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Series Two: The Beveridge Papers from the Library of Political and Economic Science

Part 1: Early Working Papers on Welfare, Labour and Unemployment Insurance, 1902-1944

Part 2: Politics, Economic Planning, Social Insurance, Health and the Welfare State, 1944-1963

Contents of Reels - Part 2



[New section compiled mainly from C.Ib355 and Z24-30]

Item (Former Ref)

MP for Berwick on Tweed, 1944-45

1 (Z25 X.VI.XXII) Correspondence, speech-notes and press-cuttings about Beveridge's adoption as Liberal candidate and subsequent election, Berwick on Tweed, 1944.

2 (I355 add. b) Letters of congratulations on election, 1944.

3 (Z16/7 X.XIV A6.101) Copies (some signed) and press-cuttings of his maiden speech in the debate on social insurance, 1944. Notes of other parliamentary speeches, 1944-45.

4 (Z25) Correspondence about financial assistance for the improvement of Berwick harbour, 1944-45.

5 (Z25) Correspondence about the proposed establishment of Berwick Development Company, 1944-45.

6 (Z25) Correspondence about bye-law for a footpath in Warkworth, 1944.

7 (Z24) Correspondence about postwar economic planning, 1944-45.

8 (Z24) Correspondence about Beveridge’s vote in debate on Greece, 1944-45.

9 (Z24) Correspondence about effect of war works on the Lake District, 1945.

10 (Z24) Correspondence about amendments to the Family Allowances Bill, 1945. [2 files].

11 (Z24) Evidence given by Beveridge to Home Office Departments Committee on Alternative Remedies, 1945.


12 (Z27/3) Correspondence and report about Dumbarton Oaks Committee proposals on peace, 1945. [2 files].

General Election, 1945

13 (Z27/1-2) Liberal Party Organisation Election Campaign Committee: correspondence, minutes, reports and memoranda, 1945.

14 (Ib355 add. a X.XXII) Pamphlets, election addresses, press-cuttings and other material used in the election campaign, 1945.


14 cont. (Ib355 add. a X.XXII) Pamphlets, election addresses, press-cuttings and other material used in the election campaign, 1945.

15 (Z27/4 Ib355 add. a) Party political broadcast and correspondence from listeners, 1945.


16 (Ib355 add. a) Election Diary: correspondence, itineraries, speech-notes X.XII Z25, 26/4 and addresses, and press-cuttings about the election campaign, 1945.

17 (Z25) Correspondence from other candidates and the general public about issues raised during the election campaign, 1945.


17 (Z25) Correspondence from other candidates and the general public about issues raised during the election campaign, 1945. [continued].

18 (Z25 L III24 OCX.XXII) Correspondence, memoranda and newspaper articles aboutelection results, 1945.

19 (Z26/1) Constituency correspondence before a by-election, 1943-44.


20 (Z26/2-3, 5) Correspondence, mainly with Berwick Division Liberal Association, relating to the constituency, 1944-45.

21 (L III 239 Z25) Correspondence with constituents about their problems, 1944-45.
[2 files; the second file suffers from very severe water damage].


21 cont. (L III 239 Z25) Correspondence with constituents about their problems, 1944-45. [3 files].


21 cont. (L III 239 Z25) Correspondence with constituents about their problems, 1944-45. [3 files].


22 (Z30/2) Correspondence about an invitation to stand for combined English Universities seat on the death of Eleanor Rathbone, 1946.

House of Lords, 1946-63 Parliamentary Debates

23 (CO58) National Insurance Bill: speech notes and Hansard, 25 June 1946.

24 (BO13a) Health Service: speech notes, 9 October 1946.

25 (BO13a) Foreign Affairs: speech notes, 29 July and 6 November 1946.

26 (BO13a CO55) Displaced Persons: speech notes and Hansard, 19 December 1946.

27 (BO13a CO55) Economic Situation: speech notes and Hansard, 19-20 March 1947.

28 (BO13a CO55) Five-Day Week for Miners: Expenditure on U S Tobacco and Filnis: notes and Hansard, 22 April 1947.

29 (CO58) Plight of Old People, Hansard, 1 May 1947.

30 (BO13a CO55) Food Situation: speech notes and Hansard, 7-8 May 1947.

31 (CO55) University Education: Hansard, 14 May 1947.

32 (BO13 CO55) Transport BIll: speech notes and Hansard, 20 May - 25 June 1947.

33 (BO13 CO55) Supplies and Services (Extended Purposes) Bill: speech notes and Hansard, 12-13 August 1947.

