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Series One: Papers of the Economic Section, 1941-1961

(Public Record Office class T 230)

Part 1: T 230/1-36


Detailed Listing


Proposed Post-war Agricultural Policy (EAS14/01) Mar 1941 Mar 1945.
Correspondence between the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Board of Trade on whether to protect and stabilise home agricultural production which could lead to changes in the Washington proposal reducing the advantages expected to accrue to the UK export trade. 1943 briefs for the Lord President and the gap to Jan 1945. Draft White Paper on post-war food policy.


Consideration and negotiation of agricultural prices. (EAS14/34/01) June 1940 - Mar 1945. Drafts and amendments of LP(44)192 and LP (45)55 and 56.


British post-war civil aviation policy. (EAS172/01) Jan 1945 - May 1948. Includes various briefs


T230/4-6 UK post-war balance of payments. Wartime forecasts. (EAS29/01A-C)


Papers for Oct 1940 - Dec 1941


Jan 1942- Feb 1944. Papers dating mainly from 1942. Later papers on the estimated position in 1950 and include Cattos paper on post-war international settlement and UK balance of payments.


Mar 1944 - June 1945. Drafts and amendments of EC(S)(44)11 and 12 and estimates of the situation in 1945 with a review of post-war aspects with a survey of the general economic position. Includes papers from the Bank of England.



Balance of payments, Form of presentation of accounts (EAS29/85/01) Jun 1946 - Oct 1948. Keynes on the form of forecasts. Papers of the balance of payments workings sub working party on form of estimates. Concern of RL Hall in the summer of 1947 that planning would go wrong if the future balance of payments situation could not be foreseen and the resulting papers considering the form of work of the Exchange Requirements Committee.


Balance of payments. UK exports. Policy and programmes (EAS29/28/01) Mar 1946 - July 1948. Papers forecasting export situation in 1950 and reviewing unrequited exports and the possibilities of directing exports.


Import restrictions on balance of payments grounds. (EAS29/35/02) Dec 1942 - Nov 1946. General policy file including comments, including J M Keyness on Cattos paper on post international settlement in the UK balance of payments. Papers on quantities of import restriction and their distribution.


Balance of payments. UK imports policy and programmes. (EAS29/35/01) Nov 1945 - July 1948. Papers on import control and the arrangements for import programming including the relationships between various committees. Monthly progress analysis of imports in 1946, forecast of raw material import 1947-51 and estimate of the import programme July 1947 Dec 1948.


Balance of Payments Working Party. Memoranda. (EAS29/72/02) Dec 1945 - Apr.1947. EPWP/1/46 BPWP (47)1.


T230/12-28 Economic Section of the Cabinet War Secretariat. Discussion papers. (EAS354/351/01/-09B) June 1940 - Dec 1948.


June-Dec 1940


Jan-Dec 1941 - Start of consideration of reconstruction issues and included JE Meades The Prevention of General Unemployment. Feb-Dec 1943


Jan-Dec 1942


T230/15 - EC(S) (43) Series (EAS354/351/04) Feb-Dec 1943

Discussion Papers as follows:

15 Feb

1) Prevention of mass unemployment J E Meade

17 Feb

1) Prevention of post-war unemployment J E Meade. Revised version. Outline of paper on prevention of post-war unemployment asked for by Anderson

17 Feb

2) Prevention of mass unemployment P Chantler. Suggested outline.

19 Feb

3) Creation of employment J M Fleming. Need to bring home the extent unemployment can be eliminated was dependent on the sacrifices the community was prepared to make and sets out an outline on that basis.

22 Feb

4) Methods of prevention mass unemployment L C Robbins. Written without having read other suggestions.

10 Mar

5) Maintenance of full employment J E Meade.

12 Apr

5) Maintenance of full employment J E Meade. Revise version.

22 Apr

5) Maintenance of full employment J.E. Meade. 2nd revise version.

30 Apr

5) Maintenance of full employment L C Robbins. 3rd revise version. First shot at a somewhat drastic redraft due to the need to curtail and rearrange the paper for discussion at the Reconstruction Priorities Committee. Part 1: a short statement of the general nature of the problem. Part II: analyses of the various principles and methods of solution. Part III: discussion of the application of the principles outlined to the conditions likely to obtain immediately after the war. Concluding section setting out the subjects of further enquiry.

