland
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 7.12.39, JC, overheard comments about Germany and the Soviet people
"War Talk", ts, 1p, 7.12.39, GT, overheard remarks
"Torch batteries", ts, 1p, JC, overheard complaints about women buying all the batteries whilst men are at work
"War Talk", ts, 1p, 8.12.39, GT, comment about gas mask
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 11.12.39, JC, unemployed woman from Scotland talking about the war
"Keeping Secrets", and "Poster Week", ts, 1p, 14.12.39, JC, air-raid warden's comments about the difficulty of keeping things from people, details of posters at St. George's Congregational Church and the Unitarian Church
"Drawing of Hitler", ts, 1p, 15.12.39, JC, incident at Burton's factory
"Street Lighting", ts, 1p, 16.12.39, JC, new street lighting
"The Graf Spree (sic)", ts, 2pp, 17.12.39 - 18.12.39, JC, comments from a woman listening to the BBC and from a vicar
"Soviet and Finland war", ts, 1p 17.12.39, JC comments from two men about the Finnish Army
"Hitler & the War", ts, 1p, 18.12.39, JC, remarks made by a chemist
"Christmas Decorations in War-time", ts, 1p, a waitress's comments on the lack of decorations
"Bolton", ts, 1p, 19.12.[39], BA, overheard comment in Bradshawgate
"Bolton", ts, 1p, 19.12.39, BA, walking home in the blackout
"War atmosphere. Bolton", ts, 2pp, 1.1.40, AH, soldiers and children in Deansgate and Davenport Street
"Personal Experience of observer while standing on Exchange Street taking notes", ts, 2pp, 4.1.40, JC
"Funny Story", ts, 1p, 7.1.40, GT
"Hamburg and Public Opinion", ts, 1p, 7.1.40, GT, conversation at Bolton Socialist Club
"War - general", ts, 1p, 8.1.40, JC, comments from women about a reduction in working hours
"Bolton War general", ts, 1p, 12.1.40, JC, overheard comments at the Post Office
"Propaganda", ts, 1p, 12.1.40, GT, inflation, economics and black-coated workers
"War Atmosphere, Bolton", ts, 1p, 21.1.40, GT, conversation at the Duckworths' home
"War Atmosphere, Bolton", ts, 1p, 22.1.40, GT, at the Duckworths
"War influence. Woolworth's", ts, 1p, 23.1.40, AH/GT, the sale of will forms in the stationery department
"Overheard Conversation: Pubs: Bolton", ts, 1p, 10.5.40, GT, the Crown and Cushion; the Joiners Arms and the Man and Scythe
"Crisis. War atmosphere. Bolton", ts, 1p, 21.5.40, AH, observer's visit to the Royal Infirmary eye clinic, no talk of war
"Bolton War incident", ts, 1p, 29.5.40, BA, two girls walking home at night hear an aeroplane
"Spy Scare: Bolton", ts, 3pp, 29.5.40, GT, incident involving observer and fears that Mass-Observers are spies
"Spy Scare. Bolton", ts, 2pp, 29.5.40, AH, observer suspected of spying
"Interviewing incident", ts, 3pp, 29.5.40, BA, observer accused of spying by man in the street
"Prestwich By-election", ts, 1p, 29.5.40, BA, polling day observations
"War atmosphere. Bolton", and "Morale", ts, 1p, 30.5.40, AH
"Bombing: Bolton", ts, 1p, 30.5.40, GT, plane heard late at night, reported in paper next day as being British
"War happenings: Bolton", ts, 1p, 30.5.40, GT, incident at the DeHaviland works, and sabotage at Burton's
"War talk: Worktown", ts, 1p, 31.5.40, GT, comments from various people including Housekeeper, Tart, Wife, Duckworth and Secretary Paulden
"Spy Stories: Bolton", ts, 1p, 1.6.40, JF
"Bolton", ts, 1p, 2.6.40, concern about the Italian threat
"Rumour: Manchester", ts, 1p, 3.6.40, GT, rationing of beer
"Rumours: Bolton", ts, 1p, 4.6.40, GT, killings in Paris
"Bolton war incident", ts, 1p, 5.6.40, BA, overheard talk in a fish and chip shop about internment and kingship
"Bolton war incident", ts, 1p, 6.6.40, BA, searchlights finding a plane over Bolton on successfive nights
"Bolton", ts, 1p, 6.6.40, BA, overheard comment in fish and chip shop about the blackout
"Bolton", ts, 1p, 6.6.40, BA, buying records
"Spy Talk, Bolton", ts, 1p, 7.6.40, GT, comments about a report in the Bolton Evening News
"Bolton Spy Scare", ts, 1p, 10.6.40, BA, story about two men and a woman arrested photographing the gas works
"Bolton communique", ts, 6pp, 11.6.40-25.6.40, AH, general impressions about people's attitude towards the war
"Bolton war atmosphere", ts, 2pp, 12.6.40, ah
"Bolton crisis: library count", ts, 2pp, 15.6.40
"Bolton war rumour", ts, 1p, 16.6.40, BA, story from Sheila Duckworth that REEL 40, BOX France surrendered
"Rumours. Bolton", ts, 1p, 18.6.40, AH, about Queen Astrid, Leopold, and Mrs Chamberlain
"Bolton defence preparations", ts, 1p, 20.6.40, BA
"Bolton defence preparations", ts, 1p, 22.6.40, BA
"Bolton", ts, 1p, 22.6.40, BA, separate incidents involving a headmaster and a member of staff of the Daily Worker
"Rumour, Manchester", ts, 1p, 26.6.40, GT, about bombing and deaths in Bolton
"War Incident: Bolton", ts, 1p, 27.6.40, GT, comments about how young looking the soldiers are
"War Incident: Bolton", ts, 1p, 27.6.40, GT, enquiries in Halfords about mudguards
"Street Description", ts, 5pp, 30.6.40, BA
"Bolton war incident", ts, 1p, 2.7.40, BA, an incident in the Post Office
"Day Impressions in Bolton", ts, 2pp, 2.7.40, GT
"Bolton communique", ts, 1p, 4.7.40, AH, increase in war talk
"Spy story: Bolton", ts, 1p, 4.7.40, GT, Mrs Duckworth repeating some scandal about Albert Smith a WEA lecturer and pacifist
"Rumour: Bolton", ts, 1p, 4.7.40, GT, Germany declaring war on Ireland
"Bolton raid rumour", ts, 1p, 22.7.40, BA, bombing in Maryport
"Bolton behaviour reportage", ts, 11pp, 1.8.40-15.8.40, BA, people's behaviour at various locations
"Morale, Bolton", ts, 1p, 28.8.40, AH
"Bolton rumour", ts, 1p, 8.8.40, BA, bombings at Leigh and Kearsley
"Bolton incident", ts, 1p, 8.8.40, BA, soldiers marching up from Deansgate
"Bolton inicident", ts, 2pp, 9.8.40, BA, power failure, barrage balloon broke loose and caught the pylons
"Bolton morale", ts, 1p, 18.8.40., BA
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 24.8.[40], overheard comments in Deansgate before Halifax's speech
"General Morale", ts, 6pp, 24.6.41, CF
52/B Air raids
"Hitler Bombing; News", ts, 1p, 9.11.39, GT
"German Bomber", ts, 1p, 16.11.39, GT, rumours of planes and gunfire
"German Bomber", ts, 1p, 17.11.39, German plane over Great Lever
"Black-out", ts, 1p, 22.11.39, JC, Air-raid warden's comments on their sector's success with the black-out
"Air raids", ts, 162pp, 17.11.39-28.7.40, BA/GT, warnings, practices, overheards, jokes, direct and indirect comments about air raids and sightings of aeroplanes
Letter from W.J. Howard, the Chief Constable, Bolton, ts, 1p, about air raid precautions
Form "County Borough of Bolton Air Raid Wardens", ts, 1p, enrolment form
"Bolton - Indirects on air raid warning", ms, 1p, 20.6.40
52/C Channel Island refugees
Letter to THH from Alec and Brian, ts, 1p, 4.7.40, about evacuating dogs, refugees and the church helping with accommodation for refugees
Letter to Gandar Dower from Alec, ts, 2pp, 18.7.40, about refugees with a report on their situation and 11 indepth interviews with refugees:
"Interview 1", ts, 3pp, 2.7.40, AH, woman with two children
"Interview 2", ts, 2pp, 2.7.40, AH, woman with two children
"Interview 3", ts, 2pp, 2.7.40, AH, woman with four children
"Interview 4", ts, 10pp, 2.7.40, AH, six men
"Interview 5", ts, 2pp, 3.7.40, AH, woman with mother and baby sister
"Interview 6", ts, 1p, 5.7.40, AH, young woman
"Interview 7", ts, 3pp, 12.7.40, AH, woman with two children
"Interview 8", ts, 7pp, 12.7.40, AH, woman with four of her nine children
"Interview 9", ts,11pp, 15.7.40, AH, woman with three of her five children
"Interview 10", ts, 5pp, 17.7.40, AH, woman, son, her daughter and daughter's baby
"Interview 11", ts, 7pp, 20.7.40, AH, woman with three children
"Bolton crisis overheard", ts, 4pp, 25.6.40-29.6.40, BA/GT, references to the refugees
"Refugees: Bolton", ts, 1p, 30.6.40, GT, conversation between observer and Transport Inspector about refugees being billeted in the Municipal Secondary School
"Bolton refugees", ts, 1p, 1.7.40, BA, conversation about the refugees
