Part 2: The Braye Manuscripts from the House of Lords Record Office
Braye Ms 1 Letters and State Papers, 1572 – 1636
A volume of 167 folios of separate papers, bound c 1885. Calendared in HMCB, 125-34.
ff 1-10
24-31 May, 25 June 1572. Fulk Onslow’s Journal of Proceedings in HC incl f10 [17 June] ‘The Protestation of the Queen of Scots’. A personal journal or entry book made by Onslow for his own use or possibly for the information of his patron Lord Burghley. It includes summaries of speeches and comments not in the official Journal. Cf G R Elton, Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government, III (C U P, 1983), 168-70. HL MSS XL, ix-x, No 3186 in extenso; T E Hartley (ed) Proceedings in the Parliaments of Elizabeth I (Leciester University Press, 1981), I, 311-16, in extenso, omits ‘The Protestation of the Queen of Scots’; HMCB, 125-7 (extracts only).
f 11
30 June 1601. Letter from Richard (Bancroft), Bishop of London, to an unknown recipient, appointing him to preach at St Paul’s Cross on 9 August next. Endorsed ‘The fourth time of my preaching at St Paul’s Cross. 9 August, 1601’. HCMB, 127 (abbreviated version); HL MSS, XI No 3253.
ff 12-13
29 May 1624. Speech of Sir Thomas Crew, Speaker of HC, addressed to the King at the Prorogation. Condensed in LJ III, 423-4 and Rushworth I, 146. HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3386.
ff 14-26
[April 1625]. ‘A discourse of passages between the Earls of Essex, Somersett, Northampton, the countesse of Essex, Sir Thomas Overbury and others, with their risings and falls. Together with diverse other affayres as they occurred during the late rainge of K James and also the Duke of Buckingham his first coming into favour’. Extracts in John Browne’s hand from a Braye volume entitled ‘Historical Memoirs’. HMCB, 110-11, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3403.
ff 27-54
22 March – 17 May 1626. Papers concerning the Earl of Bristol’s Case
ff 27-8
22 March 1625-6. Petition of John, Earl of Bristol, for a Writ of Summons. Endorsed, ‘Referred to the Lords Committee for Priviledges’. LJ III, 537 in extenso. HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(a). Cf copy of petition HMC, 4th Rept, App, 7.
ff 29-30
19 April 1626. Petition of same to be allowed to attend HL to answer the charges against him. Endorsed, ‘yt was delivered to the Committee. 18 April’. LJ III, 563 in extenso; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(b). Cf copy of petition HMC 4th Rept, App, 9-10.
ff 35-6
31 March 1626. Letter from Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper to John, Earl of Bristol, for him to forbear his attendance in Parliament. LJ III, 563, in extenso. HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(c).
ff 31-4
12 April 1626. Letter from John, Earl of Bristol to Thomas Coventry. Lord Keeper, in reply to above. Endorsed, ‘Delivered to the Committee for Petitions 18 April 1626. Lecta 19 Apr’. LJ III, 563-4, in extenso; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(d), (c) and (d) probably annexed to (b).
ff 37
8 May 1626. Petition of John, Earl of Bristol to H L, asking it to intercede on his behalf with the King. LJ, III, 588, in extenso; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(e).
ff 38-9
8 May 1626. List of names of counsel the Earl of Bristol desired to be assigned to him. LJ III, 589, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3413(f).
ff 40-1
8 June 1626. Petition of John, Early of Bristol, for a speedy hearing, etc. Endorsed, ‘Ordered by partes prout per librum’. LJ III, 669, in extenso. HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(g).
f 42
10 June 1626. Petition of same for HL to order appearance of specified witnesss. Endorsed ‘lecta 10 Junii 1626 granted’. Substance printed in LJ III, 672; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(h).
ff 43-4
14 June 1626. Petition of same concerning witnesses etc. Endorsed, ‘lecta 14 June 1626 pm’. Printed in part, LJ, III, 580, last paragraph in HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(i).
ff 45-6
8 Jne 1626. Petition of same asking to be examined in person. Endorsed ‘lecta 8 Junii 1626. To be sent for presently’. Substance printed in LJ III, 655; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(j).
f 47
9 June 1626. Petition of the same for the drawing of a formal charge against the Duke of Buckingham. Endorsed ‘lecta 9 Junii 1626. Ordered’. Substance printed in LJ III, 671; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(k) where charge wrongly stated to be against Bristol himself.
ff 48-9
12 June 1626. Petition of the same for his cause to be expedited. Endorsed, ‘Ordered Mr Attorney to be sent unto (to hasten yt – deleted) to be here this afternoone. Ex’. H Elsynge. cler parl’. Substance printed in LJ III, 673; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI No 3413(l).
