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Part 2: The Braye Manuscripts from the House of Lords Record Office

The Braye Manuscripts, MSS 58-105

16 May 1642. Memorandum taken at Conference with HC about letters from York, with list of papers that were read. LJ, 67; HMCB, 145.

19 May `642. List of papers delivered to Joseph Hunscott and John Wright with their receipt for them. List printed in CJ, II, 573; HMCB, 145.

10 June 1642. Original signed deposition of Herbert Finch about proclamation concerning the militia. LJ, V, 124, in extenso. HMCB, 146.

20 June 1642. Burghley. Letter from the Earl of Exeter to Lord Wharton asking for further time to carry out his orders as his deputy lieutenants are in London. Signed and sealed. Cf LJ, V, 141-2. HMCB, 146.

4 July 1642. Resolution, dated 2 July, of commanders of the fleet at a Council of War abour the ‘James’ to obey the orders of the Earl of Warwick. Read this day. LJ, V, 179, in extenso. HMCB, 146.

4 July 1642. Letter, dated 2 July, from Captain Richard Fogg to the Earl of Warwick. Seal. Read this day. Ibid, loc cit, in extenso. HMCB, 146.

4 July 1642. Letter, dated 2 July, from Captain Baldwin Wake to the Earl of Warwick. Seal. Read this day. Ibid, 180, in extenso. HMCB, 146.

4 July 1642. Letter, dated 2 July, from Sir John Mennes to the Earl of Warwick. Seal. Read this day. Ibid, 180, in extenso. HMCB, 146.

18 July 1642. Hull. Letter, dated 13 July, from Sir John Hotham, Peregrine Pelham and John Alured to William Lenthall, Speaker of HC, concerning state of garrison at Hull. Seal. Read this day. Ibid, 217, in extenso. HMCB, 146.

5 August 1642. Burlington Bay. Letter, unsigned, written aboard the Unicorne to Sir John Hotham, governor of Hull. Seal. Cf Letter of Thomas Trenchfield. LJ, V, 3114. HMCB, 146.

22 August 1642. Colchester. Letter from Major Thomas Wade to Harbotle Grimston, MP, Recorder of Colchester, concerning the rifling of the house of Sir John Lucas. Seal. HMCB, 146-7 (slightly abbreviated).

8 September 1642. Sherborne. Copy of letter, dated 6 September, from the Earl of Bedford, Col Denzil Holles and Col Essex to the Lord General asking for troops to be sent to them. Read this day, LJ, V, 343; CJ, II, 758. HMCB, 147-8, in extenso.

7 September 1642. Stubbington. Copy of letter from John Fielden, Sir William Lewis and Richard Norton to the Lord General concerning the surprise of Southsea Castle and surrender of Portsmouth.. LJ, V, 343. HMCB, 148-9, in extenso (first half only). Cf Rushworth, III, i, 683-4.

7 September 1642. Copy of Articles for the surrender of Portsmouth. Ibid, loc cit.

10 October 1642. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of letter from both Houses to Sir John Bankes, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, enclosing copies of the treaty agreed between the Commissioners of England and Scotland, to be given to the King. HMCB, 149.

22. 12 November 1642. The Hague. Copy of letter to [Sir Edward Nicholas] concerning reinforcements for the King from the Netherlands. Read, 26 November. LJ, V, 461, in extenso. HMCB, 149.

31 December 1642. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of a commission given at Kilkenny from the Supreme Council of the Confederate Catholics in Ireland, appointing Captain Francis Oliver to command a ship called St Michael the Archangel. Cf CJ, III, 99. HMCB, 149.

[March 1643. Oxford]. Copy of a letter to the Speaker (?) concerning negotiations between the parliamentary Commissioners and the King. HMCB, 149-50, in extenso. Cf LJ, V, 654.

[end of 1643?]. List of impeachments brought up from HC, February 1640/1 – 13 November 1643. HMCB, 150.

21 December 1643. Arundel. Copy of a letter from Sir William Waller to HL concerning his defeat of the enemy. LJ, VI, 350, in extenso (first part). HMCB, 150, in extenso (second part).

29 December 1643. St Albans. Letter from the Earl of Bedford to the Speaker of HL, concerning his surrender to the Lord General. LJ, VI, 356, in extenso. HMCB, 150.

6 August 1644. Copy of instructions, purporting to be from the King, to Richard Harding to deliver letter to the Earl of Essex to induce him to join the King. HMCB, 153. Cf Rushworth, III, ii, 710.

24-26 September 1644. Copy of examinations of Col Barclay and Richard Deane, Comptroller of the Ordinance, concerning the conduct of Col Butler. HMCB, 153. Cf Rushworth, III, ii, 710-11.

24 January
1644/5. Letter from both Houses to the States of Holland thanking them for contribution for relief of Irish protestants. Signed Grey of Wark, Speaker of the House of Peers pro tem and Wm Lenthall, Speaker of the Commons’ House. LJ, VII, 155, in extenso. HMCB, 155.

25 October 1644. Buckleberry Heath. Copy of letter from A Johnston and J Crewe, Commissioners with the army, to both Houses, concerning the movements of both armies near Newbury. HMCB, 155, in extenso.

3 July 1645. Derby House. Letter from A Johnston and R Barclay to the Speaker of HL, enclosing letter (missing) from the Scots Commissioners. Seal. LJ, VII, 475, in extenso. HMCB, 158 )text of postscript).

3 September 1645. Draft letter from HL to Sir Thomas Fairfax concerning deserters from Col Massey’s troops. LJ, VII, 565. HMCB, 159. Cf Braye Ms 55/102.

9 September 1645. Derby House. Letter, dated 8 September, from the Committee of both Kingdoms enclosing 29 above. LJ, VII, 572. HMCB, 159.

19 September 1645. Draft report (with amendments) drawn up by Lord North and Lord Roberts concerning charge of treason against Lord Hunsdon. LJ, VII, 584, in extenso. HMCB, 163.

21 October 1645. HL Order to John Browne to return certain papers to Leicester Devereux. At foot is receipt for papers dated 7 November. LJ, VII, 654. HMCB, 164.

[24 April 1641]. List of subscriptions of 19 Lords for the relief of the army in Berwick. LJ, IV, 226. HMCB, 164.

13-15 October 1646. Printing to the Earl of Loudoun’s speeches.

14 October 1646. Copy of examination of Lawrence Chapman. CJ, IV, 695. HMCB, 164.

15 October 1646. Copy of examinations of Samuel Pecke and Anne Griffin. Ibid loc cit.

13 October 1647 (sic for 1646). Earl of Loudoun’s warrant for printing. Ibid loc cit.

14 November 1646 – January 1646-7. Papers relating to negotiations between the Marquess of Ormonde and the Parliamentary Commissioners, for the surrender of Dublin etc. Cf Braye MS 46/58-93.

[January 1646/7]. Copy of paper from Sir Thomas Wharton and Major Richard Salwey describing the journey of the Commissioners to Ireland, 26 October – 15 November 1646. HMCB, 165 (abbreviated version).

