Part 1: Annual Reports 1880-2000 and
Part 2: Publications and Reports of Anti-Slavery International and predecessors, 1880-1979
Contents of Reels - Part 2
1880 Slave Trade in Egypt, the Soudan and Equatorial Africa.
Colonel Gordon, RE, CB
Scandals at Cairo in Connection with Slavery.
1880s Increase of the Slave Trade in the Soudan under Mahdiism.
Slavery and the Slave Trade.
J Eastoe Teall
1890 The Slave-Trade Conference at Brussels and the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society.
The British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Liquor Traffic in Africa.
Slave-Trade in Morocco.
1891 The Hiring of Slaves by British Officials.
1892 Tripoli, Tunis, Algeria and Morocco.
Henry Gurney, FRGS & Charles H Allen, FRGS
1892 Mombasa-Victoria Railway Survey.
1894 What is Great Britain Doing to Suppress Slavery and the Slave Trade?
Chas H Allen, FRGS
1895 How We Countenance Slavery.
Joseph A Pease, MP
1896 The Ameer of Afghanistan and the Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush.
1897 A Brief Account of the Results of Granting Compensation to the West India Slave Holders, and the Continuation of Slavery under the name of ‘Apprenticeship’.
J Eastoe Teall
1897 Slavery in British East Africa.
John H Harris
1898 Resignation of the Secretary Mr Chas H Allen, FRGS.
1899 The Duty of Great Britain in the Matter of Slavery in British Protectorates in Africa.
Robert Needham Cust, LL D
c1900 How to Organize an Auxiliary.
1900 Sixty Years Against Slavery 1839-1899.
1900 Slavery and its Substitutes in Africa.
H R Fox Bourne
1900 Blacks and Whites in South Africa: An Account of the Past Treatment and Present Condition of South African Natives under British & Boer Control.
H R Fox Bourne
1900 The Liquor Traffic in Africa.
H R Fox Bourne
1902 ‘Punitive Expeditions’ in Africa.
H R Fox Bourne
1902 Resignation of Chas H Allen, Honorary Secretary, and Joseph Allen, Treasurer. Address to Members of the Committee.
1903 Native Labour in South Africa: A Report of a Public Meeting.
1903 Forced Labour in British South Africa: Notes on the Condition and Prospects of South African Natives under British Control.
H R Fox Bourne
1909 The Native Question of South Africa.
Earl of Selborne, KG, GCMG
1909 The Amalgamation of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Aborigines Protection Society.
1909 The Christian Church and the Congo Question.
John H Harris
1909 What is Slavery?
Earl of Cromer, OM, PC, GCB
1910 Coolie Labour: The Indian Recruiting Ground.
1910 The Peruvian Rubber Crime.
John H Harris
1910 A Memorandum upon the San Thome-Angola Slave Trade and Slavery.
Sir Edward Grey, Bart, MP
1911 No 1 Report of Rev J H Harris to the Committee of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, Lagos, Southern Nigeria.
John H Harris
1911 Domestic Slavery in Southern Nigeria.
Rev John H Harris
1911 Cocoa Production in West Africa. The labour problem.
John H Harris
1911 Present Conditions in the Congo. Sections II & III, IV & V.
Rev John H Harris
1911 A Plea for an Industrial Mission on the Congo.
Rev John H Harris
1912 Slavery in West Africa. Portuguese Revelations.
Jeronimo Paiva de Carvalho
1913 The Putumayo. The Judgement of Mr Justice Swinfen Eady in the mater of the Peruvian Amazon Company, Limited.
Mr Justice Swinfen Eady
1913 British Colonial Administration. Memorandum to Lewis Harcourt, MP.
1913 Portuguese Slavery - Debate in the House of Lords.
1913 Memorandum on Portuguese Slavery.
1913 Portuguese Slavery.
John H Harris
1914 Portuguese Slavery: Britain’s Responsibility. Letter to
Sir Edward Grey.
1914 Britain’s Dilemma in the New Hebrides. Maladministration under Condominium Rule. Memorandum to
Sir Edward Grey, Bart, KG, MP.
1914 An Appeal to the British Government to Proclaim Liberty for 185,000 Slaves in ‘German East Africa’.
1914 British East Africa. Back to Slavery? An Appeal to Lewis Harcourt, MP.
1914 An Appeal to The Parliament and People of Great Britain, the Dominions and the Dependencies.
1914 The Challenge of the Mandates.
John H Harris
c1914 A Debt of Honour.