52/D Wireless counts, news, newsreel and propaganda
Observer accounts
"Wireless counts", ts 6pp, 9.11.39-7.12.39, GT/JC/BN
"War General .. Radio Listening & Rationing", ts, 1p, 3.11.39, BN
"News in general", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, JC
"Radio News", ts, 1p
"BBC News", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, JC
"News", ts, 1p, 4.11.39, BN
"News", ts, 1p, 9.11.39-11.11.39, BN
"Hamburg Radio", ts, 1p, 31.10.39, GT
"Listening to Hamburg", ts, 2pp, 3.11.39, BN
"Foreign Broadcasts", ts, 6pp, 4.11.39-2.12.39, BN
"Organised Propaganda", ts, 1p, 28.12.39, AH
"Bolton war atmosphere. Newspapers", ts, 2pp, 12.6.40, AH
"War atmosphere. Bolton Newspaper sales", ts, 1p, 13.6.40, AH
"News reel. Bolton. Queen's Cinema, Bradshawgate", ts, 2pp, 29.6.40, AH
"News reel. Bolton. British Movietone. Embassy Cinema, Deansgate", ts, 2pp, 29.7.40, AH
"Wireless listening", ts, 1p, 25.7.40, AH
52/E Fuel and transport
Observer accounts
"Transport", ts, 7pp, 3.11.39-23.1.40, GT/BN
Untitled document, ms, 72pp, 18.11.42-3.12.42, DH, replies to questions about fuel
"Fuel Bolton", ms, 6pp, 3.12.42, JF, chart
52/F ARP and soldiers
Observer accounts
"Soldier's conditions", ts, 1p, 27.10.39, GT, Bill Naughton talking about soldiers complaining about the Army
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, 31.10, 39, conversation about billeting
"Police ARP meeting. Bolton", ts, 8pp, 26.6.40, AH
"ARP: Manchester, conversation", ts, 1p, 30.6.40, GT
"Bolton soldiers", ts, 2pp, 23.7.40, BA, marching through the town
"Bolton soldiers", ts, 1p, 29.7.40, BA, in the town
"Bolton ARP, soldiers etc", ts, 1p, 10.8.40, BA
52/G Overheards in war time
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 19.12.39, JC, brief comment about Christmas and the blackout and going to the pictures
"General talk", ts, 1p, 2.8.40, AH, overheard comment
"General talk. Bolton", ts, 3pp, 2.8.40, AH, overheard conversations
"General talk. Bolton", ts, 1p, 2.8.40, AH, overheards
"Bolton overheards", ts, 5pp, 14.8.40, BA
"Royal Family: Bolton", ts, 1p, 8.6.40, GT, overheard
"Bolton Royal Family", ts, 1p, 28.6.40, BA, indirect
"Holidays: Worktown", ts, 1p, [4].6.40, GT, overheard comments
"Talk: Bolton: Holidays", ts, 1p, 4.7.40, GT, overheard
"Bolton holidays", ts, 1p, 28.[7].40, BA, Trinity Street Station
"Bolton holiday", ts, 1p, 29.[7].40, BA, telephone call to Ribble Bus Co, about bookings and conversation with cashier Embassy paybox about trade
"Holiday traffic. Bolton", ts, 1p, 29.7.40, AH
"Bolton holidays", ts, 1p, 30.7.40, BA, bus trips
"Bolton Woolworths count", ts, 1p, 6.7.40, BA
"Bolton drapers count", ts, 1p, 6.8.40, BA, Whittakers shop
"Fashion. Clothes. Bolton", ts, 2pp, 25.7.40. AH, women and men going in and coming out of the library
"Bolton astrology, superstition etc", ts, 2pp, 25.7.40, BA, occurences of references to superstition in shops, film titles , and people walking under or avoiding a ladder in Gt Moor St
52/H Gas mask counts
"Gas mask counts", ts, 11pp, 20.11.39-6.8.40, GT/JC/BA/AH
52/I Allotments
Observer accounts
"Bolton allotments etc", ts, 1p, 24.7.40, BA, Queens Park demonstration plot
"Bolton allotments", ts, 7pp, 27.7.40, BA, conversation with Parks Superintendent and meeting
"Bolton meeting", ts, 11pp, 8.8.40, BA, National Allotments Society
52/J Aspin Hall and the Musicians Union
Observer acounts
"Manager. Aspin Hall", ts, 5pp, 31.5.40, AH, interview about how the war has affected business
"Musicians Union Secretary, Bolton", ts, 4pp, 3.6.40, AH, the effect of the war on musicians
"Manager, Palais. Bolton", ts, 1p, 12.6.40, AH, interview
52/K Gert and Daisy and Gracie Fields
Observer accounts
"Gert and Daisy. Bolton", ts, 1p, 23.4.40, AH, note on interviews
"Gert and Daisy. Bolton", ts, 22pp, 23.4.40, AH/GT, brief interviews
"Bolton Gracie Fields", ts, 10pp, 9.8.40, BA, indirect comments
52/L Miscellaneous
Observer accounts
"Churchill and Greenwood", ts, 1p, 17.1[40], BN, overheard on bus
"Bolton overheard talk", ts, 5pp, 21.7.40, BA
"Registration Day: Bolton", ts, 1p, 6.4.40, GT, Labour Exchange
"Registration, Ratcliffe", ts, 1p, 15.6.40, AH, Labour Exchange
"M of L. Policy, Bolton", ts, 1p, 22.6.40, AH, Radcliffe Labour Exchange
"Budget Bolton", ts, 1p, 24.4.40, GT, brief comment
"Bolton budget", ts, 1p, 23.7.40, BA, comment in the Crown and Cushion pub
Untitled document, ts/ms, 1p, about France surrendering
"Evacuees: Bolton", ts, 1p, 4.7.40, GT, Sheila Duckworth brings note from school about offering a room to evacuees
"Poland Exhibition: Library", ts, 2pp, 20.7.40, BA
"Bolton Art Exhibition", ts, 2pp, 30.7.40, BA
"Bolton religion", ts, 1p, 21.7.40, BA, service at Claremont Baptist
"A war autograph album", ts, 3pp, 26.7.40, AH, extracts from the album
"Bolton pub talk", ts, 1p, 29.7.40, BA, the Crown and Cushion, mention of Stalin
"Bolton theatre", ts, 1p, 29.7.40, BA, second house at the Hippodrome
"Bolton jokes", ts, 1p, 29.6.40, BA about Hitler
"Bolton RSPCA", ts, 1p, 13.9.40, BA, about whether animal casualties were higher than before of the war
Newspaper cutting, "National Waste Paper Competition"
53/A General and historical material
"Historical descriptive account of Blackpool and its neighbourhood", ms, 23pp, index card attached, Mass-Observation research on the history of Blackpool, notes from secondary sources by a Mass-Observer
Book: Blackpool's Progress Jubilee Year, 1926, Mather Bros, Preston, illustrated
Newspaper cutting, "Beginnings of the Lancashire Reports", Manchester Guardian, 10.6.38 (photocopy)
Misc, pages torn from books
53/B Blackpool Improvement Bill
Book: Book of Reference November, 1937, Blackpool Improvement, Sharpe Pritchard & Co., Parliamentary Agents, London
Plan, County of Lancaster, Parish and County Borough of Blackpool, In Parliament-Session 1937-38 Blackpool Improvement
53/C Blackpool Improvement Bill
Observer accounts
"Blackpool Improvement Bill", ms, 8pp, 14.1.38, LT, overheard conversations and general impressions
"Conversations in Blackpool", ms, 2pp, 14.1.38, AB, about the improvements
"Improvement Bill, Blackpool", ms, 1p, [?HJ], graph showing number of votes, (no source cited)
"Waterloo Road, Kent Road, Talbot Road", ms, 1p, 14.1.38, graph, Blackpool Improvement Bill
"Blackpool Interviewing re. Plebiscite.", ts, 2pp, 15.1.28(sic), FHC
"Blackpool Improvements Bill", ts, 2pp, 14.1.38, FHC, polling booth behaviour
"Stanley Ward", ts, 6pp, details of roads and canvassers for the Ward
"Blackpool Counting of Votes", index cards (2), ms, [EB]
"County Borough of Blackpool Poll of Electors 14.1.38", ts, 1p, instructions to supervisors
"Propaganda for Blackpool Election 15.1.38", ms, 2pp, [HH]
"How You Vote", 4pp, literature produced by the Council for the vote on the Improvement Bill (2 sets)
"The New Building", ms, 1p, details of contractors and estimated costs (no source cited)
Newspaper cuttings (37) about the Improvement Bill and voting on it
53/D Guide books and maps
Books (2); Ward Lock's Guide to Blackpool, Lytham-St. Annes, Fleetwood, Ward Lock, London, illustrated
Map: Town Map of Blackpool, Ordnance Survey
Map: Visitors Plan of Blackpool, "Geographia" Ltd., London
Map: Blackpool, Corporation Transport Guide Street Plan & Index
Booklet: Blackpool walks and rides in the Fylde and Over Wyre, Palatine Books Co, Blackpool, illustrated
Booklet: Blackpool the Holiday Playground of the World, C. Tinling & Co., Ltd., Liverpool, London & Prescot
Book: Blackpool Holiday Journal, C. Tinling & Co., Ltd., Liverpool, London & Prescot
Programme: Blackpool Tower Palace Opera House and Grand, illustrated
Booklets (2), Tower and Winter Gardens Blackpool, illustrated
"Chapel Street", black and white photograph, [Trevelyan],
Newspaper cuttings (2)
Magazine cuttings (2)
Postcards (4), "The Old Cottage, Blackpool Illuminations" (1); "A laugh a day keeps misfortunes away", (2) Mabel Lucie Attwell; and 2 'jokes' postcards
53/E Press cuttings on paid holidays and Wakes Weeks
Newspaper cuttings (10)
54/A Local government and political parties