5 Apr

6) Surplus capacity in the immediate post-war period D N Chester. Primarily concerned with cases arising out of the expansion of war industries, in particular the disposal of factories and other assets financed by government.

23 Apr

7) The budget and the White Paper of 1943 R C Tress.

30 Apr

7) The budget and the White Paper of 1943 R C Tress. Revise version.

27 May

8) Exports N Watts. Review of export policy during the war and assessment of the existing rate of exports as against 1938 volume.

28 June

9) Influences affecting the level of national income. Some reflections on PR (43)35 and on Lord Keyness note of dissent J M Fleming, 5p. Need to make clear the assumptions involved in the estimates of national income if ministers were to understand their real meaning, in particular the assumption of the level of increased prices above the 1938 level

30 June 10 Influences affecting the level of national income R C Tress.

5 July

11) Wages, cost of living and the national income J M Fleming. Revision of EC(S)(43)9 correcting some of the errors.

8 July

12) Bulk purchase (IEP(43)26) DN Chester

15 July

13) Estimates of post-war national income R C Tress. Tables worked out by R C Tress and R Stone to help comparisons with 1938 and war years.

11 Feb

14) The post-war international settlement and the UK balance of payments L C Robbins covering J E Meade. Aimed to show that the broad line to the economic settlement discussed informally among UK and US officials in Washington made full allowance for the solution of the problem of the UK post-war balance of payments. Moreover there was strong reason to believe that the proposed settlement provided a favourable set of conditions for the resolution of this difficult and essential problem. Covers both the long term and transitional period. Annexe on the effect of a change in the foreign exchange rate on the balance of current payments.

T230/16 - EC(S)(44) Series (EAS354/351/05) Jan-Dec 1944

Discussion Papers as follows:

4 Jan

1) Notes on the Economic Sections scheme for varying social security contribution J E Meade covering D MacDougall. Believes the scheme would not work sufficiently quickly when the slump threatened.

4 Jan

2) Pricing of state products J E Meade.

8 Jan

3) Criteria of operation of state enterprises J M Fleming

12 Feb

4) Government control in the transition D N Chester

16 Feb

4) Government control in the transition D N Chester. Revised version. The problem faced would progressively change. De-control had to occur at the earliest opportunity as supplies increased. Sets out the criteria for consideration.

17 Feb

5) International cartels S R Dennison.

8 Mar

6) Copy of a letter dated 29 Feb 1944 to Professor Robbins from Mr Norman Brook. Sets out the relations between the Economic Section and the Office of the Minister of Reconstruction.

13 Mar

7) Reconstruction policy J Stafford. Sets out the expected position over the transition period and into the longer term and the resulting policies suggested.

5 Apr

8) Post-war housing programme D N Chester. Question of clash of demands between pre-fabricated and permanent housing programmes.

20 Apr

9) The planning of aggregate demand J M Fleming covering J M Fleming and R C Tress. Sets out the technique of planning of aggregate demand, including consideration of the size of the multiplier and how the government would use the information obtained to carry through the actual process of planning to achieve a higher level of employment.

25 Apr

10) Town and country planning (compensation and betterment) D N Chester. Comments on R(44)49.

10 Jul

11) The UK balance of payments in a normal post-war year (e.g 1950) J E Meade covering J E Meade and N Watts.

2 Aug

12) The balance of payments of the UK in the post transitional period J E Meade covering J E Meade and N Watts. Estimate of the situation in 1950 given account of changes which the war could be expected to have brought about.

30 Aug

13) Notes on Stage II L C Robbins.

8 Sep

14) Some observations of Stage II R C Tress.

2 Oct

15) Economic Survey Oct 1944 J E Meade. First Draft.

19 Oct

15) Economic Survey Oct 1944 unsigned. Analysis of the situation estimated in Stage II on the assumption of the war ending with Germany in 1944 and with Japan two years thereafter, in order to determine the correct priorities and to achieve the smoothest possible shift of resources.

14 Oct

16) Bilateral trading and British interests J M Fleming.

27 Nov

17) Notes on Coases Statistics of Capital Expenditure and Employment Policy L C Robbins covering J E Meade. Meade felt that it was necessary to distinguish in capital expenditure statistics between the problem of maintaining aggregate demand and the secondary problem of curing any structural unemployment. National expenditure should also be on a similar basis to the division in National Income White Paper and therefore the suggested product basis should be dropped.

