The Social, Political and Cultural History of Rich and Powerful Women
Part 2: The Correspondence and Diaries of Charlotte Georgiana, Lady Bedingfeld (formerly Jerningham) c1779-1833, together with the letters of Anna Seward, c1791-1804 and Lady Stafford, c1774-1837 from Birmingham University Library
(Reproduced from the Catalogue prepared by Christine L Penney, University Archivist, University of Birmingham).
Lady Stafford (formerly Lady Susannah Stewart (1745-1805), second daughter of the sixth Earl of Galloway) was the third wife of Granville Leveson-Gower (1721-1803), Earl Gower, subsequently created the first Marquess of Stafford on 28 February 1786. She married him on 3 May 1768. They had four children: Georgiana (1769-1806), Charlotte (1771-1854), Susan (1772-1838) and Granville (1773-1846). Charlotte, to whom the letters are written, married Henry, Marquess of Worcester, in 1791. He succeeded his father as sixth Duke of Beaufort in 1803. The Lord Gower of the letters is Lord Stafford’s eldest son, by his second marriage to Lady Louisa Egerton. Lord Granville Leveson, his son by his third wife, was created Viscount Granville in 1815 and Earl Granville in 1833. Georgiana married the Hon. William Eliot in 1797 and had four children. Susan married Dudley Ryder, later Earl of Harrowby, in 1795. She had three sons and five daughters. Charlotte had, by the time of her mother’s death in 1805, given birth to Lord Glamorgan (b.1792), Granville (b.1792), Charlotte (b.1795), Elizabeth (b.1798), Georgiana (b.1800) and Henry (b.1803). Lord Glamorgan is referred to as Herbert in the letters but his christian name is given as Henry by the time he succeeded his father as seventh Duke of Beaufort in 1835 - presumably after his younger brother Henry had died in 1822.
Lord and Lady Stafford lived at Trentham Hall, Staffordshire and in a house in Whitehall, opposite Horse Guards.
Some of Lady Stafford’s letters to her son, Lord Granville Leveson Gower, are included in his private correspondence, 1781-1821, published by John Murray in 1916.
The Stafford letters were purchased from J Browning, 6 Albemarle Way, in 1984.
1 Whitehall 6 Jan 1774 - Lady Gower to Charlotte (b.1771). She hopes Paine has not spoilt her. Betty must teach Susan (b.1772) to be good and never let her have anything she cries for. Leveson (b.1773) must be put into cold water towards the end of the month. (Leveson was Lord Granville Leveson-Gower).
2 Whitehall Saturday [1781?] - Lady Gower to Charlotte, at Trentham. She hopes Lady Caroline Waldegrave likes her room, though her maid will not be so pleased with hers. They are all to work hard at Trentham and Charlotte must make caps, flowers and millinery things besides plain work. Her shoe-maker’s bill is £15.16/-.
3 Whitehall Monday 5 [Feb] [1781] - Lady Gower to Charlotte at Trentham. Leveson has gone to school in Hammersmith, where the air is better for the lungs. Mademoiselle must send her an account of Charlotte and Susan. Lord George Gordon’s trial takes place today.
4 Whitehall Saturday [May] [1783] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. She has good reports of her daughters’ behaviour. Leveson is like a fish out of water without his sisters and needs entertainment.
5 8 May 1783 - Lady Gower to Charlotte [at Brighton?]. She is not surprised to hear that her sister, with whom the girls are staying, has hired a fiddler for them. Charlotte and Georgiana must take some care with their writing.
6 Monday night [1784?] - Lady Gower to Charlotte and Georgiana (at Trentham?). Comments on the medicine for Georgiana’s eyes. The King has promised Lady Caroline (Waldegrave?) £400 p.a. from his privy purse, the Queen being his Treasurer.
7 [Trentham?] Monday night [1784?] - Lady Gower to Charlotte, at Whitehall. About Georgiana’s illness; Charlotte must write every day about her pulse, faintness, shivering or agitation. Mr Bent (the doctor) has advised a grain of calomel.
8 [1784] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. Thanks her for nursing Georgiana; recommends holding her head straight and praying at midday.
9 Trentham 31 March 1784 - Lady Gower to Charlotte, at Whitehall. The Hughes family are grateful to Charlotte and Georgiana for their gift of clothing. Mr Gilbert has canvassed Litchfield; the election is today, Mr Anson being the other member.