Observer accounts
"Blackpool", ms, 7pp, 5.7.[?], LT, interview with Mr Room, Labour Party secretary
"Executive Members of L.P. 1938", ms, 2pp, 8.8.[38], WH, chart
"Communist Rally Blackpool", ms, 6pp, 7.8.38, EB
"Interview with Mr Smith", ms/ts, 10pp, 6.7.39, secretary of the Conservative Club
"Interview with Halliwell: Secretary of the Labour Club", ms, 3pp
Newspaper cuttings (3)
54/B Housing
Booklet: Report on the Housing Act 1935, County Borough of Blackpool, D.L. Harbottle, Town Clerk
Booklet: Overcrowding Survey, Housing Act, 1935, County Borough of Blackpool, Public Health Department, 23.3.36
54/C The Watch Committee and Local Government
"To the Chairman and Members of the Watch Committee of the County Borough of Blackpool", ts, 14pp, 1.47, the Chief Constable, letter and report, (photocopy)
"To the Chairman and Members of the Watch Committee of the County Borough of Blackpool", ts, 8pp, 15.2.3, the Chief Constable, letter and report, (photocopy)
"The Watch Committe", ms, 1p, brief details about the re-forming of the Watch Committee, supplied by the Town Clerk
"To the Chairman and Justices in general annual licensing sessions assembled", ts, 6pp, 3.2.47, the Chief Constable, letter and report, (photocopy)
"Chief Constable's Annual Licensing Report for the year ended 31.12.42", ts, 7pp, the Chief Constable, letter and report, (photocopy)
Leaflets: (3) Bye-Law, ts, 1p, County Borough of Blackpool
Booklet: Bye-Laws, relating to slaughter houses, Borough of Blackpool
Newspaper cuttings (14)
54/D Health
Observer accounts
"Summary of Two Days' Investigation at Blackpool", ts, 8pp, (incomplete lacks pp8-9)
"Interview with the Administrative Assistant to the Medical Officer of Health", ms, 2pp
"Interview with Mr. Bell Deputy Borough Surveyor under Mr [Drake]", ms, 4pp
"Victoria Hospital", ms, 2pp, interview with Miss X
"Victoria Hospital", ts, 1p, 8.4.38, RK, brief details about the hospital and its patients
Untitled document, ms, 1p, references to health
Letter to THH from LT, ms, 2pp, about difficulty in obtaining information and reports from Council officials and enclosing "Blackpool", ms, 4pp, 7.7.[?], LT, brief financial details on two hospitals; notes on the Medical Office; Fylde Water Board and comments from Councillor Morris
"Herbalist lecture on Blackpool front", ts, 7pp, 7.9.37, JT
Leaflet advertising Ovaltine
Newspaper cuttings (3)
54/E Business and employment
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, [BD], about unemployment
"Sunday", ms, 3pp, [20.3.?], [BD], employment enquiries at the Menagerie, cafes, the Palace and the Winter Gardens
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 16.4.[?], LT, conversations about hairdressers' trade
"Blackpool Wages", ts, 5pp, 6.6.-9.6.[?], JW
"Wages. Blackpool", ts, 11pp, 8.6.[?], JW
"Blackpool", ts, 6pp, 8.6.[?], JW, rock-makers' wages, leaflet attached price list for Waller and Hartley Ltd., confectioners
"Swimming Baths", ts, 2pp, 9.6.[?], JW, conversation with the Deputy Superintendant
"Publicity Dpt.", ts, 3pp, 9.6.[?], JW, discussion about M-O publicity with the head of publicity
"Blackpool Wages Miss.(sic)", ts, 2pp, JW
"Blackpool", ms, 5pp, 4.7.[39], LT, conversations about wages
"Blackpool Labour Exchange", ts, 2pp, 3.9.[?], JW
"Statement of Income and Expenditure. Year ended 31.3.38 of Public Conveniences", ms 2pp, (no official source cited), chart
"Report of the Directors of the South Blackpool Jetty Company Limited", ts, 1p, 3.11.36
Leaflet: National Union of General and Municipal Workers, about the building trade
Newspaper cuttings (5)
54/F Transport
Observer accounts
"Bus Stop. Corner Waterloo Rd & Central Dr.", ts, 1p, 19.8.37, conversation
"Figures and facts of Visitors", ts, 2pp, 7.6-9.6[?], JW about traffic census
"Interview with Walter Luff Transport Manager for the Council", ms, 4pp, 26.3.38, DEM
Letter from [Walter Luff], General Manager, Transport Department, County Borough of Blackpool to Miss D. Milner, ts, 2pp, 26.3.38, about transport services
Booklet: Annual Report, County Borough of Blackpool, Transport Department, year ended 31.3.37
Graphs (3), statistical data on trams and buses (no source cited) brief note attached
Postcards (6) depicted "Blackpool's Luxury Rails Coaches", (2 are the same)
Sketch about charabanc trips (hand drawn)
Misc 2pp (torn from a book)
Misc 2pp, ts, about travelling by train
Newspaper cuttings (14)
54/G Newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cuttings (34) all relating to criminal offences
54/H Accidents
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 3.9.[?], [THH], about a fire
Annotated newspaper cuttings, ts/ms, 11pp, 8.4.38, BW, about four men killed in a disaster at the Pleasure Beach
Newspaper cuttings
55/A Hotels and guest houses
"Reference directive for lodgings", ts, 2pp, 5.9.[?], RP
Observer accounts:
"Interview: Secretary of the Hotel Keepers and Apartment Houses Association", ms, 3pp
"Mr Oldfield", ms, 2pp, [BCP], interview about rates for hotels, also interview with Mr Turner on the same issue
"Hotel Talk", ms, 1p, 5.9.37, overheards at breakfast and afterwards
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, 5.9.[?], detailed description of a [guest house]
"Lodgings", ms/ts, 5pp, 5.9.[?], BB, details of meal times and notices at a private hotel [incomplete ms lacks p1]
"[Diary] of week's holiday at Blackpool", ms, 7pp, 5.9-11.9.[?]
"Follow survey", ts, 1p, 6.9.[?], [SH], in Elgin Hotel
"Monday Afternoon", ms, 1p, 6.9.[?], AB, overheard conversation at hotel
"Metropole", ts, 9pp, 6.9.[?], [JS], observations and overheards
"Lodgings", ts, 1p, 6.9.[?], BB, about "Sunnyside", Blackpool (incomplete)
"Here is the life-story of a Kippax:", ts, 3pp, about Mrs Menary
"Detailed report on Home Groups", ms, 7pp, JT/UT, the St. Georges Hotel
"Norbreck Hydro", ts, 2pp, 8.9.[?], TH, 2 booking forms attached
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, about Norbreck Hydro
"Comparative comforts in specimen lodgings of the six groups", ts, 1p, chart, (2 copies)
Misc, ts, 1p
Newspaper cuttings (2)
Bills (6) various hotels/guest houses
Index card (1), description of [guest house]
Hotel literature (3)
55/B Lodgings houses
Observer accounts:
"The Lodging House, Lark Hill St., Blackpool", ts, 4pp, 6.9.[?], JW
"Larkhill Working men's hostel, Blackpool", ts, 5pp, 10.9-11.9., JW, directive for lodgings
"Larkhill Lodging House", ts, 9pp, 11.9.[?], JW, about a deserter
55/C Social facilities and meal times
Untitled document, ms, 6pp, chart, analysis of social facilities (no official source cited)
"Statistics on social facilities", ts, 85pp, completed forms
"Observations during meal times in a boarding house", ms, 2pp, chart
"Observations on six bedrooms in small boarding houses", ms, 1p, chart
"Observations during meal times in a private hotel", ms, 1p, 1.8.37
"Chief differences between Private Hotel & Boarding House", ms, 1p
55/D Holiday camps
Observer accounts:
"Rotary Camp", ts, 1p, 2.7.37, visit
"Squires Gate Camp", ms, 1p, 5.9.[?], EB, brief description of dance hall, conversation about the construction of the camp
"Squires Gate Camp", ms, 3pp, 6.9.[?], EB, dance competition
"Squires Gate Camp charges and prices in shops", ms, 1p, 9.9.[?], EB
"Squires Gate Camp", ms, 2pp, 6.9.[?], EB, what people are eating and drinking
"Caravan sites, Hawes Lanes", ts, 4pp, 17.9.[?], THH
"Squires Gate Camp", index cards (2), ms, EB
Letter from Roger L. Pye, Managing Director Squires Gate Holiday Camp, Ltd, to "Dear Sir or Madam", ts, 1p, with application form and illustrated literature about the camp
Misc, ts, 1p
55/E Fish and chip shops and restaurants
Observer accounts:
"Fish & Chip Shop - Adelaide St.", ms/ts, 2pp
"Fish and Chip Shop", ts, 7.9.[?], BB
"Chipshop, Adelaide St.", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], SM, count and overheards
"Report on visit to Heskeths Chip Saloon, Adelaide St.", ts, 2pp, 7.9.37, IR
"Maxwell's Restuarant(sic), Church Street", ts, 2pp, G[?]
