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Series One: Papers of the Economic Section, 1941-1961

Part 2: T230/37-73

Part 3: T230/74-109

Part 4: T230/110-145

Detailed Listing - Part 3

Reel 25

T 230/74 Fishing Industry Bill 1947 (EAS117/181/01) December 1946-March 1947. Briefs for Morrison.

T 230/75 Germany - Tripartite talks: General papers (EAS44/01 A) May 1944-May1946. Various papers on the inter-war and wartime German economy.

T 230/76 Germany - Tripartite talks: General papers (EAS44/01 B) May 1946-November 1948. Includes papers on the co-ordination of German trade with the UK and the level of industrial production in

Germany. Control Commission for Germany report on the on the bizonal balance of payments 1948-52.

T 230/77 Germany - Tripartite talks: Level of German industries (excluding shipbuilding) (EAS44/70/01 A) March 1946-June 1947. Various papers on reparations, the level of post-war German industry and the removal of machinery as reparations.

Reel 26

T 230/78 Germany - Tripartite talks: Level of German industries (excluding shipbuilding), 1947-1948

T 230/79 Location of industry: General policy (EAS70/01 A) November 1940-November 1941. Papers on post-war reconstruction.

T 230/80 Location of industry: General policy (EAS70/01 B) August 1943-February 1944. E A G Robinson on the need for positive action. Draft Board of Trade memorandum for the Steering Committee on Post-war Employment (EC(43)5) proposing a ban on development around London and Birmingham and encouragement of industry in depressed areas. Various relevant Steering Committee memoranda with comments.

Reel 27

T 230/81 Reconstruction Committee: Ministerial Committee on Industrial Problems. R(I) minutes of meetings (EAS137/04) May-December 1944 R(I)(44)1st-7th. See CAB 87/14.

T 230/82 Reconstruction Committee: Subcommittee on Industrial Problems, Export Questions (EAS137/28/01) August 1944-May 1945. R(IE)(44)1st-R(IE)(45)3rd and R(IE)(44)1-R(IE)(45)7. See CAB 87/14-15.

T 230/83 IMF Interpretative declaration on Bretton Woods Conference (EAS39/02) November 1945-May 1946. Papers on countries' right to depreciate if there was chronic unemployment whatever the balance of payments situation.

T 230/84 Planning and timing of investment (EAS6/02) December 1941-December 1943. Some minutes and memoranda of the Subcommittee on the Planning and Timing of Investment (PT). 1943 Treasury memorandum on public investment with Economic Section comments. Some papers of the Steering Committee on Post-war Employment. J E Meade on the League of Nations delegation on economic depressions and on how to control private investment.

T 230/85 Working parties on investment: General papers. (EAS6/72/01) January-December 1946. Papers on the establishment of the Investment Working Party (IWP) and its relations with the Official Steering Committee on Economic Development (ED). Various papers on the control of investment during the transition and in the long term. Correspondence with the Ministry of Labour on manpower distribution and its relation to investment programmes.

T 230/86 Investment Working Party 1946: Memoranda. (EAS6/72/02) February 1946-July 1947. IWP(46)1-20. See T161/1297/S.53555/01.

Reel 28

T 230/87 Nationalization of the iron and steel industry (EAS2/70/02) January 1945-August 1947.
T 230/88 Wartime livestock policy (EAS112/01 A) Wartime livestock policy, 1940-1941
T 230/89 Wartime livestock policy (EAS112/01 B) Wartime livestock policy, 1941-1943

T 230/90 Functions of Cabinet secretariat: Historical memorandum (EAS42/02) June 1944. First revise of paper on functions since 1904.

Reel 29

T 230/91 Allocation of civilian manpower for industry and armed forces. Group II and III (EAS128/01) September 1943-August 1944. Estimates of wartime manpower requirements and correspondence on allocations for group II and III industries. Some minutes and memoranda of the Manpower Committee.

T 230/92 Washington talks on Article VII Mutual Aid Agreement (EAS232/01)
February 1942-July 1944. Report by J E Meade and telegrams from Washington. Other papers on commercial commodity policy and various briefs for ministers.

T 230/93 Mutual Aid: Anglo-US post-war economic co-operation (EAS232/03) December 1940-January 1945. Various papers and speeches. Little after 1942.

Reel 30

T 230/94 National debt: Economic proposals (EAS12/01 A) April 1941-April 1945. Request by Attlee for paper on a capital levy and its impact on the national debt, with J E Meade's and J M Keynes's views. Papers on the formation of the National Debt Enquiry with some of its minutes and memoranda.

T 230/95 National debt: Economic proposals (EAS12/01 B) April-July 1945. Further minutes and memoranda with related correspondence, including J M Keynes, on capital levy and capital budget.

T 230/96 1. National income and expenditure during wartime
2. Post-war prospects (EAS50/01A) July 1939-June 1942. J E Meade's papers and correspondence, including with J M Keynes, on national income estimates and wartime finances. Papers after 1942 on post-war national income.

Reel 31

T 230/97 1. National income and expenditure during wartime
2. Post-war prospects (EAS50/01 B) May 1942-July 1943. Papers increasingly concentrating on estimates of post-war national income and expenditure by the Economic Section, W Eady, J M. Keynes and H D. Henderson leading to papers for the Reconstruction Priorities Committee.

T 230/98 1. National income and expenditure during wartime
2. Post-war prospects (EAS50/01C) July-Dec 1943. Further papers on national income and expenditure in 1948, in particular with regard to commitments for expenditure and employment policy.

T 230/99 National Income and Expenditure White Paper 1945 (EAS50/179/01) January 1944-March 1945. Copy of J E Meade's and R Stone's National Income and Expenditure. Drafts of sections of the White Paper, in particular with regard to statistics and later drafts of White Paper.

T 230/100 Proposed reform and development of social insurance and allied services (EAS142/01 A) Proposed reform and development of social insurance and allied services, 1940-1941

T 230/101 Proposed reform and development of social insurance and allied services (EAS142/01 B) Proposed reform and development of social insurance and allied services, 1941-1942

Reel 32

T 230/102 Proposed reform and development of social insurance and allied services (EAS142/01 C) Sept 1942-Nov 1943. Papers arising out of the Beveridge Report,particularly on J E Meade's proposal to vary insurance contributions.

T 230/103 Proposed reform and development of social insurance and allied services (EAS142/01 D) Nov-Dec 1943. Further papers leading to the White Paper on the government's proposals.
T 230/104 Benefit rates and subsistence needs, 1940-1942

Reel 33

T 230/105 National Insurance. Variations of Contributions. (EAS142/143/01) Dec 1945-May 1946. Papers by J E Meade, J M Keynes and others for draft of the National Insurance Bill.

T 230/106 Preparation of plans for transferring certain industries to public ownership (EAS144/01 A) Preparation of plans for transferring certain industries to public ownership, 1945-1946

T 230/107 Preparation of plans for transferring certain industries to public ownership (EAS144/01 B) Preparation of plans for transferring certain industries to public ownership, 1946-1947

T 230/108 Anglo-US memorandum of understanding on oil and petroleum during wartime (EAS25/01) Feb-Aug 1944.

T 230/109 OEEC long-term planning (EAS58/02) Jan-Dec 1948. Little before Aug. Mainly administrative papers on progress and amendments to the OEEC long-term programme. Views on possible Western European co-operation and conflict between UK and other countries, eg on liberalization.




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