Part 1: The Schlesinger Collection of Etiquette and Advice Books from the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
Detailed Listing
The Contents of Reels provided details of the author, title, place of publication and date of each work. This Detailed Listing supplements these with details of the publisher (where known) and selected extracts and content lists for a number of the titles. This will enable scholars to see the range of issues touched upon by this type of material, from medical matters and cookery, to household design and affairs of the heart.
1 Abbott, John Stevens Cabot 1805-1877
The mother at home, or the principles of maternal duty.
Boston: Crocker & Brewster,1833.
2 Abell, L G, Mrs.
Woman in her various relations, containing practical rules for American families.
New York: R T Young, 1853.
3 The affectionate son: for the use of children.
Portland: 1839.
4 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young husband, or duties of man in the marriage relation.
Boston: G W Light, 1840.
5 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young husband, or duties of man in the marriage relation. 8th ed.
Boston: Waite, Peirce & Co, 1846.
6 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young husband, or duties of man in the marriage relation. 12th ed.
Boston: Charles H Peirce, 1848.
7 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young man’s guide. 20th ed.
Boston: T R Marvin, 1849.
To the Sixteenth Edition [appears in 20th ed.]
"It is now nearly twelve years since this work was prepared for the press, during which period it has passed through fifteen editions, some of them very large. Besides this, it has been the occasion of many other books for young men, - some of them bearing almost the very same title, - whose sales have also been extensive.
But as the original, or parent work, is still preferred by many to the later, and, in some instances, doubtful productions of those who prefer to live on the labors of others rather than to originate for themselves, it has been thought expedient by the Author to revise it, and especially to add a few thoughts on the nature and character of Friendship. The greatest change is made in the last chapter.
The leading purpose of the Young Man’s Guide, as the public must be already aware, is to aid in forming the character of young men for time and for eternity. Though not a religious work, in the proper sense of the term, its end is to make the young better, no less than wiser. In this view, the Author has entered largely into a discussion of the means of improving the mind, the manners, and the morals, as well as of the proper management of business. Something is also said of amusements, and incidentally of bad habits, personal and social. One of the closing chapters was the pioneer of a new field of popular inculcation: how useful it may have been, the public must judge for themselves.
On the subject of marriage, the Author has been more full, as well as more earnest, than elsewhere. The importance of this institution to every young man, the means of rendering it what the great Creator originally intended it should be, together with those occasional evils that follow – some of them in terrible retribution – those vices which tend to oppose or thwart his benevolent purposes, are faithfully, and it is hoped correctly, presented.
The Publisher has appended to the present edition the Constitution of the United States – a document which should be thoroughly studied and understood by all young men who would become the intelligent and useful citizens of a free country.
The work which was partially announced in the first preface to this volume, designed as a sequel to it, for more advanced readers, - is still kept in view. The Boy’s Guide, so long ago promised as an introduction to the present work, is just published.
That the Young Man’s Guide may continue to prove useful to the class of persons for whom it is especially prepared, and for whose improvement the Author has laboured nearly half a century, is his most earnest prayer concerning it."
October 1844
From Chapter VII of the same work:
"Criminal Behaviour: Section 1. Inconstancy and Seduction"
"In nineteen cases out of twenty, of illicit conduct, there is perhaps, no seduction at all; the passion, the absence of virtue, and the crime, being all mutual. But there are cases of a very different description. Where a young man goes coolly and deliberately to work, first to gain and rivet the affections of a young lady, then to take advantage of those affections to accomplish that which he knows must be her ruin, and plunge her into misery for life; when a young man does this, I say he must be either a selfish and unfeeling brute, unworthy of the name of man, or he must have a heart little inferior, in point of obduracy, to that of the murderer. Let young women, however, be aware; let them be well aware, that few, indeed, are the cases in which this apology can possibly avail them. Their character is not solely theirs, but belongs in part, to their family and kindred. They may, in the case contemplated, be objects of compassion with the world; but what contrition, what repentance, what remorse, what that even the tenderest benevolence can suggest, is to heal the wounded hearts of humbled, disgraced, but still affectionate parents brethren, and sisters?
In the progress of an intimate acquaintancy, should it be discovered that there are certain traits of character in one of the parties, which both are fully convinced will be a source of unhappiness, through life, there may be no special impropriety in separating. And yet even then I would say, avoid haste. Better consider for an hour than repent for a year, or for life. But let it be remembered, that before measures of this kind are even hinted at, there must be a full conviction of their necessity, and the mutual and heartfelt concurrence of both parties. Any steps of this kind, the reasons for which are not fully understood on both sides, and mutually satisfactory, as well as easily explicable to those friends who have a right to inquire on the subject, are criminal; nay more; they are brutal.
I have alluded to indirect promises of marriage, because I conceive that the frequent opinion among young men that nothing is binding but a direct promise, in so many words, is not only erroneous, but highly dishonourable to those who hold it. The strongest pledges are frequently given without the interchange of words. Actions speak louder than words; and there is an attachment sometimes formed, and a confidence reposed, which would be, in effect, weakened by formalities. The man who would break a silent engagement, merely because it is a silent one, especially when he has taken a course of conduct which he knew would be likely to result in such engagement, and which perhaps he even designed, is deserving of the public contempt. He is even a monster unfit to live in decent society.
But there are such monsters on the earth’s surface. There are individuals to be found, who boast of their inhuman depredations on those whom it ought to be their highest happiness to protect and aid, rather than injure. They can witness, almost without emotion, the heavings of a bosom rent with pangs which themselves have inflicted. They can behold their unoffending victim, as unmoved as one who views a philosophical experiment; - not expiring, it is true, but despoiled of what is vastly dearer to her than life – her reputation. They can witness all this, I say, without emotion, and without a single compunction of conscience. And yet they go on, sometimes with apparent prosperity and inward peace. At any rate, they live. No lightning blasts them; no volcano pours over them its floods of lava; no earthquake engulfs them. They are permitted to fill up the measure of their wickedness. Perhaps they riot in ease, and become bloated with luxury. But let this description of beings – men I am almost afraid to call them – remember that punishment, though long deferred, cannot be always evaded. A day of retribution must and will arrive. For though they may not be visited by what a portion of the community call special ‘judgements’, yet their punishment is not the less certain. The wretch who can commit the crime to which I have referred, against a fellow being, and sport with those promises, which, whether direct or indirect, are of all things earthly among the most sacred, will not, unless he repents, rest here. He will go on from step to step in wickedness. He will harden himself against every sensibility to the woes of others, till he becomes a fiend accursed, and whether on this side of the grave or the other, cannot but be completely miserable. A single sin may not always break in upon habits of virtue so as to ruin an individual at once; but the vices go in gangs, or companies. One admitted and indulged, and the whole gang soon follow. And misery must follow sin, at a distance more or less near, as inevitably as a stone falls to the ground, or the needle points to the pole.
Some young men reason thus with themselves. If doubts about the future have already risen – if my affections already begin to waver at times - what is not to be expected after marriage? And is it not better to separate, even without a mutual concurrence, than to make others, perhaps many others, unhappy for life?"
8 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young mother, or management of children in regard to health.
3rd ed. Boston: George W Light, 1838.
Extract from section on Abuses:
"There is one more species of abuse to which, in closing, I wish to direct maternal attention. I
allude to injudicious modes of inflicting corporal punishment.
Let me not be understood to appear, in this place, as the advocate of bodily punishment of nay kind; for if they are even admissible under some circumstances, I am fully convinced that in the way in which they are commonly administered, they do much more harm than good.
But leaving the question of their utility, in the abstract, wholly untouched, and taking it for granted, for the present, that they are – as is undoubtedly the fact – sometimes employed, and will continue to to be so for a great while to come, I proceed to speak of their more flagrant abuses.
Among these, none are more reprehensible than blows of any kind on the head. Even the rod is objectionable for this purpose, since it exposes the eyes. But the hand – in boxing the ears or striking in any way – is more so. The bones of the head, in young children, are not yet firmly knit together, and these concussions may injure the tender brain. I know of whole families, whose mental faculties are dull, as the consequence – believe – of a perpetual boxing and striking of the head. Some individuals are made almost idiots, in this very manner – but the worst is not yet told. Many teachers are in the habit of striking their pupils’ heads with thick heavy books; and with wooden rules. I have seen one of the latter, of considerable size and thickness, broken in two across the head of a very small boy; and this, too – such is the public mind – in the presence of a mother who was paying a visit to the school. I have seen parents and masters strike the heads of their children with pieces of wood, of much larger size; - in one instance with a common sizes tailor’s press-board; in another with the heavy end of a wooden whip-handle, about an inch in diameter.
Children are sometimes severely beaten across the middle of the body – the region where lie the vital organs – the lungs, the heart, the liver, etc. They are sometimes beaten too, across the joints, or in any place that the excited, perhaps passionate teacher or parent can reach. Rules and books are thrown with violence at pupils in school. There is a story in the Annals of Education, Vol IV, at page 28, of a teacher who threw a rule at a little boy, six years old, which struck him with great force, within an inch of one of his eyes. Had it struck a little nearer to his nose, it would, in all probability, have destroyed his left eye.
But without extending these remarks any father, every intelligent mother who reads what I have already written, will see, as I trust, the necessity of properly informing herself on the great subject of physical education; and of being better prepared than she has hitherto been for acquitting herself, with satisfaction, of those high and sacred responsibilities which, in the wise arrangements of Nature and Providence, devolve upon her.
9 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young wife, or duties of woman in the marriage relation.
Boston: G W Light, 1837.
Extract from an advertisement for The Young Wife, together with reviews:
"This work is based on the principle, that the great business of the wife is Education – the education of herself and her family. It therefore exhibits the duties of a wife, especially to her husband, in a manner at once original and striking. The author presupposes her to have set out in matrimony with Christian principles and proposes; and hence proceeds to inculcate what he deems the best methods of applying them in the routine of daily life and conversation. We believe that no one can rise from the perusal of this volume without a higher respect for female character, as well as a higher confidence in the divine wisdom of matrimony.
The following are a few of the subjects treated upon:
Submission. Kindness. Cheerfulness. Confidence. Sympathy. Friendship. Love. Delicacy and Modesty. Love of Home. Self-Respect. Purity of Character. Simplicity. Neatness. Order and method. Punctuality. Early Rising. Industry. Domestic Economy. Domestic Reform. Sobriety. Discretion. Scolding. Forbearance. Contentment. Habits and Manners. Dress. Health attending the Silk. Love of Childhood. Giving Advice. Self-Government. Intellectual Improvement. Social Improvement. Moral and Religious Improvement. Moral Influence on the Husband.
The following are selected from the many favourable notices of this work:
‘This is one of the best practical treatises of the day; correct and thorough in its teachings – familiar and forcible in its reasonings and illustrations, as well as excellent in its intent and object, on every point of domestic economy and good deportment. The young wife (and many old ones too, as well as those who are neither) will find this volume an able counsellor and guide. We rejoice to perceive that the work has reached a second edition, almost before being known out of the city of Boston: and trust that another edition will not supply the demand of this city alone. A hundred thousand copies would not suffice for the whole country, if all who need its instructions were prepared to receive them, the requirements of economy, industry, temperance, healthfulness, purity, etc, etc, and all domestic virtues, are here most clearly set forth and cogently enforced. May they be faithfully studied and heeded!’ – [New Yorker.]
‘From the examination we have given it, and the praises of or ‘help meet’, we would recommend it to old and young married ladies, and indeed to young unmarried ladies, as well as gentlemen. From the various and important subjects of the book, the master mind of the author has drawn lessons of deep and lasting utility. We say to all women, buy the book – it will prove a treasure.’ – [Mechanic and Farmer.]
‘It is replete with good common sense, sound reasoning, scriptural testimony, and felicitous illustrations from all sources. Our advice to every young wife, and to all older wives, who are willing to improve themselves and their families, is, to procure this book, and read it; and read it again, and again, and they will not fail to appreciate its worth.’ – [Boston Recorder.]
‘We find much to approve, little to cavil with, and nothing to condemn in this book. It is one of a class of books which should fill a shelf in every lady’s book-case.’ – [Ladies’ Companion.]
‘We think it eminently calculated to do good, and would heartily commend it. As a present, it is the most fitting one that can be made to a lady - whether married or single, in the bloom or the wane. It is worth a thousand of the trashy annals, with their rich binding and gilt leaves.’ – [Portland Transcript.]
‘It appears to us that a work of this kind is calculated to do extensive good; - it is written in the usual happy and pleasant style of the author of the Young Man’s Guide.’ – [Salem Observer.]
Three editions of this work were sold in a few weeks."
10 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young woman’s book of health.
New York: Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1855.
11 Alcott, William Andrus 1798-1859
The young woman’s guide to excellence. 15th ed.