"Fish & Chips Dale's Restaurant", ms/ts, 2pp 7.9.[?]
"Fish & Chips", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], [WH]
"Savoy", ms, 1p, [BCP]
55/F Oyster carts, ice cream and rock making and selling
Observer accounts:
"Oyster Carts", ts, 1p, 6.6.[?], JW
"Oyster Cart", ts, 1p
"Rock Making", ts, 3pp, 8.6.[?], JW
"Rock Selling", ts, 2pp, 9.6.[?], JW
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 3.7.[?], LT, about a new rock on sale
"Ice Cream", ts, 1p, 7.6.-9.6.[?], JW, ingredients for making the best ice cream and the cheapest
"Ice Cream", ts, 1p, 9.6.[?], JW, Frankells in Bloomfield Road
"Custom at Ice-cream cart", ms, 1p
"Food at the central beach side shows area", ts, 3pp, 3.9.[?], HH
"[Pablo's] Shop", ms, 2pp, description of shop and hours worked by girls and men
Misc, ts, 1p
55/G Food
Observer accounts:
"Chicken", ms, 1p, list of prices of chicken meals at various venues
"Wedding cake", ms, 1p, 24.4.[?], WH, illustrated description
Booklet: Adventures in Diet, Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Newspaper cutting
55/H Eating places and menus
Observer accounts
"North Pier", ms, 1p, 15.4.[?], WH
"Central Pier", ms, 1p, 15.4.[?], WH
"Blackpool South Shore", ms, 1p, 2.7.[?],LT
"Boarding House Food", ts, 2pp, 24.7.[?], SM, meals at 36 Clifford Road
"Cafe Squires Gate", ms, 4pp, 6.9.[?], [WH]
"Report on visit to Lockharts Cafe, Bank Hey Street", ts, 2pp, 7.9.37., IR
"Dinner", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], [WH], overheard conversation
"Other instances of staff and service", ts, 1p
"Blackpool. Lunch time. Wells' Cafe, downstairs", ts, 1p, BCP, overheards
"Cafe Lunch", ts, 2pp, 9.9.[?], BB
"The places where food is eaten", ms, 1p
"Food and Health", ms, 4pp
"Tower Places", ms, 1p, chart, prices of meals at various venues
"Lunches", ms, 1p, chart, prices of lunches at Wells Cafe, Stanleys and Lockharts
Untitled document, ms, 1p, number of French items on the menu at various venues
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, chart with prices at various venues
Untitled document, ms, 1p, chart detailing people's food orders and analysis of same
"Larger type of boarding house Summer week-end menu", ts, 1p, chart
Untitled document, ms, 1p, chart of meals
Magazine cuttings (2)
Menus (8), from various hotels and cafes
55/I Pubs and drinking
Observer accounts
"Some Southport pubs", ts, 3pp, 2[7].7.[?], Hoghton Hotel, The Clifton, The Bold Hotel, and guest house,
"Drinking", ts, 2pp, 4.8.37, [JS], unspecified pub on the front at Blackpool
"Pub environment", ts, 2pp, 4.9.[?], [JS], illustrated
"Uncle Tom's Cabin", ms/ts, 2pp, 5.9.37, EL
"Drink on Blackpool Postcards", ts, 4pp
Misc, ms, 1p, sketch of a bar
Misc, ts, 2pp
Newspaper cutting
56/A Observations
Observer accounts
"Blackpool", ts, 50pp, 31.6.37-4.7.[37], JS/WH/M[W], M-O team visit to Blackpool
"Report of Observation of Typical Day's Activities", ts, 20pp, 11.8.[?], detailed observations in a boarding house
"Summary and Analysis of Day Unit Report", ts, 2pp
56/B A day in Blackpool
Observer accounts
"Blackpool. General Report", ts, 2pp, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Travel", ts, 2pp, 5.8.40, AH, the journey from Bolton to Blackpool by bus
"Blackpool. First Impressions", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Accommodation", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Food etc.", ts, 2pp, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Clothes", ts, 2pp, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Trams", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Pleasure Beach", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Side shows etc.", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Jazz etc", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Incident", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH, five youths larking around in a horse drawn landau
"Blackpool. Incident", ts, 1p, 5.8.40, AH, drunkeness on the beach
"Blackpool. RAF, soldiers, etc", ts, 2pp, 5.8.40, AH
"Blackpool. Overheards", ts, 7pp, 5.8.40, AH
"Other Observations", ms, 2pp, 4.9.[40], BB
"Investigator spent 24 hours in Blackpool", ts, 1p, 7.9.40, THH
56/C Train and bus journeys
Observer accounts
"Great Moor Street Station", ms, 6pp, 21.6.[?], WH, a count and observations
"New Chorley Road", ms, 1p, JLW, holiday traffic
"Blackpool", ms, 2pp, 30.6.[?], LT, train station
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 2.7.[?], LT, brief comment from bus conductor
"Report on distributing leaflets (holiday comp) at Blackpool North Station", ms,/ts, 2pp, 4.9.[?], [IR]
"Central Station", ts, 4pp, 5.9.37, IR, counts and overheards
"Observations at Blackpool North Station", ms/ts, 11p, 8.9.[?], JT
"Conversation in train", ms, 3pp, 22.10.37, ZB, from Bolton to Blackpool
Untitled document, ms, 7pp, Good Friday, 1938, TWL, train to Blackpool
"Promenade ... opposite Central Station", ms, 5pp, Good Friday 1938, TWL
"Good Friday trip to Blackpool", ts, 6pp, JW
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 14.5.38, BR, excursion to Blackpool
"British Railways", ts, 1p, leaflet giving details of train times and cost of fares to various destinations
Misc, ts, 12pp
Newspaper cuttings (6)
56/D Parks
Observer accounts
"Interview with Parks Committee", ms, 2pp, 22.3.38, DEM
"Blackpool. Stanley Park, Good Friday", ts, 6pp, RB
"Count at Stanley Park, Blackpool", ms, 4pp, 15.4.[?], WH
"The Park", ts, 4pp, 28.8.[?]
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, observations in the [park]
"Groups", ms, 10p, lists of statistical data about numbers of people in the parks at Blackpool and Bolton
Letter from T.L. Poynton, Borough Treasurer, County Borough of Blackpool, to "Dear Sir", ts, 2pp, 11.5.38, about Stanley Park
Misc, ts, 6pp
Newspaper cuttings (5)
56/E Louis Tussaud
Observer accounts
"Lois (sic) Tussaud's", ts, 4pp, 4.9.37, visit
"Lois (sic) Tussaud's", ms, 4pp, 4.9.37
"Lois (sic), Tussaud's", ts, 2pp
"Louis Tussaud's Exhibition", ms, 3pp
"Lois (sic) Tussaud's", ms, 2pp
"Louis Tussuad's (sic) Exhibition", ts, 4pp
56/F The pleasure beach and tram rides
Observer accounts
Untitled document, ms/ts, 11pp, 4.9.37, [PB], trip from Tussauds to the Pleasure Beach
Untitled document, ms, 23pp, 5.9.37, [PB], the Pleasure Beach
Untitled document, ms/ts, 13pp, 2.9.37, AML, bus ride from Talbot Square on a single decker closed tram
"Tram Behaviour", ts, 8pp, 7.9.[?], SM
"General Remarks on the above tables", ts, 10pp, 7.9.37, WEM, children on the beach, the promenade, in the Tower, and the Tower zoo
"Report on children continued. Attitude of fathers", ms/ts, 26pp, 8.9.37, WEM
"Observations on children's behaviour as tide comes in", ms, 5pp, 8.9.37, [WEM]
"Attitude and behaviour of fathers to children", ms, 6pp, 9.9.37, [WEM]
56/G Piers
Observer accounts
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 3.7.[?], Central pier
"South Pier", ms, 10pp, 4.9.[?], BB
"Central Pier", ts, 1p, 4.9.37 [RE]
Misc, ts, 2pp
56/H Toilets
Observer accounts
"Lavatories", ts, 2pp, 4.9.37, [SF]
"Lavatory Observation", ms, 4pp, 4.9.37 [BCP]
"Lavatories", index card, ms, 4.9.[37], EB
"Ladies Urinal", ms/ts, 3pp, HPM
56/I Mystery men and newspaper reading
Letter from A Rowles to "Dear Sir", ts, 3pp, [incomplete] about Percy Pickles, Lobby Lud and the Guineas Man
Observer accounts
"People reading on Prom", ts, 3pp, 7.6.[?], JW
"Routine with money", ts, 6pp, 25.7.[?], JB
"Pursuit of Percy Pickles", ts, 2pp, 27.7.[?], HH
"Lobby Lud", ts, 5pp, 24.8.[?], HH
"Percy Pickles", ts, 1p, 6.9.[?], BB
"Newspaper and books on the Prom", ts, 1p, a count of people reading
"Man reading newspaper", ts, 2pp, 3.9.[?] and others reading
Misc, ts, 3pp
Newspaper cutting (1)
56/J Sport
Observer accounts
"Football Match Charlton v Blackpool", ms, 9pp, [TWL]
"All-In", ts, 1p, 10.12. [?], THH, programme attached
Newspaper cuttings (16)
BOX 57
57/A The weather, sea and the beach
Observer accounts
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 1.7.[?], LT, overheards about the weather
"The Sea", ts, 2pp, 21.8.[?]
