Part 2: The Braye Manuscripts from the House of Lords Record Office
The Braye Manuscripts, MSS 3-9
Braye Ms 3 Letters and State Papers, 1648-1710
A volume of 181 folios of separate papers, bound c 1885. Calendared in HMCB, 167-87.
ff 1-3
21-24 February 1647/8. Attempted escape of the Duke of York.
f 1
21 February 1647/8. Order made at a Committee of both Houses at Derby House. 24 February reported to HL. LJ X, 77, in extenso. HMCB, 167; HL MSS, XI, No 3663(a).
f 2
nd. Examination of the Duke of York. Signed, Yorke. LJ, X 77, in extenso. HMCB, 167; HL MSS, XI, No 3663(b).
f 3
nd. Holograph letter of the Duke of York, partly in cypher. Signed, J Darly. LJ, X 77, in extenso. HMCB, 168; HL MSS, XI, No 3663(c)
f 3 (annex)
nd. Same copied and decoded. LJ, X, 77, in extenso. HMCB, 168; HL MSS, XI, No 3663(d).
f 4
[18 or 19] July 1648. Copy of letter describing an engagement between Scottish and parliamentary forces near Appleby Co Westmorland. Cf Rushworth, IV, pt 2, 1200-1. Calendared in HMCB, 168; HL MSS, XI, No 3665.
ff 5-6
8 September 1648. Draft letter from Parliament to the Estates of East Friesland thanking them for preventing the levying of troops there against England. (Latin). LJ, CJ, no ref, HMCB, 168; HL MSS, XI, No 3666.
ff 7-10
14-20 September 1648. Letters from Thomas Margetts (Judge-Advocate for Major-General Lambert’s forces in the north) to John Browne, describing the actions of Cromwell, Lambert and their forces in Northern England and Scotland.
ff 7-8
14 September 1648. Brancepath near Durham. Margetts to Browne. HMCB, 168-9, pratically in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3667(a).
ff 9-10
20 September 1648. Belford Co Northumberland. The same to the same. HMCB, 169, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3667(b).
ff 11-12
21 September 1648. A catalogue of books and papers delivered to the Committee appointed to treat personally with the King, listing 35 items, including Bills, Ordinances, Treaties, the Solemn League and Covenant, etc. HMCB, 169; HL MSS, XI, No 3668.
f 13
26 September 1648. Mordington E Berwickshire. Letter from Thomas Margetts to Browne. Calendared in HMCB, 170-1; HL MSS, XI, No 3667(c).
ff 14-15
annexed to above. 20 September 1648. Edinburgh. Copies of two letters from Earl of Loudoun to Col Lodowick Lesley, Governor of Berwick and one letter from Earl of Leven to Lesley. HMCB, no ref; HL MSS, XI, No 3667(c)
ff 16-17
2 October 1648. Berwick. Copy of letter from Oliver Cromwell to [William Lenthall, Speaker of HC]. Appended, nd copy of letter from Earl of Loudoun. T Carlyle, Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches (2nd ed 1866), I 318-21, in extenso (not Loudoun’s letter0. HMCB, 171; HL MSS, XI, No 3669
ff 18-24
3 October – 1 November 1648. Further letters from Margetts to Browne.
ff 18-19
3 October 1648. Seaton near Musselburgh. The same to the same. HCMB, 171-2, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3667(d).
f 20
10 October 1648. Dalkeith. The same to thje same. HMCB, 172, in extenso; HL MSS, No 3667(e).
f 21
13 October 1648. Edinburgh. Warrant to the Lairds of Swinton, Arnot and Liberton to compensate English forces which had been plundered. Signed A Henderson. Calendared in HMCB, 172; HL MSS, XI, No 3670.
f 22
17 October 1648. Seaton. Margetts to Browne. Calendared in HMCB, 173; HL MSS, XI, No 3667(f).
ff 23-4
1 November 1648. Broxmouth, East Louthian. The same to the same. HMCB, 173, practically in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3667(g).
ff 25-6
6 December 1648. Petition of East India Company praying that the ship Ruth, equipped by Alderman Andrews and others, may not be permitted to proceed to the East Indies. Cf LJ, X, 617, 624; HMCB, 173-4; HL MSS, XI, No 3671,
ff 27-8
24 January 1648/9. Order of the High Court of Justice to Mr Millington and Thomas Challoner to collect from John Browne such papers in his custody as are needed for the business of the court and for Browne to deliver same. HCMB, 174; HL MSS, XI, No 3673(a).
ff 29-30
nd. Receipt for papers delivered according to above by John Browne. Signed Thomas Chaloner and Gilbert Millington. 30 papers listed. HMCB, 174; HL MSS, XI, No 3673(b).
ff 31-2
[post 9 February] 1648/9. Biography of John Packer of Shilingford, Co Berks, John Browne’s father-in-law. Calendared in HMCB, 174; HL MSS, XI, No 3674.
f 33
15 March 1649/50. Assessment of the parish of Twickenham for raising a sum towards the maintenance of parliamentary forces under Lord Fairfax, from 25 March to 25 June 1650. HMCB, 174-5; HL MSS, XI, No 3675.
ff 34-5
8 September 1651. Letter from Rowland Berkely to his father-in-law, Sir Thomas Cave, describing the battle of Worcester. HMCB, 175, practically in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3677(a).
ff 36-7
12 September 1651. Cotheridge. The same to the same, further describing the battle. HMCB, 175-6, practically in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3677(b).
ff 38-31
[January 1653/4]. Copy (in Browne’s hand) of ‘The humble addresse of the officers and souldiers of the army’ to ‘his Highnesse the Lord Protector’ pledging loyalty to him. There follow 11 ‘exceptions against subscription’ ie reasons against signing the above address and ‘Some queries and Observations touching the Army to the Protector debated’. Cf Whitelocke’s Memorials (1732), 580. Address calendared in HMCB, 176-7; HL MSS, XI, No 3680.
ff 42-43
1 September 1655. Madrid. Declaration of the King of Spain. Translation (in Browne’s hand) of the King of Spain’s declaration laying an embargo on all English vessels and goods found in Spanish ports and territory in consequence of Sir William Penn’s attack on San Domingo. HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3681.
ff 44-50
1 August 1656. ‘the Substance of what Passed at the Councell Table the 1st of August 1656. Betweene the Lorde Protector and the Lord Bradshawe’. Account 9n Browne’s hand) by John Bradshaw of his dispute with Cromwell in Council. Paul J Pinckney, ‘Bradshaw and Cromwell in 1656’ in Huntington Library Quarterly, XXX, No 3 (1967), 233-40, in extenso. HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3682.
ff 51-2
30 May 1660. Declaration by John Browne to obtain benefit of the General Pardon. Signed Jo Browne. Witnessed by the Earl of Manchester. Endorsed ‘My Accepting of his maisties Gratious Pardon’. LJ, no ref. HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3687, in extenso.
f 53
3 October 1661. Order for certain persons to appear before William Whitehead, Messenger, at the Star, Southampton. On the verso, names of persons summoned in the town and county of Gloucester. HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3694(a).
f 54
nd. Petition of William Whitehead to the King for compensation for his losses in the Civil War. HMCB, 177, practically in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3694(b).
f 55
7-8 April 1662. Explanation proposed by the Bishop of Worcester concerning the clause about the Solemn League and Covenant in the Bill of Uniformity. LJ, XI, 422-4. Calendared in HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3700.
ff 56-7
15 May 1662. Original message from the King under the Sign Manual concerning the conclusion of the Session. LJ, XI, 460, in extenso. HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3701 (where misdated 17 May).
ff 58-9
27 April 1664. Certificate of appointment of William Whitehead as Messenger in Extraordinary to the King. Signed by the Earl of Manchester. Wafer seal. HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3694(c).
ff 60-1
23 August 1665. Copy of Rules and Orders made by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford and the Justices of the Peace, for the safety of the university, city and county in time of plague. HMCB, 177; HL MSS, XI, No 3703.
ff 62-3
1666. Table showing the rents at which the excise of each county was let to farmers for the year 1665-6. HMCB, 178, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3712.
ff 64-5
7 October 1665 (NS). Madrid. Letter describing the death and funeral ceremonies of King Philip IV. No address or signature. HMCB, 178-9, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3704.
ff 66-7
30 May 1666. Letter from Philip Packer (brother-in-law) to Browne concerning naval matters. Calendared in HMCB, 179; HL MSS, XI, No 3708.
ff 67-8
20 October 1666. Hornby Castle. Letter from Lord Darcy and Meinill to Viscount Andover concerning the precedence of English peers over foreign nobility. LJ, XII, 28-9 in extenso. HMCB, 179; HL MSS, XI, No 3709.
ff 69-70
8 January 1666/7. Westminster. Letter from William Ryley, sen, to William Ryley, jun, concerning precedents of impeachments of peers, to be produced for HL. Cf LJ , XII, 70. Calendared in HMCB, 179; HL MSS, XI, No 3713.
f 71
20 June 1667. Order made in the Queen Mother’s Council Chamber for witnesses to attend to prove arrears of rent owed by John Browne for messuage at Twickenham. Calendared in HMCB, 179; HL MSS, XI, No 3715.
ff 72-3
4 July 1667. Parliament Office. Letter from John Walker sen, Clerk Assistant, to John Browne concerning parliamentary business and affairs of state. Calendared in HMCB, 180; HL MSS, XI, No 3716.
ff 74-5
22 November 1667. Report (in hand of Lord Ashley) of Conference with HC concerning the impeachment of the Earl of Clarendon. HL resolution on the same. LJ, XII, 144, in extenso. HMCB, 180; HL MSS, XI, No 3717.