1915 Are We a Logical People? Native Races and the Great War.
Sir Harry Johnston, GCMG, KCB
1915 Synopsis of Five Years Work.
1915 Portuguese Contract Labour.
Earl of Cromer, OM, PC, GCB
1915 Ceylon-Extracts from Instructions issued by the Inspector General of Police.
1916 Riots and Disturbances in Ceylon.
1916 General Botha’s Native Land Policy.
John H Harris
1916 Native Races and Peace Terms.
John H Harris
1916 Paying Britain’s War Debt by Easy Methods. ‘Empire Resources Development’ by the Dependencies.
John H Harris
1917 Native Races and Peace Terms.
A Memorial from the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
1917 British Africans in Europe and the Work of the Welfare Committee.
Committee WAE
1917 The Future of Rhodesia.
Ethel Colquhoun Jollie (Mrs Tawse Jollie)
1917 Slavery in Europe - A Letter to Neutral Governments.
1917 The Ceylon Disturbances.
1918 The Black Slaves of Prussia.
Frank Weston, DD
1918 Peace and Colonial Reconstruction.
John H Harris
1918 A New Colonial Era? for Dependencies. ‘Possession’ or ‘Trusteeship’.
John H Harris
1918 The Struggle for Native Rights in Rhodesia.
Leslie Scott, KC, MP
1918 South Africa: A Golden Opportunity.
John H Harris
1918 The Greatest Land Case in British History. The Struggle for Native Rights in Rhodesia.
John H Harris
1919 A Draft Colonial Mandate submitted to the Commission on Mandates.
1919 The Fight for Vegetable Oils. The Right of Native Races to sell their produce in the open markets of the world.
John H Harris
1919 An Empire Insurance Society.
Sir Harry Johnston, GCMG, KCB
1920 The Serfs of Great Britain. Being a sequel to ‘The Black Slaves of Prussia’
Bishop of Zanzibar, Rev Frank Weston, DD
1920 Mr Podsnap and the Sacred Trust.
New Statesman
1920 An African at the Bar of Justice.
John H Harris
1920 An African Appreciation of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.
C E May
1920 The Colonial Office and Native Policy.
John H Harris
1920 Labour in British East Africa. Is It ‘Synonymous to Slavery?’ Memorial to Lord Milner.
1921 Abuses in North Borneo.
1921 Child Slavery in Hong Kong.
Anti Mui Tsai Society
1921 Back to Slavery?
John H Harris
1921 Child Slavery in Hong-Kong.
Lieut-Commander Haslewood, RN (retired) and
Mrs Haslewood
1921 British-African Commerce. The new policy of taxing the raw produce of the native. Expenditure - wanted an ‘axe’.
John H Harris
1922 Slave Trading and Slave Owning in Abyssinia.
Major Henry Darley, RFA, and N A Dyce Sharp, Esq, FRGS
1923 African Land. (a) Memorandum from the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society. (b) The reply of the Duke of Devonshire.
1923 The Bondel Massacre.
John H Harris
1923 The Punitive Expedition under the League of Nations.
New Statesman
1923 The League and the Bondelswart Massacres.
New Statesman. Sydney Olivier
1923 Flogged to Death: A Shocking Case from Kenya.
John H Harris
1923 L’Esclavage en Abyssinie.
Dr G Montandon
1923 Slavery the League of Nations: The Appeal.
1923 Slavery and the League of Nations.
E F L Wood, MP
1923 Slavery and the Obligations of the League of Nations.
John H Harris
1924 British Justice and Native Races.
John H Harris, MP
1924 Floggings to Death: South Africa’s Test Case.
John H Harris
1925 Correspondence, respecting Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory for Secretary of State Foreign Affairs to Parliament.