"Beach just north of South Pier", ts, 6pp, 24.8.[?], RP
"Report on the sea", ms, 6pp, 3.9.[?], HH
"Report of visit to Blackpool Open-Air Swimming Pool near the Pleasure Beach", ts, 3pp, 3.9.[?], BB
"Reactions to waves bombarding Prom, at period of high tides", ms, 14pp, 3.9.37-4.9.37, HH, two hand drawn charts attached
"Weather conversations", ts, 1pp, 5.9.37, SM
"Tuesday afternoon", ms, 2pp, 7.9.[?], WH, visit to a dance hall and the beach boating pool
"The Green Flash", ts, 1p, transcript of an article in the Gazette, 19.4.38, about a ray of light that appears on the horizon at Blackpool and other parts of the earth, drawing of the coastline attached
Newspaper cuttings (3)
57/B Clothes
Observer accounts
"Clothes", ts, 6pp, 23.6.[?], SM, what people are wearing
"Sunday Afternoon", ts, 2pp, 5.9.[?], HH, what people are wearing
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, chart comparing clothes worn in Worktown and Blackpool
"Girls", ms, 1p, list of clothing
Drawing of a [dressing table], [JS]
57/C Cinema, shows and the circus
"Proposals for grand spectacular pageant at Blackpool Season 1934", ts, 6pp
Observer accounts
"The Grand", ms, 1p, 28.5.[?], WH, (incomplete lacks pp1-2)
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 2.7.[?], LT, the Odeon Cinema
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 6.7.[?], LT, brief note about the opening of a new theatre
"Palace", ms, 1p, 1.9.[?], JLW, brief account of two acts of a play
"Tower Circus", ms/ts, 3pp, 1.9.37
"The Circus", ts, 2pp, 1.9.37, SF, interviews with members of the circus
"Pierrot Show The Royal Follies", ms, 6pp, 3.9.37
"Royal Follies", ts, 2pp, 3.9.[?], JW, (incomplete lacks pp1-2)
Untitled document, ms, 9pp, BD, interviews with staff at various cinemas
"Indian Theatre", ms, 3pp
"Interview with Reginald Dixon", ts, 2pp, 29.12.37, HH
"Satisfaction", ms, 1p, extract from a play set in a newspaper editor's office
Newspaper cuttings (19)
Magazine cutting (1)
Show programme cuttings (6)
57/D Dance Halls
Observer accounts
"Tower ballroom", ms, 8pp, 4.9.37
"Central Pier", ts, 2pp, 4.9.37, RE, dance
"Palace Ballroom", ts, 2pp, 4.9.37, SF
"Tower Ballroom", ts, 3pp, 4.9.[?], [lacks p1 and pp4-5]
"Winter Gardens", ts, 2pp, 6.9.[?], SF, dance
"Dance Hall", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], WH [incomplete]
"Tower Ballroom", ts, 3pp, 7.9.[?], TH
"Tower", ms/ts, 3pp, 7.9.[?], dance
"Empress Ballroom, Winter gardens", ts, 1p, 13.9.[?], TH
"Tower Ballroom", ts, 1p, 13.9.[?], TH
"Tower Ballroom", ts, 2pp, 20.10.37, JM-J
"Tower Survey", ts, 8pp, 27.11.37, IR, dancing and conversations
"Dance Observations", ms, 1p, 9.4.38, chart
Misc 2pp torn from a book, Rex Records, July 1938
57/E Religion
Observer accounts
"St. Augustines", ts, 1p, 18.5.[?], JW
"Service at Whitegate Baptist Church", ms/ts, 5pp, 5.9.37, JT
"Trinity Methodist", ts, 2pp, 5.9.[?], BB, service
"Christadelphian Meeting, 37 George Street, Blackpool", ts, 2pp, 5.9.37 G[?],
"Holy Trinity (South Shore) Parish Church Sunday School", ts, 2pp, 19.6.[?], children's flower service, order of procession
57/F Follows and counts
Observer follows
"First three customers after lunch ...", ts, 1p, 31.7.37, follow
"August Bank Holiday", ts, 3pp, 8.37., HH
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, 6.9.[?]
"Squires Gate Camp", ms, 1p, 6.9.[?], EB
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, 8.9.[?], GF
"Woolworth's ...", ts, 1p, 13.9.[?], THH
"Blackpool", ms, 3pp, 15.4.38, GF
"Blackpool follow", ms, 1p, chart
Observer accounts
"Counts at the late night dance, Winter Gardens Empress Ballroom", ts, 2pp, 25.8.[37], RP
"Seats and Railings", ms, 11pp, 3.9.-4.9.[?], HH
"North Pier count of the seats and the people there", ms/ts, 25pp, 4.9.[?], JW
"Account of Saturday after arriving on Blackpool front at 8.30", ms/ts, 9pp, 4.9.37, JT
"Saturday evening", ts, 1p, 4.9.37, IR
Untitled document, index card, ms, numbers on beach, 4.9.37
"Central Pier to Manchester Sq beach", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], EB/AB
"Beach Count", ms, 2pp, 8.9.37
"Central Pier count of seats and people there", ms, 15pp
"Strip Count", ms, 1p, 8.9.[?], chart
"Tower Bar counts", ms, 1p
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, [HH], count of seats and rails
"Pop on sands", ms, 2pp, plan 1 and 2
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, reference to graphs and diagrams of counts
"Remarks about illuminations tableaux", ms, 1p, analysis of remarks
58/A Side shows and amusements
Observer accounts
"Blackpool. The Telescope Men", ts, 4pp, Easter Saturday, JW
"Blackpool, Lawrence Wrights Singing Booth", ts, 7pp, Easter Saturday, JW
"Patter of Weighing Machine Men", ts, 2pp, 5.6.-9.6.[?], JW
"La Celeste on South Shore", ts, 6pp, 6.6.[?], JW
"Invisible Ray", ts, 4pp, 6.6.[?], JW
"Robut" (sic), ts, 1p, 8.6.[?], JW
"Blackpool", ms, 1p, 4.7.[?], LT, fortune-telling robot
"Central beach", ts, 1p, 1.8.37, HH, side shows
"Booths on the Promenade from Wells Corner to Colonel Barker", ts, 7pp, 30.8.[?], RP/SF/IR
"Coney Island", ts, 2pp (damaged, part of p1 torn and missing)
"Blackpool Fun House", ms, 4pp, 3.9.[?] CM
"Side shows on North Pier", ms, 4pp, 4.9.[?], JLW
"Aeroplanes", ms/ts, 2pp, 7.9.37, flying trip
"Aeroplane Club", ts, 1p, 5.11.37, JM-J
"Amusements. Blackpool", ts, 1p, 18.10-19.10.37, JM-J
"The Tunnel", ms, 3pp
"Luna Park", ms, 1p
"A trip in the submarine to the Treasure Cave", ms, 4pp, 6.12.38
"Father Christmas, Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs in the Magic Grotto", ms, 11pp
"Interview: Father Christmas at The Submarine, Whiteheads", ts, 2pp, GBE
Index cards (3), ms, references to flying saucers, fairyland grotto and space ship
Misc, ts/ms, 7pp
Newspaper cuttings (6)
58/B Side shows and amusements contd
"Amusements Park Associations", ts, 1p, list of questions (photocopy)
Observer accounts
"The Tower", ms, 20pp, Good Friday 1938, TWL
"Side shows. Pleasure Beach", ts, 7pp, 17.4.[?], JS/DG, index card attached
"African dances. Luna Park", ts, 4pp, 5.6.[?], JW
"Blackpool", ms, 1.7.[?], LT, the front, South shore and Luna Park
"Luna Park", ts, 3pp, 2.8.37, HH
"Bank Holiday Monday Afternoon", ts, 1p, HH
"Olympia", ms/ts, 2pp, 3.9.37, [BCP], [ms incomplete]
"Tower Blackpool", ms, 3pp, 3.9.[?], CM
"Pleasure Beach", ts, 2pp, 3.9.[?], BB, side shows
"Olympia", ts, 2pp, 6.9.[?], slot machines
"Groups on the Pleasure Beach", ts, 4pp, 6.9.[?], HH/WEM
"Details of actions and conversations of four persons followed by me in the Tower", ts, 2pp, 7.9.37, IR
"Tower", ts, 1p, 7.9.[?], BB, [lacks p1]
"Details of observations at The Tower, Blackpool", ms, 4pp, 27.11.[?], AG
"Tower", ms/ts, 2pp, TH
"[?] to Pin [Tables]", ms, 6pp, CHL, (photocopy)
"Gambling", ms, 4pp, (photocopy)
Untitled document, index card, ts, to Brian with instructions for side show observations
58/C Palmistry and magic
Observer accounts
"Palmistry", ts, 2pp, 3.9.37, Madam Hartpool and Gypsy Smith
"Blackpool Saturday", ms, 4pp, LT, about Tiki (charm) shop
"Palmist", ts, 1p, 23.10.37, ZB, the Pleasure Beach
"Patter at the Horoscopes", ts, 1p, [JW]
Magazine cuttings (4)
Newspaper cutting (1)
Various palm reading items
58/D Miscellaneous observations and overheards
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, 6.4.38, BWW list of questions about Blackpool
"System of questions used on Saturday August 14", ts, 4pp, 3-point questionnaire and some responses
Observer accounts
"Belisha Crossings", ts, 5pp, 12.9.[?], RGW, count at St. John's Square