ff 76-7
2 December 1667. Report of Judges to HL in the case of Heron v Selvin. Attested by Mr Justice Wyndham, Baron Raynsford and Mr Justice Morton. LJ XII, 158, in extenso. HMCB, 180; HL MSS, XI, No 3718.
ff 78-9
27 April 1668. Precedents ‘concerning the manner of Proceeding against Persons Impeached by the House of Commons for misdemeanours’. Precedents range in date from 1621 to 1666. Cf LJ XIII, 234-5. HMCB, 180; HL MSS, XI, No 3719.
f 80
7 June 1668. Letter from Lord Howard of Charleton to (? John Browne) sending copy of his speech (now lost). HMCB, 180; HL MSS, XI, No 3721.
f 81
23 May 1670. Eydon. Letter from Richard Ellis to his master (John Browne) concerning the provision of a man and a horse at the muster of the yeomanry. HMCB, ; HL MSS, XI, No 3730.
ff 82-3
27 May 1670. Dover. Copy of Order in Council directed to William, Earl of Craven, Lord Lieutenant of Middlesex and of the Borough of Southwark, for the seizure of sectaries and disaffected persons. Calendared in HMCB, 180-1; HL MSS, XI, No 3731.
ff 84-5
22 September 1670. Letter from John Walker sen to John Browne concerning Parliament Office business and meetings of Commissioners for an Union with Scotland. Calendared in HMCB, 180-1; HL MSS, XI, No 3733.
f 86
12 January 1672/3. Summons, by virtue of a Commission issuing out of Chancery in the suit John Browne et al v Bernard Maunder et al, to named witnesses to appear for examination at the Red Lion at Moreton Pinkeney. Signed and sealed H Farmer and Edward Bromwich, Commissioners. HMCB, 181; HL MSS, XI, No 3746.
ff 87-8
1 March 1672/3. Report of speech by Lord chancellor, acquainting HL with what passed between the King and HC with regard to the dispensing power. LJ XII, 539-40. Calendared in HMCB, 181-2; HL MSS, XI, No 3752.
ff 89-90
29 May 1673. Copy of letter from “JH” on board the Rupert describing engagement with the Dutch fleet. HMCB, 182, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3754(a).
ff 91-2
16 August 1673. Copy of letter from Henry Heming (? to Earl of Sandwich) including a description of battle of the Texel. HMCB, 182-3, in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3754(b).
ff 93-5
25 January 1673/4. London. Translation of letter from the Marquis de Ruvigny, French Ambassador, to the King remonstrating against the conclusion of a separate peace treaty between England and the Dutch. HMCB, 183; HL MSS, XI, No 3755.
ff 96-7
Post 14 May 1675. Petition in verse of John Taylor, imprisoned in Bethlehem for blasphemy, to the King, for his release. Cf LJ, XII, 691, 700-1; XIII, 26. HMCB, 183; HL MSS, XI, No 3760.
ff 98-101
8 November 1675. Copy of the narrative of M de Luzancy concerning his forced recantation of Protestantism, including copy of threatening letter to him from certain Jesuits. Read in HC and referred to Committee which reported 13 November. CJ, IX, 369-70, 375-6. HMCB, 183; HL MSS, XI, No 3758.
ff 102-11
[November 1675]. Copy of a Bill for the ease and security of all Protestant Dissenters. Endorsed ‘Offered to the House by the Duke of Bucks’. LJ, and CJ no ref. Cf W Kennet, Complete History of England, III (1719), 337. Calendared in HMCB, 183; HL MSS, XI, No 3759.
ff 112-3
3 April 1677. Reasons of HL for rejected a proviso added in HC to a Bill for ‘naturalizing the children of English subjects born in foreign countries during the late troubles’. LJ, XIII, 97. HMCB, 183; HL MSS, XI, No 3767.
ff 114-6
16 February 1676/7. Reprimand of the Earl of Salisbury for asserting that Parliament was dissolved by the last Prorogation of 15 months. Annexed the submission of the Earl of Salisbury. The Original MS Journal contains full proceedings against Salisbury and the Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Shaftesbury and Lord Wharton. The entries were vacated by order of 13 November 1680 and not printed, cf LJ, XIII, 39 passim. HMCB, 183; HL MSS, XI, No 3762, in extenso.
ff 117-8
[1678] Copy of representation by John, Earl of Cassilis to the King concerning events in Scotland consequent on the issue of a Commission of the Privy Council of 26 December 1677 to raise the Highlanders, march to Stirling etc, the Earl being denounced as a rebel. LJ, no ref. HMCB, 183-5, practically in extenso; HL MSS, XI, No 3773,
ff 119-24
3-4 May 1678. Anglo-Dutch Treaty Papers
ff 119-20
3 May 1678. Copy of paper delivered by the English Commissioners to the Dutch Ambassadors. (French).
f 121
Translation of above.
ff 122-3
4 May 1678. Original reply of the Dutch Ambassadors, Signed C van Beuningen and D Leyden van Leewen (French).
f 124
Translation of above. LJ, XIII, 214. HMCB, 185; HL MSS, XI, No 3771.
f 125
21 April 1685. St James’. Copy of letter from Earl of Peterborough, Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, to the sheriff forbidding him to raise the militia at the time of an election. HMCB, 185; HL MSS, XI, No 3780
f 126
1 March 1688/9. Draft HL Address, with corrections, to the King desiring him to take measures for the security of the government. LJ, XIV, 135, in extenso (corrected text). HMCB, 185; HL MSS, XI, No 3792.
ff 127-8
8 March 1688/9. Original Address of the City of London thanking HL for its conduct of recent affairs. Endorsed as read 12 March 1688/9. LJ, XIV, 146, in extenso. HMCB, 185; HL MSS, XI, No 3797
ff 129-30
20 April 1689. Original message from the King, with the Sign Manual. He will support the Church of England; he recommends toleration of dissenters and he will summon a Convocation. LJ, XIV, 183, in extenso. HMCB, 185; HL MSS, XI, No 3803.
f 131
2 May 1689. Copy of Order of George Bridges, Justice of the Peace, Co Hants, to all constables and other officers thereof, for the apprehending of a company of Irish men and women who on 1 May had burnt down the town of New Alresford. LJ, no ref. Calendared in HMCB, 185; HL MSS, XI, No 3805.
f 132
14 May 1689. Copy of Order to the keeper of Newgate to bring Sir Robert Wright before HL on 15 May and for Sir Richard Holloway and Mr Justice Powell to attend at the same time. Cf LJ, XIV, 187, 211. HMCB, 185; HL MSS, XI, No 3806.
ff 133-4
25 May 1689. Draft reasons offered to HC at Conference on the Additional Poll Bill, with alterations and annotations in hand of Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury. LJ, XIV, 221. HMCB, 186; HL MSS, XI, No 3808.
ff 136-7
16 March 1690/1. Parliament Office. Letter from John Walker jun, Clerk Assistant, to John Browne, news of the siege of Mons etc. Calendared in HMCB, 186; HL MSS, XI, No 3817.
f 138
5 July [1708]. Letter from Col A Oughton to Sir Thomas Cave, describing the battle of Oudenharde. Calendared in HMCB, 186; HL MSS, XI, No 3827.
f 139
[3 March 1710. Letter from Sir Thomas Cave to Col Oughton. Extracted before sale at Sotheby’s].
ff 140-73
1659-99. Navy Lists
ff 140-1
1659. ‘The Summer Fleet’, giving the names of ships, their burden, number of crew, number of guns and captains’ names.
ff 142-3
[1660]. ‘A list of his Majestie’s ships whose names have beene changed since his Majestie’s happy returne to England’, and a list of the Red, White and Blue Squadrons.
ff 144-9
1664. ‘The number and nature of guns proportioned in tyme of warr by the officers of his Majestie’s Ordinance’, a list of the number and type of guns carried by each ship.
ff 150-1
1665 [Before June]. A list of English ships divided into Squadrons: Red Squadron, the Duke of York; White, Prince Rupert; Blue, Earl of Sandwich, showing ships’ names, captains, men and guns.
ff 152-3
[May 1665]. A list of the Dutch Fleeet, ships’ names, captains, guns and men.
ff 154-9
[Before September 1665]. A list of the Royal navy, showing ships’ names, burden, crew in war and peace, number of guns, length of keel, breadth, depth of hold, draught, date of building, dockyard where built and name of builder.
ff 160-1
[After September 1665]. ‘A list of his Majesty’s ships in harbour and at sea’, showing ships’ names and captains.
ff 162-3
[1666]. A list of the Red, White and Blue Squadrons with ships’ names, captains, men and guns.
ff 164-9
1 May 1666. ‘A list of his Majesties’ Fleet under the command of his Highness Prince Rupert and his Grace the Duke of Albermarle. Together with a list of the French King’s Armado and the Dutch Fleet’, showing ships’ names, commanders, men and guns.
ff 170-1
1 April 1680. ‘The present disposall of all his Majesty’s ships in sea-pay’, showing stations, ships’ names, commanders, lieutenants, men and present whereabouts.
ff 172-3
1688. A list of his Majesty’s fleet under the command of the Earl of Dartmouth, showing ships’ names, commanders, men and guns. HMCB, 187; HL MSS, XI, No 3683.
ff 174-5
[?1685]. An army list, showing a total of 16,640 men. HMCB, 187; HL MSS, XI, No 3683.
ff 176-7
[20 March 1665/6]. the form of consecrating the New Chapel of University College, Oxford. The chapel was consecrated by Walter (Blandford), Bishop of Oxford, on that day. HMCB, 186; HL MSS, XI, No 3707.
ff 178-81
nd. Two plans of Culworth Church, Co Northants, one showing the existing arrangement and allotment of pews and the other, alterations proposed (headed ‘the Archdeacon draught’). HMCB, 187; HL MSS, XI, No 3851.