1925 The Exploitation of the Coloured Man.
Charles Roden Buxton
1925 The Mandatory System After Five Years’ Working.
John H Harris
1925 Portuguese-African Labour Conditions.
John H Harris
1925 Slavery.
Viscount Cecil of Chelwood
1925 The Abolition of Slavery - Appeal to the League of Nations.
1926 Backward Races: An International Charter.
John H Harris
1925 Slavery Today.
Travers Buxton, MA
1926 Native and Colonial Labour in 1926.
International Labour Office / ASI
1926 Freeing the Slaves.
John H Harris
1926 Abolition of Slavery in Nepal.
1926 Slavery and the League of Nations.
J St Loe Strachey
1927 The Five Fears of South Africa.
Lord Olivier, KCMG, CB
1927 Plight of Portuguese Colonies. (1) The Indenture of Children. (2) New Powers of ‘Control’.
John H Harris
1927 Native Legislation Southern Rhodesia. An Appeal to the British Parliament.
1927 The Cry of Slaves.
John Harris
1927 Speech by Lt Col Sir Edward Grigg - Governor of Kenya Colony. Before the African Society.
E Grigg
1927 Forced Labour - An Appeal to the International Labour Organisation of the League of Nations.
ASI / League of Nations Union
1928 Slavery. Abyssinia-Sudan. Letter from Sir Austen Chamberlain.
A Chamberlain
1928 The Challenge to ‘Trusteeship’.
John H Harris
1929 The Australian Aborigines: A Noble-Hearted Race.
Rev C E C Lefroy
1929 The British Trust in Africa.
Lord Olivier, KCMG, CB
1929 An ‘Acid Test’ of Empire Policy. Rhodesia’s Land Proposals.
John H Harris
1929 Slavery in Hong Kong. The Mui Tsai System.
John H Harris
1929 Native Labour in Papua.
Sir J Hubert Murray, KCMG
1930 Ten Years’ Working of the Mandatory System. An Address.
Lord Lugard, GCMG, CB, DSO
1930 Britain’s Lead Against Slavery.
Lady Kathleen Simon
1930 The Challenge of Kenya.
John H Harris
1930 Slavery in Liberia.
John H Harris
1930 Slave Trading in China.
John H Harris
1930 A World ‘Native’ Policy.
John H Harris
1930 Slave Markets.
Joseph Kessel
1930 The Girl Slaves of China.
Professor L Forster
1930 Home for Freed Slaves in China : An appeal.
M M Dymond, & others
1931 Memorandum to Parliament upon Closer Union in the East African Territories.
1931 Liberian Slavery: The Essentials.
John H Harris
1931 Anti-Slavery Centenary (1833-1933). Slavery Debate in the House of Lords.
1931 Anti-Slavery & Aborigines Protection Society. History and Constitution.
1932 The Liberian Dilemma.
Edwin Barclay
1932 The League of Slavery.
John H Harris
1932 Slavery : World Abolition. Speeches by Viscount Cecil of Chelwood and Sir John Simon, GCSI, KCVO, OBE, KC, MP
1932 An Appeal by the Leaders of the Churches. The Anti-Slavery Centenary the Task Before Civilisation.
1932 The Aborigines of Australia. A Plea for the Remnant.
Rev C E C Lefroy
1932 Slavery in Abyssinia.
Lord Noel-Buxton
1932 Abolition of Slavery. British Plans Accepted.
John H Harris
1932 Slavery: World Abolition.
John H Harris
1932 Slavery in Abyssinia.
Lord Noel-Buxton
1933 The ‘Middle Passage’ Today.
The Nautical Magazine
1933 The Centenary of the Abolition of Slavery within British Possessions.
1933 Five millions of Slaves still in the world!
1933 Slavery its Widespread Existence.
Charles Roden Buxton
1933 Wilberforce and Slavery.
Archbishop of York
1933 Slavery - The Centenary of Abolition and Emancipation.
The Spectator
1933 Slavery in Abyssinia : Progress of Reform.
Lord Noel-Buxton
1933 Slavery and the Churches.
1933 In Honour of Wilberforce.
1933 ‘Slavery’ A Centenary Pageant Play.
Geoffrey Edwards & Charles Borrett
1933 Slavery in Arabia.
Eldon Rutter
1933 The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.
1934 Memorandum. Prepared by the Parliamentary Committee for studying the Position of the South African Protectorates.
Parliamentary Committee
1934 This Freedom.
The Times
1935 A Statement to the British Parliament and People.
Tshekedi Khama, Chief and Regent, Bechuanaland
1935 Where Slavery Still Survives.
Sir John Harris
1936 Britain’s Greatest African Problem.
Sir John Harris
1936 Slavery : A World Review.
Sir John Harris
1936 The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.
Details of History, Sphere, Objects, Organisation etc.
1936 A Tragic Exodus - Native Distress in Nyasaland. Taxed into Banishment.
Sir John Harris
1937 Australian Aborigines.
The Times
1937 The Australian Natives. Tragedy and Romance.
Sir John Harris
1937 Empire Native Policy. Speech
Lord Noel-Buxton
1937 The Industrialization of Natives. Speech
James A De Rothschild, DCM, MP
1937 The League. Suppression of Slavery.
John Harris
1937 The Industrialization of the African.
1938 South Africa: from The Cape to The Zambesi.
Sir John Harris
1938 Slaves under the British Flag.
Sir John Harris
1938 The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.
1939 The Empire’s Racial Peril.
Sir John Harris
1939 Native Labour. Success After Thirty Years.
Sir John Harris
1939 Slave Cargoes. Past and Present.
Lady Simon, DBE
1939 Centenary Luncheon
1940 Native Races. The War & Peace Aims.
1940 Too Poor to Plead.
John Harris
1941 Memorandum on the report of the commission appointed to enquire into the 1940 disturbances in the copperbelt of Northern Rhodesia.