14 November 1646. Copy of letter from Lord Ormonde to the Commissioners enclosing safe-conduct for them HMCB, 165.

[January 1646/71]. Continuation of 37 above to 17 November. HMCB, 165, in extenso.

17 November 1646. Copy of permission from Ormonde for soldiers to re-embark when the Commissioners so directed. HMCB, 165.

17 November 1646. Dublin. Copy of the Commissioners’ undertaking concerning the conduct of the soldiers who had landed in Ireland. HMCB, 165.

[January 1646/7]. Copy of paper from Wharton and Salway concerning the Commissioners’ actions after the failure of the treaty of Dublin. HMCB, 165.

11 January 1646/7. Copy of narrative by Wharton concerning the cipher agreed upon between Lord Ormonde and the Commissioners. Calendared in HMCB, 165-6.

27 January
1646/7. Draft of letter from both Houses to the Parliament of Scotland. LJ, VII, 691-2, in extenso. HMCB, 166.

[January or February 1746/7]. Copy of letter (damaged from one of the Irish Commissioners to the Speaker of HL. HMCB, 167, in extenso.

11 May 1647. Holdenby. Copy of examination of John Browne, servant of Mr Ashburnham, concerning cipher letter from the latter to the King. LJ, IX, 190, in extenso. HMCB, 167.

11 May 1647. Holdenby. Copy of examination of Mrs Mary Cave concerning the above. Ibid loc cit, in extenso.

12 May 1647. Holdenby. Copy of letter from the Earl of Denbigh and Lord Montagu, Commissioners, enclosing Ashburnham’s letter. Ibid, 189, in extenso. HMCB, 167.

12 June 1647. Copy of letter from the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of London to the Commanders of the Army concerning its approach towards London. Rushworth, IV, i, 557-08, in extenso. HMCB, 167.

23 June 1647. St Albans. Copy of letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax to Alderman Warner and the rest of the Committee sent from London to the Army. Calendared in HMCB, 167.

22 September 1647. Declaration of Thomas Andrews, Alderman, concerning his subscription in a voyage undertaken by the East India Company. Calendared in HMCB, 167.

1 May 1660. Printed Declaration of the General Convention of Ireland against the High Court of Justice which condemned the King. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 58 Braye-Teeling MSS

Photocopies of Braye MS 57. Identical except that No 52 has been placed first and no 1a is last.

Typescript of above.

Braye Ms 59 Robert Bowyer’s Parliamentary Diary (HC), 21 January 1605/6 – 24 March 1605-6

A MS of 36 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. Inscribed on the first page ‘Liber primus’. This is Book I of the original Ms Diary of Robert Bowyer, MP for Evesham, later Clerk of the Parliaments (1609-21). The entries in this book are printed in DH Willson (ed), The Parliamentary Diary of Robert Bowyer, 1606-7 (University of Minnesota, 1931, 1-90. The original contains deletions and side-headings by Bowyer not given in the edition, as well as a small amount of additional un-deleted material. Bowyer particularly noted points of procedure in his valuable account of Commons debates. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 60 Robert Bowyer’s Parliamentary Diary (HC), 18 November 1606 – 3 July 1607

A MS of 60 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. Inscribed on the first page ‘Liber Tertius’. This is Book 3 of Bowyer’s original MS Diary. The original Book 2 is not known to have survived but there is a copyist’s version of it and of Book 3 in BL Harleian MSS 4945. Book 2 and the copyist’s version of Book 3, 18 November, 1606-18 May 1607, are printed in DH Willson, op cit, 91-294. The original again contains deletions and side-headings which are not reproduced in the edition. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 61 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 24 Feb 1609/10 – 8 May 1610

A MS of 46 folios, in a modern Record Office binding, titled on spine ‘Bowyer’s HL Minutes’. This is the earliest surviving ‘scribbled book. giving detailed debates both in the House and in committees of the whole. the ‘scribbled book’ included other details not recorded in the Journal (see ER Foster (ed), Proceedings in Parliament 1610, I House of Lords (Yale University Press, 1966), XXV). The ‘scribbled book’, omitting material substantially the same as the Journal and some deleted matter, is printed in Proceedings in Parliament 1610, op cit, 177-240. HMCB, no ref. Cf Braye MSS 16-20, 22-25, 90, 103.

Braye Ms 62 Committee Appointments Books, HL, 14 February 1609/10 – 16 July 1610

A MS of 47 folios (including blanks) in a modern Record Office binding. This is the earliest surviving book of committee appointments giving the names of committee members and date and place of meeting. The series continues in HLRO from 1621. Folios 189-90 contain formulary relating to messages between the Houses and the Royal Assent. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 63 Book of Journal Extracts, HL, 5 February – 21 March 1620/1

A MS of 15 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. The extracts are in John Browne’s hand. Some entries are more detailed than the Journal. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 64 Book of Journal Extracts, Hl, 2 May 1621 – 8 February 1621/2

A MS of 105 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 65 Nd. John Browne’s Book of Procedure

A MS of 6 folios, plus blanks, in a modern Record Office binding. The treatise is in seven sections: First, Second and Third Days of Parliament; Proceedings on Bills; Proceedings in Judicature; the Royal Assent and Writs of Error, 1621. It appears to be based on “The moderne forme of the Parliaments of England” attributed to Henry Elsynge (ed CS Sims, American Historical Review, LIII (1948), 288-305). HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 66 Draft of the Parliament Roll, 19-27 February 1623/4

A MS of 16 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. The draft is in the hand of Henry Elsynge, with many deletions and insertions. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 67 [1604-21] Protestations of the Commons

A MS of 24 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. The Protestations comprise; (i) 20 June 1604. The Form of Apology and Satisfaction. CJ I, 243. W Petyt, Jus Parliamentarium (1741), 227-43, in extenso; JP Kenyon, ed The Stuart Constitution 1603-1688 (1986), 29-35 (extracts). (ii) 18 December 1621. The Commons’ Protestation.. Copy in Browne’s hand of the Protestation which James I tore out of the Commons Journal. CJ, I, 668. Rushworth, I, 53, in extenso; Kenyon, op cit, 42-3, in extenso. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 68 March 1623/4. HL Minutes

A MS of 10 folios, in a modern Record Office binding comprising copies of (i) 5 March 1623/4. Advice of both Houses to the King concerning treaties with Spain and the King’s Answer. Read 8 March. LJ, III, 250-1, in extenso. (ii) 23 March 1623/4. the King’s Declaration to both Houses. Read 25 March. Ibid, 282-3, in extenso. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 69 12 March 1620/1. Draft Journal, HL

A MS of four folios, in a modern Record Office binding. This Draft Journal was made by Elsynge on the first day he presided at the Table. Endorsed “My first draught which I shewed to the Lords Subcommittees and was ordered to make a newe draught recyting the particulars more at large, which I dyd”. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 70 12-17 March 1623/4. HL Address to the King and Royal Reply

