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Part 4: The Granville Sharp Papers from Gloucestershire Record Office


D3549, 13/1 - 13/6

Note:  The number of documents or bundles is given at the end of each item description in square brackets, e g [1] 1 document, or [1 bdl] 1 bundle. 
* Denotes the original bundle.

13/1 General correspondence: alphabetical sequence, c1772-c1882

Note on arrangement

The original order in which Granville Sharp kept his correspondence has long since been lost.  His letters and other papers were examined immediately after his death in 1813 by his biographer Prince Hoare (whose comments can be seen on the top of several letters).  They have since been sorted, copied and consulted by many later members of the family as well as by researchers.  It has therefore seemed most helpful to arrange the letters alphabetically by name of correspondent.  Where possible, correspondents have been listed under their title rather than name (eg London, Lord Mayor of, rather than Crosby, Brass) as this reflects Sharp’s practice of lobbying prominent people in pursuit of his many campaigns.

A brief indication of the main subjects covered is given for each correspondent. A number of letters received were written soley to acknowledge receipt of tracts, pamphlets and the like, sent by Granville Sharp.  This type of letter is indicated by  “acknowledgement”.  Sharp usually wrote several drafts of each outgoing letter, the first of which was sometimes in shorthand.  Many of these drafts have survived, making the correspondence unusually full.  Cases where drafts of Granville Sharp’s outgoing letters have survived, but the associated incoming letters have been lost are noted in the list.  The many fair copies of Granville Sharp’s letters were presumably made by family members after his death.

Letters generated by Granville Sharp solely in his role of executor/trustee are listed as a separate section.  (13/2)


Box 3810

13/1/A1ABINGDON,  Lord : Parliamentary reform, 1780 & n d. [5]
13/1/A2 ADAMS,  F, Esq : Sharp family finances, n d.  [1] 
13/1/A3 ADAMS,  J (American Ambassador) : Episcopacy in America;  works of Archbishop Sharp, 1786.  [2]
13/1/A4 ADAMS, Thomas : Practice of advertising for accusers against people confined for vagrancy, 1774-1776.  [1 bdl]
13/1/A5 ALCOCK, Lieutenant  (Bengal) : Drafts and fair copy of letter from Granville  Sharp advising temperance and condemning dissolute life-style of many European settlers  [3]
13/1/A6 ALLAN, Thomas : Letter from Granville Sharp outlining development of an Episcopal church in America, 1812.  [1]
13/1/A7 ALLEYNE,  Mr : Letter from Granville Sharp about the James Somersett test case, n d [c 1772].  [1]
13/1/A8 ALLINSON, Samuel : Slavery; includes An Essay on Slavery ... by Granville Sharp, 1773 inscribed (in Granville Sharp’s hand) “a gift from Mr Allinson, the editor”.  [6]
13/1/A9 ARROWSMITH, David : Arrangements for opening of a ball, 1782.  [1]
3/1/B1 BAKER, William Lloyd : New editions of the Bible; gathering evidence against master of slave ship; family news, 1783 & 1798.  [6]
13/1/B2 BALDWYN, Charles : Acquisition of Granville Sharp’s tracts and pamphlets, 1787-1788.  [9]
13/1/B3 BANKS, Joseph : Arrangements to meet, 1777.  [1]
13/1/B4 BANKS, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/B5 BANKS, Mrs : Acknowledgements, 1776 & n d.  [2]
13/1/B6 BARCLAY, David,  Esq : Letter from Granville Sharp sending Spanish regulations on slavery, 1807.  [1]
13/1/B7 BARNARD, Mr : Anecdote about Bishop Burnet, 1732. [1]
13/1/B8 BARRINGTON, D : Difference of opinion with Granville Sharp about Irish issue and Negroes rights, 1775.  [4]
BARRINGTON, Shute see LANDOFF, Bishop of
13/1/B9 BARWICK, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/B10 BASSET, H : Barrack contract, 1765.  [1]
13/1/B11 BATES, J[oah?] : Acknowledgements, 1768 & 1769.  [2]
13/1/B12 BATES, Mr : Acknowledgement of book on distinction between murder and manslaughter, n d.  [1]
13/1/B13 BEADLE, Thomas : Letter from Granville Sharp, mainly in shorthand, apparently about tax on horses, 1795.  [1]
13/1/B14 BEAUSEY, Henry : Draft letters from Granville Sharp about  Sierra Leone settlement, 1791 & n d.  [2]
13/1/B15 BECK, ?J : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/B16 BECKFORD, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1768.  [1]
13/1/B17 BEDFORD, Rev Arthur : Copy of letter sent to Bishop of Gloucester about Thomas Perkes who communicated with spirits, 1703.  [2]
13/1/B18 BELLEGUARDE, Marquis de : Draft and copy letters from Granville Sharp containing his interpretation of the Apocalypse in the light of the French Revolution; frankpledge, 1789.  [1 bdl]
13/1/B19 BENEZET, Anthony (Philadelphia) : Progress of opposition  to slavery in America; Quaker doctrines including manuscript  letter entitled Copy of an intended answer to Mr Benezet (printed 1784) and photocopy of same, 1774-1784.  [6]
13/1/B20 BENTHAM, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1773.  [1]
BERKELEY, George see CLOYNE, Bishop of
13/1/B21 BEVER, Dr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/B22 BICKERTON, Mr : Acknowledgement, and comments on Granville Sharp’s writings, n d.  [1]
13/1/B23 BIGGE, Thomas : Copy of first edition of The Economist magazine, sent to Granville Sharp for approval, 1797; comments on world events including Napoleonic Wars and French overthrow of the Turkish Empire, 1798. [4]
13/1/B24 BINGHAM, Archdeacon William : Biblical matters,1806[8]
13/1/B25 BLACKSTONE, Justice William : Slavery; acknowledgement, 1769-1776.  [6]
13/1/B26 BLIZZARD : Multiple copies of letter from Granville Sharp about watch and ward system, 1786.  [6]
13/1/B27 BODDINGTON, John : Granville Sharp’s leave of          absence from the Ordnance Office, 1775-1776.  [4]
13/1/B28 BOOTH, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/B29 BOURKE : Granville Sharp’s writings, 1796 [ 1]
13/1/B30 BOWYER, Mr : Lord Hardwicke’s objections to Mr Bowyer’s publication concerning abolition of the slave trade, 1810.  [2]
13/1/B31 BRADSHAW, James : Slavery.  [1]
13/1/B32 BRERETON, R : Intended poem concerning abolition of slave-trade, 1793.  [2]
13/1/B33 BRIDGEN, Mr (Carolina merchant) : Draft letter from Granville Sharp concerning issue referred to as “the business”, 1781.  [1]
13/1/B34 BRIDGES, Mr : Diving bell and salvage expeditions of [Charles] Spalding (see 13/1/S16, S21, S22 &13/3/52 Includes section of journal kept by Spalding on board the Cabot Brig, 1782.  [5]
13/1/B35 BRISSOT, Warville : French anti-slavery society; philosophical ideas about the constitution 1789-1790. [1 bdl]
13/1/B36 BRISTOL, Bishop of : Acknowledgements, 1777 & n d.  [3]
13/1/B37 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY : Fair copy and drafts of letter from Granville Sharp about printing new edition of English Bible, 1804.  [3]
13/1/B38 BROMLEY, N : Need to convert the Spanish from Catholicism, 1812.  [1]
13/1/B39 BROTHERS, R : Catholic emancipation, 1813.  [1]
13/1/B40 BRYANT, Jacob : Origin of Negroes, 1772-1777.  [11]
13/1/B41 BUCHANAN, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/B42 BUCKLE, [?Christopher] : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/B43 BUFFINGTON, D (Senegal) : “Pestilential disorder” at Cape Coast Castle, Africa, 1770. Includes copy of letter from John Grossle [4]
13/1/B44 BULL, Frederick : Acknowledgement, 1777.  [1]
13/1/B45 BULLEY, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
BURGESS, Rev Thomas see ST DAVIDS, Bishop of
13/1/B46 BURKE, Mr : Copy of letter by him to a member of Parliament concerning Marquis de la Fayette, c1797? (also 13/1/L1). [1]
13/1/B47 BURTON, Rev George : Biblical chronology; prophecies; financial assistance by Granville Sharp.[1 bdl]
13/1/B48 BUTLER, Charles : Letter (and copies) from Granville Sharp on Roman Catholicism, 1804 & 1811.  [3]


