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Series 1, Special Operations in Western Europe

Part 1: France: The Jedburgh Teams and Operation Overlord, 1944-1945,

Part 2: France: Political and Planning Files, Circuits and Missions, 1940-1947

Part 3: Germany, 1936-1945

Part 4: Holland, 1940-1949

Part 5: Italy, 1941-1948

Contents of Reels - Part 2


Political situation, policy and planning - (HS 6/308 - 337)

HS 6/308 1940-1945

Her Majesty’s Government: relations with French governing authorities, (Folder 1) including SOE relations with Gaullist movement and the Foreign Office from 1942 onwards; Free French forces: doubts over security arrangements; D-Day 1944

HS 6/309 1940-1941

Her Majesty’s Government: relations with French governing authorities (Folder 2) including assessment of Charles de Gaulle and situation in France; dispute with Desmond Morton about the status of SOE

HS 6/310 1941-1943

Her Majesty’s Government: relations with French governing authorities (Folder 3)

HS 6/311 1940-1944

Special Operations Executive’s relations with French governing authorities (Folder 1) including assessment of Charles de Gaulle and situation in France; relations between F Section and Free French; de Gaulle’s attempts to control the Section; persecution of SOE agents

HS 6/312 1942

Special Operations Executive’s relations with French governing authorities (Folder 2) including relations between F Section and Free French; de Gaulle’s attempts to control the Section; persecution of SOE agents

HS 6/313 1943

Special Operations Executive’s relations with French governing authorities (Folder 3) including relations between F Section and Free French; de Gaulle’s attempts to control the Section; persecution of SOE agents


HS 6/314 1944

Special Operations Executive’s relations with French governing authorities (Folder 4)

HS 6/315 1943

Special Operations Executive’s relations with French governing authorities (Folder 5) (Giraudist)

HS 6/316 1940-1945

Assessment of political situation

HS 6/317 1943

Situation within French émigré or other governments; Fighting French

HS 6/318 1941-1944

Persecution of SOE agents and sympathisers by their political enemies; fighting French; relations between F Section and Free French; de Gaulle’s attempts to control the Section

HS 6/319 1941-1944

Use of political groups for SOE activities

HS 6/320 1941-1942

Retained by Department under Section 3(4)

HS 6/321

Political intelligence

HS 6/322 1940-1944

Structure of F Section; policy, planning and organisation of SOE activities: MONICA/BARDSEA

HS 6/323 1941-1944

Structure of F Section; Planning of sabotage


HS 6/324 1943-1944

Planning: general; Structure of F Section

HS 6/325 1939-1940

Policy planning and organisation effected in Western Europe prior to July 1940 and in Far East prior to May 1942; Section D initial planning 1939-1940

HS 6/326 1940

Policy planning and organisation effected in Western Europe prior to July 1940 and in Far East prior to May 1942; Section D projects; Section D initial planning 1939-1940

HS 6/327 1942-1943

Main and local resistance and partisan groups: EAM (Independent French); CARTE organisation

HS 6/328 1943-1944

Main and local resistance and partisan groups: Fighting French; assessment of Charles de Gaulle and situation in France

HS 6/329 1943-1944

Main and local resistance and partisan groups: Maquis operations; interrogations

HS 6/330 1941-1944

Resistance movements and partisan forces: development; general (Folder 1)

HS 6/331 1943

Resistance movements and partisan forces: development; general (Folder 2)

HS 6/332 1942-1944

Resistance movements and partisan forces: development; general;
fighting French RF Section (Folder 3)

HS 6/333

Resistance movements and partisan forces: general development; Giraudist (Trainer);
Commandant Lejeune’s mission

HS 6/334

Resistance movements and partisan forces: development; European Poles

HS 6/335 1943-1944

Resistance movements and partisan forces: development; Maquis operations; Bertin plan

HS 6/336 1944

French integration, Part 1: organisational preparation for D-Day

HS 6/337

French integration, Part 2: organisational preparation for D-Day


Creation and maintenance of French solidarity - (HS 6/338-344)

HS 6/338 1942-1943

Creation and maintenance of French solidarity, October 1942-July 1943 (Folder 1)
including SOE relations with Gaullist movement and the Foreign Office from 1942 onwards