A MS of six folios, in a modern Record Office binding. In Latin, apparently in Archbishop Laud’s hand. Possibly a draft for the Parliament Roll. Address dated 12-13 March and Reply 17 March. LJ, III, 259-61, 265-6 (English version). HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 71 21 February 1623/4. HL Minutes

A MS of 30 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. Copies of speeches of the Speaker of HC, and of the Lord Keeper on the Speaker’s presentation and approval by the King. With many corrections and annotations by Elsynge. LJ, III, 211-13, in extenso. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 72 19 February 1623/4. HL Minutes

A MS of 12 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. Draft of the King’s Speech at the opening of Parliament with many corrections and annotations by Elsynge. LJ, III, 209-10, in extenso (with many verbal differences). HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 73 12-25 February 1623/4. HC Journal

A MS of 10 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. The Journal is in the hand of John Wright, senior, Clerk of the Commons. It differs from the text of the Original Commons Journal vol 12, also in John Wright’s hand (printed in CJ, I, 670-4) and of the Original Commons Journal vol 13 (starting 23 February) in the hand of John Wright, junior (printed in CJ), I, 715-18). The Braye MS is, in places, a fuller version of proceedings than that given in vols 12 and 13 of the Original Journals. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 74 17 March 1627/8. Clerk’s Roll of Peers

A MS of 17 folios, in a modern Record Office binding. List of Temporal Peers in order of precedence, annotated by Elsynge with the dates of taking the Oath. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 75 4 August 1624. Sir John Coke’s Speech to both Houses at Oxford

A MS of nine folios, plus blanks, in a modern Record Office binding. Draft report, with corrections, in Elsynge’s hand of Coke’s speech. LJ, III, 470-1, in extenso; Proceedings in Parliament 1625, op cit, 133-5, in extenso. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 76 [1628]. The State of the bills, 3 and 4 Car 1

A MS of six folios, in a modern Record Office binding. Clerk’s notes on the progress of various Bills. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 77 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 12-27 May 1679

A MS of 21 folios, plus blanks, in a modern Record Office binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand and is inscribed ‘Minute Booke begun the 12th May 1679’. Cf Braye MSS 11-15 and 26-44. HMCB, 125.

Braye Ms 78 The Habeas Corpus, 1627

A volume of 116 folios, in a modern Record Office vellum binding. It contains ‘The Habeas Corpus or the proceedings att the Kings Bench Barr betweene the Kinge and divers of his Subjects Imprisoned in Michaelmas Terme … 1627’. A copy of proceedings in ‘the Five Knights Case’. The text is close to that printed in TB Howell, State Trials, III (1816), cols 1-59. HMCB, 124.

Braye Ms 79 Elizabethan Transcripts

Photographic copy of a volume of 21 folios, preserved at Stanford Hall. It contains:-s

ff 3-6
15 May 1596. Greenwich. ‘Instructions for our Cozen the E of Essex and L Howard our High Admiral how to use themselves for execution of the commission given to them by us for some service to be done against the common enimie’, from Queen Elizabeth I.

ff 7-14
Nd. A paper beginning: ‘There are two questions proposed. The first is if the government of a stranger be more to be desired than that of a home borne Prince. The other if it be better for a Subject to be under the government of a great Monarch or of a little Prince’.

ff 15-19
Nd. ‘An epistle dedicatory of Lord Henry Howarde in the beginninge of a booke called “The Exhortations of Charles the Fift to his sonne King Phillipp”…’

ff 20-1
Nd. A brief treatise ‘Of the five periods of 500 yeares through the course of our Englishe History from Brute to Queen Elizabeth’. HMCB, 110.

Braye Ms 80 Chronological List of Private Acts, 1510-1589

Photographic copy of Braye MS 97. HMCB, 124.

Braye Ms 81 2 May 1526. Draft Message from Charles I

A MS of two folios, plus blanks, in a modern vellum binding. Draft of Message from the King concerning the Earl of Bristol’s charge against the Duke of Buckingham. Includes a substantial deleted section not entered in the Journal. LJ, III, 579-80. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 82 1624-6. Notes of Proceedings, HL

A MS of four folios, plus blanks, in a modern vellum binding. Schedule, in Browne’s hand, of proceedings in the cases of the Earl of Middlesex 16 April – 14 May 1624 and the Earl of Bristol 15 May – 14 June 1626. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 83 Draft Journal of the House of Lords, 21 October – 20 November 1680

A MS of 48 folios, plus blanks, in a modern vellum binding. The Draft Journal is in Browne’s hand and is inscribed ‘The Minute Journall Booke begun 21st of October 1680’. Cf Braye MSS, 11-15, 26-44, 77. HMCB, 125.

Braye Ms 84 [1606-10]. Petitions of Grievances, etc, HC

A volume of 44 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. HMCB, 124.

ff 2-10
14 May 1606. Copy of HC Petition of Grievances to the King. Cf CJ, I, 267-309 and Harleian Ms, 6846, ff 201-7 (for preamble).

ff 11-15
19 November 1606. Copy of Memorial of Resolutions taken by James I in answer to the Petition of Grievances. CJ, I, 316-18, in extenso.

ff 16

ff 17-26
7 July 1610. Copy of HC, Petitions of Grievances to the King. CJ, I, 447. ER Foster, Proceedings in Parliament 1610, II, 254-71, in extenso’ W Petry, Jus Parliamentarium, op cit, 318-36, in extenso (some variations in order and contents).

f 27
10 July 1610. Copy of the King’s Answer to Four Grievances. LJ, II, 639, in extenso.

f 28

ff 29-30
16 July 1610. Fourteen Articles of reformation recommended by his Majesty. CJ, I, 450. Foster, Proceedings in Parliament 1610, op cit, II, 279-82 in extenso (with some variations).

ff 31-5
26 March – 21 July 1610. Copy of HC Memorial concerning the Great Contract, read 23 July. LJ, II, 550-2, in extenso.

f 36

ff 37-41
23 July 1610. Copy of the King’s Answer concerning Grievances. LJ, II, 648-60, in extenso.

ff 43-4

Braye Ms 85 [1667-70] The State of the Public Accounts, HL etc

A volume of 50 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. HMCB, 124.

f 1
Title page.

ff 2-6

ff 7-39
’25 [sic for 26] October 1669. The State of the Publicke Accounts presented to the Lords in Parliament by the Commissioners that sate at Brook House’. Cf Main Papers, 26 October 1669, calendared in HMC 8th Rept App No 213 LJ, XII, 255-8.

ff 40-2
[1167]. Transcript of Roos Illegitimation Act, 18 & 19 Car II, No 21.

ff 42v-3
[1670]. Transcript of Roos Marriage Act, 22 Car II, no 14.

ff 44-50

Braye Ms 86 [1639-47] Book of Journal Extracts, HL and HC

A volume of 180 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. HMCB, 187. The extracts, which are not in strict chronological order, are in Browne’s hand. They relate chiefly to the years 1640 and 1641 and in large part to the trial of the Earl of Strafford. There are also copies of letters from the Earls of Essex and Manchester and others which are not fully entered in the Journals. the volume is numbered III but volumes I and II do not appear to have survived.

