Series One: Papers of the Economic Section, 1941-1961
Part 2: T230/37-73
Part 3: T230/74-109
Part 4: T230/110-145
Detailed Listing - Part 2
Reel 13
T 230/37 International monetary policy (EAS 10/01 A) 1940-1941
T 230/38 International monetary policy (EAS 10/01 B) 1942
T 230/39 International monetary policy (EAS 10/01 C) 1943
US proposals for a stabilization fund and consideration of it as opposed to a clearing union. Canadian proposals for an international exchange union.
Reel 14
T 230/40 International monetary policy: Preliminary Bretton Woods conference papers (EAS10/175/01 A) July-December 1943. Papers on the proposals for a stabilization fund and for Canadian proposals as against a customs union. US proposals for an international bank for reconstruction and development.
T 230/41 International monetary policy: Preliminary Bretton Woods conference papers (EAS10/175/01 B) December 1943-June 1944. Comments on the proposed stabilization fund. Papers and comments on the IMF including Keynes's and the bank of England's alternative.
T 230/42 Bretton Woods Conference: Inaugural preliminary session (EAS10/175/03) June-July 1944. Includes papers by Keynes.
T 230/43 Bretton Woods Conference: Final act and supporting documents. General correspondence (EAS10/175/05) June-October 1944. Papers on the IMF and the Economic Section's views on the results of Bretton Woods. Includes papers by Joan Robinson, Keynes and D H Robertson.
Reel 15
T 230/44 Bretton Woods Conference: ABIDE Telegrams. (EAS10/175/05 Annexe III) September-October 1943
T 230/45 Bretton Woods Conference: CAMER Telegrams from Foreign Office to the USA (EAS10/175/05 Annexe II) June-July 1944
T 230/46 Bretton Woods Conference: REMAC Telegrams from the USA to the UK (EAS10/175/05 Annexe I) June-July 1944
T 230/47 Defence production programmes: Air Ministry production programmes (including Ministry of Aircraft production programmes) 1941
T 230/48 Release of doctors from the armed forces to aid civilian population. (EAS148/01) December 1944-July 1945
Reel 16
T 230/49 Supplies and requirements of doctors: general policy (EAS148/02 A) 1942-1944
T 230/50 Supplies and requirements of doctors: general policy (EAS148/02 B) 1944-1945
T 230/51 Armed forces requirements of doctors (EAS148/03) February 1943-April 1945
Reel 17
T 230/52 Economic history of Great Britain between the wars (1918-35). (EAS31/176/01 A) December 1943-June 1946. 'Notes on the Economic History of Great Britain from the Armistice, November 1918, to the abandonment of the Gold Standard' by A Pigou and papers on the elimination of unemployment in Russia and Germany and on the world trade.
T 230/53 Economic history of Great Britain between the wars (1918-35). (EAS31/176/01 B)March 1943. Includes papers on the effect of income changes on the value of American expenditure abroad on current account 1921-39 and on public investment 1919-38.
T 230/54 Economic Survey for 1946 (EAS1/01 A) Sept-Dec 1945. Papers concerning a questionnaire used for the compilation of tables of manpower requirements and supply 1946. Comments on the deficit shown in the three tables of the economic survey. Drafts of the survey leading to EC(S)(45)46
Reel 18
T 230/55 Economic Survey for 1946 (EAS1/01 B) Dec 1945- Feb 1946. Further redrafts and draft covering notes. Papers on the question of publication. J M Keynes on estimates of private capital formation and his correspondence with J Stafford on the size of the wages bill. Keynes's resulting belief that the net national income was too high.
T 230/56 Economic Survey for 1947 (EAS1/02 A) July-Dec 1946. Includes a number of Economic Survey Working Party (ESWP) memoranda and resulting correspondence. Discussion with R W B Clarke on export targets. Analysis of decisions required on issues identified by the 1947 Survey.
T 230/57 Economic Survey for 1947 (EAS1/02 B) Dec 1946-Feb 1947. Various drafting points, amendments and draft covering note. Several departmental papers, including the Ministry of Works on raw materials in the building industry in 1947 and productivity in Britain during 1946. J E Meade on controls and E M Nicholson on the recommended reduction of manpower in central and local government. Drafts of thesurvey and of the resulting White Paper.