Braye Ms 4 ‘Extracts from the Journals of Parliament’ 1559 – 1628
A vellum-bound volume of 352 pages entirely in the hand of John Browne, presumably compiled for reference purposes. HMCB, 187.
pp 1-84
1559-1604. Extracts from the Lords Journals.
miscellaneous extracts with summary side notes added by Browne. Some of the extracts for 1559 and 1597-8 are for sittings which are missing from the official Journal but which are to be found in Robert Bowyer’s transcripts in the Petyt Manuscripts. Cf ‘Further Materials from an Unpublished Manuscript of the Lords Journals for Sessions 1559 and 1597 to 1598’, ed JC Sainty (HLRO Memorandum No 33, 1965).
pp 95-122
1624. Cases touching the Election of Knights and Burgesses for the Parliament; collected by Mr Glanville who satt in the chayre at the Committee for Priviledges in the Parliament holdeen 21 Jacobi. Printed in John Glanville, Reports of certain cases, determined and adjudged by the Commons in Parliament in the Twenty-first and Twenty-second years of the reign of King Jams the First, ed by J Topham (1775), pp 1-90.
p 123
1628. ‘the Protestation of the Commons in Parliament’. Articles against innovations in religion and unlawful levying of tonnage and poundage.
pp 124-5
pp 126-352
23 January 1605/6 – 19 May 1607. Some extracts out of Mr Bowyer’s Reports when he was a member of the House of Commons, of the Proceedings of businesses in that house, 3 Jac Anno Domini 1605. Extracts from the three books of Bowyer’s Diaries (Braye MSS 59 and 60, Harleian MS 4945), with verbal differences and side-notes added by Browne. The diaries are printed in DH Willson (ed), The Parliamentary Diary of Robert Bowyer 1606-1607 (University of Minnesota Press, 1931), 3-294.
Braye Ms 5 ‘Privileges of the Lords of Parliament’
A vellum-bound volume of 234 pages in various hands. HMCB, 187.
pp 1-192
The Priviledges or speciall rights belonging to the Baronage of England.
A collection, under 36 headings, of notes and precedents concerning such matters as trials of peers, proxies, writs of error, peers’ oaths and hunting rights. In two hands, the second being that of John Browne. This is a version of John Selden’s ‘Baronage’ which was published in 1689. For the official copy presented to HL see HL Main Papers, 15 December 1621 (HMC 3rd Rept, App, 25).
pp 193-234
A Discourse of the Privelidge and Practice eof the high Courte of Parliamente in Englande Collected out of the common Lawes of the lande.
A version of a short tract on the procedure of both Houses, attributed to Ralph Starkey, the archivist. This tract was published anonymously in 1628, 1640, 1641 and 1680 (C Strateman (ed), The Liverpool Tractate (1937), Li-ii). Side-notes and ‘per Mr Starkey’ in Browne’s hand.
Braye Ms 6 Two Treatises on Parliament
A velum-bound volume of 112 folios plus banks, in one, later-seventeenth century, hand (not Browne). HMCB, 187.
ff 1-59
Judicature in Parliament
A MS copy of a treatise on the judicature of the House of Lords which is often ascribed to John Selden but which was almost certainly composed by Henry Elsyng c 1630. It was probably intended by Elsyng for the fourth chapter of his second book of The Manner of Holding Parliaments in England. Elsyng’s name appears in the last section of this copy. The treatise was first published in 1681 (ER Foster, ‘The Painful Labour of Mr Elsyng’, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, vol 62, part 8 (1972), pp 42-5 and “Henry Elsyng, ‘Judicature in Parliament’”, Parliamentary History, vol 9, pt 1 (1990), 158-62.
ff 1-53 (separate numeration)
Observations, Rules and Orders Collected out of divers Journals of the House of Commons, entered in the several Reigns of King Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and King James, with a Declaration of the House of Commons concerning their Priviledge, drawn up by a Select Committee.
A MS copy of a collection of precedents relating to the procedure of the House of Commons. The last precedent cited in this copy is dated 1607. It is one of 13 versions of the collection which have been collated in WR McKay (ed), Observations, Rules and Orders of the House of Commons (House of Commons Library Document No 17, 1989).
Braye Ms 7 19 May 1642. A Declaration or Remonstrance of Both Houses of Parliament.
A MS of 23 folios in a modern binding. From the markings on it this appears to be the copy which was sent to the printer. The Declaration is stated to be in reply to the King’s answers to petitions from both Houses presented to him at Newmarket on 9 March 1641/2 and at York on 26 March 1642. 19 May 1642, ordered to be printed LJ V, 71, 73. Rushworth III, vol I, 691-703, in extenso; An Exact Collection of all Remonstrances, Declarations, Ordinances and other passages between the King’s Majesty and his Parliament. (London, printed for Edward Husbands, et al, 1643. BL Thomason Tracts E 241), 195-215, in extenso. HMCB, no ref. For the examinations which were printed with the Declaration see Braye MS 3, ff 149-59, 203-12. Appended to the Declaration is a copy of the King’s Warrant for printing the Proclamation against the Irish Rebels, 1 January 1641/2. Rushworth, III, vol I, 473, in extenso.
Braye Ms 8 ‘Proceedings against Strafford and Laud, 1641-44’
A volume of 69 folios plus banks, two MSS bond together, c 1885. HMCB, 118.
ff 1-28
1641. The proceedings against Thomas Earle of Strafford Lord Lieutenant of the Kingdome of Ireland in the English Parliament 1641.
MS Version, with verbal differences and two additional verses, of a tract A Briefe and Perfect Relation of the Answeres and Replies of Thomas Earle of Strafford, to the Articles exhibited against him, by the House of Commons, on the 13th of Aprill, An Dom 1641 (London, 1647). The verses printed in Somer’s Tracts, IV, 296-7. HMCB, 118; HL MSS, XI, No 3479(o).
f 1
(Separate numeration) nd [? 30 December 1640]. Methods to be followed at the trial of the Earl of Strafford. Leaf in the hand of Browne, inserted loose in the volume. HL MSS, XI, No 3479(f), in extenso.
ff 29-68
23 March 1643/4 – 11 October 1644. Originall Papers in Parliament att the Tryall of the Archbishop of Canterbury. An account written by Browne of the Trial of Archbishop Laud. The account is in two columns, with the proceedings in the morning detailing the charges against Laud, in the left-hand column, and the point by point answers of Laud, given in the afternoon sessions, in the right-hand column. Browne probably wrote up the account almost immediately, from rough notes taken in the House. HMCB, 118; HL MSS, XI, xix-xxii, No 3641, in extenso.
Braye Ms 9 ‘Parliamentary Records 25 April 1660 – 12 November 1689’
Two volumes of 374 folios in total, in modern Record Office vellum bindings. Previously one volume bound in half morocco. The volumes contain reports, accounts and orders in various hands, collected by Browne. HMCB, no ref.
ff 1-12
25 April – 1 May 1660. Draft Journal, HL.
The Draft Journal, in Browne’s hand, is the first to bee made after the Restoration. Continued in Braye MS 26. HL MSS, XI, Bo 3684.
f 13
23, 28 and 29 May 1660. Copies, in Browne’s hand, chiefly of a letter from Charles II and part of a proclamation against Irish rebels.
ff 14-15
28 December 1660. Minutes of Proceedings, HL. The entries vary slightly from those in the Journal. Cf LJ, XI, 231-2 HL MSS, XI, No 3689.
ff 16-17
13 May 1661. Address to the King. Draft, with amendments, of Address of Thanks to the King for communicating his intention to marry. LJ, XI, 252, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3691.
ff 18-19
20 May 1661. Letter from the Parliament of Scotland to the King. Copy of letter, dated Edinburgh 4 April 1661, from the Estate of the Parliament of Scotland to the King. LJ, XI, 260, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3692.
ff 20-21
10-28 June 1661. Journal Extracts, HL. Extracts from the Journal for 10, 11, , 14, 15, 21 and 28 June relating to the Penal Laws agains Roman Catholics. LJ, XI, 276-91. HL MSS, XI, No 3693.
f 22
19 March 1661/2. Act of Uniformity (Proviso). Proviso, on parchment, concerning royal dispensations from attendance at church. Endorsed, rejected by vote the 19 Martis 1661. LJ, XI, 411. HL MSS, XI, No 3699, in extenso.
f f 23-4
19 December 1661. HC Resolution concerning the Coldstreamers and others who served under General Monk. Signed Will Goldesburgh, Cler Dom Com. Dated, 18 December 1661. Endorsed as brought up 19 December. CJ, VIII, 338; LJ, XI, 356. HL MSS, Xi, No 3696.
ff 25-6
2 March 1664/5. Draft, with corrections, of the King’s Speech in oratio recta, with the Lord Privy Seal’s speech on Prorogation. Endorsed, The effect of the King’s Speech. LJ, XI, 676, in oratio obliqua. HL MSS, XI, No 3702.
ff 27-30
31 October 1665. Speech of Sir Edward Turneer, Speaker of HC at the Proroguing of Parliament at Oxford. 4pp in print, remaining 2 pages in a clerk’s hand. LJ, XI, 699-700, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3705.
f 31
4 February 1666/7. Trial of Viscount Mordaunt. Draft Resolution concerning the trial with alterations and deletions. LJ, XII, 100, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3714(a).