Box 3811

13/1/C1 CALCOTT, Dr : Letter from Granville Sharp answering queries on religious subjects, 1807.  [2]
13/1/C2 CAMBRIDGE, Richard Owen : Acknowledgement.  [1]
13/1/C3 CANTERBURY, Archbishop of : Slavery, including condemnation of the Codrington estate; Sierra Leone settlement; episcopacy in America; abhorrence of cross-dressing in plays; Roman Catholic emancipation; need for peace with America, 1769-1799; Hebrew tongue,1803.[1bdl]
13/1/C4 CARNOW, William : Acknowledgement, 1804.  [1]
13/1/C5 CARTWRIGHT, Major John (Boston) : Sierra Leone settlement; condemnation of American commissioners in the House of Commons, 1779-1798.  [1]
13/1/C6 CARYSFORT, Lord : Parliamentary reform, 1780-1782.  [1 bdl]
13/1/C7 CASHEL, Archbishop of : Religious subjects including Catholic emancipation, 1806.  [3]
13/1/C8 CHATHAM, Inhabitants of : Letter and draft from Granville Sharp concerning tract on right of citizens to keep arms and associate for common defence, 1782.  [2]
13/1/C9 CHEESEMAN, Ann : Account of her income, 1776.  [1]
13/1/C10 CHESTER, Chancellor of the diocese of : Socinian doctrines; episcopacy; charity for the widows and children of clergymen, 1786.  [1]
13/1/C11 ?CHETTSAM, J : Acknowledgement, 1805.  [1]
13/1/C12 CLARK, Dugald (Jamaica) : Covering note for his writings, 1790.  [1]
13/1/C13 CLARKE, Dr Adam : Episcopacy; death of Granville Sharp’s brother and sister, 1810.  [2]
13/1/C14 CLARKSON, [?Matthew] (Philadelphia) : Slavery (writing very faded).  [1]
13/1/C15 CLARKSON, Thomas : Enquiry about Spanish        regulations  on slavery, 1807; presentation of petition of the English  Society [for Constitutional Reform] to the French  National  Assembly, 1789.  [6]
13/1/C16 CLOYNE, Bishop of : Verses on the prospect of planting arts and learning in America, n d [pre 1753]; slavery, 1788.  [5]
13/1/C17 COCKBURN, John : Dr Kennicott’s “Catalogue” (religious), n d. (also 13/1/D10, 13/1/R15, 13/3/3 & 13/3/10).  [1]
13/1/C18 COCKS, Sir Charles : Granville Sharp’s leave of absence from the Ordnance Tower, 1775-1776. [9]
13/1/C19 COCKS, Rev Philip : Draft letter from Granville Sharp about his tracts, 1780.  [1]
13/1/C20 COLE, William : Acknowledgements, 1773 & 1777.  [2]
13/1/C21 COLE, Rev : Draft of letter by Granville Sharp containing objections to a religious pamphlet by Dr W... ms, n d.  [1]
13/1/C22 COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE (Connecticut) : Spread of missionary work in America, 1797-1798.  [5]
13/1/C23 COMMONS, Speaker of the House of : Copies of letter from Granville Sharp recommending system of frankpledge to increase security following theft of the Great Seal, 1785.  [4]
13/1/C24 CONWAY, General : Drafts of letter by Granville Sharp (marked ‘not sent’) wishing  England to make peace with America and discussing case of Mr Lawrence, taken prisoner, 1782.  [2]
13/1/C25 CORNEWALL, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
CORNWALLIS, Frederick see CANTERBURY, Archbishop of
13/1/C26COUNTY COMMITTEES : Parliamentary reform, 1780 (also PAUL, George Onesiphorus; TOWNSEND, James; YORK, Freeholders of).  [1 bdl]
13/1/C27 COVENTRY, Thomas : Draft letter from Granville Sharp about tract on parliamentary reform, 1780.  [1]
13/1/C28 COWPER, Mr (Senior) : Acknowledgements, 1773 & 1776.  [2]
13/1/C29 COWPER, Mrs : Acknowledgements, 1775 & 1776.  [2]
13/1/C30 COX, Rev Hugh : Advice to a drunken clergyman, n d (also 13/1/J3 & 13/1/P12)  [2]
13/1/C31 CRICKTON, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1777.  [1]
13/1/C32 CROMPTON, Mrs : Granville Sharp’s publications,1811. [2]
CROSBY, Brass See LONDON, Mayor of
13/1/C33 CRUTWELL, Rev Clement : Concordance of parallel texts;  new edition of Bishop Wilson’s Bible, 1783-1788.  [1 bdl]
13/1/C34 CUTLER, Rev S : Acknowledgement, 1775.  [1]
13/1/D1 DAKINS, Rev : Draft letter from Granville Sharp about stereotype edition of the Bible, with related notes, 1809.  [3]
13/1/D2 DALTON, Mr : Passing on Granville Sharp’s manuscript to the Duke of Gloucester, 1812.  [1]
13/1/D3 DALRYMPLE : Recommendation of Mr Dalrymple as a person against slavery, to Secretary of Sunday School Society, 1790.  [2]
13/1/D4 DARTMOUTH, Earl of : Parliamentary reform; unfair treatment of Caribees in St Vincent; slavery in America; necessity of peace with America, 1772-1781.  [1 bdl]
13/1/D5 DAVIES, Sarah : Thanks for help, 1796.  [2]
13/1/D6 DAVIS, Esq : Letter from Granville Sharp mentioning Sierra Leone settlement, 1800.  [2]
13/1/D7 DAWES, Mrs Ann : Investment of money, 1789-97.  [11]
13/1/D8 DAWSON, Mr : Particular edition of the Bible which Granville Sharp wanted to see, 1783.  [1]
13/1/D9 DELATOUR, Dr : Draft letter from Granville Sharp about Jewish history and customs, 1776.  [1]
13/1/D10 DERING, Rev Honeage : Granville Sharp’s remarks against Dr Kennicott (see 13/1/C17, 13/1/R15, 13/3/3 & 13/3/10); biography of Archbishop Sharp, 1765 &1793.[2]
13/1/D11 DILLEY, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/D12 DOOD, Mr : Acknowledgements; dream of Dean Shipley’s brother foreshadowing Archbishops Sharp’s preferment by 35 years; Granville Sharp’s difference of opinion with Dr Williams; music recital of Sharp brothers, 1768 & n d.  [1]
13/1/D13 DOLBEN, ?F E : Acknowledgement, 1769.  [1]
13/1/D14 DOLBEN, Sir William : Note lamenting death of Thomas Sharp (Granville Sharp’s father), 1757; draft letter from Granville Sharp enclosing tract for establishing college of Industry & Husbandry, 1777; Granville Sharp’s proposed colony, 1777.  [2]
13/1/D15 DOMINGO, Anthony (Freetown, Sierra Leone) : Thanks to Granville Sharp, 1797;warning against fornication,1800.[5]
13/1/D16 DONALD, A : Arrangement for Granville Sharp to meet Dr Madison, 1790.  [1]


Box 3811 (continued)

13/1/D17 DORNFORD, Josiah : Establishment of the London Female Penitentiary.  Includes printed leaflet advertising general meeting; 1806-1807; proposals for publishing translation of account of development of German Empire, 1789.  [7]
13/1/D18 DOWN, Bishop of : Harvest in Ireland; Roman Catholicism, 1800-1812.  [2]
13/1/D19 DRUSINA, Mr : Acknowledgement, [1776]. [1]
13/1/D20 DUKE, Rev (Barbados) : Promotion of Christianity in West  Indies, 1784.  [1]
13/1/D21 DUNELM, S : Divorce bill, 1800.  [1]
13/1/D22 DUNSTER, Rev : Letter from Granville Sharp on theological  point, 1809.  [1]
13/1/D23 DURHAM, Bishop of : Letter from Granville Sharp about divorce, 1800.  [1]
13/1/D24 DURHAM, Dean of : Acknowledgements; family news; disagreement on a point of scriptural interpretation.  [1 bdl]

Box 3812

13/1/E1 EARLE, Mrs J : Acknowledgement, 1776; family matters, 1789.  [2]
13/1/E2 EDDIS, W : Despoiling of Africa and Asia by Britain; Napoleonic Wars, 1798.  [1]
13/1/E3 ELLENBOROUGH, Lord : Acknowledgement; murder v manslaughter, 1803.  [4]
13/1/E4 ELLIOTT, Edward : Parliamentary reform; Queen as regent, c1780.  [5]
13/1/E5 ELLISON, John : Inscription on Hebrew medal, 1783.  [4]
13/1/E6 ELLISON, Robert : Parliamentary reform, 1780.  [1]
13/1/E7 ELSLEY, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/E8 ENGLISH, Alexander : Ireland; annual Parliaments, 1780.  [3]
13/1/E9 ETTRICK, Rev : The resurrection; Roman Catholic catechism for Ireland, 1811-1812.  [4]
13/1/E10 EXETER, Lord : Acknowledgement, 1776.  [1]
13/1/F1 FARLEY, Edward : Request for financial assistance to prepare publication against imprisonment for debt, 1788. [1]
13/1/F2 FENN, Nathaniel : Draft and copy of letter from Granville Sharp about inspiration of demons, 1800.  [2]
13/1/F3 FIELDING, Lord William : Defence of the realm; text of Isaiah; sacred music, 1798.  [4]
13/1/F4 FINDLAY, Rev Robert : Slavery; episcopacy in Scotland and America; religious matters; emigration of Highland families to America; gleaning; Roman Catholicism, 1770-1809.  [1 bdl]
13/1/F5 FITZGERALD, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1776.  [1]
13/1/F6 FLEMING, Rev Caleb : Divine nature of Christ, 1778-1779.  [1 bdl]
13/1/F7 FLEXMAN, Rev Roger : Death of Flexman, including decorative undertaker’s card, 1795.  [3]
13/1/F8 FLY, Henry : Acknowledgement, 1803.  [1]
13/1/F9 FOLKS / FOCKS, Martin : Indian language and customs, n d. [2]
13/1/F10 FOTHERGILL, A : Quaker doctrines; fatal accident of  Mr Spalding and nephew in diving bell, 1773-1785 (see 13/1/S21 & 13/1/S22).  [12]
13/1/F11 FOX, Mr [Charles James] : Irish affairs, 1782 the surname has been mistranscribed as ‘Nex’ on copies of letters from Granville Sharp).  [2]
13/1/F12 FOX, Joseph : Version of New Testament in Hebrew; Society for instruction of the Jews, 1812.  [2]
13/1/F13 FRANKLIN, Benjamin : Frankpledge; episcopacy in America; paper currency in America, 1775-88.  [2 bdls]
13/1/F14 FRASE, Madam G (Calais) : Her impecunious state, 1777. [2]
13/1/F15FROSSARD, Dr B S : His book (letters are in French), 1789. [6]
13/1/G1 GALABIN, John William : Propagation of the Gospel Society, 1789.  [6]
13/1/G2 GANDY, Harry : Account of an African slave in English prison, 1796.  [1]
13/1/G3 GATES, Esq (City Marshal) : Letter from Granville Sharp about desertion of boy pickpocket from the Navy, with related papers, 1771.  [2]
13/1/G4 GIBBON, Mr : Letter from Granville Sharp asking for return of music case, 1776.  [1]
13/1/G5 GILL, William : Letter from Granville Sharp about eruption of French army into ‘savagery’, 1792.  [1]
13/1/G6 GOLDSMID, Esq : Letter from Granville Sharp about Hebrew syntax, 1812.  [1]
13/1/G7 GORDON, Mrs : Slavery in the colonies, 1810.  [5]
13/1/G8 GOULD, Richard : Acknowledgement, 1775.  [1]
13/1/G9 GRAY, Robert : Acknowledgement, 1806; prophecies and approaching end of the world, 1806.  [6]
13/1/G10 GREENAWAY, Rev Stephen : Interpretation of Bible, 1785.  [3]
13/1/G11 GREGORY, Eliza : Financial matters, 1787-1799. [1 bdl]
13/1/G12 GRIFFITHS, Edward / Edmund : Parliamentary reform, 1788.  [1]
13/1/G13 GRIFFITHS, Dr : Acknowledgement.  [1]
GROSSEL, John : see 13/1/B43
13/1/G14 GYLES, James : Acknowledgement, 1776.  [1]