Reel 19
T 230/58 Economic Survey for 1946-47 (EAS1/03) Jan-Aug 1946. Papers relating to the decision to survey the financial year 1946-47 once the 1946 survey was finished. Drafts of sections by departments and of the complete survey. W Eady on J M Keynes's views on whether the survey should be based on a financial or calendar year. Note of a meeting of ministers with FBI and BEC representatives, Feb 1946.
T 230/59 Economic Survey for 1948 (EAS1/04 A) Oct-Dec 1947. Draft outline and sections with draft of PC(47)11. Problems created in formulating survey by uncertainty over Marshall Aid. Comparison of surveys by CEPS (EPB(47)30) and the Economic Survey working Party (ESWP(47)3)(final) and consideration of the response by the Economic Section and CSO. to the former.
Reel 20
T 230/60 Economic Survey for 1948 (EAS1/04 B) Dec 1947-May 1948. Further draft sections with consideration of targets and whether the planning year should be the Marshall Aid year. Correspondence resulting from publication, largely with ex-members of the section.
D Butt on the functions of the Section as against CEPS.
T 230/61 Long-term Economic Survey 1948-51 (EAS1/05 A) Jan 1946-Apr 1947. Relevant minutes and memoranda of the Economic Survey Working Party. Includes some preview papers (see T 230/64-65). Papers on a programme for producing the survey and on likely problems, in particular regarding balance of payments and investment in plant and machinery.
T 230/62 Long-term Economic Survey 1948-51 (EAS1/05 B) June-July 1947. Relevant Economic survey Working Party minutes and memoranda. Draft sections with departmental views, especially on shipping.
Reel 21
T 230/63 Long-term Economic Survey 1948-51 (EAS1/05 C) July-Nov 1947. Papers on differences with and between departments. Provisional rearrangement of the survey. Concentration in particular on the balance of payments programme and on underlying assumptions, especially on Marshall Aid. Disagreement between the Economic Section and CEPS on responsibility for the annual and long-term surveys. final revisions of the latter.
T 230/64 Long-term Economic Survey 1948-51
(EAS1/05 annexe IA) Jan-Mar 1947 Preview papers:
nd 1 Economic review 1948-51. Meetings of Economic Survey Working Party, 15 and 23 Jan 1947. Consideration of the organization of work for the Economic Review.
nd 2 Note of meeting 27 Sept 1946 to discuss the contribution which can be made by agriculture to the full employment policy.
25 Sept 3 Investment Working Party joint panels on public and private investment. Capital expenditure on telephone exchange equipment - GPO. Also INV(Panels)(46)14.
29 Jan 4 Untitled - GPO. Review of BBC capital expenditure programme in the next five years.
nd 5 Ports and inland waterways - Ministry of Transport.
nd 6 Gas industry: capital requirements - unsigned.
13 Feb 7 1951 balance of payments: note of a meeting 4 Feb 1947.
nd 8 Building programme 1948-51 - unsigned.
nd 9 Building materials 1948-51 - unsigned.
16 Feb 10 The future demand for clothing - A K Cairncross.
15 Feb 11 Iron and Steel - E Ackroyd.
19 Feb 12 Economic Survey for 1951 - Ministry of Labour. Probable occupational trends.
19 Feb 13 Coal - M F W Hemming.
25 Feb 14 Electricity programme 1946/7-1950/1 - M F W Hemming.
25 Feb 15 Prospects for UK shipping and shipbuilding for 1948-51 - P Chantler. Revised version, 7 Mar.
25 Feb 16 Raw material imports - R W B Clarke covering the Raw Materials Department.
28 Feb 17 Economic Survey for 1951. Railway transport - G P Jefferies. Revised version, 28 Feb.
28 Feb 18 Highways - G P Jefferies. Revised version, 18 April.
28 Feb 19 Road haulage and public passenger vehicles - P Chantler.
4 March 20 Economic review 1948-1951. Note of a meeting 20 Feb to consider preview papers 8-12.
14 March 21 Economic review 1948-1951. Note of a meeting 5 Mar to consider papers 13-14.
14 March 22 Investments programmes in 1951 -
C T Saunders.