10 Trentham 13 Oct [1784?] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. She is sorry the house is not situated to her liking; if Lady Caroline has no objection she may move. Lord Gower has praised his daughter, as has Lady Uxbridge. Susan overheard her while singing at the harpsichord. [Incomplete].
11 Sunday morn [November?] [1784] - Lady Gower to Georgiana, at Brighton. She is sorry they are so tired of Brighton; as soon as she and Lord Gower get to London they will send for them.
12 Saturday 6th [Nov?] [1784] - Lady Gower to Charlotte, at Brighton. Complains about the very cold weather. They cannot spend the winter at Trentham, as they had hoped.
13 Friday [1785?] - Lady Gower to Charlotte and Susan (at Trentham?). Gives much advice on behaviour and attention to her religion. Georgiana and Leveson go riding from breakfast till dinner and after dinner walk until late. Georgiana is tired every night but will not admit it.
14 Monday eve [1785] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. Her father begs her to pay attention to her spelling and writing. She must also do plain work; her mother will bring the netting needles.
15 Monday night [1785] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. She writes while Mrs Pigot, Mrs Howe, Lady Sackville and Miss Pelham are at whist. Lady Spencer has come to stay at Devonshire House.
16 Monday 28 [1785] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. She is pleased Charlotte loves reading. She is afraid that, by taking her and Georgiana out in the mornings to visit and hear nonsense, they may acquire a turn for tattling and scandal.
17 Buxton Sunday night [1785] - Lady Gower to Charlotte, at Trentham. She is to borrow Lady Caroline Egerton’s chaise and come to Leeke, where her mother will meet her.
18 Tuesday 1 June [1785] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. She has been out to buy a dress and to visit the sick Lady Margaret. Charlotte and Georgiana must be continually employed, improving their minds and accomplishments. How do they like the house?
19 London 25 June 1785 - Lady Gower to Charlotte, at Trentham. Final leaf only, hoping she saw everything at Oxford. With a note to Georgiana, promising a letter on Monday.
20 Whitehall Thursday [July 1785] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. She must take more care with her writing and should use the Spectator as a model. There has been a good ball at Lord Galloway’s.
21 Wednesday 3 [Aug?] [1785] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. Leveson is with her. He has prayers morning and evening at Mr Woodhouse’s and rides every day. Mr Leigh has been finding fault and says she should not allow her children to play with gloves on. Sir John Wrottesley has seen an excellent conjuror.
22 Sunday [1786?] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. Mr Leigh has assisted Mr Butt at church in the administration of the sacrament. Lady Sackville’s mourning has not come but she would not stay away from church on this account; she is evidently more religious than had been thought. Mr Woodhouse is to bring Leveson to London early in the spring; there are plenty of boys for him to play with, at a house near Mr Woodhouse’s.
23 Trentham Sunday [1786?] - Lady Gower to Charlotte. Comments on a sermon by Mr Butt. She has a bad cold, probably a result of letting her night-cap slip off. Lady Waldegrave has written flatteringly of Charlotte and Georgiana.
24 Trentham 25 March [1786?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. When they arrived at Trentham they found Mr Woodhouse and Leveson there. She and Georgiana are to go to bed early and avoid catching cold. Her compliments to Lord and Lady Waldegrave.
25 Trentham 15 April 1786 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte and Georgiana, in Oxford. Advice on behaviour and religion. She and Lord Stafford have been out in the chaise and for a long walk.
26 [Trentham] 8 April [1787] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Whitehall. She is pleased at their manner of spending Good Friday. [Incomplete].
27 Trentham 11 April 1787 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, [at Whitehall]. Gives moral advice, with the example of Lady Derby who allowed herself to be led astray.
28 Friday 13 [April?] [1787?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Advice on behaviour and further strictures on her handwriting. She hopes they will be invited to the ball at Argyll House.
29 Whitehall 12 [April?] [1788] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte [at Trentham?]. The King continues much the same. Mr Bent is to be asked whether there is anything at Trentham of use to her sister; he must make her some chicken broth for Charles Townsend to carry.
30 Wed [Winter, 1788] - Lord Stafford to Charlotte, in London. Details of the King’s illness. The Duke of Gloucester has rheumatic fever.
31 [April 1790] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She must make rules for her conduct and not give in to what is really wrong. Comments on the pain in Georgiana’s side. Can Mrs Lloyd arrange for Lord Granville to be invited to Lady Lucan’s ball? [Incomplete at beginning].
