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Manuscripts and Rare Printed Works of Hannah More (1745-1833) and her circle from the Clark Library, Los Angeles

Part 1: Manuscripts, First Editions and Rare Printed Works of Hannah More

Part 2: Gift Books, Memoirs, Pamphlets and the Cheap Repository Tracts

Part 3: Writings by The Eminent Blue Stockings

Detailed Listing on Selected Items - Part 2


[Blagdon Controversy] Nine pamphlets:

1)The Controversy between Mrs Hannah More, and the Curate of Blagdon, by Thomas Bere, MA, Rector of Butcombe, near Bristol. London. 1801.

2) A Letter to the Rev. Thomas Bere, occasioned by his late unwarrantable attack on Mrs Hannah More, by Rev. Sir Abraham Elton, Bart. London. 1801.

3)An Appeal to the Public on the Controversy between Hannah More, The Curate of Blagdon, and the Rev. Sir A Elton, by Thomas Bere. Bath. 1801.

4)Suggestions respecting a plan of National Education, with conjectures on the probable consequences of Non-Descript Methodism in Sunday-Schools, by the Rev. William Shaw, BD, FSA. Bath. 1801.

5)The Blagdon Controversy on the late dispute between the Curate of Blagdon, and Mrs Hannah More, by A Layman. Bath. 1801.

6) Expostulatory letter to Sir Abraham Elton, Bart. in consequence to his late publication addressed to the Rev. Thomas Bere. Bath. 1801.

7) A Statement of Facts relative to Mrs H More’s Schools, occasioned by some late misrepresentations. Bath. 1801.

8)A letter to the Rev. T Bere, by the Rev. J Boak, Rector of Brockley. Bristol. 1801.

9)Something Wrong developed; or, Free remarks on Mrs H More’s Conventicles, seasonably addressed to the Blagdon Controvertists; and inscribed to the Bishop of Bath and Wells. Bristol. 1801.

[Blagdon Controversy] ten pamphlets.

1)An Appeal to the Public on the controversy between Hannah More, the Curate of Blagdon, and the Rev. Sir A Elton, by Thomas Bere, MA. Bath. 1801.

2) Animadversions of the Curate of Blagdon’s Three Publications, entitled the Controversy between Mrs Hannah More and the Curate of Blagdon, &c, An appeal to the public, and An address to Mrs Hannah More. London. 1802.

3)Calumny Refuted, in a reply to several charges advanced by Mr Spencer of Wells, in his pamphlet called ‘Truths’, by the Rev. John Boak, Rector of Brockley. Bath. 1802.

4) The Force of Contrast, or, Quotations, accompanied with Remarks … the Blagdon Controversy. Bath. 1801.

5) Another copy of (1) above, complete.

6) Address to Mrs Hannah More, on the conclusion of the Blagdon Controversy, by Thomas Bere, MA, Curate of Blagdon. Bath. 1801.

7)Another copy of (4) above.

8)Candid Observations on Mrs H More’s Schools: in which is considered their supposed connection with Methodisim. Bath. 1802.

9)Elucidations of character, occasioned by a letter from the Rev. R Lewis, by the Rev. John Boak, Rector of Brockley. Bath. 1802.

10) Address to the members of the Portsea Institution for Educating the Infant Poor in the principles of the Church of England … by a member of the committee. London. 1813.




On Time. A hint for the New Year.

Christmas Hymn. Bristol. W Bulgin.

Turn the Carpet; or, The two weavers; a new song, in a dialogue between Dick and John
. 2 copies.

Patient Jo; or, the Newcastle collier. J Marshall and S Hazard.

A New Christmas Carol.

The Election.

The Carpenter; or, the danger of evil company. Dublin. Wm Watson.

The Gin Shop; or, a peep into a prison. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Sorrows of Yamba; or, the negro woman’s lamentation. J Marshall and S Hazard.

To the Tune of Hosier’s Ghost. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Plow-Boy’s Dream. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Riot; or, half a loaf is better than no bread, in a dialogue between Jack Anvil and Tom Hood
. Perth. R Morison.

Robert and Richard; or, the ghost of poor Molly, who was drowned in Richard’s mill pond.

The Shopkeeper turned Sailor; or, the folly of going out of our element. Part 1.

The Market Woman, a true tale; or, honesty is the best policy
. J Marshall and S Hazard.

Dame Andrews, a ballad
. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Sorrows of Yamba; or the negro woman’s lamentation. J Marshall and S Hazard.

A New History of a True Book. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Old Man, his Children, and the Bundle of Sticks, a fable
. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Roguish Miller; or, nothing got by cheating, a true ballad. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Carpenter; or, the danger of evil company. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Gin-Shop; or, a peep into prison. J Marshall and S Hazard.

Patient Joe, or the Newcastle collier. J Marshall and S Hazard.

The Riot; or, half a loaf is better than no bread. In a dialogue between Jack Anvil and Tom Hood
. J Marshall and S Hazard.



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