New York: Clark, Austin & Smith, 1852.
Defining terms. The word excellence here used as nearly synonymous with holiness. What
is meant by calling the work a Guide. The term Woman – why preferable, as a general term,
to Lady. The class to whom this work is best adapted 17-21"
Comparison of the responsibilities of young men and young women. Saying of Dr Ruch. Its
application to young women. Definition of the term education. Bad and good education.
Opinions of Solomon. Influence of a young woman in a family – in a school. Anecdotes of
female influence. West, Alexander, Caesar, Franklin. Story of a domestic in Boston. The
good she is doing. Special influence of young women in families – and as sisters. Female
influence in the renovation of the world. 22-42"
Views of Agesilaus, King of Sparta – of Solomon, King of Israel. Mistake corrected. What the
wisest and best parents cannot do. What, therefore, remains to the daughter. Necessity of
self-education. The work of self-education the work of life – a never-ending progress upward
to the throne of God. 43-51"
Female capabilities. Doing everything in the best possible manner. Unending progress.
Every person and every occupation susceptible of improvement, indefinitely. Doing well what
is before us. Anecdote illustrative of this principle. Personal duties. Two great classes of
persons described. Hopes of reaching the ears of the selfish. 52-60"
Vast extent of the science of self-knowledge. Spurious self-knowledge. Knowledge of our
physical frame – its laws and relations. Examples of the need of this knowledge. Instruments
of obtaining it. The use of lectures. Study of our peculiarities. Study of mental philosophy.
The Bible. How the Bible should be studied. 61-74"
Is there any conscientiousness in the world? How far conscientiousness should extend.
Tendency and power of habit. Evils of doing incessantly what we know to be wrong. Why we
do this. Errors of early education. False standard of right and wrong. Bad method of family
discipline. Palsy of the moral sensibilities. Particular direction in regard to the education of
conscience. Results which may be expected. 79-92"
What self-government includes. Cheerfulness a duty. Discretion. Modesty. Diffidence.
Courage. Vigilance. Thoughts and feelings. The affections. The temper. The appetites and
passions. 93-112"
Presence of mind. Examples. Napoleon. Female example. Mrs Merrill. Use of the
anecdote. Self-command to be cultivated. In what manner. Consult the experience of
others. Consult your own reason and good sense. Daily practice in the art of self command.
Decision of character as important to young women as to others. Why it is so. Illustrations of
the subject by a Scripture anecdote. Misery and danger of indecision. How to reform.
Perseverance. Errors of modern education. 123-129"
Fashionable education. Why there is so little self-dependence in the world. Why orphans
sometimes make out well in the world. Error corrected. What young women once were.
What they are now. The best character formed under difficulties. Cause of the present
helpless condition of females. Three or four to get breakfast. Modes of breaking up these
habits. Anecdote of an independent young woman. Appeal to the reader. 130-143"
Females not expected to be reasoners. Effects of modern education on the reasoning owers.
Education of former days, illustrated by an anecdote of an octogenarian. Extracts from her
correspondence. Difficulty in getting the ears of mankind. The reasoning powers in man
susceptible of cultivation indefinitely. Reflections on the importance of maternal effort and
female education. 144-152"
Why woman has invented so few things. Abundant room for the exercise of her inventive
powers. Hints. Particular need of a reform in cookery. Appeal to young women on this
subject. 53-155"
Advice of Dr Dwight. Other counsels to the young. Some persons of both sexes are always
seeing, but never reflecting. An object deserving of pity. Zimmerman’s views. Reading to get
rid of reflection. Worse things still. 156-159"
Universal prevalence of detraction and slander. Proofs. Shakespeare. Burns the poet. Self-
knowledge, how much to be desired. Reference to the work of Mrs Opie – to our own hearts –
to the Bible. 160-164"
Great value of moments. An old maxim. Wasting shreds of time. Time more valuable than
money. What are the most useful charities. Doing good by proxy. Value of time for reflection.
Doing nothing. Rendering an account of our time at the last tribunal. 165-170"
Reasons for loving domestic life. 1. Young women should have some avocation. Labour
regarded as drudgery. 2. Domestic employment healthy. 3. It is pleasant. 4. It affords leisure
for intellectual improvement. 5. It is favourable to social improvement. 6. It is the employment
assigned them by Divine Providence, and is eminently conducive to moral improvement. –
The moral lessons of domestic life. A well ordered home a miniature of heaven. 166-180"
Economy becoming old fashioned. The Creator’s example. Frugality and economy should be
early inculcated. Spending two pence to save one, not always wrong. Examples of
disregarding economy. Wasting small things. Good habits as well as bad ones, go by
companies. This chapter particularly necessary to the young. Frugality and economy of our
grandmothers. 181-186"
General neglect of system in families. Successful efforts of a few schools. Why the effects
they produce are not permanent. Importance of right education. Here and there system may
be found. Blessedness of having a mother who is systematic. Let no person ever despair of
reformation. How to begin the work 187-191"
Evil of being one minute too late. Examples to illustrate the importance of punctuality. Case of
a mother at Lowell. Her adventure. General habits which led to such a disaster. Condition of a
family trained to despise punctuality. 192-205"
The muscles, or moving power of the body. Their number and character. Philosophy and
necessity of exercise. Why young women should study these. Various kinds of exercise. 1.
Walking. 2. Gardening and agriculture. 3. House-keeping. 4. Riding. 5. Local exercise. –
Difficulty of drawing the public attention to this subject. The slavery of fashion. Consequences
of the fashionable neglect of exercise. A common but shocking sight. 206-222"
Why rest and sleep are needed. Sleep a condition. We should sleep in the night. Moral
tendency of not doing so. Is there any moral character in such things? Of rest without sleep.
Good habits in regard to sleep. Apartments for sleep. Air. Bed. Covering. Temperature. Night
clothing. Advice of Macnish on the number of persons to a bed. Preparation for sleep.
Suppers. The more we indulge in sleep, the more sleep we seem to require. The reader
urged to study the laws of rest and sleep. An appeal. 223-240"
Education to industry. Man naturally a lazy animal. Indolence in females. Hibernation. Every
young woman ought to be trained to support herself, should necessity require it, and to aid in
supporting others. She should, at least, be always industrious. Kinds of labour. Mental labour
as truly valuable as bodily. 241-245"
Is there no time for relaxation? May there not be passive enjoyments? Passive enjoyments
sometimes wrong. How Christian visits should be conducted. Duty and pleasure compatible.
Passive visits useful to childhood. Folly of morning calls and evening parties. Bible doctrine of
visiting. Abuse of visiting. 246-252"
Miss Sedgwick on good manners. Her complaint. Just views of good manners. Good manners
the natural accompaniment of a good heart. The Bible the best book on manners. Illustrations
of the subject. 253-258"
Dr Bell’s new work on Health and Beauty. Its vale. Adam and Eve probably very beautiful.
Primitive beauty of our race to be yet restored. Sin the cause of present ugliness. Never too
late to reform. Opinion of Dr Rush. An important principle. The doctrine of human perfectibility
disavowed. Various causes of ugliness. Obedience to law, natural and moral, the true source
of beauty. Indecency and immorality of neglecting cleanliness. 259-264"
Reasons for discussing these topics. Every person should undergo a thorough ablution once
a day. Quotation from Mrs Farrar. Two important objects gained by cold bathing. Its vale as
an exercise. Various forms of bathing. Philosophy of this subject. Vast amount of dirt
accumulating on the surface. Statement of Mr Buckingham. Bathing necessary in all
employments. Offices of the skin, and evil consequences of keeping it in an uncleanly
condition. 265-273"
Legitimate purposes of dress – as a covering, a regulator of temperature, and a defence. Use
of ornaments. Further thoughts on dress. How clothing keeps us warm. Errors in regard to the
material, quality, and form of our dress. Tight lacing – its numerous evils. Improvements of the
lungs by education. Objections to the use of personal ornaments. 274-294"
Tendency of young women to dosing and drugging. "nervousness." Qualms of the stomach.
Eating between our meals – its mischiefs. Evils of more direct dosing. What organs are
injured. Confectionery. The danger from quacks and quackery. 295-300"
The art of taking care of the sick should be a part of female education. Five reasons for this.
Doing good. Doing good by proxy. Great value of personal services. How can young women
be trained to these services? Contagion. Breathing bad air. Aged nurses. Scientific instruction
of nurses. Visiting and taking care of the sick a religious duty. Appeal to young women.301-
Futility of the question whether woman is or is not inferior to man. Conversation as a means
of improvement. Taciturnity and loquacity. Seven rules in regard to conversation. Reading
another means of mental progress. Thoughts on a perverted taste. Choosing the evil and
refusing the good. Advice of parents, teachers, ministers, &c.
Advice of a choice friend. Young people reluctant to be advised. Set hours for reading.
Composition. Common mistakes about composing. Attempt to set the matter right.
Journalising. How a journal should be kept. Music. Vocal music something more than a mere
accomplishment. Lectures and concerts. Studies. Keys of knowledge. 310-326"
Improvement in a solitary state. The social relations. Mother and daughter. Father and
daughter. Brother and sister. The elder sister. Brethren and sisters of the great human family.
The family constitution. Character of Fidelia. Her resolutions of celibacy. In what cases the
latter is a duty. A new and interesting relation. Selection with reference to it. Principles by
which to be governed in making a selection. Evils of a hasty or ill-judged selection.
Counsellors. Anecdote of an unwise one. Great caution to be observed. Direction to be
sought at the throne of grace. 327-347"
Importance of progress. Physical improvement a means rather than an end. The same true of
intellectual improvement. The general homage which is paid to inoffensiveness. Picture of a
modern Christian family. Measuring ourselves by others. Our Saviour the only true standard
of comparison. Importance of self-denial and self-sacrifice. Blessedness of communicating.
Young women urged to emancipate themselves from the bondage of fashion, and custom,
and selfishness. 348-356"
12 The American code of manners: a study of the usages, laws and observances which
govern intercourse in the best social circles and of the principles which underlie them.
New York: W R Andrews, 1880.
13 The American lady’s and gentleman’s modern letter writer, relative to business, duty, love,
and marriage.
Philadelphia: Henry F Anners, 1847.
14 The American lady’s preceptor: a compilation of observations, essays and poetical
effusions designed to direct the female mind in a course of pleasing and instructive reading.
3rd ed.
Baltimore: Edward J Coale, 1813.
Extract on the value of time:
"I met with a quotation from an old author, whose name was not mentioned, on this subject,
the beauty and truth of the passage struck me so much as to induce me to lay it before my
‘Hours have wings, and fly up to the author of time, and carry news of our sage. All our
prayers cannot entreat one of them either to return or slacken its pace. The mispense of
every minute is a new record against us in heaven. Sure, if we thought thus, we would
dismiss them with better report and not suffer them either to go away empty, or laden with
dangerous intelligence. – How happy is it that every hour should convey up not only the
message, but the fruits of good, and stay with the Ancient of Days to speak for us before his
glorious throne.’
This most solemn and serious exhortation must awaken, within the breasts of the most
unconcerned, reflections of a serious nature: it shows us in the beautiful simplicity of ancient
language, the value of every hour, nay, minute; that we are accountable to the Almighty for
the use or abuse of every moment of or lives. Let us then endeavour to pass the time present
in such a manner, that we may look back on it with satisfaction, when it becomes the past,
and at the end of each day be able to say, behold a day past, but not lost; then we may look
forward with hope to that great day, when at the dread Tribunal, we are to deliver up an
account of all things committed to our care, when we may say, ‘O Lord, of the hours thou hast
granted unto me, have I lost none.’
To thee, O youth, is my exhortation chiefly addressed; thine is the season when the plant of
truth most flourishes, which, if cultivated by a parent’s or guardian’s fostering hand, produces
fruit an hundred fold. In the cheerful morn of life, when innocence attends thy footsteps, when
the cheerful temper, the open countenance, the unembarrassed air, announce the sincerity of
a heart uncorrupted by the world, open to the voice of counsel, and moulded into form like
yielding wax: then is the time when friendly counsel should be poured in."