Box 3813

13/1/H1 HANROTT, P : Wishing to help Granville Sharp further justice, 1809.  [1]
13/1/H2 HARGRAVE, F : Acknowledgement.  [2]
13/1/H3 HARMAN, Mr : Letter from Granville Sharp accompanying books on frankpledge, 1785.  [1]
13/1/H4 HARPER, Mr : Acknowledgements, 1768,1776,1777. [4]
13/1/H5 HARRIS, Dr : Acknowledgements, 1769-1775.  [3]
13/1/H6 HARRIS, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1777.  [1]
13/1/H7 HARRISON, George : Thanks for tract on Quaker doctrines, 1873; Negroes’ claim to wages, 1809.  [2]
13/1/H8 HARRIS[ON], Thomas : Quaker doctrines, n d [1813].  [1]
13/1/H9 HATSELL, John : Letter from Granville Sharp about making public his difference of opinion with Hatsell, 1783.  [2]
13/1/H10 HENLEY, Rev S (Hertford) : Interpretation of gospels; new edition of New Testament; 1808-1809.  [3]
13/1/H11 HENLEY, Rev (Frome, Somerset) : Letter by Granville Sharp about Dr Owen’s book on the order of the Gospels, 1764.  [1]
13/1/H12 HEREFORD, Bishop of : Letter (marked ‘not sent’) from Granville Sharp about the French Revolution as sign of the apocalypse, n d.  [1]
13/1/H13 HESELTINE, James (organist and master of choristers at Durham) : Humorous, illustrated poem by Granville Sharp about ‘flight’ to London.  [2]
13/1/H14 HOLDEN, Lawrence : Acknowledgement, 1773.  [1]
13/1/H15 HOLFORD, P : Acknowledgement, 1773.  [1]
13/1/H16 HOPKINS, Rev Samuel (Rhodes Island) : Problems of the Sierra Leone colony; desire of free blacks in Massachusetts to return to Africa, 1789.  [2]    
13/1/H17 HOW, Richard : Religious topics including various editions of the Bible; parliamentary representation, 1783-1784.  [2]
13/1/H18 HUTCHINSON : Recommending various works on prophecy, 1799.  [1]
13/1/H19 HUTTON, James : Fishery bill; acknowledgements, 1776-1777.  [3]
13/1/J1 JEBB, John M D (1736-1786) : Parliamentary reform; Catholic emancipation 1776-1800.  [8]
13/1/J2 JEBB, John D D (1775-1833) : Catholic emancipation, 1804-1805.  [4]
13/1/J3 JEFFRYS, J : Case of Rev Cox, a drunken clergyman (see 13/1/C30, 13/1/P12) with note of his debts, 1793.  [1]
13/1/J4 JEPHSON, S : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/J5 JOHNSON, Joshua (Maryland) : Concern lest America enter war with France; argument against standing armies, 1798.  [4]
13/1/J6 JONES, Mr : Acknowledgements, n d.  [2]
13/1/J7 JONES, Mr : Encroachment in Durham yard, London, n d.  [1]
13/1/K1 KENT, Ambrose : Acknowledgements, 1765-77.  [4]
13/1/K2 KENT, Committee for county of : Rough draft of circular letter sent by Granville Sharp to several county meetings warning them against Yorkshire’s proposition for triennial Parliaments, n d.  [2]
13/1/K3 KIDD, Thomas : Enquiry after Granville Sharp’s tract on uses of definite article in Greek text of New Testament, 1801.  [1]
13/1/K4 KING, E (Kent) : Acknowledgement, 1805.  [1]
13/1/K5 KING, (Ambassador from America) : Draft and fair copy of letter from Granville Sharp enclosing copies of plan for laying out towns which may be useful in American black settlements, 1797.  [2]
13/1/K6 KNOX, William (New York) : Letter from Granville Sharp on frankpledge in relation to American constitution, 1790. [1]


Box 3813 (continued)

13/1/L1 LAFAYETTE, Marquis : French revolution; establishment of society for abolition of slave trade in Paris (see 13/1/B46), 1788-89.  [7]
13/1/L2 LANDAFF, Bishop of : Spanish American settlement enabling Negroes to become free, 1775.  [4]
13/1/L3 LANGHAM, James : Acknowledgements, 1773 & 1777.  [2]
LANGLEY, John see CHATHAM, Inhabitants of
13/1/L4 LANSDOWNE, Marquis of : Letter from Granville Sharp about his writings on slavery, duelling, Parliamentary representation, 1785 & n d.  [3]
13/1/L5 LANTHENAS, Mr / Dr (Paris) : French revolution and emigrées (in French); thanks for address of Society for Abolition of Slave Trade to Society des Amies des Noirs for their address to National Assembly, 1790-95.  [1 bdl]
13/1/L6 LEATHERSELLERS Co : Use of hall to sell British piece goods, except for apartments containing Granville Sharp’s books, 1789.  [1]
13/1/L7 LE BARRIER, Rev : Roman Catholicism.  [1]
13/1/L8 LESCALLIER, : Slavery, c1791.  [1]
13/1/L9 LETHIME, Dr : Draft letter from Granville Sharp about theology, 1800.  [1]
13/1/L10 LICHFIELD, Bishop of : Acknowledgement, 1768.  [1]
13/1/L11 LITTLEFOOT, Mr : Copy of letter from Granville Sharp against drunkeness, 1776.  [4]
13/1/L12 LLOYD, Gamaliel : Parliamentary reform, 1782-1795. [5]
13/1/L13 LLOYD, Rev Henry : Hebrew pronunciation, 1790-1798. [1 bdl]
13/1/L14 LOFFT, Capel : Parliamentary reform; gleaning; slavery and Mr Fox’s contribution, 1777-1806.  [1bdl]
13/1/L15 LONDON, Bishop of : Prophecy of Ephraim and other biblical matters; slave trade; improper concessions to Roman Catholics; Fairsted estate, Essex (inherited by Granville Sharp and used to further the campaign against slavery), 1778-1797 (see 13/1/O1 & 13/1/S9).  [1 bdl]
13/1/L16 (Missing)
13/1/L17 LONDON, Mayor of  : Alarming state of public disorder, 1769-1771.  [6]
13/1/L18 LONDON, Recorder of : Copies of letter about ‘watch and ward’, 1785.  [2]
13/1/L19 LONDON, Sheriff of : Armed watch to protect city against riots, 1784-1785.  [4]
13/1/L20 LONDON, Mr : Acknowledgements, 1767 & 1773.  [2]
13/1/L21 LORT, M : Acknowledgement; praise of David Hume’s essay on the populousness of ancient nations; decay of the constitution, 1769.  [1]
13/1/L22 LOVEDAY, Dr : Acknowledgement, 1777.  [1]
13/1/L23 LUCAS, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/M1 MACAULAY, Zachary : Death of young man from smallpox, 1797; alphabet for the Susoo language, 1802.  [4]
13/1/M2 MADISON, James (Virginia) : Books for university of William & Mary sent by Granville Sharp; passages in scripture; church and government in America, 1791-1800.  [6]
13/1/M3   MAGEE, Rev : Tracts on Unitarians and Roman Catholics, 1812.  [2]
MAHON, Lord Viscount see KENT,  county committee of
13/1/M4 MANGEY, J : Duelling; present critical and alarming state of affairs, 1773-1775.  [2]
13/1/M5 MANNING, James (Rhode Island) : Episcopacy in America;        books sent by Granville Sharp for college library; slave trade, 1785-1786.  [10]
13/1/M6 MARSHALL, Edward : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/M7 MARTIN, Samuel : Mortality at settlement at Cape Corse Castle [Africa], 1770.  [1]
13/1/M8 MASTERTON, Mr : Extract of letter from Ralph Ward of Dublin thanking Granville Sharp for his tract Declaration of People’s Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature, 1775. [1]
13/1/M9   MATHEAS, Vincent : Acknowledgement, thanks for looking at his son’s prize exercises, 1777.  [1]
13/1/M10 MATTHEWS, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1777.  [1]
13/1/M11 MAURY, Mr : Slavery; legacy benefitting servant in his brother’s family, 1777.  [2]
13/1/M12 MENCE, Mr Ben : Acknowledgements, n d & 1798.  [4]
13/1/M13 MENTEATH, C M : Family affairs, 1775.  [1]
13/1/M14 MESURIER, Thomas Le : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/M15 MEYRICK, Richard : Acknowledgement, 1777,  [1]
13/1/M16 MIDDLEHAM, Dean of : Problems with ‘Papists’; slavery, 1791 & 1813.  [2]
13/1/M17 MILLS, Mr : Poem about termination of slave trade, 1807.  [1]
MOORE, John see CANTERBURY, Archbishop of
13/1/M18 MORDAUNT, John : Rough draft and copy of letter from Granville Sharp about Greek, 1795.  [2]
13/1/M19 MORE, Samuel : Forwarding parcel to Mr Small in Minorca as requested, 1776.  [2]
13/1/M20 MORETON, John : Reaction of slave owners in Grenada and islands to parliamentary proceedings against slave trade.  Includes list of cruelties known to have been inflicted on slaves, 1790.  [1]
13/1/M21 MORLAND, William : Annual and triennial elections of parliament, 1780.  [3]
13/1/M22 MORNAY, S (Soho) : Enquiring after Granville Sharp’s address, “1st year of the republic”, [1793].  [1]
13/1/M23 MORTON, Charles : Acknowledgement, 1768.  [1]
13/1/M24 MUYSSON, ?J : Acknowledgements (in French), 1767 & 1768. [2]
13/1/N1 NAMBANIR, King (Robano Island) : Compliments to Captain Tayler, 1788.  [1]
13/1/N2 NARES, Rev Edward : Roman Catholicism, 1811-1813.  [5]
13/1/N3 NARES, James : Spanish treatment of slaves at Havanna, n d. [1]
13/1/N4 NAUGBANNAH, : Acknowledgement, 1792.  [1]
13/1/N5 NELSON, Isaac : Asking Granville Sharp’s help in claiming estate of late Lieutenant Galloway, 1771.  [1]
NEWTON, Thomas see BRISTOL, Bishop of
13/1/N6 NORTH, Lord : Letter from Granville Sharp urging immediate redress of slavery, 1772.  [1]
13/1/O1 OGLETHORPE, General James Edward : Watch & ward; triennial parliaments; pressing; episcopacy; Archbishop Sharp’s behaviour regarding cross-dressing at the Haymarket [theatre]; family matters including Sharp family’s new barge; Granville Sharp’s inheritance of Fairsted estate in Essex from Mrs Oglethorpe (see 13/1/L15 & 13/1/S9) writings by Oglethorpe on starving, and saltpetre, c1776-c1787 (see 13/1/S18).  [1 bdl]
13/1/O2 OWEN, Rev Henry : Size of the Levitian cities; order of the Gospels, 1770.  [5]
13/1/O3 OWEN, J (Calcutta) : Description of voyage; inhabitants of Cape of Good Hope and Madras; cost of hiring house; ignorance of  Portuguese priests, 1785.  [1]
13/1/O4 OXFORD, Bishop of : Draft letters from Granville Sharp containing his remarks against Dr Ke....’s work, 1780.  [3]