ff 50-1
15 May 1626. Petition of same for counsel to be assigned to him and Mr Maxwell to be ordered to transmit the Earl’s petitions to HL. Endorsed ‘per Mr Maxwell. 15 May 1626. lecta 15 May 1626’. Cf LJ III, 627; HMCB, 127; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(m).
ff 52-3
29 April 1626. The first part of the Draft Report of the Committee of Privileges concerning the Earl of Bristol, with a deleted passage and four other slight drafting changes. Endorsed ’29 April 1626. parte of the reporte of the Subcommittee for priviledges touching the Earl of Bristol penned by the Earl of Clare’. LJ III, 574, in extenso; HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(n).
f 54
17 May 1626. Draft answer from the King to a message from HL concerning counsel for the Earl of Bristol, with a few amendments, Endorsed ’17 May 1626. Message from the Kinge touchinge Counsell in point of Treason against the E Bristoll’ LJ III, 629-30 in extenso; HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3413(o).
ff 55-6
30 June 1627. Copy of letter from the Council to the Commissioners for Loans in the County of Northampton. Calendaed in HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3415.
ff 57-8
22 November 1627. Funeral of John Browne
Lists of persons receiving cloaks etc. From the date this seems to refer to the funeral of his uncle and adoptive father, John Browne, merchant taylor.
(a) Imperfect, no heading. 2 pp names
(b) 22 November 1627 “Gowns cutt out for fren(ds) morners and sent home”
(c) Nd “…cloakd delivered out to frends”
Calendared under 27 November in error in HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3416.
ff 59-87
4-24 June 1628. Impeachment o Dr Roger Manwaring.
ff 59-66
4 June 1628. Mr Pym’s speech at the Conference of both Houses. Proceedings sin Parliament 1628, vol IV, eds. M F Keeler, M J Cole and W B Bidwell (Yale University Press, 1978), 103-10 in extenso. HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3428(a).
ff 67-8
9 June 1628. List of witnesses Mr Pym deesired to call in support of his case (in Paym’s hand). Proceedings in Parliament, op cit, vol V, 608-9, in extenso. HMCB, 128; HL MSS, Xi, No 3428(b).
ff 69-78
10 June 1628. Original signed (unless otherwise stated depositions of Abraham Speckart, Sir Thomas Conye (unsigned), Mathew Howland, Laurence Whitaker, Sir Francis Annesley, Sir William Lytton, Sir George Hastings (unsigned), Hamond Claxton, John Shelbery, John Knight, Sir Francis Darcy and Sir Daniel Norton. Endosed ‘Examinacions viz Manwaringe taken by the Committee 10 June 1628. Hamond Clarke (sic Claxton) and Sir Danel Norton only reade 11 Junii’. Proceedings in Parliament 1628, op cit, vol V, 614-7, in extenso. HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3428(c).
ff 79-80
11 June 1628. Notes on sermons by Dr Manwaring used by Serjeant Crewe and the Attorney General in support of the charge against him. HMCB, 128; HL MSS,, XI, No 3428(d).
14 June 1628. Draft (heavily amended) of sentence on Dr Manwaring. LJ III, 855-6, in extenso. HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3428(e).
ff 85-6
21 June 1628. Original signed submittion by Dr Manwaring before HL. LJ III, 870, in extremo. HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3428(f).
f 87
21 June 1628. Draft of one sentence of above. HL MSS, XI, No 3428(g).
ff 88-9
30 December 1629. Copy in Browne’s hand of the King’s instructions to the Archbishop of Canterbury concerning Orders to be observed by the bishops of the Province. Printed in Rushworth, II, 30-1, except for the first two clauses which are printed in HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3433.
ff 90-5
January 1630. Report of the trial of Walter Long in Star Chamber for alleged neglect of his duties as sheriff of Wiltshire whilst serving as MP for Bath. (Plaw French). Cf Rushworth, I, 684-6. HMCB, 128; HL MSS, XI, No 3434.
ff 96-167
1632-6. Papers relating to John Durie’s mission to the Continent to effect an union between the Lutherans and the Calvinists.