Extract giving observations on reading:
"It is an old, but very true observation, that the human mind must ever be employed. A relish
for reading, or any of the fine arts, should be cultivated very early in life: and those who reflect
can tell, of what importance it is for the mind to have some resource in itself, and not to be
entirely dependent on the senses for employment and amusement. It is unfortunately is so, it
must submit to meanness, and often to vice, in order to gratify them. The wisest and best are
too much under their influence; and the endeavouring to conquer them, when reason and
virtue will not give their sanction, constitutes a great part of the warfare of life. What support,
then, have they, who are all senses, and who are full of schemes, which terminate in temporal
Reading is the most rational employment, if people seek food for the understanding, and do
not merely repeat words and sentiments which they do not understand or feel. Judicious
books, and only such, enlarge the mind and improve the heart. Those productions which give
a wrong account of the human passions, and the various accidents of life, ought never to be
read. Such accounts are one great cause of the affectation of young women. Sensibility is
described and praised, and the effects of it represented in a way so different from nature, that
those who imitate it must make themselves very ridiculous. A false taste is acquired, and
sensible books appear dull and insipid after those superficial performances, which obtain their
full end if they can keep the mind in a continual ferment. Gallantry is made the only interesting
subject with the novelist; reading, therefore, will often co-operate to make his fair admirers
15 The art of dining and of attaining high health, with a few hints on suppers to which is added
anecdotes of dining connected with distinguished individuals.
New York: Robert M De Witt, c1874.
16 The art of good behaviour and letter writer on love, courtship, and marriage: a complete
guide for ladies and gentlemen, particularly those who have not enjoyed the advantages of
fashionable life, containing directions for giving and attending parties, balls, weddings,
dinners, etc., including the necessary preparations and arrangements for the marriage
New York: C P Huestis, 1846.
17 Arthur, Timothy Shay 1809-1885
Advice to young men on their duties and conduct in life.
Boston: Elias Howe, 1848.
18 Arthur, Timothy Shay 1809-1885
Advice to young men on their duties and conduct in life.
Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Company, 1850.
19 Arthur, Timothy Shay 1809-1885
The lady at home; or leaves from the every-day book of an American woman.
Philadelphia: Leary & Getz, 1856.
Extract from "CHAPTER 1: JANE, MY IRISH COOK:"
"I was sitting, one day, pleasantly occupied with a new volume, when the door opened quietly,
and my cook, an Irish girl, (a very excellent one, by the way,) came in, and advanced towards
me. ‘Well, Jane, is any thing wanted?’ I asked, in the mild tone in which I always endeavour to
speak to my domestics.
‘I should like to go out for a couple of hours, if you have no objection, Mrs Elmwood,’ Jane
replied, in a respectful voice. Now Jane had been out only two days before, on her regular
afternoon for going, and I felt that it was hardly right for her to want two afternoons in the
week. So I said, a little coldly, ‘I would rather not have you go, Jane.’ Her countenance fell
instantly, and she turned away and left the room with a disappointed air. I was touched at this,
and began to question myself as to the justice of what I had done. But I soon argued down my
feelings by such reasonings as these. ‘Jane ought to know better than to ask for two
afternoons in the week. The agreement was positive in regard to one, and I am surprised that
she should have asked for two. The best way is to keep domestics strictly to their contracts. If
you begin with granting them indulgences, they will soon claim them as a right. Then, if I were
to let Jane go out today, Margaret would think it very hard if I did not let her go out tomorrow.
No – no. I am sorry to disappoint her, but it is best to be exact in these things.’
After I had settled the matter thus, or rather, supposed that I had settled it, I resumed by book;
but did not enjoy it as before. I could not drive from my imagination the disappointed look and
air of Jane, as she turned from my room and went back to her place in the kitchen. Every now
and then reproving thoughts would force themselves upon me so distinctly, that the words I
was reading left no impression of ideas upon my mind and I would pause, with a half breathed
sigh, and review again the justice of my reasons for not granting the small request of my
cook, the oftener I thus looked at them, the less was I satisfied with their force. Still, I could
not make up my mind to withdraw my interdiction. For this would have been confessing to my domestic, that I had been wrong, and such a confession pride was not ready to make. Thus, unhappily, did the hours wear away until near dark, when Margaret, my chambermaid, came in to fill the pitcher on my wash stand with water. ‘Do you know, ma’am, what is the matter with Jane?’ she said, pausing at the door, as she was about leaving my room. ‘Why?’ I asked, while my heart smote me. ‘She’s been sitting down in the kitchen and crying, all the afternoon about something.’ ‘Sitting and crying,’ I said, a momentary feeling of indignation arising quickly in my mind at the thought, that, because I would not let her go out, she had remained in idleness ever since. ‘Yes, ma’am. But her work is all done. She got up very early, and was at it all the morning as hard as she could be. After dinner, all she had to do was to wash up her dishes, and this she did right away, and then cleaned her kitchen up very nice. Ever since that she has been crying about something or other – what, I am sure I don’t know.’
20 Arthur, Timothy Shay, Ed 1809-1885
Our homes: their cares and duties, joys and sorrows.
Philadelphia: H C Peck & Theodore Bliss, 1859.
Extract from the preface:
"In the homes of a country its good and evil influences originate. The carefully trained and wisely educated child grows up into a useful citizen, and works in his allotted sphere for the maintenance of general order, while the neglected child, left to the guidance of his own natural evils, and subjected to a thousand temptations to vice and crime, pushes his way to manhood, a trespasser on the rights of others and a scourge upon the community. Between these extremes are the gradations of good and evil influences, the origins of which may be traced back to the homes in which young life first received its impulses."
21 The Bazar book of decorum: the care of the person, manners, etiquette, and ceremonials.
New York: Harper, c1870.
Extract from the preface:
"This book is an attempt to raise the subject of which it treats to its proper connection with
health, morals, and good taste.
The title is due to the fact that the author has embodied in the text several articles which were
originally published by him in Harper’s Bazar. These, though they form but a small portion of
the whole work, ay be recognised by some of the many readers of that popular periodical; if
so, it is hoped that they will be thought of sufficient value to justify their reproduction in the
present form."
22 Beecher, Catherine Esther 1800-1878
The American woman’s home, or principles of domestic science, being a guide to the
formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes.
New York: J B Ford & Company, 1869.
A summary of the aims of the volume:
"The chief cause of woman’s disabilities and sufferings, that women are not trained, as men
are, for their peculiar duties – Aim of this volume to elevate the honour and remuneration of
domestic employment. – Woman’s duties, and her utter lack of training for them.
Qualifications of the writers of this volume to teach the matters proposes – Experience and
study of woman’s work – Conviction of the dignity and importance of it – The great social and
moral power in her keeping. The principles and teachings of Jesus Christ the true basis of
woman’s rights and duties"
23 Beecher, Catherine Esther 1800-1878
Miss Beecher’s housekeeper and healthkeeper, containing five hundred recipes for
economical and healthful cooking, also many directions for securing health and happiness.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1873.
24 Beecher, Catherine Esther 1800-1878
The new housekeeper’s manual: embracing a new revised edition of the American’s woman’s
home, or principles of domestic science, being a guide to an economical, healthful, beautiful,
and Christian home.
New York: J B Ford and Company, 1874.
25 Bellegarde, Jean Baptiste Morvan 1648-1734
Politeness of manners and behaviour in fashionable society.
Boston: Charles Ewer, 1821.
Extract from the preface, followed by contents list:
"The translator of this little work was led to the task from a desire of bringing from obscurity,
an author of real merit, who seemed to lay forgotten and unknown for almost a century past.
Lord Chesterfield was well acquainted with the Abbé de Bellegarde in his original language;
and has given many lessons from him on politeness, without acknowledging the source of his
instructions. But he has in a great measure made amends for his want of memory in this, by
strongly recommending our author to his son as a proper vade mecum for him, then on his
travels. Speaking of his work entitled, l’art de plaire dans la conversation, he calls it a very
pretty little work, and adds, ‘Though I confess that it is impossible to reduce the art of pleasing
to a system, yet this book is not wholly useless: I would advise you to read it.’ An author thus
recommended, cannot fail of a welcome reception into that polite society which he himself
frequented during many years, and cultivated with such unwearied care, both by precepts and
The politeness insisted on in the following pages does not consist of mere ceremony and little
etiquette; though these have their own use and place in every well-bred company: but it tends
to inspire the love of good manners, and of that easy behaviour in fashionable life, that spring
from goodness of heart, which is directed by reason and refined sense; lessons of which the
present age, with all their attainments, stand but too much in need.
The translator has but to observe, that as the author has been accused of negligence in his
style, the fault of many good writers, he has suppressed several repetitions of the same
phrases, and carefully avoided all tiresome tautology of words."
Politeness of Manners - 9
Modesty of Sentiment - 47
Discretion and Prudence - 83
Moderation and Disinterestedness - 113
Complaisance - 129
Liberal and Courteous Behaviour - 137
Sincerity - 155
Maxims for Polite Society - 173
26 Bloomfield-Moore, Clara Sophia (Jessup), 1824-1899
Sensible etiquette of the best society: customs, manners, morals, and home culture. 18th rev.
Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, c1878.
Note by Arthur Schlesinger inside volume:
"I found that in working up the chapter on balls, that one or two of the American etiquette
books quoted Mrs Moore. Her book Sensible Etiquette, written in 1878, was presumably one
on American etiquette, and supposedly an American etiquette book. In 1865, an English book
entitled The Habits of Good Society by ‘The Man in the Club Window’ was published in
America. Since there was no international copyright law at that time, it was probably pirated
and the name changed so that it could be copyrighted in this country. The book has the
imprint of a firm well known for taking anonymous books, changing their names and then
copyrighting them themselves. Mrs Moore had taken passage after passage from the above
book without making the least acknowledgement or by the simple use of quotation marks.
An example of this is furnished on pages 200-201 in Mrs Moore’s book. These can be
compared with pages 385-386 of The Habits of Good Society. This is only one of the
numerous such plagiarisms."
27 The book of manners: a guide to social intercourse.
New York: Carlton & Porter, 1852.
28 Bunce, Oliver Bell, Mrs 1828-1890
What to do: a companion to Don’t.
New York: D Appleton and Company, 1892.
I. Introductions - 9
II. Cards - 14
III. Calls or Visits - 18
IV. Invitations - 21
V. Good Manners in Public - 25
VI. Dress for Gentlemen - 28
VII. Dress for Ladies - 32
VIII. Letters - 36
IX. The Well-bred Man - 40
X. The Well-bred Woman - 43
XI. Dinners - 46
XII. Receptions - 49
29 Brinton, Daniel Garrison 1837-1899
The laws of health in relation to the human form.
Springfield: W J Holland, 1870.
Extract from the preface, followed by contents listing:
"Since the publication, now thirty-odd years ago, of the excellent little book of Dr John Bell, we
do not know of any work in this country on Personal Beauty, written from the physician’s point
of view. In Europe, on the other hand, the subject has occupied some of the best writers in
the profession; and in view of the vast increase in cosmetic arts within the past few years, it
must be regarded as one of great public and professional, as well as personal interest. We have endeavoured in the present volume to furnish such an abundance of simple and harmless, yet efficient aids for the toilet, that the dependence on secret and injurious nostrums may be dispensed with, and the beauty of the body cultivated more in accordance with the principles of correct taste and sound health than is now the case."
The power of Beauty, 9. The nature of Beauty, 13. Cosmetic surgery, 15. Its propriety, 17.
Definition of Personal Beauty, 19."
Its correct proportions, 21. How to perfect the figure, 23. Defects in stature: too tall or too
hort, 25. Want of symmetry of the body, 27. Relaxed and stooping figures, 30. Superfluous
and defective members, 35. On Corpulence and Leanness, 37. Bill of Fare to decrease in
flesh, 43. On Leanness, 48. Bill of Fare to increase in flesh, 50."
The proper form of the neck, 55. Wry-neck and goitre, 56. The shoulders and chest, 58. The
breasts and waist, 60."
The shape of the head, 97. The face and expression, 72."
Proper form, and colour of the eye, 79. The eyebrows, 80. The eyelids and eyelashes, 82.
The eye, 87."
The form and care of the ear, 95. Piercing the ear, and ear-rings, 98.
Proper form, and care of the nose, 100. Defects sin the form and colour of the nose, 104. The
sense of smell and perfumery, 108."
The mouth and lips, 114. The teeth, 123. The voice, 134. Offensive breath, 142."
The arm, 148. The hand and fingers, 140. The finger nails, 157."
The leg, 100. The foot and shoe, 162."
From the anatomist’s standpoint, 172. Washing and bathing, 175. On - toilet soaps, 115. Lotions and washes to beautify the skin, 188. - Emulsions and pomades for the skin, 195. Other means of improving - the complexion, 196. Protecting the complexion-marks and veils, 197. - What clothing should be worn next the skin, 199. Powders to protect t the skin, 204, 204. Means for whitening the skin, 206. Rose powders - and rouge, 320. A word about enamelling the face, 214. Patches, 216. - Discolorations of the skin, 217 excessive whiteness of the skin, 219. - Discolorations from nitrate of silver, 224 Sunburn, tan, and freckles 225
Liver-spots and moles, 230. Mothers’ marks, 233. India-ink or tattoo marks, 234. Arsenic
eating and secret washes, 238. Eruptions of the skin, 241. Pimples, hives, carbuncles, 244.