f 32
19 November 1666. Lord Butler’s Offensive Speech. Test of apology by Lord Butler to HL, and the Lord Ashley. LJ, XII, 31, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3710(a).
ff 33-4
19 December 1666. Quarrel between the Duke of Buckingham and the Marquess of Dorchester. Original Minutes of proceedings, with corrections, concerning the above. LJ, XII, 52-3, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3711.
f 35
5 February 1666/7. Trial of Viscount Mordaunt. Draft message to HC, with deletions, concerning th above. LJ, XII, 103, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3714(b).
ff 36-7
1 March 1669/70. Pearle’s Relief Bill. Brief of Bill (Cf Draft Bill, HMC, 8th Rept, App, No 256). Read 1a, LJ, XII, 296. HL MSS, XI, No 3725.
ff 38-9
2 March 1669/70. Viscount Strangford’s Estate Bill. Brief of Bill (enacted as 22 Var II, c6). Read 1a, LJ, XII, 297. HL MSS, XI, No 3726.
ff 40-1
2 March 1669/70. Lady Routh’s Estate Bill. Statement of case for the Bill P(enacted as 22 Car II, c10). Read 1a, LJ, XII, 297. HL MSS, XI, No 3727.
f 42
21 March 1669/70. Prevention of malicious burning of houses etc Bill. Brief of Bill (enacted as 22 & 23 Car II, c7). Read 1a, LJ, XII, 319. HL MSS, XI, No 3728.
f 43
3 June 1670. Committee for Trials for Inheritances. Copy of Order of the Committee for attendance of the Judges. Cf LJ, XII, 347. HL MSS, XI, No 3732.
f 44
26 January 1670/1. Copy of King’s reprimand of HL for disorder in debates and in the hearing of causes. LJ, XII, 413, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3736.
f 45
14 February 1670/1. Lord Berkeley’s Claim of Precedency. Original Minutes of claims by Lord Delawar and the Earl of Berkshire to be heard, with Lord Berkeley’s declaration. LJ, XII, 429, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3739.
ff 46-7
6 March 1670/1. Subsidy and Additional Excise Bills. Speech of Speaker of HC. Original Minute with corrections. LJ, XII, 445, in extenso. Speech of Thanks of the King. Original Minute with corrections. Ibid, 446, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3740.
ff 48-51
13 March 1670/1. Merchants Ships Bill. Original message from HC agreeing to HL amendments with one exception and HC Reasons for the latter. LJ, XII, 455-6, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3742.
ff 52-3
7 May 1670. Act for Suppressing Conventicles. Copy of letter from Archbishop Sheldon tot he Bishops of his province concerning the Act. [Cf E Calemy’s Abridgement of Mr Baxter’s History of his life and times, (2nd ed 1713), 328-31, in extenso]. HL MSS, XI, No 3729.
ff 54-5
6 March 1670/1. Schedule of Private and Public Bills passed both Houses since 24 October 1670 (awaiting Assent). LJ, XII, 445-6. HL MSS, XI, No 3741.
ff 56-7
24 October 1670 – 21 January 1670/1. Diary sheets with entries (some corrected) for committees, appeals etc, in HL MSS, XI, No 3734.
ff 58-9
19 April 1671. Additional Impositions Bill. Report of Committee preparing reasons for a conference with HC concerning the above and an answer to the objections against the abatement of the rates upon sugar. LJ, XII, 502-3, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3744.
f 60
22 April 1671. Original minutes (with corrections) of speeches of the Speaker of HC, the King and the Lord Keeper (in part) at the Prorogation. LJ, XII, 514-6, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3745.
ff 61-2
8 March 1672/3. Transcript, in Browne’s hand, of the King’s Speech. LJ, XII, 549, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3753.
ff 63-4
1 March 1672/3. Copy of answer of the King to Address of HC concerning the Declaration of Indulgence. Dated 24 February. CJ, IX, 256; LJ, XII, 540, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3751
ff 65-6
18 February 1672/3. Minutes of proceedings, in Browne’s hand, at presentation of Speaker of HC. LJ, XII, 533, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3750.
ff 67-8
5 February 1672/3. Transcript of the King’s speech. LJ, XII, 526-7, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3749.
ff 69-70
5 February 1672/3. Original minutes (with corrections) of two speeches of the Speaker of HC at his presentation. LJ, XII, 523-4, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3748
ff 71-2
13 April 1675. Original transcript (with corrections) of the King’s Speech at opening of the Session. LJ, XII, 653, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3756.
f 73
10 May 1675. Squib v the King (in error). Draft HL. Order for attendance of Edmund Squib. LJ, XII, 685, in extenso. This and subsequent Draft Orders in Braye MS 9 are listed by date only in HL MSS, XI, No 3757.
ff 74-5
2 June 1675. Crispe v Dalmahoy. Draft HL Order protecting Serjeant Peck, Sir John Churchill, Serjeant Pemberton and Mr Porter from arrest. LJ, XII, 716, in extenso
ff 76-7
22 November 1685. The Lord Keeper’s Prorogation of Parliament. LJ, XIII, 35, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3761.
ff 78-9
10 March 1676/7. Original address from HC to the King concerning the increase of the power of the French King and his progress in the Netherlands. LJ, XIII, 68, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3763.
f 80
15 March 1676/7. Serjeants at Arms. Draft HL Order on the petition of the sixteen Serjeants at Arms attending HL for payment of their allowances. Endorsed with the names of eight serjeeants (?). LJ, XIII, 75, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3764.
f 81
17 March 1676/7. Black Rod’s Fees. Draft HL Order on the petition of Sir Edward Carteret, Black Rod, concerning his fees. LJ, XIII, 77, in extenso.
f 82
19 March 1676/7. Bulkley v Bulkley. Draft HL Order (with substantial amendments) referring William Bulkley’s petition to the Committee for Petitions. LJ, XIII, 78, in extenso.
f 83
20 March 1676/7. Messenger v Taunt (in error). Draft HL Order for the release of John Messenger from prison. LJ, XIII, 79-80
f 84
20 March 1676/7. HL Resolution (with amendments) that noblewomen and the widows of peers should enjoy the Privilege of Parliament. LJ, XII, 79. HL MSS, XI, no ref.
ff 85-6
23 March 1676/7. Counutess of Hunington’s Privilegee. Draft HL Order for John Browne and William Walker to be heard by their counsel. LJ, XIII, 84, in extenso.
f 87
19 March 1676-7. Barrett v Viscount Loftus. Draft HL Order (with subtantial amendments) for Viscount Loftus to put in his answer. LJ, XIII, 78, in extenso.
f 88
29 March 1677. Address of HC to the King. Copy of Address of support in case of war with the French King over the Spanish Netherlands. CJ, IX, 408, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3766.
f 89
30 March 1677. Howe v Earl of Rutland. Draft HL Order (with amendments) for Sir Scroope Howe to have notice of the Earl of Rutland’s proposition to submit their dispute to HL. LJ, XIII, 92, in extenso.
ff 90-99
2 May 1678. Treaty Papers. Translations of treaty papers laid before HL this day. LJ, XIII, 209-10.
ff 90-3
16 January 1677/8. Translation of offensive treaty between England and the States General. HL MSS, XI, No 3770(a).
ff 94-7
4 March 1677/8. Translation of perpetual defensive treaty between England and the States General. HL MSS, XI, No 3770(b).
ff 98-9
3 March 1677/8. Translation of separate articles of above treaty. HL MSS, XI, No 3770(c) v also Braye MS 3, ff 119-24.
f 100
13 July 1678. Bill concerning the Measurement of Keels and Boats. Report in note form of Conference with HC on above. Cf LJ, XIII, 286. HL MSS, XI, No 3772.
f 101
14 April 1679. Minutes of Proceedings, HL. Draft minutes of the morning proceedings, in Browne’s and, concerning the Attainder of the Earl of Danby with list of presents in the afternoon. LJ, XIII, 514-5. HL MSS, XI, No 3774.
f 102
17 May 1679. Earl of Thanet’s Privilege. Draft HL Order (with substantial amendments) for the discharge of John Coniston, William Dargue and John Whorton. LJ, XIII, 577, in extenso.
f 103
20 May 1679. Duke of Norfolk’s Estate Bill. Draft HL Order (with amendments) referring the Duke’s letter to the Committee on the Bill. LJ, XIII, 581, in extenso.
f 104
21 May 1679. ?Leather and Skins Bill. Draft HL Order that the Shoemakers and other leather workers be heard, by their counsel, at the Barof the House. LJ, XIII, 582, in extenso.
f 105-6
15 April 1680. Minutes of Proceedings, HL. Minutes of proceedings at Prorogtion (Commission not entered). LJ, XIII, 600-1, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3776.
f 107-8
17 May 1680. Minutes of Proceedings, HL. Rough minutes of proceedings at Prorogation. LJ, XIII, 602-3. HL MSS, XI, No 3777.
ff 109-10
15 November 1680. Draft Journal, HL. Draft Journal, including part of William Lewis’s information and the beginning of Francisco de Feria’s Information concerning the Popish Plot. LJ, XIII, 670-1, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3778.
f 111
1 June 1685. Skinner v Davis. Draft HL Order for John Davis to put in an answer to Thomas Skinner’s petition. LJ, XIV, 25, in extenso.
f 112
1 June 1685. Smith v Berney. Draft HL Order for Richard Berney to put in an answer to sir James Smith’s petition. LJ, XIV, 25, in extenso.
f 113
4 June 1685. Draft HL Order (with amendments) giving Mr Keck, counsel for the Earl of Macclesfield, leave to sit at the Bar of the House because of infirmity. LJ, XIV, 31, in extenso.
