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Part 2: The Braye Manuscripts from the House of Lords Record Office

The Braye Manuscripts - MSS 10-57

Braye Ms 10 ‘Parliamentary Records 19 November 1606 – 31 August 1686’

Three volumes of 239 folios in total, in modern Record Office vellum bindings. Previously one volume bound in half red morocco. The volumes contain speeches, reports and accounts in various hands, collected by Browne. HMCB, no ref.

ff 1-2
4 February – 21 June [1672/3]. Diary sheets with entries for Bills appeals etc, in HL. HL MSS, XI, No 3747.

ff 3-8
19 November 1606. King’s Answer concerning Grievances. MS copy of ‘A Memoriall of his Majesties resolutions, concerning the Greevances presented by the Lower House.’ CJ, I, 316-8, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No ref.

f 9

ff 10-17
17 June 1635. Lord Keeper’s Speech. MS copy of ‘Thomas, Lord Coventry’s speech or delivery of his Charge as he received it from his Majesty to all the Judges of England, Judges of Assize in the Star Chamber’. HL MSS, XI, No 3446.

ff 36-47
22 March 1639/40. The Scots’ Remonstrance. Copy in Browne’s hand of ‘The Remonstrance of the Nobles, Barons, Burgesses, Ministers and Commons within the Kingdome of Scotland, vindicating them and their proceedings from the Crimes wherewith they are charged by the late Proclamation in England, February 27 1638. Revised according to the Ordinance of the Generall Assemblie by Mr Archibald Johnston Clerke thereto. HL MSS, XI, No 3465.

ff 48-55
5 November 1640. Proceedings in Hl. LJ, IV, 83. HL MSS, XI, No 3476(b).

ff 48 r
First speech of William Lenthall, Speaker of HC Rushworth, III, vol 1, 17, in extenso (with verbal differences).

ff 48v-49
First speech (with corrections) of Lord Keeper, signifying approval. Rushworth, not entered.

ff 50-5
Second speech (with corrections) of Lord Keeper. Rushworth, not entered. Cf HL MSS, XI, No 3477. in extenso (printed from imperfect copy, Braye MS 2, ff 79-80)..

ff 53-5
King’s speech. Rushworth, III, vol 1, 17, in extenso (with verbal differences).

ff 56-9

ff 60-8
3 November 1640. Proceedings in HL. LJ, IV, 82. HL MSS, XI, No 3476(a).

ff 60-1
King’s speech. Rushworth, III, vol I, 11-12, in extenso (with verbal differences).

ff 61-8
Lord Keeper’s speech. Rushworth, III, vol 1, 12-16, in extenso (with verbal differences).

ff 69-82

ff 73-5
19 July 1647. Langham et al v Limbrey et al. Nottes, in Browne’s hand, of arguments of judges in the cause, delivered 19 and 20 July. LJ, IX, 338, 340. HL MSS, XI, No 3660.

ff 76-9
5 November 1640. ‘Mr Speaker’s Speeches’. Fair copy of the Speaker’s first and second speeches on this day. LJ, IV, 83. Rushworth, III, vol I, 17-19, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3476(b).

ff 80-102
16 December 1640. ‘Against the Leiftennant of Ireland’. Official transcript of the charges of the Scotch Commissioners against the Earl of Strafford. Nalson, I, 686-8, in extenso. Cf original in Braye MS 2, ff 96-7.

ff 103-16
29 November 1641-30 July 1642. Diary sheets with entries (corrected) for committees, Bills, appeals etc, in HL. HL MSS, XI, No 3550.

ff 118-46
[5 July 1645]. Declaration of both Houses to the States General. Draft (with amendments) of the Declaration of both Houses to the States General concerning their last embassy to England. Signed, P Wharton, Wm Lenthall. 5 July, ordered to be printed. CJ, IV, 195-6. Rushworth, IV, vol I, 182-92, in extenso. HL MSS, XI, No 3648 (where dated 5 June).

ff 147-86
[post January 1649]. MS Treatise. The sections of this treatise are: (1) ‘Concerning the Liberty of the Person of every Freeman of England’ (includes reference to the ‘Agreement of the People tendered to the Parliament by the Army in January 1648’); (2) ‘Concerning Billeting of Souldiers’; (3) lacks heading but includes extracts from 17 Edward II on, dealing with privileges of Parliament etc; (4) ‘concerning Propriety of Goods’; (5) ‘concerning Imployment in Forraigne Servise’; ‘Of of Soveraigne Power of the Parliament of England and the Privileges thereof’. The treatise is in Browne’s hand. It consists almost entirely of quotations from Rolls of Parliament, Journals of both Houses and from legal decisions and text books. HL MSS, XI, No 3611 (where dated ? 1642-3).

ff 187-212
7-8 May 1668. Dispute with HC over Skinner v East India Company.

ff 187-95
7 May. Reports of Earl of Essex and Earl of Anglesey on precedents. Precedents approved as fit to be offered to HC at Conference. LJ, XII, 246, report deleted. HMC, 8th Rept. App, 169-70 (precedents not printed in full).

ff 195-8
7 May. Minutes of proceedings (with corrections). LJ deleted. HMC, 8th Rept. App, 171-3, in extenso.

ff 199-200
8 May. Introduction to Conference, agreed by HL. LJ, deleted. HMC, 8th Rept. App,

ff 201-12
8 May. Conference with HC. Speeches of Lord Anglesey and Lord Lucas. HL MSS, XI, No 3720.

ff 213-5
15 November 1680. Journal, HL.

ff 213-4
Two discarded leaves of Journal, in Browne’s hand, of proceedings including examination (deleted) of Earl of Peterborough concerning the Popish Plot.

f 215
Part of information laid by Francisco de Feria concerning the above. LJ, XIII, 669-71, in extenso (omitting examination). HL MSS, XI, No 3779.

ff 216-33
4 August – 6 September 1686. Proceedings against the Bishop of London.

ff 216-23
MS account of proceedings against the Bishop of London in the Court of High Commission, with speeches of those present at the Council Chamber, Whitehall for 4, 9, 23, 31 August, 6 September. TB Howell, A Complete Collection of State Trials, XI, 1158-66, in extenso (with some differences in detail).

ff 224-33
MS account [1st leaf missing] of proceedings on 3, 9, 16, 31 August [incomplete]. the two versions are in the same hand but differ considerably in content and expression. HL MSS, XI, No 3789.

ff 234-7
[?1686]. Incomplete memorial to the Duke of [Albermarle] written to dissuade him from voyaging to Jamaica. Cf Braye MS 52, pp 258-60.

ff 238-9
[1668]. Skinner v East India Company. List of precedents cited by Lord Anglesey. Cf ff 203-4 above.

Braye Ms 11 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 12 March 1620/1 – 27 March 1621

A volume of 133 numbered folios plus blanks, in contemporary vellum covers. folio The volume is in the hand of Henry Elsynge, with many deletions and insertions (some in other hands). HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(1).

Braye Ms 12 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 17 April – 18 May 1621

A volume of 144 folios, plus blanks, in contemporary vellum covers. Inscribed on the front cover ‘The firste draught out of the second scrybled booke of the parlement de anno 18 regni regis Jacobi per HE’. the volume is in the hand of Henry Elsynge, with many deletions and insertions. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(2).

Braye Ms 13 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 19 May 1624 – 15 March 1624/5

folios Inscribed on the front cover '‘The thirde parte of the first draughte of the Journall booke de anno 21 Jacobi’. The volume is in the hand of Henry Elsynge, with many deletions and insertions. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(3).

Braye Ms 14 . Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 17 March 1627/8 – 30 April 1628

Folios Inscribed on the front cover '‘Firste Parte. Lune 17 Marcii 1627. Anno Regni Regis Caroli 3. the firste draught. The volume is in the hand of Henry Elsynge, with many deletions and insertions. The marginalia and any substantial variants from the wording of the manuscript Journal are printed in Lords Proceedings 1628 (Proceedings in Parliament 1628, op cit, vol v). HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(4).

