RENAISSANCE MAN: The Reconstructed Libraries of European
Scholars: 1450-1700
Series One: The Books and Manuscripts of John Dee, 1527-1608
Part 1: John Dee’s Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Readers should refer to the introductory sections, notes and appendices in Roberts and Watson John Dee’s Library Catalogue (The Bibliographical Society, London 1990) and to pages 302-335, a very useful bibliography in Nicholas H Clulee John Dee’s Natural Philosophy: Between Science and Religion (Routledge, London and New York, 1988).
Brief mention is made below of some other useful works to consult:
- R J Fehrenbach & E Leedham-Green eds., Private Libraries in Renaissance England: A Collection of Tudor and Early Stuart Book-Lists, 6 volumes (MRTS & Adam Matthew Publications, 1992 and forthcoming).
- M Feingold, The Occult Tradition in the English Universities of the Renaissance: A Reassessment, in Brian Vickers, ed. Occult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance, pp 73-94 (Cambridge, 1984).
- P J French, John Dee: The World of an Elizabethan Magus, 2nd edition (London, 1972).
- J L Heilbron, Introductory Essay in John Dee on Astronomy, ed. W Schumacker, pp 1-99 (Berkeley, 1978).
- The Private Diary of Dr John Dee, ed. James Orchard Halliwell (Camden Society, xix, 1842).
- M R James, Lists of Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr John Dee (Supp. to Bibliographical Society’s Transactions no: 1, 1921).
- L Jardine, Humanism and Dialectic in Sixteenth-Century Cambridge: A Preliminary Investigation, in R R Bolgar, ed., Classical Influences on European Culture, AD 1500-1700, pp 141-154 (Cambridge, 1976).
- E G R Taylor, The Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor and Stuart England Cambridge, 1954).
- E G R Taylor Tudor Geography, 1485-1583 (London, 1930)
- L Thorndike & P Kibre, A Catalogue of Incipits of Medieval Scientific Writings in Latin, revised edition (London, 1963).
- A G Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c.700-1600 in the Department of Manuscripts, The British Library, 2 volumes (London, 1979).
- A G Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c.435-1600 in Oxford Libraries, 2 volumes (Oxford, 1984).
- A G Watson, The Manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke (1969).
- A G Watson, Thomas Allen of Oxford and his manuscripts, Ker Essays, 279-314.
- Robert S Westmann and J E McGuire, Hermeticism and the Scientific Revolution (Los Angeles, 1977).
- F A Yates, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (Chicago, 1964).
- F A Yates, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age (London, 1969)
- F A Yates, Theatre of the World (London, 1969).
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