These papers were amongst those impounded by the House of Lords from Archbishop Laud during the proceedings taken against him in 1644. Most of the papers have survived amongst the Lords’ Main Papers and have been calendared in HMC 3rd Report. App 2 for letters dated between 31 July 1633 and 9 December 1637 and in 4th Report, pt I, App 159-163, for a fuller calendar of the same papers, together with additional letters, etc, 2 February 1630/1 – 7 March 1639/40. For an unknown reason, however, John Browne extracted about a third of the Durie mission papers and they have survived amongst the Braye Manuscripts. They are endorsed with dates of receipt and other comments in Laud’s hand. (Calendared in HMCB, 129-34).
ff 96-7
1 November 1632. Hanua. Letter to William Laud, bishop of London, from Calvinist Ministers at Hanau expressing their wish for a union. A postscript laments the recent death of Gustavus Adolphuis. (Latin). Endorsed, received 11 November1633. HMCB, 129; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(a).
ff 98-9
7 March 1632/3. Hanua. Letter from Paulus Tossanus, on behalf of Louis Philip, the Guardian and Administrator of the Palatinate, to George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury and William Laud, bishop of London, desiring peace between all the Evangelicals in Germany. (Latin). Endorsed, received 11 November 1633. HMCB, 129. HL MSS, XI, No 3444(b).
ff 100-1
15 October 1633. Zurich. Copy of letter from The Churches of Switzerland to Durie in favour of religious toleration. (Latin). Endorsed, received 26 April 1634. HMCB, 129; HL MSS, XI, No 3444.
7 February 1633/4. Karlsburg, Transylvania. Letter from Stephen Katona Gelegi, bishop of the orthodox Hungarian churches in Transylvania and three professors of Karlsburg to Archbishop Abbot, praising Charles I’s leadership towards union. (Latin). HMCB, 129; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(d).
ff 104-111
Annexed to above. Paper on the method of effecting a union between the Evangelical Churches. Signed as (d) and also by fourteen other ministers and pastors of various places in Transylvania. (Latin). Endorsed, received 21 October 1634. HMCB, 129-30; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(f).
ff 112-3
28 February 1633/4. Nuremburg. Copy of letter from George Richter to Durie in the name of the Free City of Nuremburg. (Latin). Endorsed, received 13 April 1634. HCMB, 130; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(f).
ff 114-5
7 March 1633/4. Helmstedt. Copy of letter from the Dean, Seniors and Professors of Helmstedt Theological College to Durie. Mentions that their sovereign, the Duke of Brunswick is wholly in favour of union. (Latin). Endorsed, received 30 April 1634. HMCB, 130; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(g).
ff 116-9
9 March 1633/4. Westminster . Letter from Durie to Laud discussing factors involved in the possible continuation of his mission. HMCB, 130; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(h).
ff 120-5
28 March 1634. Dresden. Opinion of Dr Hoe on the lawfulness of a peace between Lutherans and Calvinists. Sent from Frankfurt 30 June 1634 by Sir Robert Anstruther, ambassador in Germany. (Latin). Endorsed, received 19 July 1634. HMCB, 131; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(i).
ff 126-33
Copy of same. HMCB, 131; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(j).
ff 134-5
? March, April 1634. Letter from Durie to Laud enclosing letter from Nuremburg (ff 112-3). Asks for letter of recommendation to Diet at Frankfurt. Endorsed, received 13 April 1634. HMCB, 130; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(k).
f 136
8 April 1634. Bulwick. Letter from Sir Thomas Rowe to Laud asking him to support Durie at the approaching Diet of Frankfurt. Endorsed, received 18 April 1634. HMCB, 130; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(l).
f 137
22 April 1634. Copy of letter from Laid to Sir Robert Anstruther giving instructions on how to act in the reconciliation of Lutherans and Calvinists. HMCB, 130; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(m).
f 138
24 July 1634. Frankfurt. Letter from Durie to Laud giving an account of the proceedings of the Diet at Frankfurt.
f 139
Annexed to above. Copy of Durie’s petition to the Diet. (Latin). Endorsed, received 8 August 1534. HMCB, 130-2; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(n).
f 140
4 August 1634. Bulwick. Letter from Sir Thomas Rowe to Laud criticising Dr Hoe’s Opinion on reconciliation of the churches. Endorsed, received 23 August 1634. Cf fos 120-5. HMCB, 132; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(o).
f 141
25 August 1634. Copy of letter from Laud to Rowe advising against answering Dr Hoe. HMCB, 132; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(p).
ff 142-3
14 October 1634. Leiden. Letter from Durie to Laud. He is returning to England to give Laud a full account of the Diet. Endorsed, received 9 November 1634. HMCB, 130; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(q).
ff 144-57
17 February 1634/5. ‘The Relation of Joh Durie his journey’. A narrative written to Laud of Durie’s activitiees from the time of his leaving England on 2 May 1634 until his return on 11 February 1634/5. Endorsed, received 12 March 1634/5. Summarised in HMCB, 132-3.
