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The Literary Manuscripts of Katherine Philips (1632-1664)

Contents of Reels

(The first column gives the correct manuscript reference. The second column gives the name by which the manuscript is known [key manuscripts only]. The third column indicates whether the item is one of the 10 key poetry manuscripts [?1-?10] as identified by Beal, one of the 3 key drama manuscripts [D1-D3], a verse miscellany including works by other authors [VM], or a poem in a book of music [Music]. The fourth column shows the number of items by Katherine Philips in that volume).


Manuscripts from the National Library of Wales:

NLW 775B Tutin Ms ?1 55 poems
NLW 776B Rosania Ms ?2 D1 96 poems/2 plays
NLW 1585 ff196r-v 1 poem
NLW 21702E ff158-9 1 poem
NLW 21867B D2 1 play
NLW Orielton Estate Ms, box 24 2 poems

Printed Books:

Philips, Katherine Poems (1667) 121 poems/2 plays
Letters from Orinda to Polirachus (1705) 48 letters


Tutin, J R Selected Poems of Katherine Philips ("Orinda") (1904)

Manuscript from Cardiff Central Library:

Cardiff Ms 2.1073 Cardiff Ms ?3 VM 14 poems

Manuscript from the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin:

Texas Pre-1700 Ms 151 Dering Ms ?4 74 poems

Manuscript from Worcester College, Oxford:

Worcester Coll Ms 6.13 Clarke Ms ?5 VM 73 poems


Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library, Oxford:

MS Rawl Poet 65 Rawlinson Ms ?6 VM 21 poems
MS Rawl Poet 90 Rawlinson Ms II ?7 VM 15 poems
MS Rawl Poet 173 Dunton Ms ?8 VM 11 poems
MS Rawl Poet 147 VM
MS Rawl Poet 246 VM
MS Aubrey 8, f38 "life"
MS Firth b 20, f140 2 poems
MS Locke e 17, pp 92-101 3 poems
MS Tanner 306/2, ff357-368 2 poems


Manuscripts from the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC:

Ms V.b.231 Folger Ms ?9 D3 122 poems/2 plays
Ms W.b.455, p41 1 poem
Ms W.b.515 Music 1 poem
Ms V.b.197 Music 1 poem

Manuscript from the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA:

Hunt Ms HM 183, f17 1 poem

Manuscripts from the the Osborn Collection in the Beinecke Library, Yale University:

Yale, Osborn b118 Trevor Ms ?10 VM 18 poems
Yale, Osborn b207 VM
Yale, Osborn c189, pp22-29 4 poems

Manuscript from the and Hertfordshire County Record Office:

Herts CRO D/EP F43, pp623-624 1 poem



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