The prevention and removal of scars, 252. On wrinkles, 254."
Physiology of the hair, 257. The hair in health – washing, combing and brushing, 262. Cutting
the hair, 265. How to curl and stiffen the hair, 269. Hair powders, 272. Gray hair and hair
dyes, 274. False hair, chignons, etc, 286. Falling of the hair and baldness, 290. Dandruff, and
scurf of the scalp, 295. Excessive growth of hair and depilatories, 298. The arrangement of
the hair, 304."
How to wear the beard, 319. The care of the beard, 315. Diseases of the beard, 317."
The duty of comeliness, 320."
A conversation, 324."
30 Calvert, George Henry 1803-1889
The gentleman.
Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863.
I. Introductory – Etymological – Prelusive - 7
II. Bayard – Sidney – Moral Freedom – Æsthetic Element - 19
III. Charles Lamb – George IV – Princes - 32
IV. Leicester – Hampden – Washington – Napoleon – St Paul - 48
V. The Ancienta – Christian Influence – Roman Senate - The Duel – Banquet of Plato –
Position of Women Among the Ancients - 59
VI. Cæsar – Brutus – Socrates – Grecian Mythology – Homeric Heroes – Ideals - 71
VII. Shakespeare’s Historical Plays – Prospero – Orlando – Antonio - – The Real Married to the
Ideal – Sir Roger de Coverley – My - Uncle Toby – Don Quixote – Scott – Coleridge – Shelley
– Byron – High-bred Tone in Writing – Burns – Keats – Shakespeare - 84
VIII. The Moral and the Poetical – Their Alliance in Gentlemanhood – The Generic – The
"Liberal" Professions – Impartiality of Nature – Manners – Lord Chesterfield - 105
IX. Honour – Personality – Pride and Vanity – Fashion – Vulgarity - 122
X. Various Kinds of Gentlemen – Fragments – Ladyhood – Conclusion - 139"
31 Gimbrede, J N
Card etiquette.
New York: 1869.
32 Carey, Mathew 1760-1839
Philosophy of common sense: practical rules for the promotion of domestic happiness,
containing rules for the married, essay on the relations of masters and mistresses and
domestics, rules for moral education, essay on fashions and on the pernicious effects of the
use of corsets, with various other fugitive articles.
Philadelphia: E L Carey & A Hart: 1838.
33 Chamberlain, C D, Madam
Character by Samuel Smiles.
Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co, 1883.
34 Chavasse, Pye Henry 1810-1879
Advice to wives on the management of themselves during the periods of pregnancy, labour,
and suckling.
New York: D Appleton & Co, 1844.
‘Ceasing to be unwell’ - 21
Morning sickness - 21
Pains of the breast - 21
‘Quickening’ - 22
Increased size after quickening - 23
Other signs usually accompanying pregnancy 23
Remarks on pregnant females taking long walks - 24 Observations on exercise during pregnancy - 24 Remarks on stooping, over-reaching, etc - 24 The ill effects of indolence during pregnancy - 24 On pregnant females treating themselves as invalids - 25
The importance of frequent rest considered - 25
The plan to be adopted where there is a difficulty of lying down – 25
Observations on an abstemious diet during pregnancy - 26
Certain fruits recommended - 26
Remarks on the taking of high-seasoned food during pregnancy - 26
On the importance of abstinence if the patient be plethoric – 27
On ventilation of bed-room - 27
The plan to be adopted if a pregnant female is restless 28
If she cannot lie down in bed - 27
Remarks on pain at night during the latter end of the time - 28
On pregnant females retiring early to rest - 28
On the trifling ailments of pregnancy - 23
Remarks on a costive state of the bowels during pregnancy - 29
On the importance of an abstemious diet if the bowels be costive - 30
The best aperients for a pregnant female - 30
On the use of enemas in pregnancy - 31
Heart-burn: its treatment - 32
Piles: their treatment - 32
Swollen legs: their treatment - 35
On the importance of having the bowels gently opened before the commencement of labour - 35
Toothache: the danger of extraction during pregnancy: the best remedies for toothache - 35
Morning sickness: its treatment - 38
Means to harden the nipples - 39
The best treatment when the breasts are very painful during pregnancy - 39
Bowel complaints; their treatments - 39
Palpitation of the heart: the treatment - 40
Cramps: the treatment - 40
‘Whites': the best applications – 41
On the cause of young married women being so apt to miscarry - 42
On the weakening effect of miscarriages - 42
Symptoms of a miscarriage - 43
On the prevention of a miscarriage - 43
Symptoms denoting the certainty of a miscarriage - 44
On the care required after a miscarriage - 44
On the ill state of health frequently dated from a neglected miscarriage
The course to be pursued by a lady prone to miscarry before she becomes pregnant again - 44
Plan to be adopted by those prone to miscarry - 46
On spurious labour pains - 46
Their treatment – 47
Periods of gestation - 47
How to commence the 'reckoning' - 47
A good plan to make the 'reckoning' – 48
On the feelings of the patient a day or two before the commencement of labour - 51
On the appearance of a 'show' - 51
Its importance as an indication of labour - 51
On the importance of not interfering with 'grinding pains' - 52
On 'grinding pains' - 52
Remarks on bearing down to 'grinding pains' - 52
On exercise during this stage - 52
On the proper time to send for the medical man - 53
Remarks on the importance of not unnecessarily interfering with labour - 53
The usual length of first and subsequent labour - 64
Articles that will be wanted during labour - 54
On the importance of attending to the bowels during the latter period of pregnancy - 55
The way a female should be dressed during labour - 55
On the removal of the bed-carpets and valances - 55
The manner of 'guarding the bed' - 55
The proper temperature of the lying-in room - 56
Attendants during labour - 56
On the importance of cheerful conversation during labour - 58
On the administering of brandy during labour - 57
On the importance of frequently making water during labour - 58
The plan to be adopted where the child is born before the arrival of the medical man – 58
The great care required in such cases – 59
The course to be pursued where a child is born apparently dead - 59
Further directions recommended - 59
Remarks on the impropriety of tying the navel-string before animation be restored – 60
On warm baths to restore animation – 60
On the importance of having warm water in readiness in lingering labours – 60
Directions on how to tie and divide the navel-string when the medical man is not at hand – 60
On the importance of not allowing a non-professional person to meddle with the removal of the after-birth - 61
On the proper time of placing a patient comfortably in bed after delivery – 61
On additional clothing directly after labour – 62
The best beverage after labour – 62
Remarks on brandy after confinement – 63
On caudle - 63
On the kind of bandage, and manner of applying it - 63
On the importance of supporting the bowels after confinement - 64
On the way of placing the patient in bed - 64
On the ventilation of the lying-in room – 64
On perfect quietude after labour - 65
Remarks on a patient going to sleep before she has made water - 65
On the importance of immediately acquainting the medical man if there be difficulty in making water - 66
On the best medicine after confinement - 66
On the prejudice against ablution after confinements – 66
On the best kinds of fomentations – 67
On the importance of a horizontal position after labour – 67
On the period of time a patient may sit up after confinement - 67
On the best diet for the first three days after labour - 68
For the next two or three days - 68
On the sixth or seventh day – 68
After that time - 64
For the first ten days after confinement - 69
After ten days or a fortnight - 69
The best beverage where neither wine nor malt liquor agree - 69
The period at which a lady should leave her room - 69
The plan to be adopted after the first six or seven days - 69
On the importance of well ventilating the lying-in room during the absence of the patient - 80
On the time of taking outdoor exercise after labour - 70
The proper period in winter - 70
The proper period in summer - 70
On the stated periods of suckling infants according to their ages 73
The diet of a mother who is suckling - 74
Remarks on mothers being induced to eat more than their appetites demand - 74
On the best meats - 74
On the care required in the selection of food - 75
The beverage of a mother who is suckling - 76
Remarks on wine during suckling - 76
The beverage of a mother when the infant she is suckling is labouring under an inflammatory complaint - 76
The importance of exercise during the period of suckling, considered - 76
On mothers suckling their infants immediately after exercise - 77
On violent exercise during suckling – 77
On carriage exercise – 77
Observations on an unruffled temper during suckling - 77
Remarks on mothers attending to their household duties - 79
The ill effects of indolence on mothers who are nursing - 79
On the importance of occupation during suckling - 79
On the importance of a good nipple - 79
The manner of drawing out a bad and small nipple - 80
The plan to be adopted if the nipple be very much drawn in - 80
The way to prevent sore nipples - 81
The treatment of a sore nipple – 81
The best application if the nipple be not only sore but very much inflamed and swollen – 82
The best application if the nipple be excoriated and moist - 82
On the use of a prepared calf’s teat - 83
Means to be adopted when the milk flows away constantly - 83
On the importance of attending to the breasts, to prevent gathering, etc - 83
The plan to be adopted if the breasts are full and uneasy - 84
Two forms of gathered breasts: symptoms - 85
On the important form of gathered breasts - 85
Plan to be adopted when a mother feels faint during the period of suckling - 87
Aperients, etc, during suckling - 87
Remarks on systematic exercise in the prevention of costiveness – 88
The time a child should be weaned - 88
The manner a mother should act when she weans her child - 89
The best way of 'drying up the milk' - 90
Remarks on an abstemious diet during the period of weaning - 99
Symptoms denoting the necessity of weaning - 90
On the importance of not neglecting such symptoms - 91
On those mothers who cannot suckle their infants - 91
Remarks on mothers suckling their infants when they are pregnant - 91
35 Cobbett, William 1763-1835
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of
life. In a series of letters, addressed to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, a citizen or a
New York: John Doyle, 1831.
Extract from the introduction:
"It is the duty, and ought to be the pleasure of age and experience to warn and instruct youth
and to come to the aid of inexperience. When sailors have discovered rocks or breakers, and
have had the good luck to escape with life from amidst them, they, unless they be pirates or
barbarians as well as sailors, point out the spots for the placing of buoys and of lights, in order
that others may not be exposed to the danger which they have so narrowly escaped. What
man of common humanity, having, by good luck, missed being engulfed in a quagmire or a
quicksand, will withhold from his neighbours a knowledge of the peril without which the
dangerous spots are not to be approached?"
36 The complete handbook of etiquette for ladies and gentlemen.
New York: James Miller, n.d.
Extract from the introduction:
"To gain the good opinion of those who surround them, is the first interest and the second
duty of men in every profession of life. For power and for pleasure, this preliminary is equally
indispensable. Unless we are eminent and respectable before our fellow-beings, we cannot
possess that influence which is essential to the accomplishment of great designs; and men
have an inherent, and one might almost say constitutional, a disposition to refer all that they
say and do, to the thoughts and feelings of others, that upon the tide of the world’s opinion
floats the complacency of every man."
37 Gilman, Nicholas Paine 1849-1912
Conduct as a fine art.Comprising:
The laws of daily conduct by Nicholas Paine Gilman and Character building by Edward
Payson Jackson.
Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1891.
38 Conkling, Margaret Cockburn 1814-1890
The American gentleman’s guide to politeness and fashion, or familiar letters to his nephews,
containing rules of etiquette by Henry Lunettes.
New York: Derby & Jackson, 1859.
39 Conkling, Margaret Cockburn 1814-1890
The American gentleman’s guide to politeness and fashion, or familiar letters to his nephews
by Henry Lunettes. New ed.
Philadelphia: J B Lippincott & Co, 1863.
40 Court etiquette: a guide to intercourse with royal or titled persons
by a man of the world.
London, Charles Mitchell, n.d.
"Court etiquette; a guide to intercourse with royal or titled persons, to drawing rooms, levees,
courts and audiences, the usages of social life, the formal modes of addressing letters,
memorials and petitions, the rules of precedence, the composition of dedications, the conduct
of public meetings and every other formality of business or pleasure."
41 Cox, Sidney
Friendly counsel for girls, or words in season.
New York: G W Carleton, 1868.
42 Cummings, Ariel Ivers 1823-1863
The lady’s present, or beauties of female character.
Nashua: J Buffum, 1849.