Braye Ms 15 . Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 1 May – 26 June 1628

folios Inscribed on the front cover '‘The seconde parte of the first draught of the Journall of parlement. 17 Marcii anno 3 Caroli Regis. Begynningee with 1 May 1628’. The volume is in the hand of Henry Elsynge with many deletions and insertions. The marginalia and any substantial variants from the wording of the manuscript Journal are printed in Lords Proceedings 1628, op cit. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(5).

Braye Ms 16 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 13 April – 5 May 1640

A volume of 47 folios, in contemporary vellum covers, in the hand of John Browne. Browne included notes of speeches and records divisions in the House. There are many deletions and insertions. The Draft Journal for this period, omitting speeches and votes, is HLRO Manuscript Minutes, vol 6. The Scribbled Book is printed in E S Cope and W H Coates (eds), Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (Camden Fourth Series, vol 19, 1977), 53-95, in extenso. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(6) where it is described as a ‘Draft Journal’. Cf Braye MSS 17-20, 22-25, 61, 90, 103.

Braye Ms 17 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 3 November 1640 – 9 February 1640/1

A volume of 137 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. Notes taken by Browne while the House was sitting. There are many deletions and insertions. Speeches and divisions are usually omitted. An assistant clerk also kept notes (Manuscript Minutes, Nos 7-12). The ‘Draft Journals’ for the Long Parliament are the Original Journals, vols 15-47 (:compiled from the two series of notes) of which a fair copy does not appear to have been made (E R Foster, “The Journal of the House of Lords for the Long Parliament”, in B C Malament (ed), After the Reformation (Manchester University Press, 1980), 131-2). HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(7).

Braye Ms 18 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 9 April – 14 June 1641

A volume of 140 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. Notes taken by Browne, form as for Braye MS 17. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(8).

Braye Ms 19 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 15 – 29 June 1641

A volume of 35 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. Notes taken by Browne, form as for Braye MS 17. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(9)..

Braye Ms 20 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 30 June – 23 October 1641

A volume of 187 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. Notes taken by Browne, form as for Braye MS 17. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(10).

Braye Ms 21 Extracts from the House of Lords Journal, 25 June – 7 August 1641

A volume of 23 numbered folios, plus blanks, in contemporary vellum covers. The extracts, in Browne’s hand, concern such matters as peers’ privileges, trials of peers, conferences with HC, and negotiations with the Scottish Commissioners. HL MSS, XI, No 3343(11), where it is described as a ‘Draft Journal’.

Braye Ms 22 A-C Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 25 October 1641 – 14 January 16412

Photographic copies (in three parts) of a volume of 370 pages. Notes taken by Browne, with some entries in another hand, form as for Braye MS 17. For the original (acquired later) see Braye MS 90. HMCB, 125.

Braye Ms 23 A-C Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 15 January – 2 March 1641/2

Photographic copies (in three parts) of a volume of 333 pages. Notes taken by Browne, with some entries in another hand, form as for Braye MS 17. For the original (acquired later) see Braye MS 103. HMCB, 125.

Braye Ms 24 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 4 March 1641/2 –1 April 1642

A volume of 140 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. Notes taken by Browne, with some entries in another hand, form as for Braye MS 17. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(12).

Braye Ms 25 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 2 – 28 April 1642

A volume of 140 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. Notes taken by Browne, with some entries in another hand, form as for Braye MS 17. HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(13).

Braye Ms 26 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 2 –4 May 1660

A MS, of 12 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, with deletions and insertions and includes lists of “presents” and some documents not fully entered in the Journal. For the Draft Journal 25 April – 1 May 1660 see Braye MS 9, folios 1-12. HL MSS, XI, No 3343(14).

Braye Ms 27 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 8 May 1661 – 20 February 1661/2

A volume of 220 folios, in five parts (inscribed ‘Liber A-Liber E’) bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 26, except that documents are not entered more fully than in the Journal. The assistant clerk’s minutes also survive from 1661 onwards (HLRO Manuscript Minutes, vol 13 onwards). HMCB, 125; HL MSS, XI, No 3343(15).

Braye Ms 28 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 3 April – 19 May 1662b

A volume of 70 folios, plus blanks, in two parts (inscribed ‘Liber G and Liber H’) bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Bray MS 27. Signed by a Committee of Peers, on folio 69. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(16).

Braye Ms 29 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 8 February 1662/3 – 11 May 1663

A volume of 49 folios, plus blanks (inscribed ‘Liber A Sessio Secunda’) in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is ins Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(17).

Braye Ms 30 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 8 – 27 July 1663

A volume of 37 folios, plus blanks, in two parts (inscribed ‘Sessio Secunda. Liber C and Liber D’), bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(18).

Braye Ms 31 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 16 March 1663/4 – 13 May 1664

A volume of 47 folios, plus blanks (inscribed ‘Tertio Sessio Parliamenti 1663. Liber A’) in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is almost entirely in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(19).

Braye Ms 32 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 18 September 1666 – 8 February 1666/7

A volume of 149 folios, in three parts (inscribed ‘Sessio Sexta Parliamenti. Anno Regis Caroli Secundi 18°..The second and third parts inscribed ‘Liber Secundus’) bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(20).

Braye Ms 33 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 19 October – 11 December 1669

A volume of 48 folios, plus blanks (inscribed ‘Sessio Octava Parliamenti … Liber Primus’) in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 26. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(21).

Braye Ms 34 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 15 February 1669/70 – 11 April 1670

A volume of 76 folios, in three parts (first part inscribed ‘Sessio nona Parliamenti. Liber Primus’) bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27/ HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(22).

Braye Ms 35 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 24 October 1670 – 7 April 1671

A volume of 145 folios, in three parts, bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(23).

Braye Ms 36 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 24 March 1672/3 – 26 April 1675

A volume of 95 folios, in two parts, bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(24).

Braye Ms 37 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 13 October – 22 November 1675

A volume of 32 folios, plus blanks, in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(25).

Braye Ms 38 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 15 January – 6 March 1677/8

A volume of 37 folios, plus blanks, in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(26).

Braye Ms 39 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 21 October – 16 November 1678

A volume of 44 folios, plus blanks, in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand. form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(27).

Braye Ms 40 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 19 December 1678 – 9 April 1679

A volume of 94 folios, in two parts, bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(28).

Braye Ms 41 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 20 November 1675 – 3 December 1677

A volume of 81 folios, in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal between 16 February 1676/7 and 16 April 1677 is in a hand other than that of Browne, but with side notes by Browne. Lists of “presents” are omitted until 16 July 1677 and some other business is also omitted until that date. HL MSS, XI, No 3343(29).

Braye Ms 42 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 29 June – 20 November 1685

A volume of 27 folios, plus blanks, (inscribed ‘Minute Book begun the 29 Junii 1685’) in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(30).

Braye Ms 43 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 22 January – 4 March 1688/9

A volume of 48 folios, (inscribed ‘The Minute of the Convention’) in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(31).

Braye Ms 44 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 24 April 1689 – 26 January 1689/90

A volume of 215 folios, in five parts (each inscribed “Minute Booke”), bound together in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is almost entirely in Browne’s hand, form as for Braye MS 27. HMCB, 125 HL MSS, XI, No 3343(32).

Braye Ms 45 ‘Parliamentary Manuscripts, 1642-1649’

Photographic copies of documents in a volume sold as lot 109 at Messrs Christie on 23 June 1954. The originals are now preserved in Yale University Library (Osborn MSS). HMCB, no ref.

10 June 1642. Signed Deposition of James Halsall concerning a Proclamation in London against the Militia. LJ, V, 124, in extenso, in oratio obliqua.

15 March 1642/3. HC Orders concerning Article 7 of the proposed Treaty with the King and a Declaration in answer to a Royal Proclamation against taxes levied by Orders or Ordinances. Signed, H Elsynge, Cler Pal D Com CJ, III, 2, in extenso.

12 April 1642. Draft letter of both Houses to the sheriff of Yorkshire in answer to a petition from the county. LJ, IV, 713-4, in extenso.