f 114
2 June 1685. Mason v Woodroffe et al. Draft HL Order for Sir George Woodroffe and others to put in their answers to the petition of Nicholas Mason. LJ, XIV, 27, in extenso.
ff 115-6
18 June 1685. Fountaine and Coke v Guavas. Report from the Committee for Petitions in this cause. LJ, XIV, 55, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3785,
f 117
2 June 1685. Fountaine and Cove v Guavas. Draft HL Order for Andrew Fountaine’s petition to be referred to the Committee for Petitions. LJ, XIV, 27, in extenso.
f 118
2 June 1685. Barret v St Leger. Draft HL Order (with amendments) for John St Leger to put in his answer to the petition of John Barret. LJ, XIV, 27, in extenso.
f 119
2 June 1685. Bampfield et al v Popham. Draft HL Order for Alexander Popham to put in his answer to the petition of Warwick Bampfield et al. LJ, XIV, 27, in extenso.
f 120
20 June 1685. Barret v St Leger. Draft HL Judgment (with substantial amendments) in this cause. LJ, XIV, 51, in extenso.
f 121
22 June 1685. Reading v More et al. Draft HL Order for Henry More et al to appear to answer for alleged scandalous words uttered against HL. LJ, XIV, 53, in extenso.
f 122
22 June 1685. Lady Paulet v Lord Paulet. Draft HL Order deferring hearing. LJ, XIV, 53, in extenso.
f 123
22 June 1685. Draft HL Order (with substantial amendments) to Black Rod to take into custody Gabriell Cox for printing scandalous words concerning the Earl of Danby. LJ, XIV, 53, in extenso.
f 124
23 June 1685. Fountaine and Cove v Guavas. Draft HL Order (with amendments) for William Guavas to deliver in papers of use to Edward Coke. LJ, XIV, 55-6, in extenso.
f 125
23 June 1685. Eyre v Eyre. Draft HL Order for further hearing of counsel. LJ, XIV, 55, in extenso.
f 126
23 June 1685. Warcup v Rowney. Draft HL Judgment in this cause. LJ, XIV, in extenso.
f 127
25 June 1685. Grantham v Wood. Draft HL Order (with amendments) dismissing Writ of Error brought by Sir Thomas Grantham against judgment in King’s Bench for William Wood. LJ, XIV, 59, in extenso (including judgment).
f 128
25 June 1685. Eyre v Eyre. Draft HL Order for hearing counsel. LJ, XIV, 58-9, in extenso.
f 129
25 June 1685. Grenville v Earl of Huntington. Draft HL Order for Earl of Huntington to put in an answer to the petition of Bernard Grenville. LJ, XIV, 58, in extenso.
f 130
25 June 1685. Winford v Atkins. Draft HL Order for hearing counsel. LJ, XIV, 59, in extenso.
f 131
25 June 1685. Skinner v Davis. Draft HL Order for cause to be heard. LJ, XIV, 58, in extenso.
f 132
26 June 1685. Deeping Fen Bill. Draft HL Order (with amendments) for counsel to be heard for and against the Bill. LJ, XIV, 61-2, in extenso.
f 133
26 June 1685. List of receivers and triers of petitions. Endorsed as read this day. LJ, XIV, 4, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3782.
ff 136-7
25 May 1685. King’s Answer to address of HL. LJ, XIV, 15, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3783.
f 138
23 May 1685. Earl of Argyle’s Rebellion. Draft HL Order for an address of support to the King. LJ, XIV, 13, in extenso.
f 139
26 May 1685. Strickland et al v Coker. Draft HL Order for Robert Coker to put in his answer to the petition of John Strickland et al. LJ, XIV, 16, in extenso.
ff 140-1
19 May 1685. Copy of message delivered by the Lord Keeper from the King directing HC to choose a Speaker. LJ, XIV, 3-4 in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3781
f 142
30 May 1685. Earl of Derby’s Bill. Draft HL Order for John Langley to be heard by his counseel. LJ, XIV, 23, in extenso.
f 143
17 November 1685. Coke v Fountaine (cross appeal). Draft HL Order for Andrew Fountaine and William Guavas to put in their answers to the petition of Edward Coke. LJ, XIV, 85, in extenso.
f 144
18 November 1685. Williams v Mellish. Draft HL Order for Nicholas Trevanion, William Delawood, Charles Blackhall and Stephen Dearecroft to be summoned to attend as witnesses. LJ, XIV, 87, in extenso.
f 145
18 November 1685. Eaton et al v Lane (in error). Draft HL Order (with amendment) affirming judgment in King’s Bench for John Lane v George Eaton et al. LJ, XIV, 87-7, in extenso.
f 146
18 November 1685. Smith et al v Coleby. Draft HL Order dismissing Appeal of Alexander Smith, Anthony Fothergill and Thomas Lambert, against Decree in Court of Chancery for Alexander Coleby. LJ, XIV, 86, in extenso.
f 147
19 November 1685. Barret v Desmener. Draft HL Order appointing day for hearing counsel of Richard Barret and John Desmener. LJ, XIV, 88, in extenso.
f 148
20 November 1685. Copy of speech by Lord Chancellor, in the presence of the King, proroguing Parliament. LJ, XIV, 88, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3788.
f 149
9 November 1685. Winford v Atkins. Draft HL Order 9with substantial amendments) appointing day for hearing counsel of Sir Robert Atkins and Thomas Winford. LJ, XIV, 74, in extenso.
f 151
9 November 1685. Draft HL Order for giving thanks to the King for his gracious speech. LJ, XIV, 74, in extenso.
f 152
11 November 1685. Hervey v Hervey. Draft HL Order referring Elizabeth Hervey’s petition, concerning giving of security, to the Committee for Petitions. LJ, XIV, 77, in extenso.
f 153
13 November 1685. Winford v Atkins. Draft HL Order reversing Decree in Court of Exchequer. LJ, XIV, 80, in extenso.
f 154
13 November 1685. Williams v Reade. Draft HL Order appointing day for hearing counsel of Walter Williams and Richard Reade. LJ, XIV, 80, in extenso.
f 155
13 November 1685. Eyre et al v Eyre et al. Draft HL Order for the Lord Chancellor to report the cause to the House. LJ, Xiv, 80, in extenso.
f 156
13 November 1685. Walmesley v Guardians of Bury School. Draft HL Order (with amendments) for the Guardians of Bury School to put in their answer to the ptition of Elizabeth Walmesley. LJ, XIV, 80, in extenso.
ff 157-8
17 November 1685. Trial of Earl of Stamford. Draft minutes of proceedings (with corrections) on the trial. LJ, XIV, 85, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3787.
f 150
(Bound in after f 158) 9 November 1685. Williams v Reade. Draft HL Order appointing day for hearing the cause. LJ, XIV, 74, in extenso.
f 159
26 February 1688/9. Murder of Earl of Essex. Draft HL Orders (with amendments) for commital of John Holland and Benjamin Baker. LJ, XIV, 132, in extenso.
f 160
2 June 1685. Stickland v Coker. Draft HL Order to Robert Coker to put in an anwer to the peetition of John Stickland. LJ, XIV, 27, in extenso.
f 161
26 February 1688/9. Williams v Mellish. Draft HL Order (with amendments) for hearing counsel of Elizabeth William and Edward Mellish. LJ, XIV, 133, in extenso.
f 162
26 February 1688/9. Williams v Reade. Draft HL Order for hearing counsel of Walter Williams and Richard Reade. LJ, XIV, 133, in extenso
f 163
28 February 1688/9. Draft HL Orders to Black Rod for attachment of James Le Port, papist and Robert Clarke and discharge of Benjamin Baker. LJ, XIV, 134, in extenso.
f 164
28 February 1688/9. Papists in London and Westminster. Draft HL Order to Sir William Walter to secure all papists in London and Westminster. LJ, XIV, 134, in extenso.
f 165-6
1 March 1688/9. Resolution of HC to stand by and assist the King. Endorsed as brought up this day. LJ, XIV, 136, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3793.
f 167
1 March 1688/9. Message from the King (with corrections) that he had secured certain dangerous persons. LJ, XIV, 135, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3791.
f 168
1 March 1688/9. Draft HL Orders to Black Rod for discharge of James Le Port and examination of Robert Clarke. LJ, XIV, 135, in extenso.
f 169
2 March 1688/9. Draft HL Orders for examination of Edward Aisley, priest and for absent Lords to be summoned. LJ, XIV, 137, in extenso.
f 170
5 March 1688/9. Papists in London. Draft HL Orders (with amendments) concerning searches for arms, empowering a committee to search for papists’ papers and for discharge of Edward Ainsley. LH, XIV, 139, in extenso.
ff 171-2
6 March 1688/9. Trial of Peers Bill. Text of protest by Lord Delaware et al. LJ, Xiv, 140, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3794.
f 173
6 March 1688/9. Forster v Forster. Draft HL Order for John Forster to put in an answer to the petition of Henry Forster. LJ, XIV, 141, in extenso.
ff 174-5
7 March 1688/9. Eyre v London, Eyre et al. Draft HL Order for Robert Phillips et al to put in their answer to the petition of Sir John Heath, Thomas Eyre et al. LJ, XIV, 142, in extenso.
f 176
7 March 1688/9. Earl Rivers v Earls of Derby and Strafford et al. Draft HL Order for the defendants to put in their answer to the petition of Earl Rivers. LJ, XIV, 142, in extenso.
f 177
7 March 1688/9. Draft HL Orders (with amendments) for attachment of William Downing for printing a paper against Lord Grey of Wark and for the attendance eof Captain Hal at HL. LJ, XIV, 142, in extenso.
