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Manuscript Records of Traders, Travellers, Missionaries & Diplomats

Part 8: Diaries, Notebooks and Writings of Rewi Alley (1897-1987) from the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Contents of Reels

REEL 124


Rewi Alley Papers, MS-Group-0809:
MS-Papers-6533-336 Diary, 1951.
MS-Papers-6533-337 Diary, 1951-1952.
MS-Papers-6533-338 Diary, 1952.
MS-Papers-6533-339 Diary, 1952.
MS-Papers-6533-340 Diary, 1952-1955.
MS-Papers-6533-341 Diary, 1977.

REEL 125

MS-Papers-6533-349 Diary, 1953-1960.
MSX-5268 Diary, 1949.
MSX-5269 Diary, 1950.
MSX-5271 Diary, 15 November 1951-17 April 1952.
MSX-5272 Diary, 1961.

REEL 126

MSX-5273 Diary, 31 October 1966-15 January 1968.
MSX-5277 Diary, 1968.
MSX-5278 Diary, 1969-1970.
MSX-5279 Diary, 1970.
MSX-5280 Diary, 1971.
MSX-5281 Travel Diary, 1971.
MSX-5282 Diary, 1972.

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MSX-5283 Diary, 1973.
MSX-5284 Diary, 1974.
MSX-5285 Diary, 1975.
MSX-5287 Diary, 1976.

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MSX-5288 Diary, 1979.
MSX-5289 Diary, August 1980-January 1981.
MSX-5290 Diary, 1981.

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MSX-5291 Diary, 1982.
MSX-5292 Diary, 1983.
MSX-5293 Diary, 1984.

REEL 130

MSX-5294 Diary, 1985.
Harold Winston Rhodes Papers, MS-Papers-0424:
MS-Papers-0424-07 Diary, 18 October 1935-30 March 1936.
MS-Papers-0424-08 Diary, March 1934, November-December 1938.

Diaries and Other Notes:

Rewi Alley Papers, 74-047:
74-047-1/11 Autobiographical notes and thoughts, c1962.
74-047-2/22 Biographical notes and Indusco table, 1940-1952.
74-047-3/12 Outward correspondence and loose-leaf diary, with article on Hwichow, and photographs, 1934-1936.

Travel Notes:

Rewi Alley Papers, MS-Group-0809:
MS-Papers-6533-350 Notes on Fukien Province, 1975.
MS-Papers-6533-351 Notes on the northern borders and the Pohai Kingdom, c1969.
MS-Papers-6533-352 Notes on Pinghsiang in Kiangsi, c1969.
MS-Papers-6533-353 Notes on Mount Chang Bai Shan, c1969.
MS-Papers-6533-354 Notes on Shantung Province, c1969.

REEL 131

MS-Papers-6533-355 Notes on Tibet, c1969.
MS-Papers-6533-356 Notes on Chengchow, Honan County, 1972.
MS-Papers-6533-357 Notes on Yunnan, [c1969], 1958.
MS-Papers-6533-358 Notes on Shansi Province, 1967.
MS-Papers-6533-359 Notes on Kwantung Province, 1968-1974.
MS-Papers-6533-360 Notes on Liaoning Province, c1972.
MS-Papers-6533-361 Notes on Peking and environs, c1954-1972.
MS-Papers-6533-362 Notes on Peking and environs, c1954-1972.
MS-Papers-6533-363 Notes on Sichuan Province, c1969-1980.
MS-Papers-6533-364 Notes on Ningxia Province, c1969-1973.
MS-Papers-6533-365 Notes on Chekian Province, c1969-1973.
MS-Papers-6533-366 Notes on Hubei Province, c1969-1980.
MS-Papers-6533-367 Notes on Hainan Province, c1978-1983.
MS-Papers-6533-368 Notes on Beidaihe, c1973-1985.
MS-Papers-6533-369 Notes on Shansi Province, c1973-1985.
MS-Papers-6533-370 Notes on Anhwei Province, c1969-1973.