11 April 1642. Petition of the County of Yorkshire to both Houses. LJ, IV, 711, in extenso.

(a) 11 April 1642. Petition of the County of Yorkshire to the King. Read this day. LJ, IV, 710, in extenso.

(b) 11 April 1642. Copy of the King’s answer to the above, dated 7 April. Signed, Edw Nicholas. LJ, IV, 711, in extenso.

13 June 1642. Copy of the letter from Charles I to William Booth of Killingline, Lincs, requiring his attendance. Dated, York, 24 May. Read this day. LJ, V, 128, in extenso.

28 May 1642. Order of both Houses to prevent arms going to York. Signed, Jo Browne, Cleric, Parliamentor. LJ, V, 89, in extenso.

28 May 1642. Order of both Houses against the levying of troops without consent of Parliament. Signed, Jo Browne, Cleric, Parliamentor. L:J, V, 90, in extenso.

13 June 1642. Letter from William Pelham to Lord Willoughby refusing to deliver up ammunition in his custody. Dated, Brocklesby, 4 June. Read this day. LJ, V, 128, in extenso.

13 June 1642. Letter from the Lord Keeper to Lord Willoughby concerning the Ordinance for the Militia. Signed, Edward Littleton, York, 7 June. Read this day. LJ, V, 128, in extenso.

13 June 1642. Letter from Philip Tyrwhitt to Lord Willoughby refusing to deliver up the magazine in his custody to him. Signed, Phillipp Tyrwhitt, Stamefeild, 8 June. Read this day. LJ, V, 128, in extenso.

12 June 1642. Copy of part of letter from Amsterdam concerning the purchase of arms there. LJ, V, 126, in extenso up to a list of guns. For remainder of the letter see Braye MS 47, No 15.

12 June 1642. Copy of letter from Amsterdam to John Beauchamp, London merchant, concerning trade and the purchase of arms. LJ, V, 126, in extenso.

18 June 1642. Copy of Commission of Array for Leicestershire. LJ, V, 147 (abbreviated).

18 June 1642. Copy of Charles I’s letter to the Commissioners of Array for Leicestershire. Dated, York, 12 June. LJ, V, 148-9, in extenso.

16 July 1642. Report from HC Committee concerning the state of Munster with HC Order for bringing forces there. CJ, II, 679, in extenso.

27 August 1642. Report of proceedings concerning the attempt by the Earl of Southampton to deliver a message to HL from the King. LJ, V, 326, in extenso.

23 September 1642. Copy of Declaration of both Houses sent to the States of Holland. LJ, V, 372, in extenso.

1 July 1642. Copy (with amendments) of Declaration of both Houses concerning the Commission of Array for Leicestershire. LJ, V, 170. Rushworth, III, i, 661-7, in extenso.

26 April 1641. Copy (with amendments) of speech by Edward Hyde against the President and Council of the North at a Conference of both Houses. LJ, IV, 226. Rushworth, III, i, 230-3, in extenso. Cf Braye MS 2, ff 130-5.

3 November 1640. Copy (with amendments) of Lord Keeper’s speech at the Opening of Parliament. LJ, IV, 82. Rushworth, III, i, 12-16, in extenso. Cf Braye MS 10, ff 61-8.

9 March 1643/4. Answer of both Houses to a paper from the Scots Commissioners concerning the Covenant. LJ, VI, 461, in extenso.

27 June 1643. Copy of letter from both Houses to the Estates of Scotland. LI, VI, 112, in extenso.

9 March 1643/4. Additional instructions from both Houses to John, Earl of Rutland, et al, concerning affairs in Scotland and northern England. LJ, VI, 461-3, in extenso.

11 April 1643. Instructions (with amendments) from both Houses to the Committees at Oxford about the Commissioners from Scotland. LJ, V, 713, in extenso.

27 June 1643. Instructions (with amendments) from both Houses to John Corbett concerning his mission to Scotland. LJ, VI, 113, in extenso.

27 June 1643. Copy of letter of credence for John Corbett. LJ, VI, 113, in extenso.

27 June 1643. Copy of letter of both Houses to the Council of Scotland asking for the Earl of Antrim to be handed over for trial. LJ, VI, 113, in extenso.

19 July 1643. Draft declaration (with amendments) of both Houses that six Scottish lords who wrote to the Queen are incendiaries. LJ, Vi, 137, in extenso.

19 July 1643. Copy of letter of credence from both Houses to the States of Scotland for the committees going there. LJ, Vi, 139, in extenso.

19 July 1643. Copy of letter from both Houses to the Earl of Leven asking him to take command if the Scots send an army to assist them. LJ, VI, 139, in extenso.

17 January 1644/5. Copy (with amendments) of the Answer from both Houses and the Scots Commissioners to the King about a Treaty of Peace. LJ, VII, 143, in extenso.

28 January 1644/5. Copy of the Ordinance of both Houses empowering their Commissioners to treat with the King’s Commissioners. LJ, VII, 159, in extenso.

21 March 1644/5. Three papers from the Scots Commissioners concerning their army marching southward and the Scots army in Ireland. Signed, Jo Cheislie, 19 March. LJ, VII, 282-3, in extenso.

25 May 1644. Copy of letter from both Houses to the Parliament of Scotland. LJ, VI, 568-9, in extenso.

20 August
1644. Copy of Commission dated 16 July granted by the Parliament of Scotland to their Commissioners at London to assent to the Propositions. LJ, VI, 681-2, in extenso.

28 June 1645. Copy of letter dated 21 June from the Committee at York to the Earl of Leven about proposed surrender of Carlisle and the Earl’s reply, dated 23 June. Read this day. LJ, VII, 353, in extenso.

14 August 1644. Copy of letter to HL from the Earl of Essex enclosing copy of his letter to Prince Maurice, both dated Lostwithiel, 10 August. Read this day. LJ, VI, 671, in extenso.

20 September 1645. Orders of the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and the Cinque Ports. LJ, VII, 589, in extenso.

5 December 1644. Copy of letter, dated 22 November, concerning coal sent from Newcastle for the London poor. Read this day. LJ, VII, 88, in extenso.

24-26 September 1644. Minutes of the Committee of both Kingdoms concerning Col Butler and the loss in the west. Read 3 December. LJ, VII, 83, in extenso.

29 April 1645. Letter from Lord Leven to the Committee of both Kingdoms, dated, Newcastle, 22 April. Read this day. LJ, VII, 343-4.

2 April 1645. Copy of Declaration of the Lord General (Earl of Essex) on delivering up his Commission. LJ, VII, 300, in extenso.

2 April 1645. Draft Heads (with amendments) for a Conference with HC about the Lord General etc. LJ, VII, 301, in extenso.

10 May 1645. HC Resolutions concerning the Scots Army. Entered in Commons Journal under 9 May. CJ, IV, 137, in extenso.

23 September 1645. Copy of letter from General Robert Russell to the Earl of Warwick concerning defence of Guernsey. Dated, Guernsey, 16 September. Read this day. LJ, VII, 594, in extenso.

23 September 1645. Information concerning a fleet fitted out at Falmouth, designed against Guernsey. LJ, VII, 593, in extenso.

23 September 1645. Copy of letter from Peter de Beavoir et al concerning the King’s designs against Guernsey. Dated Guernsey, 13 September. Read this day. LJ, VII, 590, in extenso.

23 September 1645. Copy of letter from above asking for free export of wool to Guernsey etc. Dated, Guernsey, 31 August. Read this day. LJ, VII, 597-8, in extenso.

9 October 1645. Paper from the Scots Commissioners concerning Scots Army and the Propositions for Peace. Signed Jo Cheisley. LJ, VII, 630-1, in extenso.

/53 20 November 1645. Translation of letter from The Governor of Flanders about trade and the restitution of ships taken. Dated Brussels, 28 October. Read this day. LJ, VII, 714, in extenso.

/54 8 November 1645. Declaration (dated 25 October) of the knights, gentlemen and freeholders of Co Glamorgan that they will adhere to Parliament. Read this day. LJ, VII, 682-3, in extenso. Braye Ms 46 A Continuation of Braye MS 45

/55 11 November 1645. Copy of Petition of the Governor and Company of Russia Merchants. LJ, VII, 695-6, in extenso.