30 Nov

18) Post-war coal exports L C Robbins covering P Chantler. Comments on R(IE)(44)5.

30 Nov

19) British coal exports under bilateral trading P Chantler.

2 Dec

20) Employment policy L C Robbins covering J E Meade. Review of the similarities and differences between the White Paper on Employment Policy and William Beveridges book entitled Full Employment in a Free Society.

8 Dec

21) Employment policy L C Robbins covering R C Tress. Comments on the White Paper on Employment Policy, Beveridge and EC(S)(44)20

16 Dec

22) Public Utility Corporation (R)(44)199) L C Robbins covering P Chantler and D N Chester. Consideration of the general principles of the Public Utility Corporation and the financial structure of the proposed reorganisation of the electricity supply industry.

T230/17 EC(S)(45) Series (EAS354/351/06A) Jan-May 1945

Discussion Papers as follows:

17 Jan

1) The balance of gain and loss to UK trade from the proposed international multilateral commercial policy convention J E Meade

29 Jan

2) British motor car taxation and the export problem P Chantier. Revise version

26 Feb

3) Wages J Wood

24 Mar

4) Post-war arithmetic R C Tress. Comments on N Kaldors national income figures and The Economists criticisms.

21 Apr

5) Economic forecasting an employment policy Economic Section. Second revise edition

16 Apr

6) The iron and steel industry. Some reflections on R(45)36 S R Dennison

26 Apr

7) Report on the iron and steel industry (R(45)36) Economic Section. Revise version.

24 Apr

8) The iron and steel industry. Minutes of a staff meeting held on 17 Apr to discuss the report on the iron and steel industry (R(45)36)

27 Apr

9) Report on the iron and steel industry. Minutes of a staff meeting held on 23 Apr to consider a draft memo by R C Tress (EC(S)(45)7).

2 May

10) Industrial problems in the transition S R Dennison and J Wood. Impressions of visits to 8 regions Nov and Dec 1944 and the problems that it would appear were likely to arise.

2 May

11) Notes for Economic Survey P Chantler. Preliminaries of the sections of the survey concerned with food, raw materials, shipping and industrial capital equipment.

5 May

12) Economic Survey. Wages in the first four months of 1945 J Wood.

5 May

13) Economic Survey manpower S R Dennison.

12 May

14) Economic Survey. Note on 1945/46 coal situation D N Chester. A shortage could be expected that winter as stocks were no longer sufficient to cover the deficit.

16 May

15) Economic Survey overseas liabilities and the balance of payments N Watts.

17 May

16) Economic Survey. Note on post-war housing building situation D N Chester

23 May

17) The Economic Survey. Minutes of staff meetings held on 15 and 16 May to discuss the next survey.

22 May

18) Copy of a letter sent by Sir E Bridges to heads of departments concerned with employment policy.
Sets out the administrative arrangements including meeting officials to consider the statistics for employment policy and forecasting national income and expenditure.

24 May

19) Economic Survey. Minutes of staff meeting held on 17 May to continue the discussion the next survey.


T230/18 EC(S)(45) Series (EAS354/351/06B) 29 May - 30 Oct 1945

Discussion Papers as follows:

29 May

20) The Economic Survey Minutes of a Staff Meeting 22 May 1945. Mainly on the danger of inflation

31 May

21) Economic Survey. Note on building labour D N Chester.

6 Jun

22) Capital expenditure by public authorities D N Chester. Preliminary note of the problems of a questionnaire to local authorities to find out their investment programmes.

25 Jul

23) Survey of the general economic position L C Robbins. Final revised version. See LP(45)127

25 Jun

24) Capital investment by public utility undertakings P Chantier. Problem of the diversity of the organisation of public utilities for use in employment policy

27 Jun

25) Capital expenditure by public authorities D N Chester. On the proposed questionnaire for local authorities.