32 Trentham 8 April 1790 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Whitehall. About Lady Lucan’s ball and Georgiana’s improving health; she must be well dressed at Lady Lucan’s in case ‘a certain person’ will be there. Admiral Leveson and the Attorney General have arrived.
33 Trentham Saturday night [June 1790] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. When they arrived at Stone they were greeted by a crowd wearing read and white cockades. Their two candidates have not doubt of a large majority. (These were Sir Archibald Macdonald, Attorney General, and Rear Admiral John Leveson Gower).
34 Stone Wednesday afternoon [June] [1790?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte at Whitehall. Why has Lord Fauconberg resigned? Will William French succeed as Master of the Horse to the King? They have not seen their candidates for Newcastle since Monday. Polly Whitaker has been canvassing there for her husband. She hopes Charlotte is not lolling about (cont.) in her chair and is glad to hear the little theatre in the Haymarket is open.
35 [Trentham] Saturday evening [June] [1790] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Whitehall. Lord Granville has been very ill. The election finished this evening; Admiral Leveson and the Attorney General were returned. Charlotte must let Mr Pitt know their success. The servants are wild with joy.
36 [May?] [1791] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Rejoices in her marriage to Lord Worcester, though regretting her absence. [Charlotte had married Lord Worcester on 16 May 1791].
37 Berkeley Square Wednesday June 29 [1791] - E Beaufort, Dowager Duchess of Beaufort, to Charlotte. She has met with an ornament for the neck that may become her.
38 [Trentham] Monday night [July?] [1791] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. The news from Brussels has upset her. Her sister continually reflects on the miseries being inflicted by the French but she prefers not to think about them. Refers to the baby expected in January. {Lord Glamorgan, b. 5 February 1792].
39 Monday morn [July?] 1791 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Badminton. It is good to know the Duchess [of Beaufort] is so careful of her and that she has returned well from the races She should have kept the diamonds for public days. The people at Birmingham are loyal.
40 Stamford Tuesday 19 [July] [1791] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. They are on their way to Scarborough and miss her company. Lord William Beauclerk has passed them on his way to visit his fiancée. It was a pity Charlotte felt unwell at the races.
41 Scarborough Monday 22 [Aug] 1791 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She would like to visit her in Monmouthshire but Lord Stafford is not much inclined to make such tours. Her nose is probably now a little sharp from ‘being unwell’ (substituted for phrase crossed out).
42 Trentham 1 Sept [1791] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. They look forward to her visit on the 10th; they will meet her at Lichfield.
43 Trentham 4 Sept [1791] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. The Dowager Duchess of Beaufort has won her heart. Lady C Egerton has just arrived in a fustian dress and a small bonnet; she walks extremely fast. Sir Henry Dashwood’s affairs are in a sad way.
44 Trentham 29 Nov [1791] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, [in London]. There is speculation that Mrs Fitzherbert is married to the Prince of Wales. She has sent her a morning wrapping gown and a cloak. She must take care not to stoop.
45 Whitehall Friday [1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Lord Herbert [i.e. Lord Glamorgan, b. 5 February 1792] is perfectly well. There are reports of great confusion in Paris.
46 Lime Grove Sunday [July?] [1792] - Lady Caroline Egerton to Charlotte, at Badminton. Hopes little Lord Herbert will soon cut his teeth. She is glad to hear Scarborough is filling up.
47 Scarborough 11 [July 1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, [at Badminton]. She hopes Lord Worcester sees that she has ass’s milk by 6am. The Corps Diplomatique in Paris have advised Lord Gower’s party to assemble in his house. [Lord Gower was Ambassador Extraordinary to Paris, 1790-1792].
48 [Scarborough] 15 July 1792 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Her father’s eye is improving but he cannot read. Comments on the Jacobins in Paris. Lord Granville is in Frankfurt, which he finds expensive.
49 Scarborough 17 July 1792 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Lord Stafford’s health; glad to hear bathing agrees with the baby.
50 Scarborough 19 July 1792 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Condoles with her on Lord Worcester’s absence. Lady Caroline Egerton has been ill.Lady Sutherland writes that there are few English people in Paris.
51 Scarborough Monday 23 [July 1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Granville has gone to Coblentz for the Emperor’s Coronation. Lady Caroline Egerton is so weak no-one thinks she will last long.