ff 158-9
Annexed. 1 September 1634. Copy of Decree of the Diet. (Latin).
ff 160-1
nd. Letter from Durie to the Synods of Holland. (Latin). HMCB, 133; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(r).
ff 162-3
31 May 1635. Draft testimonial from Laud in favour of Durie. Amended in Laud’s hand. (Latin). HMCB, 133; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(s).
ff 164-5
4 August, 1-4 September 1635; 14 January 1635/6. Copies of the replies of thee Synods of South Holland and Utrecht and of Professors of Theology at Leiden to Durie’s proposals. They commend his good intentions but only a National Synod is competent to deal with the proposals. (Latin). HMCB, 133; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(t).
ff 166-7
18 January 1635/6. Amsterdam. Letter from Durie to Laud describing his activities in the Netherlands since July 1635/6. HMCB, 133-4; HL MSS, XI, No 3444(u).
Braye Ms 2 Letters and State Papers, 1637-1641
A volume of 213 folios of separate papers, bound c 1885. Calendared in HMCB, 134-45.
ff 1-2
11 July 1637. Letter from the Provos and Fellows of Oriel College, Oxford to Sir Thomas Cave of Stanford Hall asking him, as alumnus, for a benefaction. (Latin). HMCB, 134; HL MS, XI, No 3453.
ff 3-10
25 August 1637. ‘The Scotts’ Remonstrance and theire Reasons against the Booke of Common Prayers’. Copy of remonstrance eof Noblemen, Barons, Burgesses, Ministers and Commons of Scotland to the Lords of Secret Council. Annexed: copy of reasons against the Book of Common Prayer. Cf Register of the Privy Council of Scotland 1635-1637, ser II, vi, 699. HMCB, 134; HL MSS, XI, No 3455.
ff 11-38
18-24 July 1637. Suspension of the bishop of Lincoln. Copy of proceedings in the Court of High Commission against John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, for enforcing the sentence of suspension pronounced against him in Star Chamber. Annexed: copy of judgment in Star Chamber, 11 July 1637. HMCB, 134; HL MSS, XI No 3454.
ff 39-43
1614-38 Assessments of Twickenham and Whitton
(a) 1616. Copy of letter from Justices of the Peace of Middlesex to the Earl of Buckingham. Master of the Horse, concerning an assessment of four loads of hay from Twickenham to Whitton for the king’s stables.
(b) 24 November 1614. Copy of survey of meadows and pastures in Twickenham.
(c) 1615. Copy of assessment for supplying hay.
(d) 7 March 1616/7. Similar assessment for the above.
(e) 28 August
1638. Copy of letter from Commissioners to ‘Rights worshipfull’ reporting enquiry into the assessment. HMCB, 134; HL MSS, XI, No 3332.
ff 44-5
[? January 1637-8]. Letter from John Crewe (brother-in-law) to John Browne reporting negotiations to purchase manor and rectory of Radstone Co Northants for Browne. Annexed; list of rents due at Radstone, Lady Day 1638. HMCB, 134 (abbreviated version of letter); HL MSS, XI No 3456.
ff 46-61
24 January 1638/9, August 1639. Scottish General Assembly.
ff 46-9
(a) 24 January 1638/9. Copy of instrument by which Alexander Leslie, minister of St Maldoes, laid down his office as bishop of Dunkeld, followed by reports of the proceedings of the General Assembly at Edinburg, August 1639. HMCB, 135-6 (proceedings of the Assembly in extenso).
ff 50-61
(b) August 1639. Papers, mostly in Browne’s hand, entitled ‘the most Considerable passages of the late General Assembly holden at Edinborough 12 August 1639’; incomplete, pp 21-28 missing. Rushworth, II, 957-9 (part only). HMCB, 136; HL MSS, XI, No 3469.
f 62
[?1641]. Petition of the bishops of the Church of Scotland to the king asking that they are not excepted from proposed ‘Act of Oblivion and Pacification’. Cf The Acts of the parliament of Scotland V, 342. HMCB, 135, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3462.
ff 63-4
24 April 1640. Two Lords Resolutions concerning Supply and a Conference with HC. Endorsed ‘delivered to me [John Browne] by the Lord Keeper under his owne hand’. LJ IV, 67 in extenso. HMCB 136; HL MSS, XI No 3468.
ff 65-6
25 April 1640. Notes in the hand of Lord Keeper (L Finch) for a speech at a Conference with HC ES Cope and WH Coates (eds), Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (Camden Fourth Series, vol 19, 1977), 256-6, in extenso. LJ IV, 68. HMCB, 136; HL MSS, XI No 3469.