HS 6/339 1943

Creation of Maintenance of French Solidarity (Folder 2)

HS 6/340 1944

Creation of Maintenance of French Solidarity, January-May 1944 (Folder 3)

HS 6/341 1944

Creation of Maintenance of French Solidarity, June-July 1944 (Folder 4)

HS 6/342 1944-1945

French Resistance

HS 6/343 1943-1944

Blackmail and sabotage


HS 6/344 1945 Rehabilitation post-war; list of contacts Coup de main and raiding parties - (HS 6/345 – 354)

HS 6/345 1941-1943

SAVANNA and JOSEPHINE B; citations for awards to Adjutant Jean Forman, Sergeant Joel Le Tac, Sergeant-Chef André Varnier and Captain Georges Bergé

HS 6/346

SCULLION independent French; attempt to sabotage Les Telots shale oil refinery; interrogations

HS 6/347 1941-1942

JOSEPHINE B: sabotage of transformer sub-station at Pessac in 1942; with one newspaper cutting in French and German; comments on success and attitude of Winston Churchill

HS 6/348 1943

PILCHARDS/BREWER: sabotage Matisse works, Versailles; Radio Paris at Allouis

HS 6/349 1943-1944

ARMADA: sabotage of Le Creusot electricity power supply and Henri Paul transformer station; destruction of aviation fuel near Varennes le Grand

HS 6/350 1943

HOUSEKEEPER: sabotage of canal lock at Lesdains

HS 6/351 1941

Retained by Department under Section 3(4)

HS 6/352 1940-1941

SAVANNA B; particulars of personnel

HS 6/353 1943

DRESSMAKER; sabotage of tanneries

HS 6/354 1942

HANGMAN; sabotage of pylons

Allied Missions still in France, 1944-1945 - (HS 6/355)

HS 6/355 1944-1945

Mission to France to contact British members of allied missions still in France, settle financial matters and collect wireless equipment

Political and military liaison - (HS 6/356-375)

HS 6/356 1944-1945

ECHALOTTE mission; wireless bases in Moselle and Vosges areas

HS 6/357 1943-1944

SLING: attack on Paris electricity supply

HS 6/358 1944-1948

CITRONELLE mission: liaison with French resistance and Maquis in Ardennes

HS 6/359 1943-1945

UNION mission: liaison and organisation of Maquis

HS 6/360


HS 6/361

EUCALYPTUS mission to Vercors resistance: communications with London on conditions and supply needs; disruption of road and rail communications; court of enquiry findings


HS 6/362 1944

Cantinier alias APOTHEME: liaison with resistance, Maquis in Haute Savoie, Ain and Jura; Free French forces: doubts over security arrangements; D-Day 1944

HS 6/363 1944

ALOES mission: internal communications to Jedburgh teams in Côtes du Nord, Finistère, Morbihan and Loire Inférieure; to pass intelligence from behind enemy lines to 3rd American Army; control of action of resistance in Brittany

HS 6/364 1944

CLE (SOCRATES) mission

HS 6/365 1943-1945

BERGAMOTTE: Allied mission to Maquis in Creuse

HS 6/366 1944

VERVEINE/ISAAC mission to Maquis in Mont de Morvan area

HS 6/367 1944

TILLEUL Allied mission to Maquis


HS 6/368 1944-1967

CIVETTE mission: mounted by London Gaullist organisation Bureau Central de Renseignements et Action, Londres (BCRAL)

HS 6/369 1944

CAMPHRE mission

HS 6/370 1944

SHINOILE mission

HS 6/371

ETOILE mission: intended for Loyton but transferred to Marksman area (see also HS 6/518 in SOE Part 1)

HS 6/372 1945

OUTHALL mission: Wing Commander Yeo-Thomas’s enquiry and reports on Buchenwald, Fresnes and other concentration camps; wanted German camp personnel; finance and payments to helpers

HS 6/373 1944

Organisation and activities of Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur (FFI) of Savoie (Folder 1)

HS 6/374 1944

Organisation and activities of Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur (FFI) of Savoie (Folder 2)

HS 6/375 1944

Military role of French resistance; plan of organisation of secret army; Comité de la Liberation Nationale