52 Scarborough 26 July 1792 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Hopes Lord Herbert will soon cut two teeth. Lady Sutherland writes that all is quiet in Paris. It is hoped that the Duke of Brunswick will take his army there.
53 Scarborough 31 [July 1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Sorry to hear she has shortened little Herbert already. She must, by now, look as ‘bundling’ as he does. (Lord Granville Somerset was born on 27 December 1792).
54 Trentham 19 August 1792 - Lady Susan Leveson-Gower (Charlotte’s sister) to Charlotte. She is sorry Queen’s College has declared against the Duke of Beaufort’s candidature as Chancellor of Oxford; he ought to give up rather than be defeated. She blames Mr Pitt. Admiral Leveson has died unexpectedly and Lord Stafford will have to find a candidate to replace him at Newcastle.
55 Trentham Monday 20 [August 1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Admiral Leveson’s death has caused much distress. She has been anxious about the Duke of Beaufort’s problems at Oxford and blames Mr Pitt. Charlotte must not worry about little Herbert’s failure to cut a tooth yet. Concern about Lord Gower in Paris. Murders make everyone fear to quit their chambers.
56 Trentham 25 August 1792 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She is glad the Duke of Beaufort has now given up the contest but Mr Pitt should not have misled him; he is often careless about such things and does not pay sufficient attention to his friends. All are well in Paris; they will all be back in England next Tuesday.
57 Trentham 30 August 1792 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Little Herbert’s bad nights will soon produce some teeth. Lord Gower is still in Paris but it is reported that the mob will not impede his departure. Granville finds Dresden insipid after Coblentz, Mainz and Frankfurt. There are no letters from Paris; but Lord Gower was due to leave last Sunday.
58 Trentham 1 Sept [1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Lord Gower expects to receive his passport from the Municipality. The Venetian Ambassador was brought back to the Hotel de Ville and searched soon after he set out. [Letter completed by Georgiana in order to save her mother’s eyes from the strain of candle light].
59 Trentham 7 Sept [1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Lord Stafford dislikes her writing by candle light since her eyes are weak. As Lord Gower wants rooms at the front of the house Charlotte can use her old ones when she visits. Lady Caroline Egerton died last Thursday. 160 priests have been massacred in Paris and over 4000 prisoners. Since Lord Gower left no English people can get passports.
60 Trentham 10 [October 1792] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. They miss her badly. The prospective wet-nurse for the forthcoming baby will be seen by Mr Bent as soon as she gives birth. The news from France is quite oppressive.
61 Whitehall Wednesday [1793] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. The new baby is in perfect health [Lord Granville Somerset b. 27 December 1792]. She hopes to hear of Herbert cutting another double tooth. The Duke of York’s bravery in France pleases everyone. Doctor Moore’s Journal of a residence in Paris from August-December 1792 is just out.
62 Whitehall 12 Feb 1793 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Little Granville is in perfect health and has not begun baths yet. A letter from Paris rumours Dumourier is to land in England with 40,000 men. Sir Francis Ford is to offer himself as candidate for Newcastle. Thomas Fletcher will not stand until the General Election.
63 Wednesday morn [March?] [1793] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She hears that little Granville is well. His nurse is forbidden to walk anywhere but in Lord Fife’s garden in case of catching measles. Despatches from Lord Auckland announce the French have evacuated every place.
64 Monday 25 [March?] 1793 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte [at Badminton?]. Details of the defeat of Dumourier on the 18th with a loss of 7000 French. Little Granville has a spirit and they have battles now and then.
65 Tuesday 26 [March 1793] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Further news about the battle. Namur is taken and Brussels evacuated.
66 Hague 28 March [1793?] - Copy of a despatch, in Lady Stafford’s hand; the Austrian Army’s advance guard entered Brussels on the 24th. The country from Bois Le Duc to Lier was clear of the enemy.
67 Whitehall 1 April [1793] - Lady Stafford [to Charlotte]. Despatches have arrived from Lord Portland saying the citadel of Namur has been taken by
the Austrians; the Prince of Coburg has marched towards Halle and the French have evacuated Antwerp. [Incomplete].
68 Scarborough July 20 [1793?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in Somersetshire. Hopes she receives as much pleasure from her children as she has given to her parents.
69 [Scarborough] Friday 2 Sept (really August?) [1793] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Wishes her joy of the surrender of Valenciennes. Her heart aches for Lady Bridget Tallemarche.