Box 3814

13/1/P1 PAINTER, Thomas : Possible right of inheritance to his money, claimed by various people, 1809.  [2]
13/1/P2 PARADISE, ?I : Poem on religious theme, 1806.  [1]
13/1/P3 PARKER, Joseph : Praising Granville Sharp’s “noble attempts in favour of the human species” and recommending his friend Samuel Prentice as “zealous in the same cause”, 1789.  [1]
13/1/P4 PARKER, Thomas : Grass seed from a Mr Frazar of Chelsea, 1789.  [1]
13/1/P5 PARKYNS, (Metz) : Granville Sharp’s ‘retirement’; first orchestra in Europe; new cultivator to fatten hogs, oxen               and sheep, 1786.  [2]
13/1/P6 PARISH, Mr John (Philadelphia) : Copies of letter from Granville Sharp on slavery in America, 1806.  [3]
13/1/P7 PATTISON, John : Letter from Granville Sharp about prize essay on best way of civilising subjects of the British Empire in India, 1806.  [1]
13/1/P8 PATTISON, Col : Acknowledgements, 1776, n d.  [2]
13/1/P9 PAUL, George Onisophorus (Chairman of Gloucestershire county meetings (see COUNTY, Meetings of) : Parliamentary reform 1780.  [1]
13/1/P10 PAYNE, Henry : Duelling; new canal Yorkshire,1773.[1]
13/1/P11 PAYNE, J : Military education, Granville Sharp’s opposition to Dr Kennicott; exchange of tracts; patriotism, 1775.  [8]
13/1/P12 PEARCE, Thomas : Mr Cox (drunken clergyman) (see 13/1/C30, 13/1/J3), 1796.  [1]
13/1/P13 PEMBERTON, James (president of Pennsylvania Society for promoting abolition of slavery) : address to London Society for abolition of slave trade, 1797.  [1]
13/1/P14 PENNINGTON, Mr : Draft letter from Granville Sharp about proof reading one of his works, 1801.  [1]
13/1/P15 PENNSYLVANIA, Bishop of : Letter from Granville Sharp about books sent for public library, 1789.  [1]
13/1/P16 PEPYS, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/P17 PERCIVAL, Spencer : Draft letter from Granville Sharp about frankpledge and laying out townships in America and East Indies, 1808; Roman Catholic catechisms, 1811-12.[ 1bl]
13/1/P18 PERCY, Thomas : Interpretation - biblical passages 1768. [2]
13/1/P19 PERCY, Dr : Acknowledgement, 1775.  [1]
13/1/P20 PERCY, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/P21 PERKINS, Mr : Negroes’ case (seaman on board HM Over-Yssel), 1767.  [1]
13/1/P22 PERRY, John : Letter from Granville Sharp wishing him a comfortable subsistence, 1799.  [2]
13/1/P23 PETERBOROUGH, Bishop of : Episcopacy, importance of peace with America, slavery, 1781-1801.  [1 bdl]
13/1/P24 PETERBOROUGH, Dean of : God’s wrath against England for abuse of commerce; food prices, 1795.  [4]
13/1/P25 PETERS, Samuel : Settlers in Canada, 1789-90.  [6]
13/1/P26 PHILLEY, R : Design for renovation of juries, 1809.  [1]
13/1/P27 PITT, William : Parliamentary reformation; congregational courts, 1783 (see 13/1/R10).  [4]
13/1/P28 PLYMLEY, Archdeacon : Letter by Granville Sharp about congregational courts, 1795.  [1]
13/1/P29 POND, John : Collection of Bibles, 1783.  [3]


Box 3814 (continued)

13/1/P30 PORTLAND, Duke of : Doctrine of Nullum Tempus Occurit Regi; danger to credit of Whig party posed by Dean of St Asaph, 1771-1783.  [1 bdl]
13/1/P31 PRESCOTT, Thomas : Requesting Granville Sharp’s pamphlet on right of election, n d.  [1]
13/1/P32 PRESTON, S : Distribution of Granville Sharp’s papers on parliamentary reform, 1780.  [1]
13/1/P33 PRICE, Richard : Recommending a friend for position of clerk to the surgeon’s company; Wiltshire county committee [for parliamentary reform], 1780.  [1]
13/1/Q1 QUARTLEY, Rev : Asking for Granville Sharp’s help with claim to tithes as Vicar of Wolverton, 1799-1803. [7]
13/1/R1 REED, General (Philadelphia) : Books for public library in Philadelphia sent by Granville Sharp and William Sharp, 1784-1785.  [1 bdl]
13/1/R2 REEVES, : Letter from Granville Sharp espousing frankpledge; bill for intended police, 1786.  [1]
13/1/R3RICHARDSON, William : Dismay at embankment at Durham Yard, London, 1771.  [1]
13/1/R4 RICHMOND, Duke of : America; national defence by a free militia; political reform; triennial parliaments,1777-1804.[1bdl]
13/1/R5 ROBERTS, Mr (City remembrancer) : Acknowledgement, 1776.  [1]
13/1/R6 ROBINSON, Mr : Acknowledgements, 1776-1777.  [2]
13/1/R7 ROCHESTER, Bishop of : Acknowledgements, 1768-73. [4]
13/1/R8 ROGERS, J : Establishment of Sierra Leone colony; search for classical scholar for William and Mary College, Virginia (see VIRGINIA, Bishop of), 1790.  [1]
13/1/R9 ROGERS, Mr : Letters by Granville Sharp concerning best way to represent the people in Parliament, and triennial Parliaments, n d and 1780.  [2]
13/1/R10 ROSE, George : Sierra Leone settlement (including copies of letters from Granville Sharp to William Pitt), 1790.  [9]
13/1/R11 ROSE, Mr : Arranging to meet, 1788.  [1]
13/1/R12 ROSE, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/R13 RUSH, Dr Benjamin (Philadelphia) : Religious and moral themes; episcopacy; Anglo-American relations; possibility of Dr Harrison, a mutual acquaintance, being an imposter, 1774-1798.  Includes printed extract of letter from Rush to Sharp asking for contributions to proposed African church in Philadelphia, 1799.[1 bdl]
13/1/R14 RUSSELL, Mr G : Acknowledgement, 1773. [1]
13/1/R15 RUTHERFORTH, Dr Thomas : Religious / biblical themes; Granville Sharp’s remarks against Dr Kennicott’s catalogue, 1762-1770 (see 13/1/C17, 13/1/D10, 13/3/3 & 13/3/10).  [1 bdl]
13/1/R16 RYCROFT, Dr Richard : Acknowledgements; corruption of Parliament, c1773-c1780.  [5]