ff 67-8
28 April 1640. Copy of Pym’s speech at a Conference with HL. Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640, op cit, 182-4 (with minor variations). LJ IV, 72-3, in extenso in indirect speech. HMCB, 136; HL MSS, XI, No 3470.
ff 69-74
1 May 1640. Speech of Lord Keeper to HC in the Painted Chamber, with some deletions and corrections. Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640, op cit, 266-72, in extenso. LJ, IV, 75-7 in extenso. HMCB, 136; HL MSS, XI, No 3471.
ff 75-6
13 July 1640. Whitehall. Warrant of the Council to Henry Kyme, one of the messengers of the King’s Chamber, for the arrest of certain inhabitants of Hampton, Teddington, East Bedfont, Feltham and Sunbury. Signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Earl of Strafford and eight others. HMCB, 136; HL MSS, XI, No 3463.
ff 77-8
18 October [1640. York.] Copy, in Browne’s hand, of letter describing a report from the English Commissioners to the Council on negotiations with the Scots, and Council discussions thereon. HMCB, 136-8, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3475 (a).
ff 79-80
5 November 1640. Speech of Lord Keeper replying to William Lenthall’s presentation speech as Speaker. LJ not entered. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3477, in extenso.
f 81
14 November 1640. Report of Lord Keeper to HL, on his being sent by the King to the Earl of Strafford.
f 81v
14 November 1640. List of Lords Committee on the Northern Business, with note of adjournment (in Browne’s hand). LJ, IV, 91 in extenso. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(a).
ff 82-3
27 November 1640. Official, signed statement of the practice of the Court of Star Chamber in the examination of witnesses and publications of depositions. Cf LJ IV, 124. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3482(a), in extenso.
ff 84-5
1 December 1640. Petition of Earl of Stratford concerning his imprisonment of Mr Darley at York. Holograph unsigned. LJ, IV, 102, in extenso. HMCB 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(b).
ff 86-7
8 December 1640. List of visitors to Earl of Stratford, supplied by the Lieutenant of the Tower. [on dorse]. Draft notes for Order concerning safe keeping of the Earl of Strafford. Cf LJ, IV, 106. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(c), in extenso.
ff 88-999-23 Dec 1640. English and Scottish Commissioners.
ff 88-9
9 December 1640. Answer of the English Commissioners to the fourth demand of the Scottish Commissioners concerning incendiaries. Cf Rushworth, III, I, 365. HMCB, 138, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3475(b).
ff 90-1
15 December 1640. Representation of the Scottish Commissioners concerning supplies for their army, with a few amendments. Signed Ad Blair. Cf Nalson, I, 680. HMCB, 138; HL MDD, XI, No 3475(c).
ff 92-5
15 December 1640. The Scottish Commissioners’ charges against Archbishop Laud, first paragraph deleted. Signed Ad Blair. Nalson, I, 681 in extenso. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3765(d).
ff 96-7
16 December 1640. The Scottish Commissioners’ charges against Earl of Strafford. Signed Ad Blair. Nalson, I, 686-8, in extenso. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3475(e).
ff 98-9
23 December 1640. Copy of reply of the Scottish Commissioners to the King’s answer concerning incendiaries. Cf Rushworth, III, I, 365. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3475(f).
ff 100-1
8 January 1640-1. Schedule of records and pleadings in the Star Chamber (concerning Sir Richard Wiseman) delivered by the registrar to John Browne by order of HL. LJ, IV, 125. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3492(b), in extenso.
ff 102-3
14 January 1640-1. Copy of conclusion fo speech by Lord Falkland after the reading of the Articles of Impeachment against Lord Keeper Finch. Nalson, I, 726, in extenso. HMCB, 138; HL MSS, XI, No 3494(b).
ff 104-5
3 February 1640-1. Statement (in hand of Bishop Williams of Lincoln) on the question whether the bishops should speak or vote on the impeachment of the Earl of Strafford. LH, IV, 150. HMCB, 138-9; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(d), in extenso.
ff 106-7
16 February 1640-1. Draft instructions to the Lord Keeper for a vote of thanks to the King for his assent to the Triennial Act. LJ, 164, in extenso. HMCB, 139; HL MSS, XI, No 3500.
ff 108-9
23 March 1640-1. Copy of protest of HL of the Parliament of Ireland concerning the preamble to thee Act of Four Subsidies, read on 23 March during the trial of the Earl of Strafford. Attested, Phillip Percivall, Clerk of the Parliament (of Ireland). J Rushworth, Trial of the Earl of Strafford, 113. Calendared in HMCB, 139; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(h).