70 [Scarborough] [Oct 1793] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Horror at the trial of Marie Antoinette and fears that the French also wish to find someone to assassinate Mr Pitt. [Incomplete at beginning].
71 [Trentham] [7 Nov 1793] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Advice on the management of the little boys, who are apt to wake at night. Lord Morpeth has sent an entertaining account of his journey to Genoa.
72 Trentham 1 Dec [1793?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. There have been reports of Pitt’s resignation. Lord Stafford thinks peace is out of the question until the French are conquered.
73 Whitehall 10 Jan 1794 - Lady Susan Leveson-Gower to Charlotte. Greets her for her birthday (on 11 Jan). Georgiana is too lazy to walk out in cold weather so she will go with Lady Euphemia Stewart.
74 Monday 13 [January] 1794 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Condolences on the prospect of losing her ‘little infant’ (a son, born prematurely in December 1793, who died six weeks later).
75 Whitehall 17 June 1794 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Bad news is expected from the continent. Some British troops are rumoured to be defeated by General Clairfait at Ostend. Mr Fox spoke badly in the House of Commons.
76 Whitehall 23 June 1794 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Comments on the war in Flanders. The French crossed the Sambre on the 20th and the Prince of Orange intended to fight them on the 21st.
77 Whitehall 11 July 1794 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Lord Stafford has decided to resign the Privy Seal, much to her regret. Mr Pitt tried to persuade him to reconsider, without success. Lord Granville has a bad habit of holding people cheap, but Captain Bentinck is a good influence on him.
78 Wednesday eve [c 1795?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Susan is reading the newspapers to Lord Stafford. She will get much benefit by studying the Bible.
79 Saturday 13 [June] [1795] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Everything is likely to be ready for Susan’s marriage to Dudley Ryder by the end of the week after next. (They married on 26 June 1795).
80 Trentham 6 Sept 1795 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She need not be uneasy about little Granville’s back. (It had been injured by a fall when he was about 18 months old). The Duke of Bridgwater has arrived, dirty, unkempt and noisy.
81 Trentham Sunday night [13 Dec 1795?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Lord Stafford thinks Lord Beaufort encourages Lord Worcester to hunt too much, when he should be attending the House of Commons. Little Granville is doing well, though he dislikes swallowing the bark. There will be no peace at home if peace is made with the French. Mr Pitt has given an admirable answer to Whitbread (on 9 Dec 1795).
82 Sunday night [January?] [1796?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Relief that the King is safe and well and hopes that the ‘dear infant’ (Little Granville) will recover. She has found a nursemaid who, she thinks, will be suitable.
83 10 Jan 1796 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Congratulations on her birthday (on 11 Jan). She hears the Prince of Wales is satisfied with a girl [Princess Charlotte, b. 7 Jan 1796] and appears fond of it.
84 Bath Monday [Aug 1796] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in London. Consoles her for Worcester’s absence and suggests she reads Gibbon’s ‘Life’, borrowing Lord Granville’s copy if he has one. Enquires about Lord Glamorgan’s forehead.
85 Trentham 6 Oct 1796 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in London. Little Granville is a delightful child (despite the accident); the nurse is keeping a diary for Mr Bent, detailing every particular of his health.
86 Friday evening [Nov or Dec?] [1796] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Condoles with her on her loss (of another child?). Accounts of Lord Granville, who is at Bootle, are good.
87 Trentham Tuesday morning [Nov or Dec?] [1796] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Hopes she may soon recover her spirits. Little Granville (still at Bootle, with his nurse Dowding) is apparently well and happy.
88 Trentham 10 Jan 1797 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Mr Bent thinks little Granville ought not to travel to see his parents; they had better go to Bootle to see him and have a look at Liverpool. Lord Stafford gains strength every day.
89 Trentham 13 Nov [1797] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. The lawyers have created fresh delay about the marriage (probably of Georgiana to William Eliot in November 1797). Sally Smith is likely to prove a good housemaid. Lord Stafford thinks Mr Pitt far greater than his father. Mentions her grand-daughter, Charlotte (b 1795).
90 Bath Tuesday evening [1 May 1798] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in London. Georgiana (five months pregnant) is very unwell. Charlotte must take care that little Granville does not play with other children unsupervised. He should enter Kensington Gardens by the Palace Gate, or a door on the Ealing Road as the hot walk across the Park is bad for him.