Braye Ms 87 Nd. Book of Precedents

A volume of 17 folios plus blanks, in contemporary vellum covers. The precedents are mainly from the Rolls of Parliament (1377 onwards) and refer to Impeachment; the Commons part in Judgment; Grants of Fifteenths and Tenths, etc ff 13-17 relate to the case in Star Chamber, Attorney-General v Walter Long, 5 Car I. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 88 13 April – 5 May 1640. The Short Parliament, Journal Extracts, HL

A MS of 35 pp in a modern Record Office binding. The extracts, in Browne’s hand, consist chiefly of reports of speeches by the King, Lord Keeper and Speaker and of Conferences with HC. The wording closely follows that of the Journal. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 89 17 March – 26 June 1628. Journal Book, HC

A volume of 429 folios, plus blanks, in a calf binding. It bears the long title ‘A journall booke conteyninge true Relations of the most important weighty affaires donne and handled in the Commons House of Parliament in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the third and fowerth yeres of the Raigne of King Charles: together with the true copies of all the Arguments made concerning the petition of Right, all which Arguments as well as the Petition itselfe and the Kings full answere therunto are upon Record in the House of Commons’. This is a collection of speeches (not an account of proceedings) of the Commons in 1628 which differs from many others in that its arrangement is not chronological buy by subject, with special emphasis on the Petition of Right. Excerpts from this volumes, where they provide meaningful variants, are printed in Proceedings in Parliament 1628, op ci, I, 33 etc. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 90 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 25 October 1641 – 14 January 1641/2.

A volume of 185 folios, in contemporary vellum covers. The Scribbled Book is in Browne’s hand with many deletions and insertions. Cf Braye MS 16-20, 22-25, 61, 103. HMCB, 125.

Braye Ms 91 1593 and 1601. Commons Journals

Photographic copy of Braye MS 98.

Braye Ms 92 Some Parliament Passages. Annis 1621 et 1625

A small quarto volume of 137 folios, plus blanks in contemporary vellum covers. HMCB, 124.

ff 1-9
A version of the medieval Modus Tenendi Parliamenturm. Latin.

ff 10-137
Copies of 67 speeches in both Houses and other papers for 1621-1625. Most of these are also transcribed in John Browne’s Commmonplace Book (Braye MS 96), calendared in HMCB, 119-24.

Braye Ms 93 [1510-1645]. Fragments Parliamentaria. Priviledges and Rights of Parliament and Orders

An octavo volume of 180 folios, bound in calf. Extracts, in Browne’s hand, of proceedings in HL and HC concerning privileges and procedural matters, arranged chronologically. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 94 Extracts, Edward 1 to Elizabeth

Photographic copies of documents in a volume now preserved in Yale University Library (Osborn MSS). HMCB, no ref.

ff 6-43
Lists of Summons to Parliament, 23 Edward I – Edward III.

ff 45-53
List of Parliaments and notes on the Parliament Rolls, 4 Edward II – 22 Edward IV, in (?) Elsynge’s hand.

ff 55-73
Extracts from the HL Journals, 1 Edward VI – 4 & 5 Philip and Mary, annotated by (?) Elsynge.

ff 74-116
Similar Journal extracts and notes, 1-38 Henry VIII.

ff 119-28
Similar extracts and notes, 1-43 Elizabeth I.

ff 131-5
‘Customs and priviledges of the neither House of Parliament’. Notes in Bowyer’s hand of the HC proceedings 1571-86.

ff 137-40
Copy of Patent of the Constableship of England, 12 Edward III; notes on Magna Carta; copy of Peer’s Writ of summons and miscellaneous notes in Browne’s hand.

ff 142-8
[post 1628]. Copy, in Browne’s hand of ‘Remembrances for Order and Decencie to be kepte in the Upper House of Parliament’. (Standing Orders, HL), the latest order dated 1628,

f 150
Table of Royal Responses to Bills, from the Parliament Rolls.

f 152
Extract, 3 Jac I ‘at the end of that Journal’; comprises formulae, in Browne’s hand, for certification of Private Acts and Royal Assent to Public and Private Acts, etc.

ff 154-71
[post 1581]. ‘Observacons of the house of Commons of Parliament concerninge the demeanor and government of the said house consisting of the particulars followinge’. A version of William Lambarde’s notes on the Procedures and Privileges of the House (1584), see edition by PL Ward (House of Commons Library Document no 10, 1977){, 47-8.

Braye Ms 95 Parliamentary 1599-1641

Photographic copies of documents in a volume now preserved in Yale University Library (Osborn MSS). HMCB, no ref.

ff 2-7
25 March 1599. Richmond. Instructions for the Earl of Essex, Earl Marshal, concerning Ireland. CSP Domestic 1598-1601, 172.

ff 7-11
8 – 30 May 1621/ Extracts, in Browne’s hand, from the HL Journal. Cf LJ, III, 116-43.

ff 11-13
23 (sic for 25) March 1624. Latin version of the King’s Speech. Ibid. 282-3.

ff 13-16
1603-26. notes by Browne on Messages between the Houses.

ff 17-18
4 August 1625. Notes by Elsynge of speeches by Lord Conway and Sir John Cook. Cf LJ, III, 471.

ff 18-19
1625-8. Notes by Browne of Judgments on delinquents.

ff 21-2
15 June 1626. HL Order for fees to be paid by Peers to the Clerk and his Assistants. Signed H Elsynge. Cf LJ, III, 682. List of the Lords who have not yet paid.

ff 24-5
13-18 June 1628. Notes of Journal references to a Commission to levy money by Impositions. LJ, III, 853-62.

f 25
16 June 1628. Copy of HL Message to the King concerning suppressing Dr Mainwaring’s books. Ibid¸859, in extenso.

ff 27-31
23 January 1640/1. Copy of the King’s Speech to both Houses in the Banqueting House, Whitehall. LJ, IV, 142, in extenso.

f 32
26 January 1640/1. The Scots Answer to the Lords Commissioners’ Propositions for a treaty, read 27 January. Signed Ad Blair. Ibid 145, in extenso.

f 33
26 January 1640/1. The Scots Answer to the HC concerning an alliance, read 27 January. Ibid loc cit.

f 35
26 January 1640/1. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of the Lords Commissioners’ Propositions, read 27 January. Ibid, loc cit.

ff 36-40
23 January 1640/1. Another copy (with verbal differences) of the King’s Speech, cf ff 27-31 above.

ff 41-2
20 January 1640/1. HL Resolutions concerning Shio money. Ibid. 136, in extenso.

ff 43-4
20 January 1640/1. Another copy of above.

ff 45-6
[? 9 March] 1640/1. ‘Index of the Heads of the Scots Commissioners demands’, in Browne’s hand.

f 47
[15 February 1640/1]. Notes in Browne’s hand of proceedings, HL. LJ, IV, 162-3.

ff 48-9
8 February 1640/1. Notes on the jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty. Ibid. 155.