Box 3815

13/1/S1 ST DAVIDS, Bishop of : Biblical editions and interpretations, 1794-1808.  [1 bdl]
13/1/S2 SARUM, J : Acknowledgement, 1812.  [1]
13/1/S3 SCHULTHESIVES, J P (Leghorn) : Interpretation of the prophecies, 1785.  [1]
13/1/S4 SCOTT, A : Brace of partridges; interpretation of prophecies, 1801. [1]
13/1/S5 SCOTT, George : Acknowledgements, 1776-1777.  [3]
13/1/S6 SHARP, Ann Jemima (niece) : Little Horton estate, Durham; coins found underneath house where Archbishop Sharp was born, 1796; request from Dr Zoucher for tract on Armageddon; case of Negro Gustavus Vassa, ?1805.[4]
13/1/S7 SHARP, Rev Gregory : Letter from Granville Sharp about certain biblical passages, 1765.  [1]
13/1/S8 SHARP, Rev Thomas (brother) : Slavery; Sierra Leone including report of the Company, 1788; episcopacy; affairs in France; estate in Essex inherited by Granville Sharp (see 13/1/L15 & 13/1/O1); opposition to Dr Kennicott; national debt; family news and finances, 1766-1792.  [1 bdl]
13/1/S9 SHARP, Thomas (father) : Letter about Granville Sharp being apprenticed to a linen-draper, n d.  [1]
13/1/S10 SHARP, William (brother) : Praise for Granville Sharp’s tract on the distinction between murder and man-slaughter; arrival of [slave] ship from Africa; regency question, 1773 & 1788.  [2]
13/1/S11 SHAW, Rev John : Letters from Granville Sharp about distribution of his writings on slavery and tracts on prophecies, 1806.  [2]
13/1/S12 SHELBURNE, Earl of : Letters from Granville Sharp about episcopacy with related notes, 1781.  [1 bdl]
13/1/S13 SHEPHERD, Anthony : Acknowledgements; possibility that James Sharp’s wheel carriages may be introduced intoHolland, 1768-1773.  [3]
13/1/S14 SHEPHERD, R : Acknowledgement, 1806.  [1]
13/1/S15 SHERONDELL, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d. [1]
SKINNER, Thomas see LONDON, Sheriff of
13/1/S16 SMALL, Alexander : Winnowing machine, 1777; drawing for diving bell devised by Granville Sharp and adopted by Charles Spalding, 1783 (see 13/1/B34, 13/1/S16, S21, S22)[7]
13/1/S17 SMITH, Joseph : Acknowledgement, 1790.  [2]
13/1/S18 SMITH, William (Quebec) : Lengthy account of state of affairs in ?America (written to General Oglethorpe), 1785; Catholicism in Canada, 1789.  [2]
13/1/S19 SOLANDER, Daniel (British Museum) : Acknowledgements, 1773, 1776, 1777.  [3]
13/1/S20 SOUTHALL, Samuel : Acknowledgement, 1809.  [1]
13/1/S21 SPALDING, Charles : Attempts to salvage guns from sunken ship using a diving bell and other experiments with         bell, 1775-82 (see 13/1/B34, 13/1/S16, S22 & 13/3/52).[5]
13/1/S22 SPALDING, Thomas : Experiments with diving bell, 1782 (see 13/1/B34, 13/1/S16, S21 and 13/3/52). [1]
13/1/S23 SPENCE, Rev John : Delivery of wine; friend in Persia needs help “into some settled way of business”,1768.[1]
13/1/S24 SPILSBURY, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1773.  [1]


Box 3815 (continued)

13/1/S25 STANHOPE, Earl of : Catholic emancipation; Protestant dissenters petition in Parliament; House of Lords opposition to Stanhope’s bill for relieving poor; lack of Parliamentary representation of Irish peasantry; support for Wilberforce’s bill preventing British subjects from supplying slaves; government of Sierra Leone colony, 1793-1812.  [1 bdl]
13/1/S26 STANLEY, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1783.  [1]
13/1/S27 STEAD, William : Thanks for Granville Sharp’s present of 27 volumes to “our publick library” (Reigate); slavery, 1773.  [1]
13/1/S28 STEELE, : Envelope only, n d.  [1]
13/1/S29 STOCKDALE, Rev Percival : Apologies for past conduct, 1769; pamphlet by Granville Sharp against Percival Stockdale for speaking too freely in company, 1760; request for Dr Samuel Johnson to borrow manuscript on life of Archbishop Sharp (refused); Granville Sharp’s objections to embankment of the Thames, 1772; 1759-1772.  [1 bdl]
13/1/S30 STONE, Rev Francis : Disagreement with Granville Sharp on theological issues, 1789.  [2]
13/1/S31 STONE, Mr : Acknowledgement and plan of temporary erections in Guildhall Yard, n d.  [1]
13/1/S32 STORY, Enoch : Catalogue of American tracts and publications in his possession, 1782.  [1]
13/1/S33 STRASBURGH, Mr : Feels he has been wrongly quoted in Granville Sharp’s observations on 68th psalm, 1813.  [2]
13/1/S34 STRATFORD, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/S35 STREETS / STREATS, J : Acknowledgements, 1775-77.[2]
13/1/S36 STUART, John : Black settlers in New Brunswick, n d [c1788?].  [4]
13/1/S37 SYDNEY, Lord : Ways to improve civil government of city of Westminster, 1785.  [2]
13/1/T1 TAYLOR, Joseph : Letter in shorthand from Granville Sharp, 1792.  [1]
13/1/T2 TEIGNMOUTH, Lord : British and Foreign Bible Society, unfortunate affairs at Sierra Leone, 1807; protection of King during “unhappy disorder”, views on regency question, 1810.  [2]
13/1/T3 TEMPLE, Earl : Discussion of various works by Granville Sharp; relations with America, 1774-75.  [6]
13/1/T4 TERNANT, Le Chevalier de : Letters from Granville Sharp about slave trade and Sierra Leone regulations, 1788.  [1]
13/1/T5 THICKNESSE, Philip : Experiences in Jamaica; war with France; Duke of Richmond’s behaviour, 1765-76. [4]
13/1/T6 THORNTON, Henry : Letters from Granville Sharp about Sierra Leone colony including its divorce regulations.  [2]
13/1/T7 THORNTON, Thomas : Acknowledgement, 1773.  [1]
13/1/T8 TILL, Mr : London riots and concern about losing boundaries of City of London, 1768.  [1]
13/1/T9 TOWNLEY, George Stepney : Acknowledgements,         1776 & 1777.  [2]
13/1/T10 TOWNSEND, James (Chairman of Middlesex county committee) : Acknowledgement, n d (see COUNTY COMMITTEES).  [1]
13/1/T11 TRISTRAM, Mrs : Her health, n d.  [1]
13/1/T12 TURNBULL, Dr : Greek emigrants in Florida, 1768.  [2]
13/1/T13 TURNER, Mr : Acknowledgement, 1773.  [1]
13/1/V1 VAUGHAN, Benjamin : American affairs, errors in generalship, 1776.  [1]