91 Bath Monday 27th [May 1799?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Georgiana is better than she expected; she was merry at dinner and spent the evening on the couch. She is surprised Mr Sheridan’s play (his translation of Pizarro?) is reckoned moral and loyal. Susan must not go to hot places or keep late hours.
92 [c 1800?] - Copy of letter from Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in the hand of her great-grandson, Raglan Somerset, son of Lord Granville Somerset. A letter of moral precepts.
93 Saturday [March 1801] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Susan’s husband dislikes the idea of going to the House of Commons now Mr Pitt is not in power. Everyone must approve of Mr Pitt’s conduct however. Advice on dress; she thinks Charlotte’s gowns are ill-made.
94 [1802] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Comments on the Duchess of Gordon’s extraordinary behaviour in Paris. [Final leaf only]. (During the short peace of 1802, after the peace of Amiens on 27 March, the Duchess of Gordon took her family to Paris in the hopes of securing Eugene Beauharnois as a husband for her daughter Georgiana; a plan which failed).
95 Stone [c 1802] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Badminton. Asks how Liz is. [Final leaf only, watermarked 1801. Lady Elizabeth Somerset was born in 1798].
96 Friday evening [1802] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Delighted that she and Lord Worcester plan to visit them. Georgiana writes very happily. Lady Bathurst is recovering. It is a comfort that little Lizz is better (original comment crossed out). [Incomplete at end]
97 19 April 1802 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in London. Granville is reconciled to leaving them, after sensible talk from Dowding. [Final leaf only]
98 Tuesday [Oct 1802] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She has the little Ryder children to stay. A footman has gone for the little Eliots, who will stay while Georgiana is away for the sake of her health. [Georgiana died, probably of consumption, in 1806].
99 Wednesday 20th [Oct 1802?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Lord Glamorgan is much improved. Describes the behaviour of Georgiana’s daughter Susan, who mimics Mary (Susan’s daughter). The children are playing in the dining room as it is so cold. Is it true that the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort do not make their servants attend church? Enquires about Lizzie’s finger.
100 Monday 10th [Jan 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She hears how well Lord Glamorgan is doing at his lessons. Advises that the governess should see no-one but the children in order to be satisfactory.
101 Thursday noon [April?] [1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Glamorgan is exactly what his parents can wish. He got up at 6.30 to translate Ovid. She is afraid Georgiana will be fatigued with her journey. It sounds as if little Charlotte, Lizzie and Georgiana may have the influenza. [Lady Georgiana Somerset was born in 1800].
102 [Trentham] 21 April 1803 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in London. [Final leaf, with postscript, only]. Lord Stafford still has the remains of influenza.
103 Saturday evening [4 June 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Susan has to leave her children to visit her sick father-in-law, Lord Harrowby. The Eliots are to leave Madeira on the 12th. Lady Bathurst is ill.
104 Sunday night [26 June 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, in London. Refers to Lord Harrowby’s death and Susan’s resignation. Mr Ryder is not well either. [Lord Harrowby died 20 June 1803].
105 Thursday night [July 1803?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She is growing fat. Lord Stafford’s cough continues. She hopes Lizzie will be sent to the sea. Georgiana is on her way to Trentham for the first time for two years.
106 Monday night [July 1803?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Glamorgan is to be met from the mail coach and to stay some days. The Eliots have left; Georgiana was no better than when she left Madeira. Lord Stafford makes no complaint about his cough or poor eyesight.
107 [July 1803?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Final leaf only. Lord Stafford’s cold and cough are gone.
108 Saturday night [23 July 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Winchester. Comments on Lord Worcester’s recent fall and the children’s illnesses, which are probably influenza.
109 [Trentham] Monday night [25 July 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Winchester. Anxiety about Lord Worcester. Sinces he has no headache or stupor Mr Bent is optimistic that the brain is not affected.
110 Tuesday night [26 July 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Winchester. Relieved to hear of Lord Worcester’s improvement. Glamorgan has caught a cold during a coach journey. It would be a good plan to send little Charlotte, Lizzie and Georgiana to the seaside.
111 Saturday morning [30 July 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Winchester. Lord Worcester’s improvement is a great relief. She hopes the Ryders will go to Worthing to provide an excuse for Lord Granville to be there.
112 Monday night [8 August 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Winchester. Thanks her for remembering her father’s birthday. Comments on the bad conduct of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu after her marriage. Granville is doing well at Worthing; it was good of Lord Harrowby to go there.