ff 49-50
10 February 1640/1. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of the Scots Commissioners Eighth Demand. Read 11 February. Ibid. 159, in extenso.

ff 51-2
5 February 1640/1. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of the Answer of the Scots Commissioners concerning the assistance granted to them by both Houses. Read 6 February. Ibid. 163, in extenso.

f 53
10 February 1640/1. introduction of Lord de Grey. Ibid. 157, in extenso. Note (1674) on the precedence of Lord Dacre.

f 55
16 February 1640/1. King’s Speech to both Houses in the Banqueting House on the passing of the Triennial Act. Rushworth, III, i, 188, in extenso.

f 56
27 February 1640/1. Note on Resolutions concerning Ship Money. Lj, IV, 173.

f 57
13 March 1640/1. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of HL Order concerning the Earl of Strafford’s counsel. LJ, IV, 184, in extenso.

ff 59-70
10 March 1640/1. Copy of the Scots Declaration concerning Uniformity of church Government. Read 14 April. Ibid. 216.

ff 71-2
13 March 1640/1. Report of Conference with HC concerning the trial of the Earl of Strafford. Ibid. 184, in extenso.

f 74
13 March 1640/1. Another copy of above.

f 75
[12 April 1641]. Draft of Message to be delivered by Lord Steward to HC, concerning trial of Earl of Strafford. Ibid. 215, in extenso.

f 76-7
16 March 1640/1. Scots Commissioners paper concerning their lack of money to pay their army. Signed Ad Blair. Read 17 March. Ibid. 187, in extenso.

f 78
[19 March 1640/1]. Notes, in Browne’s hand, of the Oath to be taken at Strafford’s trial. Ibid. 190.

f 80
[15 March 1640/1]. Copy of the Protestation of the Great Council at York concerning levying money in Yorkshire. Ibid. 185, in extenso.

f 82
[16 March 1640/1]. HC Protestation concerning Strafford’s trial. CJ, II, 105-6, in extenso.

f 83
[16 March 1640/1]. Another copy of above.

f 84
[10 April 1641]. Draft Answer of the Judges concerning witnesses at Strafford’s trial. LJ, IV, 212, in extenso.

f 85
29-30 April 1640. HL Motions, in Browne’s hand, concerning alleged breaches by HL of HC privileges. Ibid, 73-4.

ff 86-7
25 April 1640. Draft in Browne’s hand, with many amendments, of Heads for a Conference with HC. Ibid. 68-9, in extenso.

ff 87-97
13 April 1640. Copy of speeches by the King and the Lord Keeper (with note by Browne concerning entry in the Journal). Ibid. 46-8, in extenso.

ff 99-107
13 April 1640. Another copy of above.

ff 108-112
13 April 1640. Another copy (imperfect).

ff 113-14
13 April 1640. List of the Receivers and Triers of 8 May 1661. Petitions of 1640, with nams of Receivers and Triers for 1661 substituted. ibid. 48-9; LJ, XI, 244-5.

ff 115-23
13 April 1640. Speeches of the King and the Lord Keeprs, another copy, see ff 87-112 above.

ff 124-38
15 April 1640. Speeches (with corrections) of the King, the Lord Keeper and the Speaker, HC (with note by Browne concerning entry in the Journal). Ibid. 50-4, in extenso.

ff 140-7
22 April 1640. Report by the Lord Keeper of what was delivered by him, by the King’s command, to both Houses at Whitehall yesterday (with note by Browne concerning entry in the Journal). Ibid. 62-3, in extenso.

ff 149-55
22 April 1640. Another copy of above.

ff 157-8
5 May 1640. Copy, in Browne’s hand, of Sir Henry Vane’s notes of the speeches of the Earl of Strafford and others, made at ‘a giunto of the Privy Council for the Scotch affairs’ when the question of the war with Scotland was under discussion. Read in HL on 12 April 1641. HMC 3rd Rept, App, 3, in extenso. LJ, IV, 215. Another copy in Main Papers. HMC 4th Rept, App, 26.

gff 159-60
5 May 1640. Another copy of above.

ff 161-2
21 April 1641. Copy of warrant, dated June 1640, doe collection of Coat and Conduct Money in Middlesex. Read this day. LJ, IV, 223.

ff 163-4
18 December 1640. Heads of the Scottish Commissioners’ demands in a letter dated 8 September 1640. Read this day. Ibid. 111-12, in extenso.

f 166
1640. List of Lords Spiritual and Temporal.

ff 168-9
3 November 1640. Copy of the King’s Speech. Rushworth, III, i, 11-12, in extenso.

ff 170
3 February 1640/1. HC Resolution concerning assistance to the Scots. Reports to HL 4 February. CJ, II, 78, in extenso; LJ, IV, 151.

ff 171-2
4 February 1640/1. Copy of the King’s Answer concerning Goodman and the Jesuits. LJ, IV, 151, in extenso.

f 173
11 November 1640. HC Message for impeachment of Earl of Strafford. Ibid. 88, in extenso.

f 174
11 November 1640. Another copy of above.

ff 175-6
20 November 1640. Draft Minutes of Proceedings, HL (with corrections), in Browne’s hand. Ibid. 91, in extenso.

ff 176-7
20 November 1640. HC Message concerning the examination of witnesses in the Earl of Strafford’s cause. Ibid. 94, in extenso.

ff 178-9
15 December 1640. Appeal from the Scottish Army to the Scots Commissioners for financial assistance. Read 16 December. LJ, IV, 110.

ff 182-5
[6 May 1641]. Copy of letter from Henry Percy to the Earl of Northumberland concerning the Army Plot. Ibid. 236. Rushworth, III, i, 256-6, in extenso

ff 185-6
10 April 1641. Drafts, in Browne’s hand, of HL Order and Question to the judges concerning witnesses in Strafford’s trial. LJ, IV, 212.

ff 187-8
12 April 1641. Report of Conference with HC concerning Sir Henry Vane’s paper and the trial of Strafford. Ibid. 215, in extenso (with verbal differences).

ff 189-91
15 April 1641. Report of Conference with HC about allowing Strafford to have counsel. Ibid. 217-8, in extenso (with verbal differences).

f 191
30 April 1641. Report (in oratio recta), of the King’s Answer concerning the Irish Army. Ibid. 230, in extenso (in oratio oblliqua).

ff 192-3
4 May 1641. The Protestation taken by HC and sent up to HL to be taken by the Lords if they approved it. Ibid. 233-4, in extenso.

ff 194-5
4 May 1641. Copy, with corrections), of Denzil Holles’s speech to HL on the delivery of the Protestation, reported by the Bishop of Lincoln. Ibid. 234, Rushworth, III, i, 242-4, in extenso

f 196
4 May 1641. Examination of James Wadsworth concerning Sir John Suckling and troops for Portugal. Cf. CJ, II, 134.

ff 197-8
5-7 May 1641. HL Resolutions at the trial of Strafford. Cf Braye MS 2, ff 142-3.

ff 199-200
5-7 May 1641. Another copy of above.

ff 201-2
5-7 May 1641. Another copy of above.