18 March 23 Food and agriculture in a post-transition year - G L S Shackle.
17 March 24 Economic review 1948-51. Note of a meeting 12 Mar to consider papers 15 (revise), 17-19.
25 Missing
21 March 26 Economic review 1948-51. Note of a meeting 20 Mar to consider papers 15(revise), 22, 23.
26 March 27 Suggestions regarding the planning of the review and the form of the report - R C Tress.
28 March 28 First estimate of a total investment programme for 1951 gross fixed investment - C T Saunders.
28 March 29 Manpower for the armed forces and auxiliary services -A. Reeder.
T 230/65 Long-term Economic Survey 1948-51
(EAS1/05 annexe IB) Apr-June 1947:
29 April 30 Review papers. Economic review 1948-51. First draft - R C Tress. Circulated as a basis of discussion.
13 June 30a Draft economic plan 1948-51 - R C Tress. Revise version. Incomplete survey, based on consistent but optimistic targets, to serve as a basis for debate. The purpose of planning discussed.
28 April 31 Planning estimates of the national income 1948 and 1951 - C T Saunders. Describes the methods used.
9 May 32 Manpower developments by the end of 1948 - A Reeder.
13 May 33 Economic Survey for 1948-51. Background for a minimum investment programme - CT Saunders.
20 May 34 Construction programme 1951 - D Butt.
T 230/66 Employment policy in the UK General (EAS16/01A) July 1941-August 1943. Starts with J E Meade, 'Internal measures for the prevention of general unemployment' and various other pre-1943 papers on full employment. Comments on Meade, 'Maintenance of full employment' by the Economic Section, J M Keynes and others. Correspondence between Meade and Keynes on dividing the current and capital budget, long-term problems and issues for immediate ministerial decision. Correspondence between Meade and H D Henderson. J M Fleming on the internal buffer-stocks. Meade's concern about the possible division of national income forecasting from post-war employment policy.
Reel 22
T 230/67 Employment policy in the UK General (EAS16/01 B) August 1943-Februaury 1944. R C Tress paper on national income planning and full employment with comments. Treasury note on the maintenance of employment with Economic Section's comments. Various papers of the Steering Committee On Post-war Employment. Notes of two informal talks on employment policy between the Board of Trade, Treasury and Economic Section, including the draft White Paper on employment policy. Revised draft of the White Paper included.
T 230/68 Employment policy in the UK General (EAS16/01 C) Februaury-July 1944. Comments by J M Keynes on the Steering Committee report and by J M Fleming on E A G Robinson's draft of the White Paper. Nuffield College Wartime Research and Social Reconstructions Survey conferences on the internal implications of a full employment policy and on full employment in a free society. Comments by Economic Section on the draft White Paper.
E F M Durbin on the relative merits of varying taxation and insurance contributions. Correspondence with the Ministry of War Transport on the White Paper. J Jewkes on the next steps for implementing long-term policy.
Reel 23
T 230/69 Employment policy in the UK General (EAS16/01 D) Aug 1944-Feb 1945. J E Meade comments on Jewkes's paper. D H Robertson on the role of exchange rate alteration for the restoration of equilibrium. R H Coase on statistics of capital expenditure and employment policy with comments. Note of meeting Sept 1944 to discuss Jewkes's paper on the organization required for long-term employment policy leading to the recommendation of a new Treasury division. Comparison by Meade of Full Employment in a Free Society and the White Paper with comments. Notes for a conference at Nuffield on full employment, Dec 1944. J P R Maud on moral issues arising from full employment, eg over wage restraint.
T 230/70 Employment policy in the UK General (EAS16/01 E) Mar-Dec 1945. J E Meade on the Economic Section's functions in relation to employment policy. Note of a meeting, Mar 1945, again recommending a new Treasury Division. Correspondence with the Bank of England on cheap money. Circular by E E Bridges on administrative arrangements for employment policy, departmental replies and meeting June 1945 to finalize arrangements, with resulting correspondence.
Reel 24
T 230/71 Committee on Post-war Employment (EAS16/86/01) 1943
Minutes of meetings. EC(43)1st-28th. See CAB 87/63
T 230/72 Committee on Post-war Employment (EAS16/86/02) 1943
Memoranda. EC(43)1-31. See CAB 87/63
T 230/73 Committee on Post-war Employment (EAS16/86/03) 1943 Memoranda. EC(O)(43)1-16. See CAB 87/70. Also includes some amendments.