"Belisha Crossings", ts, 5pp, 12.9.[?], RWG, count at Talbot Square
"Bank Holiday Monday", ts, 4pp, [JB], behaviour of couples and groups of young women and men
"Salvation Army", ts, 1p, 4.8.37, JS, Concert Inn, Blackpool
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 5.9.37, (incomplete lacks pp1-2)
"Guy Faulks (sic) Night", ts, 3pp, 5.11.[?], JM-J
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, about four young women on holiday in Blackpool
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, overheards
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, notes relating to Blackpool
"Taking Blackpool back", ts, 1p, about postcards and presents
Index cards (6) ms, references to Blackpool
Misc, ts/ms, 6pp
59/A Children's essays
"What I think of Blackpool in Summer", 236 essays, ages 7-14
59/B Children's essays
"What I think of Blackpool in Summer", 66 essays, age 8
Untitled document, ms, 3pp, analysis of essays
59/C Children's essays
"What I think of Blackpool in the Summer", 132 essays, age 9
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, analysis of essays
9/D Children's essays
"What I think about/of Blackpool in the Summer", 100 essays, ages 9-11
Untitled document, ms, 6pp, analysis of essays
59/E Children's essays
Untitled documents, 30 essays, age 7, about holidays at Blackpool
"Analysis of School Children's Essays F1 to F30", ms, 3pp
Untitled documents, 28 essays, no age, about holidays at Blackpool
"Analysis of Essays H1 to H28", ms, 1p
"How I spent my holidays", 34 essays, no age
"Essays G1 to G30", ms, 1p, analysis of essays
59/F Miscellaneous
"Comments at Home", ms, 2pp, from Olive
"Comments at Home", ms, 2pp, from Eric
Paper folder containing three pictures (2 black and white), 1 of a yatch, 2 are 'ideal rooms'
Newspaper cuttings (2)
60/A "The Fringes of the Law", 20pp
"The Fringes of the Law", 13pp
"The Fringes of our Law", 21pp
"Beyond the Law", 42pp
60/B "A Home from Home?", 30pp
"A Home from Home?", 22pp
"A Home from Home?", 19pp
"Home", pp12
60/C "Moral Law", 24pp
"Intersex", 19pp
"Intersex", 19pp
"Intersex", 18pp
60/D "Dancing", 30pp
"Dancing", 33pp
"Dance", 16pp
"Dance", 10pp
"Dancing in the dark, singing in the rain .....", 35pp
Misc, ts, 19pp
60/E "Pennies from Heaven and Earth", 20pp
"Pennies from Heaven and Earth", 20pp
"Pennies from Heaven and Earth", 23pp
"Pennies from Heaven and Earth",21pp
"Fourth Dimension", 22pp
"The Mystery of the Fourth Dimension", 10pp
Misc "Title Page" (3) 9pp
Misc "Chapter 3", ts, 1p
60/F "Sex",39 pp
"Sex", 31pp
"Sex", 33 pp
"Sex", 28pp
61/A "Moneysworth", 33pp (photocopy)
"Slot", 15pp
"Slot", 16pp
"Slot", 17pp
61/B "Around the Tower", 22pp
"Around the Tower", 12pp
"Around the Tower", 19pp
"Around the Tower", 19pp
Misc ts, 2pp
61/C "Mystery Men", 11pp
"Mystery Men", 11pp
"Mystery Men", 11pp
"Mystery Men", 13pp
61/D "The Day and Wandering", 13pp
"The Day and Wandering", 12pp
"Day Routine", 24pp
Misc, ts, 28pp
61/E "Sea", 42pp
"Sea", 24pp
"Sea", 41pp
"Sea", 41pp
"Sport", 15pp
Misc, ts/ms, 4pp
61/F "Solid and Liquid", 18pp
"Solid and Liquid", 22pp
"Liquid", 16pp
Misc, ts, 4pp
62/A "The Funeral of Work", 10pp
"The Funeral of Work", 11pp
"The Funeral of Work", 11pp
"The Funeral of Work", 14pp
62/B "The Magic of Health", 24pp
"Which Doctor", 25pp
"Witch Doctor", 28pp
"Which Doctor", 27pp
62/C "Big Shots", 10pp
"Big Shots", 10pp
"Big Shot", 10pp
"The Mob", 11pp
"The Mob", 6pp
"Big Business", 16pp
"Big Business", 15pp
"Big Business", 15pp
62/D "Spoken, Sung and Wrote", 16pp
"Spoken, Sung", 15pp
"Spoken", 15pp
"Holiday" (summary for Penguin), 4pp
Misc, ts, "Words", 1p
62/E "Theatres and Cinemas", 6pp
"Theatres and Cinemas", 9pp
"Theatres and Cinemas", 9pp
"Something to hold on to through the long Winter months", 11pp
"Relics from Holy Blackpool", 24pp
62/F "The Aeroplane View", 7pp
"Aeroplane View", 7pp
"Aeroplane View", 7pp
"Aeroplane View", 7pp
"Robots", 17pp
62/G "Sport", 13pp
"Sport", 12pp
"Sport", 14pp
"Park and Sports", 12pp
62/H "Piers", 22pp
"Piers", 22pp
"Piers", 20pp
"Piers", 20pp
63/A "Holiday Town" 28pp
"Holiday Town", 25pp
"How It Happened", 25pp
"Blackpool", 14pp (and magazine article)
63/B "Moneysworth", 28pp
"Moneysworth", 31pp
"Retail", 22pp
63/C "Remembered Bitterly", 10pp
"Remembered Bitterly", 10pp
"Remembered Bitterly", 12pp
"Remembered Bitterly", 17pp
Misc, ts, 11pp
63/D "In Brimming Measure", 14pp
"In Brimming Measure", 9pp
"In Brimming Measure", 13pp
"Winning the Publicity Stakes", 14pp
"Lights in Autumn", 32pp
63/E "Children", 14pp
"Children", 19pp
"Children", 24pp
"Children", 23pp
63/F "The Holiday Dream", 28pp
"The Holiday Dream", 23pp
"The Holiday Dream", 28pp
"The Holiday Exodus", 21pp
Misc 37pp (lacks p1-11)
63/G "Whirlpool", 17pp
"Whirlpool", 26pp
"Whirlpool", 17pp
"Whirlpool", 22pp
"Easter Saturday", 9pp
64/A Bolton By-election
Letter from Nell Umney to THH, ts, 1p, 21.11.60, enclosing report "Bolton By Election", ts, 10pp, 11.60, NU, report on the election, index card attached
Letter from Raynor Atkins to THH, ts, 8.12.60, enclosing report "Bolton East By-election", ts, 42pp, RA
"Bolton - Election Results", ts, 1p, election results for Bolton East and Bolton West for 1959 and 1955
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, statistical data on voting patterns for 1951, 1955 and 1959 [no source cited]
64/B Leisure
"Comments on changes noted in Workers' Educational Association since about 1935", ts, 1p, by Miss Alice Foley, President, Bolton Branch, Workers' Education Association
Booklet After Work leisure and learning in two towns, Bolton and Rochdale
Newspaper cutting about the Crowther Report
Sport: observer account
"Ryton Wrestling Stadium", ts, 1p, 28.7.60, NU, conversation with Mrs Bowman, Director of Ryton Wrestling
"Wrestling Bolton 1938", ms, 2pp, 7.60, RA
"Municipal Golf", ts, 1p, about Bolton municipal golf course
"Bowling and Tennis in Corporation Parks", ts, 1p, newspaper cutting attached
"Impact of television on sport", ts, 1p and newspaper cutting
Note signed by Haydn Berry, sports editor of the Bolton Evening News, ts, 1p, referring to attached notes about sport
Index card (1), reference to yachting
Special interest clubs observer accounts
"Bolton Allotment Society", ts, 1p, 7.8.60, [NU], background information
Programme Flower & Vegetable Show, Ainsdale Road Allotment Society, 20.8.60, ticket attached
"Cactus Society", ts, 1p, 7.8.60, NU, background information
"Bolton Canine Club", ts, 1p, 7.8.60, NU, background information
Charities observer account
"Cruelty to children and animals", ts, 1p, phone conversation with an NSPCC inspector and an RSPCA inspector
Arts observer accounts
"Bolton Art Circle", ts, 1p, 7.8.60, NU
"Miss Stayon music teacher", ts, 2pp, 7.8.60, NU, interview
"Music trends.. Pearl radio and music shop", ts, 2pp, 11.8.60, NU
Programme, Little Theatre, for Twelfth Night, 5.58
"Amateur Theatricals 1837-1960", ts, 2pp, 11.8.60, NU
"Report from the secretary of the Bolton Amateur Theatricals", ts, 2pp, 11.8.60, NU
Kewyed observer account
"West Houghton Kayed" (sic), ts, 1p, 27.7.69, NU
"A slight case of totemism", ts, 6pp, [THH]
"Car licences", ts, 1p, number of vehicle registered for 1938, 1950 and 1959
Billy's Weekly Liar, newspaper (2 copies) 23rd and 24th editions, Bolton's Publishers, 1958
Letter from [?] to THH, ms, 1p about material on Blackpool and Liverpool
64/C Markets and shops
Letter from [?], Secretary, Bolton Chamber of Commerce to Mr Currier, ts, 2pp, 4.8.69 about industrial trends in Bolton