ff 204-6
15 May – 8 July 1641. John Browne’s Diary Sheets of HL business.

ff 206-7
24 July 1641. Request of the Judges of the King’s Bench for HL. Directions concerning Judgments in the Star Chamber. LJ, IV, 327, in extenso.

ff 208-9
17 August 1641. Draft declaration (incomplete) concerning the Court of York. Ibid. 311.

f 210
24 August 1641. Message from the King concerning the levying of soldiers for Spain. Ibid. 374, in extenso.

ff 211-12
30 August 1641. HL Order for redress to the French Ambassador for assault in his house. Signed Jo Browne Cler Parliamentor. Ibid. 382, in extenso.

ff 214
27 August 1641. Copy of Parliamentary Ordinance for a day of thanksgiving for the conclusion of peace between England and Scotland. Ibid. 379, in extenso.

ff 215-20
16 December 1640. ‘Against the Lieutenant of Ireland’. A declaration of the Scottish Commissioners against the Earl of Strafford. Read 2 January 1640/1. Ibid. 123. Cf Braye MS 2, ff 96-7.

ff 221
30 August 1641. HC Message concerning the freeing of re-exported foreign goods from customs and subsidies. Ibid. 383, in extenso.

ff 222-3
9 September 1641. Draft Parliamentary Ordinance, with amendments, concerning transporting troops out of the King’s dominions. Ibid. 394, in extenso

ff 225-6
20 October 1641. Copy of the examination of Owen Connelly before the Lords Justices of Ireland. Read 1 November. Ibid. 415-16, in extenso.

ff 227-9
27 October 1641. Pym’s Report of a Conference for depriving the impeached bishops of their votes. Read 28 October. ibid. 407-8, in extenso.

ff 229
29 October 1641. Copy of the examination of Sir John Conyers concerning the Second Army Plot. Cf Braye Ms 2, ff 207-8.

f 230
30 October 1641. Copy of the examination of Captain William Legge concerning the above. Cf Braye Ms 2, ff 211-12.

ff 232-3
4 November 1641. Minutes of proceedings, HL relating to Ireland. Ibid. 421-3.

ff 235-6
[12 November 1641]. Copy of letter from the Venetian Ambassador complaining of the opening of his letters. Ibid. 435-6, in extenso.

ff 237-8
20 December 1641. Copy of report from the Scottish Commissioners. ibid. 482, in extenso.

Braye Ms 96 [1536-1688] John Browne’s Commonplace Book

Photographic copy of a volume of 543 pp now preserved in Yale University Library (Osborn MSS). The entries are entirely in Browne’s hand. The description of the items (with a few amendments) is taken from HMCB, 119-24.

p 1
5 April 1614. Speech of James I in Parliament. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1149).

p 13
16 April 1617. Commission from James I to Sir John Digby.

p 15
The heads of the charge against the Earl of Oxford.

p 16
15 January 1620. Proceedings at the Court.

p 17
1621. Sir Edward Sackville’s speech in Parliament.

p 23
February 1620 [-1]. Sir Edward Cecil’s speech in Parliament.

p 29
4 June 1621. Sir James Perrott’s motion in Parliament. (Part given in Parliamentary History, vol i c 1293).

p 33
3 December 1621. Letter from James I to the Speaker of the House of Commons. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1326).

p 35
8 December 1621. Petition to be sent to the King at Newmarket. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1323).

p 41
8 December 1621. Remonstrance sent to the King (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1333).

p 46
Heads for a petition for the better execution of the laws against seminary priests and Popish recusants.

p 48
12 December 1621. Answer of James I to the apologetic petition of the Commons. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1338).

p 60
16 December 1621. Letter from James I to Secretary Calbert. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1350).

p 63
18 December 1621. Protestation of the Commons. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1361).

p 65
17 December 1621. Letter from James I to the Speaker of the House of Commons. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1355).

p 67
18 December 1621. Petition from the Commons. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1359).

p 68
19 December 1621. The King’s answer. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1361).

p 69
A letter of new from NN. Gives particulars concerning the siege of Frankenthal, Lord Digby’s mission to Vienna, and his interview with Mansfeld. Lord Digby is said to be about to go to Spain.

p 76
14 January 1621. Vienna/ Letter from Ferdinand II to James I (Latin).

p 76
9 October 1621. Speech of Dr Williams, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, in the Chancery.

p 84
November 1620. Speech of Sir Henry Yelverton, Attorney General, in the Court of Star Chamber.

p 93
18 June 1625. Speech of Charles I in Parliament, (a different version is given in (Parliamentary History, vol ii c 1).

p 94
The Lord Keeper’s speech, (a different version is given in (Parliamentary History, vol ii c 3).

p 96
20 June 1625. Two speeches by Sir Thomas Crewe, Speaker of the Commons, and answers thereto by the Lord Keeper. (Part given in (Parliamentary History, vol ii c 3).

p 103
24 June 1625. Petition from both Houses to the King.

p 110
[5] August 1625. Reasons of Sir Edward Coke on behalf of the Commons. (Cf (Parliamentary History, vol ii c II).

p 113
4 August (sic) 1625. Speech of Charles I at Christ Church, Oxford. (Parliamentary History, vol ii c 8).

p 114
Declaration of the King’s affairs. Parliamentary History, vol ii c 9).

p 118
Speech of the Lord Keeper. Speech of the Duke of Buckingham. (Part given in Parliamentary History, vol ii c 25).

p 128
The King’s answers to the sixteen remedies against the increase of Popish recusants. (Parliamentary History, vol ii c 22).

p 132
[August 1625]. “An advertisement to a friend”. The Parliament brake up in discontent. The Duke of Buckingham seemed hardly excusable.

p 134
Articles of marriage between the Elector Palatine and the Princess Elizabeth. (Latin).

p 137
19 April 1623. Letter from Pope Gregory XV to the Bishop of Conches, Inquisitor-General in Sain. (Latin).

p 139
8 July 1623. Madrid. Answer from the Prince of England to the Pope’s letter.

p 141
30 November 1624. Articles of marriage between the Prince of England and the sister of the King of France.

p 148
19 February 1623. Speech of James I in Parliament. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1373.)

p 151
19 February 1623. The Lord Keeper’s speech,

p 152
24 February 1623. The Duke of Buckingham’s relation to both Houses.

p 165
21 February 1623. Speeches of the Speaker and the Lord Keeper. (A different version given in Parliamentary History, vol i c 1376.)

p 176
2 March 1623. Conference between the two Houses.

p 181
Reasons offered by the Commons for breaking off the treaty for the Spanish match, and that for the ?Palatinate.

p 183
5 November 1622. Letter from the King of Spain to Conde Olivares. (English).

p 184
8 November 1622. Answer of the Conde Olivares. (English).

p 188
4 March 1623. Collections out of Sir Richard Weston’s report to the Commons.

p 191
Collections out of Secretary Cottington’s report.

p 194
Message of both Houses delivered to the King at Theobald’s by the Archbishop of Canterbury. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1387.)