ff 178-9
8 March 1688/9. Text of Answer of the King to Address of both Houses offering to assist him. LJ, XIV, 143, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3795.
f 180
8 March 1688/9. Rober v Roper. Draft HL Order for Anne Roper to put in an answer to the petition of Edward Roper. LJ, XIV, 144, in extenso.
f 181
8 March 1688/9. Draft HL Order that ministers in the dioceses of Winchester and Nrwich be directed to pray for King William and Queen Mary. LJ, XIV, 144, in extenso.
f 182
8 March 1688/9. Russell Attainder Bill. Minutes of appointment of Committee to consider Bill for annulling the attainder of William Russell, commonly called Lord Russell. LJ, XIV, 144, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3796.
f 183
8 March 1688/9. Draft HL Order for printing the Address of both Houses and the King’s Answer. LJ, XIV, 144, in extenso.
f 184
8 March 1688/9. Draft HL Order for committal and fine of William Downing for printing a paper reflecting on Lord Grey of Wark. LJ, XIV, 144, in extenso.
f 185
8 March 1688/9. Draft HL Order appointing peers to convey thanks to the King for his Answer to the Address. LJ, XIV, 143-4, in extenso.
f 186
13 March 1688/9. Williams v Read; Roberts v Mellish. Draft HL Orders in these causes. LJ, XIV, 147, in extenso.
ff 187-8
15 March 1688/9. Text of Address of both Houses to the King. LJ, XIV, 149, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3798(a).
ff 189-90
15 March 1688/9. Earl of Macclesfield v Fitton and Jolliffe; Dyer v Mayor of Gravesend et al; Serle v Clarke. Draft HL Orders (with amendments) in these causes. LH, XIV, 149-50, in extenso.
f 191
16 March 1688/9. Text of King’s Answer to the Address of both Houses. LJ, XIV, 150, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3798(b).
f 192
18 March 1688/9. Draft HL Orders: for attendance of all Lords who are in town and in the cause Williams v Read. LJ, XIV, 152, in extenso.
f 193
20 March 1688/9. Roper v Roper. Draft HL Order for hearing counsel of Edward and Anne Roper. LJ, XIV, 154, in extenso.
ff 194-5
21 March 1688/9. Abrogation of Oaths Bill. Draft of protest against the Bill under four headings, the last of which is re-drafted. LJ, XIV, 55, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3799(b)
f 196
20 March 1688/9. Draft HL Order for the drawing up of a new clause in the above Bill. LJ, XIV, 154, in extenso.
f 197
21 March 1688/9. Bill for Reviving Proceedings at Law. Draft HL Orders for attendance of judges. LJ, XIV, 156, in extenso.
f 198
21 March 1688/9. Draft HL Order recommending the judges attending the House as assistants to the King’s favour. LJ, XIV, 155, in extenso.
f 199
22 March 1688/9. Dyer v Mayor of Gravesend et al. Draft HL Order dismissing petition of Andrew Dyer. LJ, XIV, 158, in extenso.
ff 200-1
21 March 1688.9. Abrogation of Oaths Bill. Clause ‘to take away the necessity of receiving the Sacrament’. Endorsed ‘Rejected upon the Question’. LJ, XIV, 156, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3799(a).
f 202
23 March 1688/9. Clause offered as a rider to the above Bill 9on vellum). LJ, XIV, 158-9, in extenso. HL MSS, XI<, No 3799(c).
f 203
23 March 1688/9. Draft HL Orders (with amendments) in the cause Roper v Roper and on a letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury. LJ, XIV, 159, in extenso.
f 204
28 March 1688/9. Draft HL Orders for Robert Phillips to have longer time to answer the petition of Thomas Eyre and for adjournment of the debate on the Bill for uniting their Majesties Protestant Subjects. LJ, XIV, 164, in extenso.
ff 205-6
1 June 1689. Draft HL Orders (with amendments) for hearing counsel in Bernadiston v Soames (in error); for the Lord Privy Seal to report counsels’ arguments for and against the Bill for taking away the Court of the Marches of Wales, and for judges to attend concerning the judgments against Titus Oates. LJ, XIV, 229-30, in extenso.
ff 207-8
2 July 1689. Impeachment of a Commoner. Minutes of proceedings concerning whether the Lords are barred from trying a commoner upon an impeachmnt of HC. LJ, XIV, 264, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3812(a).
f 209
4 June 1689. Draft HL Orders for hearing counsel in Barnfield v Popham; dismissing the appeal of Rowland Eyre v Thomas Eyre and referring the petition of the shoemakers of Northampton to the committee on the bill for Exporting Leather. LJ, XIV, 233, in extenso.
f 210
6 June 1689. Draft HL Orders: for the Address concerning Titus Oates to be presented to their Majesties; of thanks to the Bishop of St Asaph for his sermon and referring the cordwainers’ petition to the committee on the bill for Exporting Leather. LJ, XIV, 234, in extenso.
f 211
6 June 1689. HL Address to the King for a pardon for Titus Oates. LJ, XIV, 234, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3810.
f 212
7 June 1689. Draft HL Orders (with an amendment) for hearing counsel in Lampen v Cloberry; referring the Duke of Grafton’s petition to the Committee for Privileges and dismissing the appeal of Sir Christopher Philipson v John Copley et al. LJ, XIV, 235-6, in extenso.
f 213
8 Jne 1689. Draft HL Orders: for witnesses on behalf of the Duke of Grafton to attend the Committee for Privileges; for the shoemakers and tanners to be heard against the Bill for Exporting Leather; for the hearing of counsel in Orme v Sir J Gelle et al and for Hester Noy et al to put in their answer to the petition of Sir John Mill. LJ, XIV, 236-7, in extenso.
f 214
8 June 1689. Draft HL Orders (with an amendment): in the cause Bernardiston v Soames (in error); for persons to be bound over concerning the Earl of Essex’s death and for the Committee for Privileges to examine precedents for sending for Lords in custody and to draw up an Address to their Majesties to summon Lord Griffin. LJ, XIV, 237-8, in extenso.
f 215
8 June 1689. Draft HL Orders (with amendments) summoning witnesses to give evidence for an against the Bill for taking away the Court of the Marches of Wales. LJ, XIV, 237, in extenso.
f 216
10 July 1689. Draft HL Order for depositions of witnesses on behalf of James Percy to be delivered to him. LJ, XIV, 2387, in extenso.
f 217
25 March 1689. Draft HL Order (with amendments) for William Montague et al to be examined concerning the Earl of Salisbury’s brothers being sent overseas. LJ, XIV, 161, in extenso.
f 218
25 March 1689. Agutter et al v Collins et al. Draft HL Order that Jane Collins et al put in their answer to the petition of Nathaniell Agutter et al. LJ, XIV, 161, in extenso.
f 219
25 March 1689. Draft HL Order for the Bill enabling the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal to execute thee Office of Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper to be recommitted. LJ, XIV, 161, in extenso.
f 220
26 March 1689. Newcomb v Bonham. Draft HL Order for Thomas and Alice Bonham to put in their answer to the petition of Thomas and Dorothy Newcomb. LJ, XIV, 161-2, in extenso.
f 221
26 March 1689. Williams v Reade. Draft HL Order dismissing the appeal of Walter and Elizabeth Williams. LJ, XIV, 162, in extenso.
f 222
26 March 1689. Serle v Clarke et al. Draft HL Order appointing day for hearing counsel of Henry Forster and John Forster. LJ, XIV, 163, in extenso.
f 223
27 March 1689. Forster v Forster. Draft HL Order appointing day for hearing counsel of Henry Forster and John Forster. LJ, 163, in extenso.
f 224
27 March 1689. Serle v Clarke et al. Draft HL Order for Dr Barbone to produce certain writings at hearing of above. LJ, XIV, 163, in extenso.
f 225
28 March 1689. Harvey v Lord Holles. Draft HL Order for Lord Holles to put in his answer to the petition of John and Isabella Harvey. LJ, XIV, 164-5, in extenso.
ff 226-7
28 March 1689. Removal of Papists from London Bill. Draft HL. Reasons for disagreeing with two HC Provisoes. LJ, XIV, 164, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3800.
f 228
3 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause Serle v Clarke; for debating the Bill for Uniting Their Majesties Protestant Subjects. LJ, XIV, 166, in extenso.
f 229
8 April 1689. Forster v Forster. Draft HL Order appointing later day for hearing counsel. LJ, XIV, 171-2, in extenso.
f 230
13 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: appointing days for considering an Address to the King and for Judgment in Serle v Clarke et al. LJ, XIV, in extenso.
f 231
18 April 1689. Countess of Anglesey v Earl of Anglesey Draft Report (with corrections) of the Committee for Privileges, dated 16 April. LJ, XIV, 180, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3802.
ff 232-3
16 April 1689. Address to the King. Draft Address of HC thanking the King for his care of the Protestant Religion, etc, with HL amendments. Endorsed as brought up on 13 April. CJ, X, 86, in extenso; cf LJ, XIV, 177, in extenso, final text. HL MSS, XI, No 3801.
f 234
16 April 1689. Draft HL Orders referring the petitions of Richard Brett and Hon Henry Howard to the Committee on the Bill for taking away the Revenue arising by Hearth-money. LJ, XIV, 177-8, in extenso.
ff 235-6
22 April 1689. Earl of Devonshire (Privilege). Copy of Report of Committee for Privileges, dated 16 April LJ, XIV, 187, in extenso. See also Braye MS 3, f 132.
f 237
16 April 1689. Draft HL Order to Black Rod to attach John Browne and Francis Tyson for words spoken against Lord Morley. LJ, XIV, 177, in extenso.