Its Origin - 106
It is Eternal - 107
Founded on Fidelity - 108
Woman’s Love constant - 112
A Mother’s Love priceless - 113
Wedded Love a source of happiness - 114
In Adversity - 116
In Prosperity - 117
Counterfeits of, detrimental - 118
The Result of Reason - 119
Should be founded on Virtue - 120
Its influence extensive - 39
A Divine Gift - 40
Its importance - 41
It overlooks the faults of others - 42
Strives to elevate mankind - 43
Relieves suffering Humanity - 45
A security to the Mind - 141
It resists Temptation - 143
Necessary in the affairs of Life - 144
Important to Health - 145
Prevents Deception - 146
Its general Utility - 148
The regulator of the Mind - 78
How it should be founded - 79
The result of Reasoning - 80
Influenced by Prejudice - 83
Should be guided by Benevolence - 85
Its importance to every one - 87
Its importance to the World - 51
Its influence upon us when abroad - 52
Friendship in Woman - 53
Teaches the "Golden Rule" - 54
Friendship in Sickness - 56
A source of Pleasure - 57
Choice of Friends - 58
False Friendship detrimental - 61
True Friendship Eternal - 61
It should be founded on Virtue - 64
Its importannce to the Mind - 90
Fidelity in Business - 91
Fidelity in Friendship - 93
Fidelity in Love - 96-104
Results of Deception - 101
Importance to the Female Sex - 103
A beautiful Characteristic - 132
Lives in seclusion - 133
An Ornament of the Mind - 134
A Beauty of Female Character - 137
Founded on Virtue - 138
Its influence on the Mind - 151
Its Operation - 153
Honourable - 153
It ennobles the Soul - 154
A source of Happiness - 155
A source of Profit - 155
Enables us to become well-educated - 156
Beautifies Female Character - 157
Its importance - 29
As a Female Characteristic - 39
Its influence salutary - 30
Never ultimately unrewarded - 33
Results of its Agency - 34
It beautifies Intellect - 35
It softens the Passions - 36
As a mental Excellence - 123
Its Importance - 124
Its Agency - 125
In acquiring an Education - 126
In the Female Character - 129
As an Ornament and Excellence - 129
The brightest Gem of the Crown - 171
Its Origin and Cost - 171
Free to all - 172
As an Ornament of the Mind - 174
Prepares us for Life - 175
Supports us in Adversity - 177
Prepares us for Death and for Eternity 180
Its Power and End - 182
Results of neglecting it - 184
Importance of securing it - 184
As a Beauty of the Mind - 11
Its Operation - 13-22
By Looks - 14
A Kind Word - 18
By Benevolent Actions - 19
Sympathy in Sickness - 21
Visits the Poor - 22
In the House of Mourning - 23
A Beautifier of Female Character - 24
Its Importance and Power - 67
Methods of exposing Simulation - 68
By the general Character - 69
Judging by past Events - 69
Flattery - 70
A Moral and Religious character, security - 72
Study of Character important - 73
Be true to Yourself - 75
It is an excellence of the Female Mind - 76
A Beauty of the Mind - 161
A Gift to Humanity - 161
Respect to the Aged - 161
Honour to Parents - 163
It is a Divine Command - 164
Adoration towards our Creator - 164
Importance of its Agency - 166
An Ornament to Female character 167
43 Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton 1825-1898
Etiquette of social life in Washington.
Philadelphia: J B Lippincott & Co, 1881.
44 Ruth, John A
Decorum: a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society.
New York: Union Publishing House,1880.
45 DePuy, Frank A
The new century home book: a mentor for home life in all its phases, a chronicle of the
progress of America and the world, a compendium of the nation’s greatest city, and a guide
for the great army of home-builders.
New York: Eaton and Mains, 1900.
46 Dick, William Brisbane
What shall we do tonight? or social amusements for evening parties, furnishing complete and
varied programmes for twenty-six entertainments.
New York: Dick Fitzgerald, c1873.
The Signal Master - 16
The Elephant - 17
Pity the Poor Blind - 20
The Grotesque Quartette - 21
Selling Statues - 24
The Divided Tapes – 27
My House; Your Home - 29
The Odd Card - 30
This or That - 32
The Museum - 33
The Nondescript - 33
To Magnetize a Cane – 38
Throwing Light - 40
The Centaur - 41
The Magic Handkerchief - 44
A Magical Knot - 46
The Old Orang-Outang - 47
The House that Jack Built 49
The Birds - 50
Musical Merry-Go-Round 51
The Invisible Transfer – 53
Musical Neighbours – 56
The Embarrassed Landlord 58
To Guess the Two Ends of a Line of Dominoes - 60
The Irishman’s Wake - 60
Planting - 62
The Changed Dice Spots 64
The Blind Beggar - 65
Garibaldi - 66
The Giraffe - 67
The Needle and Thread Trick 70
Mary’s Lamb - 71
Right is Wrong – 74
[The entertainments are listed for all twenty-six evenings]
47 Longstreet, Abby Buchanan
Dinners ceremonious and unceremonious and the modern methods of serving them. New
York: Frederick A Stokes & Brother, 1890.
48 Dodge, Mary Abigail 1833-1896
A new atmosphere by Gail Hamilton.
Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865.
49 Bunce, Oliver Bell, Mrs 1828-1890
Don’t: a manual of mistakes and improprieties more or less prevalent in conduct and speech.
New York: D Appleton & Co, 1883.
50 Eddy, Daniel Clarke 1823-1896
The young man’s friend: containing admonitions for the erring, counsel for the tempted,
encouragement for the desponding, hope for the fallen. 3rd ed. Boston: Gould, Kendall and
Lincoln, 1851.
A course of ten lectures, as follows:
Wealth, birth, intellect, do not constitute manliness – An effort for the promotion of virtue – An interest in the elevation of the race – Submission to the demands of God. - 13
Formation of character – Napoleon – Doddridge – Baxter – The mistakes of youth – The
ardour of youth – Youth is a period of great results – Alexander – Cortes – Bacon – Newton –
Pitt – Calvin – Melancthon – Pope – Dwight – Adams - 35
Industry – Dignity of Labour – Uses of labour – Frugality – Small expenses –Temperance –
Illustrations – Honesty – Worth of character – The rewards of Honesty – 57
Need of recreation – Causes of the failure to secure amusement – Utility must be combined
with pleasure – Useful reading – Music – Travelling – Literary Lectures – Social visiting –
Social gatherings – Paintings, and other works of art –Public and private worship – 69
The theatre – Dancing – Gambling – Social drinking – Objections to them – They abuse time
– Destroy health – Lead to prodigality – They are heart-corrupting – They are soul-destroying
- 104
They are fluctuating and uncertain – Louis XVI – Marie Antoinette – Napoleon – Louis
Philippe – Pius IX – They fail to secure happiness – Rich and poor men – They lead to crime
if unreasonably loved – They are as brief as life – Salamin – Philip - 128
A system of prodigality – It excites, intoxicates and maddens the brain – It is the highway to
idleness – It is a system of falsehood – Of theft – It nullifies the marriage relation – Produces
confusion in families – Instances of its effects – Leads to intemperance – Destroys kind and
tender feelings – Corrupts society – Illustrations – 152
Produces poverty – Ruins the constitution – Destroys domestic felicity – - Produces idiocy
and madness – Excludes from heaven – Cases to illustrate – A plea to young man – 175
The probability of it – The confessions of associates – The power of memory – The
upbraidings of conscience – The providence of God The coming judgement – Illustrations of
these truths – Concluding appeal – 200
In all life’s duties – Duties to ourselves – To kindred and friends – To fellow men – To
government – To God – A guide in cases of danger – From error – From crime – From sin –
From misery – Good and great men have loved the Bible – It has claims as a book of history
nd poetry – It is a divine revelation – Death-bed scenes of believers and unbelievers – Julian
– Thomas Paine – Sir Francis Newport – Polycarp – Sir Walter Scott – President Edwards –
Conclusion – 219
51 Eddy, Daniel Clarke 1823-1896
The young man’s friend: containing admonitions for the erring, counsel for the tempted,
encouragement for the desponding, hope for the fallen. 7th ed. Boston: Gould and Lincoln,
52 Eddy, Daniel Clarke 1823-1896
The young man’s friend: containing admonitions for the erring, counsel for the tempted,
encouragement for the desponding, and hope for the fallen. New series.
Boston: Graves & Young. 1866.
Extract from the preface followed by a list of the lectures:
"The publication of this volume originated in a desire felt by the author to do something for the
moral improvement of the young men of our nation. Never were the young such objects of
interest, such creatures of power, such voices of influence, as now. Whatever is done to give
youth the right impulse, - to turn energy, talents and piety into the right direction, cannot be
Several years ago the author published a volume entitled: ‘The Young Man’s Friend,’ of which
more than one hundred thousand copies have been sold. Testimonials received as to the
usefulness of that work, lead to the hope that this ‘New Series’, will aid in shaping the
characters and cheering the hearts of many of the class for whom it is designed.
It has been thought best that the articles should be allowed to retain the pointed, direct form
of the Lecture, and that the personal appeals which accompanied them when they were first
delivered in the Tabernacle Church, Philadelphia: should be transferred to the printed volume.
The author wishes to speak to young men, not about them; to impress upon them such
lessons as may make them useful and successful in this life, and happy and glorious in the
life to come.
The name of the old work is retained, because it contains just what the author wishes to
express, and just what he designs this book to be, - A FRIEND. He commits it to the public
asking an interest in its behalf, on the part of those who feel the importance of guarding youth
from the evil influences which prevail in the world.
By the war, which desolated our land for four wasting years, an army of young men were
thrown upon society, after their habits had been broken, their customs of life changed by the
vicissitudes of the camp. Too much cannot be done to save the young soldier and the young
sailor, as well as the apprentice and the clerk, from the temptations that meet them
everywhere in life. The author believes that no kind word will be wholly thrown away, no
timely warning be unheeded, by those who have little experience in the ways of the world,
and little knowledge of the ways that bad men take to ruin the soul. If its title shall be realised
in the case of one young person, it will not be published in vain."
"LECTURE I: The Hour and the Man - 11
LECTURE II: The Game of Life - 56
LECTURE III: Dangers of Life in the City - 74
LECTURE IV: On the Choice of Associates - 99
LECTURE V: The Fast Young Man - 126
LECTURE VI: On Investments - 151
LECTURE VII: On Reading - 171
LECTURE VIII: On the Weakness of Human Nature 196
LECTURE IX: A Human Model - 216
LECTURE X: Christ: The Perfect Model - 238"
53 Eddy, Daniel Clarke 1823-1896
The young woman’s friend, or the duties, trials, loves, and hopes of woman.
Boston: Wentworth & Company, 1857.
EVE – an innocent woman – a tempted woman – a fallen woman. Woman not designed for
the field or the forum – for charity – for home – for religion. Mrs Sigourney. Joan of Arc.
Charlotte Corday.
Mrs Newell. Mrs Judson. True objects of life. Where woman appears best – how best moves
the world – how renders herself happy. Educated woman. Royal dames. Mothers in Israel.
Beauty of piety. Hope of heaven. 11
JEPHTHAN’S DAUGHTER – her history – her fate. Beautiful instances of obedience to
parents. How such obedience adorns a daughter’s character – improves her manners and her
heart. Illustrations of the happy effects of such obedience. Home made sacred. The self-
sacrifice. How daughters may add to the happiness of their parents. Lost children. Solicitude
for children. Children in heaven. 26
REBEKAH. Taking a wife. Visit to Mesopotamia. Themistocles. Strange courtship. Marriage –
the place. Twin brothers. The sad deception. Woman on the stage. Extraordinary pair in
Germany. Berzelius. Barrow. Milton. Swift. Walter Scott. Dr Blair. Clavius. Davy. Dryden.
Sheridan. Dr Scott. Clarke. Mirabeau. 49
RACHEL. Bramante. Raphael. Michael Angelo. The flight of Jacob. Leah. Serving for a wife. The country of Laban. Fancy marriages. Parlour and kitchen. A disappointment. Good mothers. Good sons. Ornaments. The royal line. The Messiah. 68
RUTH. Naomi. Rural habits. A whole family. A broken family. Going to Moab. Orpah. Contrast. Naomi’s expostulation. Arrival at Bethlehem. Charities of life. Boaz. Courtship. Strange custom. Loosing of the shoe. Development of character. Tender relations. Step parents. Religious decision. 88
HANNAH. Shiloh. Sorrowful woman. Cause of joy. A praying mother. Richard Knill. Bishop Hall. John Q Adams. Cowper. Dr Young. The old woman. Serious considerations. Daniel Webster. A mother’s grave. Restraining influences. Dr Weyland. Woman in Boston. Dr Vutt. Our mothers. 108
QUEEN OF SHEBA. Solomon. Extravagance. Party in Philadelphia. Italian circles. Educating daughters. Female education to embrace scientific researches. Political economy. Religion. Religion contributes to grace of person – to affability of manners – to human happiness – to eternal life. Contrast between Christ and the king. Hallam. Mrs Signourney. Salvation. 128
ABIGAIL. The drunkard’s wife – her lovely squint – her superior character – her disappointment – her disgrace – her interview with David. Duty to the wives of drunkards. Use of sympathy. Use of love. Hope for the fallen. 148
DELILAH. Treacher of Delilah – conflict of duties – her real character – reasons for her course – the effects of her treachery. Duties of wives. Principles regulating the intercourse of husbands and wives. How far a wife is bound to obey. Importance of understanding the conjugal relation. Sources of evil. 168
SARAH AND HAGAR. Early institutions. Family relations. Early bondage. Polygamy. The rival wives. Abraham in Egypt. The deception. A diseased race. Sin per se. The first woe in the family. Cruel treatment of Hagar. Mormonism. Slavery. A slave auction. Deference to husbands. Courtesy at home. 188
DORCAS – her life –death – resuscitation. Mrs Newell. Mrs Judson. Value of a letter. Self-denial. Bunyan’s wife. Mrs Adams. Mrs Tracy. Florence Nightingale. Bettina. Lucretia Mott. Dorothea Dix. Elizabeth Fry. Mrs Winthrop. Rebecca Eaton. Consecrated wealth. Sanctified talents. Usefulness in humble life. Sisters of St Vincent de Paul. The springs of action. The worth motive. Conclusion. 208
54 Eddy, Daniel Clarke 1823-1896
The young woman’s friend, or the duties, trials, loves, and hopes of woman: designed for the young woman, the young wife, and the mother.
