Part 2: The Braye Manuscripts from the House of Lords Record Office
BL: British Library
Bp: Bishop
CJ: Journal of the House of Commons
CP: Common Pleas
CSP Domestic: Calendar of State Papers Domestic
D: Duke
E: Earl
EHR: English Historical Review
HC: House of Commons
HL: House of Lords
HL MSS: Manuscripts of the House of Lords, printed by Order of the House of Lords in continuation of the series issued by the Historical Manuscripts Commission
HLRO: House of Lords Record Office
HMC: Historical Manuscripts Commission
HMCB: 10th Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, Appendix, pt vi, 104-252, The Manuscripts of Lord Braye, at Stanford Hall (1887)
J; Justice
KB: King’s Bench
L: Lord
LJ: Journal of the House of Lords
Nalson: J Nalson (ed), An impartial collection of the great affairs of state from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in the year 1639 to the murther of King Charles I, 2 vols (1682-3)
Parliamentary History: The Parliamentary Gistory of England from the earliest period to the year 1803, ed W Cobbett (1806-20)
PRO: Public Record Office
Rot Parl: Rotuli Parliamentorum, 6 vols (1767-77)
Rushworth: J Rushworth (ed), Historical collections of private passages of state, weighty matters of law, remarkable proceedings in five parliaments, 7 vols (1659-1701)
Somers’ Tracts: Collection of scarce and valuable tracts … selected from … public as well as private libraries, particularly that of the late Lord Somers, 2nd ed, 13 vols (1809-15)
V: Viscount