Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women
Part 5: Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Part 6: Sources from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
Part 7: Sources from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
Contents of Reels - Part 5
Sarah and Samuel Adams
The complete servant; being a practical guide to the peculiar duties
and business of all descriptions of servants from the housekeeper to
the servant of all-work, and from the land steward to the foot-boy.
London. 1825.
Isabella Mary Beeton
How to manage house and servants, and to make the most of your
London. 1866/1867
Beeton’s penny cookery book, being useful recipes for good
breakfasts, dinners and suppers at a cost varying from tenpence to two shillings per day for six persons.
London. c.1870
How to manage house, servants and children, with bills of fare for all the year round.
London. 1871
The management of children in health and sickness.
Beeton’s house and home books series.
London. 1873
Mrs Beeton’s cookery book and household guide.
London. 1890. Enlarged edition.
Samuel Orchart Beeton
Beeton’s book of the laundry; or, the art of washing, bleaching and cleansing.
London. 1871
Beeton’s Englishwoman’s Annual (1875).
London. 1876
Beeton’s domestic service guide for the lady’s maid, the upper nurse, the under nurse, being a clear account of the individual duties of each servant.
London. c.1875
Beeton’s complete etiquette for ladies, a quick guide to visiting, entertaining and travelling with hints on courtship, marriage and dress.
London. 1876
Beeton’s complete etiquette for gentlemen, a guide to the table, the toilette and the ball-room with hints on courtship, music and manners.
London. 1876
Elizabeth Blackwell
The laws of life, with special reference to the physical education of girls.
London. 1859
How to keep a household in health. An address delivered before the Working Woman’s College.
London. 1870
Counsel to parents on the moral education of their children in relation
to sex.
London. 1879
Purchase of women: the great economic blunder.
London. 1887
Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women,
autobiographical sketches.
London. 1895
Lydia Maria Child
The girl’s own book.
London. 1832. Fourth edition.
The history of the condition of women, in various ages and nations.
London. 1835. 2 volumes.
The family nurse; or, companion of the frugal housewife.
London. 1837
Lydia Maria Child (continued)
The deeper wrong; or, incidents in the life of a slave girl.
by Harriet Jacobs.
London. 1862. Editor Lydia Maria Child
Frances Power Cobbe
An essay on intuitive morals, being an attempt to popularise ethical science. Part 1. Theory of morals. Part 2. Practice of morals.
London. 1855, 1857
The sick in the workhouses; who are they, and how should they be treated. A paper read at the Meeting of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science in Dublin, August, 1861.
London. 1861
The workhouse as an hospital.
London. 1861
Home for incurable and infirm women.
London. 1862
Female education, and how it would be affected by university examinations.
A paper read at the Social Sciences Congress, London, 1862.
London. 1862
Essays on the pursuits of women.
London. 1863
Studies new and old of ethical and social subjects.
London. 1865
Criminals, idiots, women and minors. Is the classification sound? A discussion on the laws concerning the property of married women.
Manchester. 1869
Frances Power Cobbe (continued)
Darwinism in morals, and other essays.
London. 1872
The hopes of the human race, hereafter and here.
London. 1874
The duties of women. A course of lectures.
London. 1881
The modern rack. Papers on vivisection.
London. 1889
Miss Cobbe on Jesuit doctrines concerning the rights of animals. The ethics of zoophily. Reprinted from the Contemporary Review, October, 1895.
London. 1895
Light in dark places. Victoria Street Society for the protection of animals against vivisection united with the International Association for the Total Suppression of Vivisection.
London. nd.
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
The head of the family. A novel.
London. 1852. 3 volumes
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (continued)
John Halifax, gentleman.
London. 1856. 3 volumes
Domestic stories.
London. 1860. New edition
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (continued)
Mistress and Maid.
London. 1863. 2 volumes
London. 1872
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (continued)
My mother and I, a girl’s love story.
London. 1874
About money and other things, a gift book.
London. 1886
Concerning men, and other papers.
London. 1888
Sarah Stickney Ellis
Pictures of private life.
London. 1833. Second edition.
Sarah Stickney Ellis (continued)
The women of England, and their social duties, and domestic habits.
London. 1839. Third edition.
Family Secrets, or hints to those who would make home happy.
London. 1841. 3 volumes
Sarah Stickney Ellis (continued)
The wives of England, their relative duties, domestic influence, and social obligations.
London. 1843
The daughters of England, and their position in society, character, and responsibilities.
London. [1845]
The young ladies’ reader; or, extracts from modern authors, adapted for educational or family use.
London. 1845
Sarah Stickney Ellis (continued)
Prevention better than cure; or, the moral wants of the world we live in.
London. 1847
Fireside tales for the young.
London. 1849. 4 volumes
Sarah Stickney Ellis (continued)
The mother’s mistake.
London. 1856. Illustrations by Anelay.
The education of character: with hints on moral training.
London. 1856
The mothers of great men.
London. 1859
Education of the heart: woman’s best work.
London. 1869
Sarah Stickney Ellis (continued)
The home life and letters of Mrs Ellis compiled by her nieces.
London. 1893
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Concerning children.
London, Boston. 1900
The home, its work and influence.
London. 1903
Women and economics. A study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution.
London, Boston. 1906. Fifth edition.
Harriet Martineau
How to observe. Morals and manners.
London. 1838
Household education.
London. 1849
Health, husbandry, and handicraft.
London. 1861
Lady Sydney Morgan
The book of the boudoir.
London. 1829. New edition. 2 volumes
Woman and her master.
London. 1840. 2 volumes
Marion Reid
A plea for woman: being a vindication of the importance and extent of her natural sphere of action.
Edinburgh. 1843
Lydia Howard Sigourney
Letters to young ladies.
Glasgow. 1835
Letters to young ladies.
London. 1841. New edition
Great and good women: biographies for girls.
Edinburgh. 1866
Harriet Beecher Stowe
House and home
London. 1865
Woman in sacred history. A series of sketches drawn from scriptural, historical, and legendary sources.
London. 1874
Charlotte Mary Yonge
The young step-mother; or, a chronicle of mistakes.
London. 1861
A book of golden deeds, of all times and all lands.
London. 1864
Charlotte Mary Yonge (continued)
The clever woman of the family.
London. 1865. 2 volumes
The book of worthies, gathered from the old histories and now written anew.
London. 1869
The daisy chain birthday book … from the writings of Miss Charlotte M Yonge. by Eadgyth.
London. 1885
The Victorian half-century, a jubilee book.
London. 1886
The girl’s little book.
London. [1893]