Box 3816

13/1/W1 WADSTROM, C B : Evidence before Privy Council about abolition of slave trade, n d; arrangement for Granville Sharp to meet Professor Zimmerman (see 13/1/Z1), 1790.  [4]
13/1/W2 WAITHMAN, Mr : Letter from Granville Sharp with tracts on political reformation and national defence, 1798.  [2]
13/1/W3 WALK[ER], Thomas : Rough note from Granville Sharp re: situation in France & advocating frankpledge,1790. [1]
13/1/W4 WALTON, John? : Acknowledgement, 1777.  [1]
13/1/W5 WARBURTON, Bishop : Concerning manuscript on monarchs of England, 1756.  [1]
13/1/W6 WARD, John (Gibraltar) : “Unhappy state” of America, 1775-1777.  [7]
13/1/W7 WASHINGTON, General [George] : Speech at opening of congress, 1795.  [1]
13/1/W8 WATKENS, Mrs : Acknowledgement, 1783.  [1]
13/1/W9 WATSON, Brook : Granville Sharp’s enquiry regarding regulations in Spanish colonies relating to employment of Negro slaves, 1781.  [1]
13/1/W10 WATSON, : Draft and fair copy of letter from Granville Sharp sending books for General Washington and for public library, Rhode Island, 1784.  [2]
13/1/W11 WATSON, Rev (Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge) : Praises Dr W.....’s sermon on the last fast; sales of his own sermon, 1780.  [2]
13/1/W12 WATTES, D : ‘Recipe’ cement of tar for roofing,1790.[1]
13/1/W13 WEDGWOOD, Josiah : Acknowledgement and anti-slavery comment, 1777.  [1]
13/1/W14 WELLS, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/W15 WESTMINSTER, Dean of : Opposition by Protestant Association to claims of Roman Catholics, 1813.  [1]
13/1/W16 WHALLEY, Mr: Acknowledgement, 1768.  [1]
13/1/W17 WHELER, Granville : Granville Sharp’s disagreement with Dr William’s dissertation; 1765 & 1768.  [2]
13/1/W18 WHITBREAD, Samuel : Frankpledge, 1810.  [2]
WHITE, Rev see PENNSYLVANIA, Bishop of
13/1/W19 WHITE, Snowden : Act to enable King to send out commissioners and vacancy of commissioners’ seats in Parliament, 1779.  [1]
13/1/W20 WIGGINS, Thomas : Arranging to meet Granville Sharp and Governor Johnstone, 1778.  [1]
13/1/W21 WILBERFORCE, William : Slave ships; arming of Roman Catholics; need to establish free constitutional militia, 1790-1798.  [2 bdls]
13/1/W22 WILCOCKS, Joseph : Translation of  Muratorn’s ‘Paraguay’; reports conversation with James Sharp about need for mechanical way to cultivate rice, sugar and tobacco, 1768-1769.  [2]
13/1/W23 WILKES, John : Acknowledgements, 1780.  [3]
13/1/W24 WILKINSON, Mr : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/W25 WILLARD, Dr Joseph : Thanks for books given by Granville Sharp to Cambridge University, Massachusetts and details of students and curriculum, 1785; honorary degree conferred on Granville Sharp, 1791.  [3]
13/1/W26 WILLETS, W : Acknowledgements, 1775.  [2]
13/1/W27 WILLIAMS, Dr : Dr W...m’s reply : A vindication of himself in reply to remarks by Granville Sharp on his explanation of a biblical prophecy, n d.  [4]
13/1/W28 WILLYAMS, John : Acknowledgements, 1771-1777.[3]
13/1/W29 WILSON, Dr : Letter from Granville Sharp thanking him for donation for Mr Benezet; unsuccessful search for Negro school in Maryland, 1783.  [1]
13/1/W30 WILT / WILD, Mr (Utrecht bookseller) : Sale of tracts by Granville Sharp (includes letter in French), 1785.  [10]
13/1/W31 WINSTANLEY, Thomas : Acknowledgements and coment, 1771-1777.  [5]
13/1/W32 WITHERSPOON, Dr : Letter from Granville Sharp about theological books presented to library in New Jersey, 1784.  [2]
13/1/W33 WOLLASTON, Francis : Acknowledgement, n d.  [1]
13/1/W34 WOODWARD, Rev : Letter from Granville Sharp sending books and enquiring whether other books reached Archbishop Cashel, 1806.  [1]
WOODWARD, Richard see CLOYNE, Bishop of
13/1/W35 WORDSWORTH, (Master of Trinity College, Cambridge) : Seeking Granville Sharp’s approval for text of a letter he wishes to publish, 1803.  [1]
13/1/W36 WORTHINGTON, J : Sending books to Granville Sharp from Shropshire, 1771.  [2]
13/1/W37 WYVILL, Christopher : Parliamentary reformation, 1784, 1796.  [7]
13/1/Y1 YEATES, Thomas : Hebrew syntax, 1811-1812.  [1 bdl]
13/1/Y2 YORK, Freeholders of: Printed petition of gentlemen, clergy and freeholders of York that Parliament should enquire into abuses of public money expenditure, and resolutions taken at county meeting.  With manuscript additions of names and money [subscribers?], 1779 (see COUNTY COMMITTEES).  [1]
13/1/Z1 ZIMMERMAN, Professor : Letter from Granville Sharp accompanying various tracts, 1790 (see 13/1/W1).  [2]
13/1/Z2 Correspondence between Granville Sharp and unidentified / anonymous persons :
One section comprises mainly very rough drafts of letters, of which fair copies probably exist in alphabetical se­quence­ above.  [2 bdls]
The remaining section  includes letters to and from people whose identities are deliberately obscured, through the use of pseudonyms, initials and the like.  [2 bdls]

Outgoing letters

Includes: answer to an anonymous letter on pre-destination, 1777; letters in reply to anonymous letter relating to neces­sity­ of peace with America (A Man), 1781; letter to a young man in the East Indies, 1782; letter to friend of Abbé de Mably (several copies), 1784; letter to Rev Dr xxx afflicted with extreme dejection of mind, 1784; letter to a young clergyman­, 1785; extract of letter to a gentleman­ in America on the balance of power in a state in America, 1785; letter to a young clergyman on the importance­ of his order, 1785; extract from a letter by Granville Sharp to member of national convention of France, 1792; letters to a friend of the Prime Minister, 1794-1797; letter to a friend respecting­ remarks on prophecy by Mr King, Mr Bicken­, Mr Kett, etc, 1799; letter­ to “T B” on prophesies­, 1799; letter to a friend in America, 1800; remarks­ on tract entitled A modest Apology­ for Roman Catholics of Great Britain and addressed­ to all moderate Protestants, particularly­ to MPs, 1800; answer to a case of conscience, 1804; letter to Mr xxx, a native of Africa, who had been educated­ in England­, against the vice of fornication and various African infringements on rights of women, 1804; letter­ on extreme wickedness and total ......... of tolerating slavery­ in any part of King’s dominions, 1806

Incoming letters­

Includes: letters from B G (in French), 1802; “an anti-Catholic,” 1813; Angle-Hiberniensis, 1813.

13/2 Correspondence as executor / trustee. c1782 - c1810


Box 3817

13/2/1 BIRCH, Miss Mary : Loan of £5,200 to her brother George Birch, 1792-1795.  [1 bdl]  *
13/2/2 BLICKE, Mrs : Marriage settlement, 1793-1795.  [1 bdl] *
13/2/3 BOOTH, Mrs : Thought to have been murdered by her servants, 1796.  [1 bdl] *
13/2/4 BRAY, Mr : Includes Mr Duncombe’s release to Dering & Elsley families, 1795-1796.  [1 bdl]  *
13/2/5 DODDS, Major John : (Granville Sharp and John Sharp were joint executors) : includes papers about John Sharp’s guardianship of Major Dodd’s daughter and account books of John Sharp as executor, 1743-1785. [1 bdl * 2 vols]
13/2/6 DONGWORTH, Margaret : (Granville Sharp took over as executor following death of John Sharp) : includes private papers of Mr Dongworth, headmaster of Durham School (mainly sermons in shorthand), 1782-1793.  [1 bdl] *
13/2/7 FORESTER, Mrs Mary : marked “awkward executorship”, 1791-1811.  [1 bdl] *
13/2/8 GRANGE, Miss Ann : Assignment of reversionary interest in 1/3 share of £1,000 in South Sea annuities (Ann Grange to Mr Francis Stedman), 1802.  The deed is annotated “Mangey”; Granville Sharp was executor to Rev John Mangey, vicar of Dunmow, Essex.  [1]
13/2/9 GREGORY, Elizabeth : Also contains papers relating to sister, Mrs Mary Pattison, 1785 (see 13/2/11).  [2 bdls]


Box 3817 (continued)

13/2/10 HAMILTON, Mrs : Wife of Charles Hamilton.  Granville Sharp was apparently her only friend and acted as her protector, 179?-1807.  [1 bdl] *

Box 3818

13/2/11 PATTISON, Mrs Mary : Probate of will, accounts and other papers, 1802-1808.  Includes papers relating to her sister, Elizabeth Gregory, (see 13/2/9).  [1 bdl] *
13/2/12 PERRY, Mrs Maria (her first husband was Joseph Lockyer) : Much correspondence concerning lengthy legal case about Lockyer estate, heard in Chancery.  Includes deed concerning manors of Tinternhull and Chorlton, Somerset, 1655; c1802.  [1 bdl]


Box 3818 (continued)

13/2/13 PROWSE, Mrs Elizabeth (née Sharp) : Probate copy of will, 1810.  [1]
13/2/14 SHARP, James : Probate copy of will, 1783 and related deeds,  [3]
13/2/15 SHARP, Rev John : Interpretation of his will; papers regarding his bequest for repair of the great tower, Bamburgh Castle, 1796-1798.  [1 bdl, 2 vols]
13/2/16 SHARP, Miss Judith : Probate copy will and declaration of trust, (1809). 
13/2/17 TATTERSAL, Mrs S C : Relative of Wheler family to whom Granville Sharp lent money.  [1 bdl]

Box 3819

13/2/18 WILCOCKS, Joseph : Left trust fund to establish a county hospital for Kent.  With note on history of Hurley estate [Berkshire], 1790-1793.  [1 bdl]
13/2/19 “Old writings”, presumably acquired by Granville Sharp in capacity as executor / trustee, 1750-1766.  Includes probate of Dr Thomas Sharp’s will, 1758; papers relating to Mr Wainman deceased, including inventory, 1762.  [1 bdl]

13/3Memoranda, Literary Manuscripts, etc, 1743 - c1804

This section contains draft and fair copies of Granville Sharp’s writings as well as pamphlets, newspapers, notes and other material which Granville Sharp amassed in pursuit of his many campaigns and interests.  The papers have been left in their ‘original’ bundles (although these are unlikely­ to date back to Granville Sharp) and have been grouped according to subject where possible. However,  a number of the bundles relate to a variety of subjects­.  As the majority of the papers are undated chronological­ arrangement has not been attempted in this section­.
For typed copies of many of Granville Sharp’s writings see 13/6/9.