f 110
6 March 1640-1. Message of HC that they are ready to prove their case against the Earl of Strafford. LJ, IV, 177, in extenso. HMCB, 139; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(g).
ff 111-2
9 March 1640-1. Index (list) of the remaining heads contained in the eighth demand of the Scottish Commissioners for establishing a firm and durable peace. Signed Ad Blair. Cf LJ, IV, 216. HMCB, 139; HL MSS, XI, No 3475(g), in extenso.
ff 113-4
15 March 1640-1. Copy of the answer of the English Commissioners to the Scottish Commissioners concerning uniformity of the Church government. Cf LJ, IV, 216. HMCB, 139, conclusion in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3475(h).
ff 115-6
15 March 1640-1. Answer of the Scottish Commissioners to the above. Signed Ad Blair. Cf LJ, 216. Calendared in HMCB, 139-40; HL MSS, XI, No 3475(i).
ff 117-8
[nd] Paper containing notes of the manner in which the trial of the Earl of Strafford is to be conducted. HMCB, 140; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(e), in extenso.
ff 119-20
[August 1640]. Copy (in Browne’s hand) of a memorandum concerning a petition of the gentry and clergy of Devon against the ‘oath in the new canons’, with (incomplete) text of petition to the Lords of the Privy Council. CSP Dom 1640, 567; Rushworth, II, 1207-9 (petition, in extenso). HMCB, 140; HL MSS, XI, no ref.
ff 121-3
2 April 1641. Petition of Sir Thomas Aston, bart, on behalf of the County Palatine of Chester, against a libel printed as a petition in the name of the said county against bishops. Annexed: list of warrants prayed for several persons concerned with the printing of the libel. LV, IV, 204; Nalson, I, 795. HMCB, 140; HL MSS, XI, No 3509.
ff 124-5
10 April 1641. Reasons for the order concerning the examination of new witnessed in Strafford’s trial. LJ, IV, 212-3, in extenso with additional sentence in original. HMCB, 140; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(j)
ff 126-7
12 April 1641. Notes of what passed at a Conference between the Houses concerning a paper read in HL as evidence for Article twenty-three against Strafford. LJ, IV, 215; Nalson, II, 103. HMCB, 140; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(k).
ff 128-9
12 April 1641. Copy of the answer of the English Commissioners to the Scottish Commissioners concerning unity of Church Government. HMCB, 140, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3475(j).
ff 130-5
26 April 1641. Speech by Edward Hyde against the President and Council of the North at a Conference of both Houses. LJ, IV, 226; Rushworth, III, i, 230-3, in extenso; Nalson I, 801-4 in extenso. HMCB, 140; HL MSS, XI, No 3511.
ff 136-7
1 May 1641. Heads of the King’s Speech concerning the Earl of Strafford. LJ, IV, 232. Substance in Rushworth, Trial of the Earl of Strafford, 734 and Nalson, II, 186-7; final paragraph in HMCB, 140; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(l).
ff 138-9
[post May 1641]. Deposition of Euseby Andrewes concerning John Lylborne. LJ, no ref. Calendared in HMCB, 140-1; HL MSS, XI No 3567.
ff 140-1
5 May 1641. Petition of Earl of Strafford to HL asking to be heard in answer to the new matter alleged by HC concerning the Bill of Attainder. Holograph, signed. Endorsed, lecto 5 Maii 1641. LJ, no ref. Calendaed in HMCB, 141; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(m).
ff 142-3
5-7 May 1641. Copy of Resolutions of HL against the Earl of Strafford, with Judges’ opinion. LJ, IV, 239 (Judges’ Opinion only, the Resolutions were erased from the original). HMCB, 141-2, in extenso; HL MSs, XI, No 3479(n). C Russell, ‘the Theory of Treason in the Trial of Strafford’, HER, LXXX (1965), 49-50, in extenso.
ff 144-159
4 May – 19 June 1641. The First Army Plot.
Original Examinations (signed) concerning an alleged plot to bring contingents of the English army, under Colonel George Goring, to London in support of the king against parliament. The Examinations are printed in An Extract Collection of all Remonstrances, Declarations, Ordinances and other passages between the King’s Majesty and his Parliament … (London, printed for Edward Husbands, et al, 1643. BL Thomason Tracts E241). They are annexed to the Declaration of the Lords and Commons, 19 May 1642 (see Braye MS 7).
ff 144-5
4 May 1641. Original examination of Elizabeth Nutt, Anne Bardsey and Anne Vyner. An Exact Collection, 236, in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3583(a).