20 Aug

26) Survey of the general economic situation L C Robbins. See LP (45)138 and 139

30 Aug

27) Correspondence between E E Bridges and J E Meade J E Meade. Correspondence on the future organisation of work on certain economic problems and the role to be played by the CSO and Economic Section

10 Oct

28) Economic planning J E Meade. 2nd revise version see ED(45)1

11 Sep

29) Summary of general ideas on nationalisation in Socialisation and Transport by H Morrison J E Meade covering Mss K Howell

12 Sep

30) Employment and income prospects in the US J E Meade covering A J Brown. Background to the Overseas Economic Survey.

20 Sep

31) Compensation T Wilson

29 Sep

32) The net national income in 1946, 1947 and 1948 Economic Section and CSO also CS(S)(45)77

2 Oct

33) Nationalisation of the coal-mining industry. Memorandum by the Minister of Fuel and Power (LP(45)L79) JE Meade covering the Economic Section. Brief to Morrison

9 Oct

34) The export drive J E Meade covering T Wilson. Sets out immediate steps to increase export industries without requiring increased manpower and to ensure that labour went for export industries as against home industries.

24 Oct

35) The distribution of industry policy - Wood. Concern that long-term location of industry policy had become short-term policy of filling up development areas with employment. Recommendation of a ban on London and Birmingham with the rest of the country free rather than preference for development areas.

25 Oct

36) Problems and principles of socialisation - D N Chester

31 Oct

37) Draft answers to questions 3, 4 and 6 in Economic Section Paper to the Lord President on problems of socialisation.

30 Oct

38) Problems and principles of socialisation J E Meade. Draft introductory paragraphs

T230/19 EC(S)(45) Series (EAS354/351/060) Nov - Dec 1945

Discussion Papers as follows:

6 Nov

39) The socialisation of industries Economic Section. Revise version

20 Nov

40) Note by Mr Fleming J M Fleming. Revise version on the pricing policy in socialised industries.

23 Nov

41) Draft of first part of Overseas Economic Survey J E Meade covering A J Brown. Covering introductory, food, coal, materials, manufacturing goods and the level of demand.

3 Dec

42) Redraft of answers to questions 5-8 of the Lord Presidents questionnaire on socialisation. Revised version

27 Nov

43) Future work of the section J E Meade. Highlights four areas: methods of control of total national expenditure as a means of implementing the proposed economic plan, the socialisation of various industries, the examination into wage incentives and restrictive practices.

29 Nov

44) Some random notes on the reparations discussions in Berlin Sep Nov 1945 G D A MacDougall.

1 Dec

45) Proposed film on full employment P Chantler

3 Dec

46) Economic Survey for 1946 (rough draft) J E Meade covering R C Tress.

6 Dec

46) Economic Survey for 1946 J E Meade covering R C Tress. See ED(45)5.

15 Dec

47) Further instalment of Overseas Economic Survey - J E Meade covering A J Brown. Covering merchandised trade, relief, reparations, international credits and balance of payments and foreign exchange.

T230/20 EC(S)(46) Series (EAS354/351/07A) Jan-Feb 1946

Discussion Papers as follows:

2 Jan

1) Future work on economic planning J E Meade. Draft minute to E E Bridges setting out the various tasks Meade felt necessary. These included the revision of the survey and the formulation of long-term survey and reviews of the duration and effectiveness of controls, the possible use of fiscal weapons and the preparation of a reserve or works.

4 Jan

2) Empire Telecommunication Service J E Meade covering N Watts.

4 Jan

3) A buffer-stock-cum-quota commodity regulation scheme J E Meade covering J M Fleming

26 Jan

3) A buffer-stock-cum-quota commodity regulation scheme J M Fleming. Revise version

9 Jan

4) Comments on stabilisation policy and the control of prices J E Meade covering R S Sayers

18 Jan

5) Overseas Economic Survey J E Meade covering A J Brown. Conclusion of first draft

23 Jan

6) General considerations of centralised importation. Economic Section Paper for the Bulk Purchase Committee

23 Jan

7) The iron and steel modernisation plan J E Meade covering R S Sayers.

28 Jan

8) A summary of previous discussions of commodity policy J E Meade covering J C R Dow. Paper for the Buffer-stocks Working Party of the Commodity Policy Committee

20 Jan

9) Notes on the problems involved in an Economic Survey for 1950. J E Meade covering R C Tress, E A G Robinson, J Stafford and C T Saunders.

13 Feb

10) Draft of Overseas Economic Survey A J Brown. Complete draft excluding the sections on petroleum and transport.