13/3/1 c1778-c1806 : Manuscript tracts on baptism, Quakers, Roman Catholicism and other religious themes, Remarks on Roman Catholic catechism for Ireland, 1810. [1 bdl]


Box 3819 (continued)

13/3/2 [late 18th century] : Manuscript on prophecy; rough copies of tracts against Quakerism.  [1 bdl]
13/3/3 [late 18th century] : Writings by Granville Sharp on various religious topics.  Includes tract on baptism; A Catalogue of sacred vessels restored by Cyrus by Dr Kennicott, 1765 with remarks on same (see 13/1/C17; 13/1/D10, 13/1/R15 & 13/3/10); copy of letter from Granville Sharp to Joseph Wilcocks, a subscriber to Dr Kennicott’s Hewbrew Bible; enquiry as to whether Babylon in Revelations can be identified with contemporary Rome. [1 bdl]
13/3/4 [late 18th century] : Rough copy of remarks on manuscript tract on prophecy “by a lady”.  [1]
13/3/5 [late 18th century] :  Proofs of the advantages of forming a close interconnected text of the Bible.  [1]
13/3/6 1743; [late 18th century] : Manuscript tracts and notes mainly on religious topics including pre-destination; account­ of the battle of Dettingen by a French officer, 1743; printed items in folder marked “ordnance”.  [1 bdl]


Box 3821

13/3/7 c1758-c1765 : Religious tracts by Granville Sharp including­ remarks on the Athanasian creed; the insufficiency of human reason; defence of the character of the prophet Daniel; the catechism explained.  [1 bdl]
13/3/8 [late 18th century] : “Important manuscript tracts”  [1 bdl]
13/3/9 c1791-1804 : Papers on Hebrew syntax.  [1 bdl]


Box 3821 (continued)

13/3/10 c1760-c1764 : Tracts written in vindication of passages of sacred history condemned by Rev Kennicott (see 13/1/C17, 13/1/D10, 13/1/R15 & 13/3/3) and others, with related rough notes.  [2 bdls]


Box 3821 (continued)

13/3/11 c1777-1801 : “Warnings against the influence of papacy”. Includes “A declaration of the people’s natural right to share in the legislature” part III (written c1777 but never printed); printed pamphlet on the religious establishment of the French republic (1801); copy of a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury concerning the “two imperial horns of the other beast” (Granville Sharp’s interpretation of the apocalypse in relation to contemporary political situation, 1781).  [1 bdl]

Box 3822

13/3/12 c1759-c1777 : Draft manuscripts, pamphlets and notes including Granville Sharp’s remarks on Athanasian creed, c1759; answer to an anonymous letter on pre-destination, 1777; memorandum by Dr Mangey against the Socinians. [1 bdl]


Box 3822 (continued)

13/3/13 [late 18th century] : Papers entitled “chiefly scriptural”. [1 bdl]
13/3/14 1800 : Remarks on tract entitled A modest apology for the Roman Catholics of Great Britain, addressed to all moderate Protestants.  [3]
13/3/15 [late 18th century] : First rough memorandum on the 68th psalm.  [1]
13/3/16 [late 18th century] : Draft tract entitled “Remonstrance the 3rd”.  [1]


Boxes 3822 (continued) and 3823

13/3/17 [late 18th century] : Notes on prophecy including letter to author of tract on prophecy occasioned by his application of a prediction in Daniel to the contemporary French power­.  [2 bdls]


Box 3823 (continued)

13/3/18 [late 18th century] : Manuscripts of tracts on the Hebrew tongue and definite article in classical Greek.  [2 bdls]
13/3/19 [late 18th century] : Manuscript extract of translation of a work by classical Greek author containing a prophecy of the destruction of Egypt; remarks on Mr Bryant’s analysis of ancient mythology. [2]

Slavery / colonisation

13/3/20 c1773-1779 : Newscuttings entitled “slave trade”.  [1 bdl]
13/3/21 [1783] : Draft memorandum on Sierra Leone settlement.  [1]
13/3/22 [c1783] : Address by Granville Sharp to the Maroons in the new English settlement at Sierra Leone.  [1 bdl]
13/3/23 1791 : Printed promise by Sierra Leone Company to American Negroes relating to free settlement on the coast of Africa.  [1]
13/3/24 [1792] : Plan [said  on note by C H Fyfe, 1952 to correspond roughly to plan of Freetown laid out by the Sierra Leone Co]. [1]


Box 3823 (continued)

13/3/25 Printed text of debate in the House of Commons on motion for the abolition of slave trade.  Inside front cover : manuscipt index to those participating.  [1 vol]
13/3/26 1797 : Bill for total abolition of slavery in the state of Pennsylvania (manuscript copy)  [1]
13/3/27 [late 18th century] : Song of Negro slaves at Barbados (three copies of same song).  [3] 13/3/28 [late 18th century] : An account of the occasion which first compelled Granville Sharp to study law and undertake the defence­ of Negro slaves.  [2]
13/3/29 [late 18th century] : Diagram showing lay-out of slave ship.  [1]
13/3/30 [late 18th century] : Manuscript notes entitled “Negroes”.  [1]
13/3/31 [late 18th century] : Notes and sketches relating to planning of towns [in colonies].  [1 bdl]

Parliamentary Reform

13/3/32c1780 : Pamphlets including The Remembrancer or Impartial Repository of Events (nos II-V, 9th vol.)  [1 bdl]


Box 3824

13/3/33 c1780-c1795 : “Political reformation” containing other memoranda, newspapers and other papers including Acts of Parliament with annotations by Granville Sharp; petition from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk in favour of discontinuing war with America.  Much material relates to the various county committees.  [ 2 bdls]
13/3/34 1784-1785 : Mainly rough copies of letters by Granville Sharp on the subject of parliamentary reform.  [1 bdl]
13/3/35 [late 18th century] : Copies of letters concerning national defence through system of frankpledge.  [1 bdl]


13/3/36 c1727-1780 : Newspapers citing cases of impressed people­.[1 bdl]
13/3/37 c1727-c1774 : Printed acts of parliament concerning impressment with notes by Granville Sharp.  [1 bdl]


Box 3824 (continued)

13/3/38 [late 18th century] : Manuscript against pressing by General Oglethorpe; The Sailor’s Advocate (argues against pressing); Granville Sharp’s notes on relevant statutes and remarks based on “Magna Charter” of City of London.  [1 bdl]


Box 3825

13/3/39 c1785-c1786 : Episcopacy in America.  Contains draft letters and writings on civil freedom;  (printed) sermon on the festival of Thanksgiving preached by Rev William White, Philadelphia, 1786; A New Review, January 1785; Gentleman’s Magazine, February 1785; (printed) sermon preached at the consecration of Dr Samuel Seabury, Bishop of Episcopal church, Connecticut, 1785.  [2 bdls]


Box 3825 (continued)

13/3/40 [late 18th century] : Remarks on national militia; warnings against Roman Catholicism; (printed) plan for the mitigation of slavery.  [1 bdl]
13/3/41 [late 18th century] : Canada.  Includes list of slaveholders in province of New Brunswicke St Johns; copy of letter from Quebec giving sketch of loyalist settlements; abstract of letter to Granville Sharp about catholicism in Canada; notes about religion and science in Quebec.  [1 bdl]
13/3/42 [late 18th century] : Convicts. Mainly newscuttings.[1 bdl]
13/3/43 1769-1791 : (Printed) outline of settlement on coast of New South Wales, 1785; (printed) Act of Parliament concerning bishops in America, 1784; papers concerning Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland including (printed) regulations established by Rev Dr Sharp at Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, n d; account of signals used at Bamburgh Castle, 1771; account of uses of old tower in castle (including school); printed letter from Granville Sharp to committee of the Corporation of London appointed­ to enquire into the state of the London workhouse­, 1791; draft version of tract concerning the “extraordinary effects produced in America and elsewhere by a tract printed ... 1769 against slavery”.  [1 bdl]
13/3/44 [late 18th century] : Manuscripts and tracts including “Nullum tempus”; remarks and writings on various passages of scripture.  [1 bdl]


Box 3825 (continued)

13/3/45 c1765 : A proposal for the general encouragement of learning in Dublin college; notes and writings on French Parliament, militia and watch and ward; duelling.  Includes a letter from “a sincere penitent”, 1765.  [1 bdl]
13/3/46 [late 18th century] : An explanation of the golden rule by Granville Sharp; observations on the right of the crown of Great Britain to the north west continent of America; cloth made out of bark (from St George’s Island); packet entitled “Eastern Manuscripts”.  [1 bdl]


Box 3825 (continued)

13/3/47[late 18th century] : Engraving advertising H Repton, landscape gardener, Hare Street, nr Romford, Essex; printed­ pamphlet on annual parliaments, written by Granville Sharp, 1780; The Monthly review, January 1774 (containing article by Granville Sharp on duelling); printed resolutions made by committee of the Society for abolition of the slave trade, April 1791; newspapers containing articles relating­ to slave-trade, 1783-1794.  [1 bdl]

Box 3826

13/3/48 [late 18th / early 19th century] : Miscellaneous printed & manuscripts.  Mainly printed material on very varied topics including slave trade.  Items of interest include: tract on the utility of refraining from the use of West Indian sugar and rum, 1791; thoughts on opening the trade to the East Indies addressed to the merchants of Great Britain by Thomas Parker­,  Lincolns Inn, 1784; printed meeting of subscribers to a fund for relieving young women in distress, London, 1800; address by Ashton Lever asking for subscribers to a natural history museum at Leicester House, [London] 1780; papers about publishing by subscription including receipts for money paid by Granville, James and John Sharp for books and pamphlets, 1788-1789; address by Sarah Trimmer on need to reform education system, n d; list of prize winners (for knitting and other skills) chosen by committee of industry, Epping Place [London]; printed plan of education at boarding school for gentlemen, Eltham, Kent, n d.  [1 bdl]
13/3/49 [late 18th century] :  Letters and tracts on arts and sciences.  Includes sketch of a boat; diagrams of mathematical devices.  [1 bdl]
13/3/50 c1789 : France: Includes newspaper reports on the French revolution; printed speech of M Moreau de St Merry spoken in the assembly of electors of Paris, July 29, 1789.  [1 bdl]
13/3/51 [late 18th / early 19th century] : Literary, political and religious subjects.  Includes first half sheet translation of the New Testament­ into biblical Hewbrew, intended to be published by London Society­ for the conversion of Jews, 1811. [1 bdl]
13/3/52 c1782 : Diving, with description of “diving machine”. [1bdl ]