Booklet Centenary of the opening of the Market Hall Knowsley Street, Pendlebury & Sons Ltd., Bolton
"County Borough of Bolton - markets undertaking", ts, 3pp, 8.59, report planning and administration of Bolton's markets
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 16.7.[60], THH, about repeats of 1940s shop counts at Woolworths
"Steels Whoesale(sic) Grocers", ts, 1p, 20.7.60, NU, conversation with Mr Roger Steel about changes in Bolton. Reference toTom Harrisson having worked at the wholesalers as a warehouseman
Repeat observations of 1937-40 M-O shop and market studies (see Box 29)
"Crossley Corner Shop, Little Lever High Street", ts, 20.7.60, NU, conversation with Mrs Crossley about business and bowling. Two newspaper cuttings attached about Mrs Crossley's bowling activities
"Shop Comparisons", ts, 35pp, 21.7.60-11.8.60, NU
"Observations in Fish and Chip Shop", ms, 1p, Palace, Newport St and Savoy Churchgate
64/D Pubs
"Pubs change and not-change. Some basic statistics", ts, 1p, JS, memo from D.M. Peacock, Lintas Limited, to JS, ts, 1p, 21.7.60, and newspaper cutting attached
"Drinking", ts, 2pp, [JS], 4.8.37, pub in Blackpool
Note from [JS] to THH, ts, 1p, referring to pub reports
Repeat observations from M-O pub studies (see box 3) at the following pubs:
"1937-60. Change and not-change in pubs", ts, 2pp, 7.60, JS
"Peel Hotel", ts, 1p, JS
"Saturday mid-day drinking", ts, 1p, 16.7.60, [JS], also photocopy of original pub observation, (see Box 3, file D)
"Parkfield (Arms) Inn", ts, 2pp, 23.7.60, NU
"Star and Garter, Bow Street", ts, 2pp, 25.7.60, NU
"Man and Scythe, Churchgate", ts, 2pp, 25.7.60, NU
"The Wheatsheaf", ts, 1p, 27.7.60, NU
"The Saddle, Bradshawgate", ts, 1p, 30.[7].60, NU
"Hen and Chickens, Deansgate", ts, 1p, NU
"The Crofters", ts, 1p, NU
"Waterloo Hotel", ts, 2pp, NU, illustrated
"Greyhound, Deansgate", ts, 2pp, NU
"Lower Nags Head, Deansgate", ts, 1p, 3.8.60, NU
"One Horse Shoe, Bank Street", ts, 1p, 5.8.60, NU
"Duke of Cambridge, Bark Street", ts, 1p, 6.8.60, NU
"Duke of Clarence, Clarence Street", ts, 1p, 6.8.60, NU
"Bark Street Tavern", ts, 1p, 6.8.60, NU
"Tarts. Bolton", ts, 1p, 12.8.60, NU
Untitled document, ts, 1p, JS about the pub reports
Leaflet: Offences of Drunkenness, 1959, Home Office, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London
Booklet: General Annual Licensing Meeting 11th February 1959, Report of Chief Constable, County Borough of Bolton
Booklet: A Story of 700 Years - Ye Olde Man and Scythe Inn, James Bland production
Magazine cuttings,Harpers Wine & Spirit Gazette, 3.6.60, 5.8.60 and 28.8.60, about wine and spirit trade
Booklet: Sherries The Wine Merchants, price list, business card attached
Newspaper cutting
64/E Trades Council and employment
Booklet: Annual Report and Directory 1959, Bolton Trades Council
"Observations on changing textile trade unions since 1935", ts, 1p
"Trades Council", ms, 1p, information supplied by Councilor Glyn
64/F Religion
From Rev J. Kenneth Lawton to NU, ms, 2pp, 22.7.60, enclosing membership record for Bridge Street Methodist
From Eric Shivell Price to NU, ms, 1p, about some material for the Bolton survey
From E.M. Williams, Senior Captain, The Salvation Army, Bolton to NU, ms, 1p, 30.8.60, about permission to publish material
"St Lukes Old Chorley Road, Electoral Roll", ms, 1p, 28.8.60, NU, membership figures and brief note about accuracy of numbers
Paper folder containing
"Baptist Churches in Bolton and District", ts, 2pp, 12.8.60, NU, statistical data on church membership
"Anglican Church Figures", ts, 1p, 26.8.60, NU, statistical data from the electoral roll
"Congregational Churches", ts, 2pp, NU, statistical data on church membership
Observer accounts of services at the following churches and details of any changes and visits to churches and places of worship
Report by John Sommerfield on St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Bawkers Row, Maudsley Street, Bolton, ts, 1p, 16.7.60, JS
"St Augustines Anglican Church Tonge Moor", ts, !p, 17.7.60, NU
"Belmont Congregational Church", ts, 1p, 17.7.60, NU
"St James Church", ts, 1p, 17.7.60, NU
"Visit to the Roman Catholic church near the railway station at Bolton ....", ts, 2pp, 17.7.60, BH
"St. Augustines Anglican Church Tonge Moor", ts, 1p, 17.7.60, NU
"Independant Methodist Church and Sunday School", ts, 1p, 9.8.60, NU
"Claremont Baptist Church Bolton", ts, 2pp, 12.8.60, NU
"Recording of general impressions by Barbara Harrisson", ts, 9.7.[60] 3pp, BH, Parish Church, Bolton
"Recording by Julian Trevelyan ...", ts, 3pp, 9.7.[60] JT, visit to Victoria Hall
"Recording by Humphrey Spender ...Maudsley Street Congregationalist Church", ts, 4pp, 9.7.60, HS, visit
"Recording by Francis Huxley on visit to Bank Street Unitarian Church", ts, 4pp, 9.7.[60], FH
"Summary of Sunday morning church observations, 1960 compared with 1937", ts, 2pp, THH
"Sunday afternoon - (continuation of Sunday morning)", ts, 2pp, 10.7.60, THH, around Bolton
"Report by Humphrey Spender ... on the St. George's Congregationalist Church, Bolton ...", ts, 2pp, 10.7.[60], HS, evening service
"Report by Barbara Harrisson on Methodist Church in St. George's Road ...", ts, 2pp, 9.7.[60], BH, evening service
"Seventh Day Adventist Church, Nelson Square", ts, 1p, 24.7.60, NU, background information
"Bolton Hebrew Congreation, 12a Wentworth St", ts, 2pp, 1.8.60, NU, background information
"Salvation Army", ts, 1p, 14.8.60, NU, attempt to interview Army staff, attendance at meeting
Interviews with clergymen
"Mr Lawton ... Minister Astley Bridge Methodist Church", ts, 2pp, 15.7.60, NU
"Rev J.N. Mitchell, St. Philips C. of E., Swan Lane", ts, 2pp, 18.7.60, NU
"Rev M. Rhugi, St. Pauls, Halliwell Road, C. of E., ts, 2pp, 18.7.60, NU
"Rev Joseph Needham", ts, 1p, 18.7.60, NU, Superintendant of Bolton Wesley Circuit
"Rev D. Glyn Evans, Congregational Church, St. Georges Road", ts, 3pp, 19.7.60, NU
"Rev R.C. Craston, St Pauls, Deansgate", ts, 2pp, 19.7.60, NU
"Rev D.E. Carr, Presbyterian Church, Somerset Road", ts, 2pp, 19.7.60, NU
"Rev G. Farrand, Congregational Churches, Mawdsley Street and Derby Street", ts, 2pp, 20.7.60, NU
"Rev W.J. Evans, Tonge Moor and Edgeworth Congregational Churches", ts, 2pp, 20.7.60, NU
"Rev Lawton Astlay (sic) Bridge Methodist Church", ts, 1p, 21.7.60, NU
"Father Ashworth, St. Edmunds R.C., Edmund St.", ts, 1p, 22.7.60, NU
"Father Ford, St. Patricks, Great Moor St. R.C.", ts, 1p, 22.7.60, NU
"Rev C.D. Warrnan, Queen Street Mission", ts, 1p, 22.7.60, NU
"Tonge Moor Congregational Church, Bolton", ts, 2pp, report by J.W. Evans
"Counts of colour in womens clothes", ts, 2pp, 16.7.60, THH/BH
Letter from Geoffrey Farrand to "Dear Friends", ts, 1p, details of church services, diary for July 1960 and thanking his congregation for their support during his ministry
"St. George's Road Contregational Church proposed coffee bar", ts, 2pp, 7.60, a report
"Chuch Missionary Society - Bolton Deanery Association", ts, 2pp, financial statistics and report of the annual meeting 17.5.60
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, research notes and 3 index cards
"A Unitarian's Notebook", ts, 1p, reprinted article, Bolton Evening News, 24.9.58
Church magazines and religious literature
64/G Crime prevention - Blackpool
Observer account
"Blacpool", ts, 1p, about the new Chief Constable, interview with the enquiry office sergeant
"Crime & Poster 1960", ms, 1p
Booklets (2): Give them an inch and they'll take -, about crime prevention
Poster Is yours to be a pleasant holiday?