f 238
16 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause Harvey et al v Lord Holles; referring the Countess of Anglesey’s petition to the Committee for Privileges; in the cause Forster v Forster; for the amendments to the Bill to Abrogate the Oaths to be read a second time and for certain Lords to attend the King concerning the time for presenting an Address of both Houses. LJ, XIV, 177, in extenso.
f 239
17 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: for hearing counsel for and against the Bill to enable Isaac Savery of Exter to take the name of Searle or Serle; for giving judgment in the cause Serle v Clarke. LJ, XIV, 178, in extenso.
ff 240-1
18 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the causes Stroud v Rodney and Harvey v Lord Holles; for all the Judges to attend HL; in the causes Titus Oats v the King and Titus Oates v the Dukee of York (in error) and Agutter v Collins. LJ, XIV, 180, in extenso.
ff 242-3
20 April 1689. Bill for Abrogating the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. Copy of HV Reasons for not agreeing to HL amendments. LJ, XIV, 183-4, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3799(d).
f 244
20 April 1689. Earl of Macclesfield v Sir Alexander Fitton and Thomas Jolliffe. Draft HL Order (with corrections) for Fitton to put in his answeer. LJ, XIV, 185, in extenso.
f 245
20 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: for the Address of both Houses and the King’s Answer to be published; for John Browne and Francis Tyson to be discharged from custody; for hearing counsel in Titus Oates v the King (in error) and Titus Oatees v the Duke of York (in error). LJ, XIV, 183-5, in extenso.
f 246
20 April 1689. Abrogation of the Oaths Bill. Draft HL Order for Managers to draw up Reasons for insisting on Amendments at a Conference with CH. LJ, XIV, 184-5, in extenso.
f 247-8
22 April 1689. Draft HL Orders (with corrections): in the causes Sir Samuell Bernardiston v the King 9in error), Eyre v Eyre et al and Earl Rivers v Earl of Derby; for the records of the proceedings in King’s Bench against the Earl of Devon to be brought in; for Sir Robert Wright to be brought to the Bar; for Sir Richard Holloway, Mr Pettit, Mr Bradbury and Mr Justice Powell to attend HL; for the Report of the Conference with HC to be adjourned and for all the Lords in London to attend HL. LJ, XIV, 187, in extenso.
f 249
24 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: for Thomas Russell and all others in custody for the murder of the Earl of Essex to be bailed; in the causes Titus Oates v the King (in error) and dAgutter v Collins. LJ, XIV, 191, in extenso.
f 250
26 April 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause of Roberts v Mellish; to bail Thomas Russell a prisoner in the Tower; in the cause Hervey v Lord Holles. LJ, XIV, 193-4, in extenso.
f 251
27 April 1689. Draft HL Order for Sir Richard Hollaway and Sir Francis Withins to attend HL to give reasons for their judgment in King’s Bench against Titus Oates. LJ, XIV, 194, in extenso.
f 252
29 April 1689. Draft HL Orders in the causes Sir C Philipson v Copley et al and Earl Rivers v Earl of Derby. LJ, XIV, 195-6, in extenso.
f 253
30 April 1689. Orme v Sir John Gell et al. Draft HL Order for the defendants to put in their answers. LJ, XIV, 196, in extenso.
f 254
1 May 1689. Newcomb v Bonham. Draft HL Order dismissing the appeal of Thomas and Alice Newcomb. LJ, XIV, 198, in extenso.
f 255
1 May 1689. Speaker’s speech. Copy (with corrections) of speech of the Speaker of HC prior to Royal Assent to the Poll Bill for raising money for the reduction of Ireland. LJ, XIV, 198-9, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3804.
f 256
1 May 1689. Draft HL Orders (with corrections): for William Petyt to search the records in the Tower for proceedings pursuant to the Act for Delays of Judgments in other Courts to be redressed in Parliament (14 Edw III c 5); for the record of proceedings in King’s Bench against the Seven Bishops to be brought in. LJ, XIV, 198, in extenso.
f 257
1 May 1689. Earl of Macclesfield v Sir Alexander Fitton et al. Draft HL Order adjourning hearing of counsel. LJ, XIV, 199, in extenso.
ff 258-9
3 May 1689. Eyre v Eyre et al. Draft HL Order setting aside Orders made in the Court of the Duch of Lancaster. LJ, XIV, 201, in extenso.
f 260
3 May 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause Bernadison v Regem (in error); for Sir Robert Wright to be brought to the Bar; for Sir Richard Holloway and Sir Francis Withins and Mr Petyt and Mr Bradbury to attend HL. LJ, XIV, 200-1, in extenso.
ff 261-2
3 May 1689. Earl of Macclesfield v Fitton and Jollife. Draft HL Order referring the cause to the Court of Chancery for re-hearing. LJ, XIV, 200, in extenso.
f 263
6 May 1689. Draft HL Orders (with corrections): for Judges to give opinions concerning commmitment of a Peer for a fine; for Sir Robert Wright to be brought to HL; for Sir Richard Holloway and Sir Francis Withins to attend HL and give reasons for their judgment against Titus Oates; in the cause Agutter c Collins. LJ, XIV, 202, in extenso.
f 264
7 May 1689. Draft HL Orders (with corrections): for an Address of Thanks to the King for declaring war on France; for Sir Richard Holloway and Sir Francis Watkins to attend and giv reasons; for the House to consider whether a Peer may be committed for a fine. LJ, XIV, 203, in extenso.
f 265
7 May 1689. Eyre v Eyre et al. Draft HL Order for the Attorney of the Duchy of Lancaster et al to put in their answers. LJ, XIV, 203, in extenso.
f 266
8 May 1689. Harvey v Lord Holles. Draft HL Order for giving judgment. LJ, XIV, 205, in extenso.
f 267
8 May 1689. Sir J Bradshaw v Northend. Draft HL Order for hearing counsel. LJ, XIV, 205, in extenso.
f 268
10 May 1689. Bernardiston v Regem (in error). Draft HL Order for hearing counsel. LJ XIV, 207, in extenso.
f 269
10 May 1689. Agutter v Collins. Draft HL Order dismissing appeal. LJ XIV, 207, in extenso.
ff 270-1
11 May 1689. Bradshaw v Northend. Draft HL Order for hearing counsel. LJ XIV, 208, in extenso.
f 272
11 May 1689. Lampen v Clobery. Draft HL Order for Oliver Clobery to put in his answer. LJ XIV, 208, in extenso.
f 273
11 May 1689. Draft HL Orders: for Sir Richard Holloway and Sir Francis Withins to attend and give reasons; for amendments to the Commissioners of the Great Seal Bill to be read; that the Earl of Salisbury be allowed further time for bringing his brothers from overseas. LJ XIV, 208-9, in extenso.
f 274
15 May 1689. Draft HL Order referring petition of James Percy to the Committee for Privileges. LJ XIV, 211, in extenso.
f 275
16 May 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause Eyre v Eyrel for the House to be in Committee on the Bill of Rights. LJ XIV, 212, in extenso.
f 276
24 May 1689. Draft HL Orders: for the Bill of Rights to be read 3a; for Titus Oates; three Writs of Error to be considered by the Hosue; for Sir Richard Holloway and Sir Francis Withins to attend; for the House to consider absent Lords who left no proxies; in the cause Bradshaw v Northend; for the Judges to prepare an Act for regulating Non Obstantes. LJ XIV, 218, in extenso.
f 277
28 May 1689. Earldom of Northumberland (Peerage Claim. Report (dated 24 May) of the Committee for Privileges on the claim of James Percy. LJ XIV, 224, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3807.
f 278
26 May 1689. Titus Oates (Privilege0. Draft Protest (with amendments) against a Vote of HL, on a printed paper entitled ‘The Case of Titus Oates DD’. LJ XIV, 221, in extenso. HL MSS, XI No 3807.
f 279
27 May 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause Pilkington v Bolesworth (in error); for further consideration of a Bill to take away the Court of the Marches of Wales; in the causee Eyre v Eyre. LJ XIV, 223, in extenso.
f 280
28 May 1689. Eraldom of Northumberland. Draft HL Order for hearing the Duke of Somerset’s counsel against James Percy’s imposture. LJ XIV, 224, in extenso.
ff 281-6
2 July 1689. Committee to examine Precedents of Impeachments. Report of the Committee of Precedents found in the Journals and records in the Tower. LJ XIV, 262-4, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3812(b).
f 287
19 October 1689. Minute that the Lords have been invited to dine in the City. Draft HL Orders: for the House to be called; for an Address of Thanks to be presented to the King. LJ XIV, 320-1, in extenso.
f 288
21 October 1689. Tunstall v Smith (in error). Draft HL Order for hearing counsel. LJ XIV, 321, in extenso.
f 289
23 October 1689. King’s Speech. Copy (with corrections) of the King’s Speech. LJ XIV, 322, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3813.
f 290
23 October 1689. Notes of Proceedings, HL. LJ XIV, 322-3.
ff 291-2
23 October 1689. Draft HL Orders: for the House to be called; in the causes Tunstall v Smith (in error), Mercer v Mercer and Coke v Cobb et al. LJ XIV, 323, in extenso.
ff 293-4
24 October 1689. Draft HL Orders (with corrections): in the causes Dodd v Dawson, Beaple v Gay and Malden et al v Belbin. LJ XIV, 324, in extenso.
ff 295-6
24 October 1689. Tunstall v Smith (in error). Draft HL Order affirming judgment in King’s Bench. LJ XIV, 324, in extenso.