/56 17 December 1645. Copy of letter from Charles I to HL asking for a pass for his Commissioners to come to London. Dated, Oxford, 15 December. Read this day. LJ, VIII, 46, in extenso.

/57 28 November 1645. Copy of letter from Walter Strickland concerning relations with the Netherlands, Spain, France etc. Dated, The Hague, 20 November. Read this day. LJ, VIII, 15, in extenso.

/58-93 15-22 November 1646. Papers relating to negotiations between the Marquess of Ormonde and the Parliamentary Commissioners for the surrender of Dublin and all other garrisons under his command. Cf LJ, VIII, 522, Rushworth, IV, i, 420-43.

/58-9, 61, 64, 66, 69, 71, 74-5, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87-8, 91-2 15-22 November. Papers from Lord Ormonde. Rushworth, IV, i, 420-43, in extenso.

/60, 62-3, 65, 67-8, 70, 72-3, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 89-90, 93 15-22 November. Papers from Robert Meredith, Thomas Wharton, Robert King, John Clotworthy and Richard Salwey, Commissioners. Ibid, 421-43, in extenso.

/94 5 February 1646/7. Copy of letter from both Houses to the Parliament of Scotland desiring the delivery of Belfast to the English forces. LJ, VIII, 708-9, in extenso.

/95 2 December 1646. Report from the Speaker, HC, concerning correspondence with the Scots Commissioners. Signed H. Elsynge, Cler, Parl, D Com. CJ, IV, 736, in extenso.

/96-102 11-19 June 1647. Papers concerning relations between the City of London and the army.

/96 17 June 1647. Message dated 15 June from the Common Council of the City of London concerning their meeting with Sir Thomas Fairfax. Signed Michell LJ, IX, 274, in extenso.

/97 17 June 1647. Copy of letter, dated 14 June, from Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Council of War to the Commissioners of the City desiring them to prevent levies of men to oppose the army. Signed Jo Rushworth, Secr. LJ, IX, 275, in extenso.

/98 11 June 1647. Copy of petition from the Common Council to Parliament for orders to be given that the army should not come near London. LJ, IX, 256-7, in extenso.

/99 11 June 1647. Copy of letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax, Oliver Cromwell and other officers to the Common Council stating that they are leading the army towards London to obtain their demands of Parliament but will not harm the City. Dated, Royston, 10 June. Read this day. LJ, IX, 257, in extenso.

/100 19 June 1647. Copy of letter, dated 18 June, from the Common Council to the Council of War to preserve good relations between them. Read this day. LJ, IX, 281, in extenso.

/101 17 June 1647. Copy of letter from the Council of War to the Common Council promising to withdraw further from London as soon as Parliament agrees to certain Resolutions. Dated, St Albans, 15 June. Read this day. LJ, IX, 275, in extenso.

/102 19 June 1647. Copy of request, dated 18 June, of the Common Council that soldiers recently enlisted may be discharged. Read this day. LJ, IX, 281-2, in extenso.

/103 (a) 17 January 1647/8. Copy (in Browne’s hand) of Declaration of the Council of War that they will maintain the rights and privileges of the Peers. Dated, Windsor, 9 January. HL answer to the above. LJ, IX, 664, in extenso. (b) 6 May 1648. Copy (in Browne’s hand) of Resolutions of both Houses that they will not alter the fundamental government of the kingdom and will maintain the Covenant, etc. LJ, X, 247, in extenso.

/104 16 November 1647. Resolutions of both Houses concerning Propositions to be present to the king. Referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms. LJ, IX, 527; CJ, V, 360, in extenso.

/105 20, 22 November 1647. Resolutions of both Houses and of the Committee of both Kingdoms for the Scots Commissioners to be pressed for an answer concerning the Propositions. LJ, IX, 534, 537-8; CJ, V, 366, in extenso.

/106 15, 16 December 1647. HC Resolution concerning an answer to the Scots Commissioners. Referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms. CJ, V, 386-7, in extenso.

/107 17 June 1647. Orders, dated 12 and 16 June, of the Committee of Safety concerning assembly of forces. Read this day. LJ, IX, 275, in extenso.

/108 14 September 1647. Account of the presentation of Propositions to the king. LJ, IX, 434, in extenso.

/109 26 October 1647. Resolution of both Houses about presenting Propositions to the king. Referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms. LJ, IX, 495, in extenso.

/110 11 November 1647. Resolution of both Houses for the Propositions to be communicated to the Scots Commissioners. Referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms. LJ, IX, 518, in extenso.

/111 17 January 1647/8, 6 May 1648. Duplicate of 103.

/112 3 January 1645/6. Copy of answer of both Houses to the King’s letter expressing a wish to come to Parliament. LJ, VIII, 81-2, in extenso.

/113 12 July 1649. Copy of letter from Lord Derby to General Ireton refusing to surrender the Isle of Man to him. Peck, Desiderata Curiosa, op cit, II, 451, in extenso.

Braye Ms 47 Miscellaneous Parliamentary and Other Manuscripts

Photographic copies of a volume of documents sold as lot 110 at Messrs Christie on 23 June 1954. The originals are now preserved in Yale University Library (Osborn MSS). The documents are mostly those which were undated and difficult to identify. HMCB, no ref.

/1 [14 June 1642]. Petition of the knights, gentry, etc, of Somerset for the removal of all ‘misunderstandings’ between the King and Parliament. LJ, V, 133-4, in extenso.

/2 3 June 1685. Copy of Protest of the Earl of Anglesey and other Lords against engrossing the Bill reversing the attainder of Viscount Stafford. LJ, XIV, 29, in extenso.

/3 7 May 1662. Report (with corrections) of a Conference between the Houses concerning the Bill for Uniformity. LJ, XI, 446-50, in extenso.

/4 [post 1660] Copy (in Browne’s hand) of a Message from the King to HC concerning granting a supply for the navy.

/5 [post 1660] Rough draft of above.

/6 [? 1642] Petition of the gentry and freeholders of the county of York to the King for the preservation of union within the kingdom.

/7 [21 February 1670/1] Heads or clauses of the Petition to prevent the growth of popery. Cf CJ, IX, 206.

/8 10 March 1670/2. Report (with corrections) of the Conference on the Petition to the King against the growth of popery. LJ, XII, 449-51, in extenso.

/9 [August 1640]. Copy of Grounds of Exception and Petition of the gentry and clergy of the county of Devon to the Lords of the Privy Council against the Oath etc required in the sixth canon of Synod of 1640. Cf Braye MS 2, ff 119-20. Rushworth, II, 1207-9, in extenso.

/10 14 January 1640/1. Copy of speech (lacking conclusion) by Lord Falkland after the reading of the Articles of Impeachment against Lord Keeper Finch. For conclusion see Braye MS 2, ff 102-3. Nalson, I, 726, in extenso.

/11 8 March 1672/3. Copy (with correction) of King’s Answer to an Address against the increase of Popery. LJ, XII, 549, in extenso.

/12 15 June 1644. Copy of examination of Lord Chandos concerning Lord Conway’s intention to leave Oxford. LJ, VI, 592, in extenso.

/13 [post 6 February 1645/6]. Testimony (deleted) of Walter Frost concerning letters allegedly taken from the Earl of Northumberland’s lodgings by Monsieur Montreul. Cf CJ, Iv, 430. Further testimony by Frost concerning printing at Edinburgh of speeches made in the Painted Chamber.

/14 [post 21 February 1642/3]. The Lords’ alterations to the Propositions to be presented to the King for a Cessation of Arms. Cf LJ, V, 612, seq.

/15 12 June 1642. List of arms appended to letter from Amsterdam (Braye MS 45/12), with deleted notes concerning jewels. LJ, V, 126, in extenso(list not notes).

/16 20 January 1640/1. Report by the Earl of Warwick of a Conference with HC, concerning Ship Money and a speech (incomplete) by Mr St John. LJ, IV, 136.