14 Feb

11) The means and possibilities of investment policy - J E Meade covering G L S Shackle. Sets out existing means and what remained to be done to meet the tasks of investment policy, in particular in relation to employment policy.

15 Feb

12) Variations of income tax as a short-term instrument of national income stabilisation J E Meade covering J C R Dow. Consideration of its suitability for altering consumer expenditure as an alternative to altering national insurance contributions.

22 Feb

13) Postscript to EC(S)(46)11 J E Meade covering G L S Shackle. Breakdown of total planned domestic capital formation for 1945 into components sponsored by different government departments.

26 Feb

14) Wages policy J E Meade covering R S Sayers. See W(46)3


T230/21 EC(S)(46) Series (EAS354/351/07B) Mar-July 1946

Discussion Papers as follows:

4 Mar

15) Overseas Economic Survey J E Meade covering A J Brown. Revise edition

13 Mar

16) Capital development and future organisation of the iron and steel industry J E Meade covering R S Sayers. Revise version

23 May

17) An economic policy for the socialised coal industry J E Meade covering P Chantler. Revise version

3 May

18) Some fundamental elasticity in British external trade: a preliminary note J E Meade covering A J Brown. 2nd revise version.

15 Mar

19) Poison! Observation on Mr Browns paper (EC(S)(46)18) J E Meade covering J M Fleming.
Strong criticism of EC(S)(46)18

5 Apr

20) Economic Survey for 1946/7. Interim report J E Meade covering the Economic Survey Working Party. Revise version. Also ESWP (46)3(final)

2 May

21) Variations of National Insurance contributions J E Meade covering J C R Dow. Review of its possibilities as a short-term stabiliser.

7 May

22) Regional differences in wage rates R S Sayers. Consideration with regard to whether to encourage national wage rates.

13 May

23) Reconversion in the regions J E Meade covering S R Dennison and Wood.

18 Jul

24) Economic Survey for 1946/47 J E Meade covering the Economic Survey Working Party. 2nd revise version. See MEP(46)5. Also ED(46)20

20 May

25) Note on international full employment policy J E Meade covering J M Fleming

T230/22 EC(S)(46) Series (EAS354/351/07C) Jun-Nov 1946

Discussion Papers as follows:

22 Aug

26) International employment policy J M Fleming. Revise version. Review of possible measures leading up to a draft international convention on employment policy.

3 Jun

27) Domestic gross capital formation in the financial year 1946/47 J E Meade covering G L S Shackle.

11 Jun

28) Housing and investment policy G L S Shackle. Consideration of whether to use housing investment for employment policy purposes

18 Jun

29) Survey of the overseas economic situation as it affects the UK J E Meade covering the Economic Section. Review of overseas economic tendencies led to hope for a balance of current external payments for the first half of 1947

18 Jun

30) Supervisory boards and restrictive practices P Chantler, R S Sayers and J Wood.

16 Aug

31) The cost of living index J E Meade covering N Watts. Consideration of the impact of a change in the index to one based on the 1937-8 household budgets.

15 July

32) Some thoughts on long-term contracts and commercial policy J E Meade covering J M Fleming.

8 Aug

33) Regional differences in wage rates J E Meade covering G P Jeffries.

11 Sep

34) The Marketing of home-produced foodstuffs. The economic background J E Meade covering P Chantler, A J Brown and G L S Shackle. Revise version. Annexe by R C Tress and J Stafford on the impact of a fully-developed nutritional policy on the demand for UK agricultural produce.

15 Oct

35) Headings for a survey of the overseas economic situation as it affects the UK: Dec 1946 J E Meade covering A J Brown. Notes on the volume of world trading manufactures, the composition of world trading manufactures and of exports and British strength in price competition.

6 Nov

36) The possible magnitude of a future depression J E Meade covering J C R Dow. Revise version
Estimate of the effect on national income and employment and the magnitude of certain particular problems of counteracting a future depression.

24 Oct

37) Wages policy and the undermanned industries R S Sayers covering G P Jeffries. Consideration of the implication for wages policy of the problem of under-manning

29 Oct

38) The present situation in the US J E Meade covering A J Brown.