REEL 132

MS-Papers-6533-371 Notes on Tientsin, 1975.
MS-Papers-6533-372 Notes on Shanghai, 1934-1969.
MS-Papers-6533-373 Notes on Shanghai, 1934-1973.
MS-Papers-6533-374 Notes on Gansu, c1954-1973.
MS-Papers-6533-375 Notes on Guangxi, 1968-1978.
MS-Papers-6533-376 Notes on Sinkiang, 1973-1978.
MS-Papers-6533-377 Notes on Jiangsu Province, c1967-1974.
MS-Papers-6533-378 Notes on Hebei Province, c1969-1983.
MS-Papers-6533-379 Notes on Hebei Province, c1969-1983.
MS-Papers-6533-390 Pamphlet drafts - China's southwestern border, c1968.
MS-Papers-6533-391 Pamphlet drafts - Vietnam, c1967.
MS-Papers-6533-392 Pamphlet drafts - China's far western border, c1968.

REEL 133


Rewi Alley Papers, 74-047:
74-047-2/14 Correspondence, 1927-1946. Inward correspondence to Rewi Alley, mainly relating to official business. Includes 2 draft letters from Rewi Alley to
Edgar Snow and an interesting letter to Mme Chiang Kai-Shek
dated 8 November 1945.
74-047-3/04 Correspondence, 1941-1953. This is mainly about the article in an American newspaper, written by Edgar Snow, discussing Rewi Alley's work in China, which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post on 8 February 1941.
74-047-3/06 Outward correspondence, 1926-1927. Mainly letters from Rewi Alley to his parents with early impressions of China.
74-047-3/07 Outward correspondence, 1928. Mainly letters from Rewi Alley to his parents with early impressions of China.
74-047-3/08 Outward correspondence, 1929. Mainly letters from Rewi Alley to his parents with early impressions of China.
74-047-3/09 Correspondence, 1930. Mainly letters by Rewi Alley to his mother and siblings. Also one letter from Chang Han Ling asking for assistance.
74-047-3/13 Outward correspondence, 1935. Mainly letters from Rewi Alley to his family with comments on the Japanese occupation.
Rewi Alley Papers, MS-Group-0809:
MS-Papers-6533-230 Letters from Rewi Alley to Ida Pruitt, 1954-1964.
MS-Papers-6533-231 Letters from Rewi Alley to Ida Pruitt, 1954-1964.

REEL 134

MS-Papers-6533-232 Letters from Rewi Alley to Ida Pruitt, 1961-1971.
MS-Papers-6533-659 Letters from Rewi Alley to Ida Pruitt, 1968-1969.
MS-Papers-6533-092 Letters from Rewi Alley to Jack Ewen,1967-1978. Some of these mention the “Gang of Four”.

Articles by and about Rewi Alley (published and unpublished):

Rewi Alley Papers, 74-047:
74-047-1/09 Articles and propagandist writings about Indusco Inc,
Co-operative management and Rewi Alley’s work for industrial revival in China, 1948. Publications include Shantan Bailie School 1948,
New Defence, a journal of 30,000 industrial co-operatives movement of China (dated 1939), and an issue of China Monthly Review (January 1952).
74-047-1/10 Newspaper extract, article and drawings about Industrial Co-operatives Movement and Rewi Alley’s work for industrial revival in China, nd, 1947, and 1936.
74-047-1/13 Articles by Rewi Alley reprinted from the China Journal, 1935-1938.
74-047-1/14 Articles by Rewi Alley reprinted from the China Journal, 1936-1938.
74-047-2/19 Newspaper clippings, articles and reports about Indusco Inc,
including inspection reports and one telegram, 1935-1948.

REEL 135

Rewi Alley Papers, MS-Group-0809:
MS-Papers-6533-380 Australians in Hainan during World War II, c1969-1983.
MS-Papers-6533-381 Addresses and messages to the New Zealand-China Society, 1970-1987.
MS-Papers-6533-382 Articles on prominent Chinese revolutionaries, c1970-1987.
MS-Papers-6533-383 Articles on Americans in China, c1970-1987.
MS-Papers-6533-384 Articles on Dr B K Basu and Hans Mueller, c1986, concerning medical units and hospital work.
MS-Papers-6533-385 Speech notes for international conferences, c1962-1970.
MS-Papers-6533-386 Articles describing international conferences, c1962-1986.
MS-Papers-6533-387 Articles on children, c1962-1986.
MS-Papers-6533-388 Articles and stories on children, c1962-1986.
MS-Papers-6533-389 Pamphlet draft - Looking at Laos, c1968.
MS-Papers-6533-393 Draft article - People of the bear and fish, the Ainu of Japan, c1962-1968.
MS-Papers-6533-394 Draft article - Korea in the Summer of 1964, 1964.
MS-Papers-6533-395 Draft article - Three essays of Mao Tse Tung and their application to
New Zealand, c1967.