Circuits and Missions in France - (HS 6/376 - 470)

HS 6/376 1942-1944

Resistance and secret army (Folder 1)

HS 6/377 1944

Resistance and secret army (Folder 2)

HS 6/378 1943

D-Day plans and all PWE material (Folder 1)


HS 6/379 1944

D-Day plans and all PWE material (Folder 2)

HS 6/380 1943-1945

SOPHIE mission: Claude Serreulles sent to field as assistance REX/MAX to De Gaulle’s commissaire for all France

HS 6/381 1942-1943

ARTE mission: André Girard; unofficial group formed in 1940, working for interim military dictatorship to replace Vichy government

HS 6/382 1942-1945

CARTE mission: André Girard

HS 6/383 1944

BENJOIN mission: armament of Maquis in départements of Cantal and Correze

HS 6/384 1941

Clandestine lines: MAINMAST; line from unoccupied France through Spain and Portugal to Lisbon

HS 6/385 1941-1943

MAINMAST B mission

HS 6/386 1944

PLEXUS mission: psychological warfare party; to distribute propaganda to German Army in France

HS 6/387 1944

ACOLYTE B mission

HS 6/388 1942

AUTOGIRO mission: general sabotage

HS 6/389 1943-1944

MAURICE mission (Independent French); Maquis activities, particularly Ain and Savoie

HS 6/390 1943-1944

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/391 1944

STOCKBROKER mission: industrial sabotage in Montbeliard, Belfort, Hericourt area

HS 6/392 1943-1944

DIPLOMAT mission

HS 6/393 1943-1949

Marcel Hatet’s organisation of resistance in Nantes area; PROSPER circuit

HS 6/394 1944

SALESMAN mission: report on Groupes Francs

HS 6/395 1944 ROSE mission: Robert Rodrigues dropped to field to organise sabotage of telecommunications

HS 6/396

VANILLE: blackmail mission to attack industrial targets

HS 6/397 1943

CASANOVA mission: to organise pick-up and reception of agents

HS 6/398

BIRCH mission; Captain Menzies’ imprisonment at Fresnes

HS 6/399 1943-1944

VARLIN/ALGEBRE: Tartuffe’s mission to set up liaison with POWs and foreign workers deported to Germany

HS 6/400 1943-1944

MARQUIS: organisation of dropping and landing grounds in southern zone: enquiry after BLUDGEON operation in February 1944

HS 6/401 1943

BLEDLOW: to obtain German aircraft for Air Ministry Intelligence; follow-on of COAL/TURTLE operation

HS 6/402 1944

ARCHIDUC mission

HS 6/403 1942-1944

DORY/BRULO: sabotage in north of France; Michel Pierre Gries

HS 6/404 1944

CHALDEEN mission: wireless communications

HS 6/405 1944

DISTANCE mission: sabotage of industrial targets

HS 6/406 1942-1944

ROACH mission: liaison with Resistance in occupied and unoccupied France; wireless communications

HS 6/407 1944

EXCELLENCE mission: air operations in Paris area; Pierre André Jolinon

HS 6/408 1944

FAUCHEUSE mission: agent to collect information on secret arms; sabotage high tension cables; Jean Etienne Sriber; Guy Walter alias CHARRUE

HS 6/409 1943

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/410

SAPEUR/LEMNISCATE mission André Louis Rondenay

HS 6/411 1943-1945

MARECHAL mission: A J M Desgranges

HS 6/412 1945

GALILEE mission: organisation of region M; J F H Clouet des Perruches sent in succession to CRAB MAJOR

HS 6/413 1945

GAUSS mission: organisation in northern France; M A Pichard

HS 6/414 1945

LATEUR/PHILINTE mission: railway information and sabotage planning; Ceux de Libération - Bureau Operations Ariennes (BOA); Henri Pergaud and Réné Vivier

HS 6/415 1945

CRAB MAJOR mission: reception committee organisation; dropping grounds in Zone Sud; Bureau d’Operations Aeriennes (BOA) Organisation in Paris: Paul Schmidt and G E Brault