34 (BO13a CO55) Housing: speech notes and copy of Hansard, 3 December 1947.

35 (BO13) Children’s Bill: speech notes, 1948.


36 (BO15 CO55) Voluntary Action for Social Progress: correspondence, speech notes and Hansard, 22 June 1949.

37 (CO58) Plight of Old People: Hansard, 5 April 1950. [WHB did not speak].

38 (CO58) Care of Old People: Hansard, 18 April 1951.

39 (BO14) British Broadcasting Corporation: speech notes and Hansard, 25 July 1951.

40 (BO14 CO55) Economic Situation: speech notes and Hansard, 1 April 1952.

41 (X.XVIII BO14) Transport Policy: correspondence, material for and speech notes and Hansards, 15 May 1952.

42 (BO15-6 CO58) Well-being of the Family: speech notes and Hansards, 20 May 1952.


43 (Ib352a CO58) Charitable Trusts: correspondence, material for and speech notes and Hansard, 22 July 1953. Includes copy letters about Royal Maternity Charity of London, 1948-50, report of committee on Charitable Trusts, 1952, and Trusts and Foundations, by Guy W Keeling, 1953. Television Policy: Hansards, 25-6 November 1953 [3 files, one of which has been reclassified and located elsewhere in the archive; please see also under Section VII item 87].

44 (CO58) National Insurance Problems: Hansard, 10 February ( nd ).

45 (BO17) Welfare and Health Services: speech notes, 7 April 1954.

46 (BO17) World Population and Resources: speech notes, 28 April 1954 [Hansard]. CO58 Television Bill: speech notes, 30 June 1954 [see under Section VII item 87].

47 (BO17) National Insurance Bill: speech notes and Hansard, 20 December 1954.

48 (Ib359) add Oxford By-Pass: speech notes and Hansard, 8 February 1955.

49 (CO58) Problem of the Aged: Hansard, 23 March 1955 [see also Section VII item 7].

50 (L III 245 BO18) Coercive Action (Relief) Bill: correspondence, speech notes and bill, 24 January 1956.

51 (BO18 Ia 321) Officers’ Pay and Conditions: speech notes and Hansard, 25 January 1956.


52 (CO55 Ib 354) Economic Situation: speech notes and Hansard, 7 March 1956.

53 (Ia 311) Death Penalty (Abolition) Bill: correspondence, memoranda and Hansard, 12 March - 30 May 1956. (House of Commons).


54 (Ia 321 BO18) Imperial Institute: correspondence, speech notes and Hansard, 13 March 1956.

55 (BO18) Finance Bill No 2: speech notes, 30 July 1956.

56 (Ib 351 BO18) Suez Canal: correspondence, speech notes, press cuttings and other papers, 13 September 1956.

57 (CO55) Sound and Vision Broadcasting: speech notes and Hansard, 23 Jan 1957.

58 (Ib 359) Oxford’s Traffic Problem: speech notes and Hansard, 13 February 1957.

59 (CO55) Clubs: speech notes, 19 February 1957.

60 (Ib 359 add.) Scope of Oxford Roads Inquiry: Hansard, 12 March 1957.

61 (Ib 359) Oxford Ring Road: correspondence and Hansard, 2-3 July 1957.

62 (CO57 BO20) Transferability in Pension Schemes: correspondence, speech notes and Hansard, 21 January 1958.

63 (BO20 CO55) World Government: speech notes and Hansard, 14 May 1958.

64 (CO55) European Convention on Human Rights: Hansard, 18 November 1958.

65 (CO58) Provision for Old Age: speech notes and Hansard, 3 December 1958.


66 (Ib 353 CO55) Evils of Unplanned Conurbation: correspondence and material for and speech notes, 25 February 1959.

67 (CO55) United Nations and World Authority: speech notes and Hansard, 22 July 1959.

68 (CO55 Ib 364/19) Address in reply to Her Majesty’s Speech: speech notes and Hansard, 28 October 1959.

69 (CO55) Science in Civil Life: Hansard, 9 December 1959. Disarmament: speech notes and Hansard, 10 February 1960 [see under Section VII item 78].

70 (CO56) Local Employment Bill: Hansard, 23 February 1960.

71 (CO56) Leisure: speech notes, 2 March 1960.

72 (CO56) Defence: speech notes and Hansard, 10 March 1960.

73 (CO56) Adult Education: speech notes and Hansard, 16 March 1960. [3 files].


74 (Ib 362 CO56) University and Other Higher Education: correspondence, material for and speech notes, press cuttings and Hansard, 11 May 1960. Includes correspondence about Universities of York and Sussex, 1960-61. [4 files].