/17 28 October 1689. Earl of Salisbury’s answer to his impeachment for treason. LJ, XIV, 327, in extenso.

/18 [? December 1646]. Memorandum concerning the appointment of Thomas Smith as a Commissioner of the Navy. Cf LJ, VIII, 609.

/19 Nd. Copy of message from the Kin concerning Sir Richard Temple’s petition. Superscribed, Charles R, LJ, CJ, no ref.

/20 [? post 22 November 1646]. Copy of letter from two of the Parliamentary Commissioners concerning failure of negotiations with Lord Ormonde. Signed, Thomas Wharton, R Salwey. Cf Braye MS 46/58-93.

/21 Nd. Deposition by Thomas Pratt of Chipping Warden, Co Northants concerning lands there.

/22 [post February 1645]. Draft ‘Reasons why the Lords adhere to thiere former vote’ concerning a treaty with the King (refers to previous negotiations at Uxbridge).

/23 [pre 1668]. List of Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament (including Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor). Presents are marked.

/24 [? 1660]. ‘the Names of the Peeres of England according to their creation and Precedency’ (includes Henry, duke of Gloucester). Endorsed ‘corrected by the lyst delivered in by Sir Edward Walker, Garter of Armes’. Some titles marked extinct.

/25 [20 March 1620/1 – 24 April 1621]. Memoranda in Browne’s hand) of proceedings in HL mostly concerning charges against the Lord Chancellor and Sir Giles Mompesson. LJ, III, 56-82.

/26 Nd. Declaration concerning the government of the Church of England. Endorsed ‘the Answere drawne up by the Lords Committees for church Government’.

/27 [? 1686]. Copy of an ‘Address of the Scotch Lords to the King’, refers to King’s proposal of toleration for Roman Catholics. Amongst the signatories is the earl of Perth, Lord Chancellor.

/28 Nd. Note of penalties against peers for non-attendance or departing from parliament without leave. 3 Edward III – 31 Henry V.

/29 29 April 1640. Summary (in Browne’s hand) of report by the Lord Keeper of a speech by Mr Pym at a Conference between the Houses. LJ, IV, 72-3 ?fuller version of speech).

/30 [10 April 1563 – 6 December 1610]. Precedents for Prorogations of Parliament.

/31 Nd. Draft Bill for the taking of a declaration against taking arms against the King, etc.

/32 [? 1642]. Paper entitled ‘the Consequence of the Trade and Convoy’. Refers to attacks by the Dutch on convoys of merchant ships trading between Dover and Dunkirk. Cf LJ, V, 238.

/33 Nd. Precedents, in Browne’s hand, concerning the role of the Commons in Impeachments, Edward III – Henry IV.

/34 16 March 1642/3. Mr Pym’s report from the Committee appointed to consider the seventh Article of the proposed Treaty with the King and the reasons why they cannot agree with HL in the seventh Article. CJ, III, 3, in extenso. Cf Braye MS 45/2.

/35 20 March 1688/9. Draft amendment to the Bill for abrogating the Paths of Allegiance and Supremacy. LJ, XIV, 154, in extenso

/36 22 April 1671. Speeches of the Speaker of HC (incomplete) and the King at the Prorogation (in oratio recta). LJ, XII, 514-6, in extenso (in oratio obliqua).

/37 27 January 1670/1. Report (in oratio recta) of Conference with HC on the Bill to prevent malicious maiming and wounding. LJ, XII, 413-16, in extenso (in oratio obliqua).

/38 16 June 1685. List of Acts receiving Royal Assent.

/39 Nd. Lord Keeper’s speech on Prorogation.

/40- Nd. Rough notes by Browne of HL business and of ‘goods sold and works done for Mr Coles by Jennings’.

/41 [Temp Henry VIII]. Extract from the Black Book of the Garter concerning the Office of Black Rod. Braye Ms 48 A Continuation of Braye MS 47

/42 Nd. List of lords for a committee?

/43 22 June 1685. King’s message concerning the capture of the Earl of Argyle, HL Address of Thanks and King’s Answer. LJ, XIV, 52, in extenso.

/44 24 March 1672/3. Summary report of conference with HC concerning Bill against Popish Recusants. LJ, XII, 567-8, in extenso.

/45 [1660-66]. Provisoes etc, in money bills.

/46 [1621-8]. Lists, in Browne’s hand, of Bills read twice and three times.

/47 Nd. ‘Noates and observacions upon the Statute of Magna Carta ca 9 and other Statues concerning the proceeding in the Chauncerie in cases of Equitie and conscence’. In Robert Bowyer;s hand.

/48 Nd. Clerk’s note on the first Journal preserved in the Parliament Office.

/49 [1606-7]. Copy, in Bowyer’s hand, of summary of the Parliament Roll for this Session.

/50 [1388]. Translation of certain of the articles of the appeal in Parliament against the Archbishop of York, Robert de Vere, Michael de la Pole, Robert Tresilian and Nicholas Brembre. cf Rot Parl, III, 231-6.

/51 [1388]. Extract from the Rolls of Parliament, II Richard II. Ibid 237.

/52 Nd. Copy of the Speaker’s claim of privilege to the King.

/53 [post 1660]. List of grants made by the King to Lord Herbert and others.

/54 [1660-71]. List, in Browne’s hand, of ‘Bills of Money and Supply granted to the King since his Restauration’.

/55 Nd. Note and paper, in Browne’s hand, on ‘the Papists Opinion of the Real Presence’.

/56 Nd. Latin verses sent from Christ Church to Mr Laud of Balliol. Annexed. Latin discourse entitled ‘Orator poetae praeferendus’.

/57 12 September 1690. List of Presents and note of prorogation to 2 October. LJ, XIV, 512, in extenso.

/58 Nd. Copy of the Coronation Oath.

/59 6 April 1638. ‘a Catalogue of what Journall Bookes I rec’d from Mr Knevitts executors’, in Browne’s hand.

/60 [1579-84]. Copies, in Browne’s hand, of ‘Directions for Preachers’ nd; ‘The speech which Mr Stubbes made before the cutting off of his right hand. November 3, 1579’; ‘The Rules to be observed in the Translation of the Bible’ with ‘the Places and persons agreed upon for the Hebrew and the Greek’; ‘Certain Requests made by the lower house to Parliament holden 1584 to the Bishops’ (with answers). [1579-84]. Copies, in Browne’s hand, of ‘Directions for Preachers’ nd; ‘the speech which Mr Stubbes made before the cutting off of his right hand. November 3 1579’; ‘the Rules to be observed in the Translation of the Bible’ with ‘the Places and persons agreed upon for the Hebrew and the Greek’; ‘Certain Requests made by the lower house in Parliament holden 1584 to the Bishops’ (with answers).

/61 [1376]. Copy (in translation) of proceedings in Impeachment of Lord John Neville. Rot Parl, II, 328-9.

/62 [November 1635]. Copy of grant in reversion to Daniel Bedingfield of office of Clerk of the Parliaments.

/63 26 February 1646/7. Oxford. Letter from Thomas Trulocke to his landlord John Browne concerning purchase of a copyhold etc.

/64 [3 October 1671]. Copy of letter of appointment by Sir Thomas Crew of Steane, Co Northants of Thomas Rogers as his gamekeeper.

/65 21 May 1640. Notes of payment made by William Spencer and John Browne to Gamaliell Catelyn.

/66 [13 March 1638]. Copy of grant to John Browne of office of Clerk of the Parliaments with reversion to Robert Packer.

/67 Nd. Notes on the history of Waltham and Coggeshall Abbeys.

/68 [c 1500]. List of gifts of land and rents to Sulby Abbey.

/69 Nd. Notes on procedure in manorial courts.

/70 4 October 1647. Order for making a rate in the parish of Twickenham.

/71 [1604-5]. Paper entitled ‘Arguments against worshipping the Host’.

/72 30 March 1670. Brief of Thomas Davison Estate Bill. Read 1a this day. LJ, XII, 332.