11 Nov

39) The implementation of planning decisions and the balance between total demand and total supply J E Meade. Memoranda for a Working Party on the implementation of planning and illustrating the assistance to particular planning problems from a reduction in inflationary pressure.

11 Nov

40) Industrial production J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey.

T230/23 EC(S)(47) Series (EAS354/351/07D) Nov 1946- Jan 1947

Discussion Papers as follows:

14 Jan

41) Observations on the report form the Board of Trades Industrial Working Parties J E Meade covering P Chantler. 2nd revise version.

15 Nov

42) The flow of commodities J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey

21 Nov

43) Economic Survey for 1947 Draft of introduction and sections I-III and subject matters of section IV (conclusion) R C Tress. Also ESWP(46)19.

22 Nov

44) The financing of international trade J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey.

25 Nov

45) The future of retail price stabilisation policy J E Meade covering N Watts. Response to a Ministry of Food paper recommending its continuation.

17 Dec

46) The control of consumer expenditure in the interests of employment policy J E Meade covering J C R Dow. Revise version. Analysis of possible tools available.

25 Nov

47) The effect of changes in indirect taxation J E Meade covering J C R Dow. Written in relation to EC(S)(46)46 (revise).

25 Nov

48) Control of depression. Letter from J E Meade to B W Gilbert J E Meade. Recommended approach to work on the tools available for maintaining domestic demand in the face of a threatened slump.

26 Nov

49) The level of demand J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey

2 Dec

50) Industrial materials J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey

2 Dec

51) Coal, shipping and inland transport J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey.

5 Dec

52) Food, petroleum J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey.

1 Jan

53) Economic Survey for 1947 Economic Survey Working Party. Revise version. See MEP(46)15. Also ED(46)51 and ESWP(46)22.

7 Dec

54) Survey of the overseas economic situation as it affects the UK J E Meade covering A J Brown.
In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey.

9 Dec

55) The outlook for world trade in manufactures J E Meade covering A J Brown. In relation to the Overseas Economic Survey.

9 Dec

56) The settlement of the sterling balances J E Meade covering N Watts.


T230/24 EC(S)(47) Series (EAS354/351/08A) Jan-May 1947

Discussion Papers as follows:

11 Jan

1) The Monnet Plan J E Meade covering D Butt. Revise version. Summary of the plan and general comments

22 Jan

2) Control of next depression J E Meade. Statement agreed with B W Gilbert on the method to approach the issue.

25 Jan

3) Survey of the overseas economic situation as it affects the UK J E Meade covering the Economic Section. As to the Overseas Economic Policy Committee.

1 Feb

4) A note on the theory of the integration of the investment programmes of France and Britain J E Meade covering D Butt.

4 Feb

5) Preliminary notes for discussion on implementation of planning decisions J E Meade. Covering price control, fiscal policy and wages policy

11 Feb

6) The CSO price index of consumer goods and the revised cost of living index J E Meade covering G P Jeffries.

19 Feb

7) Nationalisation of the iron and steel industries J E Meade covering R S Sayers.

28 Feb

8) Planning and coal J E Meade covering R C Tress. Consideration of what was involved in a coal budget and the problems involved in making coal an efficient instrument of current economic planning

12 Mar

9) The control of private investment J E Meade covering R C Tress. Preliminary review of possible means of control with annexes by G L S Shackle and J E Meade.

18 Mar

10) Transport charges J E Meade covering R S Sayers.

2 May

11) The extent and effects of recession and depression in the US J E Meade covering A J Brown. Revised version. Consideration of a hypothetical recession beginning that year or the next one with a depression developing out of it.

27 Mar

12) A note on rationalisation in Germany during the war J E Meade covering A J Brown

2 Apr

13) The consultants approach to industrial productivity J E Meade.

5 May

14) Note by the Economic Section on Paper RC68 by the Royal Commission on Population R S Sayers covering R S Sayers, A J Brown and G L S Shackle. Revise version.

20 May

15) Fuel and power shortages: possible policies R S Sayers covering P Chantler.

T230/25 EC(S)(47) Series (EAS354/351/08B) Apr-Jul 1947

Discussion Papers as follows:

22 Apr

16) Present conditions in the US- J M Fleming covering A J Brown. Preliminary draft for the June Overseas Economic Survey.