Box 3826 (continued)

13/3/53 Much printed material including declaration of John Wilkes in Kings Bench prison to freeholders of Middlesex, 1769; order in council forbidding aid to be given to Corsican rebels, 1753; newscuttings about Irish Parliament.  Also includes manuscript tract on the foundations of law; notes on frankpledge; manuscript short account of the English manner of pronouncing the Latin tongue.  [1 bdl]
13/3/54 Manuscript versions of Granville Sharp’s tract Declaration of peoples rights to share in the legislature part III.   [1 bdl]


Box 3826 (continued)

13/3/55 Various writings by Granville Sharp including address to the colonial assemblies of the West Indian isles ... particularly Jamaica, n d; remarks on Col Matthew’s account of Sierra Leone, n d; writings on the scriptures; answer to a case of conscience, 1804; paper drawn up for person with religious melancholy, n d; writing on “Diet or Temperance”.  Other miscellaneous items include: Col Burgoyne’s speech before the Kings Bench on the Preston election, n d; speech on the nomination of candidates to represent county­ of Middlesex, 1780; memorandum about letter received from Dr Sparman in Stockholm about King George III’s illness, 1789.  [1 bdl]
13/3/56 Various papers including: Granville Sharp’s writings on religious themes, also on agriculture and triennial elections­; abstract of account of the charge of H M’s Civil Government January 1765-January 1766.  [1 bdl]

13/4 Diaries and commonplace books, c1772-c1813


Box 3827

13/4/1 c1783-c1812 : Commonplace books labelled A - F.   Contains mainly writings on religious, moral and ethical topics. [6 vols]


Box 3827 (continued)

13/4/2 1772-1813 : Extract from his pocket books / diaries (made by Catherine Sharp) labelled G - K.G : 1772-1782; H : 1783-1798; I : 1799-1809;                  K : 1810-1813 Note: the whereabouts of the original diaries of Granville Sharp is not known.

13/5 Other papers, 1682-1810

13/5/1 1682, 1738-1739 : Printed sermon preached at funeral of James Houblon, buried at St Mary Wolnoth church, Lombard Street, [London], 1682; sermon preached by the Bishop of Rochester before the Society for Promoting English Protestant Schools in Ireland, 1738. [2]
13/5/2 [17th century] : Letter from Lord Feversham concerning his recent­ appointment of Lord Lieutenant of Kent, n d.  [1]
13/5/3 1700 : Acts at a visitation held by Dr Thomas Bray as commissary of Henry, Lord Bishop of London at port of Annapolis.   [1]
13/5/4 [early 18th century] : Particulars for the manor of Pepper Harrow­ and Oxenford, Surrey, n d.  [1]
13/5/5 1755-1756 : Journal of the proceedings of the ship Dodington from sailing from the Downes until wrecked on the coast of Africa ... and afterwards a daily account of transactions of 23 survivors.  [1]
13/5/6 c1756-1759 : Etchings, political and satirical cartoons [?based on sketches by Granville Sharp].  [1 bdl]
13/5/7 1759-1762, 1769 : Issues of the London Gazette, 1759-1762 and Gentleman’s Magazine, 1769.  [1 bdl]
13/5/8 1761 : Receipt (on back of playing card) money paid by Granville Sharp for use of room looking on Tower Hill.[1]
13/5/9 1762 : Manuscript notes on fortifications (in French)[1vol]


Box 3827 (continued)

13/5/10 1762-1763 : Papers relating to artist Angelica Kauffman (see Dictionary of National Biography),  apparently purchased­ by Granville Sharp.  Includes letters and testimonials as to military service, bills, copies of verses, printed certificates of honorary membership of German literary societies and miscellaneous­ papers, all relating to Count Ferdinand von Horn of the Prussian guard.
Angelica Kauffman’s husband “von Horn” is described as an imposter in the Dictionary of National Biography: the papers­ listed, unless all forgeries, appear to relate to a genuine Count von Horn whose name the imposter may have adopted.    [1 bdl]

Box 3860

13/5/11 1772-1790 : Pamphlets by Granville Sharp and others : An argument in the case of James Somersett, a Negro by Mr Hargrave, London, 1772; An essay on the treatment and conversion of African slaves in the colonies by Rev James Ramsay, London 1784; Letters on slavery by William Dickson, former secretary to the governor of Barbados, London, 1789; An essay in the African slave trade by Granville Sharp, 1790.  [1 bdl] *
13/5/12 c1774 : Papers relating to James Powell, an indentured servant­ in Virginia whom Granville Sharp tried to trace.  [4]
13/5/13 c1774-1794 : Sermon preached at Spring Garden chapel and at Oxford chapel with related papers.  [1 bdl]
13/5/14 [late 17th century?] : Letter from the Duchess of Portsmouth [mistress of Charles II] to Madam Oglethorpe, n d.  [1]
13/5/15 1779-1809 : Papers concerning funerals of Dr Boyce, 1779, thre Archbishop of Canterbury, 1805, and the Bishop of London, 1809 [4]
13/5/16     [c1785] : Drawings of a Roman stone discovered in digging foundation for new office of ordnance in the Tower [of London], with related correspondence, 1946.  An illustration of the stone, now lost, appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine, 1785.  [4]
13/5/17 1790 : Award of doctorate to Granville Sharp by Senate of
OUTSIZE  Harvard Univesity .  [1]
13/5/18     1792 : Certificate of membership to the Pennsylvania Society
OUTSIZE  for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery.  [1]
13/5/19 1794 : The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, copiously annotated by Granville Sharp.  [1]


Box 3860 (continued)

13/5/20 c1796 : French political pamphlets, sent to Granville Sharp by M Rolland, French minister to the interior.  [2 bdls]
13/5/21 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Label relating to tea-service given to Granville Sharp by a redeemed negro and used when George III took tea on board the family yacht.  [1]
13/5/22 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Copperplate engraving of Granville Sharp in profile by W H Heyer.  [1]
13/5/23 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Declaration of those rights of the commonalty of Great Britain without which they cannot be free.  [1]
13/5/24 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Notes on psalms and chants attributed to Spanish and German Jews, n d.  [3]
13/5/25 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Musical scores for “sacred canons, trios etc”, n d.  [1  vol]
13/5/26 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Poems, manuscript and printed (some presumably written by Granville Sharp) and manuscript copy of a short introduction to music written for children by Granville Sharp.  [7]
13/5/27 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Recipe for loaf sugar headed Philadelphia, December 3rd .  [1]
13/5/28 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Wrapper marked Al Koran, the gift of Mr Dawes, the governor of Sierra Leone, to Granville Sharp.  [1]
13/5/29 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Plan of Beaufort
OUTSIZE Farm in Granville County, South Carolina, showing numbered lots (no names given).  [1]
15/5/30 [late 18th century / early 19th century] : Manuscript notes / commentary on unidentified book on the constitution.  [1]
15/5/31 [c1800] : Description of collection of fossils.  [1]
13/5/32 1800 : Papers relating to the London Library, of which Granville Sharp was a trustee.  [1 bdl] *
13/5/33 1810 : Printed discourse occasioned by the death of Elizabeth Prowse, late of Wicken Park, Northants inscribed “to GS” (her brother).  [1]

13/6 Posthumous material, 1813-1972

13/6/1 [1813] : Poem to the memory of Granville Sharp. [1]


Box 3860 (continued)

13/6/2 1813 : Obituary notices.  [2 bdls]
13/6/3       [1857] : List of works by Granville Sharp and others “from Clare Hall”.  [1]
13/6/4 [c1880] : Article on Granville Sharp and the slave trade by Lt Col Granville Browne n d.  [1]
13/6/5 [19th century] : An account of books written and published by Granville Sharp and of other books for and against his publications , 1765-1812, with related papers, n d.  [1 bdl]
13/6/6 1956 : The City of London and Impressment, 1776-1777 by John A Woods, Leeds.  [1]
13/6/7 [1950’s] : “The Correspondence of Benjamin Rush and Granville Sharp, 1773-1809”.  Edited by John A Woods in the Journal of American Studies, n d.  [1]
13/6/8 1961 : Newspaper article on the Sierra Leone colony, written­ to mark its independence.  [1]


Box 3860 (continued)

13/6/9 [1962] : Typed copies of tracts and pamphlets written by Granville Sharp, late 18th century.  [2 bdls]
13/6/10 1972 : Programme for dinner marking 200th anniversary of the abolition of slavery, attended by Olive Lloyd-Baker, with related papers.  [6]
13/6/11 [20th century] : The position and duties of the merchant.  Article­ about Granville Sharp by Hon Charles Sumner reprinted from the Boston Telegraph, n d.  [1]
13/6/12 [18th century] miscellaneous items relating to impressment of seamen.  [1 bdl]

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