f 146
11 May 1641. Original examination of John Lanyon. An Exact Collection, 234 in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(b).
ff 147-8
11 May 1641. Original examination of Capt James Chudleigh. Witnessed by the Earls of Essex and Warwick, Lord P Howard and Lord W Howard. An Extract Collection, 220, in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(c).
ff 149-50
18 May 1641. Original second examination of Capt Chudleigh. Witnessed by the Earls of Essex and Warwick, Lord Saye and Seele and Lord Howard. An Extract Collection, 220, in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(d).
ff 151-2
18 May 1641. Original examination of Capt William Legge. An Exact Collection, 224, in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3583(e).
ff 153-4
29 May 1641. Original examination of Colonel William Vavasour. Witnessed by Viscount Mandeville, Lord Wharton and Lord Howard. An Exact Collection, 227, in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(f).
f 155
Blank sheet endorsed ‘Petition of the Lord Strafford to the House of Lords 1641’.
ff 156-7
2 June 1641. Original examination of Sir William Balfour, Lieutenant of the Tower. Witnessed by the Earls of Essex and Warwick, Viscount Mandeville, Lord Wharton and Wharton and Lord Howard. An Exact Collection, 232, in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(g).
ff 158-9
19 June 1641. Original examination of Colonel George Goring. An Exact Collection, 215, in extenso. HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(h).
ff 160-68
4 February 1640-1 – 13 August 1641. Committee for Petitions.
Orders made by the HL Committee for Petitions concerning the following Appeal Cases and Petitions (P).
f 160
6 June 1641. Edward Knipe v William Curteene. (A) LJ no ref [Wed] June 1641. Andrew Kerwyn v Dr Featley. (A) LJ, IV, 483.
f 162
13 July 1641. Sir William Monyns, bt (P) LJ no ref. 20 July 1641. Edward Noye. (P) LV, IV, 321.
f 162v
11 June 1641. Dr Hannibal Potter. (P) LJ no ref. 6 February 1640-1. Francis Paul v John Oldbury et al. (A) LJ no ref.
f 163
7 July 1641. Lady Elizabeth Middleton v Thomas Bushell (A) LJ no ref.
3 July 1641. Lady Elizabeth Middleton v Thomas Bushell (A) LJ no ref.
f 163v
17 June 1641. Margaret Medcalfe. (P) LJ no ref.
9 June 1641. Dr Robert Medcalfe. (P) LJ no ref. HMCB, 142.
f 164
23 July 1641. Edward Mayne v Sir Robert Bannester et al. (A) LJ, IV, 331.
13 August 1641. Sir Robert Mansell v Richard Batson et al. (A) LJ, IV, 335.
29 July 1641. Tobias Martin v [Richard] Libb. (A) LJ no ref.
5 June 1641. Francis Marshall. (P) LJ, IV, 278,
f 165
19 July 1641. George Mynn v Sir John Wintour. (A) LJ no ref.
6 March 1640-1. Toby Pallavicyne v Fuler Meade et al. (A) LJ, Iv, 156.
f 166
8 July 1641. Archibald Mackellr v Sir William Bellfore and Dr Shipsea. (A) LJ no ref.
8 June 1641. Dame Anne Mollineux. (P) LJ no ref.
19 February 1640-1. Isabell Massie. (P) LJ no ref.
f 166v
16 June 1641. Jonas Legg. (P) LJ, IV, 411.
5 August 1641. Robert Lane v William Baud. (A) LJ III, 650.
f 167v
4 February`640-1. Andrew Keate v Dr Eden. (A) LJ IV, 146.
30 July 1641. Order for a Committee for the examination of certain Justices of Middlesex. LJ no ref.
f 168
27 May 1641. William Jackson v Thomas Batt et al. (A) LJ no ref.
HMCB, 142; HL MSS, XI, No 3522.
ff 169-72
ff 173-6
24 July 1641. Security of Religion Bill.
Draft (in Browne’s hand) of an Act for the securing of the true Religion, the Safety and Honour of His Majesty’s Person, the just Rights of the Subject, and the better Discovery and Punishment of Popish Recusants. Endorsed ‘1640. Instrucions for taking the Protestacion’. 19 July, from HC. LJ, IV, 319; 24 July, read 1a, ibid 328; 29 July, read 2a, House in Committee and Bill rejected, ibid 333. HMCB, 143; HL MSS, XI, No 3528(a), in extenso.
ff 177-84
19-24 July 1641. Quarrel between the Earl of Pembroke and Lord Mowbray.