/73 26 March 1670. Brief of Dean of St Paul’s Bill. Read 1a this day. LJ, XII, 325.

/74 [post 1665]. Brief of Dean of St Paul’s Bill. Read 1a this day. LJ, XII, 324.

/75 [post 1665]. Case of Joseph Primate for an Estate Bill. LJ, no ref.

/76 23 February 1669/70. Brief of Manor of Thornbury Bill. Read 1a this day. LJ, XII, 293.

/77 1 March 1669/70. Printed case of Richard and John Beckham for an Estate Bill. Bill read 1a this day. LJ, XII, 296.

/78 2 March 1669/70. Brief of Manor of Firbeck Bill. Read 1a this day. LJ, XII, 297.

/79 1 March 1669/70. Brief of Lady Lee’s Estate Bill. Read 1a this daya. LJ, XII, 296. Braye Ms 49 A Continuation of Braye MSS 47 and 48

/80 2 March 1669/70. Petition of Lady Elizabeth Routh for a Bill. LJ, XII, 297.

/81 [3 June 1670]. Order of the Commissioners for Charitable Uses concerning property in Chipping Warden, Co Northants. LJ, no ref.

/82 a-d 2 May 1678. Anglo-Dutch Treaty Papers 9translated). a) Article concerning Freiburg, 16/26 January 1677/8. b) Article concerning Lorraine and Sweden, 16/26 January 1677/8. c) Declaration concerning the Emperor and Empire, 16/26 January 1677/8. d) Declaration of the States Deputies about the towns to be restored to Spain, 16/26 January 1677.8 Read this day.. LJ, XIII, 210. See also Braye MS 3, ff 119-24.

/83 [? 1638]. Draft agreement for John Browne, Edward Bagshawe and Thomas Hughes to purchase the manor and rectory of Radstone, Co Northants. Cf Braye MS 2, ff 44-5.

/84 [? 2 December 1575]. A note of the annual revenues of every bishopric in England and Wales.

/85 Nd. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of the second Address the King by the Commission for Public Accounts and message to HC, concerning HL powers in financial matters.

/86 Nd. Reasons to be presented at a Conference concerning a clause to change the Commission of Sewers in Co Lincoln.

/87 Nd. Genealogical table of the Browne, Heyward and Camvile families.

/88 [? early seventeenth century]. Survey of Fotheringay College, Co Northants.

/89 Nd. Assessment of the Hundred of Goodlaxton for the maintenance of married soldiers.

/90 1739. Copy of decree of the Convocation of Oxford concerning Robert Thistlethwaite DD (Latin).

/91 Nd. Notes, Browne’s hand, on ‘Mr Pryn against Cosins’ (William Prynne’s criticism of the Laudian John Cosin); ‘Heylin’s History of Laud’ and ‘Mr Pryns Plea for the Lords and House of Peers’.

/92 September 1665. Copy of the Earl of Sandwich’s account of a naval battle with the Dutch.

/93 16 April 1689. HL amendments to an Address from HC, thanking the King for his care of the Protestant Religion. LJ, XIV, 176-7.

/94 6 May 1689. Precedents cited in the Earl of Devonshire’s claim of breach of privilege. LJ, XIV, 201-3.

/95 21 November 1689. Receipt by David Short for payment for pictures made for John Browne.

/96 29 January 1683. Letter from Edmund Bromwich to John Browne.

/97 25 April 1673. Order of the Court of Chancery in the cause John Browne et al v Bernard Maunder et al.

/98 9, 13 July 1655. Two Orders in the cause of John Browne v Sir Gerrard Fleetwood.

/99 17 November 1670. Cusack et al v Usher. note on the cause. LJ, XII, 366.

/100 2 April 1748. Copy of quotation in the ‘Westminster Journal’ from a pamphlet against an Act for vesting in his Majesty the estates of certain traitors and an Act for abolishing heritable jurisdictions in Scotland.

/101 [Edward III – Philip and Mary]. ‘A extract of subsidies of the expressions of granting them’. Copies, in Browne’s hand, of the preambles to grants of subsidiese.

/102 Nd. Incomplete note on Acts concerning treason.

/103 Nd. ‘My evidence in open court, delivered at the Assizes of Northampton, three several times upon command’. Testimony concerning the making of Sir Euseby Andrewes’ will. Signed Jo Cotta.

/104 [post 1592]. Genealogical tree of descendants of John Gardiner of Wadesmill, Co Herts.

/105 1 December 1601. ‘Discourse to their Lordships on behalf of the Puritans.’ MS tract of 31 pp.

/106 8 February 1646/7. Answer of the East India Company to HL. Refers to Mr Courteene. Cf LJ, IX, 20.

/107 18 December 1689. Receipt of payment for goods by James Calcut, on behalf of John Browne.

/108 Nd. Extracts, in Browne’s hand, from a book concerning Cromwell’s government.

/109 1666. Printed list of ships in the enavy with the number of men and guns. /110 [1647]. Printed descent of Godfrey, Earl of Augy or Ewe in Normandy? relating to the claim of Sir Henry Mildmay to the barony of FitzWalter. LJ, IX, 329.

Braye Ms 50 Miscellaneous Parliamentary Manuscripts Photographic copies of documents sold as lot III at Messrs Christie on 23 June 1954. The originals are now preserved in Yale University Library (Osborn MSS).

HMCB, no ref.

pp 1-33 [c 1607-10]. ‘A Breife Collection of all generall Penall statues now in force and in use…’ A paper volume of 33 pp signed by Thomas Ash and owned by John Browne. The statutes are l listed under subject headings.

pp 34-108 1621-9. A paper volume of 72 pp in vellum covers made from a medieval commentary on the ‘Perambulation of the Forest’. pp 34-5 Vellum cover.

pp 36-7 17 March 1628. Copy of the King’s Speech. LJ, III, 687, in extenso.

p 38 22 March 1627/8. Copy of Sir Francis Seymour’s speech. Proceedings in Parliament 1628, op cit, vol II, 55-7, in extenso with verbal differences.

p 39 22 March 1627/8. Copy of Sir Thomas Wentworth’s speech. Ibid 60-1, in extenso with verbal differences.

p 40 26 March 1628. Copy of the propositions sent by the King to HC. Ibid 121, in extenso with verbal differences. pp 42-5 26 January 1629/9. Copy of Francis Rous’s speech touching religion. Commons Debates for 1629, eds W Notestein and FH Relf (University of Minnesota, 1921), 12-14, in extenso.

pp 46-7 11 May 1626. HC Message to HL concerning the Duke of Buckingham. LJ, III, 592, in extenso with slight verbal differences.

pp 48-61 3 June 1628. Copy of Sir John Eliot’s speech. Proceedings in Parliament 1628, op cit, vol IV, 60-6, in extenso with verbal differences.

pp 62-76 14 June 1628. HC Remonstrance to the King. Ibid, 311-17, in extenso.

pp 77-80 [c 1626-9]. Address to the King concerning the Duke of Buckingham.

pp 81-107 [16211-6]. Copies of speeches in HC referring to Count Mansfeld etc and copy of letter from Pope Gregory XV to Louis XIII, 4 September 1621.

pp 108-9 Vellum cover see pp 34-5. Braye Ms 51 A Continuation of Braye MS 50

pp 110-14 [c 1625]. ‘A Catalogue of the Nobility of England according to their Creations’. List of peers in order of creation, Henry II – I Car I.

p 115 25 June 1640. Copy of receipt by John Browne for his quarterly annuity of £10 from the Hanaper. p 116 Nd. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of Spiritual and Temporal Peers’ act of homage to the King.

pp 118-120 Nd. Notes, in Browne’s hand, on the use of “busses” and their effect on commerce with the Dutch.

pp 120-5 [1626] ‘Certaine generall rules Collected concerning money and bullion out of the late Consultacion at Court by Sir Robert Cotton kt and Barronett and delivered to his Majesty at the Bord’. Incomplete treatise.

pp 126-248 26 March – 3 May 1621. Copy of proceedings in HL including the trials of Sir Giles Mompesson, Lord Chancellor Bacon, Sir Henry Yelverton, Sir Francis Mitchell and Mathias Fowles. The order of the entries is somewhat confused. LJ, III, 68-106, in extenso with verbal differences.

p 249 A continuation of pp 120-5. pp 250-5 [Easter Term, 1628]. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of Charles I’s questions to the Judges and their answers concerning Habeas Corpus etc. Cf SR Gardiner, History of England, VI, 294-6.

pp 256-7 Nd. ‘An Answer touching Scutage’. Notes in Browne’s hand.