p 195
5 (sic) March 1623. The King’s answer thereto. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1387.)

p 200
11 March 1623. the Prince’s speech to a Committee of both Houses.

p 202
14 March 1623. Speech of James I at Whitehall. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1395.)

p 207
15 or 17 March 1623. Speech of the Duke of Buckingham to both Houses in the Painted Chamber.

p 210
17 March 1623. Letter from the King, read in Parliament by the Lord Keeper.

p 211
Articles to be seen into speedily.

p 212
23 March 1623. Petition from both Houses to the King. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1398.)

p 214
The King’s answer thereto. (A different version is given in Parliamentary History, vol i c 1403.)

p 216
28 May 1624. Speech of Sir Thomas Crewe. (Parliamentary History, vol i c 1498.)

p 223
Articles of the league between the Kings of France and England, the Commonwealth of Venice and the Duke of Savoy.

p 225
The Earl of Northumberland’s discourse of the proceedings between himself and Sir Francis Vere.

p 231
6 May [1536]. Letter from Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII found among Cromwell’s papers. Dated from the Tower.

p 234
27 May 1571. Message from Queen Elizabeth to certain members of the House of Commons.

p 235
25 March 1610. Proclamation for calling in Dr Cowell’s Interpreter.

p 237
August 1648. Letter from Sir John Maynard to one about the King, concerning the state of affairs in London.

p 239
Paper given by Charles I to the Princes Elizabeth when she came to take leave of him, containing the speech which he would have made in Westminster Hall on Monday the 22nd of January 1648[-9], if he had been allowed to speak further about his reasons.

p 243
Queries propounded by sundry clergy of the diocese of London concerning the oath enjoined by the 6th Canon.

p 247
Extracts from a book in the hand of Anderson, Lord Chief Justice, concerning commitments without cause shown.

p 252
Declaration by the Assembly of Divines, and by authority of Parliament, against the blasphemous opinions in Mr Archer’s book.

p 256
15 February 1641. Protestation of the Doctors of Divinity at Oxford concerning the oaths of supremacy and allegiance.

p 257
25 February 1643. Protestation of Queen Henrietta Maria at her departure from Scheveling. Rushworth, III, ii, 163.

p 259
April 1643. Answer from both Houses to the King. Intended, but not sent.

p 264
The oath of the Clerk of the Parliament.

p 264
1647. Proposals sent by the General and Council of the Army to the Commissioners of Parliament.

p 277
14 January 1644. Commission to Lord Inchiquin to be President of Munster.

p 280
Instructions for the President of Munster.

p 283
Manifesto of Charles I concerning the Palatinate.

p 288
31 March 1645. Propositions of the Commissioner of the Queen of Sweden to the English Parliament.

p 292
Answer of the Parliament thereto. Same day.

p 296
24 January 1645. Letter from the Commissioners for the Parliament of Scotland to the Speaker of the House of Peers.

p 303
Forms of direction for royal letters.

p 304
List of cathedral and collegiate churches in England and Wales.

p 306
Act for erecting a High Court of Justice for the trial of James, Earl of Cambridge, Henry, Earl of Holland, and others.

p 308
6 March 1648. Warrant for the execution of the Earl of Cambridge.

p 310
4 August 1622. Instructions for Viscount Falkland, Lord Deputy of Ireland.

p 321
Statutes of the Order of the Garter, as reformed by Henry VIII, with additions by Philip and Mary.

p 355
30 March 1661. Grant by Charles II to Sir Richard Browne, Bart, of the office of Muster-Master General.

p 356
Table of the revenues and tenths of the different bishoprics in England and Wales.

p 358
Notes concerning proceedings in Chancery.

p 361
Queries concerning Convocation.

p 364
30 August 1662. Letter from the King of France to the Pope. (English).

p 364
30 August 1662. Letter from the same to certain Cardinals.

p 366
1663. Challenge sent by the Earl of Middlesex to the Earl of Bridgewater.

p 367
Propositions delivered to the King by the Earl of Strafford for securing his estate and bridling parliaments.

p 379
Letter from Sir Walter Raleigh to James I a little before his death.

p 381
Sir Walter Raleigh’s protestation at his death.

p 382
8 June 1669. Letter from Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Bishop of London, concerning conventicles.

p 383
20 June 1669. Letter from Humphry, Bishop of London to the Bishop of Peterborough, concerning the same.

7 July 1669. Instructions concerning conventicles.

p 385
30 August 1662. Letter from the King of France to the Pope. (English).

p 386
25 January 1673. Paper brought into the House of Lords from the French Ambassador.

p 401
Letter from the Duke of Monmouth to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge.

p 402
1673. Heads of the articles between the King of Great Britain and the States of Holland.

p 405
Petition to the queen, for association in religion.

p 419
Letter to the Bishops (temp Elizabeth).

p 435
1675. The case of M de Luzancy, a French preacher newly converted to the Protestant religion as established in England.

p 440
1635. Letter from the Earl of Manchester to his son, Walter Mountagu.

p 450
Speech of Lord Lucas in Parliament, concerning a subsidy.

p 453
Speech of the Duke of Buckingham in Parliament, concerning Protestant dissenters.

p 455
Letter from the Earl of Shaftesbury to the Earl of Carlisle.

p 456
Retrenchments in the King’s expenditure.

p 457
Commission from Charles I to Thomas, Earl of Arundel, KG, to be General of the army to be sent into the north.

p 460
30 June 1676. List of Peers in the commission for the trial of Lord Cornwallis.

p 461
29 June 1677. Speech of the Earl of Shaftesbury in the Court of King’s Bench.

p 463
Information of Sir Robert Heath, Attorney-General, against Sir Robert Cotton, and others.

p 470
August 1637. Edinburgh. The Scots’ reasons against the Book of Common Prayer.

p 472
Narrative of the life of John Packer, Esq, who was born at Twickenham, 12 November 1572, and died 9 February 1648.

p 478
1663. Petition of Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury to the King, against toleration of Popery.

p 479
Petition of the Irish Bishops to Parliament, against toleration of Popery.

p 480
Declaration by John, Bishop of Worcester.

p 481
1681. Speech of the Earl of Shaftesbury in Parliament in a debate on the King’s Speech. Begins – “In this grate debate”. Ends – “take counsel as he thinks fit”.

p 486
30 April 1687. Address from the Presbyterian ministers in London to the King.

p 486
Address from the Quakers to the King.

p 488
4 April 1687. James II’s Declaration of Liberty of Conscience.

p 492
25 June 1680. Letter from the Earl of Rochester to Dr Burnet, written on his death bed.

p 493
27 February 1662. Reasons of the House of Commons against toleration.

p 496
10 June 1661. Petition of Roman Catholics to the House of Lords.

p 499
25 January 1680. Speech of the Earl of Essex at the delivery of the petition from certain Lords to the King.

