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Series One: Papers of the Economic Section, 1941-1961

Part 2: T230/37-73

Part 3: T230/74-109

Part 4: T230/110-145

Detailed Listing - Part 4

Reel 34

T 230/110 National wages policy (EAS17/01 A) February 1941-May 1942. A few papers including J M Keynes and the Section, on wages and inflation and post-war policy.

T 230/111 National wages policy (EAS17/01 B) May 1945-November 1946. Note by Jay with Economic Section comments. Papers relating to the Wages Policy Working Party with Economic Section views, in particular, on undermanned industries and relative wages. Conflict between Ministry of Labour and E.M. Nicholson on the state's role.

T 230/112 National wages policy (EAS17/01 C) November 1946-February 1947. Further conflict between the Ministry of Labour and E M Nicholson. Some papers of the Board of Trade Committee on Improvements in undermanned Industries. Drafts of E E Bridges's paper on wages and price policy.

T 230/113 National wages policy (EAS17/01 D) April 1947-June 1948. Papers increasingly concentrating on wages and inflation and not just the undermanned industries, leading to Statement on Personal Incomes, Costs and Prices (Cmd. 7321), the reaction to it and matters arising.

Reel 35

T 230/114 Price stabilization policy (EAS34/01 A) February 1940-June 1944. Papers on policy's establishment and from 1944 on its continuation. Includes symposium by J E Meade and J M Fleming on price and output policy of state enterprise (see Economic Journal).

T 230/115 Price stabilization policy (EAS34/01 B) June 1944-December 1945. Correspondence between J M Keynes and J E Meade on the symposium, with comments. Ministry of Food on employment policy and post-war price control. G L S Shackle, December 1945, on an increase in the price level.

T 230/116 Price stabilization policy (EAS34/01 annexe I) Graphs and statistics of world wholesale prices. Undated. Tables and graphs of average monthly or annual prices of various commodities for the inter-war period.

T 230/117 Production: Effect of air raids on production in factories, 1940

Reel 36

T 230/118 Rationing: General policy March 1940-March 1941
T 230/119 Rationing: General policy March 1941-July 1941
T 230/120 Rationing: General policy July 1941-October 1942

Reel 37

T 230/121 Inter-departmental Committee on Reparations and Economic Security: Correspondence and RES papers (EAS57/86/02 A) December 1941-December 1942.

T 230/122 Inter-departmental Committee on Reparations and Economic Security: Correspondence and RES papers (EAS57/86/02 B) January 1943-March 1943.

T 230/123 Inter-departmental Committee on Reparations and Economic Security: Correspondence and RES papers (EAS57/86/02 C) March 1943-May 1943.

Reel 38

T 230/124 Inter-departmental Committee on Reparations and Economic Security: Correspondence and RES papers (EAS57/86/02 D) April 1943-August 1943.

T 230/125 Commercial policy: Proposals for a commercial clearing union (EAS4/04) August 1942-May 1944. Draft paper by J E Meade on an international commercial union with comments by R F Harrod, Cherwell and others.

T230/126 Inter-departmental Committee on Post-war Commercial Policy: PCP papers (EAS4/86/01 annexe I) 1942. Papers of the Post-war Commercial Policy Committee (PCP/42).

T 230/127 Commercial policy: Committee of officials to examine: (a) levy subsidies (b) bulk purchase (c) programming of supplies (EAS4/86/02) August-November 1944. Minutes and memoranda and related papers of the Committee on Commercial Policy (CCP). See CAB 87/97.

Reel 39

T 230/128 Ministerial Committee on Post-war Commercial Policy GEN 5 (EAS4/86/03) April-July 1943. Minutes and memoranda of GEN 5 See CAB 78/5.

T 230/129 Post-war Commercial policy discussions: Committee of Dominion Officials. Sir A Overton - chairman (EAS4/86/04) June 1943. Minutes and memoranda of the Committee (PCP(43).

T 230/130 Post-war Export Trade Committee: General survey (EAS4/28/01A) December 1941-October 1942. Minutes and memoranda.

T 230/131 Post-war Export Trade Committee: General survey (EAS4/28/01 B) November 1942-October 1943. Minutes and memoranda.

Reel 40

T 230/132 Post-war Export Trade Committee: General survey (EAS4/28/01 annexe I) January 1942-January 1943. Papers only (4 A-Z and 4 AA-ZZ). Papers on discussions with individual industries and summaries of their export position.

T 230/133 Post-war Export Trade Committee: Planning subcommittee for report (EAS4/28/06) June 1942-February 1943. Drafts of report on the recovery of markets and the promotion of the exports with comments.

T 230/134 Future British export prospects in connection with increasing world competition (EAS4/28/07) April 1946-January 1948. Papers arising from E A G Robinson's note on forecasts for British manufacturing exports in 1950, in preparation of a paper for the Lord President's Committee. Some minutes of ensuing Working Party on Competitive Ability of UK Industries in Overseas Markets.

T 230/135 Proposed post-war trade collaboration with allied governments (EAS4/69/01) November 1942-July 1943. Views of European allies on post-war co-operation.

Reel 41

T 230/136 Statistics relating to trade tariffs and preferences (EAS4/71/02) Decenber 1942-June 1945. Papers relating to the statistical enquiry into the impact of tariffs on the UK and drafts of J E Meade's paper on the consequences for UK trade of the proposed multilateral commercial policy convention.

T 230/137 Working Party on Expansion of UK Trade with Eastern Europe (EAS4/80/01 A) March 1946-June 1946.

T 230/138 Working Party on Expansion of UK Trade with Eastern Europe (EAS4/80/01 B) July 1946-November 1946.

T 230/139 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA): Scope and organization (EAS47/01 A) January 1943-July 1943.

Reel 42

T 230/140 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA): Scope and organization (EAS47/01 B) July 1943.

T 230/141 Lend-Lease general papers (EAS173/01) July 1941-November 1944. Papers including D Waley outlining the case for assistance in Stage II.

T 230/142 Termination of Lend-Lease and transitionary period negotiations (EAS173/02) October-December 1945. Papers on various aspects of commercial policy, including Morrison's request for a paper on the dependence of full employment upon foreign trade and so overseas governments, Bretton Woods and Commonwealth relations.

Reel 43

T 230/143 Economic Section of the Cabinet Secretariat: Discussion Papers, 1949

T 230/144 Economic Survey for 1948-52 (EAS1/06 A) April-May 1948. Copy of ESWP(48) 1st and some Economic Survey Working Party memoranda. D Butt on the construction of a model of the UK economy showing the alternative possible developments over five years ahead. No correspondence.

T 230/145 Economic Survey for 1948-52 (EAS1/06 B) June 1948-June 1945. Drafts of further Economic survey Working Party memoranda. J C R Dow on budgetary prospects and policy 1948-52. D Butt on the danger that an excessive use of statistics gave a false impression of the quantity of information available. Ministry of Labour's concern at its lack of involvement with manpower statistics.




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