REEL 136

MS-Papers-6533-396 Draft articles on the relationship of New Zealand with China and
Asia in general, c1967.
MS-Papers-6533-397 Draft articles on the international situation, c1962-1967.
MS-Papers-6533-400 Draft articles on Chinese national minorities, 1976-1978.
MS-Papers-6533-404 Articles on Chinese life and culture, c1955-1980.
MS-Papers-6533-405 Peking letter, 1954-1964.
MS-Papers-6533-406 Articles on China, c1960-1978.
MS-Papers-6533-407 Articles on Chinese education, c1966-1970.
MS-Papers-6533-408 Articles on Chinese medicine, c1966-1970.
MS-Papers-6533-409 Article on Chinese literature, 1969.
MS-Papers-6533-410 Articles on Chinese food production, c1966-1970.
MS-Papers-6533-411 Articles on Chinese cartoons, 1953-1954.
MS-Papers-6533-412 Articles on the Opium Wars, c1960-1970.

REEL 137

MS-Papers-6533-413 Some aspects of internationalism in China's struggle, 1979.
MS-Papers-6533-414 Articles on the Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1979-1981.
MS-Papers-6533-415 Articles on the Cultural Revolution, c1967-1969.
MS-Papers-6533-416 Articles on industrial development in China, c1967-1969.
MS-Papers-6533-417 Articles on China, c1967-1969.
MS-Papers-6533-418 Speech on China, given at Christchurch, 1965.
MS-Papers-6533-420 Speech given in New Zealand on China, 1965.
(This includes discussion of development along Yangtze River and the idea of economic development as a way of “bringing people together”.)
James Bertram Papers, MS-Group-0216:
93-103-03 Speech by Rewi Alley commemorating the death of Edgar Snow,
15 February 1982. This item also includes some letters and the programme for Rewi Alley's visit to New Zealand in 1960, four photographs of Rewi Alley, and four greetings photograph booklets, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985.

Memories and Reminiscences:

Memories of Alley
MS-Papers-5792 Typescript manuscript by Rewi Alley’s adopted son Alan - Duan Si Mou. This was written in 1996 and is in two parts. It comprises reminiscences by Alan in which he describes the following:
(i) his experiences the first time he visited New Zealand and met his Christchurch family (1932)
(ii) his experiences in China during the time Rewi Alley was working in Shanghai (1930-1937).

Printed Articles:
(just the pages specified to cover the Rewi Alley articles and poems; cover page and contents page of the relevant issues are also included to provide context for Rewi Alley’s articles).

From Eastern Horizon:
Vol I No 3, 1961. pp37-38.
Vol I No 8, 1961. pp28-31.
Vol I No 13, 1962. p19.
Vol II No 2, 1962. pp24-25.
Vol II No 3, 1962. pp64-65.
Vol II No 5, 1962. pp20-28.
Vol II No 9, 1962. pp21-23.
Vol II No 11, 1962. pp38-45.
Vol II No 12, 1962. pp39-47.
Vol II No 14, 1963. pp26-28.
Vol III No 1, 1963. pp14-18.
Vol III No 3, 1963. pp29-35.
Vol III No 4, 1963. pp24-30.
Vol III No 5, 1963. pp38-39.
Vol III No 6, 1963. pp17-22.
Vol III No 8, 1964. pp11-22.
Vol III No 9, 1964. pp25-30.
Vol III No 12, 1964. pp6-13 and pp36-37.
Vol IV No 2, 1965. pp23-28.
Vol IV No 3, 1965. pp18-22 and pp65-66.
Vol IV No 4, 1965. pp21-28.
Vol IV No 5, 1965. pp14-20.
Vol IV No 6, 1965. pp29-31.
Vol IV No 7, 1965. pp33-38.
Vol IV No 9, 1965. pp13-16.
Vol IV No 11, 1965. pp38-43.
Vol IV No 12, 1965. pp5-8 and pp61-63.
Vol V No 2, 1966. pp37-45.
Vol V No 3, 1966. pp41-45.
Vol V No 4, 1966. pp13-25 and pp60-61.
Vol V No 5, 1966. pp6-20.
Vol V No 7, 1966. pp35-39.
Vol V No 8, 1966. pp19-28.
Vol V No 9, 1966. pp37-44.
Vol V No 10, 1966. pp25-30.
Vol V No 11, 1966. pp12-19.
Vol V No 12, 1966. pp30-33.