Crime prevention literature
64/H Youth and education
Letter from W.T. Selley, Chief Education Officer, County Borough of Bolton, Education Department, to R.J. Currier, ts, 4pp, 24.11.60, enclosing "Significnat changes in educational provision in Bolton since 1945", notes
Copy letter from RJC to W.T. Selley, ts, 1p, 30.11.60, thanking him for the notes
"Footnote", ts, 1p, about changes in education since the war
"Names at Bolton School", ts, 3pp, Bolton surnames
Letter from RJC to Arthur Catherall, ts, 1p, 10.8.60, eight questions about the Scout movement
Letter from Arthur Catherall to RJC, ts, 2pp, 11.8.60, replying to questions about the Scout movement
64/I Entertainment
Brochures, newspaper cuttings and programmes for shows, exhibitions and the theatre
65/A Britain Revisited
Untitled document, ms, 143pp, THH, draft cut and paste of 1930s and 1960s for book
65/B Research material for Britain Revisited
"Part of Britain Revisited - Blackpool", ms/ts, 85pp, and index cards (7)
65/C Britain Revisited
Untitled document, ms/ts, 84pp, THH/CF
65/D BritaIn Revisited
Untitled document, ts, 78pp
65/E Questionnaires, guidelines for observers and lists, Bolton and Blackpool
"Doctors Q.Q. Indirects", ts, 1p
"Draft questions on savings and trade", ts, 1p, 17.1.39, (3 copies)
"South Lancashire Survey - Savings", ts, 1p, 7-point questionnaire, (3 copies)
"Savings Questionnaire", ts, 1p, 12.2.40, HJN, 4-point questionnaire
"Budget Questionnaire (for housewives only)" ts, 14-point questionnaire, (4 copies)
"Firday (sic) .... The Housewife", ts, 2pp, 47-point questionnaire, (3 copies)
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 1.1.40, THH, questionnaire to test methodological problems, (2 copies)
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 14-point questionnaire about Christmas, (3 copies)
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 6-point questionnaire about following the news, (2 copies and index card)
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 7-point questionnaire in letter form about pubs, drinking and temperance
"Feb. 12. Bog graphiti"(sic), ts, 1p, (2 copies and index card)
"Life History", ts, 1p, 5-point questionnaire, about religion, (3 copies)
"Religious Questionnaire", ts, 1p, 33-point questionnaire, (3 copies)
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 14-point questionnaire for the Ministry of Food, (3 copies)
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 6-point questionnaire about the structure of trade unions and membership, (3 copies)
"Bolton", ts, 10pp, lists of material on topics researched
"Bolton - Special area (SA)", ts, 1p, list of material
"General description of Blackpool pre-war material in 2 boxes", ts, 1p, list
"General description of Blackpool pre-war material relating to observers and interviews ...", ts, 3pp
Untitled document, ts, 3pp, list of material
"Bolton Industry and History", ts, 1p, list of material
65/F Commentary and notes on 1937 material
Untitled document, ms/ts, 35pp, RH
65/G Revisiting Bolton
"Report on the housing survey and the general condition in the Parish of Ribby-with-Wrea", ts, [27.3.50], 5pp, H. Graham, Chief Sanitary Inspector
Observer accounts
"Report made at Worktown on July 9th 1960", ts, 14pp, incorporating reports by HS/THH/FH/
"A day spent in Worktown", ms/ts, 29pp, 13.7.60, RA, slum housing
65/H Typed transcripts of reviews of Britain Revisited (1961)
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 27.3.61, The Financial Times, Mark Abrams
Untitled document, ts, 1p, Manchester Evening News, David Brett
Untitled document, ts, 1p, Yorksshire (sic) Post, Leeds
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 26.3.61, Sunday Pictorial, Alan Fairclough
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 27.3.61, Lancashire Evening Post, JFC
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 1.4.61, Newcastle Journal, John O'London's, 20.4.61, and Lancashire Evening Post, 8.4.61, DLW
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 7.4.61, Bolton Journal and Guardian
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 15.4.61, The Tablet, W.J. Igoe
Untitled document, ts, 2pp, 21.4.61, The Tribune, Raymond Williams and Bolton Evening News, response to review by THH
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 28.4.61, Church Times, and Romford Recorder, 21.4.61, GHH
65/I THH pieces 1960
"Personalities", ts, 1p, 5.7.60, THH, about changes in famous personalities, 1935-1960
Untitled document, ts, 1p, 5.7.60, CM, about Willmott and Young's book Family and Kinship in East London
"Further "Times" Report on Dr. Abrams", ts, 3pp, 5.7.60, THH
"Sociological gaps", ts, 2pp, 5.7.60, THH
"Report on the Bolton Museum", ts, 24pp, 12.7.60, THH, incorporating a report on Bolton cemeteries, Bolton intellectuals, the Pleiades Society, television at Bolton and Borneo and comment on novel by Frank Singleton, 1948
Untitled document, ts, 9-14.7.60, 10pp, [incomplete lacks pp1-10]
"Second note on television in Worktown", ts, 2pp, 19.7.60, THH
"Bolton and religion: two points of view", ts, 1p, 22.7.60, THH
"The Pleids Society and Intellectuals in Bolton", ts, 12pp, (2 copies)
Misc, ts, 2pp and 2pp torn from book
The Mass-Observation “team” in Bolton & Blackpool, 1937-1940
Please note that no comprehensive documentation (if any ever existed!) of who belongs to the Mass-Observation in Bolton and Blackpool between 1937 and 1940 seems to have survived. As far as we have been able to tell, there were no systematic wages books, minutes of meetings or contracts of employment.
The following list has been compiled from the papers themselves (signatures on memos and letters, initials on the top of reports and observations and references in the texts of some of the papers) and from the memoirs of those former Mass-Observers who have been interviewed since their involvement in M-O. It is very likely that identities have been conflated (or one person listed as two) since some people may have used different initials at different times. Tom Harrisson, for example, sometimes identified himself as “THH” and sometimes as “TH” which means that he may be confused with Tom Honeyford. In most cases, it was possible to distinguish between the Mass-Observers by their handwriting or typical typewriting, or by their preferred form of reporting. However, some people could not be identified and are therefore not included in this list. Information about Mass-Observers, where it is available, can be consulted at the Mass-Observation Archive (Former Observers Boxes).
Alphabetical list by surname
Atkins, Raynor (RA)
Baker, Zita (ZT)
Barefoot, Brian (BB)
Bennett, Eric (EB)
Binks, Tom (TB)
Cawson, Frank (FC)
Chapman, Dennis (DC)
Cornhill, Jack (JC)
Derbyshire, Joe (JD)
Edwards, Gerald (GE)
Geoffrey Thomas (GT)
Harrisson, Tom (TH or THH)
Herbert Howarth (HH)
Honeyford, Tom (TH)
Hood, Walter (WH)
Hughes, Alec (AH)
Humprey Pease (HP)
Huxley, Francis (FH)
Jackson, Peter (PJ)
Lee, William (Bill) (WRL)
Madge, Charles (CM)
Naughton, Bill (BN)
Novy, Henry (HN)
Sommerfield, John (JS)
Taylor, Gay (GT)
Taylor, Leslie (LT)
Trevelyan, Julian (JT)
Wagner, Gertrud (GW)
Watkin, Bruce (BW)
West, Anthony (AW)
Willcock, Joe (JHW)