ff 177-8
19 July 1641. Report of a quarrel between the Lord Chamberlain (the Earl of Pembroke) and Lord Mowbray in the Committee for Privileges. Lord Pembroke struck Lord Mowbray with his white staff. Lord Mowbray threw a standish at Lord Pembroke but missed. LJ no ref; Draft Journalssub 19, 21, 22, 24 July (Braye MS 20). Rushworth, III, i, 350. HMCB, 143; in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3527(b).
ff 179-80
21 July 1641. Petition of Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery apologizing to the House. Endorsed ‘lecta 21 Julii 1641’. HMCB, 143; HL MSS, XI, No 3527(c), in extenso.
ff 181-2
22 July 1641. Petition of Henry, Lord Mowbray and Maltravers apologizing to the House. Endorsed ‘lecta 22 Julii 1641’. HMCB, 143; HL MSS, XI, No 3527(d), in extenso.
ff 183-4
24 July 1641. Appointment of Lords Committee to draw up the submissions of the Earl of Pembroke and Lord Mowbray. Signed, Ro Brooke Cleric, Parliamentor (sic the Clerk of the Parliaments was John Browne). HMCB, 143; HL MSS, XI, No 3527(f), in extenso. For further draft apology and petitions in the Main Papers see HL MSS, XI, No 3527 (h,I and HMC 4th Rept, App 91.
ff 185-96
16 august 1641. HL Committee for the taking of examinations concerning the Earl of Traquair and others ‘who are pursued as Incendiaries’.
ff 185-6
Original Examination of Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Signed Pembroke and Montgomery. Subscribed as examiners by Earl of Warwick and Dover and Lord Mandeville. (On dorse, heavily deleted draft of further examination of Earl of Pembroke). LJ, IV, 365. HMCB, 143; HL MSS, XI, No 3537(a), in extenso.
ff 187-8
Original examination of Lord Mandeville. Signed Mandeville. Subscribed as examiners by Earls of Warwick, Dover and Loudoun and Lord Howards of Escrick. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3537 (b), in extenso.
ff 189-90
Original examination of Earl of Stirling. Signed Sterlinge. Subscribed as examiners by Earls of Warwick and Dover and Lord Howard of Escrick. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3537(c), in extenso.
ff 191-2
Original examination of Robert Younge, Printer. Signed Robert Young. Subscribed as examiners by Earls of Warwick, Dover and Loudoun and Lord Howard of Escrick. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3537(d), in extenso.
ff 193-4
Original examination of Robert Chapman, Compositor. Signed Robert Chapman. Subscribed as the last. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3537(e), in extenso.
ff 195-6
Original examination of William Warriner. Signed William Warriner. Subscribed asa examiners by Earls of Warwick, Dover and Loudon, Lord Mandville and Lord Howard of Escrick. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3537(e), in extenso.
ff 197-9
31 August 1641. Draft (in hand of Bishop Williams of Lincoln) of letter from HL to the Lords Justices of Ireland. LJ, IV, 387, in extenso. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3539.
ff 199-202
3-4 September 1641. Riot at French Ambassador’s House.
f 199
3 September 1641. Information of George Carpenter, servant to the Ambassador. Calendared in HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3541(a).
f 200
3 September 1641. List of persons apprehended by the constables at the time. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3541(b).
ff 201-2
4 September 1641. Examinations of those apprehended and of two witnesses. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3541(c). Cf Lf, IV, 382, 389.
ff 203-212
29-30 October 1641. The Second Army Plot
Original Examinations (signed) concerning an alleged second plot to bring the army to Londo in support of the king. Cf the first plot (f 144-159).
ff 203-4
29 October 1641. Original examination of Sir Jacob Astley. An Exact Collection, 232, in extenso. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(i)
ff 205-6
29 October 1641. Original examination of Sir Fulke Huncks. An Exact Collection, 232, in extenso. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(j).
ff 207-8
29 October 1641. Original examination of Sir John Conyers. An Exact Collection, 230, in extenso. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(k).
ff 209-10
30 October 1641. Original second examination of Sir John Conyers. An Exact Collection, 230, in extenso. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(l).
ff 211-12
30 October 1641. Original examination of Captain William Legge. An Exact Collection, 228, in extenso. HMCB, 144; HL MSS, XI, No 3585(m).
f 213
20 December 1641. Letter from A Fullarton to anonymous correspondent concerning request of the Scottish Commissioners for an answer to their propositions. Endorsed ‘8th paper of the Commissioners of Scotland’. LJ, IV, 482, in extenso. Calendared in HMCB, 145; HL MSS, XI, No 3554.