24 Apr

17) Transport charges J M Fleming covering G P Jeffries.

27 May

18) Controls D Butt. Factual account of existing economic controls and their purposes for CEPS.

3 Jun

19) Financing the deficit and the course of industrial production A J Brown. Drafts for June Overseas Economic Survey

10 Jun

20) Estimation du Revenue National Francais J E Meade covering GLS Shackle. Summary of the French counterpart of the National Income White Paper.

10 Jun

21) Coal and the level of demand - J E Meade covering A J Brown. Drafts of two parts of the June Overseas Economic Survey.

17 Jun

22) Survey of the overseas economic situation as it affects the UK A J Brown. The June Overseas Economic Survey.

21 Jun

23) The available supply A J Brown. For the June Overseas Economic survey.

23 Jun

24) The philosophy of planning R C Tress. Correspondence between A K Cairncross and R C Tress.

25 Jun

25) Trade and payments A J Brown. For the June Overseas Economic Survey.

2 Jul

26) Survey of the Overseas Economic Situation as it affects the UK J M Fleming covering N Watts.

T230/26 EC(S)(47) Series (EAS354/351/08C) Jul -Dec 1947

Discussion Papers as follows:

17 Jul

27) Hyper-demand J C R Dow. Possibility that price increases were being avoided too much.

17 Jul

28) Benelux R S Sayers covering G L S Shackle

12 Aug

29) The control of consumption expenditure in the interests of employment policy R S Shackle covering J C R Dow. Redraft of EC(S)(46)46 as agreed by the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise.

8 Sep

30) Some aspects of the balance of payments crisis J M Fleming. Attempt to explain the dollar drain in terms of the UK deficit on current account and various types of in and out flows.

12 Sep

31) UK balance of payments mid 1947 to end 1948 R L Hall covering N Watts and J M Fleming.

8 Oct

32) Replacement of imports by home production R L Hall covering T Swan. Consideration of the issues raised in EP(0)(47)7

14 Oct

33) Devaluation plus export taxes question R L Hall covering J M Fleming and E Rowe-Dutton

16 Oct

34) Under-requited and frustrated exports R L Hall covering J M Fleming

19 Nov

35) Soft exports from hard materials? R L Hall covering J M Forsyth

9 Dec

36) The theory of disinflation R L Hall covering J C R Dow.

13 Dec

37) Economic Survey for 1948 R L Hall covering the Economic Survey Working Party.

16 Dec

38) Some thoughts on inflation R L Hall covering J M Fleming. Comments on EC(S)(47)37

22 Dec

39) The theory of suppressed inflation R L Hall covering T Swan.


T230/27 EC(S)(48) Series (EAS354/351/09A) Jan-Jun 1948

Discussion Papers as follows:

7 Jan

1) Progressing the Economic Survey R L Hall. Outlining arrangements

7 Jan

2) A customs union between all the countries of the Commonwealth or the UK and the colonies J M Forsyth. Draft report by the UK study group on customs unions for the Economic Policy Committee.

22 Jan

3) Not included Only appendices A-D

23 Jan

4) Statistics of advertising J C R Dow.

23 Jan

5) Draft outline re incentives to productivity R L Hall covering Mrs Hemming.

17 Mar

6) Fiscal policy and economic planning in 1948 R L Hall covering T Swan. Sets out what the Chancellor could do in his next budget to meet the objectives of the Economic Survey.

23 Mar

7) The next Economic Survey R L hall covering D Butt

2 Apr

8) Notes on external economic affairs R L Hall.

5 Apr

9) Money, interest and expenditure R L Hall covering G L S Shackle. Consideration of a reduction of the quantity of money without an increase in the rate of interest with regard to the control of inflation.

16 Apr

10) Budget account 1948-49 R L Hall covering J C R Dow

21 Apr

11) Minutes from G L S Shackle to R L Hall. With regard to international trade and consultation.

23 Apr

12) Reconsideration of the interest rate policy R L hall covering J C R Dow. Comments on EC(S)(48)9

11 May

13) National income in 1952 and its bearing on long-term investment plans R L Hall covering J C R Dow. Revise version. Aims at the provisional forecast of national income as background against which to wake long-term investment decisions.

5 May

14) Economic problems of common action R L Hall. Also Gen 188/199. Sets out the desirable activities of OEEC.

