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The First World War: A Documentary Record

Series One: European War 1914-1919, the War Reserve Collection (WRA-WRE)
from Cambridge University Library

Part 3: Allied Propaganda
Part 4: German Propaganda


Detailed listings of "The University of Chicago War papers" and the "Oxford Pamphlets"series.

The University of Chicago War Papers
(Part 3, Reel 12, WRC 35a. 588-595)

No 1 Judson, Henry Pratt (president of the University).
The Threat of German World-Politics.
No 2 Small, Albion W (Head of Sociology).
Americans and the World-Crisis.

No 3 Bramhill, Frederick D (Political Science Dept)
Democracy the Basis for World-Order.
No 4 Mclaughlin, Andrew C (Head of History)
Sixteen Causes of War.
No 5 Moulton, harold Glenn (Assoc Professor, Pol Econ)
The War and Industrial Readjustments.
No 6 Conyers Read (Assoc Professor, History)
England and America)
No 7 Judd, Charles H (Director, School of Education).
Democracy and American Schools.
No 8 Abbot, Edith (Lecturer, Sciology)
Democrasy and Social Progress in England.

The Oxford pamhlets series
(Part 3, reels 13-15, WRD 35. 3-21).

Series/ Number

1/1 Sanday, Dr - The Deeper causes of the War.
1/2 Anon. - To the Christian Scholars of Europe & America.
1/3 Adams, W G S - The Responsibility for the War.
1/4 Wilkinson, Spencer - Great Britain & Germany.
1/5 Hassall, Arhtur - Just for a scrap of paper.
2/6 Fletcher, C R L - The Germans, their empire and how they have made it.
2/7 Fletcher, C R L - The Germans, their empire and what they covet.

2/8 Raleigh, Sir Walter - Might is Right.
2/9 Beavan, murray - Australian Policy since 1867.
2/10 Feiling, Keith - Italian Policy since 1870.
3/11 Morgan, F & Davis, H W C - French Policy since 18171.
3/12 Vinogradoff, Paul - Russia: The Psychology of a Nation.
3/13 Chirol, Sir Valentine - Serbia & the Serbs.
3/14 Chirol, Sir Valentine - Germany & the "Fear of Russia".
3/15 Urquhart, F F - The Eastern Question.
4/16 Lindsay, A D - War against War.
4/17 Fisher, H A L - The value of small states.
4/18 Murray, Gilbert - How can war ever be right?
4/19 Muir, Ramsay - The National Principle and the War.
4/20 Barker, e - Nietzsche & Trietzsche: The Worship of Power in Modern Germany.
5/21 Egerton, H E - The British Dominions and the War.
5/22 Trevelyan, Sir Robert - India & the War.
5/23 Egerton, H E - Is the British Empire the Result of Whoesale Robbery?
5/24 Higgins, A Pearce - The Law of Nations and the War.
5/25 Bennett, w - England's Mission
6/[26] Wilkinson, Spenser - August 1914: The coming of War.
7/27 Davis, H W C - The Retreat from Mons.
7/28 Davis, H W C - The Battles of the Marne and Aisne
7/29 Thursfield, J R - The Navy & the War.
7/30 Osler, Sir William - Bacilli & Bullets.
8/31 Beck, James M - The Double Entente versus the Triple Entente.
8/32 Lewin, Evans - The Germans in Africa.
8/33 Anon - All for Germany; Or, The World's Respect

Well lost (a satyrick dialogue).
8/34 Robertson, Charles Grant - Germany: The Economic Problem.
8/35 Terry, Charles Sanford - German Sea-Power
9/36 Davis, H W C - What Europe owes to Belgium.
9/37 Ehrlich, Ludwik - Poland, Prussia & Culture.
9/38 Anon - Turkey in Europe & Asia.
9/39 Toynbee, Arnold J - Greek Policy since 1882.
9/40 Prior, W R - North Sleswick under Prussian rule, 1864
10/41 Murray, Gilbert - Thoughts on the War.
10/42 Marvin, F S - The leadership of the world.
10/43 Collier, Gerard - The Leading ideas of British Policy.
10/44 Ashley, W J - The War & its Economic Aspects.
10/45 Rew, R E - Foo Supplies in War Time.
11/46 Davis, H W C - The Battle of Ypres - Armentières.
11/47 Hilditch, A Neville - Troyon.
11/48 Jane, L Cecil - The Actions eff Heligoland August 1914.
11/49 Higgins, A Pearce - Non-combatants and the War.
12/50 The Bishop of Lincoln - The Church & the War.
12/51 Strong, T B - The War & Theology.
12/54 Wundt, Wilhelm - Concerning True War.
12/55 Dicey, A V - How we ought to feel about the War.
13/56 Bjorkman, E - Scandinavia & the War.
13/57 (A Dane) - The War through Danish eyes.
13/58 Forbes, N - The Southern Slavs.

13/59 Duchesne, A E - Asia & the War.
13/60 Peterson, W - The War through Canadian eyes.
14/61 Sonnenschein, E A - Through German Eyes/ Idols of Peace & War.
14/62 Muirhead, J H - German Philosophy & the War.
14/63 Row, E F - Outlines of Prussian History to 1871.
14/64 Norton, Roy - The Man of Peace.
14/65 Archer, William - Fighting & Philosophy.
15/66 Buchan, John - Britain's War by Land.
15/67 Thursfield, J R - Sea Power & the War.
15/68 Hilditch, A N - The stand of Liège.
15/69 Pyke, H Reason - Contraband & the War.
15/70 Richards, Sir H Erle - Does International Law still exist?
16/71 Orwin, C - The Farmer in War-time.
16/72 Arnold, J O - British & German Stel Metallurgy.
16/73 Chapman, S J - The War & the Cotton Trade.
16/74 Bowley, A L - The War & Employment.
16/75 Bowley, A L - Prices & Earnings in time of War.
16/76 Eccles, F Y - Alsace-Lorraine.
17/77 Dimnet, Ernest - The Evolution of Thought in Modern France.
17/78 Dearmer, prcy - Russia & Britain.
17/79 Mitrany, D - Rumania: Hre history & Politics.
17/80 Warren, Sir Herbert - Poetry & War.
18/[81] Mowat, R B - Select Treaties & Documents.
19/82 Matheson, P e - National Ideals.
19/83 Binyon, Laurence - Bombastes in the Shades: A Play in One Act.
19/84 Tucker, A B - Canada & the War.
19/85 Elliot, Ivo D'O - The historical precedent for the new army.
19/86 Hilditch, A N - Coronel & the Falkland Islands.


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