Boston: Lock & Bubier, 1873.
55 Eliot, William Greenleaf 1811-1887
Lectures to young women. 3rd ed.
Boston: Crosby, Nichols and Company, 1854.
LECTURE II: Home - 36
LECTURE III: Duties - 69
LECTURE IV: Education - 100
LECTURE V: Follies - 133
LECTURE VI: Woman’s Mission - 165"
56 Everett, Marshall 1863-1939
The etiquette of today: a complete guide to correct manners and social customs in use among educated and refined people of America.
N.p.: Henry Weil, c1902.
Extract from section on inspirational civilities:
"There are many courtesies for which no rules can be given, which are not indispensable, but which when practised give a more delicate colour to the social atmosphere. These graceful attentions, marks of deference which spring from gentle and refined sentiments, are as likely to appear in the cabin of the backwoodsman, or the rough community of a mining camp, as in the court of a king. A man who has passed his life among the mountains, with scarcely a glance at civilisation, when suddenly coming into the presence of a good woman, no matter what her station in life, naturally uncovers. He may hold his roughly-made for cap awkwardly, shuffle ungracefully in bowing, and the bow may be no more than a jerky nod, but his whole demeanour emphasises the respect he feels for this gentler being who has suddenly come into his life to open up visions of a purer and sweeter world. A labourer with grimy hands and back bowed by the weight of toil involuntarily steps from the crossing into the muddy street to let a lady pass, and thereby proclaims himself a gentleman with as fine instincts as any college-bred son of wealth and family."
57 The excellent woman as described in the book of Proverbs.
Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1852.
58 The family book, or instructions concerning all the relations of life.
New York: D Appleton & Co, 1835.
This contains sections on filial obligations, the virtues of large families, punctuality, waste, nursing, sobriety, ill-gotten goods, self-denial, superstition, government of the tongue, politeness, reading, and faith.
59 Farrar, Eliza Ware (Rotch) 1791-1870
The young lady’s friend, with introduction by Mrs H O Ward.
Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1880.
60 Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe 1651-1715
A treatise on the education of daughters.
Boston: Charles Ewar, 1821.
"CHAPTER I Importance of Female Education - 13
CHAPTER II Errors in Ordinary Education - 21
CHAPTER III First Foundations of Education - 29
CHAPTER IV The danger of Imitation - 43
CHAPTER V Indirect Instructions - 49
CHAPTER V Use of History - 87
CHAPTER VII Principles of Religion - 103
CHAPTER VIII On Religious Studies - 131
CHAPTER IX Ordinary Defects among Girls - 149
CHAPTER X Vanity of Beauty and Dress - 159
CHAPTER XI Instruction of Women in their Duties 171
CHAPTER XII Continuation of the Duties of Women 205
CHAPTER XIII Of Governesses - 205"
Extract from the preface:
"The translation of the following Work was undertaken at the request of Mr Ruff, the Publisher, who wished me to paraphrase what I thought might more particularly interest and edify the English reader.
It is dedicated, by the Publisher, to her Grace the Duchess of Bedford – and he is anxious that it may be found worthy of her patronage.
The original French work was first published in 1688; and the earliest English translation appeared in 1707. This translation, which was by Dr Hickes, I have never seen. In the year 1797, another [anonymous] English translation was printed at Hull, in a duodecimo volume. – In this performance there is so close an adherence to the idiom of the French language, that almost every page abounds with gallicisms. It is not, however, entirely destitute of merit; but it appears, on the whole to have been hastily executed for the purpose of ensuring a cheap and extensive sale.
The present translation is offered to the public, with a full conviction of its inadequacy to give a just idea of the beauty and force of the original. The author of Telemaque and De l’Education des Filles appears, on a comparison of these two performances, very unlike the same writer. In the former, his periods are flowing and luxuriant; in the latter, they are sententious and logical; and nearly as difficult to clothe in an English dress as those of the philosopher Tacitus."
61 Fontenoy, Marquise
Eve’s glossary.
Chicago and New York: Herbert S Stone & Co, 1897.
62 Della Casa, Giovanni 1503-1556
Galateo, or a treatise on politeness and delicacy of manners.
Baltimore, George Hill, 1811.
63 Gardner, Eugene Clarence 1836-1915
Illustrated homes: a series of papers describing real houses and real people.
Boston: James R Osgood, 1875.
"CHAPTER I The House the Judge Built
CHAPTER II Captain George’s Plan
CHAPTER III The Hose of Abram
CHAPTER IV Mr John Smith’s House
CHAPTER V The Home of the Professor
CHAPTER VI Lucia’s Castle
CHAPTER VII The Duke of Buckingham’s Lodge
CHAPTER VIII The Home of Mr and Mrs Benedict
CHAPTER IX The Planter’s Home
CHAPTER X The Parsonage
CHAPTER XI One of King Kole’s Cottages
CHAPTER XIII The Poet’s Abiding-place
CHAPTER XIII The Doctor’s Home
CHAPTER XIV The House that Never was Built
CHAPTER XV How it Happened"
64 Gibson, Louis Henry 1854-
Beautiful houses: a study in house-building, foreign examples in domestic architecture, a collection of American house plans, materials and details for the artistic house-builder, the architect.
New York: Crowell, c1895.
65 Gibson, Louis Henry 1854-
Convenient houses, with fifty plans for the housekeeper. Architect and housewife; a journey through the house, fifty convenient house plans, practical house building for the owner, business points in building: how to pay for a home.
New York: T Y Crowell & Co, 1889.
66 Lavin, Eliza M
Good manners. Metropolitan culture series. 3rd ed.
New York: The Butterick Publishing Company, 1889.
67 Good manners: a manual of etiquette in good society.
Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1870.
68 Good society: a complete manual of manners by the Right Hon., the Countess of…
London and New York: George Routledge & Sons, 1869.
69 Graves, Albert Phelps 1829-1911
Twenty-five letters to a young lady.
Chicago: John Fairbanks, 1879.
70 Gregory, John 1724-1773
A father’s legacy to his daughters.
London: T Hughes, 1816.
Extract from section on amusements:
"Dress is an important article in female life. The love of dress is natural to you; and therefore it is proper and reasonable."
71 Gregory, John 1724-1773
A father’s legacy to his daughters.
New York: 1807
72 The habits of good society: a handbook for ladies and gentlemen, with thoughts, hints, and anecdotes concerning social observances.
New York: Carleton, 1865.
73 The habits of good society: a handbook for ladies and gentlemen.
New York and London, Carleton, 1877.
74 Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879
Manners, or happy homes and good society all the year round.
Boston: J E Tilton and Company, 1868.
75 Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879
Manners, or happy homes and good society all the year round.
Boston: Tilton, 1868.
76 Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879
Manners, or happy homes and good society all the year round.
Boston: Lee and Shepard,1889.
77 Handbooks for home improvement.
New York: Fowler and Wells, 1857.
78 Hartley, Cecil B
The gentlemen’s book of etiquette and manual of politeness.
Boston: J S Locke & Company, 1860.
79 Hartley, Cecil B
The gentlemen’s book of etiquette and manual of politeness.
Boston: Locke and Bubier, 1875.
80 Hartley, Cecil B
The gentlemen’s book of etiquette and manual of politeness, being a complete guide for a gentleman’s conduct in all his relations towards society.
Boston: Locke & Bubier, 1875.
Extract from Chapter VIII on "Manly Exercises:"
"Bodily exercise is one of the most important means provided by nature for the maintenance of health, and in order to prove the advantages of exercise, we must show what is to be exercised, why exercise is necessary, and the various modes in which it may be taken.
The human body may be regarded as a wonderful machine, the various parts of which are so wonderfully adapted to each other, that if one be disturbed all must suffer. The bones and muscles are the parts of the human frame on which motion depends. There are four hundred muscles in the body; each one has certain functions to perform, which cannot be disturbed without danger to the whole. They assist the tendons in keeping the bones in their places, and put them in motion. Whether we walk or run, sit or stoop, bend the arm or head, or chew our food, we may be said to open and shut a number of hinges, or ball and socket joints. And it is a wise provision of nature, that, to a certain extent, the more the muscles are exercised, the stronger do they become; hence it is that labourers and artisans are stronger and more muscular than those persons whose lives are passed in easy occupations or professional duties.
Besides strengthening the limbs, muscular exercise has a most beneficial influence on respiration and the circulation of the blood. The larger blood-vessels are generally placed deep among the muscles, consequently when the latter are put into motion, the blood is driven through the arteries and veins with much greater rapidity than when there is no exercise; it is more completely purified, as the action of the insensible perspiration is promoted, which relieves the blood of many irritating matters, chiefly through the system, and a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness is diffused over body and mind.
We have said that a good state of health depends in a great measure on the proper exercise of all the muscles. But on looking at the greater portion of our industrial population, - artisans and workers in factories generally – we find them, in numerous instances, standing or sitting in forced or unnatural positions, using only a few of their muscles, while the others remain, comparatively speaking, unused or inactive. Sawyers, filers, tailors, and many others may be easily recognised as they walk the streets, by the awkward movement and bearing impressed upon them by long habit. The stooping position especially tells most fatally upon the health; weavers, shoemakers, and cotton-spinners have generally a sallow and sickly appearance, very different from that of those whose occupation does not require them to stoop, or to remain long in a hurtful posture. Their common affections are indigestion and dull headache, with giddiness especially during summer. They attribute their complaints to two causes, one of which is the posture of the body, bent for twelve or thirteen hours a day, the other the heat of the working-room."
81 Hartley, Florence
The ladies’ book of etiquette and manual of politeness: complete hand book for the use of the lady in polite society.
Boston: J S Locke & Company, 1876.
82 Haygood, Atticus Greene 1839-1896
Our children.
New York: Nelson & Phillips, 1876.
83 Hervey, George Winfred
The principles of courtesy, with hints and observations of manners and habits.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1852.
84 Hillgrove, Thomas
A complete practical guide to the art of dancing.
New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1866.
85 Colesworthy, Daniel Clement 1810-1896
Hints on common politeness.
Boston: D C Colesworthy, 1867.
86 Titcomb, Timothy 1819-1881
[Holland, Josiah Gilbert]
Titcomb’s letters to young people single and married. 24th ed.
New York: Charles Scribner, 1860.
I. Getting the Right Start - 13
II. Female Society – The Woman for a Wife - 22
III. Manners and Dress - 31
Iv. Bad Habits - - 38
V. The Blessings of Poverty –
- Office and Effect of a Profession - 45
VI. Food and Physical Culture - 54
VII. Social Duties and Privileges - 62
VIII. The Reasonableness and Desirableness of Religion - 71
I. Dress – Its Proprieties and Abuses - 85
II. The Transition from Girlhood to Womanhood - 94
III. Acquisitions and Accomplishments - 103
IV. Unreasonable and Injurious Restraints - 114
V. The Claims of Love and Lucre - 124
VI. The Prudent and Proper Use of Language - 134
VII. Housewifery and Industry - 144
VIII. The Beauty and Blessedness of Female Piety - 155
I. The First Essential Duties of the Connubial Relation 167
II. Special Duties of the Husband - 177
III. Special Duties of the Wife - 188
IV. The Rearing of Children - 198
V. Separation – Family Relatives – Servants 209
VI. The Institution of Home - 219
VII. Social Homes, and Blessings for Daily Use 229
VIII. A Vision of Life and its Meaning - 239
87 Houghton, Walter Raleigh 1845-1929
American etiquette and rules of politeness.
Chicago and New York: Rand, McNally & Company, 1890.
88 Howard, Timothy Edward 1837-
Excelsior, or essays on politeness, education and the means of attaining success in life. 11th ed.
New York: P J Kennedy, 1896.
89 Howe, Elias 1820-1895
Howe’s complete ball-room hand book, containing upwards of three hundred dances.