75 (CO56) Youth Service and The Albemarle Report: speech notes and Hansard, 18 May 1960.

76 (CO56) Magistrates’ Powers and Control of Clubs: speech notes and Hansard, 1 June 1960.


77 (CO56) Newspapers: speech notes and Hansard, 22 June 1960.

78 (CO56) Colonial Development Corporation: speech notes and Hansard, 20 July 1960.

79 (CO59) Address in Reply to Her Majesty’s Speech (on Colonialism): material for and speech notes and Hansard, 2 November 1960. [see also amended Hansards, Section VII item 78].

80 (Ib 359) Oxford’s Traffic Problem: speech notes and Hansard, 10 November 1960.


81 (Ib 351 CO56) Monckton Commission Report (constitution of Rhodesia and Nyasaland): Monckton and other reports, material for and speech notes and Hansard, 16 November 1960.

82 (CO56) Services Retired Pay and Pensions: speech notes and Hansards, 23 November 1960.

83 (CO56) Modern Aids in Education: speech notes and Hansard, 29 November 1960.

84 (CO57-8) International Situation: correspondence, speech notes and Hansards, 8 February 1961.

85 (CO58) National Health Service Charges: speech notes and Hansard, 13 February 1961.

86 (CO57) Advice on Health Service Facilities: Hansard, 28 February 1961.

87 (CO57) Broadcasting: speech notes, 1 March 1961.


88 (Ib 351 CO57) Central Africa: material for and speech notes and Hansard, 7-8 March 1961.

89 (CO58) National Health Service Charges: Hansard 9 March 1961.

90 (Ib 351 CO57) South Africa and the Commonwealth: correspondence, material for and speech notes and Hansards, 23 March 1961. [3 files].


90 cont. (Ib 351 CO57) South Africa and the Commonwealth: correspondence, subject material and speech notes and Hansards, 23 March 1961. (continued). [1 file].

91 (CO57) National Health Service Contributions Bill: Hansard, 27 March 1961. [see also Sedction VIII item 62].

92 (CO58) National Health Service Bill: speech notes and Hansard, 11 April 1961.

93 (CO57) Road Traffic Bill: bill, speech notes and Hansards, 13 April - 2 May 1961.

94 (CO57) Christian Unity: speech notes and Hansard, 10 May 1961.

95 (CO57) World Government: speech notes, 19 July 1961.

96 (CO57) Foreign affairs: speech notes, 17 October 1961.

97 (CO57) Population Pressure in Asia: Hansard, 6 June 1962.

98 (CO57) Pilkington Report on Broadcasting: correspondence speech notes and Hansard, 18 July 1962.

99 (CO57) Disarmament: speech notes, 27 June - 27 September 1962 and Hansard, 27 June 1962.

100 (Ia 341) Correspondence and memoranda about Manchester Corporation Bill (Ullswater), 1961-62.


101 (Ia 319) Correspondence with members about parliamentary debates and other Lords’ business, 1958-62.

102 (??C) Index to Hansards: House of Commons, 25 July 1952 - 22 July 1954; House of Lords, 14 October 1952 - 15 July 1954.


102 cont. (??C) Index to Hansards: House of Commons, 25 July 1952 - 22 July 1954; House of Lords, 14 October 1952 - 15 July 1954. (continued).

Liberal Party Organisation

103 (Z25) Correspondence, committee minutes, addresses and memoranda about Liberal Party Assembly, 1945.


104 (Ib 355 Z30/4) Correspondence with LPO, 1946-50. Includes Executive Committee minutes about Liberal Unity, 1946.

105 (Ib 355) Correspondence, election addresses and other material relating to 1950 general election, 1949-50.

106 (Z40) Correspondence with LPO, 1952-53.



107 (Ib 355 add A4.102 X.VIII) Correspondence with LPO and Radical Reform Group, 1953-55. General election results, 1955.

108 (Ib 355) Correspondence, election addresses and other material relating to 1959 general election, 1959.


109 (Ib 355) Correspondence with LPO and other Liberal organisations, 1960-62.

110 (X.XIX) Women’s Liberal Federation: executive committee minutes and correspondence, 1945-47.

111 (Ib 355) Berwick upon Tweed Division Liberal Association: correspondence and other papers, 1947-51.

112 (Ib 355) Correspondence with the Liberal International and Crusade for World Government, 1947-48.

113 (X.XVII) Liberal Trade Union Commission: draft preliminary report, 1949.



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