113 Friday 12 [Aug 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Gosport. Georgiana is allowed to spend winter in England. Granville, while at Worthing, has been paying his addresses to Lady Sarah Fane; he and Susan very foolishly followed her sister, Lady Augusta while she was walking with her governess.
114 Monday 15 [Aug 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Anxious to hear how Lord Worcester stood the journey to Gosport. [Incomplete at end]
115 Friday morning [19 August 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Gosport. Hopes Lord Worcester will benefit from the sea air and not bother himself with Regimental business. Granville has gone back to Worthing in pursuit of Lady Sarah. Lord Gower disapproves of very short sleeves for women. The Eliots have a villa, with the use of a park. Granville keeps very late hours.
116 [Trentham] Tuesday night [23 Aug 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Gosport. She feels lonely without her daughters but blesses God they are all so happily married. Perhaps little Charlotte’s being unwell is the cause of her being cross. Confining her to her own room would be of use.
117 Thursday night [25 Aug 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Gosport. Granville has to return to the volunteer corps; Lord Gower has been angry at his absence from it.
118 Wednesday evening Sept [1803?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She and Lord Stafford are alone, apart from Taspley. Lord Stafford is much deafer. Susan’s last account of Mr Ryder is good. Lord Strathnaver is to go from Harrow to Christ Church, Oxford. Granville is at the Lichfield races. Taspley thinks Little Granville nothing to compare with the more badly deformed son of the Bishop of Bangor.
119 Saturday evening [September 1803?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Hopes Lady Anne [Beaufort?] will recover. Mr Fletcher should keep Glamorgan till he is fit for Westminster as Mr Jefferson has too many distractions. Granville has returned, with a nosebleed.
120 2 Sept 1803 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She is concerned that little Granville has been walking too much; Glamorgan says it makes him stoop. He should not go alone beyond Mr Jefferson’s garden, except to the Eliots’ villa. She has kept Glamorgan an extra day in order to dose him with rhubarb.
121 Monday night 5th [Sept 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Glamorgan could not get a place in the Carlisle coach; they have sent him in one to Manchester, with a servant to look after him.
122 Sunday evening [11 Sept?] [1803?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte.Glamorgan has arrived safely at Newcastle. He is well-placed withMr Fletcher, where he will be thoroughly prepared for Westminster. Lord Gower’s little daughter Elizabeth is rather pert. [Incomplete at end].
123 Saturday 17th [Sept 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Gosport. Concerned about Lady Bathurst’s illness. The Macdonalds are staying with (cont.) them. If little Charlotte continues to complain when taken out she should be left at home.
124 Monday afternoon [3 Oct 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Gosport. She should not worry too much about the loss of Mrs Proby’s print. The Macdonalds are still with them and Lady Louisa is cheerful despite her blindness. She hopes the ‘horrible French’ will not land.
125 Monday 21 [Nov 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte (now Duchess of Beaufort) in London. Thanks her for staying with her after Lord Stafford’s death. [Lord Stafford had died 25 Oct 1803].
126 Wednesday 30th [November 1803] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Granville has written a repentant letter; but she is shocked to find he gambled at Brookes’s last summer, when he often came home so late. For the sake of his father’s memory he should now exercise some self-denial. She plans to go to Georgiana at Penrhyn.
127 Sandon 22 Dec 1803 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. A visit from Mr Bent upset her so much she could not receive Lord Strathnaver. Granville still neglects going to church.
128 Bridgewater Tuesday night [7 Feb 1804] (Finished at Exeter, 8 Feb 1804) - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Describes her journey from Badminton to Bridgewater and Exeter, on her way to Penrhyn to stay with the Eliots.
129 Bodman [i.e. Bodmin] Thursday evening 9th [Feb 1804] (Continued on 11 Feb) - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Describes the remainder of her journey to Penrhyn. Mr Eliot met her at Truro. (Letter incomplete at end).
130 Penrhyn Thursday evening [16 Feb 1804?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Georgiana’s illness makes her grieve all the more for Lord Stafford’s death. The Duchess of York’s free and easy behaviour is shocking. The King is well but he was much affected by the Duke of Roxburgh’s death.
131 Penrhyn 18 Feb [1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock.Lord Eliot died the previous night and the King is reported very ill.