Boston: Brown, Taggard & Chase, 1858.
90 Humphry, C E, Mrs
Manners for men.
London, James Bowden, 1897.
Woman’s Ideal Man - 1
In the Street - 12
In a Carriage - 29
In a Hansom - 31
Smoking - 32
In or On an Omnibus - 37
On Horseback - 42
Driving - 46
Games and Recreations - 50
Rule of the Road on the River - 53
Dinner-Parties - 55
Public Dinners - 83
At a Restaurant - 88
At Lunch - 91
Five O’clock Tea and Afternoon At-Homes - 94
At the Play - 96
At a Ball - 103
Engagement and Marriage - 108
Dress - 113
Country Life - 119
Visiting-Cards and Calls - 121
Manner - 131
In Church - 145
Correspondence - 148
Personal speech with Royalty and Rank - 158"
91 Ives, Alice Emma
The social mirror: a complete treatise on the laws, rules and usages that govern the most refined homes and social circles.
Detroit: F B Dickerson, 1886.
92 The lady’s companion, or sketches of life, manners, and morals at the present day.
Philadelphia: Peck & Theo Bliss, 1852.
93 The laws of etiquette, or short rules and reflections for conduct in society.
Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1836.
94 Lippincott, Sara Jane (Clarke) 1823-1904
Stories and sights of France and Italy.
Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867.
95 Longstreet, Abby Buchanan
Hospitality in town and country, with usages, formal and informal.
New York: F A Stokes Company, 1892.
96 MacLaurin, R
Specimens of the fashionable style of ladies’ handwriting known as the angular, or English, hand.
New York: R Burret, 1874.
97 The maid of all-work or general servant: her duties
and how to perform them.
London: Houlston and Sons, 187-.
98 Hardy, Edward John 1849-1920
"Manners makyth man."
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, c1890.
99 The manners that win, compiled from the latest authorities.
Minneapolis: D Appleton & Co, 1880.
100 A manual of politeness, comprising the principles of etiquette
and rules of behavior in genteel society for persons of both sexes.
Philadelphia: W Marshall, 1837.
101 Maxwell, Sara B
Manners and customs of today.
Des Moines: The Cline Publishing House, 1890.
102 Morton, Agnes H
Etiquette: an answer to the riddle,
When? Where? How?
Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Co, 1899.
The Office of the Visiting Card
Style of Cards
The Engraving of Visiting Cards – Cards for Men; Cards for Women; Cards for Young Women; After Marriage Cards
The Use of the Visiting Card – Calling in Person; Card-leaving in Lieu of Personal Calls; Cases in which Personal Card leaving is Required; Cards by Messenger or by Post; Card-leaving by Proxy. Some Further illustrations of Card usage.
- The "High Tea", or Musicale, Etc
- Wedding Invitations
- Dinner Invitations
- Luncheon and Breakfast Invitations
- Requisites for the Dining-Table
- The Formal Arrangement of the Dinner-Table
- The Arrival of Guests, Meanwhile
- The Announcement of Dinner
- The Serving of Dinner
- Miscellaneous Points
- Dinner-Table Talk
- Informal Dinners
- Introductions - 138
103 The mother’s friend, or familiar directions for forming the mental and moral habits of young children.
New York: Leavitt, Lord, 1834.
Extract from Chapter 1 on the nature of the maternal trust:
"The Mother’s Friend is intended for the mother alone, and is designed to explain gradually, and somewhat in detail, the various duties which arise from her sacred trust. It is to the young and inexperienced mother, that we chiefly address these pages, and it will be our endeavour to impress upon her mind, as clearly, and as forcibly as we can, the nature and the great importance of the duties of her sacred station. We recognise religious obligation as the basis of those duties, and shall endeavour to be guided in all that we say, by the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe there are few young mothers, who are not startled, when they first begin to feel the responsibility of the duties which have devolved upon them; and while this newly-awakened sense of responsibility lasts they anxiously seek for advice, and read the most approved works which they can collect on the subject of education. It happens, however, not infrequently, that amidst contending duties, cares, and pleasures, this ardour in the cause of education begins to subside once the charm of novelty is over; - the treatises on education are gradually laid aside, or supposed to contain systems contradictory or impracticable. They have served perhaps to convey some general vague notions, some isolated maxims, but no consistent views have been acquired, capable of affording a salutary and steady guide to practice."
104 My daughter’s manual, comprising a summary view of female studies, accomplishments, and principles of conduct.
New York: D Appleton & Co, 1838.
Introduction - 7
Early Piety - 30
Character of Letitia - 32
Duties of Brothers and Sisters - 38
Confidence - 52
Curiosity - 58
Conversation - 64
Character of a Virtuous Woman - 70
On the Choice of a Husband - 77
On Truth - 83
On the Duties of a Daughter - 87
On Temper - 94
Humility - 102
Domestic Management - 108
The Value and Proper Use of Time 117
Prudent Beneficence - 122
Qualities of a Well-Regulated Mind 126
Books - 131
Reading - 139
The Study of History - 154
The Reading of Fiction - 163
The Sciences - 170
Astronomy - 172
Botany - 178
The Pleasures of Botany - 188
Geology - 192
Zoology - 195
Chemistry - 197
The Regulations of our Time - 199
Beauty and Association - 202
On Dress - 206
Amusements - 212
Painting - 218
Music - 230
Dancing - 240
Utility of Callisthenics - 245
The Gymnastique de Tronchin - 248
Games - 250
Travelling - 253
Keeping a Diary - 256
Order and Method - 260
Rural Retirement - 276
Enjoyments of Single Life - 278
Religious - 280"
105 The new letter writer, containing a great variety of letters on the following subjects: relationships, business, love, courtship and marriage, friendship, and miscellaneous letters, law forms, etc, selected from judicious and eminent writers.
New York: R Marsh, 1853.
106 Newcomb, Harvey 1803-1863
The young lady’s guide to the harmonious development of Christian character. 7th ed.
Boston: James B Dow, 1846.
107 Newcomb, Harvey 1803-1863
The young lady’s guide to the harmonious development of Christian character. 11th ed.
Boston: Reynolds, c1843.
108 Osgood, Samuel 1812-1880
The hearth-stone: thoughts upon home-life in our cities. 3rd ed.
New York: D Appleton and Company, 1854.
Home Views of American Life - 7
The Ideal of Womanhood - 27
The Hope of Childhood - 45
New Things - 63
Solicitude of Parents - 79
Reverence in Children - 91
Brothers and Sisters - 105
Marriage - 119
Our Friends - 135
Master and Servant - 151
The Divine Guest - 167
The Orphan - 183
The Young Prodigal - 199
Education of Daughters - 213
Business and the Heart - 233
Summer in the Country - 249
Returning Home - 265
The Church in the House - 277"
109 Our manners at home and abroad: a complete manual on the manners, customs, and social forms of the best American society.
Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Publishing Company, 1883.
110 Fern, Fanny 1811-1872
[Parton, Sarah Payson (Willis)]
New York and London: Carleton; Low, c1870.
Dinner-Parties - 9
The Bride’s New House - 16
The Happy Lot of a Sexton - 23
Literary Aspirants - 28
What shall we do for the Little Children on Sunday - 34
My House in the Country - 37
Why Wear Mourning? - 41
'Delightful Men' - 44
Choosing Presidents - 53
A Bid for an Editorship - 58
A Sermon to Plymouth Pulpit - 62
Female Clerks - 64
Blue Monday - 67
The Fly in the Ointment - 73
Woman’s Millennium - 81
English Notions about Women - 87
Rag-tag and Bot-tail Fashions - 94
Some Hints to Editors - 98
Help for the Helpful - 105
Women on the Platform - 111
Poverty and Independence - 117
The History of the Late War - 121
Two Kinds of Women - 125
Sunday Morning - 129
Justice for Clergymen - 137
The Old Maid of the Period - 146
The Nurse of the Period - 149
A Look Backward - 152
Varieties of Human Nature - 157
'A Good Mistress always makes a Good Servant' - 167
The Mother-Touch - 173
Some Gossip about Myself - 175
Hospitality - 188
Woman and Here Watch - 191
'My Doctor' - 194
A Woman at a Lecture - 197
Can’t be Suited - 200
Autograph-Hunters - 203
The Etiquette of Hotel Piazzas - 206
Old Stockbridge in Massachusetts - 209
Sunday in the Village - 216
Sick in the Village - 220
Men and their Clothes - 223
Notes from Plymouth Rock - 228
No Beaux Anywhere - 233
Daniel Webster’s Home - 240
A Trip to Richmond - 243
The Coming Landlord - 253
Out on the End of Cape Ann - 257
Country Diet - 269
From my Seat on the Rocks - 274
Wishings and Longings - 278
A Transition State - 281
What Mary thought of John - 284
Travel-Spoiled Americans - 290
Life’s Illusions - 293
Jack Simpkins - 296
Biding the Lord’s Time - 300
One Sort of Fool - 303
The First Baby - 306"
111 The perfect gentleman, or etiquette and eloquence: a book of info and instruction … containing model speeches for all occasions … 500 toasts and sentiments for everybody … to which are added the duties of chairmen of public meetings.
New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, c1860.
112 The perfect gentleman, or etiquette and eloquence: a book of information and instruction for those who desire to become brilliant or conspicuous in general society, or at parties, dinners, or popular gatherings.
New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1860.
113 Porter, James 1808-1888
The operative’s friend, and defence, or hints to young ladies who are dependent on their own exertions.
Boston: Charles H Peirce, 1850.
This argues the case that factory work is honourable. In fact, it says "all branches of honest industry [are] honourable." It claims that the aristocratic disdain towards work is founded on false premisses and that suspicions concerning the general character of operatives are injurious.
114 Rayne, Martha Louise
Gems of deportment and hints of etiquette: the ceremonials of good society, including valuable moral, mental, and physical knowledge, original and compiled from the best authorities, with suggestions on all matters pertaining to the social code: a manual of instruction for the home.
Detroit: Tyler & Company, 1881.
115 Reed, Samuel Burrage
House-plans for everybody for village and country residences, costing from $250 to $8000, including full descriptions and estimates in detail of materials, labour, and cost, with many practical suggestions and 175 illustrations. 2nd ed.
New York: Orange Judd, 1878.
A large number of detailed designs are set forth. The first seventeen are as follows:
Accommodations for Beginners in House-Keeping, with Limited Means. – Arranged as the Wing of a future Main House. – First Steps. - 9
Appoximating the Cheapest Construction. – Roofs must not be slighted. – their Relative Cost. – Suggestions as to Inside Linings. - 12
Effect of Angles and Vertical Lines. – New form of Radiator, with Designs and Description. – A Durable Wash for rough work. 17
Adapted to an Eastern Frontage. – Good accommodations for a
small family. – May have a Vestibule in Piazza. – Exterior
Plastering. - 22
Little required to build a comfortable home. – Saving by use of
regular sizes of Sash, Doors, etc. – Novelty Siding. – Gutters. – Desirability, and Cost of Hanging Sash. - 26
Providing for future Enlargement. Framework below the First Floor. – Section of Frame, with Description. – Cornice. - 33
Fair Expression of Purpose. – Best Results from Location. –
Outside Plastering. – Stearate of Lime. – Formula for Making. 39
Enlargement of Design No 1 – Best use of the Space. – Short
Spans, and Bridging of Beams. – Suggestions s to Location. 44
Cosy and Homelike. – Style Determined by the Form of Roof. –
Modes of Plastering. – Advantages of the One-coat work. 49
Adapted to a Twenty-five Foot Lot. – Trim Outline. – No Waste in Materials. Pitch of Roofs. – Ventilator and Scuttle combined. 54
Practical Experience Valuable in Planning. – Conventional Requirements. – A Fifth House. – Section of Outside Wall, and Description. - 62
Important Features in Exterior. – Care in Foundations. – Regular
versus Balloon Framing. – Painting. - 69
For thickly settled localities. – Enlivened Dressing. – Purpose of Ornament. – Bracing of Frame. – Taste in Painting. - 76
Conforming to a Declivity, Outlines of Grounds. – Tower-like Corner, Supported by a Column. – Weight of Slate, and Tin. - 82
Extended Area of Ground floor. – Requirements for Shade. – Preparations for Severe Weather. – Food Department. - 86
Pointed Style – in harmony with rural surroundings. – Earth
Finish around Foundation. – Exhausting poisonous vapours
from cellars. - 93
The most Economical Form. – High Foundations. – Surrounding Grades. – Bridging Bams. – Stairs. – Why Contractors differ. –
Who qualified to estimate. - 98
There are plans and drawings for each design.
116 Ruth, John A
Decorum: a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society.
Chicago: J A Ruth & Co, 1877.
117 Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson) 1830-1903
Manners & social usages.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1884.