Braye Ms 52 A Continuation of Braye MSS 50-1

pp 258-60 [? 1686]. “Reasons humbly offered to the Duke of Albemarle against his going Governor of Jamaica”. Cf Braye MS 10, ff 234-7. pp 260-6 [? 1640]. Schedule of fees payable to the Clerk of the Parliaments, Gentleman Usher, Chief Clerk and Yeoman Usher by the Lords at their first coming to Parliament. Also fees for proxies, for Public and Private Bills, judicial fees etc. Cf ER Foster, The Housue of Lords, 1603-1649, 249.

pp 267-329 (28 November 1646). ‘A Declaration of the Lords and Commons in Answer to the Scotch Papers’. Copy of the Declaration with references to the Lords and other amendments inserted. HC Order to print, this day. CJ, IV, 730. Printed as ‘The Answer of the Commons assembled in Parliament, to the Scots Commissioners Papers of the 20th and their Letter of the 24th of October last’ (concerning the disposal of the person of the King). Rushworth, IV, pt I, 342-73, in extenso.

pp 330-416 [1624-5]. Paper volume endorsed, in the hand of Henry Elsynge, ‘Modus tenendi parl apud Anglos’.

pp 332-5 ‘Modus tenendi Parliamentum apud Anglos in 2 bookes’. List of the contents of the eight chapters of Book One published in 1660 as The Manner of Holding Parliaments in England.

p 336 ‘The seconde booke shall have 11 chapters’. List, in Elsynge’s hand, of the proposed 11 chapters of Book Two, never completed. Cf CS Sims (ed), Expedicio Billarum antiquitus (Louvain, 1954), p XX; ER Foster, The Painful Labour of Mr Elsyng (1972), 35-60. pp 337-416 Draft of ‘Summons’ (of Peers to Parliament), chapter I of Book One, with annotations by Elsynge.

Braye Ms 53

Miscellaneous Parliamentary and other Manuscripts Photographic copies of documents sold as lot 112 at Messrs Christie on 23 June 1954. The originals are now preserved in Yale University Library (Osborn MSS).

HMCB, no ref.

/1 [? late 15th century]. Memorandum concerning descent and tenure of lands.

/2 [c 1610]. Notes in the hand of Robert Bowyer on formulae to be written on Bills and precedents concerning amendments.

/3 [16 May 1645]. Notes of Proceedings, HL, made by John Browne. LJ, VII, 375. Browne appears to have taken these notes (which contain details, particularly of Appeal Cases, not in the Journals) in place of the earlier “scribbled books”. Many are to be found in the Main Papers, eg 26 May, 8, 10 June, 20, 25, 29 July 1643 (ER Foster), The House of Lords 1603-1649, 54, 248). In this and subsequent examples, the notes may cover several days’ sittings and it is not always possible to identify the overall dates.

/4 29 January 1640/1. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, IV, 147, et seq.

/5 27 February 1640/1. HL. Orders for vacats to be made of entries in the records concerning Ship Money. Ibid 173.

/6 17-19 March 1640/1. Draft, with amendments, of Orders and Directions concerning the trial of the Earl of Strafford and notes of other proceedings. Ibid, 187-90.

/7 Nd. Notes on the books of Declarations (1641-6).

/8 9 July – 28 August 1641. HL Diary Sheets, in Browne’s hand.

/9 18 June – 7 July 1660. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, XI, 67-85.

/10 18 July 1660, etc. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid, 96 et seq.

/11 21-23 August 1660. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 136-8.

/12 [1661-6]. Notes of proceedings in Earl of Banbury’s case, etc.

/13 3-5 March 1661/2. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, XI, 397-9.

/14 26 November – 3 December 1660. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 192-7.

/15 4-6 September 1660, etc. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 154 et seq.

/16 16 January – 22 February 1661/2. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 365-92.

/17 18-21 March 1661/2. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 410-13.

/18 10 April – 12 May 1662. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 426-56.

/19 12-23 June 1663. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 536-42.

/20 10 October – 8 November 1667. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, XII, 115-32.

/21 26 March – 24 April 1668. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 209-34.

/22 29 February – 17 March 1667/8. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid, 194-208.

/23 19 October – 15 November 1669. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 251-67.

/24 15 May – 16 June 1660. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, XI, 28-65.

/25 27 January – 14 March 1670/1. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, XII, 413-57.

/26 5 February – 14 March 1672/3. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 532-56.

/27 21 October – 8 November 1678. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, XIII, 293-343.

/28 25 November – 12 December 1678. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 375-422.

/29 10 April – 2 May 1679. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 510-50.

/30 12-27 May 1679. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 568-95.

/31 15 November 1680, etc. Notes of Proceedings, HL Ibid 666 et seq.

/32 20-22 March, 15 April 1688/9. Notes of Proceedings, HL LJ, XIV, 154-7, 175. Braye Ms 54 A continuation of Braye MS 53

/33 1609-12. Allowances to Robert Barker, the King’s Printer, for paper, books etc, for the use of Parliament.

/34 28 July 1610. Allowance to Ralph Ewens, Clerk of the Commons, with note by Robert Bowyer (8 November 1614).

/35 June - November 1611. Receipts from Chancery for returns to Writs of Certiorari made by Robert Bowyer.

/36 October 1601. Note of fees paid to the Clerk of the Parliaments for Lord Montague’s admission and proxy and for Lord Cromwell’s proxy.

/37 March 1609/10. Draft articles of agreement between Robert Bowyer and Owen Reynolds ‘underclerk’, in Bowyers hand, see Foster, The House of Lords 1603-1649, 57-8.

/39 15 February 1609/10. Note of sums paid by Peers.

/40 4 April 1614. bill for books, paper, parchment etc, supplied by Robert Barker, king’s Printer, signed by Henry Elsynge.

/41 10 February 1603/4. Similar bill, signed by Robert Barker.

/42 20 January 1620/1. List of peers in receipt of Writs of Summons.

/43 29 January 1640/1. Copy of Remonstrance of both Houses to the King concerning Jesuits. Rushworth, III, I, 158-60, in extenso with verbal differences.

/44 Nd. List, in Browne’s hand, of ‘Bills to be re-enacted’.

/45 20 June 1667. Copy of Order in the Queen’s Council concerning alleged arreats of rent for land held by Browne in Twickenham.

/46 17 August 1666. Account of feoffees for charitable uses for lands in Chipping Warden, Co Northants, for previous three years.

/47 9 September 1661. Copy of Warrant for the disinterment of bodies of persons (named) buried in Henry VII’s and other chapels in Westminter Abbey and their re-burial in Abbey churchyard. JG Nichols, Collectanea topographica et genealogica, VIII (1843), 152-4, in extenso.

/48 20 January – 10 March 1628/9. An abstract of business in HL, under various heads.

/49 16 December 1661, 9 January 1661/2. Note of evidence in Thynne v Thynne. LJ, XI, 351, 361.

/50 20 January 1628/9. List of Peers present. LJ, IV, 5.

/51 [29 October 1605]. Copy of letter written to Lord Monteagle (warning of the Gunpowder Plot).

/52 29 December 1660. List of Acts. LJ, XI, 235.

/53 21 March 1669/70. Brief of the Brandon and Waveney Rivers Bill, read 1a this day. LJ, XII, 319.

/54 13 May 1661. Draft Vote of both Houses concerning the King’s marriage. LJ, XI, 252, in extenso.

/55 13 May 1662. Proviso in the Militia bill. Ibid 458, in extenso.