HS 6/416 1941-1942


HS 6/417 1942-1944

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/418 1941

BARTER mission: organisation of groups in Bordeaux area; sabotage

HS 6/419 1945-1968

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/420 1945

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/421 1943-1944

Arrests of French resistance leaders; arrest of Moulin 1943; REX

HS 6/422 1942-1943

Security files: the BISHOP transmitter enquiry; arrest of members of Carte organisation (Folder 1)

HS 6/423 1943-1945

Security files: the BISHOP transmitter enquiry; arrest of members of Carte organisation (Folder 2)

HS 6/424 1944-1945

Security file: EUCALYPTUS military mission to Vercors; liaison

HS 6/425 1944

Security file: EUCALYPTUS mission to Vercors; court of enquiry

HS 6/426 1943-1984

Security files: PROSPER - to re-create active circuit around Paris; press cuttings; PROSPER arrests; with 21 French newspaper cuttings (folded), French Telecom publication May 1966 and Paul Guillaume’s book on L’Abbé Emile Pasty


HS 6/427 1944

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/428 1941-1942

Security file: De Gaulle and Basque delegation; political intrigue and Basque movement; Basque plan for Western Europe Confederation or greater French Confederation based on Paris

HS 6/429 1944

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/430 1943

Security files: COCKLE MAJOR/MINOR; storage depots for arms in western France; finding beaches for escape and landing operations

HS 6/431 1942-1943

Security files: SEA URCHIN/DAB; organisation of resistance in Corsica; wireless suspected to be under German control

HS 6/432 1943-1945

Retained by department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/433 1943-1945

Security files: general policy; security queries; wireless traffic

HS 6/434 1944-1947

Security files: TUNMER/CHRISTOPHE case; Gilbert Charles Georges Turck; arrests in Marseille area

HS 6/435 1944

Security files: Woodchuck circuit escape routes

HS 6/436 1943-1945

Security files: ACTOR/WEAVER enquiries

HS 6/437 1945

Security files: repatriated prisoners of war; interrogations; war crimes; missing personnel; concentration camp lists (Folder 1)

HS 6/438 1945

Security files: repatriated prisoners of war; interrogations; war crimes; missing personnel; concentration camp lists (Folder 2)

HS 6/439

Security files: SPU 24 (Paris) vetting; interrogations of returned agents; with 1 French newspaper cutting (folded) (Folder 1)

HS 6/440 1945

Security files: SPU 24 (Paris) vetting; interrogations of returned agents (Folder 2)


HS 6/441 1945

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/442 1944

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/443 1943-1945

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/444 1942

Air operation SHALE to Melun

HS 6/445 1942-1950

Local awards and payments A-C

HS 6/446 1942-1950

Local awards and payments D-H

HS 6/447 1943-1948

Local awards and payments I-L

HS 6/448 1942-1949

Local awards and payments M-O


HS 6/449 1943-1947

Local awards and payments P-S

HS 6/450 1945-1948

Local awards and payments T-Z

HS 6/451 1944-1946

Finance: claims

HS 6/452 1944-1946

Finance: local franc advances; settlement of claims; lists of persons to whom payments have been made

HS 6/453 1945

Finance: general reports, liquidation progress; liquidation tour: Major Butler and Lieutenant Colonel Bourne-Paterson

HS 6/454 1945-1946

inance: liquidation; correspondence with Barclays, Lloyds, National Provincial and Westminster banks


HS 6/455 1942-1946

Finance: liquidation

HS 6/456 1942-1946

Finance: letters advising credits

HS 6/457

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/458 1945

Reseau “Alliance” (KUL); non-free French; list of names and addresses

HS 6/459 1944

SIS renseignements reseau “Alibi” non-free French; card index

HS 6/460 undated

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/461

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/462 undated

HAEF certificates issued to French personnel

HS 6/463 1945

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/464 1947-1949

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/465 undated

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

HS 6/466 1946

Recommendations for awards to Z group agents (run by Z1 from Switzerland)

HS 6/467

List of circuits showing personnel with their last known addresses

HS 6/468 undated

Cross-reference list of British and French agents, personnel and people: A-Z

HS 6/469 1946-1947

British circuits in France

HS 6/470

Retained by department under Section 3 (4)



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