118 Social life.
New York: The Butterick Publishing Company, 1889.
119 Longstreet, Abby Buchanan
Social etiquette of New York. New and enlarged edition.
New York: D Appleton and Company, 1881.
120 Longstreet, Abby Buchanan
Social etiquette of New York.
New York: 1888.
121 Sprague, William Buell 1795-1876
Letters on practical subjects to a daughter. 11th American ed.
New York: American Tract Society, n.d.
LETTER I. Introductory - 7
LETTER II. Early Friendships - 12
LETTER III Education – General Directions - 25
LETTER IV. Education – Various Branches - 37
LETTER V. Education – Domestic Economy - 52
LETTER VI. General Reading - 61
LETTER VII. Independence of Mind - 82
LETTER VIII. Forming the Manners - 92
LETTER IX. Conversation - 104
LETTER X. Amusements - 118
LETTER XI. Intercourse with the World - 131
LETTER XII. Marriage - 141
LETTER XIII. Forming Religious Sentiments - 159
LETTER XIV. Proper Mode of treating Religious Error 170
LETTER XV. Practical Religion - 177
LETTER XVI. Self-Knowledge - 191
LETTER XVII. Self-Government - 202
LETTER XVIII. Humility - 213
LETTER XIX. Devotion - 221
LETTER XX. Christian Benevolence - 229
LETTER XXI. Christian Zeal - 240
LETTER XXII. Improvement of Time - 254
LETTER XXIII. Preparation for Death - 262"
122 Taylor, Isaac 1787-1865
Home education. 2nd ed.
New York: D Appleton & Co, 1838.
CHAPTER I. Points of Comparison between Public and Private - Education - 9
CHAPTER II. Happiness, the necessary Conditions of Home - Education - 31
CHAPTER III. Family Love and Order - 60
CHAPTER IV. The Three Periods of Early Life – Infancy - 75
CHAPTER V. The Second Period of Education - 125
CHAPTER VI. The Third Period of Early Life, and concluding
- Term of Home Education - 143
CHAPTER VII. Some Diversities of Mental Confirmation - considered in relation to Methods of Culture 156
CHAPTER VIII. Analysis of the Intellectual Faculties, as far as - relates to the Culture of each - 179
CHAPTER IX. Culture of the Conceptive Faculty - 180
CHAPTER X. Culture of the Conceptive Faculty in connection - with Language - 237
CHAPTER XI. Training of the Sense of Resemblance and - Relation, and of the Perception of Analogy 264
CHAPTER XII. The Analogical Feeling and Habit preparatory to - the Expansion of the Abstractive and Reasoning - Faculties - 304"
123 Thayer, William Makepeace 1820-1898
Life at the fireside.
Boston: Congregational Board of Publication, 1860.
124 Thornwell, Emily
The lady’s guide to perfect gentility in manners, dress, and conversation, in the family, in company, at the piano forte, the table in the street, and in gentlemen’s society, also a useful instructor in letter writing, toilet preparations, fancy needlework, millinery, dressmaking, care of wardrobe, the hair, teeth, hands, lips, complexion, etc.
New York: Derby & Jackson, 1856.
125 Waiting at table: a practical guide by a member of the aristocracy.
London and New York: F Warne & Co, 1894.
Extract from the preface:
"In writing the present work, Waiting at Table, every detail relating to the subject has been carefully considered and explained. Proficiency and intelligence in waiting at table stamps a household as being a well-ordered and efficient one, and is an element of success in the working of domestic daily life, and more especially so with regard to dinner-parties, receptions, balls, dances, etc."
126 Washington, George 1732-1799
George Washington’s rules of civility and decent behaviour in company and conversation: 110 don’ts,
edited with an introduction and conclusion by John Allen Murray.
New York: G P Putnam’s Sons, 1942.
127 Weaver, George Sumner 1818-1908
Hopes and helps for the young of both sexes, relating to the formation of character, choice of avocation, health, amusement, music, conversation, cultivation of intellect, moral sentiment, social affection, courtship, and marriage.
New York, Boston: Fowlers and Wells, 1857.
128 Wells, Kate Gannett 1838-1911
About people.
Boston: James R Osgood, 1885.
1. Average People - 9
2. Individuality - 35
3. Striving - 69
4. Loyalty and Liberality - 95
5. Transitional Woman - 123
6. Personal Influence - 149
7. Who’s Who - 173
8. Caste in American Society 199"
129 Wells, Richard A
Manners, culture and dress of the best American society.
Springfield: King, Richardson, 1891.
130 Wheeler, Gervase
Rural homes, or sketches of houses suited to American county life,
with original plans, designs, etc.
Auburn: Auburn, Alden, Beardsley, 1853.
131 White, Annie Randall
Polite society at home and abroad: a complete compendium of information upon all topics classified under the head of etiquette.
Chicago: Monarch Book Company, 1891.
132 White, Lydia E
Success in society.
Boston: James H Earle, 1889.
133 Wise, Daniel 1813-1898
The young man’s counsellor, or sketches and illustrations of the duties and dangers of young men; designed to be a guide to success in this life and to happiness in the life which is to come.
New York: Carlton & Phillips, 1853.
Extracts from the content listing concerning literature in the home and mistresses and servants:
How to improve a Home – Homes and books – Value of newspapers – A farmer’s opinion of papers – An evening scene – On a stock-farm – Brought up on books – a Favourite book – Scrap-books – Begin at the beginning – Train for the future – An age of books – Hugh Miller’s first library – Dickens’ first library – Child’s books – Sabbath books – How children are taught to love the Bible –Pilgrim’s Progress – How to lead children on in literature – Cultivating a love of science – What to read – We must and will read – History – Biography – Travels – Exploration – Poetry – When to read Milton and Shakespeare – Essays – Scientific reading – When to read novels – What novels – The most valuable book – Reading in the line of our work- What lawyers, doctors, and farmers should read – Fred’s four scrap-books – What Thomas and Belinda thought – A letter on what not to read – Good and evil of the press – We never forget – Books form or habits of thought – Do not read what lessens strength, or robs of earnestness or reverence – Do not read secular books on Sabbath – Do not read what you desire to hide – Do not read from foolish curiosity – When to read – Saving moments – Books in parlours – Reading saves from dissipation – Systematic reading – Morning and evening reading – What to do Saturday evening – Reading and kitchen work – The benefit of a Literary Society – How to read – Rules for reading – Learn what you can about authors – Study what you read – Don’t be discouraged – What Hugh Miller says – Dr Guthrie’s opinions – The morals of the Icelanders – Studious working people – Welsh workers – Seneca’s remarks on education – Choosing books for children – We must crowd out evil reading – No excuse for being without books – Lay up a book fund – a Home without books."
Importance of a servant’s position – The Home reaches beyond itself – Inefficient servants – Creating paupers – Positive and negative losses – In a family and not of it – The Home tie for servants – The common womanhood - Mrs Black’s expression – Miss Sophronia’s opinion – Frequent change of servants – Trusting our servants – Cultivating trustworthiness – A model mistress – Good rules - An old proverb – A servant in distress – A little love story – Permit no negligence – No disobedience – Allowing visitors – "Followers" – Need of advice – Unjustly particular – The servant-girl’s guardian – What hiring a maid means – A brutal maid – A generous maid – Servants’ instruction – Their rooms – A grateful servant – Politeness – See that children treat servants kindly – Kitchen conveniences – Good example and good advice – A thrifty woman – Mending household linen – Be ruled by principle – Encouragement – Incentive – Praise – Warnings – Good mistress, good maid – Dangers of housekeepers’ ignorance – A fashion of complaint – Keeping too many servants – A new way of increasing efficiency – Decision – Care of brooms – What a servant may be – My servant – A wise servant – Her library – Martha contrives a filter – How to save sugar – Caring for servants’ comfort – Three maiden ladies – A widely extended charity."
134 Wright, Julia McNair 1840-1903
The complete home: an encyclopaedia of domestic life and affairs.
Philadelphia: W Garretson & Co, 1879.
135 Youmans, Edward Livingston 1821-1887
The hand-book of household science: a popular account of heat, light, air, aliment, and cleansing, in their scientific principles and domestic applications.
New York: D Appleton. & Co, 1857.
136 Young, John H
Our deportment, or the manners, conduct and dress of the most refined society.
Springfield: W C King & Co, 1882.
137 The young lady’s own book: a manual of intellectual improvement and moral deportment.
Philadelphia: Desilver, Thomas & Co, 1836.
Causes of Female Influence - 13
Employment of Time - 25
Order - - 26
Mental Cultivation - 27
Intellectual Pleasures - 39
Reading - 45
Advantages of a Taste for the Beauties of Nature - 47
The Value of Letters in Woman - 49
Happiness - 58
Female Education - 59
On the Studies suitable for Young Ladies - 72
On the Classics - 80
History - - 86
The Uses of History - 88
The Young Lady’s Library - 98
Miscellaneous Works - 103
- History and Biography - ib
- Moral and Religious Works - 104
- Poetry - ib
- Travels - 105
On Letter Writing - 105
Sound - 137
Music - 139
Drawing - 143
- Perspective - ib
- The Practice of Drawing - 144
Propriety of Dancing - 147
Dancing - 148
Evils of Card Playing - 150
Riding - 156
Needle-Work - 157
Female Duties - 158
General Deportment - 178
Conversation - 180
Domestic Economy - 190
Government of the Temper - 200
Filial Duty - 203
Choice of Friends - 203
Duty towards Friends - 210
Visitors - 212
Deportment towards Inferiors - 221
Servants - 223
Economy - 228
Keeping at home - 241
Politeness - 246
Dress - 254
Decorum - 260
Delicacy - 262
Insipidity - 263
Female Defects - 266
Peevishness - 283
Obstinacy - 285
Pedantry - 285
On Female Romance - 291
Moral Deportment - 309
- Piety - 312
- Integrity - 313
- Fortitude - 314
- Charity - 315
- Obedience - 316
- Consideration - 317
Importance of Religion to Woman - 318
Conclusion - 320"
138 The young lady’s Sunday book.
Philadelphia: Desilver Thomas & Co, 1836.
139 The young lady’s book of elegant poetry, comprising selections from the works of British and American poets.
Philadelphia: Desilver Thomas & Co, 1836.
140 The young lady’s book of elegant prose, comprising selections from the works of British and American authors.
Philadelphia: Desilver Thomas & Co, 1836.
Aurelia and Fulvia Contrasted - 11
A Beau’s Head and a Coquette’s Heart Dissected - 12
The Necessity of Habitual Attention - 20
The Power of Imagination - 22
Reality Heightened by Imagination - 25
Chivalry - - 26
Benefits resulting from the Crusades - 29
Character of Erasmus - 32
A Scene at the Prytaneum, at Paris - 32
Life of a Looking-Glass - 35
The Legend of the Saline River - 44
The History of Betty Broom - 47
Heeidelberh - 54
Tasso’s "Jerusalem Delivered" - 59
The Voyage of Magellan - 60
Affectation - 65
Character of Mary of Guise - 71
Death and Character of Mary, Queen of Scots - 72
A Scene on the River Spey - 79
Florian - - 81
The Moon and Stars: a Fable - 86
The Death of Padilla, and Heroism of his Wife - 96
The Blind Woman - 100
The Quality Wife - 102
The Abdication of Diocletian - 107
The Elevated Character of Woman - 111
Character of the Empress Eudocia - 112
Portrait of a Country Dowager - 116
Shakespeare - 122
The Talking Lady - 128
Modern Rome - 135
The Vatican - 139
La Roche - 142
Lucy - 157
The Mexican Princess - 169
Confidence and Modesty: Letter I - 177
Confidence and Modesty: Letter II - 181
True Magicians - 184
Pic-Nic - 193
The Trial - 196
Mistaken Kindness - 208
Arabella Johnson - 216
On Human Grandeur - 224
The Hill of Science - 228
Fashion - 233
The Cucullos - 241
The Thistle-Field - 244
The Rough Diamond - 250
The Canary-Bird - 251
The Hyacinth - 252
Interview between Leicester & the Countess at Kenilworth 254
An Autumnal Evening - 262
The Storm Ship - 264
The Settlement of New England - 271
Colloquial Powers of Dr Franklin - 275
Climate and Scenery of New England - 277
On the Picturesque - 284
Light - 290
Walking - - 292
Natural Scenery favourable to Devotion - 293
Gardens and Gardening - 296
Ancient Rome - 306
Intellectual Qualities of Milton - 309
On the Great Historical Ages - 311
The Ladies of Llangollen - 316"
141 The young lady’s book of classical letters, consisting of epistolary selections designed to improve young ladies and gentlemen in the art of letter-writing and in those principles which are necessary for respectability and success in life.
Philadelphia: Desilver, Thomas & Co, 1836.