Petition of the Duke of Monmouth and fifteen other Lords.

p 502
Letter from Mercy Povey, in Lime Street, London, to Staffordshire, concerning the dissenters’ complaints of their persecution.

p 506
4 November 1687. A letter from M Fagel, Pensioner of Holland, to James Stewart, Advocate, giving the views of the Prince and Princess of Orange concerning the repeal of the penal laws, etc.

p 513
Letter from a Jesuit in London to the College at Liege, intercepted and carried to the Prince of Orange.

p 516
List of penal laws, etc (continued from p 498).

p 520
Letter from Father Petre to Pere la Chaise.

p 526
Lines to the haters of Popery (by Partridge?). Begins – “Thus t’was of old when Israel felt the rod”.

p 527
Astrological notes for the year 1688.

p 539
8 July 1688. Paris. Letter from Pere la Chaise to Father Petre.

Braye Ms 97 c 1590. Chronological List of Private Acts, 1510-1589

A volume of 74 folios plus blanks in contemporary vellum covers, written in one hand. Inscribed on p 1 “this booke belonges to the Parliament Office, Henry Elsynge”. Lists persons and places affected by the Acts. HMCB, 124.

Braye Ms 98 HC Diaries, 7 March – 10 April 1593 and 27 October – 19 December 1601

A calf bound volume of 325 pp plus stubs, in the hand of John Browne. It comprises (I) an incomplete copy (with variants) of the “anonymous diary” of the 1593 Parliament (BL Cotton MS. Titus F II, the only other known copy). Pp 1-57 are torn out of the Braye copy, which consistently antedates the business of the Commons by two or three days. (ii) A copy of Hayward Townshend’s HC Journal fir 1691. At least half a dozen copies of Townshend’s Journal were made in the first quarter of the seventeenth century. This version seems to be closer to the versions in BL MSS Stowe 362 and Harleian 2283 and to Bodleian MS Rawlinson A 100 than to BL MS Egerton 2222 which Pollard considered to be the most authoritative AF Pollard, “Hayward Townshend’s Journals III. The Journal for 1601.” Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, XIV, (1936-7), 150-65). HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 99 Journal of the House of Lords, 13 November 1629 – 30 January 1620/1.

A large folio, vellum bound volume. Comprises 7 folios of entries of Writs of Summons and of Prorogation and Proxies and a List of Receivers and Triers of Petitions. LJ III, 3-7, in extenso. The remaining folios torn out. There are notes on the inside front and back covers by Henry Elsynge concerning the death of Robert Bowyer, 15 March 1620/1 and Elsynge taking the oath as Clerk of the Parliaments on 21 March. Also notes of the borrowing of subsidy Acts for printing, 19-21 March 1620/1. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 100 ‘Extracts out of Exact Abridgment of Records’, 1330-1483

A small octavo, sheepskin bound volume, of 230 pp plus 150 pp blanks, written in the hand of John Browne. Front flyleaf inscribed ‘Liber Johannis Browne, Clericus Parliamentorum’. It comprises extracts from Robert Cotton’s ‘an exact abridgement of the records in the Tower of London, Edward II – Richard III, of all thee parliaments.’ (Published, revised by William Prynne, London 1657). The extracts are from the Rolls of Parliament. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 101 ‘Notes Concerning Parliament’, 1327-1483

A small quarto notebook, stitched no covers, of 28 pp, plus blanks, c 1630. It contains extracts from the Rolls of Parliament, I Edward III – I Richard III. At back, 2 pp notes headed ‘Priviledges de Clergy’ (1 loose) and 2 pp (loose) of reading notes. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 102 Precedent Book of extracts from the Rolls of Parliament, the Journals and other records, Edward III – James I

A calf bound folio volume, contemporary foliation 4-112, c 1630. It comprises extracts relating to the privileges of the Lords and certain procedural precedents arranged under various headings ‘Of Proxies of the Lords of Parliament’, ‘Priviledges in suits as well for their followers as for themselves dureing the Parliament’, ‘Noe Peere of the upper house to be called to answer in the lower house onlie’ etc. Front covered lined with waste from an almanac of 1630. HMCB, 198.

Braye Ms 103 Scribbled Book of Proceedings in the House of Lords, 15 January – 2 March 1641/2

A Volume of 340 pp, plus blanks, in contemporary vellum covers. ‘Liber 7’ on spine. The Scribbled Book is almost entirely in Browne’s hand with many deletions and insertions. Cf Brayee MSS 16-20, 22-25, 61 and 90. HMCB, 125.

Braye Ms 104 ‘A Catalogue of Bookes of Severall Transactions, which were Single, and are now bound up in Severall Volumes’

A calf bound folio volume of 104 pp, plus blanks, mostly in the hand of Browne (signed by him on inside cover), c 1665. The manuscript lists the contents of 74 vols which contain 1,898 separate printed pamphlets (including 269 newsletters), mainly printed c 1641-1663 but with some earlier 9including sixteenth century) pamphlets. At the end, the contents of five further vols have been added in another hand. HMCB, no ref.

Braye Ms 105 Paper presented by the East India Company to the House of Lords, 8 February 1646/7

Photographic copy of manuscript in the University of London Library, MS 260. HMCB, 166-7.


HLRO Historical Collection No 238

1 Genealogical Table of the Browne Family, 1538-1725. Compiled by Miss Mary Edmond.

2 Notes on, and genealogical tables of, the families of Browne, Elsynge, Knyvett, Bowyer, Walker and others. Compiled by Miss Mary Edmond. Notes and correspondence f MF Bond concerning John Browne, 1 box.

Documents concerning Henry Elsynge, junior’s petition for the Office of Clerk of the Parliaments, 1637

1 Thomas Knyvett had the reversion of the Office of Clerk of the Parliaments after the death of his half-brother Henry Elsynge, senior (CSP Domestic 1611-18, p 198). Knyvett succeeded to the office in September 1635 but died before 7 December 1637. After Knyvett’s death, when Daniel Bedingfield became Clerk of the Parliaments, Henry Elsynge, junior, petitioned Charles I for the reversion stating that his father "had been at great charge to breed petitioner in the University of Oxford, and to train him for the said office, and almost ever since the last Parliament he has travelled in foreign parts, to gain languages, whereby he might be the more fit. On his return he found his father dead, and that one Daniel Bedingfield had procured the reversion of the office after Thomas Knivett who then enjoyed it, and is lately dead. Therefore begs the reversion after Daniel Bedingfield” CSP Domestic, Addenda 1625-49, pp 545-6).

Bedingfield died c 25 December 1637 but the office was granted on 13 March 1637/8 to John Browne (ibid 1636-7, p 534), whilst Elsynge became Clerk of the House of Commons in 1639.

2 Another Thomas Knyvett (cousin of the Clerk of the Parliaments) had expressed the hope that Elsynge might become Clerk of the Parliaments. “He doth much Labore for it, and I doe wish with all my harte he may obtaine it, for he is a very kind loving kind harted man, and suerly, if he gets it, we shall not want of a stowage whensoever we have a minde to come to London”. 29 November 1637 (Th Knyvett Letters, 1620-1644, ed Bertram Schofield, Norfolk Record Society, vol xx, 1949, pp 92-3).





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