ff 297-8
25 October 1689. Draft HL Orders to the High Steward et al. of Westminster to prevent stoppages in the streets during the sitting of Parliament and to keep the streets clear on 29 October, when the Lords dine in the City. LJ XIV, 325, in extenso.
f 299
26 October 1689. Draft HL Order for the bishops to appoint one of the Bench to preach before HL on 5 November. LJ XIV, 326, in extenso.
ff 300-1
26 October 1689. Earl of Peterborough and Earl of Salisbury P(Impeachment). (a) Draft HL Orders (with corrections): for the Earl of Peterborough to be brought to the Bar, to be committed to the Tower and for his friends to have access; for the Earl of Salisbury to be brought to the Bar. LJ XIV, 326, in extenso.
ff 302-3
(b) Minutes of proceedings on above. Ibid loc cit HL MSS, XI, No 3814.
f 304
28 October 1689. Draft HL Order (with corrections) for the Speaker to write to absent Lords. LJ XIV, 328, in extenso.
ff 305-6
28 October 1689. Copy of Speaker’s letter. Ibid loc cit.
ff 307-8
28 October 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause Presgrave v Sherman; for the Earl of Salisbury to be remanded to the Tower and for the Earls of Salisbury and Peterborough to have the Liberty of the Tower; for John Bayly, drayman to be attached for contempt; for William Greene, brewer to attend HL. LJ XIV, 327, in extenso.
f 309
30 October 1689. Draft HL Order for John Bayly to be discharged from custody. LJ XIV, 329, in extenso.
ff 310-11
2 November 1689. Draft HL Orders (with corrections): in the causes Presgrave v Sherman, Beaple v Gay and Morin v Wyborne; for Mr Justice Dolben to attend Committee on Bill against Clandestine Marriages; to revive the Committee to consider the Earl of Essex’s death. LJ XIV, 331, in extenso.
ff 312
6 November 1689. Draft HL Order (with corrections) for an Address to the King for leave for the Committee of Inspections to peruse the Council Books of Charles II and James II concerning the prosecution of Lord Russell et al. LJ XIV, 332, in extenso.
ff 313-4
6 November 1689. Draft HL Orders (with corrections): in the cause Presgrave v Sherman: for leave to peruse the Council Books (as above); of thanks to the Bishop of Salisbury for his sermon; to adjourn consideration of Lord Griffin’s committal for treason; in the causes Beaple v Gay and Belbin v Malden iet al. LJ XIV, 332-3, in extenso.
ff 315-6
7 November 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the cause Derham and Edwards v Duvall; for the Clerk of the Parliaments to bring in the Journal for Lord Delamer’s case; for the Committee for Privileges to enquire into irregularities in the Courts in Westminster Hall. LJ XIV, 333-4, in extenso.
f 317
7 November 1689. Draft HL Order for William Petyt to attend the Committee enquiring into irregularities in the Courts. LJ XIV, 334, in extenso.
f 318
7 November 1689. Draft HL Order for an Address to the King to know the grounds for Lord Griffin’s commitment. LJ XIV, 333, in extenso.
ff 319-20
8 November 1689. Draft HL Orders: in the causes Long v Nelthrop, Countess Dowager of Winchilsea v Earl of Winchilsea et al (Privilege), Belbin v Malden et al; message from the King with papers concerning Lord Griffin’s commitment; leave to the Duke of Bolton to bring in Mutiny Bill. LJ XIV, 334-5, in extenso.
f 321
9 November`689. Draft HL Order s: for Lord Griffin to be brought to the Bar; for Lord Preston to attend concerning his claim of privilege; for consideration of the case of Lord Delamer. LJ XIV, 335-6, in extenso.
f 322
11 November 1689. Minutes (with corrections) of the examination of Lord Griffin. LJ XIV, 336, in extenso.
f 323
11 November 1689. Minutes (with corrections) of the examination of Lord Griffin. LJ XIV, 336, in extenso.
f 324
11 November 1689. Draft HL Order s: for Thomas Hall to attend HL; for Black Rod to take Lord Preston into custody; for all the Judges to attend HL concerning Lord Preston’s patent and Lord Griffin’s case; for Lord Griffin to be remanded to the Tower and brought to the Bar the following day. LJ XIV, 337, in extenso.
ff 325-6
12 November 1689. Minutes of proceedings concerning Lord Preston’s patent. LJ XIV, 338, in extenso.
f 327
13 May 1643. The Scotch Commissioners. Copy of Paper (dated 27 January 1643) from the Scotch Commissioners about their army in Ireland. LJ VI, 45, in extenso. HL MNSS, XI, No 3627.
ff 328-9
3 May 1644. Earl of Leven’s Army. Copy of letter from both Houses to Earl of Leven concerning the supply and actions of his army. LJ, VI, 538, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3643.
ff 330-4
ff 335-6
28 January 1670/1. Maiming and Wounding Nill. HL reasons for agreeing and disagreeing with HC over various HC amendments. Contains some variations from the Journal, cf, LJ, XII, 416. HL MSS, XI, No 3738.
ff 337-8
Receivers and Triers of Petitions
f 337
[19 March] 1603/4. List of receivers and triers of petitions as entered in the Journal, but with subsequent amendments in another hand. Cf LJ, II, 263. HL MSS, XI, No 3268.
f 338
[5 April] 1614. List of receivers and triers of petitions, amended to correspond with the list entered in the Journal. Cf LH, II, 686-7 HL MSS, XI, No 3326.
ff 339-40
[3-10 April 1645]. Surrender of Office of the Lord Admiral. Copy of letter of surrender (by the Earl of Warwick) of the Office of Lord Admiral under an Ordinance of April 1645 whereby members of both Houses were to stand discharged from all military and civil office after 40 days. LJ VII, 303, 311-13. HL MSS, XI, No 3646.
f 341
23 December 1641. HC Resolution for the payment of 2,500 troops in Scotland from 8 December to the end of the treaty. CI, II, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3637(a).
f 342
8 March 1672/3. Address against the Increase of Popery. Rough Transcript, in Browne’s hand, of the Lord Chancellor’s report of the King’s Answer and of his cancelling of the Declaration of Indulgence. LJ, XII, 538, in extenso. HL MSS, No 3637(b).
ff 343-8
[8 May 1661]. Lord Chancellor’s Speech. Copy of part of speech of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor. LJ, XI, 243-4, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3690.
ff 349-50
8 May 1661. Receivers and Triers of Petitions. List, in Browne’s hand, of the receivers and triers of petitions. LJ, XI, 244-5, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3672.
ff 351-2
5 November 1640. King’s Speech. Copy of the King’s Speech to HL. Parliamentary History, II, 638-9, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3478.
ff 353-4
19 November 1666. Lord Butler (Offensive Speech).
(a) Draft HL Order (with corrections) concerning reprimand of Lord Butler for offensive expressions towards the Duke of Buckingham.
(b) Text of acknowledgement by Lord Butler to HL and to the Duke of Buckingham. LJ, XII, 31, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3710.
f 355
10 March 1672/3. Draft HL Order for the Lord chancellor’s speech about cancelling the Declaration of Indulgence, to be entered in the Journal. LJ, XII, 551, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3637(b).
ff 356-7
12 April 1677. Copy of HC Resolutions on the King’s Message. CJ, IX, 419, in extenso HL MSS, XI, No 3768.
ff 358-9
28 February 1642/3. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of the Propositions of both Houses for a cessation of armed struggle. LJ, V, 625-6, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3637(c).
ff 360-3
[? 1641]. ‘the Irish Commissioners Answer touching the disbanding of the Irish Army’ (2 copies). HL MSS, XI, No 3637(d).
ff 364-5
29 September 1645. Account of Action near Chester. Copy of ‘Further Account of the Action’, ie General Poyntz’s victory over the King’s forces near Chester on 25 September. LJ, VII, 608-9, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3650.
ff 366-7
23 July 1645. Declaration against a Blasphemous Book. Text of declaration against Archer’s Comfort for Believers. Signed Henry Robrough, scribe, Adoniram Byfield, scribe. Subscribed Jo Browne, Cleric’ Parliamentor. LJ, VII, 505-6, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3649.
ff 368-9
9 June 1641. Declaration of Col Goring. Copy of Col Goring’s declaration concerning he ‘Army Plot’. 9 June 1641, debated in HC, CJ, II, 172. Nalson, Impartial Collection, II, 272-5, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3520.
ff 370-1
[17 January 1529/30]. Marriage of Gervase Clifton and Marye Nevill (household account). Transcript of account of costs of clothing and food at celebration of marriage of Gervase Clifton and Marye Nevill this day. Enclosed in letter from Cavendish Nevile to Revd Dr Standfast, rector of Clifton, nr Nottingham. Dated 17 May 1731, LJ, no ref F Peck, Desiderata Curiosa (1779), 248-9, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3162.
f 372
[11 November 1685]. Bampfield et al v Popham. Printed case of John Winter, Warwick Bampfield and Sir John St Barbe, bart, on their appeal to HL from a decree in Chancery. LJ, Xiv, 78. Cf records of this cause in HMC, 11th Rept, App, pt ii, 308-9. HL MSS, XI, No 3786.
f 373
[post 17 June 1685]. Bampfield v Vaughan. Printed case of Warwick Bampfield on his appeal to HL from a decree in Chancery. LJ, XIV, 46. Cf records of this cause in HMC, 9th Rept, pt ii, App 123. HL MSS, XI, No 3784.
f 374
22 September 1642. Distressed Miners (Petition). Printed petition of poor distressed miners of Co Derby and King’s Answer. Published at York by Robert Barker. LJ, V, 368-9, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3593.