1942 ‘A Colonial Charter’
Lord Hailey
1943 The British Colonial System and its Future. An address.
Viscount Samuel, PC, GCB, GBE
1943 Tasks for an International Colonial Conference.
C W W Greenidge
1943 Forced Labour.
C W W Greenidge
1944 Colour-Bar. Ethiopia.
Colonel S Gore Browne, DSO
Professor Norman Bentwich, MC
1944 The Economic Development of Africa.
Sir Alan Pim, KCIE, CSI
1945 International Trusteeship of Colonies.
A Creech Jones, MP
1945 An International Colonial Convention.
1945 Land Hunger in the Colonies.
C W W Greenidge
1946 Colonial Policy. Colonial Problems as a Challenge to the Social Sciences.
A Creech-Jones, Audrey I Richards, Ph D
1947 The Destiny of Africa.
Sir Reginald Coupland
1947 Impressions of Four West Indian Islands Visited in 1946.
C W W Greenidge
1948 African Slave Traffic and West Indian Emancipation.
Sir Gordon Lethem, KCMG
1948 Forced Labour.
C W W Greenidge
1948 Slavery Today, 1948, Measure for its Abolition.
1949 The Present Outlook in the British West Indies.
C W W Greenidge
1949 The Evolution of the French Empire Towards a French Union.
M René Pleven
1950 Hunt and Die - The Prospect for the Aborigines of Australia.
M M Bennett
1950 Delegation of Responsibility in Colonial Administration.
Lord Winster, PC, KCMG
1950 The British Caribbean Federation.
C W W Greenidge
1951 Development in Bechuanaland.
Frank Debenham, OBE
1952 Slavery in the Twentieth Century.
C W W Greenidge
1952 A New Phase in Colonial Policy.
Lord Hailey
1953 Memorandum on Slavery.
C W W Greenidge
1953 The Gold Coast.
Lord Hemmingford
1954 Slavery at the United Nations.
C W W Greenidge
1954 The Aborigines of Australia.
Dr Charles Duguid
1955 A Comparison of the Aims of the Anti-Slavery Society.
Dr Gilbert Murray, OM
1956 An Address on Slavery.
Emmanuel la Gravière
1956 Memorandum on Forced Labour in the Portuguese West African Colonies.
C W W Greenidge
1957 Islamic Thought on Slavery.
His Excellency Sayed Awad Satti
1958 Submission to the Commission on the Staus of Women for its study on Free Consent and a Minimum Age in Marriage.
Professor Max Gluckman, Dr Lucy Mair, Dr Michael Benton, Dr Jean Buxton, CWW Greenidge
1958 Free Consent in African Marriage.
Dr Lucy Mair, MA, Ph D
1959 The ILO and Forced Labour.
Robert Gavin
1960 Draft Convention and Recommendation on Marriage.
U N Review
1960 The Pass Laws and Slavery.
Dr Ambrose Reeves, Bishop of Johannesburg
1961 The Aborigines of Australia.
Jaquetta Hawkes
1962 Constitution.
1963 Annual General Meeting.
1963 Annual Report.
1964 Why Tolerate Slavery?
Commander T Fox-Pitt
1964 World Poverty - A World Problem.
Earl of Listowel, PC, GCMG
1966 Annual Report.
1966 Woman’s Cause is Man’s
Lena Jeger, MP
1966 An Analysis of Slavery.
Lord Sorensen
1966 Anti-Slavery Society. Its Task Today.
1967 The Complexities of National Development.
James Roosevelt
1968 The Discovery of Africa.
Sir Robert Birley, KCMG, MA, LL D(Hon), FSA
1969 The Battle for Human Rights.
J Duncan Wood
1970 British Politics and Slavery, 1830-1870.
Dr Howard Temperley
1970 The Aborigines of Australia.
Patrick Montgomery
1973 The Anti-Slavery Society 1973
Patrick Montgomery
1973 Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Twenty Five Years Later.
Peter Archer, QC, MP
1973 The Work of the Anti-Slavery Society Today.
Colonel J R P Montgomery, MC
1976 Slavery in the Seventies.
Patrick Montgomery
1981 The Last Colonial Frontier: the Plight of the Brazilian Indians.
John Hemming
1981 Slavery in Mauritania in 1980.
ASI Reporter
1982 The Anti-Slavery Society, the Protection of Human Rights.
R P H Davies