/56 16 May 1662. Another proviso in the same. Ibid 464, in extenso.

/57 19 May 1662. Draft statement of the privilege of Peers concerning Money Bills. Ibid, in extenso.

/58 31 May 1661. Message from HC concerning a fast. Ibid 269, in extenso.

/59 30 July 1661. Draft HL Protestation, with amendments, concerning their privileges regarding Money Bills. Ibid 328, in extenso.

/60 20 December 1661. List of bills receiving the Royal Assent. Ibid 358.

/61 22 February 1661/2. Draft Report of the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas concerning Yarmouth and Lowestoft fisheries. Ibid 392 in extenso.

/62 (a) 22 March 1587/8. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of HL refusal to read revised Hanford Estate Bill sent from HC. LJ, II, 141, in extenso. (b) 30 July 1661. Fair copy of 59 above.

/63 [1662-6]. Precedents where both Houses, jointly and apart, made Addresses to the King.

/64 5 May 1664. Copy of HL Order for keeping open the sewer near the Parliament Office. LJ, XI, 608, in extenso.

/65 9 November 1666. Message from HC, concerning Committee on Public Accounts. LJ, XII, 24-5, in extenso.

/66 19 November 1666. Draft HL Order for Lord Butler to apologise to Lord Ashley for remarks reflecting on him. Ibid 31, in extenso.

/67 28 November 1666. HL Order to Black Rod for the release of Dr Wake from custody. Signed John Browne. Ibid 37, in extenso.

/68 5 May 1668. HL request to the King to defer Adjournment so that the House may assert its privileges. Ibid loc cit.

/70 9 May 1668. Report of the King’s speech to both Houses concerning Skinner v the East India Company. HL Resolution and Order that proceedings concerning Skinner be erased from the records. Cf blanks in Journal. Ibid 247.

/71 1 March 1669/70. Brief for Beckham’s Estate Bill, read 1a this day. Ibid 296.

/72 18 March 1669/70. Abstract of Deeping Fens Bills, read 1a this day. Ibid 313.

/73 Nd. Draft Declaration of both Houses concerning the government of the Church of England.

/74 14 July 1643. Draft letter from both Houses to the Lords and Commissioners for the Conservation of the Peace concerning the Committee to be sent to Scotland. Lj, VI, 131.

/75 8 March 1672/3. Draft report, in Browne’s hand, of the King’s Answer to the Address against the increase of popery. LJ, XII, 549, in extenso.

/76 Nd. Parliament’s answer to the States General’s propositions. Braye Ms 55 A continuation of Braye MSS 53-4. /77 Nd. List, in Browne’s hand, of ships in the navy. Cf Braye Ms 3, ff 150-73.

/78 Nd. ‘Instructions by the Earl of Montrose, Lord Napier, Lords of Keire and Blackhall’, satirical in tone. /79 [post 1660]. The case of William Whitehead of Winchester, King’s Messenger. Seeks redress for goods plundered by parliamentary forces and for money sent to Lord Hopton in 1643-4.

/80 5 May 1640. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of the King’s speech on the dissolution. LJ, IV, 81, in extenso.

/81 Nd. HC Resolution granting supply to the King.

/82 22 July 1640. Notes in Browne’s hand of payment of ‘Coat and Conduct Money’ in Feltham, Hampton Wick, Sunbury and Bedfont Co Middlesex.

/83-4 5 April 1614. notes by Elsynge of the King’s speech. Endorsed by Bowyer “My nephew Ellsyng did set this day as my clerke and tooke thes noates”. Cf Maija Jansson (ed0, Proceedings in Parliament 1614 (House of Commons), 13-19.

/85 Nd. notes in Elsynge’s hand concerning arraying of soldiers temp Edward III.

/86 1610-24. ‘A Note of the Fees paid to the Clerk of the Upper House in 1621’ etc. Relates to fees between 1610 and 1624 (Foster, The House of Lords 1603-1649, 248).

/87 Nd. Memorandum by John Corke (?).

/88 Nd. Petition of Thomas Foxe to the Earl of Rutland.

/89 April – June 1641. References to the Lords Journals.

/90 January 1609/10. List of ‘Necessaries for The Parliament House’, books, paper, parchment etc.

/91 1619. ‘Fees receaved by R(obert) B(owyer) for certificates’, ie for certified copies of Private Acts.

/92 21 January 1642/3. Receipt signed by John Browne and Richard Branthwaite for money paid by Sir Robert Pye.

/93 13 November 1640. Receipt signed by Samuel Rowley for money paid to him by Sir Robert Pye at the request of Sir William Spencer and John Browne.

/94 [1562-5]. Copies of ‘Several Latin letters to and from Tobias Mathew Archbishop of Canterbury’ [sic for York].

/95 [1565]. Copies of ‘Some Latin Epistles to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester and Chancellor of the University of Oxford’.

/96 [? February 1647/8]. ‘The Earl of Pembroke’s speech in the house of Peers when the Seven Lords were accused of High Treason’. Cf LJ, X, 14-15, 33-4.

/97 1 June 1685. Smith v Coleby. Draft HL Order for Coleby to put in his answer. LJ, XIV, 24, in extenso.

/98 1 June 1685. Sir O Butler v Regem (:in error). Draft HL Order for City of Rochester to put in their answer. Ibid 24, in extenso.

/99 [24 April 1641]. HC Resolutions concerning the Council of the North. CJ, II, 127, in extenso.

/100 [post 1648]. Resolutions of the gentlemen, ministers and freeholders of Co Northampton.

/101 [2 December 1641]. Copy of the King’s speech to HL on his return from Scotland. LJ, IV, 459-60, in extenso.

/102 3 September 1645. Order, dated 2 September, of the Committee of the West concerning deserters from Colonel Massey’s troops. Reported this day. LJ, VII, 565.

/103 [post 10 March 1642/3]. Draft Order, heavily amended in Browne’s hand, for a safe conduct for the Queen, then in York, to join the King. Cf LJ, V, 644.

/104 15 June 1646. Draft letter to the Committee of Estate of Scotland sent to HC for their concurrence. LJ, VIII, 374.

/105 13 October 1675. Holograph speech of Charles II to both Houses. LJ, XIII, 4, in extenso.

/106 Nd. Extracts from the Bishop of Hereford’s annals of Queen Elizabeth reign.

/106 A 28 August 1683. Notes from Bracton and other legal authorities, in Browne’s hand.

/107 29 August 1681. Draft letter from John Browne to Mr Budd.

/108 1737-8. Notes of receipts and debts of Mary Hurly and Jane Pinley.

/109 4 October 1669. Letter from Samuel Ladd to James Coles.

/110 1651-61. Notes of sums due in the county of Gloucester.

/111 12 January 1665/6. Draft of Marriage Agreement made by John Browne on his daughter Elizabeth’s marriage to Toby Chancery of Edgcote, Co Northants.

/112 3 November 1661. Original letter from the King of Spain to the Count of Penaranda, Captain General of the Kingdom of Naples.

/113 February 1665. Original letters Patent from Don Nizenta Gonzaga of the Council of War to Don Juan Gonzalez Salamanques.

/114 11 March 1624. Original letter from the King of Spain to the Cardinal of Althann.

/115 9 July 1609. Original letter from the King of Spain to Cardinal Grimani.

Braye Ms 56 1641 The Proceedings against Thomas Earl of Strafford Enlarged photographic copy of Braye MS 8 ff 1-28.

Braye Ms 57 The Braye-Teeling MSS 22 March 1641-1660 In 1947 a volume entitled ‘Letters and State Papers, 1642-1647’ (HMCB, 145-67) was broken up and sold in 20 lots at Messrs Sotheby’s. 51 items from this volume were purchased by Sir William Teeling MP who, in 1968, sold them to the House of Lords Record Office. These, with one additional item, were made up into a volume with a modern Record Office vellum binding.

/1a 22 March 1641/2. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of the examination of Hugh Macmahowne on the rack. LJ, VI, 719, HMCB, 145, (slightly abbreviated).




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