132 Penrhyn Monday evening 20th [Feb 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Mr Eliot has gone to his mother and Georgiana is unwell.
133 Penrhyn Saturday 25th [Feb 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte.Lady Eliot has died of the same disorder which killed her husband. She will therefore stay longer than she intended with Georgiana. She is sorry to hear Murray has returned to Mr Jefferson, for she considers him bad company for little Granville. Grenville, Wyndham and Fox have made a coalition.
134 Penrhyn Wednesday 29th [Feb 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Mr Eliot supports his double loss with great resignation. Georgiana is far from well. The King’s recovery is not expected to be speedy.
135 Penrhyn [March 1804?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Lady Catherine Harris is to marry Mr R Paget when he returns from Vienna before the King’s birthday. [Final leaf only].
136 Thursday 8th [March 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Describes Georgiana’s poor health. She was shocked at the lack of feeling in Lord Carlisle’s and Lord Grenville’s speeches about the King. She hopes the port wine and steel medicines will be of help to little Lizzy.
137 Thursday 15th [March 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. There is good news of the King and it is to be hoped Princess Amelia will also recover. Comments on a forgery case in which Mr Eliot has been a witness. She has remonstrated with Granville about his politics, which he has taken in good part.
138 Penrhyn 17 March [1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Quotes from a letter from Granville, written during a debate and defending his political conduct. Mr Eliot has decided to employ a governess.
139 Penrhyn Thursday 22 March 1804 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Woodstock. Georgiana is better in health and spirits. It is provoking that Tom Sheridan has made an opposition at Liskeard under the auspices of the Prince of Wales. She receives conflicting advice on whether or not to have a black coach.
140 Axminster Tuesday 10th [April 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Describes her parting with Georgiana and journey from Penrhyn to Axminster, en route to Whitehall.
141 Whitehall Saturday [July 1804?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. Advice on the moral education of children. She has seen a house in Upper Grosvenor Street but cannot afford to buy it.
142 Thursday 26th [July 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Seaford. Comments on friends in Duke Street who have recently lost their son Francis. Describes a prank Lady Morpeth, in disguise, played on her husband.
143 Whitehall Monday [20 Aug 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Seaford. On Sunday activities and Georgiana’a health. Granville has been presented to the King. He has dined with Mr Pitt and visited Lady Hester Stanhope.
144 [c 20 Aug 1804?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. [Final leaf only]. Susan has spent the night because her coughing kept Lord Harrowby awake. [Postmarked 22 Aug 1804].
145 Wednesday 22nd [Aug 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte. She frequently feels depressed in the evenings until Susan arrives to cheer her. [Incomplete at end].
146 Wednesday [5 Sept 1804?] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Seaford. On the manner of passing Sunday.
147 Wednesday 12th [Sept 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Seaford. Discusses Granville’s activities, the generosity of Mr Canning and the shameful conduct of the Duchess of Devonshire.
148 Thursday morning [20 Sept 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Seaford. Georgiana’s problems with a governess. Granville spends much time at Chiswick.
149 Eastbourne Thursday 15th [Nov 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Blandford Park. She has little Charlotte and Lizzie staying with her and describes their health. Unfortunately there will be no bathing machines after Saturday. Little Susey Eliot is ill and is to have leeches to her temples.
150 Eastbourne Saturday 24th [Nov 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Blandford Park. Lizzie is to do her bathing in a tub of sea-water. Describes the behaviour of both children.
151 Thursday 27th [Dec 1804] - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Badminton. Mr Pitt is reconciled to Mr Addington, who is likely to have a peerage. The Grenvilles, Devonshires and Foxites are supporting the Prince of Wales against the King.
152 [Brighton] 31 July 1805 - Lady Stafford to Charlotte, at Badminton. Comments on the recent election. Outlines her future travelling plans. She is reluctant to go to Scotland as she does not wish to die there. [Lady Stafford died on 15 Aug 1805].
153 Badminton 13 Oct 1832 - Sonnet to Lady Mary Somerset. Annotated in pencil ‘Sonnet from Mr Courtenay’.
154 Dunrobin [3 Sept 1837] - Lady Francis Egerton to Charlotte, at Chumonley Castle, Cheshire. A letter of congratulation on the marriage of Lady Mary Somerset to Sir Walter Farquhar.
155 London 4 July 1907 - Memorandum by Raglan Somerset (son of Lord Granville Somerset) giving details of the Stafford family.
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