REEL 138

From Eastern Horizon:
Vol VI No 1, 1967. pp16-26.
Vol VI No 2, 1967. pp6-13.
Vol VI No 3, 1967. pp25-40.
Vol VI No 4, 1967. pp6-17.
Vol VI No 5, 1967. pp6-18.
Vol VI No 6, 1967. pp33-40.
Vol VI No 7, 1967. pp32-44.
Vol VI No 8, 1967. pp29-43.
Vol VI No 9, 1967. pp10-21.
Vol VI No 10, 1967. pp5-17.
Vol VI No 11, 1967. pp6-20.
Vol VI No 12, 1967. pp22-36.
Vol VII No 1, 1968. pp40-41.
Vol VII No 2, 1968. pp5-19.
Vol VII No 3, 1968. pp26-41.
Vol VII No 4, 1968. pp6-21.
Vol VII No 5, 1968. pp7-22.
Vol VII No 6, 1968. pp6-18 and pp31-42.
Vol VIII No 1, 1969. pp17-33.
Vol VIII No 2, 1969. pp23-35.
Vol VIII No 3, 1969. pp8-22.
Vol VIII No 5, 1969. pp24-39.
Vol VIII No 6, 1969. pp16-32.
Vol IX No 1, 1970. pp12-28.
Vol IX No 2, 1970. pp7-38.
Vol IX No 3, 1970. pp45-55.
Vol IX No 4, 1970. pp36-45.
Vol IX No 5, 1970. pp18-28.
Vol IX No 6, 1970. pp9-33.
Vol X No 1, 1971. pp7-21.
Vol X No 2, 1971. pp37-48.
Vol X No 3, 1971. pp29-36.
Vol X No 4, 1971. pp17-26.
Vol X No 5, 1971. pp7-16.
Vol X No 6, 1971. pp23-35.
Vol XI No 1, 1972. pp6-20 and pp55-57.
Vol XI No 2, 1972. pp16-19 and pp39-47.
Vol XI No 3, 1972. pp27-33.
Vol XI No 4, 1972. pp32-45.
Vol XI No 5, 1972. pp11-24.
Vol XI No 6, 1972. pp7-30.
Vol XII No 2, 1973. pp15-32.
Vol XII No 3, 1973. pp18-30 and pp48-53.
Vol XII No 4, 1973. pp20-44.
Vol XII No 5, 1973. pp17-42.
Vol XII No 6, 1973. pp20-36.

From New Zealand Monthly Review:
Vol 1 No 1, May 1960. New Zealand Revisited. pp5-6.
Vol 1 No 2, June 1960. New Zealand Revisited. p14.
Vol 1 No 3, July 1960. New Zealand Revisited. p14.
Vol 1 No 4, August 1960. New Zealand Revisited. pp15-16.

From Voice of China:

Articles written under various different pen-names:
15 July 1936: pp11-13.
1 August 1936: pp15-17.
15 September 1936: pp12-13.
1 October 1936: pp8-9.
15 November 1936: pp8-9 and 18.
1 December 1936: pp8-9 and 17.
15 December 1936: pp3-4.

From New Zealand Potter:

Vol 6 No 2, December 1963. pp25-27.
Vol 7 No 2, February 1965. pp8-9.

From Here & Now:
Articles from the following issues: May 1952; September 1952; August 1953;
August 1954 and February/March 1955.

From Comment: A New Zealand Quarterly Review:
Vol 1 No 4, Winter 1960. China’s Economic Revolution. pp21-24.

From New Zealand Magazine: A Quarterly Journal devoted to New Zealand Life and Current Topics:
Autumn 1949. Gung Ho: The Work and Thoughts of Rewi Alley. pp29-31.

From Landfall:
Vol 10 No 1, March 1956. Yangtze Gorges (poem). pp33-34.



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