12 May

15) Signs of deflation R L Hall covering J M Fearn.

27 May

16) Report on 3rd session of the Economic Commission for Europe R L Hall covering T Swan.

3 Jun

17) Signs of deflation R L Hall covering J M Fearn

T230/28 EC(S)(48) Series (EAS354/351/09B) Jun-Dec 1948

Discussion Papers as follows:

4 Jun

18) Economic corollaries of a customs union R L Hall covering J M Fleming. In relation to the work of the Customs Union Study Group.

10 Jun

19) The problems of socialisation R L Hall

14 Jul

20) Numerology R L Hall covering D Butt. Concern at the increasing reliance placed on forecast and estimates.

16 Jun

21) Price policy in the coal industry R L Hall covering Mrs Hemming and J C R Dow.

22 Jun

22) Pricing and costing in socialised industries R L Hall covering J C R Dow.

24 Jun

23) Signs of deflation R L Hall covering K Howell

3 Jul

24) Price and output policy in socialised industries R L Hall covering J M Fleming

6 Jul

25) The impact of deflation R L Hall covering J C R Dow and Miss Hill. See CE(48)7

9 Jul

26) The pricing policy of the nationalised industries R L Hall covering G P Jeffries.

20 Jul

27 Policy on controls J M Fleming covering J C R Dow and Miss Hill.
Draft outline of CE(48)13

29 Jul

28) Signs of deflation May/June summary R L Hall covering K Howell.

12 Aug

29) The pricing policy of the coal industry J M Fleming. Revised part on coal of EC(S)(48)26

30 Aug

30) Signs of deflation June/July summary R L Hall covering K Howell.

31) Ministry of Fuel and Powers memorandum on price policy for the NCB R L Hall covering Mrs Hemming.
Economic Section comments

29 Sep

32) Price and output policy in socialised industry R L Hall covering J M Fleming

2 Nov

33) The alternatives to materials allocations R L Hall covering J C R Dow. Revise version. See CE(48)19

4 Oct

34) Signs of deflation July/Aug summary R L Hall covering J C R Dow

14 Oct

35) Money and interest in 1948 R L Hall covering G L S Shackle

19 Oct

36) Steel in 1948 R L Hall covering W A B Hopkin.

1 Nov

37) The balance of payments problem of Western Europe R L Hall covering T Swan. Considered whether it was possible for Europe to be viable by 1952-53

29 Oct

38) Signs of deflation Aug/Sept summary R L Hall covering K Howell.

8 Dec

39) European viability 1952/3 R L Hall covering J M Fleming and N Watts. Revised version

1 Dec

40) Signs of deflation Sept/Oct summary R L Hall covering J C R Dow.


Reorganisation of the coal industry (wartime) (EAS23/02) Jan 1942 - Nov 1945

T230/30-33 Commodity policy. General. (EAS79/O1A-D)


Apr 1942-Nov 1943. L C Robbinss papers mainly on international regulation of primary products.
Includes views of J M Keynes.


Nov 1943 Sept 1946. Papers for informal economic discussions with US and Canada Jan 1943 and then various papers, including Keynes relating to buffer-stocks and discussion of them with the US.


Sept-Oct 1940. Various papers related to or issued by various bodies of the Food and Agricultural Organisation.


Oct-1946 Jan 1947. Further papers related to the Food and Agricultural Organisation Proposals for a positive commodity policy.
- Correspondence between the UK and UK representatives in the US.


T230/34-35 Regulation of output, prices and labour absorption during transitional period from war to peace by economic controls. (EAS52/31/01A and B)


Apr 1942-July 1944. Papers reviewing future procedure with regard to reconstruction and the controls felt required for the transition.
- Some minutes and memoranda of the informal committee on controls leading up to a report on the problems arising in the transition after the end of war in Europe for the next two years on the assumption that we would still be at war with Japan.


Aug 1944-Sept 1945. Correspondence between A Johnston and D N Chester on the degree of success of the report and papers relating to GEN 87 and the Committee on Economic Controls (EC).


Long-term cotton problems (EAS127/01) Apr 1944- Dec 1946.
- Memorandum on the world cotton situation and papers relating to the International Cotton Advisory Council and the International Cotton Study Group leading up to a tentative international cotton agreement.




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